The Swarthmorean, 1949-08

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    First published as The Swarthmorean in 1929, this newspaper continues to the present day.

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    Editor (edt): Told, Peter E.
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    1949 AUGUST_.pdf
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    Copyright The Swarthmorean 2013


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    ARE YOUR FLOWERS CHEERING ,; Pa. " • VOLUME 21-NUMBm.. 3 { SWARTHMORE, FRID~Y. AUGUS',r 5, 1949 ' URGE VOTE ON ~:!:.,~:: ad- H. S. Foot.ball Practice To Open August 23 Sl,JMMER HOSPITAL PATIENTS? $3.50 PER Y&AB S.R.A. CONTEST WINNERS LISTED It may be a little warm, but' , LIQUOR SALE ded to the Swarthmqre Public1Li-nevertheless it is only seven weekS ' brary in July. The total include:; 12 to the opening football game. Let- new mystery' stories, 12 books of TO BUILD OR', BUY BUILT? Numerous Awards Made, F'riday At Closing ters were sent out today to squad Burgess Seeks True other types of fiction, and 15 non-members, telfing of plans fOr 'the Poll ill Borough's fiction works. The list follows: Boroughites Divided On Housing " Session Method start of practice. Coach Millard WI8' hes' Fiction: "Peace, My daughters." Robinson wants all boys in the Barker; "After the Storm," Hale; As the borough's children once senior High School to know they Burgess J. Paul Brown of Wal- ''Center Aisle." Holland; "Give more found,. th, emselves available are invited to attend the camp. nut lane has issued th~ following Him My Love," Mackay', "Quar- t-,·W1 hether to create' a structure thin d h for mOrning chores this week, Only the boys who Si_ .. .... ed up at letter to Swarthmore business in- tet," Maugltam,' "'The .m.. ,,'m ning lui.&llY . deeed abn ope the result the thoughts of 72 Summer Club- the close 'of school will r ._..._.. iv e stitutions, churches, scli.ools, so- Thread," Myrant·, "Love in a Cold wh ine as satisfactory a bers turned nostalgically to .... eir letters of information. Climate," Mitford·. ,~ T ,-Mtle ome as was orginally dreamed. I.:u. cia! and service clubs: , ... --- ......,. to la last six weeks of planned play. ' Any others who are interested Voyage," Osbome; "00 Fight City or p ce your dollars on a In spite of terrific heat last can secure all information by con- "On Tuesday, September 13th, Hall." Rosenberg; "0 Shepherd, domiaile' which can \ be pre-in-week, the children completed their tacting the Hig4 School, Waldo 'the following questions will ap- Speak!" Sinclair; "Day Without spected in a finished state and tournaments on Th. -..u_ ....:..1.."... ..,...,,. In Davidson or Coach Robinson. • pear o~ the voting machines in End," Vod Praag; .. Fraternit.... has alreadv proveq a good house Swarthmore: '<if fo li 7 ·t quoits Dick Snyder came out on Practice is' scheduled to begin Village," Williams. . rear er owners, 1 a question top, while Howard Sh.earer tri- at 10 a. m. Trlesday, A~ 23, "Do you favor granting liquor Mystery stories: "'l'lle case of not easy of decision for most folk umph~ in horse shoes~ Oharles at Rutgers Field and the squad licenses for the sale of liquor in ,the Famished Parson," Bellairs; contemplating home ownership. Grier dominated 'the checkerboard. will leave fOT camp Thursday, the Borough of Swarthmore? "OVer the Ga~en Wall," Carnac; t Today's local contingent seems In box lacrosse Dick Jester and August 25. "Do you favor the granting of "Dog Eat Dog," Collin.'1; ''The F!y- 0 be eq.ually divided in its pre- Howard Strachen paired off to malt and brewed beverage re- ing Red Horse,' Crane;' "Murder ference. "Shellac" all challengers. Fred BORO FATHERS' IN tail dispenser license for consum- Without Weapons," Cunningham; New homes in varying styles of Mazza came out one 'point bettel' " tion on premises where sold in "Plunder of the SWl," Dodge; archite«;ture are ,nearing comple-t~ his nearest opponent in the ' the Borough of Swarthmore? "Snare for Sinners," FeniSong; ti,on on many local streets. Other "'oul shoouDg contest Miniatur SUMMER SESSION "Many citizens of the Borough "He Didn't Mind Danger," Gilbert; houses are experiencing a change ~Olf~ with its "roughs'; and "traps'~ are rightly concerned over the I '~Green Light for Death," Kane; of furniture and dwellers as the found Jack Nason clearing 'the outcome of this vote. "The T~D! Edge of V.lence," families they've sheltered l'ecent.,. water trap in par to reign over the Traffic Light, Re~t "Earlier this summer, through O'Farrell; "Dr. Bruderstein Van- ,ly move out and new buyers take course. Bea Schoenburg bounCed Control, ,Sewer the leadership of (}eorge McKeag lshes," Sherwood; "The Girl with over. and picked her way to the "jacks" it was possible to secure peti- a Hole in Her Head," Stone. Mr. and MTs. William Collen-championship. The tennis tourn- On Agenda _ tion.c; signed, by more than 700 Non-Ficfjon: "Sketch for a SeIf- berg and daughter Jean moved ament, hotly contested both liter- At Monday evening's meeting Swarthmore voters which guaran- Portrait," B'renson; '~e Outer- this week from RAlt1edge into ally and figuratively, resulted in of Borough Council, Springfield teed. the inclusion of these two most House." Heston; "Shake- their newly constructed hom~ on Bob Pierce winning' the boys Township agreed to share the ex.- questions on our ballot In Septem- speare," Brown; "The Art of Act- Dickinson avenue. This is a c8se champi~nship and Barbara Bloom, pense of installing and mamtain- ber. lng," Dolman; "The Best Ameri- of the oft-repeate<J, practice of the girl's. ' ing a traffic light at Baltimore "I have been asked to call to- can Short Stories, 1949," Foley; former Swarthmore residents re- One of the year's most-antici- pike and Sproul road, equally gether a representative from each "Complete Poems. 1949," Frost; turning to the borough. Mrs. Col­pated events took, pla,ce on Friday with this borough.. institution in the Borough to meet "Pennsylvania SonilS and Leg- lenberg is the former Miss Mary when doll and p'et owners com- Allan C. Wood,' Swarthmore with George McKeag for the pur_ ends," Korson; "The Eagle in the Cresson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. peted "for honors. Results were tm t h pose of organ:-'-g a ----_i,ttee Egg," La Farge; "The Vermont William Cresson of Amherst ave-avenue apar en ouse owner, ~ '-'U'~ Story," Newton; "Jan Venneer," nue. as follows: w-gest pet Bob Perce's and Attorney Charles T. Larkin to inSure that a majority of shepherd dog; smaJ1est pet, Jerry petitioned the borough fathers to Swarthmore voters go to,~ polls Newton; "Switzerland," Ogrizek; The Carl deMo1ls, who sold their Brencisen's, ,ants; most originally hold a public hearmk on the aboli- on September 13th and vote NO "The Life of Ralph Waldo Emer- former home in the 20t) block on dressed dog. Luten Dickinsou's; tion of rent contrfoL ~ to thi§ question of the sale of son," Rusk; "Lead, kindly Ligb.t," Park avenue and have been llv­best groomed dog, Ginny decain- postponed setting date for such liquor or malt beverages in the Sheean; "Golden Doorway to Tib- ing in Philadelphia for the past dr ' t al vill et," Smith; "How, to Build Your year, hope to occunv the new on-y s; mos unusu pet, Lyp Pur- a hearing until its' Sep~embe.l" age. YoJ ..- nell's hamster. 'l'hen came the session, planning meanwlille to "The meeting will take place in Own House," Tuomey. story, modern home which is be-dolls, Susan Reaser walked off determine whether the citizen- Council Chambers, Borough Hall. ing built for them on Park near with a prize for the prettiest, Dar. ry in general desired such a Swarthmore on Monday evening, CLIPPERS WIN Michigan avenue within another is Snyder for the smallest and hearing. August 8th at 7:45 p.m. month. the cutest; and Bea Schoenburg It was decided to advertise for ' Mr. and Mrs. George V. Kren-for the ,most unusual bids on the installation of a san- "Will you please come, yourself, CHAMPIONSHIP nikoff'residents of the Marshall Competition being the order of itary sewer on Rutgers avenue or send a very responsible rep- apartments, Swartlunore and Yale the day, balloons were distributed between Yale and Westdale ave- resentative of your crganization Hornets Wm' Lates't avenues, are preparing to move whereupon George Kroom scored nues. to this meeting." into their new little home which a victory in balloO~-blowing and But Just Miss . is nearing completion on Yale Larry Jones and John Davis man- W'l'--d l 'Mark avenue midway ,between Dick-aged to be the last to retain in- z. U!F Tom inson's Plan For Better Swarthmore ins on and Swarthmore. With flated balloons after goingtbrough 'Large corporations offer hundreds of thousands of dollars in The Swarthmore Clippers clin- the erection of this -house the resi- ' the paddles (rolled newspaper). scholarships annually for advanced scientific study in the physical ched. the championship of the dential section of Yale avenUe is Jack Seeburger and Luren Dick- sciences. The government gives many millions of dollars to 65 Junior Edco League in the first concretely extended in $be direc­inson 'hopped, skipped and j.umped univennties for military research. ,It seems almost as though the year of its organization with a tion of Swarthmore avenue. to win a "sack race". In the paper ,pervert:<l.,form of the 23rd Psalm had come true: "Science is my decisive 17-3 victory over East The'Robert A. Allison family of race, Doris Snyder and Skip Skog- s~epherd, 1 sh~~ not war,?-t •••• and·l shall dwell in the house of Lansdowne on Riverview Field 311 Vassar avenue hope to be in lund slid to victory, with John SClence forever. last Friday night. The team con- their newly built !home in the Fischer and Timmy Ryerson close But are we more able to say that we fear no evil than a hundred tinued its hard hitting with' Zeig- 49- 0 block on that street by Oct-seconds. John Davis and Skip years ~o? We repeat the Lord's prayer, but do we put OUr trust enfus and Hoot getting ,homers tOber first. ~ Skoglund w~ll-earned their prizes in His Kingdom coming? We trust ~nly our own kingdom of reeking and every member of the team ex- Another family which will make (continued on page six) tube and iron sh£rd. The heavens dedare the glOry of science but cept one gettirlg at least one hit. a move of only several doors, 'the earth proclaims the downfall of man. Ziegenfus pItched his usual ef- from an older home into a brand- BALL SCOUTS CHOOSE WARREN Swarthmore To Add Contribution To All 'Star Game Swarthmore's championship I.e-. gion team gained additional honor on Monday night ai Manoa, 'when Harry Warren was selected by a Committee of Major League ~couts as one of the four out of a total of 36 Delaware County Legion players to compete in the Eastern ,Pennsylvania All-star game at Shi~ Park on August 18. Jones of Manoa was the other Upper Division player selected, the other two coming from the Lower Division, Johnny Pool and Art McKenzie also represented Swarthmore in the Manoa game. The Swarthmore Legion team also enjoyed a swimming party and picnic last Friday night at Rose Valley Pool. ' Brains have accomplished so much in a material sense. Can we fective game and the outcome new one is Mrs. Pearl W. Bastian, not' make use of science to help us solve ,the ,greatest of all human was never in doubt. The victory her son-in-law and daughter Ml·. problems? Is the scientific method confined to the test tube and the was the Clippers twelfth straight and Mrs. A. S. Titus and their pro~ng ground or does it offer a ray of hope for the average man and their 15th in 16 games played daughter Kathy. Mr. and Mrs. \ and his wife 'the world over? during the season. Playoff for Titus recently finished remodel- Strange as it may seem, many eminent Americans answer this the county Championship with 'the ing the old barn of their present question in the affipnative. In his latest book, "The Proper Study western division is scheduled home at 210 Swarthmore avenue of Mankind," Stuart Chase write.s: "If war is to go, it is probable to begin next Monday night. into a charming home which they that only the scientific method can hasten its going." Kurt Lewin, The Hornets also closed :tlheIr have rented. Further extending Me I. T. social psychologist, wrote just before his untimely death: league season. last Friday, night improvement of the f~s land ;'1 am convinced tllat it is possible - to uqdertake experiments in with an exciting 4-3 win over 'toward Cresson lane, Mrs. Bas­sociology which have as much right to be called scientific as those East Lansdowne with an eight in- tian has built a distinctive new in physics and chemistrY." President Conant of Harvard, writes: "rt ning affair. Dave Wilcox hurled home with picture windows on is my belief that methods have already' developed to a point where the win and Don Pierce and Lee three levels overlooking the little ~tudies of society can provide basic information to all .those practical Swan provided the deciding base creek at the corner. Into this men who struggle with lruman re1ations." Stuart Chase, tuining hits. But for the fact th8.t Mor- the f~mily will move in two from his first love of economics, has drawn up a 5-point program for ton forfeited to LanSdowne 1lbat weeks. ' human progress with includes these steps: same night, the Hornets would Mr. Elmer Atkinson of Phila- 1. A gigantic plan for pennanent peace under international probably have finished in a tie delphia is building a house on agency. fOr first place. The team as a Haverford avenue for his family. 2. More team-work in the scientific disciplines. whole had made marked improve- Mrs. William J. DeCindis and 3. TIle all-out,enoouragement of more talented young people ment in the second half and should three children returned from' to make social science .their life work. - provide the fans with excellent spending thb m,onth of July at 4. More :fundS for social scrience studies. , play next summer. Ocean City and dove into prep-' 5. More public support. Every man and his wife should begin ,arations for moving to Brookline to feel in their bones that here Is. the one beSt hope for survival. Joan Narbeth of Yale avenue which they will do today. Their As Mr. Chase knows. it is, difficult to guide yOllDg people into the and Joanne Allen' of Crest lane former home at 312 ,Dartmouth, me sciences. The writer haS tried to enlighten hundreds Of ~ returned home recently following avenue has been purcb.&sed by Mr. people, only to have a practical parent or teacher divert them to a two-week vacation at the Girl and Mrs. G. W. Patterson who with cliemistry, physics or cybernetics. .. Scout Camp, Camp Elizabeth Bar_their children Jean and Graham. (continued on page six) ton. (continued on page six) , , , I • • • •

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    • • • ·z THE SWARTHMORBAN AUG11ST 5, 1MB Mr. and \'41's. Raymond K. Den- and t.b eir da. ugbterMiss B;IrbarIl B.£.D.. um '• . I Mr. and MnI. Edward Tls. daU Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Fether- womb of Elm. avenue vilIlted. their. Kraseof Middletown .l'!Hld, .•.. ...._ ,~..i._... M r. an' d Mrs• ~~··ard co ........ """'w, .,.,.,.. of Elm' avenue IIl'e reoeivlng con- NEWS NOTES daughter Ann and Je/ln Holman and or. Krase'. father Mr. H. C •. Lawbome of, Carlisle, Pa., 'Dn_ -~"-"ons upon the birth of D olf of Columbia avenue entertain- f C ll' ~ ... g ....... " g ed Informally, Wednesday evenfllg 0 0 ege avenue wbo are spepd- Krase of Chicago, Ill, who bas nounce the birth of a son, William daughter Judith, on July 13 in -.. .lng the swnmer at Hawkeeye Trail been visiting bere since Tuesday, Scott Lawbome, on J .. t- 27. B~ Mawr Hospital. following the uox lacrosse game C H k NY""'" ' ... on Sun Oil's McMurtrie Field. amps, aw eye, .. will leave today to vacation In The new baby Is a grandson of The baby is a granddaUl/hter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of Major and Mrs. RobertE. Moist Greensboro, Vt. Mrs. 'Krase and Mr .. an~ Mrs. William P. Hayes of Mr. and Mrs. Arth\1l' R. Dana of and tbeir infant son Joll1i Edward her daughter will remain In Ver- Swarthinore avenw;. Elm avenue. North Swarthmore avenue enter- returned Saturday to their home mont unUl the middle of Septem_ ,tained as their week-end guest in Hampton, Va., wh'ere Major ber. ~v""" ..................................................................................................................... ..... Miss Dorothy Lamson of Phila- . t . . ".A·~."T+++++,+,+,+ .. ........ , MOIS IS stationed with the .Nlnth Mr. and Mrs •. Joseph H. Walter delphia.. Army Air Force at· nearby Langley and their son Jack of BenJamin Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles E. Hess Field. ~. MQlst has been visit'; West avenue are spepding the of Park avenue spent a few days ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. John montb of AU/NSt at Beach Haven, o~ last week in New York City.' H. Pitman of Vassar. avenue and N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Y. Clymer ber sister Mrs. Frank H. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Latimer of Park avenue entertained as and family of Green Ridge for the of Cornell avenue have returnoo their week-end guests Mr. and pas~ montb. after spending 10 days with their Mrs. John Ruch of Oak Ridge, Mr .• and Mrs. Edward Tisdall son· Mr. J. Harris Latimer and Tenn. former residents of New London, family of Wellesley,' lI<Iass., who Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turner, Jr., Conn., are now residing with Mrs. are summering at Brewster on and family of Cornell avenue h'lve Tisdall.'s parents Mi-. and Mrs. Cape Cod. returned from a two-week va- Arthur R. Dana of Elm avenue. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Flaherty, cation at Skyland Farms,. Buck Mr. Tisdall Is attending the Wbar- Carolyn. Flaherty and Frank, Jr .• Hill Falls. . ton School of the University of of Guern~ey road have returned Jim Hornaday of DickinsOn ave- Pennsylvania. from a motor trip through !be nue will entertain as his week- Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Weiland, White Mountains to Pea.k s Island, end guest Charles Bontempo of Patricia and David Weiland of Casco Bay, Me., where they vaca­Morristown, N.J"J a classmate at the University of Ma&-land. l?outh Chester road bave returned tioned for a week which ·was fol-from 'a two-week vacation spent lowed by a two week stay at the SAVE TIME! 'LET US SERVICE ,YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP "RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF lOWN" . BUSSELL'S SERVICE ROBERT 1. ATZ, Owner CALL 0440 DARTMOUTH' &- I.AFAYETTE AVES. Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen on Lake Ontario, Canada. They Appalachian Mountain Club' on - of, Harvard avenue entertained as als Mt .......... ~ .................................................................................................. .... o visited Thousand Islands and . Desert, :Me. '+'+~+~~~ ""''+'+.¥.'+'. ... their week-end guest Mrs. Louis Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse Allen; of Chicago, wh0,is sum- Mr. and Mrs. W~ter H. Dickin- of Harvard avenue are entert.ain-mering. ~t the Thousand Islands. son of College .a venue are visiting ing as their house. guests· 'tbis Mrs. Willis Spivey of Rodgers Mr. Dickinson's parentS Mr. and week Mrs. Morse's ~ and lane, Wallingford entertained fel- Mrs. Joseph H. Dickinson of WIn- aunt Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Roberts low members of Miss Florence ci ter Park, Fla., for a week. of Chevy Chase, -Md., and thP-Tr! cker's ass of tbe Community Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood B. Cbap- Mbrses daughl1.e r Mrs. Wil. fred Art Center at· a luncheon last man of Harvard avenue have re- Bailey Brown of Greenbelt, Md. Tbursday at the close at the six- Mr week 'art course. turned home after vacationing at • Brown will spend the week- Buck Hill Falls for the month of end here. Mrs. G. Hurst' Paul of Vassar July. • Mr. and Mrs.' Valentine L. avenue is music counselor for the Mrs. Albert S. Johnson of South Fine of Swarthmore avenue have slimmer months at Camp Twa-ne- Cbester road h~s been entertsining returned ft'llowing a week's visit ko-tak, Cbautauqua, N.Y. Patty as her house guest for several with Mrs. Fine's sister Miss ElInor Paul is also spending ,the summer weeks Mrs. Arthur B. Lawrence Hillyer of w:,estpor!, Conn. J. C. LIMEBURNER CO. DISPENSING OPTICIANS Exp~rts in th'e Miling and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses 1923 Chestnut Street - - - Phila. 6913 Market Street Upper Darby 827 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. at I(:bautauqua. of Bridgeport, Conn., formerly of Mrs. J. Francis Taylor, director Peter Bloo!", James M~er, Swarthmore. While here Mrs. of pre-school and prbnary groups ~~~~~iiiiiiii~~iii~iii:'~:'i ·:·: .- ~':i-i-':-::~::i:;ii:~ John Davis, Mike Bender and Pat- Lawrence was guest of .honor at for the Swarthmore Recreation I - .. - ton Gilmour of Swarthmore left a morning bridge and. luncheon Association, is recovering rapidly Sunday for a week at Boy Scout given Friday' by Mrs. Earle P. from her recent illness to the de­Camp, Camp Delmont, Green Yerkes of Princeton avenue. Mrs. ligbt of her many frienda, 'Lane, joining Donald Dade who Harold G. Griffin of Rutgers ave- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fair-bas been there the past week. nue also entertained In honor of banks of Rulgersavenue enter- The Bouquet I Mr. and Mrs. William E. H_1, Mrs. Lawrence. talned 12 guests at an ou~oor Jr., of Thayer road Who have been Mr. and Mrs. George S. Valen- corn roast Saturday evening. spehdiog July at ,their cottage at tine of Benjamin West avenue are Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse Eaglesmere Park, will spend the entertaining for several weeks of Harvard avenue entertained month of August in Ocean City. Mr. Valentine's. fa~er Mr. George at. a porch. picnic supper and Their daughters Carol and Dixie S. Valetine, Sr., of Leroy, Ohio, b~ldge at theIr home Friday eve­wbo are summering at Eagles- and Mrs. Valentin's mother Mrs. rung. mere Park, have been joined by P. R. Shoemaker of Evanston, III their brother-In-law and s1ster Also w~ek-end goests were Mr. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Jolm P. Espenschade and Mrs. Wade A. Belden of La- Mr. and Mrs. William Ernest and daugbters Joanne and Carol roy. Hetzel, Jr., of Thayer road an- Lee of Dogwood lane. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Perkins nounce the engagement of their Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson and daughters Barbara and IToan daugbter Dixie, to Mr. W. Thomas . of Vassar avenue have 'returned . of Stratb Haven avenue returned Morris, son of Mr. and' Mrs. from'a two-week trip to Bradford, Monday following a two-~k George C. Morris of Troy, Pa. N.H. and Buck, 1iill Falls, vacation at Buck Hill Falls. Miss Hetzel is a graduate of Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Mercer of Mr. and Mrs. William Cresson Swarthmore High School and. North Chester road, and Mr. and of Amberst avenue returned home Bradford Junior College, and Is Mrs. W. Mark Bittle of Rulgers Saturday after a two week vaca- now a 'senior at the University of av,,?ue bave return",\ home fol- tion at Ocean City. . Pennsylvania. She is a member BEAUTY SAWN Come summer - Come care Call Swarthmore 0476 II Chester Road THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1949 The $l.OO-Setve Yourself-All You Want . , COMPLETE SUPPER Come and Enjoy Your Selection From HOT DISHES - DELICIOUS SALADS AND DESSERTS STRATH, HAVEN INN loWIng a vacation in Rangeley Pa! Told of Park avenue return- of Delta Delta Delta Fraternity. Lakes, Me., and a visit with Mr. ed Friday from Toronto, Canada Mr. Morris graduated from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Thay- wbere sbe attended ari Insurance Mercersburg Academy and Dart­er road, at their summer home in Convention as the l§Uest of her . mouth College. He is a member North Clarendon, VI. uncle 'and aunt Mr. an11 Mrs. C. of Sigma ·Chi. Miss Carolyne Wilson of Dar!- A. 'Cbase Of Texas. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, mouth avenue and Esther Rum- Mr. an!,! Mrs. Rober! S. Kamp FOR sey of Haverford avenue will leave and their cbildren stevie and MAGAZINE by plane Sunday for Denver, CDlo., Betsy of Riverview road have SUBSCRIPTIONS where they will be guests for two returned from a two-week va-weeks Of Esther's uncle and aUnt cation at Buck Hill Falls. Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman Col. and Mrs.' Clifford Rwnsey. For~.~an;d~M;rs;.~N;;;orma;;;n~w;. ~Kra~~sie!i.~~;S;W~arthm~~~O~r~e~2080~~~~~ I Baltimore Pike, Springfield Phone Swarthmore Ot50 Attraetlve And Yet l'radloal SUMMERDRESSIS At Jlarpln PrIo, es In Assorted SI.zes $4098 and Up RUTH IZUM1 DreqSllop Th,e atre Square 831 South Chester Road College Theatre Air Conditioned Friday and Saturday Jennifer JOnes Joseph Cotton ''POItTBAlT OF JENNY" Feature Time - Sat' NIght Only 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 p.rn. SPeelaI Saturday Matinee For K1ddles _ 1:00 p.m. "BRINGING UP FATHER" Serial - Cartoons - Comedy Monday and Tuesday· Claude 1IabuJ - Ann Il'ooJd ''ONE WOlllAlf'S sToRY" Wednesday 0Dl:y By Request uADAM BAD FOUB 8ONS" Starting Thursday "BABKLBY'S OF . BBOADWA'r' " MEDIA· AIR CONDITIONED Friday and Saturday June AIl.Json" James Stewari "TIlE STRATl'ON STORY" with Frank Mo ....... Sat. Mat. at 1:15-Extra for The K1ddles. "KING, OF TIlE ROCKET MEN NO.5 Sunday and Monday Jennifer .Jones .John Garfield "WE WERE S'l'BANGJ!BS" Tuesday and Wednesday John Pa7De - Gall B ell "EL P A8O"I In eoIar Starting Th\l%Sdayl . Walt DIsney'. "so ~. -TO MY IIBAIV'r' H 7 .... Warming, Down to Earth Saga of American Folk. III . TeChnicolor, In Carli>on, In Live Action, In Music. JANE LOGAN de Lux Fr~sh Peach Ice Cream The Summer Time Flavor Available in Bulk or Half Gallon containers at • Michael', Cellege· PharlilCY I ON'I'IIE~ ,. AUGUST $,. 1Mt TRK SW~RTHMOBBAN s THE 'SF A.RTHMOREA.N Huggins At Trinity,' Jones Is' spending 'the SUlIlDler at returned I Monday eveninC from'. The Rev. John R. Jlh,-gln.,', Camp :Wyoda, Fairlee, Vt. avenue and Jane TY,Son ofChelter PUBLISBIID EVDY FRIDAY AT SWAIt'l'llJlO." PA TBJ: SWARTIDIOIlBAN. INC •• I"IlBLIIlIID Phone 8w1u111mon 11M -=c------ PETER B. TOLD, EdItor MA.lUORIE .TOLD, A.oelate EdlIM rector of Calvary Oburcli, Glen lI!Ir. and. Mrs. Frank H. McCow- five-week tour of 1he west. Dur­Riddle wtll be in charge of the an, Bob and MiIIy McCowan of Ing their trip they visited the ';'rvices at the Trinity Church, i.vassar avenue spent FrIday In Black Hills,· S.D., Yellowatone, 'SwartIunore from A"-',ri 1, unUl N, ew York City, and saw. the play Glacier and Grand Tetons, Na­September 8.-'1 ~uth Pacific'. Bob will return tional Parks, Salt Lake Clty-and or: Huggins bas been active In to the U.S. Naval Academy, An- Rocky Mountain National Putt. RosaJie Peirsol Lorene Mc Carter Pat ':fold . .' napolls on August 12. They also stopped In SpTlngfleld, Entered as Second Class Matter, .January Z4, 11128, .t the Post DlCx:esan aftalrs for many years Miss Ali Putnam f Lafayet! Ill, . the home of Abe Lincoln. Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 8, 18711. and at one time was assistant tol ce 0 . e ___ -, ________ _ tbe Rev. FlOyd W. 'l1oq>ldn.,! -------~--,---.:~ DlADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON' . Rector of Holy Trinity Church, --.... MWARTHlIlORB, PA., FRIDAY., Aunat 5, 18411 Rittenhouse Square; Philadelphia.; 'Whllp You're Away ••• He ab;o bas been active In the af- i fairs of the EPiscopal Seminary , In Pblladelphia. . I hesbyterian No. At the 11 o'clock service Sun- , . . day morning the Rev. Paul ¥eac, ham will preach. Rev. Meacham Trinty No. Holy Communion will be. cele­brated at 8:00 a.m. and again at 11:00 a.m. Both services will be is a graduate pi McConnick 'l'heo- conducted by the .Rev. John R. logical Seminary, Chicago, with Huggins In the absence of the :an S.T.M. and Th.D. from Union' Rector George Christiari Ander­Theological, s""linary, N.Y. 'He Is son· who Is on vacation. Uabers now Religious Book Editor of the at the 11:00 o'clock servi~ will Westminster Press. be W. L. Cleaves, head usber. F. Jane McChesney will be guest Plowman, T. W. Hopper, A. E. soloist: '. Pritchard, S. D .. Reynolds R. J. Tbere will be no Church School Baker, J.' P. Wilcox and F. W. Or Church Nursery unUl Septoim- Luehring. ber. ------ Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest of' . Elm· avenue have re1nrned after' vacationing for sevela1 weeks at , Lakeville, Conn., and Harwich'l Cape Cod, Mass. En route home they visited Mrs. Griest's brother' and wife Mr. and Mrs. William A. Murpby of Ohatham, N.Y. Mr. Cbarles G. . TJ:tatcher of Ogden avenue is attending the I.B.M. Convention In Endicott" N.Y. -this week. I Mr. and Mr •. W. Mark Bittle of ~rt":-~ aeaaedf J lUI' like ... acoti .. for your rup. Clean rup leok better, Mel better, weal' better. Rusa picked up aDd delivered w .... promued. ~. r' \ 9 " 1! Dom...uo $S.OO O'A"-ISDl1 & Coml!e~~. I 00 F."~ Ave~ Swarthmore, Pa. Swart:,more 0130 or 0529 - Clearbrook 4646 .' ,--,,,_,/ ____ Choice Persion RltlJs for s-Dle'_.--r ...... " The Surgical Dressings group will. meet during !be mol1th of August at 10 a.m., at the' clwrch on Wednesdays. Members are asked to'bring a'sandwich if they plan to stay through the lunch ,Rutgers avenue are enterta~.njngl their son-In-law and daughter NEWS NOTfS Mr. and Mrs.·Thomas,Murray andl ~~~~~~~~-~~.-~~~-~~~~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bass, Jr., daughterS Katherine and Martha. and sons David and Dirck of Har- of Comell-on-Hudson who arrived: bour. ' .. Ti-oop 2 of the Boy Scouts will meet each ThU1'Sf,lay evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, Holly and Peter will s\",nd the month of August In Rhode island and may be r~a~hed In case of 'emergency during tbe month at RD.l, Hav~ ersbam Point, Westerly, Rlwde IsJand. Mrs. Savelli will be out of the Cburcb·- office during the month of August but lIIl!y be reached a large part of that time at her home in Media. Methodist Notes The SUnday School will meet .; . . vard avenue have returned home Thursday for a two-week viliit. I following a two-week vacation In Mr .. C. Russell De Budo of Qg- i O reg on, ill. den avenue left Tuesday for Tufts Mrs. Walter O. Heinse and her College, Boston where !he has acc daughter Dorothy Anne of Strath cepted a position In the admlni­Haven avenue returned home last s!ration office of the coll~s.e. Mrs. Thursday following a month's visit De Burlo will join him later. with fantlly and friends in Los Mrs. E .. B. Hollis of South Cbes- Angeles, Calll. ter road Is progressing in theUni- Mr: and Mrs. S. Caldwell Harris versity 'Hospital, Philadelphia of Wellesley road vacationed In wiiere she has been a patient since Avalon, N.J. taBt week. PrIor to July 13. then Mr. and Mrs, Harrisf\PBllt Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pugh of five weeks on a trip to the west Park avenue are on a 1D-day va­coast. The stopped at the Grand cation to Hyannis Port, Cape Cod. Canyon en route and travelled Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Prather 2000 miles by automobile through 'and cbildren· Joe and I.qnne of the state of California. Yosemit\! Vassar avenue bave ,returned from National Park was only one of the a two-week trip-to Lake of 'BaY:", Interesting plal!es they visrted on Canada. Two 'year-old Miclulel the coast,' Mr. and Mrs. Harris Prather spent the two 'weeks on returned bqme on the Conste11a.. "visit to his grandparents In Pitts- • A WIDE PRICE RA~GE We have over 70 different price ranges. Consult us-then compare. Our estimate will prove that we are definitely not high priced. . , THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. 1.820 CMlSTNU'I' STREII tel., •• 6-1581 MARY A. ..... "."'" at 10 o'clock. At the 11 o'clock service or. Henry E. Walbey of Pbiladelphia wiiJ. preach.. The Church nursery will be open dur­ing the service. tioO: burgh. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Ford and Walter Dickinson of Park ave-I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~======~~ .Sandy and Chrissie Ford of Am- nue returned home Monday fol-herst avenue are Vacationing with lowing a five week visit with rel- -.------- Mrs. Ford's uncle Mr. 'Fo~ E. atives in Rocky Mount, Washlng- Christian Scienee Notes Trimm of Neponsip, L.I. ton and Beaufort, N.C. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Fetber;' Mr .andMrs. Arthur R. Dana "Spirit" Is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Aug­ust 7. The Golden Text is: "0 Lord, tbou hast searched me, and know me . • • Whither sball I go from thy spirit or whither shall I ~Iee from !by presence?" Psalms 139: 1, 7. olf 'If Columbia avenue entertaln- of Elm avenue whO are summeting ed as their dlnner guests Saturday at their cottage at Buck Hill Falls, evening Mrs. Merrill Rapp and son entertained for the month of July Frank of Enid, Okla., Mr. and Mrs, their son-In-law and daughter Mr. E. A. Hardin and daugbter Nancy, and Mrs. Richard Cor.tin and <:bil­and Mr. and Mrs. Jolm A. Bird, . dren I?ana and Richard of Ches-of Germantown. . tout Hill, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath and of . Columbia avenue entertained . fanilly of Cedar lane vacationed as their week-end guests' Mr. for the month of July at ·Cape Church Services Peel's sisters Miss Marjorie Peel May, N.J. _______- ---.' .. :.' __- '-. I and Mrs. Wallace Van Nest Imd Mr. and Mrs. Duncan G. Foster SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hev. Josepb P; Bishop, MInister Sunday, August 7 11:00 A.M.- RElv. Paul Meacham will preach. Wednesday; August 10 10:00 A.M. - Surgical DreSrinp Group. .' , Thursday, August 11. 7:30 P.M.-Boy Scouts. Troop 2 METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D.D., Minlater Sunday, Aunat 7 10:00 A.M.-Church SchooL tr:OO A.M.-· Dr. Henry E. Walkey will preach. . ' TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector Sunday, August 7 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. THE 'RELIGIOUS SOClEh', . OFPRIENDS Snnday, August 7 11:00 A. M.~Meeting for worship. Wednesday, August 10 9:30 to S:30-S,ewing and QuIlt­ing in Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All cord1alIY in­vited. IlllST CHURCH OF CHRlST$CIENTIST OF SWARTHMORJ: Park Avenue below Harvaid &uada~, A~' 11:00 A.'l\I.-sundq SchooL 11:00 A. M.· J e .. GD - SermoIl "SpidL" Wednesd,.,. evenine _tinC each week, • p:rn. Reading room ,,}tell dail;y ucept Sunda:r .,d .Holld.,... 11 to 5 p.m. WedaeedaT .e.... .. Inll' 1 to '1:10 p.m. end • to . her daughter Jean of West Orange, and ,their daughter CorInna of N.J. crest lane have returned from· a ;Eciwln Harris of Wellesley road a cruise of several weeks on the spent the month of July at Camp 9'esapeake abo~·the ~Qward SeqUyiB, near Ashville, N.C. Jenkins cruiser, 'Howeise, Gra- Mr. and Mrs. Guido G. Savelli ham Foster joined them' for the of Mt. Alvemo road, Media will week-en~. Edward;renJdns, Znd, leave tomorrow to be the guests came fOr '(be week-end Of July 23, for two weeks of Mr. and MnI. when ihe.·De1ilWare River Power Percy Beifield of Villa Nova ave- Squadron held 'it l\endez'Vous off nue at .their summer home In West Turk"f' Foint. Tbe. "Howelse" Springfield, Mass. placed' sixth· ~ this navigation Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moeller and contest. J<?lm Foster is at Camp their cbildren' Beth and Bill of ·Pocono; Lakeville, Pa., where he Park avenue bave returned from Is nature councilor. a two-week motor trip to Lake Mrs. R. G .. R1ncliffe an<l MIss Waloon North Michigan and home Nancy Rincllffe· of strath Haven by way' of Canada and !be Thous- avenue, and Mrs,' Geol'ge F. Corse and Islands. ~f::Y~'ill:venue .left W~ 'Johnny l'billips of Strath Haven taL a~eel<'s_ 4ut,omQbile tr:tp to avenue Is spending 'ilb.esummer Marlinsville, "Va.. '. . at Camp Kebeyan, Wolfeboro, . 0.::. 'lIlid Mrs. J. Albright Jones N.H., and his sister Mary Philllps. and their son Andy of Swarthmore is at Camp' Kelionka, wolfeboro, Crest have returned from a va­N. H. cation spent at Eaglesmere. Patsy . ORANGE 'CLEANERS, 485 Dartmouth Avenue ' Swarthmore, PeDDa. 'SAVE MONEY Cleaning Specials For Month Of.August 01' .I .. (plain) .................. -""-'" Shnlreta ..... ~. .. -.-... -....... .,Ie 8 _....... (business) •. ......,. _ ••••••• -v.-u QuO" .......... .:._. ......._ ........ $1.11 SJIIOIi I_eta .............. n.... tic SlIpcovel'll ......... _--.- ~ elf Tr-ale.. ....- ....... - . _ .. _ ... .--.&. .. .. . ~ 011., w ......... _ ........... _. .u .,a._a-- NoW' 0. Displ~y New P17 PlYmouth 2 Door Sedan 111 Inch Wheel Base Compare the new Plymouth to ANY CAR AT -ANY PRICE. We say that-from the value vlewpotnt-the new Plymouth Is the _ automobile ever buIltl And on the basis of thls statement, we inVite yon Ie come In today and make us put up or shnt upl We'll mow you the new Quality Ghar! that P<GVOS the new Plymouth Is far ahead of the other low­priced cars to the number of fIne,car features. ....'."..". 1".,.,....,'. ,. " '"n". ........................... MO ... .... '. ' HANNUM & .WAITE CHRYSLER - PLYMOU!DI' S __rt~ :IIIIi.llee lJIt I , "

