The Swarthmorean, 1944-12

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    First published as The Swarthmorean in 1929, this newspaper continues to the present day.

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    Editor (edt): Told, Peter E.
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    1944 DECEMBER.pdf
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    .... Support the War Chest j " TMESWARTMMOREAN , , VOL XVI-No. 47 SWAR11fMoRE,.pA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1,1944 $3.00PER~ . . ----~----------------------------- 4. ,UALADDIN" OPENS JUNIOR SEASON Air of· Mystery And Magic Permeates . Performance A one hundred· percent juvenile caat under t~e direction of Bernyce Atkinson opened the Junior sea­sonat the Players' Club last Sat­urday with a gay and colorful pro­duction of "Alad-:Iin and the Wo.n-derful Lamp." , The play was well cast and well directed, the timing excellent, and the atmosphere ot magic beautiful­ly built up and splendidly sus~­Scrap Drive-Dec. 9 The Boy Scouts, who are con­auctlng a paper drive on De­cember 9 ask all residents of the borough to gather 0.11 their scrap paper together, tle it, and place it on the curb tor collection be­fore noon on SatUrday, Decem­ber 9. WOMEN'S BRIDGE AIDS WELFARE Club to Fete County Officers and Presi. dents At Tea ed throughout the three acts The annual Philanthropic Card and five scenes .. The staging and Party of the Woman's Club held on costummg w~re simple and most Tuesday.· under the direction of effective. The Lighting was good Mrs. Harry L. MllIer Health and and contributed greatly to the eerie Welfare chairman o.nd Mrs. Ray­atmosphere ot several of the mond K. Denworth Education scenea. chairman was attended by approxl- Mrs. L. C. Hastings assisted with mately 160' members and friencI8. the direction and Mrs. Charles An- The proceeds ot the will be de's was In charge of properties.. used to support the club's yearly In the title role . Sandy Fbrd program of welfare work. played with treshness, naturalness, . Mrl5. A. E. Longwell and MnJ. A. an~ ease. Barbara Thorbahn was P. Shenkle werE> in charge of the charming as the PrlnceB8 Adora. sale of plants, Mrs. John J. Ess':' The Sultan her tather and Noona Unger and Miss Lllllan Boyt of her attendant were played with ap- cakes and. rolls, Mrs. C. Russell parent enjoyment by La.rry Franck PhUUps and Mrs. J. J .. Harrant, of and Louise Elkins. candy, M'rs. Harold Ogram .nuts, Charles Andes did a particularly anti Mrs. Arthur R. Dana, Mrs. J. good piece ot character work as Paul Brown arid Mrs. A. Schmidt the Maglctan. He was ,entirely tickets. convinCing in the role of a schem- Mrs. \ Edward W. Furst donated ing old vllIain, and his voice a~d the three door prizes which were business were well. handled: ' won by Mrs: T. Harry Brown, Mra. JUchard~ossbar4t . ..Ge~,e ,~f,R: 'J.' Littlefield, o.nd Mra. Lesl.le ·,tbe" ,;,itlilg~~'Ul9 .. 'tialtiIp':'1iU~,1rti. ':Ctifke;' ~"'" . four slaves Donald MacElwee, Neal . Gallagher, Sandy Clark, and Bruce <iodfrey did much to orea~ the air of mystery and magic that })erm" eated the whole· performance. The brllliant flaah of light 'ea13h time the Genie appeared waa goo.d the­at. re and tur.nJshed plenty of thr~lls tor the the afternoon audience and startling surprises for the more so­The committee w18hes to expreas Its appreciation to all who support­ed the ~vent' and to 'Martel's tor printing the tickets. . On Tuesday, Decembe'r 6 the club will hold a Reciprocity Tea for' cou.nty omcers ~nd prealdents ot the Women's Clubs In Delaware County. Gertrude Beattys, dra­matic reader, wlll present In cos­tume a three-part progro.m entitled "They Also Served,"· which In­cludes incidents In the Uves ot Molly Pitcher, Mother Blckerdyke and Julia Ward Howe. There will be musical Interludes between the scenes. Past presidentwlll preside at the tea table. phisticated evening crowd. Vir~la Brandt as Aladdin's mother and Sue Surrlck as KalIJlsa. played with good change of pace and . brought & dignity to their parts that these more mature roles demande~. A group of citizens that included Corrlne FOBter, Betsy Earnshaw, Jack Bird, Sandra Milne, Chrftrtlne Ford, MUdred McCowan and Rus­sell · Snyder appeared in several scenes. 'This forty-first Junior production marks the ' beginning of the eleventh season of Junior attrac­tions sponsored by tbe Players' Club. The first children's })lay was presented In October, 1934 and since that time a.n enthusiastic Junior membership has been among the club's best boosters. Local Public Opinion Poll Idea Spreads Over Country· Interest in the Swarthmore pub- 11c opInion poU, on whether the United States should joIn an in­ternational organlsation to keep' peace and just how we should. per­form our part in It, Is spreading from Swarthmore to Washington and other 10caUtles. Copies ot the questloDllalre, which w.tll shortly be submitted to all adult residents ot the borough, have been brought to the attentlo.n of members of the Bena.te Committee on Foreign Re­latlona anti the Stat. Department. Their Interest in .It Is natural since thle will be the first complet~ community 8uJ'Vey ot publlc opin­ion on this Important natioual .18;' sue. Membeni of COJl8TUB are expect­ed to 11M thJa reallatlc queatlon­nair. to determine ~ubllc oplDiou In their oWn . 4l8trict-. ' On Tuesday, Nov. 21, :Mrs. Josephine R. Hopwood talked to the Club on Current Events. The speaker also showed a very lnter­esting colored film. "Syria to In­dia." The hostesses for the after­I\ oon were Mrs. Arvel ~Icks and .......... rs.T. Har.'""'," Brown whUe Mrs. HR . L. W.tLklnson o.nd Mrs. Frank . McCowan presided at the tea table. SEARS LECTURE HERE The Willlam J. Cooper Founda­tion is sponsoring two lectures by Professor Paul ~. Sears, of Oberlin College. . Professor Sears will speak on "Ms.n' and Resources in the United states" on Sunday, December 3 in the Meeting House at '1: 15. He will speak on 'Ecology as a Scien~e ot Perspectives" in the Martin Bio­logtcal Laboratory, Monday after­noon, December 4, at 4: SO. _ Mr. Sears who ,Is profeB8or ~f BotanY at Oberlin College, is co­laborator with the Floral Conser­vation Service, U. S. Department of AgrIculture. He has written popu­lar books on science. including "Deserts on the March," "This Is Our World," and also many scien-tific papers. ' The pubUc is cordlaily invited to attend both lectures. , LW.V. BoarcI Mill" The regular Board MeetiU 'of the swarthmore LeaPe ot Women Votel'll is being Jleld todaY at 10 a.m. at rile . home of ..... LaRue ~e~drlDon, Uli NortllCheater road. , ... POSTPONE SQUAD HONOR NIGHT Rev. David Braun To Toast Group Dec. 8 Complying with numerous re­quests C.MacDonald Sws.n, chair­man of the Borough CItizen Com­mittee to honor the High School football squad has announced that the football honor night originally planned to be held this Friday evening has been postponed until Friday evening, December 8, and will be held In the High School Au­ditorium. Because of confllcUng LT.LAURENCES.KENT VIEW, STANDARDS , . FOR UNITED:ACTION Speakers Admit Need For Agreed . Program One of the liveLiest Home and School meetings In recent years completely absorbed parents pres­cnt In the high school auditorium despite the hard ralo ot Monday night. The announced topic ot dates it would not have been pos- HOME AFTER 31 MISSIONS sible to have bad many ot the "Standards for Youth" is Impor­tant to the entire community. That fact plUs widely differing theories prevalent on the subject and Its closeneB8 to 0.11 present drew gen­guests planned, particularly' nu- First Lieutenant Laurence S. eral audience parl_iclpatlon. merous memb e.r s 0 f the All- 0 ppo- 1(ent, who has been co-pUot on a Speakers iqr the even.tng whose nent T eam BPlected by the Hlgh 13-1'1 Flying Fortress through 81 consent to discuss so controversial Scb0 01 squad , and the Ir coach ea. ' r.lIBSlons, the first ot which was on a subject was proof both of their By r e aso n of the c h ang~ i n d te concern and theIr COlU'age were the a; "D" Day, has arrived in the states. It Is now possible to announce the He hilS recently been awarded the Rev. George ChrUrtlan Anderson. acceptance of the Reverend David Air Medal and Is also a. proud bear- rector of Trinity Church, Hannah Braun to serve as master of cere- er of 3 Oak Leaf Clusters and the Kirk of the high school's Engllsh monies In the same capacity that he DIstfngwshed Flying Ct088. He has stair, and lUrs. John Jenny of its . fUled so .capably several years ago. participated In bombing attacks mathomatics statt Reverbemtions In announcing "Dave Braun's" ac'; agahist Industrlai targets dlPep from their "no punches· pulied" ceptance Mr. Swan is most enthu- within .Germany and has taken part speeches have not yet qUieted down. siastlc In having been able to obtain· In attacks on airfields, bridges, sup- Mr. Anderson's discourse which one who in spite of his ~verwhehn- ply dumps and gun emplacements considered "What are desirable Ing' ac~vlt.les o.lways has time to be' In front ot our fast moving armies. st8.ndards; how to Instlll in young a. true comrade to all the boys of Bon ot Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. people the desire to adhere to ac­the community an.d one who is Kent of Riverview roaa, Lti Kent a ceptable ptandards: what is the re­most enthusIastic In hls approval of 1987 graduate of Swarthmore High sponslhlilty of parent, chUrch,. and the character building qualit.tea of ,School Is also a lII41'gr,duate ot school?" upheld the more conseJ'V­competitive sports and support of Lake Forest College, lake For~, ative practice ot obedience to au­any extension of the High Schools m. The airman was a foreman 'at thority against the free (and he sports program tor both boys and the Kent ManufacturIng Company, felt locally prevalllng) practice of girls. Clifton Heights., before . t)ntering 8,e]f expression. . "All.yoti ne9d' to It will, also be p08ll;1ble to have 'the AJui' in .iruly, ltd> .Ula ,wife. cil; 'is;to go to drug store present the Colle(re's Director 'of ¥ary,J~u~ '~,cl, r~ull&: S~It llve, 1~ 8.I\«.J!e6 i~':lW,; J;D.~'~~~'~lI,get ~thl~ttcsand Head 'Ooo.c~ of· foot- Qull1C)'. nI. ,'. ,.' ., ..shoved· around . by' 'Swarthmore ball, car] DeUmuth, to discuss -the . In the AAF he ~aa trained In fiy- youngsters to reaLize that It man­continual expanding athletic activi- Ing school at Freeman ~eld, Sey- ners are Q;vlrtue It h~ either been ties partlcularl,Y In· their .re]o.tion- mour, Ind., where he, I:eceived his . unheard ot or forgotten in Swarth­ship to the training of young men wings In November; ius. His pro- more." tor mtiltary service and the devel- motion .trom second lleute.nant to opment of the esse~tial quaUties so ftrat llentenant has recently been necessary In m1l1tary leadership, as announced by the Eighth Air Force well as lite itself. group commander, Colonel Elbert War Chest Near8 Quota! A total of $16,500 for the United War Chest was the ap­proximate amount raised m the borough as The SWarthmorean went to press, annou.nces Frank R. Markley, 1000.1 chairman of the annual campaign .. This is 93 percent of the $16,700 quota. ( CamP' and ' Hospital Tf.J Furnish Sea Chests Recreational chests for merchant marine and smo.ll na.val vessels are being complIed by the camp and Hospital Association. Anyolle wishmg to contribute any o.rtlcles to the organization for this purpose .is' asked to call or take them to Mrs. Theophlle Saul­nier, 330 N. Princeton avenue. telephone Swarthmore 1004. Items needed tor 'the recreation­al chests are: Helton ot San AntoniO, Tex. To Hold Holiday Fair The annual Holiday Fair will be held at Trln.tty Church on Thurs­day. December 7 beginning at ,two o'clock. Dinner WllI be served from 6:30 to 7 :30 p.m. Mrs. Min­ton Harvey Is In coorge of dinner . Children's behavior, he said, Im­Itates that ot their parents who are directly reflected In the careless­ness, selfl8llness. laziness, lack of dlscipUne, or virtue, of their chil­dren. Parents do not now agree as to Wha:~ c04stftute standards even though they "materially aB8lst In the creation ot the chUd's pattern of beha.vior." . (Continued on page 10) Mothen to' Meet reservations, headed by Mrs. Wm. There wUl be a meeting of the B. Bullock and 888lsted by Mrs. D. Eighth Grl".de Mothers in the Mu­Malcolm Hodge. A committee of seum Room ot the Swartlimore nearly Olle hundred has been plan- H1gh School, Thursday, December o.lng the fair for almost a year. 7 at 21 p.m. The subject to be dlscussed at the Mrs. A.E. Pritchard and l!oI.rsIl me~tlng wllI be "The Place of Tests Aldan Q. Davis wfll be In charge In The Modem Educational Pro-ot the fancy table; Mrs. Guenthe~.. . Froebel, co.kes and candle.s; Mrs. gra~nk R. Morey wlll outline the Elwoo!1 Rowand, jemes, jam'!! and standard achievement tests used, pickles;, Mrs. Richard Halg and and explain how they are admlnlB­Mrs. Clarence Worst, white ele- teredo G. Baker Thompson 'Win ph ant ~table; Mrs. Wm. West and speak on the personaUty records Mrs. T. Atlee Hays, the aprons; which are kept ot each child. Dr. Mrs. Joseph Kahler, fish pond. James F. irwin, Latin Instructor, Mrs. S. B. Brewster and Anna will SP~ak on the prognostic teet Blake are In charge of the dinner which Is given at the end of the and Edno. and Helen MUseU will school year to help the pupil decide be the hostesses in the dining room. whether or not he should study Mrs. LoUis Daley Is In charge of latin. decorating, assisted by the Garden Club of Prov.tdence Road. M.rB. James Evans, Mrs. Robert Reed. and Mra. Herbert ~tt will" tell lortu.nes. The. publ1c Is cordially Invited to attend. I ' Recehre Good Newt . Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hansllk of Cornell avenue who had received word on November 1 that their son, Lt. Robert Hanzlik was missing in action, have, through the facllltlea of the International Red Cr08ll, beert notified· that he Is a prlson~ of the German covern~nt. H& .as a pD~ oil a B.-:i. ~lM~r. Famous Couple to Wed Ten tablets ot paper, 6 calendars, 2 harmonicas, Jew's Harp, "Sweet Potato" or "To.nette," 1 dictionary, 1 smo.ll foreign language diction­ary, 16 paper-backed detective stodes, a croas-word puzzle books (late series). 1 atlas or map, 1 wartime' refresher in tundamental mathematics, 10 pre. black shoe laces, 3 cartoon _ books, 2 scrap books (magazine cartoons), 10 pe.ds writing paper and 300 envelopes, 1 monopoly. 1 dominoes, 1 backgam­mOil, 2 checkers, -i chess, 1 crib­bage board, 10 decks cards, 4 decks pinochle, 4 puz&les (not jig­saw), 1 hingo, 1 dart board and darts. 1 Cllln.. eheckers, 1 ring­toIlS set, Ii new victrola records, 2 boxes poker chi.,., I pkp. victrola . '~ C,,..I to Me,t . needles, 10 penclls. vlctro\u, musi- Ti;eKapp~ ~Pl'~ ~ma Sew- Mother Goose Innt .. ' all th~ members of the COIpDlunlty to the weddlnB"ot Sna. WhJte an4 'Prlnce Channing Which wlll take place oil Friday e.enIDt, , ~ldber 1. promptly at '1:30 In the recreation han of the SWartJJmore Methodist Church. King Cole will give away the winsome brlde and the Seven Dwarfs w1ll act as ring bearers. Many 'notables are expected to take parti~ th~ 'tesUvlttes.' Among . them, Mary, Mary'QUite Contrary, Little MlSa Mlitret, HOy Blue, Jack and Jill, Simple Simon and others whom· their taila' ~11l readlly rec­ogntze. . McK.Iaer Gooae will, of course, pi-eutre ~dcJ t. t.aulng this Inv1tat~, 19t~,~~~~ 'YOUlig~ lite,.. from tl1ree to eichty to attend the. ";ed4m. . and the receptloll which ·f'onw.. cal lostruments. bllileballs, . ba~ lnl' Group ,.i1l meet althe home of footballs. mecJ,lctine ball~ ,unehklt ~rtL HGW'a .. d w. ~e~ 3r.. of b boXln~. ass. 810.. an. moaen .W. a,1- nr tat lade em ~, Decem- ~il" HCotdi. uer .. ,

    ---------- Page 2 ----------

    Support the War Chest wnrthmore Library SWarth more, Pa.. THE SWARTHMOREAN , . .. _ ........ . VOL XVI-No. 47 SWARTHMORE, PA~, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1,1944 $3.00PERY~ "ALADDIN" OPENS JUNIOR SEASON Air of Mystery And Magic Permeates Performance Scrap Drive-Dec. 9 The Boy Scouts who are con­dUcting a paper drive on De­cember 9 ask all residents of the borough to gather oll theJr scrap paper together, tie It, and place it on the curb for collection be­fore noon on Saturday, Decem­ber 9. WOMEN'S BRIDGE AIDS WELFARE POSTPONE SQUAD HONOR NIGHT Rev. David Braun To Toast Group Dec. 8 Complying with numerous re­G. uests C. MacDonald Swa.n, chaIr­man of tho Borough Citizen Com­mittee to honor tho High School football squad has announced that tho football honor night originally LT. LAURENCES. KENT VIEW STANDARDS FOR UNITED ACTION Speakers Admit Need For Agreed Program A one hundred percent juvenlle cast under the direction of Bernyce Atkinson opened the Junior sea­son at the Players' Club last Sat­urday with a gay and colorful pro­duction of "Aladdin and the Won­derful Lamp." The play was well cast and well directed, the timing excellent, and the atmosphere of magic beautiful­ly built up and splendidly sustain­ed throughout the three acts and five scenes.. The staging and costuming were simple and most effective. The Lighting was good and contributed greatly to the eerie atmosphere ot several of the scenes. Club to Fete County Officers and Presi­dents At Tea planned to be held this Friday I eVening has been postponed untll :~::::::::}:"::::;""; One of the liveLiest Home and School meetings in recent years completely absorbed ]>arents pres­(' nt In the high school auditorium. uesplte the hard rat.) of Monday night. The unnounced topic of "Standards for Youth" is impor­tant to the entire community. That fact plus widely dIffering theories prevalent on the subject and its closeness to all present drew gen­eral audience participation. Frhlay evening, December 8, and 'Will bo held in the High School Au­ditorium. Because of conflicting dates it would not have been pos­sible to have had many of the guests planned, particularly nu­merous members of the All-Oppo­nent Team selected by the High SchOol squad, and their coaches. By reason of the change in date It Is now possible to announce the Mrs. L. C. Hastings assIsted with acceptance of the Reverend David The annual Philanthropic Card Party of the Woman's Club held on Tuesday, under the direction of Mrs. Harry L. l\IlIIer Health and Welfare chairman Clnd 1\Irs. Ray­mond K. Denworth Education chairman was attended by approxi­mately 150 members and friends. Braun to servc as master of cere­the direction and Mrs. Charles An- The proceeds of the will be monies in the same capacity that he des was in charge of properties. used to suppo.rt the club's yearly tilled so capably several years ago. In the title role Sandy FDrd progra.m ot welfarc work. played with freshness, naturalness, Mrs. A. E. Longwell and Mrs. A. and ease. Barbara Thorbahn was P. Shenkle were in charge of the charming as the Princess Adora. snle of plants, Mrs. John J. Ess­The Sultan her father and Noona linger and Miss Llllian Boy! of her attendant were played wIth ap- cakes and rolls, :Mrs. C. Russell parent enjoyment by Larry Franck Phillips and Mrs. J. J. Harrant, of and Louise Elkins. candy, Mrs. Harold Ogram Jluts, Charl~s Andes did a. particularly and ~lrs. Arthur R. Dana, Mrs. J. good piece of character work as Paul Brown and Mrs. A. Schmidt the Magician. He was entirely tickets. convincing in the role of a schem- Mrs. Edward W. FUrst donated Ing old villain, and his voice and the three door prizes which were business were well handled. won by Mrs. T. Harry Brown, Mrs. ruchard Bosshardt as Genie of R. J. Littlefield, and 1\[rs. LesUe the Rlng··and· the' Lamp 'an~ bls .Clarke. four slaves Donald MacElwee, Neal Gallagher, Sandy Clark, and Bruce Godfrey did much to create the air of mystery and magic that perm­eated the whole performance. The brUliant flash of light 'each time the Genie appeared was good the­atre and furnished plenty of thrills for the the afternoon audience and startling sW'prises for the more so­phisticated evening crowd. Virg.lnla Brandt as Aladdin's mother and Sue Surrick as Kallssa played with good change of pace and brought a dignity to their parts that these more mature roles demanded. A group of citizens that Included Corr.ine Foster, Betsy Earnshaw, Jack Bird, Sandra Milne, ChrftJtlne Ford, Mildred Mc.Cowan and Rus­sell Snyder appoored in several scenes. '1'hls forty-first Junior production marks the beginning ot the eleventh season of Junior attrac­tions sponsored by the Players' Club. The first children's play was presented In October, 1934 and since that time an enthusiastic Junior membershIp has been among the club's best boosters. Local Public Opinion Poilldea Spreads Over Country Interest in the Swarthmore pub­lic opinion poll, on whether the United States should join an in­ternational organization to keep peace and just how we should per­form our part In it, is spreading from Swarthmore to Washington and other localities. Copies of the questionnaire, which w.m shortly be submitted to all adult residents of the borough, have been brought to the attention of members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Re­Jations and the State Department. Theil' Interest In .It Is natural since this will be the first complete community survey of publlc opin­ion on this hnportant national .is­sue. Mem bera of .Congress are expect­ed to use this realistic question­naire to determine public oplD1on In their own districts. The committee wishes to express its appreciation to all who support­ed the event and to Martel's for printing the tickets. On Tuesday, December 5 the club will hold a Reciprocity Tea for county officers and presidents of the Women's Clubs in Delaware County. Gertrude Beattys, dra­matic reader, will present In cos­tume a three-part progmm entitled "They Also Served," which in­cludes incidents in the lives of Molly Pitcher, Mother Bickerdyke and Julia ,Vard Howe. There will be musical Interludes between the scenes. Past president will preside at the tea table. On Tuesday, Nov. 21, Mrs. Josephine R. Hopwood talked to the Club on .Current Events. The speaker also showed a very lnter­esting colored fi1m, "Syria to In­dia." The hostesses for the after­noon were Mrs. Arvel lUcks antl Mrs. T. Ha,·.ry Brown while l>lrs. R. L W.iLkinson nnd Mrs. Frank H. ?\;ccowan presided at the tea table. SEARS LECTURE HERE The Wl1liam J. Cooper Founda­tion Is sponsoring two lectures ~y Professor Paul B. Sears, of Oberlm College. Professor Sears wlll speak on "Man and Resources in the Unlt~d States" on Sunday, December 3 10 the Meeting House at 7:15. He will speak on 'Ecology as a SCle~ce of Perspectives" in the Martin BIO­logical Laboratory, Monday after­noon. December 4, at 4: 30. f Mr. Sears who Is professor 0 Botany at Oberlin College, is col­laborator with the Floral Conser­va. tion Service. U. S. Department of AgrIculture. He has written popu­lar books on science, Including "Deserts on the March," "This is Our World," and also many scien­titlc papers. The publlc is cordially Invited to attend both lectures. L.W.V. Board Meets The regular Board Meeting of the SWarthmore LealUe of women Voters ls being held today at 10 a.m. at t'he home of Mrs. LaRue Hendr1xaon, U5 North Chester road. In announcing "Dave Braun's" ac­ceptance Mr. Swan is most enthu­siastic in having been able to obtain one who In Epite of his overWhelm­Ing activities nlways hrui time to be' a true com.rade to all the boys of the community and one who is most enthusiastic in hIs approval of the character buUdlng qualities of competitive sports and support of any extension of the High Schools sports program for both boys and girls. It 'Will also be possible to have present the .College's DIrector of ~thletics and Head COlLCh of foot­ball, Carl Dellmuth, to discuss the couUnual expanding athletic activi­ties particularly In theJr relation-ship to the traIning of young men lor mllltary service and the devel­opment of the essential qualities so necessary in military leadership, as well as life itself. War Chest Nears Quota! A total of $15,500 for the United 'Var Chest was the ap­proximate amount raised in the borough as The Swarthmorean went to press, announces Frank R. Markley, 10001 chairman of the annual campaign. This is 93 percent of the $16.700 quota. , Camp and Hospital To Furnish Sea Chests Recreational chests for merchant marine and small naval vessels are being compiled by the Camp and Hospital Association. Anyone wIshing to contribute any articles to the organization for this purpose .is' asked to call or take them to Mrs. Theophile Saul­nier, 330 N. Princeton avenue, telephone Swarthmore 1004. Items needed for the recreation­al chests are: Ten tablets of paper. 6 calendars, 2 harmonicas, Jew's Harp, "Sweet Potato" or "Tonette," 1 dictionary, 1 small foreign language diction­ary, 15 paper-backed detective stor.ies, 3 cross-word puzzle books (late series), 1 atlas or map, 1 wartime refresher in fundamental mathematics. 10 prs. black shoe laces. 3 cartoon books, 2 scrap books (magazine cartoons), 10 pads writing paper and 300 envelopes, 1 monopoly. 1 dominoes, 1 backgam­mon, 2 checkers, -1 chess, 1 crib­bage board, 10 decks playing cards, 4 decks pinochle, 4 puzzles (not jig­saw), 1 bingo, 1 dart board and darts, 1 Chinese checkers, 1 ring­toss set, 8 new victrola records, 2 boxes poker chips, 3 pkgs. victrola needles. 10 pencils, victrolas, musi­cal Instruments. baseballs, bats, footballs, medicine balls, punching bags, boxing gloves, and modern swing records. HOME AFl'ER 31 MISSIONS First Lieutenant L'lurence S. Kent, who hr.s been co-pilot on a B-17 Flying Fortress through 31 missIons, the first of which was on "D" Day. has arrived in the states. He has recently been awarded the AIr Medal and is also a proud bear­er of 3 Oak Leaf Clusters and the Dlstingu.ished I<'lying Cross. He has participated in bombing attacks against industrial targets d~ep withIn Germany and has tuken part In attacks on aIrfields, bridges, sup­ply dumps and gun emplacements in front of our fast moving armies. Son of Mr. alld Mrs. Russell H. Kent of Riverview road, Lt. Kent a 1937 graduate of Swarthmore High School Is also a 1941 gr,duate of Lake Forest College, Laktl Forest, Ill. The airman was a foreman at the Kent Manufacturing Company, Clifton Heights, before entering the AAF In July, 1942. HIs wite, Mary LoUise and young son live In Quincy, '111. . In the AAF he was trained In fly­Ing school at Freeman Field, Sey­mour. Ind., where he received hIs wings In November; 1943. His pro­motion from second lieutenant to flrst lieutenant has recently been announced by the Eighth Air Force group commander, Colonel Elbert Helton of San Antonio, Tex. To Hold Holiday Fair Tho annual Holiday Fall' will be held at Trin.tty Church on Thurs­day, December 7 beginning at two o·clock. Dinner w1l1 be served from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Min-ton Harvey is In charge of dInner Speakers {qr the evening whose consent to discuss so controversial a subject was proof both of their concern and their courage were the Rev. George Christian Anderson rector of Trinity Church, Hannah Kirk of the high school's Engllsh staff. and ~Irs. John Jenny of its mathematics stuff. Reverberntions from their "no punches pulled" speeches have not yet quIeted down. 1\Ir. Anderson's discourse which considered "'Vhut are desirable standards; how to instill in young people the desire to adhere to ac­ceptable I:Itandards; what is the re­sponsibility of parent, church, and school ?" upheld the more conserv­ative practice of obedience to au­thority against the free (and he felt locally prevamng) practice of self expression. "All you need to do Is to go to the local drug store and see how many times you get shoved around by Swu.rthmore youngsters to reaLize that if man­. ners are Q. virtue It has either been unheard ot or forgotten In Swarth­mo. re." Children'S behavior, he said, im­itates that of their parents who are directly reflected In the careless­ness, selfishness, lazJness, lack ot diSCipline, or virtue, of their chil­dren. Parents do not now agree as to what constitute standards even though . they "materially assist In the creation of the child's pattern ot behavior." (Continued on page 10) Mothers to Meet reservations, headed by Mrs. Wm. There wlll be a meeting of the B. Bullock and assisted by Mrs. D. Eighth Grade Mothers in the Mu­Malcolm Hodge. A committee of scum Room of the Swartlimore nearly one hundred has been plan- High School, Thursday, December ning the fair for almost a yenr. 7 at 3 p.m. The subject to be discussed a.t the Mrs. A.E. Prit.c hard and l\ I ill b "Th PI f Tests meeting wee ace 0 Alden Q. Davis Will be in charge In The Modern Educational PrO­of the fancy table; Mrs. Guenther Froebel, cukes and candles; Mrs. Elwood Rowand, jemes, jams, and pickles; Mrs. Richard Haig and Mrs. Clarence 'Vorst, white ele­phant table; 1\Irs. \Vm. 'Vest and Mrs. T. Atlee Hays, the aprons; Mrs. Joseph Kahler, fish pond. Mrs. S. B. Brewster and Anna Blake are In charge of the dinner and Edna and Helen l\Lixsell will he the hostesses in the dining room. Mrs. Louis Daley is In charge of decorating, assisted by the Garden Club of Prov.idence Road. Mrs. James Evans, Mrs. Robert Reed, and Mrs. Herbert B~ett wllI" tell fortunes. The public Is cordially invited to attend. I Receive Good News. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hanzlik of Cornell avenue who had received word on November 1 that their son, Lt. Robert Hanzlik was miSSing In action, have, through the facUities ot the International Red Cross, been notified that he is a prisoner of the German government. He was a pilot on a B-2. Liberator. Kappa Gammas to Meet The Kappa Kappa. Gamma Sew- Ing Group wl11 meet at the home of Mrs. Howard W. NewnlLDl, Jr., of Wa1nut llAne on Tuesday, Decem­ber 6, gram." Frank R. Morey will outline the standard achievement tests used, and explain how they are adminis­tered. G. Baker Thompson 'Will speak on the personality records which are kept ot each child. Dr. James F. Irwin, LaUn Instructor, will speak on the prognostic test which Is given at the end of the school year to help the pupil decide whether or not he should study latin. Famous Couple to Wed Mother Goose Invites all the members of the coIpmunlty to the wedding of Snow White aud PrInce Charming which will take place on Friday evening. December I, promptly at 7:30 In the recreation hall ot the Swarthmore Methodist Church. King Cole will give away the 'Winsome bride a.nd the Seven Dwarfs will act as ring bearers. Many notables are expected to take part In the festivities. Among them. Mary, Mary Quite Contrary, Little Miss Muffet. Boy B1ue. Jack and Jill, Simple Simon and others whom their fans wlll readily rec­ognize. Mother Goose w!l1, of ('ourse, preside and Is Issuing this InvitaUon to all Interested young­aters from three to eighty to attend the wedding and the reception which follows.

    ---------- Page 3 ----------

    ~------------------------':--:"':'~:JoI:r~.~an=·d::)I'~n~.~C~la:u~d:e~c~.~B~ml:th~:O;f~~---BJR'I1fS - ' PER S 0 NA L S Baltimore Pike were hoeta of I~ )l'r. and JoIn. George M. J!lIr\D6, Robert T. HaaUnp. IIOQ ot Kr. and )l'ra L. C. H&otlnp, of Cornen avenue, recently ..-ad.uated from the Aviation Ra\\lo achot.l, Jack· sonv.llle. Fla •• and was promoted to, Seaman Firat .claao !n the U. B. Navy. Entering the Navy April 16, 1944, he received bta recruit train­ing at Camp Peary, Va.., before be­ing tra.qsferred to the Naval Air TeohnicAl Training center. He 1a noW a qualified Aviation Radioman and·is scheduled for OP­erational Training. He will prob­ably see service as a. Naval .AJ.r­crewman. Lt. (jg) Wl\llam Rutherford,· U. S N R who Is on duty In the Tln­i~ iSI~~dB enjoyed a. reunion with his friend Lt. Robert G. Erskine. Jr., in the M8.l'iannas. . au- of & Frlenela' n~lghborhood. Jr., of Conco'rd A.rma. Haverford group at .upper at their home sun,- are receiving congratul&tlona .on the . )l'r. and )1'.... Wllllam. T. Hep· penBtall ot Pittsburgh, formerly' of' Rose Valley were week-end guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of "Rocky Spring Farm." .Media. Mr. and Mrs. Bates and tbeir guests at­tended the Series the ·Woman's Club Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Janes ot Dicklu80n avenue t apent two days laot weak In New York City attending a. meeting ot the Mlddle­States Association of Colleges and Seconde.ry Schools which met in the Hotel New Yorker. On F.riday mornLng Dr. Jones read 8. report and On Saturday morning had charge ot a meeting deallng with the .co~nBeling of returning veter-ans. birth 01 a daughter ADn Qbrlstlne, day evening: Mr. and K .... Cha.rle. Dea.eon of on November 2% In the L71ng~ln Lafayette avenue enterta.lned at Hoop)tal, Philadelphia. Thanksglvtng dinner at their home. The new baby la a granddaughter Their guests Included )l'r. and)l'ra of Mr. and )l'rs. George )1'. Ewing Otto Kraus, Jrlisa Anne Kraus, Mr. of Columbia avenue. Thom&a Andrew and )l'r. Philip Mrs. Ewing la the daughter of Whitney. all of Swarthmore. Major Conrad ,Sehatte of Oblo, for- !.:Ir, and Mrs. Harold M. ¥arch marly of Swarthmore. and Is the of Elm avenue have Mrs. March's granddaughter of' Mr. and:M1'8. mother. Mrs. John Clarence Lee of James Hanna. ot Vassar avenue. Stamford, Conn., and Packer Cor­nera, vt .• vis1ting with them. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M. Parry of Moylan entertained Mr. e.nd Mrs. John M. Pearson and their cbtl­dren Francy and Johnnie at dinner on Saturday evenJ,ng In honor ot Mrs. Pearson's birthday. Yr. and Mrs. S. H. Hemenway of Strath' Haven a.venue are being congratulated· on the birth of a daughter named Marion Hamlin. on Thanksgiving Day In the Lying .. In.Hoopltal. Phlladelphla.. Lt. (jg) Cyrus R. Harvey and Mrs. Harvey 01 Drexel road are re­ceiving congratulations on the Mr and Mrs. George J. Jones of sout~ Cllester road enterta1ne~ at a. famUy dLnner _on Tha.nksgivlng day. The guests inciu~ed Norris Jones ond Dr. and Mrs. C .. MARY DUNHILL • PR.J.NCE birth of a eon ErIc Roblll8on Har­vey. on November 10 1D ~.ID.­Hospital, Philadelphia. THE PLAYERS CLUB Of Swarthmore JUNIOR MISS ComedrbJ" Jerome Cbodorov 8DIIl J_ph Flelde Dlmcf:Or, J. WllUam Slm"'!'lDS ~mnber12,13,14,15,16 8:20 P. M. MATCH'ABELLI • CHANEL Col. E. E. Keatley Is in toreign service. Mrs. Kea.tley and theIr daughter D~e. formerly of the SWarthmore Apartments, are nOW living In San Franclsco. Cal., with the Keatley's daughter Mrs. Harlin Fraumann_ whose hUflb8.l,1d Is on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner ot Dickinson avenue entertained at Thanksgiving dinner at their home. Their guests included Mrs. C. W. Worst of Cornell avepue, W. .C. Cheeseman of Landsdowne. Mrs. Anna. Atklnson ot Elkin. N. C., )1'188 Helen C. HllI of Elizabeth City, N. C .• and James MacDonald or Ridley Park. Their Sunday dinner guests were. Dr. and Mrs. LesUe · of Bridgeton. N. J.t "Mr. and Mrs. William Nassau of paoll, and Mr .. and :Mrs. "Carl Dell· muth of Harvard aVenue. E. Mc.Clung of swarthmore; Miss Hel~n McLean and Mrs. Charles F. Z H1l1 of pb.lladelphla.. 0 Mrs. Bardwell Lincoln of Ogden ~ avenue anterta.tnec;l eight guests tot" :J luncheon and bridge at ber home ::c The Bouquet duty In tbe PacifiC. . Mrs. A. E. LongWell has just re­ceived word that her son Pfc. Rob .. ert R. Longwell ba8 returned to his companY in the combat engine:ers. Bob spent over a. month in a hos­pital as a. result of an operation on his leg-due to an Injury. on Wednesday. <Il Mr. Robert Reed of Swarthmore • avenue left on Tuesday of this - week for Chicago to attend the In- 5 ternatlonal Live Stock Show. Sgt. Charles Brogan who bas bee·n stationed with the Combat Engineers at Ce.lnP B~t.ner. N. C., bas arrived in England. Hostesses at the swarthmore­MuBic Club meeting on -Tuesday evening. In Whittier House were Mrs. George Zimmer, chairman, assisted by !drs. John DeUefaen, Mrs. Roy M. Horsey. and Mrs. A. M. Lackey. Mrs. William C. Campbell of <Il Yale e.venue left on Thursday for 3 Olathe, Kansas to visit her hus- ~ band, Lt. W, C. Campbell. Dr. and Mrs. A.. F. Jackson of Park ayt\Due entertained Mr. A.·R. Rowlf!ltt ot Lester. England as their house guest tor a few da}'s Paul Cleaver. Jr •• SOn ot Mr. and MrS. Paul Cleaver of West Hart .. ford. Conn., formerly of Swarth­more has left tbls country for over­seas duty. Mrs. Harry W; Lang of Dickinson avenqe is entertaining her brldge clu" at a luncheon at her home to· daY. of this week. Mrs. Charles W. Lukens of Strath Haven avenue will be hoa­tess to the local PI Beta P~'8 at a luncheon and all-day sewing meet­Ing on Thursdq. December 7. The group are making garments for the Friends Service. 2nd Lt. Ted Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker of Bo'lVlIng Green. Media." who is serving under General Patton in the American 3rd Army 95th DivIsion. has been a­warded the Combat Infantryman's Medal for work done ~n night pat­rols behind the enemy lines. Leonard V. Van Aredale. Yeoman 2/c has joined hls wife and their young daughter Susan at the home of Mrs. Van .Arsdalo·s parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wolters ot ·Cedar lane, wbUe on a short leave. Mrs. Frank Baker· of Bo~llng Green. Med.1a. entertaln-ed friends at luncheon on Tuesday.' Her guests were Mrs. Fred Hartvlgson and Miss Ne.talle· Shanafelt of Chester, Robb .cochran and Mr&. Wllllam Soden at Swarthmore. and Mrs •. Vernol\. M. Parry ot Moy­l8. n. _ Major and Mrs.· W. Sproul LeWls of Swarthmore avenue entertained informally on sunday afternoon in honor ot Major and Mrs. Marvel Wilson ot Strath Haven a.venue. Major Wilson was home on leave· from his station a.t Romulus, Mich. The guests Included Lt. and Mrs. Don~ld W. poole, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Samuel Dyer Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Morse, Lt. Col. and Mrs. R-ex I. Gary, ot Swarthmore, and Mr. and Mrs. James Cochran of. Wall­Ingford. Mrs. Wllllam Dietz and her babY son Wlllla:rn. Jr •• of Riverview road will spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. HatTY F. Dietz of W.1l­min~ on. Del. Mrs. E; C. Heg' at Rutgers ave­nue entertained Mrs. John ,1etfords of Vassar avenue, Mrs. Howard Adams at Harvard avenue. and Mrs. l.JewiS Goodenough ot for luncheon on· Tuesday before attending the bridge party at the Woman's Club. Mrs. e. F. Noyes ot Parrish road has returned from San FranciSCO, CaL. where she has been v1.s.iting. ·Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Smith of Baltimore Pike entertained 30 members of the SwaJ:t.hmore Friends who reside in the vicinitY ot Rivervlew. Ogden. and swarth .. more Qvenues tor the purpose or getting acquainted. Another such gathering will meet in the future at the home ot Mrll Leroy Mercer, N. Chester road, with Mrs. Walter Shoemaker as co .. hostess. Jean Flaherty of Unive"l'sity place has· transferred from Duke University to swarthmore. college where she Is a member o( Ule Junior class. .,.------ ENGAGEMENT Mrs. John BorcherF of North Bergen, N. J,.f announces the en­gagement of ber daughter. Miss Edith Elizabeth Borchers to pvt. lIe WUson Shlbe Burke. son ot Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Burke of Wes­dale avenue. swarthmore. :MiSS Borchers attended Urslnus Qnd is now a student at the Bepke­ley School. N. Y. Pvt. Burke is serving in the .t\.r­mored Division overseas. He grad­uated from Bordentown Mlllta.n:" Institute and attended Ursinus Col­lege until lils enlistment. DO YOU KNOW The 881'1 Cue for AD,. Autio Trouble' JUST (lALl. 0-&40 RUSSEIJ..'S SERVICE Mrs. Harry W. Lang ot. Dickln­SOD avenue. general chairman ot the Series Dance Committee\ re­ports a large attendance at the dance held Saturday evening in the Woman·s Club. Mrs. William R. Huey was chairman .in charge of refreshments. Her assistants were Mra. C. Irwin Galbreath. Mrs. Russell White, and Mrs. Edwin W. Mrs. James Kelley and twin daughters Caroi and .Joan of Sea-­tord, Del., are visiting Mra. Kel-­leys parents Mr. and Mrs .. Che.ries Brogan ot GuernseY and Thayer roads for 10 days. Mr. Kelley will his tamlly over the week-end. Carol and Joan will be christened In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. Make your Cdr· LalSt. tbe Duratfo Regular Senlee ·\VW Do It.. , MEDIA THEATRE LAST 2 DAYS CrosbY. Friday-Saturday • NOW! . Gene TIERNEY Dana ANDREWS Cliflon WEBB In LAURA with SPENCER· TRACY "The Seventh Cross" First Run World News War 'Bond Premiere Wednesday at 8:15 P. M. (Only.One Showing Metro·Goldwn·Mayera ) "AN AMERICAN ROMANCE" Iii T eebnieolor Starring Bryan Donlevy NO TICKETS SOLD Admission Free to Bond Buyers Only . ',. BUY YOUR BONDS NOW "'Navy ~. Headquart.., Old B~ B1cltr· . ~ Pod Office" Swutbm- NationeJ B-nk-and Trad Co. - . . . 1 BEAUTY SALON Beauty is a holiday "musl" 13 South Chester Road CaD Swarthmore 0476 SKYLARK. LUCIEN LE LONG • CHEN YU ~ It's than Trinity Church • Holiday Fair DINNER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1944 2-IOP. M. 5:30 7:30 P. M. nearer Christmas you think ••• You will find attradive gifts for young girls and women at our shop 104 Park Avenue Gifts Wrapped Free Open Evenings Until 9 • /OA'VIf1IT(J lot 0/ hurdles EVEN with a wlIr, we are doing eve£Ything we can to give yOu good service on Long Distance ca1Is- Most of them go through all right, but some lines to war· busy centers are crowded at certain times. It belps then if you will "Please limit your can, to 5 ~nuces.·' THE BILL Tl.l EPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA ~ , ,THE THE SW AR'1'IIMOREAN l'mD"IHM: .. ·RVJI:RY lI'RIDAI' AT 8WARTBXOBB, 'DIE SWARTIDIOIlBAlf. Ufo.. PtJB1J8H' k P4. •~ ---- PETER E. TOLD E41tor Lorene McCarter JlARJORIIII TOLD, .' cOla", EdItor Irma M. Parry Phyllis Neuman IIInt&red .. Second Cluo II&tter, J&DU&17 .. , tho Poot onto:- at SWarthmore, .Pa., uCier tho Act of Kueh I, J'U. DEADLIN_WSDNEBDAT NOON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1,1944 Pi IIh;twiaD Chan:b Notes ThIB Sunda.y morning at the 11 o'clock service the sermon wlli be "What God Can't Do.'" All departmente of the Church School and the Women'. Bible meet each Sunday morning at 9:'6 o·clock. The .Church Hour Nursery for ·chlldreJ:), ages 1-7 meets each SUn· day morning from 11 to 12 o·clock. The High School Fellowship wlll meet Sunday evening trom 6 to '1:30 o'clock tn the Parish House. The Children's Choir rehearses _ each Saturday at 2 o·clock In the Parish House. The High School Choir rehearses Sunday afternoon. boys at 4 C)'clock, boys and girla at .:80 O'clOCk. The Chapel Choir re-, bearses at 7: SO o'clock on Friday evenings. Anyone Interested In singing wSth any ot these choirs plea.s:e se~ Henry Faust. • It is requested that all contribu­tions at clothing or gUts fo'r the ChrIstmas boxes for the Covingtona our home mlBslonary famUy at eight in Tennessee.· be left at the bome ot Mrs. W. F. Bird, 241 Og­deli. avenue or Mrs. H. D. McCray. 229 Corn.ell avenue byo:)ecember 1. Contributions ot money must be' tn by December 16. Information re­garding the clothing needs may be obtained by phoning Mrs. Bird, Swarthmore 0670, or Mrs. McCray. Swarthmore 3191. The Sesalon wlll meet evening, December 1, at 8 o'clock at the home ot Elder Thomas M. .Jackson, 238 ark aven\le. The Social Education and Action Metbodi.t Chan:b Notes The ChUrch School meets on Sunday morning at 9:46. At the morning worship at 11. the minlater wlll preach on the topic ''G<ltllng Ready tor Christmas." Provlalon is made to care for the younger chUdren in the Nursery during the worship hour. The Youth Fellowa:hlp meets In the evening at 1. The Men's Forum 'Will meet in the chapel at 8. Dr. John H. Pit­man. will be the speaker on the topic nHe Made the stars .Also." All men ~f the community arc invited to share with us this evening ot fel­lowship. singing and inspiration. The ChUrch Board ot Education wlll meet on Monday evening at ·8 at ·~he home of Howard J. Talley. 812 Westdale avenue. The monthly meeting of the Ot­ficlai Board wlll be held on Frida.y evening. December 8, at 8 o'clock in the chapel. Trinity ChurcbNote& The Annual Advent Corporate Communion ot men and boys rwill be held at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday tol .. lowed by a breakfast. All the de­partments of the Church School will hold theIr seBBlon8 at 9:46, an·d at eleven o'clock there wUJ be a celebration of the Holy Commun­ion. The rector wlll preach on the topic: "Advent... At six o'clock Lucius s. Cole. formerly ot the Ph.Uadelphia Orchestra will be heard in a. violin recItal. Tho meli and boys ot the choir will have a turkey dtnnec on Mon .. day at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish House. The Vestry wUl hold Its monthly 11 meeting on Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. The annual Holiday Fair wUl be held on Thursday, beginning at two o·clock. Dinner will be served at .:30 p.m. Committee rwlll meet Tuesday, De­cember 5. at 10 o'clock in the morning In the Parish House. On Sunday morning at the o·clock service Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Smith will be at the Harvard ave- The choir school will hold Its ses- LETI'ERS TO THE EDITOR NEVERDRYI Dear Editor: Yeaterday when I wu readlnl" "The 8tara: and Stripe.... I noUced 8.Jl arUcle which I thought might be at Interest to you and Mrs. Soule, wbo I believe la chairman Of the committee that .. ete blOOd donors from Swarthmore. Perhaps the information In thla articie la common knowledge to all· of you back bome. but I. personally, "'811 very much surprlsed at the .ep8ed ot delivery. At any rate I h&V8 enclosed the clippIng J118t to make aure YOU all knmr about It. The Swarthmorean has been coming through all right, e.lthough It Is uaually two or three months old when it arrives. Sometimes. It bas been wet. and sometimes torn. but no matter what con41Uon it la In. It Is always welcome. Thanks again. and here's hoping we'n all be reading it In Swarthmore ~n aoon. OYer the medical teobnlque of World War 1. un III 1l0W' UDt. vel'Dll,. recop1se~." be ald ... that .. hen much blood has been loat the paUent reeovel'll oDly 811 it III re­placed. For beat results. a large proportion should be whole blood.. liOn Ute continent there are two BOurcea ot whole biood-donatloll8 from nOD-combataDt troopa, aDd blood flown dally (rom the U. S. Tbe Army Medical Dlmlon has a chain of blood bauk.e &0...... the U. B., and then to tbe Communica­tions Zone or front-Une hoapitalll. '"Hawley oald that blood don .... tlons. In the U. S. va.ry according to the war new., dropping, atranply when tho De'W8 la good.. After the tall of Parla donatloD8 back home took a sharp dive."' By Arthur W. White Stars and Stripes staJr Writer LAUNDRY TROUBLES Ale Gordon Douglas writes from an undlBclosed camp 8.1!1 follaws: "The laundrY service around here . Very truly youra" la really somethingl All our laun .. John H. Craemer. dry 1& done at a. nearby Army camp 1st. Lt., QMC where they -employ German . war Ed. Note: prisoners'" Every once In a while Lt. Craemer'a inclosure repzint- one g8(8 back his shirt with a. BWas­ed below In much apprecl- Uka cut out of it. and they never ated. Although a.ware of tbe mir- send anything back that isn't &culous speed ot whole blood de-I strictly G. I. Tbe only stuff' one llvery Swarthmorea.ns and other·can make them replace Is govern-resident of Philadelphia and vlcln- ment wue clothing. so they k.eep the time when moat boY8 remember with noetalgta the spicY am~l" _ pervaded tholr kltcbeno at bome. They were 1I8ed to home made Chrlstmu oak .. and cookies. Many are Dot home thl8 year. but are In ,he hoepltal within our own bordo e ... sick In body, mtnd and spirit. Some thlnp ... e &rs used to will be neglected, but there:ls .. much Chrltrtmaa spirit .. eyer there ..... and we· are not going to let these bo)"ll down. If enythln .. let us make more and better cOokl88. Ingredi­ents are acarce and difficult to bU)'". Plenty ot oleo and ra18lns can be had trom me. free of COlt or pointe. can Bwarthtmore 0621·.1. )l'ro. J. V. S. Bishop. FOR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS • • • Xmaa Gift Rates OIl Tune _ ..•. __ ... _._ .. 2 for 9.25 Life ____ . __ .. __ ._ 2 for 8.00 Good oaly ... til Dec. 10 eift carcIs available for you to annolBlce y ...... PIt Ity must sUck to plasma sInce the everything else. The way they ~o lack ot an airport keeps that city the laundry; beats alII They starch from partiCipating tn the ·whole our underwear but leave our shSrts blood chain. That Is why The and pants as Ilmp as a dish rag. S,varthmorean drums on tor do- The prisoners must take great pride * -nora "for plasme. wh.lob. as the In aiding the German war aUort by .• Stars and Stripes article shows, Is knockIng all the buttons off our clothes. thus lawerlng our morale "Yr by making UB sew tbem back. WIth * the last bunch of laundry receIved * in my room came innumerable ,* broken buttons. so that the floor .* * * * * * a "nlust," too. Thank you, Lt. Craemer for your Interest and your in!"oImatlon. "Blood donated only four days agO at a chain ot Army blood banks stretching from San Francisco to I New York will help save the Uves ot Americans who faU wounded along the Siegfried Line today~ Shipments have been flown daily from the U. S. to ETO since Aug. 23, and the Interval between dona­tion In America and transfusion at the tront is four days. "These speedy deUvory runs were listed by Maj. Gen. Paul R. Haw­ley. ETO chief surgeon. a.t a Parla conference, as one of four reasons why present-day mortality from wounds Is half. the World War 1 figure. Then. eight out ot every 100 wounded men died; now the was covered with them." THE CHRISTMAS SPIRrr .'*. , ~ LUNCH fr ... 60c DINNEI fro .. ISc COCKTA.IL HOUIS .. TO 6 P. II. * * * Dear Editor: '* 'fa. Aft OOMDITIOHBD * As the Christmas· season ap­proaches let· U8 put Into pracUce what we really beUeve ... It Is better : SUBURBAN CAFE : and eoc .... i1 Lounge to give than to receive." It is tJle ,* 0.1 Cllelllli. P.LL UIIIIII STlTlII * time for extra effort. It !s the * * * * * * * * ** * * THE ADDRESS nue entrance and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young wIll be at the drive­way- transept entrance to c.sslst the pastor in extending the greetings at the church to the congregation. flgure Is less than tour out of every sions on Monday and Wednesday at 100. TO REMEMBER Wednesday. December 6. is Wo­man's A88oclation SewSng Day. All women ot the congregation are urg-bed to attend . this meeting which ru;"s trom 10 a.m. to 4- p.m. Bring sandwiches. 'Tea and coffee will be served. Christian Science Noles UGod The Only Cause And Crea­tor"' is the Bubject of the Lesson­Sermon In all Churches ot Christ, Scientist. The Golden Text is: "In the· beginning God created the hea.ven and the earth".< Genesis 1: 1). .1 ·f 4-:30 p.m. Sharing the Bible The Woman's Bible Class of the Presbyterian Church realize the great prlvilege which is theirs every Sabbath morning when they meet at 10 o'clock with their long experi­enced teacher to study tho. Bible. All women of the borough are ex­tended a cordial tend this class. invitation to at- ....0'---- Jr. Club See Play The Junior Club held the first dinner and theatre party ot the season in Philadelphia on Tuesday evening. Seventeen members ot the club enjoyed the play "Sophie "The tour factors contrlbutlng moat to the halving of the death rate were listed as: (1) Earlier treatment by tront-llne surgeons: (2) the excellent physical condi­tion- far superIor to that of World War 1 doughboys--ot U. S. troops; (3) ~se ot plasma and whole blood: (4) use of anti-bacteria agents-­sulfa drugs and penicIlUn. "Col. Elliott C. Cutler, chief con· sultant in surgery. said surgery had been taken as close to the fighUng front as .humall1y possible through highly-trained teams organized into platoons of field hospitals, placed at the level of a divisional clearing company. CHURCH SERVICES Ha1enczlk. Amer.lcan." I Tt~e next meeting of the club will be the monthly bridge, which will be held at. the home of Rosamond "The greatest saving In lives in thls 'War has been among men hit In the abdomen, chest and face. and among those sustaining multiple fractures." he said. "It's been made possible because surgeons have been able to see the casualties early. sometimes in two to four hours after, they were hit:' SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. David Braun. Minister BUNDA. Y .Jones o~ Strath Haven avenue on 9 :45 A. M.-Church School I t 11 :00 A. M.-Mornlng Worship. Ser- Tuesday even ng nex. . mon Topic: '"Wltat God Can't Do .. • METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Ketser" D.D .• Minister • SUnDAY t:45 A. M.-church SchooL 11 :00 A. Y.-Morning \,onhlp. Sermon Topic: "'Getting Ready for" TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. Chrt.Uan Anderson. Rector . SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12 1:00 A. JrL-Q)rporata Communlon of Men and BOys. 9 :45 A. M.-ChurcJt" School. 11 :OQ A. :M.-HoIY Communion. Ser­mon Topic: "AdvenL" 8:00 P. H.-Violin Recital by Luclua S. Cole. TIJID RELIGIOUS SOCIETY 0" FRIENDS SUNOAY t :45 A.. M.-Flrst Day School. 11:00 A. M.-MeeUn.. for Worahtp In the Meeting House. WEDNESDAY ':10 A. J(. to 1:10 P. JI.-8ewlnc and Qul1tlne in Whittier Roue. Dos luncheon. .Ala an ooJdlan, Invited. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRiST, SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harvard SUNDAY 11:00 A. M..--SundaY SchooL 11:00 A. K.--au:ndaJ" LeMon Sermon. Wednee4ay avenlnl" meetln&' elLcb week. • p. In. Readlnl' room open dallT . q~ SU)' ,. ....~ ~~tou. tp.0':' p.m. -w.anMd&".~-"-. . C,hurell. _Edtftce. ' All are eon1la1lJ" lftvtted to att.nd the -.1_ an4 _ tho....una- Room. J. J.ts Act "Mortality In the last war among The rather mysterIoUS sttence men with stomach wounds WB.8 80 connected with J. J. activities has been broken by the girls themselves 'Who presented a large delicioUS Thanksgiving dinner consisting of two chickens. nuinerous vegetables and the appropriate extras belong­ing to this holiday. to a famlly of , five chtldren who crtitefully receiV-ed It. . The last J. J. meeting WlUl held at the home ot LouSse Archbold on November 2:6. during whtch they dlacuased the Thanksgiving problem and made 8urJical dressings. Bobble Davis Invited the girls to her home for the meeting on December S at 8 p.m. Mary Ann Hook of Westdale ave­nue and Jane Beatty of Bawling Green have been pleo.ged. to the Chi Omep SOrority at Wllllam and Mary College, Va.- Betty Ellen IJttlefield at Swarthmore place a.."ld carollne HenrY of Wallingford were pledged. to the Alpba Obi Omell& Bororiqr at iho ioame collece· The tour clri. are craduates of swarth~ more lUSh SCbool, cl .. ot -ca. percent-now It is 18 to 20 percent. "The 1aily deUv~ry of blood in refrigerated trucks to front-llne and evacuation hospitals he termed one ot the greatest. Bingle improvements I • Finer Flowers For Any Purpose • 8altiJDore Pike SPRINGFJEI,D, PA. . 'Phone Swa. -0450 1 I 1820 CHESTNUT STREET OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS , RITtenhouse 1S81 M. A. Bidr, President A" • .., Freeze-." • ••• Sa"" TI ... e~ Tro"ble and &"elUle Guard against needle ... repairl, ineoDvenience and expeDae by protect.. inB yoUr-exposed water pipes today • Rep-air part" an.d manpower are needed in the war eft" ort. Just a little advauce eare will in8Ul"e your constant water sup­ply throngh the winter months ahead. Now Ie the time to proteet your pipes against fro 0 ing. '

