The Swarthmorean, 1933-03

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    First published as The Swarthmorean in 1929, this newspaper continues to the present day.

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    Editor (edt): Sharples, Robert E.
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    1933 MARCH.pdf
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    Copyright The Swarthmorean 2013


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    ·i';e.u~/.'-~t' 1933 IW&rt=QI"~ ,.. FIRE PREVENTION BENEFITS STRESSED • e WARTHMOREAN Editorial Comment VOL. V-NO.9 SWARTHMORE, PA., MARCH 3, 1933 $2.50 PER YEAR The absence of serious fires in Swarth­more during the past year is a real source of gratification to the members of the lo­cal fire company. Swarthmor·e School Budget Prospectus Calls F()r $30,000 Cut Our citizens are to be congratulated Be­cause of the attention they are giving to the subject of fire prevention. "GOING CROOKED" AT PLAYERS' CLUB .---------,!BOARD SAYS'TAX RATE DEPENDS H. &. S. Meeting ON OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME Let every householder make it his or her business to look after the heater fires the last thing before retiring. Give your heater special attention dur­ing cold periods to pn:vcnt overheating. The fifth production of the Players' season opens next Monday night, March 6, with Winchell Smith and William C<;>lIier's farce comedy, "Going Crooked", with Charles D. Mitchell di­recting 2nd acting. Players' audiences expect a great deal from Mr. Mitchell, both in production and performance. He has never disappointed them. He is especially good in the Collier come­dies, where the playwright throws the burden of entertainment on the actors. For the conllng play, Mr. Mitchell has surrounded himself with some of the best talent of the Club. The cast in the order of their appearance is: John Bartish, J. William Simmons; Leila Leigh, Helen K. \Varren; William Noyes, Dr. Georg~ P. Warren; Charles Burnham, Robert M. Stabler; Florence Osborne, Reba B. Mitchell; Joseph Drake, John R. Brownell; William Ward, Charles D. Mitchell; Frank Du­gan, Newton E.' Hoopman; Martin Meehan, E. Elmsl~y Pyle; George Flint, Frederic A. Child: Shirley Burnham, The March meeting of the Home and School Association will be held on Monday evening, March 6. Members of the school board will be present and the budget and tax rate for 1933-34 will be discussed. The first draft of the proposed budget of the Swarthmore School Dis­trict for 1933-34 was announced today and entails a saving of $30,000 as compared with the budget for the school year now drawing to a close. Do not put hot ashes in empty wooden boxes. In making public thc budget as agreed upon up to this point, Dr. Arthur E. Bassett, president of th~ Board, said: Keep all inflammable materials piled away from the furnace. Have one or two· buckets fiffed with water and con­veniently located in your cellar for an emergency. Keep surplus matches in tin cans and away from the reach of children. The meeting will be opened by the president of the Home and School Association, Dr. Frank E. Williams, who will introduce Dr. Arthur E. Bassett, president of the School Board. Dr. Bassett will discuss briefly just what the School BClard has in mind up to the pres­ent time and the meeting will then be turned over to Roland L. Eaton, vice president of the Board and chairman of the Finance Commit- "We are making these facts public so that the taxpayers of Swarth­more will know before coming to the Home and School meeting next l\Ionday evening, just what we are considering up to time. None of these figures are final and if the taxpayers believe that our re­ductions as given herewith are too drastic or not drastic enough, we want to hear from them. If you need the fire Company, call the Swarthmore Bell Telephone office telling the operator dearly and concisely the lo­cation of the fire by street and number. . The ooerator will do the res~. Keep automobiles out of traffic while fire apparatus is getting away from the fire house. , tee. "We feel that the departmental cuts that we have already tentatively agreed upon may be made without breaking down the educational offer­ings of our Swarthmore schools. If we are to cut deeper, we will have to eliminate departments of instruction which will have a. direct bearing on what is being offered the children of Swarthmore at the present time." Mr. Eaton after describing the needs of the school district will di­reet an open discussion on school problems as relating to the budget for the coming year. I The budget for the present year was $176,880.92 while the board's plans up to the present date call for a budget of $146,984.05 for 1933-34: Advise your children to keep away from. the fire house while apparatus is coming out. I . The saving has been brought about ! DR BILUKOPF TO T largely by the Board's decision. to re- • ducethe wages of all teachers and em- SPEAK AT FORUM ployees. This item will amount to a sav­A long, pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether, wiII keep our fire hazards at a minil1;lum and will rebound to the credit of our fire fighters. CRAEMER APPOINTED Mary P. Plowman. LEGION AUXIUARY BENEFIT BRIDGE The American Legion Auxiliary card party which will be given March 15th at the Strath Haven Inn is for the benefit of local welfare work. The auxiliary has been furnishing milk for a number of families all winter. Two families have been almost entirely sup­ported by the work of this organization. Dr. Jacob BiIlikopf, head of the Unit­ed Jewish Charities of Philadelphia, is to deliver a lecture on Unemployment Insurance and the Shorter Working Day before the Forum at the Meeting House, College, Campus, Monday even­ing, March 6th, at eight o'clock. As one of America's greatest authorities on social work Dr. Billikopf has of late been called repeatedly to Harrisburg and Washington to give testimony on the gigantic problem of relief now fac-ing the country. A cordial invitation WORLD DAY OF to attend his lecture of March 6th is PRAYER TODAlY. extended by the Forum to all citizens Following out the definite plan of the Players to introduce new: material, Mr. Mitchell will have two new Players in his cast. Mary P. Plowman and Newton E. Hoopman will make their bow as Players next Monday night. Miss Plowman, in her role of the flashy accomplice, gives ample indications of real ability. Mr. Hoopman has had wide experience and, it is expected, will present an up-to-date dctective con­vincingly. Thel'e are only three women in the cast, but three who will insure an excellent entertainment. Reba B. Friday, March 3rd, will be observed or Swarthmore and vicinity who may be interested. William Craemer of Harvard and Hav­erford avenues, has been appointed chair­man of a committee representing the Delaware County Chamber of Com­merce, to make a survey of the school system of the City of Chester and cooper­ate with that body in working out prob­l~ ms of lfchool .finances particularly as t.hey related to the school tax rate for 1933-34. Mr. Craemer also served along with Harry L. Miller and Leonard As~­ton on the Chamber of Commerce com­mittee which recommended to the County Commissioners a cut in county expenses of $300,000. MitcheIl, who has a special niche in the throughout the world as a Day of hearts of Players' audiences; Helen K. Prayer. In Swarthmore there wiII be FOREIGN CONSULS AT Warren. who has done excellent. work a series of !:lerv;;'r.; and Mertin,,!! at WQ~AN'S CLUB PROGRAM nG- ~.==-~=. in a number of Mr. Mitchell's produc- Trinity Episcopal Church. SAW PUZZLES tions and has been missed the past few At 2 :30 p. m. there wiII be a Service Tuesday wiII be another one of the WIN APPROVAL seasons, and Miss Plowman. for women, arranged by the local In- enjoyable luncheons at the Woman's ,. The Swarthmorean's Jig-Saw Puzzle J. William Simmons has worked with terdenominational Committee, of which Clubho'use. The House Committee, Contest got away to an excellent start Mr. Mitchell as assir.tant director and Mrs. A. R. O. Regrave is Chairman, headed by Mrs. Harold Griffin, will last week and score of people called at will support him 011 the stage as John and Mrs. Frank N. Smith, Secretary. have charge, with Mrs. Benjamin Col-the office in an effort to secure one oi Bartish. Mr. Simmons was seen early Mrs. J. Burris West, president of the. lins directing the dining room. "A Good the puzzles offered in return for three in the season in "The Thirtecnth Chair." Junior \Voman's Auxiliary of Trinity Will Luncheon"· this is called and the receipts from local stores. Rumors have leaked out from re- Church will conduct the Service assist- following will be guests: The Hon. Arno Last week's puzzle was a photograph hearsals that Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and ed by representatives of the other P. Mowitz, Consul of Germany and of the walk across the College Campus Mr. Simmons have evolved some espe- Churches. Among those who will take Mrs. Mowitz, Commander Pio Mar­up to Parri~h Hall. This week's puzzles .ciaUy interesting sceni~ effects. Mr. part are Mrs, Bundick, Mrs. L. Fussell, gotti, Royal Consul General of Italy, for' the winners are entitled:· "Willows Mitchell and his cast have been work- Mrs. Harold Goodwin, Mrs. L. E. The Hon. H. H. Pakradooni, Consul hy Emmons Pool," "A Corner of ing hard for the past several weeks for I Kauffman, Mrs. Charles Leech, Mrs. from Persia, and Mrs. Pakraddoni, The Worth," and "Clothier Memorial the opening next Monday night, when James P. ?-.lcNaughton, Mrs. Maddox, Hon. Camilo Camara, vice consul of Tower." Players and their guests are assured a Miss M. E. Parker, Miss Gladys Quin- Portugal and Mrs. Camara; Mr. and The puzzles which are made of bass finished performance surpassing any- lan, Mrs. E. Ramsey, Mrs. J. B. Rox- Mrs. Octavius Narberth, representing wood with all pieces interlocking, con- thing Mr. Mitchell has produced i.n the by, :Mrs. Lloyd P. Stevens, Mrs. Slly-1 Great Britain. sist of local scenes. past: successf.ul ~.s were. those other der and ~{~s. P~lIl D. \yiI.liams. ~he progra~ will be under the Inter- Three of them are given out to the Collier comedIes. The DIctator," "The The MlIlIsters ASSOCIatIon of Ches- I natIOnal Relations Committee, Mrs. Ed­first three persons who bring to The Hottentot," and "Nothing but the I ter and Vicinity wiII hold its monthly ward A. Jenkins, chairman, and will Swarthmorean office after 9 o'clock Truth." meeting at 4:00 p. m. and will be the consist of music and talks by our Saturday morning, a receipt dated to- guests of the Church at Supper. guests. day or later from three different stores, Id V At 8:00 p. m. there will be a Com- The hostesses for the afternoon will whose advertisements appear in this a irginia Sheldrake lI1u!lity Service to which everyone is be Mrs. E. H. Bonsall, Jr., Mrs. Arthur week's issue of The Swarthmorean. Ida VirgiJ.lia Sheldrake, aged 53, died cordially invited. Assisting the rector E. Bye, Mrs. \-Varren M. Foote and Jt js not necessary that articles ad- at her home on Baltimore pike and of the Church wiII be Dr. W .T. Hull, Mrs. Arthur W. Kent. vertised this week be purchased but Chester road 011 Tuesda . The Rev. Lloyd P. Stevens, The Rev. Reservations must be made not later t Il e t II ree receI. pts must b e f or pur- The funeral services wiYll mbeo nhlellndg f. rom D r. T utt Ie , t h e RevA. :T . W·Il k·I e, and than Saturday, March 4~h, to Mrs. Wm. chases made on March 3 or later. the home today at two o'clock. The, The Rev. Dr. E. Morns Fergusson. H. West, 307 N. Prmceton avenue. \Vinllers of last week's puzzles were RE:Verend Lloyd Stevens, of the Meth- Telephone 508J. Miss Emily Fine, 128 Park avenue, odist Episcopal Church in Swarthmore, SHOW NETS FUNDS ............... """"=-..... Mrs. Charles DeHart Brower, 140 d I an t Ie Reverend William Robinson of FOR BUYING SHOES Guernsey road, and Mrs. Helen M. 1.f d' '11 ' l\ e la, WI conduct the services. Inter- Hall, 323 Park avenue. ment will be at Arlington Cemetery. • She is survived by five children: Mrs. Pendle HIll Speaker A. W. Anderson, of Starke, Florida; • • , T • I Mrs. A. Richardson, of Swarthmore; Ra\>blMarvlll NaJhan of Phdadel- Mrs. John Mullin of Gard C·t.?vI phia wiII speak at Pendle Hill Monday A. Gregory who'made h::1 h~ y, .~~ ~vening. Rabbi Nathal~ has been mak- her mother: and Howard Sheld~:k~lof mg a study of the attitude toward re- Maryland. Iigion of -} ewish college students, and wiII give an informal talk on his find­ings. The public is' cordially invited to these Monday evening meetings at Pendle Hill, Plush Mill Road, Wallingford. Card Party in Lounge Arrangements are being made for an­other car~ party. to . be given at the Woman's Club House on Tuesday af­ternoon, March 21st, in the Lounge. Mrs. H. A. Piersol is the chairman of the committee and the receipts ,will be used for furnishing the Lounge. Junior·~sembly The hosts and hostesses fQr. the Junior Dancing class tomorrow evening will be . Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Julius E. Underwood, Mr./and Mrs. Horace W. Avery, Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Doug1as S'in­claire, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sanford and Mrs. Helen lIall. Miss Bronk Speaks At the meeting of the Cercle Francais held with ~[rs. Kovalcnko on Thurs-day en'ning of last week, ~I i,;s Isahelle Bronk rcad a paper upon "Les FiIles de Louis Quinze". This fifteenth Louis of Frznce had eight daughters by his union with Ma­rie Leczinoka, only one of whom was ever married and only two of whom lived to see the downfall of the mon­archy. Largely because of their moth­er's pious influence, they w~re protect­ed from the corrullt influenc€s ·,of ·their father's court. But their maintenance was on so extravagant a scale, ~hat they may be regarded as one of \he con­tributory causes of Ole French Revo­lution. The eighteenth century picture gal­leries at Versailles overflow with be2U­tiful portraits of these prIncesses, done by Nattier. . On last Wednesday the following chil­dren gave a show at the home of Mrs. Neil Currie, North Chester road.: Neil Currie, 'Joe Koch, Norman Hughes, Bill Spencer, Gunther Frobel, Betty Jane Shoule and Jane Duff. The twelve dollars and fifty cents earn­ed was donated to the shoe fund of the community Welfare. Visit Harrisburg Mrs. William Earle Kistler and Mrs. George Zimmer represented the Swarth­more Woman's Club at Harrisburg on Tuesday. The Legislative and Citizen­ship departments of the Woman's Clubs of Delaware county had arranged for the day and the women visited sessions <if both the Senate and the ouse of Repre­sentati ves. Library Board Change .1 Claude C. Smith and J ~n E. Gensemer were named as representatives of bor­ough council on the board of the Swarth­more Pub 1 i c Library at the last meeting of council. Mr. G ens e mer replaces Roland L. Eaton who is now president of the Library Board and feels that he should not attempt to represent council also. Tells of Vikings The illustrated talk "On the Trail of the Viking" given at the Woman's Club Monday night was most interest­ing. Mr. Frank Connors, who is from the Geography department of the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania, retraced the steps of the Vikings from Norway to Iceland and gave some unusually clever pictures. One of the most unusual showed how they pipe the hot water from their natural geyers into the the houses and use it for heating pur­poses as well as to do the family laun­dry. Another unusual slidc was onc showing one of the old ships llsed by the chieftains when they realized their time had come to die and went aboard taking some of their belongings with them and floated out to sea. One has been brought up from the bottom of a river and is in their museum. Music Section Mrs. Robert Chester Spencer, chair­man of the Music Section of the Wo­man's Club announces the next meet­ing of the, section for Monday, March 13th, at the home of Mrs. Louis Cole Emmons, Riverview road. Also a meet­ing of the chorus for Monday after­noon at two-thirty at the club house to rehearse for the meeting. ing of $12,175.00 in the Department of Instruction. In the Department of Debt Service another saving of $10,000 is made by the fact that there are no short term loans to be paid oF. next year as there were during the past year. The balance of the $30,000 is made up by small savings in every department. Although ready to talk about next year's expenditure, the board refuses to make even a conjecture as to the new tax rate. The tax rate for 1932-33 was 25 mills which was reduced from 26 mills the preceding year and 'Zl mills the year before that. Delay in announcing the tax rate for 1933-34 is due to the fact that there is no way to determine two of the dis­trict's chief sources of income aside from local taxes. The most important of these two income sources is the S~<tltl· aPlil upriaticJiJ whil:h la~i. y~ar' amounted to $22,828.77. The second is tuition. The state budget submitted to the General Assembly by Governor Pine hot if adopted entails reductions which in the department of Education appro­priation would be passed on to Swarth­more in a cut of 15 or 20 per cent of the $22,828.77 received during the past year. Furthermore the school districts all over the state face the possibility of the adoption of the new school code, which would reduce the Swarthmore's appropriation by 65 or 70 percent. The other source of income, tuition, is expected to be about the same for 1933-34 as it was during the past year, or about $17,500. However, should the new school code be adopted, the item of tuition income would be wiped out entirely. While the school board refuses to make' any statement whatsoever as to the tax rate for 1933, the following de­ductions may be unofficially made upon the basis of the preceding facts: 1. Providing the $30,000 reduction in expenses O\'er last year· is allowed to stand and the appropriation frum the state maintained on the same basis as for the present year, a tax cut of six mills from last year's 25 mill rate would be possible. However such a deep cut would require the board to operate on a very narrow margin, with not a great deal of allowance for tax delinquencies, and no allowance for emergencies. (Continued on Paue Four) H. S. ALUMM TO PLAY MONDAY Swarthmore High School alumni play: ed the Swarthmore Old Timers last Monday night winning by a 27 to 23 score. Ziegenfus for the Old Timers w~s the outstanding star of the game WIth a total of 14 points. Saturday, March 11, Swarthmore plays a return game with Ridley Pat'k Royals on the latter's floor. Swarthmore won the first game 27 to 24. Wynnefield of the Main Line Church league plays here Monday night, March 6 on the Prep floor.: Return to Swarthmore Mr.-and Mrs. Clark Davis, who hav~ . been living in Binnington, Ala., have re-.' turned to their home on Strath Haven' avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid who have been Occupying the Davis home have moved to the Miller home on Cor~ nell avenue. Mrs. Oscar M: Miller, of 218 Cornell avenue, with her son and, daughter, • have moved into the Swarth­more Apartments.

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    Bassett, Mrs. A. S. Wickham, Mrs. Ar· thur R. Dana, Mrs. Herschel G. Smith, Mrs. Joseph S. Bates, Mrs. George Schobinger and Mrs. E. P. Yerkes. Af­ter luncheon the afternoon was spent in doing Red Cross sewing •. ' THE SWARTHMOREAN , '. - • - r. r, .. ' 'I ..... '.. .. • .-.. I., .. '. .. .. MARCH 3, 19~3 aaw grandeur of Gothic architecture to Trinity NOII!II p~ NolI!II present day req'Uire:nents. He and his Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told, of Park avenue arc entertaining Mr. Told's sis· tel', Mrs. C. A. Chase, of Houston, Texas, for a few days. Mrs. Told is entertaining at tea this afternoon in honor of Mrs. Chase. • • • Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of Park avenue spent last week·end visit­ing friends at Northfield, New Jersey. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Seltzer of Moylan will entertain before the "In­augural Ball" in Rose Valley tomor­partners are directly responsible for Included in the _Lenten Schedule of Dr. Tuttle begins Sunday morning a the designing of many of the finest Meetings and Services will be an in.. series of lenten sermons on The Spirit churches and college buildings in the of Jesus. The subject Sunday will be, country. and indirectly, through their formal Discussion Group on Friday The Consecration of Jesus. The purpose influence. hundreds of edifices in the evenings at 8:00 p. m. which will meet Gothic style among which may be men- of this series is to attempt to ascer-tioned the Clothier Memorial. in the Parish House. Those present will tain from tbe spirit of Jesu. just what L-diDI' Gothiciot of Todo.J'. be given an opportunity to ask any Christianity is. Many persons today arc taking the questions concerning religion in general The Senior High School Chorus of side. of sho -canf ed mI' ode.r n arcThhit ecture, and Christianity in particular. There forty-five vo,'ces, M,"ss Van de Bogart, agamst t at 0 ear ler tJmes. e ques- director, will sing the service at .Ves-• •• tion raised in this connection is one will also be, each week, time given Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse, of Elm avenue entertained at bridge last Friday evening. row evening. • •• wh,'ch ,'s a concern of all persons who pers Sunday, 4:45 p. m. Dr. Tuttle have to do with the construction of for the frank discussion of the teachings w,'1 1 opea k on th e HJ' gh CalL important buildings today. In a few of Jesus as applicable to personal and The Every Member C~nvass of the • • • Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Eaton and family of Dickinson avenue will drive to Washington, D. C. tomorrow to attend the inauguration. Mrs. Harry L. Miller of 'I'hayer road entertained her bridge club at lun· weeks Swarthmore will be privileged to world problems of the present day. congregation for pledges for the sup-hear the distinguished architect Frank On Wednesdays there will be a cele- port of the church and 'of its missionary Lloyd Wright, chief proponent of the . and benevolent work will be made on modern school in America. Professor bration of the Holy Communion at • •• eheon on Wednesday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. William Hanny of Yale avenue, entertained at supper Sun­day evening. ~lrs. William D. Wermouth of Dart­mouth avenue entertained at luncheon and bridge today. Mrs. Wermouth will give a second party next Thursday. • • • Cram is easily first among the Gothic- 10:00 a. m. followed by the All-day Sunday afternoon, March 12th. A din­ists. An unusual opportunity is thus ner will be held for the canvassers next offered to all who are interested in Sewing Class. All women are invited. Wednesday evening at the church. The architecture to gain first hand knowl- There will be a special meeting of object of the dinner is to inform the edge of the present day trends in this the Men's Club, at the Rectory, on men concerning their duties and' to field. 1'hursday evening, March 9th, at 8:00 arouse the spirit of enthusiasm in this • •• • r • o'clock. large undertaking. Mr. and Mrs. Dcan H. Parker of North PrincetoQ. avenue entertained at dinner Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ogden of Hillborn avenue left last Thursday for Tampa, Florida. Mr. Ogden is at the training camp for Cincinnati Reds. M.ACT. BVOEYSDP,EORR SGE~RSV1I~C ES ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26 • •• Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Smith of Kenyon avenue entertained at dinner before the Series Dance last Saturday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Meschter, Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Eaton and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jen- • •• Mrs. Herold G. Griffin, of Rutgers avenue entertained at luncheon and bridge on Wednesday. • • • Mrs. Mamie Prescott, for many years a resident of Swarthmore, now of Bay Shore, Long Island, is a guest of Mrs. Eastlake at the Harvard this A fairly large and appreciative audi· ence attended the concert of Mr. Morri­son C. Boyd, organist, at Vespers Sun· day, February 26. Mr. Boyd is an ex­tremely versatile artist, handling the deli­cafe notes as cleverly and unfalteringly as the heavier ones. His program was as follows: I WHAT WOULD You Do? nings. • • • March .•...•••••••..••••••.... Rossini Mrs. Joseph S. Bates, of Haverford avenue is spending this week in Bridge­port, Conn. visiting her parents. week-end. • •• Mrs. Phelps Soule of North Chester road left yesterday for Charlestown, South Carolina for a three weeks" visit. Variations on Tchaikowsky's "Legend' "Christ when a child" ...•... • Arensky Prelude on a Hymn Tune ... . M. C. Boyd Prelude on a Theme by Tallis ...• • Darke Concert Toccata ............... D'Bvry Should illness or accident prevent you from earning an income, what Mr. and Mrs. EdSall P. Young of would· you do? Dickinson avenue will entertain at bridge tomorrow evening. • •• II Fantasy on a Chdstmas Carol de fa Tombel/e Scherzetto ...•.......•••••..... Vierne "My Jesus, what dread agony" ••..• Bach Slow Movement from Fantasia in G. Bach Overture, 'Phedret •••••••••••• Massinel In Swarthmore many successful men have already qualified for an • •• Mrs. A. S. Wickham of North Ches­ter R02d and ~{rs. Arthur R. Dana of Elm avenue, entertained at a progres­sive luncheon yesterday. This party was one of the series of vanishing parties being given for the benefit of the gir1 scouts' district house. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Israel of Princeton and College avenues will leave Tuesday on the maiden trip of "The Queen of Bermuda." • •• The Rose Valley Folk will give an "Inaugural Ball" tomorrow night at the Old Mill. LibbJ' Next SnndaJ' Frederick J. Libby, executive secretary for the National Council for Prevention . or- War, will speak in Vespers Sunday evening, March 5. Mr. Libby bas had world· wide contacts with problems in in­ternational relations. He studied in Ber­lin, Heidelbcfg. ~arburg, and. Oxford, and traveled lD Chma and Australia. He was associated with the Society of Friends in reconstruction and 'relies: work in France after the War. In his office in Washington, D. C. he bas kept in close touch with national and international af­fairs. His subj ect for next Sunday will bet "Do Pacifists Need a Formal Dis­cipline?" Everyone is urged to attend. He wiU also address the MomingJ!'orum of Friends which meets in Whittier House at 9 :30. • mcome guarantee. • •• Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Froebel, of Swarthmore avenue, wiIJ attend the in­augural ceremonies tomorrow. • • • Mr. llnd Mrs. F. Norton Landon, of Benjamin West avenue, will entertain their bridge club tomorrow evening. • • • Mr. and Mrs. F. Don Price of Yale avenue entertained informalty before the Series dance last Saturday. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. George Plow­man and Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sharples. _. * * Mrs. George T. Ashton, of Cedar lane was the gqest of Miss Mary Strickler at two opera performances at the J uilliard School of Music, New York, lesst week. Miss' Strickler, a former pu­pil of Mrs. Ashton is having her third year's scholarship in piano. * .•• Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney of Rut­gers avenue spent last week-cnd in New York City. • •• The Poet's circle met with Mrs. Carl H. Chaffee, of Stanwood last Thursdav afternoon. - * •• Mrs. Lovett Frescoln, of Harvard avenue, entertained at bridgc last Thursday afternoon. • • • The Reverend Carey M. Young and Mrs. Young have rcnted the residence at 117 Yale avenue. Mr. Young is con­nected with the Presbyterian Board of Publications. • • • Mrs. C. F. Noyes of Harvard avenue entertained at lunc~eon Wednesday when her guests were Mrs. Edward M. DR. DAVID LINCOFF lI5 So. Olive St. MEDIA Eye Sight Specialist Reasonable Prices PETER E. TOLD ALL LINES OF INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE OLD BANK BUILDING SW. 183) M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME M West u.JlImoie Ave. . CLIFTON HIUGHTS • • • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of Haverford avenue entertained at a buffet supper before the series dance last Saturday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Chaffee, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Argyle, Mr. ond Mrs. Wal­lace M. McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam Faison, Mr. and Mrs. John Mat­tox, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. RandaH and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Harper, of Riverton, New Jersey, will be the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fricke this week-end. Miss Anne Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Warren of Walnut lane, is a member of the varsity basket­ball team of George School. Mrs. D. W. Abercrombie of Worces­ter, Mass., was the guest of Miss Isa­belle Bronk 011 Monday and Tuesday of this week. Miss Dorothy Reinhold of Spring­field entertained at a birthday party last night at Pierre's. Mrs. William A. J aquelle of Elm avcnue spent two days in Harrisburg last week. I I • The American Legion Auxiliary will, meet with Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett, of North Chester road next Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elric S. Sproat of Og­den avenu-e will entertain a bridge club I to which they belong this eVf'ning. I ISSUED BY Massachusetts Accident Company BOSTON. MASS. America's Oldest ACcident and Health Company Swarthmore Representatives PETER E. TOLD SWB,l833 W, R. TALBOT Sws.680 FREE DELIVERY SW ARTH.· 761.762 MARTEL BROS. Mrs. Roy C. Comley of Swarthmore avenue will entertain the Monday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bridge club at luncheon lIext Monday. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THEIR FINEST "Quality With Economy" Mr. and Mrs. James H. Thomas of Vassar avenue, entertained informally F h before the Series dance on Sat\1rday re S evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cole Emmons of Riverview Farms and their son Cole, left today, to attend the Inaugura­tion in Washington. Judge W. Roger Fronefield will accompany them as Meat Department their guest. YOft can now buy th~ finest quality fre~l' meats, at the mOBt reasonable prices. With no extra cost of rent,ldellvery and other ml.8cellaneofts expentles it is possible to give YOft the Mrs. Paul K. Alger and Mrs. Robert best fresh meats possible, at no increase of cost to YOft. ' . E. Sharples will cntcrtai"n at tca at the home of Mrs. Alger next Thursday in honor of Mrs. Richmond D. Fether-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ olf, who has recently moved to Swarth- LOOK WHAT WE OFFER YOU THIS WEEK! LEGS OF LAMB BEST QUALITY more. Mr. Roland L. Eaton of Dickinson avenue gave a stag bridge last \Ved. nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar F. Adams, of Borough lane cntertained be'fore the series dance last Saturday. Mrs. E. G. Coppage of Church Hill, Maryland, is the guest of her sister M nt William S. Biitle, of Rutger; avenue. • • RALPH CRAM TO SPEAK AT COOPER FOUNDATION • lb. ~ge FINE BACON Voct's-Habbersett's • lb. ~90 PURE LARD Vogr's Finest • lb. print so RIB ROAST MARTEL'S PRIME • lb. z~o --------------=-=:-=:--~===-~------------~=--- STEWING CHICK.ENS FANCY • lb. z~o (Averace 3~ to 41 .... ) Ralph Adams Cram, head of the ar­chitec~ ural firm ot Cram and Ferguson, one hme professor at the Massachu­setts Institute of Technology and a pturroelifiocn Warrcith~rt °tn his sUFbj~dct, ;'m I~c- Fresh Ground Hamburg . " . . " . lb. 18e Pork Cutlets Ib 21e . ' ec ur" on n ay evenmg (G d f . '. • at 8:30 m the Meetmg House. The talk roan rom fresh beef) C Sa will be given under the auspices of the Lean Bolar Roast. . . . . . . . . . .. .Ib. 20c ountry usage . lb. 18e COpopefr Founcdation'h Lean Pot Roast .. " " .... " .. " . lb. 16c HabberseU's Scrapple 2 Ibs 20c ro essor· r~m as designed many " . . . . . . . •. of the most Important institutional "!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~ buildings. in the country, 110tably at - West Pomt, and is architect of the ~ you taking adva~tage. o.f tbe many savings offered in our mid.week and week-end cathedral of SI. John the Divine in 8---lals U yo t th· I Jar) I I New.York, third largest building of the r--.· U are DO receiVing esc cu-eu an regn y p ease et US knoW. sort m the world. His chief interest has Kindly have your orders complete when given over the phone to eliminate n DDMeS3ary always been to adopt the beauty "and deliveries and more prompt delivery to .you. .'. THE SWARTHMOREAN 3 , a.@ iii .. Git a M, riM 'w·;;p .• " iM Mrs. H. A. Peirsol represented the Swarthmore ,Woman's Club at the Primos-Secane reciprocity luncheon and bridge held at the Media Inn on Tuesday. Mrs. Donald Crossett of Ridley Park entertained the Tri Delta alumnae club at ber home last ~riday evening. General and Mr •. Frank K. Hyatt oj P. M. C., Mr. and !\Irs. Robert E. Carels of Riverview road and Mr. and Mrs. Corse, Mr. and Mrs. Alban Evanson and 'to Delaware County and will be located Mr. and Mrs. William Bullock. at:· Mrs. Wayne Randall of Riverview Chester-City Hall, Monday and road entertained a luncheon contract club Tuesday, March 6-7, 13-14, 20-21, 27-28. of which she is a member on Tuesday. Media-Court House, Wednesday and Mr. Bayard. Morrison, of Harvard Thursday, ~farch 8-9, 15-16,22-23,29-30. avenue, entertaIned a group of men at Upper Darby Borough Hall, Friday, contract on Tuesday evening. I March 10, 17. 24, 31. ~~det Hulbert Douglas, of t!,e U. S.: The Department' Agent. are being MIlitary Academy, at West POlDt, spent I' sent out to aid the taxpayer. 'rhey the week-end wjth his parents. Mr. and have been properly instructed in the ~rs. James Bacon Douglas, of North rules of the Department for filing re- Chester road. I turns. They will accept returns and I • I payment of tax. They are also em- GROUP OF WRITERS - . powered to take affidavits 011 returns • AT JI. S. ORG~ZE without cost to the taxpayer. James Dunlap of Philadelphia will a'!:- An exclusive group of students, ad-tend tlJe Inauguration tomorrow. judged the finest writers of Swarthmore The Department has mailed returns direct to many taxpayers, but the non· receipt of a return form from the De­partment is no excuse for failure to file a return and llay the tax. Forms may be obtained from the Del)artment ~t Harrisburg, or its District Office in Philadelphia. The Agent assigned to your County will also havc a limited supply of forms. Mr. and Mrs. George A.' Earnshaw and High, have formed a club under the di­their two children, of Swarthmore, who rcetion of- Miss Kirk. The members ha\'e been spending several months in meet weekly to read and discuss their California, are at their home for a brief writings, which are varied and exceed­stay, and will leave shortly for Florida, ingly interesting. where they will spend several weeks. Some of the writers, who were selected • • llrs. M,ichacl Kovalenko, of Swarth- as members by Miss Kirk because of more avenue, left Monday for Bingham. their skill in manipulating the pen, spe­ton, N. Y., where she wiU sllcnd a week. cialize in poetry, sublime and otherwise, while the less emotional memhers create I In Animate() Magazine Dr. Arthur Jones, of Dickinson avenue, most excellent description and narration. .., _. __ _ is in Minneapolis, Minn., attending the Of course the majority of the works are' \VIIham r. Elhs, of Walnut lane, was meeting of the National Education As- not masterpieces, but several writings one of !he well-~Ilown men W?O ap­sodation. thus far have been accorded an astound. pcared 111 the Ammated MagazlIle rc- Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Green, of ing quantity of praise. cently n Rollin's College, at Winter South Chester road, are entertaining their The budding authors convene at noon Park, Fla. This Animated Magazine, ~randdaughter, Ann Broomall while her Mondays in the Conference Room, the which is an annual event at Rollin's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Broomall, young ladies occupying chairs and the presents in person eminent melt who 4th, are in Pinehurst, N. C. Mrs. Broorn- gentlemen either reclining on the floor or are in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. all will be remembered as Miss Florence leaning against the walls. One member Vincent Pownall, of Ogden avenue, who Green: reads while the rest laugh, smile. groan or returned to Swarthmore 011 Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Fischer and their sob, depending upon the type of tale. As were present on this interesting occa. children, Jean and Billy, of Dickinson yet, no discussions of the technical merits sion. avenue, Swarthmore, were dinner guests of the writings have been held, but are ••• of Mr. and Mrs. Donato Colafemina, of proposed. SENIORS TO PRESENT in an ancient costume, but stin essentially engillel'rs would presumably take over himself. He attempts to -adapt himself to production and run it 011 a plan of me­the different life, but hardly succeeds. Several of his ancestors figure jn the chan:cal efficiency. story, giving the drama a decidedly mys- ================~_=__ terious tOll<:h. LEGAL NOTICE The following Seniors make up the I Uu<l!m:m's QUality lllll'kel has I)ul'chased cast: Dorothy Meyers, Edward Vlachos, UIl' IiIOt'k awl flxtUI"Cli uf COIIW8¥'S PUI"C Food Mary Morgan, Ruth Trostel, John, Sian'. 14. Park An' .. Swarthmore, Brownell, Sally Broomall, Leroy Wilson'l ARTHUR BAC]{lo[AN. Caroline Faries, Ben Keller, Libby Main. I ~~;;;;~~~~~~;;~~;;;;~ James Powell, Betty Beddoe, Elizabt.1h I Stavers, Herbert Michener, Jack Behen- FIRE WOOD I lIa. Under the direction of l\.liss Kirk, who usually coaches Senior productions, I the cast has been at work for several Colafemina Vineyard weeks. . • • Delivered in Basement $12.00 per Cord Phone: Media 646 R 1 Talk on Technocracy ~;;;;~~~~~~~~~;;;;~ \Valter Coppock gave an outline of ~ Tccl1110cracy as advanced hy the grOl1l) headed by Harold Scott at the Monday c\'ening ForulIl at \Vhittier House. Mr. Coppock said that he did IIOt see ho\v the proposals by this group could be put into effect without a dictatorship of engincers. He gave as the. founda­tion 011 which 'fechnocracy is hui1t "The decrease of nine hours p..!r unit I of production." lir. Coppock thinks the conclusion of Technocracy sound in spite of the errors found in the data hy critics. He WASIIINGTON Thcalrc--Chcsler Saturda,.~ Monduy~ 'fuesday Zasu Pills-Slinl Summerville "THEY JlJST HAD TO GET MA.RRIED" Wednesday, ThuMlduy, }~rilh.y IIARBARA STANWYCK in "BITTER TEA. OF GENERAL YEN" thinks that the founders of the movc~ Conlinuous Dail,. From Noon ment made a mistake in publishing their ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ conclusions before the data had been carefully compiled. ! THEATRE TICKETS FREE Lim., Sunday. Mr. Colafemina returned • , • "BERKELEY SQUARE" on Saturday from Glenn's Falls, N. Y., "THE EASY MARK" -;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ where he appeared in concert Friday eve" NEXT PLAYHOUSE SHOW The Senior class will ·present "Berke- Ii ning. - ley Square" in the High School auditor- He admitted that while Technocrats I had predicted the break dow II of the I present social and economic system they have advanced no program to bridge the gap betwec:n this breakdown and the time when the dictatorship of To acquainl Ollr palmns wilh Ihe Playhouse we ha'ie arranged with the Playhollse Munagement to furnish one Ticket Free to each person Of­dering our Theatre·Dinner Special Served daily from 12 noon to 8 P.M. Mr. ,and Mrs. Paul Brown, of Walnut "The Easy :!\(ark", the gold mine of ium on the evening of March to. The lane, entertained at dinner last Friday laughter in - which Walter Huston committee ·in charge of selecting the play evening when their guests were: Mr. and starred for a solid season at the Thirty- chose "Berkeley Square" after they had .Mrs. Milton "Fussell, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ninth Street Theatre, New' York, will eliminated an the possible plays except Ham W. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. George be 1Iext week's offering of 'fhe PlaY-I the scheduled play, "Little Minister"\land The Senior Class of the Swarthmore High School present BERKELEY SQUARE March 10 at 8:15 o'clock .' '.,\;:. '." .. High School Auditorium All Seats Reserved SSc Malinee Daily Today (Friday) and Saturday LEE TRACY in "The Half Naked 'Truth" with Lupe Velez Eugeue Pallette Sp'ecial Kiddie Matinee Saturday at 1 :30 Extra! Western Feature "RIDE 'EM COWBOY" Mickey l\louse Cartoon IOe-AlI Children-lOe ,..... ,'. Monday.Tuesday RO~D COLMAN KAY FRANCIS "CYNARA" Wednesday "The Match King" with WARREN WILUAM Thursday, Friday, Saturday EDDIE CANTOR in "The Kid From Spain" , Comingl "MAEDCHEN IN UNIF, ORM" house Professionals at the Playhouse "Romantic Age." The latter plays were Theatre, 69th Street. not selected because of their limited casts. I "The Easy Mark" is a comedy of The action of the play is unique in that life in the middle west. It deals with it tak~s place both in modern times af!d !n every uay small tOWIO folks, their for- the Eighteenth Century. The story 15 m tunes and misfortunes, joys and sorrows. London, where a young American archi­Jack Larris, the author, was for several teet inherits an old house. in which his years !:olll1ected with newspapers in ancestors lived for generations and takes that area. He knows the life he depicts up his residence there. He discovers ~hat so humanly and so humorous1y, and he can walk back. and f?rth throu~h tIme, sticks close to the facts. that he can step mto hiS ancestor s shoes "Tile Easy Mark" abo411ds in excel-. and live as a man lived in. the Eighteenth lent co~cjy situations." some of them Century. He accePts. tillS challe.nge of furnished by Charles Hatfield, the lead- adventure; and finds hliJ~se1f entering the illg citizen of the town and Sam's rival old drawmg room of hiS house, dressed for Mary's heart. There is also old .~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~ Amos, a veterinary thrown out of busi- r ness by Henry Ford's £livers, and then there are the two crooks who seek to relieve Sam of his small pile. The cast for "The Easy Mark" in· eludes Helen Travers. Eileen Coyne, J'I Barney Sherry, Virginia Curley. Cledge Roberts, Bert Griscom, Arthur Beh~ rens, Douglas McLean, Sidney Riggs and Ross Mershon. • I • SALES TAX MUST BE PAID BY APRIL 1 \-Vith the Emergency Relief Sales Tax expiring February 28th, the De­partment of Revenue will make every effort possible to assist taxpayers in filling out return reports and paying the tax. The tax must be paid not later th;:'11 April 1st. For the accommodation of taxpayers, a Department Agent has been assigned STANLEY THEATRE CHESTER Friday, Satftrday Monday State Fair JANET GAYNOR WILL ROGERS SALLY EILERS LEW AYRES NORMAN FOSTER LOUISE DRESSER WHY NOT TREAT YOUR CAR to aWASH and POLISH? -_._---DRIVE- I-N _TOD.A_ Y ----- KEEP YO~ TIRE EQUIPMENT SAFE. TRADE IN THOSE WORN TIRES ON NEW fI ... f •• , TIRES Do it today-while prices are low $2.99 ea.-up in pairs ------------- NEW PRICES ON'fire$ SPARK PLUGS eff~ctive today 5Sc ea.. in sets of 4 or more Have yours tested today on our new tester ---- --- ---- Bussell's .,..,,.,.., Serviee DARTMOUTH AND LAFAYETTE AVENUES Pbone440 WASHING-GREASING-TIRE-BATTERY-BRAKE SERVICE "{'he committee 10 charge of the PI Beta Phi benefit party beld last Sat­urday wish to express their appre­elation · to the following 6toree for the gUts given for prizes: WUIJam E. Fowler. Florist. Miss l\larsh. VtJUty Shop. Sbirer Drug Store . Suplee's Hardware. ' Martel Brothers. Hollyhock Gift Shop. College Pharmacy. American Store. Dew Drop Inn. Ingleneuk Tea Room. Marot Flower Shop. Strawbridge and Clothier Store. Harris and Co. Buchners. $1.00 No charp:e for theatre tickel except Federal Tax of lOfk PIERRE'S 69:b Street Above Cbestnut Free Parking 12 IJisti"ctive Dining Room ... Showing at Playhouse Week of March 6 "TilE EASY MARK" Plenlfe Bring Thill All Witl, You An Institution in Delaware County for 15 Years LARGE ENOUGH-BUT ••• NOT TOO LARGE * We've said it before ••. and now ••• with the opening of our new yard and service facil. ities in Media ... Chester .•• with new addi­tions to that smart ... efficient fleet of Red and Blue trucks •.• we repeat ... LARGE ENOUGH ... BUT ..• the remainder of the phrase ••. continues to apply ••• to a local organization ... of local men ... close enough to your community ••. and to you •.• to render that ... INDIVIDUAL •.. PERSONAL ••. handling of ••. Those Three. Trade. marked Fuels ... 'blue coal' GULF FUEL OIL KOPPERS COKE LANE A. DAVIS RES. MGR. MEDIA YARD BROOKE AND PAINTER STS. MEDIA 1600 Swarthmore 62·400 Swarthmore Exchange Only

    ---------- Page 3 ----------

    '. 4 THE SW AR.THMOREAN MARCH 3,1933 'l - r.·. . .... r. '. " f. " •••••••••• '. . '. ..... . .", .'. THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLlSHBD BVERY IPIUDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PA. School Budget for '33-'34 Entails S30,000 Rediaetion er who by reason of her years of service til after May I has caused a great many pie who do not have the money to pay has worked to the top of the wage scale. people to .delay payment. their taxes by May I, would save the It would appear that this question "The board members would like to two per cent if they borrowed the ....... 1 (Co"lintlM lrom P(J(Je One) might well be discussed at the meeting of 2. Providing the State appropriation Home and School Association on point out that taxes not paid by May 1 sary funds at the same rate of interest is cut between 15 and 20 per cent as Monday evening. are turned over to the county treasurer that the county charges. Furthermore provided in the Governor's budget, a The Department of Auxiliary Agencies and interest eharged at the rate of 6 per they would be making it possible for Us tax cut of five mills might be possible includes such items as the school library. cent per annmn plus a 2 per cent fee as to. cut next year's tax rate on the basis of ROBERT Jl. SHARPLES Editor ancl Publliber although it would entail sailing close to summer recreation, cafeteria ex- the county's charge for collection. Pea- a balance in the treasury." the wind. etc. A saving of nearly $2,000 is ____ ,_,--_____________________ -...:. _ PhoDe Swarthmore 900 EDtered .. Second ClaN matter, January 24. 19Z9. at tbe Pott Office at Swarthmore, PL, under the Act of March 3. 1879. FRIDAY, MARCH 3,1933 3. Providing the new school code is in this departmenL passed, there is absolutely no way of expenses include wages of even surmising the new tax rate since fuel, water, telephone rental etc. it would be affected by the other school board makes a reduction of districts with which Swarthmore would nearly be merged. However a cut of 67 or Maintenance refers to the upkeep of CHOCOLATES per tent in state appropriations grounds, repairs, replacements, plumbing, the elimination of all tuition re'vellu",1 heating, electrical work, etc. For this Ir-----'!......!..----, William Laug would remove the likelihood og any work the board allows $1450 as against of Supreme Quality William Lang, 70, of Harvard avenue passed away suddenly Wednesday morning after a year's illness. whatsoever. $1800 allowed for 1932-33. In trying to estimate just how great Fixed charges include, insurance of all a tax cut can be passed along to the kinds, rental of the Prep School gym, taxpayers of the borough even with payment to the State Retirement fund, a $30,000 reduction of expenses possible, etc. A reduction of more than a thous­taxpayers must also bear in mind not and dollars is made here 50c Mr. Lang, ·who has lived per pound Swarthmore most of his life, was con­nected for many years with the Inter­national Mercantile Marine Co. He has been an active member of the Swarth­more Presbyterian Church for fifteen years. only the unknown items of income such Debt Service is cut by $10,000 in the I---__ ,.....,. ____ .J as tuit·ion and state appropriations, but budget for 1933-34. This is A DECLARATION also such unknown items as delinquent because all short time loans have taxes, emergency expenses, and any- paid off and all bonds have been thing which argues for a substantial There is therefore no need of a Dr. John Elbory Tultle conducted the services, which were held at the home at two o'clock Thursday. Inter­ment was at Fernwood Cemetery. balance. sinking fund. The board hopes that no The feeling is also said to exist among further short time loans will be needed members of the board that a tax cut and views delinquent taxes as the only to the very limit this year may necessi- item which might require a loan from the Mr. Lang is survived by four children, tate an increase in taxes next year in bank. Mrs. Raymond Denworth of Lans­downe, Harry Lang of Dickinson ave­nue. Walter B. Lang of Steelton and Edward Lang of Newark. case there is no balance in the trea- Capital Outlay has also been severely sury at the end of the 1933-34 year. reduced. This entails alterations to the Therefore it would appear that buildings, replacements, Dew equipment of the major questions to be discussed etc. I • Hermine W. Meyer at the meeting of the Home and School Members of the Board report that they Association next Monday night is expect a slight balance in the treasury at or not the taxpayers want their the end of the present year. school taxes -:ut to the very limit this "This will all depend," declared Dr. After an illness of several months with year even with the possibility that Basset, "on whether or not taxes are paid heart trouble, Miss Hermine W. Meyer emergencies may arise requiring loans up as well as last year. At the preseot died Monday at the residence 01 Mr. and tl t '11 h t b t b' • Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce, on Princeton th'ea taWxI ratea vfeo r a1 93e4 -3m5e. y lDcreasmg time the tax situation is pretty good but avenue, whe re she rnad e h er h orne. So that taxpayers may see just where the fact that taxes are not delinquent un- Miss Meyer was head of the German the board proposes to cut expenses in department in the Swarthmore public 1933-34, the following summary of cx­schools, <Jnd had served since 1917, under penditures comparing this year's bud-the principalships of Professor Hugh with the proposed budget for 1933- Chalmers Stuart, Professor Arthur W. is herewith pubJished: Ferguson and the present head, Professor Frank R. Morey. SummlU'y of E:.:peaditurcs AlMbainssy Maveeyneure',s Ahotlmanet iwc asC· itayt. 33T hNeo rfuth- ~~!~~:~;~~~~,~.~. .... $ r95~,6~9~4:.:0 0 Deral services were held Thursday in All .... 1054.,477705..0000 Saints' Episcopal Church, Atlantic City. ........ 17,325.00 Miss Elsa Meyer, of Atlantic City, . _..... .. 15.,487000..0000 her only surviving relative, was with her. r'''A' I' _ Current Ex-at the time of her death. Miss Meyer ........... $140,534.00 was much belov~d by the Swarthmore .... ..... 32.636.92 students under her charge, and her pass- OUtlay ...... 3,710.00 iog wjll be mourned by many who were Grand Total ........ $176.880.92 happy to call her friend. Enrollment On Thursday morning at ei.,ht.·thirt" I 1932-33 the Senior high school held a Elementary, Kindergarten service for Miss Meyer. -6 .................... ,. 417 High School ............. 392 Total .................... 809 Estimated increase--42 or 5%. The saving of $1,000 in the • I • Mary E. Naylor 437 414 851 Miss Mary E. Naylor, aged 82, died Control department is possible suddenly Monday morning at her home through the reduction of salaries on Chestnut avenue. She was born in office staff, the solicitor of the Board, West Chester, but resided in Philadel- school auditors, the treasurer of phia the greater part oJ her life, mov- school board, telephone toll printing and general office ing to Swarthmore about eleven years In the Department of ago. • savmg is of course possible by 'I:he services were conducted by the the salaries of all teachers. Just how Rev. Franklin .JOiner, of St. Clements that reduction is to be made has not yet Protes~ant Episcopal ~hurch of Phil- I been definitely decided. The cut in the adelphia ,at the chapel III West Chester appropriation for the department as esti­at -t~n 0 clock Thursday. . I mated in the Summary is based on a MISS Naylor was an achve member twelve per cent reduction. Whether of St. Clements church for many years. reduction will be made by giving every Interment was at Green Mount Ceme- teacher regardless of the wages he or ter~. West .Chester. She is survived by she is receiving at the present time a flat a Sister, hhss Jane Naylor. cut of 10, 12 or 15 per cent, or whether • I the cuts will be graded in proportion to Wm. J. Shettsline the salary now being received is yet to be decided. The Swarthmore American Legion Auxiliary will give a St. Patrick's Card Party Wednesday, March 15 2:00 P. M. at Strath Haven Inn Benefit of Local Welfare Admission 490 Cake and Candy for Sale 'Iickett obtainable from Ml'I. Charles A. Dravo. Sw. 902 or at the door. 10:45-Woman's 12:45. THE RET.J:GIOUS SOCIETY OF FlUENOO SUNDAY 9 :45 A. U.-Flrst Day School In WhIttier House. 9 :45 A. M.-Mornlng Forum In Meeting Bouse. Subject on March 5: Frederick. Libby will speak on "Must tbe Peace of the World Beat. on Economic Sanctions?" 11:00 A. Y.-Meetlng for worship in the Meeting Bouse. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. N.-Sewlng and Qullt­Ing in Whtttier House. Box luncheon. and. A CHALLENGE We DECLARE these chocolates are as fine in quality and flavor as is possible to produce. We CHALLENGE anyone to pro~ duce finer chocolates ••• your first box will convince you. . Our personal guarantee behind every package. Signed ••• College Pharmacy Swarthmore, Pa. Mason Heflin Will Help You Heat Your Home Efficiently Phone Swarthmore 6 Our representntive will come to your home WIthout obligation to you. He is 8n expert fireman-trained by the Anthracite Bureau of Engineering. He knows the proper size and most economical way to burn hard coaL . Mason Heflin have a coal yard near you. We pride ourselves on the finest service and the best coal-Super-<:Ieaned Famous Read­ing Anthracite. M!son COAL Heflin co. PhiI,adelphia & Suburb. INCOME TAX An Internal Revenue Officer will be at this Bank during banking hours Friday, March 10th Monday, March 13th Wednesday. March 15th To assist in the preparation and filing of 1932 Income Tax Reports. There is no charge for this service. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY William J. Shettsline 'lfho died last Wed~esday in his seventi~th year was burried on Saturday. He is survived by his widow, four sons, one step son and three step daughters. Mrs. Walter L. Thorpe of Dickinson avenue is a step daughter. I •• Last Wednesday a group from the Woman's CJub accompanied Mrs. R. G. E. Ullman, chairman of the Dramatic Sedion, to 69th street, where they had lunch and attended the performance of "Peg 0' My Heart" at The Playhouse. Among those attending were Mrs. J. D. Underwood, Mrs. Elliott RiChardson, Mrs. Roland Eaton, Mrs. R. C. Spencer, Mrs. Wm. Hanny, Mrs. C. V. Gimes, Mrs. Hzrold Griffin, Mrs. E. A. Whit­ney, Mrs. A. S. V. Orr, Mrs. D. M. Ul­rich. Thote members of the -board who are in favor of a straight cut fOf" everyone be­lieve that such a plan allows all affected to continue living according to almost the same standards as at present. They say that reductions graded according to present salaries may mean that a teacher who has assumed heavy obligations in the way of a home, etc., on the basis of hi!. present income. may be forced to lose them, because of his having to take a larger cut than the teacher who has been All .J.r8 cordially Invited to Join in these services. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Eplacopal Chester Road and Cpollege Avenue Jiving on a srnaner salary. Opposite the College CamPUB Rector Rev. J. Jarden Ouenther, 8. T. M.. SUNDAY D1.-!~oly_'Communlon. School. Those persons favoring the graded method of cutting salaries point out that it is not fair for the young teacher out of college a few years and po,,, I 8:00 p. m,-Jr. better trained than the teacher 8:00 p. m.--A. been working for many years, to ~~:Ig:;~D. her salary at the bottom of the scale 10:00 a. ::::~r~~i in the same proportion as the older teach- 11:00 B. 34 ::1155 pp.. ~::=~8tl: ORDER OUR FAMOUS ROASTED POULTRY 8:00 p. FROM OUR OVEN TO YOUR TABLE ----------- Delivered Every Day, Including Sunday Young Duckling8 '" ...... '. .. 25e lb. Killed Prime Young Chiekens ..... 28e Ib, and Genuine Capons ..... . .... 32c lb. Roa8.ed Young Tnrkey" ...... . .. . ...... 35e lb. '0 G • F Orders Dlnea&, aney ................ $1.50 pair Only Delieious Chicken Salad ......... : ........... 65c qt. Made rresh daily (we parantee no veal or olher meat used) Freeh Pekin Dock Eggs .................... 25e doz. You'll find our Poultry lasles bener because we raise them and feed them beUer-AND WHAT A COOK. Telephone 8826 Media I045-J THE DEL 00. DUt:: .. FARM B. H. BLOOM MIDDLETOWN ROAD R. L. BOSSARD Any Fi,.e Chiel ."ill tell you "SECONDS count when your house is on fire! The quicker you report it, the better chance we'll have to save your property:' • • • MARCH 3, 1933 THE SWARTHMOREAN s IM.- • ••••• ooooa@ ••••• ¥¥@¥ ·saa· •••• • •••• CLUB WOMEN' OF COUNTY IN PILGRIMAGE TO STATE CAPITOL Netrly two hundred members of the prc.1ved by the Governor, a comprehen­Delaware County Federation of Wo- sive plan and progress." mens Clubs got an insight into the Senator McClure was followed by workings of the General Assembly at Harrisburg yesterday when they spent Spe<ker Talbot, who said that he the greater part of the day at the looked upon his elevation to the Speak­Capitol and were addressed by mem- crship of the House not as a personal bers of the House and Senate from honor, but as an honor to Delaware Delaware County. COllnty lor its loyalty to the -RepuMi- Those making the tl'ip included mem­bers of the Legislative Committees and can party as shown in the presidential Citizenship Committees of the various election last fatl. Women's Clubs in the county as well Speaker Talbot declared that Dela­as officers of a number of the clubs. ware County was playing an unusually Mn3. J, Osborn Hopwood, of 5c:cane, important. part in the Legislative work chairman of the Legislative Committee of the state at the present time and of the County Federation, and Mrs. praised Senator McClure as leader oi Justin Cummings, of Drexel Hill, the Senate 2nd Representative Turner County chairman of Citizenship were for his work in preparing an economy in charge of the expedition. Mrs. S. program for the state that would bal­Blair Luckie of Chester organized the ance the budget and yet provide funds affair and was to have been in charge for the necessary work. This reference but was prevented from making the was to Mr. Turner's Administrative tri9 by illness. Code, which was reported out of Com One of the highlights of the day"s mittee a few hours tater at the after­prograGl was a meeting in the Senate noon session. The speaker also praised" Caucus Room presided over by Mrs. the work of Representatives Weidemar Bessie Everett of Springfield 'rown- and Nothnagle. ship, who is connected with the Lcg- Representative Turner said that he islative branch of the State govern- had never participated in a session ment. Here the women were addressed which was confronted with as many by Senator John J. McClure of this great problems as was the present one. Lounty, and Grover C. Talbot, Speaker He also pointed out that the House was of the House, and Representativt:s EII- functioning under the handicap of 100 wood J: Turner, and Edward Nothna- new members. gte. Thomas J. \Veideman, Delaware He also that that during no previous County's other Representative was session had he received so many letters present at the beginning of the meet- from constituents advising him how to ing, but was obliged to leave early. vote on certain measures. Senator McClure in response to a Mr. Turner referred to House Bill question from one of the women de- No. 22, the Administrative Code which elared that the measure adopted by was to be brought out of committee the House and approved by the Gov- that afternoon, and said that many ernor on Monday night, removing all members of Women's Clubs had writ~ restrictions on bank deposits made af- ten to him about certain provisions of ter Feb. 27th on the approval of the the code. , 'NEW BRANCH OF six mlnutel 'wen',. secunda: wen nloet7-ei&ht feet to point and place of be&1unl.DI. BeIJW No. 427 Avenue ''C'', ed, eituate In the Township of Upper Darb7, County of Delaware and Commonwealth of PenlUlYlvanJa, parUeu1arb' deecribed .. fol. lows: BelinnlllS' at a point on the IOUthw_ side of Lakeview avenue at the dlatauce of four hundred and eevent.een and Ave one­bundredtlul feet northwelltward from the soutbwest Bide of Mansfield road: theoce u· tending south tblrt;r-two deJTe88. thirtz·three minutes, fourteen ~onda weal. one hUDdred. and twonlY-five feet to a point. thence ex­tendin" nortb nfl1'-88T6D decrees. for&T.four minutes. forty·.bt seconds weat. On a Une parallel with tbe said Lakeview avenue. twenty·five leet to a point; thence m~ nurth thirty-two degrees. thirty·three mlDutea. rourteeD 8eCOode eaat, pusing throUl'h the center of a certaiu sm leet wide drivew8J' whieb extends northeastward into the said Lakeview a'·enue. one hundred and twenq.-fiYe reet to the .ald 80utbweat aide of Lakeview a,'eDue; thence extendiug south fifty,seven de· grees, forty·tour minutes, tort;r-alx seconds cast, alollg tbe said south weal. aide of Lake­view a.venue. twenty-five feet W the Jirat nlenUDlled point and place of bearinniug. GIRARD·M1LLER OPENS With the opening this week of its Under aud subJed to certain bnlldiQl' reo strl",lolUI. newest yard I· II M e dl' a, un d er th e reS.l - atuCIm('op rohvoewmee n2t4s xc3o3n afle"e to; f OtwJl&o.·-sstto0l1'Y7 rberaicr ka dadnld. dent management of Lane A. Davis, Hun, 6:.:0 feet; .tucco garage. 20:1:10 teet. and the extension of its present facili- Sold 88 tbe property of WUllam M. Calhoun, blortgqvr. and Paul A. Sherwin DUd Veronica ties in Chester and vicinity,· Girard- M. Sberwiu. biB wife. real owners, with noUce to terre tenanta, U -lIJ'. Miller Coal Company, and its fuel oil CondUion&-l260.00 caJb or certified theck affiliate, Girard-Ramsdell Service Com- on day of sale, balance in ten days. Further pany complete a triangI e 0 f 'blu e coaI ' conditions annouuced at .:Ile. and Gult fuel oil service, embracing the GEARY I: RANKIN. Attorneys. territory covered by the phrase from "Media to the Main line-From Chester Lend Fndaa No. 686 to the Schuylkill! De(lCmber Term. 1932 In the management of the Media All that oortaju lot or piece of 1Jl'0und, wUb yard, which pla~es additional factors the tenement or DleJlluage thereon erected. sl,­into the company's established reputa- uate III the Towruhlp of Marple. in lhe . County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania tion for prompt and efficient serVice, and de8Cl'ibed 88 (oUows, to wit: Beginning at Mr. Davis brings the knowledge and a JloInt 011 tho southwesterly side of Franklin . f I I d ,road (forty feet wJde) at tb~ d1StWl8e ot experience 0 many years 0 coa an th~co hundred feet southeastwardly from tbe fuel service in the Swarthmore, l..fedia, southeasterly side of Chesler road (lh1r1y Togetber with the free and common use. right, liberty and privilege of the aforeea1d driveway. as and tor a driveway and pss.B&'B. way at aU times hereafter forever, In com' nl011 with tbe owoel'8. tenaots and occuplera of the other lob of ground boundlll&' thereon and entitled to the use thereot. Springfield territories. For a number !~~~b~!~nrd~lI~iI~n~~~ ~~d rr::~! oor ~:::~: of years he was associated with the road aUy feet and extending of that width Improvements consist of tWO-8t0I7 stucco t '1 f I business in both Swarth- in lenlrtb or dcpth 8outbwe&twarilly Que hun- house, 18x36 feet. Stucco, 10xl6 feet. re al ue drcd and fifty feet. belDIr lot numbered 36 on more and Wallingford, and more re- the plan of Droomall Grove, Marple Town· Sold as the proper.,. of Georp H. Crow. ntl has been identified with C. Frank ship. Del~ware County, Pennsylvallia. recorded thers. murlgagor, aud Kathryn Abrams, real ce y • at Media 10 Plan Case No.1. page 23. &e. Williamson in the handhng of the af- Under and subjed- to certain building re- owner. fairs of the Media Concrete Products atrlctioliS now of record. ConditJon.s-$260.00 CDsh or certified check Company. lmpro,·cments conaist. o( two·story atone aDd oronn ddiatiyo noaf a8nanloe.u nbcaelda nacte. sianl e.t en days. Furt.her Large enough, but not too Jarge is rougbcast hOU6C. 24x46 feet: addItion, OdZ the spirjt of the company in establish-feet: porch front: basement ,"arage. Sold as the propert.y of Robert N. :HUue und Katharine M. Milne. his wife. mortgagors. and West Center Savings and Loan AlI8OCiatloD. real uwner. wilh notice to t.erre tenants. if WILLIAM K. RHODES. AUorney. JOHN J. CAIN, Sheriff. ing this newest extension to its ser­vice. The sam~ individual and personal handling of its customer's requirements of the three trademarked products a~. .-________________________ -, handled by their Heet of Red and Blue Condltion&-$260.00 cash or certified check on day of sale. balance in teu days. Further trucks will be enhanced by the new conditions announced at aale. location in the heart of this territory. ••• GEARY .& RANKIN. Attorneys. Birth Lavari Facias Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup of December Term, 1032 No. 548 Haverford avenue are being congratu- 3iiO Lakeview 8'·enue. lated on t h e b.i rth of a son, H arI a n R 0 b- theA lbl uUthdaitl ll(;se ratanidn iJmotp roorv epmieecne tso ft hgerroeuonnd ewreictht. inson, Jr., on February 28 at the Taylor _~;-~~~-;~~~~;;;~;;~~~~~~ Hospital. II Banking Commi~sion, was. the f!1ost "The Administrative Code sets up ________________ _ necessary, essential, and Vital l~glSI~- the machinery for the operation of tion that had ever been enacted III thiS the executive branch of the state gov­state. . ,. • I ernmellt," explained Mr. Turner. "One SHERIFF'S SALES UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTORING Delaware County s senator explamed provision of the bill as originally sub­the ,nature of the measure and stated mitted called for the elimination of the that he thought it ~ould. gre~tJy alle- Board of Censors. This did not mean, viate the banking Situation Ill. P.enn- however, that the work of censorship sylvania and would tend to elt"!,lllate was to be elimjnated, but that in the any necessity of more banks. closmg. interest of economy it should be as- In his opening remarks, Senator Alc- signed to some other board or com­Clure described the present session as mission. This action was not approved one of the most important in the state's however by the Sub-Committee on history. He' referred to the comprehen- State Government. so the women will sive measures before the General As- be pleased to hear the Board of Cen­sembly such as banking, education, ap- sors is to be retained. propriations, state government, public "The section of the Code providing utilities, and highways. for the curtailment of the Free Pub- "All of these subjects require intcn- lic Library Extension work, to make a sive study and investigation before any saving of $20,000, has also been chang­legislation can be enactee," said the ed in accord2nce with the wishes of the Senator. uThere has been some criti- women of the state, and the Library cism on the part of the newspapers and Extension work will be continued. individuals as to the number of bills "A third section of the bilt which that had been passed up to the begin- brought forth complaints from club­ning of this week. When you consider women pertained to abolishing th,e that nearly 1400 bills are under con- Women's 2nd Ch.i1dren's Bureau. There sideration and that the committees have was never any thought of discontinuing been encouraged to study them very the work of this Bureau, but due to carefully before bringing them out to the number of protests about any be voted upon, you will understand bct- change the Bureau will be retained as ter the task that the members are filc- at present." ing. The visiting clubwomen arrived at "By March 15, we hope to have en- HarrisbutZ' shortly before noon, com­acted in the House and Senate and ap:' ing in two large buses and in private EXCEPTIONAL VALUE $35--6 rooms. bath. garage, hardwood Boors •. ftreplace-511 Yale Avenu~Posses­slon at once. 2nd Boor apartment--G rooms. near col­lege--- f65.00. 5 rooms-Swarthmore apartment house­$ 67.00. cars. They inspected the new Educa­tion building before luncheon, attended the meeting with the Delaware County representatives in the early afternoon, and spent the remainder of the after­noon touring the Capitol building and observing the afternoon sessions of the Senate and the House of Representa­Notary Publlc WM. s. W'l"I'LB Swa. I11-J Real Estate tives. FOR RENT Centrall,. located dwelling; five bedrooms; $6S a month. E. C. WALTON ESTATE OF ELIZABETH M. OBERHOLSER, late of the Township of Thornbury. de­ceased. Letters Testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersIgned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those dhae.Jvalyn gt oc laims to present -the same without ROBERT SHARPLES. E:s:ecutor. Owner wiD remodel spacious first Or to his attorney. Swarthmore, Pa. HERBBRT L. HUTcHINSON, floor apartment to suit lenanl. Large 1st National Bank Bldg., Aunny rooms, sun room and garage, •1 I. .~ D8r~~b~Y~.~Pa.~ ................... . near atation and stores. Write box B, Swal'tWnorean Office. RENT 2nd lloor apartment, 4 rooms and bath. Banlwood ftoors. Hot water heat. Janitor Service. $45 per month. Detached stucco house 8 rooms and bath. ProUt and aide POrch. Large lot. Ideal location. $60 per lnoDth. ' . Detached house furnlsbed. 6 rooms and bath. 1 car garage. Good loca­C; lon. $75 per month. Mrat floor ap&rtment--6 rooms and bath. FIrs1; Class In every respect. ~ rooms., hardwcod Doors, etc. Garitae· CHAS. A. SMITH 'I!tao"" Swarthmo ... 705 E WIRING L REPAIRS E RADIO WASHERS CLEANERS Tel. 1896 FIXTURES AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE I Swarthmore Electric Shop C 411 naIL alia Aft.. Swut' ,,'a. Sheriff Sales of Real Estate At the Sheriff'. Court House. Media, PennsylvaD1a Saturday. March 11. 1038 9 :3D o'clock A. M. EaSlern Standard Time Levari Facias No. 585 Fred .J. Harley Cullom Made Furniture Interior Decorating In All Its Branches D"",mber Term, 1932 TUNE IN YOUR RADIO TO WIP All that certain lot or piece of grouud with Swarth. 1441 every Wednesday evening at 8 P. M. cthde. sbiutuiladtien gisll atnhde jmTopwronvsehmipe notfs tUhpcMpeor nD earrebcyt.,- :;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~D~d~'~Is~te~D~~to~M~le~h~e~,~,..~o~.~r~d~e~D~T~.~'ks~' Couney of Delaware and Stale 01 Pennll7lvania. described 8Ccarding to 8 plan dated JolT 28, 1025, and revised August 6. 1925. as follows. to wit: Beglnnin!; at a point the lntersecUon of thc southeasterly side of Fairfleld avenue. (filly feet wide) and the northeasterly elde of Aveuue "0" (torty·:flve feet wide); thence extending along the said side ot Avenue "0" I south twenty·nlne degrees three minutes forty ~ouds east forty-four !eet and seventy·three one-hundredths of a foot: thence extending north sixty dcgrees fifty·aix minutes tWenty seconds eaat ninet;v-eight feet; thence extend· in;: north twenty·nine degrees thre(t minutes forty seconds weat forty·four fee' and seventy­three one-hundredths of a foot to tbe south­easterlY side of Fairfield avenue; ·,hence ex· I tending along same south sixty degreea fiflY. WHY CAMOUFLAGE Don't do it. Get to the bottom of it, fix it right, make it last. Papering. painting, all kinds of Building Con­struction, Cement Work, etc. MODERNIZE AS A full enamel, insulated Gas Range, with oven heat contrail See this Quality GAS RANGE Finished in marbleized green with ivory doors and legs. Note its low price ••• $57. (Slightly more on Budget Plan) BILL &. CHARLIE KIMMEL & SON 414 Haverford Place, Swarthmore, Pa. You RENOVIZE! 2 Year. to Pay • • • a prim.e :necessity in every Lom.e Stea'IDint: HOT WATER :",itla an Autonaatic GAS WATER HEATER An abundant supply of hot water at all times ••• for every household need •• , at a very moderate cost. $2 Down 2 Year. to Pay 30 day. Free Trial AU Oar Suburban Stores, or See Your Plumber or Heating ContTactor Pnu.ADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY A Pfonur ... VoiMftt4ril:y BIt4bIuhing Low Rates for AIIBI«tric Service r ..... 08 Sfollon WU'. '''''adelphia Electric Half·hour, Every Wedn •• day af 9:00 p~ M. ,