    ---------- Page 3 ----------

    - • • THE SWARTBMOB&AN . AUGUST 6, 1114' . Dr. and Mrs. David McCahan of Strath Haven' avatue accompanied by their family left saturday for a two-week vacation at st. Michaels. Md. end for a twO-week visit with her sister Mrs. Harry' Pack of Swarthmore avenue. Mary-Leigh Elmore of BalU­more pike is camping at 'Camp Pine Tree In the PoconOll for t~e summer. Mrs. Harry Inge Johnstone of Mobile. Ala. arrived last week Mor. folies are turlllllS to Acme for real luscIous FRESH FRUITS a VEG'ETABLES Here are lome outstanding values featured Iii our Fresh Fruits and Veg .. table Departments this week-end. COOKING APPLES .5 Ibs 2ge II •• for fre.1t up;". pl •• and apple sau~ Bartle" Pun 2 lb. 25c I Lett:uce COl""" ... - .. ISc Banantls "" .... '" "ISe Celery .Ct, ...... -.. ':: 19c PEAS '~I:~:~ Z HI, ZSc Now on Jal. I. our _ark.,. Armour' •. Treet Sa~r..l:'h.. 1;:- 5ge PilhlnJry'. Cake Mizes c~t.1• • ':k: ~~ Ubby'. ":fomato Juice .. a ~: aIG 0."". Baity Foods !"1'~~r:. %0 .... 9IG lISCO Halves . PEACHES Glenslll., SlteM FREESTONE TOES PINEAPPLE He. Pack FuU Sta ..... ,.. Red RI.,. Dol Mo ... C",ohed POUND CAKE 0:::: •• Mapl. PKGn fiayor.d and IMCOn foppMJ ¥IqIaia Lee Spiee Loaf Cake - aSe m ... t Filled Breaklast Cake - age 'Assorted Bolls ('.";j~~) 8 :~ :158 SUPREME BREAD 1~;14· Supreme in floyor. nourishment and economy f,y olle of these roasts cut from ACME GRADED "A" BEEF eaUCK ROAST Ib 45c 'RIB ROAST !i~::.~~,n:!~ (5!~) Ib SSt: - ~ .' Bailing Beef "'25e Deviled Crabs -19c Short Ribs Beef ,033c Potato Salad .. 27c Lamb's Liver ,067c Cole Slaw '~27c Sliced Bacon A..... .. S5e Dried Beef 0"'" .......... 29c' Uver Pudding .. 49c Comed Beef ."... ....,. 18c LMN:It\r ..... d UlQ _lZt PIIM) CHICKENS '~:'~h°'::;~ A (~ra) Ib,39c FAICY COD FILLETS Ib 25e f1- for rOD"" ScI_ie ... Gleadale Club CRDSI FOOD Z;: . 8aIJ Perfect MASON JARS ::69c ::: 7tc .... Iy GlaS.I. a-uc -aa. • .-.. .I.9.c. Leave Fo.r.. France Mrs. J. H. Welch of WiJichendon, Mass. Mr. Rodgers will join them , Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wright, of later •• Coach and f4rs. MIllard Robineon and daugbter Margaret Of Spring­field. and Mr. and Mni: Theodore Rose Valley Road, Moylan, sailed Mr. apd Mrs. C. WiWlIJn Ram­Purnell and family of Cornell ave-on Monday tor France where they say and young son Cblcker of will work with the American Lafayette avenue are vacationing _______ _ Friends Service CommIttee. for a week at Sabbathday Lake, Due. Mrs. Wright, who bas been M e., Vil.o...u. M r. 1_>-.-~. •-•"•~ s .~..... ~_ •• assy.tant Professor of English Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ramsay of Literature at Swarthmore College Lansdowne. • for the. past few years. wIli work in the Serv.· ce C omm,· tree Com- Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Pittman missloner's Office In Paris. ThIs of Dicklneon avenue will leave office is the overseas" central head- tomorrow by auiomobUe for a quarters of the Committee tbi-ough vacation In Dennisport, cape Cod. Betsy and Susie Pittman will wblch are channeled the DUIIlJ': de_ spend the remainder of -the sum- ---------- AU~UST HOURS • 10:0fl. to 5:00 . Closed WedneoMlay and Saturday Afternoons tails of administration and supply . for the various fieid units. mer at Hillsboro Camp, Hillsboro. . Mr. Wright assisted In relief . a Ie· ar • Mr. WId Mrs., . D .. D'. D,'cklnson • . -.- . , N.H. I' ., .,' f and reconstrUction work In PranCe t fo.llowlng the first World War. and \heir son Don of Park avenue 9 I 5 From 1944 to 1946, Mr. Wright entertained at a dinner part;y FrI- . was field worker with the Al"SC day evening follOwing the com- old Lank buildlnq and UNRRA as Welfare Officer pletion of the Summer Recreation • . in Cairo. Upon his'return to Paris ~Pr~o~gr~a~m.~~T~h~e~ir~~gu~es~ts~. ~w~ere~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ he assumed leadersblp of the first j Service Committee team to enter the American Zone of Germany. The following year he became area. supervisor of Co~tal Europe with the Quakers. In fol­lowing years he was With the Service committee unitS In Aus­tria and Hungary. In the Pblladelpbla Office. Mr. Wright has bOOn In charge of Quaker International Volun~ Services. among wblch improve­ments to roads. hospitals and playgrounds are cblef projects. In Germany the campers will help to construct dormitories for refugees. Language ClasseS for DisPlaced Persons In Austria will be another project of QIVS. In France. Mr. Wright will head ·this work. Mrs .. Lovett Fr'escoln of Har­vard avenue has rl>torned from a two-month trip· to the west coast, stopping at San FrancIsco and Los Angeles. En route she visited cousins In Winner, Bad Lands'and Blaclc: Hills. s. D.on her return she stopPed at Flagstaff. Ariz., the Grand Canyon. visited the Re',. and Mrs. Carlos A.. Avila and family of Albuquerque. N.M. and spent several weeks with her son Lt. CoL Leonard D. Frescoln and family of Denver, Colo. Mrs. William S. Hobbs and daughters Charlotte and Laura of Park avenUe returned last Sator­dsy after attending the Christian Service Assembly at Stillwater in the Poconos for tllree weeks. TheSwarlh ,CO-Op ore WHEN CO·OP S ARE IN TOWN PRICES ARE DOWN Take home .omelblirg from our BAKERY department to enjoy . wltJi BREYER'S BLACK RASPBERRY Ice' Cream Hall Gal' $1.05 • Wbether it'. for a banquet. picnic, or just I!IOIDe "cold eats" for , lunch, you can depend on Bill to give, you the best! FANOY ·Wax Be'ans 2 Ibs 2Sc OALlFORNIA "SWEET EATING" Cantalou·pes ea 15c PENNSYLVANIA NEW 'Potato~s 10 Ibs 49c OO·OP.· RED 'LAB.EL P..IlBE lib . Soap Flakes 2 b~xes 49'c . oo-op BLUE LABEL SLICED Peaches No. 2~ 29c CAN NORRIS WHOLE PEEI,ED WHILE t'BEi LAST. Apricots 29c June Hobbs will return this week The store closes at i p.m., Wednesday, for the ,BALANOE after a month:s vacation a\ Still-wat er. OF THIS MONTH. Don't forget tbat we are ALWAYS opep Mrs. Ollver Rodgers and cbll- FrIday evening until 8' P. m. dren Dorothy. Daniel and'Betsy ~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of Riverview road will leave SUll- ~ day for a two-week visit with • Mrs. Rodgers' parents Mr. and NO ACCIDENT TODAY, THANKS No one til ... to "va .. Md. dent, wida all die pUa ..... _- pen.., bat lIW1y ...... them, every day. Make ceruist duat yau have Accident Inauunce to pay the billa, if you Mould be injured, . PETER E. TOLD 333 Dartmouth Ave. .. , "'c"""""C 'II'" ...,.".. , 01 Y m' .... c::o-. 1111 , , • The more friends she can reach by telephone. and the more friends who can reach her. the more the telephone means to her •.. and to her friends. With 652,000 more telephones In Peunaylvanla today than there were tlHee yesrs ago, more· people are able to talk to more peoI>l!>. than ever before. Any way you look at it, telephone aervice ill becomilts more and more. valuabla. Any way you look at i'­telephone aervjce gives yon your money's worth. ' o ..... T_--_ .. _@ • < 'AUGUST ,5, .. • THE S WAR T B MOB E AN 5 ·,----~~~·rs~N«CY.rE~~SS·~~~p~a~tty~Ri;~:;~~~T~~ON~~;;~t~~~NE~~~S;;N«OTE~~S~~~====~~;;;;c:====hr::::::::::::::::; Methodist Church. Wllm!ngfoo. a recent week - end BEQUEST FOR BIDS Drlvewa, O6calawllwa Mr. P.G. Wrightsman of Cor- Gappy Piersol of Lafayette ave- Mr. and Mrs. G. Wills n .... I r,~ed .• bll!'...:.! be in nell' avenue baa .returned home nue. he~d of MaP.le avemJe left on I ;;~~~ il.~a\t ~~~ P,M., ~ following a pleasure ulip to Tor- - PrIdsy by train ~or West I ~i ~~~r.; .11- d!.ioDe ;' WOI <>l reon and Mexico City by Lamsa C. ~ASSIFIED field. N.H. where they ~ ~;'15 Tra'irlo" ~'WCb~u;,;~ Airlines. • Mr. and Mrs. Percy Belfield •. v...&* 1';10 ,_ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Hoot of . \, ~AL of ~Illanova avenue for ten da1l!. ,a~d .-. fa tt .- . tertalned I ~ ,La ye e av""ue en as _. .. -_;;";"; Dheuardm'sg stihsetelrr . abMseisnSc eL Motrtsa. BBraoirdd-: ~~ :[o0r; ' 0' wIU;-n, i~~ be Dr their recent v.:eek-end guests Mr. I,:;~ of Oberlin avenue will visit with "~I_~10ffiemi ",lvaDl& to the an~ Mrs. Le. WlS D. Lawrence and I~. their cblidren George and Char-I ~~:o::!. ~!". and I ,Borollll ~ theJl" three-year old daughter Nan- systems.-·~ 10lle to 1 tte Miss Baird returned I ~!'.!'!..~f !acb cy of Oblo; '}'hile Mr. and Mrs.I~ Un:n~s\.'::: ~Ii';" in the w~ after a month.s ~r:" ~'-on .-. o~~' mus. , .. nd AspbaIt or c._te PETER DI NICOLA PIlane Swadbm_ lut PETER Eo TOLD 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swartlauore 1833 Lawrence are .,traveUn.g throughl!'1"". ranges, irons. iBiii vlsit to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert su- be. !'>~'I -lInii~ori- -In _~! the .w~. un~ .August. 11. their Call Erich -}f---.... :=. fer oi Rutherford N.J. at their D... woo the .. : j~~~~~~;;;~~~~~ daughter 18 VISIting her grandpar- Contractor, ,,";:..:.-;: • • - ~ .' .• !Pd ents. Mr. and ilks. Hoot. Mr.I~Park cot~e on Beaver Lake, N~. Iii i~ ::::'':bO~~~~-:i ::-!~l: ~ . Lawrence graduated In June --I PERSONAL-- "ai Miss Barhari' ~ of Middl9-I!l'< .;;;;;-. 'n- •• ,~ - iJ-.;.;~~ifhL:-i<8er.~.1 Since 1905 . d La Sch I Also __ ,. jrons,. toasters and radios re.,. town road. Media spent several I .de .~U. - .~-. v, all bids. Harvar woo. . w __ paired, called for and delivered.· . ""...rt end guests were Mrs. Hoot·s niece Call Robert Brooks, Swai1hmore d;~ m ~n. ~blO as ~ and .T.... Painters .. Paper IIaapn Mrs. John Butterwort1i and small 1548. 0 er un e an . a~ , .• ~ ':':":':"-'BEQ="'U'-EST--FO-a-B-I-D-S--- We MOuld bow how CUNNINGHAM daughter Susan of Drexel ·Brook .• PERSONAL-Tpose. extra gar- ~s .. Herbert J. ~ase. TheIr -::1 ~~ bids will be In ~~~8~W~"'~:U~8~8;;;~M1~obIpn~~~A~v~e~~ ments can be ready for school- William Krase 18 spending -~ Hatl e. Pa. ~ • C:blldren's' skirts and blouses. summer here with. the Krases onl !tlfaYII• :';~"::.Tf~!'~!_P.M.; But. DR. L. M. sIZes 3-8 made to order. Reason- Middie town road while working 'nci-';ol~gih;·~, • of Ia] Swarthmore , able Phone Swarthmore f G ral El tri ,,,--.- IDe _;:eer~·~ap~ ... ~ E • ti d ' ~AA~ " or ene ec c. I ~ r.11: "'I 1"~iiii:~'1n th • .!>!o!Ia , D' IS' yeV Eisxuaaml m~ra~ noinns ga n " Caroy hu- Flahe.• .•.~. . of Ii :f0tr abiie~ u I a,d th ~••,•~. ~!!"~,~. .: l:b.. ISpOSa ervICe ~18B ~,:; , IF<?R"lU Iii!d_ __A jit:-fu road is spending the month ofl~ 't~!"c~ .. !Jlay be: Be!" al ,:,:~lsborCo::" Rutledge. 3 rooms, and ,~",~, August at the ClhesterStPring ;h!I~~. JUUS' '0;;;;;; Phone Chester 3-0331 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~u!~ Automatic heat, electric Summer school of the A I bld.a'!B o'=p.e.~. .n t ..." :"~'o.:" .!~~ 9 A.. M.·to 5.30 P.M. :: . lato~,garage available. P.O. Box of Fine Arts.' 7 !~'~~',f~'l"ln/lx ~""_ bYI~ 194. i Swarthmore 1232. . '0 •• ".. OL-' wi WK':.,beTh,,:,'l. at A Price to Mee' Every I FOR Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F ...... I ~':ho~ r~ bt :0 reject-';;':"':' FamIIy's Need I-Ilea, nlll!' to '-bath:, banks and family of Rutgers ave- I aU bids. EUt ELECTRICAL P .(1TTERSON I Call S re 0268. nue are vacationing at Bor~~bB1=:'.; FUNERAL ROME' "FOifSft , .'R Beach for two weeks. :;'1':.:4I-:.:'~ _________ _ Wm. T. Patterson, DIreCtor Mrs G Hurst Paul ~ &STATE OF CROSBY P. MORTON. also EIghteen Yean Experience FOR SALE-Porch furniture; up- " • - known as Crosby Price Morton deceased PHONE MEDIA %588 rig'llt piano and bench; two avenue left recently for CBm]pl (Late of ... Lafayette Avenue. SwaJth. single and two double beds. com- more. Pa.) . PIANO. TUNING . plete. Call Swarthmore 3302-W Twa-ne-ko-tah, Chautauqua. N. Y. ~.:!~~ ~ta~\:'.!~~\::.~o:,,!;;~ to~: FOR SALE - Seven venetian where she is a music ,,?11llS<.lolr.! undenlgoed, who request all persons "'" bavlng or demB.Dds agaInst the blinds, cream. colored, 56 X 31¥... Her daughter Joann is also "?E,nd-I Estate of th. decedent to mak. known the Perfect condition. Call Swarth- "' _e. and aU pe..... Indebted to th. more 10~9. \ -ing the summer at Chaut;aucIUB"1 fae;~Dt to make payment. wlth~ut de-. REPAIRS WIRING NEW and OLD HOMES Samuel M. Harbison WANTED P tty P ul h tak POsiltiOIll ' ESTHER MOR10N HERR Swartluuore 0740 • a a as, en a Or to her Attornel" W ANTED-U ...... ·_ ...... ed Apart- at Lake Placid for the mlllDltneJrl PHILIP CAMERON HERR, ESQUII\E !~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i~ • &.LI.1oI..I.~ 1701 Arch street. :w.; ~~~~;;~~;;;;~~~;;~H ment by Sept. 1 for couple re- months. Phila .•• Pa. '. ALBAN PARKER Phone lIIedla 6·3555 Naw and Rebullt l'IlInoII and Re)lllirin& Since I1H11 cently gradu,\ted from Swarth- .T .... V A.N ALEN BROS. Coal and Fuel Oil more College. Call Media '6-0300 AUDITORS ANNUAL REPORT or Sunset 1796-R. • SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THJI BOROUGH OF SW AIlTHMORE WANTED _ Professional man DELAWARE COUNTY.f~~: OF PIINNSYLVANIA ;wife and cblld, desire .;man SCHOOL YEAR I1NDINO JULY .. ,." house or two bedroom apartment TAXATION by Sept, I, Swarthmore or vicin-ity. Call Swarthmore 3120. WANTED-Young Westinghouse Asse8sed. valuation ot taxable real estate .; .......... " ............................................... 5.886.5tJO.00 Number of mUla levIed ....... M....................................................................................... .5 Sales Engineer :to be married soon de~ one bedroom a~ ment. Call' Fred Leser, Swarth­Number 9"essed with per caplta tax ................................. :................................... None Rate of per capita t&:I: ................................................................... :............................ NODe more 1575. 236 HaverfON avenue. 4MQUNT OF .SCHOOL TAX ' PROPERTY TOTAL Devine Taxi Semce SWARTHMORE, PA.. Serving Swarthmore. Mor­ton. Rutledge and Rldiey Townsblp since 1918 PHONB: Swartbmare H44 A. WAYNE MOSTELLER WAl\i'l'ED-Colhge stud~ de-I========================== ~=~~!:::=:: $;!~:::;::a~~~'.:~~~:~~~:~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' 106.::::: • 1O .. :::~! I-~~ii~iiiiii~~iiiiii~i-~ with well-mannered_ two year~ Total amount (sum of 1. J, 6:.) .................................................... I1n15~JlI 187." • .0:8 II- .. old desires two furniched rooms. '% Comm1B8lon deducted by Co. Tr.... ................................ "... ••••••..•••• Swarthmore 14148 Ut£8 tax returned to County CommissIoners ............................ 8,5118.8111 light housekeeping prlvlleges. Re- DIscouDts .............................................................................................. 1.1 ••• " •• 1 ••• 1> WILLIAM BROOKS ply Fred Oberreit, American Vis- ;N;;et~am~o~u~nt~o~t"'t~..~.~ tax~OO~I~lect~ed.~..: .:.;.:: .:.;.:= ....: .:.;:.: .:.;.:= ....: .:.;.: = . ...: :.;..:: . :.;.:.= ...: .:.;.:: .:.;.:. =.~ ••~ • .~ • • ~ ..~•~ • ~'~••~ • • ~• •; ;. ;•; ;I II Ashes & Rubbish Removed ELECTRICAL CONTRAOTOB cose Corp., Box 455. Marcus Hook, RECI!IPTS EXPIINSES Lawns mowed, General Pa. . on hand July'. ..,. ' Hauling All Types ~ Electrical In­stallations and Repalrs. W'ANTED-Y b' All ruDds u.cluslV8 of SInk- General Contral (A) ..................... 6.1' •• 18 ~ oung usmess 'WO-t, I"" Food .................................... , ......... • 236 Harding Av. Mo Pa. , man desires small apartmen .... .... ........................ .......... IlIIIructtOD (B) ............................ ,.,.0.'.0' III or room with kitchenette or ldtch~ ~ ~~~'Ita I!"'t\'U. .................... Don. Serving Swlirthmore anj Vicinity for past Twenty Years 1180 Muhleabeq Ave. SWIIl'lhmore 11185 mGHT or. DAY i il N tr rtati l~t .. Auxiliary Agencies (e) ............ 16.'840.1114 en pr v eges. ear ThanspoSwarth 0n •. ,,: to '''8) .................... ., ...... . preferred. Box S. e - St .~_ TeacbOlB, Opel'8tion (D) ................................ 21,108.18 morean . . ............................ ; ... _"." .0,,8,o •• 0 vv•, : job. as baby' . ~~- !I.'" . Bod . 11• 8•..•"• MaJ.oteuance (E) ...................... .. Fixed Charges (F) ..................... . a.t56.71 8.ISI.46 ~~. -.. ..:. nDD· ..... dent puplla ...... .. .. oU. I ;.~. 0155-J"afier--'i. ~!" 6, •••• ,; Debt Service (G) ........................ 10.188.28 I~~ S~lu~g~e~r~.,~l~ec~tr~i~c~~~fm:.a~ch~l~n~e l'r tal ............................... and set In \Obi:' Perfect condi­tion for Wilcox and Gibbs In like condition. Call Swarthmore 0416. , capital Outlay (H) .................... • ••••••• WANTED-Tricycle. three or four year size. Good condition, Phone Mrs. Fine. Swar.thmore 06()B.M •. S~Y . ~ft :fiEJiifJ1tem. 1') .............. ~ ......................................................................... 1.0111.8''-5'1 Total CurreDt Expenses- (Items A·F inc.) ............. 11'8.158.64 Total Debt Service «(Item. G) ................................ 10.181.18 Total capital Outla., (Item H) ................................ .,sn.tI' Total ........................................................................ 1970.'18' .• 6 BalanCe on Hand (To Be Avallable for SChool Year I.U·USO)........................ 88,0111.11 A. Mercerll.Jjnhy W4\NTED Local Petroleum EIl- ALT£~!) TIONS · -L /1 "_ ".',m.. !RS BIIOL_ ) AN liN"" 'II, E8.. ...., -< , .. MODERN .IXHENS • WAll a •• noaa COVfIMltfl • IlEW CONSTNerloa ". gineer, wife and 1:hlld, need ASSETS • AlfUAfle.s ••! 1 ...A M FUNERAL DIREC'rOR Ill'furnlsbed apartment or hOllSe. School Building and Sileo at Cost ............................................................................. 11 ••••••••• 1. 'RT . Formerly of Medla Call Swarthmore 3203-R between I::':~~ ('&':re~:n:~~t .. ~.~ ... ~~ ... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I'::m:r '1 ERS BROTHERS, lIte. 1125 p~~n~ e::.tw1:~i iohlla. 8 and ;:~:yt an'd FOUND ~~~ ~:::i~~:::fiii;;;;~~::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.:~H: JIIZ ~~:';_~. ~~::. .... ~;;;;N;;o~ad~~;:;tlur~ci;;';,~a:..~~~~~~jlI~s~e;;;;fo;;r~~ LOSStri!ped~Ag~'4 an~ ~bla~ck? i~~U~~~~:~nece~han~IV~':I'tl::I~I':iid=';;:ds:"":a:'cl:U~jj'I:;;g:"'~S:iii:ki:niri"':'FiJn:"':d~"'~":·~·:~··~·J·:·=·:·:··:··~·:·:··~··i·~~~~1 ;:. 11 '" Total Aasets ... . . Phone: Media 8.&281 ROOFS GO'l'l'EBS ~F F ~~ ... ~ BODded Indebtednesa (With Vote :t11iY~~~~ ..: .. ...................................... , l~r:g:g:g:n~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RBPAmED· AND • ~ L<UU1 • ...,......~' Bonded Indebtedness (WltIJout VOle of Electorate) .................................... I M 0 R E BE AT Furnace ~:;;7!1~1ean!ng .. 'OUts~!~~:f::.h::.llty'. Totat\~ir.l~~~::::.:.:.:::::::::::.::::::::.:::::::~:.:::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.'..~::.;~:~, '66,116.1. FOa can Medla8-0436 ,L ES S MO N E Y GEGlIGE MYERS' 8 E. Pront St. Amount of Tax CoUector's Bond .................................... 11 ... 17 .. .. \~W~U~Mi~Ch~l~g~an~A~v~e~·is~w~. ~112~6§ Amount of Treasurer's BoDd ........................... _........... • ••••. 00 ~ of SecretarY9 Bond ... .................................... 1,000.00 ~ gr=~:i?to ~~:~ati;~i~::i:~::~~i::i:;::i:~~~i~~~:::::::~::::::::::::::::::' :::!:i:ii Jil * NEW CONSTRUI"mTIloN W. hereby certify that w. bav. ..amlned the abov. """"nnls and find them • * ........ .a'V: correct. and. that the securities 01 the otrlcers ot the board are In accordance with Jaw. ALTmA.TIONS< . JOHN H. McWILLIAMS * REP. "..'............., JROlCHHNA BA1>. SMCH. USM"YADCEHRI!R Highest Quality Craftsmanshlp Complete Ileport on File In School District Olr!ce In Hlgb SclJooI BUlldt:~~I<Jr8·1 HORACE A. REEVES "THIRD GENERATION BIJILDEBl!I" LET US ES'DMA.TB . CALL SWABIrIIMOBB sue :0 1 OpeD to PubUc PRONE 1984 PROMPT SERVIOB .,a."-h. li and ••~ ". Y A. BBBBL 111 FAIRvlBW ROAD, SWARTHMORE SALES and SERVICE . RADIOS .. ROlIIE APPLIANOBS CHARLES E. FISCHER SWARTHMORE 2213 Builder nDeplU'r tl and .-P1lCJ·' laiIltelll8D41:e , "A HOUSE WEU-MAINTAINEP IS THE WISE OWItEfS ~/N" PRBMIUH ANTJIRAClTB 331 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore Swarthmore 03411 . Mason Builders Supply Company MIU.WORK - LmmBR , BUILDING MATBBIAL Painter Interior lUul ktedOl'. , , .'