    ---------- Page 4 ----------

    '" ,., " • " , " , , , • , , , , , , ' ,'w... . . '. , " , -- .' " • • • Russell Service Swarthmore Co-op To the -'of- . • ur· neSI YY lshes • _ or t e Olaa eason • • • • • In the absence of you who have dedicated yourselves to the task of making this a better world in which to live. we believe it appropriate particularly to re-at home, may spend a Christmas of fond memories of happier days. May you know too that a new day of happier association is dawning and that brighter Christmas seasons are ahead • r Hannum & Waite Ingleneuk Dew Drop Inn Harvard Tea Room , Swarthmore National Bank. The Music Box Swarthmore' Fire and • • Protective 'Association Edward L. Noyes Bouquet Harris & Co., Tailors Swarthmore Business Association Swartlmlore Rotary Club Martel Bros. Frank the Barber Strath Haven Inn , Madison, Brothers Joseph's B~ber Shop Michael's College Pharmacy , Peter E. Told Buchn.ers Victor D. Shirer Adolph Barber Shop and Jeweler M. Weinstein, Tailor Howard B. Green • B. J. Hoy 5 and 10 Liberty Advertising Co. & Associates Swarthmore War Service Celia Shoe Shop Alice Barber Gifts Alice' M. Baird • Marie M. Donnelly

    ---------- Page 5 ----------

    , , • THE SWART"MOREAN 'PBJ!BIDEl'I'i' SPEAKS 8PII:UI DOWlf Haaon ill IIocIoq FRIDAY, MC'EMBER 1,1944 AUXWARY GIVES SCHOOL NEWS XMASPARTY.· nlOTBALL AOHiEY HiM'InNT Bob "Tube" McCowen. sopho­more pride of the football tea.m. l8 tbIa year'. All Star 'l'ackle of Del­aware county. acc!ordlng to a re­cent announcem.ent. Bob, dumb­founded when told the good news, pllL)'ed lett tackle, on 'the high school teem. He baa played foot­ball tor fOUl" years; heme tn tenth grade. he haa two more to develop bta talent at swarthmore Dick Hook, pretd.!ent of IIOnlor cabinet, Will, participate In Ph\!&­delphte.' s Junior Town Meeting Of The Air over KYW December .21. a.t ':00. The QueatloD under dl&­cn8810n will be t"Wbat Should We Do For OUr Returnl ... G. I. Joe? Dick's addreaa will concern ;lobs, re­habilitation an.! tbe program for the han.!lcapped, and ooclal read­justment for G. I. Joe and his fam­tly. After the presentation of the to~lc. Q.uestloJUI 'Will be uked by a group of student.: A lpelllng _ under the dIreo­UOD ot Mary .ArmatrODI' "' .. ·con .. ducted In tbe IMInlor hlgh_embly WedneadlL)' afternoon In a keen competition to determine the three studentll and an alternate who will opell on the GuitIng'o program De­cember 1&. against Lower Mer1on~ The following students parllclPBt­ed: Mary ~nwortb, Jean Gehring, Dick Hook. Pete MurrlL)', B!>bby Ann Bcboblnpr, Ann Bradford. and John Campbell from the 12tb grade: Mary Marshall. Patsy Mcca­han. Heather Champion. J. Foster. and Paul Guinn from· the 11th gra.d.e: Jack Pittenger. Alan Hunt. Steven Spencer. Robin Harper, and Graham Foster from the 10th grade. F.tnal results wUI be an- Belty Ellen Llttlelleld of Swarth­more, place and Jane JIe&~ of Wallingford, f .... hmen at WUIIam and Jlary College, Va..· made the Vlr8lnla All-State Hockey Team followln.c a gaPle in Richmon4, Va.. November 11. On November II they played In Baltimore, Md .. and were chosen for the South Eaatern HockW Team. Botb girls were on tbe Vanity at swarthmore HIa'b School in '43 a.nd ',-to -- Mell!be11l and friends of tbe IIWarthmore Unit of the Legion A1DIl1arY are Invited ~ a C_ mu ~ and apron isle at the Legion Room In the BoroU8'h Hall on Monday. December .. at 2 p.rn. There w.tU be tables for cuesta who wish to play bridge. Donatlona of canned I'oods are requOIted for tbe needy f&mUles of disabled vetel1Ul& Tb AlDIllarY wlsheo to thank Ita many friends for their generoWl gifts of' new' three .. cent stampa for the uncompenSated vetenUlfll· at Coateavllle HospitAl. Tbe .klndne&ll was greatly appreciated by the local , HIgh. ''TUba.'' (a bit on the braa.der FRIOIII LlTl'loE A()()RlQJ .lde). IB an all-round athlete. and a member of the choru •• Wben 8.9k­ed h1a other activities. he repUed; '"They're not In sehooU" SOMElHiNG NEW Havlng wound up the hockey seMon, Coach Virginia. Allen is al­rea. cly busy with future athletic plans which include the girls' basketball team and an- lnnovation l'3. the Beld of SWarthmore's girl.' sporta; namely. a volltly-bo.lI team to play Philadelphia Girls High later this winter. Basketball will start next week; practice will pro .. ceed as in former years. but th18 winter much more emphasis will be placed on volley-ball. as M188 Allen intends to reserve on~ gym period a week in each class for coaching volley .. baIl in preparation for· the as yet unscheduled games and In­tramural •• That tbe problema of Dumbarton Qakes concern the high school was shawn by a group of Jlltu40nta wblch mlased the afternoon 8e&11lon of school to attend the meeting of the League of Women Voters In l'bII6- delphia on Tueada:v, at which !Ioo­tor Bowman of J ohna Hopkins Uni­versity and Senator Ball of MInne­sota spoke. Heather Champ.toD, .Jane .. Davia, Allen Enders, Lloyd EVerett, ,Jean Gemmill, and :MartLn Karns, aU ot whom attended the meeting are not the only on"" who dlaPla;ye4 an in­terest In foreign aUaIro, for larger groupo of the high sChOOl have at­tended the Foreign PoU.". AImcI&­tlon Meetlnpln tbe put. We only hope that the entire nation 'WlIl be so enthuslaaUc and receptive to the ~·O&.keBIf plan &II are the h1ch school students. TOOlIIUCH Once again tbe mud and laue­downe High School proved too much tor Swarthmore High's foot .. ball team. and they were held to a 0-0 tie In their annual Thanksgiv­ing Day game. Although the Gamet had numer .. OUB opportunities to score, they could capitalize on none of them. Eady In the first period guard. John Storck recovered a. Lans­downe fumble on the Swarthmore 48 and the Garnet drove to the Lansdowne 3 yard Une before losing the ball on downs. Again in 'the first period quarterback BUI Nel­son on an end run was forced out of bounds on the Lansdowne 1 foot line. however the play 'Was called back because ot: So holding penalty. Swarthmore continued to retain POBB8sston of the ball throughout most of the second period but could not get Its n:tfenslve In the third period Lansdowne's only scoring thrust was stopped when the Lords were held for downs on the Garnet 31 yard line. Swarthmore's last opportunity to score came In the closing mln­utes of the game 'When a Garnet drive carried to the Lansdowne 20 yard Une. Here the Garnet was held and on last down elected~ to try a torty yard field goal, but tbe kick fell short and Lansdowne took over on their own 20 yard line. BOND SALE JUNIOR mGH ASSEMBI,y The 7 A section under the dirac ... tiOD ot Mrs; E. Lewis presented a· comedy In two acts entitled liThe Lest Halt-Day In the District School," In the junior high assemb­ly Thursday a..fternoon. Helen Ware played the part of the teacher in the play. Mary LoUe Thayer was the student chairman. The total for thIs week's Bond and Stamp sa.le amounts to $13516. $1 '111n Stamps and $1226 in Bonds. This week the eleventh grade home rooms as usual had 100 per cent. Mrs. Jenny's sophomore home room and Miss Armstrong's senior homeroom also had 100 per cent as did Mr. llnldwln's elghtb grade homeroom. Last week the Bond and stamp sale went over the top 'With So total of. $829.65, $192.15 In Stamps and $63'1.60 In Bonds. All the Senior and Junior homerooms had 100 per cent as did Miss Barten's tenth grade and Mr. Baldwin"s. eighth grade. The school Is real'ly be­hind the 6th War Loan drive. RECOGNIZED nounced next week. I) Dick Hook WUI the student chair­man and. Bobby Alln'Bchoblnger led the devotions. ::M:arlaD Karns "WaB the news commentator. WELOOME TEA()JIER The high school welcomed a ne'W teacher to the faculty this week., Mr& ElaiDe lrIcA1llster Hunter. a graduate of Temple University In business education. Mrs. Hunter is teaching tbe commercial cl8B8ea. formerly taught by Mtsa Marian McWilliams who resigned N~vem­ber 28. HAPPY il'OKKEiO Lieutenant Commander J. C. Christian, Lieutenant John H. Jenny, and Enslgn- Gene Uden. for­mer member of the swarthmore faculty, all met by chance at Nor­folk, Virginia, where they enjoyed a. full course Thanksgiving dinner. Lt; Comdr. Christian sent the-envi­able menu, which Included turkey, to school. , . unit and by the hospital autborl-ties. The 'lth Grade parentlll entertaln .. ed the faCulty, tbe admlnlstratlve stAtf. and hUaba.n~ and wives at & dinner on Wedn~y. November JI at the home of Mr. and lire. Ray ... mond K. Denworth of Elm avenne. Entertains at Scauare Dance 14.... Harold Ogram and 14.... Dr. Lewis Culler taught and call- ~les W. ·Lukens served aa co- ed 8quare dances last Friday even ... chairmen. tng .at the Presbyterian Church FollowlnR' the dlnner Mrs. R. L. when Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Keen .. JODes, program ohairman. tntro- en entertatned. the ju~lor and sen.­duced the Rev. Alfred Schl1cbter· lOr members ot the Church School connected 'WIth the,-oInland Senior Department. Their teachera.. Mission and for 10 yeara'a mission.. the Rev. David Braun and Mr. and ary who gave .an Uluatr&ted taJ]r. on Mrs. El"I)08t LewIs, and :Mrs. Cqt--- bis esperienca. ler were also guests. Jr, Music ClUb Meeb The llrst regular meetIDc of the Junior .~U8ic Club' wu held a.t the home ot: Dick Hook, president on Sunday evening, November II, at 1:30 p.m. Henry Faust. director of music of the Pr.esbyterlan Church, opened the program ·with several vocal selections. Members of the club contrIbuted plano and violin num­bars. Following a short business ses~ slon, refreshments were served. The next meeting is planned for Wed­nesday evening, January 3. ' A former putor ot the Wyncote Pre8byterian Church, Dr. CUtler la now Dl~ctor of the National Con­ference for Chriatians and J 6'WS for the Philadelphia. area 8ucceedlng Dr. Roy McCorkel who is secret.a.ry of the American Friends Service Committee. At Conventions Mr. Elliot Rlchaf)laon of Lafay­ette avenue·1s attendolng two con­ventlons. in Harrisburg from Wed­nesday. Nov. 29 to Saturday, Dec. 2. one being the Pennsylvania Au­thorities .Association, the other the Municipal and F.tnance Officers of pennsylvania. farm,ard In Autumn ••• fram Gil orlllnallllboglGPA fI, Hub'" Dm, Mabel E. Ewing, Home Econom­Ics teacher of Swarthmore schools may well be proud at: her recent appointment for a two yea.r term as one of the twelve regional dlrec­tora In the Department Of Home Eeonomlcs af tbe National Educa.­tion Association. Miss EwIng is al80 very active in county orpnl':' m~ i WHEN THE FROST IS ON THE FARMYARD , SING ClllUBTHAS CAROIB The fifth and sixth gradee of tbe Rutgers Avenue School are goine to present a ahort musical program af Christmas Carols at the W.O­meu ·s Club on December lZ, under the direction ot MyrUe "McCallln and Alice Blodgett. Amon!! the Carols to be omng will be ''We Wish You a MerIT .christmas." uMarTB Lullaby," and ·'candlelight" com­~ by the preeent .. venth ~e when the,. were·.ln the fourth grade- • .,. ~_ph 8. Bates of "ROckY IT'S "time out" for growing things' __ • the countryside.seems to sleep in the silent cold. But there's no "time out" for the faimer who's prod~cing Sealtest MUk. War-made needs for mille are great, and he's doing his best to keep'the flow of milk at the high­est possible level at this low-point 'of the year. Working early and late. he's scientifica\1y feeding and car­ine for his herd 10 that your supply of nature'. mOlt nearly perfect food , can be • generous one. This creamy-textured mille tastes rich and smooth in your coffee, on your Cereal, and in cream IOUps and desserts ••• and there's extra health in every glassful. As !l matter of fact, you can't take any of the food value from the top of the bottle of Supplee Sealtest Homogenized Vitamin D MUk '.' • for the cream hal been mixed throughout. Every drop has •a n equal share of vitamins, minerala ,and proteinS that are 80 essential to your welI:bein& • _ • and the fat &lobules have· been broken up 80 that the milk di&esb faatel' and more easily. how much, they like it. Your Sup­plee milk man or woman has it for you, and so does your grocer. GI ... to y_ UNITED WAR CHUT • SUPPLEE In_VI you 0.. r e e SHOW o •• r rtW. 1'bunclGYII at 9130 P.M. TUHE nil SUPPLEE .. • , . . sPrIBC 'irUm.;' lIedl4!Q.Ont. few clop of thIIO _ with her parents 001- _ liN. 8. W. R_er of 1htlpDDI.., CoDD. And that is why, thouch cream is ati11 very abort • _ , we can brine JOU enou&h fine, pure milk at ita nnuriahin& belt • , , Supplee Seal­tat HwM'16I ;..t Vrtenrin D Uilk. Get a bottle of thia "improved" milk for your """ly todq •• - - , . ..... E.iIEa "'IM' ..... , o· .,' • Say a merrie;;;;;;;r~C;;;;;;;hs;;n;;;;;;;·s; ;;;;;;t;;;;;;;;m;;;;;;;as~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;it;;;;;;;h~g;;;;;;;;if;;;;;;;;t;;;;;;;;s; ;;;;;;;t:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;ha~t; ;;;a;;;;;;;;;;r;;;;;;;e;;;;;;;;c' ;;;;;;;;e;;;;;;;r;;;:;;itain to please - W"aipy-oheer gift hose in wanD wonderful shade., ( Buxton WaIIeb, the per­fect gift for him or her. +- , .. , .. , For beautY, quality and thrift - lovely barbizon '. s,l ips. Costume-i~dect Gloves for everyone on your gift list. - , , GIFTS .for the Man in your life Don't -know what to give him (or should w~ say them?) for Christmas? Well, maybe we can help _ you out-just look over the suggestions listed below-they're bound to give you some ideas. , . Gloves in his favorite style and fab-ric. Well known makers. A favor­ite gift with all men. All wool or wool lIIixture sweat­ers. Plain, ribbed, plaid or designed. Leisure jackets of wool, processed fabrics or mixtnres. Favorites. Fine grade leather belts in all sizes. Plain, tooled, studded-whatever his type maybe. Silk, flannel or cotton pajamas in stripes, prints or solid colors. Favorite shirts in well known brands. Whites, pastels or stripes. Ties seem to carry with them the spirit of Christmas-choose several in gay stripes or prints. Other Practical Gifts For A Wartime Christmas ..... _-- SeTect her PIt from GID"· lay sweater collection. 100% Vugin Wool A perfect PIt fO&' .i6l')'­on- mvely linen bu6- kerchiefs. WonderfUI choice of love­ly slim-fitting nighties, Warm, colorful all wool mittens and IIIGves. Open Every Night Until ChristmaB .-----~ 1 . I ,

    ---------- Page 6 ----------

    , • , -",.- . ' Across the world the sound of shells has ceased ••• And quiet shrouds the battle.-rubbled West .• • The enemy has laid away his arms, and' Death and Pain are done in France. But I go on ... for I must fight and kill ••• And work and sweat . . . and hide and run .••• For here the enemy is very much alive .•• His bullets still are made of lead . . . , Their angry whispers still foretell of sudden death For me arid others crouched in slime and mud The end for lIS is yet to cOl!le •• , And so we pray to God to give us strength To fight and win ... without the waste of Time ••• And with Pis Will . . . to see our homes again. .'~ ',\ '" The Sixth War Loan Drive is on. That means it's every American's job to buy at-least an extT4 $100 ·War. Bond. Buy yours today. . 6 more raasom for huylng at least an axtra $'00 War Bond in tlte 61ft I 1. War Bondi are the ba,', the .afelt Investment In the world I 2. War Bond. return you $4 for every $3 o..t maturity. 3. War Bond, are a. convenient as calh-and in­creas. In value to bootl 4. War Bond. mean education 'for your children, _urIty for you. a nMI IIIg '0 fall back on com •. whatmoy. ','War Bond. holp .... p down .... coo'.of Dying. 6. War Bond. will help win .... P_.e by Inc*\o- Ing purchallng power after the w .... • . . . Your Country is still at war~ARE YOU? -. .• I , • Swarthmore National Bank & . Trust Co. Harris & Company Buchner's The Ingleneuk Van Alen Brothers Marie Donnelly Russell's Service Harvard Tea Room Dew Drop Inn Co-ed Beauty Salon Joseph's Barber Shop Ali~e Barber, Gifts Martel Bros. Hannum & Waite Celia's Shoe Shop The Bouquet H. B. Green Alice M. Baird E. L. Noyes Strath Haven Inn A. P. Smalley Peter E. Told Frank's Bartier Shop B. J. Hoy 5 and 10 Swarthmore Co-op Swarthmore Studebaker Sales & Service Michael's College Pharmacy Adolph's Barber Shop • • ~ 0e0r1P L. Armltace, Ph.M. I/e 'who hae been otaUoned In Ban Ped· ro, Cal., .... now, OD duty in the Pa.- clftc. 1 CLASSIFIED WANTED W.A.NTED--Trlcycle for a year old cblld for Xm,u. Call Media 0856-M. NEWS NOTES a few days. IA. HaD"te .. & _'ri. p~o.r on & bomber recently com .. Mr. P. L. Whitaker of Tacoma, pleted U mlaalona w1lh Sardinia Wuh.. apent tho as b.Ia baae. holidays with his famUy On Park :Mr. and 'Mre. Max Eul ot Rut-avenue. gera avenue w.m. spend the week- Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lukens end in Pleasantville, N. J. of Strath Haven avenue entertain.. Layton "G. WilBon of 8trath ed theh' niece Virginia. Stickle. a Ha.ven avenue enterta1ned the student at Va888.r College over the members 01' tho Fourth Grade Rut­Thanksg; lvlng holidays. Mrs. Luk.. gere avenue football team at an ons' Blster Mrs. W. F. SUckle of out .. door wiener and hamburger Washington. D. C .• apent .the"holl- rout at his ~ome Frlday afternoon. day week-end with the Lukens ,The guests also Included two famUy. coaches from Junior High School. Lucilia J'on.. daUChter of Hr. aDd: lIra. l&wrence M. J'on_ of Dickinson avenue. a second "mea­ter Junior at west Cheater Teach­rei College, waa choaen Queen ot the Junior Prom held on Saturday evening, November 18. Her aix at­tendant. bad been candldatea for tbe title. 11!88 Jonea was presented with & gold link bracelet by the faculty during IntermLaslon. Hr. and Hn. ROJ" A.. _I"" or WaillnIIlord BIlls 'WIll entertain U an "at home" on 8unclay atternOOD~ Hr. Oeorp SchohlnSer ~f Swartbmore avenue who bell been In Rio de .Janelro on buah;,_ for the put _80 mo"th8, arrived home Tuesday by plane. Hlaa Emni.. Walton of Cedal' lane. Hrs. V. S. pownall of North Chester road and theli' brother and stater-In-law Mr. and :Mrs. R. L. Walton of Rochester, N. Y., left Wednesday for Wlnter Park, F1&., 'Where they wID spend the winter mo-nths.. WANTED-Ma.n·s suit and overcoat. . size f:2.!,. also alarm clock. Reply to ~ox A. The Swa1;thmorean. WANTED-One boy scout unHorm, size 16. Telephone Swarthmore un. WANTED-Sled with steel runne .... On Tuesday ot this week Dfo. Ar~ thor J. Jonea ot Dickinson avenue spoke at the Kiwanis Club in Nor­r. 1stown on the need of a com­munity organization tor assisting David McCahan. Jr.. and George Thornbahn. . Mrs. Charles M. Newton of Col­lege avenue who Is spending tbe winter at Ormond Beach, Fla., ls entertaining her stster Mrs. Warren H. ~d8.rdman· and small daughter Holly ot Wayne as her guesta for Good condition. Chri8tma8 gift for 6 year old. Telephone Swarthmore 1912. Ask' for Mrs. Oox. .' .Mrs. A. S. Wickham and her da.ughter Miss Cynthia Wickham of North Chester road are leaving December (; for points south where three weeks. . THE WEEK'S CALENDAR returning _veterans. FridAI', December " WANTED-Middle-aged woman for general housework. Live In. 'l·ele­phono Swarthmore 4.653-.1. W ANTED-}lousebold help; four half days or two full days per we~.k. they wUl spend the winter months. Reverend. 'J'homCl8 A. Mery- llr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Buchanan. wether of ,.Haverford Place was a Jr., ot Connecticut w1l1 occupy the guest speaker at a service at Old Wickham home. Mr. Buchanan St. Paul's Episcopal Chuwh. Baltl-· Is associated with the duPont Com­10: 00 A.l\l.-Ltte-rature Section ........... ............ ~ ..... ........... Woman's Club 10:00 A.M.-League Women Voters .. _ .................... 646 N. Chester Road Telephone SWarthmore 2136. WANTED-Ping-pong tabia In good condition. Repl~ to Box R. t)te Swarthmorean. . Snnda7, December 3 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship .................. ; ............. .......... Local Churches 6:00 P.M.-Violin J,l.ecital .................................................... 'Erlnlty Church W ANTED-Glrl. conscientious, accur-ate for temporary _ assistance with elementary arithmetical calculations at Sproul obaervatory. Phone Swarth­more 0200. more, sponsored by all the Episco­p~ l churches of Baltimore in co­operatlon with BalUmore youth Week. Following the service· he addressed the luncheon meeting ot the Ovtimist Club held at the Lord Baltimore Hotel. pany. Wilmington. 1:15 P.M.-Lecture (Prot. P. B. Sears) ....................... __ Meetnig Hous·e· Mondl\7, December 4. 2;00 P.M.-AuxiliarY Christmas Party ................................ Borough 'Hall 4:30 P.M.-Lecture (Prof. P. B. sears) ._ ...... College Martin Labpratory Tuesday, December Ii 2:00 P.M.-Reci\lrocity Tea. .....................•.•. ::: ......... _ ._ ....... Woman's Club 8:00 P.M.-Junior Woman·s Club Bcldge ................ 620 Strath Haven WANTED-Xmas tree ornaments ·for Wednesday, ])ecem.ber 6 diBabled Service men In the Annex. Telephone swarthmore 0178-J WANTEDSltl-suil, size 16 or 18; fig­ure . skates. about sl~e 7. Call swarthmore 0667. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Soden of College avenue ,entertained a group of tr.lends o.t dinner recently. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker of Bowling Green, Miss Katherine KUlea of Chester, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy of Rose Valley, and Miss Mary E. Soden of New York City. Mr •. Harry Oppenlander and his Bon Teddy ot Yale a.venue are the guests of the Charles lsraels of Princeton avenue whlle Mrs. OP­penlander is In Princeton, N. J., with the Oppenlander's son George who is confined to the Prlnceton­Hospital. Teddy spent last week with the James Hornadays ot Dickinson avenue. 10:00 A.M'1 to 4:00 P.M.-Red·CroBS SUrgical Dressings, Borough Hall ThUl'8da7, December l' WANTED-Refined woman to share the comforts of my home and also to drive car. Telellhone Swarthmore 0952-W. WANTED-To rent beated garage tn Swarthmore. Call Swarthmore 2053. After 6 p.m. WANTED -Ping-pong table, clarinet In kood condition. Telephone Swarth­more 171!. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Room and garage. De­sirable locaUon near transportation. Reply to Box T. The Swarthmorean. FOR RE-NT-cheerfully turniBhed room~bath. private home. Reply to Box S, The swarthmorean . FOR RENT-Desirable room for single person· or couple. Good loca.tloD. ad­jacent to Swarthmore. Near buses. Refined a.tmoBphere. Telephone Media 173L FOR RENT-Two 3rd Boor roolnS, one block from station. Call Swarth­more 2156-W. FOR RENT-Slngle room and private bath, near college. Telephone Swarth­more 1203. FOR RENT-Sub-lease, five room fur­nished apartment In village. Also man's bicycle for sale. Call Swarth~ more 08~o-M.. FOR RENT-Unfurnished apartment, 3 rooms and bath. Business persons only. References. Reply to Box 0, The Swarthmorean. FOR SALE FOR SALE-E Flat Beuscher Saxo­phone with case. $SO. Telepbone swarthmore 1718. FOR SALE-Pair. of brown atugator-calf pumps, 8¥.t triple A. Worn twice. No ration stamps; boy's fine Navy overcoat, 6~8 year size. Telephone S,Warthmore 1665. Mrs. Rex I. Gary and. famUy, formerly of 300 Yale a.venue, are now .livlng at 213 Yale avenue. Mrs. A. M. Lackey of Ogden ave .. nue entertained the "Hooked Rug-gars" tor llJ.Ilc.heo.I\ at her home on Wednesday. Mrs. Jesse H. Bolmes of North CheSter road eutertalned the Read .. Ing Group on Tllu.rsday . Ruth Frances Gay will arrive home December 13 from Colby Junior College, New London, N. H •• to spend the Cbristmas hoUd~s with her parents Mr. and Mrs. OWen W. Gay ot Wallingford. Mr. and MrS. Charles E. Lincoln and famlly. ·tormer residents ot Long Island are making their horne temporarily with MrS. Llncoln'$ parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup ot Haverford avenue. Mr. Lincoln haS been transferred to Philadelphia. Mrs. Otto Kraus. Jr •• of Benja­min -West avenue was,hosteSs to 20 mothers of the seniors of the 1944 graduating class ;Friday afternoon. Mrs. Elrney X. Morse of Yale ave~ nue 'Wilt hold "open house" for the class on Sunday afternoon, Decem· ber 24. Mr. and Mrs. Rlchard T. Ran­dall. Jr., of North Chester road will entertaiD Lt. Gerald Handte of Flushing, L. I .• as their &Dest for FOR SALE-Tbree~pteee maple living LEGlON AUXILIARY room set:. pre-war construction spri""". C&J.I Modi" 0705. Christmas Party & Apron Sale FOR SAUE--Over-atuffed chair: oak Borough Ball dining room furniture: mahogany bureau with mirror; .two mahogany Hondo;" Dec. 4. 2:QO P. M. rockers: roll-top oftlce desk: e1ect,rlc .n.._-ed Goods·-....-... 'tIon vic.trola and records; ahUd's wicker· ........ &&1. ~ rocker. Telephone Swarthmore 0491. and Silver Oft~ FOR SALE-Double-con spring: spring mattress -; excellent condiintnieorn~. f:Pri:ctu~r~e ~~~~;~~~~:l Telephone Swarthmore 2844. Call Mon-daY · LOST-Sllk paisley scarf with maroon border somewhere on Park Avenue or Chester road. Phone Swarthmore 15011. LOST-Tan jacket with hood. football marked Jim BulUtt. College Avenue School grounds. Telephone Swarth­more 0373. LOST-Small gold pin' on N. Cheater road. sentlmen~l value. Telephone Swarthmore 1666.· pin, about . Reward. about PERSONAL-Let us sell your merchan­dise; clothing, bousehold goods or any articles in general. Phone Ches~ tel' 26233. PERSONAL-Registered Spencer cor­Betlem. Mrs. Elsie H. McWilliams. Telephone Swarthmore 4683-W for ap-polntme, L . , I ARDMOBE WINDOW CLEAlfING COMPANY SWARTHMORE BRANOB All DranMes of Rouse CleanIng. Known 1D the Territory foJ' 20 Years Free Phone Calls-For Customers (Formerly Sw. 11) ..udmore tltO I PAINTING Expertly Done OALII. • DAVE WOOD Media 0755 • As J. QUINBY ell: SO A. MERCER QUINBY, JR. FUNERAL DIRECTOR .,. II; 0raIIP M. '1''''''' Kedla-· GO« Taddy Evans of Princeton ave­nue entertained Mary ·Ann ~ld of Washington, D. C., as her guest over the Thanksgiving hoUdays. .'l:be girls spent the summer .togeth­er at camp. 'Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker of Riverview road waa hQrsteu to '"The Jplghtsome" at luncheon and bridge at_ her home Tuesday. George W. Colllns, Seanlan lIe who Is etatloned in Washington,' D. C., spent Saturday and Sunday 'With his parents Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Col· Uns of North Chester road. I Mr. and Mrs. WUltam Jackson Blackman of Cedar lane spent. Sun­day. with" their son Ftc. Jackson Blackman, stationed at Bainbridge,· Md. .' DELAWARE COUNTY INSTITU· TION DISTRICT Sealed proposals WIll De received at the County Controller's Office, Court House, Media, Pa.. unul 1 p.rn. and publicly opened at 2 p.m. on WedneB~ day, December G. 1944, for furnishing and delivering to the Dela.ware County Home. Lima, Pa., gasoline and oil for . the use of the Delaware County InsU­tution District. Speclftcado:n.e and bidding sheet may be obtained at the Omce of the County Controller\ and no bid will be enter­tained un ess made out on said bld~ ding ebeet. Eacb bid must be accompanied by a certified check at One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, drawn to the- order of the Delaware County Institution Ditltrict. The Executive and Adminis­trative Directors of the Delaware County Institution District reserve the right to reject any or all bids. ....... - ·-':-·H. WALTER -WEAVER. 3t-1l-17 County Controller. ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF WILLIAJ[ 8. BITTLE, late of 121 Rutgers 'AvenueJ Swarth­more, Fennsylvanla, daua.ed. Notice_ Is ller~by given that Letters of AdmlnlstraUon have been granted to the undersigned. who requests aU per­sona having claims or demands against the Estate of the said decedent to make If,nown the same. and all persons .indebted to decedent to make rtay~ ment immedIately to . _ W .. MARK ·BITTLE. AdmInistrator Estate· or· William S. Bittle, deceased., --- 125 Rutgers Avenue, Swarthmore, Penna. Or to his Attorney, AJ.~ERT N. GARRETT. 228 Garret Avenue, Swarthmore. Pepna.. / 6t-11-11 DELAWARE COUNTY Sealed proposals will be received at t.he County Controller'S Office, Court House, Media. Pa., untit 10 a.m. and publicly opened at 11 a.m. on Wednea· day. December 20, 1941. for furnishing all tools, labor and equiPment neces­sary for complete Installation for rust proofing electncally. the interlol" ofc two (2) water tanks. at Broad Meadow Farms. Thornton. Pa. . Specifications and bidding 'S.heet may be obtained at, the Office of the Coun­ty Controller, and no bid will be en­tertained unless made out on said bid­d1ng sheet. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars. drawn to the order of the County of DelaWare. . The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. H. WALTER WEAVER, 3t-12.1 , County Controller . REQUEST FOR BIDS Sealed bids wl11 be received in Coun­cil Chamber, Borough Hall, Swarth­more, Pa., on Wednesday. December <)0 ]9H at 7 :{5 p.m. Eastern War Ti'me fdr the sale to the. .Borough of one new automobile. suitable for po­llce work .' The bidder shall state the allowance which he will make -tor the purchase from the Borough of one 1942 Ford two--door sedan automobUe. I .___ onoogWh aHvaalli;l.a ble for Inspect•i on at Bor- It HAR'RY W LANG EDWIN B. JCElJ-EY, Jr. Any "ward will be eondlUoned 9n re- . • 'y:.. _ W _ _1 ';':_ cetpt by the Borough of all necessary __ ....... priorities or other authorization that , . 0--8 -_ .. n-ugs sa _ 7$11 at. 01__ may be requl..... .. '" '-'" UlIG Tbo Borough .......... the right to (~~ If..... _ 'D' s$P<l' . '. all biAs SW ... ~.OllE 07" reject any or - AA&nm:" ___ e I .," .' ELLIOTT RldHARDSON' "I~' ___. .... _~-,.: __ =~~I ~ ____~ _. ..,-.~=~,~ It-U-l 'BOrough Seel'etuY' ...: . . , .•. _ . -""~::'~-.~:I~:·'.-.." 'l' •• '~' .~~ .-:: ••.••, •••. " 't _".-_ . ' . ~...... . ., 8:00 P.M.-Men's Bible ClaSs Forum ......... ......... Presbyterian Church FOR PROTECfION AT HOME AND AWAY FROM HOME, GET A Residence And Outside Theft Policy "C" IRWIN GALBREATH, Jr. Swarthmore 1732 Premium $10.00 • Ir ----------------. --------- --~I I I ; . ",0"'·": I U".· I : G' •. 1.5 ,.,,0 ,,~ . tnporUsnt : I ,",ere' s on , I , I I •. L. tor you. I I Vlor lOu I I I I I I ! I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I : . kEPHONE SERVICE is vital to the war : : . .effort. When you learn a telephone job; you I I acquire a skill ~at will help win the war. I I I I For steady work, ideal surroundings, con· I I genial associates and opportunities for self. I I I I development. you can't do better than -a job I ; with Bell Telephone. : I We have the kind of job you;U enjoy- I I I I and it's probably near your home. No ·expe· I ; rience necessary. Call your Chief Operator for : I an appointment-or come in and talk it over I I ~th 'Ine of our frlllndly interviewers at - I I I I I I 1631 Arch Street. Philadelphia ' ~ I ; Room 315, McClatchy Building, : I 69th and Market Sts., Upper Darby I I t I 57·59 E. Penn St., Norristown t I t I Bring birth certificate or other proof I I I I of citizenship I I . t : THE BELL'TELEPHONE COMPANY I I OF PENNS,YLVANIA ..:- I " I I "A frlenelly· place to work" I I I L ..._ ' __. _· . . .._ _ :_. ~ ... - .. -.;.---~~-..;.-_J ~.. ~ - ,. - .. , •

    ---------- Page 7 ----------

    • N-n!:::TE·A. BIBLE CLASS KAVORY. 'RAo:::r~~~ GIVE. ; SPONSORS FORUM " UFf WHEN YOU'RE WEARY • View StamJards For United Action (Continued from Page 1) The home, the church, and the school must have a oommon Stand­ard if confUBlon and conflict are to be avoided. The child Cndlng the same standards stressed In aU three ,will then r'ecognlze tmt they are essential to a well ordered life ~nd I Wilson's.B. V. pkg25c Come in for a taste of stimulating Hot Boullion made with Wd· IOn's B. V.--Grand in most cliahes and gravies. Economic:al too. SUNNY CANE GRAN. River Brand SUGAR White 5Ib box31c Rice GOLD MEDAL FLOUR For Puddinp 2 pkg 25c 10 lb. bag 5Sc Packed in Gla.. Better for Baby Beech-nut Baby Foods Strained 8e Chopped 11 c Make your own Ice c,eam Chocolate Cocoa Marsh Ten-B-Low Jar23c Wilbur's Baking Syrup Chocolate Ib jar 25c % lb. Bar Hc Delicious OIl Your Breakfast Toast Acme Marmalade Choice of Sweet o~ Bi",,~ Sweet in You B-king too Quicker Suds with uaeit Ib -jar 19c Super Suds Have you tried the 14- Day Palm Olive Plan? 19. pkg. 23c Palmolive Dr. Leslie P. Hill To Speak Thursday, December 7 The Men'. Bible Claee of the. Presbyte~ian Church 18 sponsorins a. ser.ies ot forums the purpose of which is to present iuues bearing upon better human :relat1~ns. The first of thE! series w.lU plall8 on Thursday evening, December 7 at 8:00 p.m. at whlcb time Dr. Leslie Pinckney rull, President ot Chey­ney State Teachers College will be the speaker. All men of the com­munity are cordiallY Invited to hear theso addresses and Join In the free-for .. all discussion at the con ... elusion ot each, talk. Dr. Hill, one ot the foremost leaders of the Negro race, a leading educator, poet, and" authority on social problems, will speak from ·the subject, uRaclal Equallty: The Negroes' Point of View." John C. Moore, president of the clasa. will preside and Ralph A. Nixdorf wUI act· 8. B moder.tor dur.\ng the gener- . 61 dlBcusslon. A graduate ot Harvard Univer­sit,\" Dr, Hill holds the degree of LIlt.· D. from L1ncoln U.Idverslty, lias served on· the stafl of Tuskee­gee Institute. is a fonner "president of J4anasa:e.s Industr.lal Scbool, and . . has been President 01' Cheyney since ·1913. Hls -Work for the bet­terment of the Negro· race bas tound expression through sUch ac­tivities as, :founder of the west "ChesteZ- Community" Center; presi­dent. Cheyney Community League; membership on the American .In­ter- Raclal Peace committgej mem .. bert Board of Managers of .A.nn­. strong Association of Phlladel~hia: vice chairman, Total Dl8armamen~ Committee: and, member of the Committee :tor the Improvement of the Negro Rural Population cr&­ated by the Pennsylvania. State Leglillature. In the world of let­teE' 8, he is renowned for his volume ot poetry, "The Wings at Oppres­sion" and his ·'Toussaint IJov~r­ture," a dramaUo, history In :flve parts. Ul'8ent Appeal them a part of his own. Per­mitting a child to think he I. free to run his own ute the way he see8 fit Is not Intel11gent ralalng of chil­dren. be declared. Such a child Is "headed tOJ" disaster." In conclusIon Mr. Anderson urged that parenta make chUd training a. full time job. "Although the mothers of past ~neratlons did not ,have books on .child PRY­chology-:- they had hours all da.y long with th~lr chUdren. I wonder whether or not our dtftlcuity with modern youth Ie the result of sub­stituting a book Instead of hours." MiSs K1rk In dlscu88lng stand­ards of the school admitted that swarthmore children did "Just what is expected of them," and re­gretted that they did not have ac­ceptable standards of politeness. Mrs. Jenny stated her sincere concern that the borough and therefore the school is sO concen­trat" ed on the secondary Interests of cdllege that teaohers· cannot give anything else than academic tralning. Its children work for marks and do only as much work as must be done to obtain grades. Their Intelligence Is superior and although they work as hard as In some other places local children should accomplish more with more work. Other characteristics ot local ch.1ldren Mrs. Jenny listed as pos­sible ot improvement were ration .. al1zatlon of everyth1ng, refusal to face the bkun~ :tor mlsdeed8, a to­tal lack of respona1blllty, a lack of, pollteness. She pleads for parentsJ, co~operaUon .1n helping Swartll .. more children to develOp their full capaclUes. President llobert CadlBan pl'ellld. ed. over the meeting. Apprec1aUou ",as extended to M.... Ralph Asb· ton Nb:dort. Mn. George Earn­shaw, :Mrs. Howard Bopao.n. an4; Mn.. Stewart Tftorbabn of tbe Rut· tere Blxth grade for 'the hospltal1ty which preceded the meeting. Poet'. Circle Meet. The Poet'a Circle met M.onday af .. ternoon at the honte of Mrs. Ray .. mond K. Denworth of Elm ,avenue. Mrs. W. E. Danforth who 'Was in charge of the program. read mod .. ern sonnets to the group. VIOlin Recital at Trinity Lucius S. Cole, formerly ot the Philadelphia Orchestra will be heard in a. violin recital on Sunday at 6:00 p.m. in Trinity Church. He wlll be accompanied by Da­vid Tudor, organist. and will play compoaiUons by Bach, Handel, Schubert, and others. The public is cordially' invited. Midge Brown of North Cheshr road spent the Thanksgiving weel,t .. end as the guest..of tormer class .. ma.tes a.t the Mary-":S&ldwtn College, staunton, Va. OPEN---- Tonight and -next Friday 7 P. M.-9 P. M. Beginning­December 11 open 9t09 alice barber, Gifts oLi> BAIflC BUILDING For Your ~_dryingi SOAP -KllIttA>ra are needed for 20 long sleeve sweatera to be completed for tbe Christmas party to bo held De­cember 27 for the Coast ,9'uard at Essington. Wool can be had at .the NavY League Headquarte.... Old Bank BulldtDg, or by contacting Mrs. Albert HUl, 9 COllege avenue. QUILTED ROBES Octogon Soap Bath Size 3 Bars 14c 3 Bars 29c Martel Peanut Butter Martel Cut Wax Beans Pansy Large Prunes AIlen's Toffee Sauce ........... , jar 2~c ....... __ 2 tins 29c 2 lb. box35c '.' .. " .. jar 35c / , Lady Luck Apricots ... _ . . . . . . . . . . . tin 25c Rosselli Cooked Spaghetti. ". , . .. .. jar 15c Kelly Sweet Potatoes . : . tin 19c Van Camp Baked Beans tin 11c No Point. Needed Birdseye Green Sweet PEAS "kg 26c Now Back in StDck BIRDSEYE PEACHES . No Points pkg 32c The Swarthmore Bridge Club re .. port the following high scores at their Wednesday evening meeting of bridge: Mrs. I. R. MacElwee and A. Skeet first, Mre. Harry Phlillps and S. Iii. Wisdom, Sr., second, 'With Ma.urlce Griest and John Marker coming in third. Chaperones for Assemblies . I )dr.and Mrs. R. D. Fetheroff and Mr. and ME'8. Roy Wensley will chaperon the 7th Grade of th~ Junior Assemblies in the Woma.n's Club tomofrow evening. The Ith Grade will be chaperoned by} Mr. and M:ra. Edwin W. Crosby and Mr. and Mrs. George H. Jarden. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Goodenough and Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hornaday 'Will act as chaperones tor .the 10th Grade. Eat'm Like'm F ordhook Lima Beans pkg 3~ Mrs. W. W. Turner ot Yale &ove .. nue III captain of the IIcookle-bak .. era" thla week. Her assistants in­clude the following: Mr8. WtlUam B. Bullock, Mrs. E. MAR EL' = Buy More - Eat Better "":"Pay Less at, . Martel's ;; STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Brauns, Olive Cleaves, Mrs. George F, Co ....... Mr& F. R. qray, Mrs. Al· bert S. Johtl8on, Mra. Iaahel P. aall. Mra. Alben ~. EaV6DBOD. M .... Thomas W. Simp ..... Mrs. H_r.a W. OOd, ..... Ezra Creeoon, aud J, ]j). Gl'IUIlblll. MarY Ko" a treehtnan at Duke ll'Dlve .... t;lr. who &rrIvea at her homa on ParrIab road toaq- will IIPU4 cae _ .... d at A,II-pou.. Md •• and &t\en4 the .Al'Dl7-Na'i'y &II I U.a ~_ of IP4ahlpmaa D lei w. Ikilttll. - • A USEFUL GIFI' • and up to 24.98 Rayon'satin and crepe quilted robes in hand •. some prints on light and dar It ground5-4llso sond colors. (J -.' , ., , " - , lIore, -Pa~ , .. .• ,-t. i I lJUY .. A BOND THESWARTHMOR . , \ VOL XVJ.;-No. 48 YALE POSITION FOR BLANSHARD SW~ PA., FRIDAY. D~ 8,1944 $3.00 PER YEAR rA-;-w-Ul-;:-·ts-=Y~ou-r-BO-IId~ 8C"''(l-P-D-ri-ve--'---;-LlB-RA~RY-=:'::EL':''':E=CT:''':'::IO=N !ltuart Brown, _Robert fiOp80n. TOnuJrrow, and Sam. Crothera are reapon_ CUM alble tor the atlmulattng and T.b.e Boy 8~outa who are eon- .'. ING UP graphio thermometer whJ:ch 4uctJng a paper drive tomorroW', Philosophy iIead End 20 .. Year Service stana ltromlnently In the December 9 ask all residents ot to Swarthmore Natlo~al Bank. to .~he borough to gather all their r.e~er the progreS8 of the 6th ~ap paper together, tie It, and Two Directors to be War Loan In tbla borough. place it· on the curb for collec. . . Elected For With the eyea of the entire tion before Doon. Brand Bla.nshardi aluce 1925 a. member of the Swarthmore College PbllOf"phy department and itl) chairman .. alnce 1180, .... 111 ·lea.Te Swarthmore at the end of the cur .. rent eemuter to accept an appolnt­m. ent as J)rof~r ot ph1ltl8C)P~ a~ Yale Unlverslty, New Haven. Cqnn~ After ba.ving· studied at _ tbe U!l1" ve .... ty of Michigan, Columbia Unl· _vendty. and as .. Rhode. Scbolar at the University. of Oxford, and atter :havlng taught fOr four years at the :Un1vendty of MiChigan, Profeesol' 'mansha r4;" In . 1.J6, joined the. Swarthmore College faculty, He baa taUght at swarthmore contlnuoaa'ly since his appofnfment except for ,a year as a GuggenhetrQ. fellow In Europe and a year B8 a v~tlng pro­: feasor at Columbia. Professor Bla.nsImrd 18 I'M of 'tour contributors to Preface to Philosophy, .oon to b. publlabed by the Armed Forces InstItute. He has been predd-ent of tbe America..: Phllolopl)lcal Aaooc\atlon'. I!iaoterii . DIvlston elnce 1140, and tUt :vaar served on Its commlSaion on pbD-oaophy in a Uberal arts education.·· ; Mrs. BlaDSba.t"d, .who bali btIen DeaD of Woman at ~._tb" . con;,se alDce 1138. bas· &!so decided to> leave' 8'IrartJ1J:D.ore ·In orc1er" to com.;;.. "lete a book· on 'Women's education. BROADCAST HEARD HERE commUnlty upon It E. S. Sproat drive cha.Jrman asks every real .. dent to buy bonda to push ·Ita . marker sky.rocketlng over the top. It now &tand.l!l at per oe~t leaving the· half-way mark W911 behind but the Iln!Il days- of the drive WtilCJ',l ends on Decem­ber 16 must aeQ a ~ of bond buying to shoot the mar.iter over. Local War Chest Now T(lps $15;200 . Quota .--- SANTA'S COMING Santa. o.&ks The Swar'thmorea.n to tell _all the boy. and sirl. In Swarthmore· that 'he w.tU vlslt every· one ot them who wanta to see hIm on ChrUftmas Eve. The newa WIll delight the enUre community ",hleh tor the past 61 y..,.... baa counted his cheery UM~rry .christ .. maS" echoed on the trosty air" the jolly, warming call to Cht'1lltlD8a fUn. Parents· who bave been feu ... rul lest wartfme shortage mhrht this year make his visit Impo881ble can telephone immediately to Swarthmore 0900 the name. ~e, and address of all chUdren wbo want him to wakert them from happy aleep to their drea.nui come true. I . Because the United War Chest campaign baa pr(JBre8884 BO well In the area ths com. mUtee bas .reduced the· quota for Swarthmore from $16.100 to $16,- 200. T.hla meaits that Swarthmore has aga1l1 gone over the top. since the total amount collected In the Such scurrying Q.8 Mrs. Santa. and borough has approxJmately rea.c.h- Santa's other helpers are about to ed '16.500. have everyth.tng ready for ,Santa's visit on the 25th. Un.tll December All the local 801lcitors are re- 20 calls w1l1 pout: in to be careful .. quested by Chairman Frank R. ~kley"to ··'turn tn.'"tii*. wO~kln~ 11' flIed and then'lIfrs. Santa will ... sit down to 'figure out Banta's route .~ts:a.Dd. any material. they· may h·.v~' to the United War Chest and a long, "Wtndlng Ol!-e it hi and . . , Mrs. ~ta mU1:Jt plan with care to Headquarters at, the Swarthmore get Santa everywhere and: no, .N"tI·on8.l Bank 'a~d Trust· Com- waste a sm.tdgln Gf .8'9.8; 'l'hat 1B .J\a.ny .. 1rl. order that It may be ra.. why you help Mrs. Santa when' you turned : to Philadelphia. aak. your.· mother' or tather to cal\ -terif.-o. ., .. , )toilJt:·it&me-·!tl.ea.rlyl:· That Iii: ,.-by. Chairman Markley stated his· too. your name moSt be ph,oned In. sincere thanks to the many Each year Santa's calling l1st D Sw8.rthmore 80lolcitors tor, theJ.r new because boys and gtrls do grow splendid work and to the loyal up or move away. So If you wish citizens of the borough tor their him to come to your house looking On TUesday evening, NoveDlber liberal contr1builons which mad~ and sounding Uke all the Christ- 21 when Pr.isoner ot War meaaages the ·drlye a succeaa. -mases, ever call 0900 and then' on 'Were over sbort wave Chr1etmas Eve. because you know from Ber11n and upioked uP" here by relay-11&tenerlJ, Mr. an.d Mrs. I he's a. jolly old saint, Ught your Clark W. Da.vis of Wallingford were Mail Eary/ make his entrance the ha.ppy recipients of good newa a. welcome one. You'll hear hi. from their son Dick whom they HAIL ·EARLY It :you want bells and then he'll be there. knew· to be a prtaoner of war In your' packqes delivered by But remember; he !las lots of Germany. Chrlstmu Is the advice given by boys and girls to fiee an':' he can't Peter. Murray· son of the Fr~d Postme.ster Smalley. The win- be everywhere all ·at once, and he Murraya of Yale avenue was, th. dowa will cloae at 6 p.m. durJng must tollow Mrs. Santa's route· 80 flrst local boy to hear the messagtli the week and Oq Saturday at 12 that he wcn't miss any of yau. and to inform the Dav.1s'. This was noon, except on Saturday, De- Even it you hear him in the ne1g:h­followed 'by reporte from 20 rela:y.. cember 16, when they.will re- borhocd and he doesn't stop :at Ualenera from allover the ealItera main open unUl1:30 p.m. your . house don't b8 d18coUraged. part ot the country. oue as tar He·U be there in due cO\lrse. ..A.r!d 8IWJlyas Toronto, Canada. TIuJ Christmas Seal then, what fun! On the beels of-thess C&IIle a B L_ 0 ------- meeaage from the War iDepartment oot,us pen Eagerly Awaited on Day morning -- Role.nd G. E. Ullman, Jr., Cox-which said the. following enemy Dr. H. D. Lees, Directo.r ot stu- 8Wain, U.S.C.G.R., who has been on, propaganda broadcast from. Ger .. dent HealtH Serv.1ce, ·Universlty of duty In the Pacttlc tor the past 20 many ha.d been intercepted: "Dear- PennS}"lvanla In an informative months ~as arrived in San FrancIs­est Mother.~Am a prillcner at war ialk to the workers from 8.11 over co, Cal., and is now on· his way east in GermanY, am· wounded in right the county who w1l1 parttc4»ate In for a SO~day leave with his parents hand, but improvlng. Write to this the booth sale of· ChrIstmas Seals Mr. and Mrs. Roland ~. E. ~lman address (8talag. 7A. Germany). appealed for a positive approach In ot Harvard avenue. Send packages through Red CroSS. raising funds tor tuberculosis con­Information can be obtained there. (rol, which he state'd, Is a. practical All previous mall wlll be returned. program that will forge a.head in My love to you, Dad, and all. God the next flve years ioward the era­bl888 you all. Love Dick. n Receives Awards Lt. Richard F. Barnes who Is with tbe Eighth Air Force in Eng­land has been arwarded the Air Medal and the Oak Leaf Cluster. Lt. Barnes is a navigator on a B-17, a Flying Fortress. He is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. Clar~nce H. Barnes of Hillborn avenue. ENGLISH POET TO SPEAK On Thursday morning, December 14, at 9: f,6 the distinguished British poet. W. H. Auden will be the guest speaker· at the Literature secUon meeting of the Woman's Clu~. The attention of the members Is called to the' earUer hour made necessary by an 11 o'clock appoint­ment which·, Mr. Auden must keep at tlUt. co11ea,. . I Mr. Auften. best kn:o-Wn cbntem­Po......,. · EnIJIlsh poet; 10111 reajl some of bls own works Including paas .. ....... tr"", hfil ttMleiltb/ 'published volume "tror the TIme BelD.8"" which h .... beell highly· prafoed by lite .... ..,. Cr1tloe and ~ A. selection from tbe PoeJ'DJI of Alfred Lord Ten~." Ii1 whlcb· Mr. ··Auden SIne .. oriticalallPrecIat!ou of Tenn~n. ' .. : Before comlne. to the collep, )(r. A .... • ..... ameliltNli",;fiW' fJi1F yenlty of MlcbJpn faculty. dication of tuberculOSiS. Dr. lAes atreS~ed the" ·value ot . spendtng money for prevention and cure. adding that It will .ul~lmatelY rid tbla count)" of tuberculosis. He stated that a~though tuberculO­siS · Is an tnfecUaus disease just as typhotd fever and smallpox ue in­tectIous. it is different ,from the other diseases In that symptoms do not develop until th.e disease 19 in the advanced stages when cure is much more difficult and cosUy· This is unfortunate for it roues ot It an In",dlous enemy of man. . A1_ Grqup Meet The Swarthmore Alumnae Dis­cussion Group held a dinner meet­tng In Bond Memorial on Monday evening. The speaker of the even­ing Dr. Irvin W. Underhill, Jr., manager for the past three years of the Richard Allen Homes, Phila­delphia's largest slum clearing pro­ject which houses 1124 fa.rnil~es, spoke In connection with hlB work. . i To supplement the mati sale vol­unteers I" all parts ot the county" w1l1 conduct.a booth sale from De­cember -.. totO.: M.... HarrY 1.. DEl.AI'LAINE HE·FLECTED MUler fs chairman of the Swarth- Roy C.'· was' 'renamed more commftte6 ·and· Wili be assIst- president o~f thjjIJ. School Soard and ed by ill'S.. Palmer Skoglund. They F. Norton. t..a.ridon vice_president at have: arranlied 'f .... tli" _18 to be the regular ... eeU\llr Wedn.Qd,~ • sold at the· swarthmore NaUonal The Chrtstmas Vacation be8i.n-: Ba.nk and Trust Company at the. !ling. ~~ ~~.on .. ~n ~.~~er 20 ~d i $bi' iI'Ii'.n 'W6DiII-ea ,.um-,. IIlie' ili.atll&' Sanda.,> 8 ~w"'·<!bIllIlftB.!if 1IY 801d. Board &cI1on. I POPULAR FAMILY COMEDYAT CLUB 3. Years Th" terma of offico Qt. M~. Franl<lln 11._ GUI .. ple and John F. Spencer secretary and treasurer re .. .8pecUvely of the board or directOrs of the Swarthmore PUb.lle I.4brary expire thla year. All membf!inJ ot the Llbrary Association (retlldenu, who have I!Jtgned the !llbraQ" by .. laws at the librartan,'s desk are .0 held) ar~ .rem~ncied tlui.t no·mi~­tlOn8 tor directors must. be :flIed ~lth ME'8. GUlesple ""at later than Sunday, pecember 81. Norn1naUon blanks may ~e. ob­" JunIOl' Mias" .Ia. the December tained from Ute librarIan. Ten m .... offering of the Players' Club start- nature~ ot by-lawa stgners are re­Ing on Tuesday, December 12, and Q,uired to place in· nomination ~ I~dlvldtial 'Who 8hli':lld have .slap'" runntQg through S~t~rday. Decem.. ned hls willingness to serve It Players' Club New­comer Takes Lead As Judy ber 16. Curtain is a.t 8:20 P.~. elected. Since .lIeivice on the This c~J!ledy of fa.mlly lite by library board Involves no ard~u~1I Jerome Chodorov and joseph Fields duties and Ia a pI8~~t way to use cente lone's Interest tor the community it l'1li around the younge8t daugh_ . Is hoped that several clt1zC!Jl8 will ~er, 'Judy, whose :r:neddUng haa up-\ Jet their names. stand.. ; aet th.8 calm of the Graves ·famlly. Th~ pet'8o~. who ar~, entlUed F:lrat "p~Oduced in New York· in (by ~Icles adopt~d at the time of November 1941 under the dlrec- tbe IJbrary'Q incorporation) ,to vote Uon ot "labulo·us" MOM Hart. .It In the elecUon wb1~h held In W8J!I an immediate smash bit and the lIbr8:rY on January 20 and 22 haa enjoyed unln.terrupted BuccedS are· limited to those boroug~ real­throughout the country 1n profeB- dents who have already signed or alonal and nonwcommerclal the- who will sign betore December 81 atres. the roll of JIlembers kept' for that The SWarthmore. production la purpoljJe at the· dbrarlan's dealt. Tije ullder, !he dlr.ecUoq of J. W.lJlia.m amiu8J meeUng ot the Ubr.'rY Ail .. Shnmoll8,'-who., speqlalty Is tbl. 8Ociatlon WIIl·lle ,lield at·.s'p • .t.. ·tYP6·.~of adolescenl auf! . tamily .. ,jan~ ~.2, • .' . '.. .... : ~ .. . problem pla.y.· At the regular: meeting or··tl)e . For a. youngster. tlt't. role of JUdy library directors Monday night, De .. , . cember ., M~. Spenoer reported o.n .Is long and dWelllt, and the paC9 ot: the play rests on her ·Shoulders. expenditures tor the precedtDr: Betty Phllao~, a ~ewcomer to the three months and presented a teD-tattve I budget tor 1046 WhiCh, the club, real.lzes an ambition in play- board ,after considerable dlacuuIon Ing thls pArt. She parilc/pated In adOPted. protessional try-outS tor It and she The librarian's report covering i8 currently playing Judy in a ra- not only Circulation figures for the dl0 serial of "Jun.1or Miss." mo~ths of September, October and Mr. Simmons takefli a part. as November, but also the report, of does aJao D. M3.lcolm Hodge. pre81~ the adult and juvenile chairmen dent of the club. Members of the was received with Interest by t~e cast who have had previous Pllly- board. ers Club parts are: M. Blakley AppreclaUon was expresae.d bf Parker, EUzabeth H. Swan, Sally the board ot tbe gift by J. ~owal."d McFa4den, EJlzabeth N. Garrett, Pew ot 51 volumes of "Chronicles Marguerite H. Gett2, "nd WlJUam of America" and 16 volumes ot J. Mercer. The others. either up --Pageant or Ariterlca," both sets trom the ranks of .run.lor players or being especially valuable as source newcomers to this stage are:: NancY materials in the study of Amerlca:n atstory. _ Snow, James Donahue, J. Robert Hamm. Charles Andes, Geo.rge P. Warren, Jr., Donald Swan, Jack Prichard. WUUam. Sanborn, Tom Pl\toc.k and Robert McNair. Walker Penfield ~ stage man­ager, ~Ice M. Connolly prompter, and . George Jarden electrician. P.roperties are in the care of Mrs. E. O. Lange, Mrs. C. Ma.cDonald Swan, Mrs. Arthur O. Redg~ave and Mrs. John W. Simmons, H. Boost Morale Mrs. A. E. Longwell, Mrs. .r ohn Dot1efson, Betty Laws, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl de Moll wrapped The Swarthmorean for th~8e In the ser­vice on Thanksgiving eve 'While on Thursday, November 'SO. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Mitchell, Mrs. Det1et~ son. :a.lra. Longwell, lt~. George L. Earnshaw and Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Rutherford ,,;nUngly did their part. Mrs. 'George C. Da.v1s~n, Swarth;. more 1999 is in charge ot this pro­ject and will gladly take your res~ ervatlon for a Thursday evening at The swart'hmorean Otfice. Movie at Clothier Mo~e'WooI For Knitl.". The SWarthmore Na.vy League meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Henry B. Cookman of College avenue last ·Tuesday morn!ng. Plana were about completed for the Christmas Party for the service men. The league reports that the proceeds trom the recent rummage sale were very gratifying. Some of the· money has already been used to purchase wool needed for swea1:­era for service men. 'Knitters may procure this wool at the Navy League Headquarters 10. the Old Bank BulhUng. Thetas to Meet The Swarthmore Kappa. A)ph8. Thetas befng en~ertaIne~ ~t theit monthly aU-day sewing meet­fng. by Mrs . .John R. Maxwell of the Green HilI Farms Apartment, ove~­brook, on Dece11)ber 13. The gTOUP sews for the American Friends Ser­vice. Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Wood Stuart of Vassar avebue . entertained as their week-end ·guestS the: "tonner". parents Dr. w::ad lin.. T. R. Btua~ The colle,re rwll1 present another of Ithaca. ·N.' Y., "bo ·were e'n movie at Clothier Memorial tomor- route· to Weat Palm·· Beach: .. ro~ Qv~nlJ.lg •. ~ec.elJ.l~~t o. ,~.e ~~-, ~~. and Mrs. Robert fl. Wick df lure ·wln tie the German verStog.of .,vath ira~ftn 'ayen~e .1011 . enter­i'll" Slld-the'·s1lOrt "Tillie'. Punctu- taln Mra. w.tck'. mother Mrs. John rured Romance." There :..ul ·i'e ~:·"'Ylor' ot Staun-lo·n~ Va., who tWO .. pezfOtAlnces.--one:-at· .. ·· p.m.- It"amYe ahM'tly-tct"'r.I8lt -crrer,·the and another at • p.m. ChNImaa holldQa. • '-

