Zoroastrian Irani Wedding, New Rochelle, NY, 1990

    Item Description

    One of two witnesses who, in fact, give away the bride and groom, watches while Sima and Parvis begin the nuptial rite by lighting three candles, set on the sofraye govah/"tablecloth" "oath." The candles and the mirror signify the belief that God/goodness is light. In front of the mirror is a copy of the Avesta, which is their Holy Book, an egg, and other elements, representing the bounty of Iran's agriculture.

    Katrina Thomas's notes: The Irani wedding I photograph is solemnized by only one priest and includes on the table a tablecloth or sofraye govah, on which are various good-luck items similar to the sofraye aghd, used at Persian Muslim weddings. The couple, who are given away by two male witnesses, repeat three times the vows by which they accept each other. After this, the priest devotes many minutes to spoken blessings and to sprinkling them with sacred ingredients, alternating a blessing with each throw. At the end, the couple kiss and their guests shout "Hoberow," which means loosely "Be happy" or "God bless you." Light is significant to this ancient belief, which is based upon the universal struggle between good and evil, the forces of light and darkness.

    Linked Agent
    Photographer (pht): Thomas, Katrina
    Physical Form
    Date Created
    Geographic Subject
    1 photograph : black-and-white
    Resource Type
    Internet Media Type
    Digital Origin
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    Photographer's categories: Nuptial rite , Bride , Bridegroom , Holy Book , Bridal attendants , Bridal table