    ---------- Page 4 ----------

    6 THE SWARTHMOREAN MARCH 3, 1933 McCLURE ACTIVE IN BANKING LEGISLATION In the approval ~Iollda) night b) he Senate the House and the Governor of the resolutIon gl\ lUg the Bankmg COmnl1SSlOller authority to regulate \\ lthdrawal of depOSits 111 PeIlIlS\ Ivallla banks the support of the measure by Senator John J :MeClure of Delaware Countv I'la)~d an mportant rolc nhen the prolJOsal \\ as discussed III the Gm ernor s office prior to Its presentation to the Scnate and the House Scnator and was Widely commented on about the Capital the follo\\ tng day Addrc:o.5mg nearly two hundred members of the Delaware County Fed c.:ratlon of \\ omen 5 Clubs who vIsited Harrisburg yesterdE'Y Senator McClure said that he considered the resolutIOn he most Tlcccssar) essential and vital legJslatJOu that had ever been cnacted III tillS :;tate GARNET FIVE IN THIRD CONSECUTIVE DEFEAT The Haverford basketball team furn­IShed the opposition last Saturday rug!tt for the s"'th straight WID w the Swarth­more schedule, makJOg the Dlnth VIctOry m th,rteen starts for the GarneL In this game the Ihlrd consecutive defeat of the Scarlet and Black by Swarthmore. prac-cornel' 01 landa now 01' late 01 8 Barl Browu thence by the l&ID.e .outb 41t,. three depoeee ten minute. we.. one bundred fort,. feet to an Iron ph~ In a corner 01 la.DdI now or late of J(ar&ba. B Borton thence bJ" the 8ame BOuth thirt,. six deFeeB tbirt,.. IDinUte. east ab:ty three teet 10 an Iron pIpe and north An,. de,.ree8 fort)' flva Pllnutea eut ODe hundred lort)' tour leet to lhe place 01 bednDibC' December TenD 1932 All tbat eerlaln brick II1eMttap aDd lot or pie<.e 01 land altuaie on the e .... aide Of Up­land Rreet between Broad and Tenth lithe,. In the CI&y 01 Cheater Count,. 01 Delaware and State 01 PellDQ'lt'aDla Improvements coneIll of two and one half etory stu~oo bOUle 18%27 feel Porch floon' One-atol')' frame addition 6%12 feet He also added that hc thought It \\ ould greatl,) allevi te the ballklllg Sit lIat'OI1 III Pellllsylvallla and that It \\ould tend to chmmate the necessity f more banks c10slIIg theJr doors tically the same players lmed up at the Sold aa tbe propert,. of Abner B GarTell tip off as did last year and the resuJtmg and Lena K Garrett his wife gBrq-e 9x18 feet ..... aninl' at a ROlnt I8Tent.een feet north w8l'dl1 lrolQ the nort.b e1de 01 a t.-em,. feet wide at q Conialnllll' In tront on the Ia.l.d Upland street meuured thence nortbWardl)' 0.1 teen. feet and eItend1n1' In deplb eutwardl,. llonUQuing the same width between parallel Unes at rf,.bt 8Dl'lee 10 88ld Upland atreet the 80UlherQ line clI:tendlDl' through tbe middle foefe ta wPidaer t)' wall eight,. five feet to a 4fleen aile)' • I • F o.ter McCandlen Condillona-l260 00 cuh or cer1,l8ed cbeck o 1 da)' o[ sale balance In ten djj'8 Funber conditions &Ilnouneed at l8Ie score differed by only a few I"'mts Playmg before a capacIty crowd m the beautIful new Lower MerIon High School gymnasIUm. both teams found dtfficulty 10 becommg acclunated to the GEARY & RANKIN Al1orOC78 transparent glass backboards and the No 1882 h \\ as upon Sellator :\lcClure S IIlO hon that those taklllg part III the COil ferenee II1ciudlllg the Governor IllCIll hers of IllS eabl et Ut: I ubltc nand Delllonallc p Irt) leaders and leadlllg hankers froll1 all I arts of the state fin all,) voted to prc:;cnt the measurc ta \orabl) to the h\O brandlcs of he General \sscmblv ~II S Pauhne ~lcCandless and Mr I rallkllll Foster \\ ere UJllted 111 mar ... 1ge Februan 18 at 4 0 clock at the \\ a hmgton ;\Iemorml Chapel at Vol Il) I orge foul shootmg which Constituted a major Fieri Fociag part of the game, was consequently below average As seems to be the Swarthmore December Term 1932 custom on most foreIgn courts, the Gar- A 1 Ihat <:ertaJn 101. or pleee of ground witb net excelled 10 the second half commg the bUildings and JJnprovements thereon erec&ed up from a two pomt lead at half tune to tUtuate on the BOuthwest aide 01 Duncan ave the declive 41 29 connt at the final gun I ue at the dlelonce of five hundred eevent7-one Scatte•r good, f OU led by eSta tsn , opene d sfeoeut \haunadst w~oirXdl y-ofrromm o neth heu ndBrOetuJtthheea lto f 8lad e foOoft Mrs Foster has been ~t the S\\arth II )re college hbrQry for t\\O years AIr lostu \\ho IS frolll Spnngfield Mo IS I l\\ attendmg thc \Vharton School rhe Del .. " arc CoulI1) Sen tor SI eak mg hrmh md sharplv t1eclued tim; \\ as no tunc to enter lilt theonz ng \ sltuat II had trlSeli he sail \\hleh I lUst he I'usltn ch dealt \ Ith there \\as no neeesSIl) for furtl t:r talk and hesltal c\ and he mmed that the COl terence PI rO\ c tl e res lluh II and tl at the Icgl';:latur~ Jlns~llt do tlulr best to IIllI n.'ss upon tl elr lssocmtes who \\ere not l)rCsent the lJUportance of ItS passage 1[r and Mrs Foster are hVing III the Ihllborn Apartments North Ches tu road the scormg by slnkID'l hiS shot. Follow- Duntlng rood in the Borough of Yeadon Dela IIlg tlus between foul trIes, Swarthmore ware County Pennsylvania ContabunS' in set about assummg a lead wdhlch Haver :~~~ttyO;~~:'~:::d t::te~~~,.D:;~ata~~~: ford disputed constantly an once over- m length or dcplb SQutbweetward between par came dunng the first half Turner 5 allel I1ms at rlg-ht angles to Duncan avenue first Pivot shot began the Garnet s scor olle hundred feet to the middle line 01 a 109 Fouled on tIllS shot he annexed a :!!~~ee!I:7~d~:!~::~!~~ha~ le:::u-::'~~ third pomt and MacCracken IDcreased "ord into BUQtlnlr road thiS to eight by sltckJOg a foul, a Pivot, :Senatl r Frank J ] 11rrls of ghen) Count) seconded the mot on and the force of Delaware Count) s Senator Jlulled the conference together In the conferellc('s \\ 11Ich follO\\Cd Senator 11cClure \ as 0 Ie of the I~ad 'Ig propollcllb of the measure both III the Scn..te and the House He came to the later body after the SCI ate lad glVeli at proval and remamcd about the floor until the resolution \\ as finall) passed and sent to the COHrm r As a conference \\,thout lohtlcal 11a \ or the gatherlllg III the Governor s of flce nd the leadersll)) (llspla) cd by Senator :\1 cClure added to the prestige and pan er of the Delaware Count) --_._------ BACHMANS , Mr HarrIS III j\1 r Harns of Harns & Co suffered a lHld~1I he lrt attack last Thursda~ \ wther attack later at Ius home con 111t:d htln to Ius bed under the care of 111\ SIC13IlS ullahle to sec VlSJtors It reqUire ten days or h\ 0 weeks to the crlttc21 period t I • Hedgerow I he tlurd performance of the IIc\\est pr )duCtlOll 11 the repcrtor) rhe Son f Penhhon hy Lynn RJggs the Cu hili ston based on the 110' cI by James ( ul" Cozzens Will be gIVen on Thurs la\ IIlght openlllg the schedule for the l:~nlll g \\cek at the Hedgerow rhcatre I I no c \ aJley Tins,s the fifth play 1, I) lin UlggS nOll III the repertory 1(1 tht.' first of the fi\ e \\ hcrem the locale IS outsulc of Oklahoma Import I It 111 the cast arc Helcn Cr .. lg Ferd ~ofer Joseph Lcbcrman Carl Reu ImutT Don Shelton Joscl)h Taulane and a shot from the Side. Harman 5.cored Under and subJeet. to cerlain condItions re and soon after fouled Turner, m return IItricUons agreements and eaaementa was fouled by MacCracken Abram •• also fouled whde SlOklOg a shot, stuck one of the two Harman and TIernan tal hed In succesSIon and after two success­ful free throws by Abrams and Turner, Haverford staged an eight POlOt run glV­Jng them a tWO-POUlt lead over the Gar net Scattergood dropped a p,vot shot Dutton followed by a shot from the SIde and another dose under the basket. Cap tam Scarborough put hIS team In the lead by sticking one from mld-court The OpPOSlOg centers fouled each other WJth no 10crease 10 count Haverford s lead was short hved however, for soon after Abrams tallied on a follow up shot and then added two more pOints from the center to gIVe Swarthmore an 18 16 lead .t the end of the haIf :Aleo under lind subJed to tbe payment 01 a cerrain mortgage debt or princiPal eum of lorl)"-elgbt hundred doUan with Interest as therein mentioned T08"t!tber with tbe free Ilnd common Ulle right hberty and privUel'e o[ the saId drive "'ay a8 and for do driveway and P&ll.8Bg'eWay at aU hmes hereofter forever 10 common wlib Ihe ownel'R tenants and OCC!uplers 01 the other lots of 8l'ound boundinlr thereoQ and entitled 10 the use thereof Improveml!nts eouaist and brick house 16l1:45 porch aile story frame Basement garage 01 two stOry feet Enclosed additloll UX4 stone Iront fee. Sold as the property o[ Sberman T Tran scau smgle womBU and N Lourena Truitt alngle woman Condltlons--.200 00 cnsh or certified check Harman s foul on Abrams early on day o[ saJa balance In ten dan Further Jh the second halI removed him but no scormg WILLIAM K RHODES Attorney was effected until Slpler netted a basket from the SIde Scarborough. fouled, fail-conditions announced at sale ed to convert but retaliated by cagmg a Fipn Facias long shot TWIce Abrams dnbbJed In to December Term 103 ... tally but the 6-pomt lead was cut to two when TIernan and Taylor each regIstered t\\ 0 2 pomters No 1300 AVES. Harr} Sheppard On Friday mght Eu C LAS S I FIE D gene a Neill s rhe Hairy Ape will _____ -:~::-_;;_;_;_=_------ QUALITY MARKET YALE & KENYON All that <ertal" lot or plec.'C of lTOund alt ullte 'n the Township of Upper Darby in the County o[ Delaware and' State of PeDQsylvanla, described according to a survey QlId plan of lots 101' James J Andrien made b7 Damon and Foster Civil Englneera dated January ... uth 1926 as [ollows Swa.183 Free Dehvery he presented for Its only performance FOR SALE dUring the mOllth of March Saturday IIIght brmgs back an old favorIte-A A M Jine S cOlllecl). of love and the chlv Beginning at a. point on the easterly 11& of Seventy ninth street (fort)" feet wide) at the IUtltan('C 01 one bundred and seventy and FOR. SALE-A Westinghouse Electric Stove ninety flvc one hundredths feet measured Fresh Pork Shuulderg Legs of Lamb LOIn Lamb Chops Fresh Ground Deef SirlOIn Steak Round Steak Rump Steak Pork Chops Slice of IInm Slewmg Frymg and Roaslmg Chickens, family Size, each Navel Oranges, large and fu",~y doz lb lOe drOll!> graces The Romantic Age Ib 19c "lIh Ferd Nofer and Frances 10rchl Ib 3Sc ana 111 the roles of the pretend1l1g lb 16c PrJ ICC lid Jlrmcess lb 27c On the fo!lonlllg Saturday mght lb 19c Mlrch 18 another new play will re lb 22c! cen e Its I>ccnuere on the Hedgerow Ib 15c stage I he Ye Irs 01 the locusts hy Ib 2le COil t nce :i\f ane 0 Hara is announced for that datc 53c fOlllght s show at Hedgerow IS Son of PerditIOn and tomorro\\ mght s 35e :\lIs t1hallcc b): Shall On Sunday 33e Illght of tillS \\Cck Alarc Bhtzstem will I5e !";IVC Ius tlllrd lecturc reCital on Form m ~[USIC Ige Lorge .. lorulu Orunges, doz Oranges, nlcd Size, doz Florula Oranges, 2 doz GrapefrUit 3 for He 25e • • _ with three burners ond oven Call Media 1I0uthwardly along- said side of Seventy nintb 1_42_1_ ________________ 1 street as shown on said plan from 'be BOutb FOR RENT-Owller desires to share bungalow wwe daet e)r l,. slde of Parkvlew JlQad (flfty leet wit] couple Car owner ean make money in bus n('sll Swnrthmore 616 CObtaming III [roQt or breadth o~ sald Se enll' ninth street south twenty degrees. three mlnules tWenty 8e(.onds weat sixteen feet and ell:lelldlng of that wJd&h in IenG1h or depth eastWardly between parallel lines at right an Mles to said Seventy ninth street one hundred [eet to the center 01 a proposed, ten leet wide drivcway liOR RENT-Furnished apartment living room fireplace t" 0 bedrooms bath dinette ill I kitchenette Electric ice bos: Swa 1489 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED-Four men neat appearance nn I h tellh;ent cnn earn SO 18 a day in '>HI (me Reference Call lit 5:H1 Market 5t Room 01 Chester 0 A M to 6 P M HELP WANTED-Practical nurse wanted for ollvllleSlellt ,alient and a8Bist light Hour 8 30 A ],( to 7 P M Write S" arthmorean Office WORK WANTED \\ORK WANTED-RelIable woman Bel g Lot No a1 on &aid plan SubJeLt 10 restrlcliollS of record Improvem('nts consist 01 two story IItone and stUCCt) house 10,,30 feet Enclosed front porcil o e story stUCIl'O uddition 12s:9 feet Sold as the I roperty o[ Eugene F Hudome Jr and Madeline G Hudome his wife CondIUons--.... 50 00 cash or cerhfled check on day of sale halance In ten days Further conditions sQnounced at sale Tor'elher with the rilrhi and use 01 881d aJ e,)8 in common with the ownera of other landa abuUlng thereon 'Improvements oonl51a' of tbree-story brIck house 16x30 feet Rear porcb Two-sto..,. brick addiUon 18x12 leet OQe ltor7 frame addition 12l1:l2 feet Sold .. the propel17 of Harry V Beth CoDditions--1260 00 cash or certUled cbec (. on day of sale balance fn ten days Further conditiOIl8 announced at 881e HENRY G SWENEY. Attorney Fieri Facias No 14_4: December Term 193 .... All that cenaJn frame dwelllnl' house and 10L or ple<.e o[ land altuate on the west side of Jell",y street in the city of Chester in the CQunty ul Delaware and State of Pennilylvania Beginning' at a point tbe dfstWlce of Obe hundred and five! leet. north of Second 81reet Dnd (:ont8inio8" In front on the said Jetrrey street twenty Bve feet and extending In depth \\,CiltwardJ..y between parallel Hnes at. right angles 10 the Raid JeUrey street one hundred and lorty teet to a tWenty feet. wide aIley • Together with the rhrht of saId aUey In common with the ownE'J'a 01 other landa abut tin,. thereon Improvements consist of two 8tOry frame bou8e 16x21 leet Front and aide porebea Two.story oo'lcrete block addition 16x12 feet One atory frame addition 12x14 feet Sold a8 the property o[ Joseph R Ponder and Elizabeth Ponder CondlUoDa--J250 00 caah or certified cheCK on day of sale balance in ten daye Further condItions aDnounced at sale HENRY G SWENEY Attorney JOHN J CAIN SherlfJ HAPPENINGS at HANNUM & WAITE 'S There are a 101 of can thai have hoi been ID8peeled wail until the Ja8' minule IS alwaYI!I a rueb • • • Don't There We I!IUKl'eAt that you ehet!k up on your spare bulb kit rIght DOW, as the State Police are arresling driven of one eyed ears • • • GOodyear Tires are the best In Keebler's Snhmcs Ib cnns the long l'1ID Tarlan I'nrc Peannt Bulter 2 Ih Jor CampbeU's Boked Beans 25e 5e Correspondence To the Reittor of the Swarthmorean _ To thosc of us Swarthmoreans who f r mall) years have so earnestly ad voc ted proper faclhhes for an ade quate phYSical educatlOl program for the youth of Swarthmore the acqulsJ tlO I of the Prep School Propel ty uv Ulverston Sel 001 under the direction of Dr E 1 Terman comes as most " rk by day or washing at home n n<:ed school girl wants work after r Satur lays References Apply 111 Street Morton wants Expe school Broad --~============ WILLIAM K RHODES .,~A":o;,m:e~y~iiru""'rn;""~:::::::::::::::::~ ;;gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil1I11111111111111111111111111l;; 2 tJkg Silver Dust SOIlI. Powder I large Dish Towel, SSe val 27e CloVCl'bloolU BUllcr, Ib 22e ANNA SCHALLES SLIP COVERS PHONE S\' MUHLENBERG AVE DRAPERIES \\ elcol1lc ne\\ s HIS a\ 0\\ cd mtent on to use the In m I "aslUm and sWllnmmg pool for an ex RUTLEDGE tel sive health prngram should meet 1225 -----------_______ 1 UIll\ersal appro\'al and support I H vltlg earnestl} advocated such a MRS A J QUINBY & SON I rogram for mall} years It IS a priVIlege JOSEPH E.. QUINBY to express through your column my F.RNEST G SNODGRASS ASS T real happmcss that our youth will be FUNERAL DIR I ullder hIS gUIdance and to WIsh hIm E eTO R S ever} .uccess BELL PHONE 4 MEDIA PA SAMUEL M DODD Sllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil11111111111111111 _ I First Anniversary ThIS shop was opened Just one year ago on the first day of March I Wish at th.s time to thank my many fnends and customers who have made the past year a success and I Wish to assure them that I wdl continue to give QUALITY WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES JAKE, THE TAILOR 21 So. Chester Rd. Swarth:. 401-W .... lIl11l11l11l11lllll11llll11l1l11l1nIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIBllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnIllIIlIlIIlIIlllIIlHll11II11IIn11ll11ll11ll1IIllIllIIIIIIIllI/ii' IN THE ORPHANS COUQT OF THE COUNTY OF DELAWARE PENNA No 86 December Term 1932.. ... Estate of Oscar R. A von oulow Notice is hereby given that Llzzle von Bulow widow of the said decedent has filed in the said Court her petition claim Ing property of the decedent to the value of $500 00 as provided by SectIon 12 of the Fiduciaries Act of 1917 and that the same may be approved by the Court on the 27tb day of February 1S33 unless exceptions thereto be filed before that time 2102t HOWARD KIRK To ELWIN H SCHNITZLER late of Y M C A 20th and Market Streets Wheellng West Virginia You are hereby notified that a 8nal rule for divorce has been granted against you at the suit Qf Emma V Schnitzler your wIfe returnable In the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware County December Term 1931 No 1851 on the 24th day of February 1933 on or betore which day you may show cause It any you have why such divorce should not be granted 2102t HOWARD KIRK Attorney for Libellant 302 County Bldg Media Fa SHERIFFS SALES Sher a Sales of Real Estate At the Shena 8 Office Co rl 110 8(' Met! n Pc s)hama SatuM8.,) March 20 1033 030 oclock A 1\1 Eastern Standard Time FaCIas December Term 1932 No 14?'1 Announcement by HARRIS &. CO. TAILORS Although Mr. Harris was suddenly confined to bed with an illness of a serious nature, the sale of tailor made-to-measure swts still con­= tinues. = - OUR SELECTION IS LARGE AND VARIED THE FABRICS ARE OF THE FINEST COME IN WHEN THE TIME BEST PLEASES YOU "We would apprecUlte if our patrons who =5 have already ordered wiU aUow us to delay ;_;; = fittings for a week's time." ;;; ==5 =-= AU that certain frame messuage and lot or pee of la d Wllb tbe buildings and improVe ments thereon erected situate on the BOuth \\cs erly side or Apple avenue in the Town shIP of MuldletflWD hi Ibe County 01 Delaware and State 01 Pennlll"lVBma bounded and, de ecnbed as followa Beginning at an iron pi»6 on 'he southwesterly Side 01 Apple avenue at the distance of two hundred flf13' five and five tenths feet northwestwardly from the cen trat line o[ the rt8'ht 01 way of the Media., Middletown Aston .. Chester Electric Railw;:ur Company then('8 along the said Side of Bald Apple avenue north forty degrees twenty mlQ utes west nfl7 eaven feet to an U'On pipe a = = E = : HARRIS & CO. ; :: 11 PARK AVE. Swarth. 504 .. E §§ i",iIlIlHllllnIHlmnIIllHIDlIIIIIIHIHIIIIDtIIIIIIHIUlBIDlmDlHflllllllllHD11l1nItlIRlHIAldIHlnmmlHAllnlHmlDlRIA1R1l1fii MAR 1 0 Jfl33 COOL, CALM CONSIDERATION NEEDED e SWARTHMOREAN • VOL. V-NO. 10 SWARTHMORE, PA., MARCH 10, 1933 $2.50 PER YEAR It IS to be hoped that the Swarth more School Board did not attend the mcetmg of the Home and School As soclatlon Monday eveml1g With any I'GOING CROOKED" I AT PLAYERS -CLUB ulea of bcmg glOrIfied for the work In spite of SCrip tax meetmgs and m they had done and told ho\'O to "ork clement weather the Players drew large out the rest of their problems \'I: Ith rc audIences for their fifth production of the gard to the 1933 34 budget season one of Wllham Col her s starrmg Certamly the meeting dcstroyed all) vehicles Gomg Crooked In which such IllUSions that they might have had Charles D Mitchell preSident of the Furthermore Jt must have been a source Players has been so successful III past of keen dlsapPol1ltment to the board seasons One of the features of the stage members who after strugghng durmg settmg was the reahstlc view of a New the past )car to keep up and even 1111 lork skylme from dawn to dawn from prove the educatJOnal standards of the the beautifully appomted hvmg room III schools "Ithout 11Icrcasmg expenses the penthouse ot Btlhe Ward the Jr \\erc to find that the maJonty of responSible wealthy young man of town Swarthmore s parents were more JU The action of the play whde Just a little terestcd III reducmg the tax rate than slow 111 the begmnmg of the first act III l\ hat nught become of the school stepped up III the second and moved nght system along to the final scene After the meetlllg \\e heard one man J Walham Simmons gave a convlnC say I am ashamed to have to place 11 g mterpretatlOn of the perfect butler Illy pocketbook ahead of 111) c1uld s op and the lover to further hiS cnmmal ends portlllllty for the best schoohng that n the theft of the famous LombardI money can buy but I am forced to take pallltmg Helen K 'Vanen as the 1m such a posltion pulslve and Willful Leda Leigh was FORUM SPEAKER TAX PAYERS DEMAND FURTHER CUTS IN SCHOOL BUDGET Demands for further reductiOn of the' drastic tax cuts He recommended a cut tentative budget of the Swarthmore 1m teachers salaries of 2S per cent School DlSlrlCt for 1933 34 were ex J Horace Walter declared that a 12Y. pressed at the meetmg of the Home and I er cent cut 10 teachers salanes was a School ASSOCiation Monday mght held Ill, very modest reduction and not 111 keepmg I the High School Audltonum "Ith the hmes The meetmg was attended by about 200 The cost of JanItor senJce for the local taxpayers of the borough who showed no schools was discussed at length Hadley heSitancy In askmg pertlllellt 'lucstlOns M Crrst mamtallllng that the appro of Roland I Eatoll chairman of the pnatlon for J3mtors salanes averaged Finance Committee who preSided over $1300 a ): ear for each of the seven Jan most of the diSCUSSIOn Itors Although approval was Jmplled of what Mr Crist further saJd that he em I the board had already done m makmg ploys satisfactory Jamtors at $J250 per pOSSible a reduction In the budget for \\ eek Mr Crist also recommended a 1933 34 of $30000 as compared WJth bud cut III teachers salanes of twenty per get for the past year the assembled tax cent payers inSisted that further economies fie Jamtors salanes at the present time made all along the hne III the local schools are as follows A-Several members o[ the audIence ex $1039 B-4945 C~1512. D-41039 press the vlewpomt that the taxpayers E--$945 F--$1404 G--$1641 A leadmg clttzelt of S\\ arthmore "ho charnung Mrs Warren well known to has pubhcly demandcd a tax cut of -at Players Club audiences took her part least SIX mills tills) ear IS the same per \\ Ith a pleasmg VivaCity and \\:armth Dr son \,ho four or fi\c )cars ago saJd George P Warren as the nOiseless WJI Dr Jacot, Bd',kol'/ Cha,rman 0/ 'he 'elVlSl. Clwrltws 0/ Pluladel'Jlua ,clio lectured on economiC cond"lOnlJ Man should mform the board as to the reduc The Jamtonal staff of the schools tron In the budget of the tax rate wluclt however 15 one to "llIch the present thev wanted and mstruct the board to school board takes a great deal of work out the opera lion of the school dur h pride It prefers to have t ese em BUIld the gymnasIUm and pay for It Ilam Noyes the persistently silent sUitor mg the next year as best they could plo} ees looked upon as custodians out of taxes even If you havc to boost of the ImpulSIve Leala won many laughs the ratc ten mills for hiS mterpretallon of thiS difficult role \Vhcn rcm nded of their Jl1conSlst HIS momentary reversion to cave man ency thiS persoll apologized and said tactics delighted ever),one that they had no dlOICC III the matter Robert M Stabler whtle a bit llnccr Four or fi\ C ) ears ago they would tall1 III the early moments of the play gladly have paid te I n1l1ls addItional gamed steadily III confidence glVmg a each} ear for the g) mnaslum Iins year good picture of the so called friend Reba they are unable to pa) the present rate B Mitchell was charmmg III her role of If the people or Snarthmorc ap sweetheart of the Jrresponslble Wllhe pcarcd at the mcetlllg 011 Monday 111ght \\ ard glVmg the fil1lsh that left httle to to he unappreclahve of what the pres be deSired Her well modulated vOice ent school board has done during the carned pleaslllgly to all corners of the past year and the stcps the) ha\e al playhouse John R Brownell who has a read) taken to reduce next ,} ear s tax gIft for character roles was most con day evening at the College Correspondence 10 The Ed,tor- I went away from the Home and School Meetmg Monday IIIght feeling that 211 matters pertaullng to our Pub hc School could safely be left m the hands of our prc!>ent School Board I do not know when I have seen a finer exawple of our form of government than '\\ as presented at that mcetmg The Board of Directors seemed so cfhclCnt so earnest and so democratJc rate \\c hehe\e that It nas because vmclng as the loyal valet of Wllhe Ward and fair Not one has any motive ex they arc hterally forced 1u-y circum 1-11s appropriation of Ins master s clothmg cept to work faithhfuIllyd fo r thet best stances t oassullle such an attitude and hiS wornes and problems added mUCh~lntwests of thc sc 00 an Its pa rons • * * to the comic SituatIOns of the play Ev.erythmg was presented so frank1y \\i III Ie the meetl1lg on Uonday I1Ight Mr Mitchell In one of hiS favorJte nd so fully and nO;hln~1 cover~~ ::.~ failed to accompiJsh all that It might \V Iham CollIer roles met and surpassep wJuclh wo~ld help sOllveh tlethPro e have It did give t II e b oard memb ers (t Il e expeClatlons 0 fh IS au d lence H IS i:mn:'rv: ovet&Urk InJutwaru\ en avtea HllChJl! rnuteumcn -. i,glt ~~ -~ ~ ~LJf t!.u- lc': ~s-rlnearslng .IIS prrrt-anne-n-araenclf S \ft U t ~~)er; of tins ;:;'mmuDlly It showed crook and hIS portrayal of the amateur hme to the work and hale glve~I' s that \\ hlle four) cars ago theJr cluef 111 detective were very entertamlng Newton matters the best consldtra~on I :e~ terest "\\as III the IInprovcment of their E Hoopman 111 hiS first appearance With are a splcndld example 0 wAat e ec e f schools almost regardless of cost their the Pla,}els played With assurance and a persons may do here III menca I present mterest JS III reducmg cost proper sense of the comedy In hiS part the): are conSCientiouS and wdlmg to almost regardless of their schools He was most amusing as Detechve Du work It IS on thiS type of public serv Ihcrc are those \\ho behe\c that pub gan Ice by ItS cItizens elected to different he offiCials are hound to carry out the E Emsley Pyle as Martm Meehan ollices that the final success of our "Ishes of the people \\ ho elect them Dugan s first heutenant made much of form of government depends rhcre arc others \\ ho beheve that the} the role aSSIgned to hun Fredenc A If our high Bank offiCials OUr Con \\ ere put JIlto office to use their own Child was effectl\e as the stmgy old gressmen and others 111 lIuportant pOSJ Judgment and 111 some cases to protect uncle who mvested Wlihe s money to ad lions who took the bmdlng oath of the \ oters from themseh cs vantage Mary P Plowman another oOlce had served their country WIth \Ve beheve that there JS a happy me neWCOmer to Players Club audlcnces half the zeal they tned to serve them dlUm het\\een these two extremes Ccr gave a convl11cmg interpretation of her selves Amenca would not be wnthlng tamly our school board members should rolc as accomplIce of Charles Burnham to:lay hke a challled gIant chams forg­be tn1[lressed by thc pleas of our erstwhile friend of Willie Mrs Plow cd by her 0\\11 cItizens "ho betrayed pcople for tax reduLtlon Certamly the): man has played several times With the her must be Ulchned to dl\ orce all personal Ridley Park Barnstormers and the Play I thll1k the same sort of service IS sympatJues and prejudices from theJr ers Club IS to be congratulated on secur found Ul our Borough Councd and say consideratIOn of subjects such as salar) lng her for their March production WIthout heslt hon that we arc most reductIOn lurmg and firmg etc eer Much eredl IS due Mr and Mrs fortunate m the make up and splnt talllly Monday mght s meeting must MltcheH for the beautiful effects aciueved of both these bodies cause them to stop and look more dehb In the smgle set particularly the changmg E C \VALrON eratcly at their school problems from skyhne VISible from the balcony be) ond the attItude of the parent who pal s the hVIng room the tax hili The treasurer of the Players Club Mr I To the Editor _ But on the other hand there IS a tend T W Andrew announced durmg the 111 Our euucatJon2l n lzards as repre eltc} for pcople to be paille} about pub termlSSlon that he would accept Players scntcd III the local School Board seem hc expense at the present tnne and It checks for guest tickets to have lost their confidence In their IS up to the school directors With their efforb to cut the tax rate there IS a direct I1lslght mto the work of the USE ROOM FOR great lack of unanullIty of purpose schools to protect thesc palllc) ones WELFARE WORK among the Directors themselves and from themsehes they are endeavormg to shift the re It seems to us •t ha•t t•h e 111\ estment III I TI Ie emergency re II e f committee \VIS h stapmon sdlebpJhatrytm feonrt st hteo ethhneU pllaarheonnts oof f ctehre puhhc schools IS hke unestment m hfe to express their appreclatton to the Scllol .... rs These Directors have had the I egillar savlllgs clubs S\\arthmore Fire and Protectn e Assocla lIISllranCe an( III r f I conSideration of thc school budget be \\ e complam when \ .. e are forced to lion or the use of the arge board room fore them for months Without solutIon k tI e t but 111 the end Each Uonday moron g about ten women eel) up I I Ie paYI~ II ~ the officers If meet and write the food orders for each and yet they come mto a pubhc meet \\ C \\ OU ( ne\' er orgl e week mg and ask the attendants of that dth e\ fadJ led to make us meet the regular '.i.\[ a gazmcs f or th e SeamanIs tI1S I tut e Ineellllg 10 tell them what departments e~a~~esms to us that the Swarthmore hospitals and other mstltuttOllS would be should be clllmnated That IS the sole S I I B d \111 do Its \\ork best If greatly apprecIated by the commuDlty Job of the Directors one of the pur c 100 oar \ 1 \Velfare Soclet~ If all,)onc has old poses for whlch they were placed 1h It WIi ll enclea\ or tto pi case asi lf e\\ Bp eotIpll Se 1 Iuagazmes II Ie) \\:I II be ca II ed f or office If \\ Ith all the knowledge III III t liS com;nullI Y a~ P~SSI) e .} tl elr The old fash oned smg ng School held their possessIOn at first halld they arc \\C I11call llt 13t III / 1~ oll7 run Ie t It 11 e 11cthmlist Church recentl) I ctted unable to det.: de upon the best thlllg t.:ourst.: \\1 I rme 0 la\C een \\IS S ab It forty dollars for tI e shoe fund to do how ..,;2n they expect a to\\1I It they hstell lJ{~llher to those "ho I Children s stockmgs and boys slurts mectmg such as was held on Monday I\I\ oaukled tchuet stcahxoeosl aS ) gstreemat caomnofournmt arn(:d I arc badly needed by the Health Society Illgllt to IIltelhgently pass upon the gardlcss of educational standards nor I matter What theh taxpayers ared mot st to those \\ ho \"ould make only a slight wlllter of 1933 five years from now thiS Illterested 111 at t IS time JS a ras IC reductlOll III taxes and utlhze all the I board \\In be held responSible for the reduction of the tax rate ThiS latter funds available for further Impro\ e I educatIOnal standards of our school phase of the question has been repeat ment of the local school s} stem sy:.tem The advantages winch our edly .... nd emphatically stressed-and lis • • • schools no\\: offer 111 the na~ of extra colos~al Importance ought to be clear No truer \lords \\ere spoken at Mon departments and spe(;131 \\ork should to the Board of Directors now day Illght s meetmg than those b): Mrs not be sacrdiced I he follOWing facts probably not fa Hoot \\ho said that \\:hat IS an extra The fine reputation of Swarthmores 1111i1ar to most taxpayers came to lIght to some IS a necessity to others sc1100is has been the best talking pomt at the meetmg on Monday ntght Certall1iy the hoard should give care IOf thiS commullIty for the past twenty ] While the 1932 33 actual expendJ iu) heed to the o\,:en,helnung senti years Is th amount represented b): tures were conSiderably lugher the ment III favor of drastic wage reduc lone or h\o mills too much ot a sacnfice 1933 34 Estimated Budget pro,\!ldes ap tlons as expressed at Monday mght s I to ask of any 1:ltlzen 10 order to malO proxlm2tely $80000 to pay 44 teachers meetmg but regardless of what the tax tam that hJgh standmg whIch we have ThiS IS an average of shghtly more than payer:i of Swarthmore may say In the so ardorously gamed;; (Contl1lued OR PQfI~ Three) Air Eaton explamed that the proposed rather than ordlllary broom wlelders reduction of $30000 m the budget called The' are classed as Jal1ltors only be for a cut 111 teachers salanes of a"bout ,;§ 120 per cent ThiS would make It pos cause that term IS used In making up sJble to keep the entire staff of 44 teach the budget ers Supermtendent Frank Morey POll1t The seven men have been selected ed out that at the present time only four over a long penod of time and their teachers reCClVe the maximum salary quahficahons are far above the aver It was explamed that the school nurse age of school Janitors and dental hygleOlst are on a part ttrne rhe staff IS made up as follows One baSIS the Swarthmore school and the full time skilled mechaniC In charge of Nether PrOVidence Schools sharlOg the all mamtenance mcludlOg repairs expense equally pamtmg and new tnstallatlons m the Wilham B Bullock defended the cost entire school plant of education III Swarthmore and urged One full time fireman that no reduchon be made 10 teachers One head Ja01tOl salanes rwo part tIme firemen and Jamtor Fred Rankm read a clipPing from one custodians of PreSident Roosevelt s addrec:~pc: l1rO'II1~ (f!n II nUt!'l on Pao~ 8M) FORTMGHTLY TO REVIEW NJ ;;)' . \ \\ "'lL '\ '(.I Ell" 01 (Ol '\" I'~ alf [ J AI rs 1 homas Simpers \ If to the Fortl11ghtIy at r 1 tl e \It: \Vestdale Ave on Monday March 13thlwomen VOl!:!l!; wIl L..: lel.: I \ .t 2 30 0 clock nesday March 15 1933 at 3 P M at the Zona Gale mllch I eloved American I Media \Vornan s Clubhouse Jackson 5t novelist of Puhtzer fame has Just pub below Jefferson The Governor s Bud hshed a novel entitled 1\[agna It IS a get and The Schools WIll be discussed by real love star) and the theme IS de Mrs DaVId C Pnnce Chairman of the \ eloped III a most entertaullng "a} EaucatlOl1al SectIOn of the Pennsylvama Magna s family hve III a mul western I eague of Women Voters to\\ 11 There are "ell dranll characters A general diSCUSSion of the questIOn "ho hal e orJgll1al Ideas rite love story state funds and the county umt IS mVlt may he said to be shocklllgl): decent 111 All members of the teac1ung professl contra t to the ones \\e usually find members of school boards and school Mrs S 1( Bryant Will hc the reVle\\ er rectors arc espeCially mVlted to attend Mrs J Horace \ \ er} Will sketch the lIfe of Zona Gale and },[rs Martin Young Will g'IVc current literary news Members are asked to speak of their faVOrite Amencan author JUMOR SECTION TO GIVE "SUPRESSED DESffiES" AnImal Show The Girl Scouts Will hold an Ammal Show at the Bellevue Stratford on Satur day March 18 The ammals may be made of gold Silver IVory wood chma metal glass silk satin cahco or rags Any kind of annnal \\: III be eagerly ac cepted The admiSSion charged for the exhibit Will go for the new Girl Scout camp JUnior Assembly The lo:-t an I hostesses for tl C lIlter medIate and selllor classes of the JUlllor Assembly whIch meets tomorro\\ mght \\ III be Mr and Mrs Gurdon B Jones Air and Mrs Leonard CAshton Mr and :Mrs Harold G Uarr MIss Helen Marr Dr and Mrs William T Johnson Mr and Mfs Sargent B Brewster Mr and ~{rs Howard B Stavers Mr and Mrs Arthur R Dand and Dr and Mrs \\ Jlham Earle Kistler DRAMA SECTION TO STUDY GALSWORTHY The Dramatic Section of the Woman s Club wdl mauguratc a study class WIth a meetmg at the home ot 'Mrs Wtlham barle Kistler on Monday afternoon at 2 30 All club members are mVlted to hear thIS Galsworthy program BffiTH CONTROL LEAGUE CARD l>AR1 'l The Delaware County bIrth cont league Will ha"\ e a benefit card party t afternoon at the home of Mrs LoUIS Robmsoll of College avenue The pa IS for the benefit of the Maternal Heel 11 Center of Chester The chairman of the card party c( mlttee IS Mrs W S Blakely On committee IS Mrs Eva SmIth Paul l\I Warren :M Foote Mrs Howard M J killS and Mrs Thomas Cochrane CLOTHIER MEMORIAL SCENE OF ANNUAL LAWN SCHOOl John C ,"rlster Director of the \ thur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foun hon was chaIrman of the Second A nu21 Lawn School which was held 1 Clothier Memonal m mormng and af ternoon sessions Representatives of the Umtcd States Department of Ag nculture gave educational InformatIOn on saris grasses and fertIhzers Every one who attended was mVJted to brmg samples of hJS garden sod to be tested free for hme content Charles K Hal 10\\ ell Plnladelphla ExtenSion Repre sentatlve was III charge of arrange ments Bank Ready To Open The S"arthmore NatIOnal Bank was III readmess last OIght to open ItS doors for busmess first thll1g thiS mornmg All "\~e are "ailing for IS 'Word from the Federal Reserve that the other banks 111 the suburban area are to open for busmess declared Mr Sproat The bank entered upon the state Wide bankmg holiday at 10 30 Saturday morlllng a few mmutes after a telegram had been receIved announcmg the Gov ernor s proclamation AU Ih,s week M r Sproat and Harold Ogram assistant cashter ha'\e been at the bank along WIth most of the clerks awaiting any further mstructlons allO'\\ mg them to' functIOn

    ---------- Page 5 ----------

    INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN (rJo '£u illirli M ilizilldiJi.101Wi llU l11tti,rotn, '&lfuilifritwimt)'uj'mh~ f8d'8Mt~o"fW'if MARCH 3. 1933 ~ III 111 " ,I , , " \11 It II II II , , \1 (I II ltil I tl tI l I Il (gl I' 11 l II BACHMANS QUALITY MARKET YALE & KENYON Swa. 183 Free Dehvery I rc h Pm k ShulIl,lt I" II~ .. ur I Iml. I CI II I 111111 ( fWI I I c ... h ( I !I 1 II) I HI I I ~I!'III II ~ f II.. 1.lInlt,) ~It Ik HII1I1 r ~h Ik AVES. 110 10, Ih 19{ If, 1> 110 II. 27( II. 19( Ih 22, " \ '" ",' r ""I", ""1<1,, ""ll<lt,,1 , II I GARNET FIVE IN THIRD " tl, ( '1 ,t" till f, II "lUg d" CONS .. :CUTIVE DEFEAT \ Ilr 1! 11 Ir" t\\1 hUlHlnd 11 II r .. 1 til /) I \\ In.. lc 11111\ lui I Ihe lIa\crford basketball team furn~ 1111 I \\ mil (fuh ... \\ho \I .. u('d Ished thc OPl)Osllion last :saturday mghl III IUlg \ 1(1" \ S(llllc r \Icllnn lor the sIxth straight WJJllll the Swartll I I III I (II 1I1\I\cl Ilu IlS )11111111 Ill( re sehl-dule, IUlkmg the nmth "clary ~ I , I COil t r of IlIId~ 110\\ or laic uf SEarl IJro'AlI II( c't b\ thc I'III1C t;OUlh Cfl) three dl~7~eH It , IIIl1lUt~1I \Util onc hundn.'d fort) fcct to III rr /I I II" IIJ a IOrlit r uf lamia 11o" or lato uf :\1 Irlh I H Uorlon IIlell('t by the M lOW Ih tlurt} MIX d~~n.oeM IhIN)" mlnUles east '! xh 11m { r I 10 all Iron 1111" lilt.! north fifty I 11~ H II rl,} tnt lUlllllleJl c u;t one hundred I III Iu II f('('1 tu Ihe Illu('C of bt!gIJIIIIIIU JIII,lrO\CIII\utH C'OIlSlst of 1,",,0 "11\ l-llIc"t h01l1;( l~x'1 feet Oue I"t It) fl t H It! htlOlI Uxl' ~ IT! { !Ix] H fed lUd one half Porth frollt fl."t'l FralUe II til I gl "In \ S\ IIlI tI lIIel \ It II 111 IllIrtew starts for the Gamet In tlus II h I \\ I 11(. III III IllUIll1-: 11Ilt.: the third cotlSeCtitn c defeat of the Scarkt IIld m lck bJ S\\arthmorc prac III.: Ilh the S IInc pi I) ers hned Ut' at the hit I II II II( thol1J..::III II till lifT IS dHIIlst )C", ano the resuitmg Sull I lilt Ir I rl~ 01 Abn r H Garrett I II \ I I, tI IlI 111 I IlIg It u rc lhffcred 11\ only a few POlOtS III I I.e II t K U lrI~tt 1118 v.;lfc 11l I III II II 111\ IIlg hdore .1 calJ3clt} crowd III the Il~Cl"' .. ll\ I (,11I111ul new 10\\l'r Merion High II,... II II d r... slhool g\llllllSItlIlJ Loth teams found COli hllolls-~ aO 00 I sh I r l.ltlfilOCI ehee { I I II) of lit balm, I I Ie I \lJ:I I-\ulhp.1 co litlOtI;; IfllluUlIl'Cd at 1$ de No 14 I D (.'CmJx>r Term lU J..! All IImt c'(!rl tin lJru~k III( >;tlUa.,:c aud lot or lit c of lalld IIltunl( 011 thc c IHt Hide of UII Iml tilreci ~t"l.'t'll Hroad lIul TUlI1h slrt{ III III th~ Cit) of ChcJlhr COUllly of lJela\\3re a II Statc of J>CIIIIJl.) h Ollila HC..,IIJIIJI /,; at 3. 1101111 I't' (Jlltl."('11 f~(>t north '"" lrul.) ftum the 1I0l1b Side of a t ,""cnl) fc"t Volde OIl ty COIIIUlIIIIII,: III front 011 the 8aul UUlllld 1>1n."t'1 mcm:lUrt.'(1 IIICllt'C lIortlu"ardly flC tHIi I'CI and lxtclldlll .. III dCI tit C<lllt"al'tlly (UIIIIIIIIIIII; thc I;llIIc "H.lth btlv.cell larallel Jllle~ al rll;hl au .. lel< to t!lald VI') IIId ~treci thc tlUUlhc rll IlIIe I xtclIllII .. UII~ 11 .. 11 til lIIullte uf a Illrty \\all el .. hU thc ftd to a IHlc" I .Il'ct \\lde aUe,} • • I oster Mc:Candless dJlht.:ult \ 111 btCOllllIIg acc1nnated to the trill"') Utllt .class b lckboards, and the I lui silt utmg \dlll:h constituted a major }ol I }o 1111 ) II t of the e. IIlIe \\ IS consequcntly below I( \NI{fN Atlorlle,} No 1o ... cthcr v.;ith til rU:hl Iud IIISC of s:1I1 I til HI III l'OIIIIIIUlI \I Ith til 1\1 lie 1 s of 0111( I lwei" tbuttulI! thereon laS..!) Jmpru\CIllIJlIs l'uIUiI!lt of (IInc story brl k 'I, II , d Ilid :\11 I\er 1e.C: \s stems to Le the Swarthmore IJ ullbt t Tel III It, ~ hOllt<l I He IH fttl Ill' Ir I reh 1\\0 lory bn.ek 111111011 IHxl Ie I Quc Htur) Ir Ulle ttl .. hl,,)! I_xl Cc I II I , r , II In I~ \1 III I r( III III I! III III Ir It -J (I II It II( II" (I II 1 II \ II l Uslolll 011 lIIost foreign courts, the Gar IIl't excelled III the second half, cOlillng IIJi Inlll 11\\0 I'Ulllt kid It halftuue to the «('CISI\C 41 21) count at the fmal gun Sl.:attl.:rguw fouled by Stetson, opened Suld a" the l)ru"H1J of Hair) \ Selh COli hUolIs-$ 1(100 ( Ish c r t'<lIlhlOCI dll t UII til) of lIc balm, 1/1 hll tll\S }ourllur lOi hllolls UIIIIOUllt'('t1 at s tit I \I, II, I I, II II I , I I , ,10 tht SlUrIng Ly slllklll~ IllS shot I ollow I Ig tim; IJel\\CI.:Il foul tncs S\\arthmorc \\ " I 1111111 g II I \11 I I \1 Slt .Ix tit assulIllllg I lead \\llIch Havel Ic r I dlsPlltQi cullstantI} md alice over C line dum g the first half I urner 5 Ilr Ir Il\lIIg III Jllsi PHI shot Lq~all the Garnets scor rtl \ III :'\ I til (lIlS II g 1 uullt! on tIllS shot he al1nexc<.l a I , , , • • 11,11'" III IllInl J Ulllt aud ~llcCracken IIlcrcascd 1111 to eight b} stlcklllg a foul a pIvot, IIltl I shot frolll the sHle Hannan scored II(I soon alter fouled I urller II Ii" r I 1 fI d • • \\ IS louled b} ;UlcCrackell Abram~. slllh n f\ II 0 iuulcd "llIle slIIklllg a shot, stuck I e uf thc 1\\ 0 Harman ami 11eman tal h(' ! III Slll:(l'SSIUIl and after h\ 0 success lut frcc thro\\s b} \brams and lurner. I J "ufurd st Ig('d an eight 110ll1t rUIl glV \ I 1t01... It III,., thclll I t\\O lomt leao mer the Gar II ... t I hur .. d 1\ III It IIIl U 1\ 1,1 II l l III f \\llk ... I I lilt SClttergood .uroppcu a ptvot shot JI.·~lgtr()\\ , I 11111 /)uttull follu\\~d 11\ a shot trom the Side 1Il 1 tlluther clo::.e wlIll.:r the baskct Cap t IIl1 St.: Iril Irough }lut IllS team til the lead It\ stll:klllg Ollt IrOIl1 IIl1d court The IIII'I (Slllg cell Ins fouled each other With rIc rllll11ll I the I l \\ l lit IIlU(: lSI.! III COllnt 11a\ erford s lead I, III I sub]! I to l'Cltal I tOndlhull!> re I I t Slmcnts \1 I ulld I !lid .. lIbJl I tn tht I lJ'm~llt of \ 't II till III II .. I .... e h bt r, rllltill II t'ium of ft II) "I .. hl hun Ire I doll r~ "Ih IIItcrt , III(rt II lIIellt! lied mel 0I11U1011 1I~ Jl l\H) ~tolY fc c I Ell( lose I Ultlill II Ux-l stonc frolll ft'tl II III rll ~,t n III S III \\ Is short Il\ed hO\\CHr for 50011 after \1" IlIIs 1<llhc:d Ull I follow up shot and I I II In I \ I II h.lggs 111\ L tI th(:11 ld led h\o more 1'011115 from the cI I tl t 11\ \~I In Illlll" l(:ntl.:r to gl\e ~\\arthl1lore an 18 161ead f Sh( rn III T Tr 111 I ~ lour It I TrUlII I I \ II I ,I \\ 111 IH gl\ t II II II 111 II the C:1I(1 of the half l, 111lietl eh~('k II}s Furthcr 11 11.,:: thl d 1111~ Ic r Ih 1l1m1Ul~ fun! on \brams early III the III JI~ 1,-: I \\ III lIn. (: IItI hili fl 1110\ (.'tl hlln, but no scormg \\IIII\~1 h IUIQUE<;: \Itorl~y \\ b eHel.: td until ~llJler netted a basket II I I thl IlIlh pi" Ir III Ihe Side Scarborough fouled fall g I \\ III II rtlllt()f\ cd to cUll\<:rt lut rctahated by cagmg a I'll « I I II 1 1 II h\l \\ III n 111 til IUllg shut h\ ICc \hrams dnbbled III to I .No l':.mO I 1 I I ()llih III I 1111\ rt I tll\ I lit tl e 6 pOint Jead was cut to two 11 ~ III t.l1 I T: rill IfH I \ r I \\ hell llernan lilt! I a) lor each regIstered \ II I hal l I 'III tot t r I lee e oC "round ~It t\\ J pllllters IIlh II Ihe Tcmllshll (If Ullel U rb,) III Ihe ".lll C IIlh r])d 1\\ Ire Illtl Sllle e ficin !>,}h lUI' 1 II1I11H I .. 11" I I (Irdm 10 I I!un $ and IIlan 01 IIlght I It \Ii. \\111 CLASSI F I ED III .. I I J 1111 H J \11 III II m I Ie I Y Damon 1111 Jiutr CI\II En"lIur" dalc(1 Jllluary III HI h I Collo" 8 I III II 1111 S IIlIr<ll\ FOR SALE S'\ F NE); Attorne'} .Nu ] J I ~1Il1x r r. rill HI I All th It e~llalll frallU d"ellm lIolI~ 1111 101 r I It e 1 Imd !4lt lIale 011 11 e \\ Jde uf ..Ie all ) !';Ircet III 111 (It) 'f Clw .. ler III the Cutlilly or Dcll\\3re 1111 SI tt uf] ellu""hallli H /.:11111111.. It t 'J I t tI I dlill 11l"C f 0111 hUll(heci mel file f"et nurth oC S(('olll titrlll III I H It IIIIIII/.: II (runt 011 the !> II I J [flty sin. I t\\elll) fhe ftel Illd cXlelldll,.., IU Illll! " 1\\ !Idly bcl\\e II Ilrll"'l III(S II n .. ht 11,.1 I! t I 11 H III Jcal'll' :;Ir CI c lie hUlllrc I lid forn Ie t III 1 t \H I) fect \\1 Ie IlIe) To ttl I \\lIh c OIlIlIlUIl \\ It h t ht 1111 Ihcrclln the r chI of lIel alit) I I U\\II t" C 1 olher 1111 I" Ilnll fr III j " Sc hi HI thc I rc ,Itrl) IIC lIIel Ehz lbeth I uml r h (ph It Jonl Colltlilln 011 tI ) oC 011 flllt II HF NUl ( s-S UOO llSh r ,rllfi(ocl tltl.: "lit blllll~ III lUI I \It }omlh I I 1I01l1l('l't1 al s lie \11011 t,) JOliN J C\JN Sheriff HAPPENINGS at HANNUM & WAITE'S Ill! I rlllg "1\ I III If I I \e rtlt- \ FOH SALE-A Westinghouse Electric Sto\C \ \ltl I 11 h I 1 \\ Ith th ('c burners ond 0\ en Call Media \i. I d till din 14:l1 I 11 II l h. Ull 111111.: J\gc \ Jilt II Irll rhere are n lot of car" thnt hove not been in!!peclcd. Don't wall until Ihe )asl nnnule. There .s alway~ a rush lHhllg !..! Stllldl\ IlIgllt 1\\ 111\ \\1111\ 11 111II1ll\ II IlIl Ihdglr(\\ 1'1111. (Iwl' ~II ( ul IllIlI III 1;1 110.11,1' It.! 11) I 1 III I II t I \ 11 1 \1 fI () II II I I 11l1l1 IIIH (II I J cI I ~ ------- II II We suggest .hal }OU cheek UI. on Jour spare bulb kit right now, as the Stale Pollee arc arrc~tmg drivers of one eyed cars. .... It n." ... II "II .. Illd ( hit kl II 11111" '\ 1\ e I Or IZI... I I .111:1. I II ... , Ilntlfl. '.r In ( Hu ... 1 II ... 1:1.1 CHit 1111 I n tin:!. (II lII ... c IHI I In till;;: Ilmli. ~'111I ... 1 2.1 .. , I H,I (rtilthlill ~Inrll( 1\,1 t !JJ~ I ... lit III III c III 2;t III In 1'111< 1'1 111111 BUH r 2 Iii III 2') H 2 II ... "'"lhcl (}u I ~)IJ' l'uut!lr III ... , Ih It 1m" I ))( \ ,I 27t ( 1,,\. I hi~t ~H-I-I --b-U-i-lt- r- --II-, ----------2-2-, ANNA SCHALLES SLIP COVERS PH. \1'1 lUI", PHO :-i\\ I ~ -. ~IUIIiI :-;IlIIH. \ 't I hU III III l\[RS A J QUINU\ &. ~ON JOSllll I Ql I~!P, 'It:-":I ~ I ( ~'Ol)( H \".., \..,,, I I U NERAL DIRLCIOR" BIll IlIn:-":1 --1 ~II Dl \ I \ II \ ! I II e1g :\1 II \ Inz It 11 , , Inl I Itll 11 Correspondence 11 I I I ,I I 11l( ~\\ II I hill fllH- "'\\lrlllllltll \\1 l 1 (I I ), I II H , ,I , , ,I I Ihllt I I III HI, S\\ II tl III fl IllllI I I tilt IllP Sill I I rc Illl\ In ~ I 1 IIl1der Ihl «IlfldH II I III 11 ~ IIll t ... Ill} I lit \ III 1111 I U l Ih\: g\1Il " I I}r III l x ... 11 uld 1lJ\ l t rt ... tll.: h I 1 rt\ III g~ \ ur ~ }IUIIlII 1Il\ til \ 11th \\ 111 IH g lUI lIt t II d It "I 11 hUll S\~ll" :II 1l01l1) ~ 11111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 JllIIIIIIIIIIII 11111 111111 11111 1111111111111111111111111111111111;;;;; 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111_ : First Anniversary § Tluf, Slhll' 01 :"Iard, ~'lnd l.:Ustnnlcrs \\ hn ha\c luadc thc P lst \ car a SUCcess ~lnd I ,\ish to asslire thClll QUALITY WORK AT PRICES = JAKE, THE TAILOR 21 So Chester Rd. Swarth.401_W COIn(: 111 ((nd s(:c the neU.! 'mes of Spnng aJlcl Silmmer SUltings - 1111111111 i' 11111111111111 , 111111111111111111111111111 "11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 h7 a I ,1111 s of JU{.'(Jld • • • Goodyear Tires are the best In .he long run ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111== IN THE ORPHANS COURT OF THE COUNTY OF DELAWARE PENNA N 86 December Term 1932 ffi late of 0 car R A ~on Bulow = Nutl('e IS hereby given thnt Lizzie \ on ~ Announcement Bul \\ \\ idow of the snld decedent has == t !eel III tile ~ lid Court her petition claim 1== mg I ro )elty of the decedent to the \aluc 1= of o;l:SOU 00 IS provided by Section 12 DC the by HARRIS & CO. 5_ I == Faillel lies Act of 1917 and that the same == ==_ Illl~ be U!)pIO\cd by the Court on the 27th == duy of February 1933 unless exceptions I == tlH (t) he fll~d bcfore that tllnc == 2 10 2t HOWARD KIRK E TAILORS 10 ELWIN H SCHNITZLER 'ate or Y M Although Mr. Harris was suddenly c \ 20th md Mnlket StreeL<; Wheeling We); t \ V ,r.e' mh<".' leby notIfied that n final rule confined to bed wlth an illness of a §= fI tI tdl le (lsr elei t huaCs E11ml{1ml ug C\ IlltSedc hangitazilnesrt yyoouur § serl·Ous nature, the sale of tal.lor ===_ \\ fe I ('tlllllible in the Co u t of Common Pic of DeJa \lare County December Term made .. to .. measure suits still 1931 Nu 1851 on the 24t11 dn~ of February 1!H3 II or before which doy You may tinues. lIu\\ en I (' If UlV sou ha\'e \\h~ such <In Jrc(' shol Id not. be gr lIlted con- AttHorOllWe\A R(oDr LKiIbReKlla nt = OUR SELECTION IS LARGE AND ===_ 302 County Bldg Media Pa VARIED ___S _H_E_R_I_F_F'_S~_S A _L_E_S_ _~ I~ THE FABRICS ARE OF THE FINEST i_ 2 10 2t ~I , ff S flf HI al li I II£' COME IN \VHEN THE Tlj\tE BEST I~ I ~ PLEASES YOU I~ \ I II " If 0111 II S I I It ~I II h II H == ; "We would apprecUlte If our patrons who ~ ~ No 11"1 have already ordered will aUow us to delay E == I fittings for a week's time." 5 § = == = II ''',., ," ,. 1 \",. "uu ~ HARRIS & CO. ~ Ilh II nfh\Ohllr'tlflCt}fi\liHII= ..... =_= J \ I "hot f 1 I 111\ I I r It) from Ihe <, == ==_ " , 10, 1 II ,,10, I,,, 01 'hr "~I I § 11 PARK AVE Swarth. 504 \1 I II I "" \ 1 I I:t CI 1 I fin Itall" '} == • = <.: I 11\ (h I 1 I I ~ Ih IItl "I If' or !iall == a \II! 11 II , rUt h rl\ Iii n. s 1"0 I) mm 1== == IIlls \\ :;;1 tifJ,} "C\ I rc N I all Ir II a. = 1111 = u , '"'' - ,II 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iii! '" , , \ , , " 81 I 1m! Tml( " '" \11 l.ib.rary MAR 1 0 )"''J C-;l.!""t!l;~r ~, Pa.. v ~.- .\= -~. !U\llJ.!!:-t-~lm.-.-'rn~J.!;J..-<]lJJJm-_-~-~l\jl:jj;j~jj;/i9i: "I p J ~I ~) , ) COOL. CALM CONSIDERATION NEEDED ~ ~W1N'WJ" "', ~fMN'iMJIWMIWg9WMWWf.\~M!W,WP1!.tM:.WAJQiM?-\lfW ~~~J:w.m;yty.. t i.wj&NRim'l~~\!.-..w.-.-~-~w-!!G-!~-?-r~n ~-Ql-iV~.. J-J-r-~ T e SWARTHMOREAN r:1 • ~j Eel.tona! Comment ~ I VOL V~NO. 10 SWARTHMORE, PA., MARCH 10, 1933 $2.50 PER YEAR ~1 ill i1Jf ill lULU!! llillur~iii~ I , ilnflLiii ifiThllliiilfil ;OlfunilliiJj nilUii u.ilnllll_-,,_lf!l1Ui..lil£!llirmMMifilUlhiil1Uirfu rlli lllLUlI. }1U:LrUi )fUllY illlrLuJ.Ut u..u!U! llli."Jili illiiJ.JUl.ii lUi UU rllihli iit :ulL1fiill1lillilllL:~liJriLiL~ I I J" II I ..... I h II !..! Ii It I I , ,I l 1IIIIIh II lit 1 1111 I 11I111t\1 \ ~ Il I I t h II ! hl S\\ II t I llci cll 1 I I lUll I tlH 1111l !II "'II 1\ ... \\ It h 111 \ \\ rk "k tl ~~GOING CROOKED" AT PLAYERS CLUB III SPlt(' I crll' I IX IIll.'ctlllgs 111(1 III dUlIllII \\1.: IllIu thl lIner" {Ir('\\ Ilr,.,l II I IIiH t r til( Ir hlth pn dU('1! III of th(' til t \\ 1111 1m Collier s slarntl~ ( H,.., lr kld 1II \\hlch I) \I Itt hlll 111 e Hlcnl Jf tlll.: I Il\u his 11.:1.:11 S lIUt sflll til }lIst Olll ( f Ihl.' Il Itttr(' .. ( f thl.: SII,...l \\ IS Ih\: red sllc \Il\\ It I :\('\\ k\1 \I( fr III (11\\11 t. <11\\11 fr'lIl Ihe I ~ Itlllll1ll\ aJlp )llIt\: I 11\111,.., f( III III tit 1 ulth II I.: of I Ilitl \\ Inl thl.: Ir "'\\1 III r Ilnlll \\rt I III tlj n P II ,hie \\llltll\ \tltill,.., TIl til ,I Itmn 100WIf ~/'I Ihlll TAX PAYERS DEMAND FURTHER J)(I t~lIttt\ :--id I CUTS IN SCHOOL BUDGET III I r tllrlhlf n(ltl 11 II c I Ihe I III Ll I Ihl S\\ Irtllll It III tr t I r l~h~'" \\ten II('rtll111tt llIl II 11 (h II fill 111 I the \\h I Illl (11.:d c \ r " II .... 11l t IX {llts I It.' ll( IIltllen<ild I 1.:11t 11 h Idll r... ... II tnl (f.Z::t ptr (UII II( Iei.' \\ tltn dld lnd that 1 121 Ilr nlll nil III (; dll.'IS Ilan('s \\as I H \ lIlt Ie t nducliull IIId nut til J..<:cpmg \\ II!. lil, IUlll" \\ I l ... II t 111111 I 111 I II!..! I II tl I I I ]l1l1l r ... "'1)/10 I \l tr t r lleli " r U\ Ie\: fIr the loe t1 t it.:nglit lladlty II It Ih~ II pn tllfI\:<r; I\lrlgcd f Ihe "'~H II J 1II I Il Il I III I\dm Ilg Illl t X r II \\1 t 1111-:111 l III I til \stLllI tl t" III St I \ I III I I II I tht ,,11\ \\llIll JI1 t I i1ttk I \\ I th( IlgllIlllII I lIt j r tiel .. tq 1 ttl I1p 1Il thl.: ll.: II I utI! III )\('t! n,..,ht \1, pI \ (ri t IlIIlhtr III tlill h(: ('III tblltttn }IIIIIH ... Itsl),Op(1 :\lr LII ttl) rlt.: 1lI111('JJ(lcd '" \ t , I I 1111 11 " 1111 ,I I , III 1 , I t , '-'\ IIlhlll rt \\1 IX lilt l I It t1 I .... I thl 111111 SU IJ( J \\ 11111111 SI111l11e us g 1\1..' I COII\III1.: TIIhrprct lilt n (I the Ilufed hntllr lIlel II ~ Ic Hr t Itlrth(,1 IllS n mill tlllli II tl t tht It (I thl.' I IIIIt II I 1111 Ir II 1I1I1UIIlg I illi.'n I, \\ Irrlll I Ihe 1111 JIll l\l ul \\111 till I ell I II.'I h \\ I hllllllllg :\fr \\ Ifltll \\cll kne\\11 lu II nu Clul 11IdlClll.:e I k htr I Irt I I 11 \ l\ lut\ 111 I \\ lrIl1th Dr r~t \\ 11 rlll \S tht III I II \\ II Or I I '1 1l1l.IWlt/ (lulIrllHlII 0/ "If I, I It (1llIn/tf ~ 0/ I'/"Iml( 11,111(1 II/W If I fun d Oil t, ,UItJlllH (IJIU/II11UIS lIon gll I fll\ (:1 I" Ill,., Ih IlXt \1.' lr " k Uti III I IC In I I I\\\: t, )ll.:r l L111 (el I 11111(' I \I It r t1 tn\: It the prcSl.:llt IlIllc..: 1 thl.: I x II tht: 1 I.: dlt t I trl.: IS follo\\ s \_ tX "10) l-o,,;C)-J:'J C-~hP D-SI039, t IXfll er I "l)-J:'J [-SJ-I1J4 (.-~J6.t1 rt hIh(': H\\ dluuL iI I II 1(' J 1111 tl rti I tS I I, () 'II Ie SCI1,,01<" h Inl I J 11\ \\l\lr ... (lite 11\ \\Inch till 1 r('stellt {il I dur (II I I) Iffl t Ikt.: I grl It dteal ol pntil It pr\:l\:r Il) h l\1.: these telll 11 "1111 :'\. \I.: thl.: lilT sttnth dellt smh I din fit It,",: III lIlt (IJllf ... t \1 r I It n (,X)l! 1111 I 11.'1!lKI1 I (I o,,;WIHHI III ~lll \It.: I kll III II l.:uslodllllS ,I II I" I, '," , It ,10 I till .J It t I * It I g \e \ 11111 I HIIIl IIIl \ l I I! tit I n III r ttl I S\ rtl1l1l n: lJ * II \1 lid 1\ I1I~hl I \\ h t till 111 \: til I dllrlllg Ihl • tlu\ 11\l tI ClrUlIll II Itlllll It ~I ntl 1\ II 1-:ht tl II t TIll 1 t I IIH.'lllher ... , , I III III I t II I ,I ~ II n \\1 dt:d 111\111 hdlc t th II til \ I Iht:lr 0\\ 1 tl)(tlU llill * * * It , II It II! III llll\:lli II 1111 I I I I Il tid I tl...: '-'\l1thlllH~ It \\ k I t I rl t 11 I II III t 1\ \\ 11-: Il ttl (XIII! \ 1111.,::111 l:Jtrlllt l"htt!J~tIX \ll t '-.:" Illhm rl.: 1111\ \\ 111 the I Ih( IIlJllII l\t lull \\fln III H \ I III h I r h", mill pn t It II II (I thiS din t.:ult r Il II 1\ mUll In rte\er<r;1I1l tiC IH 11 III t dl\ .. till ,..,hlul l\('f\tJIIC h. lUI \1 Stahlt r \\ I II Ie I lit 1I1lCI.:r I elll III Ill{ t IrI\ III mull 01 tl (' pll\ u!ltd st( uhh III C IIh<iI.:Il((' gn IIlg I I I I lurc (I thl.: s J I.: l11u\ tllel I I\d a :\lltdllll \\ I eharnlll1g III her r 11.: It \\ (:l III Irt (I Ihe Irf( "P' 11''1111.: \\ Ilhl \\ Ir I .... 1\ IIlg Ihc hlllsh th It Idt httle t I t II.: ret! IItr \\('11 III dullted \lllc t I III I lIla .. II,..," t I all C IlIl.:rS of lill I Iidl II e him J... I r( \\mll \\1 (I hi It I ch II Idll I( Ie \\ IS IIllsl C II lIelll" I the I \ II \ Lil.:t )1 \\ II he \\ ml II .... "I'r JIll III II I III Illisttr dolhlll,.., 1111111 ,\onu;S lnd prohlt:lIls ((hied much I IIll l nlll "'Itll II I (I the 11\;1\ Illl t 11Ie1 "urp I cd his ttl "(,!lee TTl'; t. l r tng II-. Jlut I tlu: I a kncll i. r p rH 1\ al 01 tht alllittUr Idtdl\ \\In Hf\ ('lltC'rtlll1ll NI.:\\t II I II \11111 III hI Ilr t aIllKlrlllCC \\Ith Ih Il\\Cf IIl\ul\\lIh ISlIrancc mil pr III ell I the l med\ 111111 Pili 11(' \\ I Ill' t lltl III~ IS I )etutl\ e Du /.!1Il Correspondence J hl I (ht r cr \\~Ilt 1\\ \ Ire III till 11 Illl \lid \:d ~ll Ie I \1 lllllg :\llllell\ IIIght 1('('ll1lg t(,llill! tl \I 111111 r pnt 11ll1l1g It mr Pull hl S(I • I l ulf! 11('1\ be lett JIl thl Ire 011 I II I e I III 1 Il 1I11 ~dH I I I ani I r\: seh I I I t kll " \\ Jail [ il 1\ (: \: Il I hill r ukml "'I.:huul XI pll nr 1(1111 01 gO\l.'rtlJlHIII l.'XPl.'II1.: equall\ tl III \\ h 1 r Ult(:eI It th t Imdl1lg \\ !lh U11 I.. Bull ck dllllHIl(t the co ... 1 I II( nl (I IlII (( h r SCl mul I I «Iu It I I III S\\ Irtl1111 I e III I !lr ..,('d llll\ II lit lid ,kill Ullle:: lhlt II r tltlcil II Ie 1111(1 III t ldllr !lid i ur :\ I l He ha-; am motn l.' cx ~ dlnl upt t \\1 II tthlllll\ III Ih\: ht.:~t I nd 1l1tl,;.l~ h t I Iht.: I.:h )1 II d II plIIC HS I \ll\th Ig \\ I pn (;lIled I lrlnk" ~UH' ) Inlh IIHI Ih tl IIII-: t:o\lred up \d"dl \ IIld lJdl' I JH till I r bll.:lIl 111\ ll\( kl1 \\ 11 th II thl IIllll1 1)('" U lUlU 11\...: Ilk, It 111.:11 Imle l\ the \\llk lid hl\\: g1\ullb n Itlll Ihl I ... t l:lllsllerLII II 111(:\ tI...: L pk I btl ex IIHpk ( I \\ h It dectcd pll \11 1111\ d~ hlll.' III \merlci II thl 1\...: I.: IhUlllll 1I !lid \\ Ihllg t( \\\ II his \ II till 1\ll )1 I uhhc en Ill.: I" It I.:ltlZlll llel.:led t) (hll(:llllt I ()JU Nf(,HTLl 10 REVIEW N IrllllHI.: :\I nil Illi thlll lnhllin bit III \\It.:idcrs ul IS J 1I1110r ... (lllh he II ed til III lklllg up lIIen It 1\ hl.:111 sdnte(1 I (:1 It I {I tHlil I1HI their tI\: t Ir lh He lhl.' l\cr I Jllllltr ... I h I I I III uiL tip I I II m Olle 11111 IItll ktll\ d llIecIJ IIllt.: III Llill ~l (t III III t11l1lll IIIce Illcintimg rt pain. I 1IIIIIIlg lIld III \\ III tal111101ls III tht.: II tire scht 01 (II lilt () I~ lull tllll(' fir\:1II111 ()I l III ((1 ) 1111101 I" 1 r( 111lI\: I nl1l(;11 and J 1111tor " , hillS \\ II II \ \:1 I I :\1 II {h h :\h "I \\ III til II}H I , " ) It 1 P :\1 It the III In I \It a :\ fa rt III :\I(,l.:hal tt((~1.' tl It lltl hi I lIlU J )\1 I r I htutllllllt I I rill I g \ l11l1l1~ t dll t I d~ \ II our hIgh I !Ilk IJI U lh I ur ( Hl \ IIll I t: (\ t llltr It r I, II 1\\ lull 'I HI PI \\ III III ( Inll III thn mtilcllc( lI1tlrpllt Itam 01 h~r I Ch II h: ... Burnh 1111 )1 \\ "ht.: :\Ir J I \\ gns 1lJ\:1I til t IIhll III IllI'l rt lilt I>0~I i II \\h t I til Img nIh t I II it HI l \ d IhL! I.: nulll \ \\Itlt It II th\: Zt II til \ \\!til Ihe ht md thl.: PIn I tlm1 rt I Slf\IC\: b C IIr :\Ilnil 1 r (IUd I n Is (Iu :\1 r 11I<i :\[ r Ilaliltilli cllld 111 \l 1 II plltJuilall the I.:klll .... 11,., h1t~ t rc 11 the hilt 11\ 1\:\ 11 I tl,I\ll,..,1 III II t: tn I UHr " Ihe.: PIa\ll-. Clul )11 \\ \11(11 tilt III H:c..:ept I I \ r l ~L UOOM FOR II I I t XI I I ..... " II II ! tl '11 1 I I h ~I I Ht II I "lilt: \\ lk '" ELFARE \\ OlU~ \\ I 11.: 11 I r l " \11,., IZlll I I tht.: S(; 1m III In I tilt 111 1 11 lill! 11 tltutl 11 \\ Hid 11.: 11 Ith IPIIl Ilk<l 1 \ the l IIII1H11l1l\ \ \ I III :--; 11 11\ III I Id , lhll1t,1l 1\ Ihuh I 1\ " , IllIlI l I 1 l l III I It r 11 St 11 , Illlll \\ 1\ 1\ \\ rk c ur l XII I II 111 I h rt ]1111 Itl II H S, Irthlll n 1 II t Il ... \ t t1klHg II I hi ( III IIl1t\ Ic r thl I .. t I\H h \ l Ir I I t1I lint r pn <. ltl I 1 \ r 1\\ III II t ) mill h t I It nhl.:l I I I k 1 111\ OlIn II II Jelll II III t IIlI th It lugh III dlllg \\hlL1I \\l haH Inh re II " g IlIll d IllllHl III (ur I O! IIgh ( )lt1 1.:11 lilt! a\ Ilh 111 I t.: It tl tl \\ al 1lI0~t f )rll1l1 Itc III the 1II1k 1I I HI sl Iflt I I tl til e h I L \1 \1 I O~ th I hI r ()nr ltill I I I I Ii " t II I I 1 se III l III thul I IX I It tIl( I , I I ill I lilt' t I UI II S\: 1)lll I I dUll l\l ... lilt! t I 11ltt thl.' n l II HIli III n (I <. l I Illlt tIL IIH hll till 1 hudget I I rio. thlllI j I III It! \\ It 1 lit lilt I I uti \ ~ t tit \ l 111\ II t I luhhl IIIl t II1g I d l k tl (' ItI(,Il(1 lib lIt th It III IlIlg t t II til III ,\lilt dlpalllll Ilts III I r.\: lllllllillt: I II s tlil s I JI lil J)lr II I Ih\: lUI t I \\Imh tl t\ \Hr 111lt:<I III \ lilt ill tit In I, dg~ II I t I Ir I ,I , '1 I t \\ II I \\ l h II 11 :\1011((1\ I I lilgtlllh I I 111 II tl \\1111 till IIXIl.\lf lrl 1111 t lilt Il t I I 11 11 .... tlllt 1 I dr l~tlc I((hldl JI1 ot the t IX r ltl III Iltl I l I I \ h, (Itil st II I I hU.1I npl.:at ltih 1<1 llphlll 11\ tr ld !lId It I" , , 1 1\ I I II , I ,I II:\pl\ll lllll n)1 I I "gill c II :\I lid 1\ 1 Igill Iht 1<J~2 H lltlllI t:XlllHh 1111 \\lrl ( IUlflhh 111.,::Ilr III I<H,)1 I I III t\<1 J lld),.!et Ir \HIt IP I r( XliII I h ~"iO 000 I 1 Jll\ -1-1 II ,dlt:r I Ills I an 1\ t rag-t.: of light" more than ( , (J t I I nr , \ 11 r-. I" 11\ Ilt( \ I rt I t ... \ I t " r I ! l Ii , t t" I I l I~lll \ ,.., Il\:r t1 iiI ell I 11 ( I thc (Itle lum ... 1 lit: Iu ut-. IIld Ih~ c..: tllIh lIlIt IS 1I1\lt \11 III Illi I.:rs c i III tl.: I~hlll ..... pi 1ft.: I III her (I sci\( I I lid and I.:h 01 It: I I III l II lJ tll\ lIl\itui t J Itkllll UInIH CONlROL I LAGUE CARD P \H I I h I kim II \: CUllllt) hlrth COllI Jl NIOR ~E< 110N In \\ 11 11 IH l hend t t.: tnl parh 1 t t hte h IIII..' 1:\1 r I 0111 I ( Ik""e l\(,IlIlC J he 1 <l (,1\ I "~(lPRI :<;~En DL:<;mE~" III t , till cd 1\ l 11 III xt I I , ~Il tic tl c '''Hrlll (. l IIU :\llfl Ii IllI\:1I1 (I the :\1 ltern d lie C hl tll I II, dl tJrllllll 01 11 It \: I :\11 \\ I.:han 1Il1ll1lt\:\: I :\11'" the C ml Ilal h (' S HI 'kd; On \ a SmIth I )aul :\ , ,I >11 \\ 1:\1 I 0 lit. I 111 I I :\11 I I \Ii II )\\ Ini :\1 J III 1<.; C chI 11l~ II ..... 1 \\ I , , \, , I , \1 I IIlJI "Itt\ I lilt! \II C I '",I I" U () 1111111 JIE~IOl{J \1 SCf NE 0\ \NNU \1. I \" N ;;(110 \111111,.1 ~IHm 111 ~l It tl I dk ,,111t11 III \lI1lllal IU lill ... 11 \\ Istter I )111.'t.:tor (I the S It IltllluIiturl1 I 1111 \\ II IIrlll III I Ihl :-i~1.: md I 1\ II Sdl I \\hldl \\ I h Id \1, III rt II 1Il til 1111111--( md II l"lr til 11\ }I "'Ir II ! Ion Sltur 11 lit IIIllllal 1 c l 1 11 lIn I I I II, ! \\ III g n \\ tm l IlJell 1111111 I \\ II Il l I ah l I lUll 1 dur ,..,ut fir thl.: I I thl 1Il.'\\ (Jill St.: ut Junun \!;st'Juhlv It s I h I IrlllIl nt of \g Ullll Itlon d lilt< nnatl)1l 1!11 \ lid hrtlltZlr .. I \CI\ Illlldld \\ I 1Il\!tld to hnng I III galdlll s II tn Itl tlstcd I I IlIlll IIltllt CI \r1I.'~ h. Hal d\ 111111 I XIlll 1011 hc.:pl e ... III e::h Irg\.: II Irt lUge I 1 " , , I II 1111 lhl I IIlI :\" \11 SI 1\ lr lid 1)1 B.\t\k Read) To Open 1lI!..!1 I t 1 IJI r ... hr ... t thlllg till!'> lllorlllilg I t: \\ tit 11 ,..., h I I \\ Inl I r llll ami til I l hid I" en l Ih It Ih...: other 111.1 :\Ir h 11 I III th ... ul nrh l 1 lfl a arl 10 p...:11 II I I U II l .In! lIul \I r SPI nt lilt! II k \!lhll(llI)l 11 tht: ~t III \\hle 1m HI \ ~ECTION TO I I mkll g h hd 1\ It 10 It) Satttrda\ I III r 111 :l Il \\ IIlllllill Illtr a te.:kgr 1111 1 I I III t II n l 1\ l tI lll!l mllt.:lIIg t hI.: (rtl\ Ih 1)lllHllll:--ie \1 II I Ihl \\ 111m lrll r 1 r 1'llIallll STUDY G \LS" OH 111\ llul "tlllIllllllrah luh dl~ '\Ith \111111 \\ lk :\11 Splc It \nd Illrllt! lIJ,ltlll" It thl h III I 'Ir \\llhITII ()~rllll I ...... twt l Il1lr hnl l1(,ll1 al Irll l'llllr n:\l niH altllllocn atllhl hllk aillg \\U'lIlH ... t 01 the c1lrks I) \11 duh III 111 el .. are l1\\lted In , a\\alllllg all\ 11Irth<.f III trUctlolls till \\ II( Ir till (. al \\ortln program jlllg thllll t( IlInciiOIl