    ---------- Page 8 ----------

    ~"- ________________ ~I _______ ..... ~~~TrH:E;:~S:W:;'A:R:T:H~M:O~R:·:E:ATN::-~~~:::;::~:t~~~~;;;;,.;j,;;~~ consratul&ted for her be ..tor· ... 4 'IrIII' III... a email tllnDer III ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ SCHOOL NEWS ....... fteet. AIIIO meDdoned were -~. .~. '"ODor tomorrow e--·--.' Their ,'. - '" H' '8 -- aIIon .. and co.neeUOD. wo~ .or ~ " .v_ 'A.D.OLP the escelleJIt ~ of the4rom p_ WIll be Dr .... 4 11 ... ~UI' _a_,'. n.,_._ 'LA1JRElB _011, and the fIIle muolo. abWI7. drive. t ~. 90n• of Dlc_, n'avlD'" ~- ~,"g npatula The ttooke were p.a.cked and 8eD '" ... Thla year for the thlr4 Ume the of ,the varloua -pa; Co totbe, woman'. counoll for P* 11 ... John II&cAlplne.~ •• of Prlnr : Jewelry Corner 'Swarthmore B4h School B&Ild Uo ... 110 to 1I_r$. Flab ... 4 LaW1'· w .... Europe. Inc.. for dIIItrIbuUon ceton avenue. <, . ted I the Cultural Olym· ence dlrectore of the ban4 .... d to In Europe. ThIa wae one of the Anne cochran a fMlhm .... · U . ~::-Nove:' 11 at the U"I. the captaln Barbara Brown and the moat IlUceellllful Irlbuteo to book Linden Hall. LlUIa lIPent the week-: p Cn8t_ of p • .,...,lvanla. before the «rum major Ruth w .....e r,;,.nn~. week we have had. en4 with her parenla. Mr. ...4 11. ... ve .., : Th ..... _A. . OOT.'.marJ.ON MARKS ~- penn-COlumbia. game. • -- , ClON8'l'J:!'UTION BOVND A: Robb Cochr&Il of Kenyon a ... •. o uta at the, W,J!;&iA, " 4. b 14 m_lDa which were SUd the Aeld _eral SWarthmore Bish Is proud to e&J' The el..,.. of • e. ... DUe. . ' Um batore the klck·oft maJdDB that 104 booD were co ee In fylns the eonstltuUon "ropoeed by """,,claUon who Introduced pr., I 801, ,1 l'II OHiBiBB BD. marched &lOUD U U tell In on HondaI'. December 4 for r&U· , ~ B. Snyder. preetdent of the.. SWAltt_ORE, PA. 't ee . eaaI receding the the recent drive for chlIdren ~ I . a. colorful P~est ~~b!t followed... devutated, countr.lea wh~ bOOks a committee appolnted ~s C" Leee expressed the apprecla~on .o~" fo:; _____________ .:J e:<clUng theo~_term ••• lon the win. have been destroyed by the war. p .... 14ent . Bill (Alabama) Ne\aOD. the volUDteer WOl'k.... " During e ~ - arted In ub ~dY KIrk chairman of the com· ~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, b d had the honor of "lay· . The bOOD do .... ted v s • mlttee introduced the conaUtuUon _ Dins an Ject from Hother 00088 :lUlYlnee _ Ing ·alone. ore to books that tell of world reoll- to Savern the c\aee for the. nut ItA In previous years. ,Swarthlll dB tn the aoclal .. econoJJ11o BOnae. two years. Heated debate eon- High ca.rrJ.ed off several &WBI'th It was necessarY for & Dumber Unued through the rest of tht.1 which wUl be presented In e f the be cleaned and per.tod •. The cla88 voted to change Sprlng. ODe of these honoJ'll was 0 tched and Mrs- Ann Boulter, the several aectlons of the pro~oMd In uniforms. where the baAdd w: :gh .r;i.~ol IIbr&rl.... Is to be eOlllo/. Intereat wae eo k~en that judged tor color. neatness. an ce the whole consUtutlon could Dot be evaluated In one perlod'a \ time. DlBcusalonB will be continued a.t the next. class meeUng.. '.. J J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Dispensing" OpticitmB J?.q.eatl ill die Mekhic and F'1ldq * Defense COUncU Bulletins * 01 Spld.du ..t 1F.7eGkn. .. 0lIl08: J!OrOUIIl BrIIl-Te' :' ..' NEWS NOTES 1923 Chestnut Street 6913 Market Street- - - Philadelphia AREl'l'ElIlATiONDIG NO OlG tl ea t1Bbt, but the word Is stUl that The cigarette situation con nu . Jette., are not to be ra1oned. rU real 'rhe real part 18 a. def- ~ carT he shortage Is partly false, pa tJ,le fo~ domestic use. For everY Inite I percent drop in clgarth etftt:t ~1ri'e months of 1941. only ,1 4will be o kB turned out In e b 1'0 to the arme serv .. 10an:t.ictured in 1944. A considerable ~~bljiion cigarette8 for home roes. That ... 111 put the lU4 t',~ f:u and 15 billion lees th .... ~tta. consumption. or G bltltlOn :.:e the picture. however. Bad_ dlattrel U~ ~ Other factors en er h made the sltuaUon &CU • a result of war-time conditions a.s a. result of the war. (Strain ~mand for cisarettesthhaB B~~~tU~:~:r:~t=uleB which mean 24-hour of war-tlme living, ree-s ) markets, Increased bl'ylng po:er tage Is partly. brought on by e. glut of The false phase ot the B or ks bought by cartons .. hen buylnC. Persona who bought in h~ the general excitement, laid they could. Non_smok.ers, c&ug up cigarettes for ODloker 1r1en*'ANGERINES ._ per pound on tanger.u.r.ea CoDBUmers wUl be paying abOUt lc more That disaBter wrecked It as a result of the burricane of october 018"and must be reflected In the percent of tbe total Florida tan:er:: ~l:rlda tangerinea haTe upped at neW pricing. purchased by the us , the rate of 51c for 1 8-5 =:IWR SERVI<lE maintenance and repair aerv .. JOSEPH E. HAINES Upper Darby, Pa.. c. ARLEY FARMER. t Hr. and Hrs. C. C. Weat of Wal. nut lane are enterta1n1Dg Mr. weat·s brother Hr. Glen C. West. of the DepartmOIlt of Educa.t.!on ot the State of Ohio .... their house t.o.r. . e.v.e.r.a!. d.B.3'.1J. o.f. t.hi.s. w.e.k. .................................................. ,.' 11411.. l! hourly rates for oU !JurD~l stokers with a capacity un­lIces have been broadened to ,:"clude ~hese hourly rates vary wlth th& der 1200 pounds of co&1 per ~r·e 18 given In cltie8 of 600.000 and sllr.a of the city In whlCteh ::';.~o J....t hour ..nd $1.15 succeedl,nlg.hOOU~ above the maximum ra • . $160' less than'lOO,OOO o,r an From 100.000 to 600,000 'cl2•Od O ant_'!..p~rt&tion time spent going to and 6 These rates In u e ..... , ::,;~ job' ~d any other Incldental charges. GET TOUGH WITH THOSE KIDS! - hy I"~UlI JllALU)N-W ...... oommeutator and Oolomnl: a1f to Teaehers testify In letters to me thst pa.rents are only blame tor the ·current juvenu~ rrV~iUto O:b8 door of Teachers Col~ The other balt can blet tr;t~ Y!rk. and Its respoDslblUty for un .. Jege Columbia. unlv.3rB Y. e disciplln.ed education. d agated the theory tha.t a. chUd There was spawned an prop reBEllOD ot bis Impulses and should be given tull. unlDdhlblti;n e;:a geared to tbls tree expres"" there the whole story of e uea alan. t 1- ty and desire to be classed as "Educators·t who want n~ o~e neW' educational field" took up "progressives" and "lea.duers ~hQt e kids should- not be required to And popularized the no on -. # work. You heard themiik choo!." "They must be allowed "Children must be made to ned 8 hidden talent." . to express themaelve: :n~h~o t!aChers nowadays which can hardly Tests are made ou]I tlo ot graduated halt-wits. The do otherwise than develop a DB: n ents conce":"Iilng the schoo} Q.uestions are not questions b~t s~te~o is write "true" or "false." work. and aU tbe pupU is rr'~~:se ~lVO words ot the English lan- Any child who knows on Y . t 50 per cent, and it he cov-guage. 'With reasonable~uCk'o=-:i ::eSSlng ability would give him erod halt the ellB.88 work :tn15 per.cent. Why study? at least a. paes ng mar d cation' Another farc~ of pro~ive n~e~ce and then 11st tbree or four The teachers wrIte ha a Be th chtld to select the correct· pOBBlbilltles for ending It. iPVlttngk eTbe pupil merely puts in a one. 'rho teac~e:s dtO tn~~ :S~hiS poor litUe brain. although check, so as no 0 B ra tl Is to teach people to think. tbe primary 'reason for ed~ on thod of teaching reading "so the Fanciest. however, Was e me b t spelling' pronunc1- c.hild will love to read.'" NI eved~~~~::-~~~Will com~. Well, It ation. grammar. or anyth nlit has not. I Intelligent juvenUe reallza-lnstead, there has come a PD¥U ar~ssa.ry and teachers no tion that study and 'Work are no ncc me obviously are afraid of authority. (Most of themt's ~hOt::~~~t they dare not challenge a school boards and paren 0 be used by me.) wayward. pupil, or let their nam~ 'World could degenerate In .. How tC leading na.Uon of the m ern Not even Russia telIectually·to thiS extent 18Rdlfn~~lthtow:r:~:;!~to such educational _backward, Communistic USSla- .. inanlmltles. I ta Rusaian scbools have An educational writer cUurrentlp~P~e kids to work with stern· dropped progressive educa on an . 11 i Ung co-eduaa­discipline and thorough sChollaurap~~i~:e';.~~t '!,fn;o~ance and mar­tian In order that the norma 8 riage be not confused with adolesl cer~~ducatl~~ we continue to It RtiBSia raises her chtldren n way. b able to stand raise ours In our !W8.Y. WhiCWhnb Ie xht genUerat:t:1 ':!l:n:e? What can in this worJd at conflict? . e na Q1l this war victont brinIg ktol uglS? back to the scbool principals and We had better qu C Y va d respect. For teachers a dtscipllna.ry authority WhltalCh :~~i~i~:~ lB not necea-children raised under proper paren , ~'I:~~en:~~fd ~~ does not encounter discipline at hore ~~~ must be taught It at school. But the panty-'Waist progr~ ve e caton say (and unthinking parents also): .. "You wUl Instill fear In the poor Itittle d;ajrii ~d punishment Of course How else? Is not the ear 0 a hb by society. includlng ostracism from trlfend8 and ~~I~be °t!:w~o:i sldered neceBS8.ry to reQ.uire adult can ormance Back the Boys! BUY ANOTHER. BOND IN THE 6th WAR lOANl Jt'~ not over, over there-not by • !~DII shot I Uncle Sam can count on the fighting men to keep on fighting-eneJ ~~ ~ust be ~ble to count on you to keep on backi,., tile"., 'by buying eXtra War'&';ldsm the Sixth War Loan Drive, now on. SEE WHAT YOUR EXIRA $100 BOND Will DO: It ";11 h.lp pay lot tho thin,. our IIIOD ..... at hiv.--.un .. ptlD", tank .. lood. It ";11 help hold down tho _t 01 Hvin£. It ";11 provido a neat elt lor tho 'uturo-th. United Stat .. Govera· mOllt t-.. , ... that )'OU will ,et your mon., b1ock, It,,;11 ohow our &,htia, men dW , •• are,,;1lina to clo , ••• part! rOUR COUIITI'" II IT,,, ~T W~R-' AlE 'flU? Swarthmore National Bank. & Trust Co. A. P. SMALLEY , THE BOUQlJET E. L. NOYES BO~e:re:essary for adults wllo are supposed to have fully developed minds and have learned self_restraint. how much more necessary it Is to InsUIi fear of punIshment In undeveloped mtnds. U rt A Phnadelphla. psychlarlst who studied 19.000 juV'en e ~ou cases there found just one general cause--ulac'k of sense a re­sponsibility' for behavior:' He sees only ODe cure--dlthBCIP~in~ll:: SW ARTBMORE !tl'UDEBAKER SATIES &: SERVI<mS BUOIINER'S PErER E. TOLD S'J!RATII HAVEN INN SWARTHlIlORE oo·oP VAN ALEN BR01'i1ERS HARVARD TEA. R001I . , , says only "dilettante psychiatrists" counsel against e ns of :e:O~lfd P:d~~~::~he progrMl!live educational leaden have no grounds In modern PlJYcb1e.try, modern p8YcbC:~ogyto °hrlu~t~;og:~ B. J. HOY Ii AND,10 THE INOLENEOJt .JOSEPH'S BIIBBER SHOP common BOnae to jutlty the supld mlatake u.a W C '.I drswn the schooia and parents Of. tb18 naHon. perilously. (This arUcle reprinted from the Nov. '44 188ue of ms magamne whloh Ie publlsbed by the Inter-Varsity Chrlatlan Fellowship). '-rl\e rod· and reproof stve. 'W'iBdom: bat a Qhlld left to blmeeU causeth _ to b\a mothel':· . u. • • provoke not ,.our cbDdren to wrath: but brine ~~em up In the _nln&' (d_Une) and admonlUon of the Urd. TIle Bible. (Submitted by an Inlereoted oIt1sen.) . ,,' o/i" HA.lUB DONNELLY DEWDROl'IN II. B. GREEN ADOr.PH'S BARBER SHOP RUS8ELL'8 SERVICE \ CJOoED BE&'IJ'1T 8&U)N JllOI"'ElIS (lOr.r,FGIIl pHARMAOY CI!!I:"A'S SHOR SHOP ALICB)f.. ~ .PRANIt'S BARBER SHOP ALIOJiI BARBER. G1I'1'8 BANNtJ]I[ ... WAITE .......... :, .................................................... ~ ........... . . . .. ~~ . . , • THE ,: . '.' ~ , .: >, " ',l/ .. ~,: ;~~;r .~: SWARTHIIOREAN THE SWAR'tr, BIOREAN ' I'mDrleee" .f:an: Jl'Bl"QAY· AT 8WAii11&WOBB, .4- , TID: .WABr .. oa .. ··, D'CJ., Pmv.UH • M ,.aut' .. _ i PI nb7terian Church Note. " .• , Tb\a BundaI' mornlns at the 1, '. Bol" Communion will be eele­o'clock service the sermon will be brated .at 8 o'clock Sunday morn­IIOpen Doora.h filg. All the sa_lo08 of the ChUrch f th Ch h School 'WIll meet at 1:46. At tho All departments 0 e urc 1 • School and _ the Women'., Bibl;~' ev~n, 0 clock· 8ervice of Morning Prayer. the rector will preach on Clasa meet each Sunday morning . th~ toNC. uA Bible tor MOderna.'. 'at .:46 o'clock. The Cburch HoUr>' ~~ 6 p.m. there will be a epeclal Nursery for chUdren ages 1-1' servlce of tJ'kranlan Liturgy, Father ·meets each Sunday morning from 0 I AI '11 ~ 13 o·cIl>ek. ""'e HiSh Schoo! me an ycyk will preach. and the ... ~ B_DUre servIce wiu be In UkranSan. 'Fellowship wlll not meet this Sun. The Choir School will meet on "day Ij'venlll8'. ... ~onday and Wednesday at 4:30 p. The Chlldren's Cbolr rehearses m. and again on ThU1'8d.ay at 7:10 'eaCh Saturday at 2 o·clock in the p.m. Parish House. The Chapel Choir The meeting ~t the Trinity Guild ·rehea.rsea. Friday evenings a~ 1:30 will be beld on Thursday at ten o'clock in the Parish House. ','" o'clock in the Parish House. It Ie 'requested that ell eontrlbq-, T~. AUXIliary Will meet at 1:45 tiODB of money for the CovlDgtons... ~.m .. at Which time, the Library As­the church's bome mtsslonary·tam.- soclatlon.'WUl have charge of the Uy of eight In Tennessee, be lett at. ,program. and will present a book the home of Mrs. W. F. Blr~. 241 revieW'. Ogden avenue or Mrs.· H. D. Mc! C .... y. UI Cornell avenue before Christian Science Notes .December 16.' "God the Preserver of Man" Is 0Ji. Sunday morning . at the 1~ the subject of the ~s80n-Sermon o'olock service Dr. and Mrs. H. In al] Churohes oC Christ, Sclentlat, .lAwls CuUer will be a,t the Harvard on Sunday. December 10. The avenue _entrance and ~r. and !4~. Golden T~ Is: "The Lord shall ·Rex J. Belt will be ai th·e driveway~ deUver me' from every ev.u 'work, transept entrance to 88Blst the. paa- and will preserve me unto hla tot in extending the greetings oi': hea.venly kingdom" (II Timothy 4: ,the cburch to the congregation. 18). The Women's Association 'WIlt Among lUble citations compris-' hold So Christmas tea on Wedneil::' Ing the Lesson-Sermon Is the tol­day afternoon. December 13, _at 2' lowing: "For I am persuaded, that o'clock·.. A c~rdia1·1Dvltatl~n is ex-· neither death. nor Ufe. nor angels, tended to ·all women of the congre.. Itor prlnblpaliUes, nor powers, nor cation to attend this tea wblch will. things present, nor things to come, ·present China In stOry, picture an~" ~or height, nor depth. nor any mWlle 88 Its theme for the after- Qther. creature, shall be able to noon. ' -separate us ·from the love of God. .' ,_ The"!Boar.d of Trusteea will meet, In Christ Jeaus our Lord" Tu'esday evening. December 12: ·fii· (RomaDa·S: '38.39» .' the Church study at S o'clock. The Boud of Deacons will meet Thurs­ ·day evening. December l4, at 8 Go'clock in the -Church Study. Methodist Church Notes Tbe Official Board will meet on Friday evening. December 8 In the chapel at 8 o·olock. The Church School meets on Sun­day morning at 9:46. Classes tor children of all ages and for adults. The sermon topic at the morning worship at 11 Is "The LIght is SUll Shining," ~, youth Fellowship will meet 10 th9 evening at 'I' in the chapel. The Evening Bible Study Class 'Will meet on Thursday evening at 8 at the home of Mrs. L. L. Kautr .. man, 313 Dartmoutb avenue. CHURCH SERVICES SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • Rev. David Braun. Mlnl.tor SUNDAY 9 :4& A. M.-Church School 11 :00 A. M',.-Morninc Worship. Sor­moti Topic: "Open Doors" METHODlST CHURCR Ro," N. Ke!ae!t..P.D .• M.inister. SU",uAY 9 :45 A. M.-Church sehool. 11:00 A. M.-;Mornlng '\.orshtp. Sermon 'Topic: '"The LIght Is SWI Shining." . TRINITY 'CHURCH , R... Geo. Christian Anderson, Rector SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 12 a:oo A. M.-Holy Communion. {I :tS A. M.--Church School. 11:00 ~ M:-Mornlng Prayer and Ser­mon Topic: "A ·Blble for Moderns." • Ukranlan Service. LI&an-k. Choir. ',' THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Olo~ FRIENitS , SUNDAY 9 :45 lL :H.-First Day School. 9 :45 A. M.-Adult Forum-The d19- cU8$lon on Dumbarton Oaks proposals will con-tinue. . ·11:00 A. M.-Meeting for Wo1"Bhlp In the Meeting House. WEDNESDAY • :10 A.)(' to 1:10 P. ..--Bewlns and qulltlnc in Wbittler Bouse. Boz luncheon. All an cordlall~ Invited. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harvard SIDIDAY 11:00 A. JL-Sunday School . 11:00 A. M.-Sunday. Le880n Sennon. , Wednesda,- evening meeUng each 'Week, • p. m. Readl~ room open .cJall)" except Sundays and hol1da7B U to G ~.m. WednMda,. evenlns l' to • p.m. . Ch~. ..E. d=-laU7lnvlled to att\i4 tha 8WVIceo I!IId .... the NIIdInc Room. Friend. Meeting Notes' On Sunday, December 10 at 9:45 a.m. the Adult Forum will continue :Its diBCuss:lon' of the Durnbarton Oaks proposals which .started laBt Sunday. All are 'Welcome to attend. Receives Battle Baptism Lt. William G. Cleaves pllot of a B-11 Flying Fortress received his battle baptism In a recent Eighth Air Force bombing attack on the Fooks Wulf fighter plane factory 1M Bremen, Germany. He returned to describe his initial mission as "rather uneventful" "That"s not saying we weren't shot at," be added, "But only occa· slonally did the bursts come very close and then it 'Was mainly over the target. I didn't see any Ger­man fighters at all.", HIs group Is a unit ot the 3rd bombardment dl'\iBion which was clt~d by the President tor its his­toric English-Africa shuttle bomb­Ing of Messerschmttt aircraft plants at Regensburg, Germany.' The nyer Is the son of Mrs. Carl S. Clea.ves of Park avenue ·and W!L8 a teacher at the Admiral Farragut N'aV'ai Preparatory School before entering the AAF In November, 1942. His wife Mrs. Elizabeth H. Cleaves Uves in Winchester, Mass. Lt. Cleaves .Is a 1940 graduate of Dartmouth: College. Laura Lee Hopkins daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Hopk1ns of Crest lane hOB been elected presi­dent of the class of '4:1 at Middle­bury College. Vt. Margaret MacMUlan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. MacMillan' of Vassar Avenue is one of 7 El­mira College students to volunteer to assist the staff of Neighborhood house In the city of Elmira In its Recreatl,onal. program. Miss Mac­MllIan -is assisting In the Physical Education Procram. She Is a jun­Ior a.t Elmira.. and first vice-presi­dent of the -,'Student Government Association. Janet Wherry of Cedar lane who graduated trom Ryder college. TrentoD. N. J.. In June. returned there last week o·Q an overnight vlatt for -the Pep RaJI,. held tn con­. necUon with the I'UBblng season -o~ the aororlU.... " LEIIERS TO EDrroR " _dve1 In_ _n 4ln&- to the endl_ ';"4 4etalle connected with a Decemb.r ~. 1144 .... of thIa 17Pe. . DEFENDs YOUIH Whether ,·It .U 811"pe ... for·· Dear E4ltor:' 4&nclq·cluo, or .. ......d.wool. Dr. Wm. Barl Klat1er. Very tnIIy "cnin:, J .. V, S. Blah .. ". After an unwfllln8' e.beenee of anow-BUlt for .Johnny, mothers of thlJ"teen years I have recently re- younc chUdren 'Were abie to take turned to Swarthmore to and the ad.Y&Iltaa:e of a time an4, money. oommWllI7 aubJected to public eavInB oPportulll17 rlllht here In crltlclam Which apPe&r8 to me Un.. town. Wlnnel'll' at the' Bwarthm ..... warranted. DurinS almoat i_ By ....,. of conventon to _. acore yeare and ten I have lI .. ed Ume activity. It ... ould be praeU .. in .Hlchla'an, New york, ..... Maua.- able to Buueat llmiUng the ,U­chueetta. England, New Jeraey •• chanae to supplying cbUdren'. KerSBS, WUhlngtOD State, lncHa, wants; clothing lD aoocl condition. France and Pennsylvania. I ar.t toys. ahoea. sport equipment or all moved to Swarthmore in ,1926 and kinde. In Qala way it eeeme to me, was at once Impreued and dellgbt- the children would p_arUclpate and ed by the spirit of courteous friend- really enjoy the sale, Brldse Club on Wednesday .v.aln. were Haurlge an4 Griest R. BaUD. del'll flrat.. with Mr. and Hre. John Ma.erker coming In second. lrIl"II. J'ohn J. Matthew8 of Oary, Ind.. formerly of Swarthmore 1a viIIIlting old frlends.ln Swarthmore today while on a trip eut· to vIaIt her mother MI'8. Owen 8hoema.ker of PhUede11'h1a. IIne8S or fr.lendly courtesy which Very truly yoU~ characterizes both young and old Lola T. 'I.lOm~80n.' in this commUnity. I e.scrlbe It· to the Quaker Influence. Having never encountered Its equal elae­NO MORE FISH STORIES ... ~ Where I 'resolved It poulble to Dear Editor: .I::t/p.~ th.ts my pennanent home: ~/tII-tldIi and in ni.Qeteen years I have never wavered from this resolution. T4e . youth of Swarthmore, 1n particular. are sald to be a bad lot, both wild and discourteous; thanks largely to the negligent In~ dU}genc8. of their parents. Are they and their parents really so bad? I can"t bel1eve It. My three children have all been subjected, more' or less, to the influence ot the 10-cal grammar school, high achool and college. None of these youngsters . Is perfect, even In mY' eyes. The sins of the rising generation are proverbial, and have been so 'for hundreds. nay. thoWJands of years. I have endured my share' of sleep­less m!dnight hours waiting for the wandering boyar girl to come home. Yet today all of my chil-dren are reapectable, useful citi-zens, happily married and begin­ning to be tl"9ubled by the mlB:d0- lugs of their offsprlng. (A go.od time for grandfather to sit b~ck In his easy chair Ilnd chuckle.) The trouble is, tbere is no:'use expecUng too much of ·the, hum.a.t1 race, especially when young. They are a. tough bunch. on the surface at any '.rat". Yet right now our American youth are doing 8. good dfJal for us, and we hope for otb- 'era. on the world's be.tUeflelds. I, for ~ne. am~·not- ashaDted of tltem. Lest Wfl be guUty of the sin ot pride, our mentor ass~res us from 'his pulpit that Swarthmore.1B just an average community. ot average Intelligence. Humph! Let us' see about that. Noteworthy A.'"Ilerlcane a:re listed blemda.llY In a. bil', fat. red book called· "Who's Who In· Americo.. .. .On the basis of population and the law of averages we could expect to find one swarthmorean in this book. The later Issues of this pub­UcaUon no longer contain a. ~eo­graphical lndex, but in a back number which lies at my elbow I find torty-two names credlted to And I have no rea­son to think our citizens have shrunk into obscurity ln recent years. quite the contrary. Asa Don Dickinson. SWARmMOREANS GALORE Dear· Editor: Upon my recent and somewhat belated return to the States I was greeted by the second overwhelm­In'g bunch of Swarthmoreans which I had. received since salling last March. It was surely swell to have my wife and nttte daughter on the 8PO~ to wf'llcome me. HoweV'er. the mere fact that they are o\1t here makes The Swarthmorean and -Its first hand nC'Ws of home ot Increased Importance. I certainly appreci­ate the thoughtfulness and gener­osity ot those who are responsible for: my receiving It. We are just living for the time when we can return and receive The swarthmorean in the morning mall the day It Is published. Wishing our, friends back there a Merry Christmas and a. Victorious New Year, I am Gratefillly yours, . Henry A. Piersol; Jr., Chief Boatswain, U.S.N,R. IS APPRECIATIVE Dear Edltvr: The Swarthmorean seems to a proper medium for a publ~C uthank you" to Mrs. Casey and her untiring committee, !or the effi­cient and successful Fifth Mutual E:l::change held . at the Woman's Club ·on october 6th and 6th. I understand It III a splendid 80urce ot·revenue for the club. I ~Op8 800 'I for that muet be their .maJor Incen· Some dayS ago I 1)ad occasion to spend a couple of up In' upper Pennsylvania-at the head waters ot the trout streams~ There I saw carved In WOOd, this: Lord! give m,e grace to catch A fish so big that even I So when I tell It afterwards I Shall have no need to UB." I wish to rededicate this to our Isaack Waltons Dr. Wm. T. Ellis E. Clayton Walton ,••. *• * * .*. , '* * * ,* * ~ , LUNe H frOIll 60c DINNIl frOIll I5c COCKfAIL Houas , fO 6 P ... ~B. Ant coxnITtO •• D SUBURBAN CAFE and Coc:lctail Lmmp 1.'1 ~"CIlIIE' P.LL IIIIIUI SIlII.1 '* • '* * • * * ** * THE ADDRESS TO REMEMBER 1820 CHESTNUT STREET , OLIVER H. lAIR CO. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS RiTtenhouse 1581 M, A. Balr, Presid"nt CARNS Still the Perfect Answer for Every Name .on Your Xu .. : Gift List and the ·Name CARNS Makes ANY FLORAL GIFT More Appreciated. POINSETTIAS BEGONIAS VIOLETS CYCLAMEN AD Se.""".1 Cut Flowera MISn.ETOE . BAYBFlUUES B..a.I'.t CONED SPRUCE Door and Mantel Arrangements DECORATIVE WREATHS ORCHIDS ALWAYS WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS Sp;i¥ieLI CARNS' FLOWER$ , 'Phone s-. 0450 * '* * '•* * '* '* * * * '* *

    ---------- Page 9 ----------

    lOCAL SPONSOR AT LAUNCHING Mrs.. Richard Burke Christens 68th V es­sel of Year" lire. ruollard L. Burke ot Weal­dale avenue. wife of Rlohard L­Burke vice-president of the Bun Shipbuilding and Drydock Com­' P&I\y was the recent sponsor of the S. S. Wauhatchle. BUnt at the North Yard for the U. S. MarlUme Commlsslon at an 'appro~ate coat of , the Wauhawhte wae the 6Sth y • ...,1 to slide down the 'w~. of the local yards this year. It is ODe more taDker of a tArge lleet carrying avlaUon gaso­line to. the .A1Ued forces abrOad. ert . Bal8' vice p.-Ident. WIlHam c ........ er _tar¥. 'aileS ·ueen .... aneS K". craamer. ~. H. Gerdon McConechy cIlIet eJIIIIDeer aIIeS lid­McCOIleohF. Thomas K. JaelUlon chief electrical engln .. r and IIi'll. Jacil8On. loin. AP" Bale SheldoD. Mr. and 14 .... H. ·W. 1IC0tt, Mr. and loin. A. A. Norton. azUl J(r. and Mrs. RIchard BaI8'. Heads BriliIb DauPteft Working with loire. J. H. Gordon. McConochy lIeneral chairman of the DaUlJhtero or the Brltleh Em­pire'. annual bazaar held Wedn_ daY In Phllatlelphla. were fellOW 8warthmoreaD8 14 ..... AgDee Balli Sheldon, Mrs. W. H. Brown, lira. OctaVlU8 Na.rbeth, Mra.· W. E. Martin. . The Rev. Oeorae c. Aildereon de­llvered the Invocation •. Seek Revival A group ot swarthmore reel~ents met lut week at the . home at Dr. WIlliam T.' Ellis of Walnut lane for the purpose ot planning a re-; vlvaJ of the Town Meetings Which were a traditional part of borough l.tfe some years ago. .. . , -, (.' SCBOO~NEWS AWARD ft.a.tER8 WIlliam Z1egointu. and VlnPnJa Allen aWardetl athleUc lettf.. to membo .... ot the footllall and·hockey teema in the Senior Bla-b A..einbl,. t_~r.· 'lid' Baftlr LealIei' at ·tIl. HII"h'_eol, __ g-_-hom." Bprlncfteld ovor the .. eekend. J(n. Jenny Is a. mathemau ... te.oh.r I!l the HICb Sc!>ooI.. ': WedneecIaY .. ttemooll. . Dlc;k Book. preoldent ot SenIor student AaIsOctatlOD. wae the cha1r .. man and Bob Bird ....... ewe com­mentator. 'Jean Gehrtng leeS the devotiollll. ~8Kft. The ninth grade preeente4 & ra­- dlo eldt entitled t'A CbUd t. Born" directed 1>J' Paul WllII'm. In the Junior High' A.Uembl,. Thureday afiernoon. The cast ot cbaraotel'll inoluded Innkeeper's wUe Nancy BUckler. Innkeeper Charles Andes, Shepherd DavJd JlcCah&n, Prefect and Soldier Ralph Brown. Leah Anne rockman. Joseph.PhIl Prlo ... · BL&OXFRIARB OIIOSJ!;N . Atter nearly two montha of rea4~ .InC IIlld deliberation 1>J' the pI .. ,. re&4lDC commlttee, '~lackfz1an" bali decided to preaent the Plalr "TIah" as Ite m!!.lor proeJucUon. 'rry­outo are to be held thia' week; Henry Hofmann. faculty ad"V'lsor. plans to have twCl weep relleanoal betore Chriotmu v'a .... Uon and a few during that time 80 tha.t the pia,. C&D be.preeented noUo ... after the return to 'school In 1946. The play already show. promise under the leade_lp and esperlence of lIr. Hofmann .. ho has lllrectecJ It before as .. ell u many other pl8)"JJ. ~ WEI,'-... Dtam88 :JOm Smith. and NarratQr La.Bt week the students were ex- Pa.ul Williams. claiming, J'It'. outrageou8J Imag- Georsl!l R~1mer and !rIrs. Anne sullivan 8IWarded athletic leHers. ·lnel AD. exam every . dq thl8 weekI" But DOW, those bardwork .. M~ Lou Tha.yer was the stu· Ing pursuers ot knowledge can dent ~a1rmBJl and :Mary. Alice breathe a. sigh of relief 8.8 fuey ra- West read the Bible. t~Jrn to the "normal"., having .Just ... :II .:l , . - '.".DIP C'IJI..... . ...... . Bo •• ·_ .. ·_U-. _ 10~" p¥llclpaUon In actIvIU ... drI"", ·.etC..1s eXeepUonall7 keeA In the hla-h _001 thIa y...... 01". Ina' ,...aM where: It 18 due. It " hla-h Ume to !&ull the inimItable SO, hom. zoom of HaDna K1rak .&84 ber exuberant eompatrloto, who ..... the proud and perennial exempiarll to the . re.t of the ochoal in eve.,. pb...... . of ~OroU8 cluHD8hIP. The;r cherlah & conotant 100" reo­ord In 'Bond and Stamp purc_ wblch .. eme &II natural to them .., It Is amazing to other cl ........ The;r '""'. itrst In the A.A. drive. Oar­net drive,· au.d Bed era.' drlve, and Intend to· eonUnue their per­empto~ record. Incldentall7. the preelden~ ·of th" BUI Nelson, trea.eur~r. W~e Warner, and S.or~talT Cuol van Allen. emanate from, 308. EI.nmoN IUl7r1lR.NB Mr. Burke has been conuected with th~.'compaDY for 28 years and was appointed vice presldent .to 1927. He started his co.reer as a marine draftsman at the New York BhipbuJldlng Corp· • .camden. . John G. Pew, Sr., who recenUy returned to his oBlce atter & lOng Uln-ess was master of ceremonies. He presented MrS. Burke with a large bouquet of roses and a glft after she brol<e the traditional magnum of champagne agalnst the aide of the Wauhawhle. Atter ~e launc~ing the BPons9l' and her guests were enterta.lned for luncheon In the company din­ing room~ Among the Swarthmore guests were Mr. John G. Pew, Rob- Follo"\1'lng a. general discussion of local problems whic!l centeTed largely OD planning for the youth ot the cowmunity and utlllzat10n ot the available fac1llUes for recrea­Uon and Social activity, a commit­tee was selected to organtze a Town Moetlng .Association. The members of the committee are Dr. Ellis, Mrs. Louis N. Robinson, :Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, :1. Paul Brawn and Alan C. Wood. 8TAlRT DIUVE Tuesday a.fternoon members of the seventh grade dlstrlbuted circulars proclaiming a scrap dflve to be held tomorrow, December';. by the Boy Scouts. HUNDREDS GO ,UP The total tor the Bon~ and Stamp ... Ie thl. weel< was $329.50. U2 in stamps and $187.50 in bonds. The Juniors had 100 per cent a.p.1n also 141M Armstrong's and Mr. Op~ penla.nders SeDior homerooms, and Mrs. Jenny's Sophomore homeroom Mr. Snyder's Freshman homeroom and Mr. Baldwin~s eighth grade homeroom joined the hundred per­centers this week. . ftnmbed tho aeootul report period of the yea.r. Tbe end of the period means not only tewer tests fOI an­other six weeks, but a1.eo, a report card on Friday, a Df1W· order of classes passing to the lunch 'roODl, and a general rela%8.tlon of the stu­dent'a schedules unttl after the Christmas Thus the' period ends, a.nd we hope. ends well. RH1J.'UB.NED WJ'I'H INTEI1oJI8r The hockey l<!&m' had a' final IJOt together on Monday nlcht at caP~ taln Phebe Luken~8 hoWie for -the main PUrp08e ot electinC' h~r .,uc­cessor. A1ter a vote. ot all those receiving varaity letters. the re... turDS showed Heather Champion, ~or two SeasODs the team's lett In­ner, to be next years captaln, bead ... Ing a team ot almost entlrely1i'ew members. as DJne or the eleven varsity players are' graduaUng thls year •. ANOrJlER AFGHAN A beautiful afghan juet complet­ed by Mrs. n. G. R.lncllffe of strath Haven avenue and AdaUne strouse ot the high school f...cult,. and as­seinbled by Mllile Engle from wool contributed by last year's Junior· mllh Olrl'. Service Club win be Bent to the Red CroB8 to be used at either the Naval Hospital or the Valley Forge Hospital •. TIME Dr. Ellis. chairman of the meet­Ing, emphaalzed the importance of keeping the proposed Town Meet .. lng movement above parUsanshlp. • ~OR CAR I ._"wfJ!I· . I/IS'P~'·~ ... r Car inspectors are the civilian top-se:<qeanlll who bring lime-worn cars up to par. The a.ver­age car now is over eight years old. War-lime wear-plus age-means that you must be more alert than ever to keep your car ro1Hng. Car inspeclion will halp you to do this. YOUR CAR MUST BE INSPECtED BY JANU­ARY 31. 1945. There will be no extension 01 tbis period. Get in early and the job done. Wailing until the lallt days of this period ma.y mecm tha.t you will be unable to drive your car beca.use you the official inspeI> lion slicker. TRANSPORTATION MUST NOT rAIL. B Will not fail if you cooperate by getting your oa.r inspected-and inspected eculy. Pennsylvania. is counting on you. CAR INS,PlC:!1 REQUIREMENT PRECAUTION. ECONOMIC A WIS.' SAl'm STICKIII , ~Il'ONOR Mrs. Margaretta Plewes has re­cently been appointed to the State School Lunch Committee by MlaB Francis Hoag, Adv1Bor of School Lunches in the Department at Pub .. lIc Instruction, Harrlaburg. She has been made chairman of the In­stitute and Workshops Sub.Com .. mlttee at the state SChool Lunch Co~lttee. I . . TE&OIlER OO:MlllS HOllli1il •... Ueutenant (J.G.) John H. Jenny, U.s.N., tormer English and Hl&torY Recently & scrapbook was receiv­ed from the uJuan Leon Kera" publ1c school numbf!ir 16 In Guaya.... qull, Ecuador. This scrapbook, made last year, was sent In return for ODe compiled by the Spanish Club under the direction of Adel­Ine strouse two years ago a.nd sent to the Red Cross to be given to Boma school!n South AmerlCL The Ecua~or scra.pbook contalns a letter written In Spanl8h.· the coat of arms Ilt 'lndependent Guay­aquil, and the na:Uona.l emblems ,of sev~ral South Amer.1cim coun .. trlee. beauUfully done. It also shows the products ot Ecuador and photographs ot various pubUc bulldlngs and pla.ces at 'hlstorlcal Intet-est. . M1BR strouse 'Is considering JIULk­Ing ano.. t her scra.pbook. EUREKA A brave remnant of last year's Green clasa III laboring dlligently' again under the kind dlrectlon of :Dr. James Irwin. Latin Instructor. j The oPtlmlstio group, wblch meets • once ".. week. consists of Heather Champion, Jean Gemmill, Franny Evans, Priscilla. Enslin. John Fos­ter, and Myron Sharpe, all of whom had 15 weeks ot Greek tbe last school year. Because they :tasted Greek lMt year, the class prefers (with dignity) to call itself "Greek II." "In college, they cs.11 It 'BabY Greek'." says Dr. irwin c&usUeally. To The Residents of This Commllnity We cordially invite your subscription to the $14,000,000,000 Sixth War Loan Campaign. Make your selection now from the following list of United States Government Securities 2Y. per cent bonds-dated December 1, 1944--dlle March 1S, 1971--callable March 15, 1966-issued in co~pon or reg­istered form--denominations ~500 to. ~1,000,000. 1 ~ per cent notes-dated December 1, 1944--due September 15, 1~47-coupon form only--denominations $1,000 to $1,000,000. 2 per cent bonds-dated December 1, 1944--due December 15, 1954-Callable December 15, 1952--coupon or regis­tered form--denominations $500 to $1,- 000,000. 7/8 per cent certifictaes of indebted­ness- dated December' 1, 1944--due December 1, 1945--coupon form only­denominations $1,000 to $1,000,000. • Series E, F, ami G Savings Bonds, and Series C. Savings Notes are also available dllring the Sixth War Loan Campaign. 'j •. :... " The quota for the Rutledge, Morlon and Swarlhmore dis­trict is $400,000. Swarthmore National Bank. & Trust Co. .. , •• <I JOHNSON HEADS- . . , .. . . . COUIGE BOARD . Aydelotte Beeomes Board Member In Election . ... _ ..... ·Siiv-nVafti-.A .•~• - . HiJpSji ·i,,·a.ilf· .. K .... J_ph 1'1.~~ of Bu- 11M. .W. n.l~ - ...... 11l4lvlduai. have 'Varel avenue waa h~ to a croup II . dlaoo'tertd whoee morale oould of Service 1'11'008 0\1 PrIda¥ ev'n- 'Ie - .. Ith the -_ .. of Ing. ThOBe p~nt lncludll!ld lire. generous Swarthmore fden4lll. The William .u.ton. M .... l!ld .. ard Pyle Leelb!" A\Ildllary_ All to help Ii .... Robert Eo Kol8I, lola. B'>Yd 1'1: them dqrl ... the eomln ............ For l;1tau.erer, )(ra. Howard D. Slpler, I~tanee, there 111 a need In one eold U .... Chvlee Kopr, lira. Staunton tiome for rag, rup In good cODdJ .. von O .... bUl. Ii ... Robert B. Walker tlon. A ....... ter. s!sa U woulll be Krs. WUllam Burl"'-e and J.I • moot &eeeptable .... ci IIftF .'rUele of K. ' . r& OUts't0WD, 1,1l'4Isentable clothing tor The croup WIll meet with K children trom two J'8.'" to 18. Bo_ Coop.. Jo_on. Vice Robert Eo Molet of ill P",rk n. Grocerl.. wOllleS not be amiee If prUleSellt. of Strawbrldg.. arid this ..... nIDg. . . one would r&ther besto .. In this Clothier; of PblJadelphla, was f .. hlon. At th" ChrlJrtma. _n eleeted prUldent of the Board of Mn. It would IIrlnll a II10w to the b~ lIlUl8,IJ8rII of Swarthmore College ~-Irett to sP - k to elve 01\ the home front, where ..~~ _·t· .' . =1'" ). ' : c, - '. ...T.l.tE. WE_E"KJM'S <C A_I.E.N.D A' R. . 7:',OF.M. to ':00 P.M.--Kovle-German VonlOn ott "M"._ .... ClCIIIh- Ii' Of k' II I 81mda,. II' ' a. ..' - ':00 t:M'-U om IlIJ Worahlp ........ _ .............. ._-_ ... x..o.. CJi!lrda .. • ..- kranIan Se~lee, ............... - .................. - ... '1'rlDtQr Chui-ch •S;•G•O• I~'MM -~Srla t~ ~ Meatln. ......r.q... - -.........-......_ I_I . ..- -_. .... Woman'sClP S'IO·P.i!: "J' I t;: M."etlns .•.. _ ........... _-_ ....... ..• Wom ...... aab • ,.. .- un or ZW",.,.;;: •••• ;.-,:t-DN.~~i.-... -.. .:. P1a7 .... OIUb lQ.,:!.Of ~K. to 4:00 P.M.--Rell ero"" SurclCllI nreaelnD. BoroUlJh Ball . .-.U.-".Ju.nlo r lI. ....'• l iWii .. ,;. ................. ,. .. _.. ............... Player'. C10r. .:te A.U.-IMerature !lee F, BIt 1-i4 ,- . . S' 20 PM "J f 1I0D ........ --... - ..•.•• - .. -~ ••• .:-.- Womaa'.·Chllt '. . ,- un or 111.88" ......................... •... •• __ ................ PIQ'urs Club Poets' Circle to Meet at Ita ~~ meeting Tu~ay. Hr. Mrs. Harry E. Lockett of y_n_ thre Au:z:Jllary can anure the donora -The Poets· Circle wUl meet at the John8.on baa ..r ved _.. . a m-~m bor d on who addro. .e d the -tnnlor C-lu-b 0 a gift 'Wisely Bent. h ome 0 f Mro. Orrin Elliott ot Hem- The .a.u aual cbdatmu Tea of tile :01 the Board tor 43 yeare, and' bas last year. rw111 &Baln .be the' cl'ub . lock road, Pine Ridge, Medla on ' be.en ito vice p ....l dent slnee 1933. Bp_~_ Le r at the WOIUaD's Club on a Urs. SeWell W. Hodlle of Oa~u.e n"- .ond ay n.ext.- Mra. 8. Milton Bry- aKta ptphae K h'a opmpea Ooatm m... ...... w ilTl obue" he"ld. H18 elec'UoQ followed the rea- T\1esday evening next. Her ia.ut venue entertained her bridge clUb ant whO Is in charge of the pro· -. .I .. 1pation ot Charles Francis Jen- wU,.l be on Coametlca. at a luncheon at her home Toea. cram "'111 read Robert Nathan's Brooma,tl, "th. of Cornell avenue ~~ k1De. publisher _~ ___ ~~-=~::~ _ ~ _____ ~d:a~y.~ ______~ ______________~ :,,~.,~~~~~~~~~~====~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~_ of the Farm Jour- .lQotnlng In IOWL" morroW' "afternOOD at I o·oloCk. ~al who haa b~n lI,. member ot: the Board since 1904. and Ito president ,81nce 1983. Another valued mem­. Hr, Henry C. Turner of the Turn­ers :conatrucUon Company. resl&ned today ending a term ot service whloh began In 1912. At the same Ume the Board tul­nounced the election of, two new m,embera, ~ank Aydelotte DOW ot '~cetpn, N~ .1., for 19 pres­ident of Swarthmore College, and Edmund G. Robinson, ·of wUm.tuc­~ n, Del., a member of the C1ase of 1906 and nominated by the Alumni .A88ocIatlon. Dr. .AydelOtte. newl7 el<>cted member of the Boar.d, . re·e&tab .. lIahes hla connection with swarth­more College which began when he becaPle prestdent in lU1, and was Interrupted when he resigned in 194:0 to ~eooJJle Director of ~e .In­aUtu" tor Advanced Study ;in Princeton. Dr. Aydelotte bas an internaUon­al reputatiCln in hlgher education. A Rhodes Scholar himself, he has been American secretary to the Rhodes Tr1UJtees since 1918. As chatman of the ad~ory' board ot ··the John Simon. Guggenbelm Mb­morlal Foundation sinoe 1925. _he has helped to' select' man:y: promis­Ing scholarS aDd ar~ tor Fellow­shipe In Europe. During hts 19 a.t swartb­mOre. Dr. AYdelotte introduced a. method at teaehing exceptionally able students .known as ""bonora work," and raised Ute endowment of the college trom three million .dolla.Ts to eight mUllan dollarS. TOCONDUcr . UKRANIAN SERVICE A Bpecla1liturglca1 service at the Ukranian OrthodOX Church (East­ern' Cathollo rutes) will be held Sunday evening at 6· ·0' clock at Qle . TrInity Church, Father OmelaD Myoyk will preside a.t the service. which will be BUng in the Ukra,.D.lan ianlJUage. The Usanko Choir, consisting of a grouP of Ukranlan girls, will be present in their peasant costumes to sing the ancient chants. The Lit­urgy. will Include caryou Nebosny (Prayers to the Holy Ghost); Nach­al0 Oblcrne .(Preparation PrQ¥e1'8): 108rd Pea1m; Vellkaya _nlY" (The Great Litany with Hallelu­jah); The FIrst psalm (four venes); 'Ekteniya Blahalina (SUP­pllcatinC Litany with Special Pra,.· era for men and women In the ser­vice): Peeol Twoyou Nlleest (SUP" plication to the Virgin Mary); Manachyda (Mourning Prayers for the Dead). The church will be illumined by caDelle llcht following the Greek tradition. the service there 'WI1I be fOlk dancing and songs In the ,-.oreat.iOD room of the church. A reUgloUB procession wilt precede the ... rvlo.. The pUblic I. oordlally Invited to attend. PIeDty For AD Tbere will be cookies galore for tbe Philadelphia Naval Hospital and the Swarthmore Annex this 'Week. Mrs. Albert BiUes of the sw....tlln!ore APartmenl8 18 the week'. chairman. Those ...iat8ttng ller ...... 14 ... :1: 1'1 ....... 11 PUIIOn. Mrs. 1. Frank Be&tty. Iir& R. A. WIlsOn. J(r&. Boward 1>. BladelJ, Hrs. DwIIJht cooJe;r. K .... Thomas Lue'd ...... Mrs. Harold GoocJ~. Mrs. Elwood Gar­rett.. loll'll. Lea . .., Wray. J(r&. ~!... a. '11>*hO'\-. Mra. Walter Palliler. Ura. 1jl.. .t.eftoy liercer. II.... a: Warde,r' &e.aon and lI .... ,~: .~~~JI:~ {~~, .. r~,.: ... -, .... '.~'" ,\,:. •.• ~, ~..»• •• ,• . :..~'J,.;.. .• ;. . ••? ~\ 1·' '- .;.,.' .. ON Monday of this week. for the second consecuti .. e yeat in PTC history. we carried our billionth pas­senger. It might have been a school child, a war worker, a Christmas shop­per,,,,,",, The occasioni,s a good time Co report on what bas been done so lu this year, ancI the job ahead. uSAFITY ,IRST" PAYS DIVIDENDS PTC again this year has made an en­viable safety record, wbile operating _der severe handicaps. The ac;ddent rue, based on passengers carried, has been reduced 8 per cene for the first teD months of 1944. This is more im­pcessive when it is reDlemberecl that 1943 was the best safety year in the _pany's hfstory! The alertness of delers and emplo,. aIib .made this 6ne showing poeeINe s.avlc .... oauMS CONTINUa It hun't been easy for yoar transit company to provide the fast, e1Iicient -nee thee 'fbitots to this city praise .olllgbly, More than 1,300 of our em­,... , .. ,.,. Ie die armed and £ 'p t e J."C'CI II are M_ pit III get. Equipment is a year ·older, and getting new vehicles is !'out" for the present. Even'repair materials are dif­ficult to obtain. In respect to bns serv­ice, the rUbber Ure aituadon is worse than ever. And, this month we expect Co see the weekday average number of passengers c:arried exceed PTC's all­timehighof3,3S0, OOO ... atremendous strain on personnel and equipment. , ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE Philadelphia business firms. as well as riden, by their c:o-opet1ltion, are help­lag us win this battle of wartime transportatiOil.; A Tery definite helpia the plan fat staggering openiog and closing hoors of stores and offices. This spreads the nsh tralIic hoors Oftl' a lODger period C •• hasteduced peak hour travel by as much as IS per cent OD linu serv­ing the center dty district. The work of the Philadelphia-Metropolitan War TransportatioD Conunittee is invalu­able in .nipng the plan _bble. P'l'Calso appred_ ~ helpful spirk ...... a ." the tiding pabllc; IUd ~~Vjl responded quickly to oar sugS­nOQa on way. to speed up senice ; •• have accepted with understanding the occasional delay. and inconveniences that are bound to OCCIlr, TOMORROW! W .... th continlJation of this -.nwork. we ue confident of our ability to 1I1eet the transit Deed, of Philadelphia 1intil Victory is woo,; Then 'i. well, plans are already under way Co resume the war-interrupted modernization of the PTe system. We can promise JOIl thac i! will enhance Philadelphia" re~ non as having the finest tranSit senic:e in America. TO HELP US HE'" YOU ••• 1 DoyourOaistuoasshopplna~. Do 'fOAl' riding between « offer ..... traffic houri, and avail ycuneIf of ... wenIng shopping hoclrs In dep ..... IIlent ...... and specialty Ihopo. . 2 J 4- s NttNe to the .- of .... Id ... ItMp doors clear. . . 8uytnk_lnoclv ·,i ........... chana_ ready. PreMftt Itansfets CIIId exct-oes'" "p, unfolded. tlsulr .. tcan and subwCI)'.1 J alcd Instead of to-. . , ---~.--- .... iladelp~a. ·TraJl~porta~ion . Company .:".~,,_ ..• ,"_.1 ••.• ~~,.,:, ••• ;'.O.~'" . ,. .:. ••• to" ." ••••• ' ':ii;/'·~'· . I ,