    ---------- Page 4 ----------

    • 8 THE SWABTHMO~EAN AOOUST 5, 1MI SUMMER CAMP IN ·ROSE VALLEY The Summer Camp of the School in Rose Valley closed on July 29 after a six week session. Under the direction of Mrs. Pem­berton Dickson of Princeton ave­nue, 40 children between 2 and 7 years of age were enrolled anIi spent a busy summer. With Mrs. H. C. Ford of Am­herst avenue as musical director, Mrs. FOster Nowell of Rose Tree in charge of finance, Sandy Ford in' charge Of boys, Christine Ford in charge of girls and Mrs. Wil­liam McDermott of Yale avenue in charge of transportation, the I Summer Camp got off to a fine slart and kept the children happy. Trips were taken by the older children while the YOUBger' ones played with the animals and did various types of handcraft. To end the su~cessful summer a Christmas party was 'held, with Santa and all the trimmjngs in the middle of a hot day. Every~ one enjoyed the caroling and all were willing to go home at the end of a happy summer after the toy exchange which climaxed the party. SRA ConteSt Wi1UleTS (continued from page 'one) in the bubble-gum cootest, blow­Ing bubbles as large as their heads which after bursting needless to relate, adbered to,their perspiring faces. ADd speaking of faces" there were several'unrecognizable ones at the conclusion of the blue­berry pie-eating contest, paft!cu­larly those of Fred Mazza and Charlie Grier who finished first and second respectively. After all this excitement' the group set­tled down to coke dringing '(with nipples), which was won by Doug­las Worth and bottle; fishing won by Janet Lynch, Doug Worth, Lyn Purnell, and Dick Jester for their various age groups. , A general assembly was then held in order that prizes could be distributed by Director Theodore purnell, and SUmmer Club was officially adjourned for this sea­son Arts and Crafts personally collected the articles made this smnmer and exhibited iIi Howard Sipler's window all this week. The Pattersons are moving from 623 Yale avenue which has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Nor­man H; Borden of 119 South , Princeton avenue. Mr. and Mrs.j Borden have just returned from a trip to New England durinli which they visited their daugh­ter Dorothy a councilor at Camp Mudjekeewis in Maine, and ma­tives and friends in Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hanlpshire. They will make their change of residence on' August 10, having sold the Princeton avenue bouse to 'Dr. and Mrs. Walter Lucasse of Philadelphia., Peter Kroon of, Ridley Fanns has purchased 515 Cornell ave­nue from the Pillsburys who mav-I ed to New England several months I ago. Mr ~ Kroon is an engineer with Westinghouse and further" swells that company's represenla_1 tion in the population of Swarth- ' more. Mrs. Wm. Middleton Fine has gone to the home of her daugh~ ter, Emily, in Stafford Sprinlis, Conn. ,and ,sold her home at 128 Park avenue to Joseph E. Paul of the Princeton University en­gineering department. Mr. and Mrs. L. Reed Tripp will vacate their home at 410 Ce­dar lane on August 15 so that the new owners Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Over at Rutgers avenue school the first week' was also one of great activity for the 120 pre­school and primary children. lligh­lights of the week were a picnic for four-year-olds at Debbie Free­man's home in Moylan and an .. other swimming party at the Mor­Mr. and Mrs. C. William Ramsay row Pool for the primary group. bur R. Leeren and family may move ~to it. The Tripps' are and young son Chick of Lafayette avenue spent a recent week-end To Build Or Buy Built? going to Madison, Wis., where Mr. visiting Mr. Ramsay's brother (continuec from page one) , Tripp ~ill teach in the ~r Mr. Allan D. Ramsay, Jr., and plan to take up occupaney to- economICs department of ti).e Uru_ _fam_il_y o_f'_ Ea_sto_n. __. _ ___- =-_mo _r:r_ow-- . ___- :-_--::_ 'versity of Wisconsin. Mr. Lecron, one-time instructor at the former Willard Tomlinson's Plan For Better Swarthmore Swarthmore Preparatory School, (continued from page one) is now sUll"rintendent of schools • What Melts Faster Than A Snowman In July? Answer: An estate where ~ has been no provision for taxes. \ A life insurance trust agreement may provide the answer. Talk with your lawyer, your life un­dexwriter and With us. Swarthmore lational Bank & Trust Co. Member ot Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ,Now You can buy U., S. Savinllll Bonds automatically hrough the new Bond-a-Month Plan. A8k at thi8 Bank ,\ \ How cao we encourage more SWAR'l'HMORE young people to ~~t~As~hla~~n~d:., ~P~a:.. _______ ~~~~~~~~~~~=:~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ dedicate their studies and their lives to the problem of human relations at home and abroad? Active workers will continue to ,go into the American Friends Service Committee and simular, missions. But how about the neceSsary . original thinkers, the researchers? How can we cultivate a Newton, a Darwin and -an Einstein in Social science? The great corporati<lns would probably not be too interested. It seems unlikely that an overburdened national government' would respond to such an appeal. But how about our churches? Can we look to them for aid? Toward a Swarthmore Plan Would Swarthmore church members give a dollar a yellr for a scholarship to a local girl or boy for social research on the postgrad­uate level? With such a fund, we could support one of our native sons who wants to work in social science ·or in religion. The whole community could watch his progress, take pride in hts accomplish­Illents, whether in banishing local prejudice, in avoiding a strike on the industrial scene or in promoting understanding between East and the West. Six such Swarttunore Plans( Media, Lansdowne, Haverford, Upper ,Damy, Merion and Drexel lIill) could .upport a team of social scientists working on the most important problem of the day. A thousand such commwrities might develop a trall­blazer who could equal a Newton. Five thousands Swarthmore Plans might produce a Darwin, whil.e fifteen thousand neighborhood church units might push up an Elnst<>.in. Banded together, these pioneers in human relations could lead the children of the atomic age out of a frightening wilderness. (to be continued) ••••••••• +++ •••••••••••• BIG AllOWANCES for trade-I• ns o' n ne'" faOODjfiEAR 'IIRES this is your chance tolClve! FUCO & ALSTON CHESTER aud FAIRVIEW BOA1'Is Phone Swarthmore 3861 +1+ • • • •• • • • • • + • + • • • • • • • • • HIGHWAYS • are not SPfEDWAYSf OlllaVI ALL ,aA"IC 'aULIS • , , S~h. nalion', mania 10 Ret Ih ... quid<er, or beat the other fd­low 10 it. i .... r grealCII menace bf the hiahwayo. One out of three accidents i. caused by unsafe .peedinll. Even with SO.OOO fewer: but older. ca .. on the roads aulO rnfIic accidents a .. , incrcasinll at an alanuing rate. In Pennsylvanil: !!HI peopl. w .... killed in the first four mont!>' of thit year. Thi. II aD ,.",.IU' of 81.510 ov.r a Uke period in 1945. II', hillh lime for every pel10n who sits behind a wheel 10 taU ~ matl.r personally. The .. a .. d.finile ~peed limits in Pennsyl ...... based on traffic and populalion condilions. Th ... ·lawl a .. made 10 be obeyed ... ,md will be .nforced by our Stale and local Police Fo~. PennSylvania i. oullO reduce death and maiming from aulOlDOl>ilc lcc;clen ... Your part i, 10 cooperate by dtivillllWithin the .Ie speed limi;' al alII ..... , ICUP YOUa CAa ___________________________ _ ___ I'll GOOD R.PA,a • _'rTAKlCHA_ ._.. ........ ..-... _ ... -­_- ~~-... ...... .t ... .. . Strath Haven Inn Hollyhock Shop Sw8rthmo~ Co-op College Theatre • ........ Swarthmore NationaUJ!I!Ik and Trust OImpany Dew Drop Inn W. MaIk Bittle F1Jsro and Alston , Buchner's Baird and Bird €harles Fischer Michael's College , Pharmacy B. J. Hoy 5 and 10 PeterETold E. L. Noyes and eo. , • The Bouquet Hannum & Waite Alice Barber, Gifts The IngIeneak Bussell's Service Martel Bnthen BmnMy'. ChuGhl CeIia'Shoe Shop • , . ARE YOUR FLOWERS CHEERING' THE SWARTHMO VOLUME 21-NUMBD 32 GIRD FOR VOTE ON Meeting Stresses Need ,To DeCide Boro's Fate Now SWARTHMOBE, FRIDAY. AUGUST 12, 1949 New TrUck Postmaster Teal of the Swar1h­more Post Office has annouw:ed fu~ arrival of a new ton and,.,. half International truck to ald ,In the delivery at mail around the ' Boro. It arrived -on Wednesday, August 10. ' TRAINS, AT QUANTIOO Championship Game This' evening at six o'clock the Clippers will play fueir game of the season. The· Clippers, who won the Eastern division Champ­ionship will meet the Western di­vision Champs on the field' of Lansdowne High School >to decide the Delaware County Champion-ship. ' SUMMER HOSPITAL PATIENTS? $3.50 PER YEAB SERVICES TODAY FOR C. W. WORST Prominent, Auto Dealer Died Of Heart Condition Representatives Of various !Bor­Funer!' i service will be held at ough groups gafuered in BOrough Hall Monday evening to discuss preParations for September's poll deSigned to proclaim wliether or not Swarthmoreans desire 8lco­holic beverages sold within town limits. BORO MAN BEATS OFF ATTACKER 11 oclock this mo~ at Imsch- ENTER PETITION weiler's, 1600 Edgmont avenue, Chester d'or Clarence W. Worst who died early Tuesday mo~ Dr. McDermott Victim Of Rollbery Attempt FOR CLUB,' POOL ,at his home 730 Harvard aV"llue. Interment will be at Gap follow- Chairman George McKeag de­Thea, tre Square Con- ing a 3 p.m. service in St. JoIlm's Episcopal Church there today. clared the issue to be voted on In Struck on the head by a rock next month's primary election Is and grabbed abom the knees by NOT the 'USe o~ liquor or beer but a man who had followed him from cern Seeks Rule Mr. Worst who would have Exception celebrated hts 58th birthday on August 28 had been. ill with a "shall it be placed on sale in the railroad station Tuesday eve- Christopher M. Swan Jr. son of Swarthmore?" ' lung, Dr. William C. McDermott Mr. and Mrs C. MacDonald Swan The Springfield Township Board heart aliment for three weeks of AdjUstment has issued notice preceding, hts death. 14 was brought o~t that even of 419 Yale avenue manag,:,d to of Mount Holyoke place was one restriclions written in property fight free of "his attacker and save of the 1500 men selected from deeds 'cannot be considered auf- colleges and universities through-f 'ci t t t ~ 1 f alco himself fr,!m being robbed. out the nation to recoive com- I en 0 preven ... e sa e 0 - The 50-year-old associate pro- - holic beverages on the }lIemises, fessor of classic8I studi,es at the missions in the Marine Corps Re­though that mlgbt have been their Univer~ity of Pennsylvania was serve by attending the Platoon strongest intention. returning home shortly after 10 Leaders' Class program at the of a public hearing to be held at A member of a prominent 8:3I!.p.m. Tuesday evening, August Chester County family Mr. Worst 16, on a petition filed by Rupaca, was born at Atglen and graduated Inc., for a special exception to from West OhesteT High School Article V, Section 502 of the and a Philadelphia business' 001- Township Sta~es, to permit the lege. Ex-burgess John H. Pitman o'clock when attacked in front of Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, voiced a, plea for each and every the. ChriStian Science Church' in Va. use of the buildin4 at 631 South He entered the automotive field Chester 'road as a club including shortly after his return to civilian 'a restaurant and swimming pool. life from service in the first World voter, regardless of party aHiIl.- 'the 200 block of Park avenue. ,Attending the program. for two tion and the importance of their The assailant escaped by crossing six-Week training periods during vole on office candidates, to get the street and dashing between hts summer vacation, Ije will re-out to the· polls . and evidence their two I;touses, in the direction of ceive his commj ssion upon gradu- , sentiment, on this referendum Morton as Dr. McDermott's shouts ation from college. ' .' which will 'decide fue Borough'. brbught residents of the block A student of University of Dela- .A"''.~.'..-. e in ."k"''": respect• M•r Pit- rushing from their homes. , ware, Swan Is being "'ven inten- ~ Rupaca, Inc. comprises the re- War. For nearly twe1lty years cenUy erected buildings just be- he had operated automobile ageo­low Fairview road and now oc- cies in Delaware County. At the cupied by a motion picture theater time of his death he was associ­and several storeS and known as aited with G. M. Stull Com~, Theatre • Square. '11his is just Chester .having disposed of his across the Borough line. agency at 15th and ProvIdenCe man stressed the importance of At 10:25 Radio' Oll"rator Tal- sive instruction in drill, tactics having .. the w),,;ding of the ques- bot received, the call and sent and weapons at Quantico dividing tib' ,F·t ill . th tin his time between classroom lee- "nch":,, 1 w 'lain-"PPed'<;"':.!"'d' the ~._ .. G, Chief, Bateman-apu!' PatDlman tures, :field problems and demOn-ma me eJOp , an 0 ......... - Todd of the local police' to the . ly; understood J.n order that the spot. A UiorOugil arid continued strations. Several days are spent vote will be, recorded, as desired, searllh falled to apprehend any' on the rifle range where weapona bY,the'vDter. suspect. Dr. McDermott describ- such as the Garand rifle, carbine, The public hearing will be held avenue Irl 4hat city during the in the TownShIp Building on Sax- war. For many years !his show­er avenue at Powell road in room and garage was located at Springfield. ' The petitioner and Baltimore pike and Providence all parties and citizens interested road, Media on the site at present will be given- oppol'tunity to pre- occupied by a chain restaurant. , sent their views on the matter. Having served overseas with the Others attending othe meeting ed hts' attacker as a tall man wear- and pistol are ~red. For the were:Mr.. Pitman, Ambrose Van ing a T-shirt and sald Iilthough final three weekS, he will move Alen, Phillip Jewett, Mrs. J. War- he was conscious of the man be- from his modern barracks 10 the rell Paxson; Alban T. Eavepson, hind him on the walk frOm the camps of the Quantico reserva­W. E. Schnelder, F. J. Harley, Mrs. station he had assumed him to tion for training under field con­E. R. Chiquoine, Mrs. BirDel( K. be a fellow Swarthmorean like- ditions. Miss Alice 'Putnam of Lafayette avenue is vacationing at Reh~ both Beach with 'the Allan Tysons of Chester. Morse, Thomas L. PurneIl, Charles wise on hts way ;bome. One of -----------------------.---- RuB ell Mr G' Lo M 'Willard Tomlinso":s Plan For Better Swarthmore s, s. eorge gan, IS. Iilie two head cuts caused, by the (continued from last w·ee' k) Elizabeth Cross, Mrs. Sidney blow which knocked Dr. MeDer- Myers, Robert Disque, J. Paul mott to hts knees, bleeding and Will Churches Work Togellier Brown, and Elliott Richardson. dazed, required stitches when be Maybe our churches are t"o busy to lUldertake such a project, CARL DELLMUTH LEAVES COLLEGE was taken to Media Clinic for They have mortgages to carry. new buildings to erect, and higher salaries to pay. Such burdens may prevent them from seeing the light that Stuart Chase, Kurt Lewin end James Conant have glimpsed. Maybe we shall have to look to non-church members liD save h'lmanityl But what a step forward if Catholics, Episcopaleans, Presbyterians, treatment. Trailers End' Mr. and Mrs. Harlie D. Reynard, Methodists, Christian Scientists and Quakers would all work together with their small son David, have in a project engineered to construct the Kingdom of God right here Alumni ' Secretary Accept Position In Harrisburg To just moved, from their trailer, in in Swarthmore? Evanston, Ill., to a 'home at 290 The dollar-a-year-a-member idE\a may have merit. It would Dogwood avenue, Park Fore91>, ,put 'everyone young and old, into the crusade. At the same time, Chicago Hei~ts, Ill. TIlls is th\' a profesSional campaigo might be started to r~lse larger sums from end of one chapter in the life of men of good will who have a financlal stake In survival; Swarthmore College announced the trailer which tonnerly was U this two-headed ,qrive should catch ilie, then we could devote today the resignation of Carl K. located at 200 South Chester road balf the total sum raised to a graduate scholarship for a Swarthmore Dellmuth, Alumni Secretary and in Swarthmore. ' Mrs. Reynard's for improving OUI corner of the world, so that this may be a better Director of Athletics. Mr. Dell- parents Mr. and Ml1s. WiUard boy in social science. The other' half of the money could be used muth has been appointed Execu- Tomlinson of South Chester road place ,to live, worship and have chilm-en.. Teams of concerned tive Secretary of the PentlSY.lvanla are visiting the Reynards this citizens would find in this project an outiet for their extra energies Bankers Association, willi offices week and next. Mr. Reynard Is and their Christian love. All church people in town should join forces. at the Association's new head- employed as a designer at the Some members would be assigned to assist overworked mothers. quarters in Harrisburg. Federal Tool Company of Chicago. Some would aid teachers and pupils who clash. OIili.ers could assist Mr. Dellmuth, who lives at 120 workers and employers to iron out hostile feeling.. SUll others South Chester road in Swarth- Mrs. Walter N. Moir of South would write their frien<ls and relatives abroad telling about the more. was graduatedlfrom Swarth- Chester road with !her small Swarthmore Plao and how it might work there. In this way, we more College in 1931. After aeven daughters Jinny and Joan, spent would accomplish two all-important objectives: ye, ars in the insurance ,b usiness, several. days of ,this week visiting 1. We would stimulate fundamenlal research in how to resolve he returned to SwarthInol:e as the her brother-in~law and sister Mr. problems of greed,' revenge and infatuation • college's first Alumni Secretary. and Mrs. Ernest Federoff of South 2. We would start to make America the America of our dreams, He also served as Director of Chester road who are at their instead of what she seems . Athletics and as head of t!he col- snmmer place in Woodchopper- Divine Aid Imperative leg~ vocational' gnidance aod town, Pa. We must remember to include the religioUs, the spiritual leader l1lth Ambulaoce Corps Mr. Worst each year attended the corps re­union in Laocaster County and remained active in vereran's at­~ airs. He was 'a past commander of the Smith-Howard Post, Ameri­can Legion, Media. He was a member of Trinity Clburch, Swarttunore aod an interuste.t worker with Cub Pack No. I, Swarthmore of whidh his sian Robert is a member. He also was a member of the Chester Kiwanis Club for a number of years. He w•a s an ardent fisherman. Surviving besides, hts wife the former Helen Pew are six chil­dren: Eva (Mrs. Gilbert Widdow­son of Rose Valley), Helen, Esther. Joanne, Mary and Robert; a Sis­ter Helen and two brothers W. Dlller of Broomall and George of Springfield. Sanfort! P. Griffith Funeral services for Sanford P. Griffith, of 405 Miohigan avenue, formerly of Milford Dela~, will be held Saturday evening Au­gust 13 at 8:00 from Roy F. Insch­weiler's funeral ,parlor, 1600 Edge­mont avenue Chester,' Paw with Interment Sunday at Odd Fellows Cemetery in Milford, Delaware. . Mr. Griffith died Wednesday evening after an illness of long, standing at the home of hts son-in­law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. irvin s. Smith of MiChigim ave. placement program. Mr •• and Mrs. R. Chester Spen- in our working-teams of social scientists. Man alone, even scientific Mrs. John E. Michael of Harvard Dellmuth has been a director cer of Swarthmore avenue who man, cart never solve this age-old problem. But with prayer for avenue entertaied: 16 guests at a of the American Alumni Council, have been at ,their summer home God's creative spirit, with earnest and bumble soul-searching, all dinner party at the Manufactur­and Is past president of District in Wallingford, Vt. are spending thin&. are possible. There is really no need for so many good people o;r's. Clu~, Oreland, Wednesday II, the northeastern section of 'a ,week near Montreal. 'l1beir to feel frustrated. We can start right here at home to save the everung m honor of the birthday that organziatlon. He bas been dsughter Mrs. Mildrid Hutcheson world. And a people that can create' I\'e atom bomb so quickly, can anniversary of Mr. Michael . .president of the Liberal Arts Sec- has returned to Wallingford after tackle any problem with confidence. Yes, we may fail, but if we Miss Anna Anger of Flushing, tion at- the National Collegiate a twO-week ~ tour of the west. have as much courage as the early Christians and the saints of the N. Y. Is visiting her sister Mrs. Athletic AssocIation and a mem- Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer middle ages we need fear' no evil. William Craemer of Harvard av-her of the Executive and E!igi. and son John of Universib' place A united prOgram of working together in our home neighbor- enue for several weeks. blli\¥ Comml~ of. the Eastern returned Friday fc;llo,vinga five- hood, aide!l by fundamental research and foreign service-these Mr. and Mrs. Henry iRicbard Collegiate Athletic Conference. week trip to the west coast. They should /iive us that zest, that radiant glow,,-that __ ot.lil8h ad- ,Harris of 'North S~ av- Dellmuth also' is' past presi- took, fue southern route stopping venture which RofUs Jones and Elton Trueblood feel to be so essential enue will spend the latter part of dent at tbi. Middle AtJantic states at Santi! Fe and Los Angeles, andl Q>mmunism brute po\Ver, organized lovelessness must be ""acome August in camp in the Berkshires. Conference and, the~ ddle At-1 returned by way or the ~dlan by a higher 'power, II truer. religion. H enough people believe and Mr. Ulrich Haupt will occupy tbeIr , Ceontlnued on ' Sbt) Padflc. ',(continued on page sIx~, , house during ,their absence. , \ , ." I. ,

    ---------- Page 5 ----------

    INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN AUGUST 5, 1949 • SUMMER CAMP IN ROSE VALLEY The Summer Camp of the School in Rose Valley closed on July 29 after a six week session. Under the direction of Mrs. Pem­berton Dickson of Princeton ave­nue, 40 children between 2 and 7 years of age were enrolled and spent a busy swnmer. With Mrs. H. C. Ford of Am­herst avenue as musical director, Mrs. Foster Nowell of Rose Tree in charge of finance, Sandy Ford in charge of boys, Christine Ford in charge of girls and Mrs. Wil­liam McDermott of Yale avenue in charge of transportation, the Summer Camp got off to a fine start and kept the children happy. Trips were taken by the older children while the younger ones played with the animals and did various types of handcraft. To end the sutcessful summer a Christmas party was held, with Santa and all the trimmings in the middle of a hot day. Every­one enjoyed the caroling and all were willing to go bome at the end of a happy summer after the toy exchange which climaxed the party. Mr. and Mrs. C. William Ramsay and young son Chick of Lafayette avenue spent a recent week-end visiting Mr. Ramsay's brother Mr. Allan D. Ramsay, Jr., and family of Easton. SRA Contest Winners (continued from page one) in the bubble-gum corrlest, blow­ing bubbles as large as their heads which after bursting needless to relate, adhered to their perspiring faces. And speaking of faces" there were several unrecognizable ones at the conclusion of the blue­berry pie-eating contest. paJ;1icu­larly those of Fred Mazza and Charlie Grier who finished first and second respectively. After all this excitement the group set­tled down to coke dringing (with nipples), which was won by Doug­las Worth and bottle; fishing won by Janet Lynch, Doug Worth, Lyn Purnell, and Die::. Jester for their various age groups. A general assembly was then held in order that prizes co1.i~u. be distributed by Director Theodore Purnell, and Stimmer Club was officially adjourned for this sea­son Arts and Crafts personally collected the articles made this summer and exhibited in Howard Sipler's window all this week. Over at Rutgers avenue school the first w:eek was also one of great activity for the 120 pre­school and prlmary children. High­lights of the week were a picniC for four-year-olds at Debbie Free­man's home in Moylan and an­other swimming party at the Mor­row Pool for the primary group. To Build Or Buy Built? (continued from page one) plan to take up occupancy to­morrow. Willard Tomlinson's Plan For Better Swarthmore (continued from page one) How can Vie encourage more SWARTHMORE young people to dedicate their studies and their lives to the problem of human relations at home and abroad? Active workers will continue to go into the American Friends Service Committee and simular missions. But how about the necessary original thinkers, the researchers? How can we cultivate a Newton, a Darwin and an Einstein in Social science? Tile great corporati"'Jns would probably not be too interested. It seems unlikely that an overburdened national government would respond to such an appeal. But how about our churches? Can we look to them for aid? Toward a Swarthmore Plan Would Swarthmore church members give a dollar a year for a scholarship to a local girl or boy for social research on the postgrad­uate level? With such a fWld, we could support one of our native sons who wants to work in social science or in religion. The whole community could watch his progress, take pride in his accomplish .. ments, whether in banishing local prejudice, in avoiding a strike on the industrial scene or in promoting understanding between East and the West. Six such Swartlunore Plans ( Media, Lansdowne, Haverford, Upper Darby, Merion and Drexel Hill) could support a team of social scientists working on the most important problem of the day. A thousand such communities might develop a trail­blazer who could equal a Newton. Five thousands Swartlunore Plans might produce a Darwin, while fifteen thousa!ld neighborhood church units might push up an Einstein. Banded together, these pioneers in human relations c\)uld lead the children of the atomic age out of a frightening wilderness. (to be continued) ••••• ' ••••••••••• + ••••••• BIG AllOWANC£S for tracle-ins on neVi faOODjliEAR 'IIRIS I This is your chance to save. FUCO & ALSTON CHESTER and FAmVIEW ROADS Phone Swarthmore 3861 ••••••••• yy ••••••••••••• The Patterscns are moving from 623 Yale avenue which has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Nor­man H. Borden of 119 South Princeton avenue. Mr. and Mrs. i Borden have just returned from: a trip to New England during I which they visited their daugh­ter Dorothy a councilor at Camp Mudjekeewis in Maine, and rela­tives and friends in Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. They will make their change of residence on August 10, having sold the Princeton avenue house to Dr. and Mrs. Walter Lucasse, of Philadelphia. Peter Kroon of Ridley Farms has purchased 515 Cornell ave­nue from the Pillsburys who mov- i ed to New England several months I ago. Mr. Kroon is an engineer with Westinghouse and further swells that company's representa-' tion in the popUlation of swaiih-II , more. Mrs. Wm. Middleton Fine has' gone to the home of her daugh­ter, Emily, in Stafford Springs, Conn. ,and sold her home at 128 Park avenue to Joseph E. Paul of the Princeton University en­gineering department. Mr. and Mrs. L. Reed Tripp will vacate their home at 410 Ce­dar lane on August 15 so that the new owners Mr. and Mrs. Wil­bur R. Lect'on and family may move into it. The Tripps are going to Madison, Wis., where Mr. Tripp will teach in the labor economics department of ,the Uni ... versity of Wisconsin. Mr. LeeroD, one-time instructor at the former Swarthmore Preparatory School, is now superintendent of schools at Ashland, Pa. What Melts Faster Than A Snowman In July? Answer: An estate where ~ere has been no provision for taxes. A life insurance trust agreement may provide the answer. Talk with your lawyer, your life un­derwriter and with us. .. Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Co. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation \,, \ '\ Now You can buy U. S. Savings Bonds automatically t,hrough the new Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at this Sank HIGHWAYS are not SPEEDWAYS' 'U,lf SAfI.DIIVING aMAin OIII.VI ALL , ... "IC aUllS • $peed-the nation's mania [0 get there quicker, or beat the other fel· low to it. is our greatest menace of the highways. One out of three accidenrs is caused by unsafe speeding. Even with 50,000 fewer, buc older, can on the roads auCo .lrafIic accidenb are increasing at an alarming rate. In Pennsylvaml S97 people w<re.killed in che firsc four month, of chi' year. This is 1ft Increase of 81.5'10 over a Uke period in 1945. Ie', rugh time for every penon who sits behind a wheel cO II."" ~ matter personally. There are definite speed limits in Pennsylvania based on traffic and population condition!. These'laws are: made to b. obeyed-and will be enforceq by our State and local Police Forces.. Penmylvania is out to reduce death and maiming from automobile accidents. Your part is [0 cooperate by driving within the safe speal limits at all times. , KUP you. CA. _____________________________ _ ___ , ... GOOD IIIPA'. • DON", TAKa CHANtIS ._... .. .. ,. ..... ,-. ..... ._... -.. .. .-.....- - .......... ~.-........... - ..... _" .. r ____ .... _.,. Strath Haven Inn Hollyhock Shop Swarthmore Co-op College T, heatre ..... Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Dew Drop Inn W. Mark Bittle Fusco and Alston Buchner's Baird and Bird €harles Fischer Michael's College Phannacy B. J. Hoy 5 and 10 PeterE Told E. L. Noyes and eo. • The Bouquet Hannum & Waite Alice Barber, Gifts The Ingleneuk Russell's Serviee Martel Brothers R11JIIlIey's Chevrolet Cella Shoe Shop dW'1.rthl,lOre C:Jllere Library SIVarth more, Fa. ARE YOUR FLOWERS CHEERING THE SWARTHMO VOLUME 21-NUMBER 32 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. AUGUST 12, 1949 GIRD FOR VOTE ON REFERENDUM Meeting Stresses Need To DeCide Boro's Fate Now Representatives of various Bor­ough groups gathered in Borough Hall Monday evening to discuss preparations for September's poll designed to proclaim whether or not Swarthmoreans desire alco .. holic beverages sold within town limits. Chairman George McKeag de­clared the issue to be voted on in next month's primary election is NOT the use of liquor or beer but "shall it be placed on sale in Swarthmore?" It was brought out that even restrictions written in property deeds cannot be considered suf­ficient to prevent the sale of alco­holic beverages on the premises, though that might have been their strongest intention. Ex-burgess John H. Pitman voiced a plea for each and every voter, regardless of party affilia­tion and the importance of their vote on office candidates. to get out to the polls and evidence their sentiment on this referendum which will decide ~he Borough's future in thiS respect. Mr. Pit­man stressed the impoI"tance of having the wording of tile ques .. tion as it will appear on the voting machine el<Jllain<;d imd thoroUgh­ly 'understood in order that the vote will be recorded as desired by the voter. Others attending 'the meeting were:Mrs. Pitman. Ambrose Van Alen, Phillip Jewett, Mrs. J. War­ren Paxson, Alban T. Eavenson, W. E. Schneider, F. J. Harley, Mrs. E. R. Chiquoine, Mrs. Birney K. Morse, Thomas ~, Purnell, Charles Russell, Mrs. George Logan, Mrs. Elizabeth Cross, Mrs. Sidney Myers, Robert Disque, J. Paul Brown, and Elliott Richardson. CARL DELLMUTH LEAVES COLLEGE Alumni secretary To Accept Position In Harrisburg Swarthmore College announced today the resignation of Carl K. Dellmuth, Alumni Secretary and Director of Athletics. Mr. Dell­muth has been appOinted Execu­tive Secretary of the Pennsy:lvania Bankers Association, with offices at the Association's new head­quarters in Harrisburg. Mr. Dellmuth, who lives at 120 South Chester road in Swarth­more, was graduated drom Swarth­more College in 1931. After seven years in the insurance business, he returned to Swarthmore as the college's first Alumni Secretary. He also served as Director of Athletics and as head of the col­leg~ vocational guidance and placement program. Dellmuth has heen a director New Truck Postmaster Teal of tlle Swarth­more Post Office has announced the arrival of a new ton and" half International !ruck to ald In the deli very of mail around the Boro. It arrived on Wednesday, August 10. BORO MAN BEATS OFF ATTACKER Dr. McDermott Victim Of Robbery Attempt Struck on the head by a rock and grabbed about the knees by a man who had followed him from the railroad station Tuesday eve­ning, Dr. William C. McDermott of 419 Yale avenue managed to fight free of his attacker and save himsei! from being robbed. The 50-year-old associate pro­fessor of classical studies at the University of Pennsylvania was returning home shortly a1fter 10 o'clock when attacked in front of the Christian Science Church in the 200 block of Park avenue. The assailant escaped by crossing the street and dashing between two houses, in the direction of Morton as Dr, McDermott's shouts brought residents of the block rushing from their homes. At 10:25 Radio Operator Tal­bot received the call and sent Chief Bateman""d P<>¥rolman Todd of the local police to the spot. A tIiorough and continued search failed to apprehend any suspect. Dr. McDermott describ­ed his attacker as a tall man wear­ing aT-shirl and said although he was conscious of the man be­hind him on the walk from the station he had assumed him to be a fellow Swarthmorean like­wise on his way -home. One of the two head cuts caused by the blow which knocked Dr. McDer­mott to his knees, bleeding and dazed, required stitches when he was taken to Media Clinic for treatment. Trailers End Mr. and Mrs. Harlie D. Reynard, with their small son David, have just moved from their trailer in Evanston, Ill" to a theme at 290 Dogwood avenue, Park Forest, Chicago Heights, Ill. This is the end of one chapter in the life of the trailer which fonnerly was located at 200 South Chester road in Swarthmore. Mrs. Reynard's parents Mr. and Mr,s. WiUard Tomlinson of South Chester road are visiting the Reynards this week and next. Mr. Reynard is employed as a designer at the Federal Tool Company of Chicago. Mrs. Walter N. Moir of South Chester road with 'her small daughters Jinny and Joan, spent several days of ,this week visiting her brother-in-law and sister Mr . and Mrs. Ernest Federoff of South Chester road who are at their summer place in Woodchoppel'­town, Pa . Mr. and Mrs. R. Chester Spen­cer of Swarthmore avenue who of the American Alumni Council, have been at ,their summer home and is past president of District in Wallingford, Vt. are spending 11, the northeastern section of a week near Montreal. TIleir that organziation. He has been daughter Mrs. Mildrid Hutcheson president of the Liberal Arts Sec- has returned to Wallingford after tion of the National Collegiate a two-week train tour of the west. Athletic Association and a mem- Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer ber of the Executive and Eligi- and son John of University place bility Committees of the Eastern returned Friday following a five­Collegiate Athletic Conference. week trip to the west coast. They Dellmuth also is past presi- took the southern route stopping dent of the Middle Atlantic States at Santa Fe and Los Angeles, and Conference and the Middle At-'I returned by way of the Canadian (continued on page six) Pacific . TRAINS AT QUANTICO Christopher M. Swan Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs C. MacDonald Swan of Mount Holyoke place was one of the 1500 men selected from colleges and universities through­out the nation to receive com,· missions in the Marine Corps Re­serve by attending the Platoon Leaders' Class program at the Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, 1Ja. Attending the program for two six-week training periods during his summer vacation, he will re­ceive his commission upon gradu­ation from college. A student of University of Dela_ waref Swan is being given inten­sive instruction in drill, tactics clnd weapons at Quantico dividing nis time between classroom lec­tures, field problems and demo~­slrations. Several days are spent on the rifle range where weapons such as the Garand rifle, carbine, and pistol are fired. For the final three weeks, hE will move trom his modern barracks 10 the Ci:tDlpS of the Quantico reserva­tion for training under field con­ditions. Championship Game This evening at six o'clock the Clippers will play thei!: game of the season. The Clippers, who won the Eastern division Champ­ionship will meet the Western di­vision Champs on the field of Lansdowne High School >to decide the Delaware County Champion­ship. ENTER PETITION FOR CLUB, POOL Theatre Square Con­cern Seeks Rule Exception The Springd:ield Township Board of Adjustment has issued notice of a public hearing to be held at 8:3~ p.m. Tuesday evening, August 16, on a petition filed by Rupaca, Inc., for a special exception to Article V, Section 502 of the Township Statutes, to permit the use of the building at 631 South Chester road as a club including a restaurant and swimming pool. Rupaca, Inc. comprises the re­cently erected buildings just be­low Fairview road and now oc­cupied by a motion picture theater and several stores and known as Theatre Square. 'Dhh; is just across the Borough line. The public hearing will be held in the Township Building on Sax­er avenue at Powell road in Springfield. ,The petitioner and all parties and citizens interested will be given, oppoI'tunity to pre­sent their views on the matter. Miss Alice Putnam of Lafayette avenue is vacationing at Reho­both Beach with ,the Allan Tysons of Chest"". Willard Tomlinson's Plan For Better Swarthmore (continued from last week) Will Churches Work Together Maybe our churches are tlJO busy to undertake such a project. They have mortgages to carry, new buildings to erect and higher salaries to pay. Such burdens may prevent them from seeing the light that Stuart Chase, Kurt Lewin 2nd James Conant have glimpsed. Maybe we shall have to look to non-church members ,to save humanity! But what a step forward if Catholics, Episcopaleans, Presbyterians, Methodists, Christian Scientists and Quakers would all work together in a project engineered to construct the Kingdom of God right here in Swarthmore? The dollar-a-year-a-member idea may have merit. It would .put everyone young and old, into the crusade. At the same time, a professional campaign might be started to r~ise larger sums from men of good will who ~ have a financial stake in sUlVival. If ,this two-headed .qrive should catch fire, then we could devote half the total sum raised to a graduate scholarship for a Swarthmore for improving our corner of the world. so that this may be a better boy in social science. The other' half of the money could be used place -to live, worship and have children.. Teams of concerned citizens would find in this project an outlet for their extra energies and their Christian love. All church people in town should join forces. Some members would be assigned to assist overworked mothers. Some would aid teachers and pupils who clash. Others could assist workers and employers to iron out hostile feelings. Still others would write their friends and relatives abroad telling about the Swarthmore Plan and how it might work there. In this way, we would accomplish two all-important objectives: 1. We would stimulate fundamental research in how to resolve problems of greed; revenge and infatuation. 2. We would start to make America the America of our dreams, instead of what she seems. Divine Aid Imperative We must remember to include the religious, the spiritual leader in our working teams of social scientists. Man alone, even scientific man, cart never solve this age-old problem. But with prayer for God's creative spirit, with earnest and humble soul-searching, all things are possible. There is really no need for so many good people to feel frustrated. We can start right here at home to save the world. And a people that can create tj1e atom bomb so quickly, can tackle any problem with coufidence. 'Yes, we may fail, but if we have as much courage as the early Christians and the saints of the middle ages we need fear no evil. A united program of working together in our home neighbor­hood, aided by fundamental research and foreign service-these should give us that zest, that radiant glow, that sen,se of' high ad­venture which Rufus Jones and Elton Trueblood feel to be so essential Communism brute power, ·organized lovelessness must be overcome by a higher power, a truer religion. If enough people believe and (continued on page six) \ IlUG ; 1949 SUMMER HOSPITAL PATIENTS? $3.50 PER YEA;B SERVICES TODAY FOR C. W. WORST Prominent Auto Dealer Died Of Heart Condition Funer~l service will be held at II oelocl, this morning at Imsch­weiler's, 1600 Edgmont avenue, Chester lfor Clarence W. Worst who died early Tuesday morning at his home 730 Harvard ave,nue. Interment will be at Gap follow­ing a 3 p.m. service in St. John's Episcopal Church there today. Mr. Worst who would have celebrated his 58th birthday on August 28 had been ill with a heart ailment for three weeks preceding his death. A member of a prominent Chester County family Mr. Worst was born at Atglen and graduated from West Oilester High Sehoul and a Philadelphia business col­lege. He entered the automotive field shortly after 'his return to civilian life from service in the first World War. For nearly twenty years he had operated automobile agen­cies in Delaware County. At the time of his death he was associ­aited with G. M. Stull Company, Chester having disposed of his ugency at 15th and Providence avenue ir <that city during the war. For many years his show­room and garage was located at Baltimore pike and Providence l'oad, Media on the site at present occupied by a chain restaurant. Having served overseas with t.lJ.e lllth Ambulance Corps Mr. Worst each year attended the corps re­lJnion in Lancaster County and remained active in veteran's at­, fairs. He was a past commander of the Smith-Howard Post, Ameri­can Legion, Media. He was a member of Trinity Church. Swarthmore and an interE¥Stect worker with Cub Pack No.1, Swarthmore of which JUs s'on Robert is a member. He also was a member of the Chester Kiwanis C,l ub for a number of years. He was an ardent fisherman. Surviving besides his wife the former Helen Pew are six chil­dren: Eva (Mrs. Gilbert Widdow­son of Rose Valley), Helen, Esther. Joanne, Mary and Robert; a sis .. ter Helen and two brothers W. Diller of Broomall and George of Springfield. Sanford P. Griffith FWleral services for Sanford P. Griffith, of 405 Miohiga!l avenue, formerly of Milford Delawate, will be held Saturday evening Au_ gust 13 at 8:00 from Roy F. Insch­weiler's funeral par.lor, 1600 Edge­mont avenue Chester; Pa. with Interment Sunday at Odd Fellows Cemetery in Milford, Delaware. Mr. Griffith died Wednesday evening after an illness Of long standing at the home of his son-in­law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Irvin S. Smith of Michigan ave. Mrs. John E. Michael of Harvard avenue entertaied 16 guests at a dinner party at the Manufactur­er's Club, Oreland, Wednesday evening in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mr, Michael. Miss Anna Anger of Flushing, N. Y. is visiting her sister Mrs. William Craemer of Harvard av­enue for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richard Harris of North Swarthmore av­enue will spend the latter part of August in camp in the Berkshires. Mr. Ulrich Haupt will occupy t!heir house during their ahsence.