    ---------- Page 6 ----------

    z Mrs. George Zimmer, Lydia Roberts, AJm Bonsall, and Inna Zimmer attended the funeral of Miss Meyer in Atlantic City last Thursday. Miss M.ary Seth of Springfield will entertain tomorrow evening. John Bair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bair had a birthday party Wednesday. Mr. Roland G. E. Ullman 01 Harvard avenue left Weanesday on a two weeks business trip through the middle west and the south. Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave, chairman of the garden section of the Woman's club has been chosen to act as a hostess 011 the opening day of the Philadelphia Flower Show, March 27. The Swarthmore college alumni club of Philadelphia will hold a benefit card party the afternoon of Tuesday, 21 at the Col­lege club. The proceeds will go to the sch01arship fund. Mr. A. R. O. Redgrave of Vassar avenue has been appointed the regional chairman of Pennsylvania by the Ameri­can Delphinium Society. Mr. and Mrs. Frank \V. Hankins of Dumellen, New Jersey were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of Harvard avenue. William G. B i r d of Dartmouth avenue i:; spending six months at River­side California as the guest of .Mr. and THE SWARTHMOREAN Union building. They were also gu.~tsl GOOD WILL LUNCHEON at the President's reception following . AT WOMAN'S CLUB Inaugural parade and attended the In-augural Ball in the evening. One hundred and seventy members Mr. and Mrs. Donato Colafemina and of the Woman's Club with their daughter Vincenza, of Lima, were dinner friends. gathered together for the Good guests Tuesday evening, of Mr. and Mrs. Will LUllcheon at the Club House on S. Gordon Smyth, of Merwood Park. Tuesday afternoon. As a background On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Colafemina en- for the speaker's table. the stage was tcrtained Mrs. Carolyn Fisher and C. A. appropriately decorated with small Gramer of Philadelphia. flags representing all nations. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1f. Scheibley. of 1frs. William Earle Kistler, the presi- Strath Ha\'cn Inn, Swarthmore, have had dent. opened the program with a bea'U~ as their guests for the past two tifully worded blessing, then turned Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Thomas and son. the meeting over to Mrs. E. A. Jenkins. Mrs. Thomas is a niece of .Mrs. Scheibley. Mrs. Jenkins introduced the foreign Mr. and. Mrs. Alban Evanson will en~ tertain at dinner and cards on Saturday representatives. who. in turn spoke of evening. the feeling of good will between na­\ Villiam Kirsch of Harvard avenue is tiOIlS. Those taking part in the pro-confined to his horne by the flu. gram were The Hon. H. H. Pakra~ Mr. Harold A. Cassar of H,.v<,rf.Jtd dooni, Consul of Persia; the Hon. Arno I)lace was admitted to American citizen- P. Mowitz, Consul of Germany j Hon. ship at the March term of the Naturali- Camilo Vamara, Vice Consul of Por­zation Court held on Monday. Afr. Cas~ tugal j Octavius Narberth, representing sar was one of tweh'e from Great Brit- England; and Dr. Arnold Dresden, rep­ain Naturalized. resenting Holland. The wives of the Mrs. Joseph A. Perry. of Thayer road, speakers were also guests. has gone to Waynesboro, Va., to visit her After each short talk, lfrs. Law­son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. renee Stabler sang a song in the lan~ I~obert B. Clothier. Mrs. Clothier will guc:ge vf that country, dressed in a be remembered as Miss Eleanor Perry. native costume, and with Mrs. Everett lIrs. Fred I. Shepard, of Sherburn, N. Hunt, accompanying her. The feature Y., who is spending the winter with her added much pleasure to the afternoon's son-il1~law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. program. \V. \V. MeteD, of North Chester road, The hostesses for the afternoon were has returned from a month's visit to .Mrs. E. H. Bonsall, .Mrs. Arthur E. friends in Nt!w York City and Danbury, Bye, Mrs. \Varren AI. Footc and Mrs. Conn. Arthur W. Kent. Mrs. Horace Avery, of Elm, N~:~I~~;:i Mrs. Harold Griffin, chairman of the entertained at a vanishing party , House Committee, Mrs. Benjamin Col- Harriet \V. Kistler, daughter of Dr. day for the bcnefi.t of the District Girl Mrs. Robert Leinau. and .Mrs. William Earle Kistler of Park House. lins, in charge of the dining room, and a\'enue, an d E!..h· z", be th Osterman, daugh- ~lr .•" "d 'Irs. R,'chard H.,·g, of R,'ver- Mrs. \ViIlinm H. ""est, Min cha~ge of ter 0 f .'., I. r. an d '.L!' r s. Albe rt 0 sterman 0 f ,·,·e,v ro"a.dL, \e "terta,'ned at a "depress,'on" the financcs, along with .r s. J ellkins, R utgers a\'enue are among the 7S stu- part>. last Saturday evening. chairman of the International Re1a-dents at Connecticut college whose names Josellh H. \Valton and. Edwa.d H. tions Committee, contributed in such a appear 011 the recently issued Dean·s list. businesslike manner that the atmos­This honor ·is conferred for high scho- \Valton, sons of Mr. and llrs. J. Bar- phere of a social affair in any member's lastic standing. nard \Valton of Ogden avenue, seniors home and those present felt the value Mrs. \Villiam M. Blaisdell of Harvard min otrhee Cenoglliengeee,r inegn tderetpaainrtemd entht eo f Swarth- of the social contacts of the Woman's and St ra th H aven avenues en te rta m. ed 1. 0- of their class and professors from the de~ Club and also enjoyed the entertain~ f ormaI I y a t t ea f or '..., ! rs. She rman Kre uz- IJartment at dinner on Tuesday, Febru- ment offered. berg of the Strath Haven Inn. ary 28. The guests were Dr. Louis Fus- ---"'~'''.~-- Mr. and ~frs. Philip H. Jewett and sell, Professor Scott Lilly, Professor family of Kenyon avenue are at their Charles G. Thatcher, Professor Howard cottage at Beach Haven Park this week- M. Jenkins, Professor John Mathews, end. ' Professor G. A. Bourdelais, Richard Dr. J. Robcrt Kline of Riverview road Turner, Arthur Halman, Wesley Case, is in New York this week attending the Max Miller, Lloyd Pike, Daniel Volkmar meeting of the board of examiners of and Homer Reese. college entrance. Ruth Child, daughter of Mr. and :Mrs. Judge W. Roger Fronefield and Mr. Fredrick A. Child of Vassar avenue en­and Mr.s. Louis Cole Emmons attended tertained at a birthday party last Thurs­the receDtion which President e1~t day. .KoosevcJt and Mrs. l{ooscveJt gave 10 ~\lrS. wmnelQ ~eou lu<u.;nency or tm: honor of the governors of the states last Strath Haven Inn was a member of the Friday evening at the Pan American reception committee for the reception I~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~i! gi\'en for Princess Cantacusene at the Re­Jlublican Women's club at Hannah Penn H 0 use Monday afternoon. 0 the r Swarthmoreans who attended were l-Irs. Wilson W. Lattomus, Mrs. George C. Harvey, Mrs. Eugene Heyser, lirs. Roh­crt E. Sharples, Miss Gene Doctor and UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTORING M iss Margaret Doctor. Guest of Mis. Bronk Mrs. ]. C~mpbclJ Robinson, known to SwartJlIlloreans as Beatrice Magill, was the guest of Miss Isabelle Bronk last week. Mrs. Robinson has been silellding a part of the winter with her sister, Mrs. Andrew D. White, of Ith­aca, N. Y., and leaves SOOI1, in com­pc:: ny with Mrs. Carroll WiJJiams, of Philg.d.,ll,h,,... r"'r ~ visit to tA~-. VII'";,, Islands. • I • MUSIC SECTION TO HEAR RUSSIAN NUMBERS 'rhe Musk Section of the \Vornan's Club has planned an interesting pro­gram of Russian Music for its next musical hour which will be held at the Fred J. Harley home of Mrs. Louis Cole Emmons on CUltom Made Furniture Interior Decorating In All Its Branches :a..frs. Wayland H. Elsbrce and son Schuyler are ('xpected home 011 Sunday I ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih from the McKinley hospital in Trenton. II Swarth. 1441 The Informal Economics Discussion group met at the home of Dr. Louis N. Robinson last evening. Mr. O. Howard \-Volfe, president of the State Bankers Association spoke "Present pay Banking Problems." Matinee Daily Today (Friday) and Saturday EDDIE CANTOR Riverview Road, next Monday at two­thirty. The program will be as follows: Songs: "Little Star", by 1foussorg­sky; "The Snowdrop", by Gretchani- 11off; "Adieu Foreta from Joan D'Arc", all sung by Mrs. Robert Carels. Piano solo by Mrs. George T. Ash­tOil, from "The Seasons", by Tschai­kowsky; "Prelude in C Minor", by Rachmaninoff. Paper 011 Russian Composers, by l-frs. George )pnes. Mrs. George H. Berlin will sing the following songs by Russian composers: 'One Who Has Yearned Alone", "Tell Me, Why are the Roses so Pale ?"r "The Three Cavaliers". Piano solo, "The Lark", from G1in~ WASHINGTON DOLLAR SCANDAL" in "NO MORE ORCHIDS" MARCH' 10, 1933 ka; "Scherzo in B Flat'". Chopin, played by M iss Regina Chastain. A group of songs by the Woman's Club Chorus, from "The Nut-Crackers Suite", Tschaikowskir will follow, with Mrs. Jacob Meschter as accompanist. All club members arc invited and by paying a fee of 35 cents, they may bring guests. STANLEY THEATRE CHESTER Friday, Saturday Monday NORMA SHEARER CLARK GABLE "STRANGE INTERLUDE" H. G. Welt. _"ISLAND OF WST SOULS" Do You OWN YOURS? Is your disability contract cancell­able,- do you rent it,-or non-can­cellable,- do you own it? Guarantee your income against ill­ness or accident by owning a non­cancellable contract. IOOUED BY Massachusetts Accident Company BOSTON, MASS. America s Oldest Accident and Health Company Swarthmore Representatives PETER E. TOLD Swa.1833 W. R. TALBOT Swa.680 State Cut Rate Store in Free Delivery . Swarth. 761-762 109 W. STAT~ STREET, MEDIA, PA. Why not come here for your medicines, cigars, candy, per­f~ me, etc .. The lowest prices in this locality. We give you clean, f.esh, natIOnally ad,'ertised merchandise at all times. We give you what you ask for. No substitutes. Below are just a few of our sensatIOnal values that you can get in this store every day. CAMELS LUCKY STRIKE OLD GOLD CHESTERFIELD 98c CARTON 200 10c package of 20 TINS OF 50 . Bayer's Aspirin Tablets, 100's .. Reg. $1 Squibh's Cod Liver Oil .. Squibb's Mincral Oil, pt. . . .... Reg. 50c Phillip's l\fiIk Magnesia .. Rcnault's or Virginia Darc Winc Tonic. Reg. $1 Ovaltine. ...... . Reg. 85c Kruschen Salts. . ....... . Reg. 75c Alophene Pills. . . Reg. $1.50 Petrolagar ..... Reg. 50c Pepsodent, Iodent, Ipana or Kolynos Tooth Paste. Reg. 35e Kotex . . . . Reg. $l.50 Whitman's Sampler. .25c .59c 6ge .49c 29c .79c . 65c .53c ·.39c .89c . 29c . 3 for 50e .$1.29 We are the 10co8l distributors for Yardley and Harriet Hub­hard Ayer Toilet Preparations. Also a full line of Whitman'. Maillard's and Johnston's Candies. ' "The Kid From Spain" Monday a!ld Tuesday "Maedchen in Uniform" Voted the year's best pieture by the lending film critics of the world Wednesday Only EDMUND WWE WYNNE GIBSON "THE DEVIL IS DRIVING" TIw"day Only EILERS "SECOND HAND WIFE" M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME 33 West Baltimore Ave. CLIFrON H'tIGHTS Madison 110 MARTEL BROS. "Quality With Economy" WE POINT WITH PRIDE -to our long list of satisfied customers. We believe there is no single reason for their regular patronage, but a combination of many reasons why they prefer to do iill their marketing here. Perhaps the most important is because they purchase good quality foods, always priced unusually low at our store. Here they get foods that are appetizing, nourishing and wholesome. And they always find our prices low. So we suggest you visit our store. Come today. And really see for yourself the money you save by doing all your marketing here. SELECTED FRESH PRIME MEATS_ rHE KIND YOU ENJOY EATING Chuck Roast Beef Fancy Tender • Ib.12c Shoulders Lamb Young Tender • lb. 15c Genuine Baby SPRING LAMB Habbersett's Scrapple hind quarter. . . . . . . $3.00 fore quarter ....... $1. 75 Lean Bolar Roast. . lb. 1& lb. lOe .Ib.l& .lb •. 2Oe . lb. 15e '--------_____ 11 Fancy Xcnt Roasl ... lb. 1& Country Sausage. Rack of Lamb ... Neck of I,amb Breast of Lamb Lean Baeon ... . lb. 6c . lb. 21e • MARCH 10, 1933 THE SWARTHMOREAN 3 ,biJiWUw@ .... ;;aw·, Canadian who has been in the United Stat~s for about four years. She is sur­vived by a daughter, Lenore Stubbings of Swarthmore, and mtohcr who resides at Sharon, Pa. BACHJlIAN OPENS NEW through amendments to the Administra-! in the legislature. The personnel of the PARK AVENUE STORE live Code, the legislation which provides Executi"e Board would be changed from for the organization and operation of the the Governor and six department heads This week witnesses the taking over cxecuth'e branch of government inc1ud~ appointed by him to the five elective ·of­of one of Swarthmore's oldest grocery ing the Departments of Auditor General. ficials,-Governor, Lieutenant Governor, stores by olle of S,'\rarthmore's newest State Treasurer and Internal Affairs. Auditor General, State Treasurer and ------~.~,~.o-----_ Captain Edwin E. Keatley and Mrs. Correspondence Keatley, of Westdale avenue will en­tertain at a buffet supper tomorrow (ContinrurJ /ro1ll Page OIJe) evening. $1800 per teacher per annum, which at • * • 200 teaching days per annum, amounb The AtI1eric~m Legion Auxiliary card to $9 per day per teacher. party will be held at the Strath Haven 2. Eliminating the subject of bond Inn next Wednesday. interest, taxpayers will be called upon * • * to pay, on the basis o( the proposed Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fenno of 'reduced'" budget amounting to Swarthmore. avenue gavc an "Inaugural $125,052.30, morc than $600 for each Ball" at their home last Saturday even- I DAY the schools are open for business iug. of which amount the teachers would * * * receive about $400 a DAY, assuming Mr. and ~hs. Thomas H. Lueders of 200 teaching days per annum. How does North Princeton avenue entertained this cost per day compare with all last Saturday evening. other Boroughs in our own vicinity? • * • 3. From the above it will be seen Mrs. Harold R. Perry of Elm ave- teachers would receive very close to nue, will entertain informally at tea two-thirds oJ dl money (aside from this afternoon. bond inh.:rest) spent for school pur­• •• poses. When expenses arc forced to be Mrs. Sargent Walter and her daugh- reduced, as is the case today, they ter ~l rs. Ferris Thomsen are arriving must of necessity be reduced at the home tomorrow. For four weeks they point where the expenditure has been were-the guests of 1\lrs. Paul M. Pcar~ the greatest. We cannot expect to ac­son at Government House, St. Thomas, complish a great saving by cutting the Virgin Islands. • • • cost of lead pencils, crayun, ink and Miss Althea Springham, of Haddon- .. he cutting of the lawns. We MUST save where we spend the most. There~ field was ·the week~end guest of Afiss fore it the teachers arc to receive Kathryn Simper: 0: ';'estdale avenuc. nearly two-thirds of our money, we Mrs. j,mes F. Bogar d us, 0 f Cor'lcll must expect to accomplish two-thirds avenue entertained at bridge on Tues- of our saving at that point and olle­day afternoon. Mrs. C. A. Chase, ·of third at other points, and not vice HouStOll, Texas, who is visiting Mr. versa. and Mrs. Peter E. Told was the guest 4. Reductions varying from 12Yz to of honor. 25% were suggested all along the line. • • * This would be a very good start; ulti- Mrs. T. E. Hess~nbruch, of 214 Yale m.tely of course reductions will have avenue, Swarthmore, will entertain at to be greater in order to keep in step luncheon and bridge at her home on with the times. Wednesday and Thursday. 5. Our schools employ SEVEN jalli- .. • • tors. Do we really NEED seven jani~ Peggy Lodge, daughter of i\Ir. and tors? Mrs. j. D Lodge, of Oberlin avenue, entertained 011 Saturday afternoon. • • • Mrs. John H. 1lc\Villiams, of Ben­jamin West avenue, went to \Vashing­ton, D. C., to attend the inaugural cere-mony. • •• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erskine and son, Robert Erskine, Jr., of Elm ave­nue, are spending several weeks in Florida. • • • hI r. and Mrs. Henry ""V. Jones, of Haverford avenue, entertained at cards 011 Saturday evening. The guests were: Miss J. \Vitmer, of Atlantic City; Miss Florence Thort>, Mr. and Mrs. Wahl Olmes, Mr. and Mrs. ). Harlan Jessup, Mr. and Mrs. \Vitliam D. \Vermouth, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. \Vest, :Mr. and ).·Irs. R. Chester Spencer. • • • C. A. SMITH. I I • Hi School Movies :\lrs. Josephine L. Hopwood, who is connected with the educational film ser­vice of the Philadelphia Electric Com~ pany presented a synchronized picture of the Music Master Series-Shubert's "Un~ finished Symphony" before the Junior and Senior High School in the auditorium of the College avenue school building at 11 o'clock Thursday morning. T~e Wo­man's Club of Swarthmore have pre­viously enjoyed the entertainment pro­vided by Mrs. Hopwood iil presenting the "Moonlight Sonata" synchronized with music. • I • "THE TORCHBEARERS" I TO BE GIVEN ---- On Friday evening, l\Iarch 17th, the Little Theatre Club of Swarthmore Col­lege wilt offer as its March presentation George Kelly's three-act comedy, "The Torchbearers". The play is a satire of amateur dramatics in general and Little Theatres in particular. It is written in George Kelly's inimitable manner. The merchants. Amendments to accomplish genuine Secretary of Internal Affairs. Arthur Bachman, proprietor of Bach- economics, estimated at upwards of $10, Printing costs of the State would be re­man's :Market at Yale and Kenyon ave- 000,000, are provided in House Bill No. duced by creating more rigid control over Tlues, has taken over the business of 22 introduced 011 the first day of the I the mass of forms and publications pro­) olm Conway who has been a retailll~rcscnt legis.lative session and since that,pos~~ fo~ issuance ~ac~ year. Double grocery merchant in Swarthmore for lime the subject of conferences and hear- audlt1l1g 111 office!\. of Justices of the peace, twenty-five years. Mr. Bachman's new iugs by the Sub-committee of State GO\'~! State-aided hospitals and many other up~tOWIl store will be located at the ernment with executives of the adminis- j similar offices and institutions over the present location of the COIl\'1ray store, trative departments, boards and commis-; State, by traveling auditors from more 14 Park avellue. The entire interior of sions. ~I t than one department, would be brought the store has been remodeled and lIew The bill~ which has passed first reading to an end by concentrating al) auditing C(luipmcnt installed. in the House of Representatives, has been authority exclusi\'ely in the Department A full line of fresh meats, groceries returllt.'<i to the committee for further; of the Auditor General. and ftesh fruits and vegetables will be study and it is believed that changes canl Num~roL1s other propo.sed cha~ges for handled. be made to effect greater savings than economy and better serVJce are mcIuded 1\1 r. Bachman will also continue to were at first believed possible. I in the nlcasure. The Motor Patrol would operate his store on Yale avenue. Soaring salaries, expanding depart~ be transferred from the ,?epartment of 'rhe new Bachman's Market opened lI1ents, duplication of activities and Ullllec~ I H:e~en~e .to .the .State Pohce but would for inspection last night and is open essary State services are all given espec- j mallltaill Its Identity a~ ~ patr.ot to enforce for business today. ial attention in the proposed measure the motor code. Adnllnlstratlve and over- • I • which already has vigorous support from he<l;d C?sts w01~ld bp. reduced by such c~n~ Mary Lyon Notes business and other interests and indi- sohdatlOn, which would also tend to U1~ The twentieth annual Glee Club Con­cert and Dance of the William Penn Charter School at the Mary. Lyon School was hcld last Saturday evening in the Miller Crist Auditorium on Harvard ave-nile. ....iduals affected by high taxation crease the efficiency of the organization. • • I • Every salary above $4,000 a year would be specifically fixed by statute. Sweep­ing salary cuts and reduction of number of positions, rating above $4,000 annually, would be put into effect if the hill be The regular meeting of the W.e.T.U. of Swarthmore will be held at the home of Miss Roxby, 112 Cornell avenue, 011 Wednesday, March 15, at 2:30. All cnactcd into law. Bureaus, whose execu- women are cordially invited. · · · tives now receh,c 011 all average about f;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~ 1-lrs. H. Miller Crist entertained the. $5,000 a year, would shrink from 160 in I students of \Vildc1iff at tea on Wednes- numher to about 75, and departmental FIRE WOOD day afternoon to meet Miss Jane Cowl. dClluties, rated at about $6,000 a year, noted American actress. would be diminished from 59 to 39. Colafemina Vineyard * • • The power to create bureaus and fix Delivered in Baaement The Mary Lyon School basketball team salaries above $4,000 would be taken $12.00 per Cord completed the basketball season with a 1 th E t' B d d . d Pbone: Media 646R 1 i1n7 -t1h7e tMie agraym Le ywoni thg ytmhen aSsiauymw. ardT hSec hsoeoc-l ~r~o;m;~e;;x;e;c;u;';v;e~;o;a;r;;a..n!!!!!;!!!!!; re;t;a;m;e;~L'=;;;~;;:~;;;:;;;~ ond team wall from Sayward 37~1I. The previous week the local team defeated the Ogontz School, 31-28 at Rydal. • I' Christian Allianee The Christian AlIiall(:e for the sup-I port of the 18th Amendment will hold a meeting in the Media Armory on March 16th, at 8 p. Dl. There will be intt!resting speakers. The public is in- , vited. I I I • TURNER CODE TO SAVE $10,000,000 The following statcmcnt relath'e to I the Administrative Code now before the General Assembly at Harrisburg was made yesterday by R':presentative Ellwoorl l .. Turner, of Delaware County. sponsor of the bill:· Reductions in the cost of State govern­mentment can be accomplished principally Bulletin No.1 INFORMATION ! Your· Disahility Income Policy should contain these provisions: I. Medi('al fee. payable during any temporary ilInes. or injury. 2. Nurs-.or hospital-henefit •• 3. Non-cancellable, incontestable, life­time indemnity payahle weekly, for total lIi.ahility caused hy any illness or injury, from any cause •. Income Indemnity Immrsnf"e roo BO~TI)N, ~l.\:-;~. ROllEIlT T. HAIlI. ";><''';''' .·1",,,,,, Ph(!n{' ~~~·al·IIIIHore lU1.1 GRAND OPENING Bachman's Quality Market Formerly Conway's Pure Food Market 14 PARK AVENUE Anne B. Vvarren, a senior at George School, daughter of Mr. and ~Irs. Fran­cis V. Warren, of Swarthmore, sang wprano with a mixed quartette in a musical program given at the school on Sunday evening, March 5, by the Aoide Society, an honorary musical organiza~ tion. cast, which includes members from all S h 333 F D I' fOllr classes, is being directed by ~rr. T. _T~!!!!!el~e~p~h!!!!!o~n!!!!!e!!!!!~w!!!!!art!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!rn~o~!!!!!re!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~r~e!!!!!e!!!!!~e~~lv~e~ry=. • • • Lawton Slaugh. = Mr. and Mrs. Leslie \Viddowson, of Riverview avenue, are being congratu~ lated upon the birth of a daughter in the Chester Hospital, on Tuesday. • •• Mary Bonsall, daughter of Dr. Edward The play wiH be given in Clothier Me­murial. I I • CUT RATE DRUG STORE ADVERTISES HERE SUPER-SPECIALS: LIMITED SUPPLY. ORDER EARLY Bonsall, Jr., of Cornell avenue, has re- Because of their customers in Swarth­ceived an honorable mention for a note more, the State Cut Rate Drng Store at book 011 the programs of the children's 109 \~l est State St., M celia., has de~ concerts of the Philadelphia Orchestra. cidcd to offer to the people 01 thi, COIII- Round Steak or Faney Check * • • II1uuity, a list of its specials. The pro- Sirloin Steak Roast Roast Fresb,Ground l-Irs. Grace Stubbings, of 219 Swarth- prietors of this store are Abe and· Max Th. 27c Beef more avenue, died very suddenly Wednes- \\feiner, and a complete line of lIation-1 19c tb. 12 ~c iii. day evening. Mrs. Stubbings was a ally advertised drugs, candies, cigars, .------------------------.r-------------------------; etc., are handled. I 14c Th. Shop and Have Lunch at The Woman's Exchange Imported Hand Made Linens. Reasonably Priced Eeroyed Hooked Rugs Fine assortment of Home­made Candies, Bulter Crcmlls, Bon Bons, Chocolate Logs, Fudge. Home-made Bread, Rolls, Cakes and Pastry. Breakfast-7 n. m. to 9:30 a. m. Special 35e Luncheons-12 to 2 p. m. . ON ORDER Individually Deeo.aled Birtb­day ,cakes, Deeorated Easter Et!BS, Cbicl<en Salad, Crab Newberg, Creamed Chicken, Palty Sbell. and Soup •• WOMAN'S EXCHANGE 12 PARK AVENUE Phone Sw. 1993 I • Story Hour March 29 The March program of the Story Hour will be about Greece. Miss Kraft and Miss Vall De Bogar t are assisting with the program which will be at the Woman's Club at 3:15 on March 29. , . Literature Section TIll' Litcn'tufl': S~ction will meet Thursday morning as usual. The sub­jects "Parry and Thrust"; "Cakes and Ale", by \V. Somerset lIaughamj "Gin and Bitters", by A. R2ppoi·te, and "The John Riddell Murder C.,e", b) Corey Ford are the books to be COIl­, sidered. • I • College Ve.pers - I , , Patrick ),Ialin of the Economics de­partment is going to address Vespers on Sunday evening, at 6 :30 in Clo thier Memorial. Prof. L. R. Shero \Vii have an organ program in addition consisting of compositions by Vierne Rheinbergoer, Bach and Saint-Sacns. VEAL CUTLET. . Th. 29c VEAL CHOPS . ...... .... Th. 29c Also a full line of Fresh Sausage, Scrapple and Smokcd Meats at Reduced Prices SUPER SPECIALS SUPER SPECIALS Granulated Sugar .10 Th. bag 39c In Our Fruit and Vegetable Department - Cal. Sunkisl Orange. . . 19. size, doz. 23c . . Tartan l\liIk . Tall Can 4c Seedless Grapefruit . .5 for 1ge 1\131'('0 Dog Food .3 cans 19c Golden Ripe Bauanas .. doz. 15c Staymen's.Winesap Apples, Faney .3 pkgs. 25c Cheese Educators .. M pk. Bas• . . . . . . ... ... 15e Crisp Celery Heats. ... , ... . bunch 7c Large Box Soap Chips .. Full 5 Th. Box 25c Iceburg Lettuce .. head 7c Tartan, Boscul, Maxwell House, Chase & Calif. Beets or Carrots. ... . bunch 5c Sanborn Coffee. . . Any Brand Th. 29c Fancy Tomatoes .... - . . .... Th.9c Also a JlIllline oj Fresh, Oysters and Clams. - Any oj these specials can also be Iwd at o"r other store, 514 Yale Avenlle. Phone Swarthmore 183. -

    ---------- Page 7 ----------

    4 THE SWAR THMOR.EAN @@@@@@@@®@@@®U44@@@@¥¥®@S@@@@ a.-.sWx aM ••• - '. '. - (a •• " aw' THE SW ARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVEI\Y FRIDAY AT sw AI\THMOI\E. PA. ~ ROBERT Eo SHARPLES Editor and Publl.her Phone Swarthmore 900 Entered a. Second Clu. matter. 'anuary :4, 19Z9, at che Post Office at Swarlhmore, Pa., under tbe Act of Marcb 3, 1879. Fraulein Meyer \Vords of praise from students, mem­hers of the High School facuity, and friends, follo\\'cd the death last week of Miss Hermine \V. Meyer, head of the GeTman Department of the Swarth­more public schools since 1917. In a st.atement by Frank R. Morey, the super\'ising priJicipal of the local schools described Fraulein Meyer as an ideal teacher. • • • llr. Morey's statement was as fol­lows: Miss Meyer - Fraulein- as we all knew her, was a member of the teach­ing staff of the Swarthmore High School for nearly sixteen years. In those years she has seen a remarkable growth ill the J:izc, effectiveness, and provisions for the school. She has been influential in moulding the development of our high school into the institution it today is, recognized as one of the most outstanding public educational in­stitutions of the cast. Throughout these years she continu­ally displayed those qualities that are so characteristic of the tcachers of the Swarthmore schools. Her primary in­terest in life was the welfare and right keep the school room under her charge in peTiect order without seeming ef­fort · and that while she was a superior drill' master as regards the details of the language she taught, she was at the same time a mature arid vital in­tellectual influence. Now that a promo­tion 110t of this world has come to her one reflects upon how often supreme merit walks very quietly its earthly way. Louis N. and Caroline H. Robinson. • • • The following :Memorial was pre­pared by the Faculty Committee, of which Miss Mildred S. Avery was chairman: The Faculty of the Swarthmore Schools wish formally to express their deep sorrow at the loss of a beloved co-worker, Hermine :Meyer, and to re­cord their apprcciation and esteem for her in the following memorial. III the death of a much loved and respected teacher, Hermine Meyer, the school and the entire community have suffered an unspeakable loss. Miss j\Ieyer was always alive to the best in­terests of the school and eager to help ill its development. She brought to each day's task not only the clear thinking of an alert mind and the unwavering steadfastness of a deep consecration to purpose, but also a very understanding heart. She was a real friend indeed with a genuine personal interest in' the problem of her friends and associ­atcs and of each individual pu£'iI. She had, in addition, those rare gifts-a keen scnse of humor and a love of fun. Her gaity and cheer brightened the days for all those who came near her. Her great devotion and cheerful faithfulness will ever serve as an ex­ample and source of inspiration. ••• DR. BILUKOPF IS SPEAKER AT FORUM growth of her boys and girls, ill school, Unemployment Insurance, the thirty aUG later in advanced educational in- hour week and a minimum wage law, stitutions ~lld ill life. To this she gave were urged by Dr. Jacob Billikopf in her best efforts, <':.nd to this end she an address before the Forum. Monday continually studied and travelled, to night, in Friends Meeting House. bring her classes the most advanced In support of these remedies for the and at the same time. a youthful point present economic situation, Dr. Bi11i­of \'iew. In the sense that her final kopf (Iuoted extensively from two illness came about as a result of over- books, one the Economic Consequences taxing her strength in the extra effort of Power Production, by Fred Hender­of l)rcparing KruppenspieJ, she has SOli, an Englishman, and London cor­gh'eJ1 her life to her work. Perhaps we resJ)ondent for The New Leader, a can find a blessing in this. The thought leading Socialist newspaper; the other of facing the futurc'as an illvaJid-, away This Chang"iug \Vorld, by Samuel Fels, from her boys ano. girls, s"addened her a leading American industrialist, is not last hours. From this she has been yet published though parts of it are ap-spared. pearing monthly in Survey Graphic. ~liss Meyer was an ideal teacher. Dr. Billikopf is an authority on in- In this she was 3n inspiration to all;" dust rial relations, for apart from his to teachers, serving as an example of welfare work in the United Jewish devotion to youth; and to youth, pro- Charities, was for seven years impar­vitiing an ideal and example for a tial chairman of the men's clothing in­worthy liie. dustdes in New York. He read from • • • help because the state has appropriated nothing - and Federal reHef will no longer be available, cannot and should not occur. Dr. Billikopf thinks public opinion is universally for these humane measures, and that the Supreme Court would re­verse itself on a previous decision, when it held a minimum wage Jaw unconsti­tutional. Next week the Forum will meet as usual in Whittier House, to hear Dr. Aydelotte of Swarthmore College, speak 011 \Var Debts. ------~.~.,------- Local Man Honored William Craemer, a director of the Delaware County Chamber of Com­merce and Treasurer of the Sun Ship­building and Dry Dock Company, a rcsidcllt of Swarthmore who has been State Coullcillor of the Pennsylvania State Chamber of Commerce, Harris­burg, representing the Delaware County Chamber, has been elected a member of the Board of Directors of the State body. • I Girl Scout News 'fhe class in Folk 'Dancing open to all members ot th~ three Troops wiII meet at the Woman's Club House on Sat­urday at 11.45 a. m. All Girl Scouts who wish to work on their Dancer Merit Badge will find this a good op­portunity. Regular attendance will be necessary to cover the requirements for the Badge. Alice Marriott, Alice Hadley, Varrel Drew, Elenore Miller, hlarjory Mc­Clure attended the "Open House" party at the District House on Wednesday M. on the first anniversary. On the Historical Hike to Philadel­phia, the following places of interest were visited: Benjamin Franklin's grave, Friends' Mceting House on The Swarthmore American Legion Auxiliary will give a St. Patrick's Card Party Wednesday, March 15 2:00 P. M. at Strath Haven Inn Benefit of Local Welfare Admission 49c Cake and Candy (or Sale Ticket. obtainable from Mn. Charle. A. Dravo, Sw. 902 or at the door. TRINITY CHORCH Protestant Ep18copal Chester Road and College Avenue OpposIte the College Campus Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S. T. M. In "our family Fraulein Aleyer was deeply loved and appreciated. At diff­erent times in the past eaeh of our five children who have studied with her has variously tcstified that she could his own testimony before the State I~egislatures oi Kansas, Ohio and Penn­syh'ania, as well as the recent Senate committee on Federal relief. He cited figures proving the success of the Chi­cago Unemployment Insurance plan in use by unionized men's clothing in­dustry. The benefit of this form of in- SUNDAY 8:00 a. m.-Holy CommunIon. 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. 10:00 a. m.-BIble Class. surance for the country as a whole, has been limited to only a small proportion of wage earners, approximately 150,000 out oi a total of 40,000,000 workers, said Dr. Billikopf, and added that Uncm-n: oo a. m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther wlll preach. WEDNESDAY 10:()() a. m.-Holy CommunIon. F'lUDAY 3:15 p. m.-CblldrE:n's ServIce. 8:00 p. m.-"Questlon Box" and Discussion GrouP. YOUR CREDIT is still good at ployment Insurance should be com-Isv:~~~~~~~l.;;~~~~~~,~ pulsory, for otherwise employers using it would be subjccted to unfair com­petition frolll less scrupulous employers. Hannum 8# Waite's We still have confidence In Uncle Sam The Swarthmore Bank Our Customers and Ourselves Dr. Billikopf gave figures from our State Department of Industrial Rcla­I ions. figures telling a terrible story of stanation wages and ilIcgal hours; women and minors in many instances working 54 hours for lcss than $2.00 a week. The 30 hour week and a mini­mum wagc law will abolish many of these evils, said Dr. Billikopf. but "will not solve the gigantic problem of tech­nological ullcmployment, when and if prospcrit"), comes again. "he most con­scnative figures piacc this number be­tween 8 and 9 million. which evcn spreading work by means of the 30 hour week, and incrcasing consumption by setting a limit below which wages could 110t fall, will not help. This huge army mllst be taken care of by an ade­quate and sustained relief plan, said Dr. Billikopf. so that the situation which ~=::::=::::::::::::=::::==:,~~rco7n5f,0r0o0n ftasm i"1Pieesn nbsyy Alvparnili a1 stt owdially ,h avweh enno - --_._-_. ------- TUNE IN YOUR RADIO TO WIP C\'ery \Vednesday at 8 P. M. and listen to Michell's Garden Talks. SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P. STEVENS. MINISTER "COME LEn' US- WORSHIP AND BOW DOWN, LET "OS KNEEL BEFORE THE LORD; FOR. HE IS OUR GOD" COME TO CHURCH AND WOI\SBIP . 11 :IJO--.WORBHIP AND SERMON "THE GLORY OF THE DEFEATED" '1:45--WORBHIP AND SERMON THE mOR SCHOOL CHORUS WILL BE PRESENT AND ASSIST IN THE SEI!.VICE WHAT KIND OF A CHURCH WOULD !4Y CHURCH BE: IF EVERY MEMBER WERE JUST LIKE ME? THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 9 :45 A. M.-First Day School In Whlt"tler House. 9:45 A. M.-Mornlng Porum In Meeting Rouse, led by Clair Wllcox. 11:00 A. M.-Meettng for worship In the Meettng House. Wli:DNESDA Y 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.-sewtng and Quilt. tng In Wbttt.ler House. BolE luncheon. All are cordIally Invited to JOin In these services. FIRST CHURCH OP' CHRIST. SCIENtiST, OP SWARTHMORE Park AV"hue Below Harvard $ervlces: 11:00 A. M.-e'llnday School. 11:00 A. M.-"unda.y Lesson.Sermon. Wednead.)'" evenlnG meeting each week. S p. m. ReadlDg room open dally. excePt Sundays and hOlidays. 1 to .. In the after­noon: Wednesday to to 4. Church edifice. All are COrdially lnVI~ to attend "Ule services and use the Beading Room. I Arch Street, Betsy Ross House, Christ Church, the old Stephen Girard Bank Building, Carpenter Hall and Independ­ence Hall. All felt it was time well spent. Our only regret was th,t more members of Troop 16 did not avail themselves of this treat. Troop 16 will meet at 9:30 a. m. Saturday at the Girl Scout House. I Trinity Notes Dr. Leonard D. Frescoln will give an illustrated Lecture-"A Tour Around the \Vorld"-at the meeting of the Men's Club on Monday evening, March 13th. A social hour will follow the talk. On Monday evening there will be two meetings at the Rectory at 8:00 o'clock, the Confirmation Class for Adults and the Sewing Class· of the Junior Woman's Auxiliary. The regular Lenten Sewing Class meets on Wednesdays at 11 :00 a. m. The Rev. John H. Lever, former rec­tor of All Saints' Church, Worcester, Massac;husett~, was the Preacher last Sunday morning. I I I CARD PARTY IN CLUBHOUSE LOUNGE Tuesday afternoon, March 21st the \\foman's Club will have a card party in their new lounge. The admission will be fi fty cents, including tea and a prize for each table. Mrs. H. A. Peirsol is chair­man of the committee with the following members assisting: Mrs. Albert N. Gar­rett, Mrs. Thomas McCabe, Mrs. A. S. V. Orr, Mrs: William F. Hanny, Mrs. Louis Cole Emmons, Mrs. Dean Parker and Mrs. Charles BoltolL I I BENEFIT MOVIES AT TRINITY PARRISH The Woman's Guild, assisted by Mrs. D. M. Groome, will give a Movie Show for the benefit of the Building Fund on next Wednesday evening. March 15th. There will be a special fea­ture film, special pictures of a wreck at sea and several comedy reels. Adults, 25c; children 15c. The Senior Class of the Swarthmore High School present . BERKELEY SQUARE March 10 at 8:15 o'clock High School Auditorium All Seats Reserved 55c ONE OF THE LARGE MILK DISTRIBUTORS ADVERTISES "You Can't Wash Milk" if the milk that reaches your home has passed through . careless hands, inferior equipment or unscientific hand­ling. You probably will not be able to detect the impuri­ties by sight or taste and "you can't wash the milk." Neither can you take the germs out hy pasteurizing it- You merely cook them Buy your Golden Guernsey Milk that is produced frQlll Tuberculin Tested registered Guernsey Cows, that is so clean that it doesn't need pasteurizing. For a sample or service call our milkman, GEORGE SULLIVAN, Swarthmore 102 RIVERVIEW FARMS LOUIS COLE EMMONS, OW1Ier The Home 0/ 100 Pure Bred Guernseys MASON-HEFLIN WILL HELP YOU HEAT YOUR HOME EFFICIENTLY Our representative will come to your home without obUgation to you. He is an expert fireman-trained by the Anthracite Bureau of Engineering, He knows the proper size and most economical way to burn hard coal. Mason-Heftin have a coal yard near you. We pride ourselves on the finest service and the best coal- Super-cleaned Famous Reading Anthracite. Mason Heflin COAL CO. Phone Swarthmore 6 Philadelphia and Suburbs INCOME TAX An Internal Revenue Officer will be at this Bank during banking hours Friday, March 10th Monday, March 13th Wednesday, March 15th To assist iu the preparation and filing of 1932 Income Tax Reports. There is no charge for this service. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY MARCH 10, 1933 THE SWARTHMOREAN s • a a"M G@ali.IiI""ooM.IMbIL ;;;,Gi. ... @ .. M •••• a····· $,a •• M.I• • ,ioo ;00 ;00 • saz M M * I Giit niL"",@Ii" EVEMNG OF GAMES i problems and enabling him to avoid the t 1'1",1 Fad •• ARRANGED FOR MAR. 31 mistakes that are commonly made by ne", .. bo. Tenn •. 1932 No. 1883 Fieri FadN No. 1423 ImJlrovemenl1l consl8t 01 two'8Cory frame buulle. 16x21 foot. Front and lIide porcbea. Two'8torT concrete block addition. 16x12 fcct. the" novice. In addition to a profusion Oue·story Irame addition. 12x14 leet. An Evening of Games will be held on of illustrations, both in black and white theA b'lu Utbdaint csc earntadi nim lporto voerm peienctlel 0th1e rl1e"oOnu nedre cwteitdh. Friday, March Jist, at 8:00 p. m. at the and;n full color, there is a special sec- SUuale on tbe aouthweet aide 01 Duncan aYe- home' of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes, li.o n covering accessories, such as tooI s , nfeueet 01a tltdh e Nd"idst7a-nocnee oofn leI. ..h..e u nhdurneddrtebda I!oI8f vean tyf-ooonet 725 Harvard avenue. The affair is being fertilizers, insecticides, etc., which lists 8Oulhell81want lrom the lIOulheall1. tide of arranged by the managers of the local all the latest aids that have been de- :~In~or::tl'~n ~~':f::-i~.Ofc!:~~q:elr~ bra"nch of the American Red. Cross, and \'eloped to smooth the way of the gar- front or breadth on the lIaid Duncan avenue the proceeds will be used to buy wool -dener, twentr·three feet and extendiq of that width which the public-spirited women of Michell's Seed- House goes to great In length or depth southwelltwaM between par. allel line8 at rllfht allifies to Dunean avenue Swarthmore will knit into men's and lengths to provide the utmost in serv- olle bundred leet to thc middle lino 01 a children's sweaters, or for any other local I. ce to its patrons. A staI I of experts, efi8fltletewna rfde e'I nwtoi deC dbreievteewr aayv ewnhuiec ha enxdt enndolrlt blIwOeustht.· emergency that may arise. who willingly answer inqui!.i£s 011 any ward Into BunUng road. These sweaters will be distributed by phase of gardening, is mainta!ned at Under and subjeet to ~rtaln conditions, reo the local Health Center to needy fam- the store. Furthermore, a radiO pro-18trictlotUl. plfl'eements and ease-mentll. Hies of this and neighboring communities, gram sponsored by them, is broadcast AI d d ubJ I. to the payment of a sUI)plementillg the inadequate supply be-I o\·er Station \VIP evcry \Vednesday cerlai:! U~o~fg::e sdebr or principal 8um 01 ing secured through other channels. AI~ evening. This takes the form of a series I furty-elg-bt hundred dollars witb interest 88 t Il Oug h the ah rd s Iu .p s 0 f t h"I S wmter may 0 I .il lS t ructn. -e Iec urtes, 'Wit h gran d tbereln mentioned. be nearly over, it is 110t too soon to begin organ selections of a classical and semi-" Togetber with tbe lree and c.'Ommon uee, preparati.o ns for next wm. ter, w hI'C h'IS C Ia ssl. ca I nature 1. IlterpoI ate d. rwigayh t 'asli baenrtdy faonr d a.V rdlrvilvIeegweo yo f anlbde Vaa&ldM adprwivaey· sure to bring much suffering whether or at all limes hereafter forever, in common witb not the depression has started to lift by • I • the ownero, tenants and oecuplers of 'he otber that time. ANNUAL MEETING 11001 8t bue f Ug80ro tuhnedr eobol.u nding- thereon and entitled Get together with your friends and OF WOMAN'S CLUB make up your own party for the Evening stone from December Term, 1032 J~1t tbat certaJn brick me_uage and lot or pie(c of IlInd. aituate on tbe east aide of Up. land Blreet, between Broad and Tenth streets. i .. tbe CH,. of Cbestcr, Coulllr of Delaw8J'8 and State of Pennl!'71vDnia. Bec-inulnl' 01. a pOint seventeen feel. north­wanUy froUl the 110rth .Ide of a I. wenty feet wide allt'y. Conlalnlne- In Iront on the Bald Upland street meullured tbeuoo northwardlT flf~ teen feet and extending In depth eaa,wardJ, (ontlnuhlC" the tJUIIle width between parallel linell at right aoe-Iell to II8Id Upland street. the suuthern line exlending through tho middle of a "any wall elg-bty.Ove teet 10 a fifteen feet wide alley. Togetber ... Uh tbe rigbt and uee 01 said al!eys in coromun with tbe ownere of other lands abutling thereon. lmpro\'emcnts COlleist 01 three-SIOl')' brick houllO. 16x30 feet. Rear porch. Two-slol7 brick additioll. 18xl2 reet. One·8tory frame addition. 12x12 feet. Sold D8 Ihe properly of Harry V. Selh. Cotlditions--S2GO.OO easb or certi8ed. cbec~t 011 day of sale; balancc in ten days. Further condit lUlls announced at sale. HENRY G. SWENEY, Altorlley. Sold all the property or JOICllb R. Ponder lIud Eih~abetb Ponder. Condltions-12fiO.OO eaeh or 'X'rtiOcd cheCK 011 day of sale: ba1ancc in ten dUYII. Further coudiUonll announced at sale. HENRY G. SWENEY, Attorney. JOHN J. CAIN, Sberiff. ESTATE OF ELIZABETH M. OBERHOLSER. late ot the Township of Thornbury, de­ceased. Letters Tes~entary on the above estate ha.vlng been granted to the undersigned. all persons Indebted t-o the said estate are requested to make payment. and those haVing claims to present the same wlthuut delay to ROBERT SHARPLES. Executor. Or to hilt attorney, Swarthmore, Pa. HERBERT L. HUTClIINSON, 1st National Bank Bldg., Darby, Pa. of Games. Tickets may be secured from The Annual stated meeting at which Mrs. Arthur R. Dana, 303 Elm avenue, ill time nominations for all officers, four di­Impro ·.emcnts cOll8ist and brick house. 16x46 Jlorch. One·story Irama Basement gara,e. of t wo·atorr leet. Encloeed addllion. 6:r:4 leet. Fieri Facialll No. 1424 E WIRING charge of ticket sales, Or Mrs. E. P. Yerkes 19 Princeton avenue chairman of the Red Cross. I •• Presbyterian Noles Sunday evening at sevcn, the young people will have an out of town speaker, Rev. Dr. <;arey M. Young of Philadel­phia, who will give an illustrated lec­ture on Christian Edu;:ation. rectors and an admission committee will be chosen, will be held at the Woman's Clubhouse next Tuesday afternoon. Following the business the program will be in charge of the Drama Section, Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman, Chairman. "How to Produce a Radio Playlet" wilt be given by Harry G. Forster, Director of the Junior Theater of the Air. The International Relations Committee will have cakes for sale after the meeting to raise Prize money. Mrs. Phelps Soule and Mrs. Henry I. Boot will be hostesses ior the meeting. Suhl ae tbe property of Sberman T. '!'ran. l:iCau, single woman. and N. Lourena. Truitt, 8ingle womaD. Condltione-$2GO.OO caab or certiOed check on day af sale: balance in teo days. Further conditions announced. at sale. \V1LLIAM K. RHODES. Attorney. Fieri FacllUl No. 1390 Dccember Term. 1032 All Iha'- certain lot or vieee of grouud eil. uate in the Township 01 Upper Darby, in the Cuunty of Delaware and State of PeDQaylvania, described according to a lIurvey alld plan of ,Dis fur James J. AndrIeo, made by Damon and Foster, Civil Engll?ee1'8, dated January :!i"Hh, 19:'W, 8S follows: Dec.'ember Term. 1032 All tbat certain frame dwelling hou!16 aud 10t or piece ot land. 8Uuale 011 the west 8lde of Jeffrey 8treet in tbe city of Che8ter. in the Coullty of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. Beginning at a point the dJ8tance 01 one bundred and five leet norlb of Second street L REPAIRS E RADIO CLEANERS Tel. 1896 FIXTURES and conlalning in Iront on the flaid JeHrey WASHERS 8tree' twenty·ti\·o feet and extending III depth I westwardly between parallel IIne8 at right Bngles &0 the 8uid Jeffrey lItreet one hundred and lorty leet to a. twenlY feet wide alley. I Togetber wltb the right of said alley in common witb Ibe oWIIt'rs of other lands abut- I ling thereun. ----------------------------i DR. DAVID LINCOFF 115 So. Olive St. MEDIA I AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE I Sunday morning, Dr. Tuttle continues his series of morning· sermons On the Spirit of Jesus, the purpose of which is to learn just what Christianity is as it began. The subject Sunday morning IS His Spirit of Love. The Jimior Choir sings the service at vespers Sunday. Dr. Tuttle spcaks on Children in the Temple. SHERIFF'S SALES Beginning a\ n. voint on tbe easterly aide E S' ht S . ,. t of SeventY-lllnth streel. (lorty fee'- wide) at the ye I' pee,a IS Swarthmore Electric Shop C 411 Dartmouth An. Swarthmore, Pa. The Vesper service last Sunday was of unusual interest and largely attended. The singing of the service by the Senior High School Choir, under the direction of Miss Van de Bogart, was especially dignified, reverent and well done. The chorus made a fine appearance in" the handsome robes Sheriff Sales of Real Estate At the Sheriff's Office Court HouS(', .Media. Pennaylvanla distancc of olle hundred and &eventy and I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~;~~';~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ninety· one·hundredlha leet measured lJOutbwardly along eald side 01 Seventy.nintb slreel, :18 abown on said plan from tbe 80uth-welltcrly side of Parkview road (lIft7 feet I wide.) Saturday, March 26, 1933 WHY CAMOUFLAGE 0:30 o'clock A. M. Eastern Standard Time and reflected much credit on the director Fieri Facins and the school. No. 1471 Sunday afternoon, some sixty men of December Tc-rm, 1032 the ll3rish \ViII canvass the homes of the All th:a ecrtaln frame messuage aud lot or congregation to secure pledges f or the Jmlieeln"ct s orth elurenodn weitrhe cttehde, bsuitiuldaitneg so na ndth eim sporouvthe-- .;upport of the church and its missionary wC5terJy 81de of Apvle avenue in the Town. and I) enevoI c nt work f or the eh urch year BanhJdI ) Sufta lMo ldodfl etPuewnnn sIynl vtabnei aC. obuonutyn doef4 Daenladw daere-begiiming the first of April. The amount fK.tlbed as follows: Beginning at" an iron vlpe of the budget asked for is $20,750.00 of lID the southwesterly side of Apple avenue whidl $1.1.650.00 is for the at tbe dl8laru::e of two hundred llftJ"" and support of the .th·C-lerdhs fee~ 1I0rthwcstWardly from the cen. church and $7,100.00 for its missionary trat 11110 uf the rlg-ht of way of the MedJa . work. A spec•l aI. dl'O ner f or t h e can- CMnImddplaentoyw. nI.h eAn(s'tCo n al&o:: nCg hetbsete r awElde catriidce Roafi lwsaaidy vassers, for instruction and inspiration, AJ>llle avenUe north forty degrees twenty min. was heJd last Thursday evening. Mrs. utes we8t flfty·seven feet to on iron pipe a <-orncr of lands now or lale of S. Earl Brown; Bishop was in charge of the dinner. Mr. thcuee by tbe same. south filty-threo degrees S()encer presided and will manage the tell mlnute8 west, one hundred forty feet to cal1\'ass as president 0 f the trustees. aolfl iMroanr thpai.p eD i.n Da o(rotornn;e r tboef nlcaen dbs l' notwhe ore almalee, I I • Routh thirty·six degrees thirty minutes east, NEW SEED CATALOG I sixty-three feet to an iron pipe, IlDd north tlfty degrees, torty-five minutes east. one hundred PUBUSHED BY MICHELLS 'u'''''on, 'eet to the place 0' boginnlng. A striking lIew catalog for 1933 has just been issued hy Michell's Seed House, 518 Market Street. Philadcl- ImllrO\·emcnt" consist 01 two and one·half slory stUl(OO house, 18x27 feet. Porch front. One·etory frnme (uhlilion. tlxl:! fect. Frame garagl!, OdS leet. t)hia. A cOI>y of this valuahle book will Sold 3S the Ilroverty of Abner B. Garrett he sent to any reader of this paper re- and Lena K. Garrett bis wife. questing it. Conditions-$250.00 cash or ('('rtUied cbeek . . .. on day of sale; balance in ten d.lj-·s. }'urlbel' COlltainillg- in front or breadth on said Sc\·ellty·nlntb street aouth twenty degrees, three minutes. twenty BelOlids west sIxteen feet and extending oC that width in length 01" depth eastwardly between parkllel lines at ril"bt an­gles to said Seventy-ninth IItree& one hundred feet to the <'Cnter of a propoaed ten leet wIde driveway. WILLIAM K. RHODES, Attorney. ANNA SCHALLES SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES PHONE SW. lZZS MUHLENBERG AVE., RUTLEDGE MRS. A. J. QUINBY oS.. SON JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST G, SNODGRASS. ASS''l' Tins catalog needs no introductIon to I condi.tions announced at sale. those who take pride in their gardens. M For years, I. t has been t h e•l r gUI' de to GEARY &. RANK[N, Attorneys. I BELL PHONE 4 BDIA. PA. FUNERAL DIRECTORS good gardening and has taken on the -IF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I-- aspect of a reference work, to be kept right at hand for instant usc. With its 184 pages, fined with descriptions of every standard variety of seed, bulb and plant, as well as the latest novelties! cuUed from the four quarters of the globe, it is encyclopedic in scope. For the begin ncr, its vast fund of practical hints and suggestions will prove ex­tremely helpful, solving many of his EXCEPTIONAL VALUE $35--6 rooms, bath, garage, hardwood Ooors, .flreplaCe--511 Yale Avenue-Posses­sion at once. 2nd .floor apartment-6 rooms, near col-lege-$ 65.00. I 5 rooms-Swarthmore apartment house­$ 67.00. WM. S. BITTLE I Swa. Ill-I Notary Public Real Estate: FOR RENT Centrally located dwelling; 6ve bedrooms; $6S a month. E. C. WALTON RENT 2nd floor apartment. 4 rooms and bath. HRrdwood. floors. Hot water heat. Janitor service. $45 per month. Detached stucco house. 6 rooms and bath. Front and sIde porch. Large lot. Ideal location. $60 per month. Detached house furnished. 6 rooms and bath. 1 car garage. Good loca­tion. $75 per month. First floor apartment--6 rooID& and bath. First class In every respect. Large rooms, hardwood floors. etc. Garage. CHAS. A. SMITH 'Phone Swarthmore 705 A SloaaD. ~La~ Made Good! . •• CATCH-PHRASES often are mer. wards, but this Company believes the policy implied in its familiar statement, "A Pioneer in Voluntarily Establishing Low Rates for All Electric ServiClI," i. of sounder substance. Its President, in commenting on the further annual reduc­tion af $1,800,000 in rates effective March 2, observed: "The PhUode/phjo EI"dric t.omponr Ita. long operated under ,h. polity tho' fh. rewords 0' efficiency and economicol oper­alion .houJd be shared with the cullome,.., and fhe5e volunlory redur;:tions are made with 'haf ideo' in mind. "AJ an evidence of the mann.r in whic" '''$ Company "a.he'd '0 ill poliq of rate reduction, rlr. record .p..ab claarly. Since January, 1922, fhes. important ra" Rdudfon. haft .... n made, hased Upon annua' revenUI ",,'urn: J922, .$r,2OO,ooo; 1923, '900,000, 192., $1,506,000, 1925, 1241.000, t926, $1,544.000, 1927, $122.000, 1928, $577.000, 1929, $1,888,000, 1930, "1,864,000. rite "gu .... for 1929 e .. brace th,.. "PORI" ,.dudions, moking a fotal of ./even In all, or an Oftrage of one per rear .. inn .922." This Company believes il. slogan means what it says! PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY "l'ionMr In Volunforily Edob'iahing low Rates for Al, E,Kfrlc Stl'\'in Don't do it. Get to the bottom of it, fix it right, make it last. Papering, painting, all kinds of Building Con­struction, Cement Work, etc. DILL &. CHAI\L1E KIMMEL & SON 414 Haverford Place, Swarthmore, Pn. , easI• er to wash ••• ill SOFT WATER . Millions of dollars have been spent by the Philadelphia Suburban Water Company, to give you clean, sparkling SOFl' WATER ••• the kind that makes washing easier for you_ You get all the water you want, when you want it ••• with plenty of pressure. Soft water makes easy work and cleaner, sweeter clothes. Hard water makes hard work, because hard water comes from limestone rocks_ It is also hard on fabrics becanse they have to bc rubbed ••• and it is rubbing that wears them out. The water we send you comes from fresh, clear, clean country streams, free from limestone rocks. This water is clean aod safe at its very source. It is tested time and time again-57 different times 80 that you will surely get "~ERTIFIED WATER Ire. PEDIGREED STREAMS"