    ---------- Page 10 ----------

    .iI·~ '.I }1 S'W ARTHIIOR'EA" :' , ' 'I" ",.r.' -. - . ,.~ . .. _ .. --_.- nlDAY .. POINT FREE MEATS! WOMAN'S CLUB Ib 4S: IN RECIPROCITY WQhington Ey~ Boro wrOie:'\,*,O~1 ha';'~' workea out & thoultit~PfOYOkIq qu __ .... d I am· tmm.naelT tntereoted tn ..... 1... tb. .......Ite. I beu ..... It would be uaeful to laJIe ample pob of tb1a 80rt tn _oua parte ot the country and I am cona14er­In&' the J)OII8IblUUe. of talt.lng ""me ouch aauip)lng In typical to..... tn my" dJatrlc( In ,South- Veal Chops Veal Cutlets Ib 47 C Fifty County Officers. , Offlctal Waebtngton baa become ,ve,.,. mucb Intereoted In Sw~­more~ 1J tortbcomtn. public oplillQD poll 'on wbether tbe United state. ahouid enter a world orga.nlsaUOD .to ·malDtatn peace and b_ we sbould settle 80me of the probli;li;uI PrepaiatloD8 for 1a.k1ng the poll are going abead, the town having been mapped and capta1nlJ named for the different......... The_l dates for the poll bave not yet been 'fixed but present plall8 are to have, It well completed before the Cbrtat­mae seasOD. Rump Veal Roastlb 35e And ~:=:ents relatlng to our pa.rUelpaUon. ", Senator Carl A.. Hatch. ODe of ~~_., authors of the Hatch .. HUl .. BurtoD~ BaU Reeolutlon wblcb precipitated favorable Senate acdon last ye&r on our entrance Into Buch an 6r~ gBnlZatlon. bas clven valuable'-·. a1atance to the local committee·ttl the phrasing or.~the Q.uestlonriaJre. senator Arthur H. Vandenberg a.nd Wallace H:""Whlte. Jr •• both- mem­bers ot the Senate Committee !'lD Foreign Relations, bave asked 'to bave, .. _the tinal results ot the poll Boneless Veal Roast Ib 3Ge Fresh'Hamburg Ib28e Top Sirl~in Mak. DeJicious Com Fritters and Pudclinpl B & M Crushed Corn Park Brend i)eIiciou Golclea Bantam , -.stock Your Pantry Shelf. Cue 24 $3.35. - Shad Roe no pta Giant White Rice Cluster Raisins English. Walnuts' ~5ge 2 pkg 33c pkg3Sc Ib4Sc Colorful in Salada and as a Vegetable Pickled Red Beets Homul,le, brend-Tender Slices of remptina Red Beets that have lots of appetite appeal. 216OZjars2ge Wheaties Treet or Prem Jumbo Ripe Olives Green Gage Plums 2pkg 19c tin 3·3e jar31c jar37e Delicious Creamed with Hard Boiled E. nsl. Snider Sweet Peas One of the outatan~ eventa ot tbe year In the Womau'. Club of Swarthmore was ,the Reciprocity Tea wblcb wae beld at the Club House on Tueeday afternoon, De­cember 5 and was .attended by a large group' of msmbers and fifty guests •. includlng paat p;r'ealdents ot the .County Federation, County Of .. ficers and presidents of the Wom .. en'. Clubs in Delaware County. 'rho program ot the afternoon was preceded by' a short business meeting which was opened by the president, M ..... Claude C. Smith. After announcements by com­mittee chairmen. Mrs. ~th Intro· duced ,tbe paot PrealC'l'enlo of tbe county, l\ S. Blab' Luckie, lfrs. Alfred Crooks, Mrs. Elmer'S • ..Mel .. ic.k. Mrs. _J4 LerOf smith, and Mrs. HRrold Bo~tke., Each spoke ·briefly .on her experiences whUe In oftlca. Mrs. Smith tben introduced Mrs. Winfield W. Crawford. president ot the Delaware County Federation, who announced the .January Feder­ation Meeting at which the subject ot tbe discussion will be "Post­War Planning,'·· The county omcera then Intro­duced were 1st vlce-preBldenl,. Mrs. Edward R. Tull, ard vIce president, Mrs. Ha.rold W. Robinson. record-sent to them. . ' . Must Carry Onl Kembel'8 ot the SWarthmore committee of the Deiaware County ~. P. C. A. whlcb Includee E1r1o Sproat. James Lukens, and Mrs. J. R. LeHecka have sent out a num­bj! r of pleas for pledges toward & new ambulance tor the S. P. C. A... They wlsh to thank the many anl­Interest Is not confined to the mal lovers ot swarthmore who Senate, letters .bavlng been reealv- donated $100, toward this cause. ed by the local committee from the The old ambulance ls completely Department of 8ta;te and members worn-out and it Is Imperative that of the House Co"mmlttee on Forelp' a new one be purchased in order Affairs. Representative ERrl that thla organlzaUon may carry on Mundt member ot the committee: Its humane work. BUY A BOND-First· • Corner DECEMBER -STORE .HOURS .Ing secretary, Mrs. Lewis M. Deb, l~;,o!"''''''f'",,,,,,:,,,,,,:::::::;::::~,:,,~:'"'''''''='''--~~;:i4 corresponding secretar)", Mrs. r,' 1944 Frank W. Davis, and treasurer, DECEMBER • Mrs. Pari. Andes. Mro. Allan Han- 1844 • son, p.resldent of the Emerson _III<, TI1BB: I 1'IZD. I 2'JIUBL .club of PhUa.delphla, waa one of the guests of honol"a 6 • teS:3f '1 • ",1:31 ."' .8. ... 5 • to 1:31 4 • ,to s", 11 12 13 • ~~:3f • to ~~. ",. 9P.M. 9 P.M. •• . 28 29 2f ·'.te'" .te ..... • '" 1:31 25 26 .&os:3I CLOSED Dr, 9to 9130 Sweet Wrinkled Variety-tbat just melt in your mou~uy them by the Case $3.90. 3 no 2 tin 4ge The Delaware County Clubs rep­resented by their presidents.' were .Aldan. Aronomink, Brookline, ~Tbe New Century Club 01 Chester. Col­lingdale, Colwyn, Drexel Hill, Fol­croft. Glenolden, Lanadowne, Llan­erch. Marcus Hook .century Club, Marple TownshiP. Media, Century Club ot Norwood, The Oakmont· South Ardmore Club. Park81de New Century. Ridley Park, Rutledge, Sbaron mn, Springfield. Upland Century ,Club, The Writers' Club of .county, The Young Mothers' Section ot the Woman's Club ot Swarthmore, the Junior Woman's Club of Drexel HIli, and the Swarthmore League ot Women NEW CLASSIC DRESSES Peach, Preserves Ib jar 24c Citrus Marmalade 21bjar 19c Cooking Dates' Ibpkg.Sge Chop Suey Ibjar27e Tender Whole Blue Lake Green Be·nsl Martel Green' Beans Try W,hole Beans that will dress up any Dinner Phlttel'-=-Just heat and serve. 2 no 2 tin SSe Corned Beef Hashilo.2tin31c - . ,. .- CranberlY . Sauce tin 20c Apple Butter jar 15e MARTEL' BlIy More - Eat Better -PayLes8 at Martel's SlORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Voters. Program PI ....... :Mrs. Smith then presented Mrs. Vernon Parry, chairman of Drama Section, who Introduced Gertru(le Beattys, dramaUc reader. Mrs. Beattys gave a delightfUl . three-· part program, in costume. It was "a message from the WOmen of the past to the WOmell of today," and was called ,"They Also Served." It port.r'0.yed Incidents in the lives of Molly Pitcher. Mother Bickerdyke and JuUa. Ward Howe. During the interlUdes neceBSa.rY for the change of costume; Mrs. Anthony ventnor entertained the large and apprec.Jatlve audience with charming musical aelecUons. At the close of the program, tea. was served by Mrs.. Benjamin Col .. Uns and her committee. Past presidents ot the club presided at the tea table. Next Tuesday. December 12, • Raymond K.. Denworth, chalnnWJ, !_ ot Education. will present ,MisS; Sara Wagner: executive director of . the United N~ti~ns' Council ot : Philadelphia, In a. talk on "The· Councll a.nd Its Work." There will be Christmas music by a. chorus from the Rutgers Avenue School. Feted . 141M Forrest StursDI, a _ent at Keyston. BecretarIaI School Wbo will _d tbIe month ..... -,ven a earp .... abo ..... by ber 01. _ '. ... d teachers_ W"'"~ nOOB In .~e School porlora The Swarth­more pMta included Sally. Spencer, Margaret Brown, Mr. and )Ira; G ........ r C. Green, lira F. W. BGelulDa, -.... a·BIN J'UJl~'''''---- • By "Paul Durell" 88 Exclusive with Speare's in Chester For liberty of move­ment and freedom of action, we bring you these jewel-studded classics. These are the charming, s imP I e dresses that have be­come so important to­day. Beautifully finish­ed, superbly tailored t~ey ,!lave that expen­sive look. Super-qual­ity crepe woven with finest CELANESE· rayon yam., Gray, aqua, mellon and _ ~Iack.~es 12 to 20 . 8.i' W;, , JJ..en 9N «L. B. J Nil FIoou' Ie,. ,=-- . 7 . _ _', ',,' (. I_I~, . I -. Mr. _ lira Natb,nl.1 IIyere I at the loom. or Mr. .,... - S~arthmore High School ' ... d da".btar IIJdDIIJ' of lI'au ... oocI, .ntl. Mr. an4 lin. .... drew ~ .. , yy , N. ,~;r..;.; - ;epe=::n:t:"""""':::==d:. :.p =:rec=":DtIJ':;.!...:of:..;:Co;;;.;;rD~eu;;,.;;a:;""..:.:;:·; :;1.I.:.; ~ ___~ WANTED-Unfurnlohed room· WIth heat or atove for artlat to UIIe 4u.r­m. daytime .. .tudlo in Viclnlty of oqUep. _ Pbooe Bwartlunore JU1"Wi wANTED-Driver tor .~on wacoo, two houns each week-day evenlD&'. 4:10- to 1:10, meeUng ti'al1llL 'can . 8V&th Hav.n Inn. 8w~more 0610. WANTE~To rent l1ve or e1x bed-room hoU1J8 by .JanU&l')" 15. for out­of .tate gentile famDy movtns to Phl1a4elphla permanenUy. Near ... It­able public elementary lSCbool and ciLy tranJlportaUon.· Rent '100 to ,120' per DlOnth. References furntahed. Call lIr. Hpffm.a.n- Locust Uto during da~. W ANTED-Palr or aka.te ahoee for -aeven-year.old boy. Good condition, II1ze 2 sboeIL Reply to Box 4 The swazthmorean.· . WANTED-TO rent room In vllla,ge 'by reliable 8111&'10 .... ntleman. ~ply to Box )f, The SWart.bmorean. , W ANTED-Rul'S. any Blze. also a boy'. tricycle. Reply_ to Box. A. The Swarthmorea.n. WANTED--Sun lamp to rent or borrow for winter to stve c.hlld treatments prescribed by doetor. !drs. Staurfer, au N. Chester road or call. Swarthmore 0S6'1 and m.essage. WIJ\NTED-M.1ddle ~ .. woman to live In or out, housework and plain eook­lng. Call swarthmore l23Ba WANTED-High School girl for llght hoU8t'work after Bdlool and Satur­day n1or~ng, 210 Harvard avenue. WANTED-Tricycle for four-year­, old'. Chrlstmas. you an old frame In your baaement that eould be repafred. Telephone SWarthmore 12'13- W ANTED-To buy 8. chest. ot drawen. Can swarthmore 086Q...W. WANTED-Cook-4 to 7 p.1:na tour da.ys a week. Near bUll '11. !4rs. H. Wittmeyer, Kedla ~.f69. PERSONAL PERSONAL-Let WI sell your merchan­dise ;; clothIng, household goods or any articlee In pneraL Phone Ches­ter 26233. PElRSONAL-Buainea8 woman desires warm room. privacy and to prepare own breakfaet in kitchen. Swarth ... more only. P. O. Box 175. Swarthmore. PERSONAL-Irons. washers, toaste.r8, and 88~ln8' machines repaired. Called for a.,d delivered. TelephoDe Swarth­more U48. PERSONAl-Free FIrewood, oak, beech, and willow. YOUl"8 for cuttlng and hauUntr. cau Swarthmore 1000 •. FOR SALE 1944 45 Basketball Schedule' Date December 16 JaulJary 6 J'anUary • January 12 J .... uary 11 ,J""uary 1. Jauuary %6 ,January Z6 January '0 February 1 Fe~ruary Z February , February a February • February 11 February 16 February Z2 February 21 February 27 BO)'JI BO)'JI Boys Boy. Girls BoYII Girls BOYII BoYII Glrle Boy-a' BoYII Glrle Bo)'B Glrlo Boys Girls BOY8 Bo)'II 'Opponent SII~cft.ld TIme 7:'0 7:'0 1.10 7:10 1.80 7:10 1:10 7:'0 1:16 ':.0 7:10 7:'0 8:'0 7:'0 8:'0 7:80 Place Home .A~ Home A~ Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Home H~me Away A'W8.Y Away Away · Glen-Nor · EddY810ne Proapoct Park · Ridley Townobip HaverfOrd Ridley Park Springfield Glen-Nor Glen-Nor Eddystone Med ... Proepeet Park Ridley Park · Ridley Township Upper Darby Ridley Park Medta ':'0 7:10 7:'0 BOYII Coachee--Kr. George Reimer - . Mr. WUllam Zlegenfus captain-By appOintment. . Kanager--Thomas HIll. Yr. a.nd Mrs. Lee C. Bennett of Haverford avenue have as their gueet Mrs. BenLett's mother !drs. Eo F. Grevemeyer of Forest HUI. Md. SHERlFF'B OFF!Cl\l . COURT HOUSE, MEDIA, PENNA. Friday. December 29, 19U • :10 A. lL Eastern War TIme . Condltions: $250.00 CUll Qr c:ertl1led check at time of we (unleu other­wIse .tatecl in adverUeement) balance In- ten day&. OUter conditione on day of we __ .:.... ___ ,"i\ Levari FacJu No. 191 December Term, 1941 Premlse&: Lots 621 and 628. reviBed plan of lote of Drexel Hill Realty Com­panYa All those two certain lots or pieces of .-round lying In the TownBhtp of Upper Darby, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. Being known and numbered Jots 62'1 and 828 on the revised plan of Iota of Drexel HUl Realty Company on Jan­uary 3rd A.D .• 1922 and, made by -A. J!. Damon, Jr., Chief of Bureau of :PubliC Works Upper Darby, J;lelffisyl­vania. and descrlbell together a.S one .1Qt according to aald Plan as, ftil10ws to wit: . Girls Coach~Mrs. Anne Sullivan. Mleo Vlrglnl .. Allen. Captaln-Jane Vacha. Manager-Dorta LubIn. M .... Albert mil .. 'of the Swarth­more Apartments entertained at a luncheon at the Ingleneuk on Wednesdaya 'Her gueats included Mrs. Ralph H. Walter ot Kennett 'Square. Mn. Samuel Passmore and Mias Betty' Pasamore of Menden .. baJl, Pa. Jean Baird daughter at Mr. and Mrs. W. lL BaIrd of Dartmouth avenue was recently pledged to Zeta Mu Alpha. sorority a.t Stephena Calles-e. Columbia, ),flu. Yr. and Mrs. H. Weston Clarke, and their 80n Weston, Jr., formerly of Yale avenue taken an apartment at 340 Vassar a.venue. Mrs. :M. D. Seymour of Va.a.r avenue Is entertaining 8lx gueats for luncheon at the mgleneuk to­d~ to honor Mr. John A... Ayrault who Is visiting with her mother, Mrs. William 'R. W-est of North Princeton avenue. Circle to Meel Beginning at a. point in the north­FOR SALE-Blue willow dishes and westerly side of State Road at the dls-other blue dishes; bookcase; tea:.~ tance ot 120' southwestwardly from the _~wagvn; .JDahOga.ny library ·table; two' ~outhwesterly 81de of Wilde "AvenUe mahogany taborettes: two brass gar- (BaJd' avenue-' being laid out on, said dlnleres: saw; table lamp. Telephone plan 60' wide respectively) and ex­Swarthmore 0491. Mre. J. HainelJ, S. tending thence northwestwardly In Une Chester rosa . ot- Jot, numbered 629 on the said plan A meeting ot the Friendly Circle will be held Thursday, December 14 at the bome of Mrs. Lea Warner of Lafayette avenue. Mn. H. E. Wells of Park avenue will be co­hostess. 150' to a politt; thence extending South­FOR SALE-Overcdtd and Pea. Jacket westwardly BCY to a point a comer of for 12-yeaz-old boy. Excellent eondl- lot numbered '626 on said plan' thence Uon. Call S~arthmore 1>860-'V. . extending southeastwardly al~ng the said line of lot numbered 626. 15~ to a FOR SALE-Boy'S Elgin bicycle, J26; point In the said northwesterly sIde Of Stream-Une electric trains. small State Road; and thence extending walnut desk suitable tor child, all tn 'along _the same northeastwardly 60' to excellent 'condition. 210 Harvard ave- the first mentioned pOint and place of nue. . ,! ,. beginnJng. FOR BALE-Encyclopedla tn 31, perfect condition. Call Mrs, W. R. No impro,'ements. .Vacant ground, Bernard. 112 Rutgel'St Swarthmore 3152, FOR ~P1ng-pong table set, good Sold as the property of Ralph V. condition. Telephone Swarthmore Rulon and Margaret A. Rulon, hill '1191. . I wife, and 1~ carl Kenney. mortgagors and Florence Rulon and L.. Carl Ken­' FOR sALE=lady's bicycle. excellent ney, real owners. condition. Telephone swarthmOre 0277. FOR SALlll-Palr figure skates. black. sIze 6, $&; size '1, $5. Both good con­dition. Call Swarthmore 1390. . FOR RENT FOR RENT-Furn1shed thtrd floo! apartment In !ledl,. Insulated. Sep-. Mate E!lntranee. Electric refrlgera.tor. TwIn beds. Reference. Reply to Box N, The swarthmorean. . I PAINTING Expedl,. Done OAT'11 DAVE WOOD Me tie, 0755 • EDWIN B. KFU EY, Jr. Your Jeweler DONALD H. HAMILTON, Attorney. 3t-12-8 ~R. S. MaJNS~N, Sheriff. Prepare for Winter Storm Sub and ~n Rooms ". AIteratiOlll and Repairs Walter V~ Unton Contractor and Builder JUdi.". Park OSS3)[ I E8TA.TE NOTIVE E8TA.TE OF ,WlLLlAIl .8. BITTf,E, late ot 116 Butgen Al'.uue, Swarth­more. peanlYlvauJa, dlt.ftaled. Notice Is hereby given tha.t Letters of Admlnlstrallon have been granted to the undersigned. who requests all per- 80M having claims or demands against the Estate of the said decedent to make known the same. and all persons Indebted to Ute decedent to make pay. ment Immedla.tely to' . W. MARK BITrLE, , Administrator Estate of WIlUam S. Bittle, deceased, 125 Rutgers Avenue, Swarthmore, Penna. Or to his Attorney, AldJERT N. GARR-Ji1rl', 228 Garret Avenue, Swarthmore. Penna. 6t-11-,1'2 DELAWARE COUNTY Sealed proposals wUl be received at the County Controller's amce. Court House, Media, Pa., until 10 a...m. and publicly· opened at 11 Lm. on Wednes­day. December 20, 1944. tor furnishing all tools, labor and eQuipment neces­sary for, ()omplete Installation for. rust proofing el~ctrlcally, ,the interior. Qr two (2) wa~r tanks, ~ Broad Meado:w 'Farms, Tho~ton, Pa."· -p - Speclftcatlons and bidding sheet ma.y be obtained at, the Office of the Coun­ty Controller, and nO bid will be en­tertained unless made out On said bid­ding sheet.· Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars,. drawn to the order of the County ot DelaWare. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. H. WALTER WEAVER, 3t-12-1 County Controller. REQUEST FOR BIDS __ 7th.. «II 7 (OppoeHe Xew _ 'DE, I"', 'PboDe an rtf&' S., •• Sealed bids will be recetved In Coun­cil Chamber, Borough Hall, Swarth­more, Pa., on Wednesday. December 20. 1944, at 1 :45- Eastern War Dr. J. YARNELL Time for the 8&1. to \h. Borough of one new automobile, suitable for po- Swaeon Chiropodist Ilce work. The bidder shall state the Fool ~_-=_1:_ allowance_ which he will make for the ~.. purchase from the Borough of one PIiAaie"""'. 1 1942 Ford two-door seda.n automobUe, Be tit » Room 208 TenscJowae now available tor Inspection at Bor-a,.. +r Y'"''' -lIP"- Venter Bonding ough HalL Gioelbc C la _ pat.., CkwI& BalUmore .PIke and Any award will be conditioned on re- , • 'ensdOWlle, Pa. priorIties or other authorization that: 114 W'PeILbob.. 8<11a " 1-11i1Il1« ll--" Hours by Appotntment; maTyh eb eB roerqouuigrehd .r e8erves the rlabt to SIMMONDS I'" lansdowne Avea.ue celpt by the Borough ot all nec sart ~•: :::;;:;;;~;;::::;;;:•~ :;;;' l~~;;;;;J«;·;d;mo;;n;;I;I8;;I;;;;~~~r;3~t~-.e1 c2;-t1~ a:n:7E'L~oI:JOr~BTeoUTr~ obRu~IglCh~E dUS~U~e~cR!rDeEt~Sa~Or~yN~. ARDJlORE WINDOW CLEA1<l"a COMP .... NY SWARTJDIORE BRANCH AD Bra"" 01 Bo... Cl~_ J[Uwa Ia OIl Tonitan' for HY ..... Pre. Plloa. caD..-For cuto.en (-.or\)' S .... It) ........ - , fiiARi"YW.LANG ,. Carpet •. m,4 Bug. SYAB.'I'HMOBE 07"" " ' .4 ~~;..' • Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company . , Swerdunore. Penn- ANNUAL MEETING Tuho :.A. DlluaI J(~ of __- 01 the ~ If. .. BalIk ftDd~ OJIDIM'DJ'. 8wu'thmoIe, Pa., for Cbe I! ... - of ~ ADIl-sadl ot,ber boSh eBR as. m&7 o:MIIlI!I betcae tile JIIfJeIt.., iDIr will be _ '" _ l1li_. _sa tn ~ ....... - Tw' fIe¥ ,,-.....,._ lHli._W • __ 01 __' . ..... ](. , • , . JiLB,lC 8. SP.RIOMI', On, .... ~ . ' ~:" 'tbe war IIows Uuough her swltcblloanl -a"d it moves fAST • . '..'- !~,' ." " ;. She" right in the middle of !he hi1ft)' calla of war ......' 1 doing • great job in keeping IhiDga moving. When)'Olll' Long Diltancecall is over a line CO a ...... busy cadH, abe mayoa)'-"Pleaae 1imit your. call to , minuteo.'· Tbat'l to help eoUjbody during !he .... h puiodo. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA BoHleei with Bonds Hiller and Hirohito are now waging wQl':!lt within their own· home grounds. Let's "bottle them up" even tighter and finish the war sooner. Get behind the Sixth War Loan- .,Uy MORE BONDS THEY'RE THE PRESENT WITH A FUTURE Philadelphia Eledric Company, , .. ., "., ........ fi'" ~ • 1t,.Het' r t •

    ---------- Page 11 ----------

    ,;: ,.-::' ... '":.";/11 <'::':'-7' ',J... -.~ :"", -" --~-.- --- -,"' "THE !lWARTHMctREAN ';' . -- .. ,. ....... ,.. ---FltlDA.!; ~~ ~El,te, t~ b_ n.nhsl\'i .... Pa:r on No­vember ••• VI ..... Ia·. 11011_, wlti. their daushter. who a:re oitudeDte at William and IIa1T ColI_ •. Th" four ctrlll "17 AJlD HoOk. Ditty JIllI.n LltlieCIe1d. Caroline Henry and jane Beat~ we ... all reoent~ pledged to . eororltiee during the ruhlns _D at the 8011_. J)r. Omtret. Pniold.nt of the col1e" and M.... omtret entertained: lit '. tea on Satu.rda¥ afternoon In honor of the Swarthmore group •. '... _ ....... .!!J!.;..~ ,1, • _~. . Clark wore "" Amerl_ BeaU~ N~""e;""be~ 'II d ilie' '])81a~ 0 ..... 4teM,wlth .. CC!.~ of white County HoiIpItaL· roeeoi. Mr. Edwa.r.t Demlns of AI>- . ·Mr. AahelDlal. wU"ormerl" 1I1IUl­Inston, P.... WI!& _ man. apr of the Co-oP In 's1rartii!ll0re Lt. Us) Th"maa Eliot who hae been In A1&1.... for the put 11 months arrived In N.w York City laIIt week and .lIJ spending a leave with Hre. Eliot and their .mall daughter Sigrid who are IIvlQg with Mrs. Eliot'. parente Mr. and J4nt. logloD of WalllDgford. who ..... n.",comen to Swt\r'thmo... whUe huabande ..... III active eer;:· Ice. Preeltll .... at the tea table wtI1 be lin . .lame. E. Gl.a8B, :Sr., ot West Cheater. )Ira. O .. e~ W. Ga" of Wallingford. x .... Frank G. Keen­en, Mrs. Harold O. Orlftln, :Mrs. Peter E. Told. Xno. R" LIndley Peel, :Mrs. D&v1d BraUD, aDd Mrs. Ralph K. MattheWII. of Swarth- FoiloWt .... tM ceremony .. dlnDer ~ mo ... recently· of the Phllll4el. wu held at the MoAlplne J{j)tel, phi.. -.rea.. He. ~ l_~ lIhortlF N. Y •• tor the bridal party and ibe tor GreeDfelt. Md .• where he' win immedIate tamillee. be In 'chatsl> ilf' "'1 Co-operatiVII eD· '. ':l'h8 couple will realde In XODto terprl.... . 'HIa 'wlfe: and' ch\ldrea clair. N. J. p1ah1n ,01D..hIm thel'fl.lD. JIa,rch. , . . . .',' . C. F. Nay .. of Parrl8b road.' Lt. DaVId W. Sho.maker. U. S. "8Qm1S . .- , .' N. R., who haa been atatlolled In JacksOnville. Fl.... for the put two months. with Mrs. Shoemaker and their baby dau"hter Carol v181ted the fonner'e parents Mr. alld Mrs. Walter R. Sboemaker of Riverview road on Tuesday of this week whlle en ..oute to & Dew as· slgnment. more. Mr. anol Mrs. RaY S. Quick of S~uth Ch~ster road will entertain a.t dinner at their home tomorrow evening ;in hOlior of Mr. and Mrs. Y. H. Peterson ot Collep avenue. Mr. peterson has been transferred to the New York office of the Bald­IWln Locomotive Works. and with Mrs. Peterson and their children Patricia. David. and, Diana will leave December 16 tor their neW home in Greenwich, Conn. Mr. and XI'1I. D. W. R. Morsan ot Strath Ha;,en ayeDUe apent laat weel .. ID New York CI~. Mr. Xor­PD att.nded the annual meetlnc of the. American' SocI.ty of Xechanl­ca. l "E nIrIneer.. - Mr. and X..... Lloyd C. Mathers are reeelviDa' CQJl&T&tulationa on th." birth ot a T pound. 'I; ounce son EdWard Vonum' Caldwell on·Thu .... daY, November ao, at New Rochelle Hospital. New Rochell ••. N. Y: . . Hr., an4 X ..... Frel\'1rlok)J. Toll .... of North ChMtolr road are recelm. congratulations on the birth ,or • eon ;james M,\jllle OD TQOiida". No: ve",ber n. at ·the Preebyter\all. Ho.plial~ Pl111tU1eJphla. . . . . Hr. To1\es Ia .duationBl director of ~J!. .c!vUIan public service camp at Big ·Flam, N. Y.: while' Oil ieave from the· and the FrI.n4e The Rev. and Mrs. Carlol A. Avila '\Yho lett Swarthmore two years ago for .. Gallup, New Menco wh~re ·the Rev. Avila wae pastor of the Bpan18h Consreptional Church. have been transferred to CbJno, C&I." and with their sons Johnny and B\11y are now Ilvin" at 211' ':IY~ street Chino. Mr. and Mre. M&there were for .. mer re.elden~ or Park avenue. HIstorical LibrarY.· .. : .. EneISn Thomaa B, Marshall who has been ataUoned at Yorktown, Va.. is now compleuDg bls tralnlng at the Mine DlBPosa.l Bohool. Wash­lngton, D. ·C· Hr. and X..... Robert· EnSIe. of ~~;;;:;:;!!i!~!i!!~§ii~5SE8E§ii~; OberUn avenue are receiving con- I II EiftI sratulationil on the birth ot f1WIl). '~ YOU DOW daUShtere named Sallf. liter an.d Patricia Ann. on December 1 Iii the lQIng-ID Hospital. Philadelphia. 'ft. 8..,. eu. f.~ .oJ' ...... Cpl. James W. PIerce BOD of Mrs. . . ' Tr .. III., -- . '. . ~~.. Catherine J. PIerce or Park ave. . .'. nue who bas been hospitalized, on Sa.lpan since he partiCipated In the lnvaslon. i8 noW back on acUve dut,.. Mr. and Mrs. James mndle and their daughters Louiae .and Mar­garet of Cornell &ven'!le have re­turned after spending a week viBlt­ing relatives and friends in Hyatts­ville, Md •• and In Laurel. Del. Mr. and Mre. B. Batee' of "ROcky Sprlus Farm" 1\Ied\ll> I'n1oer­t. Line4 H\ee 11&1IIe Cronkhite of N .... York City aa their week.e';~ SUeat. Mr. ""d Mrs. 8emuelAahe\man~ RUSSEll'S SERVICE :rr~, of Pr..ovtd,,~ce road,. :Media., are .... ~o .. ~ .~.L... De DuMIo .... receiving congratulations on the ... ~:plar Beme. Will De It. birth /It a dauU.ter. Blli aD l"rldil¥. I \II! . Pfc. Clifford M. Bryant and pte.. '. . . Arthur V. Dodd who been Weath.r OiIae"ere at the JIldland Airport. Hldland. T.w. are nOW takllljf a couroe In Badia Sonde at Chanute Field, Dt. Mr. a.nd Mrs. John Howe Hall ot Mr. and Mrs. Waltace K. Mc­Curdy of Ogden avepue wUl. be hosts to their Saturda,y evening bridge club a.t their bome tomor- MARY DUNHILL • PRJNCE MATCtIlABELLI. CHANBL Strath Haven avenue spent a few 'days of last week In Atla.nttc City, N. J. ' The Leonard Pecka wbo bave re· M/sg .. Frank Mader and X .... , sided at 113 Yale avenue for the JIacle~ lIPent the w.:.nd~::' X~'I past 32 ye, are have sold th.,lr home :Mader'a parents. e. am. to the David Narbetlle or (Jofnell SbeU)'II ot SOUhth ·~~: .... ro=~ avenue •. and rwlll move"t9 their new X/Sst-. Xader w 0 , ' ....-~.,.,.. ne .. home at 108 Summit road. tlon.d with thO Signal Corps at Ar- Sprlnglleld some time, after the flret Ilnct,OQ. V-.. 18 recuperaUng trom of the year. s.. recent operaUon. PhiUp A. La~a. Radio Man row evening. . oZ Mr. IUld' X .... R. B. Wick former- r- I" of Sproul road han puroh .... d "-l and are oooupylng the Clark W. i Davis home at 625 Slrath Hav.n U) avenue. . .Dr. and Xl"!!. WllJ.l .. in T. Ellie or • Walnut . lane' are IfPeU·IJing the :; w •• k-end at the 110m. of their .on. 0 I.t. COI\lmdr. Hacklnnon !;ll\ls, In <II Bryil Ma'\Vr. . ... The~BOllquet BEAUTY SALON Beauty weaves holiday mqiC 13 Soatb Chester Road . 2nd Lt. Charles Brown, son of llc Who has been on duty on a de· c.n Swutbmore 0476 'Mr. and Mh. FrankUn S. BroWD' of s~yer' escort in the Atlantic for Sprlngfl.ld Ie completing his tr&in- the past spent Jut w.ek-end 1ng on a Liberator bomber at Pueb with Mrs. Lngana who Is living with 10 ArmY Air Bas.. He Ie the pilot h ts M -d M 'La d Mrs. Charles F. Bat.~ of EIUIt ~ Haven, Conn., anive4 Dec;e~ber 1 to spend ·tht.t winter months IWlth ctiARBERT • SKYLARK. J:,UCIEN LE LONG. CHBN YU her son and da.Ughter-in-Iaw Mr. and Ml'II.· ...J. oseph· S. Bates of d "RockY Sprlug Fa.rm., II' Media. ._ b 1 ti .... -.'I to er pareD, r. an re. onar on hlB crew, au AD e nf ' ,~~" Peck of Yale avenue. Mr. lAgana be a 'Valuable member 0 a is now taking 8. course in special that wDl carry the fight into enem)" work In New London; Conn., before territory. Lt. Brown entered the, rnturning to 8ea duty. 8e~ce in June It'2. Gr1sella Hall of Btrath Haven Pvt. Harry.F. Hamby. Jr .. of the Marine Corps who vIsIt.d hlB par­enta, Mr. and Mnt. Ha.rry F. Hamby ·of ,Dartmouth avenue IMt week­end was graduated from Field Tele­phone School at Camp Lejeume, N. C., and haa returned to Air Corps Base at Cherry PoInt, N. C. Mrs. WIlliam C. Spencer and her young son WnUam C. Spencer, Jr., of Edgewood., Pa., are spending a week vlalting the R. Chester spen­cers at Swarthmore avenue. Pvt. WIU1am Spencer ls stationed in the panama canal Zonip. Mrs. Herbert Pearson of West HartfOl'd, COlln., the tormer MISB Charlotte Speare and her mother Mrs. Nathan Speare ot Weatdale avenue spent ~eral days of lut week In New -rork City. Mr. and Mrs. Pearaoll were guesta of honor at a dinner. party given here bY . Mrs. 8pe&.\'~' on saturdB¥ eVeJllng. . Mr. an,d Mrs. Frank H. Robbins ot vaaae.r avenue were local guests. Mr. and Mt"S. James P. Daugh­erty, Jr., of Dick1nson a.venue will entertain at a small dmner party : at their home tomor.row evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Balr of ·Cornell avenue entertained at a :game dinner at their home Wed .. nesday .in honor ot Cpl. Jim Brown. hOJ'J\8 "after 31 months in the South Paoiftc. The guests In­cluded Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown, Mr .. Richard Brown. Mr. anll Mrs. Walter L Thorpe. Mra. Guido G. SavelU and Mrs. James R. GAY ot swarthmore will entertaln at a tea toman-ow after-noon at Strath Haven Inn. The gueats of honor w.lll be M1'8. Sa­velll ·& siater-In-Ia.w Mrs. Cha& E. Moger of Strath Haven Inn and Un. G6~8 aunt Mrs. Tha.les Len- THE PLAYERS CLUB Qf Swarthmore ComedY 1>7 "emma ",,"",row _ "oeeph F_ D.~ '.11, 13> 14;'11;1' . - .. ~ .-...... &-.. ~ ....... ~ ... avenue who grClduated from the Hannah More AcadeIDY. Relaters­~ own, ~d" In .-.:une Is now a first... term freshman' at SWarthmore Col­lege. Eldle Thatcher and Ruth Sortore ot Westfield, N. J., students at Bucknell University. spent the week-end with Edle's parenta Mr. and. Mrs. Charles G~ ThatCher of Ogden avenue. Joan Thatcher a senior at Dick­inson College will spend the week .. end with her parents 'Mr. and M"ra. William H. Thateh.r at avenue. Mr. & Mrs. O. M. Hook of West .. dale ave., Mr. and Mrs. R. J. LltUe.. field of Swarthmore plp-oe, Mr. and Mrs- Jaa. P. Henry of WalUngtord, and Mr. and X .... Lewle B. B~ ot Bowllng Green spcnt the week­end In WllllB.Dl8bur&,. .V, a., and ce1e- FOR MAGAZINE, SUBSCRIPTIONS CaD Mrs. Uoyd E. KauffmaD Swarthmore 2080 • • • No req~ Dee lied for Ih.. miniature editiona to any AP. O. or F.P.O •• cIdr • T=e 1 yr News Week_l yr New York_I yr 3.SO 3.&0 4.00 MEDIA THEATRE LAST 2 DAYS Friday &: Saturday Ronald COLMAN MuIene DIETRICH ita· "'KISMET" ..... \ Miss Victoria A. 2arbounea daughter of Mr. James Zarbounea of Jersey Clty because the bride ot Lt. William Craemer. Jr., BOD ot Mr. and Mrs. William Craemer of Har .. vard avenue, Sunday, !December 8 at S o'clock In the HolY Trinity Lutheran Church, New York City. Dr. PI\UI Soherer officiated at the ceremony. Tlle bride wore a IIsht blue aft­ernoon dreA with a net yoke trim .. med with sequins a.nd a. matching hat with a short veil. She carried a prayer book covered by white or­chUts 'With trailing white sweet peas. The matron of honor, Mrs. Doria BOYD . . ' 2nd Week GeIlO TIERNEY Dana ANDREWS CIift_WFBB !D' LAURA with V'ancent PRICE Judith ANDERSON The critics love it anellO wiD yOll "Roll out the Red Carpet for Laura" • !,,>"acjelphJa Inq_ "A Honey of a Whodunit" I'I1lIIad.elpbla Bulletin "Laura Is ,lick, p,wotb aDd clii.the" !,,>oedelphla BecaN ''WOitby of F_ Stan" N_ y~ DIdI7 "'_ "The Sa.piae 11ft of ..." 4T'W. ' ...... ..- · ~u ' AA. _ _ ''Gslpa -i.f ,. E = H ... nDlt .. a .... If ... Y~~ __ .. ~~._".~, .'_ ".' " ...... , ...... ,,~_~ .• ?, •. e._ 4 .. GOOD JOBS at GOOD.PAY • in Vital' War Work • Open to GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN Steady wodt • a ... n,..ue wodt • ldealsurlOWl4- ingS • Good wages with regu1ar mcms"" • Oppo ... umity for advan«O>ellt.. CongeDial usociata • No experience IlCC .,.y. Colllid.rate. heJpM·· supervision while 1eanUag. CHANCI TO GET AHEAP' '. caq .ur ~hl.f Operator, or COIDe m ,1UICl ..u. it ., . . . over with oDe of our friendly iaterviewen. VlSit!Ul7' of !he three Bell Telephone Employment Ofticat Roo .. 315, McCI.tchy BulldloS ...... a ........ t .ta., Up_ D .... ,. S7 ...... p_ .s ........... hi •• I"~ ArcIt .s '"'"'- P ..... ...p .... . 1'ItI lEU TaEPHONE COMPANY Of P. EN, .. N, SiLY-A,-N-:-I'1A .............. - '"'-.. ' BUY A . BOND : SWarthmore pa. . THE· 5WARTHMOR VOL XvI-No. 49 SWARnIMoRE, PA., FRlDAY,DEcEittBm iii• •: -94;:4:' :--------........ ~O;;;;::=""'"'---'-..... "JIL " DRAWS LARGE CROWDS Cast of Youngsters Sweeps All Before It . ~~1t~ment and bustle equal to any ~us 8tatlon, a tamily Chriai­mas, a 8lap-happy New Year, plus a set of youngsters who step.} the show.-these, are all to be found In the Players Club's current offer .. ing "JunIor Miss." The production directed by J. W1lliam Simmons Is also as attractively' staged aI any .1n recent years. Its cast Includes several plub favorites. Wednesday plght'"s . audience received It with enthusiasm. The production Is fortunate to have Betty Philson In the title role of Judy . the key to the and ups of the Graves mim' .. age. She has the verve and appeal to make the squalls of a 14-l'car­old's life seem quite normal, even reasonable. Her abbettor and bosom friend FlUffy Adams Is playe·d by Nancy Snow with equal naturalness and skill· , They do a good Job and . earn thtfllr own cuttain. . Others o.t the youngf)r piayers who themselves In the production are Charles ADdea as Haskell .cummings, Jr .• J. Robert Hamm as Albert KUDody, Donald Swan a,& the hearty' Tommy Ar- Act Nowl Attention w"'; caned . by the ~e1aware COUnty Tuberculosis" . Health Association. to the un. answered Christmas Seal letters which have· been overlooked In SOnte hotties. "The SOCiety has found." ex­piablOd R9bert W. Bernbardt. Executive Secretary, "that ln' the, rush of ChrJlItmas pre para. tiona, people sometimes overlook ot" delay sending their contribu­tions and. ·appreoiate being re­minded. ".A. prompt response to out.,. ~tandlng letters wlll enable the Society to go ahead witt; Its 1945 tuberCUloms prdgr&.m. The work. is supported by numerous small contributions, rather than by a few large ones. It has be­come a tnidiUon with the Anier­lean people to unite in the fight agalnBt tuberculosis by buying and. using Christmas Seals- "Since our health program brilleftts every tnan, woman and child. we ILke to feel that every reSldent hu a part In support­Ing It. regardleas of the size ot the. contrIbution. Sea.! a.nd, Health Bond contributions In whatever amounts are all wel­come. Rose Valley Chorus To Present Christ- . 1IUl8 story buckle, WllUa:m. Sanborn WIJ Barlow The ever ;inspiring .christmas 'Adams. Jaok Prichard as Sterling stOry gains even additional beauty Brown, Harry Warren as the slng- as told by John Masefield in his Ing meSsenger, James Dona.hue M ·pla¥ "The Coming of ,Christ." Merrill Feurbaoh, Tom Plttock which the Rose Valley Chorus will and Robert MC~QIl" as Charles a.n.d ... pre~nt ,~iur~ay evening ·Decem· Henry. ·i;er-!3~··,,:·1 .. . .. - , '.;, " ' Many of these youths revolv:e Heading the cast wUI be Fritz about the older Graves ,daughter Krueger; 8. guest performer, whose Lois who .Is played by Elizabeth N~ tine 'Voice has been heard by Garrett. In brief appearances they Chorus aud.lences on several oc~ estabUsh cho.racter traits ot adol- casiona in the past. Others taking 8scent variety cleverly. earning au- part, are Barron Helmuth, Harry dience approval. OSm&n, John Park, Perdue Cleav- Among the oldsters Director Sim. er, Richards Tripp, Charles 'Rich· mons Is 'In stride as the, head of ard, T. Barclay Whitson, John Max­the Graves, and Club Presl- well :Adams, Charles Craig, Ernest dent D. Malcolm Hodg:e Uvens ·the Votza, Scott Brodie, and Peter De~ ~ctlon as J. B. CurtlB. Elizabeth Groot. Otto will accom­B; Swan as Mrs. Graves and Mar.. pany the Chorus at the organ. guerlte H. (ie,~ :BB Ellen Curt,is The play wUI be given .tn Christ add brunette charm and interest to Church, Media and In choosing a the Bcene. WnUam J.. Mercer as churc.h for the background, the tlt;rncle W;illla" Is wonderful ma- Chorus Is reverting to an ancient terlal for Judy's c!lnnlvlngs. Sally custom, which was to always McFadden 'IQ ettortles8 but effec- sent plays or pagea.nts of'reUgious tlve as Hilda. and Bickley Parkar slgnlflcance in the church. This as Joe makes much of a btt part. particular production was written Parents have had their Innings. 'for ·Canterbury Cathedral, where it In uJun.1or Miss" they are frankly was given its premiere In 1928. styled "'that menace" and the fun la on. D. A. R. To Meet --- SAN'!'A'S COMING Santa Is on his way. Don't for­get to call Swarthlnorl) 0900 and leave yoW" name, age. and address before December 20 It you want him to come to your house thlB year. DEDICATE WINDOW TO ARMED FORCES Servic~ Sunday Will , Testify to Their . Valour III honor of those who are serv. Ing .tn the armed forces. a stahled glass window has been fnstalh~d in Trinity Church Md w111 be dedi-:" cated on Sunday at 11· a.m. Becau~e of the· architectural style of Trinity Church, ji.'"was felt that ·the ornaments and the win­dows should be consistent with the atmosphere which has already been created by the· architectural theme. Trl~\ty ChUrch Is designed· 88 ·a 'mod~':'lt >o.da('Jtat.!o~l; ;of· ·14-tb ft.nd 15th century No.rman.Qothic. In planning the new glass for the church an effort was made to obtain glass which wou~d be a. perfect reproduction of the glass ueed in the 14th and 16th century. or even In an earlier poriod. Tri~­ny Church was fortunate in finding In this country a studio which was internationally famous for Its re­productions of early glass. The Zettler Studios, Inc., ot New York and Munich, Germany, W~8 engaged to create and execute the TributE. Window. These artists had been commissioned by the Bavarian government to restore many ot the ancient windows In and their .work has been acclaimed· on both a:ides of the Atlantic Ocean. The Tribute Window is a. work of rare artlstry and exquisite 10vel1- ne8S, Rich burgundy reds and deep velvet blues predominate. The tex­ture of the glass and the fine, min­ute detail in the design reveal a masterful knowledge ot art in Its Reminde'r ,. Mrs. Phelps SOUle ,Red Croaa cllaJ.rman ot Blood Donors re­~ lnd8 aU donors who regularly give blood In Phl1o.d.elphla be­tween the visits of the mobile unit tor local donations that they should do so betore Jan­uary 18. Th Us they ~Ill be ellgJble to be bled again at the next local meet scheduled tor ldarch 16, 16. and 11. Mrs. Soule Informs thoae who have not yet been to the new city location at 119 North Broad street that It Ia as near and WI convenient to the suburban sta­tlon as the former center was and most eructent and comfort­able. Sixth War Loan Drive iJraws To Close w. S. ALLYN MAKES UTMOST SACRIFICE Recipient of Several Awards Including Purple H~art Word was received this week by Mr. and Mrs. H. W,ebster. Allyn that their SOD, Captain Web~er S. Allyn, Army Air Force FUght Com­r. nander was killed In action In the European theater on November 19. C",p~ln Allyn was the recipient of the Silver CrOBS bestowed on him tor. gallantry on ID-Day by Lt. Gen. Lewis H. Brereton, and holder of the Distinguished Flying .ero. and 4 Oak Leaf Clusters for hero· lam and services beyond the line of duty. At, the time of the Fren~h coast landings, Capt. Allyn, as' a marauder flight commander and . Elrlc S. Sp.roat chairman at tbe pilot ot the "Coral Prlncesa n'" Sixth '~.rar Loan Campaign Is urg- lead an attack a few minutes In Ing all citizens and workers to advance of the beach landings, and ":lake every possible effort to buy completed successfully his bomb­that extra bond which not only ing mission but .received a flack means thnt Swarthmore's quota wound of the thigh In the operation may be reached but the fighters on for whiC?h he was awarded the the home fronta· are pushing on to Purple Heart. victory. Capt. AllYn who attended Bwarth- Altho.ugh the drive otiIclally ends more schools enlisted In the. Army tomorrow, December 16 and as The at Allentown in August, 1940 and Swarthmorean goes to' press the entered the Air Corps at Camp Thermometer showA only 76 per- stewart. Ga .• ln 1941. He. r~celved cent of the quota. Bold, you sun hla pre-flight training at Thunder­t.. ave two final days to boost the bird FIeld, Arizona arid ,hls winga mar.ker over. at Stockton Field, Caut.; In ·July . or 1942. Upon each .t'esldent' of the com-munity reminds Mr. Sproa.t rests In November, 1942 he waS mar .... th~ su·ceBBs o~ the .drlt~ whose quota r.ied: to tlto former Mary QtegorY .fs $400.000 which !B only a small Granger of A.UantA. Ga.. w:H.o Witb share· In' the Ilations·:'i~;Oojl.OOll;~· &h,,:$maJ.I.,qa!l~lo.AP.P..~t~.,_l@t; 000 campaign. The state of Penn- 1m. ' , sylvania. must raise. $938.000,000 of Capt. Allyn's parenta former rest­this huge undertaking. . dents of Holyoke place moved n. "We must ~m.en1ber that buy- tew weeks ago to Kln~n~8Vl1le. lng War Bohds helps oock those Buc.ks County. He Is also survived who are 8f) unfalteringly backing b)" a. brother. john of New .1'81'8e),,;' + us," says Chairman Spr.oat. "Let us a mster. Beth of Swarthmore:· and remember thilt thp Sixth War B~nd another slster Mrs. Gregory Lag­campaign Is on and that the two rone who resides In BrookUne. remalillng d!lYs. are the logica.l days (01'··0.11 good Amerlc8.lls to buy that extra bond. Remember Christmas is almost here and an extra war bond 1s the gUt 'with ft. tuture'." Ch~h'man Sproat wishes to. thank the members of his committee who workc.d so diligently to make the drive a success. Bereaved Mrs. Ida. Davis Maroh Graham died suddenly at her hoine 201 Elm avenue on Saturday afternoon, De· cember 9. Mrs. Graham, tlie Wite of the late Thomas Graham former Receives Appointment Margaret Latimer daughter at Mr. and· Mrs. Roy S. Latimer of Walnut lane will leave January 8 for Washington. D. C.. for two weeks' training bef.ore. being as­signed to overseas duty . Miss Latimer has· been appointed a medical soctal worker in the ovenieas service of the Ml1ltary and Naval Welfare Service of the Amer­ican National Red Cross. Glows War FrOnts The next Senio.t Club play will be presented February 13 to 17. The regular monthly meeting or ,"ery be.s.t .~.o rm. Th e w In d ow con- well known. Chester textile man, the Delaware . County Chapter ot slsts of three lancets. The center Those who wrapped The Swarth':' morean tor those in the service on Thursday evening, Decem.ber 7. were Mrs. A. E. Rogers. Mrs. George L, Earnshaw, Mi'. and Mrs:. was a member of the Swarthmore , Lieutenante M~ the D.A.R., will meet on Monday an Image ot St. George I.t. (l,g.) Chari.. Caldwell Rr· rived home Monday after elltht months ot service operating with a motor-torpedo boat in the Mediter­ranean area.· iLnd with Mrs. Cald­well Is spending a 20-day leave Il¥lth his mother Mrs. D. D. itow- SurviVing Mrs. Graham are two Ferris Mitchell. Mrs. John Detlef­daughters •. Mrs. Graham Chew of son, Mrs. Howard J. Dingle arid Elm avenue and Mrs. Geoffrey T. Mrs. Elliot Richardson. M Presbyterian Chul'ch. next at the home of re. Lovett standing over the fallen dragon. Frescoln ot Harvard avenue.. Mrs. symbolical of the triurill>h ot Roy S. Latimer of Walnut lane righteousness over evil. Below e.p­wIll · serve as co-hostess. pears the coat-of-arms of England. The speaker of the afternoon will a true copy of a window from De­be Mr.s, Van Court Carwlthln of cuman's Church dating about i360 Germantown. who is State chalr- and especially fine. Mason ot Sewickley. a grandson Anyono wishing to wrap the ser­Thomas G. Chew who Is serving vicemen's copies is asked to call with the U. S. Marines In Califor- Mrs. George C. Davisson. Swartb-man ot Approved· SehoolEl. The st. George is the symbol for the nia, and three granddaughters I1v· mor.., 1999. lands ot Harva.rd avenue. meeting will close wlth 21 pup lis menfightlng.inthis'war--forwhom Ing in Sewickley. -------- Lt. Caldwell tells ot an exciting of the Sixth Orade of Rutgers Ave- the window Is a tribute, and the Funeral services and interment H' O·M .E. ' ro"R '~-"IR'J. ISTMAS experience he had in Africa. when nue School presenting special (Continued on page '1) were held· In Lewisburg. he hopped & truck a.nd was 8urprls- -::::-==:-::~:::--:-:--::-::~:::--:-=-':"'---:-------::------'~ ed to find that he waS "bumping Christmas carols trom many lands, =- elbows" with I.t, (j.g.) Samuel under the direction of Allee B1odg· ~~~~~~ Cressop, M.e.. Bon at: the d~ War.. ett. supentlsor of music of the d.r Creesons of Rlv.rvlew road. Public Schools of Swartbmore. a~d """o,"l:I1"b ,lIf"b1"t' «001:1« Myrtle McC&IUn, teacher ot the ~ W"" ~....., "lJ Rutgers Avenue School. Mrs. Sa.m­uel D. Clyde Is general chairman of muslc for the D.A.R. Closes The Red C~oss Surgical DreSs­ing room In Borough Hall Is closed t~mporarny as the AJn­erlcan Red C~ _ DoM ... the workeTB that the IlUPPly of eurgtcal dreas\1UI8 Ili adequate at the p ...... nt time. Xeanwbll. the" ......... k ... fl, ';""d bf. Preceding the meeting. ,Mrs. Herschel G. Smith ot WalUngford. will entertain the Executive Boa.rd at. a luncheon at .her honte. The gijem present will include Mrs. Carwlthln. Mrs, Howard Newman. Xu. He1itY .j. Weiland. Mrs. Roy S. Latimer of Swarthmore, Mrs. ;JDII BROWN 8P'Iil&KA 'Uoyd Goman. resent. M .... A· .'1. Cpl. jim Drown. Iii. a T8rj' Inter- (j~afy. • ..... C. D. campbell. Mi1/. 'IIotIns IIbdteos. r.latt4 b14 dlI6ri. Goio>rse ~ Barvef. -til; George eli""" ott ftaadalcanait6 tkoilieillOi afUn of Walll~ iff" WUI\ellt high :.chool mudeDte and the ninth ·8. Blakel..,.. Jr .• X ..... J. D. tAil" ifW. 1ft Ole ~llWIii;'\ tJiIj iIt~ ~ anel J ..... Pro .. oei. of Ch"- IDs. , ter• The Christmas Pageant given for a number of ,ears in Clothier Memorial at Swarthmore College tdll be given in I'art at the Philadelphia Nllval Hospilalllnd at its Convdles~enl A""ex here. ApptetilltioD is extended to a1t t~ who are gMllg theit tlii\:e and talent to~ake pQSSible this celebtation. . Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Soule of Park avenue have received the I welcome news that their BOn Pte. Edmund F. Soule arrived In. this country Sunday atter an absence of 33 m.onths. He Is en route home for a furlough of ao days. Pvt. Soule was In the Solomons tor 11 months. participated in the Guadalcanal, New Georgia.. and Arundel ooJ:l1paigns. a.nd has since been stationed in New Caledonia. , ' Menaee Still Pu Ullt DeU.f Bronk. Jr.. 15 year old. 80n at Mt. atld MH. DAtJer BroDII: of. S:vQalnonl . ",11111. H~dl... waa stricken with polio last, Wednesday and hae _n renlbVed to the Chll-' , drau· ... ifo~ltai. Pbll ..... to iinderco the Keiiny 'ri&;.r."1ieiil.' rietlef Is a' .11 iltudeat ot· tbe Collen • .,en'" ...hool In the 10th srade.