    ---------- Page 6 ----------

    . z THE SWABTHMOBBAN 'AOOVl!J'l' 1Z,'1MI NEWS NOTES Dean and Mrs. E. Biddle Heg of Lafayette College spent last Thursday and Friday with Mr. Hell's parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Heg of Rutgers avenue. Dean and Mrs. Heg and their son G'lOrge pl2n to spend the remain­der of the oummer at their twme in North Mountain. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sessions and son Bobby of Ogden avenue have returned from a vacation on Lake Wesauking in the Endless Mountains near Towanda. Thr. Sessions are looking forward to movln&. into th~ ne", white stucco Colonial house on Chest­nut avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. BuJlock of Cedar lane. Mrs. J. A. Perry and her dauih-: ter Miss Olive Perry of the Swarthmore Apartments have n... turned following a three-week vacation in Cape 'May. "'- Barbara Broadbent of Vassar avenue is spending a week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Rarig, Jr., of Ft. Edward, N.Y. Mrs. Rarig is the fol1DeiO Miss Shirley MacMillan of Vasoar ave­nue. TO WIiDAUG. 20 The maI'l'iaie of ~ maine Louise Wherry, daughter' of Dr. snd Mrs. W. Nlvin Wberry of Chester, formerly of Swertllmore, 10 Mr. John Elmer Welsh, 80D of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Welsh of Penn Valley, Narbeth, will take place Satnrday, August 20. at 4 o'clock in the Swarthmore J'ioesby­terian Church. The Rev. Donald Jones will perform the ceremony. The bride will wear a gown of white taffeta lIeaturing I> fitted bodice and full ballerina length sltirt. ShE! will wear a poke bon­net and carry a Colonial bouquet of wlVle flowers. , . SAVE·TIMEI LET US ,SERVICE· YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP "RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN" BUSSELL'S SEBVlCE ROBERT J. ATZ, Owner Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Tolles CALL 0440 DARTMOUTH &- I.AfAYETTE AVES. of. North Chester road with their children Ellen and Jimmy and three month-old Katherine, spent the week-end visiting Mrs. Tolles' uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. W. L. DuBois - of Piperswille, Bucks Mr .and Mrs. E. L. ConweJl of Columbia avenue left Friday for a 10 day trip to West Harbor, Me. Following her return Mrs. Con­\ vell will re-join ber sons Bruce and Jim in Cape May where tlhey have been spending the summer at the cottage of Mrs. Conwell's parenl. Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas of North Chester road. Mrs. Albert L. Hilles of the Mrs. Albert Bullard of Media who will' attend her sister as maid I of honor will wear a street length dress of toast satin. Mrs. Harry ~~~Q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Q~~~~~~ Boyce of Rutledge, as bridesmaid for her sister· will be atUred in County. Patty CampbeJl of Haverford avenue has returned from a two­week vacation at Chatham, Cape Cod. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pe­gram and their son John of Yale a venue have returned following a 10-day vacaUon at Centermori­ches, L.I. They were joined there by Mr. Pegram's parents Mr. and Mrs. George Pegram of New York City. Swarthmore apartments entertain- slate blue satin of similar style. ed at a morning bridge and Juncn- They will weal' headdresses of 90n Tuesday at 605 Elm avenue tuJle and Howers to match their where the Hilles are living lor the old-fashioned bouquets. summer, in Ironor of Mr. HilIes' A small reception will follow the Sisters, the Misses Marion and ceremony at the home of Mr. and Elizabeth HilIes of Frankford who Mrs. Boyce. The .couple will were visiting here for a lew days. drive so~1h where they" will live . Mr, and Mrs. Nathan D. Bach- while the bridegroom will C<lm­man and son Nathan of· Rutgers plete his studies at the Unfver­U. venue have return'ed from a three sity of Miami. week motor trip to Nova ScoUa .. ENGAGEMENT AUGUST BRIDE The Bouquet , BEAUTY SALON ·Come swnmer - Come care Call Swartltmore 04'{6 9 Chester Road. 'fHURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1949 ,The $1 OO-SerVe YourseH-All You Want ., COJll'LETE,SUPPBR· Mrs. Henry Lawrence Smith of Swarthnlore avenue allnounces the engagement of her daughter Elizabeth Bancroft to Dr. Donald Nosworthy Twaddell, son of' Mr. and Mrs. Elbert A. Twaddell of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol, Jr., and their daughter Gloria·Ann of Lafayette avenue are spending long week-ends during AlUgust with !viIs. Peirsol's mother Mrs. Alexander Dryden of Yale avenue at her swnmer place in Barnagat. Scarsdale, N. Y. Miss Smith is . Mr. and Mrs. John F. Spencer a graduate of Connecticut College of. Yale avenue have returned for Women and served as an of­from a two-week automobile trip ficer with the WAVES in Washing­to Wallingford, Vt., Rangeley and lon, D. C. during the war. At 'Camden, Me. present she is-' working with the Miss Sandra Jean Crossett of Media will be maid of honor at the marriage of Miss Jean Law­rence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lawrence, "Maple Brae" Moylan, to John Price Damon, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilroy Come and Enjoy Your Selection ~ Dr. and Mrs. Har:old C.Goddard American Friends Service Com­of Harvard avenue accompanied' mittee in Paris. by their daughters Mrs. Mark Dr. Twaddell is a graduate of Worthen of Hudson, Ohio, and Columbia College and the College Mrs. Lee Holt of Springfield, of Physicians and Surgeons of Co­Mass., have. gone to spend some lumbia University in N. Y. He time at the Goddard su.m:rner home served as a medical officer with In CWllDIin8hiun. Mass. the United States Navy during . D r. . and Mrs. Ler oy E. Peter- the war yeats, and is now p.r actic- , son of Vassar avenue have just ing in Dundee, N. Y. The wedding returned from a week in New is planned for December. Hampshire where 1Ihe iformer at­tended the Chemical Research WILKINSON - DISQUE ConferenCI> at New London, N.JL Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Disque Thoy retnrned home by 'way of of Stratk Haven avenue have an­Maine. the White Mountains, and nounced the marriage of their Lake Champlain Ferry. daughter, Sara Marie, to Mr. Mr. S. Leonard Dart of Dickin- George O. Wilkin.on, son of Mr. son avellJle attended the Chemi- and Mrs. George W. Wilkinson of cal Research Comerence at New Baltimore, Md., which took place London, N.H., last week. Prior Saturday, July 30. in the Little 10 then Mr. and Mrs. Dart ana Church Around the Corner, New . their children ~" Ruth and Y<rk. David spent twp weeks of canp- The bride is a graduate of ing at Buttermilk FaIls Slate Swarthmore High School, and Mt. Park, near Ithaca, N.Y. Holyoke College, class of 19t3. Dr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Peterson She has been for tlhe last two of Vassar avenue are entertaining years promoUon manager of Cue as their house guests for several Magazine, New Yot:k City. weeks Mrs. Peterson's parents The bridegroom is a graduate Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Goodenough of the School of Fine Arts of the of Spriagfield, S.D. University of Pennsylvalrla, and is Damon of Wallingford, which will HOT DISIiEs - DELICIOUS SALADS take place at four o'clock: on AND DESSERTS Saturday . the ,twenty-seventh of August at "Maple Brae." STRATH HAVEN .INN The brides malds will be Miss I., Helen Louis Tucker of Kansas ~~~~~~~~~~~~::;~~~~~~::~~;:;~~~~ City, Missouri, and Miss Marcia . Ann Tape of J opUn.. MissoUri. Master William F. Damon, bro"­ther of the groom, will be ring bearer.· Robert M. Price of Chester will be best man and the ushers will be Robert Knudson of Wayne, A. Clari< Stailey, Jr., of Camp Hill, Penns,:lvania, and Derick: Pepler of Media. A reception at the home of the bride's parents, "Maple amen, will follow the ceremony. BmTH Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Pack of North- Swarthmore avenue are re­ceiving congratulations upon the birth of a son, August 6 in L;yIng­I;; Hospital, Philadelphia. ;rou Will Never Again Be Satisfied With :r.e. ) NOT . REMOVED Th/.o h the Minoa Machin. which shamp ••• rup lendy.on ........ mrface.. See the difference it make, ia deeper, Ulon thoro1l" e1eontnr. Vlallon Alway. Welcome. 9x12 Domestic, $6:00 d'~"'S011 ti Comf.e~! 100 P.rk A .... , Swarthmore, P., . Swartllmor. 0730 or 0529 - CI •• rbrook 4646· - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson =~~~~~~~.~•• ~. ~III~C~I"~aItI~I~EY~E~IY~r.~•: .r~I~~~~~ of South Cheste~ road announce the birth of a son, Wayne Robin­son, August 3 in Taylor Hospital. FOR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman Swarthmore 2080 THE BEST WAY TO BUY Mrs. John Plumer and daughters now a Registered Architect associ­Francie and Dotty of Oberlin ave- ·aled with the firm .of Coffin and ~uc .are vacationing with Mrs. Coffin of New York ·City. Plumer's parents Mr. and Mrs. R.!t;;;;;~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chester Spencer of Swarthmore! I avenue who are swnmering in • MEDIA W~u:g~~dM"';. Page Bullock o~ College Theatre Wilminglon, Del., spent the week- Air Conditioned end . with the former's parents PARKF.1RFIELD AUTHENTIC REPRODUCTIONS * NIGHT TABLI!S CIIIPPENDALE NIRRORS.. SERVING RAYS SHAVING MIRRORS * CUstom made In Solid Walnut or CIleny J. G. Blauvelt CABINETMAKER WAWA, PA. Phone Valley Brook ma-Ba .... ----~ --'-- Friday and Saturday . Fred Astalre - Ginger: Bagers Oscar LeVant "THE BARKJ.EY'S of BROADWA.Y" In Tecbnicolor . Feature Time Saturday Nites Only 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 P. M. Saturday Matinee _ I P. M. Special Show For Children - Roy Rogers in "SAGA OF DEA'J.1H VALLEY" Cartoons - Serial - Comedy Monday and Tuesday Wan Disney's "SO DEAR TO MY'BEAlI.'r' In Teclmicolor Wednesday Only . Another Classic Returns "REMBKANII'l"' Charls Lauebton Starting Thursday "TIlE STBA'1"l'ON 8TOBY" . AIR CONDITIONED Friday and Saturday Walt D1snel's "SO DBU TO HY HEART" Heart­Warming, Down to Earth Saga of American Folk. In Technicolor, in Cartoon, In Live Action, In Music. , Sat. .Mat at 1:15 Extra tor· the KidtUes KING OF THE RO<JK.El' MEN NO.6" Also Cartoon Sunday and Monday .Joe lIIeCru . VIrPda MayO "COLORADO 'l'BJI.B.lT08Y" Tuesday and Wednesday .Judy Garland - Ba7 BoIpr "WIZARD OF OZ" . J Part Technlcolor • S~~a;y 00Ieen Gray '''SAND'' • in tectmkolor ' . ! CONVENIENT HALF GALLON CONTAINER $1.'50 (An Abbott's Dairy Product) Mic •• el'. Celie.. ' •• rmlcy . ON THE CORNEa AUGUS'llZ, 1M9 THE SWABTHMOBEAN 1 .~.-==========! ricl~a of Y~ale, av~enue s=pent S=un- a~venUe ~Who Is s=umme=ring at ~Paris ~summe~r scho~ol at W~ingate- Junior THESWARTHMOREAN .day in Ocean City visiting Mrs. Hill, 'Me. Mrs. Neal visited College. P1JBLI8BBD BiDY FB1DAY AT .8WABTIDIOBB, PA TIlE SWABTHIIOI1BAN. INC .. P1lBIil811BB . ~one Swarthmore .... PETER E. TOLD,· Edilor MAliJORlE TOLD, """",,1_'" Blllior Rosalie Peirsol Lorene Mc Carter Pat Told Narbeth's brother Dr. ·Bruce Rox- friends on Cape Cod on ber re- Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. iJngJe of by and family of ·Cbestnut Hill turn trip. Cornell avenue entertained their wbo are vacaUon!ng there. Pepper Neal wlU"return to ber son-in·-law Mr. N. Bruce Duffet Mary Ann Dickinson of Park borne on Benjamin West avenue of Monterrey, Mexico wbo spent avenul' spent last week at Haver- tomorrow from Monroe, N.C., Sunday here while on a business ford College attending the Youth where she has been attending trip to New York City. FellowShip InsUtute as a delegate __________________________ _ Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of ~ 3, 1879. • from tbe Swarthmore Methodist DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON 8WARTBHORB, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1949 - Presbyterian Notes The Rev. Frederick W. Evans, D.D., will pr'l"ch at the 11 o'clock service Sunday morning. Rev. Evans is a graduate of princeton Theological Seminary. He served as Moderator of the General As­sembly of the Presbyterian Church for two years, and is noYf. Easten1 Area Secretary ~or the Board of pensions of the Presbyterian Church, U.s.A. Henry Faust will be soloist. . There will be no Cburcb School or Church Nursery unUl Septem­ber. The Surgical Dressings group will meel- during the month of Augnst at 10 a.m., at the church on Wednesdays.. Members are asked to bring a sandwich if they plan to stay through the lunch hour. Troop 2 of the Boy Scouts will meet each Thllf" evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, Holly and Peter will spend the month of AugUst in Rhode Island and' may be reached in. case of emergency during. the month at R.D.I, Hav­el'sham Point, Westerly, Rhode Island. the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and bum­ble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of 'the cpntrite ones." (Isaiah 57:15). Trinity Notes Holy Communion will be cele­brated at 8:00 a.m. The service of Morning Prayer and Sermon wiJI be held at 11:00 a.m. Both services will be con­ducted by Rev. John R. Huggins. Ushers for the 11:00 o'clock serv­ice will be: S. B. Brewster, bead usher, W. C. Hogg, T. L. Williams, V. Fine, R. M. Kllilore, C. W. Randall,. R. Fawcett, and W. N. Ryerson. NEWS~OTES Professor And Mrs. E. O. Lange and Mr. Robert Lange of "Lange­wOod", Baltimore pike have re .. turned home after spending the month of July in Stone· Harbor They were joined there by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lange and chil­dren Donny and Jean of Drexel Hill, and by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest O. Lange, Jr., and daughter Carol of Pittsburgh. ' Oburch. Mrs. W. Stanley Kite of Ogden avenue entered Bryn Mawr Hos­pital for observation Tuesday, August 2 and is now recuperating from an operation performed Fri­day, AuglJ!;t 5. , Mr. and Mrs. J. David Jackson of Vassar avenue will entertain as their week...,nd guests Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Herscbmann and daughters Ann and Virginia of Havana, Cuba. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wag­ner of Benjamin West avenue have retnrned home after vacationing in Ocean City. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marks and children Bobby and Bonnie Who have been visiting Mrs. Mark's mother Mrs. Myra C. Doe of Princeton avenue for several months, left Friday to spend the balance of the summer with Mr. Mark's parents Mr. and Mrs. Vic­tor Marks .,f DanviJIc, Pa. Later they will return to their home in Durham, N.C., where Mr. Marlr.s is a senior at Duke University. Mrs. John R. Hanna '1f Uni­versity place and Comell avenue, her son John Reid, Jr., and daugh­ter Gayle. have retnrned home following a six-week vacation at Ocean City. Mr. Hanna joined them week-ends. Mrs. Margaret C. Neal of Ben­jamiri West avenue returned home last week after spending the montb or . .July as the gu",,""! of Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton of Elm Mrs. Savelli will be out of the Church office during the month of . August but may be reached a large part of that Ume at her home in Media, Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Henllrix­son of North Chesler road returned ---'---------- Methodist Notes The Church Scbool meets on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. . The Rev. Dr. Henry E. Walhey of Philadelphia will preach, at the 11 otclock service. The Church Nursery will be open during tbe service. Monday following. a ~ee-week v'acation in Ogunquit, Me. En route home they stopped at Camp WY<¥ia Ely, Vt., to visit. their daughter· Claire. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wrimbt, Jr., and their son Dick of Westdale avenue have returned after a two­week motor trip to Lake George and through the White Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. J. David Narbeth !md their daughters Joan and Pat- Baltimore Pike, SpriJldleld Phone Swarthmore 0450 CONTINUITY OF SERVICE , For over 70 years wa have given uninterrupted service 10 this c0m­munity: Tha 'second and third generations of familia. conHnulI 10 coli upon us in Hme of need. THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DJR£CTORS O. fUNlllAlS 182Q CHESTNUT STREET Telephone RI 6-1581 ~ A. BAllI, Presld_ LAKE WESAUKING LODGE Towanda, Pa. , , Inviting Swarthmoreans and their friends to visit in their cool, comfortable and delightful lodge. I We serve delicious meals, prepared by real Southern cooks who have been with us for years at our winter activity in "The Rockholm" St. Petersburg, Fla. Most SpON activities available on the prop­erty or neat;hy. Christian Science Notes "Soul" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 14. The Golden Text is: "Thus salth the high and lofty One that inhablteth eternity, whose nmne is Holy; I dwell in onderful· New Comfort Church Services SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CIRlRCH Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, MinIster . SDDda)" August.U 11:00 A.M. - Rev. Frederick W. Evans will preach. ' Wednesday, August 17 10:00 ~.M. - Surgical Dresslnl' Group. Thursday, August 18 7:aO P.M.-Boy. Scouts. Troop 2 METHODIST CIRlRCH Roy N. Keiser, D.D., Minfster Sunday, August It. 10:00 A.M.-Chnrch School. 11:00 A.M.-Dr. Henry E. Walhey will preach. TRINlTY CIRlRCH Rev.Geo.C.Anderson,~r .5uD1la)" August 14 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Rev.,John R. Huggins willipreadl.. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OFPRIENDS S1IDda7, August 14 11:00 A. M.-Meetlng for worship. Wedneoday, AUIIQIIt il7 9:30 to 3:30-Sew!ng and QuIlt­lnl in Wbituer House. Box Luncheon. All cordI8l1y iA­vited. FIR.iT CHURCH OF ClUUST SCDilNTIST OF SWARTHMORil .... k Avenue below Hervezd 81mday,~ ~ 1~ . 11:111 A. IlL Sunda;:!, Sc:hooL 11:" A. M.-L III em - Sermon ,cSouL" Wednesday evenkIC meetInI euh ...... 8 p.m. ReacIIDII room D~lid .d,a. l1y u.:ept Sundq and 11 to 5 p.m. Wednll1S7 e.. In. 'I to 'I:sa p.... and • to ... • • NIIW Wider saatsl We ~ don't fold you up like a :tjackknife. tJ You sit comfortqbly' 10 seats the he~t of your easy Chairs afhome. We ve more heaClroom, legroom, and shoulder room for you. And no other car has ever been so com-pletely engineered from the fund~mentals up for your comfort~ your convemcnce, your peace of mind. New ConvlJnlencel Easiest ear ever made to get ipto and out of. Women enter and leave with dignity. Common sense engineering of wider doorways. and natural step-in en· trances make it seem absurd ever to have to wrestle your way in and out of a car. Yorker 4-door sedan. with FLUID DRIVE' TRANSMISSION --drive. without shifting . ~ewSmQotherDrlylnlll Chrysler's New faller 5 ...... n&lln one, mighty Spitfire engine now has of the great advances since 8tillhighercompressionforfaster £t 5!~' the war, we give you new acceleration, smoother respons8. ttcenter contr?l" st~ring. ............ And along with its better all- For- the first time. tie rods . around performance goes an of equal leneth give you amazing new Waterproof I~ition System balanced oontrol. There's no wheel hght. There's. that's exclusive with Chrysler. You can greater road stability, easier handling, less road drive through high water but it won't stall. shock. Yes. and greater safety, too-for c\'ery- You get quicker starting, even in dampest thing about this car is designed for safer driving. weather, smoother idling, longer life. *vYrol A~d Om. Created by CHRYSLER • HANNuM & WAITE Chester Road -Yale Avenu~_ I • , I . , ."":- .,

    ---------- Page 7 ----------

    4 TBE SWAKTHMOREAK AUGUST 12, 1MB NEWS NOTES Mrs. William F. Delehanty of Yale avenue will leave ",",orrow for a two-week vacaUon in cape May. Mr. Delehanty and Mr. Paul Delehanty will join her week-ends. ' Ogden avenue who Is S\1IDIlU!I"Ing with her parents in Wilmington, VI. Mr. and Mrs. William Preegard of Swarthmo. avenue enterlalned for,a few days of this week MI". Freegard's brother-in-law and sis­ter Mr. and Mrs. Burwell G. Shep­ard and son Burwell, Jr.,.of Day­tona Beach. Fla., who were en route to fueir home from Boston. Deborah Lukens of Elm avenue left Tuesday momlng for a two­week Visit with Mary Spiller of Owaed and Operated &y Am.rlcan Sto,... Company , , , "t:lletd-/Io.'1 rLAVO~ DOES IT! ICED OR HOT, IT HITS THE SPOT H ................. nlf ... .,. d •• eI ... the •• .,.r .. avary ~ Ie ... flillaat. That'.- ~h,. .ur three ,. ... UI Won" .... _ pepular .... ~rtlcul.r coff .. drink ..... " .'.nd 'or Ivery rast. lISCO Blead COFFEE .::. 45e .: 3 n.. $1.31 fIrM South AfMrfcoa ~ ... Expertly Blend.d. lnN·CREST COFFEE .::. 41c: : 3 1100 $1.19 Uvh'" In body but with CI yJgorous coffee taate, JJeaJ ~!=: COFFEE !. 52e : 3 n.. $1.52 Itlecd rree-Rlpen.d GRAPEFRUIT Erl 2 ~~ 37e Ideal Fancy 2N~1-39c FRUIT COCKTAIL TOMATOES .,.::v.. ..: :.1tr PINEAPPLE I.::: .. IY Ne,2li 33e • 0' PRESERVES liI4eI"~ , , .. , .... ~.ny Ib I· 33c TOMATO JmCE ::.;!~ 2:::3SC PORK a lEANS t..!:;._ 2 =:2ge Enjqy 0_ of tit ... Delicious Roasts ACME CR4DJiD "A"BEEF Lean (Iione InJ CHUCK ROAST ~-=~~== ______f_ ~_::_· ___'h_ _< ~II~e RIB ROAST All Cut. (J'" _I 1:.-::. Ib 5ge I ' ...... r II....... High., t ..... Plate 1IeiIin. Bill 110 aso T_der IIIIort RiIN Blef Ib S~ ........... "r::1~·' Ib S90 'ancy ......... KIU.d FltYiNG CHICKENS -. A N.:.:~ Ib 3ge ....,. .. -.. - Nedt of Lamb ...... t of Veal SItoulder of Veal Rump of V_I V .. I Ghops .... , ... Neck o'Veal 'O~5c Devll.d Gnbs -19c "33c POfahl Salad '"27c ,o~7c Col. Slow ,027c '047 • .Drl.d Beef .... 01'''' v. '.29c ,053c Corned Beef""'" ... ,. 18c '"S7c Lambs Liver ,067c ,o27c A .... r·. Bacon .... u '.55c iIIII~ ~II"' ... - ...... -AIIy .... 1iI_ Dog." Cat._ -L_iw-1er1 h_d"d iDg Ib 4. Pet·Agree 2;L~ 33c h. flo ....... . DRESSED WRITING Ib 15e • CecI Fllle .. Scallops -- '0 25e I Haddock Flile.. '·29c .. SSe Ocean Perch Fillets ,029c G.1.cteJ 1IJ".4/c ')"M«4 g ~ JUft/IIo Vine-Ripen'" CaHfomIa Elizabeth Foster of Yale avenue and Beverly Harlow of North: Chester road are speodJng this week in Ocean City, - PRONII: 11184 PROMPT SEltVICE 1I"1"ii1 a.d '\11.'. BA YA.B BL, 711 FAIRVIEW ROAD, SWAaTHMORE SALES anll SERVICE ItADIOS &: HOMB APPLIANCES' Miss Anne Lingle of Cornell avenue will spend the week-end in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Da~dT,Sbawot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mt. Holyoke place spent the vieeJ<- II end visiting Mrs. 'Shaw's alster Mrs, John H. Clark, Jr., of Essex Fells, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Br)'ant, former residents of Schenectady, N.Y., are residing temporarily in Swarthmore. Mr. Bryant is now permanenUy located with the Field Office of the General Electric, J?road and Locust Streets, Phila~ delphia and Mr. and Mrs. Bryant will shortly. make their home In a nearby SUburb. , Mr. and Mrs. W. Alfred Smith of Amherst avenue and their daughters Linda, Virginia and Beverly will leave tomorrow for a three-week autimobile trip to Swarlhmore lallonal Bank & Trust Co. Member pf Federal Deposit InsUrance Corporation Now You c~ buy U. S. Savings Bonds ,auto~UcalIy I 'hro)Jllh the new Bond-a-Month Plan. As\l; at this BIUJk Avimsiat rilrleol,a tTiveexsa. s wEhne rero tuhteey twheilyl ~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ plan to visit friends in Evansville, P h Ind., and In SUllwater, Okla. at t e cars Mr. and Mrs. F. Van der Gracht of Rose Valley spent a week visit- on the' ta' ble .' ing friends In Sictru;te, MIiss. Their son Vandy visited his pater- ' nal grandparent. in J;>hiladelphia for the week. Mrs. Nella Robinson of. Prince­ton avenue returned Saturday after a week's visit with old. f!iends from Omaha, Nebr., who are now Ii ving in Schwenksville , Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Ch",les W. Lukens and their daughters Barbara and Anne of Strath Haven avenue left Wednesdsy to vacaUon for three weeks at Orr's Island, Me., and Lake Willoughby, Vt . Mr .. and Mrs. Howell Lewis Shay of Cornell' avenue anll their house guest Mrs. Amy S. Bryan of Burlingame, Calif., have returned from a motor trip to Boston and Cape Cod. En .route ·they vlslt<id Mr. and Mrs. William M. Conron, Jr., of Needham, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told and Pat Told of Park avenue spent the week .. end visiting friends in Avalon, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Heston D. McCray, Jr., and their son Dick of Cornell avenue returned home on the Queen of Bermuda on Friday fol­lowing a vacatio·n in BermUda. Mrs. Lovett Frescoln of Har­v&. rd avenue is entertaining for a few days of this week her sister Mrs. Charles .J. Anderson of Germantown. Mr. and Mrs. W, Henry LIn­ton and family of Benjamin West ~venue have returned home after spending the month of July at Brandt Beach" N . .J. NO ACC-IDENT TODAY, THANKS No ene w';." to .... v. IUl acoi­dent, with all the pain IUld a:­pense, but many .... ve them, every day. Make certain tIoat you have Accident Inwrance to pay the bills, if you eould be injured, PETER E. TOLD ilefore you put down your money for a new car. put the new cars < up against each other. Compare them-feature tor feature, dol­lar for dollar-and theallswer is the NEW PLYMOUTHI Look at the f""ts. Of 22 qual­Ity features found In htgh­priced cars, the low-priced Plymouth has 21-tha second low-priced car has 13-the third ·low-prIced car has 4. 'ACTO:lY·APPaoVlD SHYICI SYANDAIIDS ••• GINUINI IIOPAR PAl'" HANNUM & WAITE CHRYSLER· PLYMOUTH YALE and CHESTER RDS, Swarthmore 1250 TheSwarth C~-OP ore WHEN co-op S ARE IN TOwN PRICES ARE DOWN , . LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN! BREYER'S Ice Cream T1US IS NOT A WEEK-END SPECIAL BUT ALWAYS ONLY Pint 28c Half Gal $1.05 DIXIES, "POPS", and SANDWICHES TOO! Whether It's for a banquet, picnic, or just some "cold cuts" for hinch, yon can depend on BUI "10 give yon the best! c RATH'S TENDER, .JUICY Frankfurters Ib SSC • FRESH KILLED STEWING . Chickens Ib SSC GOLDEN RIPE Bananas Ib lSc CALIFORNIA Carrots bu 10c FIERY RED "SWEE'l' BATING" CANTALOUPES _ch ZOe ... Waterinelons ea 7Sc doz 4Sc .,. .... w .............. .... aeldr ........... . Id •• , .... I •• or 1,1= •• hIi ........ 1.1 •• B .... TCIIIy Gall ....... p-, CELERY· 5'" as. • 1'SO ........ aoo a "'1'" 3_3.,3 D.' artmouth. Ave. P r rring 'lIhc A.uaa Cas".", &all s-q. CompuJ of HardonI, c-a. • II Pullet Eggs FROM DRY-CLIFF FARM IN SWARTBMOIlE. Until after Labor. Day, 7 .... wDI fiDd tile" Store cl ..... atl 1 P ..... on Wednedaya, 80 do yoar IIIloaIPInc _b", BD4 relax d1IrInc tile hot aftenlOIm. ' • I:. TttB SWARTBMOBEAN , 5 MORE HEAT PO. . LESS ,MONEY PREMIUM ANTIIILA.ClTB 331 DartmOath Avenne SwVUunore \ , · ilWarihmor. tlU , Ma80D 'Builde1'8 Supply Company MIIoLWOBK - L1JMBEit BUILDING IllATBBIAL Driveway Cons\nuIUGD Asphalt or Concrete =11 Mrs. Helen Bromley of Har- Iarl~ vard avenue has returned frmn' ~lamI .. Fila.,· where she' Vi ~ her snn-In-Ia"! and daughter Mr. fU:~hed ' need and Mrs. Gregor)' M, Heath and urba. '. _ W;,. J or vi-children Jeff and Randy. . ~., ... ~. CI CI ... WAii.~.,.... '1'0. !"'I.t Cir , " •• A • .,.·~ .. FIED ru:C~~~ ~.familY:~~::::';; ___ ~= and, boy, Call Swarth-r..... 1D0~ ~172, ' ~ ~ - ~ ':r- ..hIi;.,iiedn~ COmf~ ~rs, r. n- able,_-: In Or near 'g~, ~u !v!... two nights, Au­~_'~' work doni! .lJ =.27 and-2b. , Swarthmore ! on. vacuum ~?ro.:iiii---;w;s~=~il I ~, ~ians, Sales Engineer to ,., Call H. soon desires one bedro:IID apart.. 12ii5ii'=33~0!;--,- ment. Call Fred Leser, Swarth- I~ ......... more 1575, 236 Haverford avenue. " toasters D~~ .....: WANTED - Experienced Iiia!'! " --,'_~.- with ehlld 3* years old, w.!!u1..rllJ called tor like full-time work. Sleep in. Ref- ~. to Brooks, eranees. Tel. Swarthmore 1063. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~c!entlw:y ~gruadunate~d efrodm Swarth- Apart- DeWar' Si~t ,., ment by Sept. 1 tor couple re- PETER DI NICOLA massage. :alI more College. Call Media 6-0300 Mr. and Mrs. H. Llndle:y Peel Miss Ginny Peel of Columbia and son Craig of Columbia av"mle,1 avenue and her cousin MIss Jean accompanied by Miss Marjorie Van Nest of West Orange, N. J,. Peel, Mrs, Wallace Van Nest and will leave today (or a vacation In Miss 'Betti'" Van Nest of W .... Wallingford, Vt. Orange, N. J., wDI leave today on:===:!~~N~OTI~CEL==: a. two-week automobile trip to BEQUEST FOaIIlDS:::::--=­Canada and the New England Slates. D:n:! Both.~I.r M. : • K/US flEAS • .. /Curs 'eM OFF CAl OWNas: To rid yowcarel leas and lice, be .are to use Pulves ROTENONE fica Powdcr.SpttWly fonuUlued e .. ,"1S. Sealed bids will be .--Iveel In COuDdl t:'hwnber. Uorolllb Hall. Swarthmore. Pa. Ull September II. I' •• at 7:" P.M., £a.It.. .:ro Darll&:bt Savl!ll' TIme for tu.m.l.lhlnB' ,he material and dolq the work of erectlns Traffic Llgbt Sf«nal8 at the ... specth'e intersectloll8 of Chatel .Road wJtb lI'alnolew Road. Yale Avenue. Co).. "\.we Avenue aDd Swarthmore A:'eDUe. all In tbe Borolll'b of Swarthmore. Llm1ted bids for material only, and/or for lB· sta1Jatlon only. will aOO be conaldered. Moterial and work mWlt oonfonn to the. reqqlnments of the Pennsylvania Depart­mgnt of HbcbwaYR and to Borough ~. Hcatlons, wftlch may be examined at the otrl~ ot the undersigned. Each contrac­lor Bubmlttl~ n bid or bide mua send therewith one cerUoed check payable to the Borouf(h of Swarthmore in the umount of $1'0.00. Bod the penon or Hrm to wbom the COntract Is awarded ~hall eKecute a contract aDd furnish bonds M required by law. the form. of wbich may be eKBDllned at the dice ot lbe undenlgned. The Borough resenea the right to reject any or all bids • I ElUott B.tchardaou ZT-8-5 Borouah S<o:re\ao'. Phone Swarthmore zm T:':-Je: . ' or Sunset 1796-R. BEQUEST FOR BIDS WANTED-To sublet small apart­~ I PERSONAL-Harry C. Se~ur, ment In Swartbmore or vicinity, ~I Jobbiilg Contractor, will help for 3 to 6 mo's, about Sept. 5. Pre­you with ,YOur building problem. ferabl:y near station. Reply to PETER Eo TOLD For his estimate on alterations, Box T, The Swarthmorean. additions, repairs or maintenance V AN ALEN BROS. Sealed bids \\'111 be .received 1D Couucll Chamber, Borough Hall. Swarthmore!... P~. on September O. Ute at 7:0 P oM •• I!i8fto ern Daylight Savinr Time for tura:JahIDa lbe materials and doing the wOrk of Ja,.~ ing an 8 Inch sanitary sewer ~pproD­matel,. 1100 ,teet long In the lJe(g ot Stratford and Rutgers Avenues. Bidl are to be In accordance with plana and ..,. cilicatiODS which may be seen at the olffce at the uLderslJrned. A eerWled cheek tor '100.00 muSt accompany each bid' and tile 8rm or person to whom the contract is awarded shall ueeote a con· tract and furnish bonds as required by All LInes Of IDsuraDee call Swa'thmore 2941. ,FOR SALE 333 Dartmouth Avenue WANTED. I ~~, "'AT .... - 1948 Studebaker Coal and Fuel..• O il Swarthmore lass WANTED-Apartment before 'Oc- -,:-.:. uu.~, fully eulpped. Car fober; two room. bath and kit- I can bc_ sell. Make _, . ~I chen, Young couple, no children. I offer~ tr== ::1=;! I Write Howard S. Gilliams, c/o I FO.H.~:':'"'..o.;: V Since 1905 Phi Sigma Kappa Lodge, Swarth- ",. er)' ,- ':" A. Mercer Quinby II law, the form of which may be seen at the oll'Jce of the undersigned. The Bor­odgll reserves the right to reject. au,- or CUNNINGHAM more College: Pat ' ,as. ,,:' $45. Young -, g FUNERAL DIBBCTOB WANTED-Young couple desires :!,~:.. $15. Call S, Formerl:y of Media all bids. , ElUott Rlchardsoo Boroush SecretarJ" Palnter. '" Paper ........ apartment on or about october ;;ru;- -;;- -==- 1125 W. Lehigh Ave., PhlIa. We ahould Imow how 8; living room, bedroom, kitchen, £V~:;" ~- Phone Baldwin 1170 P.5TATE OF CROSBY P. MDRTON, aIoo Swa, SU8 Mlnhl .... Ave pvt. bath. Call Sharon Hill 2534 or reka Cleaner, $10. No additional charge for know. as CIO>by Pric. Mohon d ..... oed ~~~~~~~~~ Swarthmore 2803-R after 6 p.m. Swarthmore 0158-M. suburban calls (Late of ." Lafay.tte Av.nue, Swarlh- == ~ WANTED-Homes tor !five kit- FOR SALE-Quality gas range, ~~;;;~~;;~~:;;;;;;;;;;;;~~IL~~E~S)ot Admlnl8traUon C.'T. A. on S' arthm tens, u$!d to cltiJ.dren. J'ust full size. 1941 model, $35. Call .= tbe abov. Estate have been .rooted to tile , w. ore weaned. Tel. A·.on .i Swarthmore 3339-M. ROOFS O--••u•. =' .. und."lgned, who request all penon> ~ i~ bed,-com- :J-U',1wl,'bDG havIng cJalms or demands the Disposal Service - I rv~ !'''~: a-AIRED AND ' E.,tate of the deced.nt to make knOWD tho ,', ' . couple, collt!8\' graduates, np plete, Two :years msT.u,I.ED ...... and all persons Indebtecl to lbe Jtilbblsh CeUecte4 children. desire 3-room apt. old. perfect n: $2~5:' ~C~~alI~ decedent to make parment. wllbont de- Weekb', ... Monthly Swarthmore Call Swarthmore Swarthmore ~atter Furnace Repairs '" Cleaning lay to ESTHER MORTON HBIlR ,", .9' A.. M. .to .. 5..303p-.O~~,1 i 97211 after 7: :I -1N-)-R- 1 -. .GEORGCEa lIlI IYBB8 OPHr ItLoI P-h eCr AAMttEoRrnOeNy HERR. ESQUIRB ffiijjj~~~iiiffii~ ~ -,,;;':''-:: rent nY' linPeU. P4. mmo'as eo,l d. Call 4011 M!cb!gan Ave. Sw. 2268 1P7h0i1lo • A•r•c hP oS.t reet. W.l4-U "' ...... 'T-8-5 · ,.E. LECTRICAL . REPAIRS WIRING NEW and OLD HOMES • Samuel M. Harbison 8~OU' Devine Taxi Service SWARTHMORE, PA. Serving Swartbmore, Mor­.' ton, Rutledge and Ridley Township since 1911! PHONE: Swarilmlore Hit Swarthmore 14148 WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes "'Rubbish RemOVect Lawns mowed, General Hauling 236 Rardlng A~v~'iii~~P~L~ ALTER J\TIONS .. J, fI __' . r ' """ ftIIOS-_ ) "" ,.,..,~ I~r m ~ •••••, ~ • MODIII 'llfCHIIS • WAU ••• fleOI COVIII •• S • I,W COISTllKflOII • liTE.nlOIS ••• II'AIIS \RTERS BROTHERS, Int. Con/raeton and GuS ... 302 Gayle" Street • Me.n. .... !n' FOR SA,L E SWARTHMORE 210 Swarthmore avenue Stone OonstrucUon - 4 Bedrooms, 1 Bath 405 Thayer Road 3 BedrOoms, 2 Baths, Mald's Room &0 Balh Z Bedrooms &: Bath on 3n1 Floer 541 Riverview Road 4 Bedrooms & Bath.on 2nd Floer 2 Bedrooms '" Bath on 3rd Floer 420 Rutgers Avenue Near Grade School 4 lI<!iIroolD!l, 2 Ba~bs, Study WAIJ,INGFORD 1 Green Valll!y Road 3 Bedrooms and Bath 17. G reen Valley Road 3 Bedrooms anil' Bath Edwanl L. Noyes a Co. 23 S Chester Rd. swarthmore 0114 * NEW C*9N STRUCTION , ALTE*RA TIONS. REPAIRS Highest Quality Craftsmanship HORACE A. REEVES '~THIRD GENERATION BUILI>ERS" LET us BSTllllATB AUDITORS ANNUAL REPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE nELAWARE COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA for the SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY .. I." TAXATION A.sses9ed valuaUon ot taxable real estate ................. _.. ................ _.. .......... _._ ...... .15.CJG."O.OO Number of milla levleq ............. .. .. , ...................................... , .... .. .............. ____ ... _._....... II Number 98 1"00 with per capita tax ........... mm .... mm ...... ; ........... ~..................... None Rate of per capita 18·:1: ............... _.. ............. ._ ... _.......................................................... None AMOUNT OF SCHOOL TAX PROPERTY TOTAL Amount levied (Face ot 19&8 duplicate) .................................... . AddJUoD8 to ddpUcate _ .......... ; ............ ._ ......................................... .. PenalUes added ....... _.. ....... _.. . _.. _.. .. _.. ....... . ........................................ ... Total amouut (sum of 1, t. & 8) ................................................... . 1% Commission deducted by Co. Treas ................................ . IOU bu: returned. to County Commtssloners ....... -................... . Dtacounts ............................................... --........................................... . Net amount of 19.8 tu: collected .-......................................... -... . lUG.9IU.l5 .11 815.06 ID1.'''.58 7.98 '.lUIS.S9 8,888.17 190,616.48 RECEIPTS EXPENSBS BalBuce on band July (5, 1,4S All funds excJusive or Sink~ General Contral CAl..................... G.9S4.11 luI' Fund ...................... . . .. .. _.. ... , 518,.4'.18 Property tax U",S ............ __ .......... 110,81'''''' Instruction (D) .... , ....................... 181,001.01 Per capita tax U"8 ... ................ DO!le DelInquent tax . Auxlllo.ry A.gencles (e) ............ 16.4U.U (Pre'fious td 19'8) ....... -........... . State appropriations: Teachers. S.8U8.1. Operation (m ................................ 17,108.11 Tuition ............................ --......... . Tuition non-resident puplla .... .. [nterest ............. -... ---....................... . 110.540.80 -'8.507,11 111.08 ... tt Maintenance (E) ...................... .. FIxed Charges (F) ..................... . 1,158."/7 Sale or supplies and equipment 8.t81.44 All .other sources. .\ ~th==e~Dcl.udi.ili........... 6.87'.11 Debt Service (0) ........... _.,._,_...... 10,1".18 becI_ . balaoce .............................. , Capital Outlay (H) ............... ... 1,'.1'" , SUMMARY ~;ft ::~fl:tl'rilteJn .') ........................................ ;.. ..... -...... -.................... .... .. .. . .. . 06.8".57 'total Current Expenses (Items A·F Inc.) ............• 148,158.6' Total Debt Service «Item G) ........... __ .. _.. _............. 10,1811.18 Total capital Outlay (Item H) .................. ,............. 8.'91.5' Total ....................................................................... _ ,170.7811.48 Balance on Hand (To Be Available tor Scllool Year 194.9-1950) ......... _ ......... .... ",881..11 ASSETS School Bdildlng and Sites at Cost .. __ ................................................................ -........ $1.001.'85.16 TeKtbooks and Equipment at Cost _.. .. __ ............................................................... _. 1'llotSIS.BO ~~~B~;~~r~~i.:::.·H:·:::::~:~~~::~::·.::~::~~·~:::~~::.~t:::::::·::::·:::::·:::: ;;Hm Balance on hBnd all Funds es:cludlol" Sinking Fund ...... .. .... .. ...... _................. 88.mll.ll Total Assets ...................... ,. ............................ .. ...................... .. ......... .. .. ,. ... _.. .. _.. _. .•1 .1011.118.18 Amount of Tax Collectors Bond ............. _.. _.. ... _._ ........... '282,171.41 AJilount of Treasurer's lIond ................... _.. ...... _ ........ __ 1,500.00 107.000.00 86,000.00 18IJ,I78.78 Amount of Secretary's Bond ........................................ 1.000.00 Bank Balance July " 19' •.......... .................................................................. _........... '1,8011.18 Outstandlnr Checks .............................................................................................. -.-..... - 5.745.8' Balance on Haud to be Available tor School Year 19'9-19.50 ........... , ........... , 10.061.11 We hereby certify that we have examined the above accounts and Bud them correct, and that the geC\Irities of the otrlcers of the board are In accordance with law. JOHN H. McWILLIAMS RICHARD M. SNYDER • JOHN A. SCHlJMACHEB CALL SW~OIIB SUI Audlton. ~iiPihe~ne~:~M~..~ . la~8~-~O~B~I~iii~~!iii~ii~~~~iiiiiiiiii~~iiii~iliiiiiiii~~~~~~ComPlete i ~t1 ::. ~ iii ~ :(i I\eport 00 FIle In ScOhopoel nD';Is trict Olr. ... In Hl&h School· BuDdIJIc. Publl. .! Builder . I CHARLES ,E. FISCHER .. Painter SWARTHMORE "13 Ilepain and aiD'1 t enance1 HOUff W{U-MAINrA{NEP 1$ rHE WISE DWNEI'$ 'AiN" I •