    ---------- Page 8 ----------

    6 THE SWARTHMOREAN MARCH 10, 1933 JANE COWL MAY TEACH Tax AT MARY LYON SCHOOL Payers Demand More Cuts In Budget sentative alumnae?-vote "yes" or 4'00" if and countries wcre also representcd_ you voted "no" on the first question. Connecticut, Oklahoma. Iowa. Indiana AI~o women were instructed to mark Delaware, Minnesota, \Vlsconsin. Mas~ their class on the. ballot and say whether sachusetts, Kentucky, Kansas, Michi. they were fratermty women or not. I gan, Arkansas, West Virglllia. Ten- ((,'oJtllruutf from Pal1~ 0,,.,) \Vddcllff Two Jamtors~ one skilled as a car- JUllIor College tcntatl\cly an· The course will not begm before March penter and the other as a mason. The board of m~nagers of Swarthmore nessec, \Vashillgtol1, California, District College ~as set aSide temporanly the re- of Cclumbia, Turkey, England, Canal cent declslon of co-eds there to abolish Zone, Palestine and MeXICO nounces plans for a special course 111 h\ cntieth and there ,\ ill be an opportunity Mr. Eaton, the chairman of the meet­Dramatics to be gl\cn by ~llss Jane Cowl for a few Swarthmore women to enroll ing, announced that the curriculum and durmg the spring term "I iss Cowl VIS- for the course. Further information may achvltlCS of the school were to be un­Ited the college this \Vcdl1csday after- be secured from ~frs Crist or by ca1Jing changed except the elimination of the nOOll, DIet the students at a tea gIven III S\\arthmorc J764. summer recreation program, an item of her honor by ~jrs 11 Mdler Cnst, and ~ MISS Cowl, one of the leading dram- $1,000 III last year's budget, and the discussed details of the projected tell at Ie actresses of the American stage IS at Union Room III the Rutgers avenue \\eeks course , .' ~ZOOO women fraternitics at the college. Presi· Among the WOmen who Will enter dent Frank Aydelotte announced the ac- 111 September are the thrce winners of tion yesterday after a meeting of the the Ooen ScholarsluIJs-Eleanor Clp.pp board The move was taken after groups of \Voodbury, Connecticut;. I-!elen of the alumnae protested against the Hornbeck, of Kalamazoo. MichIgan, abolition of the seven women's frater- and lima Waterman. of Rochester, TI I II I I d present III rehearsal WJth a play to be buildmg, an item of about of', • Ie c ass \\' I )e InIlte to hHnl) - .. G C b f h B d five and MISS Cowl \\ould IJrerer but I'roduct'u on Broadway during the late eorge orse, a mean er 0 t e oar, hHuty )oung women for the course sUlDmer In the mternn Arthur Hopkins tBoooakr da \\satsa nndo t wuhniacnhi mshouosw ed that the 111 its decis- \Vork \\IU mclude actual prachce III read- IS trt,lJIg to persuade her to "go on the 1011 to recommend chnnnaholl of the IIIg and actmg roles from \\ell-kno\\11 W'ld \\Ith sottle re\l\'als of her !amous Union room wluch is main tamed for plays and as IS I1U\\ planned there \ .. 111 be successcs 1!1 an effort to help revive ~he, the colored cllIldrclI of the borough very httle III the nature of lectures as the Amencan I heater The plan would m-course is for practical \\ork III dramatics elude a number of leadll1g artists who Mr Corse declared that there was a Later 111 the sprmg .Mlss Cowl contem- ordmarrly to not play in the smaller cities real necessity for keepmg. the ~oom. plates prodUClJIg a p)a) at \V ddchlT and and IS sponsored b) managers and the ae. A !lumber of taxpayers Immediately \\ III permit students from the college and I tors C<llIIt) \\ ho feel that It would be the to~k Issue \\lth hl111, Rev. E H BOll­the Pla)ers Club to tr} out for tlIe mas.,1 cst \\ay to reyhe IIlterest m professional saIl, Jr, declarmg that the r~o.m \\ias cullllc roles theatncal ventures not accordlllg to the best traditIOns of the Society of Fnends who were so prominent In the life of this community R. C. BROOKS DISCUSSES dcrslandlllg of farm problems, and the He further declared that the room CABINET APPOINTMENTS II( \\ Budget Director IS a vIgorous man should never have been estabhshed. \\Ilh a bnlllant pohtlcal record. Dr. J. D Lodge said that there was no Dr. H. C Brooks, Profe:ssor of Po· Brooks also expressed 11Is approval of "moral, legal, or financial excuse for I It Ica I S clcnce an d a staullCI) D Clllocrat , tkhllc1~ ,c Shoeiccree toarfy a o fw Lomabaonr,, Fforra nac eCsa bPmeer-t keeplllg the V",O,I Room.~ Samuel D. presented a tllnel} aULti) SIS of Presl(lcJlt of lice The one appomtment which he Clyde said that he thought the question Roosevelt's recent Cabmct appomt- crJtlcl~ed was that of James A Farley, should be deCided by the board. R. C. ments III Coil c c t ion at the Col· Postmaster General DIsque, treasurer of the school board, lege \Vednesda) mornlug. Be· Party Unity Furthered said that there was absolutely no justi. gmnmg \\ Ith are mIn d e r that It ~IllCC the I1C\\ admllllstratlOn \\ as put fi~atl~n for the cont!nuance of the room IS too early to cnticlse untned men, . With Its fifteen puptls. he went on to diSCUSS the capacity of 111 po\\cr by progressive Democrats and, A showmg of hands mdicated an tht! ne" Cahmet to £u.lclloll admlllis H.epubhcans, thiS Cabmet, by reflectmg 0\ crwhelming vote J1I favor of disco 11- tratl\ ely, as an adVIsor) boti)., and as 3 ... It docs the support of that clement, tmumg the room furthermg party uillty. The hrst pomt \\111 strcngthen part) UUlty Dr. Brooks Thc proposal to eliminate the mter­Nas t.tkcll care of by the statement that ~al(i that under the Circumstances scholastic athletic schedule brought a [h~ Senate \\ ould appro\ e the nonlln-II{OO~evelt was ,\Jrobably wise m choos- storm of both protest and approval Dr atlons, slllce thiS IS customary, and IlIlg new blood for a tresh start, slIlce ELM R BilE C since the Senate has ,I Democratic ma- the older Democratic leaders arc mOl. e \" I eroyw lelTcer,C ev OilSs a , I U Jorlty COllscnatlve and may figure mother ·va ton, I lam raemer, amue .loll.. Cabinet as Advisory Body C,lPLClt1cs Roosevelt will dominate the Dodd, George Corse, and others ex- Dr- Brooks named these as the most CabIlH.:t, beIng a strong leader. and pas. pressed vle\~s pro al~d COil on the sub. lI11portant Cablllct ott.ces at the present "csslIIg lhe loyalty, friendshIp, and con- Ject .Mr Disque pOlilted out that the hOle Sccrctay of Stato:, Secretary of hdcllcc of the assistants \"hol11 he has appropnatlOl1 of $800 for thIS depart­the Treasury, Secretary of Agru.::ulture, chosen Dr. Brooks feels that this is ment was the only one 111 the entire and Budget Director The other mem- a."i It should be:, under the pressure of budget proposal which had been 111. hers \\ III be less Important as ach Isors, the tnnes, m cOllcludmg hI;': said, 'Only creased over last year \\ Ith the exception of the Secretary of strong and fearless. leadersillp will l,ift In respOUse to a questIOn as to pos- Labor 111 case of major mdnstnal diS· the country out of ItS present cnsls.' Sible cJllmnaholl of the $3 per capita lurballccs lIke large strikes The mcn • • • t t MEt t d t selected for the outstalldlllg pOSitIOns ax nex year, r. a on p~)Jn e ou were pronounced extremely able. Sen- MARTELS ADD NE\V that there were 1910 taxables m Swarth-a'or Hull, Secret<ry of State, has an FKE~H MEAT DEPARTMENT more last year and that of these, 1156 extensive kno\\'ledge of the tariff, and I pay only the per capita tax \Vhtle the an mdlllatIon to reduction; Wilham '"fill' depreSSion has not caused any great burden of taxation falls upon the H \Voodlll, Secretary of the Treasury. let down 111 thc merchants of Swarth. remauung 754 who must pay the real IS well fitted to gl\e techmcal advice on more in their efforts to serve the people estate tax and the per caplta tax as busm~ss and bankmg; Henry A \Val· 01 tillS commulllty. weJJ IJIb.e s f rom the campus An undergradu- New York. , I , ate vote had been 160 to 108 for aboli- COOPER FOUNDATION tion A committee of the board will hear ANNOUNCES SPEAKERS both SIdes The lOCal chapters of nahonal sorori­ties have been unique In always having been called fraterl1lties 011 the Swarth-more campus. • •• PAUL BLANSHARD TO SPEAK HERE SUNDAY Under the auspices of the Coo{H:r Foundation two noted speakers will Visit Swarthmore within the next two weeks On Thursday, March 16 Mr. Arnold-Fos­ter, noted English authority on disarma­ment, will speak in Collection. On Thurs­day, March 23 Dr. Herman Ranke emmi­nent authorlty on Ancient Egypt will D P I BI . speak 1I1 the Meeting House. r. au anshard promment mem- MAId Fell . S ak ber of the Socialist Party, and brother r" rno· oater 0 ectiOD pe er of Dr. Brand Blanshard head of the In order that all may hear Mr. Arnold- Philosophy Department at Swarthmore Foster, Collection will be changed next wlll give a lecture before the League fo;1 week from \Vednesday to Thursday and Industrial Democracy on Sunday evening. Will be e~tended 111 lellg"!h. The general March 12, in the Meeting House. The toplcHof hiS talk wlll be Disarmament!o lecture was originally scheduled for some Date. Mr. Arnold-Foster ha~ been tn time ago, but was postponed because of thiS country about a month, giVing lec· Dr. Blanshard's illness. tures thr0l!ghout the east and ml~dle- Dr_ Blanshard js author of "An Out- west. He IS at present on the AdVIsory line of the British Labor Movement", and Commlt~ee on International Affairs for co-author with Norman Thomas of the British Labor Party, and was a spe­" What is the Matter WIth New York?" clal observer for the peaCe movement at He is a member of the City Affairs Geneva last year. At trye close o~ the CommIttee of New York. which forced World War he se~ved 10. an adVisory the Seabury investigation, resuJting in capacity on econo"!tc quest lOllS at Ver­Mayor Walkers resignation. sallies. He has \Yrltten sev~ral books on At the meeting of the L. I. D. to be mternatJonal affairs Mr. Arnold-Foster held immediately after sprilfg vacation IS a grand-nephew of Dr. Arnold of Rug­officers for the next colJege year will ~ by and a great.gran~son. of Matthew elected. Ar~old the famous vlctortan poet and , I • critic. 126 FRESHMEN WOMEN TO ENTER COLLEGE Dr. Ranke to Speak in Meeting House Dr. Hermann Ranke, who will speak 10 the Meeting House Thursday, March 23 A .. h at four o'clock, IS Professor of Egypt- :roJmIl thJe.n aDrce an·sI , offliectet etros thwee r3e3 1 sweon t ology at the Umverslty of Heidelberg, I - I and one of the foremost authorthes in hIs. men app Icants for ad~ISS101l to field. Durmg the first semester of thIS Swarth.more College Of thIS number, year he lectured as guest professor at the approxl.mztely 126 WIll be defimte1y ad- University of Wisconsin. SlOce that time mltted III September as members of the he has been travehng in the East, spend­class of 1937, four will enter as s~udents ing a good part of the time studymg the of advanced standn~g, and 25 stili have art collections In the Metropolitan Mus­college .board examlll~tJons to take be- eum in New York and the Boston Mus. fore belllg defimtely mformed of their eum of Fine Arts. Dr. Ranke's speech acceptance as students ThiS year only will be on "The Revolution in Religion 23% of the women to be admitted are and Art in Ancient Egypt:' ..... daughters of alumnae or members of The Cooper Fouodahon also intends to the Society of Friends obtain a speaker on the present economic Applicants From U" S. and Abroad sItuatIon in the Umted States, but as yet Pennsylvania agam has largest num- no specific plans have been made. lace, Secretary of Agriculture, has vcry One of the 'atest IInprovements IU "The only way that the great mel. IJrogressl\'~ I(lcas tomLulled \\Jfil .<::u un-lithe busllless dlstnct IS the IIIstalJatlOn Jonty of taxables can be made to con- 01 a compi(,te fresh meat market de- tribute anythlllg directly to the school e LAS S I FIE D Il'arlmellt III the Martel Bros store. d,strict's treasury is through the per 1111s gl\ es Martel Bros a complete capita tax;' Mr Eaton declared. "If It FOR SALE --- sen Ice "hcre fresh meats, frUits, vegc- were ehmmated the entire burden her of incoming women students- , •• 33Yz% of the total bemg from that state; New York IS second With 21%; New Jersey 12%; I1hnois 40/0; Ohio 2Yz%, and Maryland 2% Among the 331 appitcatlons the followmg states Mr. antI Mr:o. John Durn~ \-Vcr..t nnd M rand Mrs Pemberlon M Dickson of North Prmceton avenue attended the Inauguration last Saturday. ---------------- tables and staple groceries may be or· \\ould have to be placed upon the real FOwRi thS AthLrl'e}e- Ab UWrneesrtsln gahnodu osev eEnl eCctarlilc MSteodviae dered and dcli\'ered by calhllg one tete- estate owners. 1421 phone number or by making a single "So much difficulty in col1ectmg per Je, on stoll III the shoPPlIlg district. capita taxes has been encountered dur. room UENT-liurlilldlcd Illlclrl~wul h\lHg S I I d . h tl t th t tl b d fircpla({' tYiO bf.>drooms bath, dlllette p ell( I new eCJUlpment as been lUg 1e pas year a le oar 15 m-nnd kltchcnette ElectriC Icc box Sua 14tW' 1 added to the store to handle the meat chned to I11crease the per capita tax to FOR busl11css and a butcher and two asslst- Its legal hmit of $5 inasmuch as it Will CollRegEeN TP-h-oDnees lSrawblaer thromoomr e to12r9 6r ent near ants Il ave ,u-een employed to take care rcqll1re II t tl e more e Ifo r t t II t" 0 co ec op.i' ---;::::-::::==--==---:--=c,----- : of the trade. than $3. WANTED TO RENT I In a <hscussiotl of pOSSible elllmna. ---------------------=-~~-- , , •• -- tlon of departments III the Swarthmorc WAtwNoT EtDu rnTlOsh eRd ENorT -uBnyf urCnOiUshpleed Oronoem os r J IR ussell Snydd cf r, of 319 Vassar avcIf· schools 110t required by the state, Mr. not on third floor Below tracks Bo D' nue. 13S returne rom a x.ear and a ha Eaton announced the cost of these de- Swarthmorean Office x 'oJf study at Columbia University I)artments as follows' DON'T FORGET! Your car must be inspected by MARCH 31st Do it now-this is an Official Inspection Station. LET US BE YOUR HEADQUARTERS for TIRES-TUBES Tare$toae BATTERIES BRAKE and LUBRICATION SERVICE Russell's., ... ", ... Service DARTl\IOUTH AND LAFAYETTE AVENUES Phone 440 WASHtNG--GREASING-TIRE-BATTERY_BRAKE SERYICE - ------- ---- John SPence1~ INCORPORATED EIGHTH STREET NEAR SPROUL, CHESTER, PA. Printing 1VJling , 'Bookbinding What is worth p;iarmg l$ wonh makloa read -ux SPENCER. PB.JN11NG Kmdergarten, $3600, summer recrea· tlOll, $1000; art, $3,000; music, $3000; shop, $3.000, household arts, $2500; 111- terscholastlc athlettcs, $800 No definite conclClslon was reached. ho\\cver, as a result of thiS phase of the diSCUSSion The question of ebm· matlllg certam extra departments was mtclhgelltly summarized by Mrs Henry Hoot, who said that what was a neces­sity to one person appeared to be a lux· ury to another and that few persons could agree as to the value of the dif· ferent departments ------~I~'~I~----- COLLEGE WOMEN VOTE AGAINST FRATS At the regular meeting of the W 0- men's Student Government Association on \Vednesday night. Mar chI, in Clothler Memorial, women's fraternities \\ ere abohshed from Swarthmore by a vote of 160-108. As the mam busincs" of the meeting was to vote on the retention or abolition of fraternIties, the regular order of busi­ness was suspended until after the voting The Ballot Aldyth Longshore, '33, presIdent of the aSSOCiation, stated that a majority vote \\ ould dccuie the QuestIOn, that if the maJont} \,as a small one a ratification \ote \\ould be made by all the fraterm­bes, and that those ShU undeCided in their stand on the issue should vote m that manner. She announced that the freshmen had decided that they deSIred their vote on the question to count as much as the upperclassmen"s, and she then explaltlcd the manner of voting and the nature of the ballot. Voting was to be done on a secret bal. lot which read as follows: 1. Are you in favor of retaming fraternities at Swarth. more?-vote I'yes" or "no", 2 a) Shail Pan-Hellenic CouncIl be instructed to work out a suitable plan for bidding and pledgmg?-vote "yes" or uno" if you voted "yes".on the questIOn; b) Sball Pan-Hellelllc Council he instructed 10 work out a suitable plan for the aboli. tion of fraternities next year with repte- An Institution in Delaware County for 15 Years You CAN BANK • • • ON THESE TRADE MARKED FUELS ~ 'blue coal' GULF FUEL OIL From our own Terminal In your neighborhood LANE A. DAVIS RES. MGR. MEDIA YARD-BROOKE AND PAINTER STS. MEDIA 1600 Mr. John Clewell entertained at a small informal dance on Saturday evening T e SWARTHMOREAN at his honte on Benj~m VV~t avenu~ ========~============================================================================================================================== Those present we{e M,ss Delia Marshall, Miss Angela Mason, Miss Betty Pass­VOL. V-NO. 11 more, Miss Carolyn Faries, Miss Mar­jorie Mellen, Miss Barbara Bassett, Miss Elizabeth Main. Mr. Robert Little, Mr. John KIstler, Mr. John Beheruta, Mr. Russell Kent, Mr. Thomas Myers, Mr. Waddell Bassett and Mr. Herbert Mich-mer" SWARTHMORE. PA., MARCH 17, 1933 CONCERT AT CLOTHIER NEXT THURSDAY FOR STUDENT AID $2.50 PER YEAR HOPE TO REDUCE BUDGET FURTHER • • • The Main Line Orchestra of Ard- the direction of Director Adolph Vo- BuTdhgee t mfaojro r1 9e3c3o-3n4o mhiaevse ina lrtehaed yS cbheoeonl Miss Evelyn Ermold of Haddon more will have its second annual ap- gel except for Schttbert~s Symphony made and the tentative budget of HeIghts, N. J. was the week-end guest pearanee III Clothier Memorial. Swarth- when the Orchestra will be in chzrge $146,984 OS, as compared with $176,88092 oHf Mrf. adn d I Mrs. John R. Brownell of more Col Ie ge, on 't hursday evening, oF f Gth eS A SSOCIate Director, Dr. WIlham for the year l'ust endl'ng, will be al-aver or pace. • • • March 23rd, at 8.00 PM, under the Th wannO.I lS t thIS concerl IS al lered only shghtly, declared Dr. Ar-Mrs. Johnson Hubbell of Yale avenue auspices of the Scholarship Committee readye grreesapt , ase illdlcateod by the -large tfholulro wEi nBg asasne tt, epxreecsuidtievnet osfe sthsieo nB oalradst, left last Tuesday on a twenty-one day of the Swarthmore Pubhe Schools number of people who are enrolling as Thursday evening cruise to Bermuda with her son and Th,'s COllcert wl'lI I,e marked by tI,e t d t A Itt daughter-in-law, Mal'or and Mrs. Hub- t t' f f' IJfa ronsh 3n pf a roncbs ses _'"f\. tcho mm . ee It is pOSSible that further economies preseo a Ion 0 a program 0 musIc 0 mot crs 0 mern ers 0 e selllor wilt be made in the appropriation of bell. • • • that WIll appeal to the dlscnmlllatlllg class IS mate nail} aid lUg 111 thIS $92,600.80 for instruction The salary of tastes ot musIc lovers The first nulO- \\ ork Tickets wdl be on sate at the "d d Mr and Mrs Bayard H. Morrison, Jr. ber 1S a Sakuntata 0\ erturc by Gold- school office and at the hall on the each teacher will be coI ns. ere as an of Harvard avenue have returned from mark A plano concerto in A Mmor by nIght of the concert. It IS the hope of Ii nhd ivbi dual Item afin d Twhi t bed red.u ced f as St. Petersburg, Florida. t e oard sees t e re uchons or * * • Edward Grieg will be presented by the COllullIttee in charge that a large I the entire faculty, however, are ex. John Khne, son of Dr. and Mrs. J R Ailsa Craig MacColI. After intermiSSion number of persons will 2ttend 10 order r pectcd to average about 12 per cent Khne of RivervJew road will entertam at will follow Schubert's "Unfimshed Sym- to prOVide a worthy recephon to this Suggestions made at the Home and dinner before the Junior Assembly to- phony", Wagner's Lohengrin Prelude splendid mUSical orgallizattoll and also School mcetlllg thzt economies be morrow evening. end Tscltalkowsky's Waltz of the to prOVIde large scholarsillps for wor- made 111 the kindergarten department • * • Flo" ers The Orchestra will be under thy graduates J1l their college Will III all probability be followed out. The committee of the class of 1917 of It is understood that at last Thursday Swarthmore College will be entertained BANK REPORTS BIG HEADS COUNTY UNIT IIIgh,'s sessIon the possibIlity of elimin-tomorrow evening by Mr. and Mrs. Boyd OPENING BUSINESS OF PEACE LEAGUE ating one knidergarten teacher was d,s- Barnard of Merion. I\lrs. Jesse H. Holmes cussed. the board feellllg that it mIght and 1I.Irs M• ar•v el• Wilson of Strath At tl Ie S war th morc N a t lona I B an k .'"' [rs ]e sse H H amI es, 0 f S warth more, Chosen Chuinuan of Delaware County b e POSSIU'- I e t 0 I1 0 Id tll e k1' 0d ergar t en Haven avenue entertamed Mrs. Wilson's and Trust Company depOSits were made has accepted the chalrrnanship of the Division of the Women's Inlernational ch:sses for the Rutgers avenue school father, Dr. Layton Grier of Mdford, Del. over $122, 0 00 on W e d nes d ay, the fi rs t D e Ia ware Co unty D lV·l S.l on 0 f the oW- - League for Peace and Freedom. I. II th e morn1Og an d c Ia sses f or Ih e over the week~end. day after the end of the nahon-wide men's International League for Peace College avcnue school 111 the afternoon * • • bank holiday. The clerical force worked and Freedom, and will be 111 direct charge BARNSTORMERS WIth one teacher handling both MISS Margaret Dale Leiper, of Avon- until 9:30 at night and the bookkeepers of all meetings of the League jn her dis- It IS also possible that further cuts dale; Miss Elizabeth Coale and MISS had over 5000 Items to record on Wed- trict. AT PLAYERS' CL VB WIll he made 111 the salaries of jaOltors Eugenia Harshbarger, of Swarthmore nesday. This bank is a member of the Other promment Delaware County than were suggesled 111 the original College; Mrs Walter R. Shoemaker, of Federal Reserve System. members of the \Vomen's International Next Tuesday and Wednesday Dlghts, draft of the budget River'liew road, were guests of MISS League arc Mrs William I. Hull, j\irs. llarch 21 and 22, the RIdley Park Barn. In the early part of the meeting se\'- Agnes Sibbold, of Fox Chase, at a lunch· uSUPRESSED DESIRES'" J Russell Smith. and Mrs. Walter Rod- stormers will bring to Swarthmore as eral members of the board expressed eon on Saturday, in honor of Mrs John GIVEN BY JUNIORS man Shoemaker, of Swarthmore; Mrs. the sixth produchon of the Players' Club, disagreement WIth any feeling that the Rtckman, of London, Eng. Mrs Rtck· J S C Harvey and Mrs. Carroll Hodge, HThe FIrst Mrs FraZier," under the di~ Home and School J!1ectmg had been ar-man is spending six months With her ol Radnor; :Mrs. J. Henry Scattergood, rection of Jane W. Hoffman Last year ranged so that the board members mother, Mrs Lydia Biddle LeWIS, of The Junior section of the Woman's of Vtllanova; ~[rs Samuel Smedley, of Barnstormers presented "Cock Robin" might secure advice from the tax pay. Lansdowne. Club \\as gre~tly pleascd \\Ith the pre~ Newtown Square; Mrs •. Walter Smedley, which was also abl}' directed by Mrs ers on (IUesllons which the board should • *' • sentat'on of Susan Glaspell's "Sup- of Media, Mrs. MaUrice Bower Saul, Hoffman. deCide 1tsclf :Mrs Jean Grey, of Washlllgton, D. C, prcssed DeSires" at the monthly mect· of Rose Valley. and Mrs. Albert Maris, The play is a comedy wi\h George "ThIS \\as never thought of as the and her great mece, Lenore Stubbmgs. mg 011 Tuesday cvcllIng at the Wo-, of Lansdowne. Wallace, who IS \\ell ~nown and greatly purpose of the meetmg. "Roland L. h C d f th f I f man's club house. d . I b PI ' CI b d d w 0 went to ana a or e unera a a: nure( y ayers u au lences, an Eaton, cJ.'alrman of the Finance Com. Mrs Grace Stubbmgs, returned to The one-act dr~ma \\as well enacted PARENTS ENTERTAINED Mrs. Hoffman in the leadmg roles. The mlttcc \\ho preSided over the discussion, Swarthmore Tuesday. under the direction of ·Martha DolI- AT INDIAN PARTY supportmg cast will consist of: Thomas declared "The meetmg was 2rranged • • • meyer KItty Bogardus as HenrIetta, Moore as Ninian Fraser, Pauline Cal- so that the l)eople of S\.arthmore \\ould ~[,'sS Ruth Shoemaker, daughter of Mr Brewster; Edna Hedgepeth as Mabel, 0 1 I ft tl k tl houn, as Mabel, F teRoy GJlbert as I eo ..\ ! ~.h'u. \Vb.ltcl'" R. Sho(''llmkcrj of-RJVc-.- Il cr .slstec. aneI. H~'H_t. r t L! '~ -.\~"' .Pi gI 1 f.... ....... 1\ as. ... n Ues( ay a ernoon ot liS we_e~ _ le pl)lhp Logan, .CJ!.arh·e, .E. ruc-Iords. ,~. hl~avier a'vn opportumty to present to• ~us View road, a student at Westtown School, Stephen her husband gave a very en~ second grade at the Rutgers avenue Afurdo Frascr. Nancy Deane as Alice Icwt"'1:n1~~rr:rtrriteht9 "1INrJle:"·- .... -- h k d h I d 'ertainlllg performance Sally Ammer· school taught by Miss Janet Krall enter- Fraser, 'labelle Rose as ElSIe Fraser budget Tlic members of the board ~e spent t e wee -en at er lOme an en· l\ entirely \\ IUmg to assume full resoofl- ... ~ tertamed a schoolmate, MISS SylVIa man \\as 111 charge of the stage set- tamed the parents at an Indian party and :;Iblhty for the 1933-34 budget, but we _ Perry. t ng I h FOREIGN MISSIONARY 1 InS the first scene Henrietta, a de- uen ct hte on. Tf e partyb conSfi stIe dd 111 thde pre- TO CHINA RETIRES welcomed the Home and School meet. • • • Dr. J. Russell Smith, of Elm avenue, saJled Saturday on a cruise to Honduras • • • ~Irs. H. Lindley Peel of North Chester road entertallled at tea last Monday. • • • Andy Simpson of Swarthmore College returned last week from a month's VISit t') the Virgin Islands. • •• }'fr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Arnold of Wallingford will entertain at dmner tlus evening Their guests wdl inClude Mr_ and Mrs. Ernest Heg, Mr. and Mrs. Wd­liam Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. venable . • •• MISS Ellen Lemon of Ithaca, New York who has been spending several weeks In Swarthmore left Tuesday for her home. • • • Dr. John A Murphy of Dickinson ave­nue returned last Friday from the has· pital. On Tuesday Dr and Mrs. Murphy went to Atlantic City for a two week's visit votee of psychoanalysIs IS II1s1stent 011 as nnd aI nIodn .· .n0 soann umI ne rc 0 t 11 Ja11b o at ntche s mg In order to secure the vle\\pomt havlllg Mable .. nd Stephen have theIr teepee, made byg st,h e chiolds ruemn.e , Aa nuu mbeer I~cv Dr Ha) es, for many years the ofI our fcUOf\\ towblIspeopile a nd not to dreams analyzed The rcal comedy of of the children wore Indian costumes and foreign 1l1l:;slOliary pastor supported by re leve us 0 any respOtlSI I Ity the play comes 1Il the second scene Indian headrcsses which they themselves the S\,",rthmore Pres.hyterlan Church in I There IS also a 1l0ssJi)litty that a sav­when Hennelta learns that as a result I had made. For the dances, tom-toms ChUla, hal lUg reached the age limit mg may be tlI~de III the appropnahon of such an analYSIS M2ble has a sup- j made by the children of the school, were of St!T\ ICC has been rettred by the fo~ tl.le cafeter13 at the College; avenue pressed deSire for Stephen and a sup-I used and 1I1 one of the dances, a rain Board of Foreign }.f IssiollS to take ef. bUlldmg by placlllg II under the su- pressed dcslre to he freed from mar· Id ance, the children carried r-ain rattles I f eel at t II e ell(I 0 i t Il lS mont h . pervlslon of the Domestic Science De· rlage. Thc tab Ic s turne d , s Il e I. S more 111a d e f rom IniSce II aneolls oatmeal bo xes, I D r. Ha)cs ilas drell e re(I most d IS- partdm cllt ulstead of under a scperatc than \\llling to gwe up psychoanalysIs I each of wInch had on It the necessary tmguished service III the general IIlIS- hea II1g as at present to please her husband, which brings the fcather that would h~\e the ram prayer slOnary \lork and fOi a Ilumber of Much of the ulleertamty regardmg play to a happy end go tip to the ram god. years as preSIdent of the North China pOSSible effects of the proposed new I The class also recited III union. the en- theological Sel1llllafJ of \\ Inch he was School Code whIch was presented to GARDEN SECTION SPONSORS t Ire poem 0 f H lawa th a, a ve~y remark - tIief o un d cr. H(' u'sI w'rit ten many ml- the State Legislature durmg the pres-able effort for second grade children Af- portant books 01) the Bible and thc- ent seSSion, was removed Ic:st ".eek LECTURE ON CANADA ter the play, each IndIan took parents to ology III the Clllllcse language The when tour substitute bIlls were present • MISS Krall's room where Ind13n food was MiSSIOnary Committee and SessIOn of ed and It was announced that the Code Next Tuesday evelllng at 8.15, Mr. served them, includmg potatoes and corn the church have selected as his suc- Itself would be scrapped Dan McCowan, the Canadian FIeld candy The room was decorated by a re- ccssor. to be supported by the church The new bills wl1lch have been given NaturalIst, will agam lecture before the I markably fine exhtblt of Indian·craft as ItS foreign llllsslOnary representatIve first readmg and returned to Comnllt­members of the \\Toman's Club and theIr articles made by the children and anum· J h R D k "D d I .' tee for further study IJrovide that III d b • on Icson,ln ,ameIcamlS- frlen s, sponsored y the Ga~den Section" ber of scenes, mclu~illg the village scene I slOnary III ChUla. the case of Swarthmore, only a five Mbrs· A. '1R1 .b R"eId grIa veI, cdh a1fr mtha n.A T_h.e /of Pueblo Indian life and another scene D r D IC k son IS a t f N th D per cent reduction \\111 be made III the Ila Ive 0 or a-sbu JecIt WdI· "e hn ' th l ed anI 0 h e h SIS'I Ill- , of woods Indian h.f e . k ot?, \\ as c ducadte ta the H II I S h I State Appropriation mstead of a 70 C 00, ome n lans W IC ea s WIt t elves ThIS demonstrahon \\as one of a serIes p U d 'fh U per cent cut as prOVided III the School of animals birds flowers and scemc t cd b hi K II d h '1 rmceton 111\ crslty an e IlIver- C d " " s ag y ISS ra an er PUPI s as sity of Toronto, and has had a most 0 e M • • • beauty of the Banff·Lake LOUIse region part of the Swarthmore Schools plan of f I d T1ns me<:ns that only $IIOO less than rs J 0h1 1 R . B T(l\Vlle II 0 f H aver f ord 0 f th e Ca nad ·I an R ock les. H e uses tWOlyear.after-year study of the cultures ofl ~l1CCCSS II an mterestmg career lJl Ilast )ear \\111 be gn:en to the S\\arth-place entertamed the Friday bndge club hundred lantern slides showing these the peoples of the world, both modern and Chma III the \\ork of medical miSSIOns morc schools at }uocheon and cards at her home last pictures Mrs Rosalie Roberts and ~lrs·1 anCient In tlus, 1t was the outgrowth of I EJl"Orlh League Ran, ! The:re IS also caU"'e for reJolcmg Friday. IJosePh Seal, will be hostesses for the the actIvity program of the schools. I among S"arthmore tax payers in the . * *. * .. evenmg. Members ot the Rutgers second grade' On Tuesday evenmg the Epworth nc\\ 5 that the cOllsohdatlOll feature of roalIdr sw• 1.l 1W eilnhtearmta i.nS teant clkunecr hoeofn Rtiovdearyv iew aBr e JoI hn BRalr,B MaIrr an BGe rnard, CJa mes I ~eaguc 0 f tl Ie B a It IllIore P Ik e group II the Code has been drOI)I)ed and that • • • Drama Section logan us, o~ ur CW, eorge. orse, held a rallv in the SOCial Han of the I onty dlstncts '" lth a populatIOn of less !fr. and Mrs A S. WIckham of North Chester road will entertam theIr bridge club at supper and bridge toworrow eve­ning. 'I Jean FIscher, John Grant, Jr, Elizabeth M tl d t Cl I Ail th than 1000 will be forced to merge or . Hamada Spencer Hurt James W. ~. C 10 IS lUre 1 cr e 1I1voca· ~ On Monday afternoon, at two~tlurty, I 1 y, R' h d All 'L Ch tlO11" as given b) the Rc\,. Lloyd P j')l11 I~ rger dIstricts the drama section of the Woman's Club Jl01l1stLon, Jr" IC ar Sh al 11 ~PIPe~"llar- Stevens of the S"arthmore.M E 1110\.. At the present tmlc thcre IS c\cry 'II I Id tl . fi d h h otle oUlse ..I .\!aas, Ir ey l' aCJ.ul an" b I I I d \\1 10 lelr rst stu your at tell" 'f R b "c I S mg pictures \\cre ShO\\l1 of the \\orklreason to eleve t13t tlese 11(,\\ e u~ • * * I f tI 'd M W II ·l.elen .1, arr, a crt J.ue au ey, teen I II b d Eloamrlee 0K istlleerl r 1p4r4e slP aernkt, averns.u e I Mlarms ,m,.e rryweatI l cr, A nil HJ. H.)ers, P e t er Bri'g gs II done h~ th"eA IG o•o d\\dl Industr"ie s A cahon measures WI e appro\'c Mrs. A C. Thoml)son is returnmg to- RInd G E' ."1 Me"ers Edward Ormodroyd Philip short skit, Ice ~ Blue Go\\n, was d f S A FI d . . 0 a .' UUman chairman has ar-, ~ J.. 'tl' t d I • f IfF' C EI I hay dromh t .. ugustme, on a to \)Slt I ranged an afternoon ~v)th the works of Price, Jane Pnchard, Edwll1 Rutherford, I tllCuDPrescl" He 11'}Ea grotul"Lo ~glr s Rroln lre o. ec s er aug ter ... ,Irs Frank N. Smltll. G I h AI LoUise Servais George SIckle Carolyn I lC re-xe I }l\\or 1 ec:gue ev ' • • • 'r a Iswort y I'f ter readmg a paper con- I Smcialre and ':\Iary .I Ollise 'Thom as \\T I II lam R 0 IH ilson, pas t or 0 f II Ie F Irs t Ro'" Itlller IS cluet of the Swarlh- J o T d h M ' b d cernmg liS J e and plays she will be as- ,. :\fethodlst Church ~)t ).[I.!dt<l, pronounc- Illore FIre I)l{)lrtmcl1t tillS ,car and n ues av evcnmg tel ens r1 gCI~lsted hy MISS r ... hzabcth May Roberts, of ed th4.' henedlctlOn I'd \\Iutaker and Harr} :McIIale \\ere club of S\\arthmore p,la)ed III a tourna-I Glenolden, one of the county chalrn,el' of IRE BOO S BY I d fi d ment With the ~.fen s club of Ridley dramatic art, Mrs Roland Eaton and DES K Leagues from the fol1o\\U1g ~Ictho-I e ccte . rst an second assistant cluds, P k LOCAL AUTIIORS dlst churches \\ ere rcpresented Mount I respect1\ely. ar • • * • Mrs Henri I Hoot, who will each in- .. Hope, Drexel HilI, MedIa, Morton, Dr. John B. Roxby was. reelecte.d Mrs. John Adams, Mrs WIlham R terpret some of hiS plays In the Swarthmore Public Library, I Llanerch, N"or\\ood, Prospect Park, and preSident, Frank WItmer, vice preSI-Landis, Mrs. J. W. Ledoux and Mrs. books by local authors are separately I Swarthmore dent, Joh~ Powell, secretary, and Harold Barnes returned last Friday from Presbyterial Sociely shelved. When the Swarthmore's Arts Charles Smith, treasurer. a Month's trip to Florida. and Crafts Exhibit was held in 1930, tillS On Commission A ~dver watch appropTlatelyengraved * * * The Spring Meeting of the Fourth collectIOn formed an interestmg item of 'I was presented by the Company to John Robert G Gilfillan, Jr, of Rutgers District of the Chester Presbyterial So~ the display For the sccond Exhibit, 10 The Journal of the American MedIcal Conway, the retlrmg chief, who headed A\'enue, who was operated on for a cietles for National and Foreign Mis· the Woman's Club, Thursday and Friday, ASSOCiation' announces the establish- the company during 1931 and '32 and sudden attack of appendicihs last week, sions Will be held next Thursday, March April 27 and 28, the commIttee desires to ment of the UOIted States Pharma- was assistant chief for five years. is convalescing nicely 2t the Presbyte- 23. at the First Presbyterian Church of secure a complete showing of all Swarth- c:::opeial Vitamin AdVisory Board of the nan HospItal Lansdowne. The mornmg session will more books that were not included in the preparation and distnbution of vitamin The March meeting of the HaroldAins- • • • convene at 10 o'clock; at 12.30 the box former Exlubit. Our authors are there- standards withm the United States. E. worth Post of the American Legion will Mr. and Mrs Paul K Alger, of luncheon Will be served; at 1'30 confer. fore urged at least to loan such books, Fullerton Cooke has been appointed a be held Monday evening at 8 o'clock at Park avenue, entertamed at bridge on eoces with secretaries Will be held. and bringmg them to the Library 111 good member of the board to represent the the Legion Rooms at Borough Hall. Un­Saturd2Y evening The;r guests were the afternoon session will begin at 2 season, and If possible presenting them United States Pharmacopeial Commis- employment rehef and ~{emorial Day (Co'Ulnut!d Oft Pag" Two) o'clock. for the community's permanent :Use. sion ot Revision. plans will be discussed.

    ---------- Page 9 ----------

    INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN MARCH 10, 1933 JANE COWL MAY TEACH Tax Pa)crs Demand Morc Cuts In Sf.:ntltl\C aluIII1l3c?-\otc '}cs" or 'uo If (lid (c 1111111\" \\lll; d • I(Plt lit d B d \UII ,,)ted 110' 011 the hrst qm:stloll (tHUlltlullt 011,1111111 IC\\I 111(111111 AT u get Also "Olllell \\crc 1I1structt'(1 to mark Ihll\\ lIt \llnl1" II \\1 ttllJ"'11l \I,s \\ It! It I lUll r t 11 11, MARY LYON SCHOOL I thclr dass 011 the hallot and sa) "hether I ... It hu"dh I\. 1 nliu.:k\ I .... Itl>.;" \lllIlI . , 1 hl l \11 t '\1 11 II t "q.:n I hd. n: :\1 ITt h l\\t tlllh 1lI1111l1t \\111 It til IIpJlI rtUlllh (f filII. I frill I H}(' (J/f J th r fr t nt t J \\0 J lIlItor ... Clllt s.k,lIul 's I (II'" ?h "i\ elf 1,1 en \ ~'OIllCllf Os" nOt I I)..! III \rk 111'0 IS \\ l ... 1 \ rrglllli ltll t.: )' ( 0 m.m Igers (J .. \\ Ir IlIIore III SIt \\ ",III Igil II l dlft fill I I), II II.:( IHIIIIT wd Illl uthlr." 1111['''1111 tCJ1ltgl' hOls sc( asull.: h:lllporml, the rc (If «(llItHl'll iUlh, 111 IIIHI <.. 11111 ~lrlltlllllllhllnlllllotH.'IIH'cl It I f I I III Z II ' I t 1\\ .... \ 111m It \\ nUll to lllroll I HI (lCISIOIl 0 (OUs Illre.: to il)UIS) Olll II"'IIII~ IIltl \llxuo I I tIll I III 11I1Illlr IIlIIHllIltJOl1l11l\ 11Ig: U11111U11lld thlt Ihl: ~l1rrlll1 I1I1l 1IIc1!\\Ollllll's at thc college Pnsl- \mllng tlit \\Pl1llll \,11 I \,111 llllli lll111 I II III \lr In,,t Ir' IlIlIlgIIlIl\ltU ... t f till ... thotl) \Hrt ttl he UTI dUlt I rlllk \.~ddottt iltltlOllllCl'd the IC 111 Slplllllhtr In tIll thnl \\lll1hl I I .... \ IlllI! It I"-l thlll!!ld lXllpl till tllltllllltiOIl or th{lllun Hstrrdl\ .hu I ll1et'lmg or the tiTl ()Otll Slhnltr,,1111 IllIIIJI II Pi' "tllIlIIl\rn.trtIlHllpngrllll IlIlttlilollhotrd IhcIIlO\C\\ISllkcnafttrgrol1i>s til \\1,c1hlll\ (OlllllttH111 Ihltll "I II \11 \\1 Il II tltl It 111111,... ;:111111 ;..;1 Otto III Ihl \tlrS IHulgt.'I IIId Iht.'lol the.: alUlIlIJlt.' prole.:stcd Ignnst thc IlorlllJlll (I l,illlIt"'l I \lUlllglll Illl Illl \llltrllUi "11,,,t I" It lllllJl hotlltl III Iltl I,utglr, l\l1l1ll Ihoh(uJIl of tht.' St.'\t.'11 \\Ollll.:l1~ frlte.:r 11\(1 \11111 \\ Ihlllllll II I~othlshr , , II 110 , 1 \II! ( 1 III I I , I • • , 1 ul " ( BlIUOh,; DISI I ,';1-, (\BI'i11 \1'!'fll:"lI\J,'iI~ I , I I t I I I I I II " \\ Ilh I pll\ to ht hili I hllg III Iltl1l I I Ihl til ~2 (JUU IlIItJtS from tht.' ( 11111'\1" \n ll1J<it:rgr Hill :\l \\ '\ Irk • 1 I', II" \ ([111111,.., Iht.' lite (It Ilgl (ort 1lllllllnrotlh1..'Bolnl Itt \oh: hul heell 1<10 to lOX, for ahoh (()()PLn )tUllNUA'iION In lin 11 Itlllll \rttmr Ilopkms I~. I I'" 11111 \\ IIIl II shmH d th It th1..' II III \ (Ollllllltlt{ of tlil ho ml "III hlar ANNUl Nt. I S SPL \1\.LHs I • Inl \\ ,., II It till III I lilt u" III lb de.:<':IS I 11th ~ldt.'S II II Ih r t go Oil the I , , 1111 tl IUOIIIIIllTIiI lhlllllllllt II 01 I It Ihl.: lutll thlll1..'r" of IIttlonli sorofl 01 hlT IllIlltls htll) lill II nll1l\ \\hlll I 1I11111ll1l1l11 f.r tie.:" hl\t ht.'e.:11 llllHllIt.: 111 ,I\\I\S hl\llJ~ It \ IH' Illl I 1 I I pI 11I \\ IlIld III lh~ lol. nlllllll "lll 1 1 11\ lorong I Iu.n (dlul fTlh.rllltl( .. 011 tht.: S\\ Irlit 1 It 11m,... 1111 t" ,,It I ~Ir tor t Ilullrul thll thtr1..' \\ IS I lilt n llmpus I I 1 1 \\ I pll\ I!l Iht III tlltr Cltlt" II tI Illlt ... 11\ IIr kt:ll'l1Jg t1lt' room • I • !\ 1I111l!tr IlIdt"t IC \ 1l1l11111tT II tlx\'''tr .. Ilttl1ltdl llthlPA11Lln ... ANSIIAUD It) t \\ t I \ I Ih II t \\ nld It Iht tI 1 "Ill \\ Jlh 111m I\t \ I I I BOil I SPEAK IIERE SlJNDA \ IIttlllllllltl""[ IJ11II ... ill II dllllflll_.. Ihl' tIlt T 0111 \\1 .. I 1 \ (Illllr II It 1((IITdtllg I I Iltl IIt .. 1 tTldlllOIlS (II Dr PltIl Blan hlrd prol1l1ncnt mcm I" I It III lhl Stllt!\ II Intlld" ,,1111 \\trt' ~I ler of the Socialist Part), and brother 11 '1111111111 Jll Iht hit II thl' tOlllllltllllt\ of Dr Bland BlmshanJ hcad of the Illd Iht.' lit lurlhtr dl.'tilrul th II liTt n 0111 1'llIlosoJiln Dt.'lllrtmcllt at S\\arthmorc I \11.! Ittls IIIUl "h 'uld It\tr ITl\1.' lit 1..' II t,tlhhshl.'d \\!l1 gl\e I lecture hcfor...: the Lcague for rltl nl Dr I J) lod 0.: 11(1 th II there \\ Is no Industn tI DClllocr.IC\ 011 Suuda) c\clung ;.; I ~ 'I l'r 1\ li (lJ g ~Iarch 12 JJl the ~1l't!tll1g lIous" Thc I \\ 11111 rilins I'lr Jlhlrtl 11.'1411 II illlll1(ll~ tXClISl fl,r it.:cturc ''<is ongllllll\ scheduled for SOIllC I I f I" r "T l (1)JlIlt k, t Pili,.. llit L 111011 I\t 1111 S llllllt I IJ tnnc a",o but \\as postponcd b~c !Use of \\Inch Itl l hdt IItI thtl ill thl ught (ht.' '1l1e~tltllll Dr Ulanshards Illness \ I Irln .. Ill IIld ht d\.'ullul 1\ Iht ho Inl R C Dr Blanshard IS author of • An Out III (jUt In I"tlnr III tITt ,till')l I huud IIIIIC or the Bntlsh labor MO\cmclIt ,and IHI th II tht.:ft \\ I'" IhSl)luttl\ III) JlIstl co Itlthor \\Ith Norman Ihomas of lit lIlt II Illr Iht l lit 11111 tilt:«. 01 thl.' roum I \\ It It Is thc ~I.ltt{'r \Vnh Ne\\ \. ork? I Pill fif I lIe IS a Illcmhcr of the Clh \lTalrs \\Ith lis I te.:\.'11 pUPI S l01l11111ttec of Nc\\ lork, "llIch forced \ ,,111\\ 111g I I! lilt!" lIuhc Ite.:d til thc Se lbun IIl\estlri Itlon resultlllg III 1\ t f\\ htlm Il~ \ Il T1 1\ (II {II dlset II ~Ia\or \Valkcr s reslgnatlOll iii ( ! It\ 111111\ II It I thl: UI t:ulllstallee~ 111ltllllJ.: tht r III I At the meetlllg of thc I I IJ to bc J III I rt JIll II II lllll11l1lte thl' n1ttr hdd lIIulle(hately aftcr sprmg \acatlOn sclwII:;llc Ithkl1C .. thcduk hrought 'Ioilicers for the next COllege )Clr \\111 bc storm ot hOI Ii prolt t 111<1 1\,pro\ tI Dr e1cctcd 1 I II Iii" \\ ht' III dl us I It I I III h :..t Irl 'IIH.:e !II lIlt Il I Idl I II t IJlllrl: til I III I) Jtgllre 111 uth\.'r \.' \ dt \\ III cit III 111 Itt: the I tl IIg Ie Hto.:l lIId IJO:. IIt\ tlllllt! IIII' IIld COil I ... hl lilt .. \\ hOIll he hi .. I I I" 1l1.'1 tl It thb b IlIHlt I lilt ]1 I ...... uro.: 01 lulllllg ill ... IItI Ullh s II ultrslllJl \\ III hit I Its tJlt tilt UISIS I I So I I (r \ :\1 rur l\t\ POllsal' I C I • I' II ,It,,, 11,11"", l """cr S \lllud ~I 126 "'RESUMEN W()l\ILN !Judd t.t'l rgt l{ r .. t 111<1 otIH.'r:; t:x 1 TO EN1 En t..:OLLEGE prt td \It\\ ... pr t Illflllll (II the suI. I Jilt ~I! I>!/jlll ltllliul tlul thtt till f)1I :\llnh Itlltr .. \\\.'n "t11t IPprol rI It I 11 01 ~"lO() for tillS dq) lrt .rolll Iht Dl III s nlla t 10 Iht HI \\0 !lIlliI \\ I, thl 1111\ (II{' III the o.:lltlrt.' 111\.'11 Ipplre IIlh fl r UIIlIl ... SI01I t I IHI<iI-:t.:1 !Jrl po tI \\11I(h h ul linll III S\\ Irll11110rt (olltgt Ot 1111" 1III1IIhtr til I ... tli l\l r II .. t \l'1I lI'pft XlIII td\ 12{I \\111 he dchllltt:i) It! IIl1lltll 1lI St 111 III I Ie.: r h tm mIl( rs 1 I tht t.:ntil:l the.: 1l1"IHC\.'S of tlTt' Cooper illtllHlltlOll t\\u Hutefl ~lle Ikers \\ 111 \ISlt S\\ IrtilIllol\.' \\lthlll the Ilext t\\O \lcel s On I lUll (11\ \1 In:h 16 11r ,\ruold los It I Ilulul 1 n~h .. h IlIlhont\ 011 db lrma­I Illtllt \\ III 'Ilt:ak 1Il ColkctlOll On Ilmrs d" \J lrch n Dr III: rill UI }{ mke CIllI1I1 IItnt Illtlillnh on ,\IICI\.'l1t 1 g)Jlt \,,11 slll.' Ik III th\.' ~Icctlll~ IlollSe Mr Arnold-Foster Collection Speaker 111 Older thlt allma\ hClr :\lr \mold IlIslel Culkclloll \\liI hc chan,;ul ncxt \\t't.'k hom \\edut.'stll\ to Ihm 11\ md \\111 lIe lXtl.'lJ(il.'d III It.'ll,,,tlT lile g1..'llcrll t IPlc of Ills talk \\ iii bc 1)1 am llIlt.:l1t 10 I) Ite \lr \lIIoltllo::.tcr has hCt'1l III ,I IS cUllIn tbollt t IIIlmth gl\ lIlJ Icc lllres Iilrou ... hout tht.' tlSt tnd Itmldlc "est I It' Is It i1fl::.t.'llt 011 tilt' \d\ 1.s0l \ LOIllIJIIUt.:e on Jnkru It IOn il \11 Ilrs for tht' Bntlsh 1 t1))r 1 \I h lIul" Is 1 sile III uhstnu fOl tht.: PtICt' IlIl\UlIt.'nt 11 ('UII.'\ I list \C Ir \t titc elo e of tht' \\ 1)11<1 \\ Ir hc Sl.'f\ «I 11l III 11\ ISOI \ t: IJlIC1" ,n t.'t:( 11 I1lII.: (Illesltolls It \ CI 11111.''' lIt' hh \\f1ttt.'11 s(;\erd hlUks un IIIltrll lllUnll 111111 \IT \rnold IS I gr mel IItflhe.:\\ 01 Dr \lIIold 01 I\u ... Il\ mel.l !:Ie.:ltorlmison ul \llttl\(\\ \rllold thc t 1II1Ulh \ lei 111m pud 1I1d CllltC Dr Ranke to Speak In Meeting House I)r 11t.:llIIlllll I\1I1""t \\ho \\111 pC I)... 11l lhc ~let'l1ll~ I [UlI 1..' I hur d" \1 Irch 2, It four 0 duel Is 1 rolt.:s'or 01 I g"\ I't tlo ... \ It tho.: LJl!Hllt\ (J! JlcltJdlnr.., Ind Ollt.: 01 thl: tuTt'lIlu t tt1thOiltles III IJI IJdd I )11 r IIlti Ihe I r t "t II 0..; ,I\.' 1 01 till" H Ir ht' I\.'tlm cd IS gtlt; ... t II olt:ssur It thc Lllnclslh 01 \\ISt.'Olhlll '"'1llt.:1: tliit lill11..' hc It h hnll 111\(1111: ... 11 tht.: list spt:1H1 IIJg 1 eo.t u<l P II I 01 11 t lJ I e Iud) IIIg tht: t. ,.,1 •. L" \\}U Nl. ~\ III It II III t It I qUt .. IIOIl IS 10 pOs ellS .. 01 1937 fl lIr \\ ill elHt.'r 13 stlHknts slhlt.: dUIUllll1 II III thl.' ~3 }I(:r c lplt I of l(h tIlccd ... 1 IIltilllg lilt! 2., ,,1111 h l\t t IX lll.'xi \tlr ~Ir I ttOIl IllHlllt:d olt IlllItg~ 1)( Ird t.'X llIllllltlOlls to till ht Ihat Ihe.:rt' \\t:re l~ll)t IX thlts III S\\ Irth Ion Illmg dtllllltth 1II\llrnH:d lIt tlalr III n 11 ... 1 \t Ir IIHI Ihlt 01 lht.'st.' , 1156 lletpllllt1..' IS stUdlllb 1111 ... \l Ir {)Ill\ ]/1\ tllih Ihl: pt:r CI}lItl tlX \\IIIIt' th1..' 21', of til( \\tnttll IplH ulllllttt.'11 n gr1..' It hllrdtll 01 t IX IllUll I tlis upon the (Ilughtt r~ II IIUIllI1 Il or 1I11 mht rs II rtllllllll11g i~-l \\ho 1l1t1~t p1\ the real tht SOCIt.:h _11 ntmls Irt cllllu:t I J!\ III the \I d rl I ollt III ~lll e.:11I1I III 1\(\\ .... rk 1111 tht.: I.u"t 'Ii ~lll~ tllll ut IIIH \rt I)r 1\1111 co; slutth \\ Til ! \.' till Itt.' hl \ IIUI m III h.t.'lJgl HI lIld \rt III \IlClcnt I ~\ pi " CLASSIFIED , , I til ,I • I h I I h. ~11 ~IL \ 1 IJM'Aln MLN 1 I pi II It iT I 1I0t t tlI ... lCl 111\ ! It \\11 11 Ihl llH.:lthllll 1)1 S\\ 11th l I tl tlr dh II I I:nt Ih~ I"' "It II I I! lilT 1I1 II { \ III I lil l flit IIIlI T \lllHllh 11\ III ... t IJiltl III 11111111 <It t st Itl IIX IIltl the ptr C I)ula I IX IS ApplIcants From U S. and Abroad \\ t II 1'1..'1111 \ h 11111 ag 1111 h IS Ilrg~ st lIl1lll lhl 111\ \\1\ Ihll tlit grl:tt III I Illr 01 IIIl01ll111g" \\Ollltll :..tu(/tnt ... - JI rlt\ III llxlhk:.. CIII 1Jt.' mlde to con l;Y:;', ot Iht totd htlllg from thlt tllhutt.: 111\ thlllg dlrnlh to tla\.' school :..1 lit.' \t.'\\ \( rf... Is .. t.'tOIlI \\llh 2If 1 he loolJU 1 OIlI](J 111011 11 0 II t nds to II I 1111 l IH,: ,ker (\I lh\.' IlH e.:tl1 n:( n m ItllatJ III 111 thc L mItt! Slltl lut I ... ) d 110 ~pt.:cllic plans h I\e ht.'tll III Hie -------<.. .. o___--__ , t , • II I , II lilt IT 11 It I h l/i t I I 11J IlIl til h lilt II lllut III t!o.: :\llIltl I L \1 II t l I 1 I I \e\\ lust \ 12' ( IllinOIS 470 OhiO I r'" .. tt II: dl .. lrttt .. trl.' Isun I'" Ihrongh the lln 21 Illd ~llr)1 lid 2 \1111 ng till' I I UlIIllttl tlpltl ttX :\Ir llhndtcllretl If It HI IIIVhllllllb tht.: tollo\\l1Ig "'Iles Iht 11Iel\lr (1l!\lll\1 I ) ~ )1 lit I Till I I\t IIl1l It I lilt d , \ I II lit II IIIl tt ITIIIl \tgt "tro.: t.:llIllllllkd Iht tlllire hurden I. l 1!1 g .. ;.tlh Illl\ hI: or \\011111 11 1\1..' to he pllCt.'d UpOII the real ( I Itt 0\\ lIt.'r~ " I I I tI !l\ I It II 11\ ;. dllllf..: llIl Illt lIUII I tI (I h\ 1IIlkl1ll-: I ~11I,..,ll So IIllieh dilllcu!t\ !1l (ulltctlllg }It.'r ll1'l I llxts II b hl.'l:1I 11ltOullttr\.'d (Iur II h lin II 1l1g Iltt 1'ISt ) t Ir th It Illl Ilo Inl b 1tl I! I: Illt It \ hill II It men 1St.' tht.: !ltr e lint I t IX 10 tl 11111, ... dhillcl III l1Igur III 11 I ~ tlurl!l\ -----------------------------------------~--------- An Institution in Delaware County for 15 Years lOR HI:: 1 (.011(,., , IUlllilr nd t\\t I .... llllpl 1\ld II tlh I Ill. II Itg d hllllt _t :;-:.) III bllllUh IS It \\ III It 1111rl httlt llIort tift rl til u}lket :;>:"1 Ihlll --l WANTED TO REN r W\:-.IlI,lJ 10 I.f nut, Ull t Illd U j S I tlLlm 1 11 0111 ( 0, Ut , " H :-; 1.J , , " tl lilt: l\ll 10 , til h • I • til SI1\du I I )I) \ t II I tUIII;.! 111111 I \ll1 lilt! It l 11111111111 CIl1\1..'r 11\ DON'T FORGET! Your car must be Inspected by MARCH 31st Do It now-thIS IS an Off.clal Inspection Station. LET US BE YOUR HEADQUARTERS for TIRES.TUBES yijN$tOG%e BATTERIES BRAKE and LUBRICATION SERVICE III I f/tStll ... lIi1l 01 losslhll: t.:1111l11l1 III II 01 dq1lrtlll111b III Iht S\\ Irlillm rl \1: .. ,II oJ.. "ul Ittll1lrtd In tht slltt \lr I h III I lit II \11th 1I111t.'d Iltl It .. 1 III Iht ... t: dt I IItlll Ills I" Ill1 n\ .. kllldtig Irltl! ~)(I()O "lIl1lll11..'r r1..'cre L II I slOtllI Irl ~3 000 mUsic $,3000 hi II --) 01)0 hl lIst:iH 1<1 Irb ~2:'J(J() tn t~1 til til lit Ithlo.:tlo ~{)O \ I dllilllit (onclll 1011 \\ t:.. n Icht.'tl rt suit 01 Ilns ph I"t: III lilt qmstlHl 01 dUll 1II11lllg , rlllli \.'xtr I tit lllrtlllt:llts \\ I ... I Itl 1111..(1 Illh sllHlIll IrJZl:d 11\ :\1 r... IllllTl III II \\hOSlldthlt\\hlt\\b IlItcts I Ile 11tr"oll lJIP{ Ired to Ill' .lllX un I i1lOtlur IIltl III II I\.'\\ Ikr"on .. t mId II-:nl I~ to thc \ lInt 01 lit' <111 Il n lIt tit)) IrlllH lib Russell' $ -r,'j!ltgtGlfee Service -------4.~ •• _ ----_ { ULLEGE WUMEN 'OlE AGAINST "'RATS 1l\IU.I'll .. 1 \'in 1\. \H ~ II I hUll( 110 \\ LNLJ ~ II t'I/I\I_( 11, 1'1\( --'/111- ': 111f1,I-fll/ 11,/ '/111 /(/ \1 Ihe rcgullr Illeetmg of the \Vo IIllll" Stud~llt G )Hrnmcnt i\ssoctatlon II \\ I.'dnesd I) lU~ht ~[a r chI, 111 (I thlt.:r ~ltlnorlll \\OlllCIlS traterllltlcsi \\ 0..;1 t' Ihollshl:<1 from S" arthmore b) a I \1 Ie 01 160108 I \ .. tilt' IllII11 busmes of the meetmg I \\ IS t) \olc un thc relcntlOll or ahohtlOlll 11 Ir Iterllltlt'S tht' rt.'glliar Older 01 Imsl lit ;., \\ IS llspl:lldcd lIlItti lfter the ,otlll'; I The Ballot \hl\ Ih It 11,.., .. hort.: B pn~J(I(nt 01 the I :.. ol1lllt 11 st Ihd that a tIllJonh \ole I \( nIl dnuil lilt qUt tl I I th It II the I 1111\ \\ I "111111 III Illtlheltloll \ h \\ lIlI I \.' III Ie I) all tht' I ratcrtll til:.. lIul that Iho c slill undt.'cldcd III I ht 11 ... talld 011 the ISSIIC shuuld \ ote 11\ I til it IlIlll1tr She 1IIUOUllC('(1 that the I Irt.'shtlltll hill dCCH1cd that the\ de:"lrt'(l thur ,ott n the qut.'shllil to cOllnt a ... IlUIl h I .. the 11/1 erda:"SlIlen sand shc thcll tXJ)llInlii Ihe IlII1Ult.'r ot ,otllld and the IIltllr\.' 01 thc hallot \ I tmg \\as to he (Iollc 011 a sccrct hal lilt \\ IHch rt ul as 10110\\.. 1 \rc \ ou III Il\or 01 I(t IlIlt1l~ fratcrmltc:.. at S\\ Irth I n:lJre? -,ote \1..'S or no 2 a) Shall I U1 lit 11ullc CounCil b~ lIlstrncfed to \\ ork 'lit a "l1Itahle plm tor Imhhng and nlt.'d,...mgJ_\{ tt )t.'S or 110 If \011 \~ tul \( s on Ihe fir t ((lIc.:.tlon b) Shall t an Ilellll11t COllncll he IIlstructcd to \\ Irk otlt I stilt thle Ilian tor the aboh t 1011 of fraternities next) ear wuh repre- You CAN BANK ON THESE TRADE MARKED FUELS 'blue coal~ GULF lUll OIL Jrum ollr 0\\ n , t' t'IUII1 tl In ,!Olll IH.:I~hhorhood LANE A. DAVIS RES. MG~. MEDIA YARD-BROOKE AND PAINTER STS. MEDIA 1600 . '.' -.. ~,'" ..... :: :.:. '~.'. :. t-lr"thmol' e Coll.~a L.1bra.ry .. ti e SWARTHMOREAN VOL. V-NO. 11 SWARTHMORE, PA., MARCH 17, 1933 $2.50 PER YEAR jifNtirtr:Wtoi mHttikS,lt1jtl7Wu:ttu1ID?n:rti1i®})ntMtSt@fd'dtftWt ISi rth i"b'U"i\iIDrmrr~illu ',h t~"tono, !ni'J5'jTtll1't1J'lhtm'UaMrll'tf!dt'Ut!t'b'1t"Bf7fwki, tcs, ,hi fblfd",ijt ,i'i'JWW()"'115""i'i&idfrotiUfU CONCERT AT CLOTHIER NEXT i'iF \\ (II \IIUIAN cncr • •• THURSDAY FOR STUDENT AID I I ht.' .111S5 E\CI) 11 Ennold of Haddon \rd tht dlr((IIOI1 (If llinctor gl I (X( l pt II I ~dllilil rl s S\ lIIj1holJ\ \\htll tilt Onllo.:"trl \\111 ht III th rgt: I HClghts N J "as the \\Crk end guest of 1fr and .M rs John R Bro\\ ncll of IIa\crford place morc ,,111 hal e Its st.'eond allllU II Ip )It lr Illce III Clotlucr Mcmorlal, Swarth .. ( f till \ ... "1 l lilt lllr((h r Dr \\ tlli 1m I ullin (olltg:c Oil I hurst! 1\ C\CIIIIIg" I (. S\\allil * * * I ~I Ireh 2~f(1 It 8 00 P ~r Hlldt r tile Illl n SpOil t to 1111'" 1:01\(( rl Is tl ~Irs Johnson Iluhhcll of \ale aHlluelllhlHns of Iht SchollrsIlIp ClIllInllttn n lfh gn II lS IIHht Itul 1)\ th\.' Ilr~t.: left last Iuesdl) on a h\cnt) 01lC da} I of till S" Irtllluon Puhllc Sthools 1\IlI111nr I I I tI pit \\hn 11~ tllroll1llg t~ crUise to llul1luda \\Ith her SOil ami 11110; tOIl((r' \\111 ht III rkttl 11\ Ihl ]1111 III, lilt! I'tllt 1It.'''st.''' dlu""hh:rIl1Ia\\, ).Iajor amI )'lrs Hub pno;tlltillull of I prngrllll of l111ISICltl Illltlrtrs 01 IIItmhers )1 Iltt Sl1111r Lell • * * II" 1\\111 Ippet! III lht dl .. trllllllllllllg-llll .. I III Ihrt II" wlll1g" III \f r .111(1 :\1 rs lla\ anI] I '.. \I orrtson J r I t I"tt .. (II IIltl"'lt Imlr .. I III IIr"t 1It1111 11 11) h "III hl IllS Ik II Ih~ of II In Inl l\ClIlle II I\c Iclurllt.'( I Irolll lUI" I Stlunttil (h(rIUlt I" (.11£1 Illd It lilt 11111 Oil tht St I dl.'r,hurr-r Ilortd I III trl \ 1'1 lIlO {OI]( l rl I 111 \ :\1 III I I 1t I * * * I d\\ tnl (.ntg- \\111 ht pn:-'l111tc1 JOhlll"hllt.: sun of Dr 1I1(1:\lr" J h \!l"I(r!l~ \1\((111 \lIllllltlrlll 1111 1I11111hlrit I hlllleol J'I\t:r\IC\\ rOIlI\\llIentntul1 It \\llIluJlI\\ Sthuhtrl" Lnlllll,htdS III It I .. IT-. \\ III ttl lid 111 \\tllll\ nupltlll t dllllllr hcfort.: the IU1l1or \"::.cmbh tu ph JlI\ \\ '",lItrs I ol1tllg-rlll l'ltllllt II 1lI0rrU\\ C\ t 11111'£ lid I" hili u\\ ... 1 \ ~ \\ altz of tlit I * * * 111\\tl I Ill: Ordltslrl \\111 be underjtl 1 ht' COlllllllttct' 01 thc ell s Ot 1917 01 __ __ _ __ I I lui IIIU Il tI IT,... 1111 Itll II tllIl I r J\!flt 111 gt St II Ilr hll" II 1 \\ T g'lllI!lt~ III IlillI (1IIt'-"!l l 111 ( oS\\ Irthmore ColIlgt' \\ III 10.: entert 11IIt.' I IS \l'I Ii HI pon I SlUG IIJ tOlliorlO\\ \.:\0..11111", 11\ :\Ir 11111 \11" BOld O .. ENll'if .. In SINI ~~ I 11 n tnl 01 \tcnon IllS { 01 :-; n l "II 01 I'E \( LIE \(,ll • * * , I j, .. ( " lIulmt .. \lr III \Ir \llnd \\ ]1::.( not Str Ilh 111\e11 l\ellUt cnt(ltllllt.'<i ~Irs \\11:.011:> fltht:r Dr I l\ton Gnt:r of :\hlfold Dd UHr the \\cl.'k end It tht: s\\ Irthmore :\ Itloll tI J IIlk lilt! lrllst l(llI(llll\ <Itl){I"II~ \\~It: mull O\l) s12200() 011 \\edllCsdl\ th~ hrst d l\ litcr thc 1..'1111 of tile 1I1tlUil ",tit h lIlk holl(l'1\ J he clt.:nc t1 Inrcl' \\oTkul 1l1Ittll} 10 II lllg"l1t mil Iltt' hOlkktepcrs h HI 0 t r ~()OO Itl.'lIl~ to rtcord m \\ t.'11 11t',,(II\ Ihls hlllk Is I IlItlllhtr nt tilt I edt.:rd fHStn~ S\slclIl \II.. Ie t 11 Ilolme 01 S\\ artllllJl I ( f hn'l II ( II IIrlll 111 III UI I m lit (ounh • • • :\hss ~Iargaret D tic I CII cr 01 \\( n <iale :\llss J lIz 11 t'th Co til lilt! ~II s ] t1~CllIa II Irshhargt'r of S\\al thmorc Cullt:",c 1lrs \\ l!ttl H. t;hot;l1Ilker 01 H.1\Cr\It'\\ roul \\cre 6"l1c.:.b ot ).llss \..,nc.:. Slhhuld of lox CiT 1St.' It I hmch t II on S Itllnln III It nor of :\lr:, John 1\llkllllll 01 lomltJll In,., ~lto; I~Itk III 111 J::, SPt'IlCllllg SIX months \\ Ith 111.'1 lIlotilt.'r ::\lrs I HI! I ilHldlc I e\\h 01 I IlISd J\\Ilt' * • * ::\JT" Jt III r1..'\ ot \VI hlll..,t n I> C lilt! hn gil It llIt't1..' I t.' I Ie SllIJ 11111,..,,., \\hl \\lllt to ( lIlid I lor the 111m! II ul ::\Irs Gr ICC ~tuhll1l1..... n IlIfIIU( t_ '-.;\\ Irtlllll 10.: I t1l .. d 1\ , Sl 1'!lESSED DLSIIH S" (,1\ EN III Jl N lOllS 111111 r Inil \\ I "' tliH II (I Illl \\ 111111 ... th ph I til \\Itlt thc prt SIl'1Il (.11 Jllll S SliP II III 111 1llhh Illltt ,,( II I r "" 11 II II ul J) '" III til " II 1111: 11\ thl! I (lI,t \ 1lI11~ It tile \\ I I 11\ I Ill. I 1 (\1 1111 I \\ I hi ICllllt\.'t! Ille Chllrtlllll:..lllp ot th!..' 1)1\1"11111 ~,r lilt \\UIIIIII" 1IIIIIIIIIIuIIII I)lll\\ r\.' (( 11111\ 1)1\ISIOn 01 tht' \\0 1'lglIt fur 1'( II( IIId In(lImn IIlll\ ... Intt.'llIltltllti I CI,..,lIe tor I'ctcc md I rtt.:d{Jlll llld \\ 111 bc III <hrect ch Ir ht' I 111 lIlet.:tlll..,s 01 the I ta:"">"e 111 ht'r dl.:> Ira t Olh r 1)1 ( 1I1111t'lIt IJcll\\ Ire COUlih 1l!(l\Ihlr~ 01 Ihc \\UIllt'IIS IlltcrnatlHll1 Ii. ,.,lIl ale ~Ir \\ lilt un I lIull :\Ir I h.lI.:. t.:11 SlIl1th mel :\lrs \\ IltCI H.o 1 11\ III Sh elll t1 u 0 I S\\ J(rhm( re ~I rs IS t llll\<:\ IIHI \lr l roltlIod,..,c I 1\ I 11 01 \J 1 ) Ilciln Scatter eOo I I \ 111m n I ~l!" '"' Ulllltl Smedlc\ ot \I.'\\t \\11 '-.;'llIlrt' \11 \\ Ilttr Sl1Io.:dh\ ~It'dl I \lr :1ll11rlLC' I (\\cr S wI I, t: \ tlln til I \11 \liltl t ~I 1T1 Illld \\Ilt BARNSTORMERS AT PLAYERS' CLUB :-"':u;t 1 III til ~111l'1 21 \lid 2) I InUl r" \\ 111 II III the "Ixlh lin limtl 11 I he I Ir t \1 T II rull II ul 'lilt' \\ I iT I.' I Irtl t I lilt r .. I)) \\ nlm d l\ mghts "I Ill, P Irk B 1rll It S\\ arlltlllort' I ... t tht.: I I ncr:.. Clnl I 11:1 1IIHil r the III 1 lollm 11l last) t lr tlltttl (otk ){oh1ll "hfliT \\ d d h {!Jrtd\.' 1 In :\It 11011111111 II 111\ Itt 1 t h \\ It It l.euI,..,e \\ 11' Itt \\ hi]'" \\ (1J /.;11 J\\ 11 11I 1 ,...n Itl\ HI III 11 1 1 \ IIIHI l 11" Itl htllC\.' tIld 11 II I! \\l 11 l II II t ul ~1,,'Io, IJII I'IHI"I~Ii'i1EHIAINED \[1 11(1 rlt:-. lilt' HOPE TO REDUCE BUDGET FURTHER I he.: IIlIJor ('conomlto; ttl tht Sdwoi Bucigll lilT I~B J..I h l\C tin uh ht.'{11 III HIt and th1..' hilt Itn (; httdgtl of SI-lflIJS-IU:; I .. tomplrl(1 \\Ith $17688092 fIr tht \C Ir ,It<;t tlldlllJ.! \\111 ht al It rul onh .. hg:hlh decllrcd Dr AT thllr I P I ... tit pnsulult of tht Board f III~ \\1Ilg- III t.'Xtlutl\l .. t ..... llHl 101 t I hUTsd l\ (\ llllllg: It IS pn ..... ,hlt th It IlIrtlllr (l }\ll lilies \\ III hI til HI~ IJ1 Ihc pprtlJlTl Ilion or SI)l, WI) HO Ii}r 111 tnll t lOll I ht "lilry of II h t t Idlt 1 \\ III be conSIdered as an lIIell\ulUII 11l1ll lIId \\ill h~ ndlltld a<: t hI I ) Inl t I fit I ITl rulU( tt 11-. I r IIIl (11111 I HlIh\ II \\ \ r Ir tX 1 (!lui I l\lrlg-I tI lut P jllr t III SIT!.!!! I lTlull IIIl Ilomt lilt! ~I 11 1 III t 11 t I I (( III IIllt I l !Tt Id III th 111ld rg lit 11 dtJllrtlllllll \\!l1 111 til I r III t1l1hl\ II I III \\ul I lit It I WHllT I d thll II II"t Ihur dl\ I ILdll 1 II 111 il"hh {I elilllm 111I1~ 11l1dl~lr1l11lll(hlr\\t (It l1l" lit I rd IItl ,.. Ih It It 1ll1!.!! t 1 t III I 11 Id lill I mdl rg Irtt 11 (I 1 I 11 hul\.!ll 1\(111t( '"'tIll (I 111 tht 11 11lI1Ig- II Ii (lis I... Itlr till (nih.... \llltl "thl I \I the ltltrll«()11 \\ II hilI ! III I II 111(1111 lit tl! II I I p "It Ihtl I1Irthtl (uh \\ TIl III 11 Iflt III tIlt II ITIt" 01 J IIIltors thlll \\ Il 11,..,1-:1: lit! 111 tlll ITlgllld <lr lit II lill Ill! k( t In 1!1l I uh ! It 1 Illl IlIttllTlg- "t\ lrd IIltlllhlr" 11 Ihe h lrel txpre "( I <II gnlll~1I \\lth IIl\ fttllllg thlt tIlt III lilt II d "'lh IllIllltmg hllllHtll Ir 1 Illg( <I 111 It l'l I) lrel Illt IIlllt r .. llllght t lIrl uh It l II III till t IX P l\ I r 11 'Ill I II \\ II!{ Ii til h Inl lit It'" .1 III 11 It 1 III \\ , , .1< \llllnIT \ I 1 I I 1\111"1 Illtt ( m \ I lilt .11 til I II * • * 111 \ 1 v I III ~ tl I II 1111 III " \I II l1 If hi I I li'illl IN l'llll\ rt II 1 I II tI~ I II Ii II It \1 b 1 1\ '" I I, Itl111 I" I~ \\ I II 1I1~ttl II Itllltl( \\ ,,!d " ", \ It \\ n 1<1 ,I< "111.'111 til\.' ttrlllll((1 PCIr\ I .. tlldull It \\ I: 110\\11 Sehu I \\lo.:k tllel It hl! It 1lIt.: 111(( til .,t.:iI ullllitl \11 Sd\11 * * 1)1 I~ll t.:11 Smith 01 1 11\1 l\lllll{ S llllli S Itnnll\ Illi I tllII t.: tl lit 1I(lur I * • • ~Ii II I Jlullt \ I cd of :-...: t lh Cilt':..tll r Id I:nll rt ulIlIl It tt I II t \I JIlt! l\ * * • \11 h Sl11lJ I t I ~\\ II tlllilorc l(Jllt t' rcturtle.:d I"'t \\t.'el 11(111 I lllJllllt" \1 II to the \ Irgm ] ,I lTul • • • \Ir Hltl:\!J hohtrt In \rn lei 01 \\ tlll1l .... l( Id \\111 1..'nttll till It dlllll1..'r thl (\ IlIn", I hUI :-,11t'"b \\ III IIlcilltiC AIr tilt! :\fr .. I rllo.: t I It,.., :\h md ),[r .. \VII Ii IIIl \L b In lIul :\Ir 11111 ~Irs Charles s \ cnlhk • * * ~II S 1111.'11 tlll{ II 01 Ith IC I :\t'\\ \ OIl \\1 , his ht'1..'1l i'l:llflin,.., "e\lr II \\ct:k:.. III S\\ arlhm( r~ left I ut.'sd I) lor IH:r homc • * • )1 John \ :\Iurph) ot Du.:klll .. 11 \\t.' 111 e rctl1llled last I rula) frolll thc ho:-. lilt tl On Il1o.:sd 1\ Dr 1Il<i \lr:.. :\ft rpln \\('111 to \tlllltic Cit) I)r I h\ ) \\ct'l ... \ ISIt :11 I Jolin h. Illtt (nhlllllllci II lunchton llld 1 tul" * * * r )\\11 II 01 II nt.'1 I Ir I tht' 1 I HII\ hlllgl dill,) lid ... It hll h mc II I * • * :\1 r \\ Ilh IIll Stenckcr of RIVerVIeW f( Itl \\111 tnkltllll It II111tll 11 t fin • * , ~It Illfl \1 r~ \ :-i \\ I kh 1111 01 :\ 1I Ih CI c tu t l\ \\ill Ullllt 111 tlTlll Illd ll111 It :..l1))11t.:1 1Il I hn(l,., I 1\' I I \\ l \ 11 III • hi I t III I L.: I I II 111 ~, I," '" h I \ III illl' • I 11 Illlhll TI I III II l III I I t: ~ I , C (\ I \1.'1\ til S tI" \ III III r I IIIl tl)..{~ tt II III I !t, I d '" II I t I t I I 1ll IlllJ 'd lllllhtl 1 I III I ~ I, I ,111 I tnl II] \t1 III h pll I I II I II h lid \\ III " ! rlllg 111l )!I\I 1T1\(\tllti (, IR!)I 'I ~H 110;-; SI'II:'>SO!ts I I ( rt 1Il ON ( \N 11)\ r\lxt IlIc:..da, C\ellll1d It S 1.) )'h 1)1Il ~lcC(J\\all the (anadltll Il\.'ld :\ allr liIst \\11I I,.., lin lcctule helorc thl: Jl)( Illh~l.:. t I the \\ oman s Cluh amI. then tJllll I ..... pfln:..ored b) tht' C. Inkn St'CtlOll ~Ir.. \ I, Reddra\c chairman Ihc ... ltl JLt I \\ III I \.' In thl 11Il<i ot the \"~1II1 IlIUIlt' IndlallS "llIch cIt tis \\Ith the II\es II Illllll tI.. IlIn).., tlo\\cr" alld "'CCIllI.: I l III!\ )J Ihe B mil I 11 .. louJ-.e Il,..,IOI1 I I Iltt Lalll<ill1l htcklt .. lIt' lbt:.. t\\t hIlIl" ul llIlkl n Slull s Shf \\ Ill,.., Iho.: t.: Ildllrl.' \I", h~():..alte l{( hel b md \II ... I tph Stal \\!l1 It' 110 tt t'" It I the (\tlllll,... ))1 ~11I1 I ..... (11f'1I ()n ~I II t\\ thllt\ III III Illll Stetl III I I Ihl \\ lIll 1Il Cll1h \\ III h lei thtlt IIrst twh h mr It tht: r I 10.: ,. I I II J\1l1 ~ 1 I \ I 11 lit.: d Ilu,.,l1t 1\ \11 f lilt! 1"1 LIt 1:1I1(r to, It I ,h I Ih I Iro.:ut,.., It 1Il I I lilll 1 Irl\ II tilt It md 11 t J U 1111 11.' J I In pllt 0..; II I 1111 tht: pr II I IllIllLl 0.:1 I Inl 11l Ii 1I1lt b 11l 111,..,.. 111 t: t I III II (lit tll 11 I 1\ tIL ltil hlll \ IllI111J r I !ld l II \\ tHill' III I \\ II t: IlIll th I \\01111 .10 r IIIl pi l\ I:r IIJi I tl 0.: I 1111 Illl II 11 n 111 Illll JII the ell t1ft I till (I 1111\\lt II I \lr) rt'mal1 Ihll III Jlt [1 \l( 11 I I I duldrlll \1 III Iht pI \ llCh 11 I III t I( k plrellts to ~IIII 1,- '" ,,". " \ III I I I l r , OBI H.\ \11"10'1111\ It, " I 11 II 1" ", 11 , " Ii 10 {Ill\ I HI 11111 'i tl< d 1)\ llI1l1t till " " I I III t ,I< I I II Ii \ I I tITt \ 11 III I 11 II r I lhlhllli I \\ l I 11 \ 111 I ~II 1"ld1 IOUIIl\\IIt'IIHhmfoo<l\\1 \II , 1111 Ihe I ht Illll II III 1 11 tn d tlll1l1 Illllul I t Ilut.::.. ani C fI1 tl { Illfh II I I III \\ I (l Ir Itcd 11\ I n ( hll 1\ lu tul I hI tit 1llllklhh hill: t;.;ITllt (\ jmlitlt:rllt Irtl Ie.::.. IHI Ie h\ tITt I IldTlIl lilt! I nUIll Itr II Sl lit.' 11111111 II,., Ihe \11I1,..,C scene 01 PIIlII) 111<11111 Illt: lit 1 lIlolher secnc , I \\ I Is Illlh 111 htl: 1 hi d 1ll0lbir ltl 11 \\ I 111: 11 I t:llt:. 11..,1 I \ \I,,, h, til Illd lilt pupil:.. I:-. Jl H I I tht' ;0..,\\ II 1 I 11 I t' ~d b pI til 01 1111 Illl! In the lhurt:h 11 I ru I HI"- I I 11\ 11IH III Ill\t Illn h Did II \I J) l muilc d IllIS ! III nil l hl1l I I h r)1t I • I 1 1 \\ I t In I J III 11 \ 111 l I, t 1 11I11\l I It III I 1 \ 1 1 11 I h I 1 \: llh 1)1 II II S~ II I 1 hi L !ll\t! iT III I 111 t 1 tilt 1l1!111lt:" 01 '" I I I h til dlill an 1 ( '" " 1l \\ I I t Il f I lill , . lit I \\Ih 01 Iht: dl( )Is \ IIII ,..,1 I<!l I IIllI.'S \...01 () l L:1I I d I I l1 11 111 ~I.I 1 { J 111 I I II I \ \ I \\ t I • I " I ~ I 1 I \ III I 11 J\ \ I \\ I I I h II ( gT HI till! 11 II \ I "I \11 111\ \\ rill ! 1111-. \\ I 1 Ill,.., I " ] ~ I \ I I II , ,1 , .1 II lllllll Jt~ HI t I I I " II HI , IT J In 1111\ 11i111\ I l 1 tIIlg. 1 hut lilt! .... 11 1 III " '" dt \\hllh \\ pn~(1I1L ( I :-il Ill. I ~ g 1 tl111 dllllllL.: lilt I l , , III \\1'> I II\tll t \\1 J..: II I 111 1111 tllull 1)\11 \\tlt I r I! 111 I It \\ IIlII 11111 ul th II II \ l II \\ ullill lll\jld 11 \\ hili \\111 II h (\t I III t T " lIlt , , I l T ( :--'1 II t ] Il r I l I 11 I, III It , , II \ I "' , <i I ' II. \ Jl l!l\t I l 1ll1l11l til I I l 1 h011lJ Oil \1I,..,1l till \Ii I I !Ilk 1 Illl " thlll I'h"lltllt:\lt \\llhll11 I Irk "'!stili 1-1-1 1'1Ik 1\1.'1ll1 ~dr !! I Ildl: II \Iu d , 1 t I ( 11\111 Ildl1tlll II (11\ 11 m St ho.:I d III",htcr • l \ T I , to III Ilt 1 Irk t ~\\ 11111 I Il I I \\Itlt tilt' :\\\ll • • I hill 1I11,.., t I 1 "I I \ I ?\ SllHl!1 I J In I ( I L 11111111 th 111111111 I! I~ 11 1 III I till! l! I, 111 I (I k dll \ \1 11,.,1.:11 1Il Illtlll} II \\l1h lht \\011 II d \\ rth\ \lttr IllCIlIlg I);'\!(l Ull 11 III hit' 11l(11 11\ hl: \\111 he I I! \! I I II Ih \11\ kill IhH 'J< III It It.; It II tim I III t tllll t.;h Uill1lll (I \11" 1\ ,1111<1 ] lton and I loot \\hn \\111 t Ith III II 1 II [ " I IJI'IIII i>4HIK" 1\\ I 0{ II II .1l00h II I I n I III ( \\ ... '" ll]T Ilt d 1\1111 11111 \It Itl t 111 JlIll\l\ \lr J(Jm \(111ll :\rr \\ilham 1< hilitl lIlllt 01 Ills pll\s 1), I II I, xh ," mil \Ir, I \\ It(iI tlX and ),[r Illr It! I ames I ttlll Ilt'd la t Inda) Irom In tht :-i\\ II tllnlOre Puhltc I Ibran I I \ I l II 1111h I ~ Irt: I.'])ar Itch ht.:ht.' I \\ Itl 1 tht: ~\\ Irthlllore s \rb IIHI Clalt I Xllllllt \\ l~ h\.'I t 111 19)0 tills ( lItttllm t rllIul an lIllt:rt tlllg ltcm 01 tilt (iT )II l\ 1 (I the 'tconti J xll1ll1t III the \\ om til s Club I hur .. da\ :1nci I nda\ \llnt 27 and 2x thl U)I1l11llttll: clt~IIC~ to I r I I" X 1 I 1 II 1 I :\. 1\\ ...... \ I t Jill I I I I I t I trl Illd pn Id III T IIIk \\ 1t11l I \ I I r\.' I a \II nIh:.. trIp 10 I lorull Of: *" * I he spnll~ ~itl.'t1tlg- ot Ih t IOllrtIt 1\ hll {.tlfdllll Ir (II hllt~tr ... J)hlfldlllhtlhtslt"Pn"h\to.:lltlSo \\lll1l \\11 \\ I I ptrlh<! on II r i tt .. tlts lor ~ ItttlJlal mil I urt'lgn :\11 nrldtll tttitl IIPltlltitcltlsll"t\\llk l)h\\llIho.:hddnt.'xl Ihur,da\ ~llrth It 11\ I III Illt 1\ thl Pnslntt' 12 ) !ttllo.: Ilrt Prt:..lnttrIlIlLhtlrt.:hnl {)n (olnnll""IOll I 1 ( I lIT 1 I L I "((Ill d e tahllsh Itllt J 111l 1'(I\\tl1 l:i.:Ttt In, and II Irll '-;Ullih III 1 IIr I \ .. Ihtr \\ II(h 11'1 rl)ln III h ellgraHd \\ I I)) l l!llt I 11\ tilt ( lI11Plll\ to John l I 1l\\ l\ II e rt llrJlIg l h1t I \\ IT ) hl.'adcd \ I~ II I III Illlf IIntl" tilt: tht lIliUpall\ dUrlll,..., I HI Illtl '32 and lilt III 01 th\.' lll1tct! ~tllts Pharma \\ I I I lilt dill I Il)r 11\ \ \ (arS MClin It )mpltk sit l\\111~ 01 all S\\arth 101 tl d \ 1111111\1 \11\I"on I I Ir I I tho.: n II II lIt II I, IIl"dtH\lIt the mllllling "'t ~101I \\111 • ~Ir • • lItl l(lll\llJe II 10 ocltek at 12 1() tht' box III Ire h(J(k~ that \\c.:rt IU)t lilt I 11(10.:<1 111 the Irtlllrill I au(1 III Inlull}n 01 \ltUl1l1l Ihe \fart:h lUett1Jlgotth~ ]Iarold \ms IOrml:r I Xlllhit Our atllhlrs Ire thCle "tlullnb \\lIh1ll Ihe LllItul Stilt'" E \\orth Post 01 tht' \mcrlcan ltg-lOll \\111 Ion IIr~I:.1 at Ita .. t to II III slich hook" I ulkrt 11 (10k .. hI-. htt:11 aPllollltcd a 10.: htld :\(1nda\ e\t.'lIme: at R ot:lock at hrlll~1ilg thlln to the I Ihrar) t11 good lllunin r ot the hlqnl tn repre .. ent the the I \.'~II 11 Room ... 011 Pm l11g-h Hall UI "t 1"'(11 md II )lns:.lhlc prc .... nhng tht.'m CllIted ~tatb Phlrlllaco1llid lummI-. lmplO\Ill\.'llt rt.'lld and \[1I1l0flfll Day ~Ir III (I IIITltlttllll \\!l1 ht scntll II 1 31) conlt'r ami It 2 I Ir tht: COllllllthlll\ S Ilermallt.'nt tbe I sion 01 He\]"IOIl ! pian" \\11t he Ih clI"scd