    ---------- Page 12 ----------

    PERSONALS Lt. and Mrs.' Richard 1\1. Daniel of Ruxton, Md., spent the week­end with Mrs. DanIel's pa.rents Mr. and Mrs. Da.v1d 'F. Shaw of lilt. Holyoke pla.ce. 2nd Lt.. Vernon Henderson who has recently arrived overseas, is as­slgned to the oldest fighter group, the 16th AAF. In Italy and will pilot " P-38' Lightning fighter plane. Lt. Henderson who la a grad­ua. te of Swartbmore High School enlisted in the Air Corps In May 194:2 and received his mings in Oc­tober 1943. He Is the nepheW ot Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Korndafter of South Chester row. Lt. Robert E. Welt son of Mr. and IIIrs. Earl H. Welt ot College avenue 8 pUot of an E1ghth Air ForcfI B-1'l Fortress bas been awarded the Air Medal for "meri .. tOriOUB achievement.. whUe on beavy bombing a.ttacks on German mUitary and industrtal targets and In support of Allied ground forces. Lt. Welt was a student at Lehigh University before joining the Army. First Lieutenant William G. Cleaves Bon of Mrs. carl Cleaves of park avenue has been arwarded the F1rst Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Medal. equivalent to the second award of the medal. fot:' "courage. ~oolneas and skill" dlspla.yed on bombing attacks over GermaDY. The flyer Is a pilot in the EIghth Air Fortress B-l'l Flying Fortress group in England. SlRlHS Mr. and Mra. William E. Kurt.­hall:. are receiving congratulaUona on the birth of an 8 pound 4 % ounce SOD, William Ellta. Jr., on Thursday evening at Iqin ... In Hos­pital. DO Y011 KNOW ft. Bue ClIft for ... ,.. Tnabl.' .JUft CALlI _ The new baby is a grandson (jf RUSSElL'S SERVICE Mr. and Mra. Charles KUrtzhalz of Park avenue. Xu. Your OOr L"~ SIl. D ... ",,_ Bopl .. 8onl .. WID Do 1&. Dr." and Mrs. John J. Schott ot Media are recelvlng· congratula.­tions on the bIrth of their secon~ Bon John :.r. Schott, Jr., on Novem- • ber 80. ! MrS. Schoff is the tormer mss Charlotte Fullerton daughter of * Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Fuller- ton of He.rvard avenue. * " Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Keefer, "* • * * * * * * * Ensign and Mrs. Edward H. Coo­ley spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Coo .. ley of Columbia a.venue and Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davison ot Vassar avenue. Ensign Cooley is sta. .. tloned at the Navy Yard. ports­mouth, N. H. Lt. Richard E. BrowD son of Mr. and Mra. J. Paul Brown of Walnut lane has recently comgleted his first photo reconnaisance mission over enemy occupied EUrope. He Is one of the pilots who dally fly' the speedy, unarmed P-30 "Lightnings" photo planes over Nazi occupied territory, and take the valuable aeriol pictures of Hitler's armies, factories and Une of' c~mmunica­tions. Prior to enterIng the Army February, 1943 he was a student at SWarthmore College 'Where he was majoring In mechanical engineer­ing. .* ,'" , LUNCH from 60c DINNER, from ISe COCl'rAIL_HOUI$ J 10 6 P. AI. " * * Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Forsythe ot Tbayer road are entertaining En ... stgn 1,. Scharf of Tacoma, Wasb. ington who has just retu5'ned atter nine months of service in the MedI­terranean area. The engagement ot Miss Frances GUletta Forsythe and Ensign Scharf has been an­nounced. MARY DUNHILL • PRmCE MA TCHIABELLI • CHANEL PvL Richard W. Powell who ,has been stationed with a. Tank Battal .. Ion at Camp Chaffee, Ark., la spending a l'-day furlough with his parents the Robert C. Powells of Swarthmoro avenue. Cpl. Edwin F. Windell has re­tUrned to Camp Ardmore, Okla.., atter spending a furlough w.tth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Win­dell ot Westdale aVenue. The Bouquet' BEAUTY SALON Lt. Og) Cha.rles R. Innl• • J". of Beauty weaves holiday magic the Maritime Service bas returned to hiB ship after a seven..JWeek leave with Mrs. Innts and theIr son Terry ot Providence Village. Cpl. stuart B. Jones. formerly stationed with the J.nfantry at Camp Rucker. Ala., has arrived safely In England. en 13 South Chester Road ENGAGEMENT Call Swarthmore 0476 Arthur Snyder Jennings son or Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Kent" of Riverview road entertained a.t a. cocktail party at their home on Sunday afternoon from 4 untn 7 o'clock In honor ot their son a.nd daughter-in-la.w Lt. Laurence Kent and Mrs. Kent. Lt. 1Cent who baa been on a three-week atter completing 31 missions as co-plIot on a. B-1'1 'Flying Fortress, left Thursday for turther assignment at the re_classiflcatlon center, Miami Beach, ~la. He was accompani~ south by Mrs. Kent and their baby son Curtls. Mr. and Mrs. M. 3. Jennings of Morton was recently commissioned an EnsIgn in the" Naval Reserve and designated a Naval Aviator at the Naval Air TraJ.niDg Bases, Pen­sacola.. Florida. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Shedden Farley of Wilkes-Barre and "Fair· lea:' Bea';lmont announce the ~n­gagement of their daughter HIM Ethel Shoemaker Farley, and Mr. :.rohn W,orth Spackman son ot Mr. and Mrs. G. lDonald Spackman ,ot "Hill Farm". Coatesvllle. Pvt. Amy M. Bond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. St. George Bond of Yale avenue Is taking basic 'traln­ing at the Third WAC Tralnfng Center at Fort Oglethorpe. Ga .. in the "Keystone" CompanY. This unit. formed in honor of the fa­mous 28th or Keystone :Qivlsion. consists or Pennsylvania. women IWho recently! enllsted In the Wo-" men's Army Corps. Pvt. Bond Is a graduate of the Swarthmore High School and fttudled at Temple Unl ... versity in Philadelphia. and at the , Dobbins Vocational School. PVt. Constance D. McLeish tor­merly of Princeton avenue who bas been statloned a.t the Third Train­ing Center of the Women·s Army Corps at Fort Ogethorpe. Ga., has -been ass1gn.ed to WAC Detachment, Pasco Engineer Dept., Pasco, Wash. Lt. Guenther lL Froebel. Jr .• son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Froebel of ''';I.'all oaks," swartbmore avenue is one ot a. selected number of over­seas veterans participating as stu­dents or instructors In a novel Army educational program now un­derway at the world-famed Univer­sity of Dijon. in the French provis­Ional capital ot Dljo". The pro­gram is a twOJW8.Y ~change of learning and understanding be­tween the French soldiers and civilian and the American soldier. CIM. Joseph N. Cook son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Cook, Sr., of Thay­er road who entered the service the latter part ~t October is now ftta-­tioned a.t the Marine Academy. Kin"g's Point.. 1... I. THE PLAYERS CLUB Of Swarthmore -tc JUNIOR MISS Comed,.b,. Jerome CbodoI'O"" &lid ,Joseph FIek1a Dlrect.or. J. W:IIl1am 8f!!U!M"tJUI Deeember 16 & 16 8:20 P. III. • • • .JUNIOR PLAY The Chriatmu N'.ptinpJe Directors, Francella Willla and Ethel Covington Satul"day, December 21 2:10 and 8:10 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. ,Alden of North ,Chester .road enterta1ned Mrs. Alden'" niece and her husband Redwoo,d WhartODt Gunnersmate 2/c. and Mrs. _Wharton of Daytona neacn, Fla'i'-,'as ;their houseguests~ this week. Lt. Evelyn :o...vles o! the Army Nurses Corps. Stewart. Ga., spent l8.8t week with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davies ot Amherst ave .. nue. Her h\1sband is serving,' over­seas. EnsIgn Mary MacDonald has been appointed DIsbursing Offlcer for the NaV}" V-12 Unit at the University of NeVI Mexico. She re­ceived her commission last July at Smith .college and then received additional tra.1nlng a.t Supply School. Radclltre college. Enslgn MacDonald Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William MacDonald :formerly of Swarthmore. Mr. and Mrs. ROy S: Latimer ot Walnut lane last week received :word that their son Lt. J. H. Lati­mer, U.S.N.R •• has been promoted trom lieutenant junior grade to tull Ueutenancty. David Webb a. :freshman at Wes ... leyan University, Middletown, Conn. will arrive next week to spend the holldQ.YB with his parents LL and IIIrs. W1l1tam Webb of, South Ches­ter road. David who is a graduate of Swarthmore Higb School, class of •••• bas been placed on the hon~ er Ust at the university. MEDIA TIlEATRE LAST2D~YS Friday & Saturday • • • Dorothy Lamour Eddie Bracken ia Rainbow Island In Teclm!color , ~ , Miss Farley who was graduated from -Westtown School, Is a. senior 'at SWarthmore College. Mr. Spackman. a' graduate }:Ia.v,ertord School. attended S.,alcth,-' more College where he was a mem­ber of the Phi Kappa Pal frater­nity. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. of I-farval'd avenue entertained at a small Informal luncheon In honor of their granddaughter Miss Farley at the Ingleneuk on Saturday. The gueats included ,Mrs. Eugene Farley of WlIkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. G. Donald Spackman and Mr. John' WOrth Spackman of Coates­ville, Miss Vlncenza Colafemlna of Lima. and Miss Elizabeth Bressler of Akron, Ohio, Miss Farley·s room­mate at' Swarthmore College. , FOR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS. Call Mrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman , Swarthmore 2080 • • • No request, needed mm• •.a mre edtii'o ns to O1 _. OJ_' F.1P .Oyr. addre,s s. News Week-l yr New Yorker-I. yr any BO. VD' NOW! JEANNE cn.Ani' Your ''Home In lpd1aua" Sweetheart; IN THE DARLING wltl> FRANK LATIMORE EUGENE PALLFITE MARY NASH aDd Bee tile Snake Klsel DANGEROUS JOURNEY , Produced _ FUmed by , ARMAND-DEI!iIS _ ..... u.a ROO!IIlVEIIr -..: ;:;; CHARBERT • SKYLARK. LUCIEN LE LONG • CHEN YU ~~~ A Family Christmas At the Strath Haven A feast according to the Yule Tradition~S$"Ved from 1 to 7 p.m. Please make :four ,r eservations early F. M. SCHElBLY, Manase!,-OwDer STRA TH HAVEN INN . CARNS Still the Perfect Answer for Every Name on Your XII .. Gift List and the Name CARNS Makes ANY FLORAL GIFf More Appreciated. POINSETTIAS BEGONIAS VIOLETS CYCLAMEN All SeuoaaI Cut Flowers MISTLETOE BAYBF.JmlES CONED SPRUCE, Door and Mantel Arrangements DECORATIVE WREATHS OR(:IJIDS ALWAYS WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS Bal't Pike SpriDsfield C!~'i:~S' • 'PllCme S- 04S0 FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1944 , THE SWARTHMOREAN P1lBL1SIIED EVERr II1'RIDAY AT SWARTlDfO THE SWABTHHOREAlf. Di'O~ PUBIoISRERRE. Pbone.~ ... "" PA. PETER E. TOLD Editor Lorene McCarter MARJORIE TOLD. AaocJate E<lltor Irma M. Parry Phyllis Neuman EDtarad as second CI ..... Matter Janua 24 Offlc. at SWarthmore. Pa.• uncier the "'A~ • f18!'· at the Post ~. 0 _arch I. 1171. DI\lADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1944 Presbyterian Church Notes The sermon this Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service will be -'The WIngs ot His MusIc." Trinity Church Notes THE SWARTHMOREAN 3 Fla.. to .pend the Christmas holl- reorganize the thfrl4e!\o bozed Kappa To Meet days with her parents. Mr. and Mn. Ubrarles belonaing to the Del .... William H. Lee ot Harval'd and County Board tor more effeo_ Cornell avenues. Flora Lee will Uva" UBe. reach here on Tuesday next from Wilson College to Join her family li'ollowlng a luncheon the meet- 01l"er ~he holidays. _" JnB' adjourned to meet at the home An Go of Mrs. Stabler. on January 4 The Kappa. Kapg& Gemma Sew­Inl' Group will meet at the home ot Mrs. Wallace McCurdy ot Og­den avenue on Tuesday next. n rman a Junior at Beaver UJ45. • College spent last week-end with _______________ _ her roommate lJetsy Whitestone of New York City. Ann arrives bome Prepare for Winter todov to "Clod Yow ....., spend the Chrletmas holl- ............ days >with her parents IIIr. and IIIrs. Stonn Sub and R_tioD A.. B. Gorman of the Swarthmore Rooms Apartments. Amy Jane Davidson a student at Alterations and Repairs Wellesley College arrives home to-morrow to spend the holidays with Walter V. Lm' ton her paren"ts Mr. and Mrs. 11. O. Da.- vidson ot Guernsey road. All departments of the Church Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt of Park CoDtractor and Builder School ,aud the Women's Bible Class-meet each Sunday mornlng at 8:46 o·clock. - ~e ChUrch Hour Nursery for children ages 1-'1 ,meets each Sun­day morning from 11 to 12 o·clock. Holy Commuion will be celebrat­f' 1d at 8:00 a. m., and at the eleven O'clock service the Tribute WindoW' w1l1 be dedicated. The .rector will preach on "Righteousness and World Peace." Evening Prayer wlll be said at six o'clock. The Chair School 'Will meet on Monday and Wednesday at 4:00 ~.M., Thursday night at 7:80 and on Saturday morning at nine. a\'enue took part In an Interne.tion.. BtdJeJ' Park OSS3K aoll') dC hrP.trsetsmbayst eprriaong'r CamhU arcth thoef Gseer.. c-II===~~~;~;=====~============::~~Jl man town last Tuesday evenlng. The High School Fellowship will meet Sunday evening from 6 to 7:30 In the Parish HOWIe. The Cbildren's ChOir rehearses each Saturday afternoon at 2 o·clock In the ,? House., The Chapel Choir rebearses Frldq evenings at ,7:80 o·clocl£ in the Par ... Iah House. The High School Choir rehearsea. each Sunday afternoon, girls at 4: 30 o'clock and boys and girls together at 6 o'clock. All contributions of money for the Covingtons, our home mission­ary family of eight In Tennessee should be left at the home of Mrs. W. F. Bird, 241 Ogden avenue, or JriI'8'. H. D. McCray. 229 Cornell avenue by evening. today. Deoem-ber 15. ' On Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service Mr. and Mrs. Ed­' War:d Talcott Moore will be at the Ha.rvard avenue entrance and Mr. and MrIII., C. MacDonald Swan will be at the driveway-transept en ... tranc~ to assist the pastor in ex­tending the greetio,p" or the church to the congregation. A, Pa9king Party will be held on Saturday morning'. Deoember 18. &t 10 o·clock. In the Parish House. by the :.runior Intermediate degart­ment. tor the Dry Creek Church Recreation Center. BrinK' books or gaines. Methodist Church Notes The Church School meets Sun­day morning at 9:46 o'clock. Classes are provided for children ot all ages and for adults. At tho Morning Worship hour at 11 o'clock, the minister will preach on the topio "Crusading With Christ .. • The Youth Fellowship 'Will meet in the chapel In the evening at 7 o·clock. A Chrlatmas program has been arranged ~or this service. " , The Wesleyan Service Guild wlli meet on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock 'at the home ot Mrs. Cha.z.les B. Kimmel ot 602 Yale avenue. Morton. CHURCH SERVICES SWARTHMOl\1ii Pl\JjlSBYTIiiRIAN CHU~CH Rev. David Braun, Minister SUNDAY • :46 A. M.-Church School U :00 A. M,.-Mornlng Worahll). Ser­mon Topic: "The Wings of His Music." M.ETHODIST CHUHCH Roy N. Keiser • .0.0 •• Minister. SUNDAY 9 :46 A. M.-Church School. 11 :00 A. M.-Mornlng \.oratdp. Sermon Topic: "Crusading With ChrlsL" TIUNITy;:..;;C:.;.;.: ;;U:;;R:;;CH;;::;---- Rev. Geo. Chnstia.n '<\1.Uo.::. ".,11. Rector SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. P :41:: A. M.-Churc.h School. 11:00 A. M.-Mornlng Prayer. Dedica­tion ot Tribute Window . Sermon Topic: "H.ighte­ousness & \Vorld Peace." 6 :00 P. M.-Evenlng Prayer. THURSDAY (St. Thomas) 7 :30 A. M.-Holy Commuuion. 10:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 'I'HE RELIGIOUS .sOCIETY Oft' FRIENDS SUNDAY 9 :46 .A.. Y.-Flrst Day School. 9 :45 A. M.-Adult Forum. "Spiritual Implications of Peace Time Military Conscrip­tion," by Theodore Paullin. 11:00 A. M.-Meeting for Worship in the Meeting House.. WEDNESDAY • :30 A. Jl. to 8 :30 ..... P. II.-Bewlng and quilting In 'Wllittier House. Box luncheon. All are cordially invited. FIl\ST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harvard SUNDAY 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday SchooL 11:00 A. M.-Sunday Lesson Sermon. Wednesday evening meeting ~ach week, 8 p. m. Reading room open dan)' except, Sundays and holidays 12 to 6 p.m. Wednesday evening 7 to 8 p.m. Church Edlflce. All are cordially invited to attend the serv~ces and use the readinc Room. On Thursday, the Feast ot St. Thomas, Holy Communion will be celebrated at 7:30 and 10:00 a. m. Plans have been completed for the second annual Christmas con ... cert of t.e choir to be given on Wednesday, the twenly ... seventh at 8:16 p.m. I Cbristian Science Notice },frs. A. M. Bosshardt and ber two BOns Roy and Dick ot Park avenue will spend the Christmas hoUdaY8 with Mra. Bosshardt's old .. est Bon Rene and his 'wife of Lit­tle Neck, Long tsle.nd. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bass,. Jr .• ot Harvard avenue will enterta.ln at their usual Christmas party at their home tomorrow evening. TheLr guests mil include Mr"'a. WII11am H. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C~digan, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney "Ie The Universe. Including Man. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. CoUn R. Evolved by Atomic Force?'. la the Hitchman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8"':lbject of the Lesson-Sermon In all 'Engle, Mrs. Harry Seymour, Mr. Churches of Christ, SCientist. on and Mrs. John Moxey. and Mr. and Su~day. Dec. 11. The Golden Text Mrs. John Plumer. :is::d " In ~he beginning was the Word, Clad In shepherd costume. Dr. the Word was with God, and Wlllfam T. Ellts impersonated one e Word 'Was God .. ',' All thinA's of tho Bethlehem shepherds and were made by him; and withc;ut dramatized the Nativity Sto~ as hl~ was not anything made that; part ot the High School Chriat~as was made" (John 1: ,I, 3). exercises. Thursday, December 14. Among Bible citations compris­ing" the Lessop-Sermon Is the fol­lowing: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear.: but ye have ,received the Spirit of adoption. whereby we cry, Abba, Father" (Romans 8: 14:,16). , The LeBBon-Sermon' altlo includes Edward H. Alston son of Mr. and M1'8. G. L. Alston of North Chester road was commissioned. a. second l1eutenant in the Army of the United States on Saturday. Decem­ber 9 upon successful completion ~f the Offlcer Candidate .course at The Iqfantry School at Fort Ben­n. ing, Ga._ Lt. Alston a. graduate of Swarthmoro High School attended Penrioylvania MlUtary Chester. before enlisting 'In the Armf on 3une 19, 1942. Lt. navid Shoemaker. U.S.N.R., the foUawing pa.ssage from the ChrIatlan Science textbook. "Sclez(ce and Health· With Key to the Scrip­tures" by Mary Baker Eddy; "Ad­vancing to- a. hieher place of action, thought rues from the material Mrs. Shoemaker and their daughter sense to the spiritual, from the Carol will spend the 'Christmas scholastic: to the Inspirational and holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Walter from the mor'tal to the imm~rtaI. R. Shoemaker of Rlvel'YJ.ew .roatt. All things are created spiritually. M~d, not matter Is the creator. Love, the divine Principle. is the Father and Mother of the universe. InclUding man" (p. 268). NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brad­!: Ihww of Stone House. Swarthmore, en.tertalned Miss Connie Burwell and Mr. WllUam W. White of New York City as their week-end guests. Mr. White Is Foreign War, Corres­pondent fOr Times Magaztne and recenUy returned from the Conti­nent where he was with General Montgomery arid the British Second Army. William Edwin Harris son ot Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Harris ot Well­esley road will entertain the boys of the Fourth Grade of College Avenue School at a Christmas party at his home on the afternoon or December 16. "David S. Binns son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Binns of "Blnns­brook." Swarthmore has Jeft State College and is at home preparatory to leaving for the Civilian Public Service Camp at Big Fiats. New York on December 18. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Reed of North ,Chester road .have had G.8 their recent guest Lt. Conrad Gaspe of Seattle. Wash. Lt. Gaspe fs home on a. aO-day leave after 16 months in the South Pacific. Pauline Bea.tty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Beatty of Mor­ton a member of the Cedar Crest choir wll1 participate In the Christ­mas service to be held at Cedar Crest College, Allentown. Pa.. on Friday. December 15 just prior to the Christmas vacation. ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Webster of Elm avenue entertained Mrs. Webster's father MI'. E. Van B. KniCkerbocker of New York City as their week-end guest . June Forsythe a senior at Whee­lock School. Boston. Mass., arrived yesterday to spend the hoI1daYfi 'with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Forsythe of Thayer road. W. I. L. Meets The Executive Board of The Del­aware Cpunty Branch of The Wo­men's International League met at t he home of Miss Flora L. Bock of Drexel Hill on ·.rhursday. Decem­bcr 7. Mrs. Ida P. Stabler of Rut­gers avenue Is chairman of the group. Reports 'Were made upOn the re- Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole of Swarthmore avenue w1l1 entertain a family gathering for C1:tristmas dinner. Amo_ng their guests wlll be cent conferences on the problems Major Marvel ,VJ)son who will be of the Airways Industry and Trans­home for the holidays. Mrs. Wilson, and their sons Marvel and Layton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nason of Cor.nell avenue entertained at din­ner at their home on Satul"day In honor of their daughter Barbara's guests who compose the official group to commission an L,S.l\1. craft at the Phtladelphia NavY Yard today. Among the gUests portaUon and their effect upon world cooperation. from Labor bul­letins recent statements of goals towards which lahor works In be-half of hUmanity. and on the Jap-anese hostel in Philadelphia show­ing ita continued usefulness In meeting the real need 'for young persons coming to PhUadelphla for employment. It :was decided to who attended were the officers of' ______________ _ the boat. and Sallie Cook. Mary 3ane Nelson. Libba Rutan. Theo Hulme. Shirley Nason, and Cpl. Bob Toole who is now home on :eave from Camp Pinedale. Fresno • Cal. Tlsh Lee a.rrlved home yesterday from Rollins College, Winter Park. ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE "C" IRWIN GALBREAnI, JR. Wll1telaw-GuJbreath-:-McFllt'JlWd _hmore Lombard 1182 4261 \ Our' reputation has been based u~on always giving a dignified, sincere and trustworthy serV•I ce. OLIVER H. lAIR CO. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET RlTlenhou.a 1581 M. A. Balr, Pre.ldent ..... I~ -" ',$ =7 girts •• VOUHD WomeH Pleasant war. iob1 Want a • • • Learn Telephone Wor. and acquire a skill that will help win the war. Telephone service is vital to the whole war effort. The Bell Telephone Company offen you steady work, often near your home, with good pay and regular increases. Congenial associates. .,a nd a real chance for advancement. No experience necessary I Call our Chief Operator, or come in and talk it over with one of our friendly interviewers. Bring a girl friend' along if you wi,.h. Maybe yo« can work together. Visit the office nearest you- 1831 Arch Straet, Philadelphia Room 315, McClatchy Building 69th .. Market Sis., Upper Darby 57·59 E. ~enn St., Norristown Bring birth-cerliJicate or other proof of citi,mship. THE BELL TELEPHqNE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA . "A Friendly Place to Wor." •

    ---------- Page 13 ----------

    4 AUXILIARY GRATEFUL CHRISTMAS PtA Y AT PLAYERS CLUB .cbrtatmu mualc, receive ali on.­tlOl!. TIll. \~ tile ch1\d .... n Into a. wond~ul I!'iv..-t'lfe wilen they at ,ut 41..,over tile true !'tory of the strange little boy tile}' hive "aned "T.\le Nl5ht1DQle." Ushers In Yule Sea­son With Legend of Old Poland Tbe Players' Club will appropri­ately usher In tbe Christmas sea­SO, Q on saturday, Dece:mber 28 with the present&Uon to Its Junior mem­bership of ''The Chrlstm ... Nlght­Ingale..- a dramatization by Phyllls Nuwm.,n Groff, based on an old ponsl1 legend. It 18 the story of a charcoal burner and bls famlly in medieval Poland and the play OI)t!lDS with & Bcene in bls forest hut on Christmas eve. To their door on thls nlght comes a richly dressed little boy who cannot speak but who can sing like a. nightin­gale. The family takes care of the little boy ~or a year but who he is or from whence he came ol'emalDS a mystery. Tb.\8 18 .. pl&y thlt w1\l be loved by both young and old "",d, with the rush of Cbrl8tm... shoPplDg oV'er, the saturday befo1'6 Christ­mas Is just the time to pause and enjoy a story which Is fun of the real ",eanlng of Chrl8bna& Cooperates With GI Bill Tbro\llrh ~e klndn""" oftbe pea­pl~ of swarthmore, membo" of the WOlDau·. Club. and membere of the Write .. ' Club of Dela.,are County many uncompiIlInated veterana at. the Coateavllle Veterans HospItal hive beeI\ made hapl'Y. The gen­eroUS feIJPona8 to the call for Dew oi!unl'S for use on the patle"to' Ch!1&tI!I.... c;a.rd8 l>ro1!ght .. total of 'i~O three cent ~mps.. 60 one-~d­a .. ~f ce~t stampa. 70 QDe cen~ 8ta~P8, and a two cent stampa. The Auxiliary 18 grater,,1 for the Chr\lltmBS cheer provided. XIS. W. B. Xo\chtoD of C_ \&De last week receive" & letter from 1I1rs. HarrY La.WIIOn of OJ(0f4, Enpand, formerly of North Chester road, who writes of her plea.aure in receivlng Th~ Swarth~or-.n. "I cannot tell you h.... eagerlY 1 I1p ott the wrapper when it arrlVeL i'm quite eure no service maD lookll for it more than I· do." Mrs. lAw ... s.on aqd cbpdren ~bel and Susan left ~warthmore tor thelr bo~e In Ena'\&Dd In lI1ay after residing here tor about tour yean. Mr. and II1rs. ~"'d V. S\l&w Of lilt. Holyoke place entertained Mrs. Arthur Shanklin of Syracuse. N.Y., formerlt" q~ aw~t.llmore. • their guest for a few up .of last week. I!\Va. .AlIce Want IIlTlnd llomi! last wee.!< from Westbrook JDDlo. C:oll.,.e, Portland. 14e., to vacation at her on Cornell avenue un':' tlI Ja.nuag I. Mu. Joha R. Bat.eIJ of North Chester road will entertain at a. d.IIlner partY tomorrow evODlDB Ili hon"r of tbo birthday annlveroa.rY of Dr. Bate .. , Dale ¥cCola.hID of BurJ\g&me, Cal., a. Btudent at Ogontz Junior College will arrive in Swarthmore on Wednesday nut to spend tb~ holidays with the Ray S. Quicks of South Cheater road. lirs. ~lpl1ar4 B. W\1\I8 ",,4 ller daug!iter Vicki of Park avenu& leave tomol'row to join Lt. WUw. who Is stationed at Norfolk, Va. The Willis' will. spend the Christ­mas holida.ys at the ChamberlaiD Hotel, Old point comfort. Va. Then, an opportunity comes to them suddenly to take a trip to ~e clty ot KrakOW~ The children ga.thor up the little Jluppet theatre which they been making ;tor Chr~tmo.s. eager to pIa)" out the Christmas story With It on the streets of the city. TheY' are given thle chance1 far beyond their ex ... pectatlons and the puppets and th~ HN.1.ghtlngale." wbo Bings the Robert T. Balr, swa.rtqmore re .. l­tor and a past commander ot the Delaware .county American Leglon is the Brat to cooperate :with a Fed­eral Sav\JlgB who ad­vertised their des1l'e to accept ap ... pllcatlonS for loans under the re­cently enacted G-I Bill of Rights tor returned mem~ers pt our arm­ed fl')r~es for: which the American Legion lB credited w$th stee.rmg through Congress. ~~ negoUated the sale of the Blakeley home to Major Eugene A. Fischer now con­nectod with PennoylvanJa. :MIlitarY College for whom the first G1 Guar­antee- loan in the COlllJDonweal~b ot pennsylvania had been ap ... prov~d •. Mr. Bair said that the lOf:.l.n se ... cured by Major Folsche'r is one of less than 100 that have been aP'" proved throughout· the nation. TO MAKE POSSIBLE WELL EARNED VACATION FOR OUR LOYAL EMPLOYES The IngleneukTea Room WILL CLOSE December 25, 26, 27 Open for Lunch December 8th • at 12 Noon . t/Jl'iS/JII05 SAVINGS CLUB ~ START NOW TO SAVE FOR' NEXT CHRISTMAS • • • This is the time to start putting aside a small amount each week; and next Christmas season will find you more than prepared to shop well! ENROLL, NOW! SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK & TRUST·CO. Member Federal DePosit Insurance Corporation HOLD YOUR WAR BONDS ~ere b stili time to make a Christmas offering for families In nettd: rae ruga in good condition for a cold .home; a', size· 42 for ~ older womani outgrown c\ot"lng for children, boys and girls, sizea 2 to 16; and any hOU8e~ hold a.rtlcl .. that--mlght aid a strug­gling widow to make & com:tortable homo tor her large ramU,.. Please leave a.rtlcle. with Mrs. O. :So GII­creest, J08 Vassar avenue. Swarth­more. Kay Tburman & tre8bman at Middlebury Collep, II1lddlebury, Vt., I. spending the Christmas holi­days with her parento 1i1r. and 1i1rB. Neal Thurman of C·edar lane. NEWS NOTES JeBS!~ Gllbert wnl arrive home on Wednesday next from tho Pennsyl~ van~a College tor Women. Pitts­burgh for a two ... week with hoI" parents :Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Park avenue. Je88& bas recently been elected of the Freshman $lld was chosen onB ot 10 freanDleD to the Y.W.C.A. commlsslon at the college. . Wr. and Mrs. William P. JOhn­Bon of Ogden avenue will en.tertain 12 gueolB at dinner a.nd bridge .. t ~elr borne tomorraw evening. Ml8s Virginia. Yerkes of Prince-ton avenue entertained MLss Bar­bara. Crooks ot New York City, a. Wellesley College classmate, as her week-end guest. Dr. and Mrs. T. Leigh Williams and their young Bon Randolph Leigh of Waehlngton, D, C., will a.r­rive on "Monday next to spend a. few days 'With Mrs. WllUamst . p .. re •• to I Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of SWarthmore and Ogden avenues be­fore occupying their newly pur­chased residence at 21'1 Harvard aventae. Dr. WllliamB Is returning to the DuPont Company. Wl!mlng­ton after doing research 'Work tor two years with the Quartermaster's Department of the War Department j In Washington, D. C. Barbara. Kent a. junior at Whea­ton · College. Norton. Mass., has ar­rived home to spend the holidays with her parenta Mr. and Mrs. Rus­sell H. Kent of Riverview road, Mtsa Lillian Hewes who resides a.t 616 Prospect avenue, Prospect Park and is the 3rd grade teacher of the Rutgers Avenue School. Is recuperating at the osteopathic Hospital, and Spruce st.. Phil­adelphia. ~lBs Hewes has manY' friends who w11l be glad to learn that sha expects to be home tor Xmas. Mrs. EUzabeth Garahan Is subsUtute teacher ot the 3rd grade In ~iBS Hewes' abse~ce • Mrs. George C. Wagner of Ben­jamin West avenuo entertained friends recently tor dessert and br~dge at the Woman's Club. The annual Christmas party will be held at the Gibbon's Home, Bal­timore pike on Thursday. Decem .. ber 14. Mr. Malcolm A. Strleby, a resident ot swarthmore will show movies and Mrs. John Faw­cett will entertain !With piano selec­tions. Mr. and . Mrs. John Reid Hanna. of' University place entertained at a family dinner recently tollow:mg the christening of their son John Reid. Jr., at the Swa.rthmore pres .. byterian Church. Rev. David Braun ot!lclated at the ceremony. Dr.. and Mrs. John Alden Damon of PassaiC. N. J.. spent last week ... end at the home of the tormer's parents Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davl ... son of vassar avenue. Dr. !Davison Is associated with the U~ S. Rubber' Company. . Rev. David Braun is spending most of this week in Kansas City. Mo .• where Mrs. Braun'e aunt died a tew days ago. He also expects to spend a da.y with his mother. Mrs. Peter Braun ot Henderson, Nebraska. Mrs. Roy C. Comley ot South Swarthmore avenue entertained bridge club at a luncbeon followed by & CbrUttmas party at ber bome Thureda;y. Miss Anne Lingle of Cornell ave­nue was hostess to her bridge club on Monday evening. EUsabeth Pope of Oberlin avenue presented a group of Spanlsh dances at an International dinner of the Phlladelphl& SOroptom\&t Club held In the Mirror Room of the Barclay Hotel Jaet week. SANTA CLAUS • ,'-e ~ . fiht.te ... &'-.e , fRoo",,1 every day from 12 to1 P.M. 6 to 7 P. M. otortlng December 18th Bring in the children for funcheon or <!inner Make your reeervation early for Chriotm .. Dinner ___ ed from 12 to 8:30 P. M;. ~ ~ penon. Rit. 4800. Fo,."..,.'Y Tfoe Wellington 19th anol WALNUT. Rinenhquoe Square F. 1. Power, Jr.,.GenAlral MQMgeI'" We're General Headquarters for . Christmas gifts fo .... everYQne ~n your list. See our vast collection of toO- - . etries, smokers'- needs, and gifts for those in aervice. Plan to do all your shopping' in one store ••• your favor­ite drug stor~ ••• Michael's College 'Pharmacyl Cosmetic Sets Matched toiletries appeal to every woman. •••• COLOGNE COMPACTS PIPES STATIONERY DUSTING POWDER PERFUME TOBACCO POUCH WHITMAN'S SAMPLER Toilet Kits Men'. cIIoJJ'pact kit with Sbavinlr Deeck • • • Michael's College Pharmacy ON nm CORNER A ClariA de ..... tjon of ABBee.ore at their UlDual meet­IDI\" at Harrlablirg on Sa.tur,doy, De­cember I. Citation, Letter Give Details to Parents O'or the hlilo of old Judea The star was IIiIlnlns bright Aa ebepherds ten4e4 o'er their flocks On that IIrst ChrlBtmas D15ht. For on that night a. Babe wu born IOOd atth~ .... lIe·hI<\ _ t_ty poua48;, 'lbat he ... ov-so,.e4· to Hcelve nee4ed articlee as a. II>&\'<> pal~ of glasses. bla hav\Jlg been mot oft on Oorrepdor. Dr. Ruaoen G. Whitman of Har­vard. avenue Ia. recuperathig at h1a home tollowiog a aerioUB automo­bUe acci~ent whlcb occqrred on De .. l<eM to· orpnl8e a. permanent oom­mlttee for the conduct of swartIl­mON Towa Meetlngs, met on KOD­day evealng at Ibe home of Dr. WIIl\am T. Elila. A full Uot of of­flcers and board of directors, pre­reeentlq all elementa In our Bor­ough life, ..... named. The \lot of names will be announced sa aoon B8 acceptances are received. I STEAKS - aIOPS I ' SEAJIOOD Oar Spa ! '~ Crcnn~ .. teI;r m ••• Born as a. Man to die . ' On a rude croee hewn by men Their Lord to cruclty. cember ~. Re elected Dr •. Witman had the misfortune The Rev. a.nd Mrs. Thom ... A. Jrleryweather of Haverford p1a.ce have received a copy of the ofDcla1 citation which accompanied presentation ot the Bronze medal to their aon Pic. T. Arthur :M:eryweatber, Jr •. T.he presentation was made In France on July'. The Two tlioueand years have almost gone; ODee more the Star sh1netl high. Once more o'er old Judea Once mor~men hate anel die. to run luto a traller which wae Frank 1.. Gettz. local Aa8eaeor, pa.rked without llghts on Ninth was re-elected as aecretary-treasur-etreet. Chester. I~e ~r~o~f~t~h~e~p~e~n~n~'Il'~IVBD~~I&~~A~.~OC~la~tl~O~n~_!!.~~~~~~~~~~~~~.'~~ citation l8 as tollows: Because ot greed and sin and wrong. Because truth lost to Ues. Am I my brother's keel!.er--No?­" For beroic &CUon. On lith of But then-my brother dies. J~ne. 1944. the 1Jght m~hine gun section ot Company K. 39th Intan- In foxhole. 8ub. or bombing plane trY,. of which Pfc. M"ryw.",t:h;;'d No longer God seeme tar, w:~ a .me.~~er. was OD the south And man can r~ad the message a.ide o~ ••. , France. badly needed Told by Judea's by the • • Platoon ot Company· X, 39th Infantry, ~ocated on the •• 8\de of town. Due to the l\a.ture of the terrain and to· the tacticai s1tu~ allon the only toute of a.pproacb that they could use to reach the . location in time to· accom­pll~ their mlsalon, ental.led croBS­tng street 20 tee;t wide which: was under tlre trom enemy ma.chlne guns tha.t wero In steel p.lllboxea at & ra.Ilge of about 160 yards. These guns had been firing. at . anythtng tha.t approached this particular ~treet. ptc. :M.eryweather ~aa 8ub­j" ect6d to the d·lrect enemy gun fite, but proceeded to hie ap-pointed positlon and accompllahed A child was born-to die-to Live That man might live again- If man Will only Usten It 18 within his ken. ' It each Ute rw111 be a. witness To ilte message ot that star. And faith keep strong and holy. The Ught wll1 carry far. The glory that is goodness, That is Cht:ist'a only plan. Then love will be triumphant In the brotherhood of man. I W. E. H .. Jr. his miBalon." The "sweet tooth" ot the conval- In a. letter from this soldier. in escents at the Swarthmore Naval which he describes tb.1a action. be Annex will be satisfied with a.noth­~ te~: "Somehow wo went· through er batch ot cookies thle week when or under the machine gun fire com... Mrs. Thomas McCabe ot N. ·Cheater ing down the 'street. TwO. men were road will head her commitiee ot kUled but we finally goi· through volunteer bakers. and cleaned up th~ town and cap... Those serving this week are Mrs. tured about 266 ~erInans. it 'Was in WU1iam M. Harvey, Mrs . .ram:e~ B. Dougls.s, Mrs. WUllam Earl Klsiter ~t;Ihsitao. la:c tion that' a snIper. ·lLit my ),( , It ruined my pistol.but sav- ra. E. H. ~y'I"Or. Mrs. S. ·Herbe~t ed my life"· . Evans, Mrs. Frank H. Haimes. Mrs. , , . ' R.N. Hilker" IMrs. E. _o\rthur Wblt- The. inJQI'Y tor which .Mbur. ney, and Miss Bessie Douthwalte. A!eryweather received "the :Purple ' -:-?~"""',,.-'-':'--...,-'- . '-He&<~_m_edal.,9~!!D:~d,~J; J:1Iif~ -;:_,,: .. New~_~f J.., PriaOaer Since· that 1-lme he haa been ·m· " .. , ..... , several bOBpital~;.in. France and MrS. Ca.therlne Pierce of the Col- England. lege Library staft received. a post .In the ftrst W9rld War Rev. card from her SOD, captain Henry BridtJ. W'1DDtIft The Crum Creek Bridge Club Which met Monday evening a.t the home ot Mr. and Mrs. John Bow ... ditch, Jr .• ot Cedar lane report the following high scores: Seated N orib and South. Mrf\. Philip W. Knlokern and II1rs. W. R. Shoemaker first; Mrs.· Samuel. Eby and LesUe G. Luckie eecond; ::Mrs. Albert mll and Wllllam Craemer third. Seated East and West. Mr. Rnd Mrs. lJowd1tch~ Jr., first: Mrs. JOhn R. Bates and II1rs. I. R. Mac­Elwee secondr: and Mrs. Edith Cus­kaden and Mrs. David Cramp. third. Name Officers The grOUP' recently appointed by a. gathering ot representative cltl- BUY THOSE XMAS SEALS • ~ lfJOUwant to keep JOut ear. yoU ought to KIIPI1UP! . ,Expert Studebaker service , •I n5",res more mileagel Nobody know. (orcertwn how long the cars now operating mOlt last. It's jOlt ~ommonseDseto keepyour car up to pa.r with Studebaker serv­ice- to have it inspected regularly. Don't wait till major repairs be­~ 0n:'e necessary. Followa regulllr car m~DteDance schedule worked out WIth your nearest Studebaker dealer. . .O f course, it's good citizenship 00, to gI' ve a car proper care in dme~' St~debaker service is real more . .mileage insurance. It, saves tires lave. ~, saves your car. J '~ *6 !!.{ *. WAil lOAN , .t • .- BUY MORE WAR BONDS ••• AND lIED' THE BONDS YOU BUY LEWIS. FUSCO M~ryweather,· whilo fight.lng in J. Pierce wllo has been· a. NOW Fnmce In an Infantry regiment of In ·Jap .. n since the fall of. B .. \slUI· ' S.CHESTER &: FAIRVIEW ROADS the 281h Dlvi.lon, wa.estruck bv .. n th .. t he had flna.llyrecelved the ono SWARTHMORE, P.'''' oJ box which she has besn permitted ft.. enemy bullet which was deflected to .end him on the ".hlp ot good- Studebaker .•• Pioneer and Pacemaker in Aur-tiv· e P-'ro .... 1!SII by the p.1stol cUp he was wearing will" GripBholm. The card also 'Ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~;;;~;~:~~§' ~_~"""~§~lrI~OII:I~I;" o~ his· belt. bOl"e the news that his health ~ I anotber big rush on fong Distance lines this ([hristmos It was a blS rush last year. It may be even bigger this Chl'istmas. So please help keep Long Distance lines clear for essential call. on December, :14,25 and 26. War still needs the wlres­even on holidays. THE BELL TELEPHONE' COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA . " .. As parents, let's cooperate to prevent accidents by teaching our children to ~heed this simple sign. To love and proteCt childretl"is in· stinctive with all parents. o;.e of the surest and easiest way~ to pro­tect them is to take tiine out occasiooally to teach them the rules of safety. There is real. Deed for said] in this mechanical age. That's why all schools. pubUc and private, have developed complete Said] Programs. RED I "££PO" 'HI· TRACKS Vie are cooperatiag with UPPER DARBY SAFETY WliEK December 11-15, 1\144 whose lpo_IUgar. ARROW LI N E 5 • ..- ~~2{" ..... . "Whoa fOU. ...n. on troD., or tnID tn<b, 7011 uewolldng into trouble. Yon risk beiDc injuledo< ••• Yon uecrespoWng on pri_ pmpelt)' anel tbu 7011 _liable to ...... '! ,, , . ,. , -'- , -::;j~~ , - , .

    ---------- Page 14 ----------

    6 THE SWARTHMOREAN F1UDAY. DECEMBER II, 1944 COMMUNITY EYES HEALTH PROGRAM Dellmuth Speaks At Annual Football Night An intereSting array ot sports figures graced the High School's auditorium at the aJlDual FootbaU Night on Friday evening, Decem­ber 8. Carl K. Dellmutli. athletic director at the college who was the main speaker of the evelllng advo­cated a thorough physical lI.tneB8 program in the schools of the n&.­tiOD from the first fear up as pre­paratory to any later compulsory m111tary program. SING CAROLS FOB CLUB DR. LEEC1[ OBSERVES Last Wednesday the IIfth and' County Superintendent Dr. Carl sixth grade. of Rutgers Avenue Leech of Medla vlalted the high School eang a group ot Chrlatm&l!l Bchool several da.ys tbta week.. Dr. Carols from foreign lands for the Leech obMorvea the varloWl 'claaaes InternaUonal Program at the Wo.. and activities ot. the school each men's Club. directed by Mrs. Ray- ,.ear. mond K. Denworth. '.1~e sixth grade will repeat the program on Monday, December 18, tor the Delaware' County D. A. R., at the home of .Mrs. Lovett Frescoln on Harvard avenue. Both performances are under the supervision of Myrtle McCallln. sLxth grade teacher at the Rutgers Avenue School, and Allee E. Blod­gett, musie. director for tbe 8warth ... more Bcboou. CONTEST HONORS The Bond and Stamp sale for tids week totaled $769.66, $120.90 In stamps and $618.75 In bonds. The Juniors as usual had 100 per cent. Other hundred per cent home rooms 'Were Mr. Oppenlander"s S8n-lor home ro!)m, Mr. Duncan's sopb .. omOre home room, Mr. Baldwln's eighth grade home roo.m. and Miss Strouse's and Mr. Snyder's fresh­men home rooms. It looks 8B if the Freshmen goin&, to give the Juniors a race for the honors. GIRLS PI<&Y BASKE1'BAIili Yesterday afternoon t.our high BC~ool teams . accompanied by Coach VirginJa Allen played vol .. ley ball aga.lnatGlrI's· High School 1" Phllad.lphl&. STUDENTS SUPPOR'r DRIVE Students were given an oppor­tunity to contribute money to the tuberculosis drive Wednesday and Thursday. The number of spangles worn on lapels indicates generous giving. OHRISTlIlA& CAROLS Wednesday a Christmas Carol program . WaB' presented in the SenJof High Assembly under the direction of Alice E. Blodgett. Ma.rllyn MacElwee led the devo .. Uona, read.tng the Christmas StOry. In'its flrst appearance, the .newly formed High School orchestra un­der direction ot Chas. Izumi, play­ed excerpu from Tscha1k.owsky's sixth syntphO,.y. commonly known as the "Patbatlque" sYDlpbony, and "Jesu, Joy of Man's desiring." The latter was eung by a small You know, SoD, It'. a funny thlnS' group 1rom the high ochool aho....... omall The orchestra supplemented by members ot the Jr. High School Orcheatn also, played several well .known Cbri8tulas Carols In whlob they were joined by the student body. The Senior High qlrl's Glee Cluh Bang, ·jSlng, We The Virgin Mary." and "The Coventry Song." john Chiquohie "Is president of chorua. The Senior High program WB.B p~­t1a1ly repeated in the Junior HIgh School aB8embly yesterday and be­fore the - fourth, :flftb, and sixtb grades. Doctor WllUam T. EIlts of Wal­nut Lane told the or1glnal shepherd stc~ in costume. The Junior High Girls' Glee Club Bang, "Kyria Eletsln," and "Blow Winds. qently Blow:' . MY BOY 1 A father writes to his son In ac­tive service. Unfortunately the au­thor's is unknown. "Dear Son: I wish I had the 'power to write The thoughts '-wedged in my heart tonJght As I .It watching .. \lUI. star And wondering how and where you are. HoW' etOM & war can alway. brine A famll), who for yeara with pride Have kept emoUoDs deep ·lnside. I'm 8OI"ry' that when you were I let feaorv.. bUIld up ... wall. I told you real men never Cl'J", And It waa Mom who always dried Your tears ~d amootbed the hurt away, So that you 'soon went back to pia)'. NoW' SUddenly I. find my 8OD. A full-grown man with childhood gone. Tonight you're far acroaa the sea. Waging war tor folks Uke me. Well, somehow pride and what I. right Just doesrt't seem to 8'0 tonight. I find my eyes just· won't stay dry, 1 ftnd that sometimes men do cry And If we stood here tace to tace I"m afraid I"d lind men do em-brace. Son, all da.d8 are a funny lot, And it I've failed you In Bome spot It's not because I've loved you leas: It's just this so-called me.nllneas: But If I Juat had the power to write, The words would rIng out loud and true, I'm proud, my boy, 80 proud ot you!" In the course of tits talk, Dellmuth pra.1sed the team for its tine attitude and precision in the games this year and Coach Zieg­enfuB and hls aides for the wide program , which took in such a large number 01 students. He also thanked the community for Its contribution of 'rrimmer center and Dave Work place kick­er to thls year's college team. who did a great deal toward the ~ar­net's vicWries toward the season's Mrs. Helen Thompson, member of the Volunteer Post Security Force of the U. S. Coast Guard for the port of Philadelphia. has been conducting the MathemaUcs cle.sses tor the past ten days in the absence •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• close. ,Coach Dellmuth said. flI oa.nnot impress upon you too much the necessity of a mental and physical fitness progra.m In the school trom the start in preparation for any mlUtary program and neither can I be too emphatic in urging every­one to give their earnest thought to any suggested compulsory miLi­tary training. It is for us to think this tl)ing out for the beat intereets ot the Datlon."' Reva Da.vld Braun pastor of the Presbyterian Church who served as :master ot ceremonies .introduc­ed tho other speakers Qt· tbe eve­uing who Included: G· Baker Thompson principal, C. MacDonald Swan chairman of the Citizens· Committee which promoted the at ... 'falr: W.nllam C. F. uBill" Ziegen ... ~us footbaU coach, Henry Hottman :IV. coach, George Reimer head of the various junior bigh programs, and Fred C.' Underhill president ot the Lansdowne School Board. A varIed and interesting program included the presentaf.:l,n ot stl~er tootbaIl8 to the lettermen, the in­troduction ot the coaches ot the ot .Mrs. John Jenny. PRESENT TRADITIONAL PLAY As tr!td.IUonal 'as pine trees and holly 18 the play "One Night In Bethlehem" which ls being present­ed In the Christmas assembly :tor the fourth ;time. MarIan Karns will portray the Mother who tella her son. pla.yed by Sandy Ford, the story of Christmas. Hanna. lOrk, English instructor. will dlrect;the pIa),.. AlIc. ·Blodgett. music in­structor wlll direct the chorUB, which plays a. significant part in the presentation. STUDENTS SPELL Pa.tsy, McCahan, Alan Hunt and Jack Pittenger represented SWarth ... more High School in the Guetlng Spoiling Bee over KYW aga.1nat Lower Merion at 7:80 last eveninl'. Steve Spencer and John Foster served as alttrna.tes .. RED LEftER DAY teams that Swarthmore played on On Tuesday, December 6, the the gridiron during the year, and Red Cro_88 Club under the direction the introduc'tlon of outstanding op- of Miss Mabel Ewing, was enter­ponents who were choson by the tained and informed by a lecture on· Swartbmore team. The affair was. RUBSla, her Deeds and ])roble1D8, concluded by the showl_ng ot. mo- given by Mrs. Barrow Dunham. The tion pictures at the year's leading interesting dlscusaloJ), accompanied football games. Ot special inter- by records of Russian music .. cU­est were the shote ot this yea,r's maxed the RUBBlan ,?,ar ReUet Penn-ArmY game. Bob Gerner drive for clothing in the school, Swarthmore ~gh Graduate and ~ and stimulated Interest In sewing former faculty member and coach' for the Russians wbJch w111 begin , at the school showed the tum. In.the Red CroBS Club' next year.' --The-·· following were-' presented ;;;;-;.;;;;;~-;;;:~ silver footballs by Coach ZlegenfuB A D'!':~ter~o:'c:~~Y rwtth who. ooUed each letterman to the Ith PIIP< >+ P Yf th g th e r"" ... snow 0 e season was e platform with remarks as to the welcome announcement that the value each to tlie team: gym would be open for dancing George Allburger, Arvet Chamb- during the noon hour. Up to now era, Carter Da.vlson, Robert Ewing. the superior charms ot football or VJncent Gallagher, Jack Harant, just strolling arouad In the clear P..lchard Hellmuth, Je55S Holmes. faU wea.ther have had more attrac- Robert Mc.Cowan, Willtam Nelson, Peter Nowell, James, Robert Reed, Captain-elect Richard Shel­ley, John Storck, Do.nald Swan, Francis Ta.ylor. and James Taylor. The other members of the vars­Ity honored were: Richard Arml ... tage, Clinton Go~Un. Andrew Kirk, John Polk. Graeme Taylor and Ed ... ward Whltecar. coach Ho:fmann read the names of 27 ot the junior varsity squad and each took a bow. Coach Reim­er In presenting the junior higb program presented 23 lads of the tightweight team; 11 of the m1d­dlewelghts and 19 of the hea.vy ... weight outfit. t SCHOOL NEWS \IEl'ERAN RJ;EIGNS Virginia Allen, coach of success ... ful girls' varsity teams for over a. score ot years. has relinquished her poaltlon as basketb.,ll coach thls season to Mrs. Ann Sullivan, who came to the High School last year. Mrs. SulUvan has arready buckled down to the none too easy task of chOOsing teams and coaching them. She expects to be well p, fol' the IIrst girls" haakethall game agalnst Lanedowne January 18. tion than the newest Sinatra rec-ords. but owlt!1 thermometer taking what appearl' to be a permanent nose-dive. the noon dancing should be .quite popular. Alter all, the greatest name bands will be there, playing exclUSively tor the students of S.H.B. SEEn'fG IS BELIEVING Following a stu.dy of Ancient Egyptian music, through English and Social Studies cla..ssBS. interest­ed members of the tenth grade have secured tickets tor the opera. "Aida,," to be presented January 10 by the La Scala Opera Company. Carol Heinze a.nd. Weston Clarke are in cha.rge ot purchasing tickets. DILIGENCE PLUS Not content with the passive study of merely learning the lan­guage, the high school German stu­dents are' preparing for a German banquet on December 11 in which they will speak exclusively In the Gennan tongue and feast exclu­sively on German food--eauer kraut, "WUrst. kuchen. and the Ilke. The I>anquet ... 111 be held In the cat.eteria after the regular lunch, and the language--hungry German students are happy to know that they will m..... the fifth periOd of school In their revels. ' IT TAKES· PLENTY "OF WAR BONDS TO BUILD 8·29s THE WA~ in the Pacific is the most costly war America has ever engaged in. It's simple arithmetic. A mountain of special, costly equipment is needed. A B-29 Superfortress used. in the bombing of Japan costs $600,000 in War Bonds. And this is just one of the many extra costly implements of war needed to achieve final victory in the Pacific. That's why the 6th War Loan Drive is so important. . ',l'hat's why you must back it .' ·as generously as you have every other war loan drive. Invest in the next raid on < Japan .••• BUY -AT LEAST ONE EXTRA $100 BOND Swarthmore National Bank. & Trust Co. A. P. SMALLEY SW ARTB1I[ORE S'rUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICES BUCIINEB~S IIIAlUE DONNELLY DEW DROP IN H. B. GREEN RUSSELL'S SERVICE THE BOUQUET Eo L. NOYES PETER E. TOLD B. J. HOY 5 AND 10 THE INGLENEUK OO-ED BEAllTY SALON lIl4BTElo BROS. , MICHAEIlS COLLEGE PHARMACY STRATH HAVEN INN SWARTHMORE OO-OP HARVARD TEA ROOM ALICE BARBER, GIFTS II4NN1J)[ .. WAITE • . ....................................................................... .. • CLASSIFIED' WANTED } WANTED-Part-tlme work, or work to do at .home. Typing or sewing. Tele­phone Swarthmore ItzO-W. WANTED-Pair ot lce skates with &hoes for '; ;year old. Telephone Swarthmore f689-J. , Dedicate Window To Armed forces (ConUnued from page 1) coat-ot-arms indicates the union of two great English speaking Coun­tries of the world, 'and the bond between the AngUcan c.hurch and the Episcopal ch~rcb. In the lan_ WANTED-Boy'S bicycle; standard 0 cet window to the right' of the train switcb. tracks; music cabinet· boy's coat and leggings, sIze 6. Tele! figure 01 St. GeoPD'e, there I. a phone Swarthmore 2679. "e medalllon depicting the Good Sa­WANTED- Plng-pong table, good con-dition. Telephone Swarthmore 3199. maritan. ThIS sYlllboUzes the need of worJd brotherhood--one _.0'. the W ANTED-Glr1's lee Bkates, size '2. . ~ Phone Swarthmore 4682. ~deals for which the present war Is being fought. The medallion Is WANTED-Lionel train set In good. condition. Telephone Swarthmore an exact reprOdUction of a Euro- 24$. pean window and ls executed In ~W-:AN~-:T::E=D--:--::V::t-Clr-o:-la--:fo-r-Xm--as-g1-f-t-f-o-rl the technique of the 14th century. 6 year old boy; xylophone standard The figures appear against a bl ue size. Telephone Swarthmore 0256. .background. WANTED-To buy· a coal akuttle or In the lancet to the left of the =:~~l illJ. bucket. Telephone Swarth- central ftgure is another medall10n depicting Daniel In the Lior/s Den W..A..NTED-Part time maid who can b 11 f cook. Hours 2 p.m. through dinner. -sym 0 C 0 courage based on References. Call Swarthmore 0492. ~Od. This symbol Is particularly medallion found In· Le Man. Oa" \.hedral. It .how. Chrlotlanlty ao a Queen with 0. flag of vlctoJ")l'. The same theme 18 tound In Bourgea Cathedru.l. " Below the Daniel medaillon, the artists have reproduced another beautiful scene showing the bllnd­neBS toward ChrlaUa.nlty-a. female ftgure with a. bandage above her eyes and a crown tumbllng from her head. This Jllustrates the threat to Cbristia.nlty Which was posed at the beginning of the present World War. and the sym­bol of victory ln' the' panel to the left it 8'".{mbollzes the trJ.umph of Chr1sUa..n ideals over paganism. Allot the scenes are on back- . grounds of great beauty and dark rich colora are employed through­out. Those who have seen. the window acclaim It as one of the fiQest ot: ita type In this country. The publlc is cordially .in .... lted to, the dedication. Lt. Comdr. WUlets H. Bowditch, U.S.N.R., bas returned to his dulles in the Pacific. Ills parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., of Cedar E8TA.tE IrOTlCE E8TATE 01' WlLLIA._ II. BITTLII, late of 116 Bataen. A. .... ., Swart ... more, PID.D.,.haala, dece ... d... :Sollce ra hereby siven that Letten of Administration have been granted to the undersigned, who requesll all per­BOM having claims or deman.dJJ againat the Estate of the said deoed.ent to make known the same, and aU persona Indebted to the decedent to make Il8y­meut lmmediately to W. MARK BITTLE. Admln18trator Estate of WUllam S. Bittle, deceased; 126 Rut,gen Avenue, Swarthmore, Penna. Or to htl Attomey, AI.aBERT N, GARREYl'T, 228 Garret, Avenue. Swarthmore, Penna.. 6t-11-11 ADOLPH'S Jewelry Corner Gifts for Men and Ladies 5 SOUTH mIESTER RD. .SWARTII1\[ORE, PA. DELA w AR.1!l COUNTY Sealed propo.tats wilt be receIved at the County Controller'a Omce, Court House, Ked1a, PL, uDt11 10 a.m. and publicly opened. at 11 a.m. on Wednell­day. December 20, 19 ••• for furnlehlng all toots. labor and equipment nocea­sary for complete lnata1latlon for rust prooftng electrically, the Interior at two (2) water tanka. at Broad Meadlow I,'uma, Thornton, Pa. . Speelftcations and bidding s.h.eet may be obtained at the Offloe of the Coun­ty Controller. and no bid IVIIl be eo­tertalned unless made out on eald bld­dtng .heet. Each bid mUllt be accompanied by a certified check of One Hundred (1100.00) Dollars,. drawn to the order of the County of Delaware.. The County Commlaaloners reserve tho right to reject any or all bids. H. WALTER WEAVER. 3t-12-1 County Controller. REQUEST FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received Ie Coun­cil Chamber, Borough Hall, Swarth .. more, Pa., on 'VMne&d.ay, December 2,0. 19H, at 7 :45 p.rn. Eastern War Time for the sale to the Borough of one new automoblle. suitable for pa­lice work TUb bidder shall s'tate the allowance which he will make for the purchase from the Borough of one 194:2 Ford two-door sedan autornobil&. now available tor Inspection at Bor ... ough HalL Any award will be conditioned on re­ceipt by the Borough of all necesea.ry priorities or other authorization that may be required. , WANTED-Second-hand plano. Tele. appropriate to Indicate the courage phone Swarthmore 2631. of our service men. The medallion Is Ilt the same orlgin as the Good lane saw him "take oft" trom 1":.-____________ ;;;), Washington on Thursday last. I The Borough reserves the rlsht to reject any or all bids. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON WANTED-To rent Ove or six bedroom . 3t-12·1 Borough SeCl'8tary. house by January 16, for out of state Samaritan medallion and has been Gentile tamlly moving to Philadelllhla executed in the same technique. permEQ\ently. Near suitable public ele-mentary school and city transportation. Beneath the Good Samaritan ap­Rent $100 to $120 per month. Refer-. pears a small reprodUction ot a ences furnished.. Call Mr. Hofman, 'PETER E. TOLD General Insurance 333 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Swarthmore 183;i LocU8~ 3640 during day. PERSONAL i iMRnW. LANG 1 PERSONAL-Registered fjpencer cor- I •• Uere. l\Irs. H. McWilliam.: Carpets and Rugs Telephono -.Swarthmore 458S-W tor ap-po:.,,,, I,-nt,-m_e,..nt.= ________ 1 i SWARTHMORE 0764 I PERSO~AJ.,-Irons, washers, toasters, 1 I and sewing machines repaired. Called a SHERIFF'S OF"FICE COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. PI!lNNA. Friday, De('ember 29, 19ft for and delivered. Telephone Swarth-m, . ore 1648. FOUND FOUND-Pigskin glove last week on Cheater road. Call SlVarthmore 0114. FOUND-Yellow mongrel puppy With white marldngs. Call Swarthmore 0373. • PlcBiuoreo F_. .~. _ea7 1 O'lak Snppllee CkeeUDC Oowds Bo'b1J7 CIrIIft SIMMONDS ,I 714 Welsh S_ ~ 'Phone Obester 1·IUl c 9 :30 A. I!. Eastern War TIme Condltlons: $250.00 C8Sb. or certified cheek at tUne of sale (unlesa other­wiso stated In advertisement) balance in ten days. Other conditions on day of sale . ----- Levari FacIas No. 196 LOST LOST-A brown grey music boOk 01 "----------~---,~ December Term. 1~43 PremIses: LotS 627 a.nd 628. revIsed plan ot lots of Drexel Hill Realty Com· Christmas carols about 8 x 8 on the pany. cinder path leadIng from the jhigh school to the ·statlon; if found please call Swarthmore 0156-J. LOST-At: Woman's Club til Oct.ober~~ smaIl gold rtng with 6 pearls an.d· center" stone. Call. BwarUimol'e.; 1411:..0 ~;,' S_Walletc-1!>lt_.B.B".·P.l turn papers and pictures. Drop· Bouquet Beauty Salon le,tter slot. ~ST-Please return Bob TelTY's mu­sic books to P.R.R. station Swarlh-. more where found. No questions asK­e~ FOR SALE FOR SALE Unusual_ChrIstmas Gift tor your 4 to 10 year old boy-Miniature AutomobUe, % ·hP.P., gas pro­pelled, equipped with nearly new pre-war balloon tires, 18&; also Lionel locomotive, $35. TELEPHONE MEDIA UO·S FOR SALE-Double 'bed, peai-Iy bEirch and mahogany bureaus with mirrors ; dining room furniture, couch. good J)re-war folding go-cart; army cot; cut-glass bowl and picture; garden hose and reel: tools. Call Swarthmore 0191. FOR SALE-Child's Ja.wn swing, two seated; striped canopy top.' P"hone Swarthmore 2427. FOR SALE-Porch glIder with weather proof cushIons. no. 313 Park ave­nue, 3t'd floor. FOR SA T F -Quality aide oven gas range, $10; 20 gauge Savage shot­gun almost new, $35; shot gun and .22 ammunition; 60 fL new 3/i'" galvan­Ized pipe; set Book of Knowledge, ,26; set World Book new, $45. Telephone Swarthmore' 0545-J. FOR SAL~cale model, G-gauge train IJUld tracks. practically new. Price $50. Call Swarthmore 1490-J after 6 or week-ends. FOR SALE-LIonel electric train, standard gauge, complete. Tele- J)hone Swarthmore 24:66. FOR SALF-High.IQW chIld"s high' c.halr, excellent condition, very reas­onable. Telephone /::lwarthmore 2867-.J. FOR SALE-LIonel O-gauge train, seale model. Platform, accessories Included. Call Ridley Park 1467 ... W. FOR SALE-Horae manure, $8 per ton (1 year old. no straw). Telephone Swarthmore U6(-J. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Furnished third floor, In· sulated.. Media residentiaL Bath. electric refrigeration, separate entrance. Telephone Swarthmore 07ta . , A.BJ)J[OBE WlRD()oW CLJ!ANlNQ , COMPANY SWARTHlIlORE BRANCH A.ll Bra...... or Bo_ CloaaIDIr. )[.0.. .. O:e TerrllDQ' for MYeua Free Plio.. Calla-For C.sto.en (ForaftI)" 8.,. I') AtdDoOn "I . '.' ...• EDWIN B. KEI lEY/Jr. YourJ,-er·· All those two certain lots or pieces of ground lying In the Township of Upper Darby, County ot Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. Being· known and numbered lots 627 and. 628 'on th, revised plan of lots, of ._ ~..~ ~::::::::::=::=::=.:::::::~. .Du arrMY. e3lr dH Alll.p R.; e1a9l2t2y -aCnodm mpaandye. _bo yn A_. J..-aFn­. Damon, Jr., ChIef of the Bureau or Public Works Upper Darby, Pennsyl· vania, and doscribed together as· one lot according to said Plan as follows 15 ... 7th .. a. I!I (Opposite N_ State ria &re) ThODe ctea:t= S7G4 I PAINTING·.·. to wit: ' upertb'-DODe_~ ...:' Beginning at a point In the north· CALL westerly side of State Road at the dis-tance of 120' southwestwardly from the DAVE WOOD . Media. 0755 southwesterly old. 'of Wilde Avenue (said avenue beIng laid .out on said ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.a tpelnadni n6g0 t'h ewnicdee n orretshpweecsUt.vwelayr)d lya nIdn Uenxe· or lot. numbered 629 on the sa.1d plan A-PrIce 10-Mee& Ever7-~t 150' to a point; them.' . 8 extending South- . . Need ... , .... ' westwardly 60' to a point a corner of . - lot numbered 626 on saJd plan; thence 'PATTERSON extending southeasLwardly along the said 11ne of lot numbered 626. 160' to a FtJNERAL HOME wint in the said northwesterly side Of State Road; and thence extendlnB WWJam T. PatterlOD; Dlrettor atong the same northeastwardly 60' to Sixteen Years Expertence the first menUoned point and place of TBLBPllONE XEDIA. B588~ beginning. ~~~~~I ROGER RUSSELl.. No Improvements. vacant grour.d. Sold as the prop_erty ot Ralph V. Rulon' and Margaret A. Rulon, his wife, and L. Carl Kenney. mortgagors and Florence Rulon and L. Carl Ken­ney, real owners. Maker of Fine PhotoiraPha Penn state Bldg ••. (_ Ave. and _ sQieet) DONALD H. HAMILTON. Attorney. Medla 217a Mec1ta, Pa. 3t-12-8 R. S. M;UNS.ON, Sheriff. Avoid Freeze-up. Bep,dr Broke,. Cell"r Wi_ow. "", . Jack Fr08t will eome in­side more houses than usual this winter, bnt don't make it easy for him t;' enter through a broken cellar window and leave his calling card on an exposed water pipe. Repair or seal up all such openings and look over your waler pipes. Cover or protect any of them that are particu· Iarly exposed to cold. . , Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Swarthmore, Penna. , , ANNUAL MEET1NG The Annual ]\[eetlng of the stookbolders of the Swar1:l:unore Na .. tional Bnnk And Trust COmpany, Swarthmore, Pa.., tor tIbe elect.fon of directors and such other business as rna,. rome before tIJ.o meet ... ing, will be held at tho banklng house In Swanhmoroe, Pa.. on Tuesda)', JanuftJ'J" e, 1945, between ~ bours of three and five P.M. ELlUO S. SPROAT. cashier ) I TllinkWe've Hit IJ'Snug,flllnk! lere.s no doubt about it, you can't force a grand pl•a no th roug h a "2 x 4" W.i nd ow ••• nor can you squeeze more than just so much electricity through small wires. If, after the the war, you in~cnd to enjoy the full electric life with an all-electric kitchen, automatic washer, clothes dryer,. water heater, frozen food cabinet, and a host of other electric conveniences, your home must have modem wiring. Plan now to hove modern wiring then. It isn't too soon to be thinking about the essentials of a well-wired home after the war-a home that' includes these: 1. Adequate Entrance Service 2. Enough Wiring Circuits for All Your Needs 3. Plenty· of Switches and Convenience Outlets Philadelphia Electric Comp9.' ... _w~ ...• _City i ... ...;.. .. H I. ;,.; • ...;..:,.;