    ---------- Page 8 ----------

    • THE SWAB T HMO, B BAN AUGUST lZ, 1Mt - September Bride NEWS ,NOTES . Dellmuth Leaves College Mrs. George A. Marr. and Dr. Dick lJnton of Benjamin West Mrs. Willam Cardwell wm be Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. MoCoy and Mrs E. Fullerton Cook of Park avenu. has returned following a matcon of honor for Iiler sister Miss of Cambridge. ~ .• wm 'spend (continued from Pale 1) =;~e ;.t the :eek-ena at At- week's trip to the ThOll88lld Elizabeth Louise Helmuth. daugh- the next two weeks· visiting Mrs. Jantic Footoall and Basketball f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I;;;slan;;;;;;;d;;;Par;;;;;;;;k,;;;;;N;;;;;.Y;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ter of Mrs. Oscar Garrett Helmuth McCoy's parents Mr. and Mrs. Associations. In 1945. he was ~ of Rutledge. at' her marriage to William Freegard of Swarthmore named civillan administrative ad- . William Roessler Bates. son of avenue. visor to the War Departinent and Mr .and Mrs Joseph Sumner Bates Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Jones and was sent to Europe to 8ssist In of Rose Tree. which will take Miss Rosamond Jones Qf Stcath organizing an athletic progxam for place on the tenth of September 'Haven avenue have rehlrned from the Army of Occupation. In the Swarthmore Presbyterian a two-week motor trip 10 Quimby. Following a 1947 visIt to Aus­Churcih at six thirty p.m. with Pond. Rangeley. Me. tcalia. Swarthmore's' director of the Reverend Oharles E. Robin- Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of athlellcs introduced Australian son of the Rutledge Presbyterian North Swarthmore avenue spent Code football at the college. This Church officiating. the week-end visiting' friends in was the first time the game had The maid of honor will be Miss Flushing. L. I. been taught in this countcy. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lyman A. Darling Mr. Dellmuth., his wife. and Joyce Battey Q[ Rutledge and the and their son John Of Lafayette their two children recently return­bridesmaids will be Miss Nancy Lewis of Gradyville, Miss Joan avenue returned home Sund;ay eO from a year's leave of aJ>sence I Bierman of Swarthmore, Miss (allowing a two-week vacation from Swarthmore, during whlch Jane Thorbahn of Swarthmore to Fontana Dam. N. C ..• and while they spent eight months in Aus-and Mrs. William Balch of Ridley there attended a reunion of tIle tralia, and four and a half months Darling tamiIy, They were ac- in a tour of nineteen countries Park. companied home by Mr. Darling's throughout the world. Gerald Kyoett of Wallingford mothe)' Mrs. A. M. Darling ot The college announced that Mr. will be best man and ushers will Nth M' a c ez. ISS. Dellmuth's successor has not yet be Robert Helmuth of Rutledge, Craig Peel of Columbia avenue teen named. brother of the bride. Roger Cole- celebrated his twelfth birthday Illan of New Jersey. Thomas Jack- Wednesday evenillg by being host son of Swarthmore. Jack Beddoe to a' few friends at a supper party. of Media. and Guy Bates. brother Miss Vickie Sahmid of Harvard Q[ the groom. ' a venue left by piane Saturday to John Keller Helmuth of Rut- join Miss Marcia Garrett of Garr­ledge. will give his sister away cit avenue at the home of Mrs Bes­and Barron O. Helmuth will sing sie O'Brien at Underhill Center. during the ceremony. Vt. for a week's vacation. A reception at the home of Mr. Mrs. Henry Lawrence Smith of Mr. and Mrs. John David de­Moll of Dartcno,uth avenue spent the week-end In scranton visiting Dr. and Mrs. David Pryse Tnomas. Small Christine de Moll remajned here with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs.' Henry R. Harris of North Swarthmore avenue. and Mrs. Joseph SUmner Bates, Swarthmore avenue has ~eturned "i============~ HRocky Spring Farm," . Rose rrree, ftom a two-month vacation in "! will follow the ceremony. New England. 'Willard Tomlinson's Plan For Better Swarth11Wre (continued from page one) work together hard enough and long enough, ·our new religion may even take on the natw-e of a great human' c.rtl5ade .. And so we may put the pieces together in the right, way, before the bomb explodes. Swarthmore Bor Showed Us How . AUGUST HOURS 10:00 to 5:00 ,Closed Wednesday an!I Saturday Mternoons The hour is later than we think. Storm clouds are menacing.' I L t The ship may go down. If it does, some Wi!! crowd ,rudely into the a icc ,Darkle t S John Kent when the Morro Castle foundered. The fact that life boats. Some will hand their life preservers to others, as did 9 we go down is unimportant. How every man and his wife spend Id b k b 'Id their last days and hours is terribly importsnt. Can we pass this . 0 an UI Inq test, in which John Kent received an A plus? Alfred' Noyes put it ~~~~~~=;;::;::;::;::'~':;:;; this way, with an added 7th line for good "measure: . :: , It might be The final test of man, the narrow way, That he should face this darkness and this death Worthily, and renounce all easy hope, all consolation, All but the wintry smile Upon the face 01 truth, And the summery smile upon the face of God. Shall we have a Swarthmore Plan? . . , WILLARD TOMLINSON •••••••••••••••••••••••• i' PEJERE. TOLD , General Insurance , 333 D;;utmouth Aye_ wm ~ MoIUlaJ', A-' 15 DEW ,DROP (NN IIN-"'", -.l. .. dI - D/nn., Closed Every Sunday Monday Thru Saturday Open 7 A. M. to 8 p. M. OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE DAILY DINNERS S5e: 10 fL60 Special Children'. Platten - .. __ . __ ... Top-flight thrift! Top-flight style! Top-flight valuel STUDEBAKER TRUCKS cut costs fast , • Studebaker truck power I. money_vlnll powerl .Studebaker truck con.tructlon I. wH ....... I.thlll·_ .tructlon I ' . , • Studebaker trucks are real "driver convenience" trucks -cab Roo .. are low-cab .teps a ... enclo.ed-wlde cab doa.. have automatic "hold-open" stop.-yarl­able- railo shierlnll builds up plenty of leveralle for tum-arounds and po .... lnll. • Stop In and .ee the new Studebaker trucks. Find aut how fast they can cut the cost of your haullnll. FUSCO and ALSTON CHESTER and FAmVIEW ROADS Etefotl ~1Ifl) " 4- 1te«.« Keep .out of trouble this Summer Don't let car trouble get your goat this ,summer. Let us protect it 10 ways with our Sindair-ize for Summer Service. H ... ·S WHAT WI DO WE LUBRICATE I WE CARE FOR 1. a. ... Ia. 3. Motor 2. ,,. .. IIIIII.Ie.. 4. Dlffenntkal s. Front Whnls "-ry .. ..... 7. Cooling Syot... 9. 5 ..... PI ... 10. 011 and Ai- FI ..... SPECIAL COMBINAJlON PlnCI SIIC14IR1z8 your car now Fusco' and Alston .Chester '" Fairview Roads Phone 3681 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , ,'. , .. , ~I~ GAS RAI,GE~ This popular Roper Gas Range has many reasons for Its high position on Ih. homemaker's "hit parade." It has two roll' drawe .. , big -3 in 1''' oven, roll broiler with "Enamo:Grill," simmer speadon'Iop burne .. With divided top. For a good, practical, dependc:ible­performln'g range,. this modem Roper' fills the bill. s.. Ihe modem CP Gas Ranges on display at your dealer's store or at any of eur suburbcln stores. PHilIIEl'.li , COM'AII \ .. , ..... ,Pa. ARE YOUR FWWERS CHEERING THE SWARTHMOR SUMMER HOSPITAL PATIENTS? VOLUME 2l-NUMBER 33 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY; AUGUST 19,1M9' '3.50 PEa YKAIt HEARING HELD ON . ,sw~~arl:!s s~;n Mrs. CLIPPERS TOP Mrs. ClJaries A. Dravo Mrs, Comella J. Dravo wife of Col, Charles A. Dravo, formerly of Westdale avenue. passed away at her home on RUdelac Farm, Annapolis Maryland on Tuesday August 16th. SECOND DOLMAN POOL PROJECT ~;::~E:~p&n~:: COUNTY LEAGUE BOOK PUBLISHED • Springfield Decision Withheld Tuesday Night A number of interested .resi­dents of the, sou1lhern end of Swarthmore joined cltizens of the adjoining section of Springfield Township Tuesday evening in air­Ing their views on the possible establishment of a restaurant and outdoor swimmjng c1~ in con­nection with 'l1beatce Square on South Chesler road just below Fairview road. Paul J. Carey of North Chester road speaking for Rlupaca, Inc. petitioner tor the zoning excep­tion necessary for such a step. opened the meeting in the Spring­field Township Building with an outline of ,his plans which fuclude turning the dwelling next to the newly eteoted theatre ana busi­ness houses, into a restaurant and constructing a pool ,toward the rear of the intervening property'. He said it was his idea to create the pool along the lines recently attempted by a group of Swartb- . more citizens who failed to raise the required number of advance memberships to finance sucll a community venture. About 150 charter. memberships at $200 each and annual memberships of $50 are estimated requirements. grieved to learn of her recent death while vacationing in the Poconos. Mrs. Stem, a former resident of Baltimore pike and Lincoln av­enue. moved ,to Philadelphis 12 years ago. Wbile a local resident. Mrs. Stern was an active member of the Trinity Church, serving as president of the Woman's GuIld. FOOTBALL PLANS LARGEST SQUAD Practice Starts Tuesday, Camp Thursday The eurtain will begin to lift on Swarthmore High School's 1949 fOOthall season at 10 o'clock np-xt TueSday. August 23. when mem­bers of the , squad w. ill report at Rutgers Field to receive their phy­sical examinations and equlpment. Light practice will be held that afternoon. the next day and the morning of August 25. At noon Thursda.y the squad will leave for a week's stay at camp near Down­ingtown, accompanied by Coaches Millard RobinSon, Henry Hofbnan, Bill Reese and Trainer John "Shorty" Wilmore. Carter Davi­son, a member of ·the 1945-46 teams and now a senior in tIhe physical education course at Springfield College, will also be on hand to assist with the phys­ical program. This year's squad promises to be the largest in Swarthmore history as 52 notices were mailed out to boys expected to report. Any High School stUdent wishing to play football, but who failed to receive a notice can join the SQ.uad by repor1lng to Rutgers field on either Tuesday or Wednesday David Ruinsey who was re­cently granted an exception to the Springfield Zoning Ordinance to build a garage to the south of the dwelliIJg in question spoke In favor of the Rupaca petition. Mrs. W. C. Allen whose property ad­joins Rupaca's made unoAficial remarks in favor of the project and the Kinders who' live be­tween there and the S. Milton Bryant property at the Sproul Viaduct boundary of the Town­. shiP. also are on record as feeling a restaurant and pool would be when the squad assembles. a desirable eommunity adjunct and further develop the satisfac- Are You Losing tory existing business area. Wil- S--o-cial ....,...,....1 U.'.I., ..,. liam Morrow, of Harvard avenue. Any person of 65 or over and owner of the Morrow Quarries at not working. should get in touah South Chester road and the Via- with The Social Security Office, duct had expressed his agreement 302 Crozer Build\nK. 5th and to the project, by letter as also Market Streets. Chester, or tete­had the operator of the Quarries. phone Chester 3-5508 to find out Springfield Township alpng whether Or not they are eligible Chester ~oad is zoned for business for monthly Old-age benefits. almost to the Allen property but Herbert W. Gruber manager of the statute permits only oEfices. the local office states tbl!t many banks. and retail stores so that have lost benefits because they any other uses require special neglected to ask about them, an:! exceptions. asks that Social Security num- Although the opp<?5ition to a bers be furnished with all re­restaurant as proposed was not quests. as strong there was definite ob- A recent survey eonducted by . ection to the pool part of the pe- Gruber's office shows the follow­tition. Borough Secretary EJliott ing as the principal reasons people Richardson representing SwarIIh- lose benefits. ' more Borough Council asked (a) Think they did not work members of the Board of Adjust- long enough, thus fail 10 get cor­ment to eonsider carefully the rect information. Parking problem, stating that the (b) Thbik they hilve to be In Rotarians Outfit Teams For Inter County ~layof£ On 24th. T'he Swarthmore Clippers won the Delaware Coun1;y Junior League Championship last FrIday night. When they defeated the Western Delco Champs. Marcus Hook, by a score of 7-3. Swartih­more started off the first inning with two runs, but the margin narrowed until Marcus Hook tied Mrs. Dravo Is survived by her ihusband, and two sons. Charles A. Dravo Jr. of Annapolis and Cap­tain Edward J. Dravo of Pheonix. Arizona. INDIANS FACE SUN TEAM the game 3-3 in the bottom of the Next To Last Game sixth. S~arthmore Ihowever. PUtht To Be Played on a four-run rally in the seven with Billy Ziegenfus winning his Wednesday own game with a two-run single. For the final time this season Billy Hoot led the batters with the intrepid forces of Ave Blake t4ree hits. Ziegenfus~~ pitched will match crosses with their another excellent game. striking . bitterest rivals. the Sun Oil Sex­' out 18 batters in the seven 'nnlngs tette of Joe Kahler, stsrting at and allowing only one scratch 8:30 p.m. at MacMu.rtrIe Field, hit. The Cllppers touched Roberts Feltonville, Wednesday. August 24. of Marc·JS Hook for ten hlts but In their firat meeting. on June 29. had diUiculty bun.-.."...'..~.. them, be- the Oilers took a ti3ht 10-a de-side having the misfortune of cision from the TOOhms. In their having threE; men thrown out at second affray, on July 20; the home plate. Zlegenf1Js walked minioru; of A'1I' Blake racked up four of which 'three scored due a declslve 10-4 win. It is a cinch to battery errors. that the rubber contest betyveen The Cllppers will meet an oi>- these two hot adversaries will at­ponent from Montgomery qotmty. ford all the '1Ihrill-packed action as yet undecided, next Wednes- !!hat any fan would wish. day night on the Lansdowne HIgh Manager _ star player Blake SChool Field at 5:00 p~. If they will be counting !heavily on the wiD, they wilImeet.:i!ie winner superior ~ience of ibis Ind'ans of the Buclis and·Ch.ster County to offset the' youth and speed of play-off g&mes 'vJhlch Is beiDg the Sun Oil aggregation. Such piayed Monday n1ght .. The South- notables as Brake Sr. and Blake eastern Pennsylvania chAmpion-· Jr.; Hank Ford, Marsh Austin .and ship wtil be played on Friday Haines Dic;kinson present a most night on the same field. formidable .ttackwhich fuJlctions The Swarthmore Rotsry Club, with the seemingly - incredible in recognition Qf the Clippers fine smoothness derived onlY from record. 'has magnanjmously de- years of close co-ordination in cided that the team sIuin enter team play. Joe Kahler will be the inter-county play-offs in the counting on the flashing speed proper regalia, and is purclhasing and aggressiveness of Bill Ward a complete set of uniforms for the and Art Jennings and the fine de­team in time for Wednesday's fensive work Q[ Ed Shaffer and game. Erv Kahler. . Yes. there will be plen1;y of March Of Dimes Drive The following will form the Swarthmore Committee :for tlhe March of Dimes Drive which 0c­curs during the first two weeks of January: Mrs .J. Paul Brown. special gifts; Mrs. Avery F. Blake public an- . nouncements; Mrs. Walter C. Giles and Mrs. Milton E1Ussell, house to house canvas; Mrs. Al­bert Hilles. Swarthmore 'Apart­ments; Mrs. J. Roy !lnape. special events; Mrs. Jack Thompson, publicity. Chairman of industry will be announced. Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop is dhairman. Undergoes Operation fireworks when these teams clash in the next-t""last game of this season under the lights at the Sun Oil Employees A. A. field. The A. A. officiala would like it known. too, that the field will be sprayed to elimjnate insect pests before the game. Set Meeting Date The second annual meeting of the Family Service of Delaware County will be held at tlhe Media Inn at 6 p.m., on Thursday, Oe­tober 6. Tolle speaker WIll be Richard McFeeley principal Qf George School. Return From Vacations Boro Professor Writes New Text On Theatre One of the latest addltiona to the non-fiction sbelves of the SwarIIhmore Public Library 1.8 "'Ilhe Art of Acting", being, the second definitive WQl"k on· the . theatce written by the well-known educator and theatrical authority John Dolman. Jr. of Vassar av enue, and recently released b7 Harper and Brothers, publishera. The new -313~page volume Is a companion book to "The Art of Play Production wlhich was pub­lished in 1928 and revised in'I946 by the University 01 PennsylVllIllll professor of English and stands an acknowledged classic for play pr0- duction students, an influentiQI contcibution to the theor,r and technique Q[ dramatie art. Professor Dolman was born to the theatre and has lived theatre all his life. His new book is ded­icated to Ellzabeth \Jane Phillips (Mrs. John Nickerson) wIlo "in her 45 years on the stage played many parts-and played them well" but was only one of three well­known professional actprs in libe aUthor's grand parentage. lobn Nickerson was the actor-manager credited with ralsIng stage direc­tionto an art and profession and in his later years was considered the national arbiter of .taginll ,technique and taste. John Dol­man. sr. the paternal grandpareiit played in the 0111 Aroh street theatce. Philadelphia back in the 1850's and 60's before becoming a famous, lawyer. Maintaining the high standards for which 1ihe earlier volume Is noted "The Art of Acting" is, Ufor the beginner. but not the dabbler. It presupposes no stage experience . or previous instruction in aotin&. but it does presuppose an inquir­ing mind, some degree of llteracy, and some sucih maturit:r of attitude as might reasonably be expected of students in college, or of those more numerous students, who, lacking the opportunity for aca­demic study. are trying to arrive at equally good results by readini: and thjnkjng tor themselves." The book <ontains over one bun­dred illustrations of players and scenes representing several gen­erations of stage history. It is rich .in well-chosen examples, anec­dotes and legenda from the ..... thor's vast theatrical background and features on its end papera numerous old theatrical ,bills on which the name of some member of the Dolman iamiIy blisted, and which are part of the author's ex­tensive theattical oollection. Mrs. Ambrose Van Alen of Park avenue underwent a major opera­tion WedneSday in' Taylor H0s­pital. Ridley Park where she Is improving and expects to remain another week. NEWS NOTES George Warren of South Chester road and three Psi O's from the University of Pennsylvania. have returned from a five-week motor .trip to the west coast. They took the southern route stopping at Skyline Drive, New Orleans. Irex­as, Colorado. Pikes Peak and the . Grand Canyon. In Callfornla overflow from present, facilities need, which ts not correct. spilled over into borough atreets (c) Do not realize they can col­( Uulversity place, Fairview road lect unemployment compensation and Cornell avenue) even now 'and old age benefits at the same when there was a popular mov~ time. picture at the theatre, and that 10- (d) Were working for their creased attractions in the area children. some branch of Govern­would certainly add to tbJs situ- ment. churdl or :for thpmselves. ation. He also stated that Swartb- Such employment is not covered more would object to the restau- by Socia! Securit:r. rant if a liquor or maIt beverage Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Ott they visIted Yosemite N~onal and one year-old fln David Park and traveled up the coast Micha eI 0 f Hartsdale .N. Y •• are to Washjngton. En route home spending the week with Mrs. Ott's they stopped at Yellowstone Na­uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. J. tiona! Park where they met Steven V. S. Bishop of Harvard avenue. Spencer of Ogden avenue. Steve Mary Alice West of JileDjamln Is working for the summer at Can­West avenue aDd Jndy Dickson ;yon StatiOD, Yellowstone and will Connected with the University's English department since his grad­uation in 1910 Dolman has held a full professorship since 1927. He also directed the University's summer school from 1924 to 11146 and for three :years edited the Quarterly Journal of Speech L0- cally famous aa director of the Players Club ot Swarthmore for over 30 years lIe has been respons­ible for some of the best real theatre. to be presented by thla highly rated little theatce. and he has inclUded several fellow thes­pians from this group singly and In scenes from pla,ya, In "Tbe Art of Acting." AmOllll them are: Staf­lord W. Parker. David Nmbeth, Sally McFadden. Karlen 'l1wmp­son, Marian Brill, Jean Milne. William Wbliney, Pb1lllp R. Whit­Dey. I license was to be ~t In con- Chi Omegas To Sew nection with it. WilHam Gehring, chairman of the public safety ron m dttee of Council, spoke as a EeSident of Uulvefsity place opp>Sing the pe­All Chi Omegas in this area ..., cordially lnvitedto meet Monday. August 22 at 2 p.m. at tbo blIIne of Mrs, A. W. Bass, Jr., 201 Bar-tition as also did several othet vard avenue. neaIb:v Swarthmore cltf ..... s. Mr. The group' 7iiII (c:oaliDued OIl PIIII8 alx) ·Nr"dJewwk GuIld. • of Princeton avenue entertained return to Swartibmore College In 30 guests at a miscellaneous SeptehWer. shower at the West home Mon- Mr. and Mrs. S. H. EvaJW and day evening In' honor of MIss Jean EvaiJs of Strath Haven ave­Elaine Wherry of Prospect Park nue, have l'eturned following a whose marriage to Mr. John Eo tw""week vacation at 1asper Na­Welsh will take place toinonow in tiOnal Park, Lake Louise and Banff the SwarthmOre PIe!tJ.,lEtlan In the canadian RocJrIM A truIy~vework,_ (continued OIl PIIIJII am) • \ • .- "

    ---------- Page 9 ----------

    • -z THE 5 W A ~ T HMO B--., A N , NEWS NOl'ES I,Harvard avenue. alater of th,e ,OBER - SMITH Mrs. . A. Ludlow cayden of groom, Mrs. J~pb R. You,ng Jr.. Mrs. Allan M. Smith of Harvard Riverview road returned Wednes-I of ,Lansdowne~ and 'Mrs. ,E. ,W. avenue.·announces the marriage day following a week's visit with Bronson of Germantown. " of. her daughter Eleanor Wister her sister Mrs. H. P. B911Dlann 01, Mr. Joseph R. Young, wi.1l be Smith, 'to Charles J. Ober. U.S.N .• Evanston. Ill. I best man. and the ushers WIll be: son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Mr d M H ld 0 Mr. Laurenoe H. Lucker. Jr., Mr.,' Ober of Pottstown' w<hIch took . an rs. aro gram, Lou' I D thl ff f WI' d ~ . Harold, ~ --~ IS. e 0 0 ayne. bro- place August 3 at Oberry Hill, Md an (4Ielr sons .. r., ~I thers-In-law of the ~ Mr I . Donald of Riverview road have I . gr I, • Mr. and Mrs. Ober were attend_ . returned home after vacationing , John Earle Surrlck. Jr .• ot Bowling! ed by Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Mc­f t k t Lak W 11 Green. and Mr. Jerry N. Jordon; NaUght of Havertown classmates I or wck° ~eeths ap e a en-,; of Bowling Green. I or the bride and bridegroom ati paupa m e oconos. M'ss N M Rin' ' , AUG116T It,. tN, ,S~VE TIMEI LIT l)8 SERVICE YOUR CAR WHILE -YOU SHOP "RIGHT IN THE C.ENTER OF TOWN" BUSSI!I.I.'S SERVICE [ ROBERT 1. ATZ, Owner CALL 0440 DARTMOliTH &. I.AFAYE';TE AVES. , Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Wood' . I . anc,: ,ay . clif~e'sl the Philadelphia Museum school' Stuart and thei, r daughter Patty II Mbraidxeisnme aFid srd w ifl l Ebde , Mrti ss LMUCtinller i'o f Art, I:~~~~~;;;~~;;;;;~;;~~~;;;~~;;~~~~~~~~ of Vassar avenue have' ~eturned'. 0, ,.0 ga ' on. .• The couple will live at Norfolk. _ ..... ___ '""'.... '. -A ,MISS Marjone Jasper Wood of V - h th' b Id . 1& l·-ClH":'1p::(t:::(p::(M!'=(t=I~"'M"'Mr""It"1er . home after vacationing for two . ' . . 8. were e r egroom IS S .. n weeks at their cotta,ge on the! Fayettville, W. Va., ,Miss Mary D'I lioned at the Naval Alr Base. U SUNDAY DINNER AT TH£ INN, - 1 _ 7:30 I Corse of Yale avenue, sister of --'-____ r Chesapeake. They will spend the, the groom. and Miss Patricia Jane i C F wiU lit pleasantly into your lami!., plans week-end at Andover. N.J .• and Weiand of So th Ch ' I RAEMER - KEPNER (,' J will be accompanied home by M J h M Uc will~terb rO'ld. Miss Betty Anna Kepner. daugh- R DELICIOUS W£EK-DAY DINNERS AND LllNC'""'''''' their son Nicky who has been f h" b th' I' 0 rs. 0 resells of Phila- MAY BE FOLLOWED BY BRIDGE ON OUR SUN PO"~B . ." r. 0 n . orse e bestl te fM J hnG' . ...,., •• ., ... man or IS ra er and the ushers d I . """ 'Junlor councIlor at Camp Wawa- '11 b M J' e phIB. became the bride of Mr. $1.00 SERVE-YOURSELF ALL-YOU-WANT yanda. Andover. EWll. beth N r . JamMes CJallcksaban FOf ' John Henry Craemer. son of Mr. 11 SPECIAL M r. and Mrs. Joseph S. Schu- BI ckm f Ced . an rs. am raemer of lza e • . .• r. a on d M Wil!ti C I SUPPER EVERY '11lIURSDAY 5:3~7:30 bert and baby son Paul of Dick- a an 0 ar lane. .Mr. Harvard avenue. Saturday. August STRATH H' A' YEN INN Inson avenue ',*C(i}:lIpanil!d by Charles W. Roraback of Torrmg- 13 at 2 o'clock in the First Baptist. . M· M' s'-~ b rt f M 1 ton. Conn.. and Mr. George L. Church of Wissino~i~ Phlla ... 1 S .L ISS arle ""'u e 0 ap e- A 'ta 3 d f S --.... - 11' .. e. V(q.rtD.mor~ 0680 for reservations wood, N.J., spent several days 01 "::1 ge, r J_ 0 ou'bh Chestttr delphia. The Rev. Kenneth Mas- t~""~""~""~'""~=~~~""'~""~"'~J;;::O.iI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ last week at a cottage in North roa . ... teller of Haddon Heights. N. J .• Wildwood. N.J. Mrs. Schubert.s Mr. ~y George RUl~liffe will o,ficiated. Mr. Robert Sheriff of mother Mrs. A. P. Shenkll: of' ~scortR.hlslif,!"ug~e~ ~~ ieggy Philadelphia sang preceding the Dickinson avenue joined them for Ran\ I~C t ~n '. r. ar es P. ceremony. a few days. ~ra ac -o. orrlngton, Conn., \ The bride wore a wedding gown Mrs. H. Elliott Wells of Park w~ll es~rt IYIISS Nanc: May Rin- of lace over satin with train and avenue returned Sunday follow- c11~fe m. the processl~nal. ,The featUring long sleeves. Her fin­Ing a lO-day visit with her son brides .wIll 'both be glVen away Iler tip Veil of illusion felJ..from a and daughter-inclaw Mr .. and Mrs. ,by their ~ather. cap of lace and she carried gar- William P. Wells and baby son A recept~on at the. Springhave.n denias. John of Stroudsburg. Club, Wallmgford, Will follow the Miss Nancy Kepner. sister of the ·Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins ceremony. bride. was maid of honor and the of Cedar lane recently entertained bridesmaids were Mrs. William IngJeoeok Tea Boom £LOSED . , . AUGUST 22nd until SEPTEMBTR 6th Miss Grace Cochran of the Unl- Sjeptember Bride Winslow. Miss Mildred McConnell versity Of· Iowa, Iowa City. Miss Wistar Lukens will be maid of Philadelphia, and Miss AlIce ~ii~~~~~~~~~ii~ii;~~~~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;; of honor. and Miss Deborah Lu- Craemer, sister 0:( the bridegroom. ~-.~- E.lIlGAGEMENT kens. junior maid of honor at the All the atterodants wore dresses of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Stab­ler of Wallingford announce the engagement of their daughter Helen 'to Robert R. Grinstead. son of Mr. arid Mrs. A. R. Grin­stead of Sonoma, Calif. Plails are being made' for a late-October wedding at Orange , Grove Friends Meeting. Pasadena. 'Calif, ' A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Miss St.ililer is now employed in the Y.M.C.A. center at the' California Institute . of Technolt\gy in Pasadena where her fianCe is completing require. ",ents for a Ph.D. in Chemistry. A Phi Beta Kappa. he received his B.S. from the University of California at Berkley. After the wedding the bride and groom will make their borne near San ·~ancisco. marriage. of their sister, Miss mint green organdie trimmed with.' Phebe A!m Lukens. da';ghter of shirred bands ot the same mater­Mr. ,and Mrs. James W. Lukens of ial. They carried bouquets of Elm avenue. to Mr. David Patrick yellow daisies and gladloli with Welsh, son of Judge and Mrs. matching floral head bands. George A. Welsh of Lima. Pa.. Mr. William Craemer. Jr .• which will take place Saturday served as best man and the ushers afternoon. September 10 at 4:30.iri were Mr. John Kepner. brother of the Swarthmore Presbyterian the bride. Mr. Glenn Petty of Church. Philadelphia. and Mr. Louis Deth­Th" Rev. JOS~Ph P. Bishop will .lof! of Wayne .• officiate. A reception followed at the The bridesmaids will be Miss Curtis Arboretum in Wyncote. The Evelene Smith of Walli/:lgjbrd. ~ride's, mother wore a gown of .Miss An!te Bradfurd of North lIght b.ue crepe with tuck trlm­Swaflhmore avenue, Mrs. Edward ~g.. Br~wn accesso~ies and a .Tisaale of Elm avenue, Miss Deb- corsage of pink Sweetheart roses orah Welsh of Lima. sister of the completed her costume. The bride­bridegroom, Mrs. Benjamin Hous- groom's mother ·chose a gown of ton of Princeton, and Miss Pris- dusty pink crepe with lace bodice, cilia Downing of Hingham, Mass. and black accessories. Her cor­Lt. An~ew Sinclair. USN Air sage was of orchids. Corps. of Rhode Island, will serve Following a tbree-week trIp as best man. The ushers will in- west, the couple will occupy their BRIDAL AT'l'ENDANTS c1ude Messrs. James W. Lukens, new home in Springfield. Miss Claire Rincliffe will be Jr., brother of the bride, Kirk maid of 'hollor for her sister Miss Cross, Fred Harvey, Henry Hood, Peggy Jane Rincliffe at her mar- C<>nwell and William Welsh. and BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harkness rlage to Mr. Lewis Bonsall Beatty: Midshipman Bruce Stone. ,of Chicago. Ill .• Jr .• son ilf Mr. and Mrs. Beatty of A reception at the Rose Tree gl'atulated upon Bowling Green. Media. and their Fox Hunting Club will follow the daughter. Laura " couSin Miss Mary Lou Ritter of ceremony. ness. July 13. are being con­the birth Of a Chipman Hark- Cleveland, Ohlo will be maid of Following their marriage the The new baby is a granddaugh-honor for Miss Nancy May Rin- young couple will live in Lans- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Whit-cliffe at her maniage to ·Mr. downa. sit or Elm avenue. ' George Fox Corse, Jr .• son of Mr. Miss Lukens graduated in June 1-::-::::-----.:..----'1 'and Mrs. Corse of Yale avenue. from the University of Pennsyl- FOR in the double wedding of tb:e vania with, a B.S. degree in the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ray School of Education. Mr. Welsh. Geol'ge Rincliffe of Strath Haven who is majoring in . Political avenue, whioh will take ,place in Science at the UniverSity, will MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Mrs, Lloyd E. Kauffman the Swartpmore Pre>t>yterlan rgr~ad~u~a~t~e~,j~n~F~e;b;ru;a;ry;;O;f ~n;e;x;t~y;e;ar~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~g Church on Friday September' 9 at 4.:30 with th~ Rev. Joseph P. Bish­Swarthmore 2080 ---- op officiating. MEDIA Miss .peggy Jane Rincliffe's bridesmaids will be Miss Jean Ev•a ns of" Strath Haven avenue• Mrs. Laurence H. Lucker, Jr., of College Theatre Air Conditioned Friday and Saturday James Stewart . June A1ly80n "THE STRATTON STORY" Feature Time Saturday Nites Onty 6:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 P. M. Saturday Matinee _ 1 P. M. Special Show For Children - "YOKEL BOY" Cartoons - Serial - Comedy Monday and Tiresday Susan HayWan) BolJer& ~ . '"'TULSA" in technioolor! Wednesday and, Thursday Shirley Temple Robert Young' "ADVENTURES IN BALTIMORE" Starting FridaY "WIZAIID OF" «11' • . , . '. , AIR CONDITIONED Friday and Saturday Mark Stevens Coleen Gray "SANJ)'t in technic-olor! Sat. Mat at 1:15. Extra for the Kiddies lUNG OF THE ROCKEl' MEN NO.7. Also Cartoon Sunday Only! Htlmphrey Bogart Jngred Bergman "CASABLANCA" Monday and Tuesday ROberiY_ Sblrley . Temple "ADVENTtlBI!: IN HALTIlIIOllE" WednesdaY and Thursday ,Joan Crawford Zll<>1Iu7 See'" . "FLAMINGO BOA»" - . Starting FrIday - - S __ Tney "EDWARD MY SON" ;, - An,nODneement - We are pleased to announce that we have opened our . OLDSMOB, ILE DEALERSHIP ' in our new ultra modem home • located at 34046 W. BALTIMORE AVENUE MEDIA. PA. You are extended a cordial tuvltat'on to pay US a vIsll aud inspect the newest In serviCe facUlties and view our _Iete ' line of Futeram1c OIdsmobDes. 'WBZrJlICBB -B/l.BBBrr, ZDe. W. P. Whitaker RiclwrdW. Barrett THE BEST W A. Y TO BUY CONVENIENT HALF GALLON CONTAINER , $1.50 • (An Abbott's Dairy Product) Mic.ael'. Celll,e ' •• rmlcy ONTBECOB~ • • • AUGUST I', tNt • THE 8WABTBMOBBAN 3 = = , t. THE'SWARTHMOREAN PDBLISHED BVEBY FBIDAY AT 8WABTBMOBB, PA THE SWABTBMOBBAN. INC .. PllBLI8I1BJt Phone Swarthmore IBM of last week visiting Mr. and~. for the week.end Dr. SmUIl's while en route from 'Westport. Cary Bok of Phlladelphla who mother Mrs. HeD!7 Lawrence Point. Conn .• to their bome in are .v aca.t ioniDg in Camden. Me. II Smith' ot Swarthmore avenue TallahasSee. Fla. Bob Reed of College avenue has : i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii arrived home following a five- -=,------- PETER Eo TOLD. l!dltar MARJORIE TOLD, AlJIOCIate EdItor Rosalie Pelrsol Lorene'McCarter Pat Told Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929. at the Post Office ,at Swarthmore, Pa.. UDder the Act of llIIarcb 3. 18711. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON 8WAR~ORE, PA.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1949 .' . Presbyterian Notes Methodist Notes week trip to Central America. Bob flew back from Guatemala City on Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. FerrIs W. Mitchell of Strath Haven avenue have re­turned after vacationing for a fortnight at Ocean City. • Mr. and Mrs. ,John lI4. B. Ward of Elm avenue will leave tomor­row for Eaglesmere to vacation for 10 days. The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON Come summer - Come care can Swarthmore 0476 9 Chester Road . Tbe Rev. Sidney D. 'Crane will preach at ~e SUnday morning service' at 11 o·clock. Rev. Crane is a graduate of Union Theologi­cal Seminary' in Virginia. with a Th.M. frOUl Princeton Theological Seminary. He was born in the Belgian Congo of lIIISSlonary ,parents. He spent two ~ears in the army chaplaincy in Korea. Dr Crane is now associate Director of ' IDe Westminister Foundation of Philadelphia. the ag,,!,-cy of the church for work amOng students in the schools of high educaiioll in the city of Philadelphia. The Church School will meet on Sunday morning at III o·clock. .The Rev. Dr. Albert M. Witw.r of Philadelphia will preach at. the 11, o'c1ock service. Mrs. P. L. Whitaker of Park av- enue has r<.turned from a week's ~~~======~=====~~==~======~~ sojourn in Ocean CU;y. Henr,)' Faust will be soloist. There will be no Church SChool . or Church Nursery until Septem­ber. The Sm-gica! DrAA·sings group will meet during the month of August at 10 a. m.. at the church 01'4 Wednosdays. Members are asked to stay through. the lunch hour. . Troop 2 Of, the Boy Scouts will meet each Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. Holly and Peter will spend .the month of August in Rhode Island and may be reached in case of emergency during the month at B.D.l; Hav­ersham POint. Westerly. Rhode Island , Mrs. Savelli will be out of the Church 'office during the month of August but may be reached a large part of that .time at her home in Media. .' . Christian Seienee Notes "Mind is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churdles of Christ, Scientist. on SUlIday. August 21. The Golden Text is: "Who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his ooup­sellor?" (Romans 11 :34) , NEWS NOTES, Lt. Col. an\i Mrs, Frederick Streicher and children Freddie and Susie of Long Beaoh, Ind. formerly of No11th Chester road. will sail this month for. Munich. Gemiany where Col. Streicher will be stationed with the U.s. Army for three years. The Streichers were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer SkoglW'.d of Swarthmore place. While here Mrs. Skogluryd entertained at a luncheon at the Ingleheuk in honor of Mrs. Streicher. and SUsie Streicher was guest of honor at a luncheon at the Skoglund home. Freddie Streicher was 'entertained Eddie and Jimmy Noyes of River­view road Mrs.' Streicher was also entertained at a lqIIall lunch­eon a~Dowiogtown given by Mrs. H. Bardwell Lincoln of Ogden ave­nue when her guests were Mrs. Streicher. Mrs. Skoglund, Mrs. Tbeo. Saulnier. and Mrs. A. Luli-low Clayden. . Trinity Notes Mary Jane Soden of, College Holy Communion will be cele- avenue has returned from Ocean brated at 8;00 a. m. City after' visiting Holy, Child The service of Morning Prayer Academy classmates Bobby and and Sermon will be held at 11:00 Counie O'Conner of Drexel Hill. a. m. Both services will be con- Mary Jane will leave' Monday to ducted by the Rev. John R. Hug- visit her aunt Mrs. C. W. Monney Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Mit­Chell and son Gary of Springfield have returned home following a vacation sPent in Ocean City. Mrs. A. G. McVay and children of Front Royal. Va .• are visiting Mrs. McVay's mother Mrs. DeWitt . A. Hills of Elm avenue. Mr, Mc­Vay will join his family neXt week. Mrs. Laurence H. Lucker. Jr .• of Harvard avenue and, IIer sister Mrs. Louise I. Dethloff of Wayne entertaiited ' at 'a surprise kitchen shower at the Lucker home Thursday evening in honor of Miss Peggy Jane Rincliffe of Strath Haven avenue. The marriage of Miss Rincliffe to Mr. Lewts B. Beatty. Jr.. of' Bowling Green. brother of Mrs. Lucker and Mrs. Dethloff will take place Septem­ber. 9. 'Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar lane entertained with a lunllheon Thursday in ,honor of Miss Joan Seltzer. the daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seltzer of Rose Val-ley. whose marriage to Mr. John Brooks Semple of Wynnewood takes place September 10 at tha home of the bride's parenf;'s. Mrs. Elliott Richardson and her daughter Miss Jane Richardson of Lafayette avenue 'ha'~e returned following a week's vacation In Cape. May. N.J., Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Rec- IImus of Michigan avenue will move next. Thursday to Rodhester. N.Y .• where Mr. Rectanus will enter the University of Rochester Medical School. Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Schoff of Riverview 'road have purChased ilihe house at 305 Michigan avenue. Mr. and 1II:rs. Robert M. ,Pltt-gins in the absence of the rector of Philadelphia who is summering . Wild d N J man of Dickinson avenue· will who is on vacation. Ushers, for m woo... M V ughn K F t f Y 1 leave today for a motor' trip the 11 o'clock service will be: W. rs. a . os er 0 a e avenue will leave today for a through the New England States. H. Randall. head usher. W. M.. ' Their daughters Susie and Betsy Har e J B '0ullitt IJ H B week's visit with ber parents Mr. v y. . . ~ • r.. . . d MFr' D SmiIth f at Camp Hillsboro. N.H .• wi!! re- Spackman. W. B. Bullock. J. Fur- 'Ran Idrss'ilI apnClS. 0 tum with them Septem,ber, 1. 'I 1 AS ·t eynove,.a. , ' A WORD ,ABOUT PRICES • You decide which price you desire to' pay and you have a choice from over 70 dlf-fer~ t price ranges, There I. full opportunity for choice and compari5Oll and the same high .tandard of service Is acx:orded to all. .THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. _ICIOH 01 FUNllALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET relephone RI 6-1581 LAKE WESAUKING LODGE Towanda, Pa. Inviting Swarthmoreans and their friends to . ~it in their cool. comfortable and delightfnl lodge. We serve, delicious meals, prepared by rCllI .S outhern cooks who have been with us for years . at our winter actiVity Petersburg, Fla. in "The Rockholm" St. Most sport activities erty or nearby. available on the prop-ong. . rru h. and E. O. Lange. iii" G th H Fr bel T Dr. and Mrs, H. Lawrence Smith ~rs. uen ell . oe , ",r., and children Steven and Joanne'of ,an~d~th~el~·r~th~ree=-~o~b~i1~dren~~VISl~·~·ted~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Church Services Germantown are spending two - w.?eks with Mrs. Froebel's parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Yerkes or Princeton avenue while Mr. Froe­bel is doing Officers Reserve work at Aberdeen, Md SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph P. BishOP. MinistP.r Sunday, August Z1 11:00' A.M. - Sidney D. Crane will preaCh. , Wednesday, August 24 10:00 A.M. - Surgical Dressings group. , Thursday, August 25 7:30 P.M.-Boy Scouts. Troop 2 ME!THODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D. D .• Minister Sunday, August 21 10:00 A.M.-Church School. 1'1:00 A.M.-Dr. Albert M. Witwer will preach. TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson. Rector Sunday. August 21 8:00 A.M.Holy Communion. , 11:00 A.M.-Rev. John R. Huggins will preach. / THE RELIGIOUS SOCIEl'Y Sunday. Augnsl21 OF FRIENDS 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for ·worship. Wednesday. Angust 24 9:30 to 3:30--Sewing and Quilt­ing in Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All cordially in­vited FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SW ARTHllIIORIE Park Avenue below Harvard ,Sunday, A~ 21 11:00 A.M.--Sunqay SchooL 11:00 A.M. - Lesson _ Sermon 'lI)(iDd". Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 p.m. Reading room open daily except Sunday and Holidays 12 to 5 p, m. WednesdaY c:.venings 7 to 7:50 p.m. and 9 to 11:30. "_ .. Mr ... Edward W.Furst ofGuern­sey road entertained 20 guests at a luncheon at Itbe Concord Country Club Monday. Bridge followed at the Furst home. Patty Richards of Telford was the week-end guest of Gappy / Peirsol of Lalayette avenue who was spending a few days at Barne­gat. N.,J. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eugene Thomas. former residents of Rich­mond. Ind. are the guests of Mrs. Thomas' parents Mr. and Mrs. Ro­land 'G. E. Ullman of "Apple­brook", Park avenue. Mrs Thom­as graduated in June from Earl­ham College. RiChmond. Mr. Thomas is. associated with the New Englan Mutual Life Insur­ance Company of Philadelphia and the Thomas'es plan to make their permanent home in the Philadel­Phia area . .950 STIJDEDAKER tl! CIITBAT • AMAZE AMllUCA! Mrs. Roland G. Eo upman of "APplebrook", Park' awaue and her daughter Mrs, Edward Eo Thomas will enter¢am at a mis­cellaneous shower Tuesday in hon­or of Mrs. Charles Ober. the for­mer Miss Eleanor Smith of Harvard avenue. q Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Reed of College avenue spent several d8JII FUSCO and ALSTON CiiE8'iii& and FAmVIBW, BO~ PHONE SWAB'lBMOBB 1881 ,