    ---------- Page 10 ----------

    2 THE SWARTHMOREAN bAriA ... lill '."@. --_ .. _-- ,,'117 - - .. , .. (Continrud lrom Pao, Qnd Mr. and Mrs. Richmond D. Fetherol! of ·Swarthmore. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sharples of Thornton, Mn. Kather~ iDe Martin and Mr. Harold Schoff. of Concordville, Miss Molly Flynn of New York, and Mr. Fred Hefinger of Thorn. ton. Mrs. W. J. Shettsline, of Philadel. phia, is s»cndillg this week with her daughter, Mrs. 'Valter L. Thorpe, of Dickinson avenue. ! Swart/wto,~, '~nd Mr. Farley's mother,/STATED MEETING OF )Itt. S.arlih '$hoeDlAker Farley, of Park WOMAN'S CLUB addre.s on the young' woman of Persia. Mrs. Boyce i. a sister of Mr;. Charles Leech on Dickinson .avenue. . Refreth­ments were served and a social. hour fol lowed the meeting. l.av.Due; Sw~rihD!ore. Mr. 'and • M ... ; Harold Ogram of Riverv'jew road -ivere the guests of Mr. Ogram's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ogram, of New Garden, Pa., last week·cnd. Mrs. A. P. Shanklin of Amherst ave­nue entertained at bridge last Wednes­day in honor 'of Miss Christy. who is the house guest of her sister, Mrs. \Valler C. Giles, of Rutgers avenue. Miss Elsie Pitman of Vassar avenue h,d as her guest last week-end Miss Mary Jean Poorman of Swarthmore College and Narbert, Pa. Miss Poor­man is the daughter or the Reverend John H. Poorman and Mrs. Poorman, 01 Narberth. ------~.~ .. ------ Junior A ....... b1r The monthly stated meeting was held at the Woman's Clubhouse on Tuesday afternoon at which time officers were nominated for the coming year, the elec­tion being next Tuesday. The program was in charge of Mrs. Roland G. E. UII- The hosts and hostesses for the Ju­man. chairinan of the Drama Section, nior Assembly which meets tomorrow who introduced Mr. Harry G. Forster, evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Director of the Junior Theater of the' l\{: Dodd, Mr. 2nd Mrs. E. Z. Dimit­Air. He spoke of the progress of the man, Mr. and Mrs. Elfie S. Sproat, cinema and said that one thing it added Mr. and Mrs. John Trevehtick Mr. and to the dramatic actor, was that he had to Mrs. David Hughes, Dr. and' Mrs. A. absolutely concentrate on the work at F. Jackson and Miss Jean Doctor. hand, 35 a slip is irretrievable. He took • • his audience through the mazes of Announces New Associate radio playlet, with his daughter, well a. conversational tables will fill the afternoon. Tea will be served and two door prizes will be given.· Our WASHING PROCESSES and. SANITATION have been approved by s"lTohn.e· ' Sclentific Research Comm18- Comparatively few laundries In our entire State have succeeded in P88S­Ing the severe tests. Guard your famlly's healtb. Pa­tronize tl".e Mrs. C. 'Vahl Olmes, of Cornell ave­nue, entertained at IUllcheon and bridge' on Thursday. Dr. Paul M. Pearson is spending a few weeks at Haddon HaJJ, AtJantic City. The Dartmouth A venue the Flying Arrows 14 to 9 ball on Monday night. Elks beat in basket- Jennie, at the piano Hlustrating how music is picked to suit the action and time of the play. Mr. Forster says it takes not only talent but "time, labor and patience" in acting for the unseen audience, Questions were permitted at the conclus­ion and the number asked proved the in­terest of his listeners. CharlcJ Parker, of the Parker Arcade building who has been in the real estate MEDIA LAUNDRY. Ine. and insurance business in Swarthmore Phone Media 1701 :\frs. Samuel C. Hanna, of Maple fOr many years, announces that Mrs. "Serving S~~tc!n;:~ .. SU(!cesdU~Y Mary T. Ervin, of Swarthmore will 1::================ Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van AIel] of avenue, entertzincd the members of associated with him in the sale of ;n''',,_1 - Park avenue will entertain at bridge 1 the New Century Club Music Hour at tomorrow evening. her home on Wednesday afternoon. AIr. and Mrs. N. O. Pittenger, of She wiJl .be assisted by Mrs. Thomas Walnut lane entertained at dinner on Cochrane. I • Special Vespe .. Serriee Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wray, of Walnut Another beautiful service of music Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of Haverford lanc, entertained at their home Satur- has been prepared for the Vesper Ser. avenue will entertain the Monday day evening. vice at 4 :45 p. m. Sunday at the Pres- bn.d ge club at luncheon next Monday. Dr. Richard H. Shryock and Mrs. byTtehreia nc hoCihr urucnhd.e r Mr. Kneedler's di- Mr. and Mrs. T. Lawton Slaugh of Shryock with their c:hildren Barbara rectioll will sing Mendelssohn's beauti­North Chester road will entertain a and Wallace, of Durham, N. C., who ful music to the 42nd Psalm. This is bridge club to which they belong to- have been spending the winter at morrow evening. Strath Haven Inn, Swarthmore, will doenles soohf n.t hbe uts haotr ttehre csaanmtaet atsim bey onMee no-f Miss Clara Taylor, of New York sail tomorrow for Europe. Dr. Shryock, the most interesting. In addition to the City spent last week-end as the guest a member of the faculty of Duke Uni- 5010 parts and choruses for mixed of her mother, Mrs. William C. Taylor, versity, is all his sabbatical leave of voices there is a chorus for female f R·· d absence. o JvcrVlew roa . voices and a striking chorus for male Mr. and !\frs. Wilmer Whitescarver Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton, of Elm ave- voices, with a solo part for the 50- of Rutledge entertained at tea on Sun- nue, Swarthmore, wilJ preside at the prano voice. ance and real estate in the future. Mrs. Ervin has made her home in Swarthmore for many years and until recently was connected with the Philadel­phia Electric Company. Her many friends will be glad to learn that she is now voting all her time to the interest of the people of Swarthmore and this vicinil'.r. • I I "THE TORCHBEARERS" TO BE PRESENTED The Little Theatre Club will present George Kelly's three-act comedy "The Torch-Bearers" in Clothier Memorial at 8 :15 this evening. This play, the third Little Theatre production of the year, was coached by Mr. T. Lawton Slaugh. I , day. luncheon to be given by the Philadel- "The Light of the World", from EI- Puzzle Winner. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Shedden Farley phia branch of the Associate Alumnae gar's oratorio of the same name will T and their children, Ethel S. Farley, of Vassar College, Saturday, March 18, be sung. This is a masterpiece of ff he d wII innTehr s 5o f thhe jig saw puk~ zbt es and Eugene S. Farley, Jr. • of Newark, at the Barclay, Philadelphia. Mrs. Ash- choral and instrumental writing by the f0 eire t y e J wart mEodr ean Sw ee't h ef. ton 'is president of the local branch. ore as were ames gar mi t 0 N. J., spent the week-end as the guests great English composer. Harvard avenue; Genevieve Reaves, of Mrs. Farley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Howland. of Guernsey Everyone is cordially invited to at- 625 _ University Place, and Charlotte .Robert L. Coates, of Harvard avenue, road, has returned from Sf. Petersburg, tend and enjoy a service of beautiful Griffin, 214 Rutgers avenue. ----------~-------------- J Fla. fllusic by the great composers. I • BACHMAN'S QUALITY MARKET 14 PARK AVENUE Swa. 333 YALE AND KENYON AVES. Swa.183 Our .ale i. not complete you are .mi.fled unle •• Legs Lamb .... Shoulders Lamb Rack Lamb Chops . Loin Veal Chops ... Fancy Chuck Roast. Fresh Ground Beef. Campbell's Tomato Soup ........ Torian Peanut Butler 2 lb. jar .... Nat'l Quick Oats .. ttl. 19c · ttl. 12c · ttl. 1ge . . . ttl. 23e · iii. 12c · iii. 14c .6 for 3ge 23c .2 for ge Dr. Andrew Francis Jackson and Mrs. ' I • Plans for the card party to be given in Jackson, of Park avenue, have return- In Earthqu'lke Zone the Lounge of the Woman's Club on ed from Florida. Tuesday afternoon, are going .forward M r. an d I\{ rs.J. D ollaI d G1'b son, 0 1 {oFrnrioam c otmhee se naertwhsq uthakate Mrergsi.o An ninn aC Eanli-· under the direc60n of Mrs. H. A. Peirsol, Hillborn avenue, entertained on Friday Mrs. William Hanny and Mrs. C. C. evenm. g w. h en the'l r gues t s were l\{I' SSt·r.i keu,h of R.u tgers. avPe nued. whor ~~is~ ~;v:i~st-I "" est. The afternoon ,'s to be a soc,'al Louise Christey. ).Ir. and Mrs Waiter !tt.Ug eAr SIster 1~ .asa coa one and games and jig-saw puzzles as GOI .' .! lIlJury. communtcatIon was I es, Mr. and :Mrs. Dantel GoodWin recently by Mrs. S. S. Farley from Mrs. and Albert Rogers, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Entriken telling about her reactions to Mr. and Afrs. Joseph Geer, of Har- the experience. She was in Pasadena yard avenue, entt!rtained a during the worst of the shocks. club to which they belong on Satur- I • day evening. Young Woman's Guild Frances Noyes, daughter of Mr. and DR. DAVID LINCOFF 115 So. Olive St. MEDIA Eye Sight Specialist Mrs. Carlos Noyes, of Harvard ave- The Young Woman's Guild of the Reasonable Prices nue, entertained at dinner before the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church met at ;::===============:::;-1 meeting of the intermediate dancin~rJthe home of Ruth Reynolds, 211 ColICjre / class on Saturday evening. ave. last night. Cornelia Van Alen, ~[r. President presided. A devotioI)a1 s"'vi<:e and .hIrs. Otto Kraus, Jr., of was lead by Charlotte Federle. A study Benjamin \Vest avenue: were at home the Woman of the Bible has been a to a group of frieuds on Sunday aftcr- feature of the Guild Meetings. Mrs. A. I)oon. C. Boyce, missionary in Persia, gave an Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Emmons, of _____________________ _ "Riverview Farms" accompanied by PRIVATE SALE their house guest, :Miss Ellen Lemon, of Ithaca, and 1\-Irs. Frank Lemon, of of Riverview road, spent the week-end HOUSEHOLD GOODS in Atlantic City, N. J. Monday and Tuesday, Mareh 20-21 M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME 33 West Baltimore Ave. CLIFTON H'i:IGHTS Mr. and Mrs. Elric Sproat, Mr. and 10 A. M. 10 5 P. M. Madison 110 T:Mhrosm. Oass cHar. JL.u Gedilecrrsc, csWt, al:Mterr. aRn. dS1\"h{"or "es-,,' ...3 15 Cheetnut Ave., s~a~rt;h~m~o;re~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ maker. spent Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd, Swc:.rthmore avcnue. Indian River Oranges, 2 doz. 25e Mary Doris, daughter of Mr. and Seedless Grapfruit.. . 5 for 1ge Golden Ripe Bananas ... 15c Mrs. Aldan Doris, of Corncll avenue, entertained 0n Saturday evening whcn her guests were Peggy Noyes, A-farjo­rie Mead, Patty Ca!llpbcll, Ruth Hihn. Dick D;:rlington, Donald Lange, Harry Miller, \ViUiam Guctrigs and John Kline. PROTECT IT Calif. Sugar Peas. . ean 19c Tomatoes Maine White Potatoes ~ bu. bas •. .ean 19c .3ge Buck Sbad . . . . n,. 18c Mrs. Birney Morse. of Elm avenue, entertained informally 011 Friday af­ternoon. YOUR EARNING POWER IS YOUR GREATEST ASSET. Steak Cod ... . ... 15c 1-======================:::; Fresb Opened Oysters, doz. 15c Large Claims . . .. doz. 29c i PROTECT IT. r==============:::::; ! TUNE IN YOUR RADIO TO. WIP every Wednesday evening at 8 P. M.. and listen to Michell's Garden Talks. Shop and lIave Lunch at Tbe Woman's Excbange Imported Hond Made Linens. R.e asonably Priced. Eeroyed Hooked Rugs Fine assorhnent of Home­made Candies, Butter Creams. Bon Bons, Chocolate Logs, Fudge. Home-made Bread, Rolls, Cakes and Postry. Breakfast-7 a. tn. to 9:30 a. m. Special 35c Luncheons-12 to 2 p. m. ON ORDER Individually Decorated Birth. day Cakes, Decoraled Easler El'l"s, Chicken Salad, Crab Newberg, Creamed Chicken, POlly Shells and Sonp •• WOMAN'S Jo:XCHANGE 12 PARK AVENUE Phone Sw •. 1993 • Massachusetts Accident Company BOSTON. MASS. Originators of non-cancellable disability insurance ISSUED BY America's Oldest ACcident and Health Company Swarthmore Representatives PETER E. TOLD Swa.1833 W. R. TALBOT Swa.680 AIIIIOUIiCING A IIEW FIIEL For the heater or fireDlace Compared with other bigb­est grade fuels, it bas proved: 1. More lasting 2. Higber in beat value 3. Practically smok"I""d' 4. Controllable in com­bustion 5. Entirely free from dust 6. Most easily haudled and fired 7. Unvarying in quality SIt.clal Introductory PAICE $,_15 Per net ton, delivered in Chester, Darby, Upper Dar­by, Llanerch and all towns intervening and near by. Not to be confused with 80- called "briquettes". P-F is an entirely new fuel, origi­nated and perfected by the manufacturers. Order Today Ihe PEllliSYLYAlnA FUEL MFG. COMPAIIY' Medlar Pa. Telephone Media 1067 Descriptive folder on requesl UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTORING Fred J. Harley Cultom Made Furniture luterior Decorating lu All Its Branches Swartb. 1441 I • .. MARCH 17. 1933 .to 16 .. .. .. I.. f.- .. '. .. .. SWARTHMORE. PA. ROBERT E. SHARPLES Bdlror ,ADd: ~r Phone Swarthmore 900 [l1tH~ "'. Second C1aa matter, January Z". 19Z9. at Ih" Pan OftiCD at Swarthmore. P ... under the Act of March 3. 1879. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1933 Read What These Stores Are Offering You FREE Friday and Saturday Only A FREE SHOE SHINE with every half sole and heel job PRICES REDUCED SAM DRAYMAN 10 Park Ave. ;;!J 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112 Fertilizers Pruning Shears Sprays Clean Up Tools FREE With each cash purchase of $1.00 or more. A BAMBOO RAKE SUPLEE'S STORE / Ell! 1I11II1I1II1I~1~:IIII~I~::~;I~1II ~~~I~IIII1I11II1I11Ir;; WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR MORE-YOU GET A 'FIre$tofte JIG SAW MAP PUZZLE. While they last. Only 2 more weeks to have your car inspected! LET US BUY YOUR OLD TIRES Liberal allowance on the new " •• f • .,HI~~~ED Russell's "tn.'''' Serviee i DARTMOUTH AND LAFAYETTE AVENUES Phone 440 j!".~HlNG--GREAS'NC--TlRE-BATTERY_BRAKE SERJ'ICE THE SWARTHMOREAN 3 @a. " '.' .. '.", --~." .. -.. .. ...... ",,,-. '." iii "'.' .. Collingdale 26 S. H. S. 21 Glen-Nor 26 S. H. S. 16 Ridley Park 42 S. H. S. 18 Prospect Pa(k 16 S. H. S. 23 Sharon Hill 8 S. H. S. 26 Mr. and Mr •. H. Miller Crist, of Har­vard avenue, Swarthmore, have issued cards ro~ Sunday evening, March 19, when they will entertain in honor of Mr. and Mr •. Charles D. Mitehell at a buffet supper. Eddystone 28 S. H. S. 23 Marple-Newtown 5 S. H. S. 28 1M RS. A. J. QUINBY &. SON Collingdale ?:I S. H. S. 23 1 JOSEPH E. QUINBY ANNA SCHALLES Games·Played-17; Won-$; Lost--9. . The first team scored 389 to its op- ERNEST G. SNODGRASS. ASS'T ponents, 359; and the scrub team scored FUNERAL DIRECTORS .PHONE SW.1225 SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES 339 to its opponen~s. ~23. BELL PHONE 4 MEDIA, pA.l MUHLENBERG AVE., RUTLEDGE SUNDAY 10:OO-Bible School. A Modern School . ll:OO--MORNING WORSHIP. PASTOR PREACHES LENTEN SERIES ON THE SPIRIT OF JESUS "ms SPIRIT OF LOVE" 4:45---0ROAN WOBSIDP. Mr. Kneedler. 5 :OO-VESPERS. SERVICE OF MUSIC PASTOs'S MESSAGE "A SONO OF HOPE" 7:00-YOUNG PEOPLE. TtJESDAY 7:45-THE YOUNG MEN. . WEDNESDAY 8:00-MIDWEEK SERVICE FOB. LENT. "THINGS TO THINK ABOUT" SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P. B~ENS, MINISTER NEXT SUNDAY, MARCH 12TH. THE MIN­ISTER WILL PREACH ON TWO vrrAL THEMES. COME TO CHURCH. BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP ll:O~WORSHIP AND SERMON "WHICH WAY AMERICA" OR THE TEMPLE OF CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION 7:45-WORSHIP AND SERMON "WINDOWS TOWARD JERUSALEM" A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU TRINITY CHURCH Protestan t Episcopal Chester Road and College Avenue Opposite the College Campus Rector Rev. J. Jnrden Gu~nther, S. T. M. SUNDAY 8:00 Q. m.-Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. 10:00 a. m.-Blble Class. n:oo a. ro.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther wIll preach. WED.NESDAY 10:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. FRIDAY 3:15 p. rn.-ChUdren's Service. 8:00 p. rn.-"Questton Box" and Discussion Group. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 9:45 A. M.-Flnt Day SchOt.l In Whittier House. 9 :45 A. M.-Morning Forum in Meeting House, n:oo A. M.-Meettng for' worship In the Meeting House. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.--Sewlng and Qunt­Ing in Whtttler House. Box luncheOn. All are cordially Invited to JOin In these services. Bulletin 11 INFORMATION Lut week'8 "Swarthmorean" .pecified three definite e%clu.it1e featQres. as follow.: medical fees; nurse or hospital benefite, and Don· cancellable. incontestable indemnhy for dis­abilities of any nature. Take the fin. of our items :-We paT :rou for medleal or IQrIIieal fees ineurred during a period of temporary illness or injury, of any Dalure. IneoDle IndeDlnlty Insnranee Est. 1892 (;0. BOSTON, MASS. Call, ROBT. T. BAIR Special A6ent Swa. IMI MASON·HEFLIN WILL HELP YOU HEAT YOUR HOME EFFICIENTLY Our representative witI come to your home without obligation to you. He is an expert fireman-trained by the Anthracite Bureau of Engineering. He knows the proper size and most economical way to burn hard coal. Mason-Hcfiitl have a coal yard near you. We pride ourselves on the finest service and the best coal- Super-cleaned Famous Reading Anthracite. Phone Swarthmore 6 Mason COAL Hefli n CO. nd Suburb .. The Swarthmore National .Bank and Trust Co. Announces that it is now open for the conduct of its usual banking functions with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. Mt!mber of Federal Reserve $ystcm Ang Police Ollieial mill tell gou ••• .. Report a theftINST ANTL Y! The sooner we know about it, the better chance we'll have to catch the thief and recover your stolen goods."

    ---------- Page 11 ----------

    .. ··aRSM@ SAYS FORCING WAR DEBT PAYMENT WOULD INCREASE UNEMPLOYMENT SUuate on tbe 8outhwe.l side of Duncan ave­nuo at the (U.tanee of flve hundred 88V80'7-o0. foot and 111:1:17'000 one-hundredth. of • fool southeastward frolll tbe eoutbeast aide of Bunting- road 1n the BoroUgh of Yeadon, Del .. ware Counly. Penll81ivania. Containiol' in front or breadth on the sald Duncan avenue t wen1y-three feet and enendiDI' of Uta' width in lenpb or depth 80uLhweatward between par­allel lines at rlrht &I1I'Ie8 to Duncan avenue aile hundred feel to the middle line of a fifteen feet wide driveway which extenda south· eastward Into Chester avenue and northwea" ward into Buntin, road. ~ Tbe Forum Monday evening will hear/ war was clearly eXJ?lained by Dr. Ayde­Mr. Walter H. Seely on "Bandits I Have lotte. Before that tIme we were a debtor Known". Mr. Seely is a former editor nation, We exported Ja~ge amoun~s of of the New York World and other well' goods, a vast part of whICh was ~Id. on known newspapers. His wide and varied money we had borrowed for th.e bulldmg knowledge of notaDles in the business of .railroads and other ~terprJ~es, Our world should prove interesting. tarl.ff p~evented us fr~m lrnp0!1tng ~,oods Under and lubJect to certain conditiOUl, reo America dare not accept payment of tmttl thiS debt was paid, creatmg a fav- atrictlonll. agreemeDl1 and eaeementl. the war·debts, Dr, Aydelotte of Swarth·1 orable balan~e of trade". With the war, AIBO under IlDd eubJed to tho payment of a more College, told the F orum aud l•e nce h owever, th IS was c hange.d' we loa ned cfoerritya-ieni ghmt orbtugnadpr edd ebdlo lJoarra pwrinitcbi paInl1 -elruesm1- ·aosf this week. Explaining this startling hug~ sums of money a~d Jnstead. of ex- tbereln mentioned. statement, he said, there is not enough pOrtmg we should ~ve Impo~ted In order Together with tbe free and commou use, gold in the world to pay the debts, they that these .deb~s might be paul. But our rigbt. liberty and pr1vilep oC tho said drive-. would have to be paid in goods and we whole economic structure was geared for W8)" SIJ and for a driveway 1UJd paaeapwlU' cannot accept $11.000,000,000 worth of export and I. t was no t ch an~e d. The athte aoUw tnimeress, theenraenatfete ar nfdo roeevceurp, ieinr. ec oomf mthoon owthitehr goods even if stretched over a period of crash would have come sooner If we had lots of ground bouuding tbereon and entitled years,' because it would wreck our eco- not followed the course of lending the to Ihe use tbereof. nomic structure, geared to mass produc· money to Europe to pay for the purchase Improvements con8ist of two.stol'3' lIone tion and depending upon sale of surplus of our own goods, and the debts owed us., and brick house. lOd6 feel: Enclosed front abroad. In 1929, however, the m. ev.l table happen- Bpuarscehm. ellOt llgea-rsatog-rey. frame addition, 6x4 feet. Dr. Aydelotte gave the many senti- ed, we stopped lending, Europe could Sold as Iho property of Shcrman T. '!'ran. mental reasons advanced against pay- not pay in gold and was prohibited by our ~au. single WOUlan. and N. LoureUa TrUitt, ment of the deLts. F'or I· nstance, t he tariff from paying in goods. The debt 8Jhgle woman. patrl'ot' fro of some Sellators at the CondiHons--$250.00 cash or ccrtifled check lC e v r should not be paid and certal'nly ,vl'll not time the loans were made, who with un- ~~IISi~rOI~sf :I~::;':U:~IL:: !:Iet.en days. Furtber authorized generosity said the money be paid, thinks Dr. Aydelotte, We should ('ontinulng tbe eame widtb bet .... eeD parallel lines at rlgh1- alQlle. to aa1d Upland .&reel. tbe 80uthem line 8xtendJnl" throul"h the middle of a part,. wall eighty-five feet to a Bfteen feet wide alley. Togolher wltb the right and Ulle ot aald alleys in common wJlb tbe owners of other lande abuttinl" thereoD. Improvements conelll uf thl'ee-etOJT "brIck houee, 16:1:30 feet. Rear porch. Two'IJI017 brick addition. 18J[12 feet. One·Mory frame addition, 12x12 feel. Sold 88 tbe properl¥ of HIU'fl' V. Setb. CondUionB-l260.00 cash or certified ebec:I: on day of sale: balance tn "ten dan. Further conditions announced a&. sale. HENRY G. SWENEY, Attorney, Fieri Faclae No. 14Z4 December Term. 1932 All that certain frame d..-elUng bouse and lot or piece of land, aUuate on tbe we'" &Ide of JefflTy Itreet In the clt,. of Chester. In t.he County of Delaware aDd State of Pennsylvania. Beginning at a polnt the distance of one hundred and five feet nOrth of Se~nd street and <ontalnlng in front on 'ho eald Jetlrey Itree' twenty·flve feet and extending in depth wC8twardly between parallel Hnes at righl angle8 to th~ said Jeffrey street one bundred and forly feet to a twenly feel wide alley. Togethcr with tbe right oC said alley In ('ommon with the owners uf olher lands abut. ting thert-on. . Condltlona-.t260.00 c.uh or cerllfled. on day of we: balance In ten days. Ft",,,~.r oonditlODB announced at. l8le. HENRY G. SWENEY. Attorney. JOHN J. CAIN, Sherlt!'. An Institution in Delaware County for Fifteen Years TAKE IT * ..FROM Us • 'blue coal' was advanced in the form of loans be- cancel, or accept a lump sum of One or WILLIAM):C. RHODES. Attorney. caUse that was the way such transactions two billion doJiars, instead of forcing the were made between nations: that no at- nations to defalt, which will most cer- I!'icri Fad<l.s tempt would be made to collect them, tainly happen when the June 15th pay. No, 1300 Impro\'cmenlR collslst of two.slory Irame housc. 16x21 fect. Front and sidc porehcs, Two-story colI(."'rete block addition, 16x12 (oot. Onc,slory frame addillol1. 12x14 feet. • • is •• America's Finest Anthra­cite •••• tinted blue as Ihe iden­lineation of superior quality •••• delivered in tbose smart RED and BLUE truck. • • • • whieh have long heen associated with those they were just our contribution to a nob~e ment falls due, with its disastrous trail ,. trade.marked Fuel8. cause, until such time as our armies of resentment 011 both sides. should render further assistance, An- A great deal of nonsense is being talked other rcason along the same line is that these days, about trade concessions and the money ne\'er left this country, being disarmament, said Dr. Aydelotte. He all spent here for munitions, food and pointed out that any trade concessions other war-time necessities; aiding mater- would have to be made by us, since we ially in our prosperity at the time. . I must ~cgin to import if the debts are to All Ibat certain lot or llie(e of ground slt­Wile In Ille Towlishil. oC Upper Darby. in tbe Coullty of DeJawarc and Slate of Penneylvullia,, described uccurtllllir 10 a 8Ur\· ... y and plan of Jols fur Jalllcl:I J. Andricn, made by Damon allil Fo!!tt'r, Civil Engineer!!, daled January ~ijth, lmW, n$ Collows; Beginning at a TlOin, 011 the eastcrly side oC Sc\-cnly·ninth sIred (forly feet wide) at tho distance of one hundred and sevellty and ninety·five one-bumlrcdths Iect measured southwardly along Itlid side of Se,·enty.nintb street. liS shoWIi 011 saId P:OII from the soutn. wesh.·riy side o( Parkview road (l1fty feet wide.) Salt! as the IJrollerty of Joseph R. Ponder 311d EUzabetb POllder. WASHINGTON Theatre-Chester SATURDAY. MONDAY, TUESDAY The year's most sensational mystery drama "THE MYSTERY OF THE WAX MUSEUM" -wlt.b._ LIONEL ATWILL-FAL WRAY WBDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY HELEN HAYES RAMON NOVARRO In "THE SON.DAUCHTER" CONTINUOUS FROM NOON apPERS D_.. i...E ~-. GULF ATLANTIC Dr. Aydelotte, who has studied the be paid. Also we cannot expect a na­subject abroad as weH as at home, threw tion to base its patriotic belief in security much light on the European situation, lit- on doltars and cents. An even flow of tle understood here. Their per capita trade between nations is more important debt is much larger than ours, he said, t113n the debt, and in the future we may and due to the process of deflation in ei- ha\'e to depend on a greatly expanded feet since the war, one and one-tenth home-market or curtail production-we times more goods would be required to cannot be a creditor nation and a great pay the debts than \Vas the case when exporter at the Mme time. As for dis­they were contracted. France is less able I armament, it can only be accomplished to pay the debt than is generally sup· thru co-operation and a willingness on posed. She deliberately deflated the franc our part to assume the leadership which after the war, forcing her people to take a friendly generosity on our part con. the loss in order to protect her gold sup- cerning the war-debts, would most cer­ply, and while she could have paid the in- tainly accord us. Containing in frOllt or breadth on said SC\"entY'lIillth street soulh twenty degrees. three minutes, t wenly sewnds west sixtcen feet and cxtcwliug" of Ihnt widlh in length or depth eastwurdly between IlaralJel lines at right an. giC8 to said Scventy·nlnth street one hundred ufcrei,t· cwtoa yth. c ('('nter 01 a I)roposcd len feet wide :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Being Lot No, 51 on aaid plan. • , .... AC1I.A Fuel Oil Service from. our own terminal in your neighborhood A.DA terest 011 her debt, and should have for SHERIFF'S SALES psychological reasons, it would have forced her gold supply to a dangerously low point. The Lausanne agreement is ------------.---- another point Dr. Aydelotte mentioned, ShcrHr Snles of Real Estate AI tlie Sh('l"ilf's Offl(e Cou!"t HOlls('. Medin, Pcnnsyh'Dllin SlIlm·tlny, Mareh 2iJ, 10;)3 11:30 o'dock A. 1tI, Eastern Standard Time for at least as far as Europe was con­cerned, it was based upon the understand-' iug tImt a readjustment of war-debts mustj that a readjustment of war-debts must he canceled, or what is more probable, scaled down, for cool business reasons. He does not think that the government will cancel the Liberty Bonds, and that Fieri Fadm~ the debt will h;u-e to be horn by the Dccember Term. 1032 No. 1471 Americal' publir., but he pointed out that I it' 1 . th f t' I b d All tll:,t I'Crtaln frame messuage alld lot or IS all y onc-Slx 0 our na lona U -1 piee"!! 01 land with the bllildlllgp amI improvc. get, and would not be the burden geller-I DlNlls ther(,lIn creeted, SUUlltC on the 80uth. ally assumed we,.;lcrl)· Hide IIi Apille avenue ill tho Town. • "hi,1 uf :\liddlctuwlI ill thc County oC Delaware The complete reYersal of position that I and Stille oC IJ('IIIIRYivauln, bounded and de. has taken place in thie-: countr•v since the Is trlb(·d as follows: Uc;;-Inning" nt nn iron plp~ un the southw('stcrJy ilid~ 01 Apple a"ell\1e ------.---------___ at the iJislnnce DC two hundred fifty-five and e LAS S I FIE D Iln·-tcntlltl It"!ct northwestwardly from the reno Ifrlll line 01 fhc right of way at tbe .Media, Joliddletown, Aston & Chestf'r Electric Railway COllmany. thetll'c along the said side of said FOR SALE .\llPle a\"(:Hlue north Corty dc,t;"rc('s twenty min. Ules west fifly·sc\'(m feet to an iron Ilipe a FOR UENT-Furlllshcd apartment, hving" ('orn('1" oC lands now or late of S. Earl Drown; room. tireillacc. t\\O bedrooms. bath. dinelto thence. by the. same, south flfty·three degrees alld kltchcneUc. Elcetril! icc box. Swa. 1480.! ten mmutes west, OIlC hundred forty :leet to I I an Iron pille in a cornl'r of lands now or late W RK ANTED "Cluth thirty-six degrees thirty mlnules east" -----::-:o~:::-:-:-:W:::-·:-:::::==-----I of Martht~ n. Borton; thencc by the same. I flixly,three [{'t't to an iron pipc. alld north fifty WORK WANTEO-Wanted day's work, any degrc(,R. forty·n,·c minutes cnst. ~me hundred erekninceds. . Will also cook and serve. Best ref- forly·four feet to the I))ace oC beginning-. Call Media 1074. Impro\'cmcnts ronsist or two and one.halt WORK WANTED--Gencral housework or story stllt;C(J hUllse, 18x27 f~t. Porch front. child nurse by reflned colored girl. Ex- One·story frame addition. 6x12 feet. Frame ccllent references. Lillian Burrell. 302 Ver· garnge, 9xIS feet. non Street, Media.. Sold as the IlrOllert.y of Abner D. Garrell LOST and LenOi K. Garrett his wiCe. LOST-Necklace, Platinum chatn set with pearls. Phone Swarthmore 698-M. FOR RENT Centrally located dwelling; five bedrooms; $65 a month. I Conditions--$250.ftO ensh or certifted checlt 011 lillY of Hale: balnll('(J in tell (bys. ~'urtbel' conditione announced at enie. GEA}(Y &: RANKIN. Attorneys. Fieri Fat ia!;! Decembcr Tcrm. 1032 No. I 1382 1 I E. C. WALTON I All thnt certain lot 01· IJie~ of ground with ,·t he .b uildings and improvements thereoll erected. ----:R~E::-A:-:D~y::-:F;::Oc:R:-:O:-:C:-:C=U::P:-:A-::N::C=y:-- II -;==========;- . 4s you SOW • •• Ally experienced gardener knows that the old proverb has losl none onls literol meaning. Whelher it is in your vegetable pat4·h or Bower gorden, you slill ('an't be sure of what you will reap unle-syou have made sure of tbe seed you have sown. There is 80 little difference in cost hclwcen e,"'en the poorest 8ceds und the famous Dre('r strainstbat priecis never a fac­tor. And even a novice ~an buy inlelligently, if she-or he­hus a copy of the 1933 Dren'. Garden Book. Write today for your ('Opyoflhie autborilalive work, recognized by gardenel'8 everywhere 8S the last word iii. accuracy and thoronghneee. We especially invite you 10 our slore where you will eoCOun .. , .... DO pIIl'king prohl ..... $75-Modern brick,, Hardwood: floors, garage. $65-9 rooms, large porch, I 2·car garage. S40-7·rooms. $35-7 room] cottage. I W31. S. BITIT.E Swa, lll-J I Notary Public Real Estate r========,1 RENT 2nd floor Ilpartment, 4 rooms nnd bath. Hardwood floors_ Hot water heat. Janitor service, $45 per month. "". Detached st·l1CCO house, 6 rooms and bath. Front ond side porch. Large lot. Ideal location. $50 per month, Detached home furnished. 8 rooms Rnd bath. 1 car garage, Good loca­tion. $75 per month. First floor apartment--O rooms and bath. First ciass In every respect. Large rooms, hardwood floors, etc. Garage, CHAS. A. SMITH 'Phone Swarthmore 70S HENRY A. DRB£R l306 SprillR" G.rdeQ St,. PhIl.-1t P •• DREER'S Subjctl to restrictions 0:1 record. Impro'-ements (."Ollsist of two·story atone IIl1d I l6x30 feel. Enclosed front porch./ One·story stucco addition. 12xO feet. S01d us tho J)ro,lerty of Eugcne F. HUdome'1 Jr. alld Madeline G. Hudomo, his wife. COII(UtiOIl8---$250.00 cash or certified chcck II 011 liay of snle; btllun('e in tCIl days. Further cOlllliliona Ullllounl"Cd at sale, i WJLJ~IA::\I IC UnODES, Attonley. I, ft'icri Fadas No. ~423. Dc(.'Cmbcr Term, 19;)2 All thnt tcrtuln brick mcssuagc nnd lot or Ilictc of Juml. situate 011 the cast side of Up. la.nd strcet. between Broad and Tenth streets, in the Cit)- o( Chester, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvllnla. lJc!;"irlllinl< at a point seventeen fect north· I wardl.r from the north 'litlc of a twenty fcct I wide al!ey, Containing in front on the eaid' Upland Iltrcet mcasured thcn(."C northwardly flC-1 tecn ft'ct and extending in depth castwardiy ~n95 STANLEY TIIEATRE CHESTER Friday, Saturday and Monday "THE SIGN OF THE CROSS" FREDERIC MARCH CLAUDE1TE COLBERT Tuesday, Wednesday and TImrsday George Arliss "THE KING~S VACATION" ----Resident Mgr. M d· Yd BROOKE AND e la • PAINTER STREETS Swarthmore Media 62·400 1600 gjre Your Furnace from Your Easy Chair Ie Gas Heat with Your Present Furnace • • • In.falleel Complete Install JANITROL ... 0 simple self-con­tained unit for practically any kind or size of furnace or boiler ... converts your present heater into a fully equipped heating plant ..• for under the cost of· the usual gas furnace or boiler installation. With Automatic Clack Thermostat I First Payment with your April Bill I PmLADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY All ~ Salnarlt_ Stom. or A.k Yo .... Heaa.. Contraetor GREETINGS . TO TIlE BARNSTORMERS • Editorial Comment The annual visit of the Ridley Park Barnstonners to Swarthmore in ex­change for a production in Ridley Park by the Players' Club is a noteworthy event and a step in the right direc;tion towO\rds making our community more neighborly with other nearby towns. This custom has prevailed for a num­ber of years and there is possibly no stronger bond between the communities of Ridley Park and Swarthmore than the annual exchange engagements. It has fostered many individual friendships and few and far between are the Swarthmoreans and the Ridley Parkers who cannot immediately find common ground in the d;scussion of prominent members of the two dramatic organiza­tions • Aside from the single program which each club presents in the other's play ... house, there exists a feeling of friend­ship and reciprocity between the clubs from the beginning of the season until the last curtain falls. We are unin­formed as to how many Swarthmore • people are called upon to help the Barnstormers in the course of a single season, but it seems that in nearly every play produced by the Swarthmore club this year there has been someone loaned for the occasion by the Barn ... stormers or. connected ip some way .. with the Ridley Park organization. The loans of pr')perties, scenery, etc., are not generally known but have been one of the chief sources of building up the feeling of friendliness which exists between the two organizations. We have time and again been im­pressed with the reports of active mem­bers of the Players' Club who have ap­peared before Ridley Park audiences. They deClare it to be. a real joy. to ap­pear before the Ridley Park people and can never stop talking about the enthu­siasm and friendliness with which they are received. The responsiveness of Swarthmore audiences suffers by com­parison according to most of the reports that we have heard. The exchange program with the Barn­stormers is looked forward to by the Swarthmore Players' Club as a real cOlltribution to each year's schedule of "··'P1ky.;-May··,hI. 'b<md<whieh' is"so-b6ie ticial to both communities continue alld grow stronger with each season. Woman's Club Notes Members of the dramatic, art and music sections of various woman's clubs throughout Delaware County, put on a program at the County Home at Lima on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Carl De Moll, chairman of the Art section of the Swarthmore Woman's Club assist­ed, A sketch was given, and living pic­tures were arranged. Som,e of the mu­sic accompanying was arranged by Mrs. Robert Chester Spencer, chair­man of the 'rVoman's Club music sec­tion. Mrs. Gerald Effing, Mrs. Edwin A. Crosby and Mrs. D, A, Simpson and Mrs. Spencer formed the quartet which was accompanied by Mrs. Jacob Meschter as pianist. The Literature Sectionl of the Swarthmore Woman's Club will hold its last meeting of March next Thurs­day. The subject wi1lebe "The World we live in". hirs: Frank Brewster will be leader of the program. The books discussed will be "The Greek Way" by Edith Hamilton; "The Conquest of Hc::ppilless" by Bertrand Russell; and "Fountain of Life-', by Havelock Ellis. In spite of a heavy downpour about forty members of the \Voman's Club met last Monday afternoon at the home of the President, Mrs, Wm. Earle Kistler 'for the first of a series of "Af­ternoons with the Dramatists", arranged by the Drama Chairman, Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman. The whole program was devoted to the ~tudy of Galsworthy. Mrs. Ull­man read a paper on the life of John Galsworthy, c:nd his career as a dra­matist and introduced the three who reviewed his plays. Mrs. Henry I. Hoot outlined the story of "Loyalties", reading the most dramatic scenes; Mrs. Roland Eaton presented "J ustice" j and Miss Eliza­beth May Roberts, of Glenolden, the Delaware County Ch2irman of Drama, ·interpreted "Escape'~. Last Tuesday evening Mr. Dan Mc­Cowan, the Canadian Field Natnralist, lectured before the members of the Woman's Club, sponsored by the Gar­den S{ction, Mrs. A. R. Redgrave, chairman. The- subject was "In the land of the Assiniboine Indians" which deals with the lives of animals. birds, flowers and scenic beauty of the Banff-Lake Lonise region of the Canadian Rockies. Mrs. Rosalie Roberts and Mrs. Joscph Seal, were hostesses for t~e e,,·('"ning. T e SWARTHMOREAN VOL. V-NO. 12 SWARTHMORE, PA., MARCH 24, 1933 $2.50 PER YEAR aa-oo·a t d&} Q oM ii. PARENTS SEE INDIAN EXmBIT BY SECOND GRADE PUPILS BARNSTORMERS AT PLAYERS' CLUB Jane Priehard, Jean FUher and Elizabeth Hornada,., of the Ru .. en Avenue 8ohool, ohow how the In-dian. did thin". yean 111/0 In Swarthmore NO LEGION BALL THIS SEASON Courtesy Philadelphia Bulletin. GIRLS CELEBRATE TALK ON BANDITS SCOUT ANNIVERSARY GIVEN AT FORUM In a play in which six of the eight characters were named Fraser, almost anything might happen. What actually did happen when the Barnstormers presented "The First Mrs. Fraser" at the Players Club on Tuesday and Wednesday evening seem­ed to please two crowded houses. They applauded enthusiastically and the ap­plause was well deserved. It is not often thai a play by an Eng­lish author, with an English setting. strikes a sympathetic note with an American audience. But St. John Er­vine, in building a play around the di­vorce courts, produced an exception to the general rule. . When Mr. Fraser permits himself to be divorced by the first Mrs. Fraser, quarrels with the second Mrs. Fraser and then divorces her, everyone expects that the final curtain· will find Mr. Fraser happily re-united to, the first Mrs. Fraser. The complications of tw~ opinionated children (oppositely and obstinately opinionated) coupled with th~ ardent courtship of an a~ceptable bachelor and Mrs. Fraser's devilishly annoying ability to keep her own colln­sci, make the final outcome entirely uncertain throughout the play. Indeed, it is nevel' definitely settled except for those in the audience who are willing to take the last line of the show pro­phetically. As the first .Mrs. Fraser, Jane W. Hoffman gave a splendid interpretation. Throughout the country, celebrations At all times charming and lovable, she The American Legion at its regular have been held this month to mark the Next week the Monday night Forum won and held the sympathy of the audi-monthly meeting had an intensive discus- 21st birthday of the Girl Scouts. The at Whittier House will hear Mr. Ro- ence from the start. sion On the needs of the unemployed in Girl Scouts of Swarthmore in particular main C. Hassrick, Chairman of the It is improbable that anyone liked the this district, and means of raising suf- have a record of unusual accomplishment Registration Commission of Pennsylva- second Mrs. Fraser. That is a tribute fident funds to relieve distress. for the past year and their headquarters nia, speak on "Vare and Vare-ism". to her interpretation of the part. One In past years the Charity Ball has pro- on Cresson lane is the center of Girl This week M!". Walter H. Seely of was not supposed to like her. Mabelle duced a large sum, but no space is avail- Scout work which is continually increas- Swarthmore, gave a very interesting Rose made the second Mrs .. Fraser a able this year for the dance. ing in this community. talk on "bandits" and iObanditry" in thoroughly despicable snob. In doing The Legion decided unanimously to re- high' p.laces. From his large experience so, she distinguished herself as one quest the Players' Club to produce a play MEN VOTERS as a ~ewspaper man, Mr. Seely dis- of the ablest players in the cast. for the benefit of the needy; the time to WO I cussed vice and corruption among those Players Club members who saw be at the convenience of the Players' TO MEET HERE' bo.rn to gre~t wealth, :with social posi- "Three Faces EastU at the Clubhouse Chdr.--An'd--in·ordcr not-to'jnterfere-witb· -. 'L. ltjon·arid~vast political influence. -Com- last year will remember"the-··splendid-the receipts of the dub, it was decided to The Delaware County League of Wo- pared wit~ these, our sympathy mu~t work of George M. Wallace, Jr. In ask that the play already given by Mr. men Voters and the Swarthmore go out! said Mr .• Seely, to. the bandit "The First Mrs. Fraser" he did a no Chas. D. Mitchell be repeated, League of Women Voters will hold not wr~tt~n of With. ~uotatton mark~- less distinguished piece of work in the Arrangement.s· for the Memorial Day a joint meeting at the Woman's Club poor victim of a VICIOUS sy~tem, w!th difficult role of the twice.divorced hus­Program were left to the Commander House, Park avenue, Swarthmore, next no knowledge of the .economlc~ ?f l!fe, band. aa nlda rtghee bAadnjdu twanats. suTbhjeec tm taot tseor uonfd ucsriintig- Tuesday, March 28, 1933. h.ardened adn d .brutahzed by IIlJustlce, If all bachelors made themselves as Cism as not being in keeping with the At I P. M, a discussion luncheon will poverty an misery. .. desirable as F. LeRoy Gilbert made b h Id ho solemn observance of the day e e at w IC h MI'S S H e I en H an, 0 f Potential murderers ared nko't limibt edt Phi1ip Logan, there would be no bache- The Swarthmore Men's Ch~rus spon- the University Sett1ement of PhiJadel- ~o those who ~se ~uns aln mvhes, 1I tors. Refused time and again by the sored by the Legi°o n reported a ve'ry hsue-I p' ta WI° 11 spea k on "U Ilemp Io yment I n- mc1. ude t.h .o se III lugh pa'cIfe s wh 0 use fi rs t Mrs.F ar s ers I'n thOI S worI d, they cessful season. On Sunday, March 26th surance." their Pos'ho.n. of trust to ~t er t e ~o?r, would be sought after by all the other the Legion and its chorus pr-esent a pro· 'I At 2:30 P. M, "Hours, Wages and wreck ambltIO?, and drive to SUICide marriagable women. Mr. Gilbert's char­gram at the Perryville Hospital. Cars Working Conditions'~ will be presented an.d broken h~cs. Greater t.han the acteristics of Philip Logan would pro­will leave each of the local churches At I by women industrial workers. "Old Age crlUte of the )ughwaym~n, thUlksf ~r. bably have pleased the author himself, noon, as the program starts at 2:00 p. m. Pensions" will be dis~ussed by Rev. G. Seely, was t~at of the directors 0 t.e than which no Ector could do more . sharp. The Commander urges that every H, Bechtold, and "Occupational Dis~ Bank of U~lIted States, who used thts The garrulous children of Mrs. Fra. Legionnaire possible should go to Perry. eases" by T. Henry Walnut, Esq., name to mislead and r?b hU~ldreds of ser were played by Thomas Moore and ville. Chairm2n of the Governor's Commis- thousands of un3uspcctmg ahens, who Charles E. Rickards. Nancy Deane, The April meeting wilt be pO:itponcd I sian for the investigation of this sub- thought it was a bank owned by the who assisted Mrs, Hofmann in direct-till the fourth Monday. Dr_ Bozzoni ject. government. . ing the play, took the part of the will give an address on Sound Ranging, Club members are asked to note that The reflection upon us, as voters~ sixth Fraser-as the wife of the first and the meeting will be open to aU men. this program is in place of that origin- who support with our most sacred w~a- Mrs, Fraser's oldest son. You get it? Men from adjoining communities are ally scheduled for March 28th and pon, the ballot, these bandits in Il1gh Chiefly distinguished by NOT being also to be invited, and in o~der t«;, ac- the change is made because of the ne. places and thei~ political henchmen, is a Fr2ser, was Mabel, the maid, delight-com~ ate the crowd the me!!tmg wtll. be cessity for immediate consideration of far from flattering, added Mr. Seely. fully interpreted by Pauline Calhoun. held In larger quarters than the LegIOn legislation now pending at Harrisburg It was a bit more than the usual maid's rooms. rekting to the subjects of the pr9gram. Methodist Notes role. In .fact~ ,she was almost a part of Friendly Circle Meets Reservations for the luncheon must the family. 10 have her so, howe\'er, be made by Saturday, March 25, with Rev. J olm ~. Her.r, of the Summer-: I would have resulted in seven of eight Mrs. 'rV. M. Fille, Swarthmore 52. I ficl.d Metl~odlst. Episcopal Church ot! characters being Fr2.sers, and the au- The 31lllUd meeting of the Friendly Phdadelpllla, Will have charge and thor wisely uecided against it. Circle was held at the home of Mrs. preach at the evening scrvice next Sun- Altogether we should say that· the William E. Soden, of 310 Yale avenue, Presbyterian NOles day, March 26th. The pastor, Lloyd P. Players Club'of Swarthmore thoroughly Sew·m g an dk"mt tmg was d'ls·tn0 u te d 1'I,e YOUll Peoille will hold a meet- Stevenhs , will preach in the Summerfield.I enjoyed "The First Mrs. Fraser" and as usuaL Then Mrs. Snyder told what g . Churc . arc grateful to whomever credit is due had been done to aid the family which I ing Sunday evening at seven on mter· Beginning next Sunday the pastor for originating the custom of exchang-she had volunteered to take care of at national friendship. The missionary will conduct a Preparatory Class for iug a play each year with the Barn-the February Meeting. Through her committee will be in charge. prospec!ive ~embel'S_ A class o~ YOU~lg storl11ers of Ridley Park. efforts and the generosity of a number Last Sunday morning, '[ S people IS bemg prepared to umte With .1.\' r. pencer, the church Easter Sunday . of Swarthmore women, furniture, linen, president of the trustees, gave a brief The \Vomall's Foreign :Missionary dishes and clothing had been supplied summary of the results of the annual Society, Mrs. Octavus Narbeth, Presi- FRIENDS' FIRST DAY to replace those lost by fire. canvass for pledges for the support of dellt, conducted a Founders' Day Serv-W h en ns were 1.1 1 or d er, t h e c Il Ure h and 'It s on a ry w ork up I'ce I'n the Church last Wednesday eve- The big game of the season for the SCHOOL BASKETBALL Mrs. William Johnson moved a vote to t h at d ay. A t t h at t Ime, seven ty- three lIing. Mrs. Diveler; Conference Secre- b~sketball teams of the Friends First of confidenc:e in the present officers per cent. of the necessary amount for I tary of PhiJadelphia, gave an interest- Day. School will be held on :Monday and the present officers unanimously church expenses for the new year had' , d '11 . t' dd Ch' cvenmg, at the Prep School Gym, at elected '. Ch21'rlnal" 'Irs. T. Harry l,een pledgcd and about sl. xty-cl. ght of lIlgA an I unlldn a 1t0 9 Ia ' resst on l1.1 a. 7:'~0 a ' c Io c k , \\" Il cn tIie ' F'yI 'lU g A nows" .1\ •• • • supper an en er all1men were given! ..." Brown i vice chairman, Mrs. Henry the amount for miSSIons. It IS expected in the Social Hall of the Methodist I and the. Cardmals. m~et.L .. Hanzlik; recording secretary, Mrs. B~r- the people who have not yet been seen church under the auspices of Circle Num- The .hst of o~clals IS mterestmg If nard W. Isfort; corresponding secretary, will bring the amounts up to the full ber One on St. Patrick's Day, last Friday not. qUite ~cco.rdtn~ to precedent, but lirs. Harvey R. Pierce; treasurer, Miss sums required. If all who have made evening. About 125 dinners were served. their cheermg IS saId to be very he.lpful Mae Lynd; sewing committee chair- pledges for the year closing Mar. 31st George Bradfield was master of cere- to t~e tea~s .. Refer~e, Harry. Ml~er; man, Mrs. Otto Kraus, Jr., Mrs. Joseph make payment, the trustees will be able monies i.n the entertainment. A quartette Umpire, Wtlha~ KIrsch t. chief ~Ime S. Seal, Mrs. Howard J. Dingle, cro- to end the year with a small surplus from the Trinity Church sang several keeper, Dr. Shlrerj assistant ~ltDe­cheting and knitting, Miss Vera Del- in the treasury_ selections and Miss Powers, an elocution- keepers, LeRoy Mercer and Howard muth, Mrs. Harry Hartman. As usual, the church will observe ist from a Philadelphia Broadcasting Sta- Buckman; collectors, Alban Evanson The last of the Series d2nces will be held tomorrow evening at the Woman's Club House. The committee has asked that members who wish to bring guests tf1'lephone Mrs. Louis Cole Emmons or . some member of the committee as early as possible as there are to be a limited number of guest tickets. The Passion Week with daily services, tion recited several approriate selections. and Paul Cleaver. except Monday and Saturday evenings, There have been as many as two April 9th-16th. Story Hour Postponed hundred .at some of the~e .games and The service of next \Vednesday ev· the pubhc IS cordially lIlvlted to at-ening will be in keeping with the The StOTY Hour for March will he tend. thought of Lent and also, one in es- postponed on acccunt of illness untit pecial preparation for the celebratio~ I April 5 at 3 :15 o'cloc~. • The Junior section of the Woman's of the Holy Communion Sunday, APrtl1 A dress. rehearsal wtll be held April ~Iub will hold the monthly card party 2nd. . 3 at 3 :15 at t~e Woman's Club house. I m the lounge 'next Tuesday evening. ~