    ---------- Page 15 ----------

    , ., 8 THE SWARrHMOREAN FRIDAY, DECE' •• 11. lM4 POINT FREE MEATS! CLUB' Mazy Ann Beok of Weet4ale ave- , \ nue. Betty Ellen L1ttlelleld of Bwarthmore place, CaroUne HelU7 and .Tane Beatty of Wallingford wl11 arrive home from Willi""" and Mary College on Decembe~ 21 to vacation until January •. Mre. .Tohn C. Mopre or Amberet avenue entertalDed at a IUDoheon at her .home .ail hODor ot lin. R. C. Rieber ot: Knoxville. Tenn .• 011 Thursdal" tollowing the meeting of ~J:1.e. LI~erature Section a.t the Wom­an'. Club. Tender Veal Chops Tender Veal Cutlets Rump Veal Roast Boneless Veal Roast . Top Sirloin GoodNews! lb. 45c lb. 47e lb. 35c lb. 36c lb. 3Sc All OlD' cualo_ who have orden for Xmas turkeys will be fined. Plenty of Poultry and Ducklins on Sale All of Next Week. , ENJOY CAROLS Sara K. Denworth Talked On United Nations Council The stated meeting of the Worn. an's Club was beld on Tuesday, December 12 at 2 o'clock with the President MH. Claude Smith -pre­siding. 'In the a.bsence of the sec­retary Dud treasurer' Mrs. -J abn Moore read the minutes and gave the financial report. THE WEEK'S CALENDAR. FrIda,. DeOember 111, 8:20 P.M.-"Junlor Miss" ................ , ....................................... Plal"ers Club saturdaF. Deoember 18 8:20 P.M.-I'Junior Miss" _ ... 1 .................................................. Players Club S_,.. Deoember 17 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ........... ~ ..... .......................... Local Churchea Tue5dal". December 1. 6:30 P.M.-Junlor Christmas party .................................. Woman's Club • SUGAR 51b bag 3le Mrs. Elliot RlchardsOJl asked for volunteers for the making of small wreaths to be used on the beds of patients In Philadelphia General Hospital. These are to be brought to the .club on December 21 or to Mrs. Richardson's home on Le.f­ayette avenue. * Defense Council Bulletins * Coco-Wheats Old Dutch Cleanser Bisquick Boyer's Blueing Packette Garbage Bags o & C Potato Sticks Van Camp's Milk • Pillsbury Pancake Flour New England Pancake Syrup Good Luck Whipped Dressing Dill Pickles Sno-Sheen Cake Flour San Gio Gio Spaghetti Cheerioats Van Camp's Tenderoni pkg 2lc 2 pkgs 15c , 4, pkgs 30c pt IOc pkg 35c 3rou2le 2pkgs 25c 3 tili.s25c pkg IOc pt 19c pt 25c ptjar IOe pkg 25c 2pkgs2lc 2pkgs 23c 2pkgs 17c Farm King Strawberry Preserves 39c Crisco or Spry Kitchen Art Ric~ Feast White Rose Sliced Beets Silver Nip Grapefruit Juice Smucker's Apple Butter Churtk-e-nut Peanut Butter Sauce-Kwik 31bjar 6Se 3pkgs 25c 2 jars 3lc 2 tins 25c jar 29c lb jar 26c 2pkg 15c Dehydrated Apple Sauce-No Point. Martel Coffee Whitman's Instant Chocolate Lipton's Noodle Soup M, ix Heinz Tomato Soup Armour's Vienna Sausage lb 29c lb jar $1.98 3 ~kgs 25c 3 tins 29c tin 13c The program of the afternoon was· sponsored by the Education Commtttee, Mrs. Raymond Den­worth chairman. The first part conalsted ot carol singing by pupUs ot the 6th and 6th grades at the Rutgers Avenue School under the able leadership ot :MIss Alice Blodgett. the supervisor of music. This singing was in two groups. the first featuring _ carols ot Austria, Poland and France, and the second group carols 'trom the Gerinan. French. and 8candano.vlan music, a deUghttully informal Christmas greeUng as a flnale. Mrs. Denworth then presented MiBS Sara K. Wa~er. who i.e the ExecuUve Director i:tt the United NaUons Council ~r PhJ.ladelphia. Miss WagIlor gave a very Informa.­tive tailt on i'he set up ot the United Nations CouneD, Its work in general and on the Dumbartoo Oaks proposals. She stressed the fact that every ettort must be made to make .wars impo88ible, that thts could be done If everybody would give to the prosecuUOll of peace 0.11 they are now giving to the winDing ot the war and that it can come about orlly by BUsta.lned efforts ot men ot good will. The· United Nations Council which came Into being about· two years ago, bas now 1800 1flembers with Dr. John Nason, President. It Is very proud of its first branch established .In Swarthmore this past summer and Is awaiting with great interest the results ot the pool of every house in tbe boro, Ule subject of which will be world organiza­tion atter the war and the part the United States should play .in It. Questions were answered at the close of t;he taUt. The Club HOUSB was gay with Christmas . decoratloQs e.nd the hostesses were Mrs. Henry J. weil­and. Mrs. C. Russe,l Phlllipa, and Mrs. Jesse Holmes and Mrs. Arthur J. Jones presided at the tea table. A change in time of meeting lor Tuesday, January 2, was noted. no afternoon program that day but a reception and opel\ house at night In the, club 8.t 8 o·clock. Mrs. Florence Musser will give a talk "Bells Around the World,"' illus­trated by bells from her tamous collection.' Community singing wIll be led by Mrs. Leonard Ashton, with Mrs. Everett L. ~up.t at the A Cause So Worthy "The Christmas Seal Sale offers everyone the oppnrtunlf:y to share omce: Borough BaD-Teicipau,ne 01111 RATIONING DEVELOPMENTS New pian OR are about to go Into production and dollars-and-cents prices will be established shortly at levels about those In ettect In March 19.f2 •... l3ecause the supply Is near the vanishing pOint. all used pas­Benger tires have been removed from rationing. That's good news for "A" bool .. holders lucky enough to find, a serviceable Grade B casing. Used truck tires hawever continue to be rationed ••• Purchasers ot SwiSS watches are expected to save .some ,16,000,000 In the next sIX months as the result of a new price regulation governing Imported time­pieces ••• A boost ot one to two cents a pound at retail wlll result in the pr.ce ot Brlcl .. , Swiss and MUDster cheese through increases permitted distributor of these cheeses. New ma.xlmum prices w11l be about 41" cents for Brick and Munster and about 57 cents tor SwIaa ••• DolJate Qnd cents prices for new electric Irons now going into. production have noW been set on 18 models ranging trom t8.66 to $i4.26. These prices are no higher than those of March 19'2 .•. Beginning January 16. all retail dQ" cleaning and pressIng establishments are required to post celling prices on their 12 ·most popular items. Gi-ooen- CeIIJng PrIces • Look f~ n~w Community Price lists covering some 500 dry grocery it(:Jms In your tood. store during your next vIsit. You'll be able to spot them from former UstH since they are printed In blUe. While most priCes. are unchanged, enough changes have resulted to make It worth you,r while to check the Ust. AmQng the decreases: Group 4 store&-Helnz: peanut butter, I.-lb., down 2 cents to 34c; Beechnut -peanut butter. 1 lb., down 1 c~nt to 33c; grallulated Bugar, 5 Ibs. down 1 cent to 30c; Pantry Pride corn, down 2 cents to 12c: Fyne Taste Green Beans, down 1 cent to l3c. Group 1 and .2 stores--Montco Big Sweet Peas, No.2 can, down 2 cenb to 16e in Group 1. 16c 1n Group 2: Penn Treaty Sweet Peas.. No .. Z ca.n, down 1 cent to 15e. Canned meats and baby foods been added to the nst tor the first time. Food stores are now requtred to post one copy ot the 11st for each 1600 square teet of floor space. . :~.,~ BUY A BOND~First • • DECEMBER • .!: 14 15 .to5:38 19 9to 9to 18 • 9:30 .toa 9:30 .toa 2'1 28 29 . 25 26 • to.I" • to S:3t cr.os"" ,toS:38 MEN! Gift Gabardine JACKETS Hormel's Spam, tin34c In the great campa.1gn to eradicate tuberculos1JJ. I be11ave sincerely In the work which the Delaware County Tuberculosis Association Is • doing to stamp out tills cl.lsease • from our community and I urge all our citiZens to buy ChrlBtmas Seals," said Dr. John H. Pitman, Burgess of Swarthmore. WOOL PLAID Kelly's Sweet Potatoes Birdseye Sliced Peaches Birdseye Green Peas Birdseye Cut G. B. Com Birdseye Cut Asparagus , Gerber's Baby Foods 'tin 19c pkg 32c pkg 26c pkg 23c pkg 3Gc 6for39c SELF·SERVICE FOOD MARKET The Seal is the emblem for the crusade of health waged In the community. It was ftrst used 40 years ago in Denmark when a. pos­ta! clerk tIlougbt of this wal" ot raising mOD8;Y to help sick. chUdren. In· till. countt'7 tile first Seals went on sale December I, 190"7. They have now become an annual tnatl­tuttOD · recognlse4 by rich and poor aUk ..... a tangible way In whlcb thel" can take· par. ill & worthy ca ....... Mrs. A. l.Uillo" C..,4en of Riftr-vi ......... rh's ••• -ru _hto-ooiD ... It • 1U _ -brIl1P It - bom.Tn~. LINING 798 Gabardine Jacket of tine Sizes soft material, 86 aelan treate4 to resist water ~. -Bned to keep 44 outbrtak breeaeat • <,' -' .Il~~"'" BUY A BOND THEJ5WARTHMOREA VOL..:.,-:-_XV·I -N~ .o o_50 ___: --____- -.:SWARTHMoltE, PA., FRlDAY" DECEMBER 22, 1944 $3obOPERYEAR --------~-------~---~~~ JUNIORS PRESENT CHRISTMAS PLAY Production Stars a Talented Cast 1'OlDOrrow '"The Cbr.lstmas NlghUugaJe," a pia,. tull oftb, spirit of Cbrlatmae. will be P~t~d tomorrow at the Players' Club by the JuDlor Group. it Is a delightful stor,. of medl· eval Pol&nd witll tbe action tak. iDg place during two d.Uferent Cbrlatmas seasons. ·An Interesting and dllre .... nt part of the pial" wll, be the brief enacttPent ot th( Cbrlatinas story of' mlU'lonette .. Tile puppet used was 'buh. and w.UI be operated by Paul WH llall18 & member ot the ca.eL The produdction dlrecUoo of Mrs. B. and Mrs. Richard is under the F. Covington WIllt8. Mrs, Covington comes to us· from. the Little Th~e In Tulsa. OklabO~. . and haa chosen a.u able cast. Mem­bera of the'Sjjn.lor Club taking ptu-t are Mra. Charles Mitchell, KIss Marence Hoadley. William Price, Walter Emmott. and Michael Ca­s& ccl0. The Junior members of the caat art; DIcky' -Thompson, Paul William .. Dick ",cCral". Ph.lIIPAl:­den, Bruce Godfrey. Eleanor Wolf, David Spencer, Cornella McKeroa.n, J8.tle Patterson. P.OJlald .Jreth~~it. David McCahan, June Hobbs. Bally Alden, Robert Tucker, Ronnie Gold, . warren Gold. Arthur Jones, Pbl"l1Ia stanley, Ma.r1on Ransberlf' ADn Lukens. and Joo.n Pennock. propert1es for the play are be .. Ing .handled l>y a. ,~u~~r me~ber" Mary AUce Weat ~d a Junior- crew wlU be . Used back· stage. . The. cur­tain will rise at 2:80 in the e1t~r. noon and .at 8;20 In the. evenlng. S-ved Charles W. Green ot Mt. Holyoke place died on FrlclaY, December 16 after & seven-montb Illness. Mr. Green was born in Pblladelphi& 8.I',d he Uved In swarthmore for thirteen years Immedla.tely preceding bis death. • HOME AFI'ER TWO YEARS ~or Robert E. Spencer. Jr., Bon of Mr. and Mrs. R. Chester Spencer of Swarthmore avenue arrived home 00 Monday after having b.een over seas slnoe October, I •• ,. Maj. Spencer baa been Deputy Com­mander of the Jrd Photo Recon .. na1sance Group In the Mediterra­nean Theater. During the two years which he spent overaeaa. 'he com­pleted eighty reconn8Jaance mls­elons over enemy territory. He was awarded the DIsUngulsbed Flying Crosa' with one oak. leaf cluater, and the AIr Medal WIth ten oak leat clwrte~. A year, ~o on December fifteenth. he married Miss Doreen t1ll1ey of Malta wbo will come to thla country in the near future. . Major Spencer w1l1 spend his 20 day leave with his parents an·d then he will be assigned to a new post " In ~~ ~ountry. Music Club To Attend Christmas Choir Concert The second annual ChristmaS concert w1l1 be given by the choIr ~t Ti'ln~tr C~urch on ~~dnesday. December 21. at 11:16 p.m • .tn the Church. The chOir conmsts ot 36 men .and boys. . Lucius S. Cole. violinist. will be the gu04t &rUst and WIll pial" Can­mnetta by TacfaJkovskl; Romance by Beethoven: Adagio by Paganlnl. David Tudor. organist. will pi&), .. Bach Sonata. The antheIIllJ "to be sung by the choir Include "Joseph, Dearest Joseph Mine," by R. Vaughn WllUams: uVlrgln Slumber Song" by Reger: "The Glory of the Lord'" trom· Handel's uMesslah"; uJesu. Thou Dear Babe Divine" by DIckinson; '''Shepherds All Shep­erds" by Saboly; Wh1t~r's ·"Cradle Hymn," English Tra'dit1onal;. "The ttI.hepherit·s Story" by ,.. ... DIckln~n;. "Ave Marti .. " by Schubert; o..nd "The Virgin By the .Manger" by Cea&.r. Franck. After the service the Swarthmore Music Ciub w11l have a social for its members In the basement ot the ch urch. This i8 the regular month­ly meeting ot Ute group which usually meets on Tuesday even.tng. The public is cordla!ly invited to the musical program. AlII mblies To Meet SANTA'S PHONE RINGS ON-ON Anxious Youngsters Await St. Nick's Arrival For two weeks. Santa Claus' telc phone has bee·n ringlq wildly "Hullo, Is Santa Claus thereT" -'No he lan't here right now. can Mrs Santa do an;vthlng for l"OU '" "Wu---Ill ••• would 70U ple&8tt ask him to come to see me 00 Christ­mas Eve ••• to One little bol". evIdent17 intend­Ing to 'make 8ure' he Bot results, pretaced his remarks by saying that he had already written a. letter to Santa. Another thorough 'young­oler IDBisted that the santa Claus at 69th Btreet and the one In Phila­delphia · be noUfled of bls desires. He added this slight warning. flPlease. tell Santa not to wake up my younger sister Sandra; ahe wouldn't be pleased." FoOd being the young fry's favorite. It Is often oftered as a. lure for at. Nick. -'Tell him I'll leave some cookies out tOl' him," one anxious girl satd but she :was Immediately outdone by a five-years old boy wbo invited Santa to come and have dinner with him before Bta.rtJng tln his rounds. ,S tudents C Mer ' ' The Swarthmore Pu bile Schools in all grades. closed for the Christmas vacation on Wed­nesday, Decemebr 20, and wUI re-open at the usual hours on Monday. January 8. The longer ~acaUon haa been pnnrtded bY. the' School Board to save fuel In the present crIt1cal sltuatiOD. W. H. Auden, British Poet Entertains Club Women', A high poInt tn the Woman's· Club season was reached Thura-day. when the eminent Br.ltiBh poet. W. H. Auden, read fl'om his own poenfs at the morning meet­ing of the llterature section. An unusually ~a.rge group was present to hear a!ld enay Mr. Auden. who read. from hJs latest volume, "'For the Time Being" and pve from memory several as .yet unpubl1she~ poems. Kalros and Logos~ a. series ot tour sestJnas (Fr~Dch patterned form), twoO vlllanelles and several o·ther poems o,f 41a.ttnctlon we~ tollowed by a Christmas poem, given from ;m.~mo!r. This last nUD:lber was perhapo tlte most keenly enjoyed. ot th~ group. Its Insight into the impilcaUoDS· ot ·the holy season, and 'tbe uni<>rgettable picture of tbe ge·~era:l ",~et.!1~~t' whlcb follows Ch~~as. ,v,ere proofs of the 'poel's depth i:m~ ve~­satlllty. Mr. Auden has an authentic mes­sage tor today, a;nd a. ma.gillflcent way of 8a;y.tng it. It Is quite pre­dictable tbo.t JIl~ny Swarthmoreans will be 10Qklpg forward to his new volume, w.h, lcb will be out thia BJ)rlng. Completes 1'birty-five ~ Lt. Leonard C.· AShton, Jr., ·son ot .Mr. a.nd :Mrs. Leonard. C • .AahtOD of Elm. a.venue, arrived bome Thursday after six months overseas with the Army Air Corps. as pilot of a B-17 bomber, he completed thirty-five missions over enemy ter­ritOry. He 'Will be liere unW Jan­uary t~ when he wl11 report to Ricbmond. Va." for a new as;)­ment. SCHOOL' TEST IN CREDITABLE' VIEW 8th Grade Mothers Grateful For Program Tbe Place of Tests In the Modern EdUcational Program was the Bub .. ject at the Elgbth Grade Mothera' meeUng ThUrsday. December 1, .In the ·museum room or the high school. Clearly and thougbUuUy preaented bl" Fmnk R. Morel". 0, Baker Thompson, and Dr. J"-.m_ Irwin tbe program \vas planned by Mrs. Steven M. Spencer program chairman ot the group and Nathan Bell Its tacultl" adviser. In lntroducUon Mrs. Spencer stnted that Intorma.Uon on the topic was a general request and de-; sired was one ·ot the things about which mothers know least. ·'We are not interested In learning the Individual cbUd'. IQ but we are 1.Qterested in .tntorma­tion about the testa themselves and how they are used."' Tha.t the topic was ot deep in­terest to all present was shown by the numerous questions oaked anel the general dlscU8Sion. Apprecia­tion tor their contributJon Wall ex. pressed by Grade Chairman lin. Eo Fay Campbell. Mrs. 8p~cer, and individual mothe.... ma.Jl)' of whom declared the meeUng to have ·been .the moat helpful they had. .ever attended • Dr. Irwin discussed the progno. tic test in LaUn given for the past three . years to eJghth grade stu­dents jWJt before SPring vacatlon, ~xplaJn1ng that it was a .battery· of ,10 tests and estimating ita v&lldlty from ·'recbrd. Students ... are . Dot judged alone on the teat results but also on review with other teachers ot their . seriousness of pur:poBe, their work habits. and their work 10. English and mathe­matics. As an alternative'.· to Latin students are advised, it It Ja seen best. to begin basic language. preclude college entrance. Other a recommendation which does not tea.cher8 p.resent commented enthu­astieally on tlle basic language Funeral services were held on course saying that It performs a MondRY, December 18. and inter­ment was at the HnlBide Cemetery. Mr. Green is survived by bls wife UWbat do you w~t ~~ to bring you tor Chr1stmaaT" Tbis of course is the ~I t.n:lpori8.Dt qUest10D and the one wblch lIberat. lIbldOai ages, names and ad·dreaaea BOOn lose their inter""t, but wtSbes· never do. Bleds, blC7clesli'atol!li and tr&InB head the lists of all stocking hang' era. UI want -a. train that carries people, and that's all, Goodby:' or, "I want a. doll house, books, and a boat, and that's all, . • • I think." Que seven-year old, !Who might be clDMlfled, 'un~~l&ld' demanded that.hiB order be changed. Now be wants a. complete football suit and a real spy ·gl&B8.. One young lady requested a doll with real hair. but she WD.8 even more speCific . . "not fancy hair .. not like a bride."' Her sister, though y()unger, had. a mind of ber own and said that 0.11 abe wanted was a "bride dolly,.'. One .little ·girl 'Was obviously coached by her .father. Mrs. Claus th,nks, fol" the most important item 00 ber ltst was new Ures. It Jimmy, age five, gets his 'request, bis family and neighbors are going to have to The awarthmore Junior Assem- spend most ot their time In hlber­bUes tor the seventh. ninth, and nation: he wl1l not be satiBt'led. he tenth grades will meet In the Wo· says. until he has 10 real live bears. man's Club on Wedneaday evening, An under current of 'trlatess' December 2'7. On Thursday evening, haunted the voice of a llWe seven December 28 the eighth, eleventh year-old girl who said she wanted, and twelfth grades 'Will meet. "n, sled. a bicycle, and a victrola. J. J.'. Make Plan. At a meeting of the J. J.'a on De­cember 10 at the home of Barbara DavlB. Harvard avenue, Christmas plans were made. The next meet­Ing waH held at the home ot Helen Disque, Strath Haven avenue . : reat service for those who have nO aptitude for languages who may afterward modern languages. . and his two sisters Mrs. Wm. Blner­. beck ot Phlladelphla and Mrs. J. Knauf of XL Pocono. Too Important To Mills The attention of all Red Cross workers and ot all residents whose Interest In -the· 'Work of the Red ;::ross Field Service Is in·tense Is called to the broadcast tomorrow night over KYW (1060 on your dial) at 10:46 p. m. Marguerite Galloway, head of Red cross Home Service will appear with Dr •. Georf;re P. Rea on this program to explain the importance of home contacts through this depart~t and alao the services which the department Is constantly giving to families of service men. On Christmas Day Lt. (jg) Doro­thea Hansen Na.vy nU11l9· I'ece.nUy returned from overseas wUI apPe(Lr wlth'Di-. Rea in a Victory Caravan salute to the Red CroBS at ':30 p. m. over, WIP (610 on l"0ur d\a!). Three Volunteer Gray Ladles ·'Will al80 tell of their work. To Entertain Kiddies The SWarthmore Mothers CJub I. planning a gala. Christmas p&tt7 tor children to be- clven . at the Woman'. Club. ftursdq. Decem­ber 28 at S: 10 p. m. The Cblldren diVided In grouPS will have ..... tbelr diversion toYB and gan;ea suitable to age and preference. An exchange gift not 'to exCeed ten cents will _mote a festive air. Christmas carola WIn be IlUnl by the group. Th:e chaperones at the varioUS but most of 0.11," she BtreBSed, "1 groupS will Include: I wanted Victory". "Santa wlll do his Mr. and Mrs. George M. Allen best for you," said Mrs. Santa as and Mr. and Mrs. N. o. Pittinger a~ays, "And until then. a. Merry 7th grade, and Mr. and Mrs. 'VU- Christmas, and a Very Hap"py New Ham R. Huey and Mr. and Mrs. I Year to you." George Thorbahn 9th and 10th .. ----- Hold Xmas Party The Delnrware County Garden Club held a Christmas party In the Rutledge Fire House, Decem:tJer 14. Howard Eo Demuth of Garrett avenue. Fred Jones of strath Haven avenue. and Arthur R. O. Rcdgrave of Vassar avenue were whiners In the Christmas spray division. Mrs. Arthur R. O. Redgrave and Mrs. W. Henry Linton of Benjamin West avenue won in the Christmas wreat.h arrangement, and ~rs. I. R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place was winner in table centerpiece ar­rangemenL grades. Mr, and Mrs. E. ~'ay '44 Claas .Wall RelBle Campbell and Mrs. Carl Ryan 8th grade, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry lin­ton and Mr. nnd Mrs. Foster Howell 11th nnd 12th grades. Service Servicemen Seven volunteer workers, most of whom have members of their tamt­Ues overseas, spent Thursday even­Ing, December 14 wra.pplng copies of The swarthmorean to be sent to sWarthmore's service men and lVO­men. The wrappers were Mrs. A. E. Longwell, Mrs. J obn DeUefaen, Mrs .. Henry A. Piper, Mrs. Thomas A. Beddoe. Mrs. Rex I. Gr&)'. Mrs. Alben E. Rogers. and )4lss Char­lotte Griffin. Anyone Interested in helping to wrap copies of the paper tor one or more Thursday nights is urged to volunteer by es.lllng Mrs. George C. paviBon. SWarthmore lUI, carol Maud Froebel arrived boine last week troin Hollins Col­lege. Va., to vacation until JanU&l'l" I with ber parents Mr. and Jlrs. Guenther H. Fruebel of '"Tall OakSll SWarthmore avenue. "Mr. and !r:'"rB. Froebel WIll entertain Mr. EmeI? Loomis and his daugbter Virginia of Lansdowne as their guests on· on Cbrlstmas'Day. "Open aouae" for all members or the High School class ot ··U 'W1lI be held at the home of Mrs. Birney K. y'orsc. 410 Yaie a.venue, on Sun­day afternoon from 3 to 6. Re­freshments for the reunion are be­Ing furnished by clasS mothers. Although not all of the boys In the class will be home for Christ­mas, It Is hoped that all who are home Will attend, and that as near­ly 100 per cent of the.class as pos .. sIble will turn out. ,. -","'-- Mr. and M:rs. Walter; Shoemaker and Dr. and Mrs. E. Leroy Mercer were hosts to a group trom the So­ciety ot Fxlenda at the :Prlercer home on North Chester rou.d Sun­day evening, December 17th. Wmners at PricJge The CrUm Creek Bridge Club met Monday evening at the home of the John· Bowdltchs of Cedar lane and tbe following held top .&Cores: Mrs. Franklin Gill_I. and Mrs. KaY· Kennedy. first; Mrs. Rwiae!1 H. Kent and, Mrs. A. Ludlow C1&)'den second :.nd Mra. Irvin R·. MacEl­wee and Richard Sellers tblrd. CHRISTMAS W~EK CALENDAR _F. Deoem_ IS 2 SO P M -·'The Christmas Nightingale" ' ........................... Players CI~b 8:.0 p:14:-"The Cbrlsl.iniaa Nightingale" .......................... 'Players Club :. , ~l". December 24 ,:00 p.M.--christmaa Service _ •.. : .. .......................... Methodist Church 11'80 P ~ Service " ..•. , .. ,,, .. ,, Preebyterlan Church . .-.~ III-F. Decem_ Ill' , 10:30 A.M.-Holy Communton Service .•..• ~ •• :.~-............... TrInity Chttrc.b .TneIIIJa7. December lit! 10:00 A.lI.-Boll" Communion Service ... ............. ,,""'" TrInity Church Wed....,...,.,., December S'l 10'00 A M -Boll" communion Service ..•. _ ..... , ...... " Trinll3' Cburcb 8:16 P'M'-{:h~-';""" Concert .", ......... " ..... , ................. " TrInity Cburch • ., .... ~ 'l!I1U!IIl&7. December lIS • S:IO P.JII.-;Motber's Club Children·s Christmas Party .... Womao·s Clob Mr. Thompson covered­ly the 8~hool's program tor person· allty testa. expla.1niI\g that wltb the I,lelp ot recognized tests the school had been abJe to acbleve some real success In. assisting ad­Justmenb! i in the ninth grade. Covering briefly some of the character questions coileges ask the school to answer 'for entrance appllcants. Mr. Thompson expla.1n­ed how all the data compUed tor each pupli helped toward fair re­pUes. Colleges, he reminded mothers will sometimes waive aca.­demic rel:lulrements but never char­acter requLrements. Supervising Principal Morey traced .the entire testing program as o.n Instrument t6 determine in­dividual abtllty and 8cholast.ic prog­r~ B8. SCh.oJastic, aptitude tests both (Continued on Page 6) Holda ChrIatmaa Party The Junior Woma.'l.'s Club held Its annual Christmas pariy·TuOllday evening In the club hOu8e. A cov­ered dish supper was served. on gayly decorated tables beside the lighted fireplace. Gltta were ex­changed among the club members and filled Christmas stockings were taken over to the Communlt,. Health So·clety for 41sttJbli~o~. The remaining part of ~e even­ing was spent rolling bandages for a ~ester hoepltal. The committee In charge of the dinner included .Jane Porter, chair­man. Ailce Redgrave. Kitty lI'reB­coin, and Elisabeth Lippincott- A. ~.eetJpl' for board memben will be beld J&DU/lrY a at Jane Por­ter's home~ st, Yale avenue. --........................ ~,

    ---------- Page 16 ----------

    z , EI ...... or Scholleld Fawcett of PER S 0 NA L S &'uth CbHter road will entsrtaln at .. Cbrlatmaa tea. for tbe mothen Lt. (jg) Samuel 1. Cr_on. I[ed­lcal Corps. U.S.N.R .. hU .... turned to this country and is spending his SO-day leave with his wife and new lltUe daughter Betsy at the home of hla parente Mr. and JIll'll. G. Warder CressoQ ot Riverv.lew road. Lt. Cresson has been ~ doctor on a l>S.T. boat which took part In hoth the Normandy and Southern France invasions. Ensign Genevieve Rea.vfJJ ot In­dJ. an Head, Md., wUl arrive home ChrIstmas eve to spend Christmas Day with her parents Mr. and Mr. for highly BPeclaUzed work' The of her pupils this afternoon at her new work, accon:l1ng to John, home. A abort program will be . H..... d Pte&ented by Mary Lou Pierce, promlse8 to be very lnteres ..... an Wilma Smith. Brend .. Von Gra.hlll. highly iQIIlrucUve. I Car"UI.e and Ann de FurIa, ·Edward Frederick R. Korey.soD of M.r. I Balde~on. Medford, Carol ne u, .. and M .... Frank R. Morey of Yale Barbara avenue waa Inducted intd the Navy Nancy Rlnctltfe, and BIckel. on December l' as Seeman' First Mn. J. E. Underwood of Paine .. 01 ..... and Bsslgned to Great Lakes vllle. Ohio. formerly of Walllng­tor training as Radio Technician on ford w.111 arrive OD Tuesday next to the bula of a hIgh 8core on the be the house guest ot Mr. and )(ra. Eddy Test. Before Jea.vlDg (or E. D. Brauns of V8B89.r avenue tor Oreat Lakes. he celebrated aD early several days. Christmas :with his family and I[r. and Henry G. Lodge of 8~me ot his college frJends at.hls vassar avenue will entertain Mr. Best Wishes for Christmas • Happy AND A New Year' ''We Don't Sell c.-We Service Them" RUSSELL'S SERVICE , DARTMOUI1I &: LAFAYEllE AVES. PboDe044O Buy U. S. Bonda aDd Stamps A. B. ReavlB of University place. home on Yale avenue. Private WilLiam C. Spencer 80n AlC Gordon W. Douglas expects of Mr. and Mrs. .c. Spencer of to 1ln1sh hta pUot training at Free­. Swarthmore avenue has recently man Field, Seymour, Ind., In time been promoted to the rank of Cor- to be home for Chrlstmas after an poral. ~ graduate of Sw~hmore HJgh School and & former Car­negie Tech student, he entered the service in JulYt 194'2 and has bee~ on duty with the SIxth Air Force Lodge's slster Miu Mary Lodge of New York City over the ChrlBtmas week-end. Ruth Servais daughter ot Mrs. L. Servais ot Dickinson avenue, FraD­ces Hoot daughter of Mr. and Mrs. He'Q.ry I. Hoot ot La1o.yette ave­nue. and Lucille Jones daughter of Mr •. and Mrs. M. A. Jones ot ~ The Ingleneuk Tea Room absence of seventeen months. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas are InvltiDg his friends and the parents of his In Panama. since June, 1944. He IB fr.tends ip the armed forces to joIn a photo laboratory techn.tclan with him at "Beecbbrook," the Douglas a fighter squadron. home at 600 North .Chester road on Lt. Stephen -Hay was commls. Saturday, December 30 irom 3 to sJoned a second lieutenant in the 6 p. ro. Army at the United States upon the Pvt. David Daughert~. In the fJucce&sful completion o:f the otIlcel A.F.T.R.P. a.t Vlrgln.1.a. MDItary In­CandJdate Course at the Infantry School, Ft. Ga., on De­cember 8. Lt. Hay spent a 10-day leave with hls parents the Edwin N. Hays ot Ogden avenue before reporting to his assignment at Camp Blanding, Fla. Lt. John Burt Murrell was com­m. taalOned a second lieutenant in the tr. S. Army upon' successtul completion of the Omcer Candidate Course at the Infantry School at Ft. Benning, Ga., OQ Dec. 12. Lt. M.urrell, the SOD of Mr .. Pierce Mur­rell o·t Swarthmore was lnducted Into the Army on December 2. 1U2. and ""~ with the Armored Engineers before going to. omcer Candidate School four .months ago. He held the ra.n.k of sergeant be­fore being commissioned. Lt. MUr­reU 1s & graduate of Swarthmore High So~ool. _.... .. - Lt. and· Mrs; Glenn ~. BarUe of Ogden avenue eniertained at an. in­formal supper p~ty at their home,' Sunday evening. Their guea~ m.­eluded Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. . Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin N. Hay .. ' and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Horsey. Capt. 8.Qd Mrs. Walter Molr and their da.ughter Virginia. Jane of West Po.lnt, N. Y., are arriving to­day to spend the Christmas week­end with Mrs. Moir's. mother Mrs. Frances Lumsden ot Ken yon avenue. Lt. H. John Lumsden is speI\d­lng a 16 -day leave with Mrs. Lums­den and their young Bon Johnny ot Kenyon avenue before returni..Ilg to his station at Lowry Fjeld. Denver. Colo. Mrs. Robert C. Messmer of Cedar lane has received word that her husband Lt. Messmer hQ8 arr.1ved 88.tely overseas. Lt. ~eS8mer was commander of the 20th Signal Company at Ft. Monmouth. N. J '0 b'etore going overseas. Lt. and Mrs. .charles V. Thac­kara. theIr daughter Virginia Clyde Francis and Bon Pat Francis of Princeton. N. J., will arrive Sunday to spend a few days wIth Mrs. T.hackara's parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of Ogden and Swarthmore avenues. They w.111 leave December 28 for Ft. Ord. Cal., where Lt. Thackara reports for further traIning with the Allied MUit.a.ry Government. Pvt. J"ohn R. Horsey. son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Horsey of Swarth­more avenue has been assigned to a new type of Qledlcal laboratory THE PLAYERS CLUB Of Swarthmore Junior Play The Christmas Nightingale . hy Phyllis Newman Groff . Dll'ectors, FranceUa WIlIl8 aDd . Ethel cooirlgtoD Satmday~ Dece Iier n %:10 and '8:20 P. 1[. stltue, LexIngton, Va., .will be at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Daugherty of Dick .. Inson ~venue, for two days at Christmas time. WIllIa,m Bell AlS. dn the V-12 program at Notre Dame will be at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred' N. Boll,. on Sunday and Monday at this week. Pvt. Phlllp W. Knlakern. Jr .. who I. stationed at J.l're<!m .... Field. Seymour, Ind., is arriving home to­day to spend a few days over· the hoUda)'B with b.ts parents Mr. and Mrs. Phlllp W. Kniskern or RLver-view road. .Ale John·D. Taylor, 3r •• BOn of Mr. and Mrs. John, A. Taylor of Kenyon 8.venue, will be graduated tomorrow, DeCember 23 as second ).feutenant In ~e .A.A11'. He has been receiving 'ht8 pUot training at stuttgUt Fleid. Ark. ,James F. Bogard1,ls. Q.M. 3/c of th~ U. S. S. Shangri-La, Is exp-ected bome fOr a leave with hlB parents Dr. an:d Mrs. Jamaa F. Bogardus over the Chr.lstmas hol1days. Dr. and Mrs'. Bogerdus will entertain at an "open house" on Christmas eve. Tlu~lr Christmas day guests will be Mrs. Bo"gardus' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Long­streth and' Miss Lucretia Cartell' of Oak Lane, Pa. William C. Abbe A.M.M. 3/0 and his wife lett last Friday- to drive to San Diego where Mr. Abbe Is stationed. They have been enjDY~ tng a m'onth's furlough with Mr. and Mrs .. George C. A):Jbe of Dl~k­Inson avenue. Edward A. Jenkins, 2nd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Jenkins of North Chester road 1s spending the holidays with his parents. He Is a member of the V-12 unlt at the University of' V.trginla. Lt. Comdr. and )t[rl3. J. L. Allen of Chicago. Ill.. will be house guests of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Keen­en of Harvard avenue over the holidayS. Lt. .comdr. Ha.rlan R. Jessup and family ot Loraine, Ohio arrived Thursday to 8P~d the holidays with the J. H. Jessups of Haver· lord .avenue. MEDIA THEATRE LAST 2 DAYS FRIDAY & SATrmnAY DENNIS JIlORGAN in ''THE VERY mOUGHT OF YOU" • • • SUNDAY ONLY TWO FEATURES "SHE'S A SOLDIER TOO" And "ROOTtN' TOOTlN' . RHYTHM" , ..... .I[ONDAY {()brIstma8 Day). TUESDAY & WEDNESDA,<Y BRIAN DONLEVY . . 'in "AN AMERICAN . .., . ROMANCE." InTeclm1_ .. inson avenue are nome. from the State Teachers College. west .ches­ter, Pa., to~ their Christm~ va.­cation. The vacation began on noon Saturday. December 16 and ends noon Tuesday. January 2. Betty Laws daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Laws of' Park ave­nue has been pledged to Theta Tau Alpha fraternity. Betty Js a. tresh­man at the University of' Pennsyl .. vania.. MI88 Margaret E. ;van Dyek 'Who is music. Supervisor of the .-four elementary schools ~t Middletown. CO.Qn .• wUl spend her .Chrlstmas 'Va­cation at the home of the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Alexander S. van Dy~ ot the Harvard AnneL BlRniS . Ca.ptaln and Mrs. N. Bruce Duf­fett have announced the birth of a daughter, Anne Christine, on Thursday. December 1. at San Antonio, Te~. Mra. Duffett 18 the former MisS Petra. ChrlsUne dngle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petran Lingle of Cornell avenue. captain DuUett is at present st8.t1oned at Fort BUss. Texas. Lt. Comdr. ~nd Mrs. W. Ga'n~s. Blasdel ot Washington, D. C., an­nounce the birth of a son Hugo G1rard on December 18 In the Doctor's trospita.l, Washington. Lt. Comdr. Blasdel is the son of Mrs. Girard Davis Blasdel of 1'12.8 Pine street. Philadelphia. and the late Mr .. Blasdel formerly of Fair­view road, swarthmore. Lt. comdr. Blasdel Is a gra.duate of SWarth­more mgh School, and the U. S. Naval Academy. Annapolis. Md. Employees ot the SwarthmOre Na.tional Banlt 'and Trust Company and their guests hetd a Christmas: dinner party Wednesday evening. igf­THE CRIA SHOE SHOP will be closed Tuesday, December 26 and T_day, January 2 FOR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Call Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman Swarthmore 2080 • CIlesten Most DistlDctIve ~eaue I.{IUI] _C:aESTEB_ NOW! STANLAURFL OLIVER HARDY in The BIG NOISE Doris Merrick - ArthUr Space Veda Ann Borg PLUS LUMBERJACK Featuring , WILLIAM BOYD As Hopaloag 0assIdJ' willa ANDY mimE ~ .JIlIIIIO'. BOG- . _DOUGLASS DUlllBRU,I,E Illlill.ilAEN HALL • FRANCIS _Co DONALD . .' ..'- . .:.~; WILL CLOSE De~ember 25, 26, 27 We Invite You to Enjoy Your CHRISTMAS DINNER AT STRATH HAVEN INN SWARTHMORE, PA. .. Fresh Killed Pennsylvania Turkey (Telephone Swa.rthmore 0680.· . . -(' We pause, on the Eve of Christmas, to ~ontemplate how much we owe the perennial character of our customers. With gratitude and pride we scan the list. Some of these customers have been with us since we ,first started in business. To these old customers, to· new. ones, and to potential.ones every mem­ber of this organization now' joins in wishing ''Merry Christmas." MICHAEL'S COLLEGE 'PHARMACY . ... :.' : . -;. .. ~. " . '. . FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22., ." tN4 THE SWARTHMO~EAIt .. .' , . THE SW ARTHMOREAN PlIBUBHij:O B"ERY PRlDAY AT 8WABTBKOBB, TIlE SWARTBHQBE4N, INO., PIJBI.!S!JEB Pbcme, s-u.- ONe PA. PETER E. TOLD Edltor Lorene McCarter :~ORIIJI TOLD, AMocIate l!lcUtor Irma 1[. Parry Phyllis Neuman Entered as 8econd· CI ... Hatter. J .... uary If. un. at the Poet Office at SWarthmore, Pa.t under the .Act of Jlarch I, 1111. • DEADLINE--~DNESDA.Y NOON FRIDAY. DE'£EMBER 22, 1944 wrm HUMBLE HEARTS . Another Christmas is almost here; a Christmas which catches most of us unprepared in spirit for the return of the. child whose birth on that holy night in Bethlehem brought the first faint hope of brotherhood and world goodwill. So many years since then and still men of goodwill with all their striving seem as far away from peace on earth as they did when the star shone ·over the stable in quiet Bethlehem. , But was the night quiet in Bethlehem? We read of shepherds startled from their sleep by the angels' carol and we think with longing of the quietude of the sheepboy. We sing "0 Little Town of Bethlehem, How Still We See Thee Lie" but Bethlehem did not lie still on that wondrousnight. Bet\1lehem was crowded to its doors by taxpayers come to pay their ordered tribute to Caesar, Rome's first imperial Caesar whose military dictatorship was to lead the way for the voluptuous triumphs of the later em- .pire and to the chaos of the Dark Ages. From all accounts that crowd in Bethlehem was tired to the point of irritable rebellion, travellers and hosts alike. Many were turned away into unlikely places to rest the night. Joseph and Mary found refuge in the stable. Bethlehem was not ready for Christmas either.· , Yet the miracle of Christmas was there. Not for everyone; there is nothing to tell that all the Bethlehe!11 crowd saw the star or the child or heard the infant cry. But Christmas was there and for the few who heard and saw, for the shepherds and the magi who traveled by the star, for Mary and Joseph and. those who·befriended them, some say eve!! for the humble beasts wh~se stable was the miracle scene; nothmg was ever the same agam. Noris it for us who find the manger. Nor has it been for any to whom Christmas has been quietly returning· for these many years if they have received ·it in their heart§. Thus the Christmastide is upon us, whether we are ready for it or noi. It offers US its alchemy of love and kindliness, its gift of sharing and believing, its core of joy and beauty. In a world at war there is no star, no angel song to help us find the manger. But there is friendliness and care for others and that is Christmas. . . That is why on Christmas Eve the voice of Santa will be heard by so many. happy children in this communit:>: still bl~ssed b'y peace. That is why faint and stra,med ~earts. ,!i11 lay, aSide t~~lr cares. That is why a whole commumty rejoices With families which welcome their soldier sons again and warmly holds all who await theirs. . That is why-in the midst of holiday fun-the bravery with which service families go quietly about their daily living is some­thing of which each of us is really aware. That is why back of every little thing we do here at hOme there is the humility and gratitude and love for all Swarthmorean's sons and daughters who fight to earn the peace. '. And so, because of Christmas we go beyond the traditional greeting of Tiny Tim's, though Heaven knows we need the blessing, and say--each one of us to each one of you-"Go with God." Lt. Paul Paulson. USNR. of Park avenue arrived home last Friday alld will· repGrt back to his ship today. CHURCH SER.V ICES SWARTHMCRE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev Da.vld Braun. Minister CHRISTMAS SUNDAY 9 '45 A.. .u -Youth Carol Service. 10 ~41i A. M~-Morntng Wo~.hIP. Ber­man Topic; In Those Days." 11 :30 P. M.-candleltght Vespers Serv­Ice. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Kelser. D.D .. Mlnleter. SUND_V 9 "6 A 14 -Church School. 11 =00 A' !i-Morning \.orshtp. serm~n . . TopIc: "Chrlstma9-T e Great ABSerUon." TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. Christian Anden'o'D. Rector SUNDAY. DECEMB~R 24. 8'00 A M.-Holy CommUUlJn. 9 ~46 A: M.--Church School Carol Serv- ~r=mon Topic: "Christ- , maa.·· 11 :30 P. M.-Caroll!l. Holy Communion. CHRISTMAS DAY 10 :30 A. M.-HolY Communion (no choir or sermon). TUESD/l.Y (S. Stephen). 10 :00 A. M.-HoiF Communion. I t) WEDNESDAY (8. .John EvanCeI s . 10'00 A :H.-Holy Communion. -.I .... 8;1& P: M.-Choir Concert ot Cblu:H.­mas Music. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Methodist Cbu,rehNotes A Christmas pageant will be presented by the Sunday School at their service on Sunday morn­ing at 9:f5. The White Gift offElr­Ing . in "Which all may participate will be a feature ot the pageant . At the morning worship at 11. special music will be rendered by the choir. The Junior Choir will a part in the service. The topl.;) . of the sermon wDl be i'Christmas--The Great Assertion." In the afternoon at 4 o'clock, a special Christmas servJce prepared by the young people will he given In th chapel. The pastor 'WIn give '.the Story ot The other Wise Man. The young people extend an Invi­tation to all the members of the congregation and the friends of the community to a.ttend the eer-vice. The Bible Study Class will meet on Thursday evenJng at 8 Q'clock at the home of Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman, 313 Dartmouth ave-nue. The Fourth Quarterly Confer­ence will be held on Wednesday evening, January 3 at 8 o'clock In the chapel. . Pr.b,teriua Church Not. ' The Christmu Sunday Youth Carol Service 'Will be held ~t ':46 a.m. In. the Church. The High School Choir will Sing. Parente are Invited to attend this service. Mr. Braun wUl speak. Atter the Ber­v1ce the ChUrch School cl8.880S will meet briefly. At 10:.6 a.m. Morning Worship wUl be held with special music by Mr. Kneedler and the Children·s. High School and Chapel Choirs UD­der the direction ot Mr. Faust. The sermon will be "In Those DayS." At 11:30 p.m. there .111 be Candlelight Vespers Service. The High School and Chapel Choirs will sing. The fonowlng persons will asslst the minister Sunda.y morning in ex­tending greetings of tho chUrch and the minister to the congregation; center tront door, Harvard a.venue, lira. E. M. Bassett and MiBS Kath­rino Bassett: driveway-transept door. Mrs. Birney K. Morse and Airs. W. W. Turner.' New members '\VIIi be received in­to the church by ~ransfer of. church letter or on conteBBion of faith on Communion Sunday, January '1. 'l'hose 'Who arc contemplatlng atfJl­latlng with the church may see Mr. Braun after the service SUnd8.y mornJng or call the church oftice durIng the week. • .The HJgh SchOOl Fellowship wtll meet Sunday evening at 8.30 o'clock to go ca.rollng, returning to the church tor sand'WJches and cocoa afterward. The Junior Choir will rehearse Friday morning at 10 o'clock. The Chapel Choir will rehearse Friday evening at '1:30 o'clock. CluUtian Science Notes "Chrlst Jesus" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon In all Churches ot Christ, Scientist. on Sunday De­cember 24. The dOlden Text Js: "The people that walked in d8l"k­ness have seen Q. great Ught: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined" (Isaiah 9: 2). Trinity Church Notes On Sunday (ChrJstmas Eve) Holy Communion will be celebra­ted at 8 a. m. The entire Church School will be· present in church for th'elr Christmas carol service . At the eleven o'clocit service of Morning Prayer, the rector wlll preach on "ChrJstmas". The ser­vice of Evensong at six' o'clock will be omitted on Christmas Eve. At 11:30 P. m. there will be a semce of -Holy CommUnion at whtch time the choir wltl slng ChrJstmas carols and a. commun­ion service by the English com~ poser Otdryold. The anthem wlll be ,"Joseph, dearest Joseph Mine" by R. Vaughn WJllfams. There win be but one service on Christmas Day. a servJce of Holy Communion to be held at 10:30 a. m. The service wUI be said and there wUI be no music or addresa. On Tuesday the Feast of S. Ste­phen th&TC will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 10 a. m. Wednesday Is the Feast of S. John the Evangelist and there wUt"be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 10 a. m. On Wednesday. the choir give their second annual ChrIst­mas concert at 8:15 .p •. m. Luclue S. Cole. viollnJst. rwUl be the guest artIst. On Thursday (HolY Innocents Day) the Beginners and Primary Departments ot the Ch~rch School will have a ChrIstmas party and marionette show at 4 p. m. In the Parish House. Ice. cream a.nd cookies will be served. At 7: 30 m. the other children of the Church School wlll have their Christmas party In the Parish House. Ma.ny lovely Christmas presents were brought to the Church last Sunday a.nd sent to the wards of the .Phlladelphia General Hospital. This is a. tradJtlonal Christmas custom at TrinJty Church • SUNDAY 9:46 A. M.-First Day School. S :45 A. M.-Adu1t Forum. A Very 11:00 A. M.-MeeUn. for Worship in the Meeting House. WEDNlilSD~ Y J[ -Bewlnc t:at A. II. !:.t' ~~IIIni: In' Whittle. HOWIe. Box luncheon. .ul an cordlall, IDv,l ted. Merry Christmas! FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harvard S 1i:00A.M.-S:~A~OOL a>-on B.J.Hoy5&lOc tore 11:00 A. •• -Bunda, Leooon ... ~ . We4neaday evening meeting ::i~ PARK AvENUE week. I p. !D. Readlns room opBun to & acept Bunda" and holidays p.m. Wed.....,. evenl"" 1 to • p.m. :At'~:!SiaJ.!.::::::dl':C= _ DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS SINCE '878 OLIVER H. BAIR COMPANY 1820 CHESTNUT STREET IUTlenhou.. 1581 M. A. Salr; r ........ Please help keep WNG DISTANCE circuits clear for necessary calls on . December 24, 25 and 26. .. CARNS Still the Perfect Answer for Every Name on Your ,Xli ... Gift List and the Name CARNS Makes ANY FLORAL GIFT More Appreciated. POINSETIIAS BEGONIAS VlOLErS CYCLAMEN An ~ Cut Flowers MlSn.ETOE BAYBERRIES CONED SPRUCE Door and Mantel Arrangements DECORATIVE WREATHS ORCHIDS ALWAYS WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS &.l't PIke s,.-"n,' • C~S ,~ Swa. 04S0

