The Swarthmorean, 1961-08

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    First published as The Swarthmorean in 1929, this newspaper continues to the present day.

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    Editor (edt): Told, Peter E.
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    1961 AUGUST_.pdf
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    . V('I • THE SWART School', Opens Thursaay Sept. 9 AUG' 4 1961 VOLUME 33 - NUMBER 31 SwarthmOJ:e, Pa., Friday, August 4, 1961 I Public Libra.., To Fete 'j 'School Opens Sept~'7 /Wm. Gaylord APPOinted! • The Swarthmore-Rutledge School ., .' Reading Clull Mambers District 'YiIl open its -doors" on DIS t Chairman for GOP Party for Successful '12 - Bookers' Set For Sept. The.. Swarthmore Public Library today announced its plans for an end-of-the-summer party honorin&, the members of the reading club who succ~ssfully complete 12 or· more book reports: . "The entire library staff has been delighted with' the,. 'enthusias­tic use the youngsters have made of the library facilities this summerj" Librarian Mary Ann Hunsicker re­vealed, "and we'll aJl ~ working on the eqtertainment and refreshments 'for this party in honor of those .readers." The' high point of the activities wil., of course, be the awarding of the .reading certifi-cates. . The party has been scheduled for VVednesday morning, Septemher 6, at 10; complete details will be an­nounced late'i- in the summer. I AI­rlady there are 28 ciub member~ . who have completed their reading requirements, including the follow­ing readers who reached "12" dur­ing the past week: Jeff Field, Bill Salom, Julianne Ip, Nancy Cornelius, David Restre­po, Julia Grant. In addition, Michele Southworth became the ninth reader to reach 25 and receive a Grandfather clock. Thursday, September 7. Pe!er. van,' d,. Kamp To Chair SJIIIPosi1i1Q Miss lippincott to Serve as Publications Editor 'Peter van de Kamp, professor oi astronomy' and director of Sproul Observatory,. will act as chairman at a, symposium on Vis­ual Double Starh' t.() be' lield in Berkeley, ·Calif., on August 111 and 12. The symposium, along with others on special topics, precedes the General Assembly meeting of the International' AstI;'onomical Uuion, August 13 to 22. The symposium' will study aims,. techniques, results and recoD]men­dations for d6uble star observa­tions . after the manner of a round table discussion. . Professor van de Ka"mp is also president of the union's perman­ent commission on double s~rs. Elected to this post at the last meeting of the Union in Moscow three years ago, he serves for six Rvtgers Avenue Man Will Aid 'Operation . Governor' VVilliam Gaylord of Rutgers ave­nue has been appointed a district chairman for "Operation Gover­nor" of the Republican Finance Committee of Pennsylvania, it was announced yesterday by Reeves years. Bunting, vice chairman of the Fi- Sarah Lee Lippincott, research nance Ci>mmittee. Private Citizen for Public Information The sponsors for the organi­zation fO,r "Private Citlzens for Public Information" announces that the amount pledged to date' for the printing of the Youth Guidance Report has reached the sum of $293.50. If there are any persons who have meant to con­tribute and not yet done so, they are urged to do so before Aug­ust 15, when it is hoped that the account may be completed and closed Ollt. Te_m Activity Starts For·Jr. Tennis Group Plans Also Call For Inter - Club Matches A new Junior Tennis Activity was organized Tuesday at the Swarthmore Tennis Club courts on College avenue. Under the direction of Frank Piccone, Swarthmore Ele­mentary School teacher, a large group of boys and girls ranging in age from 'eight to 18, have been meeting each weekday morning. The purpose of the program is to offer young players, not. just in­struction, but also the chance to play for fun and for competition. To achieve this, there will be play every· day. In addition, there will be two tournaments, one' withiil. the week and one at the end of the sea-associate at Sproul Observatory, "Operation Governor" is the will also attend the co'nlerence and name given to an-- annual member­will act as editor for the publica- ship program being conducted by tion of the p'r~eedings ()f the the GOP Stat~ Finance Commit- Local Boy Scoutt symposiu~... ' tee as a pilot project in :rour south- sO~he:e will also be teams fonned Camp at Resica Falls, . The National SCience Founda- eastern Pennsylvania Counties fo~ all age groups. These teams will . .' bon recently announced the grant- (Ch t D I w re Montgomery SwarthtJJore s ~ontmgent of .HQY ing of a sum of $15,400 to pay the . es e~, ea. a , plays teams. from other Tenni~ Scouts representing T):-oop 112 and travelling expenses of ,foreign as- and PhIladelphia). Thousands of clubs. Ladder play }ViIl be set up Troop 301 left the Borough Sunday ronomers to Berkeley. "door-to-door" volunteer solicitors to determine team positions. to spend two long camping weeks will be mobiliz~~ to contact vi;tu- O~ Wednesday.:of the pas.t week at the Resica:Falls Scout ReServa- SWIM'MERS·. E' A'" R"N' ally every registered RepublIcan Lee Royer professional/at the Wal-, tion located in the heart of the in these counties and invite the~ Iingford Tennis Club, visited the P~conos J)earMarshall's Creek. RED CROSS BUTTONS to bec.(lme member~ of the Repubh- club and offered 'suggestions on the W~t~ shouts of joy and with pros- In the Red Cross Learn to Swim can .Fm.ance Comml~ee of Pen.n~yl- organization 'of this type of group . pects of campfires, swimming, ,hik- pl'ogram: completed last' week,·11 v.aOla m one of ~Ight . classifIca- activity. He has been most success­ing and wood lore the 'Scouts de:. teenagers and adultk helped develop tlOns of ~embershlp, WIth annual ftil in developing Junior tennis in ,parted under the direction of Head the results which brought pleasure dues rangmp; from $6.·~ $l,O?O. Wallingford. Counselor Bob Ward~ and Assis- to 40 Swarthmore youngsters as Mr. Gaylord, whose aSSIgned ~IS- All Juniors are welcome. They tant Counselors Doug Wrege and they changed from timid' sceptics t~fct covers Swarthmore, ~prmg- are urged to come out any weekday, S fIeld, Morton, Nether PrOVIdence, t; b t 9 and 12 teve Edwards. to seasonf;ld deep water swimmers Rose Valley and Media Townships, any Ime e ween • Boys from Troop 112 are Andrew and divers. will supervise within his district . • E • and lJavid Maass, Don MacPherson, Several· mothers whose children .. he recruitment and training of .Locol Vaccit,oners n/oy J~hn Seely, Martin ;Anderson, Ricky were havi~~ le~sons, helped out volunteer '\Yorkers at three leve1s Indoor _ Outdoor Sports and Roger Ullm~n, David Shuga~ts, an~ made It pOSSIble for every two. pf respons~bility; i.e., area chair- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks Larry .Hornett, Steven Moore, RICh-, chIldren to. have . ~e teacher. men' captains and solicitors '1 h t' . thO R d 'D k M . J h " .. ~... - . • and faml y w 0 are vaca 100Ing IS ard e den, .. ric artm, 0 n Thanks go to Mrs. Steve Ip, Mrs. In announeing the appointment summer at their summer home in Homen, Roy AleXander, i Bill and Raymond Ketcham. Mrs. Edward (C t" d P 8) C· . N.J rt" ti J k C h· 'W t E k h f'C h . d M' W'll' F' 11 on lOue on ege Ocean lty, ., are pa lClpa ng ac us 109, al er c en 0.1., T omas a~ rs. 1 lam. ISC er. in a varlet of activities and coming 'Eric Peterson,' Peter and David Those lIsted below learned many t . t y • Leslie, Brian and Jim ClYmer, John skills including two tests involving ThursdayOanleens ouA:n ~P. te Po' t Blidge game Williams. -Mike Field and . Steve di~ing ,into de~p water and ~wim- , To Olose 'al'I.O P.M. held l:st ~:e~ at ~~e K. C. DllpIi- Gray. ' mmg,. and receIved ~ed Cross c,ards cate Bridge Club in Ocean City, Representing !froop 3Q~, are Bill and, buttons as BegJnne_~:.· 'New' Ninth Graders Mrs. Fairbanks and her partner Wilburn,. Davi~ 8.f'!ltzer, Sam Hop- ,Helen Hasbr?uck, JulIe Ip, Tom- '- Mrs. John McCloskey of Broomall per, Robert Laird~· Robert Silzle my Joyce, Susie Ketcham, Sherry Invited '10 2-Hr. th 'rth-south winners with and Ga ry,B ask in . . ~ RI' hl, .C h ar1 e ne and M arl 'e ne SI'l v a, Sessions w25e1r e poien tns.o R 'p' b· and Beth Thomas. . . ,Thursday- night Canteens will On Saturday, Lillian Fairbanlts epresents les yteflons. . Some of the older chddr~n swam close at 10 o'clock instead of 11 won third prize for h«f5t decorated School Opens Thursday Sept. 9 $4.00 PER YEAR Rulledge Paranls 10 PaJ School Bus Fare Close Vote On Issue Cam~ Weds. The Swarthmore-Ru~ledge Union School Board voted four to three against supplying free bus service for Rutledge elementary school children who will be attending school in ~warthmore beginning in September. However. it voted u. nanimously to ask the public bus service to add a special bus for children going to Swarthmore in the morning and returning in the afternoon. About 50 parents· at­tended the meeting in the High School library VVednesday eve~ and urged the Board to supply free service. Directors Jones, Spencer. Ryerson and Campbell voted against that measure; Carpenter sided with the two Rutledge mem­bers, Anderson and Vint. Dr. David Rosen', leader of a group which originally wanted the three-room elementary school 1n Rutle.dge retained and late~ sought a district-paid bus, accused the Board of no~ overexerting itself on behalf of Rutledge. He asked why that borough should' be saddled with the' 18th century custom of walking long distances to ,school. (Continued on Page 8) Posl H. S. Fellowship EnjoJs Folk Dalcine Despite a comfort index of 78, the English-Spanish-Israeli folk­dancing held in the' Presbyteri811 Ch\U'ch basement under the direct­ion of Bob Mather last week, was so thoroughly enjoyed that the ."Post High School", Fellowship Group plans a' "repeat" • The regular Sunday-night "sing'J at Moss Rehabilitation Hospital elicited a request that the young people come an hour earlier to al. low time for mingling and con~ versing with patients; .hence the group planning to go this Sunday mu"t leave Seymours by 6:30 p.m. T4is . week's Thursdayy night gathering moved up to Riverview Field to play soft-ball, volley-ball. badminton and croquet, following the usual 6 :30 to 7 :30 swim and light refreshment. Next Thursday's program was decided upon last night. Any post-highschool person, to whom the Swarthmore Summer Inter-College Fellowship appeals, is welcome. Further information may be secured by calling Ellen Tolles, Helen Calhoun, Bill Warden. Sue or Barry Wright, Carol or Bar­bara Seymour. In Brit;sh Isles m the deep :water all the tIme, ~nd p.m. The eighth graders (just pro- boat at the Ocean City Night in Nancy Gayley of Elm avenue is a:.ter lea:;mg many ~~: Skil~:, moted to ninth) are once again Venice Regatta, Marine Boat Par- Wm. E. Harbison Named 'among 24 young people between t ey pass two tests w IC men - invited to membership on Thurs- ade. Lillhm's boat was decorated as By Avisun Corporation the ages of 1~ and 23 officially ed them cards.and buttons for the day nights only. In' other words, a Chinese Junk. I Wltliam E. Harbison, Morton,. representing the General Assem- Advanced BeglOners Course. They ThiJrsday Canteens will run from In the regatta, the boats travel has been named central office a~ bly of the· .Un.i ted Presbyterian are = ' . . 8 to 10 with all invited; Monday a great distance, from Anc h or• s counting manager of the A viSun Church in the U.s.A., in a six Tom Bedwell, Harry Dudley, Lin- Canteens run from 8' to 11 with Point on the northeast side of 'Corporation according to Harry.a. week exchange program in the da Eckenroth, Mike Ged, Richard only the top thl'ee grades invited. Great Egg Harbor B ay, do'w n the Tully, Jr., General Manager of A~ British .Is~es.. Geida~nd Kathy Thomas. All are urged to come' early on beach thoroughfare, visiting all the counting. In his new post, Harbi. At the' invitation of the Pres- Thursdays since Canteens will op- lagoons and return and disburse son will be responsible for finan. byteriari Churches of England, AHend Leadership School erate for only two hours. at the yacht club. cial accounting and service func- Scotland, ana Ireland the ~elega- Jean and Tim Shuba ()f Ogden On July 17, eighth grade mem- This annual parade has' all the tion for AviSun's main office. tion will visit each of th~e church- avenue were atn.Qng the 500 per- bership was rescinded because they color and spectacle that the boat- Mr. Harbison was graduated es in a program of yduth-to-youth sons attending the first session of ignored Canteen rules. If a large men can contrive and that colored from Drexel Institut~ of Technol­encounter. Following these one- tlle Leadership Training School enough crowd comes and if no lights strung along thc bayfront ogy in 1952 where he receiv~ a week official visits, the U.S.A. del- sponsored by the Un~ted Presby- undue loitering is done around properties can provide. B.S. Degree in Business Adminis-egation will attend an AIl-English' terian Synods of Peimsylvania, town afterwards, the Thursday tr~tion.· Previously he had att6nd .. Presbyterian .!outh Conference Ohesapeake, and West Virginia on night canteen will continue through Summer. Libra" Hours trd Woodstown High School in near Rugby. and then spend a week the Wilson Ci>llege Campus. August. This new- plan is designed •• Woodstown, NoJ., and served three at the Iona Community in Scot- The school, which bep'~' ~n July to provide fun for everyone within Monday, Wednesday, Friday years in the United States Navy •. land. 9, continued through July 29. Each reasonable hours. In the fall the 2 • 9 P.M. Prior to joining AviSun as a~ Nancy, daughter of Mr. and week a complete session offered new ninth graders will be estab- counting supervisor in February, Mrs. Henry T. Gayley, wasrecom:' approximately 204iUerent cdurses. lished as regular members with Tuesday and Thursday '1960, Mr. Rarbison&.ad been as. mended and approved by the Ses- More. recently ... :~rs. .To~ M. full time privileges. 6 _ ? P.M: sociated - with the E~ I. duPont sion of the Swarthmore Preabyter- Bond and Edwin of Marietta ave- On Monday, 165 enjoyed the CorporatJo~ a~.;J .t~e Ii!lg~es-Foulk- -ian ,Church of which she is an nue attended the, ~ion beginning singing alld, playing of the Vibra- rod Company. He is treasurer of 'active, member,' participating' in IDly .24; ... tones. : A larje 'number of alumni ~~~n's . Library . the Swarttiiilore 'MelJi:odiSt Choroh ~ areas of the ch1l1'eh'sactivi- " All four ue tioDi ~. ptreab,.- and Nether atuftDta 'WedneSday and.1ll ~" member· of the N.,. ·tWIb . . - ~ ',. teria~Chureh.·~a~emae. '~l'" ~ ftrI·im!yQu..... 9 '.~S'-. tion81 . .A~~ of A~~~.

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    COLLlt:!; It; L r n H .\ H Y t-., ... ~ School' Opens Thursday Sept. 9 THE SWART OREAN School Opens Thursday Sept. 9 .. - AUG 4 1961 Swarthmor:e, Pa., Friday, August 4, 1961 VOLUME 33 - NUMBER 31 $4.00 PER YEAR Public Library To Fele 'I School Opens Sept. 7 I Wm. Gaylord Appointed Reading Glub Members I :he. Swar.thmore-R~tledge School 0- 'I Oh - f GOP DIstrIct wIll open ItS doors on IS airman or Private Citizen for Public Information Rulledge Parents to Pay School Bus Fare Party for Successful '12 - Bookers' Set For Sopt. Thursday, September 7. Pe!er van de Kamp Rutgers Avenue Man Will Aid 'Operation The Swarthmore Public Library Governor" today announced its plans for an end-of-the-summer party honorin&, the members of the reading club who successfUlly complete 12 or more book reports. To Ohair Symposium William Gaylord of Rutgers ave­nue has been appointed a district chairman for "Operation Gover­nor" of the Republican Finance Committee of Pennsylvania, it was announced yesterday by Reeves The sponsors for the organi­zation for "Prh'ate Citizens for Public Information" announces that the amount pledged to date for the printing of the Youth Guidance Report has reached the sum of $293.50. If there are any persons who have meant to con­tribute and not yet done so, they are urged to do so before Aug­ust 15, when it is hoped that the account may be completed and closed out. "The entire library staff has been delighted with· the.enthusias­tic use the youngsters have made of the library facilities this summer," Librarian Mary Ann Hunsicker re­vealed, "and we'll all be working on the entertainment and refreshments for this party in honor of those .readers." The high point of the activities will, of course, be the awarding of the reading certifi­cates. The party has been scheduled for 'Vednesday morning, September 6. at 10; complete details will be an­nounced later in the summer. AI­rlady there are 28 ciub members Who have completed their reading requirements, including the follow­ing readers who reached "12" dur­ing the past week: Jeff Field. Bill Salom, Julianne Ip, Nancy Cornelius, David Restre­po, Julia Grant. In addition, Michele Southworth became the ninth reader to reach 25 and receive a Grandfather clock. Local Boy Scouts Camp at Resica Falls. SwarthhlOre's contmgent of lioy Scouts representing Troop 112 and Troop 301 left the Borough Sunday to spend two long camping weeks Miss Lippincott to Serve as Publications Editor Peter van de Kamp, professor of astronomy and director of Sproul Observatory, will act as chairman at a symposium on Vis­ual Double Stars to be held in Berkeley, Calif., on August 111 and 12. The symposium, along with others on special topics. precedes the General Assembly meeting of the International Astronomical Union, August 13 to 22. The symposium will study aims, techniques, results and recoD)men­dations for double star observa­tions after the manner of a round table discussion. Professor van de Ramp is also president of the union's perman­ent commission on double stars. Elected to this post at the last meeting of the Union in Moscow three years ago, he serves for six years. Sarah Lee Lippincott, research associate at Sproul Observatory, will also attend the co'nference and will act as editor for the publica­tion of the proceedings of the symposium. , The National Science Founda-tion recently announced the grant­ing of a sum of $15,400 to pay the travelling expenses of foreign as­tronomers to Berkeley. Bunting, vice chairman of the Fi. nance Committee. a: the Resica .Falls Scout Reserva- SWIMMERS EARN bon located In the heart of the "Operation Governor" is the name given to an-- annual member. ship program being conducted by the GOP State Finance Commit. tee as a pilot project in :&lur south. eastern Pennsylvania Counties (Chester, Delaware, Montgomel'y and Philadelphia). Thousands I)f "door-to-door" volunteer solicitors will be mobilized to contact virtu. ally every registered Republican in these counties and invite them to become members of the Republi­can Finance Committee of Pennsyl­vania in one of eight classifica­tions of membership, with annual dues ranging from $5. to $1,000. Poconos near Marshall's Creek. J RED CROSS BUTTONS With shouts of joy and with pros- . In the Red Cross Learn to Swim pects of campfires, swimming, hik- program completed last week, 11 ing and woodlore the 'Scouts de- teenagers and adults helped develop parted under the direction of Head the results which brought pleasure Counselor Bob Wal'd«;n and Assis- to 40 Swarthmore youngsters as tant Counselors Do'ug Wrege and they changed from timid sceptics Steve Edwards. to seasoned deep water swimmers l\Ir. Gaylord, whose assigned dis­trict covers Swarthmore, Spring­field, Morton, Nether Providence, Rose Valley and Media Townships, Team Activity Starts For Jr. Tennis Group Plans Also Call Inter - Club Matches For A new Junior Tennis Activity was organized Tuesday at the Swarthmore Tennis Club courts on College avenue. Under the direction of Fl'ank Piccone, Swarthmore Ele­mentary School teacher, a large group of boys and girls ranging in age from eight to 18. have been meeting each weekday morning. The purpose of the pro~ram is to offer young players, not just in. struction, but also the chance to play for fun and for competition. To achieve this, there will be play every day. In addition, there will be two tournaments, one· within the week and one at the end of the sea-son. _ There will also be teams formed fo~· all age groups. These teams will plays teams. from other Tenni~ clubs. Ladder play will be set up to determine team positions. On Wednesday of the past week Lee Royer, professionaI'at the Wal­lingford Tennis Club, visited the club and offered suggestions on the organization of this type of group activity. He has been most success­ful in developing Junior tennis in Wallingford. All Juniors are welcome. They are urged to come out any weekday, Boys from Troop 112 are Andrew and divers. any time between 9 and 12. and lJavid Maass, Don MacPherson, Several mothel·s whose children Jo_hn Seely, Martin Anderson, Ricky were havilllf lessons, helped out and Rogel· Ullman, David Shugarts, and made it possible for every two. Larry liurnett, Steven Moore, Rich- . children to have one teacher. ard Redden, ~ick Martin, John Thanks go to Mrs. Si-;;ve Ip, Mrs. Hornal, Roy Alexander, Bill and Raymond Ketcham, Mrs. Edward Jack Cushing, Walter Eckenhoff, Thomas and Mrs. William Fischer. ·Eric Peterson.· Peter and David Those listed below learned many Leslie, Brian and Jim Clymer, John skills including two tests involving Williams, -Mike Field and Steve diving into deep water and swim­Gray. ming, and received Red Cross cards will supervise within his district • E • the recruitment and training of .Local VacatIoners nJoy volunteer workers at three levels Indoor _ Outdoor Sports Representing Troop 301 are Bill and buttons as Beginners: . Wilburn, Davi~ Seltzer, Sam Hop- Helen Hasbrouck, Julie Ip, Tom­per, Robert Laird, Robert SUzIe my Joyce, Susie Ketcham, Sherry and Gary Baskin. Rihl, Charlene and Marlene Silva, \ Represents' Presbyterians and Beth Thomas. In British Isles (If responsibility; i.e., area chair- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks m~n, captains and solicitors. and family who are vacationing this In announcing the appointment summer at their summer home in (Continued on P'age 8) Ocean City, N.J., are participating Thursday Canteens To Olose a, iiO P.M. 'New' Ninth Graders Invited -10 2-Hr. Sessions in a variety of activities and coming out on top. • At a Master Point Bridge game held last week at the K. C. Dupli­cate Bridge Club in Ocean City, Mrs. Fairbanks and her partner Mrs. John McCloskey of Broomall were the north-south winners with 251 points. On Saturday, Lillian Fairbanks won third prize for best decorated boat at the Ocean m'ty Night in Venice Regatta, Marine Boat Par­ade. Lillian's boat was decorated as crose Vote On Issue Came Weds. The Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School Board voted four to three against supplying free bus service for Rutledge elementary school children who will be attending school in Swarthmore beginning in September. However, it voted u­nanimous) y to ask the public bus service to add a special bus for children going to Swarthmore in the morning and returning in the afternoon. About 50 parents at­tended the meeting in the High School library Wednesday evening and urged the Board to supply free service. Directors Jones, Spencer, Ryerson and Campbell voted against that measure; Carpenter sided with the two Rutledge mem­bers, Anderson and Vint. Dr. David Rosen, leader of a group which originally wanted the three-room elementary school jn Rutledge retained and later sought a district-paid bus, accused the Board of not overexerting itself on behalf of Rutledge. He asked why that borough should· be saddled with the 18th century custom of walking long distances to school. (Continued on Page 8) Posl H. S. Fellowship Enjoys Folk Dancing Despite a comfort index of 78, the English-Spanish-Israeli folk­dancing held in the Presbyterian Church basement under the direct­ion of Bob Mather last week. was so thoroughly enjoyed that the "Post High School" Fellowship Group plans a "repeat". The regular Sunday-night "sing" at Moss Rehabilitation Hospital elicited a request that the young people come an hour earlier to al­low time for mingling and con­versing with patients; hence the group planning to go this Sunday must leave Seymours by 6 :30 p.m. This . week's Thursdayy night gathering moved up to Riverview Field to play soft.ball, volley-ball, badminton and croquet, follOwing the usual 5:30 to 7:30 swim and light refreshment. Next Thursday's program was decided upon last night. Any post-high school person, to whom the Swarthmore Summer Inter-College Fellowship appeals, is welcome. Further information may be secured by calling Ellen Tolles, Helen Calhoun. Bill Warden, Sue or Barry Wright, Carol or Bar­bara Seymour. Wm. E. Harbison Named By Avisun Corporation Nancy Gayleyof Elm avenue is among 24 young people between the ages of 17 and 23 officially representing the General Assem­bly of the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., in a six week exchange program in the British Isles. At the invitation of the Pres­byteriari Churches of England, Scotland, ana Ireland the ~elega­tion will visit each of these church­es in a program of yduth-to.youth encounter. Following these one­week official visits, the U.S.A. del. egation will attend an All-English Presbyterian youth Conference near Rugby, and then spend a week at the Iona Community in Scot­land. Some of the older children swam in the deep water all the time, and after learning many new skills, they passed two tests which merit­ed them cards and buttons for the Advanced Beginners Course. They aT.e: Tom Bedwell, Harry Dudley. Lin­da Eckenroth, Mike Geci, Richard Geida and Kathy Thomas. Attend Leadership School Jean and Tim Shuba of Ogden avenue were among the 500 per­sons attending the first session of the Leadership Training School sponsored by the United Presby­terian Synods of Pennsylvania, Chesapeake, and West Virginia on the Wilson College Campus. , Thursday· night Canteens will close at 10 o'clock instead of 11 p.m. The eighth graders (just pro­moted to ninth) are once again invited to membership on Thurs­day nights only. In· other words, Thursday Canteens will l'un from 8 to 10 with all invited; Monday Canteens run from 8· to 11 with only the top three grades invited. All are urged to come early on Thursdays since Canteens will op­erate for only two 'hours. On July 17, eighth grade mem­bership was rescinded because they ignored Canteen rules. If a large enough crowd comes and if no undue loitering is done around town afterwards, the Thursday night canteen will continue through August. This Ilew plan is designed to provide fun for everyone within reasonable hours. In the fall the new ninth graders will be estab­lished as regular members with full time privileges. a Chinese Junk. I In the regatta, the boats travel a great distance, from Anchor's Point on the northeast side of Great Egg Harbor Bay, doWn the beach thoroughfare, visiting all the lagoons and return and disburse at the yacht club. This annual parade has· all the color and spectacle that the boat­men can contrive and that colored lights strung along the bayfront pro!,erties can provide. William E. Harbison. Morton, has been named central office ac­counting manager of the AviSun Corporation according to Harry R. Tully, Jr., General Manager of Ac­counting. In his new post, Harbi­son will be responsible for finan­cial accounting and service func­tion for AviSun's main office. Nancy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Gayley, was recom. mended and approved by the Ses­sion of the Swarthmore Presbyter­ian . Church of which she is an active member,· participating· in many areas of the church's activi-t\ es. . The school, which began on July 9, continued through July 29. Each week a complete session offered approximately 20 different courses. Morc recently . Mrs. John M. Bond and Edwin of Marietta ave­nue attended the session beginning July.24. All four are from the ~by­terian Church o~ Harvard avenue. On Monday, 165 enjoyed the singing and playing of the Vibra­tones. A large number of alumni and Nether Providence students attended a very lively Ganteen .. Summer Library Hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2 - 9 P.M. Tuesday and Thu~day 6 - ? P.M. Children"s Library Wednesday 9 • 12 Mr. Harbison was graduated from Drexel Institute of Technol .. ogy in 1952 where he receiv~d a B.S. Degree in Business Adminis­tration. Previously he had attend­ed Woodstown High School in Woodstown, N.J., and served tbree years in the United States Navy. Prior to joining AviSun as ac­counting supervisor in February. 1960, Mr. Harbison bad been as­sociated with the E. I. duPont Corporation and the Hughes-Foulk_ rod Compa:~y. He is treasurer of the Swarthmore Methodist Church and an active member of tJIe Na .. tional. AsSociation of Accoun~nts.

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    THE SWARTHMOREAN August. 4, 1961 PageZ . can Field Service. He is. living \ Mary Anne arid Lisa deProphetis Camp Kehonka, Wolfboro, N.H., a~1 Camp Deerwood, Holderness, N.H., I with a family in Borsa. of Harvard avenue are s~ending· a counselor. Her brother Bill is at for the summer •. , M d Mrs Henry I Hoot of eight weeks at Camp RIdgeway ~;';;;;;;;,~;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;r.;/;;;;';';;;;;;;';;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mr and Mrs Caleb Foote ana r. an· . d . A t Me .IIIDIUUllltlllulanlllwIDlllllmlllluIllIllIIllIIDlllllllllUltJllllmmUollllllllllunmm:l1IltaU1w ..... mn"'. , • Personals .' . Lafayette avenue returne In ugus a, • !l - . - :flv", children have :et~rned to thOlr week from a visit to California Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd of ., = Th B . t home at 232 BenJamm. West ave- where they spent several weeks more avenue returned from a VISit 5 e ouque· nue after a year spent .m Belmont, with their tWQ sons· in-law wit~ her son and daughter-in-law ~ Mass .Mr. Foote, who I~ a ~rofes- daughters Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Dodd at !i sor of law. at the U~~verslty of of Chatsworth and Mr. and Mrs. <Jape Cod, Mass:, where they I Pennsylvama, was viSiting profes- Lewis Lawrence of Arcadia. vacationing. sor at the Harva~d Law School for Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Thomson the. past academIC year. Th~ Sam- and two sons Steve and Scott from and daughter Courtney, of Park av-uel Fahr family. had o •. cuPled the Urbana, III., arrived on enue spent last month at Beach ~ Foote home durmg theIr ~bsence. to spend several weeks with Haven, N.J. Their son Sandy stay- ~ BEAUTY SALON Beauty refreshe,s like on August .Showerf 9 South Ch~ster Road ·Cal) KlngBwood 3-0476 Mr. and Mrs. E. R. MullIns and Brown's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. ed with them the first week then ~ adl.... lIe"ber 01 &lie 8waribmore BulAe. . AI. ........ children Ray and June of 406 Hav- Paul Brown of Walnut lane. Their left for Camp Tecumseh, N.H., to !1 erford place, moved ()n Tuesday two older sons Ricky and Paul spend the rest of the, Bummer. ..~IlIIlIlJll~~IlD~_~~"~UC~:~ULRIH~""~IIIItIlI~OIl~I'U~ID~'~III1~III~lm~"'~m~m~IDl~'D~unnuu~~UD~'~"U1~IIIII~'U~"'~-~"~~-~~. to their new home at 1105 Park have been spending the last three Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Salo- ,.; street, Grinnell, la. Mr. Mullin, ~n weeks with their grandparents. mon of Haverford place had as State Truck Inspection assistant professor of mathematICs Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. &neJr guest over tne weekend Miss at Swarthmore, has been n.amed ger and children Liz, Amy, and Erica Hellwig from Manheim, Ger­an associate professor at Grmnell Jeffrey of Shaker Heights, 0., will many. College. arrive 1ftIis evening to spend a week Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Semenuk Mr. and Mrs. George Woelfel with Mrs. Ettjnger's parents Mr. and family of Drexel place spent of College avenue recently made a and Mrs. Robert Rich"rdson a day recently in Baltimore, Md., 10-day visit in Alton, III., and St. Crest lane. visiting with Mrs. R. Wilkens from Check Your Car for Summer Driving Motor Tune.Up Check Brakes Wheel Balance Gulf Gas & Oils V. E. ATZ, Mgr. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Woelfel remained Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Snyder BrIstol, England, aunt of Mr• . RUSSELL'S SER-':ICE· in Missouri, visiting w';th her and children Laura, Jonathan, and Semenuk. Mrs. Wilkens is staying ~ Opposite Borough Parking Lot .. mother Mrs. T. C. Brown in Kirk"- Bill of Rutgers avenue returned with her son-in-law and daughter A ville before returning to Swarth- last week from a visit with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Veach, cousin 111,1.lld I-D"O Dertmeath end ble"HI ...... more on Saturday. Snyder's parents Mr. and Mrs. F Mrs. Semenuk. Closed Saturday at 12:30 P.M. Mr. Charles Bovard, who re- ·C. Stough in Cornelia, N.C. Frank Mr. Joseph Shane of College av- ~;;:;~;;:;;::;:;;==::::;;;;;:;:;:;;;;;~::;~;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;:;~r=~i cently joined the corporate staff Snyder returned home with them enue is recuperating at Ius home. of the <Jhemstrand Corporation in having been visiting his grand- lollowing an operation performed Decatur, Ala., spent the weekend parents for the last. three weeks. at the Wills Eye Hospital, Philadel-of Jnly III at his home on North Mr. and Mrs. Robert'Hilkert phia. Swarthmore avenue. Strath Haven, avenue have been ·Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Thomas David and Barney Binns of Og- spending their vacation at Music of Riverview road entertained Pro~ den avenue are currently vaca- .Center, Goddard <Jollege, Plain- fessor F. C. Tompkins of Imperia\ tioning at Camp Miller at Swanee- field, Vt. College of Scienc'l. and Technology on-the-Delaware. David left on Mrs. Charles J. Brady of of London, and Prof. and Madam July 15, and Barney left on the avenue, Mr. and Mrs. David M. Prettre, Institute for Research 29th. They will return home to- ham of Fairview road and Mrs. on Catalysis, Lyon, Fra!'ce. Profes­gether on. August 12. Thomas W. Simpers. of the sors Tompkins and Prettre lectured Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Patman of Swarthmore Apartments spent the to the .research group at Sun Oil Michigan avenue have returnOll weekend at,Cape May, N.J. Company. home. from a trip to Sturbridge, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. A. Blanton Tiller Mass., and Rhode Island where Jr., formerly of Dickinson avenue, of Haverford place were the guests they were joined by Mrs. Raymond are now residing at 213 Elm last weekend of Mr. and Mrs. C. Gill or Swarthmore. Dr. Patman nue. H. Bryson of Lafayette avenue at also spent a few days at White IDr. and Mrs. James L. Jezl and their Bummer home on Cliesapeake daughters Barbara and Jean of Sulphur Springs, Va., where he Bay. met his son-in-law and daughter Dogwood lane recently returned Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Hannum 'Mr. and Mrs. CurtIs Gallagher from three weeks in New {,ondon, of Lafayette a~enue had as their and children Mike and Kate of N.H. Dr. Jezl attended the l'almer guests: for a· week Mrs. Hannum's Melbourne, Fla., who accompanied Conference at the Gordo!) Researeh niece Sally Hanm,lm and her lriend him home to spend the month of Conferenee the finn: ~eek and Sharon Lawrence, both of NE,w ... k,1 August ' the next two weeks lomed the fam- Del., while the girls were taking Mr. ~nd Mrs. Howard D. Sipler i1y at their. cottage at Lit~e ~ke a studenta Instructor course in bal-of Harvard avenue are back h6me I Sunapee. Dr. and Mrs. J"" let in Philadelphia. ' from a two-week vaoation spent at 1 tained guesta from· home and Jeannette Grier of Dartmouth the Gaspe Peninsula, Canada, and abr()ad while ()D vacation. Barbara avenue and Minnie Zanzinge~ 01 traveling through the New Eng-I and Jean learnel,l to operate a Dougherty drive, members 01 land States, stopping off at Camp I s:~lfiSh, and Jean learned to Swarthmore Methodist Church, re- Deerwood, Holderness, N. H., to s I. . . turneil to their homes Saturday visit for a few days with their Mr. and Mrs. WIlham R. after spending a week at Camp son Jay. and family of Mariet~ lnnahah. Mr. and Mrs. James <Jokeley spent ,last weekend WIth Mrs. Dr. Walter BiUstein of South and daughters Pamela, Heather, Jeavon·s pare,!"ts Mr. ~d Mrs. Chester road left on Saturday to and Holly of Westminster avenue Carl A: Vos~ 10 Bay RIdge, Md., visit for a week with his brother spent their vacation visiting with at . whIch tnne they left. Mr. Arthur Billstein at. Capistrano Mrs. Cokeley's brother-in-law 4lnd daughters Tammy an~ LeIgh Beach, Calif., before going to lien- Blater Mr. and Mrs. Leland ~avis Isp~nd the week. Th~y wIll go ver, Colo.,.to attend the Spear's in La<Janada, Calif., formerly of thIS weekend to brmg them ho~e. Chiropractic Clinic for a week's Juniata avenue. Along the way ·Jane lIIagee of Yale square WIll h f A st t post graduate course. He will re-they visited the Grand Canyon, sCp end Ht he moSnht 0 ugthu D aI turn home August 12. Disneyland, San· Francisco, San amp agan, .awnee-on- e- • - Mr. and Mrs: Edward E. Hannum lDiego, and Mexico. aware. Sandy Pensol of Lafayette I S t A of Lafayette avenue will spend this Mrs. Maurice L. Webster, Jr., of avenue will eave a urday, ug- .Elm avenue ),a,; J'ust returned from ust 12, to spend two weeks at the weekend in New Hope. , l . Barbara MeClarin of Park ., their camp on Fourth Lake in the camp. nu. e is· spending the summer '. Adirondacks whe.'e she left her Rev •• and Mrs. Myrvin DeLap.p ,!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;"!!!!.~~!I', d hte N dB th to "t of Jumata avenue have as thelr----- ~ug rs aney_ an e VIBl guests Mr. DeLapp's brother and WIth her parents Mr. and Mrs. B., 'ste . I M d M RId A R d• gto 81 r-ln· BW r. an rs. 0 an .. e In n. ~-La d f h'ld Anne Wilburn of Drew avenue "": pp a.n ?ur c 1 ren • d' th tb fAt Mmneapohs, Mmn., and Mrs. 18 spen tng e mon 0 ugus ,. M' Pt" N 1 at Buck Hill Falls in the Poconos. Lapp S sIster. ISS a rICla e - Mrs. Robert S. Kamp and daugh- son from ChICago, III. ter Betsy of Riverview road re­turned Monday evening from a I month's vacation spent .at Buck I Hill Falls in the Poconos. Mr. Kamp and son Steve joined them I for the weekend.. . Rear Adm. and Mrs. Allen Cal­veN of Berkeley, Calif., were the '\ guests of Capt. and Mrs. W. L. Turney of Riverview road last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Alden of I North Chester road had as their' guests this past week their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs.\ Thomas Alden and twi> sons Peter and Teddy from Schenectady, N.Y.· -I John :Qond of Marietta avenue: is in Turkey ·thi. summer as an! exchange student with the Alr.eri- ;::=:=====-:--==-; I ,t's 'uti cnidC:_' SIIoJlP''''' at .... HOLLYH~k Gin SHOP tlai" I 'SOlii 'M """11 i.I" . August Spe'cial! DiscountU! BOOKWAYS 417 D'." •• "." A.,.. Far ItIABAZIIiE SUBSCRIPTlOIIS Cad IIRS. LLO~D E, KAUFFMAII Buffet Luncheon Served Daily Both Hot &- Cold Dishes $1.25 • Buffet Dinners 5Thlurs,~ay 5 to 9 • Sunday 3 to • THE WILD BOOSE Route I. Baltimore Pike ....... W ... ofM ..... ' ~;...:::;. OM MOl.'. I FINAL SUMMER .CLEARANCE Don't Forget Second Anniversary P. arty .A ugust 18th Door Prizes Refreshments Pre-teen and Junior 9 South Orange Street, Media, Pa. . Open Fr~ay Nights unlil9· Cloled Salurdeys-during July and August Thinking about new carpet? ... PAULSON answers your carpet questions! PAULSON knows carpet. and answers your carpetqUH-. tions. What price carpet to buy. which fiber, What iype of pad, and what goes with what. PAULSON shows c;arpet samples in the home, takes your old carpet in trade. oHers extra time to pay, if :wanted .• Thinking about new carpet? . •.. PAULSON answers your carpet questions! d'A\4J,,,,, ·tt tottt&e~ 7 • ", Mohawk Carpeting • Complete Price Range • Oriental Rugs 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Klngswood 3-6000 _. CL~arbrook 9.4646 "~u'.M't KNOWS Carpe~ -IF You Think ANY . Other Sto. re, Selling Cameras, Will Give You A Better Deal 7{han We Do I . \ \ .' Call· Your Doctor, You're· Sick! (In the above please consider Pric~, Warranty. Trade-in and Service after the sale). Camera & Hobby Shop 4 • 6 ,.rk Avenue. Swarthmore. 'a. KI !-4191 FrI.-9 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. . , . $vIII_;', _r.daF He",,. ..... 9 .. hOO , . , '. '. 1 , I, \1 , J ,, r, 1 i I \ \ ,t ,.1. J' 1 \ • ., 'i i ! , I I • i • 1 1 " - i " .i. , . ! . , \ THE SWARTHMOREAN ..••• ' FOR JOINING . US IN THE GRAND OPENING. CELEBRATION OF YOUR NEW .,. A&P MARKET .. , . " ('~\V~~\:: \ "" ,~~~:-.-.~,\ V\' ."\~~ \ \1 ....•. \ - . Featuring· ACRES OF ic This Market is Open Regularly ••• ~ I I i \ PARKING " ~ TUESDAY, .WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY to P.M. • AUTOMATIC DOORS ~ .................................... ~~ ..........••...•.. • PARCEL. PICK-UP iC fRIDAY to 10 P.M. , \ • SPEEDY CHECK-OUT ~ Monday and Saturday to 6 PoM. ) , , • \ . I . ,.- ./ " - ... PageS , ! .