    ---------- Page 12 ----------

    INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE \ 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN MARCH 17, 1933 G WAR DEBT PAYMENT 1"'1111111011 tho ~ulltJn\( .. SAYS FORCIN t 1<1111 of DUlII III 1\( ml'IIIIIJII~ III "'lilt \\IIUh lkl\\1X'1t parallc] r Cmuht"'rr_!' ,nou (Ish Ir ('I.rl,lIt!d CIIC(,K 111I .11htlh"!UII,ofhHhllUdn.dl>(ltllt)Olll 1111 II II ... hi 11111 .. 10 1'1111 Ulllllldetr(!(!t OIl,II\IJ(l"lh hlllll~ IIIhlldns Fllrhcl WOULD INCREASE UNEMPLOYMENT rill II I "Ixl) 11/1 1llll1l1Ulrtdlhl> of I {uut lit .. 11th rnllll( (x"lIthll~ throll~h rhe mhldlc '"111/1111111" IIHWUIII('41 I'tllh "1[1111 .. ,\\ 1101 (I m Ih ottilit I~t I'ltl( 1I11"r I I Irh \\ III II~III) Ih( r d to I fiCtt.'t!1) lhc I'orum :\londa\ eHlIIlIg \\111 lit.' Ir ~Ir \\ alt('r II Seeh on II uuhts I II l\e 1'"0\\11 ~Ir Sl('h I" I rOllller ('(htur of th(' ~e\\ \ ork \\ (JrltI md oth('r \\ell knoll n IIC\\ spapc ... s I Its \\ Jde aUlj \.aned 1\110\\ I~dge of Ilut;)hles 111 the LU"lIless BUlltlll rlll,lllllu B(r()u~huI)(lthlll DeI'lftll \\ult 1111\ IIJ<:":H\ G S\\J<I"'f.\ AI'orl!() I "II. (UIIIII\ 1',1111 .. \1\ 11111 (uullllllll:.; III I \\ Ir \\ IS dt: IrI} cxpll1l1cd II) Dr \)dC-1 fronl 0' hit tilth 011 Ilu "lid Dill .. III !\UIIW I 1o 111111 \\llh UII rl~hl wII UIOC of ~3Id JOlIN J C.\lN SlurJH tlll/II\ Ihltf h"('1 L1ul (Xhltllll~ IIf Ihlt "IIUh II '" III 'fJIlIIIUII \\llh the OlllltrM of olher loth: Dcforc tlMt tlllle \\c \\erc .1 debtor III II II_Iii II til Ilh ~Jtlth\I(SI" .. ·41 b 1"~'t!1I ,Jar 1'llId .. IhIlUIII .. tlurcoll _________ _ \\ orld "II( IIld IlfO\ (' IIIt('fC .,hllg \t1lt.-J( I dll(, lIot lnqll Jlt\III~lIt of tltl. \\ [r khts Or \\(lclottc of :-:\\;)rth more ColI(,g(, told t It(' I on lin audlencc thl>'; \\e~k J X"IIIIIUlg- tillS st trtl1l1~ st it(,IIICnt hc qul, th('rc IS not enough ;..., It! 1II tlte \\orld to p 1\ thc deht>.;, tln.'\ "( lilt! h [H to hl i' (1(1 111 /.!, I ,I .. Ind \\t cannot accept $11 000000000 "o.-th 01 goods C\UI If strctchld O\u I IJlrtod 0\ \l Ir .. hlcimo;;c It "Duld \Hc(k Ollr ('to II 1I11l tT IIdUlI. l...l u ('(I t) 1.1 [0;; .. ]lrOdllt tit 11 1111 (lqIUlfll!l.! lipOIl "ill. II "'Ufjllth IhrQ;)d ))1 hdd()l1(' _I\l lilt 111 III \ .. tntl lilt lit d It [ ~ 111'" Hh IIl1.~('d It.:! lI11st II l\ !Ill III I Iht.: dd t J OJ lII~t 1I1Cl lilt flllll III [ll\ Jr 1I1l Stllit I .. It till tlllll til I JillS \\lll Illitl \\110 \\Itil 1m 11111 Illll ..... tlllr "It\ "I I th(' til I[l\ IIltlOIl \\ e exported I.lrge lmollllt~ of III I hll" It rl~ht u 1( .. 10 Uti III IHIIUC (Jilt htmdltll fe(t tu tlu JIIltldlc hUe of a IIIIIIII/\IOItll .. l'tllsisl of llirel Klory hrultl g-uods, a \ l!'ot part of \\ hlclt \\as paid 011 "Ih III II t \,,,1 IlIn, \\ l\ \\hlt II t xh 11111'1 !;outh IWUHt I.x III h'l t HI Ir II"r h T\\o .. lor) brlC.:k I 111011('\ \\e hul I.olro\\cd for the bUilding (lsl\\1I1 Illto Chtj;hr l'tllllC Illd 1I0rlh\\(l;t ,,1"111111 INxl~ ft I OUcslor) frulle IdlllllOll (I r;)llro.uls .lUd othlr enterprises Our "\iUti IIlu IIU III III ... rOil I'xl' fut I t IrlfT I,r('\cnted tiS from 1IIIportlIJg goods 1111 r Ilitl s1IIm I 10 t"tll IIII t(llltilllOll1! rc Sold IS th( IlrOlllrl) or nlrr) , Scth I wltll till>.; debt \\;)s pud c ... eltlng.l "fa\-I ,..IIHII" 1... lt'tlll 11[" ill! ll~mcllt!:' I 'I ( ... ahle balance of tr<lde \\Ith the \\ar ,\11"0111111 r 1I1 .. ubjl t 10 Iht III)IJIClIt of 'lUll Ct,itInI, IJoIfI IJ"IISh_ $'tb{llOllOll ~( 1,,11111 1t('1r1 (U'(;r!l)lSn ed} o~(uIrItChcCr' I ho\\ CH r, tills \\ .IS ch IIIged, \\ c loam d I ( ... rl 1111 til I I ... I"t lit bl t r 1'llI't III II tH1I1I of ('"ltllllllll" alllltJUllt ('II II s tic I IUlI'tl .. h! hmdntitlollirs \\1111 Illcll!:!t 1"1 I Ill[J..(e sums of 111011('\ .uHI lII~t('ad of ex I tllthLlI IllUltWllul IIf~ln c, S\\f.~E\ AtttJrlll) )I ,rtlllg- \\t.: should h l\ C IIl1porkd III o ... d(,"'1 I I I tl I I tit I I II t ro~ tlill \\!th Ih fUI 11111 ,"0111111011 U~ I Il[ [c,:"e (eJS IIUgl )C ]lal( u ourl'l~hl hlttll) Iltl"rnlh ... { lie Iht t;ud urnc ~ltrl fltll" ,io;o 11~11 \\b 11(' ccnn01111C structure \\as gea ... ed for" I) S Jlltl for I Ihl\{\\ 1\ llitl I'I""'I~C\\ IJ I l")lnrt .1IIti It \\ 1" 110t changcd Jhe.t III IIIIIt" h,n tfhr IOIl.'lr III IOIllIl1UIl \\llh IJ t~1Il11r rtrlll Illl,!: Ilh '\1 I .. {(1I1111" Lltl tt'tUIIIII" of 1111 olhtr 111 .. 11 \\011111 h.I\(' COllie sooner If \\e had I 1.1" r II 1111 IIIIILIIII~ 1IIl11HII IIItl Clllltll'tJI \11 Ihll 'trlllll h HilI I!\HIIIII IIOII>-c :1111 III 101 I (I\\ld tII C cmr"e 0 f Jcndltlg thc totlllil. 1"{nM lIIft ""f ftI 'l\l "I 110«11 111111111 I1 1{> n(tIllti)h tl1C111 htehje;l c\\rC :imt tslhth,~ III )]Il \ to I IIropc.: to I' 1\ r or thc plln:h.lse 1111111 \ t III III Itt f 1\\0 s1UI) lftolle It: llitl \ of Ht II \ LI~ 11111 SI Itt of 1'( IIIIS) h IILII I II IllIrll\\lJgood ... llldthe ddlbo\\lxlUS llitl 111(1 Iltll'" 111:-.:11 f.[ Blllo!:'tcl Iiout 11~11II1I1l~ II 11""111 tht tll"lml'( 01 ollel I I(l)() I I II I I'" Ii O,t t ,hllll Itllil" II Ixl ftct hlltll II ttl Il\t rtt 1101111 Ilf S'coill !fIred II :1_ lO\\t:\('r t1e 1lI('\II[IC 11PP('IJ- I; "'" It lit I III' ""1111111 III hlllli "" th(' "1111 J rflt) "I \\l "t(Illl't(1 IllUhll"':- J tlrope coul(l s.l! r SI III I I 1 III 11\\1111' Iht f tt llitl IXltllh ... III dCI'thl I rill 1\ I ~ IIII II 1 rill \\ "I\\tldll htl\\' II 11111111 !liltS II II~hl Il It I 1\ III g-oltl II[d \\ IS prt)lillnt('d 11\ OU'" .... t I II I 'lit II I JUiII I .. t [h. '" til "ffll' "[I II tlile hlllldrttl ",II Ie \10111111 1'111 rt I til I I\\tlll\ f tt \\ld Illc) I Ilnli In III Ill\l1J.! III i:(){)(I>.; lhe <It'llt 1l,ultln.thlJlIlc1ll1dcl ... IUllh\\lllllot t.: Illhtd h II I I tIll I \1,[11 tilt II~ht "f 1111 Illtl III I tllll tel """1111\\11111 H\1l1""ro[hlllll t "'tiut ll[dthllll .. lll htldlJttt \\tshotlld II Ihlt, ,\ 111> III 1111 tit 14[111 tIl It 11l .. It.: 11[(.1 ( IC((;pt I IlIlllJl ... ttlll 01 (Ilt or \\.lIrl\'1 h 11101,.-- l III l til It \\ I the \\ I \ ~lIdl II III ll1 JII ... 1\\ I lib III (I IlIlr.., 111 tt 1(1 01 f.n III.! the \\ Il 11 III ld\\ltllllltll1l tlllll1l It lilt! II to d(ldt \\hltll \\111 llIu .. t ((r­It 11111 \\ Itlll Il 111 lIh tt l lit I tit I I II llh h IppelJ \\ htll Ihl Jlll1t: J :Jth ,,1\ thc\ \\erc Just OUI cOlltnbutlfll It 11l1hlt lilt lit 1111:-- duc, \\lti[ It.. dl".lstrous trail \tltlllll.l catl~(' 1IIItii ~11l:h tmlt: as our at nile 1/ rl llltlllLllt (II loth ... ,,It s hllli Tllltir Illrtllll 1 ..... III11U \[1 \ IlltdttlolllJII"'!ltl""lIll.!ttll~(d tlttr I I 11 t1tJlI~ Iht 11llt IlIIl 1 11111 tllt d" tI, tit tl Ull lOIlClS"I01h l1ul tht lilt III Il\ll I~tt till .. l tllltn IIl ll1 .... I, Ir" IIJIt:II! "wi I), hdllottl JIe alI ~J1ellt hc ... e for IllUII[tlOn.., 10 d III I ! III I d out III It .11I\ 11 [(It (Ol[l~ .. 'qOll'" tht \\ II t[llil lIllt "I![l" [dm .... Illih \\~ nld Ii i\l to he 1II1dl 11\ II-. s IKe \\t I hili 1[11 II pUII\ It tilt.: 111m !l11l"1 It,..,11 to 11111' It II thl dellt Ilr \,dllJltt \\lIt 111:-- .. t Ild Ttl I tltt It I lid \10 \\t CllI1lt ~"Jltd .1111 111 JH I lile ul h \HI! I" It h lilt Ilull\ II I to h I I.: Ih P It I lot 11.: hdlll III suunh 11Itlllt It, Oil thl.: I til t pl til "'Ittl [t II I[ hI (II dolllr" ;)nc! (Ulb \11 l \ cell 110\\ 01 III Ulld rt'ld IIll1 Jlalr Jllr l'lllli Ill, lt1\\ltllllltIOIl'" h 111 lit IIlllJorllllt ,h II I .. I1IlIlh III I r II III 11'" III III III 111 tl1\ I1thl mil III til IlIlm!.: \\l III l\ IlHl dill to the p.-occ"s of ddlatlOll III d III II (itp1l1d 011 I riTt Ilh t.::~pllllkd \((t "lIllC tic" II (II\{ uHI Illlltllth It IIlIt 1I!1Ikd 01 curl til III dudlOll-\\l tllm 111 [I ,...1 Is \\1 !lId ht ItlllI[rul I) 1111 t hl I lruittor IlltiUII I11d I g"llll I I thl dIll Ihlll \\ 1:-- till t:1 t nlllll "I Iltr It the "[lilt tum \'i ItJr ti[ .. tlll\ \\tre ntrilltd lrllltc 1,,11 .11]( III 111(111 [I (Ill tJl1h ht.: ltllllllplt .. hul til )1\ tht: dell Ihlll l~ t..tlHrilh 111 tIll!! (1(llll{1tJ11 lIul;) "dll1l,.,lll:-- UII 1'1 .. \1 Shtdelthtrlhh d~flllttlti1l.:lrllll '111 plrt t IS11IIlt th( ltlt/tl"Il1P \\IIIch t11tr tilt \\11 IlfllII lilr lUIlt.: to tll:t t f1l(llrlh ,..,C'It.:rO~lt\ (11 0111 plrt CIIl-lIlt 1 .., 111 rd, 1) lilt tt t 1 tr ,!. It1 "'"1 l '1I111~ till \\ I'" tll1>1 \\ uld III ht ccr I hill \\ hIlI. til lonld It 1\ t Jl /I I tilt I I 1111 \ t( l Ird us !lIt I 11 IlLr dll! III II ullhl\l 10 1 \ d J I d It I I [\\ lId h l\l Illl I I U ,..,old OJ! h t J I d 111_\ r 11 h 1 \\ I mt I ht I II 11111t '-I ItIIHnl I IIllh(l plllt Ilr \,Idl)1tl 1111111111 II r t It I t I-. Ilr I 1 Ir Jl \ II 1 (trl1uJ t \\ b hl-.t:1 IIpl II II l 1111 It ... 11111 III I I lJI I !lilt I ! Ill! I I Il I I) II II \ I, I 111 I I ... 1 1 \ I tIC 1 1111" 1 It.: S II I VIIS lfe dOl~ 1I0t tblllk that thc g(l\l:llUll{lIt \\ 11 Ihl I Ji 1[" I HId III I til It t h, {J It" II 1 I HI! I I l\ 11\ t I \!lltll lJ I II 1 111111\ 11l1l1 111111 11 I III 11 I;,.th I til 1111 nil I I _l t III I 1\ II! 1 J It ! l 111l 11 It I t1! \ IIl1ll I III llJhll " . ,I II I-. ! II l I pill III I I" \, 1111111 \ CLASSIFIED I II It I l I ht SHERIFF'S SALES I r " I " I r I t " Oll " 'I 1\ I t " 1" I " " " , I , , , .. 01 I' , .. I .. \\ I J J I \ I I, , " , , , " " I I 11 I I I I Oil j " \0 , , :-.:) I Jill q [ I III '01 , , lilt ." .It I t "I 1111 e IXII " ttll !lItl lit <I ~ltJllh 11 II_hI III \\ llie IIi JIIII r , , 1m" II I 1111 10m \ II II \ ~) J L I , , . , " II I I I II I I II II \ 1111.1 Th !'flJlll t f r q I J 1111 Ilrt -( '1( .. 1t r S\lt .. "\,, 310NIJ n I PI' SJ) \\-' flu \Clrs most S{lIsltwnllnn:--tcf\ drllll 1 1111. III ~TUli Of Till> /I 1\ IIIISU \I" -\\llh- 110:'101'1 \T\\III-f\l \\H" \\1 U~f Sf) \\ flJUltsn n HtllHY II!-I~N U\"fS it \:\1():'\ NO\ limo (;O~1INU()U.s FHOU NOON-- STl'\NI~I~Y "'IIK'Tnl~ UIFSTER i I 1I1~l\ ~ S -ill! d.n rotl,p),I~1\ ~jG \/ OF !lnd 'j m: CROSS·' I HI IJ~!HI ~I \III " I I \I lJ1 I I h ( OJ 11E1I1 ~I U(· .. tl.·\ ~ '~t Iln~·~tl." ~IlHI J !nll hd~n. "TH,' 1_- I\lNC'S V \CATIO'I/" - , , An Institution in Delaware County for Fifteen Years TAKE IT * •• FROM Us • 'blue coal' •• l!><i •• Anu·rlC ."!><i 'IIU .. t A .. lhra­f Ih' •••• IllIh II hlue .I!><i !ht Idell~ IIIH.llIUII (tf !><illll( rlur 111I1hl' •••• til 1,,( r( d III Ih., ... "'m.lrl nED .lIId IH lJL trill k", uh14 II lon;r III (II .l""'!)II.lit d "Ith Ihu"" Inuit ",ur/.,,/ I IU I~. ATLANTIC I ttL1 011 ScnlL:l' frunt uur 0\\ 11 tt.'nnll1 II In )our 1\l'It.:hhorhood LANEA.DA -----Resident Mgr. M d· Yd BROOKE AND e Ja . P.'\INTER STREETS Swarthmore 62·400 Media 1600 IOl(S\IE \\ORI'\.. \\ \:\110 'YORK \\ \N'l.l'.oD W IlltcCi d l~ s \\ork "ny klud \VIII Ibo ('10k mel sel\C Best rcf~ [It Ill:" C II Ml ((II 11)7! lit I f--Jire Your Furnace from Your Easy Chair 'YORK \\:\NTED.- GtlHfll hOU<;{\\Olk Of child Ilur c h~ 1('''IUd cololed gIrl Ex ('cllCllt nf"rtnu Lilli n 13111('11 102 \e non Stl[ t ;\lcdltl. Lusr LOS'} ~f'lkl u 1'1,,111l1iln cl tIll It, \\Ith 1)(' ill Ph III S\\ u tilmol( ()98 M FOR RENT Cnntrally '(Jc ... tNI d,,,,clhng. fiv bedrooms, $6~ a month E C WALrON HI \11\ 1011 ()( (11'1:\( I '" I' , \I 1<111 III I J.. B I III 1111 h, 01 -';(1) ) I III III I I r II .2 f II II "10 11\" ( II 1,...1 \\ Ii S III I II I n t ~ ht cl \I l I II I II t In " .. 11 S\\l 111-1 ll'lIl I srllil n r y,~ n, . " :0 t (C) , , I I " I II I Ito 'il (i I II lid lIlt IJ) ItOll SIO I~ J) 1({\ I I ( I IInl I d 6 I() III 1 I 11 1 t ~! t ( C .. od I I I 'h pc fill ltl! ImcnL- 6 r om "HI (a III (\(1'\ f( j) It hard \ )od flo )f'> ('tc ( II \S. A. SMITII ' .. lwlle ~\\ .Irl "mort 705 , " , I, I II 11\ "I till It rr I ,,),; It I I' I Ii I I IIILI lox I f I II III \ I II , (II II \\ j [, I \ ~ j \:-;hl~ \ , , I' II I I I I'. .' ," I I \\ll1! I I I I II , t I • t\ S ii'''' NOli' ••• \11\ (XIHII(II«((i glrd(lI(r 1~1I11"!-> III II tilt 411(1 pru\crhhilS I( .. I 1I1.11t ul It", lilt I It 1111 "u"..! \\hllhtllll"lll-"ullr',,...(I.lhll 1111 .11 nl" nln.ct ..!;Irliltl 'Uti "1111 ~ all t III '"urI HI \\ It II )un \\111 It Ipullh ~'UIIII~1\1 111.111, "1111 "rlir, .. I I 11\,,11 h l\1 ",,"'II Ilu n l'- ""n hHI~ (I tic rt lit C III (n .. 1 I., 1\\1111 (\. I IIIf It"urt"l (( tI .. ,III lilt 111111 u .... Drt I 1 .. 11 UII .... thll prHI l"'Ut'.r Iflt­lur \1111 t \( II IIlC"'H-'~ ('all hll\ lutlll..!;t IIlh, II .. II( -H" he­II .. I (lIf" of 1111 I (J ~ ~ Ur, l rl~ f, Irllt II U"tlJ.. "rllt' twla" lor ,ullr t UP) .. IIIII~ ulllhnrll.llne \\urk,l« (ognl:f., ,lin :.:a .... l( ners CH r)wlu rc n .... Ill{ Insl ,\urd III at turoc) and Ihurllnghl"~" "t cspcemll" 111'11« )HU 10 ollr slure ",II( r( you "III cncuun­ler no parkll1:,! I)rnhiems. IIENRY A nJlEtR 1 U)(, "'prlnp: r.~r I .. " "I "1 .. 1.. I' .. UTOMATIC Gas Heat with Your Present Furnace • • • 'nsto"ed Complete Install JANITROl ... a Simple self·con· tamed unit for practically any kind or SIze of furnace or bOiler. converts your present heater mto a fully equipped heotmg plant far under the cost of the usual gas furnace or botler installation. W,th AutomatIC Clock Thermostat I First Payment WIth your April Bill PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY All Oar Sa"Lar"Lan Store., or A.k Yoar Heating Contrador GREETINGS TO THE BARNSTORMERS • Editorial Comment e SWARTHMOREAN VOL. V-NO. 12 SW ARTHMORE, PA., MARCH 24, 1933 $2.50 PER YEAR I he annual, ISlt of the [{,die, P Irk I PARENTS SEE INDIAN EXHIBIT BY SE(;OND GRADE l'lil'lUs B.lrlJ:.tonliers to S\\.i ... thmore lit ('x 1 BARNSTORMERS AT PLAYERS' CLUB change for .1 product lOll lit i{lIl1q Park h) the Pla)ers' <..:Iuh IS a note\\ortll\ e\ ellt and a step III the nght <.itrcctlllll In a play III \\ 11Ich SIX of the eight to\\anIs ma k mg our community more ch l"'ll:!..: ... :. 'Hrt.' 1I1mcd I'r.lscr almost nc[ghhorl} \\Ith othcr nearby to\\tlS .tIl\ thlllg Illlght happcn TillS custom ha~ prc\ ulcd for a lIum- \\ h.u .ICtUllh <11<1 hapP('tl \\ hell thl.: ber of )ea ... s and there IS posslhly no n In}stormc'''s presented 'J he I-tr~t stronge ... bond heh\ecli the COm1l1UIlIties ~I ... s I'r Is('r .It the Pl.'\uS Cluh (ltl t f J{ldlcy Park atlll S\\artI1l110rC than I'J u('sd 1\ Ilid \\ ..:<i[lcsd.l\ l\enlllg scem the anllual exchangc engagcments It ed tl) pleas(' 1\\0 cro\\ded houses TIH:Y has foste ... ed many I1l(h\Jdual fnendshll)S apl'l.uuled e nthu51astlcalh .mu the ap and fc\\ and far behHcn arc thc pl.lllsC \\as \\ell desencd S\\arthmo ... ealls and the Rldle) Pa ... kcrs It IS nut oft(,11 a pl.1\ b) .lIl Lng: who cannot Immediately find common I Jane Prichard, Jean Fn~hcr h~h Hlthnr \\ Ith atl ElIghsh scttmg ground 111 the diSCUSSion of prollllnent and Ehzabclh Hornaday, a s\mpathettc note \\Ith an membcrs of thc t\\O dramatic orgalllza AlI1ertc.Ul .i.Udlellf.:C But St John IT tlons or the RutgerlS Avenue \ mc 111 hutldlllg a pia) .. Imultd the dl- ASl(ic from the slIlgle program \\ Illch SchGol~ ~how how Ihe In. \ orce cou ... ts produeed .. 1n e xcCptlO1I tu each dull presenls III the other's pla)- tltl. gt.:llc ... al .-ul..: house, there CXlsts a feclmg of inclld dlans .lui things "cars ago \\ hell ~I ... Fraser penlllts hlmsclf to slup and ... eclproclt) bet\\ cell the clubs in Swarthmore be dl\ o ... ced h) thc first ~Irs Fraser, trom the heglllntng of the season untIl I qua ... rcls \\Ith the st.:coud :\l ... s Frasu the last cu ... tam falls \Ve are UUIII-I and thell dl\o ... ccs her, e\t:r)onc cxpects form cd a:; to how many ~\\arthmo ... e tlu hn 11 curt am \\111 Imel 1\1 ... people a ... e called upon to help thc F .... iSl:'" h.IPPlh rc UllItcd to thc first BarnstormCl""s III the cour~c Of.l Single :\Irs l'raser [he comphC.ltlollS of t\\O season, hut It seems that III IIcarl) C\Cf\ ollllllOlIatt:d cllIldrell (opposltel) and pl.ty produc('d b} the S\\arthmorc club olJstlllltel\ OplII[otlclted) couplell \\Ith IllIS ) car there has been someune I the ard"" cuur"lup of an acceplahle 1"0t o"r,mcde rsfu r0 ..t. hec ooncllceacstIeOdn IbIIy s.ohme cB \.\ma\ I h.,chelor and ~I" I rasIe r s dC\',hshly ,\lth .he Rl(lley Park org,uuza',on .slcl IIl lum\ 1aIIkg:e . tituhlelt \ hton akl eeopu tcloerm 0e\ \ IeIn clIoruenly- I he loans of properties, scene,) e.c unccrtam throu~houl Ihe pia) Indeed, arc not generall) kno\\n hut ha" hcen ,t IS n"cr dehmlc" "uk" except .or one of Ihe clud sources of I>lIIldm" up (oun", ",,1'dd,h" n"n"", I tl,,"e m Ihe ul(hen" \\ho arc \\,Ilm" tbheet w[eeecnlm tgh eo f1 \f\0n eonrdgl:tanl1clsZsa tl"ollllIsc lt eXIsts 1 I to tlke Ihc 1.lst hill (It the sholl pro- I TS I We hl\e t"ne and agam heen "" NO LEGION BALL GIRLS CELEBRATE TALK ON BANDI phellCal!. d I I SCOUT ANNIVERSARY I I \, Ih, ioN \I" I raser J,lIIe W hpreer sss eo f t'h\IeI .P Ii aI)e crresp' oCrl"u ho t\ \ ahcoh vhea \m e elmp THIS SEASON Ir I GIVEN AT FORUM [H olTm.", g I" a 'I,lend,d mt(rpretatIOn pea("ed before N.ldle) J>.ark all(ilcllces 1 I hronghollt thc country ccleh ... atlOils l At .dl tlllles cllannltlf,{ md lo\.lule shcc Ihc) dccla.-c It to he.1 nal JO) to ap I Jhe \mcrtcan legion at Its regularlha\c hecn held till:> month to m.lrk thc, Ncxt \\c~k the ::\londa) 11Ight Fo ... urn \\on dlld hcld tilt.:: ~)tl1patl1\ of th~ IUdl }lcar before the RHIIt.') Park pcople and l1I()l1lhh l11eetmg hid al1l11tenS1VC dbCt1S Illst l)lrth<ll) 01 thc Girl Scouts \\ll1ttler lIotbt.' \\Ill hc;)r ~Ir 1<0 lel1ce I ... om the sta ... t C Il lIe\ r stop t Ilklllg' about the ellthu I SIOIl on the needs ot the unemployed 1111 Girl S("out~ of S\\arthmorc 111 particular Imam C Ha"sflck eh linn III (It the I It I-. l111proh Ibl(' that .1I1\une IIkcd the '::'5011 a~d f"coHilmess '\lth \\I"ch Ihe) .I"s (hstnct, .md means of ra,smg suf ha\( a record of unusual accolIIJlloshmcntl Regos'r,,',on COIIIOllI"oon "f Pe"n,," 1 : second ~I" Fraser ThaI's ,. tnbu., .. Ire rcccl\cd The rc~pOIISl\elle~:-- 01 fH:lcnt funds to ... clle\e (listrcss [fur th(' pa"t ,ea'" and thclr h('.ullJul ... ter~11I11 spelk 011 \.If(' nd \.Irc ISIll tt) Illr Illterpn:tltlOlI of the plrt One S\\.lrthlllore lluliellf.:!.:s sutTers In COlli In past )ca.-s thc CIl;)rlh Ball has}Jro Oil Cnssoll lane IS the ccnter 01 Girl 1 JIlI~ \\cek :\Ir \\.Ilttr II ~('Ch 01 \\.i:-- 1I0t ~llPIHhl'd to like h('r :\[ahelk p.lflson acconlmg to most 01 the ... t:ports duccd a la ... gl' :--11111 hut no ~J1ace 15 a\all I Scout \\ork \\hlch IS contlllualh I11crl.:.IS I S\\drthnHlrc.' g l\t.' .1 \('n IIltcre~tlllg I Rosc lI1ui.; tht s('uliHI ::\I ... s 1 r.lsc", 1 \\e JlcI\e hc .. lnl ahle thiS lear lur thc dancc 11I1g' III Ihl~ COtlltu1ltllty I tcllk Uti h.lluhb .lIld hllldltr\ 111 tlHlroug-hh desplc.lhle sl10h In dOIll~ Jhe l.xchange p ... og-ralll\\1thlhc Bartl Iltc Legion deculcd UllaI11111011sl) to re Ihlfo.:h pl.ll(," I nHn hl:-- llrgl lX])('nlllcl so sltt dlsttllgul~lled ht!"'scclr as lIlIt: :.tormc.-s I:. Iookc(\ tor\\ard to h) the <il1C~t the PI;)\er" Club to producc a pia) WOMEN VOTERS <1:-- t 1It.'\\:.l'lp(r IlIIII ~Ir Sed} (II" 01 tho Ihl~ .. t pll,ers III the C.lst :;,\arthmore Pla)ers' Club as a real lor the hell('hl of the 11('<:<1) the tUllC t~ ! cu .. ~td \ICe .llId COrnll/tHIII llllung thtl~e 1'1 \('r~ llub 1l1(,lIlhc ... s \\ho saw cOIltnhutlOn to each \ s schedulc of I lie It the COI1\eJ1lCIICC of Ihc Playcrs I TO MEET HERE horn to gre t \\C,llth \\Jth soual pOSI J hne I' ICC" I I .. t It the Cluhhot1:.c pld.)" Ma.) thl:> IJUIIII \\ll1eh IS "0 IJI.:II1.: IChlh \lId III (udr:r not to tIltcrfcrc I twlI .1IId \.t:--! tIlI1u('[)ce Com It~t \ .\111 n'memhe ... Ihe splendid helal to both COllltllllnltles contlllUe a.ut.llthe recclpts ot thc cluh. It \\as deCided to I I he l)eia\\<lrc (ount\ L l .. lgue ot \\ 0 par(d \\!th tht:se ou ... s'\lllp Ith\ must \\urk 01 (~..:.)rge ~l \\ .. illact:, Jr ]11 g"'O\\ strong('r \\lth each SClSOIl 1·I~k that the pia) already gncll hy ).Ir 1 111(11 \ot('rs Iud the ~\\.I ... thl1lore go nut Slid :\1 ... ~el.:l\ to thc hllllilt Ihe f<lrst :\I.-s I ..... l~(' ... he did a 110 Chas D ::\lltchell he rcpcated II t \\ \' • rs "II 1.01" IlLlt \\nttcll ot \\Ith (ll~0t Itlon IllI ... ks-I I, __ ,1"IIIIUt'lshcd I)lecc of \\urk 111 the Woman's Club Noles r 1:\1 I D .. e.lglle () 01111.:11 0 e \ .,., .,., I • \rrangelllC.'llts 0 ... t lC clllona ay 1.1 )Olllt tIled,ng at the \\ om .. n s Cluh puor \ 1etll1l nl l \ ICIOI1~ S\ ~tem \\ nh dltticuit ... ule 01 the t\\ ICC cll\ orced hll~ I ro1g ..I. a m \ \\I cre lctt 11t o the Comfma.nd,er II OUSI I' a... k a\ elll1t S tl 110 kno\\kdge 01 the lconomlCs 01 htt.: I .(1 ~ \\ .i ... Hllon Ilt.' xt )al Irt and all( tie {Jutant IC mattc ... () uSlllg I ! \1 I 28 1933 h.lnicllld lild hrutahzcd b\ llIJustlce Jf 111 hachelor:-- nt.tde thcmsel\('~ as a large hand \\as sllhJcct to sound Crill I lle~( 1\ .1rc 1 I .",1 ••• ,:--"r' I G III d nlll~lc set.:tIOIl~ ot \.lnOlls \\0111111:.. Ism nol hCIIIg" 111 kcelllll' \\Ith the \1 I P ~I I (hSCllS"101l IUlicheon \\11l pU\er, ... .] deslr.thle l~ F Lc {o), I crt ma e ~Iclllbe ... s of the dramatic cltlh~ throughout Dda\\ Irl Counh put on a prog ... am at the County Home at Llm.l Otl }·nd. \ .lltt:rnoon ~Irs C 1.-1 1lt::\Illll ch lIrlll.1Il nl th(' \ ... t St:Clilltl 01 tIll' s\\ IrtlltllOrl \\ 01ll11l s Cluh a:--~l:--t cd \ skt tch \\.IS f,{l\ell ,lIId 11\ IIIg jilt tu ... es \\t:"l lrr mged ~OU1t.:: (II t!tcc 1II11 ~Ic .lccomp 111\ IIlg \\ I~ Ir ... lIlged III :\Irs I\.ohtlt 1I1l:--ltl :--;l'lllClr C\tll'" III III 01 till \\ till III ~ llub IHU:--IC !">tt tlOIi :\1 ... :-- (Jcr Lid I fI[lIg ~Ih I (h\ln \ <": ... o"h) [hi \11" D \ SIIUI'~On lIId :\1 r~ Slit II er torlllul th~ fill Irtd "h[ch \\ I Inollll' 1111,,1 11\ \.Ir J !loil :\Itsdlllr I" PllIlbt I hI: I ltel Ittlll "'u:I[OIl 01 Iht S\\ 1I IllIHurl \\ 0111111 ~ Club \\111 h lId Ib 11:--[ lI1ei.:tltlg 01 \1 lrch III xt I Iim:-- dl\ I ill IIhJClt \\tll.hl Ihl \\orld \\t h\l III \Ir:-- I ... Ull 111\\:--ltr \\Ill I)l Il !Ill:! Cli tit ... progr I III Illl IUlut <ll"lll ~t(1 \\111 ht lilt.: (.nd. \\ I} 11\ I d th 1I1I111ltnil IIH ltllltll1lst II II Jll'lIln 1)\ B~llrlild h.u :--tll Illd 10tll1tllll \ I I tit In Ill\tlllk Ii! ... In .. pllt 01 l ht 1\\ d l\\UpOm thlUt lurl\ llIt.'lIlhtl:-- III Iht \\tllllll" Lluh IIllt I hI \Iowll\ \11tfllllt]) II tltl hlllue ( I th(' J're~l(lult \'Ir~ \\ 111 Earle 1" .. 111I tOi tht h ... ~t 01 I :--tfllS, I \t tlrtltllHl:-- \\11h th~ I) ... alllltl:--ts IrI""lllglt\ In tht: 1)I.illll Ch.llrllllll :\Irs h~.t)lalid (. I L IInl 111 Jill \\hol..: pftlg-... \tu \\a" dl\llt~tl to the stmh ot ll<t1~\\()rtll\ \Ir>.; Lli 1II111 t p 1111'" on thc Ittcc (It John t. ti~\\l\ ... tll\ lid IllS C IrCt r l~ I dr! til It I t .UII! IIltnHlultd thl 1111 I t: \\110 ... C\ Il \\ ed IllS pla):-- es olemnI s ohsen iIlce ot thc da) 0 I) l I e I(I .1 I \\ II IC II .'\I IS.. II l Ie llH.a ll of I Pot..:ntJ tI 11111rdere ... ~ In 110t hmlItt:d Ph[itl.' lo".i.t l Iht: ... t: \\ouhl he 110 hi'cht- I he S\\ lrthmore ),Ien s Chorus spon I 1I1 t: 'v"I llHr:--lt\ .L-.'. .e t.1 ellllll I 0 I PI 11I. 1( lei to those \\ho 11:--... gUII:-- md kllnc:; Hlt lo. .. s Retused hlllt: 1II<l .lg~lItl h) the <;ored b).. th(' 1(' .... 1011 rcported a \c'n suIc- phiIl \\1 "PI Ik lIli LIlemp Oi\11ltell I 11 mclude thosl III lugh pllC(,S \\ho us~ I,r.-~ I ~Irs 1 rb..:r:-- III thiS \\orld thl.'] L('s~ful sC.'a~0I1 "0 11 Sunda\ '.\I.It ... c 1 -76t1 1 I ~tlr 111(( Ihel ... kp ositiIo n ot tnl"tI toI p1itlr, Ihe Ipuor "')111<1 he :--ul'I "ht tll('r In all the oth~r th(' I CglOll ami Ib C Il IIru~ Jl.-c~ent a pro \ I -'11) I' \1 II our" \\ 19l~ <II .1( ',rl, ,"' )llIon III( (rnlI n "1I1It,:ll (e , •• ~ ,r"'g,I)1 l "'I ,• • I ,' ~Ir (,II.I.,'."_r~l -,I"r gralll~ at th..: Pcrn\lllc Ilo"llltal Cars \\nrl~ttl!-:' LI llIlitltllb \\111 h..: prncnted ,tt1d hrol~ell 11\lS In lllr lll~n ~lle It:tln~tlc~ 01 1'11Ihl' loglll \\o11hl p ... o \\llIlc.l\l etch ()f til(' loc.t1 churches "t h\ \\ (1I11t: [I [[Hiustn.II"tlrklr:-- Old \geiCr[lIll ul the hlgh\\1\1lI11l 11111 s r Iltl)l\. hl\1.' plll~ed the .111t11l1l hlllisell, noon, I-. tht: prtlgr 1m :--tarb at 2 00 P III I)t II-.[ 1I1:-- \\ III hcc dl" lh:--l'd In Re\ G Sltl\ "I~ th It t I the dlrtltt r~ III the III III \\ Illcll [I() clor t:ould do more]> III( LOlllllllm!cr urges thltC\U) II I.nhl(lltl .lIlel OU':lIjl[IIOIl.L1 Db I III),; II LllIIlll Sllt('~ \\Ilo \1:--((1 till" Jill gtrJuloll" lhlldnll 01 ~Ir:-- I'rt Itg[OIlIl;J[("t: !los:--Ihk :--\tould go tu Pt rn l hl:. 11\ J I Ill11 \ \\ dllllt 1 sq 1I.lllle ttl lllhl( HI Illd roh hUlltlrltls ot s~ 1 \\t.:ll pI i\ ul 11\ 1 hom h ~I\ I)rt HHI \ lilt.' (hllnn II (It thc ("l\trnors Cn1llll11s t!tou .. lIHI:-- 01 lIIhU"'ll l (tlllg [ttllh \\ho Lhlr!t.:-- I l'llku(b :\llIC\ lJt.:lI1t, lhl \I)rtl l1leetl1lg \\111 he P()~tllullld ~101l lur th~ ltl\cstl~ltJOII 01 till" ~uh Ilhoughl 11 \\ I I 1.1111\ o'\n~d 11\ tht.: \\110 .1:--sl~t(d ~Ir:-- Iltlllll.itIl1 III dlrld t1l1 thl ttlurth :\1011(\" I)r Bozz(J1ll Jt!d IgO\lrtlllllllt 11I~ lilt pll\ ton!.. thl put 01 Iht: \\111 !{I\( 1\1 uldn,,:-- tin Sound RIIl~I11~ Cluh mtlllh..: ... ~ UI t ... ked 10 note thttl Ihe nlltctHIil U]l()IJ \1" b \ltll:-- "Ixth I rt:--e!-Is tlicc \\lll ul the hr~l lIId Ihl IIIldlll~ \\ 111 Ill' open tu ll1 Illtll tIll ... 1'''' I~I 1111 I" III I IILl ul til It ollglll \\ Ilu ~llPp II t \\ Itil 0111 tl1o"t " lrt:d \\l 1- \11.. I I [:--l r ... !llde I :--011 \ uti gtt [t ~It.:n II til l<ijtJlIlIl1,.{ comlllt1lll11('s In 111\ :--thlduled IIr \11n:h l~th lIldlPOII thl hlllOI thl:--t: bllld[h 111 Il1gh LIUllI\ til 1[l1gl1bhtd I" :'\01 hllllg 11:--0 t~1 ht 111\ Itlll allti 111 ord":l to IC thl dl II1~l 1:-- 1\1 Id~ I lll1"t.: ( 1 Ihcc He pi itt" UII! thlll \1( hll( tI hlllt hmt II I" 1 I I :--ll \\ 1:-- \1 lilt I tht IIllld til hghl lllllldl1t: tht t.:ro\\t1thc medmg \\111 he C("~II\ llr Illlllh()lltt.: cI)JJ~J(ltl Itwn 01 Ilr [roll\ tI tttrlll!.! Idlild \Ir Sllh IlIlh IIIt~IPlllul In ]'ltIh[h edh un luld 111 I U b"lr (jllartcr:-- th m the Il~1t1ll It gI-.l It 1011 III \\ Ilil Illig It Illrrl-.hurg I It \\ 1:-- I hit mOl t.: til 111 thc lhU d 1IIlJ(1 ~ r Illls III tlllg I I Ihl "'1I111t1 ... til thc progl llll II illelhodi::-;l Notes 11 It In Itt:! :--hl \\ h dllll:--l I I In t 1 l\l:--(I\ltlllh 11 Iht hllHliulIl IIIllst tilt 1111111\ In hnl hu () 1l0\\l\l[ Friendly Circle !\Iccts III 1Illtit 11\ ~111I11l\ \llll!t 2:. \\Ith 1'>.(\ !til II IIll1 (I tht ~11II1I1It.:1- \\ \lId hl\l I\ ... ulttd 111 "'\lll (1\ light I hl 1111111 I lIlutlllg" tl1 thl I ntlHlh lln!l \\ l'" 1)(1«1 It Illl hOIlH of ~Ir" \\ Ilh till I Sndt tl ot ~1II "\ Lil I\t tlllC S(\\l1Ig llId IIl[ttlJlg \\ h dbtnhuhd u ... \1 d Ilh II :\h:-- SII\(ll r l(lld \\ Il It il Itl ht t Il dotH tl) 11(1 tltl t IlIIlh \\ hll h \11 ... \\ :\1 Illll s\\.lIlhlllllt .,2 htld \Itlh( h ... t 11 [ltll'd Lhunh III tl1ll Ililis lalll,., II tl .. \I1d Ihl III Pll1ll1t(lpll1l \\ill !tnt (htlgl lIul Ihtl \\I..,~h .Ill till Iglllht It PI f.·~h) lei i .. tll N()lc~ 11I(llh II lilt (\tll.1llg .. ~I\lll lIlXt SUIl \lttl!-:tlhtl \\l htllld ... " thlt lhl d l\ \1 In It 2(1111 I h~ II I tor I 10\ II P 1 11\ l [.., LIllI. ( [ S\\ lrlhm II t: tht rl ugh" II,. St(!\Clh \\l11l'rt tch III til ~lllllllllrl](. . ltI 'IlJ )\1£1 thl 111:--1 \.11:-- II I"ll Ill£! \ 1 ullg I" ,lit \\ III I )Id I Illt.'d (I I I I lUrc I lit , .. n Il~ lui 10 \\ II lilt \l I l"'l( 1\ h {lie 1II~ SUIHli\ (\t.;IIJ1lg II ~[\ll1 Oil IIIhr I tglllllll1g Iltxl SUlldt'. tilt J!1"lnl It I Itlg11l1ttllg thl (l1stolll (It lxdllllg :--Ilt: h HI \ nlUlltll rf.:d to Ilk~ c In ot It !lltl 11 t1 II It [\Ibhll' II It 1Il1:-- It 1111 \ \\ III U lIiluct I I'n \III It I n llIS:-- It... 11["" I II I 1\ l It: II \ t: tI \\ It II tIi l I•' III th..: I'lh ... uln ~lelttng Ihroug-h ht:r t:Ollllllltttt \\1 II II l 111 ~ Il llgt p11l1O""p1!)-1...1:) (( tt~n ch u1nIlgl1 llphrltl.::-\-llrt.\' tI d ItI I . ...t i0ll1it e\ 1.\1\1ll1tlh~ "IO[lIIt[~ (II I\ .ll II t\ I' II k l!to ... h lIId tht.: g:lIlccrtls[l\ 01 a lll1tnhl.'l 11,,1 ""'unci" lIlufllmg :\lr Sl:t!;:~~lr; Ih..: church I bllr ~1111111\ FRIEND!;' ."IUST DA\ 01 S\\ 1 ... lhmon \\Olllcn furtl1turcc hllt.'11 pnsl(ltllt 01 Ihl trU:--Ilt:-- gt\1.: Illl \\0111111" I tlrtlgll ~11:--Sltlllln dl"h('s .wII (hlthm" hul ht.:t.:11 SlII'I)liul :--umlll~n 01 tht.:: rt!!">ults nl the 1Illluti SCHOOL BASKETBALL • 0 r'lllln thost III!">III\ IIr(' lall\ IsS Inr I)lcdg('~ tOI thl :--uPllort 01 Snclt.'t, ::\lrs ()ctlI\ U" XI Irhc.I')lh Pc rc:--t (llllt c Jlltluchtl 1 'Ollll{lrS 1\ ."ll"'\~ \\ hell IlnlUlIl.ltlollS \\cre III ordt.:r tilt lhllnh Illd It:-- IlIh .. !()ll.II' \\llrk tlJl IlCC III tilt: lhurch last \\t.:<ines(ll\ c\e \lr~ \\ Johnson mu\ct! a \ote lolhltt!" \1 11111 I1111t.' "t\tll1\ thnl "Ir- 1)".I,r l C Illng ., ., onl(lttlt:t.:: ·~t:t:l'"l- 01 c(}lllulllHe ttl thl prcs..:nt ofilcer:-- Jltr t:('1lt 01 thl IIlCl!">:--ln IlIIount lor tin 01 PllIlld..:lphll gl\('.1Il 1Il1t.:H~t Illl hlg g \lilt: 01 thl :--t ISOII lor tht! IIId thc pnst.:llt ()filc~rs Ulllllll110U~h lhl1rlh tXl'lll:--l>.; to ... thl tie" \t.:ar htd 1I1i!;" 11l1! lIh1t1ltllltlllg Id,ln ... I nlhttll lin II tllllhlltd llil (Itlttd Lh Irlllill 'Ir:-- I Ilun hilI! pltdgltl 11111 IhOllt I 1:'\1\ llght)1I \ '"1'1''' lIId tllit[t~lIll1ltllt \\l l ,..,I\tll ~Itln til I ()\ 11t1l!"> rt uhlig the 1110"t H[n\\ll \1(t Ihurllllll \11"'I 11It:'1 I1\ Ihl lIUtUI llt III I 1II Ih:--11I11-. t 11I: --I, ~:'\Jl(t:t~(. , I III tht.: :--; till 11111 (II thl :\It.'lhKit:--l \fr:-- Ihlln I II ... kttb til to..: llll" 01 th..: I nlll,b I .. r~t I) 1\ St:!iI 01 \\ 111 h(' held tm :\Iolld lY l\(lli!1~ II Iht Pnp slllolli (,\11\ II 1)1) It! 1 \\lltl1lh~ lhlll,.{ \TTt\\S Illd tilt L Inllll tl.., IlIll I dralll.ltH..: :--C":IH~ ~Ir" I{oland I atnll Ilanzhk n It .... d111g- ~Cl rlt.ln .. \..... )t r tilt pt 1111 l \\I It) I 1 \ l 110 \ l t llt'l 1 1 ~tI t.' II chttr(h lllldt r tht: m"]1[ll .. 01 (Irll..: ~ \1111 nard \V Isio ... t cor.cspnnd11lg secrctan \\ 111 hrlllg tIt.: IIlI\HlIIh up 0 It U I htr One 011 SI l' Ilnlk:-- ))a, lasl I rutl) pnst:llted JustlCt: and :\11:--:, I hZI ::\1 ... " Haf\t:\ l{ Pierce. t ... casu ... e ... ::\11'i:; :--111ll:-- l(qUlllti II III \\hn hl\t: made t.'\Cllmg \hollt 125 dmncr .. \\('1(, sef\('d hdh :\Ia\ I{oht:rts of Gkllllldell th(' ~II(, 1\1\(1 Sc\\lIIg (OiUllllttec chal'" plulgt:s 10'" the \(' Ir clll~l1Ig :\1.1 ... 31st (.t.:orgl Bradhtld \\;)s 1111:--te ... 01 n ... c IlLl t\\ arc (01111h Cite Irllllll ot D ... ama J I I I III II \ III 111 )'I ... ~ Otto Kraus J r ),[ rs O"l:P I Illlake Jl i) I1Itl1t t II t ... us ('es \\ I )..: a) e III )tIIes III thcc ..:1It~rt !lIllllent quart..:ttc IIItcTJlflled I scapt.' I S Seal ::\Irs I 10\\ ani J Dlllyle crn to cnd thc \t:t ... \\Ith I small surplu:--Ilrolll th(' Irllllh Lhl1rt.:h sang- se\eral I ast Tuesday C\Cllmg l\Jr Dan 'Mc- chcIlllg and kmltlllg" ~h:--~ Vua I>d- 111 the tr..: Isun I sclectlOlIs and ~I! .. s Po\Hrs 111 c1ontttoll CO\\.III tht.' lanadlan J11('1d :\ltU .... lltst llIuth :\Ir" 111"'1""\ 11l'! ... tllllll I \:-- IhUl1 tht dllllth \\111 tlhSt!T\C 1st Irom I Pltilldtlpilla BroHh l:--llllJ Sta leectl1H(1 hctor(' thc 1lI(,l1lhlf~ )f th..: Ihe p;) ..... U)]\ \\cclk \\lth dlth :--el\[ll:-- tHin nut,,( "lH ... ll allp.-opnatc selcctIons \\ tllll1.11 s llul! "pon:--or«1 11\ tht (,a... I (!til ~tt:tlOlI :\Irs \ I~ I~((lgr;)\t.' I life II>.;t III thc Stfll.., (I 11(ts \\111 he IXllpt :\ltl1ld.l\ Iml ~.Itun 1\ l\..:llll1gs hll(1 tOlllo ... nm l\tllmg- It the \\oman,., \pnl fJlh htll 0C1h ltlhrtll ll\l>l. ;:--lllhIIlh olsll1lch JI~ncld ia\n\bs \I\nIn cthh.. : dlcaanlds <..:Iuh I--Iou ... II •• ',r"" 01 Iltxl \\c<lnotll\ t\ ~ I hl: connntttle h;)s a>.;ked \\llhthth\t .. olall[tUlh!nrd .. tltl\\tr .. l1I ItIlH11II) lr"'\\1I0 \\I:--1I . 0 I,r". g- g •• "....... s t ,n"t-,". \\,11 Itl 111 kUIIIIl,"., \\llh thl lIlel >.;Cl.'lIIC h('allh of the Banff~Lakc IlltphOIl~ :\11'" 10m .. Cok IllIlllon ... tIll ul!ht tll I lilt 11\(1 Ibn llh III [" 10111:--": rq.{lolI of tIi l l 1II;)( Im il I" Oc k Il'" .,r s""" ••• ".... ,• • I)er .,' till (Otlllllltt(c a" l)lU I I>r'I.l"'ltiOIl tor thl tllth"'ltU \I ~I ... s Ro .. dl( J...ohtrh 11)(1 ~Ir" Ithlph ..:.lrh ;)~ pO .... lhh t:-- then .Ire to he I of Ihl Iluh lltlltnUIl1t 11 ..... 11IH);n \11111 ~l tl \\('rt hostl:--SCS to ... the e\enlllg ItHlI1t(1 IItl1lllJtr tIl ~t1l"t tllke\s 211d Stor~ Hour I'ost,)oucd lilt ..... t T\ III Ir lor :\1 In h \\ III hI 1'0"tPlIIHd 1)11 atlOllll1 01 Ilhlt,,:-- ulltll \pIII ~ ;)t 3 15 0 c1nt:k \ dn~" nIH Il ... al \\111 hl: held \pnl ~ at ~ I ~ It tht.' \\ om Ill:. Club hou:--..: lilt 11 .. 1 1.11 ~llht:llb b IIItfert::--tmg It lIot (llUll Illlrdlllg to pnlldult hut thttr thtlrtng I!"> ~.lJ(1 to hl \c ... ) helpful to the teams Rcfcne, Han) ~Jtllcr, l mpI"'l \\ llh.UB Ktrscll dud tUlle k[~plr Il... Slll ... e .... cI"':--I~t lilt time Illpcr" Ill{tl\ :\fent.:r ~lld Ilo\\ard l'll(klll.11I tOlllltl)"'S \Ihall I \anson 111(1 P.tul lie l\ t ... I hl rl.' It n l heen a:; many as t\\O hUlltlnd It ... tlnll 01 tht "t gamc:-- 31HI the pllhht: '" tt nit Ilh lIl\ltcd to at­tL nl! Ih..: fUllltlr .. ~t.;tltlll ot thee \\PJll;)II~ duh \\111 hnld till mOllthh 1.lnl ptrl} 111 the loul1gt Iltxt Illtsda\ t.:\ccIl1llg

    ---------- Page 13 ----------

    , • z BACHMAN'S QUALITY MARKET 14 PARK AVENUE Swa.333 YALE AND KENYON AVES. Swa. 183 Shoulder Lamb .. . Legs Lamb ..... . Rack Lamb Chops. C1overbloom Eggs ... In CarlOQ Country Roll Butter .... m. 22c Land 0' Lakes Butter ... m. 25c The Finest Butter in America Sirloin Steak. . . . . . . . . . m. 29c Rump Steak . . . } R d R ... '. m. 23c OUD 0881 ... Spinach, fresh cut, !4 pk. Cri8p Celery hearl8, bun •. Iceberg lettuce, head . . Yellow Onions, !4 pk •.. Each 7~c WASHINGTON Theotre-Chestcr SATVRDAY, MONDAY. Tl.TESDAY BARBARA STANWYCK in 'Ladies Tbey Talk About' WEDNESDAY, THURS~AY. FRIDAY "LUXURY LINER" with Geo .. gC Brent-Zita Johann Alice White-Frank Morgan CONTINUOUS FROl\l NOON STANLEY THEATIlE CHESTER Frida\', Saturday und . Monday' ANN HARDING LESUE HOWARD "The Animal Kingdom" Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday IRENE DUNNE PhilUp. Holmes Lionel Alwill "The Secre' oj Madame Blanehe" DRAPERIES PHONE SW. 1225 State Cut Rate Store 109 W. STATE STREET MEDIA, PA. Media 1572 The Fir.t alld Duly Cut Rate Store in This Vicinity We thank the people of Swarlhmore for their wonder­ful palronage given Us in response to our adver,isement. CAMELS............. 98 I.UCKY STRIKE ........... ' .' .' .' .. .. .. .. .. . C OLD GOLD ....................... . CHIlSTERFIELD. '.' ................ . Carlon 200 10c package of 20 TINS OF 50 ......... " .............. '" .: ...... 25c Reg. 35c Kotex ..... '. '. ....... .... 15c Reg. 25c Johnson & Johnson Baby Talc-2 for 25c R.·g. 25c Ellso-Tabs. .2 for 25c Reg. 75e Dextri-Maltose . . . . 54c Reg. 75c Alopben Pills.. . . 39c Reg. $1 Listerine Antiseptic (tootb brusb sterilizer free)--69c Reg. $1.25 Edrolax ..................... 7ge Reg. Pepsodenl, lodent, [pana or Kolynos Tootbpaste-29c Reg, $1 Proback Blades (10's) ............ 59c Reg. $1.50 Renault's or Virginia Dare Wine Tonic-79c , Matinee Daily Friday and Sa'urday CLARK GABLE "No Man of Her Own" Carole Lombard Dorothy Maekail 1. Lloyd Hamilton comedy. 2. Vincent Lopez and his orches­tra in "A Hawaiian Fantasy". 3. Silly Symphony-"Bean and Bees". SPECIA.L KlDl)IE SHOW Saturday at 1 :30 P. IOc M. Extra Added Attraction TOM MIX and TONY "THE FOURTH HORSEMAN" Monday alld Tuesday Victor McLaglen Edmund Lowe Lupe Velez EI Brendel uHOT PEPPER" Wedflcsfluy Only Spencer Tracy ~[arion Nixon Sluart Erwin "The Face in the Sky" Mickey McGuinnes' Gang On the Stage at 9 P. M. Only WPEN Kiddy Hour Thurs., Fri., and Sat. "The Sign of the Cross" AIIIIOUNCIIIG NEW FUEL For the heater or fireillace Compared with other high­est grade fuels, it bas proved: 1. More lasting 2. Higher in beat value 3. Practically smokeless 4. Coutrollable in com­bustion 5. Entirelyfreefromdu8t 6. 1\I08t ea8i1y bandIed and fired 7. Unvarying in quality S.eclal Introductory PAICE $,-.15 Per net ton, delivered in Chester, Darhy, Upper Dar­by, Llanerch and all towus intervening and near by. Not to be eonfused with so­called "briquettes"" P-F is an entirely new fuel, origi­nated and perfected' by the manufacturers. Order TOdhy Ihe PIRRS7LYAR.A FUlL IIFfI. COIIPAR.,.. lleella • .-_. Telephone Media 1067 Descriptive folder on t-equesl • .' MARCH,z4, 1933 THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY PRIDAY AT SW,A RTHMORE. PA. ROBaRT E.·SHARPLES I!ditor and PubUther Phone Swarthmore 900 EAtered .. Second Cl ... matter, January 24, 1929. at t.e Po.t Oflice at Swarthmore. P ... undu the Act of March 3. 1819. mouth College returned from France last week to get Mrs. Bagley, who has been at Hanover, New Hampshire. Next Wednesday they will sail on the liner ,Manhattan to spend several months abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Widing of Elm .a venue entertained at dinne, r last evening. . Mr. alld Mrs. Ralph Horn, of Wilm­ington, wi1l be dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percival Armitage on Satur­day evening before the Series dance. THE SWARTHMOREAN Detlefsen's' brother· in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gage, of the Blair Aca­demy. Blairstown, New ]ersex, on Sat~ urday. Alrs. C. F. Wickoff, of Yale avenue, FloridaJ has been received by his mother, Mrs. Lizzie E. DeArmond, of Park avenue. Mr. DeArmondJ formerly resided here. He has been ill for the will spend the week-end with friends (last two years. Interment was in Flor-in Merchantville. ida. Miss Betty iIlurphy, of Diekinsonl ________________ : avenue, is spending a week with her Subscriplions Received for father, Dr. John A: Murphy, ~t AtlaD- Magazines, Domeslie and tic City, where he IS convalcscmg from Foreign a recent illness. W Soli' Y Ord . e ~Jt our en Mr. znd iIlrs. Frank LI,?>:d. Wnght MR. AND MRS. GILBERT S_ FARIES M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME 33 West Baltimore Ave. CLIFTON HEIGHTS Madison 110 3 FRIDAY, MARCH 24,1933 Judge alld Mrs. Ira Lucal~ <>f Cleve­land, spent Sunday with M.r. and Mrs. T. W. Crossen, of Garrett avenuc. , Mrs. David S. Plume and her daugh-and daughter have been vIsIting ~hs. 239 Haverford Avenue Andrew'f. Porter, of Elm avenue. Mrs. Porter entertained at tea last Thurs- i_ __ ~~;T~.~I.~p~h~o~n~e~8~9~-W~~'=----J~===============:: day for Mrs. Wright. ~1iss Angela NEWS NOTES tcr Mary J can of Ncw Rochelle are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Russell G. Wit­man, of Harvard avenue this week. Miss Mary H. Knowlton, of Swarth- Mrs. Robert Haig of Ogden avenue more, is· spending a few days in Wash- entertained at luncheon \Vedncsday. . ington, D. C. I Mr. Thomas B. McCabe, of .North Morgan was also a guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Fudge, of North Chester road. are entertaining Mr. Fudge's mother, of Elmira, New York, for a few days . The news of the death, last weeK CHOCOLATES . . Bob Weltz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester road, left Monday for Califor. Earl H. \Veltz, of College avenue, willI nia, where he will spend three weeks. entertain eight of his friends at the Boone Dinsmore, son of Mr. and movies and for supper in celebration Mrs. Ralph Dinsmore, of Kenyon ave­of his birthday today. nue who is a student at Peddie School, of George DeArmond in Orange Park, I r----..!...-!----, of Supreme Quality CLASSIFIED Mr. and Mrs. Richmond D. Fetherolf Higittstown. New jersey, has been ill of Park avenue spent last week~end as at the University of Pennsylvania the guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Meyer Hospital and is expected home· the last of Moorestown, N. j. of this week. FOR SALE FOR REN'l'-Furnlshed apartment. Jiving room. fireplsce. t.wo bedrooms. bath. dinet.te and kitchenette. Electric ice box. Swa.. 1489. Mr. Frank ¥. Schcibley, of the Mr. Irving L. Gill returned from St. Strath Haven Inn, Spe!1t last week-end Louis on Tuesday. Next Monday he at The Inn at Buck HilI Falls. and Mrs. Gill will leave for St. Louis, FOR SALE-Two bedroom suites, dining room suite and rugs. Call Swarthmore 653 after 6 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sharples, of where they will make their future "Sharberry" Thornton, will entertain at a bu~et supper before the Series ~nce tomOl:row evening. The guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. F. Don Price, of Swarth­more, Mr. and l-Irs. Robert Lee Arn­old of \Vallingford. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, of Ardmore. Dr. and Mrs. Ronald At­more Cox of Baltimore and Mr, and Mrs. Glenn A. Bailey of Lansdowne. FOR RENT Professor C. R. Bagley of Dart- DR. DAVID LINCOFF llS So, Olive St. MEI)JA Eye Sight Specialist Rea80nable Priees Woman's Exchange Foods Are Not on Sale at Any Otber Store m --- :S'wartJunoreo Home-made Bread, Rolls, Cakes and Paetry •. Breakfast-7 a. m. to 9:30 a. m. Special 3Se Lunmeons--12 to 2 p. m. ON ORDER home. • FOR RENT-Two furnished rooms and Ben Narbeth, son of Mr. and Mrs. garage for buslness man. Box C. 8warth- Octavius Narbeth, of South Chester =m:o::r..:e:an~o~m:;oe~.=::-=~~=;;:;~ _ _ road was a member of the cast of WORK WANTED "Outw~rd Bound'~ given at Duke Uni- ----..::.:::.:::.:...::..::::.:..::..=:::.-~_::_-.I versity recently. He was "Scrubby" in WORK WANTED-Mrs. Robinson. "College- Gate", wanta to place very fine colored the play and was highly praised in the cook-housekeeper (with husband as butler Duke Cronic1e for his enactment of if desired). Reasonable. Swarthmore 213. this role. 9 to 4. Ralph Rhoads, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Rhoads, of Princeton avenue, en­tertained at dinner before the concert of the Main Line Orchestra last even­ing. Mrs. Charles Israel, of North Prince­ton avenue, who has been very ill at the 'Stetson hospital for the past week is slightly improved. Her daughter, l\hs. William Erickson, of Chicago, is here. LOST LOST-A lady's sllv'9r wr1Bt watch and bracelet. Sunday evening, March 19th. on Park or Harvard avenues. or In Bunday­Bchool bundlng of Presbyterian Church; marked. E. W. L. Reward. if returned to 230 Park avenue. LOST-Ladles Small Gruen Wrist Watch and Bracelet. Players Club. Wednesday night. Reward. Mrs. T. W. Crossen, Swarth­more 436-W. WANTED Dr. and Laf,yette Mrs. John A. Detlefsen, 0 f W S~wPartahmlorre 9 0o0f. brass wall sconces. Phone avenue, will entertain Dr. ================; Pl."t . ~SllH!fJtPfJlUI Nowt Since tho mild winter hu kepi the II""UDd opeD, aud freezing weather canaol harm. sweet peas, why not get an early etart hy pIanliDg NOW? Earl,. plant­ing insureR a profo.ion of blooml .11 seallOD. FOR RENT 8 room house, single garage 8pace, on Harvard Avenue, b.,. tween Rutgers and Cornell. Re­duced rent $50. Phone Swarthmore 1686 THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 50c per pound Bulletin III A DECLARATION • and A CHALLENGE We DECLARE these chocolates are as fine in quaUty and flavor as is possible to produce. We CHALLENGE anyone to pro­duce finer chocolates ••• your first box will convince you. Our personal guarantee behind every package. Signed ••• College Pharmacy Swarthmore, Pa. Information Wanted! Some of our clients have asked' "if it can be possible" that we pay doctor's or Burgeon's fees for a single day of illness or injury. . That is exaetly what we do-for one day' or -for Several day&-:­upon receipt of statement of the dollare paid. The policy is NON-CANCELLABLE and pays f01' your entire LIFETIME if rou become totally di8abled from any cause. Income Indemnity Insurance Co. Regional Claim. Offiee 1620 Lewis Tower Phila. Est.1S9! BOSTON, MASS. Call, ROBT. T. BAIR Spuial .4lfen. Individually Decorated Birth. Swa.I841 day Cakes, Deeorated Euter Egg., Chicken Salad, Crah Newber .. , CreaJlled Chicken, Pally SheDs and Soups. A moot complete lUI 01 these desirable 80wen appean iD. Dreer'. 1933 Garden Book. U you are intel'ellted in veg. etable and Hower seeds, ro.~ perenDial plante, etc., we will be iliad 10 Hud yon • eopy of IhJa auihorilBl1Ye work, free on request. We espeeially iavite ,.ou to our ltore, where ,,,u will eacoaater DO ~king problemo. 9:45 A. M.-First Day School in House. Whlttierl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9 :45 A. M.-Morning Forum In Meeting House w11l not be held on March 26th because of Yearly Meet­lng. On April 2nd reports 01 Yearly Meeting wlll be given. 11:00 A. M.-Meetlng for worship 1n the BBNRY .. DIl&EB Meetlng House. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE 12 PARK AVENUE PhoDe Sw. 1993 1806 SpriIaf: Gudea St.. PJaUa.. P •• DREER'S SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK END 3~ LBS. BARRED ROCK BROILERS-ROASTED With filiing, giblets and gravy-delivered to your table ready 10 eat $1.25 EACH Young Tm·key Hens, Well Fed-Roasted Wilh filling, giblets, gravy and a pint of cranberry sauce 35c a lb. Dressed Wt. STEWING CHICKENS, BUFF ROCK PULLETS .......... 22c lb., dressed wI. DELICIOUS CHICKEN SALAD (no other meal used) ............... 85c ql. PURE CHICKEN BROTH (fresh daily) .......................... 25e ql. OUR FRESH CHICKEN AND DUCK EGGS .................... 25c a doz. We have good reference to prove that our roasLed poultry is delicious by serving a ,number of church dinners, banquels and luncheon parties and hundreds of private homes. Ma.r we serve you? Call Chesler 8826--Mcdia 1045.J THE DEL. CO. DUCK FARM n. H. Bloom MIDDLETOWN ROAD R. L. Bossard ·TUNE IN YOUR RADIO. TO WlP C\'ery \,V ed. nesday at 8 P. M. and listen to Michell's Garden Talks. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.--6ewlng and Quilt­Ing In WhittIer House. Box luncheon. All arp. cordIally Invited to Join In these services. THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Ellery Tuttle, Pastor CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ALL SERVICES SUNDAY 10 :OO-Bible School. 11:00-MORNING WORSHIP. PASTOR PREACHES IN THE LENTEN SERIES "THE RELIGION OF JESUS" 4 :45-0RGAN WORSHIP. 5:00--VESPERS. ClosIng 5:45. PASTOR SPEAKS "THE WHOLE OF LIFE FOR GOD" WEDNESDAY 8 :OO-LENTEN SERVICE. SWARTJD.IORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P. STEVENS, MINISTER SERVICES. SUNDAY, MARCH 26TH l1:00-WORSHIP AND SERMON "BEHOLD THE MAN" 7 :45--WORSHIP AND SERMON REV. JOHN D. BERa.. OF SUMMERFIELD M. E. CHURCH, :PHlLA., WILL BE THE GUEST PREACHER A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and College Avenue Oppuslte the College Cnnlpu... Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S. T. M. SUNDAY 8:00 8. m.-Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m.--flunday School. 10:00 a. m.-BtbJe Class. 11:00 B. m.-Momlng Prayer and Sennon. Mr. Guenther Will preach. WEO,NESDAY 10:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. FRIDAY 3:15 p. m.--Chlldren·s Service. 8:00 p. m.-"'Questlon Box" and DIscussion Group. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST, OF BWARTHMORE Park Av~nue Below Harvard t5ervtC6S: 11:00 A. M.~tlnday School. 11:00 A. M.--..c.,unday Lesson-Sermon. W~nesdai eveninG meeting each week. R p. m. Reading room open dally, except Sundays and holidays. I to 4 In the after­noon; Wednesday 10 to 4, Church edlflce. , We Would Like To Tell You! But our best recommendation COmes from our customers-just ask your neighbor why they use Mason Heflin Coal year after year -why our service is the best-why we sell Super·Clean Famous Reading Anthracite. Phone us today - Swarthmore 6 - let us prove it by sending you a ton today. Mason COAL Hefli n co. Philadelphia and Suburbs THE DOUG;H IS HERE Now for something to raise it. You ~tart, I start, he starts, everybody starts, back to. you. Don't loaf, and soon we will have pie alld cake. Bill 32 yean. and Charli.e 15 venrs KIMMEL & SON BUILDERS PAINTERS PAPERHANGERS IN SWARTHMORE As a child is trained in habits of Saving so will the man become. There was never a truer saying than "The child is father of the man." SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. aerAvltlc .aar ea n'cdo urdsiea ltlhy e IRnveiatdedin gt oR oaottme.n d Ule U'=================================ll