    ---------- Page 17 ----------

    i 4 THt SWARTHMOREAN NEWS NOTES Joan RUBBell, Lynn Lea.cb, e.nd Elizabeth pope of Swarthmore, and Mrs. A. !i'. Whlteker of. Philadel­phia, gave a ..,rlea of SpanlBh dance. at Wltberspoon Hall, Phlla­delpbla. on saturday evening at a beneftt for Holiday House at Valley , lnd CpL Albert St. ClaIr. Jr., of M.Jae NancY Armitage who \. tak- Wilmington, Del. Ing pracUcaJ training \n Occup&- Dr •. and Mrs. Henry J. Welland tionat Theraph,. at the New ~er­of Rutgers avenue. wUl entertalD sey State HoapltaJ, Trenton, N. :1 •• Dr. and Mrs. Paul Baldwin 'and wlll arrive home tomorrow to their daUghter Barbaza. of Rose spend a tew days over the holidays Mr. and M ... Dand T. _ of son-Ill-law &114 dausbter Lt. .... d Mt. Hol)'oke place will en_ M ... R1c_ J(. DanIel of Ruato ... Mr. Shaw's alster )flail CaroUne Md., sa their KUEllJt8 over the boll­Bhaw of Boston. 118118., aDd their 4.,. week-8nd. , Valley. and Ml'Bo ~.dwtn·B parents with her parents Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. B. FargO ot Kl.u·, I George L. Armltage Of South kauna.. Wise., as their dloner guests Chester roJLd. on Chr.JstmlUl Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest O. Lange of Joan Thatcher arrived ThursdaY Marlyn MacElwee of Mt. Holy- "Langewood." BalUmore pike will from Dickinson College tor a oke p~ace and Kat.rlsa Bogardus entertaJn the.1r daughter-In-~a:w Forge. of CorDeU avenue were guests at Mrs. Donald E. Lange and Donald week's vacation at her home on the Pennsylvania. Military College Lange, ;Jr., of Charlottesville, Va., College avenue. Susan Thatcher of College ave­nue and Helen Kraus of Benjo.· Ball beld Decemb'2r 16. over the ChrIstmas holldays. Maud Elliott Holl & student at Mr. T. W. CroBBen bas returned - . Best ••• Wishes ; ••• '. from the Peabody Conservatory of Mu- from 0. two·week business trip to mJ.n west avenue arrived home me, Balllmore, Md., will spend the St. Louls, Mo., where he was the Wednesday trom Bradford Junior holidays at her home on strath guest ot his father, Dr. H. 14. Cros- College to vaca.Uon until January Haven avenue. •.•...n ... . 10. ' Ili~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~;;~~ Mrs. William H. Thatcher of Col- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brad· II lege a.venue and JIr&, otto Kr&U8 of shaw of Stone House. Swarthmore entertained Mrs. Malcolm L. WIl- Benjamin \Vest avenue returned Monday after spending the week­end visiting their daugbters Susan Thatcher and Helon Kraus, freah­men at Bradford Junlor College, near Boston, Mass. They attended the college festivities in ~onn~Uon with Mother's lJu.:y. which Included a college luncheon and dinner, and a .Chrlstmas Pageant given Satur­day Susan and Helen sang in the glee club which furnlshed the music for the pageant. Mr. and Mrs. J. paxson of Vassar a"Venue entertained at a 'nelgllbol'hood tea on Sunday after­noon in honor of Mrs. paxson's cousins Mr. aDd Mrs. David Jack­son who have recently moved to 215 Vassar avenue from Havana, Cuba.. John E. Jeffor~ pre­sided at the tea table. Margaret Dimmitt a junior at Hood College, and Janet Randall Q sophomore at the same college are home for the Christmas holldays to vaca.tlon untll January 4: Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditcb, .Jr., ot Cedar lane will entertain the former's brother Mr. Burton' A­Bowditch of Pittsford, Micb., as guest' over the .hoJ1d~s. Miss Jean Murphy at New York City will 8.l80 be a hollday guest of the Bowdltchs. Dr. and Mrs. Henry I. Weiland, AlB David Weiland, and Patrlc1a Welland of Rutgers a.venue are spending ChrLBtmas Da)' as the guests ot 'Mr. and 'Mrs. A. St. CIa.J.r Liams ot Ban Francisco, cat., :torm­erly of Rose Tree road oa th.alr house guest for sevenll days of last week. Mrs. Bradshaw entertained InformallY at a luncheon for her guest on Saturday. Mrs. Frederick Streicher of North Chester road wUl entertain her brother o.nd sister-ln.-law Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Downes of Alexandria, Va., as her holiday week-end guests. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tumer of Yale avenue will entertailL Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bishop and tbelr children Mary Maude and Rebecca ot Bryn Gweled. Pa., and :Mr. and Ml's. Re.lpb S. p.roctor ot Claymont, Del., over-the hoUday& Mr. H. C. Krase of Chicago, Ill., arrived TUesday to spend a few weeks with bls son, Mr: Norman Krase . and famlly of Harvard ave­nue. Barbara Krase ot Harvard e,ve­nue celebrated ber 16th birthday on Saturda;y evening by entertaln­I~ g a group ot her classmates of Swarthmore High School. Mr. and Mrs. .A.. P. Shenkle at Vassar avenue have purchaaed the former Jacob Hartenstein home on DIckinson avenue and wlll ,move there after the first of the yeOoJ'. Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armitage of South Chester road will enter­tain at a famlly dinner party on Christmas Da.y. Tbelr gueste will include Mrs. Harry Armitage and famlJy of Chester. GOOD CHEERI There's nothing quite like it. And good cheer is an affair of the b.,.t. It c:annot be withheld and hoarded to gain added value with the days or yean. Good cheer mUit be spentl Let us all radiate good cheer this Christmas of 1944, for there are rea­SODS enough for good cheer if we btrt pause to reflect. Merry Christmas greetings from all of us to all of you. BUCHNER'S :.~Sipler's Hardware Store' .. , SOUrH afESTERltOAD ~CI50., .J" , •• r.~1· .... J_~~""·~"'· , Some' of my wishes for Christmas and the New Year \ An Allied Victory that williecr.d to permi:Jilentpeaee. A life 01 tranquility lor peace loving people everywMre An adeqUate means to expre88 through service my gratitUde to my lriendly customers· The message of good will that emanated from Bethlehem 2,000 years ago not only transforms the world at Christmas but is the foundation of every honest; transaction. We depend upon your good will; you depend upon. ours. Your good will has been a price­less asset, to us during 1944 and other years. We thank you for the confi­dence you have placed in us and wish you the manifold blessings of Ii happy . . . Yuletide. , Swarthtnore National Bank' and Trust. Comp:any ,: .'.' ,: .n,-i.'._ ...... ~J-. Ql'J~~ ~~.~_~*,_tioD :.. ...... " •• -... "".:n ..... -;..~. .: J.< :....: ..... :.. .... ,,, .....- .....) .. ~ ~.¥, ... ~.-;'.:, ....... -< ••• , ...~ ~'q~'.-.. '.~ •• ~.: j':.:.,!ol .... j . MlDAT. DEcDiBER 22, UM4 THE SWARTHMOREAN NEWS NOTES I'06T WAR P'LMilCEIIS 011 saturday, lItb, & K1'Oup of U S",arthmore students attended. a meeUng held by tbe Foreign Polley AIoBoclBUon III Philadelphia. A large Dumber of scbools .were l'epresent­eel. aDd a. dt.c~U88lon was held on ~e Pl'O!blem of what to do with Germany atter the war. The moat radical opinion ezpreaaed 'Was that ot a Lansd~ne boy who started out by saying. that all tbe Germans ehould be lined up and sbot. Tbe dlacu..aalon included many lntereat-. Ink p611lta of View. Later, ..veral students stayed to hear speeches delivered by Dr. (MOUlton aJld war correspondent Mt. Wolf. .. JIEI'.P S4liTA AcUn:B' as aides-de-camp to Santa CIaua this y ...... were De.n Clay, BJII WaI:d, Jerry Jord&D, and Herman Holu;t~ ;1fho helped In the poet of­fice during the Christmas rush. Tbe J;toys, !Who were dcused from classe~ thls week, tound junllng packaCeB and envelopes & welcome change from school and home.wOl'k. :NEWS NOTES Jane W. HIIJ ..... daughter or J(r and J(no Albert 1. HIli..... Jr ~ School Tests in Creditable View vlBltlng with friends \ N • City thl. 'W.ek. On J"::ua ew 8 York (ConUnued from page 1) wUl start a e1x months ~te~he verbal and DOD-verbal, determlne ID 1ralnlng In occupatloilaJ. the Ve teUlgence quoUentB. dlagnoatlc testa the first tbree mootba to be :::i help III adustmonts (In tbla are& at tbe ChJldren's RehabJ\JteUoo 1Ii- tbe schOOl -"" to 40 more) _ sUtute. Baltimore. She received her cUle a~Utude tests search out In­B. S. at the University ot Penneyl.. dlvldual akU1s and interests, oc­vania on October 10 of this year. cupatlonal .interest Inventories pro- . Lt. }{obert V. Faragher. son ot vide further lntorm"lon, person­Dr. and Mrs. WilHam F. Farugher p.lIty, and prognostic tCf\ts furnish of t.h.e .a"!fP.Qre A.l!a.rt .. ~onts ar- valuable understanding. All are rIved Sunday tor a 10 days . leave. matched together Bince to rely on He is stationed at the Bureau of o.ny one. Is Imposalble since every Aerona~tlC8. Washington, D. C. measure has some percentage of Mr. and Mn. H. F. Brown of error. North Cheater road have 88 their James D. Mlller appealed to mOth.ers for constructive criticism and asked their cooperation In keeping chlldren from crossing the raUroad tracks before Q. serious ac­weekend peats, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Black ot Pompton Lake, N. J. cIdent occurred. The The Season's Cree'tings Dear CU!ltomer: This ye8..t' our ChrLBtmBB message na.turally can't be' as _w and happy as in other years. D_ To wish you a. "Merry" Cbl'lstmas thls year would be out of Place. Kof¢. ot you sons, husbands or brothers 1D the &el"­v ce---e:ome 1n active service right noW'. Some of you have al­ready been bereaved by the war. ., IT CAllE UPON /I; 1lIIDMGHT CLE&B After much work and preparJ Uon in'f'olvlng nearly the entire .hlgb IIchool, the play, "One Night In Bethlehem:' !Was Bucceasfully preBented in a Chrlstmaa· 8ss8IJ)bly before tho high school and a. num~ ber ot parents and alumni. Sandy Ford ·portrayed tbe JltUe boy wbo 4re&ms of One Night In Bethlehem; hIs mother and the Vlrgi'n Me.ry ba­ing pl&.yed by Marian Karns. Oth­er important characters were I.&1ig­d: on El8Dree, the town crier; Dick Hook, tbe lIlokeeper; Pitten­ger,. a shepherd; Paul .W1l1ia.m.s. Charles Andes. and Dick BOMbardt.. the Magi; and Bob Bird and Bob Reed. two Roman centurlans. A choral accompaniment waa provid­ed by the high school chorus un­der tbe direction of A1ice E.. Blod­gett, and the costumes were secured by a committee beaded by Jean Gemmill, and supervised by cla.udla Hancock. 'Mrs. E. I.ewls and Han­nah Kirk directed the production. .Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert T. Ba.1r are­spending t\le holldo.}'B wltb Mrs. Batr's brother and slstel' and their famllJe. In Sbaker Heights, Cl6ve­land, Ohio. Mr. Bair's mother. Mrs. Ko.tborh!e T. Balr Is staying o.t her son's home on Cornell avenue dur­ing ller vacation from Temple Uni­versity where she is house mother at tbe Alpha Bigma Alpha Sorority house. 'Mr. and Mrs. F. Norton Landon of Princeton avenue are hosts to a. f~Uy ~unlon over the hollda.y& The guests wllJ InclUde tbeJr daugbter, Lols Landon, home from Grove City College; Mrs. Landon's mother, Mrs. W1Ulam West; and Mrs. Landon's slster. Mrs. Ayrault with her two da.Ugbters Evelyn and Hope 4Ymult on college hoUda,ys.. which is customary Instead ot fol­lowing the sate underpau route Is In vlolaUon of rallroad orders and ex!remely dangerous. "Fundamen­tally education coes on 0.11 the time and we must work together on this as a. mutual problem." . Prior to the progmm at the bu.el. ness meeting with Mrs. Campbell lJrealdlng mothers agreed ·tha.t io p.m. waS a l'e&8Onabl& hour to u­peet cblldren home after an eve~ u.tng event and that they would work toward achieving It; that the Home and School Parent's night at school was 'Valuable but needed some Improvement In Its mechan­Ics. But after ,all. neighbors. Christmas means more than merri­ment.. dOp..I!m t It' Chrlatmaa Is a. Ume of the year when all of U8 make It & special point to 8XJ)re88 the love and good wID we feel toward dear ones and friends, and give a litOe extra. ~W_ . • ' '. . v ." . l. Wednesda"Yl and Thursday. afterpoon In the : High ~'hool as· eembUes, the newly formed high school orchestra under the di"rec­Uon ot Charles ~uml was seen In its first performance. The orcbes~ tra was st8.rt.ed at 'the requeSt ot seYl3iral :v1~U~ists who wanied a. suing eniJOmble. . However, Interest !Was 80' great that the orchestra has grown into its pre~nt size ot appro:J:lma te1y 25 pieces. Last Cbnooe, Girls After losing the basketball game to Springfield, Swarthm..Jre studentS sought consolation In an &.rter ga.m~ leap 78IU" dance. given In the b,,"h school gym. The dance opened with a Paul J~nes, which broke the tce and started the group off to an evening of. keen enjoyment. The dance was one of the most success­tul ever h~ld, mostly because or the early established atmosphere of In­formality. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Bread returned upon the· waters to the hardworking Germa.n ~­dents "Who were privileged to attend their own Christmas banquet serv~ ed during the TueSday lunch honr through untn 2:00 p.m. German conversation and carol sheets were. placed at each cover and a typleal German meal of Nacbwurst, Saur­kraut, and mushed potatoes were served •. EvIdently the banquet waa a complete succeBB, tor the students returned to classes HUed and con­tented. HAPPY HOLIDAY TOAIJ. !;: for the IU_' thought M the a1(lk and needy. . That 9plrlt ot GOOD "WILL Is something 1'W'8'11 alwa)'B have wltb ~ at, war or no wart A.nd that 18 what we want to put into this message, our feeUng of COOd wlIl tawal'd you. Thank you for your patience with us. under the trying wartime conditions. We have endeavored to do our best. and to have our customers give such wonderful coopera.­tion means mtlre than we can say. We wish, you and YOUI'8 the ver,. best of everything. th18 Christmas and alw&y81 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. BreakeJl at 139 Rutirers avenue enterta.lned Mra. Breakell's brother-In-Ia.w and slBter Lt. and Mrs. Charles C. Ellet of Richmond, Va., tor a tew days Mrs. Campbell thanked all who assisted Mrs. Andrew SImpson with' the November toa wb1ch ha.d been eajoyed . by 40 teacbera and JDoth- F~ui~ully yours Martel's and Employees of last week. ~' •• \J 'f: ........ '~ {~ '. A"\' ,.:;. :. , ',om em otlglnolll,lrogtapA ftwo J. ronl i WINNING THE BATTLE OF WINTER MILK The chill winds. low temperatura and barren lands that always take their ton of the winter milk supply have been met with an overpoWer­ing counter.attack on Supplee farms this year. For Supplee fanners, bent on meeting the tremendous war· made needs for milk, have worked early and late, made wise use of their grains and stored feeds, and won out with an unprecedented bigh level of winter milk produdion. ••• Supplee Sealtest Homogenized Vitamin D Milk. If Dad and the children haven't tried this "improv.!d'~ milk yet .•• give them a treat. Get a bottle, and watch them beam when 1:hey taste' the creamy richness. That's because there's cream in every drop. You see, when milk is hQtn.ogenized, the butter-fat particles are broken up and mixed with the, proteins. That makes the milk easier to digest, makes every bit of it equally high in the vitamins, minerals and proteins that are 90 essential to health. Remember to ~y; .·.·SUpplee Seal· test Homogenized Vi.t/In1in D Milk'" next time you see your milk man or woman. <kask for it at the ne;&il­borhood groCer!s. * S." War Soads _mI Sbo .... * • SUPPLEE brmga YOII .... ~,.~ SHOW 0'" rrw. '!'bundClyli cd 9r30 '.No TUllE IH! HOMOBEILIZED VITAMIII D MILK , .', ". JOSEPH'S BARBERSHOP This means that now there's a generous supply of milk, of the famous Supplee quality, and that all your needs can be filled. What's more, we bring you milk at its best, '!XtrB rich and extra nourishing , . ..' '. .~ ...... ' _. :. r ~." .~ ............. ~~ .. ..... , ....... 6' :,.~. .'.,'.1. ... ~ .• _ ., ...... ,: _ ... l.." ... ~ , .. '~ " .. '

    ---------- Page 18 ----------

    8 NEWS NOTES Betsy Hornaday ot Dickinson avenue, spent several days v181tlng her aunt Mrs. Walter Hoffman of RJdgewood, N. J.. while enroute 'home ~rom Mladlebury College, Middlebury, Vt. Mrs. David Prescott Hall and small 80Da David aod Edward of' Haverford are spending tbe _ChrlBt­m8.8 holidays with Mr. and John Howe Hall of Strath Haven avenue. Lt. Hall 18 serving in the Pacific. Jake the Tailor 21 s. Olester Road Swarth. 401-W In The Same Old Friendly Way On The Sarae Old Friendly Day GREETINGS alice barber, Gifts OLD BANK BUB.DING The Shop will be closed 'Monday, December 25, and Tuesday, December 26 THE SWARTHMOREAN FRIDAY, DEC:i?HJER 2Z, 1944 Mrs. John Myel'll of Cornell ave-l Laura Lee Hopkins arrlvea home Due lett Wednesday, December 13 today trom Middlebury College, for Shreveport, La.. to spend the Middlebury, Vt., to. spend the week-end w.lth her husband. Sgt. .Christmas holidays with her par­Myers. . ante Mr. and Mr8. Horace H. HoP-bert W1Dants of Sproul 'road for I to join her husband at Ellzabeth­the past aeveral mont.hll. lett lut town, ICy. Lt. Pelrsol18 atatloned at week with ber baby Bon Jobn. Jr., nearby Ft. KnOx. . Mr. Andrew M. Myers of Langley klns ot Crest lane. Miss Margaret Little who I~ at­tending, Peace College in Raleigh, N. C., will spend .tbe holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Field. Va., arrived at his borne on Cornell avenue Saturday to spend a week with hiB famlly. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walton of Kenyon avenue will "Jalt Mrs. Wal­ton's BiBter and brother-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Campbell of Sau­gertles, N. Y., during the Christmas holidays. and Mrs. Walton's mother Mrs. R. M. Peaoh will re­turn to swarthmore witb them. Little of Park avenue. Dr. and Mrs. George P. Warren of 'South Chester road wlll enter­• ta.ln .. t .. falDlly dtnner P&.1"t7 The :Harvard on Christmas Day. Mtes Naom.l. Wright who has been serving as 0. physical Mrs. H. S. Toole of the Swarth­more Apartments lett last Satur~ day to visit ber sister Mrs. Twelve­trees of Burtalo, N. Y. for two months. She was accompan.1ed by her son, Cpl. Robert R. Toole, on two weeks leave from Camp Pine~ dale. Fresno, CaUt. plst at Warm Springs. ,Ga., since May, arrives home tomorrow to spend a two-week holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop W.rlght of WbltUer place. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt' of Riverview road will entertain at "open house" tomorrow e.fternoon. Peter Myers, 80n of Mr· and Mrs. C •. G. Myers of Dickinson a.venue wlll arrive Saturday morning .trom Worchester '£ech, Worchester, Mass,. for the holidays. Ann ,My-' ers a freshman at Mlddiebury Col­lege, MiddlebUry, Vt., Is also home tor Christ~as and New Years. M,r. and Myers w.lll entertain Mrs. Myers" p8.rents, Dr. and Mrs. Ly­man J. Briggs of Washington, D. C., on Christmos Day. Mrs. I. R. MacElwee of Mt. Holy­oke place was the luncheon guest of' Mrs. Leo Sulton of .chestnut HUlon Wednesday last. and gave several book reviews at the Flour­town Forum that "afternoon. Mrs. G. E. Youmans of Elm ave­nue spent December 13 in South Orange, N. J., celebratlng the third birthday at her grandson Jodey Youmans. Jodey bas never BeeD hlB father Lt. Joseph MacArthur You­mans who has been a. prisoner In Japan since the fall of Corres;ldor. Capt- Edward Youm~s who has been stationed in England Is now on a special aSsignment In Ger- _ Mr. and Mrs . .carl de' Moll' of Park avenue leave today for Cam­bridge, Ohto where they will visit their Bon-in-law and da.ughter Ma­jor and !rtra. Jame8 D. Nelson over the holidays. MQJor Nelson lB sta.­tioned with the Medical COrpB at the Fletcher General Hospital, Cambridge, On their return trip they will wslt Mrs. de Mo1l's brother and 818ter-in~la.w Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hitchner of Pittsburgh. many. --- . ,_.,-- . ..A..nn Myers, Laura Lee Hopktns. Bonnie Morse. Ann Argyle, Nancy Peal, and Betsy HOrnaday, Swarth­more, clus of '43, and Jean Huey and Molly Harper, swarthmore. class of '44 arrived home Saturday from Middlebury college, Middle­bury, Vt. Kay Thurman, Swarth .. more class of '44 and' freshman at W·ddlebury,·la now recovering from an Illnees which kept her tn the college infirmary tor two wee.ks and sent her home two weeks ahead of schedule. Betty Morae of Yale avenue, who bad a mld~year examination sched~ ule which made her one of the first g1rls to leave college. arrived home on' Monday, December 11 :;I"from Wellesley College, Wellesley. Mass. Sidney SJhith of Rose Valley also a freshman at Wellesley, on the other hand had an exam schedule wh.lch kept ber untiJ the last day, and she did not arrive home untll Sunday, 'December 1'1. Mr. and _Mrs. C. D. Howard of Rutgers ·avenue wlll entert:al.t\· capt. and Mrs. Loren P. Lukens of Princeton, N. J. as their Christmas week-end guests. Mrs. Edwal'd H. Pyle and, daughters Ann and Gay of Vassa.r avenue will also be holi­day guests of her parents, the How­ards. Lt. (jg) Pyle!B on duty In the Pac18c. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin_R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place recently en~ tertalned Mr. Frank- Ne.lrn Bon of Sir Robert· Nairn of Klrcaldy .. , Scot­land who was In country __ o.n a. short buelpess trip. :Mrs. William E. Sod6l\' of Col­lege avenue tripped whUe wa.lki~ on College avenue on December 6. and had the misfortune to sprain her lett hand and both ankles. Al­though still under the care. Mrs. Soden Is able; to be out ap.In. Miss Jane Richardson who 1!J sec­retary to Dr. Frank Aydelotte, D1~ rector of Institute for Advanced Study In Pr1Q.cetoD, N. J.,. will ar­rive tomorrow'· to spend the Christmas boUdays with her par­ents Mr. and Mra. ElUott Rlcbard­son ot Lafayette avenue. Mrs. JobJ\ Whiting Petrsol who haa been with her parents tbe OU- ~ SEASON'S GREETINGS FRANK'S BARBER SHO~ WE THANK YOU •• All during 1944 we have been storing up our grati­tude to the people of this community,as they have come in day after day. Now that Christmas is here it is time to make de­livery. So here it comes • . • our gratitl(de to you in one gteat big wish for a big, . happy, merry Christmas. HANNUM & WAITE CHESTER ROAD and YALE AVE_ Swarthmore 1250 J There is something in 'tthe. very season of the year that gives charm to the festivity of. Ohristmas. WASHINGTON IRVING. We hope old Santa will not fcwget you this Ch,riat­mas of 1944, but that be will cram that stocking 10 full it can hold no more. . Whether Christmas be white or green, we hope it will be full of charm for you and yours, with an abundance of all the good things that are pari of happy Yuletide ••• . Good ebeer, KOCHI feDcnnhip, and Merry a.riatmu to you aDt GOOD WILL WEINSTEIN, Tailors Swat"" we EDWARD L. NOYES 23 S. aIFSl'D ROAD SWARTHMORE CLASSIFIED FOR SA" FOR SALE-I.a4ie8 E--'Iob r1dlog boota. alae .. alm.,.t new, -Jaok and hoolaJ. '15. airl's Ice Kine hookey llkatee:, alze e, t6; boy'a fts;ure akat.ea aIze I ..... 150; boy'. new ohromlum plat~ ed raelog akat .. , si ... 8 .... d 10, U.60 each; boy'a chromium plated hockey akates size 10, '1.60. can Swarthmore 2614-.1. . FOR SAL~ pairs cbamplonahlp Jbrure ekate8. 2, 4,·6 elzea. New. foot­b& lI beJmet, 81m 7 i Bet of ments golf ~luba. Answer to Box. 122, Media, Pa. FOR SALE-Fireplace wood. call Swarthmore 2078 • PETER E. TOLD Generallnsuranee 333 DARTMOdTH AVENUE ~1833 Cbarles H. Grier, Ph.M. alc wbo haa been stationed at the Naval Ho.pltal, San D1eco, cal., tor the past Beven months, arrived Wed ... nesday to 8pend a. week's leave with his family on Dartmouth avenue. Mrs. Robert J. Cr08861\ of St. Louis, Mo .• was the guest liust week of her brother and alJJter-in-iaw, WANTED-A male kitten as a. Chrlst~ Mr. Bn,d Mrs. T. W. Cl'08Sen of ao~~. dtL Telephone Swarthmore Strath Ha.ven avenue following the ;;;7;;=;;;::~;;::7::-""":~--:---...,.-1 National Y .W.C.A.. Board meeting WANTED-White woman to a.sslst in New York. mother with babies and housework 10 small borne. Uve in or ouL Good , WANTED wages. References. Call Swarthmore DIVORCE NOTICE 0882-.1. .' To Rosemary C. Walters late of 3 S Sovereign Ave., AUantlc City; N. J: WANTEo.:-A table lamp; wardrobe. ,Whereas Robert Scott Walters, your Telephone Swarthq:aore 2863. husband, has filed a libel In the Court WANTED-Small apartment by woman of Common Pleas of ,Delaware County, wa.r workt'lr, 01' two bedroomli with Pennsylvania, as of SePtember Term, kJtchen privileges or board with quiet 1944 No. 1&2, praying a divorce from famny. Near Chester bus line. Local you. Now you are hereby notified and references. Call Swarthmore 1739. required to appear In said Court on or :.:.:.::.==.:....-=~;;;:,::::=:.:....:::::: __ I ~fore Monday Ule 15th day of January FOOND next to answer the complaint of tbe said Robert Scott Walters and In de­FOUND- Green necklace near Madlsoo Brothers. Call at The Swarthmore~ an Office. FOUND-Striped Maltese young cat near Swarthmore ave. EvldenUy a pet. Telephone Swarthmore 1682. LOST LOST-Brown leather mitten, near col~ lege . avenue school. Telephone Swarthmore 8584. LOST-Black wallet probably ne&.r Players Club on November 26. Call Swarthmore 0606. ' LOST-Parker' fountain pen probably between Kenyon avenue and the vll· lage Monday morning. Telephone Swarthmore 3193. LOST-Bmall blue Jluree near the eta­iUon. Call Swarthmore 2002. fault of such appearance you will be liable to have a. divorce granted 1n your absence. R. S. MUNSON, 3t-12-22 Sherllr of Delaware County. ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OP WILLIAlI: 8. BITTLE, late of Iii Butlen .li.TeDUe, 8wanb. more, Feu_:rITanIa. aeeealeeL Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned. who requests all per­sona bavlng cla1ms or demands against the Estate of the said decedent to make known the same, and all persona lndebted to the decedent to make pay ... ment to W. MARK BIT'l'LE, . Administrator Estate of W1I1iam S. BltU., deceaaecl, 126 Ru~ra Avenue, Swarthmore. Penna. Or to hla Attomey. Hr; and Ilno. Frederick AnthOny ot Haverford avenue 'Will entertalD II.... ADthbny'. parente Mr. and M .... ArthUr L. Perry of Rahway, N. J., over the hoUday week-end. IIHERJlIT'B or .. ,,,,,, COURT HOUSE, MEDIA, PENNA.. FrIday, December 2&, 184.4. t :10 A.. IL Eaatem War Time CondlUons: ,210.00 C&B!l or certUled check at tlme of sale (unleu other .. wise stated in adverUaement) balance int ten uy.. Other condlUoll8 on da" 0 ..... Levac! Faclas No. 191 December Term. 1943 , Premlaea: Lots 627 and 628. 'rev1ae4 plan of Iota of Drexel HID Realty Com­pany. All those two certain lots or plecell ot ground lYing In the- Towneh1p of Upper Darby, County' of Delaware and State of Pennsylvan1a. Being known and numbered lote 627 and 628 on the revised plan of lots of Dre:ltel Hill Realty Company on .Jan­uary 3r4 A.D., 1922 and made by A.. F. Damon. Jr., Chief of the Bureau 01 Public Worlat Upper Darby, Penns),l­VI anla, and described together as one ot according to said Plan as followa to wit: Beginning at a. POint In the north­westerly side of State Road at the dis­tanCe of 120' southwestwardly from the southwesterl:! Bide of WUde Avenue (said avenue being laid out on said plan 60' wide respectively) and ex· tending thence northwestwardly In Une of lot numbered 629 on the said plan 16CY to a pOint; thence extending- South­westwardly 60' to a pOint & corner of lot numbered 626 on sald plan; thence extending southeastwardly' along the &ald line of lot numbered 626, 160" to a POint In Ute said northwesterly aide of State Road: and thence extendin. along the same northeastwardly 60' to the fint mentloned point and place of beglnniD/l. . No improvements. Vacant ground. Sold au t.,.e property of· Ralph V. Rulon and Margaret A. Rulon, his wife, and ~ Carl Kenney, mortgagors and Florence Rulon and L. Carl Ken­ney, real owners. DONALD H. HAMILTON, Attorney. v-u program at Buclulell Ualver- REBA C. LOVE, A-S Paul Rutan, who 18 In the I this lot da,. 01 Deoomber, IN4. 81~, Lewisburg, Penna., wlll arrive (.My Commialon up~O~~';lIt bome today for a live-day Chrlst- 11i1f5.) mas leave- STATEMENT 0.' THE OWNERSHIP, v. Dspment, circulation. etc.. re­quired by the Acts of ConJ:l'88B at Aug­UBt 24., IP12t and Marcb 3, 1931. 01 The Swarthmorean publtahOO week1y at Swarthmore, Penna,lvania, for October IN'- State of Pennsylvania. County ot Delaware, III. Before me, a nolar, public In and for the State and County aforesaid, penonally apJ) Peter E. Told, who, having been dul)' aworn accord­ing to I&w, deposes and says Utat he is the edltor of The Swarthmorean and that the following Ie, to the beat of his knowledge and beller. a true statement or the ownership. manage­ment (and If a dally paper, the circu­latton), etc., of the aforesaid publica ..... Uon, for the date shown In the above capUon, required by the Act 01 August 24, 1912, as amended by the Act of March 3, 1933, embodied In .section 537, Postal La.'W8 and Regulations, printed on the reverse or this form, to wit: L Tha.t the names and addresaea 01 the publisher, editor, managing editor, and businese managel'8 are: Publlsher-The Swarthmorean Inc. Editor-Peter E.. Told, Swartlunore, Pa. lda.n.aging Editor-Peter E. Told, Swarthmore, Pa. BUBlness M.anaget-Peter E. Told, Swarthmore, Pa. 2. That the owner Is: The Swarth· morean, Inc., Swarthmore, Fa. Peter :E. Told, Swarthmore, Pa. Harold Ogram, swarthmore, Pa. Mary A. Gilby Cheyney, Swarthmore, Pa. PETER E. TOLD. Sworn to ,and subscribed before me Harris & CO. TAILORS &: FURRIERS PARK. AVENUE / Merry Christmas May the joy that comes from giving, be yours this Christmas season. Help some boy over the rough spots with another pint of blood. VAN ALEN BROS. : -- I HARRY W. LANG ALBERT N. GARRETT, 228 Garret Avenue. Swarthmore. Penna. St-l1-17 It-12·B R. 9. MUNSON, Sherl1f. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Carpets and Rugs· SWARTHMORE 07'. t , I I 1 PIc&ara Pftmbe Bl., . » BooIt. J£od.k Sappltea G&>eetIDC c..m-Bobb7 Onft • I • . SIMMONDS . .\ 714 Welsh S_ (Ih_ 'Paone Oll •• ter 1·11'1- . ~. • EDWIN B. KFII BY, Jr_ . Your Jeweler .. BallI; 7th at.. 011 e rt (Opposite New State Tb_) . 'Phone 0heMer 871;1 PAINTING E'QM"'lly Done OALI.. DAVE WOOD Media 0755 ARDMORE Wll'IDOW CLEA..NING COMPANY .SWARTHMO:a;E BRANOH A.II BraDehe. of BoUIe Cleaning., bOWD In tbe Terrl~r'7 tor 10 Yean Free Phone Calls-For Custome ... (For.erl,. 8",. 19) Ardmore ISID • • DELAWARE COUNTY INSTITUTION DISTRICT Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the County Controller, Court House, Media, Pa., until 1 p.m. and publicly opened at" 2 p.m. on W~d­nesday, ,January 10, 1945,at the County nHome, Limt, Pa_, for fuml~lng all labor, tools and materials for the plumbing and drainage necessary In the construction of the hospital, addi­tion 8.t the County Home. Lima, Pa. All bids must be submitted. on the form proposal prepared by the Insti~ tuUon District, and must be accom­panied by a certifted check of five (5%) percent of the. total amount of .the proposals, drawn to the order of the Delaware County InsUtuUon J,)l~ trlct. As this Invitation, proposal, gert­eral condiUontJ. and specifications refer to each other and conetltute &. whole;, they must be returned bound togethetl 'as delivered to bidder; otherwise \.he bid wiU be rejected. • Plana and specifications may be Sf1:en at the office of the County Controller, Court House, Media, Pa., or a.t the of­fice of the Architect, George M. Ewing, 1720 Real Estate Trust Bunding, Phila­delphia, Pa.., and they may be ,had at the office of the Architect for bidding • use upon the deposit of ten ($10.00) dollars of which five ($6.00) dolla.l'8 .will be refunded on the return of the plans and specifications In good order within five (6) days after the receipt of tlle bids. All bids must be sealed and ad~ dressed to H. Walter Weaver, County . Controller, Court House. Media.. pa .• and plainly marked on the envelQl)e "'BID FOR PLUMBING AND DRAIN­AGE FOR HOSPITAL ADDITION, l)ELAWARE COUNTY HOIQil, Ll~ PA." The Executive and Administrative Directors of U.e Delaware County In~ stltuUon District reserve the right to reject any or slI bids. lL WALTER WEAVER. 12/22-12/29-1/15 County Controller. \.. ..;::--:. -. " VlAIiTED: "lei. ......, .· 4 '" ,.; " • GOOD JO'~ at GOOD PAY ,... . ... in Vital War Work • Open to GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN Steady work • Clean, safe work • Ideal BUftOund­ings _ Good wages with regular increases • Oppor­cwUty for advancement • Congenial associates • No experience nec ...... y • CoJlliderate, helpful IUpervision while learning. CHANCE TO GET AHEAD Call ENTERPRISE 10100. or cOme in and talk it over with one of our friendly in12t'Viewen. Visit any of the five Bell Telephone Employment 0fIicea: • 45 Andenon Ave1lU8, Anlmore Room 315. McClatchy Building 89th • Market Sb •• Upper Darby ~ 57-59 E- Penn St.. No ...... to_ 1831 Arch Street, Phlladelphlil 410 York R ...... '.e aldn- . Bri1tg ~ ar •. proaI of citi(mr/Jip. THE BELL TELEPHO~E COMPANY OF PENNSYlVANIA "4 Friendl,! Piau to Work" . I{ : Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Swarthmore. Peuna. ANNUAL MEETING Tbe AmluBJ. Meet.lng of the str.ckbolders of the Swarthmore Na- . Uonal Bank.amd Trust Oompauy, SWBrthmore, Pa., for the e) __ 01 directors and sncb other business as may rome before the nteet.,. lng, will be held at Ole bonking bouse In SwaI'tImlore, Pa.., on Tuesc1a)', JanUBlT It, 1945, between tbe bours of three and .G-ve P.M. ELRlO S. SPROA!l', CUhIer BUY WAR BONDS'·' NOW! This advertisement is a contribution to America's all-out;. program by A. p_ SMALLEY SW ARTRMOBE S'lJIDEBAKER SALES & SERVICES DUCHNER'S MARIE DONNELLY DEW DROP INN SWARTHMORE NATIONAL DANl AND TRUS1\ COMPANY A1JCE BARBER, GIFrS JIANl,'I UH & W.un: ' . ... : .{ -.. .J ;.~.~. !' .. __ <: lIIouEI 's COLLEGE PJlAllJlA.CY THE DOUQUET E. L NOYES PETER Eo TOLD ·D. J. HOY S AND 10 THE INGLENEUK RUSSELL'S SERVICE CO-ED BEAUTY sALoN MARTJ!L BROS. IL B. GREEN STRATH BA VEl'f Il'Il'I SW ARTIDIOBB CO-OP

    ---------- Page 19 ----------

    • Quick Frozen Foods WAR DRIVE Mixed Fruits pkg 37 c IN BRISK CLOSE Unique Thermometer Encouraged Bond Sale Swarthmore's ....u ota of $400,000 for the SIxth War Loan Drive pressed reSponsibility upon every .:resident of the cotnmunlty to gtye --------- The Bouquet Beauty Salon 13 S. Chester Road Sliced Peaches pkg,32c French Style Beans pkg 24c Birdseye Rhubarb pkg 2'2c Pumpkin Pie Mix pkg 22c Asparagus Cuts pkg 36e Cmhoarier mIna nt hisE tctaime paB.l. gnS. prHoaot waenv. . er.I~~!~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~!~~ nounces that the drive which of- 'Birdseye Corn pkg 23e Bird~~ye Peas pkg 26c Birdseye Peas & Carrotspkg26e Tru-Blueberries pkg46e Ford Hook Lima Beans pkg 3Se For the end of a Pelfect Feut Serve S &: W Heinz Gherkins Rubyettes Gr. Turtle Soup .Stuffed Dates jar 23c jar 19c tin 19c Coffee' pkg $1.49 It'. WODderfuI Apricots Igjar29c Del Monte Whole Apricots in Syrup Put Mr. Turk in the Riirbt Company Cranberry Sauce Conway'. Old Fashioned Whole Berry SaUC" Just like you would make it at Home Sweet Potatoes Royal Gelatin Mpnarch Pumpkin Stuffed Olives tin 19c pkg 6c tin 19c jar35c Almonds Diamond Brand. Delicio. Roasted. In the abeD tin 19c; B&:M GOLDEN BANTAM Corn Cream Style Lemous Scarce? Here is Pure Lemon Juice ReaIemon BrancI--For all lemon me For SaJads, Tea, CookinB, £tc. pintbot29c Martel'. Tmy Sugar Peas R&RPlum Pudding Jar35c Brandied Hard Sauce 35c C&B Mince: l\(eat jar 31c Pickled Red Beets jar 15c , . ' Melt in your Mouth Walnuts 2 no 2 iin37c For YOUI' Cake Topping, SaJeds and DUTI.'" Ib44c Serve Devil'. Food Cake For Des,artl . Devil Food Mix :.,'-: X·Pert Brand-Easy to ~ Too Just Add Water-Mix and Bak_ You'll Love it pkg 18e MARTEL'S SELF-SERVICE FOOD MARKET Bay More ••• Eat Better ••• Pay Leu at Martel's CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY " 'I I ficlally· closed Saturda.y. December 16 shows only 87 % of the quota 80ld. The total bond sales amount­ed to U62,f67.76, This Is $41,- 642,26 short of the ,'00,000 quota which was Swarthntore"8 share ot the naUon's 14 billion" dollar goa.J. Although the quota for this drive was considerably: 8Dlaller tban the quota of the Fifth War Loan the total bond sales tor the latter amounted to ,16,167 more than tha.t of the present drotVe. The Fourth ·War Loan total sales, al~ though the quota was cODslderably lesa tha.n the Fifth War Loan qU!)ta. exceeded the latter quota by ,­a. pproximatelY ,71,000. The three final days of the drive, however, pushed the graphlo ther­mometer trom the 16 percent mark to tho 87 percent point. With this newel idea. for which Stuart Brown. Howard Hopson, and Sam: Crothers are responsible. the enUre com­muoJ. ty had been able to watcb .the progress In this tl'em&l\lloua under· taking. Chairman Sproat wishes t~ t}lank bis committee tot'" their untiring ef­forts to tbe drive'a success. The committee included: NEWS NOTES 'rho J'opes of Oberlin ave~ue will onjoy ·a famUy reunion over the Christmas holidays. ~t.. Col. Pope who has just been SSP,Igned to the Phlladelphla Quarterma.s.ter Depot. has arrived at his home. Mrs. :Dor­othy 'T. Dyer of, at. Paul. HinD .• MI88 .Jean Dyer of New York City. George Dyer of Lewisburg, Pa., and' John DYer of Fort ~ragg, N. C., are expected to join the Popes tor the hollday week-end. Mr. and Mrs. David IDrlch UU­man of NewPort. News, Va.. Ensign and Mrs. Burton Wade of LoulslM ana now stationed at No~olk •• Va .• and Capt. EmUy tnrlch Killer. WAC. also of Louisiana. now 8ta. tioned In Wasb.ington. D. C.. w,U arrive Saturday to BP2nd Christmas as tho guests' ot ·Mr:'and MrS. -Ro­as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. .'Ro­land' O. E. IDlman of Harvard avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, E. Kaurtman" wiU be hosts at a famUy dinner on Chrlstmlu. day, Th'elr guests 'will be Mr. and Mrs. D. C. MacNaugh­ton of Brookline. and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Kauffman and baby 80n or Chester, Mr. Qnd Mrs. Edward F. Hitch­cock of North Chester road w1l1 have a famlly dinner 01\ CbrJ8t~ mas tor their aon and da.ughter" In-law Mr. and 'Mrs: Edw~d D. Httchcoe)t. and small son of COch­ranville, Pa. Ann Perkins. a sophomore at GnUford College. N •. C. ·18 expected to arrive today to spend the boli· days with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perkins of Cedar lane. Fl'ances Noye.,- dauBpter ot Mr. and Mrs. C. F. NOY~ of Parrish road Is home ~oday 'from Oberlin·; College where she Is a aen.lor. * * * * * * fr •• 'Dc from ISc * , lUNCR : DIN REI COC.-,All HOUI,·, ro 6 1' • .. * 1'B'1t .ta C01UlITIONab .*. * * : SUBURBAN CAn : cmd CocIctalI Lounge * IIIUIICIIIII •• , .... m .. ,al nAl'" * * * * * * * * .' • • * * A OIIDdIe .. the wiD~ A w.m wiab ia Oar heuta IIDd. ' Merry Christmas To all of our Cnatomll .. The Ingleneuk J,lUY A BQND-First WHEN IN DOUBT GIVE A SPEARE CERTIFICATE Gin GIFT BAGS to 3798 • PLUS TAX Bags as you like them best. Double handles, under arm drawstrings and the popular log and hat box. Genuine alligator, Leathers C{)rde, Cordettes, Broadcloths and Faille. .' '': I Pa'. BUY ..J A BOND THE SWARTHMO •• =VOL.=--=XVI-=--:N=-o-. -::Sl:---":"~----- =====~:-:=-= ______ -,---:-___________ -==::-----""1 SWAR11IMoRE, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29,. 1944 BOROUGH EXTENDS THANKS TO SANTA Members and GOO8tS To Be Feted At Ope,} House .' MUSIC TREAsuRy LOST The cooperation of car owners whoso vehicles might have been parked on the east side ot Har. vard avenue betlveen VVes~e and Strath Haven avenue on the night ot Thursday. December 21, is asked In the recovery of 70 large manila envelopes contain .. ing the music. for the Pageant of the Nativity, Convalescents , Share Jolly St's , Visits The 'Woman's Club ot Swarth­tno ·re w1l1 hold open house· on Tues­day evening. January 2 at 8 o'clock when the Pre&ldent, Mrs. Claude C. Smith and the other otricers ot the dub will receive the club members and their guests. FollOWing the ·presentation ot much of' the pageant before the patients and staft of the Con .. valescent Annex of the Philadel. Phia Naval HospItal on that evening, the music was placed in the trunk of a. car ml"taken In tho snow f1 urrled dark for the i.ntended vehicle. The car Itself was locked but the trunk was open. .chl'lstmWf 1944: •• , and no one had. a merrier Christmas than old ~ta. hImself. he teUs us. Swarth­more. especJt.tJly. gave. him a bIg welcome and more than repaid him fOr mak.1ng his trip In th!" troubled year. Paying at least 130 visits in Swarthmore alone, On Christmas Eve. Santa·s night was busy as well as enjoyable. Many ·sleepy. but happy and grateful chUdren greet­ed him aa he sped trom house to house and hurried to their rooms bearing gifts for each ch.1ld, jlng­The singing of carols proved to be Buch an enjoyable feature of last year's reception that It Is being re­peated by Popular request with Mrs. Leonard Ashton leading the com­munity SingIng and Mrs. Everett L. Hunt accompanying at the plano. ling 88 he came. Santa. was, in fact. ·so pleased with Swarthmore's reception that .be has decided to come· back an­other year, and another • , • as long as the c~lldren of the borougJi want him and ask for him. There w1l1 also be a program pre­sented by Florence Musser. "'Bells Aro~nd the 'Vorld." This Is one or several talks that Mrs. Musser gives IlluBtrated by bells from her famous collection Which she has gathered in her, travels through the years. Her Interesting display of bells from many lands and from some remote corners of the 'World gives her lectUre. a timely interna­tional slant. Alarie numbcr of Red Cross Canteen workers, member" of tho Camp and Hospital Commit­tee which arranged the party. membe~" of the Pagcant chorus and cast ·were present. It Is hoped that tht:. owner may not hu,·o looked in the car trunk during the Christmas rush and that a general cooperational search will bring the mnalc whleh has given so much Inspir­ation and joy to this community to Jight. .Swarthmore. too, was thrilled with the vJs1t ot Santa on Sunday night. Not only Children. but their paren~ all Over the borough wish for an adequate means ot: convey­Lng their sincere thanks to Santa :for turning their dreams into re­ality .In spite of war~tlme difficul­ties. They hope that the lighted smiles and shining taces ot the children as they welcomed Santa and gratefully clutched their do11s and toys, added to· inarticulate. heart:felt thanks assured Santa that his work haa been welt done and .appreclated. :.,: .... No~ .. opIY ~ the YOU.Jlg enjoyed"" ~anta'8i ;'.iSlt~ .here ,tor Santa .~ook _8. ,little extra 'time and made a. spe-· .j¢:lal .. stop at the ConvaleMent Annex jWhere he entertained the patients. "and the WAVES .u.tibned there. They saw lHlll .. coin..piete~wlth .shiny bOOt8~· ~'re'd ; 8uit~- red~ cheeks, full, ;·wlii'te beard. and just as Jolly, jIng­ly, and fr.tendly 'as, ,>;ver. There may have' been othel"8 but. at least ODe IW-t ot ·Pp{E!~ts'l w~os~ chlldren h~d after eiglt~ y~ar8 .of Santa's vlsUs outgrown .blm, fOU}ld ChrIstmas Eve 80., Incomplete t~t they set out at 1: 30 a.m. io ft~i1 .him, watch ,his jolly entrances, and hear his gay call "Merry ChristmQs This open house on Tuesday evening wUI take the· place of the regular afternoon meeting at the Club House. '39 HOLDS REUNION The high school class of 'S9 held a. reunion in the torm of an "Open House" on Christmu Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Walnut Janc. Both mem­bers ,of the class and theIr parents were invited. It is estimated that at least 76 people were present. and that' 50 per cent ot: the original class tUrned out. Ho ... to SoIdieJ. Poet '. sit. s·mJih 'Da.~iC8S-,- ()·C-PaBaaeriii; CaUt ... 'Who has- just returned from the . Chlna-Burma-India Theater was the holidt>.y week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley MUne at Cor­nell avenue, Sgt. Da.wle88 Is the author ot' "Conver8atlon Piece" a poem' 'whlch .J:i8.s been a«claJmed the .best soldier poem ot World War II a.nd was read on the Mn·rch of Time program In August. Sgt. Dawless has been ca.lled the "poet 'la.ureate" of the C;IH Theater. Also a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mn~e wlls Mrs, Michael Frye of Philadelphia. ,Party for Cuba 'to . a~l." When· they: did tbeii" .. The Cub Scout Pack 'Will have Christmas truly begali. - a regular monthly meeting in tho Swarthmore Is, gra~eful for yow' 'l'rlnity Ch.urch basement this even­. vlslts. Santa. May' y'our Sleep be' Ing at 7 .. Bound, your dreams filled with FollOWing- the usual actlvitles, a happy memorle". in preparation tor Christmas party will be held for your return .nex~ ChrIstmas Eve.. parents and cubs. , -PERSONALS :M.y: and Mrs. John l\f. Chandler stationed at Camp Shelby, Miss., with their children, Gail and AI- has returned to live 'with her par­lan, of Bound Brook,' N. J:. will ents l\1r: and ~Irs. J. v. WlIliams spend the New Year's week-end at of Moylan for the dUration whUe the home of Mrs. Chandler's pal'':' her husband is overseas. ents. Mr. nnd Mrs:; A .. O .. Wood or· ·Lt. U.g.)· Boyd Stauffer who is S\yarthmore avenue. stationed at Norfolk, Va .• was home \Vhen it Is found a call to The Swarthmorean Omce, Swarth­more 0900, will enable its return to tho proper custodian. Old And New On Thursday evening. December 21 seven willing workers many of wpom are old timers at the job helped wrap the Christmas Issue of The Swat-thmo'rean for Uncle'Sam's men and women. Those·who 'Wrap­ped were Mrs. S. S. Rutherford. Mrs. ,A. E. LongweU, Mrs. George ;L-,Earn~ha.:w",Mrs, A,. R. O. ,l\eil­grave, Alleo Redgrave •. and Mr. and Mrs. Fer"rIs W. Mitchell. Anyone wIshing to help In this Thursday evening project at The Swarlhmorean Office is asked to ca~" Mrs. George. C.'!J$O,n, Swarthmore 1999. Nativity Scene Preaented The Nativity Scene <which is given each Christmas In the Sun,qay s£hooi of the Methodist Church, was: present~d Sunday morning. A Tableau. with So corresponding mu­sical program was featured, with Nancy Hoot taking the part ot the Madonna, i\la1'i~n Bernard an angel and Don and Walter ·DIckinson. and· Georgo Elerce, shepherds. Elsie Bernard sang the lullaby, "Sleep My Little .Jesus," and the junior choir supplted the music un­der the direction of their newly ap­pointed director. Mrs. (}raee Green. Nancy Cross was at the piano. Mrs. Henry I. Hoot read the prophecy of fulfillment. Although this sccne has been given for a number of years in the past, It wns generally conceded to be one of the prettiest cyer presented. At the clm:e of the servIcE" the I'cgular presentation of 'whit~ gifts wus made by each class from bc­ginners to adults. Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hughes unexpectedly for Christmas Day. Christmas In England of Columbia avenue entertained Lt. and Mrs. Stauffer ~Qd _son Andy Mrs. Frank PQ,ge and ,Mrs. C. ,RYfln, were entertained at .Christmas of ~ Wlimlilg.;on:, Del:, fo~' a Christ- dinrier' b~' the j"useph' Reynolds of mas Eve dlimcr. ': i , ·"Half ,Acre," Oberlin avenue. A/C Mr. and ,·Mrs. C. J. Galbreath. Edward· stevens ot Kansas City, '.lr., ~f'Benjamin West avenue had Mo., convaleschlg at 'the Annex wa~ as week-end hollday' gUests Mrs. also a guest of the Reynolds. .Galbreath's :phre~ts Mr. and' M~. Mr. and Mr~~ ·1tlarsh1-ill·C~ Smith CRa.rle·s Horner, alld per sis.ter and of .. Rose VaU~y. entertained Mrs. fa.mlly, Mr. and Mrs.' WilUafn Blair· -Dod..:ls and her ·daugh-and Billy. all . ot" BaltlmoJ;'e. On Theodore '1..\ . Hazel Rankin of Oxford, England. who spent two years in the. home of )irs. Hug-h Den'''Qrth of Elm ave­nue wm spend her'second Chril:lt­mas since her .return to England in hel' own home ·in Oxford with .-her parf:'nts and brothers .. Hazel is in her second term in school at Cheltenham. College. one of Eng~ land's·'be8t known girl's schools. $3.00 PER YEAR ~;:no~:!:.eHu~: I PLAY ENCHANCES Stu!ce8S CHRISTMAS JOY On.. Sunday afternoon from three to six, thc motbe~ at the class of '44 heM Open Rouse at the home ot Mrs. BIrney K. Mone of Yale a.venue for the members ot the class who were home for the holi­days. SixtY-five members were able Pleasing Cast Enacts 15th Century Polish Legend to attend, Including at least 20 boys The Players Club scattered gen In untro.rm. The time was 8pent eral Christmas Joy with the forty In talking over 'old times'. ex- Becond productJon· for Its jun.1or claiming over new uniforms and membership "The Christmas Nlght_ sorority pledge pins, and Signing Jnga;le." "Ivlng two performances notes to members who were un., two days before ChrIstmas. Enact­able to be present. Ing the Pollsh legend of the 16th Each member of the clasS came century was a pleasing cast of fully armed with sandwiches and adult favorites and mem­cookies, which provided more than bers. CQlorful scenes enhanced the enough delicious refreshment. A legendary atmosPhere and the love­two- layer 24 inches wide Iy entr'acte carols sung by the au­which had "Welcome Home" wrlt- dlence or IndIvidual volunteers ten in Icing across .the toP. was the "ChrJatmasy" feel. provided by one ot the mothers. Bruce Godtrey as the boy who , , Spiced tea and elder were served. III 'ahd frIghtened out of hIs speech. Graeme "'''hytla.w ~f Cornen avo- wandered to the foreat cottage of nuc father of one of the boys In the charcoal bUrner on Christmas .the class, took. several out-door eve was happily There he plct~res of the group. It.1s hoped found refuge and appreclu.tlon tor the pictures will turn out well in the sweet song which earned him spite of general "hivering from the the title ot Nightingale. \VilUam COld. Price o.s the Cb.a.rc~al burner. Bereaved James Edward Glaas, Sr., of Phil­adelphIa died on Friday. December 22 at the Presbyterian Home, Phil­adelphia. He was born In Wash- Florence Headley as his wIte, their children Pawel (Diek McCray). EI~bleta (Blckl' Thompson). and Michal (Paul W1Jllams) set the bac.kground of tnmlly artection and holiday tradition and created a gay. happy picture. The RZopka. made by the cbtldren as a .christ-ington county. Pa.. on December 6, 1866 and was a former resident ot Swarthmore for several years. lIe Is survived by his wife, Mar- mas surprise tor their parentS ",vas garet Kilker Glass; a 80n, James etl'ectlve and the puppet perform .. Edward Glass, ot weSt Chester: a ance a deUght to the young aUdl­granddaughter. Mrs. GuIdo G. 8&- cnce. velli of Drexel Hill; and tb"ree Into the family holiday came the bl'(J~hers. J~~ _J:1. ~lass of ~n City, rlder trom. Zamoao: whose buying of Pa.;· Roy' Glass --abd«lral'tY:"·GlasIr. .,..-., 'Chit.rcoaJ--.for-~the--ca8tte-ena-bled.:·the. ,_. Funeral set:'vlceS were heler·· Fri:' ·oharcoal. bilrner., to'-'.take, 'Afs· ,tam­day. December '26, ·at . the Pres"y- ·ny' ·from· its forest .1ao[atl~n "to' the terian Home with th'c R'everend city fOr the ChrIstmas,etreet cole·­Theo. S. Wray ot· the Wynnefteld ·bratloDe .. There they watched one Untt~d Presbyterian Church to 'of' tne ·lovellest scenes ·ever IQ"e-­' Which AIr. Gla.qs helonged. conduct- sen ted to Players Club junior~ the lng ·the service.. Interment took charming danc,e· pertonned with place In Westminster Cemetery. ., Change Junior Board Meet The executive board of the' Junior Woman's Club w1l1 meet at the home of Mrs. CY,rus Porter. 309 Yale avenue on 'Vednesday. even­ing, January 3 at 8 o·clock. Bo~rd members are asked to ob-servo the change of d·ate due to the \Voman's Club Open ,House which Is to be held on Tuesday eVening. All members who wi1l not be able to . grace and· beauty by CorneUa. 'Mc .. Kcrma~ to tlJ,o yJdlln accmnpanl­ ·inenCof·pavtd Spe,nc~r. :P.hi\lp Al/- ~en played. his three rolel$ ot. rlder. Ko'wals·ki. and· butler, ,with POi8~ an~ skJ,fI.}; 1£1cha~1 ·Cnsacci~·as the c~tle wa;~.c1.t,-nan lent ·the·· royal ·.tuucl\ of·: a.utho.r~ty.· -. Ih ··the . flltal Bcene which was nicE!ly :atage(J!'· Mrs. Chades D. Mitch'ei! a~· the Bad and lovely Lady at the' HoUse' of 'Hey 'and ·attend are ·asked to call Swarth- Stefan played I)y ·Waiter Emmo~t more 0864. ., ,.'. wltne,ssed the miraculous return ot Girl Scouts Feted the .his ·mot.her and his home; the castle bells rang .out Mr~. Milan ,V. Garrett of Prince· joyfully once more; and. the chal'­ton avenue was hostess to Girl co lb' d hJ f II' , Scout Troop No. 16 at a ChrIstmas' ~ d urte:hap 8 .a~ y were party in honor of the 11th. birth- l!1~\'e q e casUe ground!3 for­da}. anniversary of her daughter ever. Tp c(,lmplete ,tho. Christmas Ruth on December 18. Christma!3 mtt'Rcle •. in the castle stables a games were enjoyed and carols chUd was born, ' were sung with descants by the group and· th<'ir leader Mrs. Charles Iflrael bl'!fore an open fire in the Presbyterian Church where the group meet~ weekly. nefore the birthday cake nnd re­freshments were ·shared, Ruth pre­sented to ('neh Girl Scout a Girl Scout song book "Sing' Together" in I;l C~ristmas cover. ,. ),Ir. and :Mrs. Harold Griffin of Rutgel's avenue enjoyed a family' gathering when Mr. nnd -Mrs.' Rich­ard Grlmo and son . David 'from Ramsey, N .• J.. and Mr. and l\frS. Robert GrHHth and infant daughter Charlotte Ann of Bayside. I... I.. Others who contributed by their appearance to the audience's pleas­Ure were Elennor Wolf as Lilia, ':fane Patterson as Jan'. Donald Fetherolf arid Charles Laws as puppet' show managers, and Zam­osc children June Hobbs, Sally Al­den, Robert Tucker, Ronnie Gold. ArthUr Jones, PhyUiB Stanley, Marlon· :Rausb,...rg, Ann L~ke:ns .Joan f'cnnock, and W~rren 'Gold .•·. B:. F: Covington d~~e~ted th~ ~r<!~~~t.ton. ~rs. .Russen Whit.e taught the da..n ce· .JQ.hJl,.BroomaU ' '-" .. ' . Christmas 'day they were jo\ned by ters Phyllis and Sally of Ruther­Mrs. Galbreath's aunt and uncle. ford. N . .J., and Mr. Robert LouiS Miss I.sab~i ~yers arid· Mr'. Taylor stevens of Oak Park. 111 .• a stu­Myers alsq: of. Baltimore. dent at M~~.T~ ,as holiday, week· Kappas to Sew came to spend the-,hollda~is ,Vith The Kappa l~appa Gamma Sew- them. eha.rIotte Ann will be chris« Ing Group meets at th'e ·homo of tened at the Pre.13byt~r;iR? ChQrch,,; ),Irs. John M. Broomall, . 4,th on the Reverend Davld'B'raun officlat·: was . stage manager. Mrs. L. C. Hastings prompter, Tom Plttock electrician. Guido s;"v~lII and P~g_ gy Kcenen were In charge .of mu­sic, Mary AI·ice 'Vest of properties, and Mrs. Stanley Milne ·of cos­tume$. ~he puppet the~ter Is "the prope'rty ot Paul', WilIkltris. ,Mrs. Cpv{nirton dressed the puppets., Mr. and: ».;;.&. B~~jamln·· collins end guests. ' Mr. 'and ·:Mrs. Smith of No'rt)i' Chester . road· are . enter- entertained ~6 .~uests . Christma..~ miniliS' at a buffet s·upper on Sat- Mr. John G· Moxey of Rutgers .u~d.:· .~~"~.'·'017 trl~n~8; 9t the!r~ 'ayen.ue.~t~De~ home Wednesd~Y, , son Pfc. Al"thur W. Collins who 18 ~cembe~ ,'0,. !lfter a .D}onth's busl" . home. on furJolJ'gh. The ·gu~sts will ness trip. to Los Angeles and San ,be Jim. Brown. BettY BeattY. ·Sar~' ~Ffanc~. Gal~, . ,'Marle DIsQue. icharlott&··' ··GrlfHn: George :GUi~8phi a sbide-nt ,a~ -.Alec: Ew:~g.' ~n~ Mr ... ~oga~an or Mercerab~rg ~cade~y _~ Sp~?dl~~ Callfonila. ... " the holidays with his mother Mrs~ Mf'" ''.If, ,;'. :',B~qth of. ;MoYl!>~ 9,,!,rge Gillespie.' of St .... th Havel\ whose h1isbai!d 'II/Sgt, Booth f8 avtiilU': ' • , ~/. ~. .,' Tt'1e~day, Januad.2: . :~." lng. .. :.:':':"==~~~~~~~~--~----~----~----~~~~~'~'--­----.,. 9:45 11:00 THE WEEK'S CALENDAR " ' , . 'Sunday, December 81 A."r.-Ch~rch ~chool .................................... _ .......... LOc;, 'OhUTch'e~. A.M.--MornJ~g ·Worshir. ........................ ~ .. ....... i::. •• _ •. t..oa'al Chu«he: , 'l'nesdar, JanuRry 2:. ','" : ': .. :>' , p.¥.~ ....e ni ~p'u~ <9lub members and ~~_~~· .. ·~~a;~~~t~JI'· ...... '. , \ To R-we Trainln,_ , , 8:00 8:00 8:00 P.¥;, ~o 10.:00 p_M.-Badminton ....... « ••••• ~ .••••• ;"..~-;«.; ·~':.·--f, lf~~~1.~~, p.M.-.itinlor' club, Board Meetinfj ......... ....... «_ ..... ~19 tale Avent. .:Miss· Eliot Jeffa:1'Qs dau1;ht~r of ~r. and:. MrS. John E. J.etrords of Vassar avei.ue' leayes' :r~DUIU'Y 15 (Or "\Va·shln~on, .J?: C .•. \vh'erc stJe .yvil~ .r~~:v~ '.& :~o.u~~ ~~ .. t~lnl~g wltJi', $be AmeriCan ,ROd Cr089 for . "5veni~ ~u.ty; ." ,. ='!. . ~ .. '-, • ,1 , ' ,,' •