    ---------- Page 4 ----------

    .,-,, • Wones Fifth In Mrs. J. Phillip Herrmann L· . Ch - h- Mrs .. J. Phillip Herrmann died in 1.8 amplons IPS Washington, D. C., at 2:30 a.m. on 'M '<'L" Wednesday. Mrs. Herrmann was /lrA~ ""me In the mother of Katharine Herrmann InA:v:d'lal of Wallingford, Mrs. Donato Cola- Eve"ts femina of Lima, and Mrs. Arthur Swarthmore Swim Club climbed J. McCormack of Jacksonville, Fla., from el~hth 1>lace to fifth during formerly of Swarthmore .. the last half of the Suburban Services will be held in Washing- Swimming Lea~e champiDnshi"s ton today. last week. Final standinn of the -------- 12 teams i. Colonial Villa",: 3.59. Republicans Protest M_rtin's Dam 195%, Aronlmmk . 1'76%, Penn Square 138%, Swartb- Counlt Annexalion more 131, Great Valley 115, MaT-ple-! f.wtown 100. Wa11lnrtford 69. Republican County Chairman Pl"-Ma~ 68 Rose Valley 62%. East Joseph L. Eyre charged Monday Whiteland 42, Rose Tree Woods 6. that both his Democrat counterpart Sue Wirlon and Joanne Espen- and the Democrat County Control- . sellade -placed first and sixth in the ler "actively support Bill Green'a 200 meter freestyle unlimited Wed- plans for political annexation of night at Ply-Mar. The next parts of Delaware County to Phila- 1I11rilt at Swarthmore Richard Mc- delphia in open defiance of the Curdv -placed fourth in Intermed- will of the people." late diVing at Martin's Dam: Fri- In a statenlent -praising both or­dav night at Swarthmore Sue ganized labor and "other outatand­WUliams was second and Beth ing govemmental and civic leaders" Purnell sixth in senior girls and for joining a mass protest against I" Gerr. Sherwin fifth in senior boys the Democrat Congressional Re-diving; apportionment Plan, Eyre aaid, Durln~Saturday's events at however, that "the· Democrat lea­Marple- Newtown and Great Val- dership in Delaware County ap­ley, Ann Townes -placed first in parently is detehmined to tum my butterfly and freestyle Imd third bi-partisan appeal for action into a, • In backlltroke. Along with Bar- politIcal football." bara Gerner, Peggy Schmidt and The chairman's· statement came PellllY Winch she -placed first in following confirmation by Con­junior freestyle relay: and alon" gressman William J. Green, Jr., with Gemer. Winch &nd Terri Mc- that he supports a proposal to keep Curdy she placed in medley relay his six-man. Philadelphia delegation -all In the junior division. Terri in Congress intact by adding part placed fourtn in breaststr~ke, and of Delaware County-supposedly in , Pegrry Winch third in freestyle. the Upper Darby area-the City . Ann Michener placed second In distriets. Under the law, Philade1- .:"II~'tltrok,,~.nd fourtli in butteT- phia,is e"titled to only five Con­.. ::~~for m/il""ts and~wi~h Maje gressmen. . ,Gerner. Sue Hosford. and· Marcia "Since first bringing this en- , McCnrdy, was on the third place tire matter to the attention of the medley and third place freestyle re- people last week," Eyre said, "1 lay teams. Maie was·fifth and Sue have been heartened by the offers · waa sixth In freestyle. The junior of support which have poured into boys medley relay composed of my office from leading citizens of : Jack Cushing, Jolm Espenechade. the< County, Democrats as wen as Paul Zecher and Bill Dethloff Republicans." placed sixth. ------- Rehearse '61 AQuaeade NEWS. NOTES Perfonners in "Flight", the eur­rent year's water show to bp Mrs. Helen Hall of. Hillbom starred at 2 p.m. Saturday of next avenue and Mrs. Carl de M~l1 of week. _began reh.arsals' Monday. Pa~k aven.,,? en~oyed a ~th s VB­Number. will include: cat~on viSItIng Invari09s pa~s of Devils of Pluto. Lovers of Venus. Mame, one week of which was 'Martians. NvmDhs of Neutune. 'penton Monhegan Island, Me. : Moon Mice. Mercurians, Giants of Mrs. Francis Pennell of D.aTt­Jupiter. and a Universe Finale.· mouth lavenue, Mrs. Fred J. Mur- Advance in Space Raee ray of Yale avenue and Mrs. Ken- , ... dulta "Paddling to the Plan- neth Reed of North Oheater road etaP during the past cou1>le of left on Friday for a, week to months are (In order of progre.s' .ttend the Ashram Conference be- ,.' 0; M"rtln, J. Cushing, S. Dod~ 'ng .held at Ke~ka .Lal<d,N.y. A. Martin, J. EBtlenschade,· R Junmy Breakell or Nort\l, Prince­Renilnld:<> n, K. Schmidt •. D. Mc- ton ave~ue ~lId J.,Palii ilchrad~ .' · Cann. Mrs. Ii. Espenschade'. of . .M"glll l'<!a:d pe A'l>etldlng a · The first 40 laps reaches Mer- month at CamP Sea Gull, Araps- · cury 60 ·more for Venus the!' hoe, N.C. Earth. Mal'S. Ju-plter. A hop of ~rs. Irving Dayton and Peter, 80 arrives at Saturn and lannt- '>iebssa, Andrew, and Beth _?f Har-of 100 more are nesded for eae" vard avenue spend a week, visit­of the last three _ still in the di-- 'ng Mrs. Dayton's parente. Mr. and tanee _ Uranus Neptune an~ '>ir!!: Louis Klein in New York Pluto.' ' , 'Jity and sightseeing. Mrs. Day· Seacolts Test Selves 'on's sister Mrs. Boris Patera of Saocolt. assemhled Friday afte-- ~i~erdale,. N.Y., and her children nOon for an Informal intratea,.. "I1mhele and Anthony drove back championship meet. Foremost plac- \0 Swarthmore with Mrs. Dayton bln were: .. °or a visit. '. EI~bt and under boys _ H. Her Mrs. Robert M. Fudge of Colum- IIlllel 1 In butterily., 2 il! bark. "ia avenue recently spent several stroh. 1 freemle: R •. Dethloff. veeks Visiting with her son and bntte1'f1v, 1.back_troke. 2 freestvl.· 'aughter-in-Iaw Mr. and Mrs. Kim R. Spencer 1 breaststroke. 8 free- '). Fudge· of Palo Alto, Calif., to atyle. . ·ee her new granddaughter Laura, Ten and under girls _ C. Wig he Kim Fudges' ·third chUd and ton 1 butterilv. 2 breaststroke.? econd daughter, born on June 6. fr •• mle; M. Dethl6ff 2 butterflv 'fro Fudge, who !fad a business 8. freestyle: B. Carroll 8 butt~t'fIv 'rip on the West Coast, was able , 8 bTBaststroke: B Whittier 1 back- '0 join them for a Weekend. ~ Itroke . .1 breaststroke, 1 freestyle: 'Mr. and Mrs. Blmey K. Morse A .. Llbbin 2 backstroke; B. Winch ·f Harvard avenue have as their '.8 b.ckstroke. ""I1ests their daughter Mr •• Oliver I .... Ten alJd under boyg..;...J. Taft 1 ~ickson and three children Billy, . butterf1v, 1 freestyle; D. Restrepo "'erry and Nancy, from Cham- 2 hutterfly, 1 breastetroke, 2 free- ~agne, m. It,yJe. I ---------- Twelve and under girls - S- • B 1 b tt ..... 1 b k tr k 1\{cCurdy was SIxth in 200 meter • rfo wn tvl 11R e'K. .. .y r,t h I a2c b. t0t e. 1. n dIV"ld u a1 me dl ey for' dml g ets and .... rees e; . u z a z u el'- J ... 11 1 b t t Ie 2 f ..... 1 H ,member of the third place 2"" v. rea~ s ro e. Tee~v,l' e; . t dl 1 Hildebrand 2 barkstroke, 3 free- ",e er me ey re ay. ml • E C r 8 b kstr k 2 Joanne Espenschade was second b. e~str -k e la. ac 0 e, ;n senior backstroke and with her re; 1.0 e. d d b J .ister, Carol (an intennedlate) . we va an un er 018 - . Clwam on the winning 200 meter Gtyrol otars 2 breaststroke, 1 free- :rne dl ey re! ay; an d W'lt ll Lin d a • Fe. rte d d . I· W "'.cher (Intermediate)· on the ou en&n unergtrs- . . . . Fowler 1 butterily, 1 backstroke, ~nmng 200 meter .freestyle·re~ay. 1 freestyle: S. Kurtzhalz 2 butter- T.mda· was fourth m IntermedIate fly, S backstroke. 2 freestyle; M. ljreaststr?ke. and with Carol ",:,"S Liddell 2 bacli:stroke, 1 breast- on the. SIxth place 200 meter In- ~--Ie S ~ ;"""1 termedlate medley relay. .~u e, ,ree •• , e. B I' .. I d d J k Fourteen and under boys :.- D. o~s p aCing me u ~ \ ae Sutherland 1 breaststroke, 1 back- CushlD!!, ~ho .wam on the third .... Ak '1 f t 1 "Iace JunIor 200 meter freestyle ••• v e, rees ye. rel"y: Richard McCurdy who was Help Win AAU Olympics fIfth In the 200 meter Individual C1nb members who also are medley. a member of the second, members of .the yeaT-round Subur- "I~ce 200 meter fTeemlerelay ban Swimming Club aided that ond the fifth place 200 meter med­club to top spots amon~ the 10 lev relav for intermediates: and · girl. teams and 14 I boys teams 1)ino McCu'~v woo was f011rth in takln~ part in the Middle-Atlantic 'he 400 individual medley for sen­Junior Olympics at Easton last lors and on the· second place 200 Friday and Saturday. meter freestyle .relay. , Ann. Townes won second in GO CumDlete Life Saving meter freestyle and fourth in 100 Passing the season's first two­meter freestyle, anJwith Barbara ",ppk course in Junior Life Saving Gem.r was a member· of the were: fourth place freestyle relay for Judy Golz, M.T~ret Toland, juniors. T{atie Tolle.. Naney Camnbell, Terri McCurdy was on tbe third <lusan G.eer, Bill Cushin,,: Bill WI!- place junior medley relay team. hn,.n. Tony Mit"hel, David Ashley, Ann Michener was .. cond in 50 Marl!'aret Liddell, Marion Hunt. meter breaststroke and with Ma.;e Passing Senior Life Saving · Gemer was on the first place 200 '!ere: meter medley relay for midgets Betsy Breakell. Ann Wilbnm, Mllje was on the first place, -and llet'!Y Ward, Helen Morrison, Sbar­Ann on the second place 200 met- an Parker, Judy Daltry, Gram er freestyle relay team. Marcia Patterson and Dean Calhoun. ;w',.;;...c:: 7·, _.-. ". .:.-. " .... ~ .. ". ",~-'- .. ,--- . • , / , "Super-Right" Quality BONE "Super-Right" Quality BONELESS "Super.Right" 'tendered Short Shanked, 12 to 18 Pound SMOKED CUBED, CHIPPED, SWISS ORSlaLOIN TIP 99C STEA~Slb. . IUTT PORTION 6110 aallb. iII-SHANK PORTION Some Slices Removed Some Slices Removed , Ib·SSO I~. 29C lb. 3 9c THESE ARE GENEROUS SIZE PORTIONS ••• HOT ENDS, CIIECK AND COMPARE! Shank Half lb. 39c II:;::','~~-: h~j,'h:~" lu" Half lb. 49c Center Cut Slices lb. 95c Whole Hams'~I:. lb. 45c "SUPER·RIGHT" 2 lb. baCJ 8,e 1·lb. nno ptr. ViII- 1·lb. &&0 pt,. Ib,35C 3·lb.S2 25 _ can • . . .. - u. S. NO. I, "A" SIZE NEARBY EWPOTATOES • 10 -lb. 35C - 25·-lb . 69C bag .... bag . . .". . NEARBY, SWEET EATING . . NONE PRICED HIGHER FreshCorn 6·,,·20C 12 .. ,,39C LARGE SIZE, RED' RIPE . . NONE 'RICED HIGHER WATERMELONS whole \ melon 69c ;. NONE PRICED Ib 9C • HIGHER • Iceberg Lelluce ~~~:R 2 ~~:;. 29c Le Grande Nectarines JI~~~R lb .. 19' Marvel Ice Cre,a m Special Price! Half gallon container 59c 49c 53c r Hershey Chocolate $yrnp '3 , 16-0%. cans Sunnybrook Eggs Large Fresh White Eggs • Dozen in -Dated Carton Tomalo Soup o:~~~!~1 4 3~:.L 46' Skyline Drive Apple J.I ... 2 b~~a::;:t9° Butter·· aunnylleld Mb .. 690 In'I,·lb. lb. 11 ° . Fancr Creamery Schd Prints ' Bulte· r . Sunnylltld IoOL 390 In V,·lb. lb. 15° Swell _ cup· Prints AlP Grapefruil Sections 1 can. $tOO A'P Tomato Juice 2 ~~~ 410 A'P Bartlett Pears 3 ~!.:~ $1.00 OClagon . Detergent Liquid ~~59~ Robert's :.~~ Oaokies ~!:. 29~ Hamburger Slices M~:l!~n ql:~ 29! , Red Salmon s:::::;k 1~~~. 51° l::nL 19° delo Shortening !~:. 3. 2° 3~~. 150 ..... ,; .' Hair Tonic YI~~~ :::am . r ::.58' l1-Quarl Plastic Pails .•• ch 690 REFRESHING JUICES! NABISCO COOKIE SALE! Hawaiian Punch Punchinello ~:'~~T HI·e Drinks (46-01. (01\) (46-01. con) (4&.01. cClnl , Famous Assortment (I ..... ok •• 1 Fig Newtons (twin 0."'1 Vanilla Waters (I' .... ok •. ) Waffle Crp. . (I";",. ok •. ) Chocolate Chip Pecans_ (.~;:.) Welchade Grape Drink (q ...... , I Welch Fiesta Punch (q ...... ) 3 pkgs. Your $1.00 Choicel 3 cans for 95C Your Choicel , ," '\ FRANK'S (IN NO DEPOSIT . . • NO R~TURN CANS) BEVERAGES 12 '~~. 89C DUNCAN HINES. DELUXE CAKE IX: ES 8 Varieties 3. S 100 ~ pkgs. j A'1 l5·lb'3&Ol·0Ib 59C . 20~!:$1.15 b~g . THE OREAT ATLANTIC" PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC. Reynold~s --- Aluminum Wrap , 25.ft; 29c 75.ft. 75c roll ron prlcn In tbll Advertisement Elfecllvllhrough Salurday, ·AUI. IIh. ., " ".' "J"'r.~-.--. ,-,--, .."' - -. ;~':',~40.~~~"":~~. ..:.:,:". A&P's Fine Seafood Values! CHESAPEAKE BAY FRESH CRAB MEAT. 6~5c .! 79~i! $i~j9 ean I I-lb. Can ! 1·lb. can • 10 to 15 Shri~ to the Pound JUMBO SIZE SHRIMP 5 ~~~ $4.19 lb. 85e NORTH ATLANTIC (5·lb. box $2.19) SEA SCALI.OPS lb. 45' Fresh Flounder Fillet La~~I:~k' 111.19° . , "':'~":fr;.:,.~iIt]:-. SHOP AlP FINE FROZEN- FOODS! MORTON'S MEAT PIES FrozeR a .. f, CIII~. h 4 I 73c or Turke, P~~ . pIS. .. A'P Orange J"ice G:::' ago 3 1~-: ~l.oo Lemonade. and·'LlIIl,.de' 6 ::. 6&° Banquet Mea' . . CIII'~'R, Pol lust, 2 pkci. 19° Dinners, hnlbll} or Turkey A Full 1112 Ibs. of Individual Steaks '8 pking . ANN PAGE FINE FOODI ANN PAGE PURE' GRAPE JAM ANN PAGE SALAD DRESSING ANN PAGE 4 :Ib. 95c l ar . q~a;:t 49c lar 110. Off 501.1 24:0%' 57c PEANUT BUTTER· ·Iar Ann Page Beans 4 ~~:. 49° ,2 3~:. 43° Ann Page Oheeri-Aid p~~::r • 6 pqs.19° 1·lb. 290 .. Ann Page O:[ln Margarine pk,• Ann Page' Mayonnaise pint 310 qall'l 530 .. Jar, Jar B 0 BREAKFAST Drf'nk Also B.D., B... 3 46 .. L $1 00 • • COCKTAIL or B.T. DrInks ..... Pillsbury Home' Fry Polatoes box 31° Pillsbury GR~~iN Polatoes Pillsbury Scalloped Potatoes Nescafe Instant OoHee Nestn Instanl Tea Exira Sharp Cheddar Cheese Marcal Tissue box 390 bcx 310 IolaOrL 99' I'h-aL 850 Jlr lb. 650 10 (~~!c 95° I SA:tE 161: I SPECIAL JANE PARKER APPLE PIE LAROE 39c 8 INCH JANE PARKER PLAIN RAISIN BREAD-I SAYE 111: I JANE PARKER ANGEL FOOD . 1 lb. 'I,e Loaf RING SAVE 200 39c SPECIAL JANE PARKER Danish Almond RING sS~~~llta 3ge JANE PARKER SANDWICH OR FRANKFURTER ROLLS 8 p~~. 25c 12 p~g. 35c I ,- .... ~ = t!II rn ~ > :11:1. ~ = ~ Q :11:1 t!II "IS • .CIi .... Go .. -' ~." .•- .-.. .... ""-~ •. ->'-. "",.,,,--- .... -.""'--, .., - .... ~-...' .'

    ---------- Page 5 ----------

    Local Graduates Cited Two local resideDts are members of the Swarthmore College Class of 1961, which was graduated in June at the college'sl 88th Com­mencement Exercises. They are: Ri~hard W. Coles, son of Mr. I PIANOS I WHY NOT BUY your rebuill plano; I from a piano tuner of 47 years" experience with all make'?j. It will pay you in the end. A. L. PARKER LO 6·3555 A. B. DICK Office Supplies MIMEOGRAPH SPIRIT DUPLICATOR PHOTOCOPY Swarlhmore Typewriter Service No. Z Part AYe., Swartbmore, Pa. S. E. Hudson - KI 4-3360 Belvedere Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut St., Chester TRemont 2·5373 MoBov Hanllal' Can Aled. BoDll •• Cbroo1o Oou".~lcen' )leD aod Women ~fled&a' "eM ~ Spnt ... 0""" Blut "toM UaDan4 SADIE PIPPIN TURNER • .rtop:rle&or , ', .. ' • ••. I ;. . .' .,. .• TilE'S' WAR T R M 0 R E AN. , and Mrs. Henry B. Coles of Wal- SCOTT PROMOTES ILeeson To Conduct Thursday night concerts are open nut lane, and William A. Welsh, I S. DAVID PRESTON Thursday Night Concert to the public, free of charge. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, ; S. David Preston of Dogwood Thomas G. Leeson, Sr" will cnn- -. Sr., .of South Swarthmore avenu. e. lane has beeD promoted to engineer duct the Dhester City Band in Jewelry Repalre4 Ph. BI 3-4218 •• Rlchard was gra d ua t e d WI th with Scott Paper Company's staff concert next Thursday, August 10, , ~"' MiL ScO lES highest honors in zoology. He. w,as engineering division.! in the Glen Providence Park (at WATCHMAKER eleete? to the honorary ~oclet .. ~ I Mr. Preston joined the company the west end of State street, near FormerJ1 of F. C. _. and S-of PhI Beta Kappa and SIgma XI in 1969 as a member of Scott's Baltimore pike, Media). Joseph ''lne Watch and 128 Yale Ave. and was a member of Delta Upsi. plant engineering department in Ferrons, baritone, will be the vocal lock Repatr.5 Swarthmore. Pa. lon, ~nd of th~ Student-Faculty i Chester. Subsequently he has servo soloist; Richard Roum, Jr., trom- ~~~~~~ffiF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ RelatIOns ~ommlttee •. He also ser- ed in both the finishing and gener- bonist, will be the instrumental htnco)l'ood 3-1US ved as. assIstant ~ootball mana~er al mill engineering sections of that soloist. Robert B. Keel will be the . WILLIAM BROOKS, a~d was co-captam of the SWlm· department. master of ceremonies. rumg team. He was an Open Schol- A native of Lansdowne" l\lr. Selections on the program will ar for four years. Preston was graduated from include: William was gruduated with a Swarthmore College in 1959. March: "The Cantonians," Alex. B.S. degree in civil engineering. ander; Waltz: '''Gold, and," He played four years of varsity Delaware County Residents Lehar; Trombone Solo: '''Thoughts football and was awarded the Den· Purchase U. S. Bonds of Love," Pryor; Baritone Solo: ton Trophy as the Outstanding During the first six months of "Glorit\na," Barnard; Novelty: Football Player of the 1960 sea- 1961, residents of Delaware Coun. "Arrangers Holiday," Bennett­son. He was cited three times on ty purchased U.S. Savings Bonds, Walters.Yoder; Vocal Solo: "Be. the All East·Coast teams of the Series E and H, amounting to gin The Beguine," "My Heart Week and was named Player of $4,437,124, or 46.1 per cent of its Stood Still," Porter; Three Scenes: the Week by the Maxwell Club. assigned quota {or the year, it is Forest Glade _ Fiesta _ Sunset Ashes and RubblBh Removed ..... wns Mowed. General Hauling >.'18 IlardI", Ave. MIlI1ou, Pa. ELNWOOD , Oonvalescent Home Bal,t imore PIke '" Lincoln Ave. 8wartbmono He was president of the Swarth- reported by Leroy F. F. Wright Blvd., Walters; Excerpts: Flower Established 1932 mote College Chapter of the of Rose Valley, county chairman Drum Song, Rodgers; March: The talet. Be.nul 8nrronDCliDp mtb American Society of Civil Engi- !or \ the Savings Bonds organiza. Southerner, Alexan~erj Overture: heeUeDt zt-BoUl' N1II'BiDc Can neers and was a member of Delta tion. Purch·ases for June of this Poet and Peasant, Suppe; Vocal 3.02721 Upsilon Fraternity. He served as year were $716,881. Solo: Roses of Pi cardy, Wood; Klngswood basketball lminager and participa- . Granada, Lara; Tango,: Por Que, I~==::::=::::==~ ted in varsity track. t'l saw tt in The Swarthmoreu1I." Fresedo; Descriptive: Victory At I/~ CLASSIF lED A·.DS 'PERSOItAL WAItTED PERSONAL UPHOLSTER- WANTED Rooms for two 8eiiiOr lNG, THOM SERE MBA. Over Honor students, September 1st. 36 years' experience. 'Reasonable I Near College. LOwell 6.9678 after prices. Cushions refilled. $6. Chair 6. . bottoms re-webbed, .$8. ul!. SLIP WANTED Single bed, ' complete. CO~ERS custom fItted 10 your Call Klngswood 4-0711 fabrIC, or from our samples. Phone • Sea, Rodgers; Religiso: The Lord's Picture Framing Prayer, Mallotte; Excerpts, My . Fair Lady, Loewe; March: Olym-pia Hipp~ome March, Alexan· ROGER RUSSELL der. The National Anthem will con­clude the evening. These ·summer 'ESTATE NOTICE. . . Photographic Supplies 8TATE '" MONROE 8T8. If!EDlA for free estimate. LUdlow 6-7692. FOR RENT LOwell 6-2176 'F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I Ten years' of Swarthmore refer-I FOR RENT Apartment. Media. ~ ences. beautiful, snrroundinllB. Larg:e PERSONAL Furniture refinlsh-' living: room, dining room, three Estate of JANE PA'ITERSON. BARBER, late of tbe Borough ot, Delaware County, PeDl18ylvanla. ~ ceased. Letters Te8tamentary 00. the aboye Estate having ,been granted to the under­signed. aU per80ns indebted to said Eat.a&e are reqUested to make payment. and those having claims to present ·the same, wlt.hout delay, to .Allee F. narber. 606 Harvard.· Avenue, swarthmore, Pennsylv&­nla~ or to her Attomeya, BuUer, Beatty. Oreer .. Johnson. 1'1 South Avenue, .ed1 •• Penn8y:lvanla. 3t-8-4: OPEN'PRIDAY EVENINGS ing, repairing. Quality work at bedrooms. tile bath. kitehen, large moderate prices - antiques and deck porch,: ~arage, near trsnspor. modern. Call Mr. Spanier, KIngs- tation. Adults. $120. LOwell 6-1870 CHfIIIIHiIanuulllmanlJUlllUlllIlWnllllDRlllWlIIDII ! CRE$SON PRICHARD wood 4-4888, Klngswood 3-2198. or LOwell 6·0153. • PERSONAL Carpentry jonbing:, FOR RENT Garage at 618 South recreation rooms, book eases, Chester roa~ .. CalLKlngswobd 4· porches. L. J. Donnelly. Klngswood 04.56. . . I g REAL TO R' NOTARY PUBLIC IUSlOM INSTALLATIOItS ., 4·3781. LOST COUNTY oF:', DELAWARE H 0 OHUROH PERSONAL ~IBno tunm' g spec- LOST • Orange =an:;d- ::w::h;i:t:e= -m=a=le Soetnalceed . oiff ro~peo8 a1C~ owunUtYl '.b eC orenctreoivlleedr. aCt otuhret. § 900 Michigan Avenue I . Swarthmore I • ialist,. minor repairing~ member . half grown cat. KIngswood 3- House, Med!a, Pa., up UntO 9:30 A.M. Piano Technicians' Guild. Leaman. 1073.' , Eastern Dayllght. TIme, on Thursday, I PARK AVE" SWARTHMORE Klngswood 3·6766. :J,OST _ Bicycles. One woman's Augus' 17. ' •• 1. for furnlshlng an •• e- KI d 4 2727 PERSONAL Roofing, spouting, black Raleigh. 26 inch. One child's Uverlng Low Sulphur Nc. 6 Fuel OU to i~ . 'KI . ngswoo - . Ibe Coun'y or Delaware .P,Q.B, Refuse 3-1112 ~::::::::::::::~' ,gutters. Recreation rooms a spec. blue American, 24 inch, with bal- Incinerator Plant No.1. Old Concord Road, ity. Ray J. Foster, GLobe 9·2718. loon tires. Reward. K~,gswood 4- FeU,onvllle, Chester Towruhlp, Pa., Which PERSONAL BiCYCles Rer.aired, 0247, , wlU be opened at 10:00 A.M., DST on that !..a.n.lDDlmmnlcwlllllu~IUullh'UllllalUllllUwt: ROOF I N~ .Parts, accessories. Milt G ~S8 - , FOR ·SALE d~te. 1n the preseDc,e of !he County COIll- BIcycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 206-7,'F'OR SALE J' bed ". C b East Baltimore Avenue Clifton umor com- E:ach bid muat be accompan1c by as, Gutters Heights. MAdison 6-0713.' Opposite pl~te, do,:ble be? complete, baby ·Certlfied Oood. Faith Check or by a ,Cor- CI 'ft Th ter I carrIage, fIre chIef car, bureau, porate' Surety Bond., either one 1D the PaHon Roofing Co. W A • H t- I on ea . t'h 't KI d 4 4640 amouDt of ten percent (100/0) of the total arm· Ir ea mg PERSONAL A. F. M. Contrac. 0 er I ems. ngswoo.- . . amount of Ibe bId. "'awn" Ibe oroer of ESTASLISHED 1m Air Conditioning tor. Driveways, Stucco Work, I FOR SALE Autom~tte washer, Ibe COun.y of Delaware. \ ' Cement Steps, Walkways, etc. 1951 GeQeral Electnc, operates Forms of Proposal may be obtalDed at the Sheet Metal Work CHestnut Hill 7-1348 or SHer- perfectly, $26. Call Klngswood 4- Office of Ibe 0.' .... 91.,k .. Ibe Coun'Y "ROOFING • GUTTERS ·SPOUTING 1 wood 7-3567. 0861. Commissioners at the Court House. Media, ·SIDINS , IGeorge Myers and 00. PERSONAL -'- Custom·made slip FOR SALE - Girl's riding boots, ~~ Co .. 'y COmmls.lon." ,.,etve \be covers. Pin fitted in your home. size, 5 or' 6. Gall KIngswood 3- tlg~t to reject any aod all bids. BOX 48 You supply material, I make them. 1808. \ G. R. WATKlN~ SWARTHMORE Work guaranteed, prompt service. FOR SALE Jodp~.ur boots, girl's,' ALBERT '1 aWING GLobe 9-3358 CLearbrook 9-6311. . si1e 3, beautiful condition. Call :~;'~om;'~ KI4-0221 or KI ]'()I>35 PERSONAL Grandmother's Klngswood 3·1049. • ..... QuaUtv worlc with quenty mate;I ..I , 11 . Mendinf:' Servl"" frees mother FOR SALE-" Hi-Fi record player, , . HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS WFIL RadiO - 11411 A.., CbaanIII-WFIL·T¥-IIIIII ••• Edward G. Ohipmu and Son General Contractor BUILDERS 'Since 1920' Free ".t'mates 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester. Pa. TRemont 2-4759 TRemont 2-5689 for rel~xmg famlly fun. Prompt, very gpod condItion, ,40. h,lngs-reasonable. Elngswood 3-6177. wood 3.-3329. WAItTED I "F;j.O~R;:-· 'S~Af,Li"E;;;--'So.w;;;n;;;rt:;:;;hm=Q;;:re;-.-AT+:t. WANTED . To . buy Books, tractive stone and brick, one Stamps, Coins and old Post block Elementary School. .Three Cards. Call Mr. Martin, KIngs. bedrooms, two baths, powderroom, wood 3-4227. , first floor, attic fan, dishwasher, WANTED Odd jobs locally for aluminum storm sash and screens. recent high school graduate, to 561· Westminster Avenue. Klngs~ help with college expenses. KIngs. wood ~·9478. wood 3-2086. 'Fiio;iR~S~A~LfE~-'Wii. ;;:oo;;:d:;;e:'it;-;::typ;;;;;e;;;wn~'t;;e;;:r WANTED College senior with desk. Call Klngswood 4-4067. experience desires ballY·sitting FOR S,ALE Turtles, all kiruiS. positions during evenings and week- Call Klngswood .3.3267. ends. Please callKlngswood 3-0886 FOR SALE Buffet, air-condi. after' 6:30 P.M. tioners, rug, freezer, two love WANTED To bui.' second hand seats, two wine vats, odd tables upright piano, small two wheeler and chairs, and a few household bicycle. Klngswood 3·1073.. items, KIngswood 3-8761. Day time WANTED Well educated woman c",a~lI:iis~p~re~f:;;ei;'-rr,-,e",d';';;:;-::;;;;;;;-;;-T;'t;= . seeks interesting responsible FOR SALE To make a hit with September position in private,· your hostess take her a bird feed~ school, college or institution. Live er, bath or house from the S. Croth­in. Please phone and tell me where I ers, Jr" 435 Plush MilJ'Road, Wal· . I am needed. SUns~t 9·7317. lingford, LOwell 6-4651. ~------------~III ~""BllIIl fRtllllnonIUIIIIUlIICIIIIIIIIUnUUIIHDlIMm:" -r: IS YOUR HOUSE TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL? We Have Families Who Would Jack Prichard' Like to Trade' . PAINTING INTBRJoa &; EXTBRIoa Pree Estimates . KlnCJSwood 3-8761 Stop In and See 'Our Picture Gal/ery of Homes MANY FINE HOMES AVAILABLE BAIRD and BIRD III' lafayette and Dartmouth Avenues --______1 IIii I~_ .. \ . III ~'ClIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIII[lWllmJJPDlnlllllrlll[Jn"IIIIIlIICIIIIIIIIIIIIUllII1IIIIIIItlllllllllllllUlhllllllillCIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIRUUnaWi i ·SWEENEY 6- CLYDE - i Established 18S8 ;" I' 29 East Fifth Street, Chester, Pa. iii . TRemont4-Ci311 Ig SAMUEL D. ~LYDE 1872·1966 iii J. EDWARD CLYDE ~ SAt.1UEL.D. CLYDE, JR. • APPRAISALS REAL ESTATE , INSURANCE ~ullllnIIlWlUlllatJluanlua1WDmuiuUllllllllllalllluuUlU::IIUllluIIIIDlnlllmoltJmIRDlIUDBUHlWllnllll~I"IIUca~ • C , ,~ Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton MiD Road and Knowlton Road) EVERGREENS RED HYBRID MAI:-LOWS "BLUEBIRD" AL THEAS REb BERRIED COTONEASTERS FfRETHORNS ROCK GARDEN BOULDERS Fertilizers - Peat Moss Walls, Walks and Terraces Open Weekdays;' Saturdays, 8-5; Sunday 12.-5 Telephone TRemont 2-7%06 ' , , .AIl for lEN 'ALMER , j . , ,. , .. :.: -~ " .: , .. \ . , August 4, 1961 THE SWARTHMOREAN page'T . ---- --- THE SWARmMO~EAN . 0' \ The Eskimo Pie' was first made Summer Oillb iOSeS· in 1922 and consisted of a bar of For Another Year' ice cream dipp .. ~ in choco~te, and later a sfnall flat wooden .tick WkS frozen in the bar to provide a han­dle. PUBLISHED EVERV FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PENNA. PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE T. TOLD, Publishers' Phone K1ngswood 3·0900 Champion of Champions Contest Winners DICK FRANOHETTI - TELEVISION 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PA. TELEVISIOIt _ HOME and AUTO RADIO - PHOItOS "Bring It to Us or We'll Come to You" PETER E. TOLD, Editor Swarthmore' Recreation Summer Klngswciod 4.1028 BARBAlIA B. KENT,·Editor . Club .came to a close on Friday ~;~~~~~~:;~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~--;;~~~~~~ Listed Ii D P · I Mary E Palmer Mariorie T. Told after a very successful six weeks ;; ..:R~o~sa~e~~.~e:lr~s:o~:~:-==~::.~~~::~~~~~~~:;.__ d ft ' ~~~~~-~= . . RN Entered as Second Class Matter. January 24. 1929, at the 1'o,t projects.. .. SWEET CO Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. The final standings of the . / N teams in the vario~," sports com· PLUMS _ TOMATOES __ POTATOES DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOO petition are a.s follows:. STRING BEANS"":' APPLES __ PEACHES SWARTHMORE ' PENNA, FRIDAY., AU.G UST 4, 1961 I Coddington's Coots, 144 pomts; OTHER FRUITS and VEGETABLES Kelly's liulldogs, 128 pomts; METHODIST NOTES Shay's Untoucbables, 1~6 points; LI NVI LLA ORCHARDS PRESBYTERIAN NOTE,S On Sunday morn·ing at the 10 Davy's Dodgers, 123. pomts; Mad· "The Farm with the Octagonal Barn" Holy Com.munion wjll be cele- a m services of Moming Worship~1 er's ManiacsJ 118 pomts; and ?ar. h 8 ItT Pik. to Clonrl •• '. Tum left onto, brated Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. Mr' Kulp wJJl continue with the roll's Cock.eyed Koo~s, 101 ~omts. ~~u~'i:;;:,:.::::: ~:~:~~~y:;~ .. ~n ml~.':::: oI~h' on Knowlton R:od fa< 'h mil .. Worship Service. C~i1d care and th'·d' h' series of "Sermons in I On Friday the ChampIon of ~ 9047 supervl•s l. on I 8 prov tded throug. h theIr Sim s ISo f Summer." ;nis mes- Champions T ournament s. U were OpDena i1ly0 oAl.'Md •S•u 8n dPa.My . TRemont g_ . , the kindergarten level. A SOCIal gnh' . k' w'lI be "Consider held showing the followmg to be f II th service on sage t IS wee ·1 • Th . rs are period will 0 ow ~ the Lilies." Shelby Martin, barl. grand champlons. .e W1n~e the church lawn. '11' "M Task" listed in the order 10 whIch they The . Summer Choir will partici- tone, WI Sing y • f I d' . .• Re There will be Sunday School or pace : . . M d d pate in the Sunday serYlc".. • the Youth and Adult classes at 9 B~dmint.'1n - Frank. a er ~n n hearsals are held at 9:30 pnor to 9.41) a m for Nursery DaVId W,smer; tenms - e the ~Mv,.O"A" ·~~r vice. ah.m . anhd Sa'xtth. Grad'.e' Ste ad, BI'l I Power , and Jackie Morning Prayers are lIeld each t r;;:: Se:ior High Fellowship will Kee~e; ping pong B'I.IFrBank Mader.j Tue~day at 9 o'clock.. , A t 6 DaVId Wismer, lower, an HolY Communion will be eele- not meet Sunday, ugus. Jon Coddington; quoits ...- Craig brated at 8 a.m. On Wednesdays . B'·· AN NOTES Coit Steve Moore, and Byran and at 10 a.m. on Thursdays. LEIPER PRES y!ERI '11 be I. Featherstone; chess - Dun Scott, The church office will be open Holy Commumon WI.. ce.e Rick Martin and Stan Ward; from 9 to 6 each weekday during brated at the 11 o'clock B se~l~e 'checkers _ Steve ,Moore, Charlles the summer except for the lunch Sun?ay . mornl~g. Mr. e~i:I:~ '\ Schleyer,and Dave Lewicki. hour· when it will be e1o~ed from :redItBtto~. ~II be The arts and crafts final' pro- 12 :30 to 1 :30. Thanksglvmg. '. th ject was working with copper On Tues~ay at 7 :!O th~·m';'ulti~ enameling. T~ey greatly enj~yed ( '-lIIRCH SERVICES Trustees WIll meet IS' '11' making pins, earrings, cuff hnks PRESBYT'ERIAN CHURCH purpose room. The esslon WI ddt . . th tudy an pen an s. .. D F:vor Roberts.' m~t at 8 p,m. 10 e s "11 b The S R A expresses its ap- Robert 0 Browne. Assoc. Mlnll1teI Vacatio,! Bible School ,WI Aue preciatio~ t~ L~man Gesford who and ofChrl.tian EducatloD 'held from August 14 through • has served for. his second· season Sunday, August 6 gust 211. •• as director of the Summer Club, 9:30 A.M.-Summer Choir Re- The church offl~e ~s ope; fro~ and to the arts and crafts super. 10h:3e0a rAso.lM .-Holy Comrnu.:ru. on Tuesdtaoy nothorno ugB,~. KFrI·ld4-aY3215r.omAtl visor Mrs. Julie Schlanger Laon d Tuesday, August 8 a.m··'M B be may be the assistants Joan Duncan, r-9: 00 A.M.-Morning Prayers oretahcehre dtI, mate sK I 4r.- 163a2r. r rie Forbes' and Craig Youn,. g. Wednesday, August ~ 8:00 A M.-Holy CommunIon Thursday, Augu~t 10 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communi~ METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. John C. Kulp. Minister James S. MacMaln Minister for Youth _. Chartes'Schisler Minl.ter of Mu.ic Sunday f August\,6 9:00 A.M.-youth Bnd Adult Classes D'vi • 9 :45 A.M .-Children's I Slon, Church School 10:00 A.M.-Mr. Kul,!' will preach. TRINITY CHURCH The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, Rector The Rev. George R. McKelvey, Curate Suliday, August 6 (Trinity IX) 8:00 A.M.-Holy' Commu!,ion 9:00 A.M.-Family Mornmg Prayer and Sermon \ .... 10:16 A.M.-· Morning Prayer and Sermon Monday, August 7 9:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer, 6 :00 P.M.-Evening Prayer Tuesday, August 8 9:15 A.M . ..:...Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer Wednesday, August ~ '1:00 A.M.-Holy CommunIon. 9'16 A.M.-Morning. Prayer 6;00 P.M.-Evening Prayer Thursday, August 10 . 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M._Evening Prayer 'Friday, August 11 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00'P.M.-Evening Prayer -THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES. Oppen to Head UF'~ • The spiritual foundation of dl' Rose Vallev Distru:t vine healing will be e"1phasized atl David C. Oppen of Rose Valley, Christian Science I services Sunday has been named director of the in the Lesson-Sermon entitlell Rose Valley District for next. fal:s "Spirit". .11962 United Fund Torch Drive In Included in the Lesson"Sermon Delaware County. is the account' in Matthew of the: Mr. Oppen, who is an assistant healing by Christ Jesus of the man corporate employment ma~ager of with the withered hand. Scott Paper Company, w~ll h~ve One of the citations· to be read two assistant directors servmg WIth from "Science and Health with. them. They are K. Mark Lyons and, Key to the Scriptures" ~ which H. Alex Hqod, both of Moylan.Rose Mary Baker Eddy is the a~thor'l' Valley. . (p. 61) describes. the baSIS of Directors enroll captams and Jesus' . healing mis~ion in these solicitors, direct solicita~on of all words: "Jesus was unseHish. His homes in the local community, and spirituality separated him from I report on eampai~ progress .. The sensuousness and caused tlte sel-I Torch Drive benefIts 20 voluntary fish materiahst to hate him; but health and welfare· agencies direct. it was this spirituality. which en- ly serving Delaware County and abled Jesus to heal the sick, oast some 200 others ··in. the Greater out evil, and· raise the dead." Philadelphia ar~a. The Golden Text is from Zech: ariah (4): "Not by might, nor by 'power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts!' All are welcome to attllDd the services at First Chur,ch of Christ, .Scientist, 206 Park avenue at 11 o'clock. 'Iee Cream. Anyone? . The Pennsylvania Medical SOCI­ety, in its "Your Health Reports" occasionally includes items of a more general if of a less vital nB· ture. Therefore, if you're interested in ice erea1]1, you may be interested to know that: Vac~t;on Church School Dolly Madison, wife of the fourth Se; for' August 14-25. president is credited with having Sunday, August 6 .' 11:00 A.M.-Me.Hng for WorshIp Vacation Church School at the introduced ice cream in the White Presbyterian Chflrch, Harvard av- House at the inaug.."al! in 1812. enue will be held Augnst U·26, The ice cream cone orlgtnated at Monday through Friday mornings, the St. Louis World's Fa~r i~ .1904 9:16-11:16. o'clock. Children who \ and is the most popular l~dlVldual have been in the kindergarten de· serving of ice cream, WIth more partment this past year and those I than four billion cones. cC;)Dsumed a in promoted grades through the year. AU are welcome. sixth grade will be eligible to at- ,,~. Monday, August 7 . All-day sewing for AFSC Wednesday, Angust 9 AU-day sewing for AFSC==;-_ LEIPER 1'RE<lRYTERIAN CHURCH . 900 Fairview Road The Rev. James Barber, Minister Snnday, August 6 11:00 A.M.-Holy C0ln!"!",i~? and Meditation, 'ThanksglVlng. tend. The theme of the study curricu- , lum will be "Jesus Christ," with supplementsry study materials con- I cerning the people and culture of I Mriea. The sharing project .Yill in­volve all children of the Vacation' Church School who will make gifts . and share tbeir offering with chil­dren who 'are patients at Chester, Hospital..· . 1 All children of the commuruty Bre wel~om;to attend the school, which, . FmRT CHURCH' OF CHRIST sctBN'I'IST Park A venne below Harftrd S1Iind.y,A ..... t 6 MarY Ellen Bedclow. 11:00 A.lI.-Sunda, Se"oo~ _ il:1IO A.M~The Leuon-___ u FLORIST . will be "Spirit." . . W .1N..P ·k·.· 8·:-1r'..l. .I.. - .J.: :dl_~ *..:.-.-.0-.=, 7 South ·Chester ··ROad ,D.,u.e. ......' . l Ati_O~l~" 1. "..." I'"d- L;.... _'.. 1:0: ~3 .~.-0 :9 _3 _. ___ 1 .~U-I ". toe. " PRICE SALE * * JOYCE LEWIS 13 South Cheste,r Road , Swarthmore. '.0 ' TRADITION Sympathetic service, dependability and understanding are traditional with .THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DlalCloa o. fUNBALI • 1820 CHESTNUT STllEII ....... IAII.Fw •• MAIff '" u-. " III1 ANNUAL CLEARAICE SALE CONTINUES UNTIL FRIDAY, August'l1th Christmas W are incl~cJ'ec1 . HOLL YHOOK GIFT SHOP 5 SOuth Chester Road . Swarthmore, Pa. KI3-0998 Hours: 10 10 5 daily Cloled Saturdays in August YOU SHOULD sm:~ MY NEW • RANGE! I You wouldn't believe il. but the new lop burner makes every pot and pan an automatic appliance. Scorchi~g, sticking, and • burning are eliminated and you get the. exad heat far every cooking iob. It's amazing too, how tasty food is cooked on a modern gas range. Choose your modern ga. range soon at yallr deafer's or any Philadelphia £Ieclric Company suburban showroom. I.oolc for those whieh earlY lite AGA .eal I of approval. PHILADE-LPHIA ELEC'iRI~ COMPANY c I, ~~ .' \. -