    ---------- Page 14 ----------

    NEWS NOTES SWARTHMORE-AN Green'. Studio tomorrow night. They The A ....r lc. .n Lellion A ...' ili. .. ." of will entertain about sixty guests. the H .. rold AiR.worth Post wish ~ ex­pre .. their .. ppreciation J.". tlac gener­ou. help the followinll g .. IIeto tlacb .... lit c .. rd party h.ld ar Sera,h Hall.n Inn on, March 15. The family of Simon S. Snyder deeply appreciate the sympathy and kindness shown them during their re­cent bereavement by their Swarthmore friends. The bospitatity eommittee of the Players' Club headed by Mrs. A. F. Jackson gave a party for the cast of "The First Mrs. Fraser". Robert G. Gilfillan, Jr., Rutgers ave­nue, returned home on Tuesday from the Presbyterian Hospital, where he was operated on for appendicitis. He is ,resting comfortably at his home. MR. FRANK SCHEIBLEY SHIRER'S DRUG STORE COLLEGE PHARMACY PECKERMAN'S Mrs. E. Morrjs Fergusson entertain­ed at tea Wednesday afternoon fer ~.frs. Arthur C. Boyce, of Teheran, Per- 513. lack Rankin, of Haverford avenue, has returned from California. GOWN SHOP VANITY BOX FRANK THE BARBER SUPLEE'S BUCHNER'S AMERICAN STORE Mr. and lIfrs. Harold R. Perry, of Elm avenue, spent last week-end tn New York. •• Redueee Priee A. &. P. STORE UTILITY SHOP John and Delia Marshall, Cynthia and Jack Wickham, Betty Johnson, and Edmund Jones win give a dance at Adolph's Barber Shop announces a reduction in price of haircuts begin­ning this week. The shop is one of the tinest in Swarthmore and is fully equipped .with up-to-date fixtures. "The lower cost of living expenses has made it possible to reduce the cost of hair­GET YOUR CAR INSPECTED NOW l!:================;=================U I cuts and to pass this saving along to my customers", says Adolph. Better get your car inspected. It is necessary to have it inspected by March 31 which is next Friday or you may have a fine to pay. According to a report fro~ .the Pennsylvania Automotive As­SOCiation there were less than half of the cars in. the State inspected on March 13. There IS every reason to believe that there will be a last minute rush during this last. week that remains before the arrest p.erlOd start~. The local inspection Sta­tIons are domg all in their power possible to get pe?ple to have their cars inspected at. once. JO or~er to avoid a lot of last mmute mspechons. Spring Speelal 1. Grind Valves. 2_ Refaee all valves and seats. 3. Replaee Head Gasket. . 4. Clean and adjust distributor points. S. Clean and adjust spark plugs. 6. Adju8t Fan Belt. 7. Tighten Water Pump. 8_ Adjust Timing. 9. Clean carburetor and gas lines. 10_ Clean and wash down motor. All 8 cylinder cars ',$12.00 All 6 cylinder cars $8.00 All 4 cylinder cars $4.00 - * * * . Wentzel Mot?rs are havin~ their en­~ Ire office ~enovlsed. The walls and ceil­JOg are beIng redecorated in a wann tan color. • * * Attention of motorists is caned by the Keystone Automobile CJub to an important ruling by the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. defining the respon­sibility . of drivers for the safety of pedestrians at street intersections. All operators of troney cars and au­to. mobiles ~hol!ld recognize that pedes- BIJBRY t~lans, at mtersections, when lights or Only one week left to have ,sIgnals are favorable, have certain • rights .md that drivers and motormen your ca~ IDspected. Come early are required to wait until foot traffic lUHl a\ nul flU" rush. Can SlDarlh. has had an opportunity to complete nUJr(' 139() aud we win eome for the c.rossing. Reasonable time should your f.'~I". be gIVen _ ~o people to cross safely C.M.RUMSEY YALE AND RUTGERS AVES. streets at lhtersections, notwithstand­ing that· the lights may have changed after they have committed themselves to the street. It seems to be necessary to continue to impress upon operators of motor vehicles and troHey cars their duties at crossings." I I • Found Injured Robert Sanford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sanford. of 322 Park avenue wa3 found hurt at the corner of Har~ yard and Rutgers avenue about 6 o'clock Wednesday evening. Robert had been riding his bicycle and it is not known whether he was struck by an automobile or hit something and fell off, hurting his head, The kids, known as Mickey J.{cGinness' Gang who broadcast from Station WPEN, are coming to the Media Thea­~ re next Wednesday evening at 9 o'c1ock In response to many fan letters received from Delaware County. This is their first 1000di appearance on the stage. These fourteen talented children h a v e been broadcasting Over this station for two years between 5 and 6 on Sunday after­n~ ons and have become very popular. Listen to them on Sunday and go see them on Wednesday. • I • Simon S. Snyder I Simon S. Snyder. aged seventy-one years, a resident of Swarthmore for thirty-six years, passed away on Sat­urday, March 18. after an illness which became acute a few months ago. He wiU be sadly missed by a large circle of friends. He was a charter member of the Swarthmore Methodist Church and took an active part in its I work. He served thl! church in many official positions from its beginning in 1901 until his death. Just To Remind You He was connected with the Pennsyl­vania Railroad for forty-two years re- I tiring in 1932, ' You 401 can't drive your car after March 31 your car baa been inspected. - unless WENTZEL MOTORS Dartmouth Ave_ Swa. 596 only 6 DAYS to Get Your Car Inspected YOU CANNOT DRIVE YOUR CAR AFTER MARCH 31 UNLESS IT HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND PASSED. HANNUM (# WAITE Yale Ave. and So. Chester Road Swarth. 1250 ONLY 7 DAYS LEFT in • whi_ch to have your car inspected_ DrIve ID now and get it off your mind_ Weare open for this service Daily from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M.-5unday 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. "N.t ••• Tires, Tubes, Brake Lining, PIUIfS, Batteries at new low prices Russell's .,. ...... 'Serviee DARTMoum AND LAFAYETTE AVENUES Phone 440 WASHING-GREASING-TIRE_BATTERY_BRAKE SERJ'ICE An Institution in Delaware County for fifteen years 'hlue coal' apPERS . 6_•&. ... _. Gulf Atlantic FUEL OIL GIRARD-MILLER Swarthmore 62-400 Media 1600 EN"OY THE COOL. BREEZES OF SWARTHMORE THIS SUM_ MER UNDER WELL. MADE AWNINGS WINDOW SHADES SL.IP COV.ERS FRED J. HARLEY UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTORING SWARTH. 1441 J He i'Rsurvlilveddby hhis widow, a 80D, 1 held at his late residen ,319 Vassar ames usse, a aug ter Mrs George C. Broadbent and two gr~ndchildren. I avenue. Interment was~ at Hilltown o Md· . Cemetery, Bucks County, on Tuesday n on ay evenmg serVices were afternoon. \ WANTED-A MAN WI1'HOUT FEAR Some big men will be discovered in Ibe next few years. Fear, cold and unreasonable, has been gripping the nation. The man who subdues it, will go far. Fear causes a man to walk Ibe ~treets, looking for a job, yet Ibe chances are more Iban a Ibousand to one against him, unless he makes a position for himself. We seek such a man! Our business is sound, pleasant, digni­fied and reaps rich rewards. Wilbout high-pressure selling meth­ods, Ibe public gladly buys our product, now, more Iban ever before. To Ibe man who is willing to serve Ibe public, an old East­ern Life Insurance Company can assure a position wilb financial returns far above the average. Reply by letter, giving full information and telephone nUm­berto Box D, Swar1hmorean Offiee Announcing New Low Prices beginning Monday, March 27, all haircuts 35e Also shampoos are reduced. Get your tonsorial service done at an e~pert service barber shop, where only skilled umon barbers are employed. Friendly service. - Adolph's Barber Shop , 409 Dartmouth Ave. ill BARD ••• on Dainty ,TI.ings! ......... " ..... ,,"",," If you love dainty underthings ••. smart, little intimates of the houdoir ••• fascinat. ing fahrics of radiant loveliness, you will want to keep them as long as possible. And the way to do that •• _ is ne,·er to wash them in hard water _ •• because hard water is hard On dainty things. It will not make the rich, "sndsy" lather that you need. It means hard, danger­ous rubbing for delicate lingerie. You can always be kind to your clothe. wben you wash them with this soff, clean water that is selected as carefully as you select anything that you eat or drink. In fact the water that we send you is so carefully selected that it is truly "CERTIFIED WATER ',..111 PEDIGREED STREAMS". PUT MORE MEN IN THE GARDEN • T e Sw ARTHMOREAN - Editorial Comment VOL. V-NO. 13 SWARTHMORE, PA., MARCH 31, 1933 $2.50 PER YEAR / W, Gar M.Ii; hi iii liM db &16 \\,01 i1i6 Me 'lilt bjil "ii, , iitjifuihirwam!fiiiiit "ii, Gilt iliU .. de UHi *&1 .. 16 \WI ii&I \Iii \tid dU u@ During the spring, summer, and faH months we have often been prompted to feel that the men of SwarUlIllOre took a "cry definite second place to the women in the field of horticulture. No doubt the absence of any such organization for men as the Garden section of the 'Y%man's Club is for 'Women has been partially responsible. If it is true that business conditions have brought about more hours of liesure for the average man; and if it is also true that lI1~ny men who formerly belonged to golf dUbs and country cluhs have been obliged to discontinue membership. do not the coming spring and summer months offer a splendid opportunity for pro­moting the inexpensive but highly enjoy­able pasttime of gardening? To this end w~ believe that some org­anized effort which would include the men of the community should be directed. Many communities have garden clubs consisting of more men than women. Possibly such a club in addition to the Garden Section of the Woman's Clutl would not be desirable. Caring for a flower garden is a form of leisure which pays big dividcnds of happiness at little cost. \Vhat call be done in Swarthmore to encourage thi~ diversion this summer for both men and women? ARTS AND CRAFTS TO BE EXHIBITED NEGRO SINGERS AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Next Sunday evening there will be a special service at the Presbyterian Church when President Johnson, of Lincoln University, will speak on the work for colored people as conducted in the University, and the quartette of negro students will sing. President Johnson is an interesting speaker. The (Juartette will sing the entire service, rendering the negro spirituals in the appealing way which has made their music widely known. The singing of the students is greatly praised wherever they -have been. The public is cordially invited. WOMEN VOTERS MEET HERE The Delaware County League of Women Voters met with the Swarth­more League of Women Voters at the Woman's Club House. Swarthmore, Tuesday afternoon. After the luncheon served by the Hospitality Committee 1Iiss Helen Hall of the University Settlement Housc. Philadelphia, told of the practical op­eration of the Unemployment Insurance in England, which she had observed from a summer's study of the subject there. The Reverend G, H. Bechtold of the American Old Age Security League, spoke of "Old Age Pensions", or as he preferred to caU them, "Old Age Security". He brought o'llt the fact that in New York State, where they have been tried. they have been highly suc­cessful. Also they are, contrary to pop­ular opinion, much less expensive to maintain than almshouses. Mrs. Austin Van der Slice, Chairman of the Women in Industry Section of the State League of Women Voters BOARD DEFENDS NEED FOR SIX JANITORS IN LOCAL SCHOOLS The staff of seven men under the head- touch with the members of the board ing of Janitor-Custodian service attracted daily as to their wishes COIlCCtlli11g certain considerable attention at the Home and features of the lIew building. School meeting on March 6 when the pro- It was while enbraged in this work that posed budget for 1933 and '34 was under Mr. Edenhart showed his versatility in discussion. The following outline of the making or directing minor repairs whie-It duties of seven men is published for the formerly had been jobbed out to illdivid­enlightenment of the taxpayers of the I ual concerns in this county and Philadcl­borough. phia. \Vhen the new gra<1e schoel build- Joseph Edenhart is looked upon as head ing was COI1lI)leted, the board offered him of the staff and although for the purposes an annual salary of $1641 to remain as of budgeting he is listed as a janitor he general superintendent of the three school really fills the position of superintendent buildings. of grounds and buildings. In this capacity he is nuw serving the His first contact with the Swarthmore board. The following items may be rc­schools was during the construction of ferred to as tYl)ical instances in which he the new Rutgers avenue building. At has saved the taxpayers lIIany times the this time he was employed as superinten- amount of his salary. dent of construction for :McCabe Bros_, The week of Feb. 22, the lowest bid for general contractors for the new building. resetting the motor in the fan room which A large nmnber of sub-contractors wcre had undergone somc minor repairs, was employed on this job and it was Mr. $60. ~fr. Edcnhart did'it at a cost of Edenhart's task to coordInate them and $13.20 including his time. see that every specification was met. Last Wednesday the coal bin in the When the new unit of the College ave- Lollege avenue building gave way entail­nue school was begun it was learned that ing a repair job which would have cost Mr. Edenhart was out of employment due $4() or $50 had carpenters been employed. to prevailing conditions in the construc- Mr. Edenhart with the help of one of the tion business and in view of the splendid janitors did the work for a fraction of supervision he had given the Rutgers ave- that sum. nue school project, the board lost no time When the new typewriting course was in making him an offer. added to the curriculum. suitable tables They proposed that he act as their rep- had to he secured. The lowest bid was resentative in seeing that the specifica- $150. :Mr. Edenhart, with the aid of the tions of the contract were followed to the manual training teacher, Mr. Cook. did letter and that he do anything which the work at a tot;11 cost of $42.75. wOldd result in a better building erected When alterations were -made in the at the lowest possible cOst. Domestic Science department, the lowest So diligently did Mr. Edenhart en- bid for the work of installing gas ranges. leavor to follow out the provisions of his sinks, with hot and cold water, drains etc. job that one sub-contractor admitted to was $225. Mr. Edenhart did the work members of the board that his activity at a cost of $113.22 including his own cost'him $600. In several instances work wages. was condemned and had to be done over. Last summer, the interior of the Rut­He attended all meetings of the school gers avenue building was painted by 1\-1r. Swarthmore's arts' and crafts arc many, varicd, and beautiful, as the can­vass by the Exhibits Committee is daily m~king cl('ar. An artistic sub-commit­tee, headed by Mrs. Stanley I.. Mac­Millan, is planning the arrangement and already finds its available space fuily called for. The Woman's Club Housc. on Thursday and Friday after­noons and evenings. April 27 and 28, promises to present a drcam of beauty. an inspiration to lovers of art, and a rcvelation of the wideness of Swarth­lUore's range of talent, expertncss, and activity. Every worthy production, by a citizen -.jJ' uu~jyilig (:JulJ r'lIcllib~r. 'tt not shown here before, is invited. sub­ject to the committees acceptance. The work of child, teacher, artisan, professional workcr, needlewoman, am­atcur woodworker, or author will be welcomed along" with the stately can­vases and slriking pen-and-inks that will dominate the display. board during these months and was in (ColltilUud 011 Pll{/~ Pit'~J told of present day conditions among ________________ -: ________________ _ textile workers. "INTERFERENCE" I T. Henry Walnut, Esq., of the Gov- Extra Scrit!s Dance ernor~s Commission for the investiga- AT PLAYERS CLUB Thc committee of the Swarthmore tiOI.l. of ~.ccu~atiO!lal J.?iseases" ~old. of _ j ~(' ... {'s dl"Jt<.f 4 h'!,'", ;P~!-;1llg ... ,~ f",. 111- tIned effort wJ~lch I'''d' bt:lhg made tOh tIl- - D. Malcolm H'odge, one of the best I other 'dance to be held 011 April 22 at cue occupatlOna Iseases among t ose the \Vaman's Club There will be no for which compensation must be paid. kJ1(",. VIl of t.he Sw arthmore Play.- I charge to subscn· be· rs .u. ut ,n lrs. L' OUtS ers Club, wtll make hiS debut as a dt-I Cole Emmons, chairman, has asked that OLD ~"PREP" GYM rector next Monday, April 3, when he a list of guests and checks for their OPEN TO PUBLIC presents the drama, UInterference," at tickets be mailed to her at least two the clubhouse, at 8 :15 P. M. The play days prior to the dance. Many Swarthmoreans, including adults will continue for five evenings. The women whose hard work makes all this possible count their enterprise a service to our borough's spiritual life. Their ideal is not mcrely a beautiful and worthy exhibition, but a new com­munity spirit of _unity. with an en­couragement to all, of every age and da·ss. to make 2.t1d bring of his best for the common good. Woman's Club Notes as well as boys and girls, are rejoicing because of the opf!nillg of the swim­ming pool and the bowling alleys in the "prep" gymnasium. Dr. E. L. Ter­man reports that the State Health au­thorities have inspected the pool and that it is being run under their regu­lations and supervision. Consulting en­gineers Jefferis and Weiler of West Chester are representing the state in adding necessary equipment to meet such requirements. The fee for the usc of the pool is twenty-five cents A joint meeting of the Delaware per week for three hours or ten cents County Federation of. Women's Clubs and the Dclaware County W~lfare Council will be held at the "Vomall's Clubhouse on Thursday, April 6th at 2 oiclock. At this time the survey of Delaware County which has becn made under the supervision of the County ).fedical So­ciety will be repol'ted by Dr. Joseph W. ~fouutin of the United States Public Health Service. Other speakers will be Dr. Theodore B. Appel, State Secretary of Health, Dr. "Valtcr Clarke, American Social Hygiene Association, and hiI. Arthur M. Dewees, of the Pennsylvania Tuberculosis Society. Evc·ryone is in­vited. per holtr for those who wish to usc it for less time. These fees are payable in advance and may be paid monthly or for longer. periods if desired. Boys may use the pool on Monday, \Vednesday, Friday and Saturday afternoons, and the girls are scheduled for Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings. Dr. Terman is assuming per­sonal supervision of the pool and is assisted by Gordon Findlay and other life guards for the boys and Libby Main, Ann Bonsai and Ruth Lewis for the girls. The pool will be open for mixed adult swimming on Saturday and \Vednesday evenings each • * * week from 8 to 9 :15. The fee for this Next Tuesday afternoon Dr. D. 11. time wilt be fifteen cents. Melehoir. will give the final talk on Cur- Any persons, children and adults rent Events to the members of the Wu- alike, who want to use the Bowling man's Club; these talks have been under alleys must become bonafide registered the leadership of Mrs. Robert L. Coates. members of bowling clubs. These clubs chairman, and have been very instructive. will be made up of men, womcn (or Mrs. j. S. V. Bishop, will talk a few min-I mixed) boys over fifteen and boys U11- utes concerning the Needlework Guild of (h.T fifteen. Bart Calvert will be in America preceding Dr. ),ldchoir. Tea, charge of the howling and other gylU­will be senoed. ~Irs. Harold Barnes and nasium groups. He will be on duty be­Mrs. Thomas McCabe will be hostesses ginning Saturday, April 1. all day for for the afternoon. the organization of such clubs. Men's Quartet The Swarthmore Men's Quartet have prepared a number of interesting selec­tions for the entertainment to be given The alleys will be open 011 Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday even­ings from 7 to 10 for adult groups. Junior Assembly by the Queen Esther Circle at the 'fhe hosts and, hostesses for the In­Methodist Church on Friday night, ·termediate and Senior dancing classes April 7th. I this Saturday evening will be Mr. and The members of the Quartet are Mr. Mrs. George Schobinger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deacon, :Mr. Allen Putnam, Arno Viehoever, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Mr. Burris West and Mr. James W. Whitsit, Mr. and Mrs. David Chandler Johnstone. Mr. OUo Kraus, Jr. is their Prince, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Nivin accompanist. Wherry. ," Mr. Hodge has achieved much suc­cess in heavy roles and was seen earlier in this season in "Civilian Clothes," FORUM SPEAKER SAYS "VOTE" when he played the part of )ack Hart, At thc Forum in \Vhiuicr House the shrewd business man. Other parts next ~.[onday night, ),[r. Clarence he has done are Yates of the English Pickett, Chairman of the Friends Ser­Secret Service in "Three Faces East," vice C«;mlluittee. will ~peak (ill the con­Pete Swallow in Mrs. Bumpstead Leigh, dition of labor in the \Vest Vit'ginia both of last season; General Northrup and Kentucky coal fidds. in the "Quel:n's Husband." Player audi- Last Monday. 1\1r. Romain C. Hass­ellces have always enjoyed Mr. Hodge's rick. Chairman of the Registration work and are looking forward to his Commission of Pcnnsylvania. spoke 011 first directorial effort. political practiccs and mad.ines. Poli- "Interference" is a three act drama tics is the science of governmcnt, dc­which was first produced in London in elared Mr. Hassrick. but today that 1927 and was the first full length talk- government is of the politicians, by the illg picture made in America, featuring politicians and for the politicians. Clive Brook. \Villiam Powell, Doris Tracing the ramifications of the 111a­Kenyon and Evelyn Brent. In Mr. chine, )'Ir. Hassrick said, that while the Hodge's production S. Felton Bickley, national election was morc interesting who did such good work earlier in the 10 most pcrsons, the local primary and season in the "Thirteenth Chair" will election is the most important. because takc the part of Douglas Hilder of the it touches our daily lives morc directly, United Press Bureau; Ned Pyle. that of and it is here that the power of the AI. Lavery of "Thc Daily Mail"; Rob- machine mu~t be brokcn. if the misrep­crt B. Grcer. who was seen in "Three resentative kind of government under Faces East." that of joseph Craghurst which we live. is to end. . of "The Times"; Raymond P. Gott, as Childers, Marlay's butler; Roy C. Com- Of the ovcr 900,000 qualified voters ley plays Sir John Marlay, M. D. J\Ir. in Philadelphia. 300,000 did not register Comley delighted player audiences with in order to \"ote, said :Mr. ~assrick. He "Civilian Clothes" in February. Helen thinks this figure represents the intel­M. Miner is one of the new members ligent vote. which could break the 111a­and will appear for the first time on the chine, and that these are bad citizens, Players' stage as Barbara, Sir John's because they do not exercisc a priv­niece; Catherine Gayle Hodge will play ilcge which is also a. duty. Against this. Faith Marlay, Sir John's wife. This is Ire said, 7570 of the unintelligent vote ~.frs. Hodge's first appearance after an is "gotten out'" by the machine. abscnce of several seasons. She took Taxatioll. in these days of reduced part in "Thc Dictator" and "Se\'etl l il.1(OI11(,:O;, h'!.$ assUl~\cd alarmillg propor­Chances." :Mr. Hodge is the villian,] tlons, an~l IS cau~ll}g Illl.)re persons to Philip Voaze, alias julian Ackroyd.] take an IIltcrest In government. \\Then Helen Clarke Reed is the villainess. they arc sufficiently aroused. the l)eople Deborah Kane. She was last seen in will take over their government from "Ladies of the Jury." Helen Inglis the politicians, thinks ~lr. Hassrick. It Cramp is Mrs. Barmc, Deborah's maid. can he done and will be done. he added. Walter G. Emmott is Fred, the Hall whcn honest persons arc nominated Porter. Miss Cramp and Mr. Emmott and elected to office. both played in "The Thirteenth Chair." Thomas H. Lueders will be P. C. Cleaver, of the Metropolitan police; Howard A_ Parsons, Jr., Inspector Haines, also of the Metropolitan Police. David Cramp will play Dr. Puttock, Di­visional Surgeon. Edith Inglis Cuska­den, who has not been seen for several years, wiJI take the part of Sir John's sister, Mrs. Florence Rooke. Hunt-Chapmau :Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood B. Chapman an­nounce the marriage of their daughter, julie Van der Veer. to Mr. Ray Perkins Hunt, on Man:h 24th, in the Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge:. ~Ir. and Mrs. Hunt are both graduates of Swarthmore College. EVENING OF GAMES HELD TONIGHT Au Evcning of Games will be held to-night at 8:00 p_ 111. at the home of j\f r. and Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes, 725 Harvard avenue. The affair was ar­ranged by the managers of the local hranch of the American Red Cross. and the prcceeds will he used to buy wool which the pubJic-spirited women of Swarthmore will knit into men's and children's sweaters. or for any other local emergency that may arise. NEW BOOKS AT PUBLIC LIBRARY Books added to the Public Library recently include: "British Agent". by R. H. Lockhart; "Bula hfatari", by Jacob Wasserman; 'Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God." G. B. Shaw; "Prepar­edness." by \V. I. Hull; "Pathway to the Reality of God," by Rufus Jones; "Nalure of the Physical World'~, by A. S. Eddington; "Moths and Butterflies", by j\1. C. Dickerson; "Story of a Real Garden," by I. B. Watson; "Human Being", by Christopher Morley; "Na­ture of the World and of Man", by H. H. Newman; "Memories and Reflec­tions", by Earl of Asquith i "Ann Vick­ers", by Sinclair Lewis; "Narrow Cor­ncr"'. by S. Ma'Ugham; "Erie Water", by W. D. Edwards; "Wah-kon-tab", by G. Matthews; "Lives of a Bengal l .. ancer", by F. Yeats-Brown; ~IIndia", by Lowell Thomas. IIBoat of Longing", by 0: Rolvaag; "Bright Land". by J. Fairbanks; I·Span_ ish Holiday", by E. Mercier; "Imitation of Life~. by Fannie Hurst, "Cavalcade", by Noel, Coward; "Long Knives Walked", by M, L. Mabie; "Belinda Grove", by Helen Ashton; "Last Adam". by J. J. Cozzens; "Science in a Changing World. I,;: ~l. Adafll:>; "Hardy Perennial", I,:.' Hl~kll HI:II: "Unfinbhed Symph,·. \ . :;yh'ia Thomt1SUn; "~illing 1':1'· •• _. uy C. Parmenter; "Let tht J ['.liT;·:<I I: :':(I;1r~. by R. Lane: "Eyes e,i 1." ....... i_.y' .,v. Deeping. "Farewell Miss Julia Logan", by J. )..f. Barrie; "Arabesque", by E. Mer­ccin j "Miss Delicia Allen", by Mary Johnson; "Marriage of Convenience", by Ann Green; "Westerners", by E. S. \Vhite; "Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club", by D. Sayer; "This is My Man", by \V. B. ~Iaxwell; "Drift Fence", by Jane Grey; "Beauty". by Faith Bald­win; "Elizabeth and the Archdeacon", by G. Birmingham; uDuchess Inter­veIle~", by M. B. Lowndes; "From Pillar to Post", by Helen hlartin, and "Kennel Murder Case", by S. S. Van Dine. lunevile "\Val' of a Dog", by Terhune; "Gray Caps", by R. B. Knox; URolling \Vheels", by K. Grey; "Young Rav­cnels .... by E. Singmaster; uMississippi River Boy", by E. Sabin; "Wandy", by A. Chaffce; "Captain Trip", by R. S. Holland; "Treasurer in the Little Trunk", by H. Orton; "Two Boys", by L. Robinson; UPeggy of Old Anapolis", by H. Daniel; "Dorothy Stanhope", by H. Daniel; "May"', by M. St. Clair; "\\'hCll the Root Children Wake .. Up", by S. OIfers; "Little Black Dog", by R. Herrick; "Captain Red Legs"; by S. Conner. "!'t,'i artine and Michel", uy M. Criss; "Tornado Boy", by F. Hinkle i "South f:'01l1 Hudson Bay" by E. Brill; "With Morgan on the Main". by C. Bennett; ··American. 'l\vins of 1812", by L. Per­kin:); "Scotch Twins". by L. Perkins; "Fairy Shoemaker". by Artzybashiff; "Funny Thing", by Wanda Gag; "Gol- r den Goat") by H. Hill; "Magir Trail", by Grace :Moon; I'Way to Sea", by S. 1\Ieadcr; "Willow vVhistle", by C. ~leigs; "Early Sea People", by K. ))opp, and ""Vcavers and Other Wor­kers ·', by j, Hall. PI ... yers' Club Meeting The annual meeting of the Players' Club will be held Monday, 10 at 8 p. m. at the Clubhouse. Nominations will be madc of the officers and a gover­nor to serve one year. The present one year term governor's office expiring is now filled by j. Kirk McCurdy. There will ·be reports from the officers and other business that may come before the meet­ing. The members nominated will be voted on during the week of the play for the month of May. .. ~ J . " , ,l. " ,,. .. ' i ,

    ---------- Page 15 ----------

    .". - .- .; _ ... ' ., .. \ .. , .' .'::.,~ .... , -.~ .. . -. THE SWARTHMOREAN .. ' :MARCH 31, 1933 , I Clure, Mr. Peel Bentley and Mr. anel l Allen, Mrs. Jack Shoemaker, Mrs. Mrs. Ray McLarty, of Drexel Hill Jesse Darlington, Miss Mildred Sim- TIle French Club nlet last Monday at pers, Miss Sarah Berry and Miss May ... HEALm SURVEY MEETING AT WOMAN'S CLUB downe, Chairman of Health for the County Federation of WoDien's Club. will preside at the meeting which takes the place of the usual spring 'healtn meeting of the Women's C.lubs and Health Division of the County Welfare Council. I the home of Mrs. Robert C. Brooks, of Keech. Cornell avenue. Madame Leon Wen· Mr. and Mrs. Dean H .. Parker, of celius spoke about the customs and the North Princeton avenue will entertain music of Brittany. 'rhere were twcnty- at dinner tomorrow evening. Robert Barton Bond, who attcnds four members prescnt. Miss Katherine Reynolds Parke, of The report of the Public Health Sur­vey of Delaware County made by the United State. Public Health Service will be presented at a public meeting to be held at· the Women's Club of Swarthmore 011 Thursday, April 6th at Z:OO p. m. school at Mt. Herman, Massachusetts, Mrs. Earl H. Weltz and Mrs. Philip Norristown, was the guest of her uncle is spending the spring vacation with his H. Jewett entertained informally at tea and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. aunt, Mrs. William C. Taylor, of 011 Wedliesday afternoon ill honor of Dodd, of Swarthmore avenue last week- Swarthmore avenue. Mrs. \V. A. Judd who is visiting her end. Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant, of daughter, Mrs. C. \V. Sanney, of Drexel Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter and Dickinson avenue, entertained at din- Hill. son Andrew Hunter, of Brooklyn, N. ncr in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold C'II Mrs. Charles DeHart Brower, Jr., of Y., were the week-end guests of Mr. Marr last Friday evening. Gurnsey road, cntertaincd all a Sunday, and Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker, of Barbara Gross, of Bowling Greetl'!1 ~ecel!tJy, to show two portraits by Mar- Riverview road. has issued invitations for a dance at the 1011 Greene Barney, of Rose Valley. J\Hss Elizabeth Schobinger, daughter Rose Tree Hunt Club on April 8. Professor and Mrs. Howard M. Jen- of Mr. and Mrs. George Schobinger, of Mrs. 'Iamie Prescott, who has been killS, of the Benjamin West house, will S tl ue nterta' ed . J.t: entertain a bridge club to which the war lmore aven , e III m-visiting friends in Swarthmore for the IJclong next Friday evening. Y fa nna II y on Satu r day evenl'ng• past three weeks, returned to her home Dr. \VilJiam T. Ellis, of Walnut Lane, Mrs. F. S. Pearce and her grand-at Bay Shore, Long Island, on Monday. attended the dcdication dinner of the daughter, Ruth Pearce, of Gloucester, Mrs. Johnson Hubble, of Yale ave- Girard Chapel at Girard CoJlege last Mass., arc the guests of Mrs. Pearce's nue, has returned from a cruise to the evcning. Other Swarthmorcans who son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Panama Canal Zone and the \Vest In- attended the evening services were Mrs. Harold Griffin, of Rutgers avenue. dies. She was accompanied by hcr son, J. \\T. Ledoux, Mrs. Harold Barnes and The alumnae of the Kappa Kappa Major Richard Hubble, Mrs. Hubble Mrs. \VilJiam 'I'. EHis. Gamma fraternity spent Tuesday after-and their two children. I Mrs. George T. Ashton cntertained noon at the lodge, sewipg for the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colc Emmons, of on Sunday for Miss Florence Fraser, needy of West Virginia, who are being Riverview Farms, entertained at dinner who is a piano student at the Curtis cared for by the Friends Service com-before the series dance last Saturday Institute. mittee. evening. The guests included Mr. and Folks who kncw "Rags", little \Velsh Miss Betty Osterman, who is a stu- Mrs. Ezra B. Merriam, Mr. and Mrs. terrier, and pal of Nancy Lou Alger, dent at the Connecticut College for H. E. Starbuck, Mrs. Gertrude Me- of 400 Pc::rk Avcnue, will be sorry to Womcn, is spending the spring vaca- Matinee Daily Today (Friday) and Suturduy "THE SIGN OF THE CROSS" with FREDERIC MARCH ELISSA LANDI CLAUDETIE COLBERT CHARLES LAUGHTON and a cast of 10,000 olhers MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON Feature picture at 2 :40, 7: 10 and 9.15 Jlonda,. and Tuesday ANN HARDING LESLIE HOWARD .In "THE ANIMAL KINGDOM" MONDAY NIGHT IS "HEDGEROW NIGH'}"' Wednesday Only FREDERIC MARCH CLAUDETTE COLBERT "TONIGHT IS OURS" Thursday Only DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. 'The Parachute Jumper' learn of his death, which occurred on tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~Iollday, ~larch 27. "nags" had bcen AIlJert Osterman, of Rutgers avenue. iil for :Ji)Out a week, with distemper. The condition of Mrs. Eugene S. Far- Mr. and ~frs. Charles DeHart Icy, of Newark, who was operated on I Brower, Jr., of Guernsey road, enter- at the Hahncmann Hospital recently, is t.illcd llr. and Mr~. \V. Albert John- improving. ! son, of Baltimore, over the week-end. John jaquette, who is a student at )'Ir. and Mrs. E. C. Fitzgerald, of the Westtown School, is spending the Nlitledge, will entertain a bridge club spring vacation with his parents, Dr. I to which they belong next \Vedllesday \ViIliam Jaquette and Mrs. JaqueUe, of i\lrs. Benjamin \V. Collins, of Swarth- Elm avenue. more avenue, entertained her bridge .Mr. and Mrs. George McCracken, of club at luncheon 011 \Vednesday. Vassar avenue, entertained a Contract Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lampert, of Club at dinner and cards at 'IThe Har­Park a\'Cllue, entertained at dUlllicate vard" last Saturday evening. bridge 011 Saturday cyening. .Mrs. Frances Warren, of Walnut A party for the young married people of the meeting was given at \Vhiuier rlaivneed, whhomo eh. as been in Florida, has ar­House \Vedncsday evening. Mr. and },{rs. Winthrop W. Mellen, 1t.h. and Mrs. Richmond D. Fetherolf of North Chester road, entertained at lof Park avenue will entertain at bridge cards last Friday evening when their tomorrow evening. guests were: Mr. and Mrs. James C. I l\-frs. George Plowman and l\-Irs Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Em­nobert E. Sharpless will entertain at mons, Dr. George Armitage and Mrs. bridge in honor of .Mrs. Paul Sharpless Armitage, Mrs. R. Shepard, Mr. and this afternoon at the home of Mrs. ~Irs. Samuel M. Dodd. Plowman on Park avenue. The guests Nancy Fawcett, daughter of Mr. and will include Mrs. F. Don Price, Mrs 1\·lrs. Abram Fawcett, of College ave­John E. Fricke, Mrs. Arthur Pickard, nue, will entertain at supper before the l\lrslo John Broomal1, 3rd, Mrs. George Intermediate dancing class tomorrow ,V ASHINGTON Theatre--Chestcr WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, FRIDAY IRENE DUNNE 'NO OTHER WOMAN' CONTINUOUS FROM NOON evening. ! and l{rs. James A. Cochrane, oi . North Chester road, entertained at llJridge Tuesday evening at their home~ I 'rhe guests included Mr. and Mrs. Mar-o vel \Vils~n, Mr. and Mrs. John E. I Fricke, }rtr. and Mrs. William Sproul . Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dixson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. ShelmerdineJ Mr. and 1-1rs. Daniel S. Morse, ,Miss Anne Grier, Ralph Sloan and Frederick R. Long. Dr. \V. F. G. Swann and Mrs. Swann, of Ogden avenue, entertained the members of the Main Line Orchestra at a buffet supper last Thursday even­I iug, before the concert. !!/1II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111II111111111111111111111111111111111111'~ , 1 [iss Ell en Vie hover, of Rutgers a ve­I nue, had as her dinner guests last I Thursday evening, June Avery, Doro­i thea Dodd, William Taggart, John The Joy of Creation The hand knitted dress is not a passing whim of fashion. It has been worn by smart women for sport and informal day Wear for several years, and leading stylists predict an even greater popularity for the hand·knitted costume during the coming season. A NEW AND INTERESTING DEPARTMENT ~ Th~~~~ ~~ ~. Accessories p..1111& , , I I I i ~.:-"","-"",_,_....:;,:,,..,I I Kline, john Robinson and Richard ~ Smith. I Chandler Starr, son of Mr. and Mrs. ; \Villiam C. Starr, of Dartmouth ave­I nue, will leave shortly for Colorado, : wherc he will attend the Colorado : School of Mines. I The Servais children, of Dickinson 'a~'clluc, arc confined to their home by I chickenpox. j Miss Ruth Shoemaker, daughter of j lb. and !.[rs. ",Talter R. Shoemaker, ! is spending the spring recess of West­I town School, where she is a student, at her home on Riverview road. Carroli Thayer, of Riverview road, is confined to his home by illness. STANLEY THEATRE CHESTER All Week Starting Friday "42ND STREET" Warner Baxter Bebe Daniels George Brent Ginger Roge .... Ruby Keeler and many others This survey which has attracted state wide attention was undertaken by the Delaware County Medical Society with the able assistance and cooperation of the Delaware County Federation of Women's CIOJbs, the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce, the Delaware County Welfare Council, the Delaware County Tuberculosis Association and the Stzte Department of Health. Surgeon Joseph W. Mountin. of the Unhed States Public Health Service, who has been in charge of the rurvey will present the report. Brief reports on supplementary studies on social dis­eases and tuberculosis madE in con­junction with this survey will be made by Dr. Walter Clarke of the American Hygiene Association and Mr. Arthur M. Dewees of the Pennsylvania Tuber­culosis Society. Discussion of the reports will be led by Dr. Theodore B. Appel, State Secre­tary of Health. Mrs. John J. H. Phillips of Lans- DR. DAVID L1NCOFF 115 So. Olive St. MEDIA Eye Sight Specialist Reasonable Prices Physicians and Women's Club lead­ers from other parts of the state will be present to hear the report and take part in the discussion. Woman's Exchange Foods Are Not on Sale at Any Other Store in Swarthmore Home-made Bread, Ron., Cakes and Pwoh7. BreakfaBt-7 a. m. 10 9.30 a. m. Special 35. Luneheono--12 10 2 p .. m. ON ORDER IndividuaUy Decorated Birth. da,.. Cakes, Decorated Easler ~II" Chicken Salad, C .... b Newberg, Creamed Chieken, Pally Shells and Soups, WOMAN'S EXCHANGE 12 PARK AVENUE Phone Sw. 1993 Are You Ready for Easter? Come in and see our NEW FROCKS specially priced for this week-end including sizes up to 44 HATS AND SPRING ACCESSORIES The Gown Shop 6 PARK AVE. ONE OF THE LARGE MILK DISTRIBUTORS ADVERTISES "Yau Can't Wash Milk" if the milk that reaches your home has passed through careless hands, inferior equipmGiit or unscientific hand­ling. You probably will not be able to detect the impuri­ties by sight or taste and "you can't wash the milk." . Neither can you take the germs out hy pasteurizing it- You merely cook them Buy your Golden Guern~y Milk that is produced frQlll Tuberculin Tested registered Guernsey Cows, that is so clean that it doesn't need pasteurizing. For a sample or service call our milkman, GEORGE SULLIVAN, Swarthmore 102 RIVERVIEW FARMS LOUIS COLE EMMONS, Owner The Home of 100 Pure Bred Gue~nseys • MARCH 31, 1933 THE SWARTHMOREAN 3 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@®4@@Q "iU,MY; IMPROVEMENT ALONG CRUM CREEK The first step in the beautification of the low lands along Crum creek at the end of Yale a\'cnue has been comlJieted with the laying by the Borough of a twenty-four inch drain pipe from Yale avenue across the property to -the creek. This will prevent water from Yale avenue washing out the ground as it drains into the creek. The next step will be the filling in of the ground to cover the drainage pipe and leveling it off. Then good soil will be added and the entire area SOWJl with grass seed and beautified by shrubbery and plantings. The last part of the work is to be done fly the StraHl Haven Inn which has just signed an agreement with the College to rent the ground for a period of years. The agreement between the College anti the Inn provides that the land be im­proved. The Borough is anxious that ashes and clean rubbish be dumped over the low -ground at once as a protection to the draimige pipe which might otherwise be broken. Frank M. Scheiblcy owner of the Inn, is in agreement with this plan, l)roviding only clean rubbish is dumped. Mr. Scheibley has already had men at work cutting out the brush and smaller trecs in the area and he is anxious to go ahead with the beautification program as soon as possible. ---..... , ........ -- Necdlework Guild A meeting of the directors or the Swarthmore Branch of the Needlework Guild of America will be held at the \Voman's Club next Tuesday at onc o·clock. "he reb'lilar club day is selected for the cOllvenience of the directors. As t he policy for the coming year will he discussed it is hoped every director who possibly can arrange it, will be present at that meeting. Besides this gClieral notice a card wilt be sent each director, If any should be oyer-looked please consider this your notice! Presbyterian Notes Last evening, Rev. Dr. Tuttle was the prea(;her at the First Presbyterian Church, Lansdowne. In place of Vespers next Sunday, the service wilt be at eight o'clock, when President Johnson of Lincoln University will speak on its work for the colored race and the University cluartette of negro students will sing. Everyone is cordially invited to this interesting scn·­ice. Next Sunday morning at eleven, there will be the celebration of the Haly Com­munion and the special offering for the Sessional fund for the assistance of an aged and infirm charter member of the church. A new department of the Church school has been started,-the home d-;:­partment, for the study of the Sunday School lessons at home by those who, for any reasOn, are unable to attend the sessions of the school at the church, SUh· day moruings. The department starb with twenty-five members. The supel·­iuteudent is Mrs. Clara. L. Taylor, Rivcr­view avenue. A full program has been arranged for The Passion Week, Aflril 12th·16th. Sunday, the 9th, services for Palm SUb­day. Daily church services, Tuesday. Wedncsday, Thursday and Friday e\·t:· Ilings. Tucsday, the preacher is the Rev. Dr. Safford. pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Upper Darby. \Vedncsday, the annual dinner for the congregation, fol· lowed by the annual meetings of church and congrcbration. Thursday, The H.oly Communion with address by the Rev. Dr. Fergusson of Swarthmore. Friday, Pas­siolltide music hy the church choir. On Easter-Day, the early dawn service for young people. At morning worship, the reception of l1ew members and bal)tislU of children. At Vespers, the special Easter service of music. The special Easter offering on Easter­day at morning worship will be devoted this year to the support of the new church foreign missionary pastor, John R. Dick­son, M.D. in Shunteh. North China. I I • Canning Organized Notices are being sent throughout the county that a meeting wHl he held on Friday evening, April 7 at 8 P. M. in Dr. H. T. Hodgkin \Vord was received that Dr. Henry T. Hodgkin, of Wallingford, long prominent in missionary activities of thc Society of Frit..'11ds and one of the founders of Pendlc Hill school, Wallingford, died Sunday in Dublin, Ireland, where he was seeking to regain health after two years' illness. He was in his fifty-eighth year. Dr. Hodgkin was a native of England and had lived in this country only about three years, although he had made num­erous visits in his travels before that time, The Pendle Hill school, which he helped to found and of which he was a director, was ol>Clled September 24. 1930. It is a graduate center for social and re­ligious study. • I • Hervey Schumacher Hervey Schumacher, 61, who has lived in Swarthmore since 1917, was found dead in bed at his home, ZZO Haverford avenue at 9 o'clock Sunday monting-. Heart trouble is attributed as the cause 'Of death. 1\Ir. Schumacher who returned from Florida two weeks ago seemed to be in the best of health and made a social call with his wife on Saturday evening. He has been cOllllected with the Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Company in an official capacity since 1916. Prior to this he had been with the Peoples' National Bank of Pittsburgh and resigned as cashier to accept the position of treasurer of the Sun Shipbuilding Company in Chester. During recent years, his time was oc­cupied by superviSing Sun Village and Sun Hill properties of the Sun Shipbuild· ing Company in the capacity of vice president and general manager of the North Chester Realty Company. He was a member of the Chester Rotary dub the Springhaven club, the Chester club and the S\varthrnore Fire and Protcctive Association. The -funeral services were held Tues­day afternoon at the home. Interment was at Arlington cemetery. He is survived by his widow, a son, John A. of Newark and a daughter, Mar­jorie. BACHMAN'S QUALITY MARKET the Friends' Meeting House, Third C LAS S I FIE D street and North avenue, Media, to _____ -::::;:~_;:::;;:;;;;_-- form a permanent county wide organ- FOR RENT ization for summer canning and other vitally important projects facing the county. All are urged to attend. 14 PARK AVENUE Swa. 333 YALE AND KENYON AVES. Swa. 183 Low Prices-Highest Quality Best By Comparison' The committee in charge of this meeting consists of ]. H. Ward Hink­son, Fairman Furness, H. O. \Vilcox, Airs. Herman Cope and Mrs. Henry S. Barker. I I I Mothers' Assistance Fund FOR RENT-Furnlsh&1 apartment, livIng .voIl1, firep1ace. two bJdt!)oms. ba&h. dinette and kitchenette. Electric teo box. Swn. 1489. FOR RENT-Wlll share comforts of home with refined party or couple or will rent furnished room. Breakfast opt.1onal. Rea­sonable. Box K. Bwarthmorean Omce. FOR SALE FOR SALE-House for sale or rent. 8 bed­rooms. reasonable. call at 213 Yale Ave. or telephone Swarthmore 736-R. The Mothers' Assistance Fund of Dela-: -:....:-~===;:-c:::-:-;~:;:;~---- La 1 ft. 18 ware County has ZI8 families on its pay- WORK WANTED Legs m) ........... .10. C roll. On the waiting list there arc now Rack Lamb Chops ...... Iii. 15c about 40 families, who cannot receive any Round Steak on Roast .. tIi. 19c help because the fund is exhausted. Help Rump Steak or Roast. ,tIi. 23c to these families will have to be I'ost­Fresh Ground Beef. . tb. 13c poned indefinitely unless an increase in the appropriation may be obtained. Fancy Chuck Roast, .. ,tIi. 12c With the present continued unemploy-ment, the State Department of \Vclfarc Country Roll Butter. , .. tIi. 20c finds it necessary to ask for a larger ap-propriation, if all of these needy families Crisp Celery Hearts .... bun. 5c are to he taken care of. Snow While Cauliflo\l'cr If the State Legislature can find d enough money to give the Mothers' As-each .......... 15c an up sistance Fund an increased appropriation, Fancy Mushroonls ..... m. 23c the conditions in Delaware County will Juicy Florida Oranges, 20 for 25c , be greatly relieved. Tire Prices Take a Drop! This can only be a "cry temporary condition-trade your tires in now before tires start to go up. "re.tOfte Cour.le r type $3 • 45 ChFevorrodl et SPECIAL FOR APRIL 1ST TO 8TH TOP DRESS AND LUBRICATION Bring 'I1tis Ad With You $1.39 any car Prepare your car for Spring. We will clean and flush your I':uliator using Firestone Radiator Cleancr and check and tightcn all woter connections. Drive In Today Russell's .,.".,.., Service DARTMoum AND LAFAYETTE AVENUES Phone 440 WASHIN~REASING--TIRE-BATTERY-BRAKE SERJ'ICE WORK WANTED-White girl wishes posi­tIon doing general housework. Oood ref­erences. Telephone Swa.rthmore 41. FOR RENT Centrally located dwelling; bedrooms; $65 a month. E. C. WALTON five READY FOR OCCUPANCY $75-Modern brick, 8·room, Hardwood noors, garage. $65--9 rooms. large porch, 2.ear garage. S40-7·rooms. $35-7 room cottage. WM. S. BITTLE Swa. 111-,) I Notary Public Real Earale RENT 2nd floor apartment, 4 rooms and bath. Hardwood floors. Hot water heat. Janitor service. $45 per month. Detached stucco house, 6 rooms nnd bath. Front and. side porch. Large lot. Ideal location. $60 per month. Detached house furnished. 6 rooms and bath. 1 ear garage. Good loca-tion. $75 per month. . First fioor apartment--6 tooms and bath. First class in every respect. Large rOoms. hardwood floors. etc. Garage. CHAS. A. SMITH 'Phone Swarlhmore 705 FOR RENT 8 room house, single garage space, on Harvard Avenue, be­tween Rutgers and .Cornell. Re­duced rent $50. Phone Swarthmore 1686 I NORTH LA V ALLETI"E, NEW JERSEY I Ocean front eotlage ~very ~nve· nience fully famished. Saeri6.cing, sale or rent. Apply owner only, S. R. REAMER Haddonfield, N. J. Write or Phone for Appoln&men& ;a. iN. S@ .. p. IijL ;;;. M. Ii' • TAKE MOVIES OF Methodist Church Notes H. S. PUPILS The Queen Esther Circle of the On Tuesday afternoon moving pictures Methodist Church will give a onc-act were taken of all the Swarthmore High play, "Miss Burnett Puts Oue Over" School students by a special camera man At" from the Media Theatre. These pictures 011 Friday. Clara Jean Alston, ICC will be shown at the Media Theatre on Snyder. Dorothy Paulson, Ella May Swarthmore night, Wednesday, April 12, Beagle, Marion Burgett, and Dorothy as part of the regular show. RUfJp take part. There will be addi- I • tional entertainment hy the Swarth- Music Section I more Men's Quartet and solos by pro- I fcssioual singers and readings. The The music section will have an after- S\\,C"rthmore Men's Quartet consists of Iloon of modern music at the home of, Mr. Burris \Vest, Mr. Charles Deacon, Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde, of Swarthmore Mr. Allen Putnam and Mr. james W. and Ogden avenues, next Monday Johnstone. afternoon at 2 :30 P. M. Mrs. Clyde will be in charge of the program. :Mrs. Irma • • • Carels and Miss Mildrid Spencer will Preparations are being made for the be the other artists. . observance of Holy \Veek in the Method- The compositions given will be under ist Episcopal Church. Services will be three classifications-first, the impres-sionists; second, Paris Six; third, Con- held Wednesday and Thursday evenings, temporaries. and Good Friday afternoon. The program promises to he a very The choir will sing Maunder's "Olivet i~lteresting one as many of these selee· to Calvary", Sunday evening, April 9th. tlOns are rarely heard. I A Class of young people is being pre- I I I pared for reception into the Ch urcI 1 on Police May Get Radio Easter Sunday morning. The Radio Commission has granted the Swarthmore, Pa., police department a IJermit to build a police broadcasting sta­tion to operate with 50 watts power on a frequency to be assigned later. lOWe plan to use a station like that operated by the Philadelphia Police De­partment," said Albert N. Garrett, Jr., secretary of Swarthmore Council. "In~ structiolls to the police force will be broadcast from the station at lOS Park avenue. The expenditure to be made has not been decided upon." • • Queen Esther Circle The Queen Esther Circlc of the Swarthmore },,-Iethodist Church met at the home of Alice Snydcr, Yale avenue, last Friday evening. Miss Helen Single­ton, the Conference secretary, was pres~ ent and gave a talk on work among the Indians m different parts of the coun­try, I , • HEDGEROW THEATRE HONORS SHAW The Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Val­Icy. will join in the celebration of George Bernard Shaw's first visit to the United States by presenting the noted dramatist's comedy, "You Never Can 1'~Jl" 011 Fr.idaYI April 7. This satiric comedy ·oil the family institution is the only one of the seven Shaw comedies in the Hedgerow repertory to -Illay during the month of April. The week at Hedgerow ollens on Thursday, April 6, with Eugene O'Neill's "The Hairy Ape", a social drama. Marshall Gatchell the central role of Yank, sUiJported by Harry Sheppard. Miriam Phillips, and Dorothy Kite. "Hickory Dickory", a new comedy by Dorothy Nichols, is now in preparation for presentation on Friday, April 21st, Hedgerow's tenth annivcrs<:ry. Tonight'"s play is O'Hara's "The Years of the Locusts" and tomorrow night's is Lynn Riggs' "The SOil of The Finance Committee of the Church is conduding a preliminary publicity campaign in connection with the Annual Self-Denial and Thank Offering. This campaign closes on Easter Sunday. ESTATE OF W1LLIAli I~ANG (late or Swarthmort.', Delaware COlility. Penna.). de· (cased. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate ha'·c been grunted to the undersigned. who I"('quest all persolls having claims or demands against the Estatc of the decellen1. to make known tbe same. and nil persons indebted 10 the deeedcnt to nmke Ilayment. wUbout delay to HILDA L. DENWORTH. WALTER lJ. LANG, EXecutors. Or to their Attorne,)·. RAYMOND K. DENWORTII, 1420 Walnut Strcct. 1'lIlIa., Pa. 3·31·0t DELAWARE COUNTY Sealed proposals wlll be received at the County Controller's Omce. Court House, Media, Pa., until 10:00 A. M. and. publtcly opened at 11:00 A. M. on Tuesday, Aprll 11, 1933, for printing and furnishing approxi­mately one hundred a.nd sixty thousand (160,000) sets of Tax Collectors' receIpts; one hundred and fifty thousand (tOO,OOO) tax bills for boroughs and townships; twenty thousand (20,000) poll tax bills tor City of Chester. and seventeen thousand (17,000) real estate tax bUla tor City 01 Chester. Details are on die In the County Commissioners' Office. Proposals to be made on unit price per thousand sets for Tax Collectors' receIpts, and unit prIce per thousand on each type of tax bill required. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certIfied check of One Hundred and FIfty Dollars ($150.00) drawn to the order of the County ot Delaware. The County Commls.sioners reserve the rIght to reject any or all bids. JAMES T. STEWART. 3-24-3t County Controller. Magatine Subscriptions We solicit your orders and renewals BERTHA P. FARIES GILBERT S. FARIES 239 Ha"\-'erford Ave. Tel. Swa. B9~W Coal, Coke, C·99. Just order a trial ton of me. You will be Pleased. Gilbert S. Faries. Pcrdition". ~~ .................. " ... "~~~~~~ Bulletin IV APRIL FIRST - DON'T BE FOOLED! Your modern Aeeident and Health policy is incomplete if h fnils to eontain the features we have been printing. It must have:- 1. INCONTESTABLE, NON·CANCELLABLE provisions. 2. Doelor's fees payable for all lemporary illness or injury. 3. Addilional Nurse or Hospital henefils. DO NOT TAKE CHANCES! INSURE NOW! IneolUe IlldelUllity Illsnranee (;0. Regional Claims Office 1620 Lewis Tower Phila. Est. 1892 BOSTON, MASS. Call. ROBT. T. BAIR Special Agen' Swa. 1841 There Is No Safer Investment Than to fill your bin with Van Alen Bros. coal. You will get a lot of satisfaction in mid­winter when you go to the basement and find that you won't have to buy more coal before next spring. V AN ALEN BROS. COAL RIDLEY PARK 412 ; -I ; . , , . ! ';" , .. . l 1 , ! :

    ---------- Page 16 ----------

    4 THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PA. 'f ROBERT E. SHARPLES Editor and PubU.bcr Phone Swarthmore 900 i!nteC'ed .. Second CI ... matter, Jan.uary 24. 1929. at the POit Office at Swarthmore. P .. , under the Act of Match 3. 1879. - FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1933 William Craemer. and John Murrell were the members of the junior class who were installed at thi. time. The Society de­parted from their usual custom of ex· plaining the ideals of the Society and for the first time invited an outside speaker. Dad Waite, the speaker procurred, gave a very instructive and inspiring talk on the spirit of winning. The National Honor Society numbers over 1200 chapters in the United States in the various high schools. Its membership consists of 5% of the junior class and 15% of the senior class at time of gradua­tion, chosen from the upper third of re­spective cla-sse-s. -....,. . _-- TO LEAF AND RUBBISH BURNERS 'tHE SWARTHMOREAN shaw, Eugene S, Farley, Edmund M, Ferguson, Jr. Harry N, Moylan, Edward N. Moy­lan, Isaac Clothier Heyl. Charles E, Fischer. Frederick R. Foulkes. John E, Fricke, Walden Van Hagen, Thomas B. Hannum, Anthony Hoadley, Frank Holman, H. Trumball Howard, Philip I E. Howard, Howard M. Jenkins, Harry W. Lang, W. Staunton, Moylan, R. Spotswood Pollard, James Price, Wil­liam C. Reese, Malcomc S. Strieby, James Watts, James B. West, Charles Weston, John \V. \VhitHer, Edmond S, Wood. William H, Wood. Kenneth C. Yarnall, and Russell A. Yarnall. • • COMMUNITY EASTER MARCH 31, 1933 •••• JlfJJMIEB~IIEltn DISPENSING OPTICIANS 1iJ" ~Ial eH ESTN UT ST.. PHILAOELPH IA. Specialists in the making and fitting of Eyeglasses and Spectacles. JOSEPH E. HAINES, . .. , Onc who signs himself as 'fa neigh­bor" scuds the following poem as a tribute to the memory of S. S. Snyder. There is greatness in simplicity, In honesty and cheer, By TH£ POeT LARRY AT£ Oh I Kind sir, spare that match, Scratch not a single stroke, Why should the neighhors curse Thy noxious, stupid, smoke. DAWN SERVICE PTericfent. Plans are being made for the Fourth ~;;;;;~~;;;;~~;;;~;;;;~~;;;~;~~~~~ Annual Swarthmore Young People's i Community Easter Dawn Service to be He made the world a finer place Because he sojourned hcrc­He was that kind of a man. He didn't crave for riches, He didn't seek for fame, He didn't play to galleries, Just kindly played the game­He was that kind of a man. He had a Jesus in his soul, As well as in his creed, He scattercd seeds of charity, He crushed the hurtful weed~ He was that kind of a man. He roamed the hills and byways, He worshipped solitude, To him a lowly country road Meant prayerful interlude­He was that kind of a man. He had a (Iucllchlcss spark divine, That lit the lamp that burns- A man like that can never die, In hearts he stilt sojourns- HE WAS JUST THAT KIND OF MAN, A NEIGHBOR. ---....,. ..; .:....:....:=- Correspondence ,"'hen one has lived a long time in a neighburhood and few changes have taken place, the neighborhood sccms to take on some of the traits of a big family. The outside surroundings are something like a great living room where each, like children, has a par­ticular cuhby-corner called home, where they meet their prohlems, their joys, their sorrows, and play their own game of HfC'. But in the great outside living room, neighbors are not only ef­fected by their own affairs and duties, but. each feds a mutual interest in the other. 'rhe friendly word. the neighbor­ly act, the approving interest in what is done by each to keep the surround­ings attractive, all add to the pleasure of life, ' Then when the shadow falls upon a household, and the crape flutters 011 the door, there comes a silence over our hearts, and we remember (some­times with a pang of regret) many worthwhile, estimable traits, which we accepted as a mattcr of course in the 'pne who will no more be with us. Such a one has gone frolll the neigh­borhood of Vassar Avenue in Simon S. Snyder, a fricndly, kindly, neighbor, worthy of the name of a good man, who passed away March 18, 1933. He had beclI a resident of Swarthmore for thirty-six years. \Vas a Charter Mem­ber of the AI. E. Church, and had taken full intercst in building it up from its b~ginning. In such steady, quiet men, who seldom share the front pages of our newspapers, is thc foundation of strength of our country. \Ve accept them as a mattcr of coursc, and our value of them is far below their truc worth. This would he a poor, miserable land indeed if it were not rich in men of this type, in every walk of life. SH.AD E SIMMONDS, , . Mary Anne Brownlee :Mrs. Edward G. Brownlee, of Ger­mantown, passed away Ahrch 19. Ser­- vices were from the home Wednesday afternoon. Interment was at Ivy Hill cemetery. She is survived by four children, Mrs. W. Harold Tomlinson, of Yale avenue, Mrs. George \V. \Viley, of Ger­mantown, Louis N. Brownlee, of Ger­mantown, and the Rev. Joseph C. Brownlee of St. Claire. • I • SOCIETY HONORS H. S. STUDENTS At the regular morning assembly, March 27th, the National Honor Society, Swarthmore High School chop!er. install­ed the newly elected members. Frank Williams was elected from the senior class. -Katharine Armstrong was transferred from Ridley Park to Swarth­more and as she was a member of the Ridley Park chapter, she c::ompleted the 15% quota 10 he elected, Ruth Lewis. Burn not your soggy leaves, But wait till they get dry, Then when you light your fire, Smoke rises to the sky. You ought to know for sure, The acrid smokey pall, Annoys your neighbors more, Than all the leaves that fall, We're told to think kind thoughts. Truly, we know we shou1d, But when you burn your leaves, Our thoughts are not so good. Don't selfishly persist, And rouse thy neighbors' ire, Because they might insist, You land at last in fire. But change your thoughtless way, And when your life shall end. Those left behind will say, "He was a thoughtful friend." • I • Let us be glad- that April's here And gone is winter chill and drear; The stars all have a warmer light And seem to smile at Us at night, They bid us once again look up To catch each drop of life's full cup j April, that month to hearts to dear. Tells up again to be of cheer. The tree-tops take a solter glow As if they knew leaves soon would grow On their hare limbs, and joy the eye As they lift beauty toward the sky. Glad April with its Easter Day That teaches hearts to kneel and pray, And tells far more than tongue or pen, That Christ the Lord is risen again. MARGARET A, FASSITT. ••• W. C. T. U. May H, Van Alen, president of the Swarthmore Chapter of the W, C. T, D" this week made the following statement: "Thirsty and selfish men may repeal the 18th Amendment but they cannot repeal the pernicious effect of alcohol. It will be just as poisonous as in prohibition times. "It will still confuse the brain, unnerve the hand at the wheel, endanger the lives of other motorists, who if they are killed will be just as dead, as though .the acci­dent happened under prohibition enforce­ment." ••• Boy Scouts Last Friday, Troop 1 of the Swarth­more Boy Scouts was formally installed at the Friends' Meeting House. Mr. Henry M. Faucett, of the Scout Head-held on April 16th at Seven o'c1ock in the morning. This early quiet worship serv­ice may take place on the steps of Cloth­ier Memorial. Should weather be unfav­orable. the Cloisters of Swarthmore Col­lege shall be used. The speaker is Dr. John B. Roxby. The Committee consist of two representatives from each church in town. Honorary Chairman Ann Bon­sall, Episcopalians; Mildred Brewster, Tom Meyer, Methodists; Carol Farie:.. Frank Williams, Friends; Lydia Robert!l, Warder Cresson, African Methodists; Marguerite Carsoll, William Mad 0 x, Presbyterians; Elizabeth Schobinger and John Murrell, All Swarthmoreans and friends, Young and Old, are cordially in­vited to attend this enterprising Commu­nity Project. ---....,. ......- - MICKEY MOUSE Bless the modern movie house, For Walt Disney's "Mickey Mouse". How the children shout with glee When they learn that they will sec, Mickey walk across the screen, \Vith 11is roguish, royal mien. Mickey, you do magic rare, You can walk upon the air. How I marvelled when I saw, How you toyed with natural law. M iraclcs are plain enough When you strut and do your stuff. All the elve. in Fairyland. Gladly wait at your command. You are welcome at the homes Of the witches, fairies, gnomes. I forsake the ways of men, And become a child again, Laugh and shout with joyful thanks When I see your wondrous pranks. Step your step and dance with joy, Loved by every girl and boy, E. C. W. CHURCH NEWS TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and College Avenue Opposite the College Campus Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S. T. M. SUNDAY 8:00 a. m.-HoIY Communion. 9:45 n. m.--Sunday SchOOl. 10:00 B. m.-Blble Class. 11 B. m.-Holy Communion and Sennon. Mr. Guenther wlll preach Wl!DJlESDAY 10:00 B. m.-Holy Communion. FRIDAY 3:15 p. Ir •. -Ch1tdren's Service. 8:00 p. m.-"Questlon Bo,," and Dlscussion Group. THE SWART!iMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Ellery Tuttle, Pastor SUNDAY 10:00-Blble School. Large classes for men and women. 11 :OO-MORNINO WORSHIP. Holy Com­munion. quarters an d "JU r. J ames H art, D'IS t TI' C t 8:00---EVENING PWaOstRoBr'sW' APd. dress. Commissioner, presented the Troop President Johnson with their 2Jrd annual Charter. A joint of LINCOL~~ITY investiture ceremony was conducted by NEGRO STUDENT SINOERS TrOOI) 1 and 2. The Souts of Troop I WEDNESDAY raised to second class wcre James Dqr- 8:00-Mldweek Serv1ce for Lent. den, David WiI1its, and Robcrt Thorpe, :.::::...-====S:.:W=A..:,.=T..:m-=r::.o..:RE=::...---- and Mik~ Dravo and Clifford Rcnshaw METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH were awarded Tcnderfoot pins. LLOYD P. STEVENS. MINISTER 1-1 any parents and friends of the Scouts attended this meeting. The Troop committce consists of Mr. Charles G. Thatcher, chairman, Mr. D. Curry Armstrong, Mr. Harry L. Mil­ler, Mr. Elliot Richardson. and Mr. Howard M. Buckman. This is the oldest Troop in Swarth­more, having been registcred at Na­tional Headquarters in November 1910 with 1fr. J. C. Claghorne as the first Scoutmaster. The first complete record of the troop follows 2..s of November. 1913, almost twcnty years ago. The Scoutmaster was Edward F. Hitchcoc!c .and his assistants were Cy­ril Ainsworth and Arthur Lukens. The Troop Committee consisted of Wesley N. Clifford, Albert Ainsworth and B. S, Ebbin, The members of the troop at that time were Eric. Frank and Marcus Ain.worth. Edward Alger. Paul W. Al­ger, \\lilliam Ayres, H. Freeman Barnes, Charles E. Belfield, Henry Bit­ler, Benjamin Burton, George W. Ca­sey.~ Hamilton Cochran, Edmund eren- DO YOU ADMIT THAT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS BaN AN INFLUENCE FOR GOOD IN THE COMMUNITY? OF COURSE YOU no.:-THEN SUPPORT IT THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 9:45 A. M.-Flrst Day School In Whittier Hnu~e. 9:45 A. M.-Mornlng }<'orum In Meeting House will not be held on MarCh 26th because of Yearly Meet­ing. On April :!nd reports of Yearly Meeting wm be given. 11:00 A. M.-Meetlng for worship In the MeetlDg House. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.-Sewlng and QuIlt­Ing In Whtttier Home. Box luncheon. AU are cordially InvIted to JOin In these services. FIRST CHURCH OF CHIUST. SCIENTIST. OF SWARTHMORE Park Avp.nue Below Harvard services: 11:00 A. M.--Sunday School. 11:00 A. 61.-hundaf Lesson~rmon. Wednesday eveninG meeting each week. R p. m. Reading room. open dally, except Sundaya and. hOlidays, 1 to 4 In the after­noon; Wednesday 10 to 4. ChurCh edltlce. All ,are COrdially invited. &0 .&tend "Ule aervJc:es and U80 &be Beading Room. WANTED-A MAN WITHOUT FEAR Some big men will be discovered in the next few years. Fear, cold and unreasonable, has been gripping the nation. The man who subdues it, will go far. Fear causes a man to walk the streets, looking for a job. yet the chances are more than a thousand to one against him, unless he make. a position for himself. , We seek such a ma.n! Our busineos is sound, pleasant, digni_ fied and reaps rich rewards. Without high-pressure selling meth­ods, the public gladly buys our product, now, more than ever before. To the man who is willing to serve the public, an old East­ern Life Insurance Company can assure a position with financial returns far above the average. Reply by letter, giving full information and telephone num­ber to Box D, Swarthmorean Office We Would Like To Tell You! But our best recommendation comes from our customers-just ask your neighbor why they use Mason Heflin Coal year after year -why our service is the best-why we sell Super-Clean Famous Reading Anthracite. Phone us today - Swarthmore 6 - let us prove it by sending you a ton today. Mason COALI Hefli n co. Philadelphia and Suburbs If in the Spring of life you save here, the Summer of your life will be filled with finer, richer, nobler things. • SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. YOClNG PEOPLE UJill tell fl08 ••• "If you don·t have a telephone, you can't keep up with your friends! They expect you to be within EASY reach." MARCH 31., . ........... ••••• 00 •• 00; GRANGER SPEAKS i "That is the heartening fact: The de­AT MEDIA pression is a thing we can do some­Developments of recent weeks. fully justify genuine optimism in every field of economics, Albert R. Granger, re­gional vice-president of the Philadel­) Jhia Electric Company, declared to members of the Media Rotary Club Thursday in urging "the return of the confident smile." thing about I "There is a flippant saying that 'a sJlecialist is a man who knows more and morc ~bout less and less.' 1 have an olJinion that too great specialization has caused many of our difficulties. Each man concentrated his attention­his whole interest-upon his own small field or sub-division of a field of en- UThis is a new role for me to occupy," deav~r. he observed. "I have been here in Me- "He attended 'strictly to his own dia many times before. I have talked husine~s,' and thought it wa~ ,3 virtu­about the electrical industry. 1 have ous tiling to do. There wasil t enough even talked a tittle about how it feels I of. a ge?-cral attitude. EaCh. was so busy to be sheriff of an important county Wlt~ hiS own. smaH cog III the g~eat during a critical period in the country·s ~ac111ne ?e had no h~e, history. 1 talked facts then, solid facts i or Inchnatlon, for the and I assure you I haven~t changed a as a whole to see 1f It wcre workll1g bit, for I am talking facts today. pr.?perIYo·d d hin "If I d'd' b I' hO h He consl ere the mac e-the I n t e leve t IS more c eer- I' d' , f u I ath' t ud e toward II'f e I am adv ocat - great., comp I. cateI machmc of °n ational m, g h a da base ' b t t' 1ft I and mtcrnatlona commerce-Ill terms 10 su s an J3 ac, f h' , I I ' I wou Id n •t h ave el° th er the d'J SpOSI° tI' on or 0 . 15 OWIl partlcu ar cog., exc uSlve y. th e courage to £a ce you on any suc h I In ab manner of spe'a km" g, we were pro. posl' tI' on. B u t I f ee I th a t thI'S t'I me, fallb cair uretor men do' r Ignition menb or I' f we. d on 't Ie t th e 51' t ua tI' on run away an- e t men or ra lator men or at- W.i th us, we are gom, g to see t hm' gs teI ryt I men. Thbelr ed weret toAo few dcom- c1 °IC k aga. m. . Jl e e Y - assehm e - mo or -Idm e•n . n "Th' t t th' t . whc:t few t ere were cou n t get an . e I":IPO! an 1I1g 0 recofgnll~e effective hearing, for each one of us IS that . WlI.l nlllg our way out .0 .t liS f e It t h at 'f h k t I' , d depreSSIOn IS a matter of orgallizahon. I h' I e Ide p' t f u'sI tc og IIIk or er The depreSS'i on I'SI.l t iI'ek a fl 00d or t teU TmI ac met cou tnh al 0 h worb . an earth qua k e or some ot Il er naturaI. IIe' pasW mho n or soh abs ke en' a d' t It' d 't f 0 reve atlon. e ave seen t e an Sltu- Isas er. IS mall-rna e; I came. r m at ion reach a crisis and move immedi­faulty functioning of the economic ma-chine- and the machine is subject to ately forward toward the final cure; we have seen the foundation laid for a balanced national budget, which is a fiscal necessity.; we have seen the ris-repair. AIlIIOUIICIIiG NEW FUEL For the heater or fireDlace Compared with other high­est grade fuels, it has proved: 1. More lasting 2. Higher in heat value 3. Practically smokeless 4. Controllable in com­bustion 5. Entirely free from dust 6. Most easily handled and fired 7. Unvarying in quality SNda. InlroduclorY $PA,I .C E .aS Per net ton, delivered in Chester, Darby, Upper Da .... by, Llanerch and all towns intervening and near hy. Not to be confnoed with SOo called "briquettes". P.F is an entirely new fuel, origi­nated and perfected by the manufaclurel'8. -Order Today Ih. PI •• SRY •••• 'UI& lI.tII. COIIP •• 7 1I_1a,,,. Telephone Media 1067 . ing of a spirit of liberalism manifested by the beer legislation j we have seen a frontal attack get under way against our problem of unemployment. These developments are but the beginning. "There is the question of our rail­roads, toward the answering of which much important progress is being made. There is the question of our foreign trade, which ties in with a multiplicity of international questions­to solve which a joint action by the more important nations of the world is even now being organized. We are gettblg action, every hour almost now, on everyone of our pressing problems." - • I • GETS FINE RESULTS FROM ADVERTISING The State CUI Rate Store, of' 109 W. State Street, Media. put an adver­tisement in the Swarthmorean· as a convenience to their Swarthmore cus­tomers. "We were pleasantly surprised to find that many other Swarthmore people came in. They were amazed at the savings they could make on stand­ard nationally advertised items," said Mr. \Veiner, manager. "The Swarth­morean certainly is well read by the people of Swarthmore, and the adver­tising certainly pays." • • DON'T BE KEEN ON FLYING START "Don't be so keen on that 'flying start' at busy street intersections," cautions the Keystone Automobile Club, in a statement reminding motor­ists that pedestrian agility cannot hope to keep pace with automotive advances. "Drivers should remember," said E. P. Curran, Public Safety Director of the Club, "that pedestrians who have started to cross a street on the green signal have the right of way, even though the signal changes before they have reached the opposite curb. "At many street intersections, the waiting line of cars stopped by a traffic signal has the appearance of racers waiting for the drop of the flag. With the change trom red to green, they dart swiftly ahead, sometimes with Httl" regard for the pedestrian who is cross­ing. "The traffic laws of both Pennsylva­nia and New Jersey definitely give the right of way to pedestrians under such circumstances, and this fact should be borne in mind by drivers with the quick get-away habit. ANNA SCHALLES SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES PHONE SW. 1225 MUHLENBERG AVE., RUTLEDGE M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME 33 West Beltimore A veo CLIFTON HEIGHTS Madison 110 THE SWARTHMOREAN 5 .···&·4SMiiM' "On their part, pedestrians should c0- operate by not darting in front of moving vehicles or attempting to cross streets when the signal is set against them. We believe most intersection ac­cidents involving pedestrians can be avoided if drivers and walkers respect the rights of the other." automatic gas water-heaters with storage . tanks. 6, Afternoon and night ianitor and watchman. This man is on duty at night, a program decided upon by the board a f­ter the school had heen robbed several times. • I Each of the ahove employees must re­port in time to get fires started to heat buildings to 68 degrees by 8 a. m. daily, Since each man does cleaning also, all of which must be done after close of school, he seldom leaves before 5 :30 p. m. especw ially in muddy weather. Thus his winter schedule is about eleven hours daily and Roard Defends Need for Janitors four hours on Saturday, a 59 to 60 hour week. (Contin"~d from Page One) 3. Fireman at the College avenue build­Edenhart and the other janitors. The cost ing. Building has six hot.air furnaces, of applying the two coats was $84.75 for one Coatesville steel steam boiler, and materials. The lowest estimate by a one dome hot-water heater, AU these are painting concern was $325. This work fircd with ash-buckwheat coal. There is was done by the janitors along with the a cast-iron steam boiler which for econo­regular summer work and while s~mmer my is fired only in coldest weather. At high school, and the domestic science, other times it is used as 3n incinerator shop and recreation programs were in for waste from the dass-rooms and progress. tafeteria. Members of the board feel that the Further equipment; large ventilating salary paid Mr. Edenhart represents one fan, electric driving motor, two air pumps, of the best values in the entire system. This man also does some cleaning but The other six janitors and their work the firing and removal of ashes requires may be described as follows: most of his time. 1. Janitor-custodian of the Rutgers ave- 4. Head colored janito" Full cleaning nue school. Grounds cover nine acres. program, including sweeping, glass, por­eight acres in grass which must be cared celain, and paint cleaning; dusting and for during growing ~eason. Also consid- mopping. In charge of lining aU athletic crable shrubbery which. must be cared for fields for interscholastic and intra-mural and protected from children. contests. . Mechanical equipmen.t of ~uilding i~-I Messenger service. Carries lunches dUdes: three .Johnson. lIldustnal type ~Jl daily to Rutgers Avenue school, carries bcrners, ~wo In h?t a.'r £urna~es,. one 111 books and supplies between buildings; steam bol~cr; whlrlwmd ve~tdatmg. fan carries official papers, checks, etc. to bank and electriC motor; three tOilet ventdat- and to ltomes of school board officers us-ing exhaust fan~; air pressure equipment ing own ar at own expense. ' for thennostattc controls; Telechron Assists with al1 janitor work of High e!ec~ric cloc~ system with automatic bell- school building. . Tlngmg deVice j auto-caU fir~ alarm sys- 5. Day janitor at High school building, tem j Rudd gas heater j misc. showers. I fl' 'b 'Id' , d t it t . th five toilet rooms and m c .large? c eanl!1g entIre Ul. 109, m-atwn o 1o0c kee sr -dirlle g rooms. cludl11g daIly c1eanmg of cafeterIa. Custodian also assists in overseeing conduct of pupils in corridors. on steps. MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON in toilet rooms, on playgrounds, etc. 2. Janitor-custodian in charge of new CQllegc avenue grade school building and JOSEPH Eo QUINBY ERNEST G. SNODGRASS. ASS'T shop building. Mechanical equipment of FUN E RAL D IRE CTO R S buildings includes: two oil burners in het air furnaces; whirlwind ventilating fan :B~E~L~L;;P~H~O~N~E;;4;;;;;;;;;;~M~E~D~I;A;'~P~A~. and electric DIotor; two toilet ventilating r exhaust fans i two pressure pumps and FIRE WOOD motors for thermostatic control system; Standard Electric Clock system with EN'JOY THE COOL. BREEZES OF SWARTHMORE THIS SUM. MER UN'DER WELL MADE AWNINGS WINDOW SHADES SLIp· COVERS FRED J. HARLEY UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTORING SWARTH. 1441 THIS Colafemina Vineyard Delivered in Basement $12.00 per Cord Phone: Media 646 R I FOR SALE OUR SERVICES BILL &. CHARLIE KIMMEL & SON Builders, Painters, Paperhangers SWARTHMORE, PENNA. The schedule of salaries for the men listed above, not necessarily in order, are as follows: A-$1039; ~45; C-­$ 1512; 0-$1039; E.-$945; F-$I404; G-.$1641. The School board has thus far gone on record as favoring the same percentage of sal a r y reduction. approximately twelve per cent, for these mcn as for the teaching staff. An Institution in Delaware Counly for fifteen years 'hlue coal' B-PP-EU' Q.~. Gulf Atlantic FUEL OIL GIRARD-MILLER LANEA.DA VIS ----Resident Mgr. Med• "d BROOKE AND la I' • PAINTER 5 TREETS Swarthmore Media 62-400 1600 ~" ~IQ33L \ WASHIMC M£THODS , AlD SAllj)ATIO~ \, CERTIFIED, , . \ \(·1'· .'.' 'l'" ~ ( -; • (( .... ,)'.0. . \. ;I"'iil"" l ·.U"~·k1 {'.'Ii'''' ~ Our WASlUNG PROCESSES Rnd SANITATION have been approved by "The SCientific Research Commis­sion." Comparatively few laundrIes In our entire State have succeeded In pass. tng the severe tests. Guard your famlly's health. Pa­tronize the MEDIA LAUNDRY. Inc. Phone Media 174 "Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900" MODERN GAS RANGE HOUSECLEANING TIME ••• or any time, everyone in the house, it seems, wants Hot Water at once. An Automatic Gas Water Heater is the solution. Come in and select one ••• $2 down, 2 years to pay. 30 Days Free Trial WILL MAKE YOUR KITCHEN NEW Paint and clean as you will ••• it's hard to' make the kitchen look bright and modern with an old range. See this handsome Quality Gas Range with oven heat control, roomy insulated oven, and all mod. ern improvements. Ch~ice of colors. Vet look at the price! Only $56 Cash $2nown 2vears to Pay Also a fine Quali", Gas Range at $42.50 Cash Prices slightly more on Budget Plan All Our Suburban Stores, or See Your Plumber or Hearing ContTactor • PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY A Pionur in Volunlarily EJlabJishing Low Rata far All E/ecrric Sen.,.., I . · ! .. f i ,• · ~ , ", I i : , , I .. : ! .t · , : I' , · ' , 1 '" .j . · ~ } ,•