    ---------- Page 20 ----------

    2 THE SWARTHMOREAN fRIDAY, DECEMBER 29,1944 PERSONALS The pr.>motion of ·John A.. Rum­. ey of Springfield to the rank of captain 'Was· recently announced by bJ.s commanding general at the ot­flee of the Chief of Ordnance In De- . trolt. Capt. Rumsey, a memb6l" of the Maintenance Division of this Ordnance headquarters which Is re­sponsible for the more thlUl 300 types of tanks and trucks used by the Army. entered the service .tn October 1942 as a First Lieutenant. Lt. (j.g.) Howard D. Sipler who has been spending a two-week leave with his famUy on Dart­mouth avenue following three and one-half months of training at the Melv1lle P. T. School, Melville, R­I., left Wednesday by plane for the west coast for further assignment. Lt. Robert S. Bird BOD of Mrs. Walter H. Baird 01 Dartmouth! avenue has been made an .instruc­tor at co-pllots for B .. a. Llberator bom bers. He will remain at Lar­edo. Texas. Pvt. Russell White who bas been stationed at Camp Blanding. Fla., Is BRending a 10-day furlough with his parentS, the Russell Whites of Benjamin West avenue. He reports January II to Ft. Heade. Hd.. for a new assignment. . Hr. and ]IIrs. Ruseell H, Heath of Celar lane have received word that their son Pvt. Douglas Heath who Is with the 1I38th General Hospital Unlt has arrived safely overseas. nephew Cpl. John Balles, tnB.M.C •• ot San Diego. Cal .• naw stationed a.t the Ordnance School, Quantico. Va., over the Chr1Btmas week-end; Mr. -and Mrs. James Hindle ot Cornett avenue entertained Mrs. Hindle's slater Hrs. WIlliam Turk­ington ot Boston, )(888., over the holidays. capt. Turkington Is an Army Chaplaln with the Firat Ar­mored Dlvlslon In Italy. Lt. W. Heo?" Lfntou, Jr., ar­rived safely at his overseas desti­nation' according to word receLved Sunday by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Linton of Benja­min West avenue. Marve1 WUson, Jr., a student at Moses Brown School. Providence. R. r., Ie the' Christmas hol1days at the home at bis par­ents. Major and Mrs. Marvel WU­Bon of Strath Ha.ven avenue. Pvt.' William H. Dietz son of Dr. and Mrs. Harry P. Dietz of Wil­mington, Del., has entered the Fjeld ArUlIery Officer Candldate schooi at Fort Sill, Okla. Upon completion ot the 17 -week course he will be commissioned as 0. sec­ond lieutenant of field artillery in the Army. Pvt. DJetz is a. gradu­ate ot Swarthmore College where he :was a member ot Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Jeft.rey Kirk who bas been with the :Medical Corps at Denver, Col., hlUl transferred to Camp Beale, Cal. Philip Price !Who. has been sta­tioned at New London, Conn., left Monday for his new aaslgnment on the west coast after spending a tew da.:ys over the Chrlstmas holidays Roger March a sewen- at Deer-and :Un. F. V. Brewetm- ot Dick .. InSOD avenue .\s spend1qg tlle holl­days with her parents. Charlotte Hobbs ot Park avenue will spend the New Year week·end with her cousin Betty Hobbs in Washington, 1;>. C. ENGAGEMENTS On Christmas Eve Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston Sinclair, Jr., ot Baderwood. J enklntoWD announced the engagement of their daughter, Marie Jane Sinclair a.nd Roland E.. Ullman, Jr:, Coxswain, United States Coast Guard. son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman at Bar- 'Yard avenue. Miss Sinclair is a graduate of Abington Friends' School and the Philadelphia Museum School of I~­du. trlal Art, class of 1944. Mr. tnlman was g·raduated from Swarthmore High School with the class ot 1940 and was in his juntor year at the School ot Industrial Art when he enlisted In the Coast Guard. He is now home on & 30 day leave after 20 months at aetive duty In the Pacltlc. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. WUson at Ogden avenue announc! ~e en­gagement ot their daughter Miss Ruth Helen Wilson to Hr. W. Bart Mlllington son ot Mrs. Nancy .Mlll­Ington of Philadelphia.. Miss Wilson Is a graduate of Swarthmore High School and Nt. Holyoke College, class at '42, and Is a chemist at the Houdry Process Laboratory. Llntwood. Pa.. Mr. Millington Is a graduate of the Phlladelphla College of Pbar· macy and Science, and also Is con­nected with the Houdry Laboratory. S ISgt John Howard Chaffee has ret~rned to Ft. BUss. Texas, atter spending' a la-day furlough with his pl,lrents Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Chat­fee ot North SW~thmore avenue. Sgt. Noel Smith ot Providence. R. I., alBo stationed at Ft. Bliss, Bpent a. few days here with the Chattees. Lt. John H. Taylor, Jr .. who re­ceived his comml!l3lon as Second Lieutenant in the A..A.F •• at Stutt­gart Field. Ark., on December 23, arrived at .the home ot h1.8 parents lIr. and Mrs. John H. Taylor of Kenyon avenue on Christmas Eve. Lt. Taylor reports December 81 to Bendrlcka Field, Sebring. FIa.., tor transitional tralnlng as a Firat Pilot on It. B-17. Mrs. Taylor and their young son Richard will accompany field Academy. Old Deerfield, Mass., Dr. and Mrs. George Lawrence Is vacationing at his home on Elm Armitage at South Chester road 80- avenue until January 6. nounce the engagement of their Virginia Wilaon a first year stu- daughter Mi!5a Nc.ncy Armitage and dent In the Department ot Drama Cadet George Henry Troxell, Jr., at Yale University. spent the son ot Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Chr.lstmas holidays with her par- I 'I~roxell of Dartmouth avenue. him, . . Ptc. Thomas H. McCormack re­turned to his station at Camp But­ler, N. C., after spending a. few days with bis parents :Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. McCormack of Hilltop road, Rose Valley. Pat· McCor­Dlac~ &. student at Smith College, Is home on a hollda.y vaca.tlon un­til January 10. ~/C Frank H. 'McCowan, Jr., who has been stationed at Corpus Christl, 'rexas, has transferred to Pensacola, Fla. LL Laurence B. Kent has arrived at Army All" Forces Redistribution Station No. 2 in Miami Beach tor reassignment processing after com .. pletlng a, tour ot duty outsl9.D the continental United' States. Lt. Kent flew 31 missions as pUot ot a B-24 IJ.berator and B-17 Flytn,; Fortress ents the R. E. Wilsons ot Ogden avenue. VIrginia left Wednesda.y for New York City where she will ,visit Penn Hall College t.rJ.ends be­fore returnlllg to New Haven. Mr. Qnd Mrs. Crosby Blac.k of S. Chester . road entertained, for Christmas dinner when their guests were Mr. 8lld Mrs. Willlam W8.l"d Srd and their son Btll, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. ColJlne of Wynn-wood. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Whltslt ot Elm avenue entertained Mr. and Hrs. Keith Whltslt and their young Bon Robert of 'Forrest HUls, r... I.. Miss ~ra.ce Shafter of Bed­lord, .1nd., and Mrs. Bruce Hark­ness over the Christmas hol1dafs. P.vt. Har~neB8 is with the 21st Bomber Command on Saipan. Mr. and Mrs. Whitslt were hosts to 14 guests at a nelgbborhood dinner party on Christmas Day. Dr. Troyer Anderson who is a.t present in Washington. ~. C .• spent the holidays with his family 00. beavy bombers In tke European Park a.venue. theater at operations tor Which he Mrs. Joseph Ii. Walton of Ogden was awarded the Distinguished ~Jy- avenue and Mr. and I4rs. Solony, Ing Cross and the Al:r Medal with who are spend~ng the winter .in three oak leaf clusters. He Is the Swarthmore, were dil\ner guests on son of Mr. and Mrs. RUfilBell Jr. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Kent ot Riverview road. His wife Mrs. J. B. We.lton ot Ogden LoUise Uvea in Quincy. Ill. nUe. Mr. and Mrs. Theophile Saulnier I Mrs. H. Lewis Shay of Cornell ot Princeton avenue have received avenue enter~ned at a cocktail word that their son Henry.has ar .. party on !?unday lQ honor of her rived safely Overseas 'WIth the husband's' birthday. . Forty-dve United States Marines. guests from ROBe Valley attended Mr. and Mrs. RllBSell M. Heath the celebration. of Cedar lane entertained :Mrs. Diana Brewster daughter of Mr. Heath's parents Mr. and Mrs. Her-man Conrow of Redbank, N. J., Cpl. Hamllton Black on furlough from the Barbados, and Pvt. Francis Hare of RIChmond. Va., as their week-end holiday guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood ot Cor­nell avenue entertained their * '.* ' * * I* : , lUNCH fr •• 60c DINNEI tr •• ISc ,'* * * * 10- • * * * MEDIA THEAT.RE LAST 2 DAYS Friday and Saturday Ray Milland BarIJara Britton in Hr. and Hrs. Albert P. Shenkle of Vassar avenue, announce the en­gagement at their daughter MlsB Helena Elizabeth Shenkle to Mr. Joseph C. Schubert. Jr., Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. ·Scbubert ot Maplewood. N. J. The engagement was announced at a dessert .. brldge at the Shenkle home on Wednesday evening. The guests included Mrs. Joseph W. Frescoln, Hrs. Rober~ E. Holst. Miss Alice Rcdgrave, Mias Rosa­mund Jones, Mrs. Cyrus Porter, ot Swarthmore: Mrs. Clifton Merkert of Drexel HIlI, Hiss Phyms Henry of RuUedge, Hrs. Roy 1.. Hill of Lansdowne, and 141M Doris Shilla­day of Mye·rstown. Pa. De YOlJlDfOW The Bare Can tor All,. 4-to TN_blllt JUST 0 4 1-,1. fW48 RUSSELL'S SERVICE JlUIl Your (»r- L .. , &he DuaUo .... , Replar &emile WW Do IL The New Year Before Us To make It a happy one demands our utmost In Co-operatlOll To_oe Sacrl8ceaal ServIce lIIay we give diem unstlntlngly lIIRB, LLOYD E. KAlJFF¥AN Swartlbmore 2080 SubscrlpUOD8 for alI ava.Uable magazines. BO. V[) NOW! Carmen MIRANDA. Michael O'SHEA. Vivian BLAINE ('lbe Ober,r y BIOIOde) FOR THE BOYS Sri.,,, ,a"RYAlI BIRTH neaday noon, December 37 In Tal". lor Ho.pltal. Sst. and Mrs. Geo. W. Gla.esaer, Jr.. ot PrlncfltoQ avenue are re­ceiving congratulations on the birth of & son. Geo~ge. IU, Wed- Sgt. GkL ..... r returned to hla statlon, Camp stewart, Ga., Wed­neaday evening after a brIef Cbdst­mas hoUday at home. On Its Fifth Birthday ••• J The Bouquet Beauty Salon Thanks you for. very Happy Year , Wuhes you .• very happy New One Call 0476 13 S. Chester Road DEWDROP INN BEGINNING JANUARY 7 WILL BE OPEN EVERY SUNDAY' , 1 - " P.M. DINNER HAPPy & VICTORIOUS f NEW YEAR Bal't Pike SpriDgfield C;;o~S . ORCHIDS ALWAYS BUY WAR BONDS NOW! 'Phone Swa. 04S0- advertisement Is .. contrtbutldo to Amerioa's all-out ...... _by A.P.~ SWARTHMORE STlJDBB"KD SALES a SEBVlqw TBEBOUQUBT Eo L NOYES' PETER E. TOLD \ BUCIINEB.'S IUIUE DONNELLY DEW DROP JIIII'f SWAllTBMOBB KA'I1ONAL IW'Il AND ~U!IT COMPANY B. J. HOY 5 AND 10 THE INGLENEtIK BUSSELI.'S SERVICE COoED B8A1ITI' 8.UA)III IUBTEL BROS. ALICE B4BIIBR, GD'l'S II. B. G8BBN S'I1LlTB m VBN JIIII'f SWAilfiDiOU .co.op • -------------------------.----------- ---~----~~------------------------------~----~------------ ,.""--------------------------""': Ilnllford a fre8hman at the h1a1> 3 P1JB1.J8Hia- BWU&Y PlUDa.y AT BWARTBIIOBB, • 'DOlI BW ABTIIlIIOIUllAJf. mo., PUBIJBIIE!r PIlone, B~ "'" Pa. SChool entertained. 60 of her cLue­mates for tea and danciDB from. t.hretl to .ix on Thurada¥, Decem­ber 28. Mr. and Hrs. John Earl. SurrrIok of Wallingford are entertaln'o .. .aO of their trlend.e at .upper on New . l'ear's eve. PETER E. TOLD Editor Lorene HcCarter 1U.R.J0Rllll TOLD, A'""Clate EdItor Irma M:. Parry Phylll. Neuman Entered ... Second C ..... Matter, January U, UIt, lit the Poet otfI... at llWartlunore. Pa., under the Act of Marel> ., 11,71. Joan Seltzer of Rose Valley l8 entertaining tonight In .PlilladelPhla tor .Mary Morse, Jean. Huey, and. .detty Mor8e of Swarthmore, .Mar7 .uec Hartzell. Louis McCall, Bobby LeWis, and Sue Britton at Media, .... u ..I lJ.(jy I--ark, Patricia. MCCor­.. W,, and Sidney S-1lltth ot Roee vauey. 'l'he party wUI meet. at the , . DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON '------~==~=-==~~.==~~~~-----­FRlDA. Y, DECEMB¥ 29, 1914 Sunday mornllig at the 11 o'clock service the sermon wnl be "Design for Living." Mr. Kneedler will present a procram of muatc belore the service, starting at 10:46 o'clock. The Chap.l Choir wID sing, All departmenls of the Church School will meet SUnday mornlnC at 8:45 o·olock. The Women's Bible Class wlll meet at 8:4,6 o'clock. The Church. Hour Nursery wU1 be held for children ages 1 to 7 from 11 to 13 o'clock. There 'WlU be DO c~holr rehearsals tbla week. The following persons will IIB8lst the min1Bter Sunday morning in ez­tending lP"eetlnp of the church and the m1nlster to the congregation: center front door, Harvard avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. AlmKI'en: driveway .. tra.n.sept door, Mr. and ]IIrs. Ernest W. Sipple, Methodist Church Notes ... The ChUrch SChool will meet on union· League for dinner and wlll Sunday morning at 9:45. Classes ';, the evening In Phlladelphla. are provided for adults and for Mr. aud Mrs. W. Jackson Black-children of all ages. man of Cedar lane entertained at 8. At the morning worship at 11, tam1)y party on Christmas D~. the mln~r lWill preach on the ":'fe. Jackson F. Blackman, slation. topic "Chrlst After Chaos." • cd at Bainbridge, Md •• spent sev- !luring the worship hour. the eral days of the hoUdays with his smaller children may be left in the parents. nursery where they wUI be cared Hr. a.nd Mrs. F. H. Forsythe of tor by the mothers ot the cburch. Thayer road are entertaining Mrs .. The Yauth Fellowship will meet Forsythe', brother and slater-In­In the evening at 7 in the chapel. law Hr. and Mrs. E. S. Glllette ot The monthly meetin8' of the ot- Winnetka. Ill., for 10 days over the flclo.1 Board will be held on Wed- holidays, Hldshlpman Holbert GIl­ne. da¥ evening at 7:30 In the lette of Winnetka. and M:ldahlpman chapel. The Fourth Quarterly Con- George Wilson of Los An&'eles. Cal., ·ference will convene at 8 O'clock both V-12 students at Columbia. all W..ednesday evenlng in the University, and LL J. Faxon carr, chapel. Dr. Leon T. Moore, the Dls- U.S.M.C .• of Honolulu. now BtaUon .. trlct Superintendent, will be in ed as a Pilot in the Av1aUon Corps charge. Reports 'Will be received ot the Marines a.t Edenton, N. C., from. au the Soc1eUes and OrPDl- were also holiday guests. Mr. and .zaUons at this me.tIng. Mrs. Forsythe and their lrlIests will Trinity Church Note. New members will be received Into tlle church by transter of . church letter or on confession ot ta1th on CommunloDt Sunday, Jan­uary 7. Those who'· are contem­plating affiliating with. the cburch may see Mr. Braun atter the service Sunday morning Or ~l the church oUlce durin&" the [Week. Holy Communion will be cele­brated on Sunday at eight o'clock. All the departments of the ChUrch Schoo) wUl meet at ~:.6 A. M. At tho eleven o·clock servIce ot Morn- Ing Prayer, the rector will preach on the topic "Facing the New Year." Evening Prayer will be held at six o'Clo~k. attend the Series Dance at the Wo-man's Club tomorrow evening. Mr, and Mrs. William Sproul Lewis of Swarthmore avenue ,enter­ ·talned Informally at an eggnog party at their home on Sunday aft­ernoon. Mrs. George M. Rlnclt.tte returned to hur home In Sandusky, Oluo, on Thursday after spending three weeks with her son Mr. R. G. Rln­cllfte and family or Strath Haven avenue. The High School FellOWShip wlIl not meet this. Sunday evening. Meetings will be resumed on SUD­day evening, January '1, at 8 o'clock. Woman's . Assocta.t1on eewing Day will b. held Wednesday, Jan­uary 8. from 10 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock in the aft­ernoon. All women ot the church and congregation are cordially hi­Vlted to attend. CirCle 8 wm meet "WIth the Sewing group. Bring sand­. wiches, coUee will ~e served. The Budget Committee of the Woman7s Association will meet at 10 O'clock, Friday, December 2g, In the Parish HOUBe. The Committee on Social Educa.­tion and Action will meet Tuesday, January 2, Srt 10 o'clock In the Par­Ish House. Cluietian Science Notes "Christian Science" Is the sub· ject of the Lesson-sermon in all· Churches of Christ. ScIentist, on Sunday, December 31. The Golden Text Is: "The prophecy came not in old time by the IWiU of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (II Peter 1: 21). CHURCH SERVICES SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Da.vld Braun, :MInister SUNDAY' ~ 9 :45 A. M.---Church School. 10 :46 A. "M.-Mornll)g Worship. Ser­mon Topic·: "Design For Ltviq." METHODlST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D.D., Minister. SUNDAY 9 :46 A. hf:.-cburCh Sahool. 11 :00 A. M.-14ornJng \,orehlp. Sermon Topic: "Chrlat After Chaoa." TRINlTY CHURCH Rllv. Geo. ·ehr1atlan Anderson. Reotor SUNDAY, DECEMBER S1 8:00 A.. M.-Holy Communion. 9:45 A. M..-Church SchooL 11 :00 A. M.-Mornlng Prayer- and Ser­mon Topic; "Facing the New Year." B:oo P. !r4.-Evenlng Prayer. MONDAY (Feast of the CircumcIsion) 10:00 A. Mo.-Holy CommunJOn. SATURDAY (Feast of the Epiphany) 7 :30· A. lrl.-Holy Communion. 10:00 A. H.-Holy Communion. THill RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRImNDS SUNDAY 9.415 A.. M.-Flrat Day School. S :45 A. H.-Adult Forum. 11:00 A. M.-:Meetlng for Worship in the :MeeUng House. WEDNESDAY • :10 A. K. to', :.0 P. M.-Bewlng and Qulltlng In Whittier HoUle. Box luocheon. All ..... cordially Invited. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIII'l' OF BWARTHHORE Park Avenue Below Harvard SUNDAY 11:00 A. K.-Sunday SChooL 11:00 A. K.-8unday Leaaop Sennon. Wedneada;y ,evenmc meeting each Week, ·S p. m. Readlna" room open 4a11y ""_ Sund..,.. and hollda)'ll 12 to & p.m. WednlllJday evening 'I to • p.m. Ch!lrOb EclU'lce. . AII·an. cordially Invlte,t to att_ Iheoervl_ IUld aae ths re&din&" Room. New Year"s .Da.y (Feast ot the Circumcision) there wUl be a cele. bratlon of the Holy Communion at 10:00 A. H. The Vestry will. meet In the Par­iab House on Tuesday evening. The Choir· SchOOl w11l meet on Wednesday at 4:30 and on Thurs­daY at 7:80 P. H. . The monthly· meeting of the Wo­men's GUild will be held in the Parish ·House on 'l'hu~ay at 11.S0 A. M. The Women's Auxiliary w1ll meet at: 1.80 P. M .. The Rector will dlscus8 Diocesan MISBions. The Feast of the Epiphany will be celebrated on saturday by cele­brations of the Holy Communion at 7.80 A. H. and 10.00 A. H. NEWS NOTES Mary Morse a freshm&D at Duke University is spending the holidays with ,her parents Mr. and Mrs. DanIel S. Morse of ParrlBh road. Mary has been pledged to the Pi Beta Phi sororlt;y. Priscilla Gnes a. freshman at Vermont Junior College bas recov­ered from an emergency appendec­tomy performed December 11 and a.rr1ved home on ChrtBtmas Day to vacation unW ·January a 'With her parents Hr. and Mrs. Walter C. Giles ot Rut&'ers avenue. Peggy Rlncllfre of Haven a.venue who ·graduated from the Ogonta Junior Coll~ge in June. Is now attending the University of Pennsylvania where she has been pledged to the Alpha Chi Om_ega sorority. Claire Rinclltte daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rlncll1fe at Strath Haven avenue leaves February 1 for Columbia, Mo., where she will enter Stevens College as a :fresh-man. Roland G •. E, .mlman, Jr., Cox­swain, U.S.C.G.R., and his lIanc. Miss Marie Jane Sinclair ot Jenkin­town, atter spending the· holidays with the former's parents on ··Har­vard avenue. accompanied Mr •. and Hrs. DaVid Ulrich Ullman to New­port News. Va., 'Where they will be their guests until atter the NeW Year week-end. Sue Surrlck da~hter at Mr. and Mrs. John Earle Surrick ot Wall- Mr. and Mrs. William. Barnes and sons WilHam and John tormer resi­dents ot Berwyn. 'are occupying the f-ormer Rex. I. Gary hous.e. at .800 Yale avenue. Mr. Barnes Is asso­clatc~ with DuPonts at Wilmington, Del. Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Giles of Rutgers avenue have Mrs. Glles' mother Mrs. Charles S. Christie of Rumford~ R. I., as their hOWie guest tor au· indefinite tlJne. BUIy Hoot of Lafayette avenue celebrated his ninth birthday Tues­day by entertaining 12 of his class· mates of the ·Fourth Grade of the ColleiJeAvenue School. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Blake of Amherst avenue entertained MI1J. Blake's mother Mrs. E. H. :NIeld and sister Miss Marietta Nield -of Baltimore, Md., for a. few days over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. WUUam H. Hobbs ot Park avenue entertained at a family par~ on Chrbtmas Day. Their'guests Included Mr. and Mre. Paul Mahoney and their son Frank­lin ot Drexel HllI, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vannoy and theil- son Jerry of Marlton. N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Ken­dall Palmer at Haddonfield, N. J. Jane Elizabeth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Michener, Jr., ot Baltimore Pike will be christ­ened In the Presbyterian Church on Sunda.y morning. :Mr. and Mrs. William Sproul Lewia of Swarthmore avenue enter­tained at a. surprise supper party in honor iJ the 17t~ birthday anni­versary of their daughter Nancy before the meeting of the Junior Asscmblles In the Wotnan's Club house on Thursday evening. Hajor Edwin C. Aiken, U.S.H.C .. Mrs. Aiken and their baby son Ed­win of AnnapOliS, Md., arrived Wedne8day~to spend the New Year holidays with Mr. and Mrs • .Alexan­der Ewing of Dartmouth avenue. Ensign Charles P. Davison spent a 48 ht)ur leave with hls parents on Vassar avenue. He 'Was joined by Mrs. Dav1son who has been located at the Bell Telephone Laboratories In New York City since her gradua­tion from Wilson College. Miss Marguerite Gettz of Dickin­son avenue 'Will entertain at a luncheon-bridge at the Iugleneuk Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Swarthmore, Penna. / ANNUAL MEETING The Annual HeetIn& of _ """,kholders of the S~~ UonalBonk and Trwn OompllDY, Swarthmore, -i.ef &be_. of directors and SUC!i1 other bosh eSI 88 ma,. come ~ pa", on 1l:n1 gE, Swe·iTll. bJaeD hUeIlIId'1 -., leti4l&e , Joankl"&" house In ~ and ave P.M. bt;&ii eo the boars of ___ "'I-a. RIO S. IIPIIID&T, ..-..- tomorrow. Tho ... _ wiIl·InCludo 'Pate)o and Polly Told are _tIDe ](n. Geottrey Dolm.... lin. a. the Kindleyo unW New Y .... DQ. Cobb, lin. Thoma Garwood. lin. lin. Told eDtertalnod at _In M .... Malcolm Bird, Mn. Bdward Con- KIndley'. hOllor on ThUredllT, De. weu' Hr8.. Herbert li1. .IOchanw, Sr., camber 11. M:Iu ElIot Jelrorda, HIM Calhlrln. Hr. Told'. aunt Mrs. 1IIarth& R, Fueeell, ]Illes ~orence CI .... v.. of BI_lng joined the ... oup .... Swarthmore, Mrs. Wm. Dudley and Mrs. Corkran Darlington of ChM. Chrlatmae I!:ve. Hrs. Told'. pUente t.r. ....d Hrs. George Holfman of Rev. and Mrs. George II. Tiirn~ PhIladelphia. were Ch~ week-.nd lrlIeetI. Mr, and H .... John Barnett and Dr. R. WhlIn.y Tucker of Cor-IdPa1. ln&t" hCtehr rlDsolmroatsh y_ of IWWIltaho MahrI,a kaonnd, n.ll avenue left for New York 0117 Mrs. Raymond Fello... a1 Qarrett to attend the UnguUUc avenue. Hr. and H ..... William J. Klnaley returned Tueeday night to Baltl~ more, Md., after ependlDg the Christmas holiday. with Hr. and Mrs. Peter Told of Park ave.nue. Soclet;y of Am.rl.... and aloo the American Philological ho""latIon. Hia IOn Robert la 8Pendlq his ..... caUon with hla grandParents. Mr. and ]IIrs, Albert Yate. Tucker of Bay Ridge, N. J, • , • THE ADDRESS TO REMEMBER 1820 CHESTNUT STREET o ... 'IVER BAIR co. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS RITtonhou •• 1511 M, A, Balr, Pre.ld.nt " ... ,. JC'!I - -' • girls •. VoUHU WO~=l P\eaSant wa Want a • .. . Learn Telephone Wor. and acquire a skill tha~ will help win the war. Telephone .ervice is vital to the whole war effort. The Bell Telephone Company offers you steady work, often near your home, with good pay and regular increaoes. Congenial aaaoc:iates and a real chance for advancement. No experience necessary! Call ENTERPRISE 10100, or come in and taIIc it over with one of our friendly interviewers. Bring a airl friend along if you wish_ Maybe you can work together. Visit the office nearest you- 4S Anderson Avenue, Ardmore S631 Arch Street, Philadelphia Room 315, McClatchy Building 89th a Market 5ts., Upper Darby 57.59 E. Penn St" Norristown 410 York Road, Jenklnto_ Bmg birtfr.cerliJicate O!" ot"", proof of cili~errI";f>' THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA "A Friendly Place to Wor." • • -

    ---------- Page 21 ----------

    During the next few will receI• ve the annual notice of . dues of the . Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association. . The Swarthmore teer Support of the Insurance rates, Fire and Protective Association· working for Company It takes the the benefit of our is an investment , of the , cooperation is a volun-community. · in low Fire entire com- mUDI· ty t 0 ma•l nt3·1 n't he se low rates. H the volunteer willing night, and firemen are to pay $2.00 dues and • gI••v e their time, day or risk life and limb protect­r• ug your property, are you not wi]]jng ·to g•I• ve $5.00 a year as an associate member m• your own interest? H you do not receI• ve a notice and care to join and contrib~ ute, leave your mail your membership or check to the rotective fee at the Swarthmoren' office / Ire • • • Soclatlon SWARTHMORE, ·PA. I . .. . -- . FRIDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1.944 . THE SWARTHMOREAN • , 5 CLASSIFIED WANTED DEI.A,WARE COUNTY INSTITUTION DISTRICT Sealed Proposals will be received ·at the Omce ot the County Controller Court House, Media, Pa.. unUI 1 P.rr:. DELAWARE COUNTY KII8 Be&trlce Brewlller entertain­ed bar brldp club OD Thursday even.lnc at her home on Dickin­son avenue. Hr. and II.... Robert 1. C_ of Harvard avenue are alvln.s & butret supper on New Year's Eve for a few at their friends. W ANTED-Davt.nport bed In good con- and pubUcly opened at 2 p.m. on Wed-ditlon. Call SwarthDlOte 1.J86~W. neaday. January 10. 1946.a.t the County nHome, Urnt. Pa.. for furnishIng all . WANTED-Pedometer In good condl~ labor. tools and materials for the Seated proposals will be received at the County Controller'S Office, Court House. Media, Pa .• until 10 Lm. and pUblicly opened at 11 a.m. on Wednes­day, January 17. 1946. for fUrnishing aIt tools, labor and materials nec.easary tor repairing furniture In the DI8trict --------------..:...-------------­Attorney's OMces • tlon. Call :Media. 1206. plu.mblng and drainage necessary In ______ ,---:--:--:-----:--1 the coll8trucUon or the hospital addl­W ANTED-Mother's helper to assist Uon at the County Home. Lima, Pa. Speclflca.Uon8 and bidding sheet may be obtained at the Omce or the County Controller. and no bid wlIl, be enter .. talned unlesa made out on ea:1d bid-with twin babies, full or part. Ume. All bids must be submitted on the References. Good wages. Call Swarth- fonn proposal prepared by' the IIl8U­more 0882-J. tuUon District. and muat be accom· panied by a certified check of flve WANT£D-A rug 8xtO or bl2. Also (6%) percent of the total amount of a waahlng machine. Reply to Box A. the proposa18. drawn to the order ot ding sheet. . Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of FIfty (,60.00) Dol· lars, drawn to the order ot the County ot Delaware. The Swarthmorean. the Delaware County Institution Dis-trict. As this lnvltaUon. proposal. gety· WANTED-ElectriC washing machine. eral condlUons and specifications rerer In running condition. Reply to Bas. to each other and consUlute a whole. The County Comml88lonera reserve the right to reject any or all bids. H. WAlJrER WEAVER. 3t-12-29 , County Controller. 14, The Swarthmorean. - they must be returned bound together as delivered to bldd~r; otherwise the DIVORCE NOTICE . To Rosemary C. Walters late of 3 S. Sovereign Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Whereas Robert Scott Walters, your h'Usband. has llIOO a libel In the Court ot Common Pleas of Delaware County, Pennsylvania. as ot September Tenn. 194.4 No. 162, praying a. divorce from you. Now you are hereby noUfled and required to appear In Court on or before Monday the 16th day of .January next to answer the complaint of the said Robert Scott Walters and in ds-­fa. ult of such appearance you wUl be Hable to have a. divorce granted In W:ANTED-A doll carrIage. Telephone bid will be rejected. Clearbrook 4186. Plana and speciftca.Uons may be see,. at the office ot the County Contl'OlIer. WANTED-Woman over ao capable of Court House, Media. Pa.. or at the ot-handling unique advl80ry service. flee of the Architect. George M. Ewlng, Personality and backgTQund more' e84 1720 Real Estate Trust Building, PhUa­senUal than buslne88 experience. Re- delphia. Pa.. and they may be .had at ply to Box 0, The Swarthmorean. the office of the Architect for bIdding use upon the deposit of ten ($10.00) PERSONAL PERSONAL-~t us sell your mer-chandise; clothtng, household good. or any articles In general. Phone Chester 26233. dollal'lj. ot which five ($6.00) dolJars will be refunded on the return of the pla.ns and speclflcBUona In good ·order within five (6) daY8 after the receipt ot the bids. PERSONAI-Widow desires beated apartment;, one or two bedrooms, hot water. Reply to Box 11, The Swarth~ morean. LOST LOST-BmaJI-'Slze Sheatter Ute-tlme mottled green fountain pen with non­matching top. Reward. ca.u Swarth­more Olb2. All bids must be eealed and ad­dressed to H. Walter Weaver. County Controller, Court House. Media. Pa.. and plainly marked on the envelop;" "BID FOR PLUMBING AND DRAIN­AGE FOR HOSPITAL ADDITION. DELAWARE COUNTY HOME, LIMA. PA.lO The Executive and AdmtntstraUve Directors of Ule Delaware COunty In­stitution District resen-·e the right to reject any or all bids. H. WALTER WEAVER. your absence. R. S. MUNSON, 3t-12-22 SherJJt of Delaware County. ESTATE NOTIL']!; ESTATE OP WILLIAJIf S. BITTLE, late of 115 BUtprs A.venue, 8warUt­more, FeDJI.,.h'aula, deeesl8d. Notice Is hereby given that Letters LOST-8terUng eUver ear-ring. double 12/22412/29-1/5 County Contralla,r. rosette pattern in vlIlage. Reward. of Admlntatratlo,n been granted to the undel'8igned. who requests all per­B0118 baving c1alm8 or demanda agalnBt the Estate of the sald decedent to make known the 88.IDO. and all persons Indebted to the decedent to m.ake pay­TelephOne Swarthmore 2480. ment immedll.te17 to LOST-Tuesday morning probabl)' on Cornell avenue or Chaeter road be­tween 300 block and station. Gold 1)ow knot" pin with large, moonstone center, eight large white zlrCOIll and twenty ama.ll ones. Reward. Telophone Swarth-more 2086. ~ LOST-Green leather key case. Tele .. phone Swarthmore 2627. LOST-Small black suitCase on station platform Wednesda.y mo@lng, Call Swarthmore OSOO. FOUND PETER E. TOLD Generallnsurair.ce DARTMOUTH AVENUE SwIU1hmore 1833 W. HARK BITl'LE. Administrator Eatate ot William S. BltUe. deceased. , 126 Rut,gf!il'8 Avenue. Swarthmore. Penna. Or to hiB Attorney. ALBERT N. GARRETT. 228 Garret Avenue. Swarthmore, Penna. 8t-ll-11 BOROUGH OF SWARTl;lMORE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS AS OF DEXJEMBER 81, 1'43 Publlshed _ant to SectIon lUll of Hunlcll>al JIonOwID& Act or June 25, 1041, P. I&. t6e FOUND-Part of man's watch chain With gold cross and baaketbaU trophy. Call evenings, Swarthmore (a) GROSS LIA.1IILm'Y. 1693. FOUND-At Woman"s Club in October, small gold ring with 6 pearls and center stone. Call Swarthmore 1477. FOR SAlE FOR SALE--Glrl's lce~skate8. size 2: man's ,tweed overcoat. excellent con­dition. Telephone Swart.hmore 0619. FOR SALE-Tuxedo for youn .. man, excellent coadition; also cub scout uniform. Telephone Swarthmore 18n. FOR SALE--Westlnghouse electric dish washer, perfect condition. can Swarthmore 0261. Principal of all bonds outstanding ••...•.•••••• ;,.$ 65,000.00 All other debts •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0...... 1.140.66' 68,1'40.66 DEDUCTIONS AUTHORlZEl> BY LAW. (1) Caah and bonds of the Borough held tn Sinking Fund (all In cash) ..... : .... $ '.113.36 (~) Par or actual value 011 legal investments other ~an (1) •• 0 ••••• 0 .••••• o. 00 ',260.()O (3) Collectible municipal liens . :filed of record ••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• 4.066.91' (f) Surplus cash ••••.•• P. ••• •••••••• •••••••• ••••••• 38,719.78 (6) Delinquent taxes on real estate and sewer rents (90% estimated collecUble)............. 13,70'1.80 (6) CUrrent revenues collectible within current flBcal year...................... None ('I) Other solvent debts •••••••••• 0 ••••••••• ••••••• None ,65."7.91 FOR RENT-We have recenUy ll&ted with us a lovely Colonial stone house In the Buburbs ot Chester, overlooking Ridley Creek ~ 18 rooms, 3 baths i 2- car garage; also stone guest house In 'rear with .. bedrooJIIS • .2 bathS; 6 &eres ot land. Rental $160 per month. May be seen by appointment through Sweeney and LAlken~ 523 Welsh Street, Cllester 7183. -- •• NET DEBT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (b) AS8E88El> VALUATION (1UI) ••.•...........•.• Ie) ASSET8 OF THE BOROUGH, (1) Items 1 to 7' Inclusive abO.,e ................ 65,441'.91 (2') Physical property of the Borough: Buildings and Real Estate •••••.•••••••.....• 49,.296.97 Street improvements and Sewer Systems •••• 218.691." General Borough Equipment and Fire fighting equipment ••••••••••••••••••••• 0 I 37.787.64 I HARRY W. LANG (d) FUNDEl> BEBT 0010180""'" Maturity ! Carpets and Rugs fJ~:= ~'t 1: m~ , 1.292.74 ~.93<.2'O.OO , 399.223.96 i' SWARTHMORE 0764 (~AS8ET8 IN EACH SINIDNG FUND (one tund) ... $ 8,963.36 .1~::=~::=:::::=::::::::=~1 ·p~bii~~e~ by Order ot the council of the Borough of Swarthmore. ; .... ELLI01."I'RICHARDSON I PIctUre ~ ;;;-1 Borough Secretary . I I _ o-Ir.....k 8appUeo CkeetIIIC ."..... Bo~ ()raft SIMMONDS .} 'Il"W_S_ <11 ..... tPhone Chester 2·5111 . .. • EDWIN B. KE" EY. Jr. YourJ_eIer U _ 7th S&. 'Oh::=~ fOpposite New Slate -, I e) 'Ptl0De (Jr Co &'1"" a.a PAINTING EspertIy DOlle OA.LL DAVE WOOD Media 0755 lor Winter Storm Sub anel a-tion Ro~ Walter.y. Linton CoDbilClw _ BaiIcIer ~PuI<o"" I A,.,oid Freeze-ups Protect Water pipes Play Safe! Wrap all ex­posed pipes and plumb­ing before eold weather arrives. Repair broken win­dows and eeal all crack. if yon want to in~ure against costly delays and needless inconvenience. Now is the time to protect yonr pipes against freezing • • \ • • FOR 011 LOIIG All of US in the telephone buaiDess appreciate your help and patience durlDg the Christmaa rush on Long Dimmce. We hope you'U try to keep the lines clear 011 New Year' .. too. Maay impor­taDt calla will be going over Long Distallce that day. IHI BILL IILlPHONI COMPANY O. PINNSYLVANIA While other :prices sing soprano·· ,. : ; ~ .. . ": . ."' .... , . ,,". ,,,,' ,. , ' .. • • • • ~V : ,.. ~~'.' . , I .. J eledridty takes .. ".' the basso part SO MANY members of the cost-of-living chorus are bitting high notes these day. that you may easily miss olle performer still rumbling along in the lower registers. The basso is electricity. It's price was low when war began-...uI bas sItIyed there. That's new" these ~ays. It's the product of sound ""siness management, plus the hard work of your friends and neighbors in this seU.supporting, taX·paying company. AmI ii's the promise oj plenlijul, /ow.priced el.ctriciJy to "In the modern mllNJI/s yo".11 Nfl. in YOllr home 41er Ihe ..,..,.. • 0 0 oHeuN.r-lW4u .... __ r. ..... briIIiaa< _cal Ibow.""" Ilearic:Hou.r.··withRobcrlAmlbnuca'.O'dt ..... 4:30p.aa..llW1"tWCAU • Philadelphia Electric Co.paa, 1.1 .... WIS1E BECliiCUt JIlT HCI .. IT. InunRal

    ---------- Page 22 ----------

    \ • THE SWARTHMOREAN , . FOOD·· VALUES Point-Free Foods Englis~ WALNUTS lb. 44c Ten-B-Low Jello Quince Jelly Lemon . J1lice Pt. Bot~ 29c Swift's PREM tin 32c . Jar23c Pkg.6c Jar2lc R&R Chicken Tin 75c Jar22c Jart22c J , .. J. : •. , NEWS NOTES . ,.. :. ./L' 1 week.end with relaUv08 In Budl ...... of Montclair. N. :1.. and their vlUe. Mol. daughter Edle a _lId.n~· at Buck- Mardy Crosby of Princeton av.... H.len Reed of North Bwarth· neU Unlverelty. nue arrived 'boine tzom. Tufts Col- more G,venue 1a entertaln.1Dg ber McCowan or Vaasar ave­lege Medford. 101...... on Friday Peggy Clark ot Bo.1Umora, nue enterto.lned the 8Ir1s from the night. December 23 for tL vacation Md., who 18 vlattlng here ,until New Sixth Grade ot the Rutgers avenue which lasted until Wednesday, the Year. Day.' . school at a. Chrlatma.a party at h." 27th. On Tuesday, Dec. 19. she was Kathre ,Downing of Riverview home on Friday. pledged to the Chi Omega 8oror.lty aV8QUe.bas as her guest tor their Sylvia Hand of' Scal1Jdale. N. Y •• at TuttB. vacation frOm December 16 to 1ari.. arrived Wednesday to .. pend & few Carol Maud Froebel of North uary 3. .charlotte M ...... llA!ld. a. daye with her grandmother Mn. W. Swarthmore avenue, home trom cl8.88l11ate a.t Vassar. who was un- 14. Foote of Ogden avenue and her ,. Holllns .college tor the hollda.ya, able to get home to San Francisco a.unt 1;drs. Cyr11 Gardner of Wall ... entertained Betsy Barclay of Rlv.. for the holldays. Over the New Ingford. . erton. ~. J., and college cla88Inates Year week .. end, Cha.rlotte will be David and Jane Reynolds •. twin Sue Richardson of Chestnut Hm, visited by Midshipman Jerry lrlur- ch11dren of· former 9warthmoreana and Margaret Fleming of Villa- ph)," ot Annapolis whose home .Is Mr .. and Mrs. Walter R~olds, of nova as dinner, and over-n.lgitt alsd in California,.. Glenrldge, N. J.t Borough as the agruee svttss iUofn cA Inrt hthuer guest. OIl Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. West ot Wal- Jones of Dickinson a.venue and Mr. and Mrs. A.. B. ReavIs of nut lane spent the Christmas week- johnny Pearson of Cornell avenue. University plaC;e are enjoying \.s end· with Mrs .... west'a. slater Mrs. F. Friday evening Arthur and Johnnie their· bouse guest tor a. few weeks R. Ward of Roselle Park, ~. J. will be hosts to the fifth grade to'r Mrs. Reavis' mother. Mrs. A. E. :Mr:and Mra. George·Plowman of dinner at the Jones home. David Thomas ot Washington, D. C. Harvard avenue wUI entertain at and Jane were members ot ,this Mr. and Mrs- Da.vld N. Hughes Open House on New Year's Ev.e. class ·before leaving swarthmore. of Columbia. and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Carpenter . Mr. and Mrs. PercY G. Gllbert of Mrs. Brinton Page were local and their daughter Shirley ot Wblt- Park avenue bad as their guest for guests at a family dlnner on Christ- tier place are spending the holldays Christmas dln~er Mrs. Ethel Wat­mas day at the home of Mrs. 'With relatives In Archbold, Ohio. erbury ot Swarthmore and the1r Hughes' dister and b th -1 -1 Mr. and Mrs. Charle~ G. Thatch- nephew, 'Ensign L. H. Wllcox ot D d ro er D aw, er ot Ogden avenue entert.a.1ned Pittsburgh. ~ an d Mrs. R. C. Mears of Bala- over the Christmas holidays the~r Mtlton Hobbs of Park avenue J4.w. y • Bon and. daughter-In-law Ur. and will spend the· N<YW Year's week­, r. ~Dd Mrs. David Jackson of Mrs. Edward Thatcher. of Ames. end with Jerry Vannoy of Marlton, Vassar avenue spent the ChrlBtmas Iowa. their son ·Mr. Albert Thatcher N. :1; . .. Corner Buy Stamps or a. Bond with yO.ur . ~ft money. PLEASE NOTE OUR JANUARY STORE HOURS Smithfield Spread Elderberry Jelly Harris Crabmeat Tin45c 1945 l'tION. TUti. JANUARY 1945 WED. I mtlRs. PBL SAT. - APPLE JUICE Grapefruit JUICE Qt.20c lb. Tin 29c i Monarch-Pumpkin Diced Carrots ' Pickled Beets Tin 19c Tin 16c Jar 15c Vienna SAUSAGE' Tin 13c . Chop Suey Vegetables Sweet Potatoes Peanut Butter FILET SHAD Tin 25c Baked BEANS Jar 12c Jar29c Tin 19c Jar 26c COCOA MARSH Jar25c TOP QUALITY MEATS MARTEL' SELF-SERVICE FOOD MARKET "Better Food for the Table" CLOSED. ALL DAY MONDAY SUN. Closed 2 ;! 4 5 6 9;30·6;30 9;30.5;30 !h30·5;30- _..9 ;3-0-·8- - -9-;30·.a.. .- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I 9;30·5;30 9;30·5;30 9;30·6;30 9;30·5;30 9;30·& 9;30·8 - 14 15 . , 16 17 18 . 19 20· 9;30·5;30 9;30·6;30 9;30·5;30'9:30·5:30 _.9 ;_30 .·_6 - -9-;3-0-·8- 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 !l:S[l·5;30 9;30·5;30 9;30·5;30 9;30.6;30 9;30·6 .9:30.8 --- 28"--29 30 31 iel;::~;S;30 9;30.5;30,9;30·5;30 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30 - 9 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. • This is to announce that we have just installed a new Hoffman Pressing ma­chine Model X ·which does excellent' work, beautiful cleaning and pressmg. We are in a position to gI• ve you daily. service in Pressing. W e a~e also able to press suits ·while you wait. • Just try it once.' You will be very much pleased. Costs no more than usual price. Harris & Co. , 11 Park Avenue Swarthmore' I