    ---------- Page 10 ----------

    . ' , THE SWABTHMOB~AN • AUGtJ$T 18, INt NEWS NOTES cabin near Eaglesmete. : Of South Chester road, 'and Mr. Helen Reed Of College avenue Mrs. George P. Warren and her I and Mrs. Hemert Pearson and IlOl1 1'lIIidham, Mass., fonner restdents = Mr. and Mrs. David Wladom ot: darn's sister MIss Martha Robin- . Vassar avenue entertained as thelrl son ot EstherviIIe, Iowa who te­Is entertaining for two weeks, daughter Helen Of South Chester, of 'Cllnton, Conn. Mrs. Pearson Is bouse IlUest for a week Mrs. Wls- turned to her ·home Wednesday. EIhabeth Criswell of RoCk. Island, road accompanied by Judy Dick-/ the former MIss Cbarlotte Speare Ill., a classmate at Northwestern son of PrinCeton avenue, have I Of Wesidale avenue and South UnlversJ4,y. returned from a'week's ;visit with Chester,road. Mr. and Mrs. ~ond B. RAlg- Mrs. Warren's relatives of B<yn' Mr. and Mrs. John M. Moore enr and their daughters Lynne, Mawr who are summering in Che- and daughters Nancy and Eleanor Jean, Karen and Faith of Yale beague Island, Casco Bay, Me. En of Whittier place bave just re­avenue returned Friday follow- route they caIled on Mr. and Mrs. turned from a two-month trip to lng a two-week' vacation in their Sqmuel G. Trepp and family of the west coast and they lIIao vis­--------- - - - ,.- _._, ited Mrs. Moore' parents in Clare- Another Acme 81g 49c " $1 SALE Popular sale .. repeated becau .. 10 many folk. recognlud Its many mont, CaIJf. Mrs. At1tbur \V. Kent of Park avenue spent the week-end as the guest of Mrs. Ward D. Kerlln of Moorestown, N. J. Mrs. WfUiam, I .. Hull of Walnut ' lane left Wednesday for a sojourn at Buck Hill Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Skoglund orSwartlunore place have return­ed from a week-end motor trip to Westport, Conn. Prior. to then ,WhUI!' Yoa're A"'ay ••• nave Yoar RUGS Ju;. like a vaceliol' for your rup. Clean rup look better~ feel betler,' wear better. Rup picked up and delivered whea promued. 9 ,. iJ DOmeetIa ,8.. 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. .' money-saving "alues on popular loadt. TOMATOES .":~':!:~.nI 4:;.: 49c SWEET PEAS h=:I. 4~: 49c CURRANT ~I 21~49c lISCO CATSUP, .... ~. 6::: 49c gthueeys neonrt ea rwtaeineke dIV Iarss. Jtehaeni rS . bDouusne- I~i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ can of Evanston, Ill., a Northwes­tern Unlversity roommate of Mrs. Skoglund .. Swar;:imore !h30 or 0529 - Clearbrook 461~ ""'__ ",-_Choice Peritan Rugs for Sole~ GI_wood Gl'apefruit .Julee • '::;J .90 Ideal Soup ~':':~b\'! 6 '~:" .90 BIII'H'. A........... lIoup •• '~.:" .90 BIII'H'. Tomato Soup •• ,~. ..9 0 Gartb'. PreHrved 1'I8.~~~t..and 5 '~: .9. TUNA FISB-~ ... PrIce 4 for $1 ~ 27. (.JSCO BEANS= ... Pri .. II for ':': 10e $1 PINEAPPLE c!::!. ... ,ri. . 4 ... $1 N,:;,229. PEACHES td._.'.H ,,.-~. . N.~.\.o !,rII2c7e . 4ror $1 SUNSWEET ,... ..I -ce .:... '2-7 • 4 ... $1 HASI Oeo' .''.Y..I ... _ I .'. '.:.':.' -27. 4 ... $1 SPAGIET'I'C ... , .... 9 ... $1 2'~:·2S. POTATOES Id';k.~ IALVES APRICOTS - _I •• ' ..... h ..... t Bala Club Beverages 2':::19c ptlUl 1M1I_1t ad .... at- Tax II ...... IIarbb ......... z'::;.:zse 9 ",. '1 t: N•.,P .r•J. 9 . 0 7 ",. $1 <a. H.",",,_ .a),oaaaise J!. 33c OIlYes .~. ,.. ,.,.... 7V-:45c OllYe. ot- PlaI• • ........ 47c Dill Plckles-'" • ..... 23c India Relish ..... '9c Tuna Fish _ ............. 32c Craxl:diaabrco...... '''Joil'25c ,.", •• rI<hod nODI t:; 36c: l!~b69c Genuine Spring Lamb IAimb Roa.t II.... .. 45c I .... - Neck of Lamb Lamb Chop,-- .. Sge Bread" - .... '"27e 1·'9c LEGS LAMB ....... -Kllled, Grade "A" BEN TURKEYS ( 16'" ) & lit u ..... CANNED CHICDR Ce:!'k':;- 3 :!.~ $1.79 .. La.... . h.tteilish .. 2lc Cole 5Iaw .. -· .... 1·27e Dried Bod "" ....... '" I. 2ge Corned I .. , '" I. '8c Live .. Pudding .. 49c 1·'5c HONEYDEWS ~=~I. Lara_ Clul'e,.. Sw_t I Pea ... truer Calif. -.tim AI 10c SeedlessCrapes2,bc2S'r _YAMS 2 Ills. 250 PASCAL CELERY SAY. UP TO at: A ROU. ~ C¥'~O.J- Qualify '"m. . 8-27- .-".00 G-20-... 2O 4"'~$"00 8-'6-8-61. :a-$'.OO .............. -­.. MW ioIl flha ".. Dairy Dept. CLDDALE CLUB ~. :::Z3c: .:! 75': OSharrpu Cyh__- - ....". 69c :sse Kay Natural • SSe Me.,..I_"'= ..":21c Meraarl-- ..... 28c Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Bevan and Virginia and Bill Bevan of Crest lane have returned follaWing ! a vacation of a few weeks oto North Falmouth, Cape Cod. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Russell of Ogden' avenue are on an exten­ded automobile trip to the west coast where they will spend some time. En lOute they will visit the National Parks and many inter~ esting places throughout the west. Mrs. John C. MacAlpine, Jr., her daughter Jane and son Gordon of North Princeton avenue re­turned home Friday following a three-week visit with Mrs. Mac­Alpine's sister Mrs. A. C. Manning of Auburn, Me., while Mr. Mac- Alpine and John were on a fishjng trip to Ontario, Canada. Miss Elma Peck of Vas.....,. ave­nue returned Sunday after va­cationing at Lake Harmony in the Poconos for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Schloesser. Jr., 'and daulibters Jeanne and Karen of Park avenueretumed Saturday from a two-week vaca­tioned on Long Beach Island, N. J. ,Paul D; Williams, Jr., of Uni­versity place Is spending, the week as the guest of John Morrison of Ridgewood, N. J., a cIas..'<IIIate at Williams College, Mass. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Lockett of Riverview road spent the week-end visiting friends in Avalon. N. J. Mrs. R:""ell H. Kent of River­view road returned Sunday after vacationing on the Kent CruIser "AIl'Ie Minnie" in Oc~ City· for The Swarlh ore Co-op, WHEN cO-OP S ABElN TOWN PRICFS ARE DOWN . Chuck Roast Rib Roast BATH SKINLESS Frankfurters SUNKlST JUICE Oranges , LABGB SUNKIST Lemons FRESH PULLED Corn Ib 4Se Ib 59c Ib SSe 2 dz 3Se dz4Se dz4ge TRY CO-OP LABELIID CANNED GOODS'AND YOU WILL KNOW IT 18 THE BI!!!T. AT 'J.1IIE BEST PRICE IN Il'OWN! UntU after Labo. Day, yon will find !he .tore 01'- all 1 p.m. 011 Wednesdays, 80 do your shopp!nc earl7, BUd reJa.x. durin&" the hot afternoon. six weeks. Mr. Kent spent 1i1e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -'W~eek=~·-en~ds~cn~I:.lm~·ng~·~ ____.____ I~ . I INSUFFICIENT FU, NDS? A clever operator could raiae, alter, or forge your c:heclu and completely upset your c:htlckinS accOUllt balance. Guard againn IUch lOll with an Altna ct.eck Forgery and Alteration Bond .. ' PETER E. TOLD General Insurance 333 Dartmouth Ave. .". ..., c-.c' .-..,. . -c:-...,0a4, 01 MIn' \ c-... IIII .. Since the end of the war, we have placed in service a total of 59 entirely new central offices .•• we have added to the equipment in every one of our other central offices ..• we have added more than 93,500 poles and 1,400,000 miles of wire to our network. Most important of all, we have' added more than 813,000 telephones to the 1,680,562 in service on V-J Day. ' This vast expansion program w;.. made possible by the New Me ... , Inoested in Teleph .... Securities. Important dollars, these; Vital dollars. To continue " to attract them, we must keep them secure. And _ must see that they earn a fair return. The Bell Telephone Company of .Pennsylvania I r , , , • , AUGUST It, 1MI Builder Repairs and Maintenan g MORE BEAo;r . roll LESS MONEY c , - PREMIUIII ANTBBAmTE 331 Dartmouth 4venue Swarthmore Swarthmore OSC5 Mason Builders Supply Company . MILLWORK - LUlIIBBB BUILDING MATERIAL Driveway ConstrueUoD Asphalt or Concrete . I PETER DI NICOLA Phone Swm;V1more 2518 TH E· S W A a t' HMO B E A N , CHARLES E. FISCHER "A SWARTHMORE 2253 HOUSE WELL-MAINTAINED IS THE WISE OWNER'S BAIN" CLASSIFIED NEWS NOTES , A. Mercer Quinby Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told FUNERAL DIBECTOR rERSONAL their djlughter Pat of Park av,mUJe,i Formerl7 of Media PERSONAL-Vacuum Cleaners, and Mrs. Told's, mother Mrs. 1125 W. Uthlgb Ave., Phlla. irons, toasters and radios I'J!- George H. Turner of Wilmlngton, Phone Baldwin 1170 Paired. caIled for and dellver8d. returned Monday evening :Crom No addlUonal charge for Call Robert Brooks, Swarthmore motor trip to Camden, Me. "'/bile I suburban calla PERSONAL-Live again through there they visited Camp 1548. . .. I~==========~ DeWarSlendeiizlng and medleal 'stead where Polly Told is 8p<md-i massage. For apPOintment, Call lng the summer. En rou.lEle;o~:~1 ROOFS GUilBBB Beatrice Schmidt, Swarthmore, they stopped at Sargent ( BRADm AND 1506-J. Camb"idge where Pat Told INSTAIJED PERsoNAL - Eric H. Hausen, rurnace Repairs .,. ,Clean1rig Electrical Contractor, closed for begin her (reshman year in "-~,, Call bUSiness from August 19 to August tember. GBOBGB MYBB8 29, while on vacation. • MIss Elimar McConeclJy 4011 MIchigan Ave. Sw. 2266 neer-interested in small busl- ou es er roa... amv m PERSONAL - Mechanical Engl- S th 011 t A • ed '1;~~~~~~w~~~~~1 ness proposition; Swarthmore Boston on the Nova SeoUa il!st !',sTATE OF 0647-J. Thursday following a four month Iwo-." •• trip abroad. .M Iss McConeclty a m(Loartea. oPat .)1 1' former resident of Pendleton, near LETrEDS ot Administration C. T. A. OD Maneh ester, Eng., vis.ited .frie nds tuhned earbsoigvne eEds. tatweh ho avere qbeueens t «raanllt edp etors othnes and relations in England and tr!~ o~;:~e:de-!~n:k~D H:: Scotland. same, Bnd all penoIll lndebted, to the decedent to make paYDlent. without de- two-bedroom apartment or Mr. and Mrs. Elwood H. Gar-I lay '0 small hOuse. Swarthmore Sep- rett of Princeton avenue IW'lll ESTHER MORTON IIEIUl t emb e·r . Call S war thmo r3e080. spend the week-end with th,!irl Or to her Attorney PHILIP CAMERON HERR, ESQUlIIB W ANTED-Young family with 3 1701 Arch Street, Painter Interior and Exted ... , F; F. ZIMMERMAN Photographer '''Outstandlng tor Qualli7" 14edla 6-0436 6 E. Pront St. PIANO '1'VNING ALBAN PARKBB Phone Media 8-8555 New and Rebnllt Plan ... and BepairJnc Slnee 1801 CAT OWNERS:To";d )'OUtcuoiftcasmcl 1ice. be: sure to usc Pul.,ez. ROTENONE ilea Powder.SpecialI, formulated for ~ s PETER E. TOLD All LInes Of Insurance 3aS Dartmouth Avenue SWarthmore 18SS children moving to Philadelphia, son-in-law and daughter Mr. Phlla. I. Pa. droeosimre . thoo urseen t usnifnugrlnei sthherd"." "bCeadl-l bMerlst,. JMacdo., b rEec. enBtrloyw nm oovf ¢G ~Ir ee:~n~-II.~T~'8-~'a:liiiii=iiiiiiiiii=a:a:liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:ia:ii Evergreen, 2-1000, extension 176. Hyattsville, Md. Mr. and Mrs. WANTED -, Experienced colored Garrett will attend the weddlog * NEW CONSTRUCTION women, deSires day's work. $5 ' and carfare. Chester 2-1190. of.Miss Joyce Christensen and Mr. WNNTED-:-Elderly woman would Arthur W. Collins son Of Mr. and .lIke room and bath in Swarth- Mrs. B. W. Colllns of North Ches­more; either light 'housekeeplng ter road, which will tak.~e)h~;ci~ I Since 1905 privilege desired or arrangement tomorrow in the Falls CUNNINGHAM for ,partielal board. Box V, The Swarthmorean. Va. Palnlers .. Paper Ha_ 'Wo;;;AN:':r=·.=;=I>==Army-:---orn=·cer----w.=:h-=-ol ,Evelyn AYrault of ~~~:~I We should know how will ,be attending 'Swarthmore Va., is visiting her cousin S ·Z·· Ml-I.·_- Av College this year, wishes an apart- ~~~wa.~~~~.. ~. ~~~~_~_~~e~~ I me .. t, 2 bedrooms; preferably fur- Allee West Of Benjaroln nished. Box W, The Swarth- avenue for two weeks. motean. " ::::::::-=~:--c:;---:--___ :-::-:,.....,... , Swarthmore WANTED - Experienced maid FOR SALE-Large brown Mohair ·th child 3'L old would davenport. Very colhfortable, Disposal Service lik~ full-time 7'< in. ' useable 'as Is. $35. Call Swarth- Rubbish Collected Tel. ,,~;,-.- ll!.ore 0671. W...,kIy or Monthly FOR ~ALE 1940 Nash (Latay- A ette) two Door Sedan, 0riglnaI P9h oAn. eM C. htoes t5e.3r 0 3P-0.M33.1 occupancy. Cvaell. Swarth- owner. Excellent condition. Call more 0829-M after six. rwwUUlUUIIWDD1IWUUJDllWUUUUIIIWDI~ W ~fe'r:' g;;,od b':,!.firi:!.le m for I = Box X, The Sw¢Itmorean. use social rooms. ' CAL I 6-0649. ,. ELERECpTA~IRS 'I FOR RENT LOST and FOUND FOR RENT-Large room with cFO-::-:UND-:::-:=::.:::~L:..:a::..d;'s=chan~~ge=:.:p::urs::......e-on private bath, ,private home. Also Swarthmore avenue about 10 garage. Call.Swarthmore 0952-W. days ago. Call Swarthmore 2061. WIRING NEW and OLD .. FOR RENT-Single room and pri- . Ii! vale bath for young woman. Tel HOMES = Swarthmore 0669. I FOR SALE S amueI M • H arb I•S On ,F-O".R,, --S=A-:L::E:--:=F=o-u:r:: -t="=ns= -o--f- ::h-o:-r-s-e1 EyeV Eisxuaarlo lTnartaiionniSn ga nd DR. , * ALTERA'l'IONSJ * REPAIRS Highest Quality CraftsmansMp HORACE A. REEVES "THIRD GENERATION BUILDERS" LET us ESTIMATE CALL SWARTHMOBB 34541 Put ~st Things -:0:- c.;al and fuel prices are still low Coal prices go up in September ":0:- Fill your tank or bin now to help a'lrert shortJagjes I.a~ Amerlea Strong Van Alen Brothers UP Now .. J manure, two years old. Call 8:~r~~~~Avenue Swarthmore 0'1_ Swarthmore 0505, Joseph Dicker- .S Pa. IIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIU ~Po ~n~,~I:I=9~p~e:n=ru=·ngt::o=n~A:v~e~.~~=0=rt~o=~~~~~~~~~~3~5~1~8~~~~============================================~~~ ;iiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ a. • • Ridley Park Devine Taxi Service SWARTHMORE, PA. Serving Swlltthmore, Mor­ton, RuUedge and Ridley, Township since 1918 PHONE, Swarthmore 0144 Swarthmore 1448 WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes .,. Rubbish Removed Lawns mowed, General Haullng . 236 Hardlog Av. Morton, Pa. ALTE IJ--\JJIONS \ • aODlIli IIKHIIiS • _l .... 'ltOI cevll"'.S .... (oIiSTIIII('''.1I . , • '&TUUIOIIS .... ''''11, ' ,utTERS BROTHERS, J.e . Cowlf.wOll Ortd au ... . J02 Gayle, Stree1 • M ..... ... l'IIeae: ...... -fISt TFiE PORT KENNEDY BO. NE HOLE Nth 7 in the tleriea "Your" HiBIor}col Hu-itQRe.'" WatdJ for the nut in an early wue of tAu paPff'e , Water, serves man in many ways. Not the least of these is its help in preserving a record of the prehistoric past. Cen­turiElS ago, swamps and sudden inundations trapped and killed the animals and plants of the time" holding them fast until modern man discovers their fossilized remains. An outstanding example of this~the result of a sudden inundation~ scientists think­is the Port Kennedy Bone Hole. Discovered in 1871, this find in .. quarry near the Schuylkill River threw new light on the dark past. Among some 400 , specimens found were the bones of a rare saber-toothed tiger that lived at the time of the hairy elephant. Tapirs, giant sloths, giant beavers and cave bears with teeth and jaws larger than today's average grizzly also were unearthed. Thus water helps increase man's knowledge. Yet other bane1its of water-its contri­butiollil to man's health and weIi-being-are even more val­uable. It is with this in mind that we devote 24 hours a day, every day, to safeguarding the traditional wholesomeness of Pure Springfield Water. SPRINGFIELD WATER ~-""'-".-"-' - ~ ... - '. PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATBR • ,e 0 M P'A NY .• •