    ---------- Page 17 ----------

    ! 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN MARq~ 31,1933 jIItii!iMJ.~!Il.wsa(iWl\l!riif&ii •• &&~MIiI\MMt\1&h~i;i!lliHiismli!WMffililiiR2MiiiHi liiiiidM .... W •• , ... ".Ii!. .... alii6tlh\&fi W ASmNGTON TRIP FOR CLUBWOMEN NEWS NOTES Mrs. \\T. H. Dickinson, of Mt. Holy- The Philadelphia Art Alliance is spon- oke place, entertained a sewing group soring a trip to Washingtoa for all c1u'b to which she belongs on Tuesday after­women and their friends on Saturday, noon. April 29th. The trip has been planned as Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitts, of South an aid for the "Flowers for the Flower- Chester road, are entertaining Mr. less" committee of which Mrs. George Fitts' parents for a few days. of Woodland avenue. twenly feet to a point: thence extending aouth lIille degrees. twenly· two mlnule8 eaat. on(' IJUlldred tlfty Il'CL to a point in the 1I0rtIJweaterly rh:hl·of·way line 01 the PhlladelJ.hia &: Garrettrord Stl'l'Ct Rallway Company: Ihen~'l' extending- along same north eighty d[·gre('s. thlrly-clglJt mlnutl'8 east. two hundred sixty·six feel and nlnety·nlne one hundredlhs of u loot 10 Ih" poinl and place of beginning. sun'eyed for Wood. Harmoll &: Com pall)", by Harrl8 &: Damon. C. E.. Darby. PenllBylvanla, Allril 11102. which 88ld phm 18 duly reconled In thl' olnm for tbe "'CordIng of deeds. etc., in De~,(] Book H. No. 10. page 038 and de. 8erlbed a8 follows. 10 wit: Situate on the eastt'rly aide 01 Wildwood avenue at Ihe dlstall(e of one .hundred finy t('('L nurth1l'ardl)' from the northerly side of Ualtlnwm avellue. as sbown on the eald plan: (Olltaillimr In frollt or breudlb on tbe said Wild .... ood avenue twenty·flve leet and ex. tendlnlC 01 tbat willth In length or depth east. erly one hundn.'tI twenty feet to the J't'ar line 01 Lol No. US. No. 13 Wildwood avcnue. East Lan"""wlle. }'a. Home and School The next Home and School Association meeting wHl have, as its main feature, a demonstration of the Physical Education departments of the junior and senior high school. This meeting will be held in the Prep School gym on Thursday, April 6th, at 7 :30 p. m. The meeting is open to all parents and adults of the community. Be­cause of the 1imited scating facilities, the young people of the community will ha've an opportunity to see this program at an­other time. Holt Strawbridge is chairman. Franklin C. Ellis, of Rochester, will Sold as the l.rolJCrty of h'y B. Welltz. The Pilgrimage will leave from the spend this week end with his parents, B. & O. station in Philadelphia but will Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis, of WaJ-COllditiuns- S1.5()O.OO t'ash or certiftf'd cbet'k 011 day of 8uh·. balanre ill tcn da)·II. Further Murch T(·rm. 10a:J make stops at Chester and other point~. nut Lane. J,UTZ. ERVIN. REESER AND FRONEFIELD Upon arrh-al in Washington they will be 'I' l\f A I' Ell' t AND EDW. H. BRYANT. JR .. Attorneys. met at the Union Station by Royal Blue I "t" ISS k ardgarte~ ~l~ I~ t' IS spen Line de luxe busses which will take them as wee en a es 0111:. Fil'ri Fut'la8 to their hotels for lunch. The first stop nob~rt . Sanfo~d, who was IIIJured last (,(lIIdllioIl8 allllolllR'Cd at 83le. No. 322 Urnll'r alld subjet't to the payment of a (.'Crtllin mortgage debt or 8um of thlrty·flve hundred do'lars. together with In. tere8t then>oll. Also under and subject to cer. taln rescn·ations. after lunch will be at .the \Vhitc House j wec~, IS IInprovlllg slowly. grounds where PreSident and Mrs. Richard Powell Taylor, so no£ Mr. Roosevelt have graciously said they would and Mrs. E. H. 'raylor, of Harvard be glad to greet the visitors provided avcnuc, wh? had Jus. leg ~roken a fe.w their days' schedule permitted this. Then weeks ago IS recovermg IIIcely and Will again by busses for a sight seeing tour, soon be able to walk. Iml'roVemt'ntH cOllsiat of !wo and one.half slury I'lu«(.'O hou~. lUx:13 fcct. Enclosed frollt All that (erlain I"t or piecl' of ground. I I.orch. Olle·story 8tU~'CO addition. (lxO fect. situute III the TOWll8hlil of UIIII('r Darby. Frame garage. 18xJ8 f('t'1. Coullty of Delaware. and State 01 Pe:lIIsylvllllla. dcshmated anll known "" Elm. E HlO. E 1&0. E HiS anil l!art uf E 157 all II <'I'rtaln plan of lots mad" for Drexel Hill Realty Company The plan of having the demonstration of the Physical Education department at this time, was adopted so that the work developed in the gymnasium lessons, could he presented before the period for which the Prep School gym was rented, was ended, and also because it fit in properly with the close of the indoor gym season. Sold all th" proJ)Crly of Adolph E. Krum. boldt and Esther. hi", wife. passing the legations. Cherry mossom~. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wahl 01111es, of Cor­and on through Rock Creek park, visiting nell avcnue, entertained at bridge last Alexandria, and on to Mount Vernon I Saturday evening. by Dllmon &: Foster. C. E.. Uppcr Darby. COllllitions-$:!50.0() (ash or certitletl check P1'1I113. ami mure l!articu!ar))' dest'ribed ae·. 011 da~' of Rale: balallce III ten days. Furtber .ordill;:- to a ct'rtuin RUr\'t'Y mId Illall Ihereof cOndItlOlIs 311nOUlllCd :11 sale. mndt' by DOlllun &: Foster. C. E .. under date of Mar"h l~t. lIJ:!O. as follows. to wit: !kgin· ninl: al 'I )luint in the southeuRlcrly side of Woodl,""i aVl'lllle (fifty feet wide) at the dist:ll)(l' of t wClIty rel't measured south eighty deJ:r('('s. thirty·clJ:ht millutes west from the illtersct'tion of the "oulhea~tell)' side of Woodlalld ""elllle and Ihe t;()utherly sil!e of Hurmolll road t II fly ret'l witle): t henee ex· telldinrr SQuth pighty degJ'l'('s. IhlrtY-i!'lght minules wc~t alnll" the said southeasterly side uf lVoodlalld a\·ellue. two hundred feet to a )lolnt: them'(' extending souih nine dpgrees. I wcnty-t wo minutes ('ast 011 a lille dh'lding 'ots Nos. E IO:! and E 161. one hundred fifty fect to a 110Ilit in tit" ri!,ht·of·way line of the Pbiladelllhia &: GarretUord Stre~t Railway Coml!aIlY. thNICC exlt·ndinrr alollg 8:1me 1I0rth eil!'hty d,·grees. thirty-ciJ:ht minutes cast. two huudretl feet to a point: tht'nre extending north lIille dCl!'rees. t wenty·t wo minutes. west. thru 'ot No. E 157. one hundred tlfty feet to the tirst mentioned Ilolnt and plnce of beg-illninf;'. The May meeting will be devoted to the election of officers and a demonstration of the Music department of the school. Tht!! will close the activities of the Home and School Association for this season except where special guid~s will be provi(~ed. re-I Mrs. Charles IS.racl, of N?rth Prince­turning to Washmgton by a dlffercnt ton a\'cnuc, who IS at the Stetson Hos­route and more sight-secing, then to din- i pital is improving slowly. ner and back to the station. Tll~ cost of Boh Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. the entire trip being $6.25 for adults and R Chester Spencer, celebrated his $5.25 for children. thirte:!lIth birthday on \Vednesday by Everyone knows of the work of this entertaining sixteen of his friends at committee and many of our local residents supper. have sent flowers. It is hoped that luany I Mrs. Russell Phillips, of Strath Haven will take this trip, thus giving enjoyment avenue entertained at luncheon and to themselves and friends and help the bridge 'on Wednesday in honor of her "Flower" work along too. I guest, Mrs. Emmet \Veaver, of Harris- Further infonnation may be obtained at burg. B • . I Pilgrimage Headquarters, e ~ Jam I n I Mrs. W. A. Johnson and Mrs. H. l\£. Franklin hotel of by. tc!ephonmg Mrs. Johnson, of Dickinson avenue, enter- No IlIIllronments-Yaeant grolllld. Arthur Redgrave, chalTluan of the Gar- tained informally at their home last Suld a~ the Ilro/lerly of Iyy B. Wentz. den Section of the .\.V.:o. man's Cluh. evening.' Conditions-S1.000.00 ea~h or certified eheek F I ·ghtly ~Irs. John Reid Hanna was among 011 day of sail'; balance in ten days. Further or nl the hosteSses at the Merion Tribute l'Oll(litions announced at 8ale. Mrs.,' jO'h.; Fawcett, of South Chester road, entertained "The Fortnightly" :\Ion­day afternoon. Mrs. Sargent Walter gave a talk on a cruise she recently took through the Caribbean Sea. Especially interesting were her descriptions of the islands owned by the United States over which a former Swarthmorean, Paul :\f. Pearson is governor. Mrs. Walter was Mrs. Pearson's guest for several weeks and then Mrs. Pearsoll accompanied Mrs. \Valter 011 the rest of the cruise. Mrs. Alva Konkle sang a group of songs accompanied by Mrs. Fawcett. Mrs. Thomas McCabe gave the book re-view. "The Fortnightly" is going to give !l card party for the benefit of the Commu­nity Center welfare work at the Woman's Clubhouse, on April 21. • I • Ladieo Win A contract bridge tournament was held at the Strath Haven Inn on Tuesday eve~ ning when twenty men challanged the Friday club of twelve and two foursome clubs. The committee 111 charge of the ar­rangements consisted of Mrs. \Vesley N. Clifford, Mrs. Bayard H. Morrison Mrs. Sproul Lewis, Mrs. H. R Lincoln and Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Arthur Robinson di­rected the tournament. The ladies won by 1000 points. FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICE CALL A. WAYNE MOSTELLER 10 PARK AVE. Svvartbrnnore 1568 ,- HO!1se Tuesday afternoon when a tea LUTZ. ER\'IN. UEESER AND FUONEFIELD was gi.v en fo r '..I rs. R aymon d K u h r t , 0 f AND EDW. H. DRY ANT. JU .. Attorneys. I Gcrll1~lltown, following her talk on Fil'ri Fal'ias No. 2-1 Coloma I Homes. . I 1\1 r. and l\lrs. Phelps Soule and son, of North Chester, road, have moved from North Chester road to Swarth­more Crest. .The Reverend J. J arden Guenther, Mrs. Guenther and their children were at Atlantic City for a few days this week. 1\1 rs. A. Penrose Robinson, of Uni­versity Place, left Wednesday for a ten day visit with her parents at New Rochelle. The American Legion Auxiliary wishes to thank l\lartel Brothers for the aid given the hen~fit card (larty on March 15. ••• Legion Auxiliary The Legion Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Clark Davis of Strath Haven avenue next Wednesday at 2 :30 o'clock. Plans for a benefit dance will be disclIssed. SHERIFF'S SALES Sheri rr Sales of Rc,,1 Estate At the Sheriff's Office Court HouSI'. Media. P('nn.yh-ania Salurday. April ~2. 10aa 0::10 o'eloek A. M. Eastern Siandartl Time Flo'ri Fadas Mar('h Term. 1033 No. 321 All Ihal ('ertain lot or piece of ground. 1If arch Term. 10:13 All that ('{'rll!in lot or piece of jl'round situ. nte in the Dorough of 1Ilorloll. County of Dela. ware und Slate of Pennsylvnnia and descrlb~d ao'Ordill!!, to a suI'Vl'y and plan thereof made by Damon &: FOHter. C. E .. March !!fI. H128. as follows. to wit: Dl'l!'inning" at u )lolnt formed by the Inter. !'Cction of the ('asterly "Ide of Highland uve. nu~ Illfty feet wide) and the slIuth,'rly side of Provid(!nc(' roatl (t hirtY-Hix nnd fil'e.tenth", fret wide): thenl.~ exlpndinl!' alonl!' the soltlh. erly side of snid Pro\-idl'lIfe road sOllth elghly. nine deg-r~pl! thirty-five millutl's enst four hun. drt'(l s('\'enly nlld elghly-thrcI! one-hundredths reel to a I)olllt: IheJl('C extending Ronlh sel'en de;:-rees fi"e minutes fifty Reconds cast three hundred flftY-HI!\'en and ekhty·two one.hun. dr"dths feet to a Iloint; Ihl'lICl' ('xtl'lI"ing 1I0rth eil"I,~·-.. il"ht dcg-rer-s forty·fuur minutes wcsl Ill'e hllndred twenty-two nnd eiA'hty·three one. hundredlhs feet 10 a )loint in said enslerly side Ilf Hir;hland a\'enlle: thence extending along the same north one .I(,gree sixteen minutes cast Ihren hltlldretl forty·scven alld fi\'e olle-hlln. dtedths feet to the first mentioned point and ,,In('C of beginlling-. Conlainlng fOllr acres. Und"r amI sublect to ('('rlain eOllditlons and I('strictions. EXfCI.tin;: therr-ollt all thnt certain lot or pil',,' of !!Totllld IleJ;'inning' at " )loint in the ea.tcrly sicb 01 saitl Highland l1\'enue at the .1i"tan(.'C IIf 011" hundn .. d nlnety-so\'en and five lIne·hundretlth>J feet southwardly from the soutl\t'rly side of Provideme road: thencc ex­\(," ding along said side of Highland avenue. south Olle dpg'l'l'e sixleell minutes west one hundred fl!ty r('et til u point; thenCE exlemling south ci!rhly-eight degrees forty· four minutes c: .. t one hund1'('<1 fi fly feet to a Iloint: thenw ,·xtcnding north one degrce sixteen minutes east one hundrell fifty fnet to a l)(Iint: thencc extelldinir nnrth elghly·eight de!m!es forty·four minutc" west one hundr<>d fifty fl'l't to II point in the l'astm'ly side of sold Hig-hland avenue. No imllrO\'ements-Vacant ground. Suld as the )lrOllcrty of Benjamin F. Glol-cr. Jr .. and Hilda J •. Glover. his wife. and Allen L. DUJl('e and Hazel Dupee. his wife. Conllitions-$~!i;O.OO cash or certifled check 1111 day of sa'e: balance in ten days. Further 'i)miitions announced at saIl:. HAROLD L. ERVIN. Attorney. Rituale in the Township of Up/ler Darby. CO\\llly ()f Dl'lawarc and SllIle of Pennsyh'DniD. designat(~1 and known as pnrt of Jot No. E 157 on a ('t'rtain plan of lotf! made fo~ Drexel Hill R,'ally Company by Damon &: Foster. C. E .. UIlIJer Darby. PII .. and more partkularly des'rib .... a~or,Ung" to a survey and plan there­of made by Damon & F08ter. C. E. uudl'1' date I IIf Mnrch lst, 1026. as follows. to wlt: Be. Fieri Fa~ias !rinnin!; at a Ilolnt. the corner formed by the int('rsertion of the northw('ster)Y" right.of-way 1I1arch Tel'm. 103:J Nil. 1341 line (If the Philadelphia &: Garrettford Street All Ihat certain lot or piece of groUlld. with Railway Company (forty fert wide) and the I the buildingM anti improvemenls Ihereon ('re<'\. southl'rl)' side of Burmont road (Ilfty feel I 't t . th B h r Lan do,,-ne . I ) et. 51 lIa e III e Ilrou!!' 0 s • HWIu(r (m' o: n\ threona .d. e Iehxe tefnodlilnogw inaglo ntgw' o saciodu rsseidse anodf IC oullly of Delaware uml State of Pcnnsylvania. distances. north forty-eight degrce~. tw('nty-flve bounded anti ,ll'seribed according to a <ertain ' minlltes Wl'st. thirty feet and sevcnty.two one ~ur\'ey nnd plan thereof made by Alonzo H. hundredths of a foot. and north seventy de- Yocum. County Surveyor. April 5. 1023, as groce. twenty-two minutes. Ihirty seconds west. follows. to wit: two hundred sixty feet and twenty·five one hundrNiths of a foot to a Ilolnt the intl'rsce­lion of said side of Burmont road. and the sOlltheu.terly side or Woodland avenue (fifty feet wide): thence extending south eighty de­greps. thirty-cighl minutes west along said 8ide HE l\'1 LOCK TREES FOR SALE Beg-inning" at II IIoint in thl' sontherly side of Bartram aVl'lIue (forty f!'et wide) at the distanre of fifW-two and fifty-four one-hun. drl'dths f"et sOllthwest from the southw('st side of Cedar avellue (forty fect wide): thence I extendin!!' along the said side of Bartram a\'e-, nul' South seventy-sc\'ell d<'!!Tees fifty millutes. west twenty-six Ilnd twentY-Bel-en one-hund. retlths fect to a ,loint: thence extending- be. tween llarallel lines to the said Cedar a\'enue E. LEROY VAN RODEN. Attorney. JOHN J. CAIN. Sh('riff. Crowds See Philo. Flower Show the final ~ward of the Home an~ School Scholarslllp at Comlllencement tnne. More beautiful than ever because of anI The date for the annual school exhibit entl. rc c Il ange of arrangement to penm. t a I hd as been s.e t for J Wedne7stdha y adn d 8Tthh urs·n- .. . ay evenlllgs, une an , I full View, Without obstructIOn of all of classrooms of the school, at 'which time the important exhibits, the Philadelphia the work of the year will be presented Flower Show opened on Monday, for the for the examination of the parents. entire week. .1. As usual it was held in the Commercial Museum, which permited Philadelphia to Boys' Basketball show under one roof the largest collec- Paul Brown's Fiying Arrows beat the tion of Spring Flowers ever assembled in . . this country. Cardmals 111 a b2sketball game at the Altho the exhibit is so vast and varied,· Prep School Gym on MOllday evening. the outstanding features are merely one's I The game, one of the best and the most point of view according to one's fond- exciting game of the past two years ness for certain flowers. The big exhibit!! was close at all times and was only that attracted unusual attention were the won by the Arrows after going into largest collection of tulips and hyacinths extra periods. These games are draw­ever sent out of Holland. These came ing larger crowds every time they play from the, Dutch Bulb Exporters Asso- and the cheering for both teams was ciation of Haarlem, Holland. and were a full of pcp. These teams are coached colorful Show alone. by Frank Fitts, Paul Brown and Peter Another big feature of the Show will Told. be a grand exhibit of acacias. Being the hundredth anniversary of the introduc. tion of acacias in America. the first hav­ing been shown for' the first time at the Philadelphia Flower Show of 18.:13, the famous $100,000 group, in its entirety,' from the "Lynnewood" estate of Joseph E. \Videner. were prominently displayed. This is the largest collection of acacias in the world. Large gardens arranged with the latest in landscaj)c effects with forced roses, shrubbery. azaleas and quantities of bulb­ous flowers were greatly admired feat­ures. The lawns are of real grass grown in greenhouses especially for these gar­dens. The immense Commercial Museum Building were elaborately decorated with palms and woods' smilax completely transforming the interior, into a tropical landscape, a most appropriate setting for the Show. llusic this year was furnished by l\Irs. Dorothy Johnstone Baseler's celebrated ensemble of women harpists. ••• Fertilizers Grass Seeds Roller Wheelbarrows Clean-up Tools Vegetable Seeds Flower Seeds Garden Tools SUPLEE'S STORE so. CHESTER RD. TUNE IN YOUR RADIO TO WIP every Wednesday evening lit 8 P. M. and listen to Michell's Garden Talks. Ho.., Ca" I. lIes tore Mil La..,,, , The best answer to this ques­tion which is being asked by thousands of Philadelphians is: Ist, buy seed of knoWD qual­ity - some mixture8 contain over 50'"' worthles8 chaff'; 2nd, slarta' once-seed planted now will he better established when dry weather arrives;3rd,8ccure coml)etent advice in deaJi;]g with your particular probleDl8. Dreer's eelebrated Lawn Grass Seed Mixtures are a product of selection and cleaning, as well as experienee and integrity • They arc noted for thcir adapt. ability to variations in soil and other conditione, and the c08t is no greale~ than that charged by other house&. Come in to our store for C01J1'o teous,competentadviceon your lawn and garden problema. There are DO parldull r.,.trlelloD .. HENRY A_ DRE£R 1306 SpriDa GardeD St., Ph1Ja., Pa. l\!ost people think the hemlock the most beautiful of evergreens. It grows south thirl~' !le!!Tees seven. min~tes ea~t 011 trha pidly, endur.e sh shabd e and is the most durable and satisfaclo r). t g F the easterl~' hne thcreof slxtY'elg-ht and !rll' 1.==================::.., esc reasons 0 row. or I oll{'·hundredths fel't alld on th<' westerly hne 11 as ecome our state tree. thereof s~\\'en and twent~ .. threc one. ~_Sf~m5~~~LC~wandsee~rem.Prie~~~HaH~~ep~_lh~*ed~~t.t~re~lioot~re~ro~~~ -~====================~====~=~==~~~===~ Swa. 105 DREER'S ceeds for local unemployment relief. inl' twenty-five feet. J. RUSSELL SMITH, 550 Elm Avenllc-Swa. 470 \-nd"I' and subject, tn ccrtain bllihlinl!' re- GET OUR PRICES Spring Tune-Up for Power Safety and Appearance HANNUM & WAITE Chester Road and Yale Avenue Swarthmore 1250 strict ions. • I Imlll'O\-eml'nts consist of two·story stucco I' house 16x33 feel. EIlc1osf'd front poreh. Rear por('h. Sold as the property of Han'ey Clark alld I Lillian B. Clark. his wife. Conditions-S2r.0.00 cash or certified check nil day of sale. balance in ten days. Further conditions announ<'Cd at sale. HAROLD L. ERVIN. Attorney, Fieri Facias De Bonis Et Terris. No. 1586 December Term. 1032 All that certain Illeee or panel of land with the buildings and Imllrovements thereon erect. ed. situate In the Borough of East Lansdowne. I County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, desilmatt'd and known as Lot No. 131 on a certain plan 01 lots called East Lansdowne. LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS Sow OLD ENGLISH Lawn Grass Seed Plant Sweet Peas-Fertilize the Lawn Loma.Vigoro-Bone Meal-8heep Manure--Hyper.Humu8 Store Open Friday and Saturday Evenings till 8 P. M. During Sprinc Kentucky Blne Grass, Orehard GrasH, Shady Grass, Bent Gnu, Terrace Grass, White Dutch Clover. McCALL'S SEED STORE 6th & Madison SIS. Call for Cata'ogue Chester 9245 PITI'SBURGH SUN-PROOF PAINT AND ENAMELS r

    ---------- Page 18 ----------

    INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN MARCH 31, 1933 NEWS NOTES r-n-~~--~-M-i--f.U-r-'t-l-t--l-i-1l--i-i- -1- i. illLU1f@§U.u1!~~'~fiKl'lrntl'\i'iffi'i'6'DrtiUrM~~twI ~~~1!7~~timfJ\Wl\ifk'fuTIi;;l®JM-XWbi'iN~~illLum WASIIIN(;TON THII' Hut (;J.lln\\,():\IE~· lIul)l«' mill S,'hool uf \\·ullCllaIl41 :&\'4'IlIU', 1\\f'llt.\" tu a Iluint:: ";III'\I'.\',·d fOI- \\'fttJtl, Jlal'flloll & C()JllI~:aIlY. hy lIu'lwf> (·xlc·ncllll:': :-oulIIII IIIII!' iii':':" t ' '';, 1\\.'111.,"- Itar,..~ .. ~ H.llllflll. C. I·: .. Barh.\', p('UII . .:.yh'allia. twu IlIiflll1, .. c"1,1. 11111' 1I1I11I1rt-1i hlt,\" I,'p, til a, ,\,,1'11 ]!,. .. !. \\hh·h ..:aifl ,.10111 l!ol duly r"('ul".lpcI .,uhlt ill Ilw 1I1"·:h~\I·..;I'·I·!.\' 1'I~llt·.·t \\:1.\' 11111' 0' III lilt" uJ1h,' I til' .11 .. I'I·t·llI·dlll;.! ur 1I,.t'lh •• l"t' .. .\1 ... ,. \\'. II. IJil'kill~OIl, IIi .\It. 1101.1'- II,., 1'111);,,1<'11'1":1 ,\ {;:"""'II",d SI,..·,'I H:"I\'a.\" Il, 11,,,0/ B .... lt II. Nil. III. I,a~ •. H:IS "",I .Ie' Tht: Philadelphia .\rl .\Ilialll'e i, 'FOII- okt: plan', "lIlt'rlailll'l1 a ~l'willg grollp CUlllpall."; II"·,,,,· """',"h,," :;I,,"" "':1""' 1IU1'th ",.,I,·d:o,.. fill"",,... III wi.; Il\cl'tin~ will han'. as its maiIJ fl'atllrl', a sorin" a Iri,l to \\·a,hill',.'I,," for all 1'11110 J' I I I I 'I' I - ";eI,I," d··" ... ·.~. 11"1"1.,· ,·,"hl "11I"ll"_ "a-I, I"",,. dClllolIs,.tr:ltiull of th" l'II_,"si'-,'11 1:,(llll'.'ltl"'11 h_ I .. Will'I .' II' Il' (llIgs 011 IIl'S( ay attl'r- hlillfi"I',1 "'''' "," ... '" :1,,01 '""1",",,,,,", II",.: ~·.illla',' II" 1111' ":1,1"1'1,. _i"" IIf \\'i"I\\'lIo<l ~, \\'Ollll'lI alit! II1I'ir fril'lId" 1111 ~allirtlay. IItH'II. h'""h"'oIlh- .. i " fo'" 10 !h,· po,,,, "",I 1'1: ... ,·' :1\,',"", al II; .. ,h,I."'.,. ,;r 11111' ,h","h"',1 lift)' dcparlllll'llls of thc jUllior and sellior high Thl' next Iloml' anrl Sdlt,tJl . \s';lll'ialioll April 29th. Thc trill has "tl'n ,llalllll'<I a, •. "r h,·:.:i""ill.. ' f" I """,1",,, ... ,,,,, fro", Ih,· 1l .... lh."·ly ... i.I;· IIr schooL This II1cctill~ will he hdd ill thl" .\Ir. allrl :\Irs. Frallk 1·llIs. oi ~(lllth, ,1I:,rIIlI"'''' ,,\I'IIW', a, ,1111\\11 1111 til(' ""it! 1,lan; ~ all aid for Ihl' "FIIIIII'I'S ior Ihl' Flowl'r- ('hl'sler I"t'ad. are "lIllTtaillillg ,\1 r, i :\'0 ;"111101"'111,'111-- -\'." :III' "'11""'1. ""IlI.IIIIIII" III f .. 11111 til· Ion'ad.h 0" Ih,. -a,,1 Prl"fJ ~cho(J1 gym 011 Thllrsday. April (ilh. Il'ss" l'IHllIl1ittl'(' oi \\'hich ,\1 r~, (~torge ", -, I, ,\\''ld\\lIl101 a,','I"I!' I '\1'111.1' ' Iii'" r.·.·1 a,"1 '·X' 'It 7 :J() I'. Ill, Thc IIIcl'til!" is 01 1 l'I(Is I'arl'nb lor al,'\\, (ays. S .. loI .1- 1'11 10 all II,,· ""'I""'~ of I" J: \\,.IIlz, .1.·I1"",e 01 Ihal \\lIlth ill 1"II:.:lh III' .1"I,th "a"l- h Iiolt Strawhritlge i, chairlllan, Franklin l·. Elli~. oi l~pdll·"'ll·r. \\ ill I , :'! 1,1' 0"" tll,",ln·,1 1\\"lIt.l· r"1'1 III thl' " .. a,' !IIIt' parents and adults oi thc l-OllJllJllllily, Bc- Thl' PilgriJllag!' \\'ill It-:tl'l' irllllJ Ihl' '1'l'lId Ihis \\l·,·k l'lltl with his pan·nls,:/ .. " (·","II1I01"'--"I ..- ,tllI.1I1I .·,,_11 Ii" ""'11 III"! ,h "'1,; "f I.,,: :\,,,, I I ..... 1\", 1:1 \\"'!d""o" :1\','1111.,. raust: of Ihc limill'd sl'ating iacilitil'~, Ihe ,b." III s::I .. , 1,,,1.,", ,. "' II''' ""~-. ~ llI't""I'I' I:" •• 1.,",01"\\11". I'a. R & O. ,Iatioll ill I'hiladl'lphia hut will I Jr, alld ,\1 rs. \\'illialJl T. ElIi~. (If \\'al-~, '·II".hllllll_ all"""II' ,·d at -afl', i youllg people of Iht. t'omll1!11lily will have JlJali,' -Illps al (.'lll"t.·1' alld IItlll'f p .. i1lI1 ~. 1',,01"" a,," "I"W'" '0 til(' \1",,'''1('11' .. f a all opportullity to Sl'l' this prograll1 Oil an- 11111 Lallc. '1"-'1';1, I·;I{\·I~. HI·;I·;O;EH .\:"U FH()1\E~·IEI.IJ, "'J'I"'II "'''''IC''"I' d"101 0" 1""1"1,,,1 SIIIII or L-pIIII anil'al ill \\'a,hillglol1 Ihl',\' will It' ;\/i" ~"al'gan't .\JlJl'Iia Ellis ~pl'n t I' .\:"U EI,\\" " 1:.n·,\:"T ..1 11, ,\110"11.·.1", i 111IJ"t.l'-h,'" hllll,h,',. 0111'1:11'-. t .. ",1'\"I'" Will, 1"1_ otlwr tilllt'. JlJct at Iht' L-llioll ~Iatioll "y '1{IlIya l 1:lu\, la,1 ' ! 110,,,,,.1 I h"""1I11 , .\1-11 II III t",· "",I slIhj""1 I" •. ",._ Thl' plall I)f ha\'in/! the dl'l1\oJ\,..lratiou \\"tTI-; 1'I1cl al \\'l'st Poillt. I F'''II 1··,,'·la, l\ ... :I'!': r:1I" "'''''nal,,,,,_. Lilll' Ill- Iuxl' ""'''1'' \\'hich \\'tll la ,(, th"11I 1~"J,"rl ~aJJi"rd, who was illj-lIH'd la,t, , oi the "hpil'al Edllcal iOIl Ikpartllll'1l1 at •10 their h"I\'I, jnr IUlldl. '1'11(' lirsl ~tlljt ,'i.",.), '1"""'. Ill:;;: ! 1'"I"'I\"'II,""" ... "_,,.' "f '1\" :1'101 1I"",halflthis lillll', was :ltl0Jltl'd ~lJ that Ihl' work ·lfll·l· 111111'11 I\ill "(' al tltl' \\'hil,· II"II'l' wed;. i, illlpr"\'illg sl(,wly. ,"""." '1!I','o hOIl''', 11i";;:1 1'('1. ~: ... III~'·.1 "'0111 I I I' I . I II I .\11 111:11 i,·)'t:1l1t I,,: til' PII'tl' or ;':101lI1d.: POl'dl. Orl(" "Inr.\" "llIc,'O ;l4f,lIf1ulI. I;X!_ rITt.: (t'\"e 0IH .. ·( III til' gyrl111aSJllJll ('·:';:-IOll~. COli ( gr"IIIl(b where I '1'<"i"l'1I I :111.1 :\ir,. I,irhartl 1'(lIITII Taylol', :-., Ilof ~lr"'illl:;11' "' Ih.· T"III1-I"" "I 1'1>'''''' I.:,,·h,'·.' V':"'II' ""':;C'·. I~"I~ I.· ... , I' hl' presl'lIl1.tI heilln' Ihl' )ll'I'iud fllr \\'hiell I~OOSl'\TIt II an' ~rarl('JI1I' ,I'' '1all I I! lOY 11'011 I, I .'11111 .',I r , I: II ','..1 "1 \I r .,1' 11.'11'\'.'11'.1' t""",I," ',1·1',·'.,"·.·,,·.·. :11101 S!"I' "I I"'''"-.I·I''-:Olli".! tl " S I I I I . . " "'I 1'1' -I "k 1- / ,j,., _11:11,01 "lid 1",,,\,,, .,- I: I(d. E Ilill, I·; I:,",I ~'."I a- ,I,,· 1"",,,,,,'1.,· "r .\""I"h K 1\""111-', II' rcp. c I"" gym wa~ n·nl·(. \\'a~ f". glad til gn'('1 IIIl' \·i·;;lol', prll\'idl'd .I\"l' 1111,·. \\ III lal lIS l'g lrll'l'll a cw ~: I:," :1,,01 1""'1 ,,/ r-: I:,; "" a " .. 1:,," pla"j h,dd, ,,,,,I 1';-11,,·,·. Ill, ,,,f,', l'lIdl'd, ami al:;o hCl'all~c it fil ill propcrly Illl·'lr (1.'1,'" ,,'11,'(1'11,· l'l'I·III.'lll·,1 t"II'". '1"11('11 \\"('.-i;" ago i, rl'ctI\'l'rillg lIi('l'h' alld will: •• f '01- ",.,01" 10,. III"'''''' 11,11 H,·a!'.,· e"",,,,,",\': . . I I I f I 'I . ' , I .. I J. I •.• 11- , :I\" (J,IIIHJII .'\: '·"u ... fl',· ('. E.. I' l~i"'I' I) .11' II )', I/ (,,f1 I1I 11 f))I" __ ..;. .•.• - 1l I. tltl • a .... h OJ' t f'rl iii '11 (']Il'( I" \\'111 tIt' r(.,:c II til' IIIt.,IIr g_I'1Il ""asol1_ again hy hll>SI" ior a 'ight .",,·illg !1I111'. '""11 Il .t I l t( \ .. 1 ,- ,1',·'Il,:;. ;11,01 ",,,,',' 1"'lI,,·,,':,,'I.\" <1,'.<1·,1>"01 ;,. • "II oJ ".1 "I -.d,·: 1,:;la"". '" I,." <la.,'-, 1.'111'11:,... Thc "fay ll1~dillg will hc d('\'oktllo Ihl' l 'a"I1.I ,~ IIl l' Il '.!.!at.l llll-. '/-'1 Il'rry 1'"1" "J1I1~. .',I I'. alit 1'.1, r~, '/-'. \\. a III (')IIII(',c,, '"1-' /"'1"- '41111,,·_ til a • '·'.'II!t. '''!In.,.\.· :,."d I,Jall tlll'l'f'Ur.I'Ollf"'IOII'" ,11:'"101111'" a' !"alp. dcclilJlI of "nicer, alld a ( Il '1l1ll1l,lral'lonf " " I ""Id" h\' I' "'11111 .\ 1-0 ... 1.1'. (. I· ... 111Idl"" d:I'1' fli . alld Oil 111t'I'1J.~It I~ .. ,k t·rn·1; park. I"i,itill!.! 1Il'11 a Il' II Ill'. "IIIt'rtailll'd at lrltlgl' a,t ":,,·.h '1_. '1:":1i ::' I,·IJ .. ,,- I" \Ill: I: .. ~i".! 1';,1,1';110)' L\X H()IIJo:~ .. \11111'11('.1', tht' .\llIsic dt'partmellt oi th" ~('h"f)l. ThIs :\kxalldria, alld I'll III \1"11111 \"TIIIIII :-'allirola.\' "\·l·llill,l!. ",111_ ... ,,' ,,,,,"I ',,, '11,' .,,,,,1,, ",~,·'·I.'· _,0/,. "I! '11 I I .. , - '" I wll"rl' 'pl'rial .l!lIidl" \lilll"'pl'l)lilkd, 1'1'- :\11" l'h :il'k~ I'rad. 01, :\". 1'111 I'rr,l ll'l'- 0\\1',., 1".,,,i·l •.•, ·" 0/ 111\11'1,1',1,1' " /."• ,,1 :.," "'''"I, '1"I'1 .,,, ,">iI'"" lh a(l ',eh''''','''1 __.IO_!_I1_\ _._1. _C__.\_Il_\._ _SI. I_I·I· il-f. ,-I S\\'1c hoo(' lO ~_l\'~ ,(I) (I't·i alairltlll\l' IIiIol'rS t0h1i s II,C('a SllInI lIellx' raelJll(I lurning- 10 \\-a,hin,l!I(l1I Ity a diifl'r"111 1.'11 al,II\I'·. ,\1111 i, at lit" ~I'I"'II 1""_1""_"'" tllll""·,,,11I """"",,, '\1'>1 11'0111 tllt·, (' I' I») •• ' 1.'1 ., '-", .Ithl' filial award "i Ih" 11"111, '.lId School rllull' alld Iw,n' ,ighl-"·l·iw. . :. tlll'lI Itl ";11- PI' LI I"I , IIl1l'rO\'JI,I ,l.( ,111 \\' Iy . ,,f\l\r,t,l,l .:. -,1-11'1d1,l0O1 '1 "',o."f, ,, .r.llI ··I i" ""<1i1,,,1 :11"':"1, ,.1. 11,1-11,,)'1 .,· "'1',1<1I.' . . 0O1f St' 1(1 ar,llIp al ("IIIIJJ\'JJt'{'IIIl"I1: IIIJ1t'. l ~t·C"\·fS ~f·C· II .... f.'\Cr ~I("\/' _I I _. . Ill'r ;lIlcl had; Itl Ih.· ,1:lli"ll. Thl' ,,0,1 IIi 1: .. 1, ~lll·IIl'l·r. ,,'II .,i :\Ir. alld :\11-" I:ll'lll"". ,." . .; 'lilt' I,., lI'o!"'; III,·,,,,· .·x I :0.1 ',I., .- I I. .._ I,,,, .! The ciait' for Iht' ;lIl11l1al ~l'h .. oI l'xhihit • !ll"'tilll· ...... Ilt:! I[_ht\· tI .. .:I··· ..... 'hll·.~··t·l..!ht A Oil Il.ll1tJlu tlctl1l\l:1 )l(.lU:-.C of .111, •• ,. the l'nlire IripI hl·illl! SI,.2:; i,,1' adtJlt, :J1Id I~, t·ltl',tl'r :-'",. Il I'e 1'. l"l'!d,rall'll III' 'l'Ii,""" '\1 I "1,,,,-· ,I; .. -,,01 -"'1111,.:1-1",'1,' -"I" '111" 'I,' . has hCl'n ~l't lor \\ecllll,,.tlay allli Ihur,,- ::;5,25 jotr chiI, 1't'11. t llirtn'lIth" oil \\'edllt'~day hy "f Wo"d/:;lId "" 'Ii"'. 11'. .. hUll .,, ,'01 f""1 I" a • Ill' l I.IIl'g1, 01 'a"rra0ll",' lIIl'lI! to jlermlt a<lay e.\'l'lIlJl g.;. JIIIIl' 7th a III I H, lh. 1' 1\ I '. I' l' - 1,,,",1: ,I"."., ,XI,·"oIo,_ -' III hili"" """(. •. "./ illl! yin\', wilh"llt {'~"lrlll'II"JII "1-.' Ill tll- EYl'J'\'OIll' ;11011"'; (II 1111' I\II!"; 01 11" "Iil"rlaillillg- sixhTII tli Ili~ l.-il'IIc1, al 1'''''".1 "'" "JI""I,·- ":1'1 ,,', " I"". 1IlIltlin" da~srotJJ\ls oi the school. at which I i III I' cOlIJlIlitil'l' all<l IIlall\' IIi IItll' 1",,;tl n',idlllt, .,lIppl'r. 'III., l\" .•. E Iti': ""d I': ItIL 0"1' IIlt,"It'('d filly I the illlporlalJl cxhil,ib. tht' Philadelphia Ihc work oi tIll' Yl'ar will hI' pn'';l'lIkd Ila\ 'c !'cnt flC)wcr". II i.; hlllll'rilhal l11all~ "' I 1". I,'I I,.;,' II 1'1 II' II1' 1',,01- ',---.. ·'tr.'llil 11.'1"1'11 ,rI"""1. l'1i0" I":"I "I1""I"J,I,"1 ....I, II ,;:,"I·,',·' . . ·1, 1" •!.1 11·", "rS.I·,I,'"" ',1'I· lIet"",I· ""II,I' Flower ~hlll\' "1,clIl'(1 ('II _~I"II(I,'I\-, ftlr til"~ f()r til~" '~'',.'''. 'IIIII-II.-ltl-tJII I,f tIl~" I".II"~" !II,.'. will take thi, trip. 11111, gil'ill~ l'llj"YIIJl'1I1 a\ellli,·. "lIll'rlaillt'cI at IIIIIChl'oll alltl'I·""'I':I")' .• h·".,· "~;"I:"'''" ,"""" _.1111" ""I'li'/l'lltire "'l'('k, 'I 1(1 tll l'l1\sl'h'I'S allil iri'·IHI.; anrl IIt'II' till' I . I \\' I I - I . I "el,I,· Ii, e",,~. Ilil"," ","h. 'Il'lllll,'_ ""I. 1\\'0 \' II '1 -I I II' I C' . I .. , )rJC gt' ()It l'( 11l"=,( ay 111 Hltll)r 01 H't' :111"";".1 I,'p! 141 a PI.llll: If! '1\'(' 1':\1"lllllll": 1lUI'th . S SlI,' I '\'a~ ll' f 111 tIt' Olll1Jll'l-Ct:t / "Flo\\'l"-" work aIOHi..: t,,,,. gll,·~t. :\Irs, EIllIIIl·t \\',·al·~T. oi lIarris- Jill'" •• I'·"':'·'~""'·"I.\" '''" 'I}II',""" "1'_1. Ih/'J'I.\III"'\lm. which /I,'r:llill'd Philadclphia 10 Further iniurmalioll may he ol,lailll',j at hurg-. :'. :" ... I', I .... 0",' IlIll,lIn'd "lIy fe .. ' In lit,· "ho\\' IInder OIlC rooi Ihc laruc,;t collt:c-I _ • _.--- Pilgrimage I'n<iqllartt-r,. J: l' n J. a III I. II " \\. \ J I I ~I II ~I ,,,"1 "11,,,1,,,"(,,, 1'11111' ,",,1 JlI., ... III " .. elllllll'''. 111-1111 of S_pl'lJI'g .l'l uwt.:rs l'\'l'r a,s...s l'mhlt:d I_l l'i Palll BrowlI" j'll.' IlI,l.. ( .\I-'-II\\'~ h~'at Ihe - r,. '" - 0 IIlStlll all{ - 1"_ ,., " \. I / 1(' 1- I' I I tl II t tl Buvs' Bal'!kt~lhall l :r.-Illkll'll II(lt('I Il(- h_1" lelt-,lhlJllill.l! -:\1 1" " l"hll"'II, oi I )ickill~OIl <1'"('11111'. l' II Il'r- .,,' 1"11"'",', "",,,' -- - "".'" CJ'''t''''. 'Ihi, l'(IIIIIII')'_ ... , ' art III.a s 111 a. I;', H' l:t ~:;_IIIl~' a . Il' .\rtlllll' I{l·t!gral"l'. ,'li;linnan IIi 111,' Car- tailll'd illi(.rmally at 11I,'ir hOllle last !-',",I:I- 11;,· """1' n., "f hy I:. \\·,·IlI7.. _\!tho the t'xhtl'lt IS ,0 \'ast alld "ancd,' "rl')l :--chool (,YIII lin .\lond,l)' l'\"('nlllg_ dl'n :--;l,,'tioll oi th .. \~ollJall\ l·llth. "1"('11 mg. ('""oIi'i""--"I.''''''.OI,.,,_I; ,,!' ''''''lJli''1I <'Ill''''' thl' ulIlstandillg ieatltn's arl' lIIerely olle's: TIll' gallll'. 011,' of thc hl'sl and the 1lI()~t .-.. :\Ir" .1,,1111 I{cid Iiallna wa~ allll'llg "" 01:,," "I -:1/": I;:da",,· '" I"ll ,Iay-. 1"III"IIII"',I"Jillt of \'ic\\, accordillg to OIlI'"S fOlld-I"xciling gallic oi Ihl' pa~t two yl'ar,~ Fnl'lnighlly lire ho,ll''',,·, at Iht' .\leri .. 11 Trihute "''''!':I''"- .lill'''''," ,." :'. ,,,I,·. IIIl'sS for cl'rlain nIJ\HT:'. ' The hig exhihib! '.\ao; do,,' al all lilll", and \\";t:i only ./ IltllI,,' TIIl',d:.), aill'nl(lllll whl'lI a tea 1./"'1'1.. Eln'IX. HEI';-':EH ,\;>;IJ Flto:-;EFIEUJ Ilhat attractcd I III II "I;;! I attclllioll'\\'l're thc: \\"011 hy tht' :\rr,,\\'s aill-r /!oill.l! inln :\1 I' J,~hll Fawcett, IIi :;"lllh Ch",ItT 1,'IIIlrt, .,1' .\:\'II 1-:1)\\' II 1:1(\".\:\'1' .111., ,\11'" """~'Il II" I' I I . I . I '1'1' .. ' I _ , ' ~. \\'01'; gil"l'lI ior .\Irs. l{a)'III<'lId , " argl"1 co 1'('IHJII_ 01 III II''' all,l. lyaclIlt IS, ~'xtra J'(,acl. l'llil'1'tailll'd "The F"rtlli;!illly" :\1011- . - II' I II II II I II I 1"'rIll( ,. I 1\''',' gall~l" ,ItIl" • r,II \\- (,t"J"llIallttlll II. 10 OWlllg lIT ta; on F,." F,I<"." :-;". :: I l'W'!" St'1l1 Ollt 01 "aliI. Il'SC call1e! 1IIg- arglT lTO\~'( s '~\'l'ry 111111' ley pay day ;till'nllJ()11. .\Ir:'. !'ar~"llt \\-alll'r l't,ltllli:,J I I "Illl' 0;. I irtJlIJ the I )lItch 1:llliJ Exporters ;\:;:;0-1 alit! Ihc dll'ermg- Ilir holh tea III " W:I'; !t.!an· a talk (Ill a LTlIi"c ~h~ rC('('lItly took ,\1 r. alltl ~I r~. Phelps ~tllJ'" anti ~"n, ," :. .... J; '1"'1"/11, W;::I Il'iation I)f Ilaar1l'J1I. Iiolland. and ,,'el'c a / full of Jll'p. TIll'S" !<-ams are l'tlachl'c\ ·Ilroll.l.!h tht' Carihhean Sl'a. E'lll'('ially ',. 1'1 I I I I " I' I I' " "I _'lin I lll'sll'r I;J\T JlJOIT( "I '/':11 ""1'1:'," 101 0" "i"'" IIf -""111111 .-i.II-1 ('ol"rilll Show alolle_ i hy Frank I.itb. I aul ,n,\\'11 an( l'll'r illll'n·,ting I\'('rc hl'r Itk'l'riplillib oi Illl' irolil ~ .. rlh Che"ter rllad ttl Swarlh- :rl,' ," :"" I.:"'·,,"cl. "f -'1111'1"". ('''''"1.\' "I ]I['la, ,\lIother hi .. i .... llllr(. ,,1- till' SilO \. .'1 111 Till". " I l..~ \\:.rt- ;n d ~1:t'·, 01 l·f·l~tl",\·I\;IIIl:t ;!lld o!~·",·l'Ih·1I I ~ ... \0. \ \\ f i~"ancl.; oWllt'd h,' tIlt' 1111"1,·, ,lITr l' 'I' . I - III lire r,·,1. ;1<' (I,,/i,," 10 :I ,.,,1'1', .. ,' ""tI plall 11I'·I'.·"r 111:111.. It' a gralld l'xillhit oi acacias. ~ciJlg thc' ____________________ ._, __ _ which a iorlJll'r S\\,arlll1l1l1rl';Jn: I'alll :\1. Tht· 1~l'\'lTI'n" ./, ./arcll'1I em'lIthl'I'" ".1' 1'.11,,"" '" 1·'".1",'. (', E .. ,\I:II"'h ·:ti. W':S. hUlldrcdth allllinT~ar\' oi the intrOlluc-I.--------------------- 1 1'1·.'lr,'·OII is ,l.!II\'l'rIlOl', ~Ir' \\altl'l' \\as '1-' .• I' tl .-. III .-, '11'1(lr' "1-·,:"1,,11,,,,- '0 '''1: I' _ '. -. I I ." . .. . .. ' I" I,... \ ,I III 1'1 .tlH 1111 _' I III \\ I' , . 1 11011 III acana,; III ;\II11'nca. I ,e first hav- I .\Ir,;. l'ear"":I', t!lIt'sl illr "'\Tral \\l,k~ at .\tlalllic City for a ".\\, days thi~ J. _";11"," :I, .1 1"'"1 1III"IIl"" ".I' till' '""'1"1 ill"" !lITIl ~h"wlI ior the lir~t timc at Ihc ant! thcll ;\11',. "l'ar,(lll :1l'wlIlp:lI1in1 :\11"',1"''('1,;. ",1,,," ,,1,1,,· , .. ",,·,1.1' .-1,,· .. 1 1l,"It'"" .. a ... ·, 1'1""1 I I I' 1'1 'I f Il'~' I /l "". "ii t)· [",.1 ,,·,01,·, ,,"d '/11' ''';JJ I" I'I\' ,.,01,' I 1I:I( l' Jllla . 11\\'['1' :-; IO\\' 0 n.l.>, t It.: I \\'altl'r (Ill lilt' 1"',1 IIi thl' l'fIJi,,', .\11',. :\. Penn",· l{ohill,"Il, (,i l-lIi-, .,/ 1'""":,.",,, "':111 '1IlJ'I ...• ,~ """ liI",,,·,,.IJ_: ialllllll,; :;:'IIIl,I;Oi) group. ill it:; t'ntirct\',' :\Ir~, _-\ha ""lIk'" :;all,!.! a ~r(lup of, I·l'r-il_,· "laCl'. kil \\'t'cl11 escl:l_" illr a I·,·, \I'd.,; I!,.·" ... ,'-;1","111" al""e ,1". "",,11'1 ' '.. _ _ , sOllg~ t'I"I,\ ,til,' ul '·:1111 I~Jn\III'!If~' '·j,:I.j -JIIII! 1·I..::h!~· : tn.lIl the "I~)llIle\\'o()d t'state ot JU~l'I)h' accllml'anil'[1 hy :\Ir,. Fawl'l:tt., t"11 clay yisil with Ill'r parcnts at X (,1\' """. 01,·",· '" ''''''I~' IiI'" ,,,'' Ill,,. ";:,1 /,,1'" Iollll-, I':, \\·idl'J1('r. W('rl' promin('nt". tlisJlI;I\'cd. ;\Ir,.. Thoma, :\\cl'ahl' ga\"(' Ihl' J;" .. k fl'-. 1~(lchl·IIe. ,oil',,1 ,,\', "'.' .",d .".1;'" II:,., .. """ !I}""/I'I'dll;, ... . , _ _ _.' II'!'t 10 " I f1illt: th, II"~ ·f':\h'II.JIJI~ ~1l!l1h !"'('\I'!I 1111~ J .... thl' largl':,t colll'ction 01 acaCIas "ic\\'. Thl' ,\merit-all I.l'gil'n ,\uxilial"Y wi"h,·,; d'"_, '" Ii,,· ""11,,1,''; fif,,' -"'IiI"I" ",,-I Ihl"'" ill IIIl' \\'orld. "Tht· F"rll1i~hlly" i~ goillg I .. gll't' ~I,tll tl!;lI1!; :\'ar"" Bl'ollH'rs i"1" Ihl' aid lil",II,,·<I "1"',1'--'1"" """"1.,,1)',"'" 1I1l"l;lIl1' card party ior 111<' hl'lIefil "i t I I,· ll.l llllllll- l.:i"'·1) Ih,· Ilt'Jlt"fil card parly ,1/1 :\Iarch I.,. 1"1'" C~.!"! "It ,... leIt,l~, lr :" 'I" C:." "' .lIllil":, ,'111.1",',111,. ,("' ,'' ·\lIIl·llIidlli"rn"'._: 11111\1"'1 ,1II'.~'· gardl'lI" arrangt'(1 wilh thc lIily Ccnler \\Tlian· \I'tlJ'k al Ihl' \\'omall\ . , IiI " 1:""01.-,·,, 1'.\(''''.1 :\\ .. , :III</ •. ,"!lI.",lIll"'" 1111" t.. ,hll'ldn'dlla;o. 1"1'1 lu :t 1101011 Ii' ... ·lId "" ... tl'I'I~· ... i'H' Cluhhllllse. oil :\pril 21. "f II,"hl:,,"1 ;:\'''11''''; 110,.", .. """'ll""'" a'",," i'l I;tlld"l':rjll' .. 1Tt-Ch with i (trecd roscs. ,hrnhlJery, azalea~ and qnantities of hnlh-/ "II, f1"Wl'r~ \\ l're greatly admired icat-I tlre,_ Thc lawns al'l' oi rt.:al gras:; grown ill g l'ecnh"lIS1's t.:~pl-rially for these gar-I dClls . .... f .... t .. gi()J1 t\llxiliar)~ ·ilf· .-1111:' IIUI·th Olli' d, .!1·f·l· "'i"~II'I'n 11I11I1Ilf· .. l'a~t :!r"" hlilltlr"'d Ihl'l) ·:",t·'···11 "lId fi\,' Olll.-hUI\­'! r, I'll. r,··, I.. I !H' I: 1':-::1 Illt'II' .11111'11 II.tilil .tlHI pi:, f' ttl 11{'..!I:IIIIII:..:. "olli.lIIHI!.! fulli' :"'I·t'~. Laclit,s 'Vin , 'I'llI' I.l'gion ;\lIxili:lry \\"ill ml'l'! al 11I(' .-\ '-"Illrarl hrid~l' Itl\lrnal1l~llt \\'a~ hdtl hllllll' oi :\1 r". Clark I );I\'i, oi Strath at thl' :-'It'a:h II"n'lI 11111 Oil TlIl',oIay 1'\1'-; 1101\"'11 an'llII!' Hl'xl \\\'cllll'''>,iay at 2 :30 IIJllg \\"hl'11 t\\'I'/1t\' 11 It· I! rhall:l11)!l'" thl'; "\']"L'I... l'ialls ior a hcnefit dance \\'ill he Friday cluj, "i l\\:"In' al1(1 1\\"11 io"r,ollll' i di'l'II"l'd. dnh~. i Tht: cC'lllmittl'c ill lhargc IIi th!' ar-: rangl'Il11'J\b clIlIsi~II'd IIi :\1 r,.. \ \ . l·"ky v. ,. i' SHERIFF'S SALES S!"'r: II .\t till' SIIl':'III'~ Olliel' The illl III 1'1\ 'C Commercial ,\1 uscum! i:uiI,ling \\'t'n' dahl)rald\' dccorated wilh; E, ,,,:'''' ,1,""01'" I' - I ,,/I !h"t .·.·'·1:1111 1"1 ""!I';dlll~ anrl \\'I)(J(b' smilax cOlllplelely ,'1.,. 01 ':1'''111(1 hl'!.!III"III..' :11 ' "hllli III lhl" - , 1 - •• • 11 ;·;I.;I·II\, --It!' fli "aid l'I..:III;uld :1\" 1111,· .r1 1111'. !r:1I1~ II)rlll111g" 1 H.' InteriOr _111to a t.rOIl1Ca I ,II' ::;0"" "I ,,",. II",,,,,"'" ,';,,,,,,,' -"",." :1",1 Ii\"(· Ial\(i:;c:tI'C, a most appropnate sdtlllg for' ·'1'J:lll!tin·dlll ... !I(I -'llfl:,t,;II'ql,\' Irull. tlu' ~ 'I ' ., "/,,,'1,· "d,' "I I','"''''!''''''' 1"':101; ,I".",·· 1'''' Ihc' Shol\'. :\111,;i(' thi" Yl'ar \\as lurnl:; Icd i Clifford. ~Ir,_ Bayard II. \I"rri.,oll :\Ir,.' :. . ,,",,'c "'''!Ie -·,,01 -III,· "I lI,elli",," :"'('1111,·. "Y :\11'.". 110l""lhy -,,,hnstolll' Bast:lcr's: S"rllnI 1.l'lI'i,. :\Ir,. I L II. l.il1(1I111 al1d ~Irs. lIill. ~Ir", .\rtI1111' 1{"hill';OIl cli- ~ recll'd the tonrll:1Jl1t'1l1. Tltl' 1:lIh·, 1\'11111 hy 1000 point,;, i COlli" I lOll:""". ... ',JIlt o!lP Ii :":11'1' "'I'X'''''II 1II1I1I1t.··: \\j':-;I oil.' 1 1 1 J. I' I I.·d'dl,·,i ~;!I.v I·pt lit:1 11111111: Ihll!.,'j':\ldldilJ:": ('t·t.· ,rated l'I ..... t.'IIl)l· 01 \\'0111<.'11 larplsts. . "," ",e'" "-I',chl ,h·c ... ·,·_ 1"1'1,\"("111' lI"III1"'~ <to.. " TUNE IN .... ot:n IUf)]O TO WI .. '.1-1 ·'th· 1t11·:"".lf lill~' a"I! 111:1 1I1I11It; th:·II.t,' P_ 1\1, ," t I!lll'..: 11411"1\ flW' -h··.:I'j·(· :--iXl,·t'!1 !JllIlLlt".., Talk~, ,., I fill' 11'111.i1 •. 1 filty I·'" til;, pUllll; Ihl'I)'I' i l __ -::-__ :-:-_______ ============ - .-- ------1 !I :ao ,,'dw']';' .\. -:'.1. FOR ! 1-'1"1'1 1··.1.1:1 .... j It ELI~CTRI CAL: .,.;;.~;,. 11:::1 t\;:~·I,.;::I\\I",~~IJl;:'· ,:;"";:".',:\. ";;':,','::~I, ~ I '·UIIII!.\' .,1 IJj·l:!W;II·j· ;11:.1 ~t:llt· lit 1·1·,111 .... \'1\ ;1111:1, · 1 11 ' .... 1.:11:1,." :tlld 1,110\\11 " ... pal'l III lot ~tI. E SE'RV~ICE' I'-l~ ull :1 4(,,'1;111, Id;11I ot Icrt- ilia-I,· lUI' IJr,·:\: ! Jlill H"'lit:> CIlIIIII"U~' h.\ ();UlltlU ,\,; 1··p .... t,·I·. C, 4 ! E .. 1',",wl' Uti h.\. I·:. .•. lIld 111',1'(" ":11'1 i IIt.II·I) -4 t I d,...:,! II· d :11" O!·j!llI...! In :t ""!1'\"'.\' oI1H! III III 111,'11'· i fli tiLl'!" lI.r ";11111':1 & FII"'I~·I'. e. r~. lllltl"I' datto 4 ' If \f: 1.,11 I ... t 1!1·~.; :1:0- 1 .. 110\\'" In \\11: 1:,,­.1-': II~JlI~ .It a i.oiDt. ~h., C'IIIII!'I' 1;ll'lIlfd II,\' th., CALL A. WAYNE 1\I10STELLER 10 PARK AVE, .1 1111 ' I"'f·' IIII!) 01 tt", UIII"thwl ... It·rI,\' l'I..!l!t·Or'\\':IY Ill!lf' jo! 11r,· Pilll:ld"I)!!II,' -"': (:::1'1'1'" fOl'd ~tl"'1"t i I~,III\\:I.\' t'ollll';III.\' 1101'1,\' f,'''' \\illl'j :tlld th,' , -'CIII'III I'h' ... ,d,· III 1;111'1110111 )'o:ld tit 11\' 1"1'1 i \\ 1,1"1: ;"t·I}I,' t ::h'lIfhll~ :':1111..: ... :tld .... ,tI,· t.l Bll111111111 I'olfl Ihi' \Ollf)\\III:"": twu "Olll",'" and I tll:O-' tI!I"l· .... IIfll·th IUI'I,\' i'I:'1I1 d ·!..I·.'4·-. lw"I1I~'-lh'(' 1.111111111'" V"·I'-T. 1IIIIt.,· I"", :11101 ~·\·I'III)·t\·.o Ulli' : hlllldrl'.J!h .. fir a rllPt. alld 1i4ll'lh ~f'\'f'nl~' d.,. I -I (·f· ... , I \\('lIt,\ -I wo U1IUII1.':-o. j IlIl't \ ~f·.·tnH.I .. '\"1"'1, ,"II 1"lr:1I1".1 "'I~I.\' 1,·1'1 :llId '\\1'111,\'.11\',. 1111., ! IIIIIIIIII.'lIlh ... nt a itllli I" a P01:I' f!u· 1111'.,· ... :.1 .. ~ •• 1 11011 lit "aid !"HII' ul I:II'IHUIII I·oold. ;lIld Iii!. Swarthn10re 1568 • .~ I ... "I~hl·,I-II·I·I.\ ,--Idt· ul "'owl :11101 :t\'I'IIII,' ~ fd:.\ t _ _ ............ _ II __ ...... J. I 1"1'1 ".Itlt·': Illl'))t f' 1'~I"lIdlll:': ."'UIII h 1·I...:hly II. "ftj"'''''''''''~ftj''''''-''''- ~ftj"'''''''''''''''''''ill -I' ..... t!r II 1 .\'·~·I :.: III 1\111111 t to:", \\ 1· .. 1 a I" II:.: "', lit t "'111,. IlE:\ll.OCK THEES Fon SALE :\.lo~1 1)('111,1.· Ihink lilt' h'·!IlI.,.·k Ih.· m .. ~1 Iwalllifni IIf .'\"I·rgt"."'n,. It gl'O",. ra,,"I1~, (·l1dnr.·" ,h:lllc' ;11111 I,. lilt' 11111,1 dura"l.· anti ~alj,..fa •. It)l"· Itl /.:I'II\\", FUI-t h.,~., (I'a,un" il ha~ h.·.·IIIIH· onr ~Ia'" I r(.... - Tr.·,·" from ;; 10 2() f.·(·I. COI11(' ;/IHI " .•• 111t'1I1. Pri.·(,,, III\\", HaIr of 11.,. I,ro. .·.·.·.I~ fllr I""al 1II"·IIIJlI .. ~ ""'111 r •. li,.f, .1- HI SSI·:I.I. S)IITII .. ;:i(} Elm .\"'/lII,·-S"a. 170 GET OUR PRICES Spring Tune .. Up for Power Safety and Appearance HANNUM & WAITE Chester Road and Yale Avenue Swarthmore 1250 .. ~,:'··lIILlI...' 11'IITh ,·j!.!!rl\·,·i:.:hl til'.:!'!·'·...;: fllrl.\'.ro\U' 1:1:1l11' ... \,"·1 f)11~' 1;11111'll'd fit'.\' fl',", 10 ;l llt·:'11 III III" t·,I ... II·I·:.\ :--lcil' 01' ..... ill lIi:..:hl;lIHl :1\ 1·1I111·. ~I. IllIill n\ "lIlI'llt!"' ---,' .11 :1111 :.: J'''I!III1, :--;.Id .. I !tt· 1'1 op ., t,\' Id I: IIj:UIIIII P. (;:0\'(')'. '1 :1111/ 11;1'1:1 L. (;11'\11'. hi ... \\11'1'. ;1I~d .\11"11: I. !J1:IIt',· ;rnol 11.::~t·1 1)111'('''. III~ \\ll~·. I (""lIdtflflll ... -~·!.-dIIlO ~':~:o-h "" H'lll1i ,.1 (,h'·I·I ... '.1. ,j;l,; HI .... :1.·: 1 :,':1111 j' 111 "'11 d 1,.\:0-. FIII'IIU'I' '1/11111111111-- ,:III1Ullllf'I'd ;11 :--:lIf·. ' II.\I{IILIJ I.. I';I(\'I:\', .\11111'11( ~'. :,\1 :11'1 II Td·lll. ! H:::; .\11 111:11 "1'1'1;1111 lUI 111' II!!"''' "f ~rllllild. wilh 'il" Ill: 1.111'::", ;llId Illll':O':l'IIII'!,I'" 11"'('("111 'I'!'r 1_ ,"I. -.,T 11:.11' iil tlh' lilll·('ll'..:lI til L;~ll ... dn\\·II". {'Ollll!\ ,., H,·L.·,·,;II·I' :11111 ;-;1;11.· 01 P,·!III:-o.\ "·allt:l. : 1I 11111t!,·d ;11111 t!t'-'IT,II/,d :11" fll'dl!!_ to ;1 I ('rt;lI11 -,In 1'.\ ,'lId ph1l 1 It, I"'of 1:1:ld" it,\" .\Iollzo 11. YOl 111'1. ('nllllf~' SltI·\·".\'I,r .• \111'11 .-). I!,·~a. :. ... f(dl'f\\~. 10 \\ll: j{ •• '11I1111I~ ;It :1 l'ill'II III 111" ~olllh"I'!.\ "'ltI:> t,l 1:11'11'1111 ;"'1'1111,, ,f'·lt:.. · I,·!t '\I'!"\ at Iii!' ,I'''''.,I·~' jll r;:I.\·-1 \\'1' ;I!I(I lilly·folll· O!1(' hl,II' "I' ·oj?!I'" I ... t "'~';lIh\\f''''' flOIH ,hi' !-lllIth'\"~1 ~Id,· .,1 ("'1/:11" :1\1'1111" IIUI·I.\' r.('l ",Jdf": Itl{,I1'" '·\I'·I'dll1!..' aloll:.! lh" ""Ihl "'Illf' of B;I.II.!ltl :1\,.- 111" ~OHlh "'1'\" IIt,.\· :-o"'!" ""~I' ·4· ... lifly Inrllt)l( .... ".( 'i .\'I·lIt.\·-"'I~ :llld t\\·'·ltl"·· ... '\\'11 (I'!:'·huncl 'I·tl'll~ !I·t·' III :a I,.""t: 111"11'1' 1''\1'':1.1111': h,,­: '.\1' 11 ,,!!·:,:I··I II!!I· ... III ,ltl' "':11.) (" d,I]' :I\'4'1I11t' "'"lIlh 11:11'1\' d··...:I',·(·~ """"11 1I111l1lf{'.: ":1"" 011 Iht, ":1"':"'1'1\' laill' 1111'1"'ul ~i'I\'('I:.:ht ;111411"11 "I' lii(qtil'l ,·J:II ... fl',l :11:.) 011 lil" \\I· ... ' .. I·'Y lilH' in'l 'f" ,'" \'''lIly ... ··\f·1I :111.1 1\\"1I1.\-lh1"'·" Ollf" '.I1·:dn·d.h ... fl'd. 111f' I~(';'" Iill" thr'lt'of ('Ollt:lIl1~ t '.' .'111.,'·11\ I' II·f·f. I I! I", .. ', t.! 1'111:"'. " Illtllro\·,'I!I··nl-.: ~ I" :"")-.;1 0: l\\,.,· .. tcI)~· :0-'\11'1'11 !lOII_" J lix:~:; f(·I·I. Ellf·JfI~l·d r .. OIlI PO!'1 h. HI'al' !IIII·..!I. ~I)'t! :1'" ,,,, p:'! I.··I·I~ uf 1.'111:111 B. Cia)').:.;. 11I~ \\ ifC', l"ollfilt I. ,n",--:'·:.-.U.OU c'a~h 01' j 4'1'11 fif'j I IIUTk o!! ";1\' lit -alt·. h Iiall',' III t"11 d: 1.\':--: , FUI'lht.J' '·CI!I.hllou:", anllOllll' c·d at ... ah·. IL\IWLU I.. EH\-Il\, .-\1101'11: y. . .\1) that '''I":alll r,lt'I'!' 01' tnl'll'! or lal!d Wl1h I hI' hlllldlf:~ ... alld IIn;II'U\"'IIIf'n::-; tlll'I"'UI1 ,r"d. "'1. "'1111:11" III thl B.II·nll!.:h or ":.1 ... 1 Lall .. d.,wllI'. CIHll!ly ,.f .J,'la\\.II·.· :Ind Slalt· .. r Pi'l1ll:.:ylvalJla. 1~,;;;----------------------iiiii-----------iiiiiii _____ iiiiiiiiiiiiii~1 '. 1·,"11,1"''':; 1-1,1U1: th'1t,I1 '11;11 1,,o1 r ldIl"U,\s\ II ,·a.l..l.(.· ,1L oEl aX'i u. La1n;1-)< lI0I1"1 1 1(a'. Fertilizers Grass Seeds Roller Wheelbarrows Clean-up T 0018 Vegetable Seeds Flo,ver Seeds Garden Tools SUPLEE'S STORE so. CHESTER RD. Swa. 105 I 1 I: I "fur f-',." 1 Ilf!lItfjrt! itlll 1 .. 1.,,.., P Tlw 11t'~1 answel' Itt tbis I(IlCS­liun ",hil'll is IJI'ing Ilsk.'11 by t1wusululs uf Ph i ;u(lcI "hiulls is: I sf, hlly sl'.~.1 ul' knuwu qual. ih' - ,..ollle Inixillres c'onlain "v.'), 5C1% worlblc'",. c·blim 2nd, slurllli tJlll'c-sc(:d JllantctlnClw willll(~ lu:llcr ,'slahlishc,l when IIry w.~alher arrh'es; 31'.1, ~cl'un~ c'umpclenl uch'i,'c in dl'ali:lg wilb ~'ollrparli"lIlur prohlem,,;. Urc,.,r·s .'(~It'hrull'd LuwlI Gruss ~ced j\)ixlllr(~s m'e a prollll('1 of s(~leclillll an. I cleaning, us well as experience alit I illlt'grily. TIH'r arc noted for llwir udllJlt. abili'" 10 vllriulions in soil und (;11,,·1' c(HulilittllB, und lbe cllsl is 1111 /!n'~llt'r Ihun lhot churg.~,1 h~' olh"r honscs. (;OInc ill to our ~Iore for conI'- 1(~OUS,COUlpt.'lcnl aclviceoll rour lawn aud garden (Jrohlctlls. There are no .'arking r"etri"liohe. IIEMI" A. IIIIEf:1l 1306 ~priDg (;1Irdf'D ~I., Phila., 1"110• LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS Sow ()Ul ENGUSn Lawn {;t'ass S('('cI Planl Swt'cl l~cus-F('I·liliz(~ ilw L~twn l.uma·\,ignl'u.Uone l\leaJ-Sht,cp l\lanlll.,'-llypel'.lIllmu!'l Slort' °111'11 Frieln,., :nul Sill II rei a,.' EH'nin,::" I ill 8 I'. :\1. nurill':: SI)ring K(·nt .. "k" HI ... • (;rll~". OrelHlrrl- {;ra",... Shach' (;rll"'''. HC'1I1 (;ra,,~. 'r,"rr.lC·t~ f;r:.~~., ,,'hilt. ))ult'll (:loH'r. McCALL'S SEED STORE 61h & Madison Sis. Can for {;alulogtl(~ (~I1t'sler 92'~ 1'l'rrSmfR(;1I Sl1N·PROOF PAINT AND ENAMEI.S