    ---------- Page 6 ----------

    SWARTBMOREAN August 4,' 1961 SRA Children Entertain Parenls on Last Day Vocal Clowns, Indians Grac!"e Friday's Parties RutlecJge Parents to Pay School Bus Fare (COntinued from Page 1) He said it would take a nine-year­old child 46 minutes to manage the hazardous journey. Others, includ­ing several mothers pointed out that no one wanted the responsibll- Summer Recreation School was ity of car pools, and that traffic humming last week with prepara- hazards were not 80 great in ages tions for the parties which the past when children walked further children gave for their parents to school. W m_ Gaylord AppointecJ SHS Senior Attends I off-oampus, specialists .in areas not Dist. Chairman for GOP S I· Y represented by members of the col-ummer nstrtvte in N. • lege staff. Students, through lec- (Continued from Page 1) - It d t t' d I bo Geoffrey Nearing, son of Dr. ures, emons ra IOns, an a ra­of Gaylord, Bunting stressed the and Mrs. Homer Nearing of Chest- tory experiences, had the oppor-nee~. for this "n.e~ approach" to nut avenue has recently returned tunily to ascertain the possibilities fund ralsmg " f ft· th ' . tif' " .. . " home after completing the JuniOl" 0 u ure careers m e SCJen Ie conTtinou eddo," wthe'el l Jnoebe d rae qgUreiraetd ,m anhye Eng'm eer~ , and SC'l en t'sts' S and, engineering fields. J I um.. , dedlcatad volunteer workers. mer Inst.tute at Clarkson Colleg,e ------~- There's an assigument waiting for of Technology, Potsdanl,N.Y. all who want to help." Geoffrey was one of 128 young NEWS NOn B1Jnting said that the major part men wh 0 .pa rt·.c·.p at ed. ·1 0 th e Mr. and M. rs. C. C. Nayl•o r and of this drive to, raise money for g""" des.gned to the daughter Ahson of Columbia ave­the support of national state and school studenta a broad under- nue have returned. home from a local Republican organ~ations will sta~ding o.f wh~t the pure and two week tour through the New kick off in October of this year. bas,cect~pPhed sc.efnees are abotuht, Englal>d states. NEWS NOTES on Friday, the last day of school. Messrs. ,Jones and Spencer des­The three year aids decorated their cribed the Board's objections to room like a circus, and with supplying the bus service from tax brightly rouged cheeks and pointed mnas, as one of philosophy. They clown hats, they made a merry said they felt the individual parent group of clowns. Their parenta ShOuld provide whatever he is able were entertained with Bongs, ser- for his children and it is not the yed refreshmenta and presented auty or responsibilityy of a school Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grier of with bookmarks. district to provide transportation Dartmouth avenue have as their "Parents of the four year olds which is not a basic educational house guest for several weeks Mrs. "",ij.; warned to look out for their function. It was also pointed out Grier's mother Mrs. William BIt­scalps - and with good reason, that the Board should think of tIie ting of Pennsgrove, N.J. resp Jve area 0 coverage, e -;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;. work of the scientist and engineer, 1 and the academic requirements for anyone aspiring to e.. career in those fields. ,He will be a seaior DRUG PRICES UP ONLY HALF AS MUCH they discovered when they saw QJstrIct as' a whole and not show Mr. George Zimmer and his their offspring equipped with tom- p&rtiality to anyone sectio!,; that daughter Miss Irma Zimmer of ';hawk and knife. The children If transportation were provided for Ogden avenue, and Miss Sigrun were decked out in paper bag bus~ Rutledge it should also be provided Bassoe of Essington, returned last kins and headdresses, as well as ...:or Swarthmore children living at week from a 14~ay trip ·to Nova paper chain jewelry. Naturally the comparable distances. However it Scotia, Cape Breton Island, the parents were seneraded with In- agreed to review the situation after Gaspe Peninsula, nnd Quebec, d· Canada. at Swarthmore High School this fall. ' The two-week JESSI program was started in 1966 at Oregon State College. At Clarkson. College the studenta were grouped into classes of about 26, under the di­rection of speciaHsts in the science and engineering departmenta and 18n songs. a half-year trial of the "tripper" Awards Received sal'Vice bus for which parenta can Mrs. 111; It. Dimmitt of Rutgers VISIT The Pre-Kindergarten group al- purcnase tickets through the school avenue had as her guesta last week SC> ,sang songs. Then the children at 10 cents per trip. her son-in-law and daughter Mr. beautiful rece..v e d the f 0 II oW.l n g IwI.a.r""'-.' The Board accepted the re~igna- and Mrs. Oscar A. Klamer and Robbie Collins, best block build- tion of Diane Boughner as girls children Janet and Carolyn of WEST LAUREL HILL Catherman's Drug Store er; Chris Cryer, most inquisitive; physical education instructor in the W'hippany, N.J. I /1 ___ #_ .... _ R. B. D'lorio, best swinger; Hunter high school. It elected Mrs. Eleanor 'Ricky Luder of Dickinson ave, ~ Klngswood a-OS86 ' F o wi er, most enJ'oyment from ::>mlth of Westdale avenue to re- nue returned recently from a -A-n."v ".I"."u '-- 9 to '. UUUI • boo an recor",,; , Ie ry, place Mrs. Erma Fo' ley 'of Harvard ....... A •• abo •• '"_ ,~_ • 8 orgamz SInger; 8Vl u- avenue as business education teach- Ba1a-Cynwyd k ush 1· mB, mos te'nJo yment f rom er while Mrs. Foley takes a year's Redding at Marlee Acres near .'op in OfJic. at Oetck T .... ks d ,- Robb' F three week visit with' his uncle ®' be t . ed' D'd F and aunt Mr. and Iifrs. Arnold ~ .• U~ :, ~ • games - boy' ; R' h d Goldb Pittaburgh. ~ IC ar erg, leave of absence. for guidance' tt easmt ubs ing lKauelglh ; HEdaw iIns Hbaems,t Alex F. Cox, Jr. of Philadelphia, forMmre. rlayn d oMf rs. thEer neSswt aCrt. hmHoegre, ~_~_~: • :;~~;;;;;:~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oy; Y rr, who graduated froni tJnivers.ty of ~"~"~~~~~""'''''''''''~""",''.'''''''' drJver of trucks _and cars; Randy Texas received his masters degree Apartments, will visit their son .... ~ .. ~ ~",.".",.",.~ Hulme, bigges. t smil.e; Chris Ip, from the University of Michigan, E: Biddie Heg of Pennington, N.J., JU N lOR' TENN IS INSTRUCTION t t J J be I and their son-in-law and daughter mos energe Ie ~ anIce aeo ~n, and has had court, teaching, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles a Garri-most colorful Lester Lm, counseling experience in his home son, Jr., and ~hildren of Fairport, by Don Richardson best OOnd~an; Macau~ey, state of Texas and the Philadelphia nea. tes t,• L"·"·" a ·.·&iffnl..n., pret,t .est area, was elected 8s.a second gw'd- N.Y. 1.11'. and Mrs. Heg later ex- con. tinues . af s~. I Beth M I h II t t Ik pect tc> spend some time at Car- SWA,RTH".ORE T N e; . u Vl I : mos ~ a- anCe counselor for the high school. mel-by-the-Sea, Santa Barhara _ m E NIS CLUB bve glrl; Ann-Mane Naz.1&'an, Carl Anderson and David Vint b es t rest er ; J 0 h nny Re nmnger, were asked to investigate means of anMd rP. aasnadd eMnars, .C Eadliwf. ard A. Fehnel SIGN UP AT COURTS _ $2.00 A LESSON Rmaolspth iRntoesreens,t inbge sts hpouwzz lae nmd atkeelrl;; dleids posingh ofI the discontinued Rut- and children of Elm avenue spent Monday and Thu ... day Mornings Kathy Schleyer, quietest girl; Lee ge sc 00 • four days at Bloomington, Ind., Stang, most enjoyment of games- wh.·1 e M~•. F e h neI a tten .'. e d an 0 ,._ For Informatian Call Klngswood 3-9307 girl; Roger Thompson, most talka- New Library Accessions ganic Chemist Symposium held at ~~~~~~i tive boy; Scotty Thompson, best Fiction-Benchley, Nathaniel, the University of Indiana. The ~ tricycle rider; Edie Weatherford, The off-islanders. Kata, Elizabeth, familly then took a camping trip I best singer. Be ready with bells and drums. around the Great Lakes and came Give Square Dance Neame, Alan, The adventures of home via Niagara Fails. The Post Kindergarten Group Maud Noakes. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Lucasse, gave animated renditions of songs Mystel"l'--Dwight, Olivia, Close former1y of South Prineeton ave­and did a square dance to "Jimmy his eyes. ~pil1ane, Mickey., The nue moved yesterday to Apart­Crack Corn." The Primary Group deeD. Webb, Jack, One for my dame. meat A-2 in the Dartmouth House. were patriotically dressed in red, Non-fiction~Adams, Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. James Calkins white and blue and marched in for- Firsthand report. Birmingham, and daughter Robin of Media mation for their parents,. Frederic A., The ivy league today. spent two weeks on a camping trip- As another SRA session ~omes Bowker, A. Edgar, Behind the bar. at the Upper Peninsula of Michi­to a close, the Swarthmore Recrea- Coronet (Periodical), The bedside gan. They also visited with Mr. tion Association extends ita thanks Coronet. Cummings, Parke, The die- and Mrs. Douglas Wood in Flint, to the hardworking staff who made tionary of baseball. Goren, Charles M!ch. Mrs. Wood is the former it possible. Mrs. David H. Byerly, H., Cc>ntract bridge in a nutahell. ,MISS Helen Disque of Strath Jr. served as director and coordin- Hall William Edwin 100 years and Haven avenue. 20% DISCOUNT On Imprinted CHRISTMAS CARDS DURING AUGUST • ator of the pre-school and primary millions of boys; Kielty, Bernar- 1.1 Sara Grier, da~~hter of Mr. ..n d Alice Barb_erGifts groups. Teachers 'Mrs. Jeanette dine, ed., A treasury of short stor- rs. Charles Gl'ler of Dartmouth I Demko, Jeanne Petz, Mrs. Kathar-I ies. Lieb, Clarence William; Out- ;ve~ue,!s spending three weeks at ine Eaton, Mrs. Virginia Smythe witting your years. Lippmann, vla!- __U _c_ _H_ "_I~~::all=8.:... ___, " '---,._....:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~ and Mrs. Jean Rogers, assisted by ter, The coming tests 'with Russia. Ann Wilhurn, Judy Daltry, Sue Pei, Mario, Tslk&g your way Gowing, Gail Donovan, Betay around the world. Red Guides to 15 South Chaste" Road Breakell, and Carol Zimmerman, England, seven volumes. Sutton, all worked with energy and pa-I Horace, Footloose in Switzerland. tience to m,ako it an enjoyable six Wilkins, Harold T., Flying saucers weeks for the children. , on the attack. Stop In and Enjoy Delaware Countyls Clean and Beautiful' MORTOI WASHAMATIC 68 S. Morton Avenue Morton, Pa. 24 WASHERS Parldng-A-P/enfy 8 BIG DRYERS SPECIAL AUGUST "PING CLASSES BeginnIng August 7. 9 to 11 Every Moming Monday Through Friday REGISTER NOWI KEYSTONE SCHOOL Baltimore Pike and Lincoln Avenue At Sworif,more" Pa. • After 5 - KI 3-4656 / TASI'E TREAT! , Genuine Steer Beef from Swifes makes this weekls Special' a guaranteed success. WEEKEND SPECIAL: Swift's Premium Round Roast of Beef I It costs no more to enioy the Best at . . . The 401 D.rtmouth Avenue FOOD MARKn' i ! " , , ., .' , , I • SV!Ill'tlmo)"'() (;0 11(Jg~ Li brnr~ SVl8rthmore School AUG 111961 Opens, Thursday Sept. 7 THE 5 THMOREAN School Opens Thursday I Sept. 7 Volume 33 - Number 32 Elghteel Local Girls Aid Chester Hoipital S~arthmore, Pa.. Friday, ~ugast 11, 1961 , , 10th Grandfather Clock 11:30 Senrces Toda, Carnet Canteen Seeks As the Library's 8U, mmer read- F H.' Crist Ed at More Bridge'lnstructors, ing program moves into' Its final or • • go or l I three weeks, the list 6f readers ' " A crowd of 126 enjoyed a rega- 'Candy Stripers' Offer who have reached 12 o'clock con- Mary Lyon School Founder lar Canteen Of. d~ncing and games Vacation TIme tlnues to grow. Thirty-elght club D· d W d dAM Monday at TnDlty Church. ,More members have now arrived at this Ie e nes ay • - than 30 students at one time or For Service goal. The following children com- In Hospital another during the evening parti- A re-constructed 28 year old pleted their twelfth book report Funeral services will be con- cipated in bridge. Model A Ford presented to Marsha during the past week: ducted at 11:30 a.m. today in the A great de~ ;f e:husiasm ha~ Slivers on her graduation from the Doug Boulter, Ann Cleeland, Swarthmore Presbyterian Church been generate or e game, ~n George Scbool near Newtown, by Mark Restrepo, John Schmidt, BiI- for Haldy Miller Crist, founder in al~hough. canteen has one full-time her parenta Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Iy Schmidt, Paul Hood, Betsy Rog_ 1913 of the' Mary Lyon School bndge mstructor, several more Silvers of Rutgers avenue, is a ers,MarsOO Weaver, Miriam Tay- which instrueted some 4600 girl would be helpful. • . popular conveyance for young lor, Harold Morgan. students in ita 30 year existence .An th bY ~d uIta In.ter~tedstedto'~dhelp~n~ Swarthmoreans going to and from In addition, Robby Lamberson here. Mr. Crist died Wednesday WI r. ge are mv. rop.'n Chester Hospital this Bummer. ~ame the tenth reader to reach morning at 1 :16 in Crozer Hospit- any Monday or Thursday evenIng. Eighteen of the MI Candy Stripers, the goal of 26 bool<!!, ~~d, r.lICeive a ai, Chester, where he was taken on .-' , giving vacation time to serve at Grandfather clock attachmeat. Tuesday morning. In failing health Sliane BroJlters Chester Hospital, are from Swarth- for the past two years, his condi- R··... Tin more. Sanl·clS'Held loada, tion had been critical since Christ- etall • alliS I e Sue Plowman of North Swarth-more avenue I, the most recent For EmastW. Sipple m';';ominent among private school Victors Take Championship member of this grouP. On ,vacation , educators, Mr. Crist maintained For Second 'from Bradford Junior College i~ W~lIin9ford Man Was throughout his life his enthusiasm y' e-r Mass., Sue has pitched in and al- P I for teaching, and his delight in the y ready given close to 60 hour.. ioneer n Camping teacher's privilege to communicate The Swarthmore Tennis Club's Included in the many thinga "that For Youth ideas and to awaken thought and Men's Doubles championship was the Candy Stripers do at Ohestar Ernest Waitman Sipple of "Win- discovery~. He taught Mathematics decided Friday evening. For the Hospital are: th dy Ridge", Plush ,Mill road, Wal- and the :\ihristian principles whic, h second year, Larry and Bucky Helping patients to a. ndI from e Im' gford, died at his home Friday' governed his life were also conta- Shane were tbe victors over George x-rda yd d etpoa rtmbe nt;d aIS·8 .st In g nurse.s morning, August 4,.- gious to hisS studenta. He Wba s an Willetts and Pat Welsh. The play- ' an 'oc rs yh I e .vedr ngr tmsp ect. - r.u.r . Sipple first tau' ght school in elder in the .w arthmore Pres yter- ers, the strategy, and the out-mons to the pat 0 ogy epa en , Downingtown where he met his ian Church and aetively interested come, were much like last year's or supplies where ne.e ded, hf illing wife, the former Persis MirialD in ita work. He was a director' of final. ice pitchers, sterilizmg t ermo- the former Swarthmore National Although neither team appeared metera and sometimes even feed- Langsllorff Noon~"He was superin- Bank and Trust Company. to be playing In their very best ing th~ patients; helping with cer- ~nd;~~ ~f :Ch~~ls.:\~~tro~ety' aft Born April 24, 1876, at Mjllers- form, the speetators were treated tahi n I roI utine"' . p. rocedudr es h inb ·l·tth e,N or rthelaCs t He, iJgohm S, chooe,l , aPchui lade0l - ville, he attended the schools there to some thrilling tennis, an,d en-' tp' ys de n rmt eu'ctm e an 't'h r 'e m aa l1l •f ray- phI'a , whe re 'h ewas' p rofessor of a,nd was graduated from Millers- joyed a "hanfmer and tongs" DatUe .on. epa. mthen 'h~rldw', s d- science. ville State Teachers 'College be- that easily could have gone either at tImes In ~ c 1 ren sward· Mr. Sipple was one of the pio- fOJ;e teaching for three years in way. ThIoI ugbh t thmr 9h ourds 6s etrhv e vaer e neers I. n th e f'I e Id 0 f campI n g f or the country school in Washington In fear of darkness, the prin-usua y e. ween an , e a, r- boys and girls and was ,nationally Borough. He then entered Buck- cipals agreed to a best out of three a~e working day, s?me of t~e known for his work. nell UniversitY., where he majored match i~stead of the usual be~t glrls get to the hosp.tsl at 7 In H d' oct d th fi in Mathematics which he taught, out of The Shanes used their $4_00 PER YEAR Club Swimsters In "flight" Tomorrow 1961 Aquacade Will Stage Explosive . T ake-offs ' Cape Canaveral, even Moscow. might have spies in the audience at 2 p.m. tomorrow when Swarth­more SWim Club launches its well drilled "performers in outer space" in a water show appropriately en­titled "Flight". With green net ruffles on black suits, to the musical strains of UTemptation" Sue Brown, Janet Bowie, Elvira Celia, Dottle Daniel, Joanne Tracy, Margaret Liddell, Mimi Connor, Maje Gerner, Jo. anne Dnmm, Marian Stradley wDI present ,uUranus". Mercurians per .. forming to "Deep Pnrple", aglittar with that color, will be Tarri' Me Curdy, Meg Turner, Ann Townes, Sally Sensenig, Willie Fowler, Pat Wigton. Satunlans "Swinging on a Star" ;n red and blaek Buita will be Karen Sutherland, Terri and Marcia, McCurdy, Ka\ll Halpern, Alex Van Riper, Jean Campbell. "Victory At Sea-D-Day" will see Martians Dlno and Diek McCnr_ dy, Sam Caldwell, Sandy Rohinson in combat with Russians Gene Melcher, Jeb Turner, Gerry Sher­win, Skip Bernard. In pitch black costumes Giants of Jupiter (Sue Williams, Barbara Gerner, Joanne Dumm, Karen Sutherland, Susan Crawford, Bet­sy Breakell) will swim fancily to "Door of Dreams". Sue Williams and Betay Breakell (C~ntinued on Page 8) the ,?orning and stay.until after came i '~ ~e PI e rat summ".~ following his gra~uation, at the very successful. f~rmula ofcar&­the diDner,IIQDr, aC!COl'llmgi"~l't!,;m~'~lrill~ ?Om;;d . A,::" South Jersey Inst.tute. His next fully plac"9; tWistlDl\' set'\>ices /!Om- Yacation Ohurch School Silvera, chairman of, the", Canay a. ~'.', p a an In 6, position was at the Swarthmore bined with peerle.s volleying. WlII-' Stripers at Chester Hospital. ' ft~~.: "!'if:j, fO;ndedC;'~p Queka Preparatory School' where he etts and Welsh, using strong ser- Opens Monday at 9: 15 Candy St~fpers from Swarth- or lr ~ JD • e oconos. Jva years tSllght Mathematics and became vices and returns and effective . more, in addition to Marsha and later, WIth h.s step-son Dr. Ernest vice-principal. lobs, kept the match in do~bt up to VacatlO~ Church School at the .Sue, include: L. Noone,.he founded Camp Lenape the very last stroke. Presbyterlan Churoh, Harvard av- Betsy Atkins, Patsy Baird, Lee for Boys '" the Poconos. In 1913, when the "Prep School" When the Shan-. won w.'th the enue, will open ita August 14 discontinued its coeducational class. '"""' Barrett, Sue Carron, Cheryl . Ed~ Both camps have run continuous_ scores of 8~6 8~6 the onlookers through 25 sessions Monday morn .. ney, Patsy Hally, Linda Hunt, I y since their founding and thon- es, Mr, Crist and his first wife, regret.e"' the " early end of the ingat 9:16 and can. tl•D ue.b. ll 6 Frances Leavitt Crist, founded the Ll:l • V'_"U Jackie Scntt, Gay Silvers, Beverly sands of girls and boys, many fam- Mary Lyon School named for the match. The two hour perIOds WIll be held Smith, Miriam Stott, Mary VJa- ous figures today, have attended. pioneer woman educator Mary daily, Monday through Friday, for chos, Clare Walker, Barbara Wood, ~r. Sipple was one of the earli- Lyon. The school wa~ held in the Lions Club Announces two we~k:. th . Speri Maule, and Lynne Hartman. e,st presidents of ~he Camp Di- former Strath Haven Inn for the • • All c i dren of e commuDlty rector's Association of America, CommIttee AppOintments who have been in kindergarten de- Swarthmore Ottawas Clinch Lacrosse Championship ,Bob McHenry scored four goals to lead the Ottawas in a 12 to 8 victory over the Mainline Hema­tobas Tuesday night. Jack Smythe ';nd Ralph Kletzien ,contributed two goals a piece to the total. 'The game concluded the season for the Ottawas, coached by Andy Jones and Rob McHenry, and gave them the championship with an eight won, one lost record. Jay Lord·s Mohawks end their season Wednesday at Bryn Mawr in a game with the Hematobas. Miss-o~ary To "isit Marjory J. Havlick, working through the United Presbyterian Church In French Equatorial M­rica, will be a guest of the Presby­terianChtirch on Harvard avenue this Sunday. Mi.s Havlick is a taacher of English and the Bible at the Cameroun Christian College in Libamba, West Africa, and is first three years. T'he main build- partmenta the past year and in (Continued on Page 4) ing on Harvard avenue was built The Swarthmore Lions Club com- promoted grades through the six­in 1916. Seven Gables, the junior mittee,appointmenta for the com- th with be welcome. Former Resident Promoted school was' purchased· the same iug ycar were made public this C<H!irectors of the school will he ", (C . d P 8) week by President William F. Tay- Laurence S. Kent of Quincy, III., - ontinue on, age lor of Harvard avenue. The com- Mrs. A. Myrvin DeLapp and Mrs. son of Mrs. Russell ,H. Kent of mittees and their Tespective chair- Henry T. Gayley., Mrs. T. Royal Dartmouth avenue, has peen pro- Cene Overstreet to men are as, follows: Scott and ninth grader Susan Scott moted to head the graphic 'art~ Study in Moscow John, E. Jeffards, membership; will be in charge of the kindergar-de part men t 0 f the .",.o orman .m.. anu- Gene Overstreet of Harvard av- George E. Pratt, constitution and 'ten group. ?iTs. Mayo Smith and facturing Company In Quinecy. enue was named Monday ,p;v the by-Iaw~; program and public rela- Mrs;W. Robert Shapton will lead Mr. Kent, a graduate of Swarth- Hlter-University Committee' on tions; Anthony Sacchetti, Atten- the first grade of the Primary De­more High School and Lake ,Forest Travel Grants, as one of 37 Amer~ dance; L. C. Hastings, sight conser- partment and Mrs. Gayley the sec- College, TIlinois, J' oined Moorman's ' " d .' d bl' d D P te E ond and third grades. ican gl"I!dtiate studenta an young Vlh'Qn, an, .n; r. e r • Mrs. Edward L. Waterman and in 19~'1., ~e has W<lrked, exclUSively faculty inembers who will" spend Coste, Lions Information; A. Stoll Maria, Dye will direct the work of in th3 dePlirtn!eat which handles from five months to a full calen- Titus, boys and girls; Theodore L. printed mateilli.Is, ,and' until re- dar year as exchange scholars in Purnell, finance; Frederick W. the Juni~r group, fonrth, fifth and cently was an assistant :in the the Soviet Union. Yocum, convention; Frank Maselli, sixth grades. purchasing of nonproductioll' ,mat:' M, r. Overstreet, an assistant pro- civic improvement and community The theme of the study curricu-erials. • ,: 'fess.r of political' science 'It the betterment; Robert M. Holm, edu- lum: will be ''Jesus Christ" with Mr. Kent has been active in the college, Will" spend the academic cation, health, welfare and s,s £:e ty; sinugp ptlheem epneotaprlye amnadt ecruilatlusr ec oonfc eMrn-. . Quincy Senior High P. T.A., havi~g year at Moscow State University all past presidenta, Lions greoting completed twc>terms as president studying the adlilinistration 0f, comm.'t tee• vrioclav.e Tahlle cshhiladrrienng opfr-ot.hieec tV waiclal tiIon-n, last spring. He will be one of the social-security proln'ams by trade- ,The announcement was made at School who will share their Be­advisors of the, Moorm'an Junior uni9n sy~tem in the Soviet Union. a' cook-out held .recently 'at the complishments with children who Achievement group this fall. Mrs. Overstreet will accompany Titus home on South Swarthmore TO RESIDE HERE her husband. The children Leslie avenue. are patienta at Chester Hospital. and Ian will attend boarding school Audo-visuals will be in charge of the Church's specific missionary Lorette Carmichael and Muriel in Switzerland. The family plans Mrs. Donald Dye. Bettie Bovard responsibility in Africa. Oberst of Portland, Ore., will make to leave Swarthmore the end of Summer Library Hours and Stephanie Gayley will be the A social hour will follow the wor- their home for the coming year this month. recreation leaders. Sally.J 0 Pyle and Janet BOwie are responsible ship service at which time members with Mrs. William S. Hobhs of Dr. Estabrook Attends for refreshments. of the congregation will have an 327 Park avenue. Both young wo-opportunity to meet Miss Havlick men expect to .leave within 18 Congress in Moscow before her return ~, .. rly, Septem- ,months'to join missionaries for the Dr. Ronald W. Estsbrook of ber continuing service in the field. Church of Christ in Lahore, Pakis- South Princeton' avenue departed . ' tan, Miss -Carmicbael in an educa- Tuesday of this week to attend the BEREAVED tional eapacity, Miss Oberst as a fifth International Cangress of Edward L. Noyes of Riverview registered nurse. Biochemistry to be held i4 Mo":' road is bereaved by the death of Miss Carmichael, a recent grad- cow, U.S S.R .. his father Edward N. No~s, who uate of the University of Penn- Dr. Estabrook will present two died last week at his home in Cor- sylvania, at present is a teaeher In. papers d!,ring his . eight-day ~tay pns Christi, Tu.. the countr elementary 8C"h~Js., Mi .. I in Moscow. ,On 'his. return trip ~ _M.r1, a_nd lira. Noyes and their ,Oberst iii co~ With' county will visit Copenhagen, West BerlDl; thnded the .. til weilare~l'k. ',' Beidiolberg, Paris, and.Loa4om. " , i' -' . , . , l Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2 . 9 P.M. Tuesday and Thursday • 6 - 9 P.M. 'Children's Library Wednesday 9 -' 12 -' Registration may be made through the' Church Office. Appointed Richard C. Rittenhouse, Yale square, has ,been appointed manag_ ing editor of two Chilton Company pUblications-Product ,Design .. Development and Marine Pradu""-. During his eight yeal'B' with ChU­ton' pUblications Rittenhouse has aIsa been associate editor for H'rd_ _re Age and Motor AI9. . ,

    ---------- Page 7 ----------

    PageZ THE SWARTHMOREAN ,Augusb 11, 1961 Personals I Mrs. John T. Shatagin has re­turned to her home on Cornell av- Mrs. Samuel Francis Butler of enue foll~wing a 10 day visit with South Chester road has returned her son-In-law and daughter Mr. after a three week vacation, the an.d Mrs. Wesley Gordeuk and four greater part of which was spent chlidrell of Danvers, Mass. . I . Mrs. J. Herbert Foley ~nd son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Eat-i their s~udies at Bradley Univer­Jim of Harvard avenue Wlth Mrs. on of Crest lane will take place I 8ity Foley's parents Dr. and Mrs. Henry Sunday, August 27, at 3 o'clock in . Wooding of Washington, D. C., St. ~eter's Lutheran Church in, BIRTH spent several days of last week. on Morrison. I Lieutenant and Mrs. James Fib a tou~ of New England. Durmgj Mrs. John Rowher of Sterling, Mautice Logan announce the birth the trip they stop~? at. Holder- Ill., the bride's sister, will give a of their second child and first SOn ness, N.H., for a VISit Wlth Dave luncheon on the preceding Friday on July 27, 1961. The baby, James Foley, a camper at Camp Deer- for the bridesmaids and Ollt-of- Fitz Maudce Logan Jr.· weighed at West Harwich, Cape Cod. Mrs. 1 The Rev. and Edwm G. Butler also visited her brother and Bennett and two children are the Mr. and Mrs. Robert I new residents of 401 Cornell ave­Heberton of Chatham, Mass. nue, the former R. B. Clothier Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clothier house. The Bennetts have recently and son Robert of Rose Tree at- returned from Maine where Mr. tended the wedding of Mrs. Cloth- Bennett served for five weeks as ieris nephew, Mr. Perry Ruddick, pas~r Of. th~ Rumford Church. Mr. and Miss Sussn Heuretty of Ak- Bennett IS <jlrector of college work ron O. Bob was an usher in the for the Episcopal Diocese of Penn­wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Russell syivania. Their children Mark and Cook parents of the groom, enter- Carol will enter the fourth and tained at the rehearsal dinner at second grades respectively in SeI>­the University Club. Several par- tember. ' wood . t o.wn .guetss: Mr. a'nd Mrs. Eaton nine pounds, seven ou" nces at birth. ties were given in the bride's honor Mrs. W. C. Lichliter of 716 Bar-during their stay. vard a~enue has moved to 161 Mrs. F. S. Sessions of North Wes. Hillcrest avenue, Havertown. Ohester road is visiting. in Lake Ann and Blair Whittier of Riv­Shore, Mich., as the guest of lIJrs. erview road are spending two V. C. Johnson. Mrs. Sessions also weeks at Girl Scout Hidden Falls spent some time in Toronto On- in the Poconos. tario, Canada, and in the co~ntry Miss Barbara B. Kent of Dart­at Novar. More recently she was a mouth avenue spent the weekend guest of Mrs. Charles Good in at Lake Paup'!clt in the Poconos . Sauptuck, Mich. as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Leslie Baird, Jr., of Rutgers av- mond T. Bye. anel their daughter enue is spending the month of Mrs. John Ferm who, with her August at Camp Tapawingo in the three children, is visiting from POCOllOS. Baton Rouge, La. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rose of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll of North Chester road with their sons Riverview road will have as their David and Andrew, their Beagle guests their son-in-law and daugh­. Nellie recently ferried to ASBa- ter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fassett teague Island where they camped who will arrive next week from and canoed. Northampton, Mass., for a week's Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fellows visit. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Telford B. Orbison of New Albany, Ind., anMunce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Maralyn Orbison, to . Mr. George Gillespie, Jr., son of Mrs. George Gillespie of Strath Haven avenue and the late Mr. Gillespie. Mis. Orbison is a graduate of Swarthmore College, where she now i. in charge of pUblications and vocational placement. Mr. Gillespie is an alumnus of Mercersburg Academy and Prince.. ton University. He is with the H. H. Robertson Company of PrttB­burgh in the Philadelphia .ales Wlll give a dmner following rehear- His paternal grandparents are sal for the bridal party and ou~f- Colonel and Mrs. George Logan of town guests on Saturday at the 104 Cornell avenue. His maternal Forest Inn in Morrison. grandparents are Lt. Colonel Rnd The you'!g couple will be living Mrs. Benjamin Curtis of Columbus. in Peoria, Ill., until they complete Ga. • ..,."... bDUlIDIUIRlIIISUUWIIIIUR211111IUUlIUIIHlUUl&CIHWlllIIDIlIIHH'. URN i The Bouquet BEAU1Y SALON Beauty Is wll'-reslsfan" 9 South Chester Road Call KIngswood 3-0476 office. II ...............r ................r ......... I·. .D I ..... A fall wedding is pl~nned. i.~.~.~a~~ii~~iiii~.~ ~.·~.n" ~·i"i"Hil1111lRDl~~~-~.~ ''''~'''''ii'~'''~C~~iiii~.~~~--~~. Dr. and Mrs. :ijans G. Borei of l Rutgers avenue announce the en­gagement of their daughter Karin to R';chard P. Hodges of Lynn­field, Mass. Miss BOrei graduated from Pem­brl> ke College in June. Mr. Hodges I will graduate from Brown' Uni­versity in Ji'ebruary of 1962. He is a member of Detta Phi frater­nity. A September wedding is planned. Stop In and Enjoy Delaware' Countyls 'Clean and Beautiful MORTON WASHAMATIC, , . 68 S. Morton Avenue Morton, Pa, 24 WASHERS Parklng-A-Plenfy . 8 IIG DRYERS and their son Chuck returned Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Shep­day after a two week stay at Bel- pard and sons Scott and Jeff of grade Lakes Camp, Belgrade Lailes, .J acksonville, ~Ia., ~\l arrive ta- Me day for a viSit With Mrs. Shep- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Myers of ~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Mrs. Vaughn K. Foster of Har- pard's parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Huntingdon Valley, anllounce the r vard avenue returned Tuesday H. Weltz of College avenue. engagement of their daughter,. Miss State Truck Inspection from Pittsburgh where she had Mr. and· Mrs. Guy G. deFuria Lynne Carol Myers, to Mr. LaYton visited for two' weeks with her of North Chester road and their Grier Wilson, SOli of Mr. and Mrs. (;h k Y C f son-in-law and daughter Mr. and son"in-Iaw and daulrhter Mr. Bnd Marvel·Wnson of Strath Haven av- ec our ar or Summer DrIving Mrs. Boyd C. Harris and their Mrs; Paul E. Wittreich and chil- enue and Rehobeth Beach, Del. Motor Tune-Up Check· Brakes . sons Philip, Kelly and. Andrew. dren Billy and Debbie of Colonia, Miss Myers is the granddaughter Wheel Balance Gulf Gas. Oils Five-year-old Kelly spent the last N.J., have returned to their homes of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert ' two weeks in July here visiting after a month's vacation in Ariel Grigg of Three Tuns, Pa., and V.· ~. ATZ, Mg;. his grandmother. Sands, Bermuda. Ocean City, N.J., and, of the late RUSSELL'S SERVICE Mrs. Foster's son-ill-law Lt. Mr. and Mre. John Logue of Mr. and Mrs. Benry Herr Myers Opposite Borough Parking Lot Henry E. Richter, U.S.N., has been Ru~gers and Yale avennes had as of Rothsville, Lancaster County. liIpw •• 10140 DIlI.HtIl U., ........ tte ."IHI tran.ferred from San Diego, Cal-I t~ .. r guests this week Mrs. Logue's A graduate of Abington High .... if., to the Submarine Base, New sisters th,e Misses Helen and Mar. School, she attended Goucher Col- ~=======C=IOI=ecI::::::. ~~=ah=u=rd=ay~:::at::::::I=2=::::30::::::P::.M::::::':::' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~I London, Conn. Mrs. Richter, the tha Looby of Miami and Fort Lau- lege and Drexel Institute of Tech- ;: former Libby Foster and their derdal., Fla. Next week Mr. nology. two-year-<>ld son David will move Logue's sister Mi .... Ellen Logue of Mr. Wilson is the grandaon of east in early September. . Oakland, Calif., will be their guest. the late Dr. and Mrs. G. Layton Mrs. Howard M. Jenkins of Mrs. M. R. Dimmitt of Rutgers Grier of Milford, Del., and of Mrs. North Chester road spent the Aug- avenue had as her overnight gnests Thomas R. Wilson of Milford, Del. ust 6th weekend visiting Dr and last week her daughter Mrs. Joseph and the lata Mr. Wilson. Mrs.William O. Aydelotte at 'their ~. Walsh and children Peter, Da- He was graduated from Eplsco. summer home at Waterford Conn vld, and Jean of Doylestown. pal Academy and attended Wes- This week Mrs. Jenkins has' as he~ Mr. and Mrs. Everett. L. Hunt of leyan University and Drexel In­gnest Miss Deborah Dickinson of North Princeton avenue left Tues- stitute of Technology. Presently, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Mrs. Jenkins! ,day for Salt Lake City, Ut., where Mr. Wilson is s,tationed with the will leave on Monday for New Or- Mr. Hunt will represent the Armed Forces lOt Fort Bragg, N. leans, La., to visit her nephew Mr. Swarthmore Cha~ter of Phi Beta C. Schuyler Elsbree and his family Kappa at the National Convention. before continuing on August 17 to En route they will vacation in Houston, Texas, where she will Colorado. They plan to return in visit her son-in-law and daughter earl~ September. Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Squyres M1SS Ruth C. Webb of South and their five children and her son Chester road, who has been stndy­and daughter-ill-law Mr. and Mrs. Ing at the University of Illinois at David F. Jenkins and their son Urb~, has passed the qualifying Andrew. She will return home on examlDation for her Ph.D. in gui­September 2. I dance and counseling. On her re- The Misses Mary and Elinor tu~ home from Urbana last week, Bye of Yale Square entertained at I MISS Webb stopped off in Pitts­a family picnic on Sunday. Their bu,rgh for a visit with universi~ cousin Miss Lavinia Bye of Den- friends Dr. and Mrs. Thomas NI-ton, Md., remained to visit thisl:l~a;;;n;;.._-:, ____ "",; __ ..... week. -Mrs. Walter N. Moir, with daughter Ginny of South Chester road, and her sister-in-law Mrs. Cora Moir and daughter Nancy of,· Cape May, N.J., spent several days of last week visiting Pennsylvania colleges and universities, including Dickinson, Penn State, Susquehan­na and Bucknell. :==========;1 FINE WALLPAPERS I, Matching Fabrics & Paints I ASAM. SCHUMACHER. IMPERIAL MURALS. SANITAS, PREPASTED DO IT YOURSEL;;--:---' , SELECT FOR PAPERHANGER I ,I We Lend Out Sample ,Boob August Special! 20% Discount!!! BOOKWAYS TO WED AUGUST 27 The marriage of Miss Lyn Ar· ians, daugh~r of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Arians of Morrison, III., to Mr. William Wise Eaton, son fDr IIIBUIIE SUBSCRIPTIOIS Call , IIRS, LLOYD E. KAYFFIlII KI 3-2080 BACI i i TO - i SC"OOLI I Garland Sweaters I ~ § I Ju:ior Dresses i I VIIlapr D_j RUTH HANLEY I , 104 Park Avenue 20% DISCOUNT On Imprinted CHRISTMAS CARDS DURING AUGUST t Alice Barber Gifts J 1 5 South Chesler R_d H~w do you· keep carpet clean? I. Did you know that the Hoover (upright) is best for rugs? Its !ilentle beating action removes deep-down rcnor~ged grit from the base of carpet pile, preventing premature wear. Call PAULSON for Aulhoriled Hoover Sales and Service or for Free Home Triol. Also Hoover bags and belb. Repoirs to all make 'cleoners. ' Special trade-in off~ on new Hoover cleaners. Ask about our used Cleaner specials. Mohawk Carpeting • Complete Price Rang. • Oriental Rugs 100 Park Ave., Swa'rthmore, Pa. Klngswood 3-6000 - Clearbrook 9 4646 PENN WALLPAPER CO. '228 Baltimore Pi., Springfield Op... Wed. I Fri. 'fit 9 P.M. MEl: PAlItIN6 ICl 4-1010 417 Q.rtmouth Ave. Swarthmore, Pa. "_ ______. .:1 ~ ________ I.L.. . ...,..p._. (}'~"''''' KNOWS Carpet .. l, , • .. . , • • , " Page a Com. on 'olunteers Plans Fall Institute Celebrate FIfth 1 Miss Olive S. Perry of the -Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moir E' C Mrs. George B. Heckman of Swarthmore Apartments Is visit- and daughters Ginny and Joan of vp ores areer Park avenue is chairman of the ing her sisttr Mrs. Russell Cook at South Chester road will spend next Ellis Cattelle PloWlDan, 600 Har- "Katies" of Hannah Penn, who Sconcett, Nantucket Island, Mass. week at Beach Haven, N.J. \ I ~ard avenu~J is a ~artici~ant in ~he are celebrating their fifth anni- Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. For-I Mr. and Mrs.J. Roy Carroll and, Summer Experience m Social versary August 15 with an open sythe of Thayer road arrived home Pat and Peggy of Riverview road· Work:' pro~am sponsored b! Car­house. to be held at the home of on Monday after vacationing at have rI~turned from a month's auto- eers 10 SOCIal Work, a project of Mrs. George W. Hoft, Rosemont. their summer home in Ocean City, mobile trip to Wyoming. On the the Health and Welfare Council, Mrs. C.C. Naylor Anno'Unces Program for Welfare Council Mrs. C. Calvin Naylor of Colum­bia avenue, chairman of the plan­ning committee for the Committee on Volunteers, Health and Welfare Couneil, Inc., bas announced plans to hold a Fall Institute on the use of volunteers for health, welfare and recreation agencies in Dela­ware County. Desigued to give agency staffs an opportunity to explore the role of the volunteer in the professional setting; the meeting will consist of three con­eurrent workshops and luncheon with an outstanding speaker. N.J., for six weeks. They will spend: way out they visited in Townpoint; Inc. NEWS NOTES this weekend as houseparty guests· Ind., with Mrs. William H. Fifield, A senior at Pennsylvania State i The Rev: Mr. and Mrs. G. Rich- of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buttfield Mrs. Carroll'. roommate at Steph- University, Ellis is working as a ard McKelvey a~d children Stephen at Bay Head, N.J. en's College, Mo., and in Minnospo- case aide at the Jefferson Medical and Ricky returned to their home Mr. Frederick B. Tolles of Elm lis, Minn., with Mrs. Carroll's uncle College Hospital. In addition to her on North Chester road last week avenue returned home Wednesday and au?t Mr. and Mrs. ~. R. hospital work, she is attending five after spending several days in morning from J elferson Hospital, Stanchfield. They tbe~ contmued orientation sessions with the 80 Ocean City, N.J. Philadelphia. Mr. Tolles is recover'! by way of the Black HIlls, S.D., to other college students working in Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van A,len of ing satisfactorily from an opera) Elk where they spent about two area agencies. These sessions in­Park avenue have . returned from tion performed July 28 and is able weeks at Moosehead Ran~". En clude field trips and discussion, three weeks spent at Hulett's Land- to receive visitors. route home t~ey stopped 10 Yel- groups with leading social workers.' ing on Lake George N Y During M d M J b S d ~owstone National Park, and at The Careers in Social Work pro- the.i r stay they had 'a s t•h O:l r guests f' r. an rs. Jaco E. ny .e . r H"I ggms Lake , MI ch. , whe re M r. J•e e t'IS al.m e d a t'1 Dt er es tI'n g stu-th ' d hte M J h W 0 Rutgers avenue had 8S their Carroll attended a three day meet- dents in professional social work in elr aug r rs. 0 n • ts f • f d D d M' . S t d · h bo J d gues or a ~ ays r. an rs. ing of lhe executive committee of an effort to meet the need for prou an er two ys ay an C 0 Cath' f Ch I H'II N C R . f B· h N·T Th .• ey 0 ape I, .., the American Institute of Archi- trained social workers in the Great- ODDle 0 ig' tstown, ""'. e who were enroute to Cs Cod, . . In making the announcement, three Sprouts also spent two days M pe teets. They also stopped at Niagara er Philadelphia area. It is financed Mrs. Naylor said, "The successful this week visiting here. Mr. Sprout ass. Falls before· their arrival home on by the Dolfinger-McMahon Foun-partnership of the professional is teaching math at Rutgers Uni- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gilliams August 1. dation through a grant to the worker and the volunteer working versitY this summer. ' and family of Dickinson aven~e Mr. and Mrs. John K. Walsh and Heslth and Welfare Council, Inc., together in Delaware County's Mrs. Peter E. Told of Park ave- moved on S2turda~ to make the.. sons Kenneth and Arthur of Rut- which is a major planning agency many health, welfare and reerea.. nue l\nd her daughter Miss Polly home . at 826 FaIracres avenue,. gers avenue recently spent two for health, welfare and recreation tion agencies is an important fac- Told of 'Baltimore Md. arrived Westfield, N.J. , I weeks on Martha's Vineyard, Mass. in Delaware, Montgomery and Phil-tor in the well·being of the entire home Monday after ~acationing 'for Mr.- and Mrs. Leslie Baird with During their stay they made a adelphia counties. community. Agencies need good several weeks at Sebec Lake Me. Jimmy and Patsy of autgers ave- I trip tl> Boston, visiting relatives Ellis is the daughter of !\fr. and volunteer." and, just as important, Mr. Told, and another dau~hter nue, recently spent two weeks at, .a~.,n.,d",d"o;"i;"ng;;";s;"o.,m"e;"s"ig;;h.,ts,;,;;;;ee,,,in;;;g~. ~~~",M",r;".",. ",Geo;",;,r;;g;;,e",;;,p"lo",w",l",n;"an",'~~~~", people have a great heed to be of Mrs. Edlvard E. Love and son Pe- Long Beach Island, N.J. I a: service, a need to feel they can ter of Girard avenue, returned Mrs. A. L. Clayden of North make their own contributions to home from Sebec last week. Swarthmore avenue returned Tue8-1 the strengthening of their com- Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Volle day from a visit of several days munity's resources. Our purpose in and fonr children Michelle, 8, Bob- with ~er son-in-law and daughter I sponsoring this meeting is to help by 6'h, Stephen 4 and Lis .. sixl Captam and Mrs. lAwrence Tray­our agencies continue to develop months, moved ·JuI; 1 from C1irton nor and two children Priscilla and . volnnteer programs that are of in- Heigj1ts .to 324 Haverford place, Gil in Bethesda,. Md. Capt Tray­ereasing value to hoth the agency the former Sickle house. They have nor has been aSSigned to the staff and the volunteer." I recently returned from a month's of the Commander in Chief of the, Among those serving with Mrs. visit with Mrs. Volle's parents Mr. A~antic FI~t at ~orfolk, V~., and Naylor on ,the planning committee and Mrs. V. J. Runnels of GuIf- Will move hiS famliy to their new I Peaches- Apples - Sweet 00, - Tomatoes PLUMS - POTATOES - STRINe BEANS OTHER FRUITS and VEGETABLES LI NVI LLA ORCHARDS "The Farm with. the OCMgonal B"rn" Olr.dion.: Frcm Swarthmore south on a.lt1mor. PII,. to CIO'I'lrl • .t. Turn onto Rout. !52 tcward,. Drive IYJ - 2 miles. turn ri9ht on Knowlton Road for V2 mil •• Open IOA.M.-8 P.M. are: port, Miss. ' home at Virginia BeSch on August Daily Gnd Sunday TRemont 6-9047 Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tomlinson 18. li;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiii;;;iiiiii;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_~ El 'M D h H ki 'of Rutgers avenue arrived home The Rev. and Mrs. John C. Kulp t . m avenue, rs. orot y . op ns I last week from 10 days spent at WI't h S usan- an d J ae kI' e h ave re t urn. .. Of Haverford place, executive sec- M h . M' h . ed to their home on Park avenue' retary, American Red Cross, Wes- MeneTms I~ on . art 8'sl ~IDeyardk· following a month's vacation in I· ·te D I Co B h' r. om mson IS comp et10g wor rn e aware unty ranc, h' f rth . b " S I Ocoon City N.J M•• K KIM C . on IS o· coming ook 33 .. t ,. NIrla'm • Sy ·e, R. .f, oDm Im unlty, W te I I d f M· . FI Ellen Ferguson of Harvard ave-I 1 a r s an 5 rom SIne to or-ursmg. ervu~e. \ 0 e aware', ida." nue is in Ocean City, N.J., this: Cl>unty 10 the Swarthmore office; M J h T P'nk to d week as the guest of Lillian Fair-I d M W'II' AWl h f rs. 0 n . I S n an an rs. I lam . e s, 0 dan hte Beth.h t d to banks and her family. South Swarthmore avenue grave re ,urne , . . their home on Westminster aveuue Mrs. Bertha P. FarIes .and Mrs., --------- after a two week trip to the Mid- G,,?rge C. Broadbent, both of South' New Library Acce~sions West. They visited in Middletown, Prmceton avenue, recently spent a \ Fietion-Nath. a. n . Robert. The 0., with Mrs. Pinkston'. sister Mrs. few days in North Booch, N.J. ;Bar)y Fields.· _ .> .. "-, .. : .. ,. . JiojVVci.L.,White and,family, and . Mr. and .Mrs .. Walter R. Sh~, . ... .. I in Gosport, Ind., with her brothers maker of Rlvervtew road and MISS 1 Non-flctlOn-Gmgrlch, Arnold, M' G Id MId· M W'I .Mary Verlenden of Lansdowne en- August 18th If you were writing an ,ad for a store such as "ours, that has hundreds of vatrious items, just what would you adv"rtise? During hot weather with people vacat~onillg and half, the town in Europe. what ca.n an ad writer ed Th Esq • T • G' ,'. era ar ey an r. I - ., e ulre reasury, raves, r MId h . f T tertained HThe EightSome" Tues Robert, Collected poems; Kauf- ,aBm ar eWyha.htt. t e,rf amR~ les. . day ~ight with dinner at the In-I do? W • h f ruoo 1 Jer 0 Ivervlew - mann, alter, The Fait 0 ad' . 't' . h' . d . gleneuk followed by bridge at the I H t · M b' J et Th Y ron IS VIS1 mg IS gran parents J 1 ere Ie; a Ie, an, e ears M d MI' XI be . Shoe. maker home. . B eyond ; O'Bn'e n, J ack, · Al one·A - Dr. ' an C ~rs . HA exIlS e rg m Mr and Mrs Robert B Clothier I h f h W Id I arlen, OUIi. e p aDS to return . . . cross t e Tl>p 0 t .e or; 'h Orne next week. of Rose '1'ree will return Sunday' SWchalcdkneS' StewaErtI,. °b 11th folr thhe MI'. and Mrs. A. Stoll Titus with after 10 days vacationing at Cape· or ; eeman, Iza.., n t ~ Bill and Kathy of South Swarth- May, N.J. Their son Jerry has been Arm.s of the Mountam. Tagore'l more avenue atten de d t h e annna1 a Counselor in Tral'nl'ng at Camp Rabmdranath, The Gardener; A d f th V 11 F M'I Toekwogh on the Chesapeake I Thomas, Lowell, India: Land of thel 'taquacsa e '0 Ce a ey sorgde I • Helen Calhoun daughter ~f Dr Bl k P d R h t 1 ry ummer amp on un ay. ' . , ac ago a; Warren, 0 er 'M d M H = A Be' and Mrs, J. Alfred Calhoun of P d A S th H st r. an rs... r, . sSlons enn, e ., ou ern al've; and son Scott of North Ohester Elm avenue, has Qeen 'named to Yeats, W.B., The' Hour-Glass and road, and Jeff Middelton of Rut- the Dean's List for high academic Other Plays. gers avenue, have returned honi"e stim.ding during the spring semest. Reference-Encyclopedia Ameri- from a two week stay at South Or- er at' the University of Rochester, ~ana. leans on'Cape Cod. En route home Rochester, N.Y, Helen is majoring! they stopped for a visit at Mystic, in German and is in the class of I I _Baw it in The Swarthmor."n. Conn. ~963. I , You know we're here - if you need something we'd be glad to serve you. (Bring YCJU own money). Camera & Hobby. Shop 4 - 6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. KI 3-4191 Fri.-9 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Summer Saturday Hour.s - 9 to J :00 SWARTHMORE-RUTLEDGE UNION SCI;lOOL CALENDAR, 1961 - 1962 September 5 and 6 September 7 and 8 Faculty Workshop First Grade: A.M. only D. Patrick Welsh Septerpber 11 October 9 November 14 ,November 23 and 24 December 22 January 2 March 28 . April 2 April 20 May 30 June 10 June 11 June 15 , Elementary Kindergarten - Grades 2 to 12: Full Day Session All Grades: Full Day Sessions County Institute Business Education Day Thanksgiving Holidays School Closes - Christmas Vacation School Reopens School Closes T" Spring Vacation Schl>ol Reopens Good Friday Memorial Day Baccalaureate Commencement Last Day of School SCHOOL HOURS Secondary Morning Session 8:45 - 11:30 School Begins - - 8:35 Lunch-Junior High-11:45 - 12:25 Senior High-12:29 - 1:09 School Ends - 2.37 except on the following Assembly Days: Kindergarten - Afternoon Session 12:30 - 3:16 Grades 1 - 3 - 8:46 - 12:00 1:00 - 3:16 Grades 4 - 6 - 8:46 - 11:30 12:80,,- 8:15 Jr. High - Tuesdays - 3:30 Sr. High - Thnrsdays - 3:30 Conference Period - 2 :40 - 3 :30 as assigned or requested. - , ' REA L ' EST ATE an'd INS U RAN C'E Kingswood 3-0560 , , PLEASE STOP AND VISIT AT MY New Location As of August 12, 1961 My New Address Will Be i South Chester Road and Harvard Avenue

    ---------- Page 8 ----------

    / , ;, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR] clear to me why the Board even building is in no way being used to bothered, to hold an open hearing help fill the void which the sudden on this matter as their minds were absence of a local school will made up years ago when they re- create. A bus for the whole dls­fused transportation for the North trict would cost M more than the section of Swarthmore. sawngs in heat for the old bulld-rTu opiniDlu ""FOIietl b.1otD .,.. '"0.001 the ioatlWitlual torit • ..... All ,.tter. to The Swart1<- __ ...... t bo dgmtl. P,euM- ..,... ........ 1/ b ..... d if tlus ..nUr Ia 1m""", to the Editor. l.ett .... JDUl b. "...b'u/ustl ",,11/ lit the du­",, «on 01 the Editor. As quoted in The Swarthmorean ing. of August 4, " ... It is not the duty We came to the Board meeting of the School Board to provide hoping for some unde~standing, of transportation which is not a basic the hazards of car.pools, the long Diacuue. 'Blue Route I educational function." This so·cal- difficult walk for YOUDg children. led philosophy ;s pure rationaliza.! The Directors gave us only cold To the EdItor: tion to avoid the whole issue, and pontifications. One member Wllo A final decision OD the route of as a prejudice, is by I voted against the bus, gave his the Mid.county Expressway ap· any logical statements. The State reason that the board should not pears imminent. The proposed Blue Department of Education con'iiders deny the right of every parent to Route through the Swarthmore Col. the problem of transportation a choose freely'llis own way of trans· lei" campu. I. evidently being basic educational function as it porting his child to school. Of clven serious consideratio~. That 'V1ll reimburse substantial ~rtions course, he failed to admit that a route would, in my opinIon, do of ,the cost to tile district for stu. district supplied bus should be one ....... t harm to the -suburbau char- ~ents who live over 1.5 miles from of the choices. ector of Delaware County and es· ~he school. Over II of the Rutledge Closing the Rutledge school is peclally the communities near the .tudents qualify, and about a hun-I an extenuating circumstance. The college. ired Swarthmore chUdren too. Board made no effort to compro- All ovor the country admirable This attitude seems to be ehar. mise the situation which wasiu efforts are being made to preserve ,cteristic of the School Board. For part their own fault. Unfortunate­suburban open space. The job tend. "ears a foreign language in the Jy the citizens of Rutledge don't to be expensive. ~ome of th.e ~h- ,Iementary school was postponed ever. have the opportunity ~ ob­niques .!ace formIdable legJslatl~e '>ceause it wasn't a basic education- tain redress at the polls, WIth re­and legal obstacles. Yet here, In 01 need. Now that so many other spect to theee four people who vot- 01IZ' own back ,yard, it is be1ng <chools have it, weare just climb- ed against busses, and Rutledga. eeriously proposed that .the ~tate 'ng on the bandwagon. It 'was only Sincerely yours, chop up one of the lovehest ;neees ,fter the Federal government sub· David Rosen of open space in the e~tire sub- .idized a language laboratory that urbl, open space which IS open to we will have one this year. . H5 President Avenue, Rutledge th~ public, which costs th? Dela· Getting the students to school is ware Couuty taxpayer notlllng and 'Dore' important than a new gym which would remain as a priceless floor. A school bus will get tho Services Held Monday' , { asset to the entire community In 'hildren to school more efficiently For Ernest W. Sipple , the Indefinite future. iuring snow or bad road conditions . I know that there has been much \han individual mothers or fathers (ContlDued from Page 1) _ public dlflCussion of the Express- 'n a car pool. The 'Board quicJdy 'Which at that time, was located in ,: waf route In the past. But I thinl< 'ried to placate the irate people sf- New York City. ~ ..... , ,the, ,community and the Borough ',er the adverse vote, by passing a Later, as the association ex­"~;" ~1.hoDld make one final of- 'Dotion to make inquiries about a panded, he held the position of """ 'fort to have their voices heard in ',ripper-a special bus put on by president of the Philadelphia chap­';: H.rrisburg. It may soon be too the Red Arrow over their authon... ter. He withdrew from active camp late. ,d public route, and for which the life in 11142. Slncere1y, ""rents will pay 20 cents a day He was born on June 80, 1875 at Jahn J. Logue ner pupil. lithis idea is successful, Frederica, Del. :He was"a member Dlll8atllllled it is a rather stiff subsidy-$36 of the first football team that ever • year per pupil which tbe Rut- represented the University of Del· T th Edlto • ledge parents are being forced to aware, and in his senior year was o e r. 'h ' taO • The S i;b' Seh 01 Direc- ':ive Swarthmore. t e team s cap .10. to ba war tmhOTfel I 0 d 'th The proceeds from the sale of the Mr. Sipple was an elder of the 0, ra vawon e na roun WI ., . Cb' h f S rth the a 1e of Rutled e over who Rutledge buildmg, whloh the ~r- Presbyterl~n ~rc 0 .wa.- .'. ...,.-._..".p IeU pPP I Y tra nspo rtagt! on f or th e ough maintained (and built) It- more. He IS SU1'V1ved by hIS wife ; elementa school children of Rut- self for over 60 years, stays with and. st~pson. . ' ledge to ::e Rutgers Avenue School the school district. The meney sav· Se1'V1CeS were prIvate from the beclnning this September. The Di- ed by not operating the Rutledge home on Monday. recto.. have decreed by a 4 to 8 . vote that there shall be nothing in I the Borough to replace the elemen­tary achool which they decided in tli'e interest of economy must not ,_' . be . refurbished • . --" ()n Wednesday August 2, 50 Rut- • ledi" relldents waited for over an II hour, while tha Board considered , .ueh things ,as bids for desks, to present their arguments In favor of' ' , Sehool Diatt>ict support of bus transportation for the elementary 1Ch001 chUdren of the district, and 1 MI Harvard and Rutgers Avenues Pbaae K1ngswood 3·9728 Rutledge In particular. It is not .~ ,<" -- here's 'what '" 'f) 'our , I .",,:,~ ,'. f~ ''''\ " ~tbH~'" _,.,'.. ____ ... ,,_. , .. , .J. 1. 2. PlANNED INSOIANa PROTEOION TO FIT YOUR NODS. Oar pzofes.donaJly trained experts review with you aU your IDIuranoI lied •• , • for famlIy. home and busbies. ••• and IhBn rerommomd .. cuefuDy planned program based on your Individual requlnmlll\l. III tIIfI way you get maximum IeCUrity against 8n'ne:!.' loa for die mln/m1Jlll IlOIt. -' , PROMPT, EFFICliNT HELP IN EVENT OF ACCIDENT OR lOSS. WbsI accIdeut or loa endangers your 8n'Dc!a) .ecurity we mako it our bit ... to IIIfIt you pmonally In every way posssible ••• aegud1_ vi the time of day or ulght the emergency occurs. lIemtm. , OW' replltaUOII In tIIfI CIOIIIJI\uDlty ,depeadl on the way we II4IXft .. CI1Ir cIieIItI. YOIl _y hi IIIJI wt'B _ you welL PETER E. TOLD All Lines of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore, Ra. , :~ ; '-' -',,~.-~ - Boniless Ohuck Pol Roasl Bolar Baaf Roast OhuckSluks lb 480 Ib 880 Ib 3go , l~ ego NONE PRICED HIGHER Ground ,. Chuck BoneleSs Oross Out Roast Lean Sliwing Beef lb 580 Ib 4go C lb. , WHEN SOLD IN PACKAGES OF 3 POUNDS OR MORE (lb. 43c) GR-OUND BEEF 3Ibs$I.23 SUPER RIGHT EON MEATS SUPER RIGHT 6 TO 8 POUND SMOKED PICNIC Sliced lb. 33c Whole lb. 2ge Plain. 80109n-l, 'idl., Pepper, Salimi. Olive, Spic .. d Luncheon. Old Fashioned. FRESH FROZEN SWISS, CUBED, CHIPPED OR SIRLOIN TIP Chicken Legs or Breasls Sleaks - lb 88° 4 :K~~. $1.00 MORRELL Z'lz·lb box '1.09 ALL GOOD Oanned Hams 3 :. $2.25 Sliced Bacon JUMBO PINK MEAT NONE PRICED HIGHER CANTALOUPES 3'fOr ,79C , , CALIFORNIA SWEET EATING SEEDLESS ," GRA'PES ~?Ct-!~ , HIGHER CALIFORNIA PASCAL CELERY m1~~R 2 ~OLDEN large stalks Ib 1ge 25C BANANAS NONE , __ flR'CED Ib ~ HIGHER NEARBY FRESH (NONE PRICED HIGHER) STRING BEANS 21bs25C elOROX V.B~~~N 33c G~~~N 53e, ,• GRAHAM 2 I·LB. 69C CRACKERS BOXES , BEVIRAGESb~~~~ 12 ~AO~ 89' MIRACLE Whip Salad Dressing QUART 56c (PINT JAR 33c) JAR l-Ib 650 ,kg SINGLE PACKAGE Eech 29c A" & P's Fille SealoodValues! 31 TO 42 TO THE POUND MEDIUM SHRIMP Ib; 69c ,S.LB_ 53.39 BOX ATLANTIC ( box $2.19) SEA SCALLOPS lb. 45e CHESAPEAKE BAY FRESH CRAB MEAT CLAW REGULAR LUMP BACK 65C 7ge $1.39 I-lb. can 1·lb. can 1·lb. can Jane Parker Baker.1f Values! LEMON PIES LARGE 39 8.INCH e PIE 1 SPECIAL! 'I PEACH PIES LARGE 4ge 8-INCH ' PIE I SPECIALI SAVE zOe I POUND OAKE Q~:::JlI STIOKY OINNAMON BUNS , , RITZ CRACKERS '2 ;2-oz·55e I·LB. 31e POTATO BREAD BOXES ' BOX A & P's FROZEN FOOD BUYS! ' LUNCH MEAT PORK CANS MORTON'S CREAM PIES HAFNIA 3 12·0Z. $1-00 " 'HE' I~LM· ANN'! MAYONNAISE QUART 69' ,~~~g~~~~' S~~~~ERRY 2f~r 85 • (PINT JAR 4Oc) JAR AND BANANA '.. . GRA -' PEFRUITSECTIONS 716-oz.$1-00 DINNER REDY TURKEY SLICES 2::~ , A&P BRAND cans A &. P OUT GREEN BEANS 1:::b CAIE MIX DUNCAN 3" 00 MORTON'S MEAT PIES 4,:; , , ES {:~1We~ Pkgs. $1- -LEMONADE or LIMEADE' 6!:! CHEESE 65 A&.PORANGEJUIOE 5 ::. EXTRA SHARP Lb ' , CHEDDAR . DET-ERGENTS & CLEANERS ' . NABISCO A~~U' •• • ..v v"'~.>-rIH"'\M~V"U." ~ LI9UID DETERGENT ASST. FIG NEWTONS WAFFLE CREAMS 3 Pkgs. $1-00 WISK - 7c OFF YoQu uPaarty COennl yl VANILLA WAFF~S CONDENSED DETERGENT 65e JARS- Jars LIQUID 31/2 lb. Box You Pey Only! ,67e 12 Quart $1-25 AL~-10e OFF LUX DETERGENT Quart 87e ASPIRIN QUALITY BRAND , 200 ASPIRIN ONLY 29c 2 Bottles 29c of 100 LIQUID CLEANER Bottle 28 oz. Bottle SLICED CHEESE HANDY ANDY Lb. 49' LAUNDRY DETERGENT RINSO BLUE Giant Box .Borden'. American Cheese sold in pkgs. of I V2 pounds ,cr more , It's Ann Page Week at A So P! SPARKLE REGULAR PUDDINGS Regularly 4 for 29c 5 PKGS. 2ge PRESERVES , PEACH OR PINEAPPLE (REGULARLY 59c) PEANUT BUTTER ANN PAGE (REG~LARLY 67c) , TOMATO SOUP ANN PAGE 2 LB. JAR 24 OZ. JAR EII·ADE DRINK POWDER 6 PKGS. '1 -, 55e 57e SHORTENING SPRY 14-01. Con 36e ION A TOMATOES PARKAY MARGARINE BORDEN'S Inslanl Polaloes PUSS N' BOOTS MEAT FLAVORED CAT'FODD 42-01. c..n 4 lkz Hili 2 1-lb pkp THE GREAT ATLANTIC I PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC, -- • / I en --_-::" '.";~ "~h"_~~""" __ ' ___ ~~"'-- ':--.'~-:--~---'--- ,,--_.: . ".--,- .~';" ~ -. '-- --' -.'~ -.. .. ~--."" -_ .. ._ .• ' ",,-~.<;"'''''T':~~-~.~ .' .~. _.-. .;,_. .... : .,.;' ...: .,.,. ...". a:~c,;.' .•.• -~.'..-.~-... •, :."";':'". .....~.- r--::.;<~.:.~.'_ ..i ".~ ..:.~_O; ,"!o,.-"-• ...-_-'- - .. ....-._ ....... .:...:.>..,;,:;~~.:: ... - ~~""'~~~ .• =~~>:.~~~:~~ .. 7.;_ .... ~~~-:ii.4i~'-4 ..... :.-:~.: ... 1;...~~~.5!N~-~~"',,="""'?V --.. ~

    ---------- Page 9 ----------

    , THE 'SWARTHMOREAN Augwit 11, 1961 ~6 ; AID FIRE NEWS paid last ":eek by a Chester man I for a two week vloit. O .. er t~e SHS ALUMNA GIVES INFORMAL REPORT I POLICE for making an illegal left tum weekend the Taylors had as th?,r OF PROGRESS AT 'LITERARY HOUSE' IN MEXICO At 6:16 a.m. Monda! local fir~ from Rutgers avenue into Cheoter guests their son and daughter-ln- . dashed to the aId of .Med~a 'road, and by a Swarthmore man law ~r. ~nd Mrs. Dua~e Taylor EdiWr'. Note: The article below' ,ty where t~e old and youn.g can I and otber nearby compames In for parking in a prohibited zone. and SIX children of Washlngton, D. ia M .... Margaret Batchelor Chap- come to eDJoy wholeso~e lDdoor fighting a blaze which destroyed Officer Stan Shepanski wiJI take C. Later in the month Dr. Taylor, man'. 1960 T6po7"t to her frimuIs activity. It keeps the httle ones I the interior of the Towne House his 'vacation from August 21 to I with his family, will move to Al­an "IAteracy HOWl." in Vall6 de off the streets and th~ young men I Restaurant. Se tember 3. Officer James Davis bany, N.Y., where he h~ accepted Bravo, Me";.o. The Muse, which out of the bars. Many of our o~u-I Sergeant William Weidner, ap- wifI take his from September 4 to a position in research WIth a chem­uses the method of Frank Laubach dents come earl! for a few mm-, prehended on hit and run charges September 17, and Officer Ed Bur- ical company. ("each one teach one"), is loeated utes of recreation before. classes I Saturday a 28-year-old Chester get! from September 4 to Septem- --------- about 50 mile. from Tul4co, ",est I b~gin, ~lth a game of domm:es: man who had been nabbed by police ber 10. Constable Joshua Hepburn "1 saw .t in The Swarthmor"" .... of M.:rico City. pmgpomg, after ~ har~ d y 10f that city on hold-up charges. A will be on vacation from September M C,.;. . raduate of labor. Free ed~cational fIlms, lent hearing was scheduled in Swarth- 18 to October 1. ,-------------, .... pma~ tB a g I nd Iby the AmeTlcan Embassy, are more this week in order to pre- A B DICK Swartl'mor~ HIgh Seh;? ~ t shown four times a week. With o.ur' pare testimony and have the Coun- NEWS NOTES • • ~<mner '1'e~ of M. ta's":"r'! portable light plant, these mOVleslty Court try the'man on Swarth- Office Supplies ~ter.Bted In Ilt~ wor~c' -'. are also shown in villages that have I more's charges after Chester's are Mr. and Mrs. Norris Taylor of gwen hor 86T1J1C6. to as..... It"t '. h Westdale avenue have as their MIMEOGRAt'ti All . ." f th ~·t ftwO e ec TlCI y. completed. A parole VIolator w 0 h MArth SPIRIT DUPLICATOR abet",uct01t or ...... ",Our library continues its valu- was driving a truck while his oper- guests their daug ter rs. ur years. able contribution to the town and ator's license was in suspension, Geib and two children Kathy and PHOTOCOPY F th I'ttl I h f Billy who arrived laot Thursday S rth "Literacy House (Casa de AHa·lis in constant use. <>r e., e the man ran into t e rear a a , wa more betizacion) has greatly expanded readers a room has been ~UlPp<>,d Drexel Hill man's car on Chester DELAWARE COUNTY during its four years of existance. with low tables and chaIrs. Th,s road near Ogden avenue on May INST'TUTION D18TBICT Typewriler Service We have 13 classes with an enroll~ year we printed 200? copies of a 6• S •• I,d bldo will b, recolved at "'. • •• 2 'Irk An., SW.rth .. o", P •• ment of 240. Women are coming in basic reader on ChIld Care, the ,Dr. John Wigton reported to OHlce of the county Cont.roller, Courl l'nereasl'ng numbers now that there first of a series of four. We police last 1 th week that Ruffin Chend- >EIaosute"r,n ..D.Bd yIal1. llbPt a.T . imuep ounnW F r1id0a:0)0'. AA.u.g..- !-_S._ E._ H_ud_so_n _-__K_I 4_-3_36_0 _I are separate classrooms abd en- now printing Book Two a on~ Wl ey, 7, of 331 Union avenue, ha uai 26, 1981, for fumll;hlDg and deUvertng 'F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trance for them. Our literacy class- 4000 more copies of the Laubach been bitten July 28, by a neigh- Dru.' and Sur.'ea' Supplle. to .... Del... ( f th . d ware County lIUUwUon Dldr1ct.. :r.O.B. .. are taught by local volunteers Primer to fill requests rom 0. ;r, bor's dog. The dog was quarantme Fair Acr .. Farm. Uma. Pa .. "bleb wm who have been trained in the Lau- projects in Puerto. Rico, ~ob~a'lfOJ: observation. be' oP;toed at 11:30 A.M. E.D.T. on that; bach method. 00I umb I' B, C os ta R lea, Ca lifor. nla, : Police saI•d t h at t h e car 0 f Ge org e dthaet e p~rte. sFenacier Aofc retsh eF aErsmee. uLUivmea . aDPda .,A idn- "Converting stables and pigpens Taxas and many areas of MexICO. Glaesser of Dartmouth avenue was mlnlatfaUve Officers of the DelaWU& in,t o classrooms hllf' gI. ven us ~d ~ C'Last year we told you of start- damaged by a car parked on Dart- coEuancthy In'bsltdl tutmiouos t Dkbter lcta. ccomplU__U I e d b~- ditional space. The new recreation ing literacy classes in AmanaIco, mouth avenue in front of the stores, Cash CerWled Good Falth Check or by a room serves a tJianifold pUTpOSe. an Indian Village nearby. Benches At 4:50 a.m. Tuesday, August 1, corporate Burety Bond, either one 1D the h t th f D_ Id C ff 108 amoun'L of ten· percent (10%) of the total It is the .only place in the commun· have n.ow been made so t a e the ear 0 .n.vna '0 man, amount of the hid, drawn t.o the order of students no longer have to sit on Martin lane,- Norwood, was damag- the Delaware cOUlloty tnatltuUon Dlatrld. ELNWOOD Convalescent Homa IIoilttman, PIke .. U ....... D Aye, Swarthmore ~alet, _ul SUliOUU"' ... WlIIl EXPERT PIA,1I0 TUlilla .nd REPAIRlla . ~ I the floor. The enroI Iment I' S over ed w h en th e car 0 f G I· lbe rt Bald- theF oOrmfflsc eo of f ptrhoep oAsdaml 1mD1aaytr abtoer , oFbtaailrD Aedc reast ·~1100. Plans are to turn an old win, 2855 MacDade boulevard" Farm, Lima, Feuna. boel1 ... , H-Hour N ........ can '. stable into classrooms for women., Holmes, according to police, crasb. The ExeculJDve, and ACOd~~!~U.~~.~~ d S rtb ficer. 01 the e .. ware LU».......... IjoI,I 47 Yean Aofll &per,ienee with uThis year .our new and exciting ed into· it at Elm an wa m?re Dlstrld reserve the rIght to reject any Mak.. . t' San S,'mon another Ind- avenues while both were procedmg and all bldo. Klngswood 3-0272 proleC IS , Th GR· WATKINS A. L. PARlER LO •• II 6·S&&& iari village, 18 miles away, acees- east on Swarthmore. IIvenue. e ALBERT B. SWING ~ ~ .ible onlY' by foot or jeep One of Baldwin car was bemg towed by WM. A. WEL8>1 Jewelry Repaired Ph. KI 3-616 IIISTO., INSTALLATIOIS,~' H. D. CHURCH a PARl AVE., SWARTHMORE Klngswood 4-2727 ROOFING Gutters Warm-Air He&ting Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work George Myers and Go. BOX 48 CLobe 9-3358 HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS WFIL R.dlo - 1.4& A.M. Chlnnlill-WFIL.TV-tilli A.M. Edward G. Chipmu and Son General Contractor, BUILDERS 'Since 1920' Free ~stfmates 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester. Pa. TRemont 2-4759 TRemont 2-5689 1e'lI--IDIIlRlClltllMl1ICUIllUUIDUttW • Jack Prichard PAINTING INTBRIOR &1: KltTBRlOR Free Estimates K1n9SWood ]-8761 ~ur teachers, trained ber~ at Lit- the 'Coffman car, when t~e brakes 2T:~:uuve and AdmlDlatratlve Officers eracy House has opened the long failed as they were startmg down abondoned sehool, using the Lau- the hill between Elm and Odgen bach Primers. At night he holds avenues. It struck the tow car, classes for the adults. 'A pilot vego- turning ;t' on its ,side. Both cars table garden is 'flourishing to show had to be .towed fro~. the scene. the p'eople how to augment their Neither dTlver was mJured. meager diet of tortillas. Fifteen Five dollar fines and costs were milk goats were donated by Heif­fer Projects and the lake has been slocked with fish. Garden seeds have been distributed and instruc­tion is given in carpentry, sewing, masonry, sanitation, 'health and better farming methods. uThe 'Schoolhouse was painted and repair~d, the; first privy in the entire village was built for the students and teacher. Four doctors donate a Sul'lday-a month and as many as 300 sick villagers have waited outside for consultations. It is a gratifying experience to watch the desire for a better life down in· this poor village." . CI ASSlflED ADS PERSONAL FOR RENT PERSONAL CARPENTRY FOR RENT Country apart- Rec. rooms kitchen nooks, book- ment Media 'area, for October 1 cases room ,d ividers. N . b too occupa~cy. Large living room, bed· small: Robert Crowther. K0I nJgOs wood room, pine paneI I ed. k'tch tt J. ene e- 4-0152. Call between 5 and 7 P. di~ing. area, beautIful grounds, M sWlmmmg pool.. $150 a month. PERSONAL UPHOLSTER- Phone LOwell 6-6885. . ING THOM SEREMBA. Over FOR RENT _ Walhngford. A 35 ye~rs' experien~e. Reasont\b!e. cozy two-floor apartment. Liv­prices. Cushions refJ1\ed, $6. ChL"I'pr ing room and kitchen, first floor; bottoms re-webbed, ~. ul!. S two bedrooms and bath, second COVERS custom fItted 10 your floor. Nice lawn for use of tenant. ,fabric, or from our samples. Pho 59n2e Parking space. J. William Sim­for free estimate. LUdlow 6-7ef • mons Wallingford, Pa. LOwell 6- Ten years' of Swarthmore r er- 0975: I~ -~ ~F:: O:':R~R-E-N-T-~-A-Il-ar-tm--e-n-t.-:M:-::-ed-::I:-a. ing, repairing. work at beautiful surroundinltll. Large moderate prices and living room, dining room, three modern. Call Mr. Spanier, KIngs- bedrooms, tile bath. kitchen. large 2198 deck porch, garaJte. near tranB'Dor .. wood 4-4888, KIngswood 3- " tation. Adulta. '$120. LOwell 6-1870 PERSONAL - Carpentry jobbing, or LOwell 6-0158. recreation rOoms. book cases. porches. L. J. Donnelly. KInl(Swood WAIITED ESTATE NoTIcES Esiate of JENNIE P. VER~ON. also mown as JANE FRETZ ~NON. late of TOWDBhlp of Marple, Pennsylvania, de. ceased. LeUers Tea'Lamentary on the above es­tate have been granted to the undemgoed who request (8) all persona having elaimll or demands agab;ls'L the estate to make known the same. and all persons Indebted to the decedent. to make payment wlUlout. delay to Earl B;. ConDon, 3730 School Lane, Nowtown Square, Pa.. or to bla Attorney Morris H. FusseD, Esq., 203 County BUUdlDg, Media, Penna. 3T..a.250 Estate of ALICE ldAR1.'lN, late of Boro­ugh of CoUlngdB!e, Pennsylvania, de-­ceased. Letters of AdministraU/?D aD the above esta.te have been granted to the under­signed who request. ($) au persons· bavlng claims or demands agaimt the estate to make known the same, and all persoDs lridebted to the decedent to make pay­ment wIthout dell.\.Y to David A., 1196 Mont.gomery Ave., Collingdale, Pa., or to his AUOrney. Morris H. FusseD, Esq., 203 County Building, Media, Penna. JT-8-25 Estat.e of NELLIE E. HEULlNGS, late oJ Bancroft Road and Oak Lane, Bas: 8'l, Moylan, Delaware Coun\y, PeDDBylvanLa, deceued. . 4-3781. W A>NTED _ Looking for a good PERSONAL - >'Iano tuning spec. . home for adorable, playful kit- Letters Testament.ary on the above EB:. tate having been grantell t.o Girard 'TrUat Corn Exch':t&Dge Bank and WUllaJD. A. Heullogs, Executors all persons tndebt.ed to 'Lbe said decedent requested to mate payment, and those hs.ving claIms or dema.nds ~a1nst said Estate to present same, wlt.bout delay, at the GUIce of Girard TrUat Com Exchange Bank, Broad &ad Cheatnut. street.s. PhDadelphla. Pa., George S. Brown, ,Jr., Preslden\. ialist minor repairing, member II 6-0933 Piano Technicians' Guild. Leaman. tens. LOwe • KIngswood 3-6755. WANTED - Woman desires iron- ,EMIL SPIES WATCHMAKER Formerly of F. C. Bode .... d _ Pine Watch and 128 Yale Ave. Clock Repairs Swarthmore, l'a. KInpwOOtl 3-1«1 'WIUIAM BROOKS Ashes and Rubbish Removec1 .... WIIII Mowed. General Baul1ng 236 IIarIIlq Ave. Morton, Pa. Picture Framing, ~, ROGER RUSSELL Photographic Supplies STATB & MONROB STS. MEDIA LOwell 6-2176 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS CRESSON PRICHARD R~ALTOR NOTARY PUBLIC 900 Michigan Avenue Swarthmore KI 3-1112 PaHon Roofing Co. PERSONAL' Roofing, spouting, ing or cleaning Monday, Friday and Saturday. Referenc .. and ex­gutters. Recreation rooms a spec... perience. $8.50 and carfare. TRe­ity. Ray J. Foster, GLobe g,.2718. mont 4-7628. John B. H. carter, At.t.orney. Fldemy­PhUadelph1a Trus\ BuUding, Twenttetb.. Floor, Phlladelphla, 9, Fa. 3Ta8-2$ ESTABLISHED 1m PERSONAL - Bicyc,es Repaired. P arts, accessorI. es. Milt Glass - WANTED - One bedroom apahrt.- CO--Y OF DELAWARE H bb T Sh 200..'1 rnent in Swarthmore or vicini".,.. un.& Bicycle, ,0 y, oy op'. Call LOwell 6-6381 after 6 P.M.. ".Ied. Propo •• " WUl be received .t "', East Baltimore Avenue, Cbft!ln OUice of the Coun\y Controller, coun Heights. MAdison 6-0713. Oppos,te WANTED _ Day's wo~k. Swarth- Bou,., .. edla. Pa.. up untU .:30 A .... Clifton Theater. more refei'i!nces. Please call TRe.. Eaa\em Dayllght 'I1me, on ThursdlY. PERSONAL _ Custom-made slip mont 2-0087. Augu", ... '96'. for furnishing an. de- , °ROOFINS ,06UTTERS ° SPOUTI"6 °SIDINS' SWARTHMORE KI +0221 or KI 3.0635 covers. Pin fitted in your home. ks uverlDlJ Low Sulphur No. 6 Fuel on to I • I I k them WANTED - To buy Boo • the ·Coun1.y af Delaware F.O.B. Refuse QUllity work wlth qu.lIty m ..... I. You SUpp Y materIa. rna e ice' StampSt Coins and old Post Incinel'ator Plant No. I, Old Concord Road, 1 ____________ _ • Work guar ante63ed1'l prompt serv .. Cards. Call Mr. Martin, KIngs- FeltonvUle, Chester Township, Pa., which CLearbrook 9w • wood 3-4-227. will be opened a\ 10:00 A.M. DST on that FOR SALE WANTED _ \Vel! educated woman l date, in the presence af the Coun"y Com- FOR SALE - N or~ gas• dryter' seeks .Inter.estm g responSI· ble EmaLcshsl obn1e4r s.m ust be accompaoled by Cash, almost new, $100. ~!ne pIece ra- September position in private Certified Good Faith Check or by a COr-. ditional mahogany dlnlng room· 98 19t, school college or institution. Live porate SQrety Bond, e!t.her ODe In the $200. Moving. Klngswood 4-32 • in. Pl~ase phone and tell me wheTe amoun\ of ten perc.ent (10%) of Qle to\al FOR SALE Weimaraner pup- I am needed. SUnset 9-7317. amount 01 "', bid. drawn to "'. ord.r 01 . . ht ks AKC register- ' "'. counll> 01 Dela"are. pIes, el~ ~~e ·took. Excellent WANTED.- College senior with Farma af proposal may'be oblalned at the ed champ)()ns. Jp s R M C 01 experience desires baby-sitting Offl("-8 of the Cblef Clerk to &be county ~a hunters and fme petsf• 3' ~'7c 90 t I positions during evenings and week .. Commissioners at the Court House, Media, West Chester, FOxcro t -..... d PI 11 KI" od 30885 Pa. FOR SALE _ Bird watchers, get en s. ~ase ca De,SlJO .. The Couoty CommlssJoners resen8 the a bird feeder now. It will add after 6.30 P.M. rlIht to r.lec\ ""7 .... all b .... beauty and interest to your garden LOST 'i:i.:U';Al,::":wu.o and encourage your feathered LOST _ Tw .. ';'~nth, old tortoise WUJ,IAV A; W1WIIl friends to stay. The Bird B01lllO, ,~ .. _ oomm'._n 435 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, shell kitten nam"4 ' .... ouse. .... 11 LOwell 6-4561. , KIngsWood. 3-7068. • , . Belvedere Convales,c ent Home 2607 C~estnut St., Chester TRemont 2-5373 II-Beu Nu.bIr cue ...... 8eDlle. Cbr.da COOy .... c8llt MeD aDd. WOlD" lb ...... 11'",.,,,,,,,,, O •• . Bin .... .,... 1JOQond. um. P1PP1d TORR'" &'Iopil "I ,,. " " ____ ~--------------~T~H~E~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N~ ___________ ~ _ ~------______ P_age1 I Bible (Matt. 16) states: I NEWS NOTE Mrs. J'erome Furlow of Neffsville, August 11, 1961 THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ATSWARTHMORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE T. TOLD, Publishers Phone KIngswood 3·0900 "For wh~t is a man profited, if Mrs. J. Herbert, Foley of Har- near Lancaster, while her husband he sh~lI gaiD the whole world, and vard avenue joi,ned Mr. Foley over lose h I' h h II was on two week's reserve duty at I ~s o~n sou. or w a~ s a a the weekend in Cincinnati, 0., Norfolk, Va. man gIVe In exchange for hiS soul2" where Mr. Foley is currently as- -===-=-===========:::; . An invitation is e:<tended to all signed by the U. S. Government. ,. PETER E. TOJ.D, Editor BAIUIABA B. KENT, Managing Editor : to attend the serv'ces at First Mrs. Foley with Jim and Dave win I Church of Cbrist, Scientist 206 move to Cincinnati the latter nart I P,ark avenue, Swarthmore at 11 of this month. • I o clock., , Dr. and Mrs. Walter B. Keigh­Mary Ellen Beddow FLORIST Rosalie D. Peirsol Mary E. Palmer Marjorie T. Told Entered as Second CII;'s" Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 8, 1879. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRlDAY, AUGUST 11, 1961 TB ASS'N SeeKS DESICN FOR '63 The Delaware County Tubercu­losis and Health Association this week issued its annual' invitation to County artista to SUbmit designs PRESBYTERIAN NOTES August 14 through 25. Registration for the new Christmas Seal. Tbe morning 'Worship Service may be made in the Church Office~ An artists, amateurs and profes­will ,be held at 10:30 o'clock on The Summer Choir will partici- sionals, are eligible to enter the S""day., Marjory, J. Havlick, this pate in the Sunday Morning Wor- nationwide competition that pro­church's missionary iu French ship, following rehearsal at 9 :30 a. duces the design that, through its Equatorial Mriea, will be a guest m. A social period will follow on wide and intensive distribution dur­at the service. the lawn when there will be oppor- ing the Christmas season, assures The Vacation Church School tunity to meet and chat with Miss the winning artist invaluablerec_ will open at 9 :16 Monday morning Havlick. Child care and superm- ognition and prestige in addition and continue Monday through Fri-I i~ri will be provided through, the to a c~.h award. day mornings from 9::16 to 11:16 kindergarten level. DeSIgns for the Christmas Seal Morning Prayers are held each may be submitted to the Delaware CHURCH SERVICES Tuesday at 9 o'clock. County Association at its office, 9th PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH D. Evor Roberts, ,Mlrli8ter Robert o. Browile. Assoc. HIniBtu 8lld Mlnl.ter of Christian Education Holy Communion will be cele- and Welsh streeta, Chesl<!r, to the brated at 8 a.m. on Wednesdays Pennsylvania Tuberculosis Society and at 10 a.m. on Thursdays. office, 311 South Juniper street, The church office will be open Philadelphia, or directly to the from 9 to 6 each weekday during Christmas Seal Division, National the summer except for the lunch Tuberculosis Association;' 1790 hour when it will be closed from Broadway, New York 19, N.Y. SUnllaJ!' i\ug~stlil ' 9:80 A.M.-StlUlmer Choir Re­halU'lllll: , 10:30 A.M.-Morning- W:orship Monday, August 1. 9:16, A.?i,.-~'1catiQn Church SohOoJ. begins. Tuesday, August 15 9:00 A.M>-Morning Prayers Wednesday, August 16 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Thursday, August 17 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion METHODIST CHURCH Th. Rev. John' C. Kulp, Minister James S. MaeHaln Minister for Youth Charles Schialer Minister of Music Sunday, August 13 9:00 A.M.-Youth and Adult CIaaae., -, -'-",- . ,. '. 9:45 A.M.--children's Division, Church Sehool . 10:00 A.M. - Gabriel Simbine will preach. TRINITY CHURCH The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, Rector The Rev. Geor,..e R. McKelvey, ' Curate Sunday, August 13 (Trinity XI) 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9:00 A.M.-Family Morning Prayer and Sermon 10:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer and Sennon 8:00 P.M.-Holy Communion Konday, August 14 9:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M~Evening Prayer Tuesday, August 15 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer WedD,esday, August 16 '1:00 A.M.-Holy, Communion 9:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-' Evening Prayer Thursday, Angust 17 9:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M~Evening Prayer Friday, August 18 9:16 A.M.-" Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer THE RELIGIOUS' SOCIETY OF FRJENDS Sunday, August 13 11:00 A.M.-Meeting fo~ 'Worship All are welcome. ' KORday, August 14 All-dav sewing for AFSC Wednesday, August 16 All-day sewing for AFSC LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 900 Fairview Road The Rev. James Barber, Minister Sunday, August 13 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship Congregational and Corporation Meeting. I 12:30 to 1:30. ' A Delaware County artist, Clint ,Bradley of Media, w~s the winning METHODIST NOTES designer of the 1957 Seal,for which At the 10 a.m. service of Morn- h~ used his daughter Roberta as ing Worship, Mr, Kulp will intro- the model of a girl's face reflected duce the friend who addressed the in a Christmas tree ornament. An­congregation this time last year. other local artist, Paul Bradley (no He l is Mr. Gabriel Simbine, aDa .. rclation), ,won honorable mention tive of Mozambique (Port;ugese in 1958. East Mrica) and a second gener- Artists are asked to keep in mind ation Christian. Still in his twen- tlrat the design that wins this ties, Mr. Simbine in 'his native land .years competition will appear on is a grade school teacher and an the 1963 Christmas Seal. Because accomplished .linQ'list. He just re-of the long time it takes to pre­tllmcd to the Unitad States a few pare the seals and relatad mater­days ago and will' be attending ial, winning desigus are selected school he."e for the next four years. two years in advance. He is one of many such stud,ents I Each deaign must utilize the fa­and professional people whose mous double-barred cross that is travel and education are made pos- the symbol of tuberculosis associa­sible by the generous 'offerings of tlons everywhere. Each must be Methodists last Spring who raised done in four colors, include ap­more than $2,000,000 for the Bish. proprial<! copy and meet other ops' Appeal for Mrica. specifications established by the As he speaks to the congrega- National Tuberculosis Association. tion of the Swarthmore Methodist Additional information can. be ob­Church, he will report on the latest tained by requesting the pamphlet, political and religious situations in "A Call for Artists," from the Del­the many parts of Africa with aware County Association office. which he is familiS.r. There will be Sunday School for , the Youth and Adult classes at 9 LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN NOTES a.m. and for Nursery ,through I Mr. Barber will lead the 11 0'­sixth grade at 9:46. clock Worship Service Sunday The Senior High Fellowship will morning. The topic of his sermon meet at the home of Carol Haston will be "Faith and the Space Age." at 6 p.m. for a barbecue. Visitors in the area are welcome., The Toddler's room, will be open FRIENDS MEETING NOtES during the service. The library of the Whittier A Congregational and Corpora­House is open from 9:30 a.m. to tion meeting will follow, the ser- 12 noon. Recent additions recom- V.I ce. mended by the Committee on Wor- Vacation Bible School, directed ship and Ministry, and now avail- by Mrs. Ernest Williams, will be able are: "The Open Way", by Graham b~ld from 9 a.m. to 11:30, ~gin- H "Sh rt .' th T' ., b C DIng Monday. The school WIll be owe, a 's e une y ·1 t' d M d th h F' D L . "Th Oh· • A1 ,can lOue on ay roug ri-a 6WlS, e Otce 18 - ways I eeks Ours" edited by Dorothy Phillips, day, for th~~ two w • "There is a River" !>y Thomas Sugrue, "Tbeology and Hodern Literature" by Amos Wilder. During the month of August, the usher for the Meeting for Worship will be Lee Bennett. J ) LAUIICHING IIITO A DAMAGE SUIT ThOle carefree summer days can quickly become unhappy ones. If you should accidentally cause injury to a member of the public. a very expen­sive negligence suit could result. Be Bure you and your family are protected against financial loss from personal liability c:1aims._ See 'us about a Personal Liability policy. Peter E. Told ton, Jr., of Cedar lane had as their guest recently their daughter' 7 South Chester Road KI 3-8093 CENTRAL·CITY LOCATION is convenient for oil-urbanites and suburbanites ••• ond we offer our own' ample free parking_ • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. ... ClO .. O. ",N_" 1120 CHESTNUT 5TRIIT eIMI ...... ' 'x ,..,~:.., .. Be T .......... LO 1-1111 What's lin A Nome? I In the early days of building and loan associ­ations, they were sometimes organi%ed ta help certain groups and were so named. Hence IRON­WORKERS, MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS, PEOI'II.E$, ,etc. Ours was organized to help' the men in in­dustry, or more broadly interpreted. the industri­ous members of the community. For SEVENTY­SEVEN 'years wil have extended safe. profitable and friendly service to them and their friends. Today we extend the same service to YOU. Industrial Savings and' Loan Assn. 45 E. State Street, Media' 4% SAVINGS PLANS '4%, Any Amount AnytIme Friday Evenings 6:30 to' 8:30 Saturdays' 9' to I TlJis p.E. MIl1l gOBS to ba.t for good Citiz811slJip Asa Philadelphia Electric employee, Charley helps to keep an ample supply of electricity available for homes and business firms in this area. Off the job, he and other P.E. employees are active in Little League Baseball, the Boy Scouts, and other gtdups that help make youngsters good Ameri­cans .• This sense of civic responsibility is typical , of the more than 9000 men and women who work for you at Philadelphia Electric. On the job or in . their leisure time, they are good neigh bors who are helping to build a better community. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY A TAX.PAYIM. ........_ _, _ '"" _ '""" 1OO.0IIlI ST __ /' , , .' , -", ',.,. , , , 'r' ," ( I. .."., ."; " ·,1 " . { I _~ . '! .. , " , "

    ---------- Page 10 ----------

    Pap I rHE SWARTHlIIOREAN August 11, 1961 RECISTRATION SCHEDULE PRIOR TO CENERAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 7, 1961 SEPTEMBER 8th Last day an elector may remove from one election district to another in ord"" to be permitted to vote in the new election district at the Gen­eral Election. Persons moving after this date may vote in old election district if otherwise qualified. SEPTEMBER 18th I Last day all electors may register to vote at the General Election. This includea electors who will become of age on or before November 8th,19G1. SEPTEMBER 18th Last day for an elector who bas removed into a new election district to :Jnve notice to the Registration Commission in order to be permitted to: "jjM in the new election district at the General Election. The removal card must set forth a removal date into the new e1eetion district which cannot be later than September 8tb. COURT HOUSE HOURS: ReIiuJar business hours npto and including Monday, September 18th. Mondsy t.h rough Friday- 9:0.0 a.m.. to 4:30 pm. Together with such additional hours as designated below: September 8Ul- Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. September· 9th-Saturday- 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. September 15th - Friday - 9:00 am. to 9 :00 p.m. September 16th - Saturds!, - 9 :00 a.!". to 4 :00 p.m. BOROUGH REGISTRARS WILL SIT FROM 2:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. AT THB FOLLOWING COMMUNITIES: September 1"': Ratledge BorOugh·- Fire House. September 12 - Nether Providence Township - Nether Providence Ele· mentary School, Moore Rosd. . September 12 - Nether Providence Township - Nether Providence . Bigh School September 18 - Swarthmore Borough - Borough Hall, Park and Dart­mouth Avenues. , Ta,lor Hospilal Names Fallfime Pathologist Dr. Best of Moylan Is Former GP Dr. William G. Best of Moylan has been appointed the first full­time patbologlst at Taylor Hospi­tsl; and will assist Dr. William Campbell of Chester, who has been serving as chief of the depart- 1942. During World War II he served as a paratrooper with the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army in the Euro­pean thea~re. Following the war, he studied for his specialty in patbology at Chester Hospitsl, and served his residency at Grasslands Hospital, Chester County, N.Y. Dr. Best is married' to the for­mer Nancy Tucker of Chester Heights. The Bests 'have three, John 14, Robert 12, and Carolyn 9. ment on a part-time basis. Services Today 11 :30 A.M. Dr. Best's appointment will make it possible to expand the For.H. M. Crist, Educator services of the laboratory. Facili- (Continued· from Page 1) ties for tissue study are now b .... year. The cornerstone of the resi, ing set up, and tbis new hranch of dence hall f"r high school girls service in Taylor's lab will be was laid in May, 1917. Wildcliff, opened in the fall. the junior conege, and Hillcrest, The .staff will also be increased, the French Center, were purcbased Dr. Best reported, to include_ six in 1918. technicians, two laboratory assist- In 1932, a Delaware County His­ants, two trainees, and an office tory recorded the school's enviable clerk. reputation: uH, M. Crist and Fmn- Before training for his special- ces L. Crist, principel", have de­ty, Dr. Best was a general practi- veloped an· unusual institution tioner, with offices in Concordville, where nobility of character and for ten years. He received his med- purpose as well as high standards ical degree from Georgetown Uni- in scholarship are emphasized." In versity, and did his internship at 1942 the school closed and Mr. Chester Hospitsl from 1941 to Crist moved frolll Swarthmore to a vacation ." • Is yours .t fbe Marl· borougMllenhelm Holel In Atlanlic City. SUndecks, no charge for ~I or ocean bathing, pooIside cafe, pri· vale beai:h entrance, alr­conditioned Ocean Wing with lelevision and pri.ale terraces. Ask about Inclu· sive Plan. Twin beds with bath from $14 Mod. Am., $8.50 Eumpean each per­son. Ph. 609·345-1211; in N.Y. MU 2-4849. Marlborougb-)'j[enbe(m OMlIflOlitlAlI • ATUIIllttllY 0-..., "SMI en' ,Ios- iII.i N 1f III. Lansdale to mak~ his home. with his dsughter, Mrs. Frances Leavitt Crist having died in 194.0. In 1952 he married Mrs. Harriet F. Kistler, widow of Dr. Wm. Earl Kistler, and returned to Swarth­more. In the past few years Mr. and Mrs. Crist have traveled wide-\ Iy. Mr. Crist maintained his inter­est in education and the careers of his former students. He was a member of PM Gamma Delta fra­ternity. In addition to his wife, he is sur­vived by his daughter, Mrs. Mary Crist Fleming, head of the Ameri­can School, Lugano, Switzerland, who visited him during the Christ­mas holidays; and three grandchil­dren Gay, '!10m and LYUlf Fleming, who spent two weeks with him in June; and by a brother Benjamin Crist of Lancaster. This morning's services will be conducted bw the Rev. D. Evor Rob­erts, D. D. and the .Rev. Walter Getty, D.o. Interment will fonow later in the day at the Grace Evangelical United . Brethren Church at lIillerPille. Club Swimste'ts .In " Flight" Tomorrow (Continued from Page 1) in pink two-piece ensembles will portray "Lovers of Venus". Rutli Kurtzhalz, Lynn FarrIng­ton, Maria" Stradley, Carol and 6DO EnroU_allsl C,stic Fjbrosis / Delaware Valley Campaign Will Beg:n In September Nancy Campbell "Moon Mice" in Nearly 600 volunteer workers in black suits with be-eared caps will Delaware County were enrolled in cavort to "77 Sunset Strip". the firsft week of recruitment by Peter E. Told All Lines of Insurance III DAaTilOUTB 4VB. Klngswood 3-1833 With sequin-scaled caps, Nyniphs the Philadelphia-Delaware Valley E--'Ia· wn CameleN from Neptune who bave been prac- chapter, National Cystic Fibrosis ... •• tising to "Night and Day" include Research Foundation, according to A non-profit, mutual en- Mrs. George Herschel, Mrs. John an announcement by Peter M. Delo terprise (()If' the benefit of Cushing, Mrs. H. Clayton Taylor, of Wallingford, president of the families residing in Swarth­Mrs. Wilbert Brown, Mrs. Lee I chapter. more and neighboring com­Standish, Mrs .. John Remington, I In the 14 branch area cover<ld by munities. For information ~rs. Herman Bloom and Mrs. WIl- this chapter, 2806 workers were en- 88 to lots apply to bam Stanton. . rollell in. the campaign against ALBERT N: GARRETT With the summer club leagne this dread disease ohe of the worst seaSOn ended Swarthmore's swim- child ki11ers in th; history 07. medl- Preai/kn, cond B""""" •• MIIf'. mers who also belong to Suburban cal researcb Delo continued 228 Garrett Ave. KI 8-0489. Swimming Club continue to keep T' • Swarthmore, Fa. In trim with A.A.U. meets until earns o! telephone c~lers have ~::;;;:;;;;;;~ the 1961 Swarthmore Swim Club ~n working double sllifts enrol- Ga rnet an d W-h1't e' meet and C up hdonog volunt•e ers fo•r the •d oor-to- Championships, scheduled for Fri- r ca~pa'f' ~~]ch ~:s ~p-day and Saturday, August 20 and than can ]n,uos oug out 26. the mon • . DECREASING COST OF DRUGS .. '. 1M t:II$tJ of Linda Zecher, placing fourth in Cystic fibrosis. Is a congenital the 100 meter breaststroke for in- disease affecting the mucous mem­termediatee, was the only Swarth- branes of the throat and digestive more swimmer to contribute points tract. More tban 7,000 children are toward Suburban's winning of the born with it in the United States Berks County Swimming annually. Of this number, few ation &eet in Reading last Satur- ever reach their teens; more than , . , insulin "l'adar I I U. _ oalf '" . ....... kcIW 30 ,..,. .... , d ay. half die before t1ie age of five. __ .... _ ... a. On Sunday, when Suburban won The Philadelphia-Delaware Val­.. .............. I. the boys section and placed second ley is affiliated with the National in girl~, at the Second Annual Wil- Foundation, which disperses funde mington A.A.U. Age Group Relay for medical research into the caus­Carnival Ricbard McQurdy swam es and possible cures for cystic fi­on the second place D1.edley and brosis. Last year the National or- ....... J' 7.~ , .. lOss III" . ~ ,... /iIui6I J H .11 '1 ........... '''1'., Oar prices atwa,s ...., fa&, the third place freestyle (400 . ganization returned a quarter of a each) for intermediate boys; milli~n dollars-more than half the Gerner was on tbe first place ftll!ds collected throughout the yard freestyle team of country-to hospitals in this area, Catherman's Drug Store Klngswood 3-0586 Anne Townes Willi on tbe first to finance research pro;ecte under 200 yard freestyle team of way now. • on the fifth place junior girl ". . and also, with Terri McCurdy, was -------- I ley team. 'I saw It In the Swarthmorean." New Life-Saving Class The last two-week session of Red Cross junior and senior lifesaving will begin at the pool next Mon­day. Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. PATfERSO.'S Funeral Home P~one LOwell 6-3400 Middletown Road - Media. Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowfton Road) OV~ 25 YEARS- ~BBlBNOB A Prlclla to Meel BTeq Pamll7". Neea CREMATION EVERGREENS RED HYBRID MALLOWS "BLUEBIRD"ALTHEAS RED BERRIED COTONEASTERS FIRETHORNS ROCK CARDEN BOULDERS Fertilizers - Peat Moss Walls, Walks and Terraces WCESMT ,L.,A UREL Hill 4IIftII ".., .......- .. - -.~ .. • Open We\lkdays & Safurdays,B-5rSunday 12-5 Telephone TRemont 2-7206 . MOhawit ... 1591 Ask for BEN PAlMER TENDER' MOMENTS The meat course of a meal is generally considered to be the most important. In this regard, THE CO-OP offers consumers the quality of Swift's Premium with the flavor and tenderness only gen­uine steer beef can give. WEEKEND SPECIAL - BEEFSTEAK: Sirloin Porterhouse, T -Bone and • It costs no more to enjoy the Best at • • • • The 401 Da", ,lath Avenue fOOD· MARKET , . , \ , '. Public Meeting On Blue \ Route t GVlflrthnol'1: Volluglf' Lihrflr:r* Svmrthrnore THE SWARTHMOR COL"IWI'~ L I .I.I. ...r.;. . .\ It Y Monday, August 21, ~:()() 1'.1.1.: Boro Hall . VOLUME 33 --:NUMBER 38 Swarthmore. Pa., Friday, August 18, 1961 $4.00 PER YEAR REPIRT ADYISES!Cilizens Council lamest No Thu-:sday Canteen ILocal Citizens Call Canteen WlII not be open on I • APART· .EI'. COUVERSIONS Mrs. Maurice WebslerThursday evenings for the remain- Meehng on Blue Roule . n. AGAIIST der of the summer because of the . Olle of the earliest desired as- eharacter by alrowing fnrther indio- Elm Avenue Resident Will smal1 crowds on that evening. Public Conclave To Be slgnments' of the Swarthmore Plan- criminate apartment conversions. • Canteen willI continue to run on 'H Id M d I . Serve As ExeC'Uhve Monday evenings for tbe remain- e on ay n nlng Commission has been complet- A demand for additional resi-ed. Shortly· &fter tile Commission dential units bere Is expected to Seeretary der of the summer. Boro.· Hall was eBtabU.hed in 1966 it was BUg- continue because of: 'Mrs. Maurice L. Webster, Jr., of M • is . H Id Recent activity on the part of gested by Borough ~cil, 1. Resldentlalcharaeteroftown; EJm avenue has been named exe- emorla .. enlce e SpringfieJd,NetberProvidenceancl Swarthmore Property OWners As- 2. Historically excellent sohool sys- cutive secretary of the Citizens For Mrs. Buffington Marple Township bas alerted soclation, Swarthmore Leagne of tem; 8. Swarthmore College and Council of Delaware County. Her Swarthmoreans to tbe prospect of Women Voter?, and the. ~elaware camp""; 4. Advantag.,.,us commu- appointment became eHeetive this Park Avenue Resident action by Pennsylvania's Depart;. <lounty Plannmg Comm'."slOn tbat ter mil service to Philadelphia; 5. month when the Council opened Had Lived Here ment of Highways On the long de-it undertake an evaluation of the Older residenls' desire to remain permanent offices at 10 SOl>th av- Since 1925 ferred Mid·County Expressway. local apartment situation and what 'but seeking smaller living nrilts; enue, Media. . After a brief illness Edna Pow- Springfield and Nether Providence should be done abol>t it. 6. Solid development of open space Mrs. Webster, a charter mem- nall Buffington, wife of Albert L. have been urging tbe adoption of A 35-page ~lIlet. just present;- surro~ding Swarthmore. ber of the OODC, bas been on its Buffington, died Tuesday evening the Blue Route,· Blso called the ed to, Counc]l. ~nd n;r~rred. to The demand is confirmed by new speakers bureau for seveml years. at ber home, 144 Park avenue. She Creek VaUey or Water Level Route. ?ouncllma~ Wllba~ GlIl s bwld- apartinent houses recently built in She has served on local, county, was 82. By any name; this is the route 109 regnlat]on commIttee for study, the borough. Present and probable and state hoards of both the League She was born in Christiana Pa. which would tWice cro... Crum .is the resul~ .. The r~rt bears the future market for apartment units of Wom~n Voters and the Women's the' daughter of Josepb D. C: and Creek witbin the Swarthmore CoI­name of Ph]hp W. KDlBkem, Com- and the condition of many horough International League for Peace Mary H. Pownall. Sbe was gradu- lege campus, and Borougb <lonn­mission chail1"sn until ill!" rec~nt h~mes makes them rip" for con- and Freedom. F.or more than 1,0 ated frem Swarthmore College In eil has reaffirmed its objectioll dea~h; Horac,: H. Hopkins VlCe- version to multi-family units. The y~a,:" she was editor of the LWV S the class of 1898. ,After her mar- made to Secretary of Highways chaU'Dlan, Collms S. Keller secre- median age of single family dwel- Count~ Voters Guide. riage in 1903, she and her husband Park Martin last year wben they tary, Walton H. Nason and John D. lings here being 32 years, indicates Durmg World War. II Mrs: Web- made their home in RisiPg SlID, pointed out that the projected road deMolI. many cannot compete favorably ster was a public representat]ve for Md., until 1925. Since that time would destroy an irreplaceable nat- It contsins 20 pages of back- with new houses being constructed the Chester-Delaware County Rent tbey have resided in Swarthmore. ural asset of this commnnity-the . ground material by the' Swarih- elsewhere. Many were built wben Advisory Boar?, and was one of She was a member of Swarth- Crum Creek Valley. more Commission, eight pages and servants were plentiful, income tax three women '~. PennsylTBnla to more Friends Meeting and active At the same time, Council mem­an i11ustrated map prepared by the low; noW they are oversized for,one hold Buch a po,ht]on. in their sewing group. She Is 8ur- bers expressed a desire to know Delaware County Commission as family under today's conditions so A member of the Swar:ttm'0re vlved by ber ·husbend, one nephew how local citizens now feel abont tabulation of a house-to-house sur- they could decline in value, suffer Players Club and tbe Wallmgford and four nieces.. the proposed expressway. To give vey made by the Leagne of Women ·neglect and deterioration, detract Arts Center,Mrs. Webste~ also be- A memorial sen'ice was beld at Swarthmoreans an opportunity to Voters "r the borough in 1968, and from the whole area and accelerate longs to the World Affalfs Coun- 2 p.m. yesterday in the Friends acquaint themselves with the route, a seven-page copy of a Montclair, a decline of attractiveness in the cil and tbe American ,Civil Libert- Meeting House. the' kind of higbway construction N.J., apartment-converslon ordl- (Continued on Page 7) ies Union. Her Girl involved, and to enable tilem to ex-nance with proposed amendments. . Scouting ~eludes .service as a SHS Football Squad press. their views, a meeting will be C "I 0 troop comm]ttee ohalrman and sev- held m the American Legion. ROODl Conclusions are: ounci pposas ~ral. years as a troop l~a~,:r. She To Begin Workoul in Borough Hall at 8 p;m. on Mon- 1. Retention of tbe primary sin- BI R ul····Ag· ]s dlfector of youth act]Vlties for day evening, August, 21; Members gle family residential character of ue a e. aln the Swartbmore Friends Meeting. Will. Leave August 27 of a committee appointed'last year the community is essential to I Mrs. Webster is an alu._ of for 5 Day Camp ·by Council, under "tbe Chairman- l .S wart hm ore' ss tabll'1ty ;2. Co nver- A so Mo, ves Against the Max-:vell Sc~ool of Ci tizenshlp . T r.aining s~ii> of Councilman Wi11iam H. sion of overage or oversize single Reapportionment and ·Pubhc Affa]rs of SyracWlll Un- Ollicial practice lor Swarthmore Gill, to watch expressway develop-family dwellings is not an cadvan_ \ versity, and was graduated magna High School's 1961 football team ments, will be present, armed with tsgeousme!lh.o<! o( (:omb!,"illg . Plan cum. laude and Phi I;!eta K'!i\lPl' 'startS.Jiexl:"Thlil'Sday·'41i·9!SOa.m. maps ·and ready to answer qUe&- ·housing obsolescense; 3. SearCh 'Borough Council in August sea- with a B. A. in history: and Eng- on the Rutgers Avenue Field, but tians.' Henry Cole., Borough Mana.­should continue for means of mak- sion Monday evening decided to Hsh literature. . already members of the squad are ger will brief citizens on action ing it economically feasible' and send two. protests to the State She and her husband, a cbemleal getting int.:: condition. taken by the Council, and the to encourage private rehabilita- Govermuent at Harrisburg. engineer for the Sun Oil Company, With the slogan "Get It Done in meeting will be chaired by Ed­tion of single family residences Sparked by John J. Logne, Yale have three. ooughterB;-Caroline, '61", c<>-captsins Mal Anthony and .mund Jones, a local attorney. where possible, and their demo- avenue resident who teaches local 18; Nancy, 16; and Elhzabeth, 111. John Bond, and the rest of the Recent appropriations by Con- Htion and replacement where neces- government at Villanova Univer- squad are presumably tuning up gress for defense highway· build .. sary. sity, and Mrs. William C. McDer- Canadian Minister, Family the old muscles, running at least ingand pressure for a bridge at Face Twin Problems mott, also of Yale avenue who is S '/1 P • E b P two miles a day, tossing off 200 or .chester, as well as increasing high- Suggestions are: president of. the local_ Leagne of 01 or arls m !ssy Hoslt so daily push-ups, hopefully break- way congestion indicate that Sec­Women Voters, Council instructed Mr~ and Mrs. John. U"~ H. a - ing their feet into football shoes, retary Marlin mUst soon make a !l. Strict enforcement of present Borough Manager Henry Coles to stead and their young sons Ian sleeping well and eating. sensibly deCision, and Swartbmoreans will zoning ordinances prohibiting con- direct a letter to Secretary of and Christop'her, sailed on the (no "pie-in-the-sky" programs rec- ·be affected. There is still time, but version wiliile seeking other more HI'ghways. Park Martin reaff]'rm- Mauretania August 12 f~rance,ommended). b bl t h t' f effective means of combatting ob- M H d '11 be M' pro a y nO . very mue ]me or ing it. July 6, 1960, resolution op- where r. alstea Wl lD- Coaches Millard Robinson and them to make their vie"" known to solescence; 2. Council should re~:n posing the Blue Route for a pro- ister in the Canadian Embassy in Michael Pietryka are looking for- the State Highway Department, at a fee ?p to $2,000, a profe,:::"n- posed mid-<lounty expressway. The Paris, serving as administrative ward with enthusiasm to the pros- and it khoped that a goodly num­~ I planDlng cons~ltsnt to r ~'resolution states that this routs chief and political adviser to the peets.for this 1961 squad, and while ber of .,itizens will plan to do so <>n lD coope~atl!>n .w]th the PlanDlng which is laid in the Crum Creek Canadian Ambassador. Before theirl;hey offer 010 forecasts of any kiiid, Monday evening.' Co~misslOn, <lJhu. ~po,:", and to Valley .Iwould destroy one of the departure the family spent some they anticipate the season with -----~_-' ass]st the CommlsSlon m develo!'" gr·ea t natural assets of the com- weeks with Mrs. Halstead's par- confid. ence. 29 B S R . th h t f rth m oy c. outs eturn 109 e approac se". munity and obstruct future devel- ents Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Gem- Beginning this coming Monday, number 3 above; 3. Publlc]ty ef- opment of the coHege which is so mill of Thayer road. ,aHwho are interested in passing, From Reservation f"rts sbould ~ made to combat important a part of the commun- Mr. Halstead is leaving the post pass-receiving, and kicking of all Twenty-nine Boy Beouts from general. public apathy to i1I?gal ity". he held for ·the past three years types, may report for practice at Swarthmore returned Sunday from converBlOns and to getlera~ Wld~r. Mr. Logue spoke at the meeting, in the Permanent Mission of Can- Rutgers at 4 p.m. . two weeks of camping at Reslca awareness of Pfoblems wh]ch WlII ampljJying points of objection he ada to the United Nations. Before The squad will leave Sunday, Au- Falls Sco.ut Reservation. The res­have to be .faced over ~omln~ ~ears, had made by letter to Councilmen that the Halsteads were in T<>kyo gust 27, for training at Green lane, ervation, located along Busbklll an~ to stlmulate pr]vate f,x-up, (<lontlnued on Page 6) whidh, though officially designa- to return on September 1. },'urther Creek ·in the POCOIroS, is opemted palDt-up" efforts. ted as a "hardship post" because of practice is scheduled for September by the Valley Forge and Philadel- Study of the problem was .deem- Library Reading Club the health hazards, proved a most 6, and a barbecue for players and phia Councils for the Boy Scouts ed important because Swartbmore • rewarding assignment. After an in- parents will be held on Septem- of .Delaware, Montgomery, and like many older suburban communi- Membership at 196 tensive study of the language they ber 7. Philadelphia Counties. ties is facing the twin problems of Witb less liban two weeks re- made friends with maily Japanese Tw<i-dsy hikes and two over-partial obsolescence and popula- maining in the Swarthmore Public wilio spoke no .Englis!'. ;rhey will AII-St~r Lacrosse • night hikes gave tbe scouts an op-tion pressures caused by oUltward Library's summer reading· pro- presumably be lD Pans tiHl964 or Final Thunday Night portunity to explore a portion of growth of tbe ~entral City: More gram, book reporting has become 1965. The Philadelphia Subur!"'n ~- Resica's 4100 acres. While at camp, particularly Swarthmore ]s ex- more ,popular than ever. The cllub crosse League concluded its first the sCouts worked on First and periencing increasing pressure to membersbip stands at 169, more RETURN FROM EUROPE season with the first Annual AU- Second Class advancement and tile permit conversions of single family than 60 readers have already Dr. Harry R. Draper of Prince- Star Game last nigbt.on the coUege following merit badges: residences into apartments and re""hed their 12 o'clock goal, and ton avenue returned by plane after field. 'rhe Swarthmore· Ottawas Astronomy, camping, 'Wonders how the community should 15 of these enthusiasts ibave com- spending the month of July attend- combined with the Mohawks to face nature, wood carving, best meet this pressure. p!eted reports on a total of 25 ing meetings at the Tavistock Clin- the M~in Line com~nCheS-Hema"l swimming, life saving, cooki"ng. archery, forestry, Historically Swarthmore Ihas al- boolg;. ic in London, England, and also the to~a.s m what prom]sed to be a and marksmanship. ways striven to .restriet commercial 'IIhe following club members International Psycho - Analytic spmted conteat. .'. The camp staff instructed the and multi;<iweUing unit construe- reached 12 o'clock during the past meetings in Edinburgh, Scotland. Sure stsrters for the Swartb- sCouts in hiking and camping skills tion beyond already designated week: . He -:ras . acco~panied on the. ~p more Stsrs w~re Bob McHen,?" and directed the swimming, arch­areas and .at the cost of a high Lynn Fry, Kenneth Walts, Gary by h]s son, RICk, 16, who VlSlted Andy Jones, J,mmy Noyes, Sk]p ery, and riflery programs. .tax ;tructure the community has M-organ, Kath~ Hoey, Jean G~- his pen pal in SwaHownest near Bernard, Ralpb K1etzien, Bob The Swarthmore scouta placed been able to retain its residential line, Betsy Townes, Pete Lynah, Sheffield, England, for a few days. Frost, Noel Turner, Andy Lock- high in the field carnival stressing character H"wever in view of the Cindy Lee, Arthur Johnson, Ar- Before returning home they also hart, Jay Lord, Brooke Cottman, scouting sldUs, They won the fire­changing ~haraetlar 'Of environs and thur Walsh. spent two weeks. visiting Munich, a~d Charlie Gummy; F?r the !'bin- building contest, tied for first in present economic P1'8l8ures, it. bas In addition, Sally Lamberson, Heidelberg, and ffim, Germany, L~ners-AI FuI!"n, Bi11 Rohmso~, the nature competition, and placed become necessary to decide if tha Jane Bunting, Paul.Hood, and Pam Amsterdam 2and Rotterdam, Hol- M]ke Beatty, D]ck Harshaw, Phil third in physical fitness. Winniug boroug\j ;"ould retain this reaI- Larson each fi1UaI!8d their 215th re- land, where Rick boorded the S.s. Bennedetti, . Art Schrader, Ed the water carnival earIIed the troop tdieDatt_al chanietIer or penalt a -.; port, 12101 .beeomlag eligible fori u'aesdam to return bOule the end Steers, Arme FaIcona, and Bill a watermelon which was enjOJed, ciepaztun boa Ita huie G~ "am·,· . of this week. . . D,UMn . Iby all.

    ---------- Page 11 ----------

    / PageZ , THE SWARTHMOREAN August 18. 1961 Personals Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey of Yale avenue have returned from a five-month trip abroad, viSiting 16 countries in Europe, Asi~ Minor, and Mrica. The last six weeks were spent in England and Scotland, mo­toring more than 3,000 miles with Prof. and Mrs. Horace Alwyne of Bryn Mawr College. Mrs. Donald Crosset of '!'hayer road with her daughters Mrs. Wil­liam Ward, 4th, of Wallingford and Mrs. William Brink of New Haven, Conn., flew Wednesday to Cincin­nati, 0., on a surprise viait with Mrs. Crosset's mother Mrs. Wil­liam Pohlmeyer who was celebra­ting her ninetieth birthday that day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Suther­land of North Chester road have as their guest Mr. Sutherland's moth­er Mrs. Robert G. Sutherland of Newark, N.J., who arrived Tuesday evening for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bush of Dickinson avenue recently arriv­ed home after a month's stay at Colorado Springs, Colo. Mr. Bush was awarded a fellowship to the summer Institute in Humanities at Colorallo College under the John Hay Fellows Program. Mr. and Mrs. Bush visited friends in Den­ver and Chicago, Ill., and spent some time sightseeing throughout the area. Mrs. P. L. Whitaker of Park avenue had as her guests for sev-I eral days her Bon and daughter-in-· law Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Whitaker and their children Barclay, Jeffrey, and Suzanne who returned to their home in Pittsburgh on Monday. Mr. and Mrs; Edmund Jones and children Linda, Eleta, Ted, and Nancy of Haverford avenue return­ed to Swarthmore Tuesday from the West Coast after visiting nat­ional parks dUring a six-week trip. Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones of Elm avenUe last week went to Asheville, N.C., to visit Dr. Jones's aunt Mrs. George Donnan who cele­brated her 90th hirthday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Russell and children Emily and Stephen of Haverford place returned home last week after spending 10 days in New England. DIOK FRANOHETn - TELEVISION 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PA. TELEVISIOII - HOME Ind AUTO RADIO _ PHOIIOS "Bring It to Us or We'll Come to You" Klngswood 4.1028 KIWANIS ~~II~IC;;d CIRCUS MILLS' CIANT 3-RING AUGUST 22 - 2 and 8 P.M. Painter's Crossroad. Routes 202 and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Baker Middelton and family, of Rutgers aveilUe re­turned home Sunday after a week spent at Laurel nesr Carlisle. Scott S .... ions of Norfu Chester Jan Benton of Cornell avenue will return home tomorrow from Camp Hidden Falls in the Poconos where she has spent the past two weeks. Jan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benton. Kendra Lewis of Park avenUe re­cently flew by jet to Minneapolis and spent a week at Camp Koronis, •• ."IB'Pt!rJJf&UIaJIIlaUHIIUIIIIIIUHIICIIIIllIQHlQUNIIIPIUUUIUlllIIUUIRlUUAlaH.· I The Bouquet "'I",,","" Bill Titus of Swarthmore avenue road was their guest. Sue Middel- Is in Children's Hospital for a knee ton spent several dayS last week operatiou and will remain in tihe at Ocean City, N.J., and plans to hospital until Thursday. Bill would return there today to spend the enioy hearing from his friends. rest of the month. Mr. and Mrs. H. Weston Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bra- of ()Ollege avenue have had as tfueir gan, Sr., returned Monday night guests their son and dallght4!r-in­to their home on Guernsey road fol- law Mr. and Mrs. H. Weston lowing a four-week stay at Eagles- Clarke, Jr., and son Greg of Bay­mere Park. head, N ..T., who leave tonight af- PayneSville, Minn. . Mrs. Thomas S. Linton of Park avenue with her children Joe, Con­nie, Beth, Tommy, Jr., and Peter recently spent six weeks in Ocean City, N.J. Mr. Linton joined hi. family for three weeks during the Ii! month of July. If BEA UTV ~A LON CLOSED FOR VACATION Reopening Monday, August 28 9 South Chester Road Call Klngswood 8-0476 • Mrs. Ro1H!rt D. Hulme and son ter a three-week visit. Michael Of. Haverford place return_ M d MM' J h ed home by plaue Thursday of ~~ r. than' hr'led. aULncae ' '0 Kn soten last week after vacatloon.m g for WIl.l( elr C I ren nrle' a , I ,-- 'th M Him' Scott, and Amy, recently of Aldan, severa weeA5 Wl rs. u e S on Monday moved into their new Mrs. John H. Pitman of Vassar ! avenue entertained as her weekend !! guests her son-in·law - and daugh./' 4i~IIIiIII~~"~"~~IIA~jji~~a'~ _~~~U~dI~IIiI~WI~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIDI~~~IIIIIUU~~IDIJ~.'~III~.'~U, ~.~I""""',; ~~.~ ter the Rev. and Mrs. Carlos A. r Avila of Chester, Vt. . S T k I . ' . . Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Coller and II tate ruc nspectlon .................. tile ........... ar. a ........... oIa .... parenta Mr. and Mrs. a E. Ken-'d t 119 S th P' to yon a t .".".,e.l r summer h owe In rest ence a ou nnce n South Berwick, Me. Randy Hulme avMenue. d M W'III ~ N B ' d d r. an rs. I alll • ower, remame to spen an extra 10 'th d hte S d B'I • • WI aug r nsan an sons 1- days WIth hIS grandparents. 1 d B bljy ret d to the! Mr. and Mrs. William C. MeDer- y an 0 ,urne : tt d II hte G f Y I home on Westminster avenue Fn­mo an atug r k ~ce WO a e day after a week's visit in Cleve-avenue spen a wee In aynes- I 0 . M B r' b h b urII' WI't h M rs. M.-..n.. ermo tt's par- an• dI, ., Witdh 'atres. Mow e s d rMo t-ta M d M W C M >_ er-m- aw an SI r r. au rs. en r. an rs. • . on ... ~ Harold Cathcart. mery. The MeDermotts "Pent an- . . th k to I N· d KeIth Ricltardson, SP. III, son of family have recently moved from 5!Y1 Bryn Mawr avenue to their' new home at 20 Arrowhesd Trail,' in Media. The former Coller llome has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Arvo E,. Vaurio. Mr. W. David McIntire returned . over the weekend to his home on Riverview road following a ·busl­ness trip to San Diego, Calif_ o er wee ur ng Iagara an R' h . th F' Lak be! th I Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ie ardson of tu e hUlger Sestu da°re e r re- Crest lane, returned home yester- Mr d M Arth s;r . rn ome on a r y_ d h' I d • an ["r.. ur. ennlngs BIRTHS Jl d M H T G 1 ay, aYlng comp ete a two-year announce the birth of a daughter, 'lihr'Dan h rs' d :,rydr ' of a~ty tour of duty with the U.S. Army, Donna, born Monday, August 7_ WI ap ~eeda~ a: ~ aftem Mr. Rkhard!:on spent 1Ihe last 20 The grandparents are' Mr. and, !'W,vIreeneu ew earen kav vaca° tio~en inug n a tYO ceanr md ont~h a Fa t Camp Bussac near Bor- Mrs. Harry F. Brown of Walling-' Oity N.J eaUA, rance. fOl'd, and ,Mrs. Hazel Jennings ofl M;"'. H;""'ld R. Goodwin of 608 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bullard and Drexel HIll, "T rtb S rthm h d' , sons Gary, Steven, and Carlton are •• 0 wa ore avenne a as 'd' t """ D' ld h eats th k d h rest lug a ..uu IC nson avenne. er gu d da ov:~ .e Iwee :rn er d , Mr. Bullard is a sales representa- 'Mr and Mrs Alan G Lewis of ~n aAnlan BUBGoodr -I?- aWd r. aUld tive of DuBois Chemical Company Ware' Mass. a~nounce the arrival I .... n. . WlnBD year-o f C" t' 0 M B II d' , , Ed d f H . h M 0 !Dcmna I, • rs. u ar IS of their son Scott Burn Lewis Check Your Car for Summer Driving Motor Tune~Up Check Brakes Wheel Balance Gulf Gas & OJls' V. E. ATZ, Mgr. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Opposite Borough' Parking Lot II.,..... I·Mee Dart •• IIt. alii Llfarlftl 'ft,_ Closed Saturday at 12:30 P.M. Peaches - Apples - Swut Qom -:- Tomatoes POTATOES - STRING BEANS OTHER FRUITS and VEGETABLES LI NVI LLA ORCHARDS "Th. Farm with the O.MUDn4Z Bllrn" DJrKHons: From $w.rthrnor. IOUth on BalHmono Pit. to Clover' •• '. Tum I. Gftfo RCHIh )52 kward Ch .... r. Ortv. IYl-Z mil .. , tum tight on Knowlton load for ¥.r mile. Open 10 A.M. - 8 P.M. Gsoono d . waSr 0 . edarnsth. urII'. rs. the former Rosalie Wherry of on July 26 ' , to SwWaIrDt,h mro.r, em froovm Mo1y8l asnu. mmer S wa rthm Ore. Mrs. Lew. is is the former Deha- '.:.. .._.~ __~_~_~_~__~_~ _ ~~~~_~_~ _~_~_~_~_. .._.~ __~ _~ _~_~. .~ _~_~ M Ch I J B d f Park Patty Narbeth of Yale avenue rah Thompson daughter of Mr I __ r rs. ar OS . ra y 0 h bee t' f t ' • ~ 1 -r-. . ,_ 00 -.:-..---'- 0oo~'fJ' ~ Daily and Sunday TRemont 6·9047 t f h T as n recupera Ing rom a, s rep and Mrs J aek Bum Thompson of .....--. ~ davenufelawats gek'les t' 0 f onorell ues- throat Infection since the latter Clifton Forge Va formerly of .r-f ... ay 0 s we a a arew sup-, rt f J I P tty tu d h ' "--1 1 fr rt . b th taU f th pa 0 u y. a re me orne Swarthmore I I perpa yglven y es 0 e t th . f Al h M' __ PI P byte ' CIt h t th h ,a, at time rom 0 a anor, The paternal ~ndparenb are r res rlan urc a a ome . e;, ... - r- -. dff of D r. and M rs. .u.!.. E vor R ~-rts 1 FaIrlee, Vt., where she was a Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Lewis of _ I ff !Bl Oue onl counselor. Ware iii Harvard avenue. Mrs. Brady, who Mr. and Mrs. Claud E. Eley, Jr., I ~!!!!!!!!. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;;, rr.rr L , _ has been a secretary at the church and children Dorothy, Claud, and I ' 1 ' • f fo: the past 10 yesrs, h~ been ap- Kevin, recently of Kittanning, For IIAGAZIIE SUBSCRIPTIOIS -,rr-f .rrf ~ i 6111 po,:,,~ secr~~ry to HIgh School moved into their present home on fl· ' . , r _ Principal Wilham M. ~u8h. . Crest lane Monday. The Eleys for- ColI 'rr and chlld~en Ashley and ~iff WIll Mr. Eley is associated with Lindej , , . 1 _ Mr. ~nd Mrs. Valentine ~ FI~e merly resided in Spring Grove, Va. MRS, LLO'. E, IAlFF .. '. '-,-.1 rffr ~~.II~1J :return thl5 weekend to their home Company of Essington. '," • 'nAIl 0 on Elm avenue from a tour of the Utah National Parks snd a 10- day stay at a ranch in Elk, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy of Riverview road spent last weekend as guest. of Miss Melva Chesrown at Southampton, L.I. f .UI"!!!II'I.nIlUUUWWUWlIIJWUUU!IIJWIIIIIDIIIIIIIWllli I BuHet Luncheon i Served Daily i = Both Hot 6' Cold DishesH $1.25 . I ; II BuHet Dinners I ~ ~ -Thursday 5 to 9 - Sunday 3 to 811 ;; $2_75 i !! THE WI;D GOOSE i Route I, Baltimore Pike I CLOIBI ON MONDAYS Summer Clearancel ON ALL NEW Pontiacs and Tempests • Acl now while selection fs large! • High trade-in allowances! • Qualify service before\ 2nd after deli,ery! LOUGHEAD~ PONTIAC TRemont 6-3314 11 th 6' Edgmont "QualIty.,,_ '926" I 14 Mil. . West of Media) Ches~r ,! . ~,,--,,----------""--,,--"--"--~'" Memorial Niches in beautiful ~:!~we1 Hill ~ ~ \ \\ ~ ~,,1 \l~~\\\\\G . ~ ~t' 1\'\\\\\\ \,\\ c,~t\l is the title of a booklet which answers the various questions 80 many people ask us. We'll gladly send you a copy without obligation. if you say "yes" by mail or telephone_ Write: ~15 Belmont Ave., BaIa-Cynwyd, PL', Teleplw1Ul: MOhawk 4-1591 WEST LAUREL HILL ~ 'V-1SItOn welcome. Come imy day from 9 to 4., ,Belmont Avellue above PhiIL .~. LiDe BaJa-Cynwyd' " ~ I I )" 1 , ,~ ' , August 18,196::.1=--__- '-_______- '-__T :.. .. :H:::....:E=-:::S.....:W.:....=A::....:R=--=T--=H:::......:M:.....O~R_E_A_N _______________P_ Rge_3 Methodist Church Offers Mrs. E. Lawrie Mifflin of I Heftu".em la"s Sung ;. _ Dartmouth avenue arrived home.. .. ~ St IdE' Die ty' Graliam Crusade Tickets ,Ia~t week following a three munth For Kathryn Stewart op n an . nJoy e awa~e oun 5 The Billy Graham Crusade Com- ~rJP to Europe, Her.ex~nded tour 'CI d Beautiful 'ttee f th S rth M tho- Included the Scandmavlan coun- Kathryn A. Stewart of Ridley ea nan Dtl 0 ewamoree .. d• t Ch h h h rte d 40 trIes, SWitzerland, France, the Park and Swarthmore, realtor and IS urcb f as t carerts t'a to B n' t' h I I B I'd Th k·' . ted 'th IS s es. e glum, an e insurance bro er aSSOCla WI Cpaosnsveenngteiorn uHs alol r earcahn sopfo the Iofno·u r Nethe rI a n d s. the North Chester Realty Company Tuesday evenings during the cour- Mr. Howard Williams of Park in Chester from its beginning, died MORTON WASHAMATIC 68 S. Morton Avenue Morton, Pa. lie 'of the Billy Graham Crusade- avenue has returned from a July 28 in Fitzgerald Mercy Hos­August 22 29, and sep~tnber 6,' month s vacation spent at Rock- pita' after a brief illness. Miss and 12. ' I port and on Nantucket Island, Stewart was striken at her sum- Ma.s. mer home in Margate City, N.J. ge'nMeermalb eprsu bolifc thmea cyh urrecshe\ 'Vaned bthues , !"Irs. Owrge B. Hec k.i..n an a nd F or the past '""" ye s r. MI'ss Stew_ .I ~~'-~~-~"".~ . ~__. ~ ."~ "~-~. ~.., .-_~~' ~s~.~ .. ~ ... ..~ . .. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~.~ ...~ . ~. .~ . ~.. ~ ..~ ..~ .. ~ ~." ".~.~ . ~ ." ~.. ~.. ~ ... ~ ..~ ..~ ..~ .. .. ~ "~"~'~.~'~ aeats in advance. The bus wm load children June Lee an.d G. B. of art had resided w;th her sister at 6:15 pm. and leave from the Park .avenue are spendlDg the sum- Gertrude A. Stewart, owner of the 'Municipal Parking Lot next to Bor-' mer m Haven Beach, N. J. Mrs. Stewart School for Retarded Chil­ougb Hall at 6 :30 p.m., sharp. Pri- Heekman r~turned Tues~ay to at- dren on Baltimore pike at Swarth­24 WASHERS ParkIng-A· Plenty 8 BIG DRYERS or to the 6 :30 departure, any with- teud a of the Kitchen Ka- more avenue. out reservations are welcome on ties Kommlttee, Hannah Penn ·Services ,were held August 1 in a first come, space available basis. House, of which she is chairman. Miss Stewart's "'home. Solemn re- Chuck Walton 663 7th avenue Mrs. William T. Salom of Hav- quiem mass was sung in St. Made- Sw rthmore >is ,i n charge of bus, e rfo rd p I ace, WI't h her chI' ldren line's Church. Burial was in St. res:rvations~ 'I Peter, ~ill, and Jimmy, spent ~o Michael's Cemetery, Chester. weeks In Waterbury, Conn., Wlth Besides Miss Stewart, she is sur- T~ckets for seats I? the reserved her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. M. vived 'by two otber s;sters Mar­sectIOn of Convention Hall are Pierp nt. During their stay the guerite R. Stewart and Mrs, J 0- available for these Tuesd.~ ev~n-' ,Salo':s spent a few days sightsee- seph A. Haykel, botih of Ridley ings ~ any who are attendIng and. ing in Boston, and Mrs. Salam, Park. Her -brother was the late travehng by an~ means. These with Mr •• Robert D. Hulme of Hav- Rev. Peter A. Stewart, former ree­tickets ma:r be pIcked up at the I orford place vacationing in Maine; tor of the Immaculate Heart of church office. Mrs. James Hazard of Wellesley, Mary R. C. Church In Chester. ' Mass., a fonner resident of Hav .. NEWS NOTES erford place; and Dr. and Mrs. Mrs_ Beatrice K. Morse Peter Madison of Princeton, N.J., . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zecher and, former Lafayette avenue residenb, Mrs. Beatrice Kellogg Morse, elrildren Paul, 2nd, hnd Linda, a .... : 'spent an evening together witb Dr. mother of Birney K. Morse of Har­rived home Wednesday afterj and Mrs. Lawrence Egbert, former vard avenue, died Tuesday at her spending 10 days in Dennis Port, I ~av~rford place residents now rI V- haogme eo f in9 1.M Tilhwea uwkiedeo,w W oifs .R, oayta lt iLle. (Jape Cod, Mass. IlDg In Wellesley. . .. Morse, former U. S. District :At- ,LI d . Stanton of Riverview road I • Mrs. Donald Crosset of Thayer torney of Wisconsin, she had visit­-' ~ding the fourth encamp-' road spent the week at Lake Wyo- ed in Swarthmore on numerous oc­: e:t at Camp Hidden Falls in the' sauking, at Towa. nda als theBgueksst casions and had many friends here. I Poconos. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton of Mr. and Mrs., Pau B. an,' Mrs. Morse attended Downer and Billy and Jay spent several She returned home Sunday. College when ,it was located' atl days at Promised ;r.ake State Park, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Peterso: 0; Fox Lake, Wis., and was gradu­after driving Linda, and Kristinlvassa~ avenue,spent the wee en ated from Ripon College. Peterson of Vassar avenue to <In WhItney LaRe near Hawley and In addition to her son, she ;s sur-I eamp. The Wlhole. Stanton fa;"ily on. Sunday picked up th~lr son vived by a daughter Mrs. S. B'I expects to attend an AFSC Family; ErIC who had been cam~lDg for Clorr; six grandchildren, three of, Camp at Ithaca, N.Y., next week. I the past two week. W1t~ 1!he whom are Mrs. Bonny Morse Rick-I Rich Howe of Columbia avenue Swarthmore Boy 'Scouts at eSlca son of Champaign, TIl., Mrs. Betty Who is spending the summer at i Falls, ddT II Morse McCoubrey of Park avenue, 2'0% DISCOUNT On Imprinted CHRISTMAS CARDS DURING AUGUST • Alice Barber Gifts 1 5 South Chester An I nvitation from ~etUe'~ to her SEOOND ANNIVERSARY PUlY Friday. August 18th 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.. Door Prizes Refreshments 9 South Orange Street, Media, Pa. Camp Deerwood Holderness N H Mr, an.d - E w. ar. a - and Mr s. VIr'g"l bt8 M orse B rown with his Savoy Cabin recentiy t~ok madge, WIth theJr dhlldren K~ of Di"kinson avenue, and 18 grest... Sl $I JI a.fl.v e day canoe tn.p ~ Lak e Az't. . 1fr6o, man Wd Bicrhuictae,, 1K3a, nms.o, vteod tlhaesitr w n ew g_g r~a~n~d~c~h~il~d~re~n=. ____~ ' ___. ...:.' ~'::::~Q~==~~~~===~~-?~~R~==~R~~~::::~~::::::::~~~_~~ Closed Saturdays during August coos, . Me. ~Is party' ca~ght 92 home at 317 Haverford place. trout, of which 28 were hiS. 'Mrs. J. J. SChoff of the Dart- Mr. and Mrs. G. Wills: Brodhead mouth House arrived home Monday and daughter ·Oharlotta returned from- -n ~week's vacation in Ocean to their Maple avenu.e hom';! Sun- City, N.J., as tJhe guest of her day after an eight-day visit to siswr .. in-law ·Mrs. Charles H . Mr. and Mrs. Percy C. Belfield of Schoff of Media. Villanova avenue at the Belfield Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lewis of summer cottage In West l/pring- Park avenue last week had as field, N.H. guests for several days Mr. and 'Mrs. Jonathan F. Swain and Mrs. Dliv;d Yeatter of North Man­daughter Jennifer of 609 Academy chester, iInd. Mr. and Mrs. Yeat­road have returned home from. a ter's daughter Susan was rec;.uper .. visit with Mrs. Swain's mother ating from a. shoulder operation in Mrs. E. M. Ricker in Madi~on, Lankenau Hospital. Mrs. Clarence Conn. Mr. Swain, who is a lieuten .. Fry of York was a guest of ant in the Marine Corps Reserves the Lewises for five days during at rolsom, has returned from a the week. Guests at a picnic Tues­two week tour of duty at Parris day night included Mrs. George Island, S.C. The Swains moved Tinsman and children M;ark, Paul, from Prospect· Park to the Aca- and Edith of Nokesville, Va., and demy road address, the former Kip_ Mrs. Edith Casey and Mrs. Fe­pax house, on July 15. . dora Bristow of Wilm;ngton, Del. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pegram Wednesday night guests were the and daughter Ann of Yale ave- Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Miller nue arrived home Monday follow- and family of Wilmington, Del. ing a three week trip to New Eng- Mr. and Mrs. William Stanton land. They spent the first part of of Riverview road were hoots re­their vacation at Squam Lake, N. cently to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sher­H., and the latter part at Lake wood and children of Park Col- M<lrey, Vt. lege, Parkville, Mo. .... ~ "" 'Yi ~ tS 11 ys , '--: 1 . t . How do you keep carpet clean? 2. Did you know that right here in Sworthmore was one of the finest automatic rug cleaning machines in the United States? Your rug is automatically deterged, scrubbed, and rinsed, ready for drying in our temperature - and humidity - controlled drying room. Most rugs need professionoi rug cleaning every year. Call PAULSON for quick service. Mohawk Carpeting • Complete Price Range • Oriental Rugs 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore. Pa. Klngswood 3-6000 - Clearbrook 9--4646 ~ 9 tP~t4'.~ KNOWS ,Carpet ... ~ Q __ l "M1IlD'1lOO IMIIL ~1Il 0: Ik. "",<2' B n Meet back-to-school expenses Fidelity with loan a Interest rates are low and loans are easy to arrange. Ask at any Fidelity office. For latest weather. news and sports, call Fidelity's Weather-News Information Bureau-CO 3-6400 DELIT'V PHILADELPHIA TRUST COMPANY CHESTER'· MARCUS HOOK. RIDLEY PARK Open Friday evenings: Chester and Marcus Hook offices, 6:30 10 8; Ridley Park office, 5:30 to 8 Open Thursdays: Marcus Hook office from 9 A.M. 10 6 P.M. RIDLEV TOWNSHIP OFFICE Mondays and TIIl!sdays-iO A.M. 10 3 P.M. Wednest;lays and Thursdays-;lO A .M. to 6 P.M. , Fridays-IO A.M. 10 8 P..M. , ActOlHlb UISU,ed up to IOJ eac:tI depositor through FederallJeposlt Insurance CorporatiOn

    ---------- Page 12 ----------

    SIRLOIN OR PORTERHOUSE NONE PRICED HIGHER c lb. •• tblll, •• n ••• t AI,P'. "Super·Rlchl" Quality SIllh for julclne .. Ind rich, fall tllvorl cuf frolll corn·fed beef Ind oar.fully trlllllllid for Vllu •• Check and COlllpar.1 , SUPER RIGHT 8 TO 12 POUND (SOLD WHOLE OR HALF] 51:"1 BONELESS HA,MS Sk'nle.s, Shankless •• - and Fully Cooked Ib65C SOLD IN 5 POUND BOXES ONLY . BARBECUE CHICKENS Ib 39C SUPER RIGHT CEITER SLICES OF BOILED HAM 1·lb pkg 99C 'II~ Sliced Bacon ,~~, 51c " Ib'15c al.k Liverwurst lb. 41c , LIIICHon Meats· "Sv.,,-RI.hl" ;;:. 2Be Porterhouse Roasts Frankfurters !~~~~ Super.Right Frankfurters 2 lb. 9ge ba. "".Ia, Bologna, Pickle Pepper, Salami, Olive. ~ptcecf Lunch.on or Old Fashioned) Roasters ~Hk Comlsh JOGst_,. 31h: to 4 pOlino Hb. 55e pkg. I •. 35e -FRESH CORNs8I1120012'EARS 39c JUMBO 8~IZE NONE PRICED HIGHER CALIFORNIA VALENCIA (dozen 34e) HONEYDEWS each 55e ORANGES 3 dozen 51.00 NEW JERSEY GRE,ENING LE GRANDE FANCY None Pricee! Hi9her APPLES NO~g~~ed 4 ~~~ 37c NECTARINES lb. 1ge -U.S. #1 YELLOW ONIONS N0H;g~~~ed 3 ~~~ 25e BUTTER PREMIUM SALTINES· SunnyReld Fancy Creamery 1·lb. 6ge solid - HUDSON NAPKINS White Sc!ie! AIIP Pack WHITE TUNA SATSIIP ,.;e~:~~1 2 ~:~ 33\ ED POTATOES ~~~~~? boxes \ In 1/4-lb. Prints, lb. 2 2' ~oxes of 70 7.oz. cans 3Y.t-oz. pkg. TOMATO SAUCEpb~:dm 6 L. ~-,-- . MA-Y OINAISE Annb~age ~:: 37e , PAGE BEANS. ·4 CHEERI~ADE Annb~age 6 I - , eLOROX BLEACH , 1/'lon 3 3e lug DEli FIG BARS I AI IP GPRINAEPAEFPRPLUEIT· DRINK 2 2 quart jar pkgs. gallon jug .Ib. box 71e 23C 53e MIRACLE WHIPD:tM~G Pint Jar 3 3e ~Uaarrt 56e 10NA TOMATOES MOTKER'S QU:CK Oats 18~z. 190 42-0%. 390 . pkg. pkg. , UQUID DETERGENT Cltiffon SAVE 8e THRIFTY 2!~z. 540 4 16-oz. 4ge cans SPARKLE REGULAR STYLE Puddings 5 pkg •. 29c H~LLMAN'S Mayonnaise p!nt 400 lor SHORTENING , Jumbo Size SHRIMP NORTH ATLAN,(IC • lb. 6 b~~ 54.39 Sge Sea Seallo.,s 5 ~~. $2;11 Ib_ 45c Sliced Halibut Steaks lb. 31e Sliced Swordfish Steaks . ". "Ie Large Size Fresh Porgies lb. 23c • A&P ::~ FROZEN VEGETABLES NOW-USE AS MUCH OR AS LITTLE AS YOU 'NEED-PUT THE REMAINDER BACK IN YOUR FREEZER. TENDER PEAS CUT OHEN BEANS PEAS a CARROTS SWANSON IV DINNERS UP Cauliflower Lemonade or Limeade UP Orange Juice Cooked Scallops r:,:::,~ Sc a II op DI•n ner JC.han,''n, JEAN PARKER JANE PARKER PINEAPPLE PIE 2b~~4t 1 ~~b.4Io bar . 2 ·Ib. 47' ,bIf: .. ..special! 8-~": 39' JANE PARKER CHERRY PIE Speeial-~AVE lI,e 8-laok 46' • pl. - JANE PARKER Golden, Sugared or Cinnamon DONUTS 8 p~,.16° 12 ,~" 1ge JANE PARKER Speeia~AVE 16c SPANISH BAR ; .Iob 290 JANE PARKER VANILLA IC~D, GOLD POUND' CAKE. RING' .• Iob 690 JANE PARKER GOLD LA YE, R CAKE ,OIcre.da ,.. JANE PARKER 100,," WHOLE WHEAT BREAD H~' 780 SAVE6c foIb. 18c : loaf JANE PARKER ENRICHED SLICED WHITE BREAD 2 I~:~;s 39~ 2:0-::- 270 FAM!LY SIZE CREST SPECIAL OFFERS TOOTH PASTE you p~y .. 73c lSAVE lOci] , LARGE SIZE' ! Liauid Starch , , (SAVE 3d quort 18C bottle Crisco 37c3•lb. 95c can can G L E EM TOOTH you pay 53C PASTE only . • WITH A FREE BOX OF CRAYONS WHITE OR COLORED IJelsev Tissue 2 ro:ls 25° TWIN BOX Ileenex NAPKINS 2 boxes 470 of 50 WHITE OR COLORED Ileenex Tissues- 2 boxes 530 of 400 llIter K,m,l Succotash 2 ~~~: •. 43e SPECIAL SAVINGS Fab DETERGENT II0c OFF] • FAST ACTING A ial CLEANSER FOR AUTOMATICS Ad Detere:ent Musselman's ',pl. Jvl .. NEW! SULTANA - , PEANUT BUTTER PACKED IN A RE·USABLE GDOKIE JAR m I 4 I:; $1.35 'Giant Box 69c You Pay On'y Isave 2. per .an) 2 14-oz. 27c cans have n.1 giant 6ftc box iI 3 ";:~; 51.00 SUMMER DRINKS ' HAWAIAN PUNCH, PUNCHI!\lELLO, HI.C DR'NKS, WELCHADE . OR FIESTA PUNCH; , . you,r 3' large 951· C ~~ choice! canse ~ -"--.A.. .A.. ~ ... _ ~ . j THE OREAT ATLANTIC. PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INa. All prlco. In thl. Adverllsomonl etfoolive Ihrou,h SllurdlJ, AI,. III1t • • Dr. and Mrs. John McKernan ing widely throughout the country Mass., and her live children, James and son Richard of Rutgers ave! in connection with the Soybean Isaac, Charles Garrett, Elizabeth nue recently were guests of their Council of America and the United Whiteside. Susan Murdoch, and son·ln·law and daughter Mr. and States Department of Agriculture Mark Edward. Mr. Williams 'pent Mrs. iohn W. Snape of Norfolk, dealing with the oil and fat situ,,· part of the time with his family in Conn., for a week. Richard Me· tion in India. Mr. James returned Kennebunkport. Mr. Hi b bar d Kernan will return home Sunday to Swarthmore the last of June. James, son' of Mr. and Mrs. James, after a visit with Tim Foley. Mr_ and Mrs. James spent the and public relations director of the Mr. Edward M. James of North month of July in Kennebunkport, Unit<od Fund in greater Washing· Swarthmore avenue spent approxi· Me., with their daughter Mrs. Wi!· ton, also spent some time in Ken· mately four weeks in India, travel· liam S. Williams of Holliston, nebunkport. RI . THE BELL AGAIN! Sensational O"er'start~ Today! ---'!!!- -......... .. olor ul Library of inating Knowledge ~ IN 20 BEAUTIFUL VOLUMES I "BUILT·INn I -- 0 Children of Every Age-Subjects from Jungle Animals to Atomic Energy! Diction. ary for Young People! Books Every Family Must ~ave! Ye •• this i. the one .et of books that EVERY FAMILY with children mat h."". For It ia the introduction to learning in dozens of broad .ubJects. And it contains one of the most important aide to a young person'. education - a Funk & WagnaU. dietioDIIl)' for young people built right into the set! 'What mBke, th.,. volume. ",perio. to the UBU«1 child'''''f two such departments in every volume. PLUS a portion of the 'lICI/clopediB,jor .",ampler dictionary placed between them. Remember that AL-L books for young folk. are reid like story T~ese forty departments. cover subjeets )"hich are irresistlbl. book!. B n en I d' h' h" d reading for the boy and gIrl in your famdy_ Each department ut-a elf! ope la, W Ie IS mten . ed mer~ly for f'e/er~ce, contains many subjects each of which would make a separate and not for reading from cover to cover •• oertamly not an .deal _. I d' th d h b' ts III .tory book. Every subject in an encyclopedia is split up into many article 10 an e~cye ope .a - .over a _ousan suc . su lee 10 a parts in many different places in the set, and. cannot be read as a And the dictionary. a port.on of is placed 10 every vol11me, connected story. ' ENCOURAGES USE - encourages the young person to - - reading into the dictionary. Thus the school boy or girl is not onu In these beautiful volumes of the STANDARD TREASURY, the given a new and important educational tool' but is tsught to USE lIoted editors have selected only FORTY broad subjects - what it. Such a dictionary. built into the set, is therefore far, far more we.alI DEPARTMENTS - eaell really a book in itself. There are important than any 80p"""to dictionary can be! 20 MAGNIFICENT VOLUMES • 2260 ILWSTRATIONS IN VIVID COLOR • EACH VOWME 7 II 10 INCHES • . SUPERIlY PRINTED & BOUND • 40 CATEGORIES OF KNOWLEDGE • 1020 SUBJEa5 COVERED PlU$- COM'un: 'UNK • WAGNAU' DICTIONARY FOR YOUNG PEOPU "Sull,-I." ouch volume Contents 0' the St.nd.,d Tre.sury of Leurning 40 DEPARTMENTS IN 20 VOLUMES AIIIlWS Of TIlE JIIICGll". jJOllIC Dill" •• 1tOS • 'IIITTBIUD • CAIS • mIllS AIIO OIIIP1CT • DOGS • IISIIES • IIDI$ES • IJISEm • lIR III 011 Alart • lin UWEI THE IllIIOICIIII • JWIIIID IIIIOIIIIIIII( AGB • _rllN! 'ND 'vtlCAllOB' llUSJe mm· 11(1 nAm-ALASU· NtW STAm -!lAIAlI • 01110lI.0 • I'IJIES • fOOlS • PlDUnotl[ lJIUW,S • I£P1'RD &lID AlIIIIIIIANS • IIVlIS • "'I SU AID IB MmtIIES • .. SNBlS • SlJIPS UII JOAtS • SPAC! Juva • SPOIIB • SIBS • mm AlII MIXW.LS • STOIIES 11l14li THE Illlt • TIlt THEAm • TIlE • rms • UIKDMlIOl 'lIDS· u.s. fUGS • WASPS AIID IUS • WIlD IIAIWU • WILD ROWllS • TOUfIG PfOPU Dr THE WOIlD P'us A "Bui',·ln" Dldionary in Every Vo'ume' 1020 SUBJECTS SElECTED, WRITTEN, ILLUSTRATED BY EXPERTS YOUNG PEOPLE'S DICTIONARY ONE OF THE BEST OF ALL , In spite of their almost incredibly low price illustrated, containing definitions of a full these volumes are among the best of their 39.000 words! kind in America! Imagine getting Volume 1 lor only t9cf Each subject covered in the twenty beauti. This ill possible today at your A&P Super ful volumes was written by experts. Each Market! was illustrated in gorgeous color by the finest Call at your A&P Super Market now to illustrators .. Each is handsomely printed on get Volume 1. See how delighted yoUr whole choi« quality paper and bound in full .. olor family will be. See how the book will fasci· hard covers laminated with plastic. Each. is nate even YOU! an OVERSIZE book so that the ~ype i. large Only then will you realize what IIl1 un· and ~asy on the eyes, ~nd the pIctures more believably low price is placed on the volumes detailed and eye-catchong. _ that you receive, one each time you shop. And the dictionary - a genuine Funk & But act QUICKLY, before the entire suPPI7 Wagna/Is Dicti""ary - is complete and fully Is gonet , --. . . \Jj~fijr:t.f:'~Ur 'seff~daYfC:~tV()LUME 1 .;,. ,0_',_,.; :.' "_'" '_', ,_ " " . ',' • :-, "'" .'. • • J' .' THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY INC. ., l... -t ::a 1.':1 :lII ~ >­~ ~ ::II !C 0- ::til l1li > ~~ i ~.. ! ~ 1:11 t!I I:tI ~ ,>.. !oJ l=!C= ' o ~ 1.':1 > Z I 01

    ---------- Page 13 ----------

    ,­Page 6 THE RWARTHMOREAN I ,August 18, 1961 Council Opposes ities. He said "The Blue R04te the permission Council had granted I -- . Bt R A' makes no JIIore sense than would him for a four-foot basketweave .POLICE AND FIRE NEWS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ue aute gam a Philadelphia expressway through fence which authorities contend Firemen took part in a dis- (Continued from Page 1) the upper Wissahickon or a New would not obscure vision soffici- trict drill at Our Lady of Charity To the Editor: with a suggested resolution calling York expressway through Central .ntly to be a traffic hazard as in Church, Brookhaven, at 7:20 p.m. I A the memorable farewell dinner for citizen action from this and Park". the case of the offending fence. Wednesday of last week and were on my retirement from the Swarth other Delaware County commun- The prOPooition that parts of It was announced that the n wi cal!ed to a small 'brush fire atl more-Rutledge School District a De~aware ?ounty be included in a instailed air conditioning had :ee! Swarthmore avenue and Cedar lane,' "purse" Was given me whIch ;'a8 Mary Ellen Beddow PhIladelphIa congres~ional district in operation in the Library since at 12:30 Thursday. subseqnently swelled to the gene!' ._ u~der a new reapportIonment plan, August 4; and that Cornelius Wild- Dr. George B. Heekman report;. ous snm of $750. This Was the no FLORIST Wlll also be opposed by Cooncll man had agreed to d d' te th ed Sunday thst the door to 8tor-: cleos we set aside for the excitin~ 7 South Chester ROad , KI 3-8093 Free Estimates Klngswoad 3-8761 thr au g ha 'i:~t U'la n be.m g prepar- requested ten foot strip ea lIocnag Hare- ag' e r~~m s a bo ve h"I S offIce at Har_ trip we have 'Ju st had .a broad. - ed ,by ~ohcltor Clarence Myers vard and Yale boundaries of the vard and Park avenues had been To all, nameless 'to me who whIch WIll go to the State Legis- Strath Haven Inn property 80 that forced open but nothiDg appeared trihuted enerlries, time ~nd m::: lature. . , streets may be widened If such is to have been taken. to ""'pre.. your affection In th~ A,p~hcatlOn. f?r a variance to made necessary by his building an heart-warming testimonial dinner permIt the buildlDg of a home and apartment house there. 1 saw it in Tho S"",rlhmoroa1f.. and for the most thoughtful purse beauty salon o~ ~outh Chester road' Council approved a parking ban I wan,t to say, on behalf of both nex~ to the !lIlchlgs,n avenue auto-Ion both sides of Harvard avenue ESTATE NOTICES Mrs. Morey and myself, a grateful motive. s, erV'lce station was denied. between Chester road and ... ...: Estate 01 JENNIE F. vERNON. alao mown and heartfelt "thank you." to L d Z II .wIIo as JANE PRETZ VEaNOH. la.\e of aJos an e a Bodo. Edward Holyoke place. It referred to Bur~ Towa,hlp of ........ , Pe_,IYaaIa. d.. Sincerely, !::e ~,::an ~s orde;ed . to remove gess Joseph Reynolda a complaint ~:;:::::'! Teatamea"'" 011 !he' """ I • Frank R. Morey -foot high sohd plcket fence from James C. Callahan 508 tate bave been gl1LDted to the W1der!~ e-:, I ~ . - he erected a'long his property at Swarthmore avenue of tl70- ' il wbo requc6t (a) au peraona having Cl::a.:.. Baltimore pike and Riverview road -hour speeds ,,' Ch m e-an ~ dem""" agabul· the .. t.1o 10 mal:. , EXPERT P1AND TUNINa Ith h '1 ' ters on ester road wa &be aame, and all peraolU JDdeb&ed d REPAI a oug ne may stl ,I comply with, hnd Swarthmore avenue. 10 the 10 malt. pa,m.a' wlthoul In RINa delay to Earl E. COnDOr •• 3130 SchoOl 47 Yeor. of Exp .• rience with Lane, Newtown Hquare. Pa., or to his An Male •. AUorney . ),forrla B. FusaeD, Esq., :1103 COWlly BUll_g. "edla, PellDa, .3T...... A. L. PARKER LO.eIIS.35SS E1tate of ALlCE MARTIN, 1&&8 Of BoTO- ~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~:!'se~ ColllDgdale, PennsylYanla. de-- Jewelry Repalred Ph. 10 3-4216 CIASSI FlED ~==,::==:::==::~ """"""",,~~P:..::E=RSO::N.,~ALfr;-==:::- WANTED EL NWOOD PEIJR S. ONAL - A,F.M. Contractor• WANTED - D' ay's :w:o::r=k :]-'rro=nl='ng- ADS rlveways, Stucco Work, Cement cleamng, etc. Experienc~d. Locai Steps, WalkwaY8,etc. CHestnut Hill references. TRemont 6-6376. Conyalescenl Ho me P7- b1;3&48!O oNr ASLH _er wbo'uordn 7it-u3l5'e6 7r.e finish- WANTED Ret!r,ed widow:: Balt1mo1'e PIke .. LlDoobt Aft. ing, repairing. Quality work at s,:~~g~~~e~:'OSlbon. B.ox 0, The moderate prices - antiques and 8warthmore modern. CaUMr. Spanier, King&- WANT~D One bedroom apart-wood 4-4888, KIn~.wood 3-21U8. mont 10 Swarthmore or vicinity Eatabllshed 1932 .... Call LOwell ~1 after 6 P.M. • PERSONAL Carpentry Joobing, WANTl!<D - To buy HookS 1l1llet, -.rJ 8urroundlnp Wlib recreation rooms, hook case., Stamps, Coins and old Poal _nent' UoBoor NanIDc Can porches. L. J. DonnellJ. KIngswood Cards. Call Mr. Martin KIngs- . I i4l_a~7i.8;'1'~~~~~~~~~! wood 3-4227. ' Kings.wood 3-0272 I n!~]; ~A:" . ~ --;;f.~; . FaR RENT "~ ~::;;==:;:;:; IK I-;,gs,;"o. F.O ~eRs uRti~fNulT surAropuanrdtminegns.t . MLeadrgiae. I ~. hVlng . room, dining room three . gutters. RecreatIOn rooms a spee. bedrooms, tile bath. kitche~, large Ity. Ray J. Foster, GLobe 9-2713. dec!' porch. garage. near transpor­PERSONAL BI' cycles Repa-ire-d, otart lOLOn.w Aeldlu 6lt-a0.1 5$81 20. LOw. ell 6-1870 Parts, accessories. Milt GlaBB - FOR RENT F' Bicycle Hobby Toy Shop 205-7 bed lrst floor, two- E t BaIt' t A 'C'· room apartment. Modern kit-a~ Im~re venue, lift.OD chen,conveniEmt location inSwarlh- Lello.. of Admllll'lraUoa oa the """,. EMIL SPIES etotate have been gnmted to the under-signed who request (s) all persona bavmc W4TCllMAKER claims or deDlanda aglllDat. Ute I!atate to Fol'lllerl7 of F. C. Bode aIId 80DI make known the same, and aU periODS Pine W Indebted. to the de~edent &0 make pay- atch and 128 YUle Ave men' without. deJay to David A J4arUn Olock RepaJra Swarthmore, h UG61.Iontgomery Ave., CoUlogdal~, P •. , Q; to his AUorney, Monia H. Jl'UsseU Esq 203 County BulldlDr. Medla. Pe.ona. '3T....25 Eatate of R. E. B,AIUirrr, alao Jm~"; aa IWBEaT EABL BARRE'rl', 1&&8 of To.nahlp at Haverford. PeDD.sylvarda deceased. ' LeUers Teatamentary on &be above es­tate have been grauted to Lbe underalgoed who requeat' (8) all penona having claims or demanda agB.1.rlat. the to make known the aame, &Dd aU pc!rsona tDdebt.ed to the decedent to mate payment w1thout. delay to Ellsabeth Frances Barre", :HO Vaaaar Avenue, 8W&r1bmore. Pa.. or to her Attorney Morris B. FusseD. Esq.. 203 County BuJl~g. Media. PeDDa.. 3'1'+25 ~_3-144B WILLIAM BROOKS ABbes and Rubbish Removed .... WD8.Mowed. General Haullng Z38 IIanIInc Ave. lIIorioa, Pa. Belvedere Convalescent Home 2607 Chestnut St., Chester gl~~~hts'TMhAdter'SOn 6-0713. OpposIte more. Available September 1. ] on . ea • KIngswood 3-6657. Estate of HE!~T~ E. mmLINOS, lale of Bancroft ROBd and Oak Lane, Box n, 'USTOM INSTALLATIONS II, "oylan, Delawaro county. P.llll.lylvaala, 1llernont 2-537~ ~~~ """:":' Jilin deceased. H D CHURCH covers •. Pin .-hi-:~::-.. :'-i,-=-~ FOR RENT - Office space one Letters Testamentary on t.he above E&- .... Bov Han .... Can • • You supply 1, '1 .yV,!L-, th"n two, or three rooms. Apartt~ents' tate havlrlg been granted to Girard Truat Aged, SeDUe, CbroD1o I PARI AVE" SWARTHIORE J ~ork large, medium, and small. Swarth~ i:~ Ex~ge Bank and Wlllla.m: A'I C'011'Y .... cen& lien a.nd WODlell I r~1 more Investment Co 17 gs, ecntora all peraona iDdebted KI d ~ South Chester Road SmwPartnhY' to the eald decedent. are requeat.ed to make JUeeaiu' P", .. Spacle. Or ..... ngsw-oo 4-2727 I r _ " A G C ,. a more, pa .... a'. aad Ibo.. bavJng clalm, or Blue ':lOu _ .. d ~, ::::::::::::=.• I 35 lNG, ....- ro wo• od• 3-a0t6h8e6r.m an, Manager. KIngs- •d .e.m..u. dwal thaogualln d.set.l .yl5,a 1.d1 tEhes taotIefl c.t o0 1 p~~::: ""DIJIl PIPPIN O:UR".,.., .., opde"I " ROOFING , Gutters Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning , Sheet Metal Work George Myers and Co. BOX 48 CLobe 9-3358 Edward G. Chipmu and Son General Contractor BUILDERS 'Since 1920' free EstImates 140 I Ridley Avenue , Chester, Po. TRemont 2-4759 TRemont 2-5689 August Special! 20% Discounl!!! BOOKWAYS 417 D.rtmouth Aye. I£ ~~~~] ~.. '''¥,I:.;:~I $i' i6~: n.", FOR tREMNTd' CouDt'bct:Part- ~:::nu~o:re:c~":K:de~~a' pBaroadoeo~.d f~ :"\ 1.1 I men, e la area, fAr ber 1 ,....., .• . ~ e _.mIl8DlRJlItIlDanlllll .. EBIIm'"'DlII!! custom 4-;: ~~ L v H. Brown, Jr.. Pre81denL" II"' f :.6~tr:~~ occupancy. argol living room, bed- John B. H. cad ... Attorne •• Fld.U.y- CRESSON 'PRICHARD ;-i:: ... .: rom our room, pine panelJed kitchenette- PhUkdelphla Trust. BuDdingj TweaUeth for ....... ::c estimate. Ll[dIow dining area, beautiful grounds Floor, PhlIadelph1a, 9, Pa. IT-8-25 I ~Tyeearns' o f Swarthmore --swimming pool.. $160 a month: - REA L TOR mAi;-::~(jjrn:p]' !IN:Ti~'''= Phone LOweU 6-6885. DELAWARE COUNTY '" . rooms, ldtehen nooks:':_~~ FOR SALE ... Ied !~~:'T::O~.D:~:: a. the ~, NOTARY PUBLIC cases, room dIviders. No job ~ FOR SALE - 21-inch power Moto- Office of the ~County Controller, Court 'i!~ 900 small. Robert Crowther. Mower. Good condition. $100, Hou'e, Media, Pa., up uaU! 10:00 A,M. Michigan Avenue 4 M -0.162. Call between 6 and 7 P. LOwell 6-3099. Ea,lom Da.lIghl TIm. 011 Fdd •• , Aug- :"_- F " . ust. 25. 1981, for furnlshing and deUvertng ~ 5 th OR. tsALE - Maple dining room' Drugs and SUrgical Supplies to the Dela.- war more PERSONAL - Grandmother's smte, drop leaf table, buffet, four ware COunty InsUtutlon District, F.O.B. S Mending Sl;!rvice frees mother ladderback .chairs. KIngswood 4- Falr Acres Farm.. Lima. Pa .• which will a KI 3-1112 for relaxing family fun. PromptJ 1518. he opened at. 11 :30 A.M. E.D.T. 00 ttla.t ::_~, reasonable. Klngswood 3-5177. date at. Fair Acres Farm, Lima, Pa., In _ WANTED FOR SALE - Did you know that the presence of the ExecuUve and Ad- "'1Im_"'1IIllII some of the popular sprays are minlstraUve Offfcers ot the Delaware - ·umllllDlI~"WlllaUllJlUlUIDQlIIUnllR WANTED-Welleducatedwoman dangerous? Let the birds destroy COWl', In,UIuUon Dkldcl, r-------------.. seeks interesting responsible your garden pests. Invite them with Each bId mU&t be accompanled by September position in private feeders, houses, and baths from the Cub CertifIed Good Palth Check or by a I school, college or institution. Live S. Crothers, Jr., 435 Plush Mill Corporat.e BUrety Bond. either one In t.he' . PI h Road, Walll·ngford. LOwell,6 '651 amount of teo per-cent. (10,%) oJ the -total 10. ease p one and tell me where ;;;~'"-;:;:;-;::;;:~::::;~~~~~.~ ..~ :, amount. of the bid. drawn to the order of I am needed. SUnset 9-7317. FOR SALE _ Photo enlarger and the Delaware Coun'y lDBUOllloa DlBldcl. WANTED High school girl de- developing equipment, like new, Forms of Proposal ma, be obt.aJ.ned at si,r es ehds by-sitting J·obs. Well, ex- $40. Call KIngswood 3-8986. tFhaer mO.H lLcei mQat, thPee nAudam. llllslralo• • Falr A.rea perlenc • LEhigh 2-6162. FOR SALE Camp cot; aqnarium The ""'.cuUve aDd Admllllslrallvo Of- WANTED _ Former stenographer and equipment; skis; clay pig- flcers of the Delaware Count.y lDl5UtuUcm I _ a~d: position typing, eons and hand trap', accordion. DiI5trlet. reserve tile right to reject. IUlJ' ,• ~., _ _: .. •' GI' I rFr'id a y du- KI ngswo od 3-8986. and au bidos.. R. WATK!RS I,.,e:s. COlleie' FOR SALE Two men's winter ALBERT B. SWING : .. ~ . U ~A'. ~ .effi- overcoats, size 44, in very good WH. A. WELSH :.~' . o~. , ... " ~ few odd furniture items. Moving. 21'&-1. ber.. _' 0·34'" KIngswood 3-7065. r-------·-----, ~ Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. Middletown Road - Media, Pa, Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) II EVERGREENS A. B. DICK Office Supplies MIMEOGRAPH SPIRIT DUPLICATOR PHOTOCOPY Swarthmore Typewriler Sanice 10.2 Part Av •• , S.lrlhllore; ", S. E. Hudson - KI 4-3360 Pallon Roofing ~o~ ESTABLISHED 1m ·ROOFING "SPOUTING "GUTTERS ·SIDING SWARTHMORE KI 4-0221 . or KI 3.063& Qualify wort with qualify materia'. Picture Framing ROGER RUSSELL ~hotographic Supplies Sl'ATE .. MONROE 8TH. • MEDIA LOwell 6-2176 OPEN PRIDAY BVENINOS ....... RED HYBRID MALLOWS "BLUEBIRD" ALTHEAS RED BERRIED COTONEASTERS FIRETHORNS ~:nummmaIIIIIllIUllmlllmmnnmmm'"nlllfllrmIlDmmllllllcllllllllnlla'"lIIlllInnlhIlIIlriflCIIIJIJUHIICIIIINJRINaIUIP'" i SWEENEY & CLYDE I III ROCK CARDEN BOULDERS Fertilizers - Peat Moss Walls, Walks and Terraces Open Weekdays & Saturdays, 8-5; Sunday 12-5 Telephone Tle",ont 2-7206 AoI: for lEN PAlMER , = Established 1858 a Iii,. 29 East TFiRfth Street, Chester, Pa. , emont4-6311 II iii SAMUEL D. CLYDE .. , 1872-19&& J. EDWARD CLYDE SAMUEL D. CLYDE, JR. ( REAL ESTATE INSURANCE AP,P RAISAlS I ( Page 'I August 18, 1961 ____ _ ---- THE S WAR T HMO R:.:...::E:..,A::..::.N_ ______ ---- 1. Determine as a~curatelY as I Society of Planning Of!;cials' ree- for conversions, should be used to possible the number, type, district ommendation that communities reflect more accurately the income of existing apartments; 2. Pre- evaluate adequacy of community producing nature of property, and diet number and district or resi- \ resources like playgrounds, schools, by reducing the owner's "unearned dences suitable for conversion or I parking water supply, sewage dis-- inctement" discouraging conver­likely to be converted if no re- posal "':heri zoning for apartment I slons or bringing a better halance strictions; 3. Study impact or in- conversions. Pr():ection here seem- 1 of revenue for increased pUblic creased conversion on schools and ed 'so small it precludes necessity services, . I THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PENNA. , PETER E. TOLD"MARJORIE T. TOLD, Publishers , Phone Klngswood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD, Editor I BARBARA B. KENT. Managing Editor • \ Rosalie D. Peirsol Mary E. Palmer Marjorie T. Told Entered as Second Class Matter. January 24. 1929. at the PnRt Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act 01 March 8, 1879. tax ·base; 4. Get opinions of local of the last two named evaluations I Local realtor s opinions were realtors on prescnt trends in bor- 1 but thought was given to the oth- summarized. They felt "buyers al­ough; 5. Find how other commun- ers. No reliable data could be found ways can be found for larger, old ities ,have m~t like pressures. on average age' of school age ch;J- house. here. New buyers accept The 1958 survey by questionnaire dr.n in this kind of apartment high taxes for benefit of good was aimed at clearing up any mis- unit, though a 440 unit luxury type, schools and atnrosphere of a ~ conceptions as to'actual local sit- high rise apartment in PhiiadeJ- lege town'of individual hom~' '. uation. Ninety per cent coverage phia area is reported to ~ontain versions -have downgz:aded eoDUll~ I (1320 filled questionnaires from only 18 Children under 16 (all but ities Ilke Lansdowne ..... d Ridl..,. \ DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON I SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1961 I \ 1464 units) w~s secured. Indicated 4 are either pre-school age Or in Park and could do same to Swarth­population was 4655 of which 2899 private schools). Experience in more." There was sentiment amoq were adults over 20 years of age, garden type apartments indicated realtors in favor of a Jarp q.n.. I Tabulated by the Delaware County high number of children per unit ment building such as lDlII .. t 'occur PRESBYTERIAN NOTES The morning worship service will be held at 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning. The Vacation Church School will continue next week, from 9:15 to 11:16 Monday through Friday. The Summer Clioir will partici-pate in the Sunday Morning Wor- Havlick. Child care and supervis-ion will be provided through the kindergarten level. Morning Prayers are held each Tuesday at 9 o'clock. Holy Communion will be eele-brated at 8 a.m. on Wednesdaye and at 10 a.m. on Thursdays. The church office will be open I Commission which furnished the but generally. of pre-school age. at the Strath Haven Inn, as a need local Commission a map of report;. Peter Larson of the Delaware exists to accomodate o\tler people ed apartments and potential con- County Planning Commission stat--! wishing to remain in borOucb but versions, the report included data ed his opin;on is that most con- not long maintain a houae. on population and dwelling char- versions would b. too small to ac-\ The Commi~siOn was ';"Isted h1 ,neteristics, community hahits, auto comudate sehool-age children. It is' materials from the DelawJOie Coun­ownership, parking, shopping bah- believed this would be tbe case and ty and Montgomery Coullt, Plan­m. A social period will follow on the summer except for the lunch, its. .', it is borne out by ~esults of the I ning Commissions, tb .. Fels Insti~ the lawn when there will be oppor- hour when it will be closed from The map shows lack of conform- Swarthmore survey. ' tute of Local and State Govern-tunity to meet and chat with Miss 12:30 to 1:30. ity of. actual apartment situation Cost of Services ment, and the AmerH:an Society of to zonmg .. Also, contrary to gener- The Commission tried to assess Planning Officials in studying con-ship, fol\owiDg rehearsal at 9 :80 a. fr6m 9 to 6 each weekday during CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH METHODIST NOnS al conceptIOn and. t~e early appral5- ability of apartment conversions I version controls. It decided If con­. h' P i als of the Commlssl'(m. no one area to "pay their way" for public. ser I versions are permitted, stringent eNT'oSn Iagrhets awti ll7 :b3o0l dp a.m S. wtime Paar trys h 8S except 'OI na1 . c onc entorati .n of vices .. Although property assess--I controls are ·nec:easary in any D. Evor Roberts, Minlste1 Robert O. Browne. Assoc. MIn\ateJ cd Hinlster of Christian Ellucation Sunday, Angust 20 9:80 A.M.-Summer Choir Re­hearsal 10:80 A.M.-Morning Worship at th; Coppoch Swim Club, Church apartments outSIde the busmess ment would be raised the Commis- cha~ged zoning. ~rdin":,,ce. Most R d' Elwyn Refr hments wiul area. Except for ~ece~tlY develop- sion feels increase in taxes would ordmances permItting Blngle fam­b:: e:ed follo~ng t:: swim par- ~d areas the ?istrlbutlOn -of a~art- be insuf-ficient to cover cost of M!r-I ily unit conversions establish ~es t1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.lment propertIes seems suprismgly vices for the added population. Hy_for .them, but. this was not felt J E even throughout the town. The pathetical case--conversion of one pOSSIble or desU'l!ahle for Swarth-ahn vans. K I'JI """'-mmlS"S lOn conc I Ud e d ther'e . I.S no family-unit to three-family unit at more. Features of structures to be t' On ~'pnda~, M;·"S ~o: inc~~~i one area which could logically be cost of $8 OO()-tax increase $340.52 weighed as considerations in zet;. ~~ue I: ~rIes or" : the 10 a m I Monday, August 21 zoned as an apartment conversion for the two extra families. ~e ting up controls are listed on two 9:16 A.M~Vaeation Church School continues through Friday. Igu.S 0 f uMmme. aW hi H'.' section using existence of conver- Commission feels if conversion is pages of the ""Port which can be steol'V. lceth '0 eoerkn lwDigll beo "raE vpe.n th1e8 s..o n as cn't er I•a . ,permitted a revise<, l assessment pro- seen at the Borongh Secreta~.J s of- Tuesday, Augusi 22 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers Wednesday, August 23 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Thursday, Augnst 24 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion PICOb IS wHo "w C To determine whether reSIdences cedure possibly with a specisllevy fice. Sea eys 1m. ayne onner, were susceptible to conversion to --:-r~'~~~~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~f- baritone, will sing "It is Enough" one or more apartments the ques-f rom "EliJ' a h." tionnaire weighed: age of strue. . METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. John C. Kulp, Mlnlltar James S. MaeMaln Minister for Youth Cha~les Schisler Minister 01 Music Sunday, AuguBt 20 9:00 A.H~Youth and Adnlt Cla-poB 9:46 A.H • ..,-Childl'en's Division, Church School 10:00 A.M~Mr. Kulp will preach. TRINITY CHURCH The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, Rector The Rev. George R. McKelvey, Curate Suuday, AuguBt 20 (Trinity XII) 8:00 A.M~Holy Communion 9:00 A.M~Holy Communion and Sermon 10:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon Monday, August 21 9:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M~llvening Prayer Tuesday, August 22 9:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer Wednesday, August 23 '7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion 6:00 P,M,-Evening Prayer Thursday, August 24 (St. Bartholomew>" 9:16 A,M,-Morninl!' Praver 9:80 A.M.-Holy Communion 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer Friotay, August 25 9:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P,M.-Evening Prayer There will be Sunday School for 1 turc (26 years or more _ later it the Youth and Adult classes at 9 was thought 36 years might have a.m. and at 9:46 a.m. for Nursery been better), number of rooms through sixth grade. (eight or more), number of baths The Se?lo~ Hlg~ F~Jlowship will {two or mol'e _ later this was felt hRve a pIcnIC begmnlDg at 6 p.m. of seeondary importence since de­at the home of Betsy Petroskas on I sign. of structure should enter con- Sunday. sideration). LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN NOnS 90% Owner-Occupied . Th,Hnrrvey di!iClosed tha~110 per • The sacrament of infant bap- cent of the more than 1,000 single tism will be held at the 11 o'clock family dwellings were' awner oc­service of worship Sunday morning. cupied. 85 per cent of residents in Mr. Barberis sermon will be en- multi-family units are lessees. in­titled "Why We Baptize." There dicating 15 per cent live in such will be a nursery for toddle,," Ilvnil- units which they own but whiclh able during the servicoe. contain othOer dwelling units. 72 Monday will mark the beginning 'per cent of all single family units of the second week of Vacation were over 10 years of age. 79 per Bible School under the direction of cent of multi-family dwellings were Mrs, Ernest Williams. Classes will over 20 years old. be held from 9:30 a,m. to noon No definite pattern was indicat- Monday through Friday. ed by figures.but out of a total of 828 possible conversions, 168 were CHRISTIAN SCIENeIl NOnS north of the railroad and 160 south. Brotherhood will be a theme Of 60 al,eady converted 26 were dealt with at Christian Science north and 25 south. Later, this 20 services Sunday in the Lesson.ser- per cent pf 1400 assessable prop- "M'nd " erties was thought to he a high moPna uoln's exhIo.rta tion to -the Colas- est J' ma tes'll ~ee deS'J gn a d ap tab'I'ty I 1 sians (3) will be included in the to conversIOn was not shown, Scrlptural readings: There~or? a sub-commitl4e of the Ali are invited to attend the ser- CommIssIon toured a large part vices at First Church of Christ, o~althe boroug~ and repl.~tte~ po~n­S · t' t 206 Park avenue at 11 tl conversIons COUEil enng ~ ,c;en ~s , ,_ sign, condition, neighborhood. 188 o e oc . of the 168 north of the railroad A -/vis':1s Aga'nlt Conv"r-ions were inspected and the committee R felt 68 were acceptable, 64 not Planninq Commission eport acceptable, and six doubtful. Only (Continued from Page 1) 64 of the 160 south side were in-borough. spected; 30 were accepted, 24 r.,. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sunday, August 20 10:80 A.M.-' Hymn Singing in Meeting aouae 11:00 A.M.-Meoting for Worship All are welcome. Desi1'OabiJity of controlled con- iected. An additional 31 north of version has been discussed for the railroad which didn't appear many years by residentsl and on the map were also inspected and Council bas spent much time and 16 of these were considered poten­Monday, Aogust 21 effort endeavoring to prohibit or tially convertible. 37 non-listed ones AII-day sewing for AFSC Wednesday, August 23 All-day se'!'ing for AFSC~=_ LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCR 900 Fairview Road The Rev. James Barber, Minister Sunday, August 20 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship Sacrament of Infant Baptism FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Park A venue below Harvard Sunday, August 20 11 :00 A.M.-Sunday Sohool 11:00 A.M.'-'-Th. LesBon':Sermon will be "Mind .. Wedneodat. .... nlng meeting each weelt, 8 1;".101., ~dlng Ruom. 4011 Da_aU, . AYe1Iue;' open week­...., .. .....~ _" IIo'"IId ap, 10.6; Fri­maintain effective control. south of the railroad were likewise Action Considered considered and all seemed con- Courses of action considered by vert;ble due to age and desigu the Planning Commission are:· ' The sub-committee thereupon 1. Renew efforts for strict en- recommended the Commission re­forcement of present zoning law; duce the tabulated figures by half, 2, Modify and/or extend zoning north of the railroad, making 84 law to permit any type of conver- potential ap~rtment conversions sion; 3. Modify zoning law to per- there, Since tl'e situatiqn was dif­mit apartment conversion in maD- ferent on the S()uth side and there ner to insure maintenance of char.. wasn't time to inspect all, it was acter of Swarthmore and prevent declded to arbitrarily reduce that sub-standard apartmenta; 4. Pro- total by 25 per cent, making that mote and encourage eventual dem:- area have 120 potential conver­olition and replacement of old sion.. The total ~herefore is 204, houses nearing end of their use- ,representing 15 per cent of the ful life possibly by tax incentive, total ~weJling u~ita in the borough. ordinances,.'RedeVeIIlPnient Au- \ Trying to eSti,mate effect of con-thority or other agoney. versions on the borough the Com- . The o.._1asioit att.e mpted to: inission considered the American " NON.SECTARIAN w. off.r funerol .. rvlces to families of aK denominations. • IHE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. •• ICYOU Of NIIIUU 1120 eNISlNUr STRIIT __, IL~_ .. MNlfA.~'."'P"I"S 'iII.p ..... LO 1-1 ... ................... .; ..... . : ................... :.:.:: ...... ~ , install AUTOM'ATlC) 6ift5 / - iiOUSE HEATlNG~ NOW for comfort next winter! Summer is the ideal time 10 instoll automatic gas house heating for carefree comfor! during the cold months ahead. It's quiet, economical, and clean. For real comfort during the entire heating season, just selecl the warmth you want on Ihe Ihermostat. Gef more information on Gas House Heating • Coli your locol plumbing or heating contrador, or any of our suburban offices. BUDGET PLAN For Qdded convenience, gas house heating payme.nts can be made in equal amounts ever a to·month p~riod. Get more details from the Customers Service Department of your neared Philadelphia Eladric Co. office •. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY \ .". . , o~ , , .". ,I " } :1

    ---------- Page 14 ----------

    S IH E S WARTHMOREAN ummel' Banel to P,esent ista wl11 be Robert W. Ohild and A All Request P,07,am Thu,s. R!~h';:.,d Raum. Robert B. Keel sse En~artained non-eup contestants In tr' Vgust 18, 1961 The last in the seriea of summer WI the master of eeremoDi... An innovation this any S oke,/ Mrs W sto E I band. concerts, presented in Glen co!UsiC lo".ers. from allover the By SpICa BaYiaw ~he presentation of a :'~:a:ll ~ M • e n ar Fuller ProVIdence Park, Media will be ty are IDVIted to attend these mg trophy to hi h sco . dlv 1'8. Weston Earl Fuller of 416 held Thnl'Sday evening ~t 8 free concer!" in Glen Providence Cars crowded all parking areas girl divers who~ ring ~oy and North Gh""ter road died Thurs- The Chester City Band Pdm. Park, located at the western at the pool Saturday afternoon aa be engraved e names will also day morning at her home f"l1 ' . the baton of Thomaa G. ~o:r o~ S~te str~et near the Swarthmore ~wim Club members diving troph ~';h perman~t club, a fou~-week illness. She hado~= Sr., wl11 present the all request pike m Media. and gu:s~ eDJoyed as exciting and of dives r':nlred e fsam~ number a resident of Swartluij.ore for the ~rogram. Vocal soloist will be Mar- entertalDlDg exploration of outer- L6"I&'Ue competitiOn Or 'Il nbnrban past 38 years. Jorie Zacharias; instrumental 11010- "I '''10 .t in Th6 SWarthmorou,," ;r::t. as could be staged on this quire~ of those aimi:;; f::: :;:;, M~he is survived by a daughter \. JOHN I ," 'was a normal type husband and father. Some days when he would come home from his work he would w.ander, alone, into his den to sneak a quiet look at hiS l!ffest effort with color slides. He would toss away 4 ctt; 5 ~uick ones (slides, that is) and then face his fam,'y with the not-too good remaining slides. He found that his children lost interest, took up gardening, and friends suggested sell his projector. his wife that he • John developed a nervous tic, bit his nails and lost weight without metra cal. "How" said Joh ':could this. happen to me with the ultr~ super e;pe~~ s,ve came-ra , I own 1" • • • It:s about time John found out abou; the new auto­matic 35-mm cameras. He now has either a poor' camera or too much camera for the amount of study he has put into its use. • Perha!,s you are in John's predicament, or are Just plain a!raid of facing a fine camera. Then you should look Into the "automatic" camera field. !~ese cameras are not cheap. Their picture-taking ability and overall, quality are exce"en~ We might warn y~ 'hat they are so popular that tlie are not always In stock. Waiting for one takes a t worthwhile, time. sort, but Came,ra & Hobby She'-p 4 - 6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, 'a. KI 3-4191 . , FrI.-9 A.M. to 8:~0 P,M. Summer Saturday Hours ~ 9 to 1:00 A RIB! trophies, although contestanta for! s. Thomas S. Keefer of Glad- Thr.ough an aquacade arranged the pool cups alone will bave tol wyne, and one grandchild., and directed by Janet Taylor, Joy- do only three dives All "80 d ce and Susan Williams and Betsy over" contestants will • an Mr. WilU~m M. Bush Jr f IB reakWe lI to script written by Ca r2o5-ya-rds' swun only Dicki nson avenue, entertai' ned .a, t0 a yo ebster and Gloria Peirsol Opening event will be th barbecue Tuesday evening. and announced by Millard RObin- yard fre .. tyle at 6 '30 e. 220 son, the audience rec~ived a liber- Diving wilI be at 10 p.m, Friday. .' al education in planetary lore. and swimming race a.~. clSaturd' day, Ste C h' gr d Ia s, m u mg a modern dru . ve us IDg and Davy Wil- an s m relay, at 1 p.m that gs hams played the leading roles of day.' • (t' • I u.s. ~ocketeers who "closing the Wendy Davidson, John Grooters are prIce ess" gap With the Russians in the race Judy Roxby, John Petrosks d -_ .. - to the moon" not only visited that NeH Preston completed th s :wn planet and saw the Moon Mice at week junior life saving e 0- play, but were welcomed in turn which ended AUgnst 7. D~:~~se by maidens on Uranus and the tiny Gatewood, Martha Moserl y inhabitants of Saturn. Continu' William Willburn comPI~ and their flig~t they found Mars "fl~~~ -;nior course. the i?g red With the blood of Red Rus- 'i~~~~~~~~:~:~ slan~ versus Red Martians". Jeb J Turner and Gerry Sherwin repre- The resulcs they give you couldn't ~ave been bought at ""Y price, 20 years ago. Bu~ .~y the average pre­SC~' Pt1on is only ~$3.08. Btl.og. your D'!CiOr'. pre­~ IPbon, to prole.­sJOoall? hl11'macy. Fair pria!a and skilled service always. aenting Russians, "sailed" h~re and HOW there t!"'oughout the aquacade ani! CHRIS· TIAN Tot/ays Prescriptions •• YONr bigg6S', heallh flm... ~ere finally sunk by the planetar-la~~ Mercury Steve ~nd Dave wit- SCIENCE Dillflarman's Drug Slare ness~ a dance in hooor of the "god HEALS KI d of swiftness'''. Landing in the coql ngswoo 3-0586 serene waters of Neptune, the DC- ®. of the rocket ship found I' _ ' nymphs paying tribute to this "god ' WflL Rldl, - ........ : of the sea"-to the vocal stra· ell I·'· , of "NI' g h t and Day" by earthliInDgS ==I=.:::n='~_~W;;fI;L,~-T~';_~'~I~I~IJ~A~'.~'Ji.~~~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. Bette Jo Wagner of Swarth­more. A warm welcome to Earth's sis-te; planet, Venus, and a final stop WIth ~he reg"lIy radiant daughters of ?"ghty Jupiter led to an ef­fehc" tive finale "Universal Frl'e n d~ s Ip Pyramid" in which inhabi- . of all pllinets joined, symbol­Ic,,: lIy demonstrating the need for umverool friendship in the new space age •• Races Aug. 25 - 26 The all-stroke, relay and diving even~ will have divisions for mid­gets, I~uniors, intermediates, seniors ,and 30 and over". In addition to ,the 50-yard races in which wIn­ner~ will not only earn pointa for thClr teams but score toward the year's boy and girl championships there will 'be 25-yard events fo:, FOR RENT Ranc~ type, modern brick dwellmg, three bedrooms bath, kitchen, living room' and full bnsement with pic~ ture window. All electric kitchen. Bridegwater Farms; Rent $120.00 per mohth. Call Klngswood 4-1700 THE COSTUME SUIT The Ultimate in ;uit fashion th 3-part costume tl1at adds up' t' " e ttl. oasum .0 a .of' elegance. Fingertip length coat IS WlDg-colIared, slim skirt is softl ehaI sed. O.ver it' the wool J. ersey overY-Ollse, Monotone wool tweed S' 10-16. . !Zes A rib is a ioke, but we are not jokin,9 when we say that these rib roasts are of ~he,best quality. Satis­I faction guaranteed, of course. WEEKEND SPECIAL: Swift's Preml·um R'b R I oast of Beef It costs no mO,e to enjoy the Best at ••• The , 401 Daih ... uth A.enue FOOD MARKET " Swarthmor .. P .. " , School Opens Thursday Sept. 7th o\llorthl1ore College­Svmrthmore THE SWARTHMOREA School Opens Thu,sday Sept. 7th Volume 33 - Number 34 Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, August 25, 1961 $4.00 PER YE~ Local Citilans Moya / 1 Library Readin~ Club Morris L. Hicks, Drayo . 'GS SWIMMERS Blooms Kants Basi .... " Enters Final Week SWIm Club members who want ' It"" Agalnsl Blua Roule As the Swarthmore Public Li~ Dorp. Managar, Dias I to pass the Girl Scout Swimmer's As Dantean Chairm. M • 0 hi· I brary's summer reading club en- Badge can do so Monday and Tues-eetlng verw e n1mg y ters its final week, the list of 12 Swarthmore Alumnus Was day, August 29 and 30, at 11 a,m. 'Set Meeting Date for for Protecting o'clock readers continues to grow, Member of Board at the Swim Club. August 30 at Crum The following 13 additional club f M' Anyone with questions i8' aaked . members reachecJ the magic number 0 ? anagers to call Mrs. Marshall Schmidt, XI 2 P.M. A ,hul)dredcitizens who crowded during the past"week: Morris L. Hicks died suddenly 4-0960. After trying to resign for sov· the American Legion Room in Bor-, Jean Gosline, Betsy Townes, Pete at his home on 20l/ College avenue. eral years, Mr. and Mrs. ArthUr ough Hall Monday night to eon- Lyosh, Cindy Lee, Arthur John- He was manager of the Philadel- p. I Sa I H Id Kent aud Mr, and Mrs. Herman sider the proposed Blue Route for son, Arthur WalsJi, Richard Ecken- phia di8trict office of the Dravo rlya a n ees a Bloom are regretfully but definite- ~:'~-~::::o~~~r::s:'';;.i'av~:s~ rotb, Billy Shapton, Andre~ Hous- Corporation of Pittsburgh. For Mrs. T. K. Brown Iy resigning the Chairmanship ton, Alex BuKayer, Kalli Halpern, A resident of Sw.arthmore since of Garnet Canteen as of October 1, olution to State and Federal Hlgh- Bobby Bower and Kathy Fischer. the middle thirties, with the excep_ Longtime Resident Was Canteen wlll not continue unless way Departments opposing this A complete Ii.t of the members tion of six years in Pittsburgh, Mr. ·this position is refilled. But, it II route "throngh the woodlands of who successfuUy completed the club Hicks was born in Lansdowne and Active in Borough sineerely hoped that it can con_ Crum Creek at the western edge 'II be bl' hed . xt was graduated from the Moses Activities tinue on a volunteer basis, set up of SwartJimore." pFrroidgaryam's WSIw arthmpuo re1a8n • ... ;'TIDh en eI i- Brown School, Providence, R.I., and ~rs. Thomas K .. Brown, Jr., long on a two years revolving basis, a& Proposed by Borough Council- brary plans to honor these readers from Swarthmore College. where he time resident of Dickinson avenue is the Junior Assemblies, making man Robert Wilson the resolution with a party and award ceremony was a member of Phi Kappa Psi, who moved recently to Dartmouth the burden not too much for any­stated, "This beautiful creek val- to be held 'at the library, Wednes- Book and Key Honorary Society, house, died in the Univeraity of one and still keep it in the hands ley is one of the largest and finest day, September 6, at 10 a,m;' captain of the football team, presi- Pennsylvania Hospital on Wednes- of the directly and currently In· natural land areas remdiiting in dent of his class and a member of day night, Augnst' 16. She was terested parents. the heavily populated sections of Mrs. Fred Wolters DI"es the track team. the wife of the late Dr. Thomas Mrs, Kent and Mrs. Bloom are Delaware. County. Since most of Mr, Hicks joined the Dravo' Cor- Kite Brown, Jr., professor of Ger- calling ,a meeting inviting the it is owned by Swarthmore Conege, Suddenly in Ma, ina poration in 1982 as sales engineer. man at the University of Pennsyl- past and· present grade cbairmen, whose policy has always been to He became assistant district man- vania and managing editor of the past and present Canteen Board permit free enjoyment by the pub- 'Cedar Lane Artist ager in Philadelphia and, in 1945, John C. Winston Dictionaries. members and any other interested lic, this creek valley is one of the Was Member of was transferred to Pittsburgh as Mrs. Brown, a graduate of Wells and helpful parents to discuss this m, ost valuable assets of o' ur com- Tr.,n.,ty assistant sales manager of the en- C0 , II ege, a tte n ded t h e Drexel In-, vacancy and .how .t o fill it, This munity. t t te d h . meeting will be 'held at the Bor- Mrs. Susan Darracb Wolters, gineering works division. He was S I U an t en Joined the staff "We do not believe any profes" f th C t G tl Sh ough Hall, Legion Room, Wednes-wife of C. Frederick Wolters, died 'promoted to sales manager in 1947 0 e oun ry en ~man.. . e was, sional highway or community plan- and retu n d to Ph'l d I h' for 15 years aSSO"late editor of day, ,August 30, at 2 p.m. ner of his own volitibn would sHu ddbe nly MM ondahy mornhi ng ind Nhe w district mranaeger iIn 19 a5 1e p la as the Winston 'Dicti.onari,es. Sh e ser- This summer there will be two choose to put the Dew expressway h arb or d , 6., w ereto s .. e an . er .. v~ for nine years on the Board of more Canteens. Next Monday, Aug. . through the Crum Creek VaUey, ' us an wer e v a ca lonmg• He was a' director and a member th S rth ,. . ust 28th, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom and A t' Ph'l dell hi M of the executive committee of the e wa more Public LIbrary of This would be like Philadelphia Wintah Iv ed 1 a to pS arnt h rs. United Fund and a member of the which s h e was v.l ce-presl'd ent. A c- Mr. and Mrs. James Connor will putting a turnpike up the. Wissa- 0 era a come . wa more tive in the Woman's Club of supervise in Mr. Pinnie's absence. hI.C k on-<>r N ew Y ork tear'm g up Qver 20 years ago with her hus- hSo ard. off dDir eIc tors oCf the Family Swarthmore she served several Com man d er W'II Il' am W'Il bu rn, wh Q Central Park to speed traffic. band who is a retired district sales eMl"VIceHi~ 'k' e aW,are t ount~d' t f terms as r':'ording secreta~ and has been helpirig every night with _ "We can weI I und ers tan d w h y manager of Diamond, Alkali Com- hothr . th c As lw as .p aAs 'pre.S It 'e n 0 f 'headed several of its key c-o,m mit- brJ' gde 'm .t ruct I' on w ill'be on h and no community welcomes the idea-of pany of that city, and their daugh- e umnl ssocla Ion 0 te again, assisted by Mrs. Thomas a wide,modern expressway through ,ter, Susan (now Mrs. Van Arsdale SKw arth,mP o.rAe l Colle.gAe and. tt .he Phdi eSsh·e ,18 SUrvl,V e d by two sonB, Dr. Moore. In the past Mrs. ,Lon"" ls its midst. To avoid this, some of New York City). The Wolters' appa SI umm sSOCla lon, an Th K B Dennett Mrs Bruce Smith Mr communities have gone <>u public home is at 521 Cedar lane. a member of the colJege's board of ad:m;~a. 'D rO.:;';hIlI, ~~. Is~mor- Sam Ai;'hous~ Mrs. J. Roy"Sna;~ record recommending that the 'She was a member of Trinity managers, He was a member of of S "'t rN.J t: IS ro~ have ,also hel~ed with bridge Laat route be laid out through the Creek Episcopal Ohurch, Swarthmore, ~e ~aval ~ChitectS and ~;ill!' dr.en u.::'t~o ~tOrse~r~a~!;~s- week Mrs., Frank Alexand';"an­Valley. But this is not good plan- and active in art and weaving ~glneers" e' Duquesne' G of Cadbnry of Henders~nvill~ .. ~wered' a;' S.O.S. call and manned ning. It is merely a defensive pro- groups in the Philadelphia area. PI:tsburgh~ the Racquet Club of and Mrs Joh FI G ,N. Cf the telephone and equipment desk posal made for reasons which are Surviving besides her husband PhIladelphIa, Rolling Green Golf G ~ n agg ummere 0, , . ' understandable, yet nevertheless and daug.h ter are thre..e... brothers CMl ubt,' and the Swarthmore Friend. s esremrVa?lc esw wn.o re pn.v ate. New/ o·oss Dountry sellish. ' and two Sisters, Alfred v. Darrach eo IDg. .' "Whatever temporary inconven- of Philadelphia, !Edward H. of He is survived by his wife, the T S ience "lay be caused to some com- Washington, D.C., E. Lydia and fonner Marjorie Schumacher, a Dup Darn ivai eam larts at H.S. H. Bradford Darraoh and Mrs. R. son Stephen Morris and a daughter munities to. some. families by the 0 T Coach Dudley Heath Calls location of the highway will be Dorsey Sappington all of Concord- Mary Elizabeth, both at home; his pans onighl relatively unimportant aa com- yille; and two grandchildren, Peter mother Mrs. William J. Hicks of' First Workout for pared to the preservation of the and Susan Vail Arsdale. Lansdowne; a brother H. Kimble of 1961 Swim Champs Monday Cr um C roek V a II ey f or the per- A memorial se' rvice will be held PMi ttsbuErg h, andf tDw' o sisters Mrs. to Emerge F.rom Swarthmore HI'gh's newest ath- , at T11inity Church at ~"'later, date. ary vans 0 evon and Mrs. 'manent henefit of all people of , Susan Ford of Morristown, N.J. Contests letic team starts workouts on Mon-the county." d 'th I 'th th to W dl ·.Ii· T H· d Memorial services were beld Spirit ran :high ,as the White ay WI es~. an a mOD pre- During the meeting, which was a al... 0 anar , Tuesday afternoon in the Friends team' of Joe Mawhinney and Gerry pare for theIr fIrst meet. The cr088 chaired by Edmund Jones of Hav- Adyance' d Man."emenl Meeting. Sherwin tried to outdo the Garnet country team start ita prer.:rler sea· erford avenue, Borough Manager ""D teaJD of Skip Bernard and Gene son under coach Sandy Heath, who Henry Coles traced Conncil's ae- Scott Paper Engineer To To Stu .... British Poetry Melcher in banners flown at the hopes to attract new runners to tion on the, matter which includes "7 Swarthmore Swim Club this week join a sman nucleus of last spring's approving Nether Providence's Attend Course Sept. Daniel G. Hoffman, Associate preparatory to the 1961 intra-club track men. proposal in May 1960 that the ex- I 0 _ Dec. 8 Professor of English Literature at meet and cup carnival. Cr~ss country ~as been added to pressway b,e put west of Media; iDavid R. W"dleigh, 125 Forest Swarthmore ,College, has been Opening event vrln he the 220- ~e hne:up of high school athlet-and two months later forwarding lane,' has been selected as one of awarded a Research Fellowship by , ICS to more boys a chanco to to Halrlsburg and Washington a 1,50, participants in the 40th sea- the American Council of Learned ~ar~ fr.:esty1e dr~ctese fordmldi,"ta, participate in a fan sport, and also • resolution opposing the Blue Ronte, sion of the Advanced Management Societies for a stu~~- of modern Jautn 6Io:3rs0, tlonnteigrmhte. la. an semora to serve as .8 cond l·toi ner·f or win. . which was again affirmP.<! by letter Program lit the Harvard Business British poeiry. D" .' sched led falter and sprmg aports. at laat week's Council meeting. School, Dean StauIey F. Teele an- Mr. Hoffman, his wife and two . IVln~ Is U or I age High school crosS .onn'- is "':'n. H H ,-' h tod Th' • of tIi groups Including "80 and over" at :'3 .,- orace op",ns, member of t 0 nouneed ay. IS sessIon e childreu, Kate and Tad, of 602 Ce- erany run over a two-mde course, Swarthmore Planning Commi88ion .program hegins on September 10 dar Jane, sail on the Liberto on 1~ a.m, tomorrow. Stroke races and it i.· hoped that art f til. a nd th" Del aware Cnon'."3 Ci."..·-o" ns, and end. s on D ecemb er 8 • Mr . W a d- Augnst 26 f or a year's stay abroad. WIFn irbset ats e1c o; . ttohmirdor raonwd. fourth C0 II ege course l.D CrnmP wood(Is wilel Council, cited statistic. on the rel- leigh Is Director of Engineering, They win spend the fall and winter '. ' . be used for home meets. Ther. i. atlvely small park area available Scott Paper Company. in London. places ID each event will count no limt on the number of competl-to \he increasing population of The Advanced Management Pro- toward the teaml score ~f the con- tors from a given school and every .. southeastern Pennsylvania, and gram 'has been in continuous oper- PROPOSED ,SEWING :stan.!'" Ind~d~~ sc=g. to:,~rd boy who comes out will have a the recommendatiOns of concerned ation since its beginning in 1948. . .e y an glr. c pion .lpS chanee to compete. However, two planning groupS in thiaimmediate All participanta are nominated and eekAnnofuncement WBBed f mad See ~ WIt !I be on thelhaslS ofh.breaktealng, miles is longer than most high five-eounty section. sponsored by their companies· and wCI 0 bae propost ed bree h wmg YIDg d o~ nea~ y .mate lDg m school athletes have nm aud there- A ndrew Simpson, director of pave been selected 'by the Admis- ass to . p"';"eu y ~ e Pe~n rocor s m 8Wlml~"ng events,. ~nd fore a strenuous program of con-operational plantiilig for Swarth-sions Board of the AMP on the State UDiverslty ExtenSion Dlv- top local card lD league diVIng ditioning will be . bel . ' . '" . 10 to be h Id Frld t tit' necessan' ore more Conege, presented maps basis of demonstrated abIlity, lead- IS n . e ays a compe Ion. ,. the first meet. showing that the land along the ership qualities, and adaptability 1 :30 p.m., starting date to be an- -CUp contestants WIll ·SW1m 60- In a pre-Seas tin I t {)rum, from southern tip of bor- in their careers. . _'n out nced. tAh· qualified, tetshc hef r wd ill yar. ds 1e0x0c ept ds eniTo r boys fw' ho wildl "sp ring th e fOlloWI~nn g mhoeye s egx praess - ough almost to Baltimore pike be- The la-week course IS particu- lOS ruet e course In e un a- SWlm yar s. wenty- Ive yar sed an interest· th ad' longs to the college' which 'also larly designed for men who are mental construction of cotton dre50 races, including those of the 30 Seniors-R glD :. Sth qU , • • • ' d '11 t I 0 ~r, n ony,. T om owns a sizable piece on the other now 1D top-management poSitions ses. an over group, W1 conn on y Atkins J eft Brown J' Col sid~ of ,the pike' popularly thought or who are likely to be there in :rhose who would like to. jo~n toward team scores. Jim D~wson, Steve ;dw~s, Di':'k to. he part of Smedley Park. He the near future; The program of- thIS class, scheduled to begm m N~w R_rds Se~ • Forman, Gary Galillgher, Erik ~ saId the rnral setting of the Co\. fers a concentrated course of September or eatly October_re There WIll be one offletal 100- sen,· John Patterson Bob Seely . lege would be seriously affected by study in six major areas of prime asked to, call ~rs. Frederick W. yard relay' for each age group Chip Shay Chuck &nle· Gfah ' :my road through the yaJley. such interest to toclay's top manage- Luehring, at XI 8-0798, plus a grand slam relay. ' Taylor, Charles Turner" junior:' as the proposed superhighway ment, Boy and girl champions will Jerry. Clothier, Jim Co~nor Dick which, 'as part of, the Interstate Staff E~s Stellks 'receive trophies; ,hl.ghest8cOrers Creasy, ,Rick Draper, Rod Wne, defense liighway network would be FIRE SIGNALS Pool Manager Millard P. Robin- in each. age gronpwiJI ~eive pla- George Herschel, Tim Jenkins, Pe~ sUt lanes, ~ 180 foot ~ht-'In a few days the air hom will SOD entertained this year's mem- ~;. first, second and ~rd places er,Kent, Jim Klnghan;J, DiitoMe­of- way demanding P"""ibl~ 400 be out of _mls'bll and the siren hers of the pool staff with a steak In ea!lh event will NUil.e rlbbona. Curdy, Bill Ryerson, Rick Ullman· ,:feet ~_ ~ laIld If cuadt t I\OD BotnIio,a.n:Wm ~ ued ..... cook-out in lib. picnic &rove Tnes- Some of the recorda, to be stab- 8Ophomoru-Ragnar Borel, Prank (OII1otla ' OIl PIIp I) porarily as a Fire1HPd da7 eftIliDc.. .... (01Iltbllleol GIl Nee 8) (CCII1tIa-a OD ~ .) \ ' " • , " , : i' .. '

    ---------- Page 15 ----------

    THE SWARTHHOREAN P August 25, 1961 er sonals I Mr. a.nd Mrs. Robert B. Heaton ert Starr and two daughters from Mi.s Jes . . . . and the .. son Robby of Park ave- Naperville 1111 moved ter .s a graduate of I F. Fricke of Merion, another broth- Peter Paul Mlller, 3rd, has been nue leave.tomorrow for Ocean City m' In t ' ., M to 636 West- Swarthmore High School. She Is er of the bridegroom .~~"- L. . 't' Ste h H' VlB. Ing p en olhs and hI.S par- Md ., whe re they will vacation with' s er avenue On onday• I'' now emp Io ye d at teh Inst.. tute of, Troast of Wycroff N, .J. .... AWIn~d rsw enta Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hollis of. Mr. Heaton's parents Mr. and Mrs. Mrs •. John Ashton o~ Oxford, Penns!l."ania Hospital as an E.E.G. W. Mathieson of Westfield N.J South Chester road while his par-. Milton. Ningard of Baltimore, Md., ~ng~and and her two children ~re TechnlClan. . and David H. Dougherty of Drexel enta I[r. and Mrs. Miller, Jr., and and hiS brother-in-law and sister VI~iting Mrs. J~hn Ma~shall of B .. - Mr. Williams is a graduate of Hill his sister Christina and brother Mr. and Mrs. Karl Thiele, and their mlD~ham Meet.~g whd~ Mr. Ash- Chester High School. He is with Followin th eddlng' • Geoffrey have been visiting Mr., son Douglas, also of Baltimore. ton .~ on a busmess t~p to South yertol in Morton as a flight teat New En la~d ;r w triP. te Miller's brother and sister-in-law Roland Heisler, son Of. Mr. and Amenca. Mrs. A.shton .s the former mstrumentation mechanic. I will resi~e in phlI:nd Mrs. Fricke Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Miller in Mrs. Charles C. Heisler of Forest Heather Champ.on. . An April wedding is planned. ' delphia. Drexel Hill for the past two weeks. Isne, returned home Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ander- . I B The Millers who have spent the I from Flying Moose Lodge Orland son and family, former resideets FRICKE. JOHNSTON APTIUD past yesr at Hinchley Wood, Sur- Me., Where he has spent ihe past of 40 Amherst avenue have moved Miss Edith B I J hna At the morning worship service rey, England return there today to two months. to their new home ~t 731 Yale daughter of M ~'rM ~ ton, on. Sunday at the Leiper Presby-remain for another year. Their Mrs. J. Arthur Horneff and her avenue. Johnston of C:~.:u~ ;i~i ~ H., terlan Oh~rch, the following chil-home was on Marietta avenae. daughter Maria of Rut-'ers avenue Mr .and Mrs. H. W. Brinkmann the bride of D D vid' W Ime dren. rece.ved the sacrament of .......s s P U ani ed b Ia ,. h r. a a terlBaptism' 0 y Told of Park avenue v y p ne on Saturday from ave just returned to their home Fricke, SOD of Mrs. S. Copeland • . left on August 16 for Baltimore, Canada w~ere t~~~ spent ~ three on Walnut. lane after spending Palmer of Media and Mr. John Susan Elizabeth, daughter of :u.r. Md., where she has assumed her I weeks holiday Vlsltmg relatives m two months .n the British Isles Fricke of Merion at 2 '30 and Mrs. Thomas Reeves; RobUl W" ., a. cere-Kthl d h new post as principal of the Lower. lDDlpeg and Toronto. During Dr. and Mrs. Reavis Cox and mony Saturday afterno . th a een, aug ter of Mr. and Mrs. School,. Baltimore Frienda SehooL I' their absence, Mrs. Horneff's son daughter Rosemary of Walnut lane Chestnut Hill Baptist C;n ;:' The Robert P. Weinand; and Joseplt She was formerly the aaaiatant John camped at the Boy Seout have returned home from Ama- Rev. John S. Nichols Off1u:c ~ e Roland, 8rd, son of Mr. and Mrs. principal of the Westtown Lower Reservation at Resica Falls, Mar- rilla, Tex., where they were visit- Mrs. Lester F. GalIihu:~f Bas. Joseph R. Baker, Jr. School, Westtown. shal! Creek. ing Mrs. Cox's mother Mrs. E. T. ton and Miss O. Margaret Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Seymour S. Pres- Anna R. Hussey of College Dunaway, who is seriously ill. Mrs. of Chestnut HilI were honor atten-ton. 3rd, and their twin daughters avenUe had a. her guests for sev- Cox and Rosemary have been there danta for their Blster. Katherine and Courtney have pur- I eral days last week Mr. and Mrs. for over two months; Dr. Cox vis- The bridesmaids were Mrs Wi! «'bAsed a home at Malvern which Art?": Mekeel an~ children Helga, ited with them for three weeks liam GalIihue of Uwchland: Mrs: they expect to occupy in three' Chflstine,. an~ M.chael. Mr. Mek- bef~re their return home. Duane MattockB of Troy, Miss Pau­weeks. Mr. ·Preston baa completed eel, who.'s With the International Mrs. H. Willis J aekson of Har- line McNutt of Mt. Airy and Miss hia tour of duty with the Air Force I ~operat.on Administration, has vard avenue has retnrned home Mary Lewis of Towanda: 'CREMATION I at Patrick Air Force Base, Cape I hen. transferred from Kabul, M- fro,-" a month's visit spent with The flower girl was Peggy Math­Canaveral, Fla., and baa joined, g ~lUstan, to Anksra, Turkey. her son-in-law and daughter Mr i.son of' Westfield, N.J. the bride- Penn Salt Company. The Prestons ! r. and Mrs. Hans G. Borel have and Mrs. William E Kerr .i groom's niece: ' , WEST LAUREL Hill C*" t ..... ,_ have been visiting Mr. Preslon'B' returned to their home on Rutgers three children Sharon' Chuck a:d Mr. John E. Fricke, 3rd of Media __ parents of Farnum road, Media, ~venu~ sfter spending the summer Glenn in Torrance Calif si. ~b served as best man for hi~ brother .. --......... Q ... ~ during the Bummer. 1IIrs. Preston.;;' S~~buryCove, Me., where Dr. Jackson, wbo a"';ompanfed ehe~ i;h~e~US~h~Ol'Il~;W~ere~th~e~M~ss;rs~.~Th~o;m;a;;~;;;;;'~~~MOI.~~"~W~l~"~I~591~~~~ is the former Jean Holman, daugh- : or.. as, as usual, been working mother on the trip out,· t . tor of Mr. and 1IIrs. Frank H. HOI-I:t .the Mount Desert Island Bil>- for a longer visit H's : a~ng • _'UHIW .. '""".'D'IIIIIn1111DlIIllIllIIUaIH .......... _w .. m. man of College avenue. . oglcal l:"boratory. Ragaar Borel Richard. will leave ~n t;: 29~~ fer The B()J,!. Mr and .... - J hn .s SpendlDg three weeks at the t· or • """. 0 Rounds and Maine YMCA C " a wo week visit with the Kerr 80ns John, Hal, and C~ of Bryn M amp m Wmthrop, family. Richard arrives home to- Mawr avenue have returned from I ~r A. La B morrow from Mereersbury Acad-three weeks' Rand I h N.H' . urence axter of Og- em h h h • mop,., VllI- den avenue attended th f Y w ere e as been attending iting Mr. Round'. father and Btep-I nual tackle trade h e ::h an- summer ses8ions. He will be a stn­mother Mr. and 1IIrs. E. Pike· Bociated Fi h' TS °kwI 0 e As- dent there in the faU Rounds at th . .' lace Th ' sing Be e Manufse- MEA • elr summer p • e tUrers in Chicago Sund tbro h rs.. • Yarrow of South Rounds family also visited fermer Wednesday. ay ug Chester road had as her guests BEAUTY SALON CLOSED FOR VACADON Reop~nln9 Monday, August 2. 9 South Chester Road Call KIngswood 8-0476 ............. ., ...... ~ .......... .:.., 'It' ~oresna Mr. and 1IIrs. Gor- Mr. and Mrs. Frank G Keenen of her son-in-law and daughter Prof. don Ne ..... er, now ~ ~ato:bung,l{. North Chester road ret~rned Sat- and Mrs. Oscar E. Maurer and J., who were vacationmg In Vaine,. urday from a th k b I two daughters Joanna and Eliza as well as Mr• and Mrs• Wi1Iia' m R.; trip through Kerneteu cwkeye "Ohulso ne1s1s- beth of A ust in, T ex., who were en.· li.~~:~~~~~~~~~~M~~~~~u~= ~ ~~~~~~~•~ Muon of Nashua, N.H., formerly of, linois and Indiana Mr' K ' , route to Nantucket, Mass. for Media. • • eenen 8 th '. , S father Mr. J. C. Keenen of Newark elr vacat.on. tate Truck Inspection Dr. and Mrs, Albert W. Eltt. Ohio returned with them for ~ ----~--- and son Warren of ~,. road visit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B, Keen. ENGAGEMENrS ha~ returned to their home attar en and their children Katy, Gary . Dr. and Mrs. JOleph S. Lynch of 1IP"_lng two weeks visiting at an~ Scott of WellesleY"Maas., will Dartmouth avenue announce thaI Glacier National Park in MODtana./ amve Friday to visit Mr. K.enen,.8Dgagement of their daughter, Jan- Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Bouda parenta for the weekend. et Marian, to Mr. William R. and children Christopher and Jamie Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry of Dartmouth avenue spent two Park avenUe arrive home today af- F. Brown of Wallingford, formerly Mrs. Elizabeth Garrahan of CoI- ter vacationing in Shelburne, N. of Swarthmore. lege avenue has retnmed to her H, for 10 days. Enroute they took Mias Lynch attended Penn State home from a lDonth's visit with her Mrs. Charles DeacoD of Lafayette University and graduated' from son-in-law and daughter Mr. and avenUe to Watertown, N.Y. where Tobe-Coburn Schoc>! in New York. 'Mrs. John W. Daly and children she will visit her son-in-law and Mr. Brown attended Bucknell Johnny and Lisabeth in Albuquer- daughter Mr. and Mr8. Myron C. University and graduated from que, N.M. The Daly family aCcom- Durkee and stopped to call on for- Mitchell College, New London panied Mrs. Garra'han home to at- mer Swarthmoreans Mr. and Mrs. Conn. ' tend a family reunion. Other memo S. S. Rutherford at Waddington, No date has been set bers of the family will include N.Y. wedding. ' Mrs. Garrahan's daughter Babble, Mr. Roland L. Coit of Mariette who is returning from Denver, Co- a."enue left on August 13 for Har- Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Jester 10., today; her and rlman, N.Y., Where he will attend of Haverford place announce the daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Ber- the l'!"ecutive Management Courses engagement of their daughter, Miss n.rd and children Beth and Stevie ~or 81X weeks. Mr. Coit is Engineer- Janet Jester, to Mr. Walter G of Springfield; and her brothers- mg Manager of the Heat Transfer Williams, III, Bon of Mr. and Mrs: in-law and sisters Mr. and Mr •. Department, Westinghouse. Last Walter Williams, Jr., of Rutledge. Harv . R d' gto f' weekend former Swarthmor ey e In n 0 Rldgewood, Comdr Ed d B II USN R eans &..........,aulUUnIIKJIIPlllllhtDUNmmnUUl8llUlUmlll"'·~ N.J., and Dr. aud Mrs. Irven Tra- • war u, et., and i:! F 6 vis of Paoli. M,rs. Bull of Windsor, Conn., were § or MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTlOIS § Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Peters and th~ Coit's houseguests. ~ eal' § daughter Janet of North Swarth- II r. d a~d ~rs. Edward H. Pyle, § MRS, LLOYD E. KAUFF.AI ! m.ore avenue have iust returned ~ an .aml y moved on Tuesday g == from a lO-day tour of California from their ho~e on South Chester ~ KI 3.2080 § which includ d . °ts t La'- road to Downingtown. dll"ltnUlfllllllllnlllnmAIJallltlllUlIIDIIJJIIIIrII~ e VIS. a he Ta- M' D' P hoe, San Francisco, Los Angeies _ 19S Janne eters .and a gronp !'1I1DIJlIIUIIIIIDQIIIIUUIlDUIIIID1OICUDlIIIIIIIDIIllIllIllIIr+ and Hollywood. of f:l~nds hav.e .... turned ho~e from ~ a Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Lewis a VlBlt to Kings Wharf lD Cape;; Buf'el Luncheon § f P k h Cqd, Mass. I ;!.' .. o ar avenue ad as their guests = for several days last week Rev. Mr. ~nd Mrs. W"I~r J. Lewicki Served Daily g and Mrs. Mark Weston and chil- and children Jack, Jlil, and David D' h H .' § dren Ma- Ma~a Pa I d' moved from 636 Westminster av- .. ot ot &- Cold DIshes;;; &.31 I.UU, me a an to th . . E' Mark of Cordyon, Ia. Last week- enue .elr ne~ home at.4 Arrow- $ . "I end, Mis. Doris Wallbridge of head TraIl, Indian Trails, Media, 1.25 & EI~, Ill., was a gnest at the on Augnst 16. Mr. and Mrs. RoJ>. • i! LeWIS home and on Monday even- !!I ing Dr. Hans Wilt of Wilmington, FINE WALLPAPERS B • g .Del., was their dinner guest. Matching Fabrics &. Paints iI uffel Dinners I ASAM, SCHUMACHER, IMPERIAL !I MURALS. SANITAS. PREPASTED @Thursday 5 to 9 - Sunday 3 to ei DO IT YOURSEL;---"'l $2 75 B Substilute Teachers Check Your Car for Summ ... D.,vIng Motor runa-Up Check It uItw Wheellalance Gulf 0.. & on. V. E. ATZ. M", RUSSR I 'S SERVICE I Opposite Borough Parlin, Lot ......... 11 I~Nt. ....1 •• If. IN ...,.,.u. An_ Closed Saturday at 12:30 P.M. LAST CHANCE 20%' DISCOUNT On Imprinted CHRISTMAS CARDS DURING AUGUST • Alice Barber Gifts lSSouth Chester Road --,.. It . '1' it ., 11 How do· you keepcarpet.cleaa7. 3 •• Th~re is a ~.w. powder-method of ~rp.t cleaning which 15 performing near-miracles. You may apply it your­~ If with rented equipment which we supply, or have us do .. it for you. or ~ou can walk .~ight on the carpet, place your fumiture Nght back on if, clean fraffic lanes without cleaning the entire carpet. Rental $6.00 Compound $7.50 (coyer. 300 sq. ff.) The S.warthmOO'e - Rutledge When we do It .10 sq. ft. District is preparing its annual list of substitute teachers, both, elementory and secondary. Any' qualified person v. ... o would lik. to be included on thi.' listl should call the School District . SELECT FOR PAPERHANGER I ~ I We Lend Out Sample Boob PENN WALLPAPER CO. 228 Baltimore Pk.. Springfield ~ Wed. .. fri. 'til , P .... I THE WILD GODSE (()'Auls.m & CO'"J:e~ Office for applicationfor,m. I KI 3-4900 FlEE 'ARICIN6 1(1 4-1010 ~hawk Carpeting • Complete Price Range • Oriental Rugs 100 Park Ave •• Swarthmore. Pa. Route I. Baltimore Pike . , Klngswpod 3-6000 - Clearbrook 9 4646 ',---------." "'. ...-. ...... (/'1'..1. ..... KNOWs Carpet __. .... _.~."'. ... . ' .i August 25, 1961 THE SWARTHMOItEAN Page a THE SW ARTHMOREAN ! Death and Snakebite Head Police Roster OPENING SOHOOL NOTIOE SWARTHMORE HICH SCHOOL PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE T. TOLD, Publiahera Phone K1ngswood 3;0900 At 8:17 a.m. Sunday A. Q. Mow­bray of Dartmouth House cailed police in quest ofa doctor for his seven-year-old son, Robert, who had apparently beeome entangled in a Venetian blin<\ cord and strangled. Patrolmen James Dav­is, Peter Maginnis, and Constable Joshua Hepburn took the boy to Dr. William Rial of Harvard av­enue", ho said he had beeu dead for over an hour. School Year·1961·62 The school year 1961-62 will open Thursday, September 7, 1961. The school day will be from 8:36 a.m. to 2:37 p.m. with a lunch honr for Junior High students from 11:45 to '12:26, and fol" Senior High students from 12:29 to 1:09 p.m. The Confereoce and Assembly period will be from 2:40 to 3:30 p.m. so outside appointmenta for studenta should be made after 3 :30 p.m. PETER E. TOLD, Editor BAIUIABA B. KENT. Managing Editor Rosalie D. Peirsol Mary E. Palmer Marjorie T. Told Bntered as Second Clas8 Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., pnder the Act of March 3, 1879. Assemblies will usually be held on Tuesdays for Junior High, and Thursdays for Senior High students. Studenta hllve been assigned to the following homerooms: DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA.,FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1961 Th. boy had been enroiled in the Riverview School for retarded chil­dren near Valley Forge since the death of his mother, Barbara, in April 1960 when 'the family lived at 105 Cornell avenue. It was his custom to spend ~eekends here. Two older brothers, J abn Ran­dolph and William, students at Swarthmore High School, were va­cationing at the shore at the time. ~UNIOR HIGH SCHOQL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 9th Grade 12th Grade Miss Watts - Room 216 ...... A - Fi Mr. Falcone-Room 100 .......... A - E PRESBYTERIAN NOTES ough Hall at 6:30 p.m. shar.p. Mem- Mr. Henderson-Room 203 .... FI-Le Dr. Irwin-Room 214 .............. F - Li Mr. Kulp continues with his bers of the church as well as the series of "Sermons. in the Signs general public should make reser­of Summer" at the 10 8.m. service vations for the bus as far in ad­of Morning Wor.hip. His topic this vance as possible in order to be eer­week will be "Branches of the True tain of a seat. Tickets' for the re­Vine!' Charlotte Knopp, soprano, served seat section of Convention will sing i'ln My Father's House." Hall are available also to those Miss McKie-Room 107 ...... Li - Ros Mrs. Mathews-Rm. 103 .. Lin-Robe Mr. Yocum-Room 13 .......... Rot - Z Mr. Snyder-Room 216 ...... Robi - Z 8th Grade 11th Grade Mr. Drukin-Room 206 ........ A - Fie Miss Armstrong-Rm. 106-A - Fi Mr. Law-Room 233 ............ Fil- ve Miss Strouse-Room 219 .... FI-La Mr. Miller-Room 136 ....... .10 - Sip Mr. Wertz-Room 201. ....... Li - Sch Mrs. Seymour-Room 235 .... Sm - Z Miss Zill1mer-Room 113 ...... 8h - Z The MYF '\Yill visit the Billy traveling by other means. Graham Crusade Sunday after- Reservations and tickets may be After investigation police pro­nounced the case an accidential death. 7th Grade 10th Grade noon. Tuesday evening, a bus will a­pin be chartered for tran'sporta­tion to Convention Hall for tlte Billy Graham Crusade. The bus loads at 6:16 alid leave~ from the cOtDmunity parking lot next to Bor- CHURCH SERVICES; PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH D. Evor Roberts, Minister Bobert O. Browne. Assoc. Mini ..... and Minister of Christian Education Sunday, August 27 9:80. A.M~Summ.r Choir Re­hearsal 10:30 A.M,-Morning Worship Tuesday, August 29 $:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers . W edneslay. August 30 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Thursday, August 31 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. John C. Kulp,·Minister James S. MacMaln Minister for Youth Charles Schhder Minister of Music Sunday, Aagust 27 9:00 A.M.-Youth and ·Adult Classes 9:46 A.M.-Children'. DiviSion, Church School 10:00 A.M.-Mr. Knlp. will preach. TRINITY CHURCH The Rev. Layton P •. Zimmer, Rector The Rev. George R. McKelvey, Curate Sunday, August 27 (Trinity XIII) 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9 :00 A.M.-Family Morning Prayer and Sermon 10:16 A.M.-Morn111g Prayer and Sermon 8:00 P.M.-Holy Communion Monday, August 28 9:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer TueSday, August 29 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evenin", Pray.r Wednesday, August 3D '1:00 A.M,-f.lolv Communion 9:16 A.M.-·Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer Thursday, Augast 31 9:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer 9:30 A,M.-Holy Communion 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer Friday, September 1 1 9:}5 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer .THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sunday, August 27 10:30 A.M.-Hymn Sing. All are we1come. Meeting House. ll:OD A.M.-Meeting for Worship Monday, August 28 . All-ojay sewing for AFSC Wedneslay, Angust 30 All-day sewing for AFSC LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 900 Fairview Road The Rev. James Barber, Minister Sunday, August 27 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship FIRST CHURCH OF . CHRIST SCIENTIST Park Avenue below Harvard Suilday~ August 27 ' 11 :00 A.M.-Sunday School 11 :00 A.M.-Tho . T ... nn - Sermon will be "Christ Jesus." Wedneaday evening meeting each week. 8 P.I(~ Reading Room, 4011 Dartmouth Avenue, opsn _:t­.~.,.. ., .. .u.....p..t.. h,O. .U. daya, 1~; I'ri: " obtained at the church office dur­ing the day or in the evenings by phoning Chuck Walton, KiI 3-4920. Mr. Bell-Room 232 ................ A - F Mr. Bernhart-Room 136 ...... G - K Mr. Hesser-Room 207 .......... L - Se Mrs. Lewis-Itoom 234 ........ Sey.- Z Mrs. Boelskevy-Rm. 213 .... A - F Mr. Heath-Itoom 101.. ...... G - Lee Mr. Pietryka-Rm. 209 .. Lew - Sch Mrs. Wright-Room 109 ...... Scn - Z PRESBYTERIAN NOnS The moming worship service will be held at 10:30 o'clock Sunday At 6 :30 the previous evening Hallock Campbell, director of re­search for Arcos Corporation, Phil-adelphia, was called from bis .home aI, when his car went out of (:OD-. tOWD Square man, a Morton man at 349' Vassar avenue to see a trol and hit a tree ashe attempted, and a Philadelphia man while two snake which Lewis Robinson of a tUrn from Mt. Holyoke place into I Swarthmore men paid $2 and $1 morning. 352 Vassar avenue had found in Strath Haven avenue. Police said for other parking violations. Two The Summer Choir will partici- his yard and pinned down with a Gaskill had grabbed a dinner, other Philadelphia men paid $6 pate in the Sunday Morninl: Wor- pitchfork. Campbell grasped the whicb he was tsking home to his I each, one for ignoring a traffic ship, following rehearsal at 9:30 a.' snake too far behind the head and wife, when it started to slip from I light and the other for an illegal m. . it turned and took a swiping bite the seat of the car. The vehicle was I turn. $10 fine. were paid by a Fol- Child care and supervision will at his right index finger. damaged on left front fender and som man for illegal passing and a be . provided through the kinder- Campbell was taken to Taylor bumper. Norwood woman for driving while garten level. H OSpl' ta Iorf exam'lD a tI' on ad tet-nSwarthm.ore College reported not a licensed operator• Morning Prayers are held, ea«'b anus an d an t'I- b1' 0' tI'e , 1.I.lJe c tI' ons. Mondayed m orDlng ht h•a t vandd als .h atdo 'l'he case of James Wong, ap- Tuesday at 9 O'clock . ' Patrolman Stanley Shepansk.. shot masnta g to .u nc abm a ooCr II1 D preh en ded over a year agn f or use Holy. Communion will be. eele- th k H h t k to a oreroom m a . am on 0 ege of bells on his ice cream truck b d ... d' e sna e. oweve.r, w en a en lane and had br'oken 64 l00-pound rate at 8 a.m. on we nes.aye Dr. Hans G. Bor .. of Rutgers av- b f r h' h h d • t while moving on a borough street, and at 10 a.m. on Thursdays. enue who is professor of zoology ~gs 0 lme W IC a JUS ar- was discharged by magistrate. The church office will be open t u· 't' f PI' th rived last week preparatory to from 9 to 5 each weekday during a mverSI y 0 ~nnsy vania, e marking athletic areas. snake was to be a A R tl d th d F I RECEIVES M.A. DEGREES the summer. J h d DB' 'd't ' u e ge you an a 0 80m copper ea. r. ore. sa. • was h'd~" d st f Among those reoe'VI' tIh· _ft_" '. .... man eac pal If>U an co s or 1 ng elr u.IQoD"" dark In color wh~ch Indlca:ed It violating traffic lights. A Chester! ters of education degrees at Tem .. ~~s an old s.nak~ but that It def- man p~id $10 and costs for making I pIe University"s Mid-summer Oom­lnItely had the pIt-snake head an~. a left turn. from the right hand I mencementexe .. ises on Thursday. LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN NOTES fangs of a copperhead. Dr. Borel' l M t . d . . August 10 were' Mr. Barber's sermon at the 11 o'clock service Sunday morning will be entitled" A Forceful Profit." The Session will meet with Mr. said copperheads and rattlesnakes ane; a or on wom.a~ pal . SlmI- • . tho ugh rareI ·y enCO. UD te· r ed I. n gar- la. r ..h arges for dflVlng Without James Ca.r son Ktetzman of Wal-Barber Wednesday at 8 p.m. in d . h 'It h b hghts. nut lane, R.chard Alan Newton of the church office •.. ". ens In "UI up areas, ave een '.. . odl d . thO "'t On August 22 parkmg fmes of Park avenue, and Peter Andrew seen In wo an s In , IS VICini y. .1: . E d H "d h d . 't 1m . f'" .... "and 'costs were pa.d by a New- conomos of RuUe ge. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOnS faeta lSit8ile s ,fero mo beistne s of toh~e copper- 0 any --r:~~~~~'~' ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-:- Signifcance for today of the heal- head and that present remedies are ing theology of Christ Jesus will good although a bit£en person can be explained lat· Christian Science, become ill. Rattlesnake bite fatal­services Sunday in the Lesson-Ser- Ities he estimated at one .out of mon entitled "Christ Jesus." 30. Scriptural readings in the Les­son- Sermon will include thi's verse from Matthew (9): "And Jesus went about all the cities and vil-lages, teaching hi their synagog­ues, and p'reaching th-e' gospel of the kingdom, and healing- every sickness and every disease among the people." . All are invited to attend the sel'­vic~ s at First Church. of Christ, Scientist, 20p Park avenue, Swarth.., more at 11 o'clock. ICF Students Share European Experienc:es Varied Act~vjty At 4 p.rn. :rriday yolice appre­hended two teen-age boys for fight­ing on Lafayette avenue. Parents came to the police station and the affair was amicably settled. Saturday afternoon Sergeant El­mer Zebley and ,his fishing net saw action on the fron t porch of the Green home, 615 North Che8ter road~a~h, one bat! At 1:63 Suncjay afternoon Jo-. seph F. Gaskill, 601 'University 'Place, sustained head cuts which re-quired suturing at Taylor Hospit- THE PRICE? We conduct services to suit your budget ••• and all receive the same meticu­lous aHention. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIRICTORS O •• UNIRALS _I1f,8 20 CHESTNUT STREET MIl, __ IMn A.IIAIII," III • . Telephone LO 3.1581 Two students shared their quite different European experiences with the Swarthmore Summer In­ter- College Fellowship this week. Gary Powell relieved the summer heat with his slides of skiing in France. He was followed by Dave Spencer, who, under the auspices of the American Friends' Service, I visited Leningrad and Moscow last summer as an American partici~. pating in experimental internation­al student seminars. What he saw, what he thought of Communist stu­dent attitudes toward the West, a'nd how he came 'to be chosen to participate, fascinated everyone. Now Is th'e Time! Future plans of tne group pos­sibly include a Saturday visit to Stone Harbor or Beach Haven (if someone's house is offered for changing clothes!), and an over~ night camping trip to the Pennsyl­vania Dutch Frolic at Lancaster, if tents and a sponsor can be found. Sunday evening' Sings with pati­ents in the Moss Rehabilitation hos­pital will continue for at least two or., three more weeks. And Bob Mather has definitel:rr promised to come back on Augnst 31 for ,a night of ' folk danciJig, which' will end, thi",firsli summer's. ..a ctivities • I _J Yes, now is the time for Farm Fresh Produce and you can be ,sure the CO-OP has stocked 'the best of it. Come in and select from the wid~st variety in Town. WEEKEND -SPECIAL: Swift's Premium Leg of Spring Lamb It costs no more to enioy the Best at •• The 401 Dartmouth Avenue FOOD MARKET ,

    ---------- Page 16 ----------

    'j ~ '''Super-Rlght'' Qualit, BONELESS NONE PRICED HIGHER ROUND ROASTS c "Super-Right" Quality BONELESS NONE pmCED HIGHER • ROUND STEAKS· Smoked, IIh to 3 Pounds ESS BUTTS ...... R ... t "1a:':;~~:I" lb. 99° Sliced Bacon "R~t~: ......... k ...... lakd, Swill lb. 890 SI."ced Bologna "s.p .... ... • Ifrlll. TIp Stelk Rlehr' lb. 57' 1·lb. 690 pk~ • IoIb. 490 pk~ • E,. RI.nd Roast "s:~;r~'" lb. $1 •• 9 Chunk Liver,urst "s:l:i. . lb. 450 , • " __ V"" __ ~ _ ""V" _ V"" __ ~ _ ""v~'-V'''",~V"-,-~, CUT. UP FRESH CHICKENS WINGS 19' lb. LfGS' 39' BREASTS 49' P~~~; lb. • lb. HIGHER t160J'A SonIoDd ValvDl.! • CHEESE· SLICES M.f.O·Bit Merlcan, Swiss «PImento 2 :~~ 3tc· 12·oz. ~ 37' pkg. ~luHer Sunnyfield I-I~. 69' e In ~4-lb, Ib 71e Fancy Creamery S.ohd Pr,nts· ··.'P PINEAPPLE. Dr'lnk 2 46-0.. 4ge . GRAPEFRUIT cans A" Ap,ple Sauce 4 1:;~:,'4ge . 2 I:;~~ 25e '" -, .' . ,JI';'y Cake Mixes .'P G J • e 2 24-0 •. 4ge 2 12.0 •. 27e pkg. 10e ", .' rape ule bottles bottles . A" Apr·.cols Whole Peeled or 2 30-0.. 5ge , . . . Halves Unpeeled cans Welch' Apple-Grape Drink 3b~~ras 8ge JaM Parker Bakery ~'rea,81 JA\IIE PARKER LARGE ,RAISIN, PIE IP.lCIAL IAYI aae 8·INCH 39' PIE . '''ANIPARI(ER ORANGE TWIST l ", ·I.lftl Cak. ...".u 3Sc . _.. ' ,"cis ~.I ~"RKER PLAIN OR RIPPLED .. 8IItO Chips 1-.::: 49c . ~NI"'ARKER PLAIN ; ........ r •• d !I~!; 19c '.' oMHi P"KKER SLICED WHITE ... 2 I~ S9c ~;:. 27c JANE PARKER LEMON OR JELLY ROLL .. , 'PiCIALI .IAY110c each 29' >l.acheon Meat . HeInz K.tehup A.n n r-age Fine Foods! ANN PAGE PURE PRESERVES Peach. Pineapple or Blackberry •••• 150 Grape Jam In Re.u'sabl. 3' . $1 00 14VZ-o%. for Tumble.. • ANN PAGE SALAD Dressing • r!;' aaC q;:" 49c ANN PAGE Mayonnaise r~;' 37c "I~~ S3c ANN PAGE SAL,AP Mustard I-I!; l1c 2 I:; 2ge ANN PAGE REGULAR SPARKLE PUDDINGS. '5 pkg •. 29' by • "Super.Right" 3 12.0.. $1 00- cans • 20-0%. 33e bott:e 2 14>0%. 47e bottles .' A" Sliced Swiss Cheese 8·oL 3Se pkg. ,I- Peas or 'omatoes 41~~~: 4ge 2 '~~~:25e . . MEDIUM SIZE SHRIMP 31 to 4~ Shrimp to the pound 5 ~~x $3.39 lb. 6ge Fresh Flounder Fillet Llf.rl:~k. Sliced Red Salmon Steaks Large Fresh Porgies Ib'l9° lb. no lb. 190 ~".,n""""'''~~J~ PERSONAL. SIZE Ivory Soap MEDIUM SIZE . Ivoi'y Soap FOR LAUNDERING FINE THINGS Ivo,y Flakes I:k~~ 35e KIND TO CLOTHES 12 bars 7ge 4 bars 39.C giant pkg. 83e Ivory Snow I;k~~ 35c '~k;~ 83e LIQUID DETERGENT . , Iv or'y1 2_· b0ottl•e . 3St b22o-t0t%le. 62c 3b2.o0%t.t l8e'7 e LIQUID DETERGENT 1 Jo y 12S·0A%V. Eb o4tct le 31e b2o2tt-l0e %.62e 3S2A.0V• •E bolittele 76e DETERGENT-~---'--' - Oxydol DETE\iGENT Tide DETERGENT large pk5l- 35e giant pkg. 83e large 33e giant 7ge pkg. pkg. Cheer SAVE 3c 30 lorge pkg. e gSiaAnYtE p7k0g . 72. e DETERGENT D A Premium UI in each package large 35e giant 83e pkg. pkg. DETERGENT D h SAU 4c as . large pkg. 35 e HOUSEHOLD CLEANER giant pkg. 7ge .' .. Sullana Grape Jam . 4 . J:;. 95e 69c ' Spic 'n Span Jarg~ 28e giant pkg. pkg • 91e CLEANSER Comet (SAYE 2c per c •• l 2 14-0%. 25C (SAYE 3c por eaal Woodbury Shampoo SAVE 3te boul. 2 21-o%. '37e lulce Decanlers . Polyethylene" each 4ge SULTANA .STRAWBERRY PRESERVES -' 2 !b. 59' Jar ; SHOP A&P 'fOR SAviNGS ON FINE FROZEN FOODS! L .. , ' '. Cap'n John's Frozen HADDOCK OR SCALLOP DI ERS Eeehdinner 2 8Se in~ludes. Veget.ble ~nd pkgs. French Friel ' It ..... rries ~I~d 2 I:.;::: 43° 2 ;~;;. 63° < •• s ..... T.Y. Dinnsrs B"\~~:~::~~Ulk'Y2 for 99° A~P O.uliflower DaQu~\~:1 ·2 ~o:~ 35° AlP Onn,e Juice 5 :~~~ 89° 3 I:~: $tOO *8ANQUET MEA' PIES 6 for SI.00 •• u" CHICKEN OR TURKEY PIES ~I'I".''''--- PURPLE ITALIAN PRUNE PLUMS CALIFORNIA LUSCIOUS FANCY WESTERN, LARGE PINK MEAT CANTALOUPES , NONE PRICED HIGHER 2 lb •. 2ge NONE PRICED HIGI:IER cans ALL PURPOSE CLEANER Mr . C.I eap b14o-t0tl •e. 3ge eans 28-0 •. bolt:e 65e ALUMINUM FOIL . R Id' W eyno s rap 25ro.lflt . 2ge 7r5o·lflt . 75' ~ ... ."..., ..... , ............ 44 ........... ... Planter's Peanut BuHer Colgate Tooth Paste Daily Dog Food Pillsbury Flour Boscul 'Peanut Bulter 18-0 •• 490 lar . ,IIRt 530 IUba 618-0%. 450 ClRI I b~~ 17' 10·0%. 390 'Ir THEOREAT 'ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO., ·INC. All PrI". Eff.cUY8.rhroueh Salurday, Aueu.1 26tll~ for c FRESH, TENDER GREEN NONE PRICED HIGHER STRING BEANS 2 lb •. 25~ CALIFORNIA JUICY NONE PRICED HIGHER SElDLESS GRAPES 2 lb •. 33e LARGE LEMONS 12 for 35e RED RIPE WATERMELONS ea~h 59c,_ - HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS (ome--See Camera &.Hobby Shop 4· 6. Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. KI 3-4191. . Fri.-9 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. , -." Summer Saturday Hours - 9 to r :00 • Peaches - Apples - Sweet Com - Tomatoes POTATOES -STRINe BEANS OTHER FRUITS and VEGETABLES LI NVI LLA ORCHARDS "Th.· F,.,.". with the OcMgo1Uil Barn" CTreeflon,: From Swarthmore south on Baltimore Pile to Clov.rlllf. Turn left onto Route 352 tcward Ch,d.r. Dr1ve 1'12·2 mTlu, turn rr9ht on Knowlton Road for ~ mU .. -op ... IO·A.M;-·~M;---·­Dally and Sunday TRemont 6·9047 A,P RINGS THE BELL AGAIN! ,,­ ·dha OI"f~~ A Colorful Library of Fascinating Knowledge IN 20 BEAunFUL VOLUMES . I WlrH "BUllr-IN-' DICTIONARY FO:(~~~:G In Every Volume! ' YES, THIS IS THE ONE SET OF BOOKS TB'AT EVER~ FAMILY WITH CHILDREN.MUST HAVEl For it is the introduction to learning in dozens of broad subjects. Anel it contains one of the most important aids to a young per. son's education -a Funk & Wagnalls dictionary for 10UD~ people built right into the setl In these beautiful volumes of tlle STANDABD TREASURY. the noted editors have .elected onlY' FORTY broad 8u!>jects - what we call DEPART. MENTS - each really a book ill itself. There are twl) BUch deparlmenla in every wlwne. PLUS a porlioll of the dictiol1!lr)' placea between them. . These fort)f deJ>&rlu!enla CO\V subJects wliJeh are Irresistible readiDg fo~ the boy and flrl in your family. Eam department contains ;DI8IIY subJe$l!s, each of whiCh would ",.!co a separate arIicl. In an encyclopedia _ 0_ a thousand such subjects in all! The dictionary, a ]I!Irtion of whlch Is l'Taeed in ever'l volume; ENCOURAGES US!>l- and thus ill fill' far . more linportant than any aepsrate dictiona:y could bel , Call at our nearest Su~ermarket loon to get tho lirat 2 Volum ••• But act QUICKLY. b.foro the en· tire supply is von. I . \ flOW 10 OJr TOUII STANDARD rRfASUIIY _ A 800K.Ar.A.r/Mfl Volume No. 2 1. no,. on oale. Each we.k far the followin& three ..... b. a n.w volume number will be placed on lal •• Starting in the eizth ... e'" two II .... volame numb.r. will b. pllced 011 oale each weell:. until all 20 volume. havo been made ... nable to our customers., Each time )'Oil abo".1n ODr .tore •• pick up on. of the 901um ... For !natanc •• lIet Vol· 1Im0l Ho. 1 IIIId 2 Oil :r0lll' lIext ahoppmg trip. TIseII. OIch we.k, a<lcl additional volum.. of tilt Nt. . . . VOLUME NO.2 IS NOW ON SALE':" Vf,)lume No.1 Is Still On Sale! • • I... ~ :I :.'\I /J ~ ... = ~ := :c :I = :.'\I » 2! > a·. .6.1 .. .~. .... ;. ... 3..:. , ~... :.=.. ~ til I!!I I'll • .>., ~ til II: ,~. . I!II > ~ _J ~ ') I GO

    ---------- Page 17 ----------

    Page 6 New Library Accessions Fiction-Priest1ey, J. B., Sat­urn over the water. Tute, War­ ·ren, THe Golden Greek. White, Rob­in, Men and Angela. Mysteries-Herr, Dall, ed., Bod-ies and Sonl. . Mary Ellen Beddow FLORIST 7 South Chester Road . KI 3-8093 THE SWARTHMOftEAN August 25, 1961 NOD-fiction-Aiken, CoDrad Pot­ter, Selooted poems. Biddle, Fran­cis, A Casual Past. Catton, Bruce, ed., American Heritag<!. ConDell, Brian, Regina va. Palmerston. COD­sumer Reports (Periodical), The medicine show. Hillary, Sir Ed­mund, . No Latitude for Error. Strong, Robert Hale, A YaDkee Private's Civil War. VaD Riper, Charies, Your Child's Speech Prob­lems. Waldo, Myra, The Art of South American Cookery. Warren, RObert PeDD, The Legacy of the Civil War. Hughes, Toni, How to Make Shapes Miss Alma Daniels returned to in Space. Hurlimann, Martin, ber South Chester road home Fri­Journey Through the Orient. Me- day after a six-week visit to her Entire, Davis, Residence and Race. brother Setl) Daniels in Salmon, Pistrak, Lazar, The Grand Tacti- la., and sister Mrs. HeleD D. ciaD. SidemaD, Belle Bechor, ed., Bloomsburg at her cottag<! oD Lake Europe Looks. at the Civil War. Coeur d'Alene, la. CLASSIFIED ADS PERSONAL 1 WAITED \ Federalists Ael I· ClI Drive Begins Sept. 1 . Peter M. Delo, Wallingford, pres- Determined to back up PresldeDt ideDt of the Philadelphia-Delaware KeDnedy aDd former PreSIdent Valley chapWJr, National Cystic Fi­Eisenhower in the effort to estab- 'brosis Research FoUndation, an-' lish a permanent Disarmament I nouDced Tuesda7 that 6,487 volnn­Agency, the West Delaware County I teera had been enlisted for the 1961 Chapter of the United World Feder- fund drive, which be' S te her) alists met on August 15 and out- 1. i gms ep m lined plaDs for action. Mrs. Richard Delo said the goal of ,150,000 Dole, chairman, pointed out that "can only be reached if we make a peace cannot be brought. about by real push to add volunteers during concentrating solely on meaSUres to these last weeks of August. With control and elimiDate weapODS. CF listed as the Numher Two child Ways of sustainiDg and strengthen- killer in the United States, it Is ing international institutions and vitally Decessary that we en\is~ the the possibility of establishing the aid . of civic-miDded commuDity rule of law must be stud·i.d. The member in every .sector ()f our pop. Disarmament Agency that the Jack Prichard Presideut asked for and on which ulation," he added. PAINTING INTBRIOI!. & I!lXIBlUOB P=.=ER=S=.O-.N;.:A..L.= -:::: CARPENTRY - IW ANTED High School girl the Senate and House will soon I ssw it ... The Sw. .r th.mor ....... I kec. rooms, kitcbeD nooks, book- desires ba!>ysitting jobs. Rates: vote is deemed necessary by the "i!;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;~~~~~;;;,;;",;;-;;;;;;;;;,;;;r. cases, room diViders. 1oI0 Job too $.50 an hour. Call KIngswood S- chapter. f smaU. Robert Crowtber. Kingswood 9442. Dr. John O. Honnold, Jr., Rutgers I. PIANOS \ 4-'Jlbll. l;all between " and 7 1'. WANTED - By woman teacher, avenue resident and professor of . WHY NOT BUY your rebuilt pia .. Free Estimates M. one bedroom apartment in La t th U' 't- f PI,f rom a plano tuner of '7 -an' Klngswood 3-8761 l'ERSONA:L _ A.F.M. Contractor. Swarthmore or vicinity Box C, ~ a e mversl y 0 enDSy - ~ ,- .1Jriveways Stucco Work, t,.;ement The Swarthmorean. varua, read to the meeting a let- !practical experience wIth all maul' Steps, Walkw'ays,etc. Cliestnut HIli WANTED _ Practical Nurse de- ter supporting this idea which Pres- lit .UI poy you in tli'O .nd. . .... Jewelry Repaired Ph. Kl 3~e 7-1348 or l:Irlerwood 7-3b6·i. sires practical Nursing. 5 days ident Eisenhower sent to McCloy, A.~, PARKER . LO' 8·alill ::::::::::::'::'~" P};RSONAL - ~'urniture refinish ... a week. References and experience. the President's advisor. on disarma- IIIlIIIUlIWmHd."" iF ing, repairing. Quality work at TRemont 4-2426. " ment. mo<1eratc prices - antique. aDd WANTED . Post - Matermty modern. Gall Mr. SpanIer, KJogs- cases, bookmgs for future dates. Carol jllonnold, Dr. Honnold's ELNWOOD ", Oonvalescent Home BatablJshed lI3lI QlIIet, -.a Svroundlnp Willi EzeeU_ Z«-Bour N--. Kingswood 3-0272 fJ-I« ~ , .M!:~ CUSTOM IISTALLATIOI •• , H. D. OHUROH a PARK 'An;, SWARTHMORE Klngswood 4-2727 ROOFING Gutters Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work George Myers and 00. BOX 48 CLobe 9-3358 Edward G. Ohipman and Son wood 4-41!l1l! .lUng.wood 3-~lUH. Excellent references. TRemont 2- daughter, a student at Oberlin col- ;:.:::::-=,.:::;~' -==. 7159. lege, undertook to! publicize BUP-J! ,h;l(.~U1'llAL - Lal'pentry JOOblDK, 1 recreation roums, book cade:lt. WANTED .- Swarthmo!e Col ~~ 1\ port for the idea among the stu-porch es. L . J • D onneU J • .UD.L ngswou d n gyr aadpuasltletm setnutd setn trat indgeS Sireep teefmf,CbeI-r d ent s and to enI I'S t the ~ I. n the dI' S- 4-a7ISL. ~. 'klngswood 3-34i 7 or Klngswood tribution of literature asking people 1',I,)Kl:IONAL !'Iano tuning spec· 3.9503. to write to their Senators and Con- . EMIL SPlES WATCHMAKER Fonnerl7 of F. C. Bode aDd 80M FIne Watch and 128 Yale Ave. ;Jock Repairs Swarthmore, Fa. • ~ood3-1H8 ia1ist, minor repaarIng, mt:mber Piano 'l'echnlcians' UUJld. LeamBll. WANTED - To buy foot-locker, gressmen, urging that they vote for .lUngswool! 3-6766. approlOimately 31 x 17 x 13. the Bill. . KJngswood 3·3989. • . P.l!.Kl:IOJ~.AL - Roofing, apoutlng, WANTED H f I I Plans were made for reaching the gutters. ltecreatlon rUI)mas a spec.. .g ray male cat, othrnree e yoera rso voel dY, genera I pub lI' e thrn ,the clergy. ity. Ray J. l<'ostar, GLobe 9-111l8. for one year or permanently. Members undertook to visit their .I'.I!:1il:lUJllAL - 1$IcYClea K.palred. KIugswood 3-2752. ministers and ask them to speak 1'arts, acceSSOrles. Milt U ..... - WANTED N t' I d . . S · I H bb T Sh 206-7 - urse, prac lca, e- for the BIlls to their congregations; ICYC e. ~ y, 0., op,. . sires private duty. Experienced til . East BaltMllore Av~n,!e, C .. llt~n and· references. Sleep in or out. 0 urge peop e to et theIr Sena- MAdison 6-U Ila. OPPOSIte Call GRanite 2-1372. tors aDd Congressmen: know how I c,;.~ . WANTED _ Used steamer truDks vita) to survival is the establish- I PEl(8l 'u,_ 7t d~,if _i.~~i!" or foot-lockers, with keys. Bat- ment of a permanent United State. I v:.?ver.s •. ~ U-I 1 t~ I youkr th tered condition unimportant, if Disarmament Agency for World ~!'~ materia, ma e em. sturdy. Klngswood 3-3812. .. • U~'& prompt serVIce. WANT .'D T b S ks Peace and SecUrlty. The Federa- "= ,,', . ~ - I ~ ~;n Stamps CoiDs 0a nd uyo ld 0Po0s,t II' S t s b e il' eve thi s an I. ssue a b ove I J LNG J. - UJ;'~ :::; Cards. C~ll Mr .• M\,rtin, KIngs political party lines; on which all ,~ ri.mce~~ ~~~ wood 3-4227. may unite wholeheartedlY. 35 . J -~~ ,":"'''.,' r~fi!.1."d ;-$6: Chair WANTED - Retired widow wishes $8. up. SLIP companion position. Box C, The The Misse. Frances and Adrienne . ~i?vi"""''- fitted' iD your Swarthmorean. Shero returned to their North Ches-fabric .. ;;; from our samples. Phone WANTED High school girl de-for t:ee estimate. LUdlow 6-7&~~. sires baby-sitting johs. Well ex- ter road home on Saturday after a Ten years' of Swarthmore refer- perienced. LEhigh 2-5152.· week's vacation in the Pocono!. ences. WANTED Former stenographer -- LOST desires part-time position typing, ESTATE NOTICES. L~O=ST~ __ ~O~r s tolen, Bicycle, red bookkeeping, and Girl friday du- Estate of HOWARD JONEB. late of the" . and white J. C. Riggins, from ties. KIngswood 3-4423. TownKhlp of RIdley. Delaware County. front of College Theatre. KIngs- FOR-"I;IENT ~:::Sr!IV~mentary in the above Ea-wood 3-2060. FOR RENT Apartment for na- tate ha.ving been gra.nted to the under- LOST _ Grayish white, (blue- ture lover. Red~oratea. Three signed, all persons baving claims Dr de-point Siamese) Cat with blue rooms and bath. patIO. Near stores maud" aga1DSt. the uld Elstate are re­eyes last Friday night from 314 and railroad station. yet in wood- reqUested to make payment., without delay, Har~ard Avenue. Reward. KIngs- ed section., LOwell 6-7661. arqllu epstedr sotnos mInadkeeb tpeday mtoe ntth. e wdiethcoeudet.~ td.e laa.rye. wood 4-5149. FOR· RENT - Unfurnished a- to Everett H. Yake, e Darby Road. Paoll. LOST _ Mau's Tissot wrist watch, partment in Swarthmore. Four PennsylvanIa. and John W. Schroder, 30 vicinity Swarthmore Swim Club. rooms. sun porch, garage, October Waverly Avenue. Morkin. Pennsylvania. Reward. Call KIngswood 3-8684 'If- 15, lovely surroundings. Box D, Executors, or to Ulelr at.torney. Guy D. ter 8 P.M. The~w~l"th~an. deFurla. Esq .• of deFurla.. La.rkln and de- WILLIAM BROOIS Ashes and RuljlilBh Removed ..... WIlII Mowed. General Hauling 118 JIanIIDc Ave. ilion-, 1' .. A. B. DICK Office Supplies MIMEOGRAPH SPIRIT DUPLICATOk PHOTOCOPY Swarthmore Typewriler Service ND,2 Park Ave" Swarthmore, PI, S. E. Hudson - KI 4-3360 Belvedere Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut St., Chester TRemont 2-5373 ..... Bo~ N ..... m.- Care • Aged. BenDe, ChroD1o COllv.leaceni Meo and woaaed koe,dutl F"" - Bp.ct .... unlllllh Blue ":f(tp SaDOred FOR SALE FOR RENT _. Desirable unfur- Furl •. 4\0 str.e~ Cb •• ter •. Po. Ho3T -==,-,=-:-=;..::.:::... nished apartment, second floor. Estate of JENNIE F. VERNON, alao known 1~S AD_IE_ PI_PP.I .N.., ._ TU_RN_ER_. J_;"'to_pri_elO_r 1 FOR SALE - Girl's Gym suits, Large living room, open fireplace, as JANE FRETZ VERNON. late of - size 12-14, $1. Hockey shoes, size one bedroom, two private porches. Townahlp of Marple, Penna!'lvanla. de.- !QIMIHHHDUIDIIJUJIDIlunomIDUDIIIUIDUDIIU'-.c1llll 6'12., $1. tR35em iKngI toD Podrt a3b l"e9 8T9y pe- .A~ d u Its . Y earI y Ie ase. Pho ne KIn gs- ....e d. a: ,~ wrIter.,.. n~~~ ~ • wood 3-0149. Letters TeatameniafJ' on Ule above ello 1_ A E T k h' t . h tate bave been granted to the underalgned FOR S L - 0 ma e a I ~t FOR RENT Office space, one, who request; (s, all persona bavtng claims I your 1}ostess. take her a ·btrd two, or three rooms. ApQ.rtments, 01' demands aga1JLBt- tile estate &0 ma.te CRESSON PRICHARD REAL TOR General Contractor NOTARY PUBLIC BUILDERS 'Since 1920' house, bird bath or feeder from large, medium, and small. Swarth- known the same. and all persons Indebted th!! s. Crother~, Jrs., 436 Plush more Investment Company, 17 to the decedeni to make paymeni wlthoui =. Mdl Road. Wallmgford. LOwe~1 ~ South Chester Road, Swarthmore, delay to Earl K. Connors. 3'130 8cbool $: 4551. A. G. Catherman, Manager. Klngs- Lane, He,.-town, .Pa., or to b18 ~ free "sf'mafes FOR SALE _ Attractive stone and wood 3-0586. Attorne. 1<0n18 If. ......u. Eaq.. 203 !' 900 Michigan Avenue '" bt i. Ck, ODe bl 00".. EIe men t ary FOR RENT A desirable loea Count,. Bulldlng. Media. PeDDa. 3T-8-2;D "_. 1401 Ridley Avenue school. Three bedrooms, two babhs tion in Swarthmore. Three bed- Estate 01 ALlCE MARTIN. lale or Bor... Swarthmore Chester. Pa. 0!l second floo!"; powd~rroom on rooms. seven room second floor ugh 01 CoUlngdale. Penna,lVB.Illa, de- . fIrst floor; a~tlC fan, dIshwasher, apartment. Write Box E, The ceatiied. I TRemont 2 .. 4759 garage, alumInum stonn screens[swarthmorean Letters or AdminlatratiaD. on the above • KI 3-1112 TRemont 2-5689 and sash.. Immediate possession, . estate have been granted to the under- !============= • pwroiocde d3 -i9n4 7lo8w $20's. Owner. KIngs- 1 8G1O 1•.t 1•1 t The SwartAmorea-n... scilganlmeda wohr o dreemquaenadts. tas). gaallnll tp ethrseo neas tbataev tlon g',•- ..._ __ I*WHJDlflIlnnWDDlrHUllliCI ;~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~ make knOwn .tbe slUIle. and all persoD& .,. ___________ _ August Special! -. 20% Discount!!! BOOKWAYS 417 D.,hiiOUfil Aft. ... I indebted to &be decedent to mue pa.y- • ~ ment. *lthout delay, to Da.Yld A. MarUn. RoS2 Valley Nurseries, Inc. :~::~:~::::=2:: PaH~~B~!!Df~!g 00. Middletown Road, Media, Pa. ROBERT 'BA!IL BARIIJO'l'T. Iale of "ROOFING (Opposae Highmeadow, between Knowlton Road ond Dutton Mill Road) Special PLANT SALE of Berry Proclucing Plants OOTONEASTERS (in variety) 30% off VIBURNUMS (in variety) 20% 011 III FIRETHORJS (Pyracantha)' 10% off and Severa' Of her Items Cood Va,iet~es -' Popular Sizes Cash and Carry Only From MONDAY, AUCUST 28th, through FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th TowD8h1p of Haverford. Pennsylvania. deceaaed. Letters Teatamenia!7 on the above e .... ta.te heen granted to tlie UDdera1gned wbo request (a, all peraoD.l bavinl cIa.Ima 01' demlUldS a.ga1D5t the es'-te &0 make knOwn the same. IUlCl all peUOIl$ lDdebted to the decedenli to mate pa.Jment; without; deJay to EUzabeUl Prances Bllrretti, 34:0 Vassar ATenue. Swarthmore. Pa., or to bel' Attorney Morris H. FUssell. Esq., :i03 County BuDdlng, Media. PellDB. 3T-8-25 Estate 01 NELLIE E. IlEULINGS. late or Bancroft Roado and Oak Lane, Box ". Mo,lan. Delaware Count,., Penna,lV'anla. deceued. Lettera Tesmmenta.r::r on the above Es­tate having been sranted to Girard TruI' Com Es:ehanse BUlk a.nd WDlIam. A. Heullnp. becutol'S all peraOll8 mdebted to the said decedenl. are reqqe8ted to make pa,menli. and those baTing' clalrna or demaads agaSnsl aaId Estate t;o present; a.m~, without dela., •• & the offJee or Gtr&rd ~ Com Ezcbaace Buk. Broad. ... ·SPOUTIN6 ·SUTlERS ·SIDINS SWARTHMORE KI 4-0221 or KI 3.0635 Quality work wIth quali" materials Picture Framing ROGER RUSSEU Photographic Supplies srAD ... MONitOE ST8. lIED.... ' CheI~ul 8t.r'ee\l. PbIladlDlpb1a. Pa., <Ieo",_ LOw II If. B,._ Jr..... 1' .. , e ,6-2176 1 Open Dally 8-5, Sundays 12-5 Open Labor Day 8-5 .101m B. B.. cuter. AtIOrDlY. "df..,. ~Oi-&N" ~T JInNINOIJ I .... •• TnR B1IUdIDc. "l"WeIIIIeIIl • I "'~\, ========_====iiiiiii=;;;;=-==~ -, ---. t, Pa. n.- '-__ ,;,... ____ ~ : August 25, 1961 THE SWARTHMOREAN Read;n, Oollest To Olose August 30th The Summer Reading Program for young people in Nether. Provi­deDee and Rose VaHey, conducted b)' the Helen Kate Fnrness Free AHenci Laadeuhlp Conference Mr. and Mrs. Charles MasliD and 'amity of Vassar avenue are at-­!: ending aD Alumni Leadership Con­' ereDce at Brown Univeraity· being .eld August 24 to Auiust 26. Invitations were sent to Brown and Pembroke cia.. and club of­lieera to give them aD opportunity to learn the programs and plans that qualified .Brown for ita recent selectio~ by the Ford Fo,:",da\ion as the' recipent of a challenge graDt. .Library, has 82 registered readers. _____________ .,-___________ _ On September 6 prizes will be awarded to the boys and girls who have read the greatest Dumber of books during the summer. T·he deadline for the reading CODtest has been set for Wednes­day, August 30, to give the· li­brary ataff an opportunity to judge the. entries. The Story Telling Hour for boys aDd girls will continue through August. The programs are OD Wed­nesday mornings from 9 :30-10. :Mrs. George J arden and Mrs. HermaD Feldman will meet with the YODng people for the last· two meeting •• Tile Story Telling is pri­marily for. children four to seven years old. TRAVELERS VISIT' 51 ADE, GERMANY Shirley Carpenter and two other Bucknell Univeraity Coeds flew in­' to Idlewild Airport on Wednesday after visiting Swarthmore's foster town Stade, Germany. The three girls, studenta of psy­chology, biology and mathematics, flew to IrelaDd in June and visited Scotland aDd England. Cro.singthe channel at Dover, they bonght an automobile and toured through Bel­giDm, Holland aDd Denmark before reaching Stade. Subsequently they visited Hungary, Italy, Swiber- 1aad and France. The three girls,· Shirley Carpen­ter of Ogden avenue; Grace Ann viJted Leningrad and Xoacow lui; Smith, Hagerstown, Md., signed the otlicial goest -book of Stade with the following greetings. "We bring to all of the people of Stade best wishes from all the people of Swarthmore, Pa., U.S.A." General Major, Retired, Hans Grund, who has been a guest of the Rotary Club of Swarthmore and of the S. T. CarpeDter and the Ernest Lewis famillea: several years ago, personally cODducted the girls to the historic Churches, fortresses and public buildings of Stade. They met the town architect of Stade and were shown the artistically il­luminated books written by MonkS six ceDturies ago. General Grund serYed as ho.t and interpreter and directed them to the aighta of Stade, including the old dwelliIlgs and the River Elbe. Penn State Offers Teachers' Scholarships The Swarthmore office of Penn State's CODtinuing Education aD­DOUncea the availability of 20 tui­tion- free scholarships in Mathema­tics through a National Science Foundation grant. These scholar­ships I are being. offered to junior . higb sehool.mathematics teachers. Those awarded ODe of these Na­tional ScieDce Foundation' scholar- . ships will receive fnll tuition for the course, graduate school matric­ulation fee, travel allowance of 20 ronnd trips from home to class at the rate of up to seven centa per mile, WIth maximum reImburse ... ment of $50.00, and book allowance of $5.00. The course provides three graduate credita. The course will cover the founda­tion~ of a1gehra and geometry, pro­viding elementary treatment 01 tne logical bases of both subjecta. It will include the material recom­meDded by the 8ch~01 mathem~tlca litndy group of Yale University. Class •• Wlll be held iD the Spring­field (Delco) High School oneeve­ning per week for 16 weeks. Speci­fic evening and time will be an­nounced in the near future. Mean­time, application. may be ohtained by writing or phoning Richard Swavely, District AdmlDistrator, Pennsylvania S tat'; , Univeraity, CoDtinuing Education" 841 Dart­mouth avenue, Swarthmore, KIngs­' wood 4-3900. The ..,holarahips are open to all junior high lIChool ma­theDiatieiL ,ellchiin.; AppW .... 'wIn he leleeted·i1l order'1I!f, I ! Iptcl ~. SWARTHMORE - RUTLEDCE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Report upon Examina,tion of Financial Statements for the scho,o l year ended July 2, 1961 LYBRAND, ROSS BROS. & MONTGOMERY Certified Publlc Ac;eountaDte Board of School Directors, . Swarthmore-Rutledve Union School District, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. We have examined the balaDce sheet of SwaI't.hmore-Rutledg<! UnioD School District as of July 2, 1961 and the related statements of . cash receipts and disbursements aDd changes,ln fUDds for ~he school year then ended. Our examiDatlon was made. ID acc;ordance WIth . g<'Derally accepted auditing standards, aDd accordl,ngly lDcluded Buch tests of the accounting records and such other audIting procedures as we considered, necessary in the circumstal}ces .• In our opinion, the accompanying fInanCIal 8tatem~nts present fairly the assets aDd liabilities, arising from cash trausactl0l!" and the accounts receivable and payable, of Swarthmore-Rutledg<! UDlon School District at Ju\y 2, 1961 aDd the receipta and disburse1!'ents a,nd. chaD~es In funda for the school year then ended, on a bas,s cODsistent With that of the precediDg t'~~RoANn, ROSS BROS. & MONTGOMERY Philadelphia, ·Penna., " . July 31, 1961. SWARTHMORE-RUTLEDGE UNION SOHOOL DISTRICT Bj\LANCE SHEET. JULY 2, 1961 'ASSETS: Cash in baDks and on hand: General fUDd ...................... ' Sinking fund ..................... - Cafeteria fUDd I ........ · .......... · Acitvities fUDd .' .................. . A.ccounta reeelv!'ble: Uncollected taxes of prior yeats, JII3I; of $1,000 allowance for doubtful accounts •..••••••••••••••••••••• Grounds, buildiDgs and cODteDta: 106,062.99 1.40 29843 10,003.'14 Sites, at appraised value as of October 21 1959 ....................... 250,000.00 School bulldiDgs, at appraised values as of' August 7, 1960 ••••.••..••. a,671,096.oo EqDipment, at appraised values as of August 7 1960 • .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. 300,768.00 Textbooks• at' estimated valoo .•....• 84,364.00 LIABILiITIES: Accounts payable, sslarles ...•.•.•..•.•. $ 76,678.08 Withheld paYtoll' taxes, etc. ••.•.••.••.•• 14,278.14 BoDd~d indebted~ess. with vote of elector-ate Series H. 1963, due serially at the rat:. of $20,000 per year, with iDterest at 2 1/8 per cent· ......................... .. FUNDS: General fund _ .......................... 2,0116,079.92 SinklDg fund ........................... , . 1.40 Cafeteria fund , . .' ................... !.. 298.43 Activities fUDd ......................... 10,003.74 GENERAL FUNoD $ 116,366.56 4,633.15 2.256,238.00 $2,377,28'7.71 $ 260,000.00 350,854.22 2,0Z6,~ $2,877,237.71 for the school yea, ended July 2, 1961 Balance, July 3, 1960 ••.•••••••....••.••.• ~,875,135.79 Add:E xcess ()f cash receI. Pts over dI' Sb urse-menta;' exclusive' of repayment of temporary loaD, as aDDexed ...... $ 107,301.17 RoDded indebtedness retiTed •....•.•• 20,000.00 Adjustp1ent of appraised value of buildings aDd equipmeDt •.•••••. 62,482.00 Deduct: Decrease in accounts receivable •..•• 38,917;50 Increase 'in accouDts payable ••...••. 9,921.54 • Balance, Jnly 2, 1961 ...•••• , •.. GENERAL FUND . 189,783.17 $2,064,918.96 48.839.04 $2,016,079.92 STATEMENT of CASH RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS . for the school year eDded July 2, 1901 $28 761'.82 B~lance, July 3, 1969 ' ReceIPta: . TaXes, curreDt year, iDcluding peDaltles: . Real estate •...•••.••••••.•.••• $ Per· capita. ••••••••••••••••.••••• Realty transfer ............... . 1>68,839.60 . 48,64824 25,724.98 642.612.77 DelinqueDt taxes and penalties ...... 8,898.76' State appropriations ••.....••..••••• 270,103 66 Tuition • .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 23,16468 Interest on time deposits ...•.......• 1.928.16 Rent from school facilities ......... 2,550.00 Revenue from Federal government .• 11,61\7 00 Other •••.••••••••••• " .•••••••••••. __ ..:9."9:.:3;.;,7,,.1:.:.,7 $ 965,,847.19 DisbursemeDta: . ExpeDses of general eontJlOI •••••••••• $ Expenses of iDstructioD •••••••••..•• Auxiliary agencies aDd ' coordiDate activities •..•••••••••• OperatiaD of plaat ............... .. Jlaintenance of plant ••••••••••••••• FbtedeharJZeS (emjlo~ retiremeDt ~~i€ "1t.'. ...~ ~':'radr.oia~~J tran omed to ADltiq f1Ind and . $'1 nntaJa paid to Authori~.) . 40,09507 641,949.14 14,49293 85.281.58 10,857.23 .62,909.24 1OO;'l,18.86 Capital outlay (alterations to build­ings, replacemeDt of equipment, etc.) • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12,398.918 Other • • • • . . • • • • . • . . . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 48.00 $ 858,546.02 Excess of reeeipts over disburae-ments, exclusive of repay .. ment of temporary loaD ••.. 107,301.17 Deduct repayment of temporary loan •......•.••.• 80,000.00 $ 77,301J.7 BalaDce, Jnly 2, 1961 ••...••.•.••• $ 106,062.!l9 SINKING FUND STATEMENT of OASH RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS for the school year eDded July 2, 1961 and FUND BALANCE, July 2, 1961 Balance. July 3, 1960 .................. . TraDsferred from GeDeral FUDd .•••••••. Disbursements : .Interest on bonds ................... $ 5,737.60 Bonds retired: Issue of 1953, Series H •.•.....•. 20,000.00 Balance, July 2, 1961 ................. .. $1.40 __ 25=,73~ 25,789.00 25,737.60 $1.40 {)AFETERIA FUND and AOTlVITIES FUND STATEMENT of CASH RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS . for the school year ended Jnly 2, 1961 and FUND BALANCES, JDly 2, 1961 C..reteria FUDd Activities Fund BalaDces, July 3, 1960 ..................'._ .1.,6.8.7.iiOi.9 ,. 9,880.62 Receipta: Sal,s of meals ..................... 41,229.70 GoverDment subsidies ............... 4,626.91 Other ..................... _ ........ , ____ _ 37,637.89 $ 45,856.61 $ 37,637.89 DlsbursemeDts : Food purchases ..................... 30,301.13 Salaries and' wag<!s ................. 14,418.07 Other ............................. :,. _ 2!:J,~(76.!y! $ Balances, July 2, 1961 ................... $ 47,195.27 , 298.43 $ ESTIMATED BORROWING CAPACITY July 2, 1961 Net assessed valuatioD, 1961, as reported by Board for the Assessment aDd Revision of 37,414.77 37,414.77 • 10,003.74 Taxes, Dela,ware County •.....•..•.•. $8,860,340.00 IDdebtedDess allowed by law (7 per cent of assessed valuatioD) ...••..•• OntstaDdlng iDdebtedness, July 2, 1961 ................... $ 260,000.00 DeductioDs allowed by law: . Cash in sinkiDg fund' 1.40 ReveDDe 1961-62, ap-plicable to the reduc-tion of indebtedness 19,998.60 20,000.00 . . Net iIlebt " .•••.••••••...•. _ .••••••••••••••• Estimated brrooW'ln g capa.. ........." ... ••••••••••• 619,623.80 240,000.00 879,623.80 NOTICE OF AUDIT This reP!'rt filed this I.Oth day of August.l\181, in aecordan~ with the req';'ltementa of SectloD 2432 of the Public School Code of 1949 will be confirmed absolutcly unless an appeal is taken within thirty daya of filiDg. . .' ...... ._............. ........... .. ....•. .......'.. i.'. • ••" ­.. " .,. .. - for comfort next winter!' Summer is the ideal time to install automatic gas house healing for carefree comfort during the cold months ahead. It's quiet, economical, and clean. For real comfort durihg 1he entire heoting seoson, just select the warmth you want on the thermostat. Ger more inFormation on Gas House Heat,.,. Call your local plumhing or healing , contractor, or any of our suburban oRicef. BUDGET PLAN Far added convenience, gas house healMg payment. can b. mad. In equal amaunh over a 1 Q.fnanth periad. Get mare detail. from the CUlt.ome .. Service Dopa_ant of your riearelt Philadelphia EI •• ricCo. alii ... PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY .' ., ' .. .. .

    ---------- Page 18 ----------

    INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 8 rHE SWARTHMOREAN August 25, 1961 portance of the resources in. this tor of Highway Planning Carl LABOR DAY HOLIDAY NEWS NOTE Local Citizens Move Against Blue Route vicinity. She urged the audience Wilde (both in Harrisburg), Ad- On Tuesday, September 5, the to "speak up for Swarthmore" 8ay- ministrator of the U. S. Bureau of ~nter schedule of the Helen Kate (Continued from Page 1) ing "we're proud of what we have Roads Rex Whitton and Secretary Furness Free Library will be ef-in the uneven terrain along the and 'Would like very much to keep of th? Interior Stuart Udall (in fective. The library will be open Crum. it." Washmgton) were recommended. 2 to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Fri- Miss Ruth C. Webb' of South Chester road had as her overnight guest Thursday Mrs. Carola Bell Williams of Oslrining, N.Y. A statement from the college John Logue. Yale avenue resi- day. and from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. pointed out U!s five years' cO)Jsist- dent who is assistant professor of Cup Carnival Monday through Friday. Saturday Paler E. Told ent and open opposition to the Blue political science at Villanova Uni- Opens Tonight hours will be 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Route on the basis that the road versity. referred to government Tb l'b 'II be IdS' t -- All Lines 01 Insurance would dl'sregard "the need for pre- and tax participation in gaining (Continued from Page 1) d e S I rt aryb WI 2 c ods e M ad ur- ass DABTII01J'Jll ""B. serving the irreplaceable amen i- needed park land. He concI u d e d , bed . at ar, e new" ones which c.a m. e Saeyp.t emebpe re 4m. Learb orJ Daany . on ay. Klngswood 3-1833 ties of creek valleys and park "No legislation and no money is to lIght m revlewmg the offl~lal _____ .-..... __________ _ lands" in a highly developed area needed in this case just the com- results of the late JUly champlon­like Delaware County, and that it man sense and cour~ge to scrap the ships of the Suburban League. would hamper future development Blue Route." Ann Townes set a new junior high of the college. The statement, how- It was reported that the Blue girls backstr?ke time 37.7 (was ever, stressed that the C()llege has Route has been definitely decided Beth Webster s at 38.) and butter­always t'refused to recommend any upon but that Carl Wilde, director fly 35. (,,:as her ow~ a.t 35.5). other specific location for the route of highway planning for the State, Jack Cushmg moved JUnIor bOdYs and has tried to make its position has promised that a public hearing butt~rfly, up to. 35.6 from SMa? hY a coop"'. erative and educative ooe," '11 b h did f' t' of Robmson s preVIOUS 36. Ann IC- WI e sc e u e or mspec Ion "d t b tt rfl f 405 William McDermott, presi- maps and details before intricacies ener sd mTI g~ M eU e d ,y Old 41'2 dent of the Swarthmore League of are finalized. er.ase errI c ur y so. . Women Voters, traced the history Th I t th t' 'd Dmo McCurdy captured 200 and of the League's nation-wide ioter- th r"eheo upgeohpt ~It a,I S meo rmee ~Im mpgo rstaanl t 400 meter freestyle records from est in conservation, and the im- "fe y ... f t f S th h'l B 0 b S u' bI e tte ,. new 200 tI' me I'S2 .'2 8 or sa e y 0 war more c I - (aws 2 :34.9) and 400 is 5 :80.5 ~rugprices Up only %0 of 1% Between 1955 and 1959, prices of all commodities rose 7.6% (Bu.reau of Labor Statistics) while drug prices I'OSe ool,. • negligible 0.60/'0- Pl'eSaiptiOlll fined here are aIwa,s JJria=d fairl,. ToJ.ys IWncriptions.,.. ~ bJggesl hellltb fltllue. Oatherman's Drug Siore KI ngswood 3-0586 ® \ dren and the plelasantness of ev- ( 6'34 2) S W' t ' 2 '38 7 eryd ay l1'f e ,. t.o I'emove th rouhg , was . . . ue Ig on s. . , t ra ffI' C f rom Che s t er roa d and m the 200 meter was conSIderably Swarthmore avenue, than to op­better than her own old record pose one I'OUte or other. One said, "Some of these speeches are pipe dreams. I'xe explored along the Crum and it is a stinking mess; if people are so concerned about it why don't they clear it up." An­other thought continued use of large, old houses as singly-family dwellings would result if hazards of through-traffic were removed from the local streets. "Do we want worse traffic, or if it's a question of an expressway at our front or back door, isn't it better at the back?" One woman wondered where en­trances to the new highway would be, and if the road would take traffic off borough streets Or back it up onto them if they become feeder roads. Letters of protest from individ­uals to Pennsylvania Secreta-ry of Highways Park H. Martin, Direc- 2 :65.8. Midget boys medley relay (John Schmidt, Birney and Brad­ley Brown, Dave. Williams) set a lOO-yard record of 1 :20.2 j as did midget girls (Sue Hosford, Ann Michener, Maje ~rner, Marcia McCurdy) 1 :.14.5. NEWS NOTE Mr. Robert D. Hulme of Haver­ford place left Sunday for Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y., where he spent the week attending an American Management Association seminar. He will drive to Albany tonight for a brief visit with his brother Dr. Norman A. Hulme and family and tomorrow will drive to South Berwick, Me., for a weekend stay with his parents-in-law 1\11'. and Mrs. H, E. Kenyon.' He and his son Randy, who has been visit­ing his grandparents, will drive home Monday. YOUR CAR. mo, IN CARELESS HANDS --------------------- .. Contributed i~ the Interest of Highway Safety by the Following Merchants THE BOUQUET SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP THE INGLENEUK E. L NOYES and CO. BAIRD and BIRD J. A. GREEN THF. SWARTHMOREAN PETER E. TOLD D. PATRICK WELSH PORTER H. WAITE. Inc. PATTON ROOFIN6 CO. SWARTHMORE PRINnNG CO. PROVIDENT TRADESMENS BANK and TRUST CO. CATHERMAN'S DRU6 STORE , Come On In ••. • the wafer's fine Yes, the water is FINE. IT'S PURE IT'S REFRESHING AND IT'S. PLENTIFUL That·s because it's the product of many years of constant plan­ning, research and advanced techniques in scientific treatment. A1~o/ SPRINGFIELD PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY 1 .j

    ---------- Page 19 ----------

    ~' \ r. •• f ( I \ I School Opens ,Thursday Sept. 7th Volume 33-:-Numoor 35. 1 '[' • WARTHMOREAN SEP 1 1961 ) Swarthmore, ~a., Friday, September 1, 1961 School Opens Thursday Sept. 7th $4.00 PER YEAR Local Schools Open '71 RECISTER TO VOTEl Gala Night Plann.d EMERCENCY BLOOD !AnnUal Pool Awards , . Thurs.,' Seplember fr:::r;u:,~.=:~i~~~:Sat ~~~ f:;~ For Gamel Canleen m!:rin:oro~,:~en:.~:~den~,:a~~: To Be Made Manda, School Bells Ringing With Gleej' Scholars Answer. He and She lowing nearby communiti~s: quests for blood may be made to Barbecue. Family Today, Friday, Rutledge Bor- Alumni, N-P Members Mrs. Corben C. Shute, KI 3·3757, ough in the Fire House; I nvite d to, Se pt. co·c h aI•r man 0 f Bl0 o ct S ervu.: e-, Pron:o.J ram Also . September 12, Nether Provi- 8th Event or to Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer, KI Planned dence Township at· the elemen- 3·1270.· Swarthmore Swim Club will wind The Swarthmore-Rutledge Union taFY school on Moore road, and All members of Swarthmore up its pool season with the tradi- School District will begin classes at the N.P. High School; High School, grades nine through Peler S, milh Arrlves tional Labor Day program of fam-at all levels on Thursday, Septem- Sept~mber 18, Swarthmore 12 and alumni, plus the Canteen ilY'TRees at 4 p.m. Monday,foDoW-ber 7. With the exception of Grade BorougJ:! at Borough Hall, Park members from Nether Providence From Woodhouse Sch. ed by a barbecue. one, a full schedule will 'be ob- and Dartmouth avenuee. High School are invited as mem- The boy and girl who broke 01' served from the start. Grade one Citizens are reminded that they bers to one last gala night at Can· SHS English Affiliatel nearly matched the most records pupils will not attend afterriooh may register at any registration teen to b.e held • at the Trinity Student to Spend in the last week-end's intrn-murd sessions until Monday, September post in the co~nty, as'well all!!, at Church Friday, September 8, from Year Here meet will receive the 1961 pool '11. Kindergarteners have been ag.. the Courthouse in Media. 8 to 11 p.m. Besides dancing and cUpSo Other awards will be preSent-signed either to morning or to af* ping-pong, there will be 'bridge, in- Welcomed into the U.S. at the ed to Top Girl and Boy Divers. The ternoon sessions. III P rt' - - at I structed by Cmdr. William Wilburn New York docks on August 17th Millard Robinson Trophy:(for all- 'time schedules for the various .. a ICIP I n and Mrs. Samuel Althouse. was the Woodhouse Grammar aroundachievel!'ent), the Ou~d-grades may be found fn Mother Va' cal-Ion Beadl-ng "lull T,he students were reminded this School exchange student who is to ing, Swimmer Trophy for service page of· this issue. U past week of the resighation of spend the forthcoming year at and participation, the Life Savine School cafeterias will be,9pen on I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kent and Mr. Swarthmore High, Peter Smith, age Award for highest score during this the first day of sclaool and there. 78 Camp et~ ,Minimum and Mrs. Herman Bloom as chair* 16.,'He is to stay the entire year season's courses, and a Mr. ~d after. The price of the regular hot Goal. Give 1769 men of Canteen, which means Can- with the George W. Pattersons of Miss award' for those in thiS cate- 'lunch will be 35 cents per meal. Reports teen might close this coming win· Dartmouth a:venue. With him was goty who have managed the top Milk'is llvailable separately at 5 Wl'th ter. Janice Carroll of, College avenue, number of consecutive laps durine cents per halt-pint for those who a flurry of final reading Parents interested in carrying on who has lived with three English afternoon tries this week will also carry their lunches. and . reporting, the Swarthmore f I ' I Meal tickets with an established working s~ aD.1i ies in the last year and at- be awarded. for five lunches will be available at Public. ~ibra~~s :vacation It~a~i~g who operate ev~ry Saturday night, tended Woodhouse Grammar School A number of customary team­$ 1.76 in elementary school class. Club f.mlshed Its sUD?mer ~ctlVlt~es and a Board of Representative near Shef~ield, as Swarthmo~'s mainstays remained away on va­rooriJs a"nd· fr~m 8:15 to 8:30 a.m. on' Wednesday mornlpg: Fma1.flg-, Grade Parents who help administeT, represen~tlve. " ." cations so an uneven entry proved Thursday in the, hall near the high u.r~s show. that'177 cbildren par-I may call Mrs. Bloom for further Theyanved on the M.S. Berlin, the rule at Jast Friday and Sat­school cafeteria. ttclpated 10 the ~lub and 78 ~f details, but not betWeen September as members of a group of 73 Amer- urday's Garnet and White meet and The Red Arrow Bus Line will th~s~ readersl cOfmlPOlet~edtl the ~Ub: 5 through 9. ican Friends Service Committee ex- cup championship of the club. With run "tripper" buses up Linden ave-' mlmmum ~a 0 I, es rea a~ change studentg-;r~turning ones no Garftets at all in the openinc nu~ in Rutledge starting before 8 .reported on. These you~gs~rs W1ll Genler To Open Here who have spent the past year aJ · event the Whites led from the be-a m .' Ch·ld . . th" • be honored at a party gIven ,by the broad and new ones about to begm' .! f' , •• 1 ren usmg lS sel'Vlce . d'. " . gmnmg or a final 333 to 292 vic-may get ·off at the comer of Yale hbrary at 10 We. nesday mommg, For Orippled Children a.year in the U.S.-un~~r ~he aus- tory, securing the Team Bucket for and Rutgers avenue. Children 12 Septem'Qer 6: TheIr names fol1o~: . '. plces of the School Afflhatlon Ser- the fourth time out of the six and under may purchase four tick- Robert ,""Van Ravenswaay, Vicki Phila.' Society To Provide ~ice'of the A.F.S.C. Peter ~nd Jan- years the meet has been held. eta for 40 cents from the drivel': ~hurcsh,. ,LcmDlmy.dDeIwaele, CL~tedr- Weekly Treatment at Ice were. met by the entire Car- Insufficient entry caused drop .. This special rate'is 110t applicable ma 'pies, aVI nouye, 10 a Woman's Club rol~ famIly, Mrs. Patterson and ping of age group relays and plan .. ,to children over·'12 ~ho must buy Stanton, Jack De Wa~le, Joan Ur-. ' Jean, and Virginia Brodhead of ned 25-yard events for non-eup , :the $5 booklets to .,t8ke advantage ban; Margo Bloom" ll.obby Lam- Openmg days of the Swarthmore Ogden avenue. Jean Patterson was t ta t t· th 30 'd of· stUdent fares. ,berson, Jane' Bunting, Michele and Llanerch Treatment Centers the 1958-59 representative to Wo~d- con es n s, e;~eP8 lDd e d hoan Aecident Hospitalizes Char.le_~ C.' Heisler Chanes C. Heisler'of'Forest lane is a patient in the' Paul Kimball Hospital at Lakewood, N.J., as the Iresult or' an aut~mobile accident on Friday at the intersection of Routes 70 and 571 in New Jersey. Mr. Heisler .was riding home with a friend from Brielle, N.J., when the accident occurred at 6:30 p.m. He sustained fractur~s of the right leg, pelvis, .~t arm and ribs. Now. in traction, he expects to be hospitalized for the Rext three months. Tlie driver of the car was released the next day with a head cut· and bruises. The driver of the other car suffered a broken leg ,and fractured ribs and will rem,ain in the hospit$l for the next six to eight weeks. Mr. Heisler's l'oom number at the Paul Ki~ball Hospital .is No. no. ' , 6-WEEK SEWING CLASS TO BEGIN OCTOBER ~TH A course in basic, clothing con­struction by the Home Economics Extension Div'ision of Penn State University will be offered this fali beginriing, Fnday, October 6. There , will be '~iX pleetings ,of the class on successive Fridays. Southworth, Jayne Good, Carol. of the Philadelphia Society for 110use. ..,.. °WVhC~tgrOUP ant hin an dUID er laYs. Dudley, Danny Mc Ca ubrey, M ar- Cn.p pled Ch.lldre'n a nd Adults have' Peter W.. Ill be a 'junio r at the high, S 1 Wes· gwtoo n I e dg fr'a n t8' am22 0r-e yd. tha Chapman, Eric Scace, Sally been announced by Ruth Jett, pro- school. He is keenly interested in f . til n 5 P O ace lXds bam k tryark t amb erson, M arsh a M' assey, Rm' d y gram dI' rector 0 f' t h e S oc' lety.' mUS.IC, pla.ymg, th.e plan o and guitar br ees ty te , k f- y nt 1r cd hS t0t ee . Jaffe, Pam Larson, Tommy Fleet-The Swarthmore center at the and singing tepor. His enthusiasm flreafs S 1'0 .e, r~els YIe tahn 22uO hr- man, J e ff F ·I eld, B'Il l Sa . 1m o.n , J U I1' - W oman•s C] u b on P arka venue for m'usIc comes second on' ly to his yt or semo2r 3g'l r s. n d e _.1....s. e anne I p, N ancy Co rneJ I.U S, Da Vl' d opens o'nw e d n~s d ay, S eptemb er enth uS·l asm for sports, soccer, track, sthe t a f nCew W·:l r. .. 4 l'ecto r3 ',0 lasmdg Restrepo, Julia Grant, Doug Boul- 18; the Llanerch facility, at the tennis, and swimming being his fa- . a f 0 t '1 \ la~St a d' h· , an tel', Ann Oleeland, Mark Restrepo, Llanerch Presbyterian Church, vorites. ~":O r;es y e d sble e tere d ;r 0:" John Schmidt, Billy Schmidt; Paul Park. avenue and Lansdowne road, Already, the Pattersons have in- '~Th~' r~orp y i~ se~on d f~ot ~ Hood, Betsy Rogers, Marsha Wea- opens Friday, September 8. eluded Peter in a 10-day family va- d .. Ite, 'd urne d " p ahce hlrstf' m ver, 'Mlr··la m T ayI o r" H aroI d M0 1'- B oth centers WI' 1prO1Vl 'e doc-'c att.o n W'.I th tIi e Appalac·hla n Moun- Ivmg aBn Ss econ GIn t e ot er . lve gan, L ynn F ~, K enne th Wa 1,W,-o, cu. pa t'l ona1, ph YS'l ca I an d speech ta" In CI u b'In the AdI' ron d ack s. evedn't s. d·. · tuart·d.' ha·r' ndet', waIIs sIe c- Ga'r y M organ, K a thy H oey, Je"an the raplE':Sf o r h and 'I cappe d c I1 1' ldr en 'Pe t er' s mOV,I e and t e Ie V.lS.lO n l. m- on I In I. vmbg an R t SI r hI Intt a I e sed. Gosline, Betsy Townes" Pete Ly- and aqults in Delaware County. ,. pressions of the U.S. are gradually f' Itt ~emb°1' kOYt s k' 1~10e9 e(bP tatceer (Co n t ·m ued on P age 8) (A\J on tin ue d . on P age 8) I·b e.m g repI aced . . IrS hI·n ac s 1'0 e . •• ed f- Junior Group Gets Daily Workout at T e,!~is ,CJub 109 IS OWlI prevlOUS recor 0 \ 1:11.8) and in 220, freestyle and butterfly; and was second in diving and breaststroke. D. McCurdy was first in breastroke and second in (Continued on Page 7) J. W. Carrolls Hold Family Reunion The John W. Carroll family have been eRjoying a: family reunion­the first in two years - during these last three weeks of August. First to be greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, Susan and David, were Mrs. Ray H. MacNair and Mr. MacNair who arrived August 10 after two years of exchange teach. ing in Madura, southern India, as representatives of Oberlin College. The course offers professiol!al , guidance without ~ost. ThQ,Se inter­es~ ed in joining· the· class should register' with Mrs~ Fred W. Lueh­ring, KI 3-0798. Classes will run from 1 :30 to 3 :30 p.m. at the Trin­ity Church. ' Junior players of the Swarthmore Tennis Club take time off to pose for a picture. The boys and girls play every dry marning on the College avenue courts under the supervision of Francis .A, Piccone., The program started August 1 and winds up Wednesday bef<!re school opens. From left to right are: First row-Mr. Piccone, David Welborn, Greg Carr~l, Steve Russell, Doug Welsh, Dave Welsh, David Clark. S~ond row-Eddie Shute, Dean Forbes, Dave Wismer, Tommy Lau, Peter Derickson; Eli Wis· mer. Third row-Bill Ryerson, Don Leonard, DongTolley, Alex McNeil, Judy Roxby, Bee Parker, Sharon Parker, Kathy Sensenig, Emily Russell, June RoxbY. , Next to join the family was Jan­ice, arriving on August 17 after a year ~s an exchange student at the Woodhouse School. Another daugh. ter, Mrs. Arthur R. Swift and her husband; visited 'from Narberth to complete the family picture. The MacNairs left yesterday for Oberlin College where they will spend the year reporting on their experiences and working on their masters degrees in sociology. Jan­ice will enter her senior year at Swarthmore High on September 7. Leaves Postal Post Bessie Douthwaite retired Fri- Visiting Professor day afte\" 41 years service at the Professor Monroe K. Spears of Swarthmore 'Post Office. \ the University or the South,. Se~ Miss Douthwaite, whose family, wanee, Tenn., will spend the year home on Baltimore pike at River- as Vi~ting ProfeSsor of English at view road was torn ·down when the 'Swarthmore College. \ . pike was widened. BOme years ago, Professor Spears, who has taken is now living at 134 North Oak his degrees from Vanderbilt Uni· , avenue, Clifton' Heights. ,. versity, is' editor of ~e literary She at:rved as assistant poatmaa. qu&rtcrly '~ ~wanee Review." ter during World War II an~ was Bls editio~ ~CC:Tlie, Poems of Mat­forwarding and window clerk at the I thew: Prio~ ~ p~blilhed recently time of her nttf:rWaeat. by Oxford Umvel'Slq Press. ' ,- Library Closed Monday The Swarthmore Public Library will. be closed all day Monday, September 4, The fall SChedule will be resumed on Tuesday, Septem­ber 5. T~e time schedule will be as· fol1ows: Monday thro'lgh, Friday fato9 Saturday 9 to 12 2to4 Attend Inttl Congress Dr. Robert L. Volle of Haverford place and Dr. George B. Koelle of Mrs. ,Moore To Celebrate Park avenue attended the First In-ternational Pharmacology Congress 100th Birthday Thurs. held last we, ek in Stockholm, Swe-den. Both men presented papers. Dr. Volle returned Sunday. Dr. Koelie returned yesterday after visiting various univerSities in Switzerland. Mrs. Elizabeth Gilpin Moore,' a resident of Swarthmore since 1881, will celebrate her lOOth birthda,. Thni'sday, September 7. ' Mrs. Moore will be at home at 112 Puk avenue 'from S to & o'clOck that afternoon. ' \ \ , ,

    ---------- Page 20 ----------

    I . t I tHB SWARTHMOREAN August 25,. 1961 portance of the resources in, thts tor of Highway Planning Carl vicinity •.. .she :urged the audience Wilde (both .in Harrisburg), Ad': LAlOR DAY HOLIDAY NEWS NOn , Mis8 Ruth C. Webb' of sOuth Chester road had as her overnight guest Thursday Mrs. Carola Bell Williams of Ossining, N.Y. (Continued from Page 1) in the uneven terrain along Crum. to "speak up for Swarthmore" say- ministrator of the U. S. Bureau of •• On Tuesday, September 5, the ing "we're proud of what we have Roads Rex Whitton and Secretary WInter schedule of the Helen Kate the and would like very much to keep of the Interior Stuart Udall (in ~ess Free Library .will be el-it." Washington) were recommended fectlve. The h'brary WIll be open !l stateme~t from the college pointed out its five years' cOQsist;.. ent and open opposition to the Blue Route on the basis that the road would disregard "the need for pre.­serving the irreplaceable ameni­ties of creek valleys and park lands".in a hi~ly developed area like Delaware County, and that it would hamper future development of the college. The statement, how­ever, stressed that the college has always "refused to recommend any other specific location for the route and. kas tried to make its position John Logue, Yale avenue resi- • 2 to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Fri-dent whQ is assistant professor of Cup Carnival day, and from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. political science at Villanova Uni- Monday through Friday. Saturday 'eter E. Told· versity, referred to government Opens Tonight hours w.i ll be 9 a.m. to 12 :a o p.m. All Lines ol/nslJranee and tax participation in gainhJg (Continued from Page 1) The library will be closed Sator: .. DABTilOUftl A'" needed park land. He concluded,' bed at are new ones which c~me day, September 2, and· Monday, "No legislation and no money is to light in reviewing the ~fficial September 4, Labor Day. a. ~ratlve and educative one." Mrs. William McDermott, presi:' dent of the Swarthmore League of Women Voters, .traced the hiswry of the League's nation-wide inter­est in conservation, and the im- ~rug ,pTices Up only %0 0/1% needed in this case, just the com- resul18- of the late JUly champion­mon sense and courage to scrap the ships of the Suburban League. Blue Route." . Ann Townes set a new junior high It was reported that the Blue girls backstroke time 37.7 -{was Route has been definitely decided Beth Webster's at 38.) and butter­upon but that Carl Wilde, director fly 35. (was her own at 35.5). of highway planning for the State, Jack Cushing moved junior boys has ptomised that a public hearing but~rfly, up to. 35.6 from Sa~dy will be scheduled for inspection of Robmson s prevIOus 36. Ann Mich­maps and debils before intricacies ener's midget butterfly of 40.5 are finalized erased Terri McCurdy's old 41.2. Three peo~le at the meeting said Dino McCurdy captured 200 and they thought it is more important 400 meter freestyle records from "for safety of Swarthmore chil- Bob Sublette; new 200 time is 2:28 dren and the plelasantness of ev- (aws 2:34.9) and 400 is (j:80.5 Between 1955 and 1959, prices of aU commodities mse 7.6% (Bureau of Labor . Sratistics) while drug priCeS eryday life" to remove through .(was 5:34.2). Sue Wigton's 2:38.7 traffic from Chester road and lD the. 200 meter was considerably Swarthmore avenue, than to op- better than her own old record pose one route or other: One said 2 :55.8. Midget boys medley relay "Some of these speeches are pip~ (John Schmidt, Birney and Brad­dreams. I'xe explored . along the ley Brown, Dave. Williams) set a .. Crum and it is ~ stinking mess; 10.0-yard ;ccord of 1:20.2; as did if people are so concerned about it mIdget gIrls (Sue Hosford, Ann why don't they clear it up." An- Michener, Maje Gerner, Marcia other thought continued use of McCurdy) 1 :J.4.5. . msc oaJy • aegligible O.6%. Pl'e:lCripdooa 6Ued here are 8Iwa,. prklecI fairly. ToJ.y, "..smpllMn __ ~ bJggesl h6i111b ."iIhu. Catherman's Drug Store Klngswood 3-0586 (f). large, old hOUlies as' singly-family dwellings would result if hazards NEWS NOTE Of through-traffic were removed Mr. Robert D. Hulme of Haver-from the local streets. "Do we want ford place left Sunday for Colga!e worse traffic, or if it's a question University, Hamilton, N.Y., where of an expressway at our front or he spent the week attending an hack door; isn't it better at the American Management Association back?"· seminar. He wil~ drive to Albany One woman wondered whe\'een- tonight for a brief visit with his trances to the new.highway would brother Dr. Norman A. Hulme and 'be, and if tbe road would take family and tomorrow will drive to traffic off borough streets or back' South Berwick, Me., for a weekend it up onto them if they become stay with his parents-in-law Mr. feeder roads. and Mrs. H. E. Kenyon," He and Letters of protest from in<!ivid- his son Randy, who has been visit­uals to Pennsylvania Secretary ofing his . grandparents, will drive Highways Park H. Martin, Direc- home Monday. YOUR CAR. TOO, IN CARELESS HANDS ,--------------------- Contributed i~ the Interest of Highway Safety by the Following Merchants THE BOUQUET SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP ·THE INGLENEUK E. L NOYES and .CO. BAIRD and BIRD J. A. GREEN THE SWAR11iMOREAN PETER ~'TolD PORTER H. WAI1i.IM:.· PATTON ROOFIN&CO. PROVIDENT '1'RADESMENs lANK and TRUST CO. \ .. D. PATRICK WElSH SWARTHMORE PRI.NnN& CO. CATHEItWAN'S DRue STORE Klngswood 3-1833 Come On In , .~. the water's fine \ Yes, the water is F.INE. IT'S. PURE IT'S . REFRE~HIN~ . ··.AND Irs PLENTIFUL That's because it's the product of many years of constant plan­ning, research and advanced techniques in scientific treatment. .A1~'l4.t4 SPRINGFIELD . -"GIII4 PHtIADIi.PHIA. SUlUUAN \ ~ . J J ,