    ---------- Page 11 ----------

    • Hearing Held On Pool Project (continlHld tram P8lIIe 1) Bryant was among the protestors trom the Immedlste Springfield township area who f~ oil­ject: lonal noise and li8hts arising from such a project. The plans included being open evenings. TBE SWARTHMOBBAN CURRAN TAKES OATH OF OFFICE Thomas A Curran~ Inducted as Register of Wilis and Clerk of Orphans' Court on August 11)­just four days after his 49th birth­day- is the unopposed Republican candidate for that row office at the September 13th Primary Elec­tion. Opens New BuilcUug W. P., Whitaker and Richard W. Barrett of Whitaker - Barrett Inc. Oldsmobile dealers in Medis have opened their new building on Bal­timore Pike, Media for business and are inviting their many friends to visit this· ultra modern estab­lishmenl NEWS NOTES Mrs. L. J. Servais of Dickinson avenue left TUesday fI?r a 100day visit with her daughter Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Ryerson and famlly of Elm avenue have returned home after a week's va­cation spent at Towanda, Pa. . Peter and Judy Ryerson of Chestnut Hill are the guests Ihls week of their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs~ W. N. Ryel"S\>n 0If Elm avenue. 'Anne J. Perkins of Cedar lane recently relu&-ned from a week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cheyney S. Evans in Greens­horo, N.C., as the guest of their son David H. Evans, a fonner AUGUU' 18, 1MtI classmate at Gu1Jford College, N.C. Mr. and MrII. Scott DaIliels and their young son Mark will myve next 'nlursday from MedI& to Iileir newly purchased. home in RuUedge. MrII. Daniels Is the fonnex;. Miss Allce Red,grave of Vassar avenue. -. Mr: and MrII. Graeme G. Wbrt­law of Cornell avenue have re­turJ; 1ed from a vacation to lAIke Louise, Banff and Jasper in the Canadian Rockies- after a trip up the Great Lakes. ' . It was also bro\lllht out flhat though the pool Is contemplated on a private club basis and might well work out on that system during the present economic state, more stringent times might dras­tically change the situation and once the pool was there it would be ditficuit if not impossjble to prevent its becoming a public pool drawing uncontrolled crowds tram entirely outside this area. Thus fu1nre generations might find themselves contronted with a considerable nuisance n<l mat­ter how to the contrary the orig­inal establishers of the pool may have intended it. Appoln.ted by Gov. James Duff to succeed Judge Arth1lr F. Breth­erick, Curran thus became the County's 31st RegISter of Wllis­the 12th since the duties were combined with those of Clerk of James G. Weir and family of -==========:;:;;:.:;:=============; Glenshaw, near PlottsblU'llh. r Orphans Court in 1874. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. van der GraCht and son Vandy of Rose Valiey have been vacationing in Stone Harbor, Mr. James Wikoff of Lexington, Mo., returned to his home Sunday afte,· a week's visit with his aunt Mrs. William F. Hanny of Yale avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mc- Inory and baby daughter Patsy returned to their home in Canton, PIan Your Vaca<tlpn or Holiday In The Heart of the Poconos At THE JUn'LEBS, Swiftwalel', Pa. 160 MIles from Swarihmore, Excellent Food, Comforlable _ All Sports Available OWNED AND OPERATED BY SWARTBMOlLEANS Write It. C. WEBB . Creseo, PL, or phone Mt. P_no 4524 A spokesman for a Springfield organiultion stated his gro"p neither objected or approved of granting Rupaca the zoning ex­ception it seeks, but desired to bring to the attention of the Board the· various problems involved, as given above. Curran, a Chester attorney and present solicitor of that city, was solicitor 10 the County Controller from 1929 to 1932, ar.d a member of tile State Legislature in 1939 and 1940. He is a member of the Delaware County and Pennsyl­vania Bar Association, and the Lawyers' Club of Delaware Coun­ty, of whiah body he was presi­Pa., last week following a seven-I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=! week visit with Mrs. Mcinroy's r . Mr. Carey did not seem insist­ent on the pool, being included 'in the petition, if people did not desire it. . . It is the custom of the Board .to wait until the notes of such hearings, taken by a court steno:­grapher, are transcribed and then to study them before announcing .it decision. Therefore, at The Swarthmorean's presstime tile outcome of the hearing was not . known. SecxJrul Dolman Book Published (Continued from page one) pecially well presented the 17 chapters of ''The Art ot Acting" . wlll absorb any reader-be he ear­nestly striving to become a "good actor," or be he merely improving his intelligent appreciation of the art. dent in 1944-45. Born in Morton( Del Co.), Our­ran received his grammer school education in that conununlty be­fore attending Swarthmore High School and Swarthmore College, He ~eceived his LL.B. Degree Ifrom Temple University Law School in 1926, one year am.r being ad­parents Mr. and Mrs. William H. 'ATTENTION! '40 to '48 Car o. • .,sl Thatcher of College avenue. mitted 10 the Bar. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Top­ping of NOl1th PrInceton avenue are on a two-week trip to Pink­ham Notch, Gorham, N.H. Mr. G. Foster: Nowell, Jr., of Lansdowne, a graduate of Swarth­more High School, class of '44, g..aduated TUesday trom the School of Education of Temple University. He will have a oteach­ing position in Philadelphia this winter. Mrs. Nowell is the fonn~r The new register of Wills resides at 2600 Chestnut Street, Chester, with his wife, Grace McClatchy Curran, and four children, Mary Grace, Thomas A., Jr., Rob ert Em- Miss Louise Servais of Dicldnson met and Gerald. He is a mem- avenue. ber of the Pennsylvania Society, . Mr. and Mrs. J. George Breit­, 'ling of Swarthmore avenne spent B.P.O.E.. L.O.O.M, and the Sgt. the week-end in New York City. Altred Stevenson Post Americ8n Mrs. Henry A. Piper and Mr. Legion. William_Piper of North Chester "I hope to continue to provide road are on a 10-day motor trip the services of this office with the through the New England States. same dignity and rno del effio .: ency - Mr. a.n d Mrs. Lewis B. Beatty of Bowling Green spent last week­of my predecessor, Judge Brether_ end in Townsend, Vt. ick," Curran said, after taking his Beth Huey 0If Dickinson avenue oath in the flower bedecked court is working at Breadloat, Vt. at room, "and thus play a part in the Writers Conference being con­continuing the Republican tradi- ducted at Middlebury College, Del- Middlebury, Vt., until September tion of good govermnent in aware C~ty." 1. Mr. and Mrs. WilJjam R. Huey of Dickinson avenue will visit ov the week-enei Mr. and Mrs. Owen • • • becomes ••• wilen ,,_ ride Oft Superft'ushion TIRE·S It" GOODIiuR Bough. roads that bo1mce and jar your car 011 COIDven-, HOIlal tires smooth ~ like magic with big. safe. low pressure Super-CuBhioll tiJeB. Put a Bet OIl your car and enjor. a D8W CXIJ' ricflng thrillJ We'll buy 1M t .. atIIe- . ... I~,.~ oId.III:" ______ . FUSCO & ALSTO'N CDESTBJI, and FADtvlEW ROADS PHONE -SWAB'JJBMORE 3681 , , Goodfellow of Philadelphia at ~1t;it;t;j;;q;~1t;i:1i;t::;.t:~1t;t;;i~:;Q;~1t;(i;it;t::;.t:~n;j;i::;.t:~n;~ their cottage at Stone Harbor. t! Mr. and Mrs. otto KrausJ Jr., and their daughters Miss Anne Kraw and Miss Helen Kraus of Benjamin West avenue have re­turned home following a tw .... week vacation at Island HeIghts, N.J. • DON'T GET YOURSELF OUT ON A LIMB Penonal acts of you and members of your , family may put you "out on a limb" rinan­cially unless you have a RQW CO MPREHINIIVI PERSONAL LIABILITY POLICY The coverage is broader thoR ever before, yet the cost is low. Co" us for com~lete information. • PETER· E. TOLD 333 DARTMOUTH AVENUE SWARTllMOBE, PA. "hone Swarilunore 183S . 1.' p • , R I ~ "'01 r I I"( \ I ~l l -'l T N ~ t A': \ . I . " "'ft\ I Pi ! f C I·....,rt.,.... Y H"-R (f 'lR[) \ ,,~. Mr. and l\ilrs. KetU}eth Reed of North Chester road wlll spend the latter part of the week visit­ing Mr. Reed's brother-in-law and sister Dr. ond Mrs. Altiert Mutch at their home "Bonnet [ffill:t Bucks County. POEM Life's bri~test moments In retrospect are - A mountain, a lake, A bright evening star. S I1Dsbjn e after shower, The firmament blue, Smell ot pine woods - Grass sprinkled with dew. Quiet and peace - No sound but the breeze With scent of mown hay As it comes through the trees. Finding a friend who can under-stand And let you know - with a clasp of the hand. Melanie G. Foote SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY SEPtEMBER 12th Head in a whirl? Com]?licated estate matters can he 0011- fusing to the inexperienced executor. In­stead of placing this burden on your wife, why not choose an experienced institution like ours as your 'Executor? Come in and . talk it over with us without obligation. Swarthmore lational Bank '& Trust Co. Member of Federa1 Deposlt Insurance Corporation , Now You can buy U. S. Savinp Honda automatlcall;r UIh the new Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at thIa ~ ,. • , . CHEERING THE SWARTHMOREAN HOSPITAL SUMMER PATIENTS? VOLUME 21-NUMBEB M SWAB'1'HMORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST Z6, 19/D SURE ,IrS 'BEEN' HOT, BUT SUPPOSE SCHOOL BEGINS RAIN STALLS PLAY - OFF YOU, 'WERE USED TO 50 BELOW IN TWO WEEKS Tht! ,Swartiunore Clippers were temporarily halted in their drive toward the 'Littie World SerIes" championship on Wednesday eve­ning, when a cloudburst wiped Borough canines had .better look sprawled out behlnd a table until New Pupils Must Be out a big four run lead in the top to their laurels (or whatever the clOSe of our visit when he 'Registered By of the first inning for the Clippers. other shrub they prefer) for agatn came forward to bid us a Se Starting in with a smashing at-there's a newcomer in their midst very gentlemanly adieu. pt. 2 tack against the highly touted who is stirring interest even' in Dr. ErIkson states he has yet to Swarthmore Public Schools will Montgomery County Champs, the thls town of varied purebreds and be bitten by a husky although he reo~ on Monday morning, Sep- Pottstown Cardinals, the Clippers pure vari-breds. . has never seen other dogs train tember 12, for ail classes tram loaded the bases on two base hits Harking trom the country of their young puppies to fight as klndergarlen throUlh the senior and an intentional walk. J ohony Jack London's "'Cail of the Wild", do these dogs. high schooL DurIng the first few Hilker!, whose hitiing has been possibly a ~eal descendant of Mrs. Erikson had accompanied days the elementary grades will outstanding all summer, then "White Fang", the Alaskan husky her husband to Alaska, and pre" have morning sessions only to ae- cleru:ed the bags with a double of Dr. Harold Erikson, research ceding him back to Swarthmore custom the children gradually to to nght an~ su~sequently sco~ed associate in physiolog,y at the brought :lIong one of Pretty BoY's the routine and confinement pf on Hasson s smgle. As Billy Martin Laboratory, finds life at three-month-old 3O-pound pup- school work. The teachers will Ziegen,fus strode to the mound, Swarthmore College in mid-sum- pies. The pup who immediately assemble on September 7 for the skies opened up and forced a mer a far cry trom pulling sleds attached himself to the Erikson'. Ihree days of conferences arid quick halt to the activlti,:" The north of 'the Yllkon. Accustomed to SOil Bjoern and daughter, Karen workshop preparation for the game WaS set for last mght on a temperature often 50 below zero later was killed by an automobile year's work ' the Lansdowne High School field the animal promptly indulged i,n on College Lane where they were' sfarting at five o'clock, with the the first coat shedding of his life living at the time. Mrs. ErIkson Registration fOr admission to winner taking on the Paoli Boys when he arrived here late in June. and the children returned 10 Nor- school must be completed in the Club team for the Southeastern His long white hair will most way last month. On September 1 ~:OO.1 office in the high sch~l Pennsylvania championship on likely grow bwhier again with Dr. Erikson goes to the University ding on College avenue pnor Monday evening on the same field. winter weather. of PennsylvE.nia to teach and en- to September 2. 'rhe office is The Clippers made a striking ap- Pretty Boy as he is called was gage in research. When he re- ~0::io pen fr~m 8:30 a.m. tAll,0~ :. pearance in the new uniforms do­adopted by the former University turns to Scandinavia the two-foot- Q' for this purpose. - nated by . the .Rolary Club' and of Oslo anatomy professor at tall, 80-pound pretty Boy will go drell entering Swarthmore Schools really looked like the outstanding k • rth t ti Po' t along to meet and compare noles for the first tim:e, including those team that they are. Alas a s no emmos p, 10 in kindergarten, must be register­Barrow where the dog was' born with the GrE<>nland h\lSkies there. ed by their parents during the 2 OL ~ ErIkso ho Local fo,lks who enJ' oy seeing ex- 7Z years ago. OJ'. Do W above hours. It is not necessary me to Swarthmore College "n amples of "man's best friend" ca for children who were previously 1947, left in July 1948 with Dr. properly accompanying a.nd con- in the Swllrthmore grades to Laurence Irving's second expi- trolled by their masters, will miss register. 'dition to Alaska to study the the sight of this unique canine adaptation of animals to cold cli- when he ends his. sojourn in All pupils registering should mate, on behalf of the college and Swarthmore. brtng with them vaccination and the Office of Naval Research. ------ birth certificates and if enlering Pretty Boy's aCcompanYJng Dr. WILL ,.DIES tram another school their tran- Erikson home seems to have script papers. New high school thrown the study somewbat into .- " . pupils. shou.1d complete their LEGION BASEBALL VAST NETWORK • Champiouship Team SreppingStone For Warren reverse. , American Legion Junior Base- , VERY SUDDENLY roster of subjeeblby.Septernber 2. The dog amazes ErIkson with ' : , School children should be tak~ bail teams have bee" .playing now his, calm. quiet, phlegmatic man- 10 the family physician and the for 22 years. T1iiS year there are nef; 'his pronounced friendliness Long-Time Resident family dentist for a thorougJ:!. '16000 teams in the 48 states, D.C . and the way he acclimates him- Was Active health check-up before 8$001, and Hal'aii. Nearly 2000 of the self and accepts. change especially according to a recent announce- teams are in Pennsylvania. As In view of his former reputation Fireman ment of school health officials In there are 18 .boys registered for o f bem· g the mast V·lC l' Du s of a n~v-- Funeral services were held for the ci+.." - papers. Such examina- each Junior American Legl. on team lorl.O usl y ·surl y s trw' n 0 f d ogs. H·I S William Gwinn at 2 p.m. tions are urged for Swarthmore that means. about 30.000 boys par-' on ly a IIe rgy seems t 0 he cra tes. day at his late home, 312 Union children so that any remediable ticipating in Pennsylvania alone. It took him less than five minutes avenue where he died suddenly of defects may be corrected before Swarthmore baseball fans were 'to chew his way oul of the sturdy . a heart attack last Saturday eve- Ihe children reswne classes at proud th~t local boys won the case in which he'd been ptaced ning. Inte=ent followed in near- . school. In ·general the dividing Championship in their own le~e, for air shipment to Seattle. There- by Eastiawn cemetery. line for grade pupils ~ill begin at and that Harry Warren was select­after be rode conlentedly with Dr. Mr. Gwinn was 52 years of age. the railroad station, down, Park ed one of the 41 players to rep­Erikson who 'happily was travel- His family' had heen Swarthmore Avenue to Harvard, 'and on Har- resent the county at the "All-Star" iog on the same l?I ane. FrD In residents for nearly a half cen- vard to Crest lane and Swarth- games to which counties in East- Seattle .he fcllOW~ his ne~ master lury, and Mr. Uwinn for many more avenue. Some exceptions ern Pennsylvania sent their rep-b y tra 1L1 , a cham replaCl~nd the years engaged in garden work for must ·be made this year due to thE resentatives. . d' 't f the crate fact tluit in thl' intermepiate In two :!ames at Shibe P--'- on In Igru yo. . local residents. He returned last _ ...... D ErIkso betieves the change grades the classes at College Aven- Friday, the 17th, 60 boys partici- I. n thr.e , n. ' ,. sprfug after three years on the ue are Unusuaily large and that pated and Harry was agam' select- dog s dispOSItion 1S greatly west coast. He was an active due to environment. Pretty Boy member of ,the Swarthmore Fire some pupils will be asked to go ed as one of the 16 boys to repre­was 18 months old w. hen he first Company for a quarter century, to Rutgers Avenue. In the first sent Eastern Pennsylvania in a met O~J.. Erikson . Eskim0 5 are not and an ardent small stream flsher- and second grades an additional game p'layed agams't a team usuaI ly sent im ent a 1 . a b out dogs . man. In fact he had just walked class is being set up 50 that soAm e slmilar,ly cllosen trom Western H a rd work and 'h aV IDg ..',"- wre• st up the Yale avenue hill after fish- Of the pupils trom the Rutgerfse rrevd- Pennsylvarua' at Shibe Park on one, s sub s.l•S•~ n'c e trom ~~nv avail~ ing in Crum Cre.e k when he felt enue School are being trans 1 September 1 at 2 p.m. The bi_" abl e garb age coul d ~ asIly acc ount the first signs of the fatal attack. to the College' Avenue Schoo to leagues wlll' ail have their scouts for native d ogs b e.m g Wary?f Surviving are his mother Mrs. attend ,this additional class In ae- there watcrun,g th~- 32 boys, mankind, aud genera ily m,ore akm Ma~ Gwinu and brother Thomas cord~ce with, the annual custom, chosen from 30,000 play hRIl. to th e WI Id tha n t 0 the 'h ig hiy do- of t.h,e Union avenue address, and therefore, it has been necess' ary It IS' always a stimulus to the mesb. cat ed and 0 ft en pampered two other brothers Albert of Rut- 10 re-assign som. e of. the pupils players to have a good gallery of pooch Ame rl. ca kno ws. gers avenue and John of Philadel- livil!g near the line. fans. ' Besides the fun of seeing A little touch of Dr. Erikson's The hours. of the daily school the game, awards will be made Norwegian' charm, coupled with phia. sessions are as follows: High to certain ticket holders. The treats of meat gained Pretty Boy's School, morning 8:30 to 12; after- awards are an air-conllitioning devotion to the professor who then TO SING IN GLEN noon 12:50 to 3:15. Ele m6~n'J,_ unit and two television receivers. hamess trwned the former stray G. Wllls Brodhead of Maple grades, mornings 9 to 11:40; atter- Tickets may he obtained from to pull him on skiIs along the avenue will be baritone soloist noon 1 to 3:15. Dismissal in the Jack McWilliams or Dr. George snow frails. Aside trom the fact at 4 o'cl.ock Sunday aftemOlln grades will be staggered, the smal- P. Warren, 327 South Chester road. that dogs notedly reflect ·their when. the Chester Elks Band di- ler children who are inclined to In last Friday's sixth annual master's personalities, what dog reeted by Tommy Leison pre- loiter along the way being ex- Eastern Pennsylvania American wouldn't respond favorably to lov- sents an all-request program of cused first, the older ones tater. Legion All-Star games Harry, as ing, individual care including a numbers played in earlier con- The school calendar for the a member of the Blue Jays squad three-pound daily provision of certs in Glen Providence Park, coming year includes the follow- coached by Jocko Collins and Cy horse meat? Media. Mr. Brodhead will sing, ing vacations: County Institute, Morgan, clouted out one of his Dr. Erikson's neighbors in the "Vaiencia", "Old Man River", and October 17 and 18; ThanksgiVing, copyrighted triples to the right College apartment house at 805 ''The Lord's. Prayer". November 24 and 25; Christmas, center field wail in three trips to Harvard avenue, and members of December 22 to January 2, in- the plate and otherwise created the comm"nlty who see Pretty To' Bold Fall Exchange clusive; Spring Vacation, the week a fine impression. His selection Boy with his master in the bank of April 8; Memorllil Day, May as third out of sixty participants or drug,store think twice before The Woman's Club of Swarth- 30; classes ctosIog for children on represents an ontstanding achieve_ patting the dog without formal more is making preparation for Wednesday, June 14. ment, particularly so since first Introduction. They are agreeably its annual Fail Exchange the lat- choices''generaily tena to be out-surprised to discover his unassum- ter part of September. ' standing pitchers. !ng friendliness with men, women Children's apparel,' household Ll and Mrs. Campbell and and children. When we en~ articles and adult's clothing' will daughters are moving to Norfolk, Susan Gowing of ParrIsh road the laboratory to talk with Dr. be for sale. Va., next week where Lt. camp.. returned Angust 2~. from Tay­Erikson, Pretty Boy arose and Check your closets now for use- bell will he stationed at the Naval lor HospiUl followmg an ~ came to greet us, then comfortably able or needed articles. ' 'Air Base. gency append~. '_~j~ \.ll.~JJ.lJ0 !..(: ?o H:rflJJ :,?cpoo J $3.50 PEa Y&Aa CLASS OF 1949 t:OLLEGE BOUND High School Graduates Spread To 15 States ! 38 Colleges Sixty nine of the 79 graduates in Swarthmore High's 1949 class will enter educational Institutions in 15 different stales this fail. The large majority remains in its homo 'state, Pennsylvania, while others spread as far north as New Hamp... shire, as far we.t;t as Iowa and Oklahoma and as far south as North CW'o!ina and Tennessee. The grealEst numbe\' Is going to school right here in Swarthmore. George Abel, Avery Blake, David EIsenberg, Lewis Izumi, Bob Keighton and Philip Mark Allen enter Swarthmore College. Ann Broomall, Ed Gavetti, BFtty Green, Alberta Magee, Teddy B0- gardus, Alen McChesney, Bill Potts, Nancy Roess, and Marvel Vtilson will attend Pennsylvania State College. Graduates choosing other col­leges in Pennsylvania are John Boyle, University of Pennsylvania; Ann Curry and Marilyn Achuff, West Chester State Teachel'S, Col­lege, West C~ster; Don Dickinson, Pennsylvania Military College, Chester; Joan Eynon, Peri.t¥;yl­vania College for Women, ~tts­burgh; Frances Pearson and Betty McCaban, Wilson College, Cham­bersburg; Ed Abrams and Jack Smith, Dickinson College Car­lisle; Lynne. Leach, Bryn Mawr Colleg": Bryn Mawr; Bill Froebel and Sam Reynolds, Lehigh Uni­versity, Bethlehem; Jane Tyson. Temple University; Gordon Fol­lett, Mercersburg Acedemy, Mer­cersburg; Carl Ditwiler, Lafayette College, Easton; Anna Mary Fus­sell, Bucknell University, Lewis­burg. Dolly Brennan, Bill McIntire, Vonny Ryan, Nancy Schmidt" David Smith, Esther and Joanne Worst will' enter business and professional schools in this state. Bob Malin enters Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. Bruce Mylrea and Don Spofford 'head for Duke University. Durham. N. C. Lyman Darling enlers University of the South, Swanee, Tenn. Jack Houtz matriCUlates at Oklahoma Agriculture and Mooh,mical Col­lege, Stillwater, Okla., 8!ld Faber McKernan and Jim Streeter at Iowa State, Ames, Iowa. New York attracts the second largest group (six). Art Barra­clough enters Colgate University, Hamilton; Herb Brenneman, Uni­virsity of Rochester, Rochester; Gayle Hodge and Tom Hopper Cornell University. Ithaca; Lor­raine Mazzeo Barnard College, for Women Columbia University New York City; Sieve Wolff, Webb In­stitute of Naval Architecture, Glen Cove. Massachusetts draws the 3rd largest group with Ohio tying the ~umber. Lois Linton and Molly Storck go to Simmons College, (continued on page six) NEWSNOTFlS Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., of Cedar lane entertained over the week-end Mrs. ;Benson {' A. Bbwditch and children of Le­jeune. N.C., who are summering at Gibson Island, Md. ' Dr. atid Mrs. John Bow1iitch, 3d., and I10phew Robert Whar­ton of Minneapolis, Minn., spent a few days with Dr .. Bowditch's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bow­ditch, Jr., of Cedar lane. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine L. Fine of Swarthmore avenue will enter­tain as their, week-end guests Mrs. Fine's sister Mrs. Donald Douglas of New York City.

    ---------- Page 12 ----------

    ,. z , • THE SWARTHMOaaAN . AOOU!llr II, '1149 NEWS NOTES the wrist, and bouffant aklrt with train. Her fingertip veil of illus- Mrs. Joseph McLean of Strath ion edged with heirloom laCe fell Haven Inn returned by plane from from a coronet of the lace and Evanstown, m., where she visited clusters of orange blol!SOrns. She her daughter Mrs. John G. But- carried white gladioli florette. terworth for -three weeks. centered with an orchid. Mrs. C. H. Parmelee of Annap- Miss Ruth Christensen as maid olis, Md., with her children Anne of honor for her' sister, wore a and Chip is visiting her mother gown of turquoise blue saUn with Mrs. W. W. Mitchell of University . matching mitts and headdress. place for a week. Mrs. {Pershing Petersen, of Wau- Mrs. George M. Ewing of Co- paca, Wis., sister of the bride, and lumbia avenUe and Mrs. Arthur Miss Marjory Thompson of Ar1lng­R. O. Redgrave of Vassar avenu~ ton, Va., as bridesmaids, wore entertained at a luncheon at tl\e simlliar gowns of winter-rose Ingleneuk 12st Wednesday In hon- satin with matching mitts and or of 'the birthday anniversaries coronets and they all carried cres­of Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins of C":' cent shaped bouquets of contrast­dar lane, and Mrs. Harold Good- ing gladioli. They wore neck-win of Rose Valley.. laces, gifts of .the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis of Mr. Benjamin S. Collins of Wallingford, and Dr. and Mrs. Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, bavid Cramp of Park avenue va- selVed as b .... t man for his bro­cationed at Lake Wesatiking, To- ther, and the ushers were Mr. wanda for two weeks. George W. Collins of Wilmington, , will serve as best man for bI& brother. .' The bridegroom Is a senior at Swarthmore College, Majoring In engineering. The bride has been a teacher at. the Media FrIends School alld will rehlrn to her p0- sition in September. They will live at· Crumwald 'Palm. Local wedding guestS will in­clude Mr.' and Mrs. Stabler, par­ents of the bridegroom, Messrs. George, Thomas and Ja,m es Sta-bIer of WaUjngford, Mrs. Ida P. Stabler of Rutgers avenue, grand­mother of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. William A Chljrke, Miss Mary Clarke and, Mr. Patrick For­rest, of WaUjngf'll"d, and Mr. and Mrs. William A Clarke, Jr., of Drexel ,Hill. Mrs. Wm"m A Clarke, Jr., is a sister of the bride. Aiso present will be MiSs Helen Stabler of Pasadena, Calif., sis­ter of the bridegroom. DELEHANTY - BAUMAN Miss Jean Lawrence of Moylan DeL, another brother of the bride­is entertaining this week the groom, and Mr. Gorden K. Chris- Misses Helen Tucker of Kansas tensen of Falls Church, brother Df The marriage of Miss Helen I. City, Mo., Betty Jo Dickson of the bride. Bauman of 719 Mcilvaine street, Carrollton, Mo., Ann Pate of Jop- The mother of the bride wore Chester, to Mr. Paul W. Delehanty, lin, Mo., and Fanny Etheridge of a gown of light gold crepe with' son of Mr. and Me .. WilllanJ ·F. Colwnbia; Mo. The visitors were brown accessories. Her co,rsage Delehanty of Yale avenue, took classmates of Jean at the Univer- was of orchids, place Saturday, August 20 In the sity of Missouri, and m<!mbers of The 'bridegroom's mother chose Waverly Presbyterian Church, Kappa Kappa Ganuna. They are a gown of Royal, Blue crepe with Baltimore, Md, here for Jean's wedding which will matching hat. Her corsage was The bride is with the Harlan take place tomorrow at 'her home of orchidB. . . R. Jessup and Company, Media. '''Maple Brae", Moylan. A reception in the church par- The bridegroom is employed as Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse lor followed the cereniony after a draftsniljtl at the office of the , of Harvard avenue spent last week which the couple left for a wed- Naval Architect of the Sun Ship in Avalon visiting the Dr. John M. ding trip to ,a resort in northern Building and l)ry Dock Company, Pearsons of Cornell avenue who Wisconsin on Lake Michigan. As Chester. He attended Temple were vacationing there. traveling costumes the bride University, and is currently tak- J ane Penfield of Riverview road ;"'d a' co"-e I'n Busm' ess Admin and bridegroom wore matching •• -~. ' - will return to Stephens College, sui Is of blue-gray gaberdine, the istration and Accounting at Penn Mo., for the annual campus lead- State Swarthmore He served bride wearing Navy and white' . ers conference September 8-10. As accessories and an orchid cor- overseas in the French-German-a representaUve of the World Cit- sage. Italian CampailP1;s and was dis-izenship Organiz>ttion in her hall, The bride is a graduate of Wau­charged as sergeant. she will participate in plannjng ~e:~,:.:!t~e~ee::~~o~~~~: ::~~oo~:;=; a':'~ir:~ iocl at the college. ers College of, Accountllncy, Wash- Dr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Malin inglon, D.C. and their sons, Robert, Clement, Mr. Collins is a graduate of and Randall of Princeton avenue Swarthmore High School, received returned Friday after an eight- :~n d~~ge~ a~~e~. :~ week motor trip to, the west coast. Enroilte they stopped at the many electrical engineering at Wor­interesting National Parks and In cester . Po~teclmical InStitute, Seattle visited Mrs. Malin's sis- Worcester, Mass. He is employed ter Mrs. Robert Schembs. On in the Patent Office In Washing­their return trip they visited ton, D.C. and is studYing law at Swarthmore' College ruumnl Mr. Georgetown UniverSity. Mr. and and Mrs. Louis Korn of Albu- Mrs. Collins will reside in Arling­qurkue, N. M., and called on the ton, Va. ' Rev. and Mrs. Carlos' A. Avila, ------ also of Albuquerque. Mrs. Avila is the former Miss. Elsie Pitman of Swarthmore. TO WED IN BQSII'ON BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. R. Coates Farley of Sewickley. Pa., announce the birth of a d&ugbter, Frances Ann Farley, on Thursday, August 18. The baby is a grandaughter of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Farley of Wilkesbarre, formerly of Swarth­more, and a great granddaughter of Me. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates of Harvard avenue. ' Mr. and l!4rs. T. S. Clay of Wal­nut lane are receiving ~atu­laUons upon the birth Of a son, Bruce, on August 17 In Taylor . Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Clay of Wal­nut lane are the grandparents of the new·baby. A wedding of local Interest will take place today, August 26 in Boston when Miss Helen' Ames COLLINS - CRRISTENSEN B d d hie f Re Ad' I yr, aug roar mIra Lt. and Mrs. William R. Camp- The marriage of Miss Joyce and Mrs. Richard E. Byrd, will bell of Media are being congratula_ Bernice Christensen, daughter of become the bride of Mr. Lawrence ted on the btrth of their second Mrs. Carl W: Christensen of Falls Janney Stabler, Jr, son of Mr. danghter, Naney Logan, on July Church, Va., 'to Mr. Arthur Wool- and, Mrs. Stabler of Crumwald IS. verton Collins, son of Mr. and Farm, Wallingford, aClCOrdlng to Mrs. Benjllmin W. Collins of North the Episcopal service at the home ,MoMyrl.a na nadr eM rtsh.e J .m Ca.t eLranwalr egnrcaen do-f Chester road, tock place Saturday, of :the bride's parents. parents. August 20 at 4 o'clock in The bride will wear her grand- -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the Presbyterian Church, Falls mother Ames' wedding gown and :- Church. The Rev. Alton B. Alt- the veil worn by her moth",. on FOR father performed the ceremony her wedding day. MAGAZINE before a floral background; of Mrs. Robert Breyer of Los An- SUBSCRIPTIONS gladioli and lighted candelabra. geles, Calif., will attend her sister Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman Mrs. James Brown of Falls as matron of honor, and Mr. Swarthmore 2080 Church sang "I Love You Truly", rG;eo;r~g;e~M;.~S~t;a;bl;e;r~o~f~w;a;u;ln·~ gf;Or~d~rr;;;;;~~~~~~~~~;~ HBecause", "Ava Maria", and uPrhe Lord's Prayer". . < Mrs. Lowell Lind, organist, also College Theatre MEDIA of Falls Church, and a friend of the bride's family, p12yed num- Air Conditioned AIR OONDrrIONED bers from Schubert and Grieg, an d L a hen gren' sW eddin gM'a r clI . .JudyF rGidaaryla anndd _S aBtauyr dBaoyl ger The bride given in marriage by "THE WIZARD OF OZ" her brother Mr. Warner L. Chris- in technicolor tensen of Wausau, Wis.," wore a Feature Time wedding gown of candlelight sa- 6~~~::O ~~~oo ~. tin with an imported lace redin-gate fashioned with fitted bodice, Saturday Matinee _ 1 P. M. long sleeves ending in a point at 'Special Show For Children - Roy Rogers "SmNE ON, HARVEST Ballimore PIke, Sprbqfleld PhODe 8 ..... 1hmore MSt , MOON" Cartoons - Serial - Comedy and Tuesday Betty Gnble Ruc1yVaUee "BEAU'IiFl\L BLONDE FROW BASIIFllL IIiBND" In technicolor Wednesday Only Grace Mpaie.1s "ONE NiGHr OF LOVE". Starting Thln;siley. "TIlE FOtJlIrl'.AINBB Friday and Saturday Speneer Tracy Deborah Kerr "EDWARD MY SON" in technicolor! Sat. Mat at 1:15. Extra for the Kiddies KING OF THE ROOJtE'r MEN" NO.8 Sunday and Monday Glen Ford - Nina Foch "TIlE UNDEROOVI!B MAN" Tuesday I!Ild Wednesday ·Barbara Bale Bobby DrIscoJI Arthur KennecJ~ "TIlE WINDOW" .... HHHHHHHHHH-HMH'-iHMHHt1t1HHH .. ..,HHH M" SAVE TIMEI LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR W.-HILE YOU SHOP.. "RIGHT IN THE C.ENTER OF TOWN" BUSSELL'S SBBVla PROBERT 1. A'n, Owner CALL 04 "t 0 DARTMOUTH t;.1.AFAYETTE AVES. Plan Your Vacation or Holiday In The Heart of the Poconos At 11'&£ ANTLERS, Swihale .. , Pa- 108 Miles from Swarthmore, Excel/ent Food, Comfor&allie Booms AU Sports Available • OWNED AND OPERATED BY SWARTBMOll£AN8 Write R. C. WEBB Cresco, Pa;,'or phone Mt. P~no 4521 The Bouque~ BEAUTY SALON Lest Beauty ebb witb tbe swnmer tide, Call Swarthmore 0476 9 Chester Road DEW DROP INN .",alda.' -£1UJf:1J - Dinne, Closed Every Sunday Monday Thru Saturday , Open 7 A. M· to 8 p. M. OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE DAILY DINNERS 8Se: 10 $i.60 Special Children's Platters FALL OPENING AUGUST 29 Lovely wearables for suburbia l~ SOUTH CHESTER ROAD THE BEST WAY TO BUY. I CONVENIENT HALF GALLON CONTAINER $1~50 (An Abbott's Dirizy Product) Michlel'I, Collece' .PhlrIDIC, ' ON THE C08lUB '- . • AUQV8l' II, 1IU THE SWARTBMORBAN THE 'S", A.RTHMOREAN I'tJI!I,I8RBD EVDY FB,IDAY AT 8WAR'l'IIIIIO.B, PA 'I'IIB BlVAR'l'BIIOBBAN. INO .. PUBUSIIBB Phone 8waribmore .... P,ETEB E. TOLD, EdItor MAlUOBlB TOLD, " ......... Ie EdItor ' Roalle Pelraol' Lorene Me Carter Pat Told Entered as Second Class Matter. January, 24, 1929, at the Post OWco at Swarthmore. P&., under the Act of March 8, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Jeglum and nephew joined thel group August 1. 'lb.ey also visited Mr. Jeglum's mother Mrs. Ida Jeg­lum of Estherville, Iowa. Mrs. 'Franklin Gillespie of Har­vard avenue has returned follow­Ing a two-week vacation to Honey Harbor, Georgean Bay, Ontario, Canada. Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moir of South Chester road leave tomor­rowan a 10-day Miami-Havana Cruise. Their small dauglrter Jin- • SUNDA.Y DINNER AT THE INN - 1 . 7:30 wiU /it plea8Qll,tly into your family plans DELlClOU8 WEEK-DAY DINNERS AND LUNCHEONS MAY BE FOLLOWED BY BRIDGE ON OtJ& 8UN POlWII . $1.00 8ERVE-YOtJ&8ELF ALL-YOU-WANT 8PBCIAL 8UPPER EVERY mUB8DAY 5:38-7:. STRATH HAVEN INN Tel. Swarthmore 0680 for reservations I Fnioer dw Fi.l lR roebminasionn hoef rWe ewstidthal eM arvs-. ~. ~:5~~:;~~::;~~;;~~~~~~~:;~5~~~~~ enue, and Joan Moir will visit 711. • ? Presbyterian Notes Trinity Notes her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. 1.,.1. 0 vlng • 8WARTBMOBB, PA.. FRIDAY, AUGU8T 26, 1949 Holy CommUnion will be cele- The Rev. Donald McGarr:ah brated at 8:00 a. m. and <Ilhe ser- Alexander Moir of Philadelphia. HAYE YOUR W'lll preach at ,the Sunda...~, mor- vice of Morning Prayer and Ser- Mr. and Mr• •, Arthur Gro' ver and RIJGS -.~ oa_"ee at 11 a. m. Rev. sons Arthur and Alfred, and Car- .M...c.G.. a-rrah_,. mon will be held at 11:00 a. m. CLEANEDl Q fonner resideD!; of rie Frisbie of Dickinson avenue Both services will be conducted by _L b • ., Swarthmore, Is now minister at spent a week at Camp Canan- Ru" "";~ .r. ."g "",v_ Of Rev. John R. Huggins. Ushers diN Y placed in sforage should first be the Mount Washington Presby- for the 11:00 a. m. service are: A. a sua, . . .I .. n.d ••• W. pick up f",m y .... terlan Church, PittsbU!rgh, Pa. He Mrs. H. E. Matthews of Youngs- { old .dd .... jon ';mol, .nd rot.,n I. is a gaduale of Western Thea- H. Knabb, head usher, R. Newlin, tow n, Ohai I'S ing h er son-.m - Y.U' -l.W • dr." (wh... promiIsteod ). J. W. Jones, B. Harrar, S. D. Clyde, 1 d d hte Mr d Mrs I logical Seminary in Pittsburgh. aw an aug r • an . Rbouugg. h'. d dsoowld.. K ......." . g. Jr., F. R. Gray, W. Patton"end H. La T W U f P k .. ~ $600 Henry Faust will be soloist. P. Stamford. roy .' 0 0 ar avenue. • doonlng. 9 • 12 Dom_. . There will be no Church School Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Legg ~ In.urod 510 •••• , $2.00 up Or Church NUllSery until Septem- and children, formerly of Park /'I)""ulS A " It, ~O".aAl!.. .A.. ,_,",,!l' ber. . NEW'S NOTES avenue, have moved to their new U "" V, , L-~ " , .... r JI The Surgical Dressings group home in Maplewood Park, Secane. will meet during the month of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Walton. 100 Parle Ave .. Swarilln)or., PI!.. . ' August at 10 a. m., at the church of Columbia avenue spent the and young son John Scott bave I Swa. 0730-0529..()1earblOOk 9-"48 ,. on Wednesdays. Members are week-end visiting friends of Can- moved from Yale avenue to their' ~C::ll0i;e PenlaD Rugl for Sale~ asked to stay through the 1u nc h dlewood Lake, near Danbury, receotly, purchased home on ____________________________ Conn. WeUscrest Road in Middletown. hO~;,.,p 2 of the Boy Scouts will Mr. and Mrs. Gear!!,e Plowman Mrs. Katrina Ives has purchased meet each Thursday evening. of Harvard avenue entertained as the Walton house on Yale avenue. !ofr. and Mrs. Bishop, Holly and their dinner guests last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis of Peter will spend <the month of evening the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Wallingford entertained at a buf­AUgust in Rhode Island and may Floyd Loge~ of I}utte, Mont., and fet supper Saturday evenmg In be reached In case ,of emergency Mrs. Plowman's brother and sis- honor of the twenty-fifth birth­during the month at R.D.1, Hav- . ter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Edward day anniversary of their son ersham Point, Wester~, R410de M. Passmore of Michigan avenue. Richard. Dr. Logee is the exchange minis- Mrs. Clark W. Davis of Wal- Isl:':: Savelli will be out of, the ler at the. Yeadon Presbyterian lingford and Mrs 'James Irving of Church offtce during the month Church for August. Mrs. Plow· Cbester, formerly of Swarthmore man 'and her brother are both will vacaUon in Cape May over of August but may be reaohed a n"Uves Of Montana where their the ,week-end. large part of that ·time at her father is still living. Mrs. A. M. Curry of Knox\oille, home ,m Media. ~. and Mrs. C. H. Jeglum of I Tenn., is the house guest of her Hillborn avenue, their son Carl'i ron-in-law and daughter Mr. and ChristilUl Science Note!! and nephew Walter Johnson oil Mrs. John Maerker of Grace Park "CHRisT JESUS" is the subject home Sunday following a trip to while attending the Diamond Ju­of the Lesson~Sermon In aU Chur- Bethe$da, Md., returned home bilee of the W.C.T.U. being held ch;" of. Christ, ScIentist, on Sun- Sunday following a trip to Sac In Phll8delphia this week. Next A WIDE PRICE' RANGE We have oyer 70 different price ranges.. Consult us-then compare, Our estimate will prove that we are definitely not high priced. THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. Dlacron o. PUNIULI 1820 CHESTNUT STREET '''.phone RI 6-1581 MM.Y A.1Al,._ ... f City, Iowa.' Mrs. Jeglum and week they will entertaIn Mr. day, August 28.. The Golden Text Carl flew to Chicago June 8 Maerker's mother Mrs. Erwin is: "God SO loved the world, 1Ihat enroute to . Sac City where Maerker, ,also of KIioxville. They he pve his only begotten Son, ,they visited Mrs. Jeglum's par_ will mOtor to Niagara Falls for that whosoever belleveth In him ents Mr. and Mrs. George B. Per- Labor Day week-end to visit Mr. should' not perish, but have ever- lasting life." (John 3:16). ~1r:I;n~s~ W;h~o~ceI~e~b~ra~,;ted~~<th~'e Jr;.~go~l~d~en~~M~a~e~rk~er~'S~g:r:andf::a:th:e:r-:Mr~.~J~.~SJ'U ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! wedding arlniversary June 12. Mr. Maerker. , . Methodist Notes The Church School will meet on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The minister has retUlmed from his vacation and will preach at the 11 o'clock service. The Church NurserY will be open. , Church Services SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CIWRCH Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, Minlst».r f!ony'lpy, A1IIh18t 28 11:00 AM. - Rev. Donald 'M"", Garrah will preach. Wec1neaclay, Aucast 31 10:00' A.M. - Surgical Dressjngs group. Tburoday, Sepl 1 7:30 P.M.-Boy Scouts. Troop 2 METHODISr CIWRCH Roy N. Keiser, D. D., MInister 8unday, AUJ118t 28 10:00 A.M.--Cburch SchooL will ll:OO A.M. - The minister , preach. TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector 8U1Mlay, A1QI'IISt 28 . 8:00 A.M.Holy Communion. 11:00 AM.-Rev. John R. Huggins will preach. THE RELIGIOUS socIiE'l'Y OF FRIENDS 8~, Aapst!ll 11 :00 A.M~-Meeting tor worSbJp. W_ay, A1II[IId 31 9:30 to 3:3().....,Sewing and Quilt­Ing In Whittier House. Box Luncheon. All cordially in­vited. . FIRST CBUBCH OF CHRIST SCIENTISr OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard SII1MfIIl', A....... 18 u:oo AM.-Sunday SdlooL 11:00 A.M. - Lesson - Sm:mon "Christ .Jesus". Wednead'I,Y evening meetl:ag each week, 8 p.m. Readln., l'OaOnIdD open dally except Sunday _HoIlnida.y,B. 12 to 5 P. m. Wf!dnel'I,Y 7 to 7:150 p.m. aDd II to -8-.30. . "-_. ~-- .. -~--- -~-,--~-- S," Drive through high water •• , Start dampest weather! You can't stoll this amazing Chrysler High Compression PRESTOMATIC FLUID DRlVE* TlUNSMISSION ••• d.riN.u,w",~. Spitfire Engine even if you playa hose on it! • . .". Late., and ....... 11 development in high com­_. .t pression! Pioneered by Chrysler engLneers who first introduced high compression to Ame~ica 25 . ~ _ years ago! Featuring still higher compressIon . Chrysler's mighty Spitfire a~. 8!eps years ah~d. Now lOU ~ot completely watcgJroofed igmtion syete.m, coil. distnbV:,tor •• wiring-harness, ::;park .PlugS-8V~rythlDg! - And agam our developments In ~n~me rfotectlon keep. pace with our advanc~ in performanceT F~l Pressure Lub!,. . __ , cation prolongs engme life. Exclus1ve Full. Flow 011 - Filter keeps oil so clean that a change 19 necessary onry every 5,000 miles. Chemically treated cylin~ers reduce cylinder wall scoring. save ~n ~il. New Wide-­C. p Resistor Sp:ark Plugs cut mlsfinng. conserve luel. Snperlinish reduces wear of moving parts. And these are only a few of the Chrysler engineering ""firsts" the others can't match. Phone us today for a demonstration. nition HANNUM & WAITE Chester Road -Yale Avenue \ , •

    ---------- Page 13 ----------

    -,.: THE 8WAaTHMOBBAN NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. RoIoerl Bird and daughters Barbara Lee and Bev­erl7 of ~ avenue have re­tluned following a 12-day vaca­tion In Brant Beach. Mrs. Paul A. Hadley and her sons JlmjPY and Bruce of Elsah, DL, are here on a three-week visit with Mrs. Hadley's parents Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Jackson of Park avenue. Mr. Hadley will join his family later. Mr. and Mrs. Wl1Ilam D. Gor­man of Mt Vernon, N.~., fonnerly of Swarthm,o re, w. ho have beE:n spending August at the home of Mrs. E. M. Bassett of NOl'th Ches­ter road, entertained for several weeks Mrs. Gorman's 'mother'and sister Mrs. Addison S. Wickam and Miss Cynthia WIckham who are summering at EagJesmere. Mr. and Mrs. Gorman moved this week to their new home in Oreland, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. J. David Jackson Ow .... a"" Operated .,. Am.rIcCIII .,.,.. c..,...,. Fonr. 'rurn to Acm. for BETTER MEAT VALUES Yau ... alway. de ..... d on" ,., U. S. laupected Quality Meol. to glv. complete sallsfadloil CIt the tabl ..... 1 .... , ,At , .. ".xpertly dreued" policy __ you ___ llood _Inll meed for your moil.Y. Try it ,Ia,. wHk .. nd and _ for you~lf. - Genuln. SPRING LAMB Ictuarecut=-Shoulde-=-=-=RO:...=.=AS=-=-T . 45c ...... ' ...... La,," Cbopa • • .. Neck 01 L... '''''''1'10) • Z7. P .... " or Sh· .. k Le-1J • 1" iiGS=-.. --=d=..: = lcIon==.:.:R=--=._=_._ .:.:. , _ ._63C liar Br.iI~O F .... or W.,'-Jutt Heat and larv. C,.a. Whole CBlCIEN ar:: $1.89 . Lecm Plata ha' '·2Sc Bavlled Crabs Short Ribs of .... '.33c Potato Salca4 Lamb'. Llv.r .. stc col. Slow IItced Bacon ':::-.A. ,057c Daf.d .... Loaf ....... -K1I1.d LoIIg Island DUCKLINGS -··122977c.. .... 29& ..... w-."..... .... 10 to U _MIta.W .............. . BUTTERnSB Fa~:~l1Ie Ca.dttall Shrimp PlH ... Haddock ,. 59c Pollock Fill ... ,029c Crab Meat­.. ,. ·19& "75c Summer rim. Is Salad rlrn. Hom-dc-Lite Tangy Salad DressiDl -= ' "i:',r1 42c Mayonnai .. Hom·"'·U" '1':' 1,,: 't: sse Ideal Sandwicb Spread 'j!:' ZSG fJI6i Flour 10·110 69. IIS(IJ Old Fasbloned Peacbes No.2",. ZSG Rawelle. sneed Piaeappi. N:;,2 Z9. 'p'" lIMIt Cak. Mm.. Z .~t:: 4S. "a •• '. E .... por.ted Milk 4:;:! 4SC Ideal To .... to Paste S =: Zsc .,,a61. a-l Macaroni Z ~k:: Z" 1000d ....... Pruaes t..1,7. ~t. Z40 II"'''' Wbeet PuR. Z :~ 1SC !led PIe Cberries ~ ':,~~2 Z7. ...... dale Sw .. t Peas .,~~:... . Z ":;;.: ZSG lde.1 Fruit CocktaU Ex'~:Z~ N~~'h SSG ~ ~tB"" d)"uiU &. 'lI"981aJ.1e .. 51b·29c Ie ..... lib., la Fr ... ton. PEACHES Oafginal Bushel Basket $2.49 Flasb Free .... e PruDes N.~hw .. "" 110 100 ...... 110 BODey Dews VlC':,~ -i. 4 .. ruiiiuPEAS 2 Ibs 29c Milt .... Aspar..... Wh~~:-. N:;,2 41c IJJlP .... at BaU. 1&..,. sSG tfVD Tea .... ~= SO.~ S80 1 ••• 1 Gnpelralt 8eetloas ~ Z ":!.: S7. Del ...... c.a. .... Plaea .. l. ':;.2 Z7' rlt. "".st loaf 0' Bread laked "riel, ... SUPIlIMI· BREAD •• _ ... ..".., ............. 1atI .. .,. ...... and sons David and RlchaM. of Vassar avenue are on a month'. motor trip through the west. They will visit relatives In Kansas, and also atop at Denver, Colorado Springs, Bryce and Zion Canyons, Salt Lake City and the Grand Canyon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradwell Lin­coln of Ogden avenue were guesta at a week-end houseparty In Beach Haven. _ , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goodwin and son Alan of Rose Valley left by plane ndonday fora vacation in Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Prescott of Moylan are visiting friends' in Sanbornville, N.H. Mr. Valentine L.1"ine of Swarth­more avenue was guest of honor at a surprise birthday party given by Mrs. Fine Tuesday evening in honor of his anniversary. The table at the buffet supper Wa$ gayly decorated In red and yel­low. The guests included Mr. Fine's brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. John G. Capers of Villanova, Mr. and Mrs. W. New­ton Ryerson of Elm avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aldrich of Bryn Mawr. Mrs. Charles Lincoin and fam­ily of Westdale avenue have re­turned from Wallingford, Vt., where they vacationed with Mrs. Lincoin's parenls Mr. and Mrs. J. a Jessup of Haverford avenue who are summering there. Mr. Lincoln spent a month with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoe­maker of Riverview road retluned Monday following a five-day visit with Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hunter of Henryville, Pa. The Swarthmore' Co-op WHEN co-op S ARE IN TOWN PRICES ABE DOWN Il/MBO Honeydews' ea49c WWl'E SEEDLESS Grapes 21b 25'c GOLDEN JUPE Bananas Ib 15c . .' NU-MAID Margarine 2 Ib 39c OO"()P LIQUID Starch 2 qts'35c OO-OP-RED LABEL THIN ,/" Spaghetti Ib 17c T01! may have yonr meat cat the way you llke It at the , Co-op Store - at the best price in town - with Quality. Un, W aller Labor. Day, y .... will flnd the .tore el.-d all 1 p.m. on WedneodaYB, 80 do your shopplng ..... Iy. aDd relax dnrlu&' the hot allernoon. anMd rf.a manildy oMf rJsa. pVanV iwllhiaom'aTre. vDi~siut- i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~: ing Mrs. Dietz.'s parents Mr. and .... Mrs. W. R. Shoemaker of'Rlver- • Mi ~ view road, spent a week with Mrs. Dieu's sister Mrs. Louis W. ~%L. Flaccus, Jr., and family of Scars- ~~. dale, ·N.Y., who are s\I.IDJllering in Tamworth, N.H. Young Bill Dietz. underwent a JD.i:Dor oper­ation at 'raylor Hospital on Wed­nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Balr of Cornell ,,"venue retluned' FrIday following a five-week motor trip to Hollywood, Fla., where they visited Mrs. Bair's mother Mrs. Annie C. Thompson. Dr. R. C. Ammerman of South Chester road left Thursday to va­cation with his family at Silver Lake, N. Y. Mrs. Ammerman and Jud7 have been spending -the summer at the Hawkeye Trail Camps, Hawkeye, N. Y. ACCIDENtS ARI COSTLY Mr.. H, a houaewife, f.U while going .doWllltain at home and suB:ered a brok­en vertebra. HOIpitaland doctor bills amounting to $1,000 were paid by .lEtna. Every housewife should ha .... Accident In­n. rance. PETER E. TOLD General Insurance 333 Dartmouth Ave. .P.., ., c.·.,..n..,e. ..... c ..,~ of H. tEa I I. CoDa. 1111. your old tire (Plu. Tax) buy •• f~mau. GOOD EAR TI E·' It'D lNa -only 'V.lli and your oJd tlra b\lya you a B.DDdS alai. loIarathOA­whll. ~t1tr lael.l Th ••• hWlky. lcmg wearing Good­y_ quality lir .. are going out btCl' than 'W. c:aa g.t them In - w be hera _Iyl Otll., sa •• ata Iavill., tool , TRADE IN ,NOWI .. _ .. -" - .. " .. " . FUSCO & ALSTON OIIESTII:& ..... FAJBhBW ~AD8 PBONJ: SWAB'DDIOBB .... , -·.AUGUST 1.1, ..... MOBE. HEAT I'OIt LESS MONEY PREMIUM AN'.l'IIBACITB .. 331 Dartmouth Avenue Swaa1bm ..... Swarthmore lUll Ma!WQ Builders Supply Company atilJ,woRK - LtllIIBBIl BUILDING ;MATERIAL , D,r ivewaJ ConsUueUoD Asphalt or CoD4lre1e PETER DI NICOLA PhODe SwarUunore 2526 PETER E. TOLD All Lines .Of InInU'IuIee 333 DartJ:nouth Avenue Swartbmore 1833 Since 1905 CUNNINGHAM . Painters .. Paper Daqers We Ihould know bow Swa.l!286 IIIlchJpa Ave ~warthmOl'e Disposal Service WReuebldbyis ho rC o:n~eeIed~~~~l ,Phonp Chester 9 A; M. to 11.30 ELECTRlCAL ~PAIRS WIRING ~W and OLD HOMES SlIltluel M. Harbison S .. aribJDore 0740 Devine Taxi Service SWAR~ORE,PA. Serving Swarthmore, Mor­ton, Rutledge and Ridley ToWllShip s~ce 1918 PHONE: , Swarthmore M44 14148 WILLIAM BROOKS Aabes & Rubbish Removed . Lawns mowed, Geni!ral Hauling 236 Harding Av. .,.-.,.TIONS ~ 1711 ... tfII ",.." I.A, Ell ...... ' . • •• DI.I I'''I'IS • WAU oM ._ U IIIIIIS . • I.W COIsniICTI •• • AnnATIONS .... 1 .. '._ \ItTERS BROTHERS, 1M, Con'roct."., and ... ,.,. 302 Gayley S.ree •• MediIo, ... Pbone:Me&a. 8 .. ft8{ Builder • ' J ,'\_ Repairs and Maintenan' E'njoys' European Sojurn Box Lae.tosse WiDdup Virginia Rath associate prates- The 1949 Box Lacrosse season CLASSIFIED 5 Mrs. Adolph Rubin and' son Nelson of South Cheater road are spending' the month, of August in Ventnor, N. J. sor of physical education for wo- at the Sun Oil Employees' Ath­PERSONAL _. Vacuum Cleaners, men at Swal'thmore College has letic Association FIeld will end irons, toasters and radlos re- just teturned to her Yale avenue next Wednesday, with a topnotch ----------. -.. -,-.-.-. ~ paired, called. for and ,delivered •. home after a trip abroad. Miss conteat between the Sun Oil All- GROW NEW IMPROVED. f5~. Robert. Brooks, Swarthmore .. Rath has f!iven some impressions Stars and the Baltimore Lacrosse PERSONAL _ Eric a Hausen ,of her summer journey to The Club. In their two previous meet- FRUITS, ROSES, SHRUBS Electrical' Contractor, closed f~ . Swarthmorean. ings this season the two teams of Stork and Burbank bu.$t~s from August 19 to Auguat '!The highlights of my brief visit have each captured a victory, and No .. MI ...... _'on. 29,' while on vacation. ··to Europe were the first Inter- in this third and deciding contest -set ..... _eflt. ef PERSO~AL - Mechanical Eogi_. national Congress of Physical Ed- for the season's laurels action will See, ::.:..: ... :' Wd .. .n eDsse erp.mrotpeordetsitoend.· in Ssmwaalrlt hbmuosrie- :I ucation fOr Women dan Girls in be "all out" and thrills' plentiful. . _ W__it hout Obll.otloa 0647-J. . Copenhagen and ae unique cele- Both earlier matches were high- William H. Wolff, Agent cars ized bration in Holland. scoring affrays, decidedly on the • "The Congress was very success- fast-and-furious side''''"'th the 139 N. Highland Road fuI, drawing 250 delegates from Sun Oil All-Stars taking the first Springfield, Pa 24 countries and territories, and by 'a count of i2-6, and losing the Swarthmore 1603-W. we were most cordially received second in the last ten seconds of r::::=======:::;:::;;;:::~ and entertained by the Danish an overtime period, 11-10. Committee. In spite of language Joe Kahler, indefatigable work­barriers and dij;tan~es we ·felt we er for the game which owes so were all pursuing the same gen- much to his efforts, will match eralgoals in this work. All papers the best that Baltimore can pro­were read in English (except two duce with a star-sprinkled array in French) and immediatel;y reo of lacrosse luminaries including A. Mercer Quinby FUNERAL DmECTOR Formerly of Media 1125 W. Lehigh Ave., PhI1a. Phone Baldwin l170 peated in French, which proved an the Blakes, father and son, Marsh '~~~~~~~~;;;;_~~~' annoying time consumer. Austin, Hank Ford, Andy And- ;= No addltional charge for subnrb!lJ'. calla "The majority of the delegates rews, Wilkie Strlet, Bill Ward, ROOFS GOl':tEBS went on fl'Om Copenhagen to Art Jennings alld Haynes DIck- Bz:;.1;A~'~ Stockhoim to attend the Lingiad, enson. The foregoing names Furnace Repairs & Cleanlng ;o---'-~ I an international gymnastic festi- comprise a formidable lineup of cau val commemorating the birth of lacrosse knOW-hOYT combining GEORGE MYBBS WANTED-Young desires apartment on or October 8; living room, 'bedroom, kitchen, private bath. Call Sharon Hill 2534 or Swarthmore 2803-R after 6 P.M. . WANTED-To sublet small apart-ment in Swarthmore for 3 to 6 months about September 5, pre­ferably near Station. 'Reply to Box T, The Swarthmorean. WANTED - Army officer who . will be attending Swarthmore College this year, wishes an apart­ment, 2 bedrooms, preferably fur­nished. Box W,' ,The Swarth- Per Ling who founded Swedish speed, dexterity and ,excellent 409 Michigan Ave. Sw. 2266 gymnastics in the 18th centluy. stiCk work. Behind these stars arer~~~~~~~~:=:=:~~ "Our entertainment incltided an many younger men who are fast all day bus trip to Fredericksborg acquiring the polish which ex­Castle a typical ·medieval castle perience alone can bring. elaborately decorated in the Ren- In presenting this final game of naisance style, and to. E1sinor the season the Sun Oil A.A. wishes Castle the traditional home of' to express ~ts thanks to the grow­Hamlet. The Barter players from ing host of fans ho he d Virginia had just finished an en- w . ve rna e gagement playing "Hamlet" in the courtyard. We were also enter­tained at "high tea" by the City .of Copenhagen in the uRodhuset", Box Lacrosse the successful en- ~~~~~~~~~r,~ ,awnads thheeld r eccoeupldti ohna vhea lclo innt awinheidc hth iet population of Swarthmore with enough elbow room to blink at terprise that it is in this are~. Any suggestions for improVing the spectacle from a spectator standpoint will be happily re­ceived. CAT OWNERS: To rid)'OW' cat of dea5 and lice, be sure to use Pulva ROTENONE flea Powder. Specially formul2ted for cab. exper~ job as family. Ref- 1638-R. Box Z, the -lavish decorations covering f th~ walls and ceilings. "The other highlight was the privilege of participating in the 650th anniversary of the granting of a charter to a town of 3000 in I Holland, HaUem by name. My brother-in-law Ellis Bonnet in the United States Consu1ate Gen­eral in Amsterdam was asked to my bring official greetings to the town a 1907. Rec. as Peter Stuyvesant from New attic? Boh ~~:~!;~~~~~~ TNheew eAnmtirsete rtodawmn iwn itthhei nn etVhIe w aonrcldi-. 3 or 6 ent wails was decora!ed for the months. ' Semenuk, Swarthmore 2459. WANTED-Family of four desire two bedrooms -by September 11. Reply to Box A, The Swarth­morean. .' WANTED-To rent unfurnished . two-bedroom apartment or small house. Swarthmore Sep­II .~~::"'~C~1lI1 Swarthmore 3070. SALE -. Di$natlanpups, sired, 8· w1<s. old --" pair rust Call 6-2275. overseas ' . vanS; one I, ft. x 7 ft. 6" by 12 ft.; one 7 . ft. x 8 ft. 6". Can also use for tool or chiCken nouse. call Swarthmore 0923-R. . FOR SALE-Foothall shoes, size 9, $4. Call Tom. Alden. swarth-more 1244. . FOR SALE - Baby coach. Good ditiim. Call Swarthmore 1383-W. FOR RENT FOR RENT-One bedroom house in !be woods, f1agStone terrace and fish Pond, fireplace. IQose Valley $7Q ,month. Phone Ches-ter 3"0655" , ... , " roR RENT-For two ~cherS, week of celebration with yellow and blue flowers, arches of ever­greens across the streets replicas of ancien~, oil lamps, and trade signs outside the shoP. 'IIi1ndows. Only -the rain prevented our form­. a1 arrival at the to~ square by coach and four and 20th C"'ltluy cats were very adequate. All participants in the City Hall room where greetings were also brought from the Mayor of Amsterdam, were dressed in 17th centluy. cos­tumes and. the passage of cen­turies was entirely e1iminated. The things that impresSed me most as we later wandered through the beautifully and artioi,ticaDy decorated, sli'eels and replicas of the original town gates, were the absence of any advertising or sale of soU'Venirs. The entire population was putting. on this. week's celebration and there was no thought of commercialization." students or business couple, large bedroom, living room, pri­vate bath, on insulated third floor of home. Near college and bus line. Breakfast privileges. Gar­age $65 mo. Reply to Box C, The Swartliin:orean. FOR RENT r- FurnIshed apart-ment; 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath. Convenient to transportation. Pleasant surroundings. Available at once. Call Swarthmore 2806-1. FOR RENT - Basement apart-ment near college I large room, bath and kitchev.. Electric refrig­eration. Rf'.nt $35. Ineludes heat, water, electricity. Sweeney & Lukens, 523 W.eIsh Street, Ches­ter, - Chester 3-7183. .. • * NEW C*O NSmUCTION ALTERATIONS. * REPA1RS . Higbest Quality Craftsmanship , HORACE A. REEVES .' ''THIRD GENERATION BUILDE,R S" LET US ESTIMATE . CALL SWARTHMORE 34SO Let's Put First. Things First -:0:- Coal and fuel prices are still low Coal prices go up in September -:0:" Fill your tank or bin now to help avert shortagm lat"r Keep America Strong Van Alen Brothers Ridley Park Swarthmore lationalBank & Trust Co. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Stock Up Now . ~: f Now You can buy U. S. Savings Bonds automatically through the new Bond-a-Month Plan. Ask at this 13ank ". CHARLES E. FISCHER Painter Interior and Exteri.i .. . ,SWARTHMORE 2253 ".4 HOUSE WELL-MAINTAINEIJ 1$ THE WISE DW(iR'$ 'AIN" " , -; . "

    ---------- Page 14 ----------

    • THE SWABTHMOBBAN . AOOUll' II, 1M • Class of 1949 I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morey of' MEDIA UNIT REOPENS I charge of the kindergarten. Mr. n==M======ac====~II=I====!INii~ Yale avenue have j~ retwned CLASSES SBPTEMBEB 6th Don and Mrs. Margaret Was (co- College .Bound rrom a three-week trIp in New The. Alexander FoundaUon principals), Mrs. Ailsa Turba~, School at 600 North Jackson street, and Mr. Tom Riggs teach the Media, will begin anoth~ school grades, Mrs. Turbayne also super­year on ·September .6 with· full vises the art work and Tom Riggs enrollment in the grades. ChUdren also teaches shop. (Contitlued from page one) England, visiting first at the Stan- Boston; Betsy Schoenberg to Rad- ley Farm, Burpee Hill, near Lake cliffe Coll~e, Harvard University, Sunapee, N.H., and later at Cam­Cambridge; and Pat'rold to Sar- den, Me., as the guests of Mr. 8Jld gent College, Boston University, Mrs. L. M. Thomas of Scarsdale, Cambridge. Nancy Terry and Mar- N.Y. «;>n their return trip they jorie Lewis set out for Bowling stopped it Ogunquit to visit David Green Ulilversity, Bowling Green, Morey, working at a hotel fdr the Ohio. Andy March heads for Ken- summer. grounding in the three R's, science. a Ie. DarD. from klnderg&l'lten throueh the --...;...--------­eighth grade, are given a thorough I· L L f ChIIdreD'. ])reae., Sizes 3 to 6 x, 7 to 14 J'1IJlIor ... ~l;es 9 to 15 M'u. ~izes. 10 to 20 RUTH·IZUMI Dress Shop \ Theatre Square;J 631 South Chester Road yon .College, at O-~ier, and Barbara Thatcher of College av­Gwen Watkins for wooSter, both enue, and Elle~ and Frances Fitts in Ohio. of Quaker Lane Farm, Edgemont, social studies and an introduction 9 -I ·t s to art, music, dramatics, crafts, and manual training. Id l I L -Id I Mrs. Allce Kirk will continue ~ C! DanK ~~ In~I ... ~. ~-~_~_~ ~=======~ Allen Jones and Larry Dalton Pa., will leave Sunday by autom­will attend University of Delaware obile for Wichita ~alls, Texas at Newark. Jack Dodd and Bruce where they will visit Mrs. Peter Godfrey enter Washington and Wilkinson, -the former Miss Nancy Lee University at LexIngton, Va. Fitts. ~ollowing a week's visit Three '4gers go to Maryland, Barbara will go on to Northwes­Jane Hawke at Goucher College tern University for the fall sam­in Baltimore, David Chickering ester. at University of Maryland, College Mr .and Mrs. James A. Dav~es of Park, and Dorothy Nester at St .. Cedar lane returned last week by Joseph's College, Emmitsbur". Pan American plane from London, Douglas Spencer enters Uni- England following a two-month versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor. visit with relatives and friends. June Reynard has chosen the Mr. 'and Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby Vogue School of Design in Chi- . of Dickinson avenue have returned cago, IlL Helen Ware will enter from a lO-day motor trip through Pembroke at Providence, Rhode the New England States. Island. Mrs. Henry I. Hoot, Miss Nancy NEWS NOTES Hoot and Billy Hoot of Lafayette avenue, and Mrs. Hoot's grand­daughter Nancy Lawrence, re- Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Ellis of South turned Sunday following a two­Chester road, accompanied by Dr. week vacation in Avalon. They Ellis' sister Capt. Marguerite F. were join~ there last week by . EUis of Greenwich, COnD., have Mr. Hoot, Helen Hoot, and Mr. returned following a seven-week and Mrs. Lewis D. Lawrence who automobile trip that covered 12,000 had' just returned from an extend­miles while visiting the National ed trip through the west, and in Parks throughout ·the west, Mex- time to celebrate the third birth­lco and 'Victoria, Lake Louise and day of their daughter Nancy. Mr. Banff, Canada. and Mrs. Lawrence and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Gem- lef~ Tuesday for Ohio to visit rel­mill, Betty, Bruce and Lee Gem- atives while en route to ~ mill of Vassar avenue have re- Ang eI e s, C a IO1 f ., whe re Mr. Law - turned after spe~ding a few days rence has accepted a position as at Lake Harmony in the Poconos~ legal counsel. . 0 Mrs. E. M. Bassett, Miss Eliz- 0 Dr. and Mrs. John M. Pearson, abeth Bassett, Miss Kathryn Bas- Frances and John Pearson of Cor­sett of North Chester road an4 nell avenue returned sunda, fol­Mrs. Francis C. Wari:en of Wal- lowing a three-week vacation at nut lane returned Tuesday fol- 1\ valon. lowing a month's automobile trip Mr .and Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath to Nova Scotia and Maine. and their ?aughter Jean of Ben- Beth Jones, daugqter of Mr. and jamin West avenue returned Fri­Mrs. Donald P. Jones of Swarth- day after v,,"cationing in Stone more Ave. who has been camping Harbor for three weeks. at Camp Tamarac in the Pocones Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Patman for five weeks, won the cup as' and daughter Pat of Princeton av­the Best All-Around Camper. enue have returned home follow- Pat Told of Park avenue left ing a two-week vacation at Lake this morning for Camden, Me., the Poconos.· where she \\111 attend Merestead Mrs. Arthur H. Tomlinson of Hockey Camp for two weeks be- South Chester road is improving fore leaving for Sargent College, at Taylor Hospital '. where she has Boston. been a m~dical patient for 10 'Polly Told of Park avenue is days. spending tbis we~k visiting Ellen Mr. and ~Mrs. W. H.Gehring Pratt at her summer home on and Ginny Gehring of University North Haven Island, Me. Polly place have' returned home fol­and Ellen were campmates at lowing a two-month vacation at Camp Merestead, Camden, Me., Riverhead, L.I. They were joined where Polly was presented with there by WIT. and Mrs. Walter the Honor Cup at the season's MacFarland of \Voodbury, N.J. close August 22. She will re- Mrs. MacFarland 0 is the former turn to Merestead tomorrow fur Miss Jean Gehring. two weeks of hockey camp hefore Mrs. John H. McWilliams of starting her junior year studies Benjamin West' avenue has re­at Swarthmore High ,School. turned following a motor trip Alice FelYpws of M:edia has· through the Catskills and Adiron­been visiting Susanne Ellis at dacks and a mOrl'th spent in East Wiscasset. Me., between the reg- Northfield, Mass. During her ular camp session and hockey absence her house was occupied. camp. by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cotney. -----------_ ... __ ... _- .-.------ _.- " ' . ~. : '.. ". " .. " . LAKE WESAUKING LODGE Towanda, Pa. Inviting Swarthmoreans and their friends to visit in their cool, comfortable and ~elight£ul lodge. W f! serve delicious meals, prepared by real Southern cooks who have been with us for years at ~ur winter acti~ty in "The Rockholm." St. Petersburg, Fla. Most sport activities available on the. prop­erty or nearby. , " • • ' .. )NeARS t stage in Amer~ca's n~w age 'the 'DeS: of finer motoring! . . . 'Will .. oil display OD MODday Augast FUSCO aad ALSTON . CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Swarthmore 3681 with our wonderful HOME FREEZERI" Yes, the modem Home Freezer can be lust Uk. a "reach-ln" food store. In your own home. Quantity buying means less frequent shopping hips - ~nd more economical pur­chases. See the new Home Freezers at your .lectrlcal dealer's sIore oratanyofourstores. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY / -. .' - - ,-' .. -"-~-:!:,,,'':'~---'~-'-~'"'':..'----'-''"---~~ -~-~"" ... -,' -~:'-:-, .••• .' .. •

    ---------- Page 15 ----------

    INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE . \ 8 THE SWARTHMOREAN AUGUST 28, 1949 Class of 1949 I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morey of' MEDIA UNIT REOPENS I charge of the kindergarten. Mr. Yale avenUe have just returned CLASSES ~EMBER 6th Don and Mrs. Margaret Riggs (00- Back To School Needs Children's Dresses, Sizes 3 to 6 x, 7 to 14 College Bound from a three-week trip in New The Alexander Foundationi principals), Mrs. Ailsa Turbayne, and Mr. Tom Riggs teach the grades, Mrs. Turbayne also super­vises the art work and Tom Riggs also teaches shop. (Contil}ued from page one) England, visiting first at the Stan- School at 600 North Jackson street, Media, will begin another school year on September 6 with full enrollment in the grades. Children .Junior MI88 Sizes 9 to 15 MIsses Boston; Betsy Schoenberg to Rad- ley Farm, Burpee Hill, near Lake cliffe College, Harvard University, Sunapee, N.H., and later at Cam­Cambridge; and Pat Told to Sal'- den, Me., as the guests of Mr. and gent College, Boston University, Mrs. L. M. Thomas of Scarsdale, Cambridge. Nancy Terry and Mar- N.Y. On their return trip they jorie Lewis set out for Bowling stopped::it Ogunquit to visit David Green University, Bowling Green, Morey, working at a hotel for the Ohio. Andy March heads for Ken- summer. from kindergal1ten throu~ the -------------­Sizes 10 to 20 yon College, at Ga~ier, and Barbara Thatcher of College av­Gwen Watkins for Wooster, both enue, and Ellen and Frances Fitts eighth grade, are given a thorough grounding in the three R's, science, social studies and an introduction to art, music, dramatics, crafts, and manual training. Mrs. Alice Kirk will continue in RUTH IZUMI Dress Shop Theatre Square 631 South Chester Road in Ohio. of Quaker Lane F-3.nn, Edgemont, -------------- Allen Joncs and Larry Dalton Pa., will leave Sunday by autom­will attend University of Delaware obile for Wichita Falls, Texas at Newark. Jack Dodd and Bruce where thcy will visit Mrs. Peter Godfrey enter Washington and Wilkinson, ·the fonner Miss Nancy Lee University at Lexington, Va. Fitts. Following a week's visit Three '4gers go to Maryland, Barbara will go on to Northwes­Jane Hawke at Goucher College tern University for the fall sem­in Baltimore, David Chickering ester. at Univel'sity of Maryland, College Mr .and Mrs. James A. Davies of Park, and Dorothy Nester at st .. Cedar lane returned last week by Joseph's College, Emmitsburi· Pan American plane from London, Douglas Spencer enters Uni- England following a two-month versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor. visit with relatives and friends. June Reynard has chosen the Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby Vogue School of Design in Chi- of Dickinson avenue have returned cago, Ill. Helen Ware will enter from a IO-day motor trip ·through Pembroke at Providence, Rhode the New England States. Island. Mrs. Henry I. Hoot, Miss Nancy Hoot and Billy Hoot of Lafayette NEWS NOTES avenue, and Mrs. Hoot's grand­daughter Nancy Lawrence, re- Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Ellis of South turned Sunday following a two­Chester road, accompanied by Dr. week vacation in Avalon. They Ellis' sister Capt. Marguerite F. were joined there last week by Ellis of Greenwich, Conn., have Mr. Hoot, Helen Hoot, and Mr. returned following a seven-week and Mrs. Lewis D. Lawrence who automobile trip that covered 12,000 had' just returned from an extend­miles while visiting the National ed trip through the west, and in Parks throughout the west, Mex- time to celebrate the third birth­ico and Victoria, Lake Louise and day of their daughter Nancy. Mr. Banff, Canada. and Mrs. Lawrence and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Gem- left Tuesday for Ohio to visit rel­mill, Betty, Bruce and Lee Gem- atives while en route to Los mill of Vassar avenue haVe re- Angeler;, Calif., where Mr. Law·· tUnled after spending a few days renee has accepted a position as at Lake Harmony in the Poconos. legal counflel. Mrs. E. M. Bassett, Miss Eliz-· Dr. and Mrs. John M. Pearson, abeth Bassett, Miss Kathryn Bas- Frances and John Pearson of Cor­sett of North Chester road and nell avenue returned Sunda, fol­Mrs. Francis C. Warren of Wal- lowing a three-week vacation at nut lane r<>turned Tuesday fol- Avalon. lowing a month's automobile trip Mr .and Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath to Nova Scotia and Maine. and their daughter Jean of Ben- Beth Jones, daughter of Mr. and jamin West avenue returnoo Fri­Mrs. Donald P. Jones of Swarth- day after vacationing in Stone more Ave. who has been camping Harbor Cor three weeks. at Camp Tamarac in the Poconos Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Patman for five weeks, won the cup as· and daughter Pat of Princeton av­the Best All-Around Camper. enue have returned home follow- Pat Told of Park avenue left ing a two-week vacation at Lake this morning for Camden, Me., Wallen paupack .in the Poconos. where she will attend Merestead Mrs. Arthur H. Tomlinson of Hockey Camp for two weeks be­fore leaving for Sargent College, Boston. Polly Told of Park avenue is spending this week visiting Ellen Pratt at her summer home on North Haven Island, Me. Polly and Ellen were campmates at Camp Merestead, Camden, Me., where Polly was presented with the Honor Cup at the season's close August 22. She will re­turn to Merestead tomorrow for two weeks of hockey camp before starting her junior year studies at Swarthmore High School. Alice FelVows of Media has been visiting Susanne Ellis at Wiscasset, Me., between the reg­ular camp session and hockey camp. South Chester road is improving at Taylor Hospital where she has been a medical patient for 10 days. Mr. and -Mrs. W. H. Gehring and Ginny Gehring of University place have returned home fol­lowing a two-month vacation at Riverhead, L.r. They were joined there by Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacFarland of Woodbury, N.J. Mrs. MaCFarland is the former Miss Jean Gehring. Mrs. John H. McWilliams of Benjamin West' avenue has re- I turned following a motor trip I through the Catskills and Adiron­dacks and a month spent in East Northfield, Mass. !>uring ·her absence her house was occupied· by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cotney. LAKE WESAUKING LODGE Towanda, Pa. Inviting Swarthmoreans and their friends to visit in their ('ool~ comfortable and delightful lodge. We' serve delicious meals, prepared by real Southern cooks who have been with us for years at our winter activity in "The Rockholm" St. Petersburg, Fla. Most sport activities available on the prop­erty or nearby. . -. ,', - -.. .' ',' . '. . .. '~. '. " ": : ',' ~::. , . .. '- . " • • II 1\\1. t stClc;Je in Amer~ca's new age 'the nelt of finer motoring! WiD be OD display 0. Monday Augusl 29 al FUSCO and ALSTON CHESTER and FAIRVIEW ROADS Swarthmore 3681 with our wonderful HOME FREEZER!" Ves, the modem Home Freezer can be iust like a "reach-in" food store. in your own home. Quantity buying means less frequent shopping trips - ~nd more economical pur­chases. See the new Home Freezers at your electrical dealer's store orat anyofourstores. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY • •